All about Ksenia Borodina. Ksenia Borodin - biography, photo, personal life

All about Ksenia Borodina. Ksenia Borodin - biography, photo, personal life
All about Ksenia Borodina. Ksenia Borodin - biography, photo, personal life

FULL NAME: Borodin Ksenia Kimna

DATE OF BIRTH: 03/08/1983 (Fish)


Eye color: Brown



A FAMILY: Parents: IMOEOV Kim Dzhimevich, Amoeva Inna Bulatovna. Spouse: Kurban Omarov. Children: Marusya, Teea.

HEIGHT: 165 cm

OCCUPATION: TV presenter, actress


Russian TV presenter, actress. Ksyusha's parents, by nationality, Armenians divorced when the girl was just a year. Almost immediately, her mother became a spouse of the Italian architect, who was engaged in a construction business in Italy, and moved to her husband's homeland. Ksenia remained in Moscow, where her grandfather and grandmother were brought up. When Ksenia matured, she began to fly to her mother and stepped out in Italy and was able to make friends with stepfather. And grandfather. For some time I studied in the English school "Multiliting". At 18 years, because of the resentment, the mother took the last name. The Borodina has a brother Nikita. After the end of the private lyceum with an in-depth study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof Ksenia, he did immediately at the second course of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, in the specialty "Tourism Manager". Helling the University Years of Ksenia Borodin set itself a goal - to become a television. That is why she constantly sent his resume everywhere, constantly went to samples and castings, but could not conquer the Russian TV channels and won the love of compatriots.
Ksyusha Borodina was so upset that she took the proposal of his stepfather to move to Italy. A few minutes before departure to the parents, Ksenia called from television and stated that she passed the casting leading and invited it to shoot. Not a bag, Ksenia refused to invite the parents and became a foreman at the telestroy of the love "House-2" (after that, the girl quarreled with his family.

"Dom-2" was the debut of a beginner star, which became a fateful in the future career of Ksenia Borodina. With the popularity of the show and noise growing around him, the person's leading project became increasingly visible to the public. The well-known TV star of Ksenia Sobchak, who was quite difficult to compete on television, was the most co-supported Ksenia Borodina. Nevertheless, Borodina managed to win his authority from the participants of the TV project and take a worthy place of the "Proraba" of a love building, which she has been holding for more than 10 years. Towards the teleclosure Olympus, Ksenia Borodina began to appear in other large-scale projects on Russian television. Since 2009, it has been a permanent participant of Andrei Malakhov's show "Let them say", and in 2011 it took part in the 11 season "Dancing with the stars" and the TV project "Brutal Games". Also, in the period 2012-13 of Borodin, the show "Reboot" on the TNT channel.

In 2008, Ksenia Borodina, together with the stylist Sergey Zverev, opened the beauty salon "Celebrity". After a short time, Teediva developed to a serious scale of his "beauty business", opening a whole network of beauty studios. The work on the TV project and the maintenance of the business of Ksenia successfully combines with performances on all kinds of events in the role of an invited star. In addition to the show "Dom-2" and business, the famous TV presenter showed himself and on the acting field - she starred in the painting "ZAZA" in the role of the girl of the main hero. Later, Ksenia Borodin was shot in the films "Lovel Method", "Deffchonki" and "On March 8, Men!".

Ksenia met with Leonid Nerushenko-soloist of the Dynamite Group, subsequently tragically died in the road accident. On August 8, 2008, Ksenia Borodin married a businessman Yuri Carrenovich Budagov, who met at Comedy Club. On June 10, 2009, they had a daughter Marusya. On April 4, 2011, the couple divorced. During the former participants of the reality show "Dom-2" Oscar Karimov and Mikhail Terrechinaya 3 July 2015, Ksenia Borodin married a businessman Dagestanz Kurban Omarov. December 22, 2015 gave birth to my daughter.

Our today's heroine is a famous TV presenter and DJ Ksyusha Borodina. She has a huge number of fans and enviousness. And all these people are interested in the biography of Ksenia Borodina, personal life and career. Especially for them, we provide comprehensive information about its person. We wish everyone a pleasant reading!

Brief biography: Borodin in childhood

She was born in 1983 on International Women's Day (March 8). Her hometown is Moscow. Father Ksyusha, Kim Amoev, by nationality Armenian. He left the family when the girl was one year old.

Mom worked a lot to ensure a decent life daughter. Soon, the woman met the Italian architect. They had a beautiful love story that ended with a lush wedding. So our heroine appeared stepfather.

Soon mom with a new husband moved to Italy. Ksyusha remained in Moscow. His upbringing was engaged in grandmother Galina Ivanovna and grandfather Bulatovich Bulatovich (the noseful father of her mother). They lived in the Moscow district of Kuntsevo.

Biography of Borodina indicates that she grew up a mischievous child. Grandmother and grandfather closed their eyes on her pranks. They never punished her beloved granddaughter.

Native Father did not accept any participation in the upbringing of Ksyusha. He even did not congratulate his birthday on the phone, did not provide financial support. Because of the resentment on the Father, our heroine has ceased to be AMO -eova at the age of 16. She took the last name Mom - Borodin.

Education and first love

Until the 9th grade Ksyusha was a student of the metropolitan school number 749. Then the girl entered a private lobe with an in-depth study of foreign languages. All costs associated with the payment of training took over her mother and stepfather-Italian.

At 17, Ksenia was sent to the Summer School of Multilingwich, located in the UK. The purpose of this trip was to study English with people who speak it all his life. Our heroine was supposed to be 3 months to be in the UK. But she did not like this country. In addition, in Moscow, she was waiting for her beloved boy Sasha. They met more than two years and built plans for a joint future.

Despite the perspective of mother and stepfather, Ksyusha throws training in a prestigious English school and returns to Russia.

What university chose Ksyusha? Biography Borodina suggests that she filed documents to the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. She enrolled immediately to the second course. After some time, Ksyusha and Sasha broke up.

DOM-2 project: Career start on TV

Back in student times, our heroine has set itself a goal - to become a star TV. She sent his resume everywhere, went to various castings. In 2002-2004 The girl participated in the filming of the two talk shows: "Windows" and "Devicious Tears". But I could not conquer popularity and audience love. At some point she was completely desperate.

In 2004, Mother and stepma managed to persuade Ksyusha to move to Italy. Borodin has already collected suitcases and went to the airport, as suddenly they called from the TNT channel. She was offered to become the leading new realistic show "Dom-2". The girl could not miss such a chance. She agreed to cooperate with TNT. After refusing to fly to Italy, our heroine quickly quarreled with his family. Over time, the girl managed to establish communication with her mother.

In May 2004, Ksenia Sobchak and Ksyusha Borodina solemnly opened the TV project "Dom-2". A new reality show with the slogan "Build your love" quickly became popular in Russia. Step Meniers, Buzova Olga, Alena Vodonaeva and other guys came to the project by ordinary people, and became recognized personalities.

At "House-2" met her love and Ksyusha Borodin. Participant Oxar Karimov, who came from the Bashkir city of Belebey, beautifully and persistently cared for her. And the guy managed to conquer the heart of the TV presenter. The couple met a little over a year. After parting with Ksyusha, Oscar left a reality show. And the girl preferred to build a personal life outside the cameras. She had short-term relations with Nikita Isaev (president of the insurance company Prime Insurance) and Moscow DJ Anton.

It is "Dom-2" brought our heroin all-Russian fame. The biography of Ksenia Borodina, personal life - all this caused genuine interest among ordinary people.

New field of activity

In the fall of 2007, the leading "House-2" tried himself as a writer. She released the book "Laws of Love". It is easy to guess that the publication contains information about the participants of the famous TV project. Borodina was going to release the second book with autobiography. But then her plans have changed.

In 2011, her work "Lose weight with Ksenia Borodina" appeared on sale. The whole circulation was excavated in a few weeks. And there is nothing to be surprised. After all, the leading "House-2" itself was noticeably transformed, getting rid of excess weight.


In 2008, Borodina, together with the stylist Sergey Zverev, opened the first beauty salon Celebrity. Visitors were offered a wide range of services - from manicure to anti-cellulite massage. Already in the first year, all costs associated with the opening of the business fully paid off. Since then, Zverev and Borodin have begun to receive a good income.

In subsequent years, the leading "House-2" opened two more beauty salons in Moscow, but under her name.

Continuation of television career

Ksyusha is not used to standing still. She always wants to move forward (in a professional plan). Therefore, the creative biography of Borodina is not limited to shooting in the TV project "Dom-2".

In 2009, our heroine appointed the co-hosting program "Cosmopolitan. Video error. Many viewers listened to Ksenia's advice.

And in 2010, Borodin was coordinated in the Mystical Show "Battle of Psychics". In one of the issues, the causes of the death of its former beloved Leonid Neurushenko (participant of the group "Dynamite") were considered. On September 3, 2005, the guy crashed to death on his motorcycle. Psychics were able to surprise Ksyusha and make her believe in the existence of the other world.

In 2011, our heroine participated in two major TV projects - "Dancing with the Stars" and "Brutal Games".

Currently, in addition to filming in the "House-2" Kimnya Kimovna leads the transfer "Reboot" (TNT). For several seasons, the program demonstrates high ratings.

Ksyusha Borodina: biography, personal life

The first husband of the TV presenter was an Armenian businessman Yuri Budagov. They met at the set of the Comedy Club humorous program. They were invited as guests. Tables Ksyusha and Yuri were near. A pretty and smiling girl immediately liked a businessman. He cared for her, and then made an offer.

The couple chose a beautiful date for marriage - 08.08.08. Unfortunately, this combination of numbers did not bring them happiness. But we will tell about this a little later.

On June 9, 2009, Biography of Borodina replenished with another joyful event. On this day she gave birth to the firstborn - tiny daughter. Baby called the Russian name - Marusya.

In early 2011, Russian media reported that the businessman was going to divorce Ksyusha. TV presenter confirmed this information. She reported that they had different concepts about the family with her husband. Yes, and love between them has long been faded. In April 2011, spouses officially divorced. Yuri Budagov promised financially to help his daughter Marus. And while he holds the word.

Service Roman №2.

In May 2011, a brutal man appeared on the project "Dom-2". We are talking about Mikhail Terekhin. He was born in 1980 in the town of Lyubertsy near Moscow. Since childhood, he was swimming and weightlifting. It has two higher education. He worked in the criminal police (he served until Major). He was dismissed with the scandal and was accused of receiving a bribe. He managed to avoid prison sentence. Divorced. There is a son Daniel. This is his brief biography. Borodin immediately turned his attention. But the unsuccessful experience of building relationships on "House-2" (with Oscar Karimov) stopped the girl from more decisive actions.

Mikhail Terekhina managed to achieve the location of Ksyusha. Their meetings were passed under the sights of cameras. Over time, Borodina stopped being shy to show their feelings in public. In 2012, the couple took part in the "Terem for Two" competition on "House-2". As a result, Misha and Ksyusha became winners. As a prize, they received a two-storey furnished cottage located in the Bronnitsy near Moscow. After that, lovers went to build relationships over the perimeter.

Ksenia Borodin, the biography of which we are considered, for 3.5 years, consisted of civil marriage with Mikhail Terekhin. In 2014, the couple was finally broken up.

A happy family

Not long was Lonely Ksenia Borodin (biography). She has improved her personal life after a couple of months after parting with Terekhin. At one of the secular events, she met businessman Kurban Omarov, who came to Moscow from Dagestan. He had an unsuccessful marriage. The man alone brought up the son of Omar, they had a lot of common with Ksenia.

Roman Omarova and Borodina received rapid development. After a couple of months from the moment, our heroine has moved to the apartment to a new beloved to the apartment with the daughter. So they began to live a big and friendly family.

Wedding TV presenter and businessman had to take place in September 2015. But due to pregnancy, Ksenia passed earlier - in July.

The wedding was held with royal scope. All expenses took over the husband of Borodina. Biography of Kurban Omarov also causes interest among Russian citizens. Especially for them we are informed - he is from a secured Dagestan family. His father is the owner of a large construction business.

In 2003, Kurban arrived in Moscow and created the company "Housing Initiative". Today he owns several companies, as well as real estate in Russia and Canada. Father allocated her 1/3 share in his business.

In December 2015, Ksenia gave him a charming baby. The girl received a beautiful and unusual name - theon (abbreviated-and-it).


Goodworking, openness, purposefulness and responsibility - Ksyusha Borodin has all these qualities. Biography (personal and creative) was considered in detail. We wish our heroin of financial well-being and endless happiness in family life!

The last couple of weeks evil tongues persistently stubborn about the discrepancies in the relations of Ksenia Borodina and her husband Kurban Omarov. And, as it turned out, it is not relatively. Today Ksenia decided to admit that her marriage was really collapsed.

On his page in "Instagram" TV presenter told fans, which divorces her husband. What made Ksenia write such an emotional post, unknown. However, what the popular TV presenter told, to put it mildly, shocking.

"It's just a father's father, so I try more than it (as far as it allows a dirty situation) to arrange a divorce. There are a lot of reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (as he exposes himself to the public). But this night on December 12, I remembered for life. My husband came at 7 am home from another party, but I had 10 days before childbirth! Everything that is written about cheating is pure truth, and I learned about it. I even know the apartment of our common acquaintance (Grisha Zhuzhzhin), which "covered" his tough parties with treason.

So Julia, Tanya, Oksana and all the rest I wish younger. Want to sleep with a guy of Borodina - Forward, if not afraid. We all go under God. Perhaps it seems to you that it is a piece of glory, but in fact such dirt you are unlikely to do so. "

Ksenia admitted that she lived in pink glasses. She hoped that after the birth of the child, the spouse would change.

"But that did not happen. He likes to make one photo a week for subscribers and leave in 5 minutes, "says star leading. - By the way, everyone who writes about Omar, I love him very much, and I'm sorry that he can not go home to us! In the meantime, I live for my children, for myself and loved ones. "

Finally, Borodina gave a part of all his married fans. She wished women to remain independent of the situation.

"And remember whose wife would have been (Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian), it is absolutely not important. The main thing is that you are a woman who deserves respect, love and care for himself and their kids! - noted Ksenia. - Someday I will tell the whole truth. In the meantime, I want to say that it does not matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to shoot for money and sell your family to you. My refusal was the right solution. I won't let us sell us (even my husband).

Recall, after a loud parting with Mikhail Terekhin, it seemed, Ksenia would not come back soon. It was very difficult they diverged. The popular TV presenter tried not to endure litter from the hut, but the former policeman would gladly share in his interview with the spicy details of his personal life.

Kurban appeared in the life of the star unexpectedly. Immediately surrounded by attention and love. As soon as in the microblog in "Instagram" TV presenter began to appear almost daily new cars of Omarov, the fans no longer doubted: the wedding is not far off. And here, on July 3, 2015, Ksyusha and Kurban became her husband and wife.

The celebration was elegant, the wedding of the famous TV presenter was considered one of the most anticipated events of that summer. The young did not save anything, the bride's dress was awesome famous designer David Fielder.

The young rings were ordered from Jeweler Alber Kingsley and his brand The Saplings. They are from white gold, inside the engraving "Ksenia - Kurban" and as a chip - their family hashtag # Borozima.

The wedding was remembered by an amazingly decorated hall. The well-known wedding decorator Julia Shakirov worked on the decor. It's she together with lovers created the winter image in the middle of the summer. Well, of course, the impression on the guests was made by the dance of newlyweds. Already after the holiday, Xenia admitted that the composition performed with professional dancers, the spouses rehearsed only twice. Despite this, the room turned out to be chic and without a single misfire. But what was the surprise of the guests, when, together with the "Pride of the Caucasus" ensemble, not only the friends of newlyweds were lazed, but also Ksyusha herself. The relatives of Kurban repeatedly noted how deftly she did it.

Ksenia Borodin (Kimnya Kimovna AMOeva), - March 8, 1983, on the horoscope of fish. Born in the capital of Russia, Armenian roots have Armenian roots. Ksenia is known in the Russian show business, like: TV presenter of the "Dom-2" project, leading the program "Reboot", Actress and DJ.

Childhood Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia was born in a full family, marriage of parents collapsed a year after her birth. Mom Ksenia Borodina, Inna Bulatovna, by nationality, Russian, and Pope Kim Jioev - Armenian. After some time, Mom Ksyusha married the Italian businessman - architect, after which she moved to his homeland. Ksenia did not want to live in Italy, so it was decided to leave a girl on guardianship grandfather with a grandfather who lived in the Moscow district of Kuntsevo.

Once, Ksenia Borodina shared with journalists about how "second parents" was brought up. Galina Ivanovna, Grandma Ksenia, taught her with a good manner from childhood. She constantly told that he always need to help, the more difficult to live than we.

Ksyusha's grandfather was called Bilyovich Bulat - he loved animals, so all the time led home homeless, sick dogs. As soon as it is necessary, the grandmother has removed the dog to the street, but the grandfather always led the following. Thus, Ksenia and brought up.

Periodically, Xenia visited his mother in Italy, with his native father, the girl practically did not see. At 16, Ksenia finally ceased to communicate with him. As soon as Ksenia turned 18, she took the name of the mother - Borodin. In 2015, the media appeared in the media that the biological father of Ksenia was detained by the police, the man was caught in the company of criminal authorities.

Ksenia has a cousin Nikita Grigoriev, a beginner rapper under the pseudonym "Stakhat". In 2016, the relative of the star gave a small interview, where he spoke about the relationship with his sister. Nikita and Ksenia do not communicate for about 8 years, they were closely friends when he was 12 years old. Since then, they are someone else's people. At the moment, Brother Ksenia is about 20 years old. Nikita is studying at the Faculty of Law in the RSU, in his free time he is diligently engaged in a musical career.

Ksenia Borodin: Youth

Up to grade 9, Ksenia studied in Moscow, in high school number 749. Then he continued his studies in the Lyceum, where foreign languages \u200b\u200bstudied and was prepared for admission to the university. Having received secondary education, Ksenia was sent to Multylenegwich Summer School, in England. But soon she threw the English school and returned to Moscow.

The reason for this was the youthful love of Ksenia to the guy from the neighboring entrance. The young man was called Alexander, they were friends from school. Having become an adult, the couple began to meet, but they did not reach a serious relationship. Ksenia did not regret that she threw a prestigious school and entered the institute of hotel business and tourism. Borodina also has a second higher education by profession the economist she received in the metropolitan university of economics, statistics and computer science.

Ksenia Borodin on the show "Dom-2"

Back in the youthful years, Ksenia planned to realize himself in the show business in the future - to become a star of television screens. After studying at universities, the girl began to actively send his resume on the vacancy of the TV presenter, but all the efforts were unsuccessful.

In 2004, Ksenia decided to go to Italy to parents to build their future there. On the day of departure Ksenia, Borodina was invited to the "Dom-2" scandalous show as leading with Ksenia Sobchak. After 4 years, a bright participant of Olga Buzova came to change Sobchak. With her Ksenia Borodin works to date.

Ksenia Borodina wrote 2 books

In 2007, Ksenia appeared to the public in an unusual role for himself - the writer. She wrote her first book with the name "Law of Love".

In 2011, she presented the following book dedicated to weight loss - "Lose weight with Ksenia Borodina." Because of the progress of fraudsters, Ksenia was tried several times with a challenge. From her behalf of gullible people offered unwise ways to lose weight.

Career Ksenia Borodina in the film industry

In 2008, the actress of Ksenia received his first experience in the shooting of the comedy film "ZAZA", where he fulfilled the role of Vicky - the girl of the main character.

In 2011, Borodina starred in the episode of the detective series "Laurel Method", in season 1, 3 and 4 series. In 2013, he played himself in the famous, comedy TV series "Deffchonki". In 2014, he performed the role of girlfriend the main character in the film "From March 8, Men!".

Personal life Ksenia Borodina

On May 12, 2014, the new participants of the Karimov Brothers came to the "Dom-2" show: Stanislav and Oscar. Young people immediately found a common language with a team, cute twin brothers accounted for a worthy competition to many male participants. Oscar immediately attracted Ksenia. The guy has long worked for the lead, but Ksenia tried to observe the subordination.

At one fine, the project administrators set the Oscar before the choice, participation on the "house-2" or relationship with Borodina outside the show. Karimov not long thoughtfully chose the second, for this reason, on one of the men's voting, he was sent for the gate. A little later it became known that Ksenia and Oscar together, if you believe sources on the Internet, they met for about a year.

Then the Borodina has twisted a novel with an influential person, president of the insurance holding "Prime Insurance" - Nikita Isaev. There were rumors that the couple is going to get married, but it did not reach the wedding. One of the versions of their parting was the work of Ksenia. Allegedly the status of Nikita Isaeva did not give the opportunity to marry a girl working on a scandalous project.

In 2008, Ksenia began to notice in the company of Moscow DJ Antonio. When a couple began to communicate, DJ had a girl. Soon their friendly relations turned into romantic, but the relationship with him lasted for a long time.

Some time of Borodin met with the Russian singer Leonid Neurushenko. The participant of the Dynamite group died in a motorcycle road accident.

Ksenia Borodina married

On August 8, 2008, Teediva became the spouse of a successful businessman Yuri Budagov. The couple met on the humorous show "Comedy Club". A month later, Ksenia and Yuri met again when Ksenia broke the car Budagov with pleasure helped to her, from that moment he began to care for Ksenia. The relationship of the pair developed safely and rather rapidly. As a result, the man made Ksenia's proposal of his hand and heart. The wedding of newlyweds were invited mainly relatives.

On June 10, 2009, Ksenia first became mom. TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, which was given by the Slavic name Marusya. With the birth of a child Borodin began to pay less attention to the spouse, she burst between work and her daughter's upbringing. Yuri was a jealous husband, so serious conflicts began at the couple. On April 4, 2011, the spouses divorced.

Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin

On September 24, 2012, Mikhail Terekhin came to the scandalous project. Ksenia met him when a man arrived at casting. The leading hurried to shoot, and Mikhail was sitting in his car, waiting for the upcoming interview with the Dom-2 administration. Terekhin was not confused and spoke with Borodina, and their communication began. When he became the participants of the show, then began to seek the location of Ksenia. Soon, the Teedle answered him reciprocity and the couple began to meet.

Mikhail was divorced, his son Daniel was associated with his former spouse. The lovers were constantly quarreling and even parted, but Borodin had a strong feeling for him so quickly went to reconciliation. Trejene left Teleproject on December 6, 2012, but continued to build relationships with leading beyond.

The couple met for about 2 years, but in one beautiful day of Ksenia Borodin finally broke up with him. In one of his interviews, Ksenia admitted that the cause of the gap with Mikhail was his rampant life. She suspected him in treason, besides, Terekhin had a rather quick-tempered character, with whom Borodin could not come to terms.

The second marriage of Ksenia Borodina

After parting with Mikhail, Ksenia was not long alone. On June 3, 2015, the star married Kurban Omarov's entrepreneur. His identity of Ksenia hid for a long time. First, Borodin began to publish joint images on social networks, where only some parts of the Body of Kurban were visible. A little later, the couple began to appear together in secular events.

Kurban Omarov did not think long and made Xenia proposal to become his legitimate wife. On December 22, 2015, they had a joint daughter of Tea. In 2016, Ksenia and Kurban parted due to the alleged treason. For a while, the spouses were reversible, the presenter was going to submit for a divorce, but it did not reach it. Omarov was able to convince Borodin that he had never betrayed her, perhaps she did not believe him, but gave the last chance to save the family.

Kurban Omarov, by Nationality, Dagestan, was born on August 25, 1980 in the Levashinsky district, the village of Khadzhalmakhi. Businessman raises the Son of Omar, who was born in civil marriage. Boy's date is February 1, 2008. Ksenia Borodin and Kurban Omarov live together to this day and raise three children. A couple shall be divided with Follover's moments from family life in social networks. Mutual understanding and love reigns in their house.

Kimnya Kimovna Borodin (AMOVEVA) - Teediva, who has deserved folk love and popularity with many years of participation in the reality show "Dom-2". This is a secular lioness, for the peripets of the personal and professional life of which millions are followed. She constantly tastes new images and roles: models, actresses, writer, entrepreneur, author of his own clothing line. Building a star career, she successfully combines with a saturated personal life: today she is a happy wife and mom of two children.

All photos 25.


Ksenia Borodina was born in Moscow on March 8, 1983 in a secured family. Her mother is Russian, Father - Armenian. Even money well-being did not led to love and harmony in this pair. When the girl was just a year, the parents decided to part. Mom almost immediately married a citizen of Italy, the owner of a successful construction company, and moved to live in Europe. To pick up Ksyusha, she could not, and grandparents were engaged in the upbringing of the child.

The girl did not lose touch with his mother and father, supporting close communication with them. She flew to his mother, but she did not work in a foreign country for a long time. After a couple of weeks, she was drawn to his hometown.

Ksenia graduated from the nine board in the usual metropolitan school number 749, then the parents transferred it to the Lyceum, where a special emphasis was made on linguistic training. To continue education, it was sent to the prestigious English school "Multiliting".

The future star did not meet the expectations of his family. She threw classes in just a couple of months and returned to Moscow. In his hometown, she was waiting for her beloved person - Alexander who lives in a neighboring entrance, with whom the young beauty consisted of two years.

It didn't work out beautiful love: the couple soon broke up. Ksenia is recognized that he never regretted that she had threw a prestigious educational institution. She continued to education and entered the second course of Migmt.

During training at the university, the girl dreamed of his career leading. With enviable perseverance, she was looking for the vacancies, attended castings and tried to break through. Numerous attempts did not give results: it was not called to shoot, and the long-awaited glory did not come. Disappointed in his venture, the future star agreed to the proposal of the stepfather to move to Italy and work in the family business.

When the aircraft remained just a couple of hours, Ksenia Borodina was called from TV channel TNT and offered the position of the leading TV show "Dom-2", which was preparing for the exit to the wide screen. The girl was wavied for a short time: she sharply changed the plans, canceling the move. This act rauraved it with relatives, who were expecting to Italy.

In the late spring of 2004, the rising star debuted as a lead. Her partner in the shooting was held by the fair, charming Ksenia Sobchak. Realistic shows quickly gained popularity in Russia and all post-Soviet space, and his participants began to recognize on the streets.

Three years after the television debut, Borodina tried herself as writer. She released the book "Laws of Love". The presenter is going to write another product, which will differ significantly from the first. In it, she will tell about the healing of his creative path and those underwater stones with which the leading had to face.

After giving birth in 2009, Kimnya Kimovna gained extra kilograms. According to its own method, she was able to return the perfect figure in a short time than shocked her colleagues on the creative workshop. In 2011, the leading published the book "Lose weight with Ksenia Borodina," where described his unique experience.

Since 2008, the leading "Telestroika" has been doing business, opening his own studio of beauty together with Sergey Zverev. Today she has an online store and its own line of fashionable clothes. The leader's career, the writer and the businesswoman successfully combines with a visit to private parties and fashionable parties.

2011 was marked by the play of Ksenia Borodina in two major television shows. She took part in the "dance with the stars," where he performed in a couple with Alexander Golovna, and in "Brutal Games".

Personal life

Millions of viewers are watching the star's love novels. After failed relationships with their first chosen, Alexander, she found a new beloved on the teldrophiki shooting area. They became the participant of Oscar Karimov, the couple met for about a year.

Nikita Isaev, top manager of a large insurance company, and then she started an affair with the famous metropolitan DJ.

In August 2008, Ksenia connected himself to marriage with a successful entrepreneur Yuri Budakov. Future spouses got acquainted on the set, held on TV channel TNT, and for a long time communicated as familiar. Everything decided the case: the TV host machine unexpectedly broke down, and she turned to Yuri for help. He took all the trouble to repair the vehicle on himself. So the relationship began.

The couple got married three years after dating. The wedding was modest, they were invited to the closest people. In 2009, Ksenia Borodin gave birth to Maulus's daughter, whose name was captured in the form of a tattoo in his hand.

The happiness of the spouses lasted for a long time: in early 2011, the husband demanded a divorce from a borodio. It turned out that the cause of the rupture was the different ideas about family life. The star preferred time to spend time at secular parties and filming, and not with his family. The spouses quickly disappeared on various apartments and began to build their lives separately.

After the unsuccessful marriage Ksenia Kimovna began to meet with the participant of the famous "telestroy", the former policeman Mikhail Terekhin. Help helped his chosen one to remove court cases (he was accused of bribery) so that nothing overshadowed by their happiness. The novel lasted for more than three years and ended with a loud scandal: Terekhin told the general public in the public.

In July 2015, Ksenia Borodin married the second time, playing a lush wedding, stylized under the winter fairy tale. Her spouse became a famous businessman Kurban Omarov. In December 2015, Teediva gave birth to a second daughter, and in January, he returned to the "House-2" reality show.