All English fairy tales. Fairy tales in English with translation

All English fairy tales. Fairy tales in English with translation
All English fairy tales. Fairy tales in English with translation

English folk tales differ from the fairy tales of other peoples. Philologists and cultural studies believe that the features of the national mentality are perfectly manifested in fairy tales. Let's find out what the features of English folk fairy tales consist of and how they are associated with an English character.

In the magical fairy tales of England at the heroes unusual motives. Rarely meet the plots in which the heroes want to achieve heights, defeat someone, take possession of wealth, to get any skill that is characteristic of Russian fairy tales. On the contrary, the English characters of fairy tales act most often in external circumstances - for example, from a sense of debt or to avoid failure. On the one hand, because of this, the plots seem to be ordinary. On the other hand, they are more mundane and humane, they are not focused on greed or ambitiousness.

In English fairy tales, a typical English humor is well shown - thin, ironic, a bit strange, even sometimes eccentric. The plot may have many ridiculous turns and details. For example, in a fairy tale "Three smart heads", the heroes one after the others make ridiculous and stupid deeds, and the Maur will exchange the usual cat in Wildlock in Wiwington and His Cat.

In the famous English fairy tale "Three Piglets" Three. little. pIGS) Excellent manifests the attitude of the British to the house, expressed in the saying: MY. house. iS. mY. castle (My home is my castle). And if you look at the original poetic beginning of this fairy tale, you will see a characteristic eccentricity.

The British are considered meticulous people who love the facts. This is reflected in the English folk fairy tales. Their plots are full of facts and parts, sometimes dry and too detailed. Sometimes the entire fairy tale is based on the facts and description of the situation, and the junction should not be. Rared unexpected turns of the plot and emotional places. Even magic fairy tales are read as ordinary stories from the life of ordinary people, since everything is described too in detail, as if it happens in reality.

English fairy tales does not always have a good end. And some stories ends sad and even cruel. For example, in a folk fairy tale "Magic ointment" Fairy. Ointment) The main heroine at the end struck the devain so that one eye she stopped seeing. In the endings, fairy tales are less than the instructive moments compared to Russian fairy tales.

We advise you to read and listen to English fairy tales in English (in original). First, it will enrich your vocabulary and serve as a good exercise in the practice of language. And secondly, you will better understand the English character, because the fairy tale is the reflection of the national mentality.

In ancient times, one knight lived in England. A terrible winged dragon was depicted on the shield, but as you will see it yourself, it did not help him. To read...

Cherry truth lived in Zennore with his father and mother, brothers and sisters. They had a very small hut, and the block of land is so smaller and uncomfortable, that, how much they worked on her, she gave birth to only a little bit of potatoes and a little grain. To read...

Three brothers near the castle in the ball
Played in the morning,
And Lady Ellen, their sister,
I looked at the game. To read...

He lived in the light of the old king. He was a rich king. He even had his own court sorcerer, and the king was very proud of miracles, which could create this sorcerer. To read...

In a good old time, - and in fact it was good time, although it was not my time and not your time, and there was a lot of time - a girl lived in the world. Her mother died, and his father married another. To read...

He lived in the village of Sofem, which is in the county of Norfolk, Korobechnik John. He lived with his wife yes three children very poorly, in the wretched house. After all, no matter how John tried, and a good merchant out of him came out - he was too simple, too honest, did not know how to dig the last money from the poor when he sold them his goods at fairs and bazaars. To read...

There were no time in the Bamburg Castle a mighty king and a beautiful queen, and they had two children - the son named Child Vind and daughter Margrit. To read...

Two hundred and two years ago, there was a poor man. He worked as a barrack on one farm in Lanershire, was there, as they say, on the blisters - performed different orders and did everything they would order. To read...

Aunt Gouda was nanny. She cared for sick and nursing young children. Once it was woked up at midnight. She descended from the bedroom to the hallway and saw some kind of wonderful old man, and besides the same squint. He asked the aunt Gouda to go to him, saying that his wife was sick and could not nurse his breast child. To read...

Long ago, or rather, I do not remember when, I lived in the light of the poor widow with my son. Aid to wait for them was nowhere, so they fell into such a need that sometimes there were neither the trembling flour in the house, nor the village of hay for the cow. To read...

They once lived in the castle near the wondrous mill dams binnors two royal daughters. And she launched Sir William's senior of them, and conquered her heart, and crossed his oaths with a ring and glove. And then I saw the younger sister-ceremony, with the face of gentle, like a blooming cherry, - and his heart gave her, and the elder swollen. To read...

Mr. and Mrs. Vinegar lived in acetic bottle. Once Mr. Vinegar left the house, and Mrs. Vinegar began to sweep the floor. She was a very good mistress! But suddenly she somehow embarrassing the floor brushing on the wall, and the whole house - Dzin-Dzin! - crashed to smithereens. To read...

In good old time, - and it really was good time, even though it was not my time and not your time, and a draw time, "the old man lived in a dense forest with the old woman, and they had a single son Jack. They lived secluded, and Jack did not see anyone, except for his parents, although he knew from books that other people live in the world. To read...

He lived on the light of the guy. He was called Jack, and he lived with the old woman's mother on the wasteland. The old woman has shown yarn on people, but because they do not get rich, and Jack was lazy, which little. He didn't do anything, even nothing, only he was graced in the sun - it's in the summer heat, and in the winter he was sitting in the corner at the hearth. To read...

One girl hired to service to the elderly elderly gentleman.

On this page you are waiting for the kindest, informative and interesting fairy tales in English for children. Study English reading fairy tales in English is great pleasure. After all, the saying is a journey, and a tale in English is a trip to the world of English. Thanks to the fairy tales in English, you will make English taking into account for your child.

Tale "Sleeping Beauty" in English Tell you about a good, cheerful princess, which at one point from the circumstances falls asleep for the rest of his life. The fairy tale has a lot of useful phrases in English, which can be applied in real life. Also the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" will help you to hone the pronunciation of your English language.

Story "Zlatovlask and three bear" in English He is a popular English fairy tale for children. In a fairy tale, talking about the girl who went into the forest and got lost, and then the events flutter everything more interesting and more interesting. The tale in English is adapted and easy to read. You get a great stock of vocabulary and good practice English.

Fairy Tale Red Hat in English Tell you about one interesting and cognitive history, which is easy to read in English and carries a lot of useful words in English, which can very often meet in the modern world.

Tale "Three Piglets" in English In English is one of the most popular fairy tales. From the fairy tale you will learn that you should always be more prudent in solving issues and not be careless. And after reading the fairy tale three pigs in English, you will learn a lot of new vocabulary and perfectly practice your English.

Tale Cinderella in English Tell you about one of the most kind and cute Heroine girls in the world of fairy tales. Moral fairy tale is very simple and accessible to even children. In the fairy tale you will meet many new English words.

Translation and compilation Natalia Shereshevskaya

Illustrations Leah Orlova, Alena Anicist, Hope Bronze

Scottish fairy tales and legends

From the Oxford edition of Barbara Ker Wilson, from the two-volume "British fairy tales" Emeyble Williams-Ellis and the collection of Allan Stuart

He lived in the light of the boy named Percy. And like all the boys and girls, he did not want to go to bed on time.

The hut, where he lived with his mother, was small, from a coarse stone, which many in those places, and stood just on the border between England and Scotland. And although they were people poor, in the evenings, when the focus was brightly burned peat and the candle blink was happy, their home seemed to be reuse.

Percy really loved to warm up from the fire and listen to the ancient fairy tales, which mom told him, or simply dorm, admiring the bizarre shadows from the flaming focus. Finally, the mother said:

Well, Percy, it's time to sleep!

But Percy always seemed that it was still too early, and he argued with her and was revenged before leaving, and it was worth him to lie down in his wooden bed and put his head on the pillow, as he immediately poured a strong sleep.

And somehow in the evening, Percy argued so long with her mother, that she had a patience, and taking a candle, she went to bed, leaving him alone near the burning focus.

Sit, sit here one by the fire! - Leaving, she said Perse. - That will come old evil fairy and drags you for the fact that the mother does not listen!

"Think! I'm not afraid of evil old fairies! " - thought Percy and stayed at the fire.

And in those distant times in every farmer's estate, in each hut, there was his baby Brownuni, who descended every night along the fireplace tube and brought the order in the house, he studied everything and washed away. Mom Persie left him at the door a whole pitcher of goat cream - in gratitude for his work, - and in the morning the pitcher always turned out to be empty.

These Baby's babies were good-natured and friendly houses, only very easily they were offended slightly. And grief to the hostess that forgot to leave them a pitcher with cream! On another morning, everything in her house was inverted upside down, moreover, offended, Brauni more and the nose did not have the same to her.

But Brauni, who came to help Mom Perse, always always found a pitcher with cream and therefore did not leave their home, without taking everything well, while Percy and his mother slept firmly. But he had a very evil and angry mother.

This old evil fairy could not tolerate people. About her and remembered Mom Percy, going to sleep.

At first, Percy was very pleased that he insisted on his own and remained to warm up from the fire. But when the fire began to gradually fade, he did somehow in itself and wanted soon in the warm bed. He was already going to stand up and leave, as suddenly heard a rustle and rustling in the mantelpiece, and immediately in the room jumped the little Browni.

Percy from surprise shuddered, and Browni was very surprised, making Persi not yet in bed. Staring at the long-legged Brownie with sharp ears, Percy asked:

What's your name?

Himself! - replied Browni, coming a funny face. - And you?

Percy decided that Brownie joked, and wanted to overcome him.

I myself! He answered.

Catch me, I myself! - Browni shouted and bounced aside.

Percy and Browni began to play from the fire. Brauni was very prompt and smart infant: he was so deftly jumped off the wooden buffet on the table - well, exactly the cat, and the rope, and tumbled around the room. Percy Eye could not tear off from him.

But the fire in the focus almost completely went out, and Percy took the chockerel to prevent peat, but on trouble one burning area fell right on the leg of the baby Browni. And Brouni's poor thing screamed so loudly that the old fairy heard him and shouted into the fireplace tube:

Who hurt you? So I will go down now, then he will not be short!

Frightened, Percy sleeved out the door to the next room, where his wooden bed was standing, and climbed with his head under the blanket.

This is me myself! - replied Browni.

Then what do you want and interfere with me to sleep? - an old evil fairy got angry. - Himself and swear!

And after this, a long, boned hand with sharp claws was drowning out of the pipe, grabbed a bow for a collar and raised him up.

The morning Mom Persity found a pitcher with creams in the same place at the door, where she left him the day before. And more Baby Brownie in her house did not appear. But even though she was upset that he lost her little assistant, but was very pleased that from this evening she no longer had to remind Percy twice that it was time to go to sleep.


He lived a boy named baby-babies. And he had a cow named Horned-Bodataya.

Now, one day, the babe-baby went to militant-Bodaty and tells her:

Stand, cow, my friend,

Stand, my horned,

I will give you a horn,

You are my Bodataya.

He, of course, meant "Puppet", you know. But the cow did not want a pie and did not stand comfortably.

Fu-you and you! - crumb-babe got angry and tells her again:

Fu-you and you! - Mom says. "Go to the butcher, let him cut a cow."

I went crumb-baby to the butcher and tells him:

Our Bodata-horned milk does not give us, let the butcher will kill our horny-Bodataty!

But the butcher did not want to kill the cow without silver penny. And babe-baby again went home to mom.

Mother Mother! Doesn't want the butcher to kill a cow without a silver penny, does not give a tree twig, does not want a horned-Bodatas stand smartly, caressing baby cannot make her baby.

Ay, ah, ah, - Mom says. "Go to our horned, to our Bodata and tell her that a little girl with blue eyes is bitterly crying around a cup of milk.

Here I went baby-baby again to Horned-Bodata and told her that a little girl with blue eyes bitterly crying in a cup of milk.

In the early age of the times in the county, Devonshire lived one old woman - a woman of kind and God-fearing. Once, I don't know why, she, waking up at midnight, imagined that morning came, rose from bed and dressed. The old woman took two baskets, cloak and went to the next town for provisions.
Going to the meadow behind the village, she heard a loud dog Lai, and the hare jumped out of the bushes. He jumped onto the roadside stone, raised the face to the old woman, moved his mouth and looked at her, precisely saying: "Take me."

They once lived in the castle near the wondrous mill dams binnors two royal daughters. And she launched Sir William's senior of them, and conquered her heart, and crossed his oaths with a ring and glove. And then I saw the younger sister-ceremony, with the face of gentle, like a blooming cherry, - and his heart gave her, and the elder swollen. And the eldest hazed the younger for the fact that she took away her love from Sir William, and hate it all grew day by day, and she all thought yes wondered how to destroy her sister.
And in one quiet bright morning, the older sister said the youngest:
- Let's go aside how binnors of our father's rooks are included in the wonders!

One girl hired to service to the elderly elderly gentleman. He asks her:
- How will you call me?
- The owner, or Barin, or as you are pleased, Sir, - the girl answers.
"You have to call me" Vladyka from Vladyk. " And how do you call it? - He asks, pointing to his bed.
- bed, or bed, or as you will be pleased, sir.

A long time ago on the farm near the tavistok, two girls worked, Beth and Molly. And you probably know that in ancient times in all Devonshire County, it would hardly have been found at least one house without her house, or, as they were still called, Browni.
There were still different packs, elves and water, but they did not really resemble houses. And remember the Hilton Brownie? That's like him!
Beth and Molly were a lot of girls, and both loved to dance. But what was strange: other girls, for example, often lacked money even on a color braid or new tapes and hair scallops. It happened, they are not-no, no, and they will refret down. And Beth and Molly always had extra penny, and they wanted, they bought at the village Corobeinist.
And no one could deal with them, from where they take money on it. It was their secret! And to give a secret - it means to scare good luck; Alone who, who, they knew it well.

Aunt Gouda was nanny. She cared for sick and nursing young children. Once it was woken at midnight. She descended from the bedroom to the hallway and saw some kind of wonderful old man, and besides the same squint. He asked aunt Goodie to go to him, saying that his wife was sick and could not nurse his infant.
The visitor did not like the aunt Goodie, but could she give up earnings? And she hurriedly dressed and came out of his house with him. The old man sat her on black as coal of a high hill with fiery eyes, which stood at the door, and they rushed somewhere with unprecedented speed. Aunt Gouda, afraid to fall, struggling to the old man.

In ancient times, one knight lived in England. On his shield, he was depicted a terrible winged dragon, but as you will see now, it did not help him.
Once the knight hunted away from Glouced and drove into the forest, where many boars, deer and other wild animals were found. In the forest in the midst of the Polyana stood Hollyk, very low, in human growth. They always rested knights and hunters, when they were, the heat or thirst.

Somehow, one girl went to the fair: she wanted to speak to someone in service. And finally, some kind of elderly gentleman hired her and led her home. When they came, he said that first of all he should teach her something, because everything. Things in his house are called not as everyone, but in a special way.
And he asked the girl:
- How will you call me?

A long time ago at the foot of the icing hills in the thick shadow of the trees there was a battle between the king of Ailp and Druida. And when the battle ended, the king of Eilpa, along with his warriors lay dead on Earth, and the Druids paced his palace and sowed their wild victory songs. And suddenly they noticed both children of King Ailpa: the boy and the girl sat, raised, at a huge door. They were raised and with triumphant shouts dragged to leaders.
"We will take our girl," Druids decided. - And let everyone know that from now on, it belongs to us.
Then one of their women touched the captive. And here is the white skin of the girl became green as grass.
But the druids have not yet decided what to do with the son of King Ailpa. And he suddenly escaped from their hands and ran with the speed of a deer, which was etched. The boy ran, until he climbed to the top of the Beck Gloos Mountain, which means the "Glass Mountain". On her ice vertex he fell out that night. But while he slept, one druid found him and enchanted - he drew in a boroze PSA, and then he drove into the palace. However, he did not deprive the King of Dara's speech.