Each has its own target audience. Target audience and its types

Each has its own target audience.  Target audience and its types
Each has its own target audience. Target audience and its types

In order to clearly understand why you need to look for your buyer, let's figure out what the target audience is. Central Asia is a group of people who are united by common needs, worries, and needs. It can be unmarried women from 25 years old, teenagers or people of mature age. Successful companies try to narrow the circle of potential buyers in order to create a clear and competent marketing message.

Any business, whether it is a huge company or a small enterprise, needs advertising. To determine your target audience, you must first answer the main question: “Who is my product intended for? Who is my potential buyer? There is a certain algorithm that allows you to identify your buyer. So if you need to study your audience, make a rough plan:

  1. To begin with, you should clearly define who your product is designed for. First of all, determine the age of the potential buyer. Who will be interested in and purchase your product? The real age of the audience, for example, from 18 to 30 years, from 35 to 50 years. Frames can be changed depending on your offer.
  2. It is important to know the gender of your audience and focus on it. Thus, you can conduct a consumer needs analysis. It will be easier for you to find the "pain points" of the buyer and thereby push him to buy.
  3. Income level. The choice of target audience depends on the financial capabilities of the person. Suppose a product worth 50 thousand rubles is unlikely to be of interest to a single woman with an income of 20 thousand rubles a month.
  4. What is your buyer doing? What are his hobbies, what stores does he supposedly visit, what does he watch on TV? You can highlight these aspects with the help of social networks. The Internet is a place where potential buyers themselves accumulate in groups.
  5. CA problems. It is necessary to evaluate their pain points. What do they need for complete satisfaction, happiness? What specifically prevents your consumer from making their purchases?
  6. Buyer dreams. What is your target audience dreaming about? What will your target audience listen to and what does it consider important?
  7. Speak the language of the buyer. A study by marketers shows that the target audience loves to be spoken to in their “native” language. That is, if your buyer is a person 15-25 years old, you need to use special slang, the words that a person uses in life (“smiley”, “lol”, “like”, “mail”). If such words are in the lexicon of the buyer, it is better to use them in order to get closer to the consumer.
  8. How does your target audience think? Men are practitioners. They need to accurately, concisely, concisely present information, as they have analytical thinking. Women are more creative thinkers. They need to present the storyline in the form of images and pictures.

Forming your target audience is a painstaking task. Creating your buyer will decide ad conversion.

What market segment are you in?

It is important to understand to whom and how you are selling. The market can be divided into two large groups:

  • (business to business) - business business is more stable. Demand rarely changes. Working with companies is not that hard as they will be promoting your product on their own. In this case, your element is the sale of goods.
  • (business to customer) - consumer business is most subject to change. If your business sells directly to the customer, keep your nose to the wind as demand can change on a daily basis. This is influenced by fashion trends, economic crises, seasonal fluctuations.

In the consumer business, the selection criteria for the target audience are very broad. It is important for a brand to identify a clear portrait of its customer. Otherwise, ads will not work. The B2C target audience parameters are always subject to external influence. Innovative products, novelties appear, so the buyer should always be kept in their ranks. What methods will help to do this?

As a country is obliged to know the heroes by sight, so the business must represent its target audience (CA) as specifically as possible. This representation will allow you to develop an effective advertising strategy and ensure the brand's success in the market.

From the target audience to the individual

The target audience can be defined as a group of people who share common characteristics and are interested in a particular product or service. The advertising impact directed at it allows you to increase loyalty to the brand and contribute to the decision to purchase.

The wider the target audience, the more difficult it is to highlight its significant characteristics and create a specific description necessary to promote the product. So, consumers of dairy products in general is a too vague category, since it may include:

- single men who prefer kefir;

- mothers who buy milk for children;

- girls fighting for a slim figure, etc.

On the contrary, a clear understanding of the target audience allows you to create an original product from its point of view and determine an adequate advertising message, effective brand promotion channels and measures to stimulate customers.

Ideally, marketers strive to achieve the most complete picture of the consumer, from what time he gets up in the morning and how he gets to work, and ending with how he spends his free time and dresses. But in practice, companies most often focus on fairly general characteristics of the target audience: gender, age, values ​​and needs, income level. Then the resulting population is divided into groups according to the model of purchasing behavior, and specific products and ways to promote them are already developed for them.

Types of target audience and methods of its segmentation

The target audience is determined at the stage of developing a positioning strategy, taking into account the analysis and segmentation of the market. First of all, its core is revealed - the most loyal and active consumers, who account for / will account for the largest volume of sales. Then it is divided into:

Main (primary) target audience- those who make the decision to buy;

Indirect (secondary) target audience- those who are passively involved in making a purchase decision, do not initiate it (for example, parents who follow the child's request to buy a toy).

There are nuances in the classification of the target audience, due to the direction of the business:

Target audience in the b2b segment– the market capacity and the size of the target audience are estimated quite easily, since information about them is available, and the demand in the market is quite stable;

CA b2c segment– demand in the market is subject to fluctuations due to the emergence of new products and trends, so information about the target audience needs to be updated in a timely manner.

In order to avoid a too general description of the target audience in the b2c segment, segmentation of the target audience is used - its division into groups with similar properties, the definition of group needs and the formation of an offer corresponding to them. In marketing, the “5 W” technique is widely known. by Mark Sherrington. It involves consistent responses to the following questions:


Type of segmentation

What? What? By type of product (anti-dandruff shampoo, for colored hair, shampoo in small "travel" bottles, etc.).
Who? Who? By type of consumer (children, women and men, etc.).
Why? Why? By type of motivation (desire to look attractive, health care, etc.).
When? When? According to the purchase situation (spontaneous or planned purchase, daily trip to the hypermarket, etc.).
Where? Where? By type of distribution channels (hypermarkets, kiosks, etc.).

The advantage of the technique is that it can be used in an extended version, taking into account the segmentation methods used by competitors. Another advantage is the ability to target products and services to the behavior, lifestyle and needs of the target audience.

Ways to describe the target audience

Despite the fact that all markets are different and there is no universal recipe for describing the target audience, there are a number of characteristics that help to get a fairly clear and reliable portrait of the consumer:

  • geographic (region and locality, climate, population);
  • socio-demographic (sex, age, marital status, nationality, presence of children, education, specialty, source and amount of income, religious beliefs, environment, free amount of money);
  • psychographic (life position and lifestyle, values ​​and interests, dreams and fears, idols, attitude to innovation);
  • behavioral (does he like to make purchases, how often he uses this product and buys it, how he relates to brands, what he focuses on in choosing, etc.).

For the b2b market, the usual characteristics of the target audience turn out to be of little use. Here the size of companies, their mission and key tasks, solvency, as well as those persons who make the decision to purchase will matter.

There are a few more nuances. When describing the target audience, it is important to answer several questions for yourself:

How and where does your target audience spend their leisure time?

— What channels of obtaining information does she use (Internet and social networks, radio, television);

What needs of the target audience does your product/service satisfy? What associations and emotions does it evoke?

— Why does the target audience choose you and not your competitors and vice versa?

Some marketers literally draw a representative of their target audience, make collages or use photographs in order to visualize the consumer of the product. It is also possible to use such a technique as compiling two descriptions of Central Asia at the same time: a brief and as complete as possible, and the prospects for its development from the current state of affairs to the desired one.

There is a model for describing the target audience, which was proposed by Gerrit Antonides and Fred van Raem. It involves the division of all parameters into the following groups:

General level(drawing up a portrait according to standard characteristics);

Product group level(drawing up a portrait based on consumer behavior);

Brand level(when compiling a portrait, the degree of consumer loyalty to the brand, opinion about it, level of knowledge and intention to buy are taken into account).

Ways to describe target audience- this is a kind of arsenal of marketing tools that helps him see the consumer of the product and find an individual approach to him. This is of particular importance in today's market, when the abundance of similar products leaves customers complete freedom of choice.

Description of the main criteria of the target audience

The target audience

Core and types of target audience

Main target audience

Indirect target audience

Detailed classification

Description of segments

The target audience

The target audience of a product (from the English target audience, target group) is a specific group of people to whom all brand marketing communications are directed. The target audience includes not only existing buyers of the company's product, but also potential consumers, who are important to attract in order to gain a stable position in the industry.

Basic principles of working with the target audience

The target audience is an important aspect of any marketing activity, it allows the company to focus on a specific group of market consumers and create the perfect product for them, sell it in the right place with the right communication. The target audience defines the boundaries of the company's target market and is determined using special marketing research. In fact, the target audience is the group of people who need your product and who are interested in the benefits offered by the product.

The target audience is a specific consumer segment of the market or a group of such segments, respectively, any target audience is characterized by signs and characteristics that are common to each of its representatives. And it depends on you, by what criteria you combine consumers into the target audience:

    by geographic: for example, the target audience is residents of Eastern Europe;

    by socio-demographic: for example, the target audience is women aged 20-30 with an average income, holding the positions of an average statistical office employee

    by psychographic: for example, the target audience is people who strive for self-expression and self-affirmation in society

    by behavioral: for example, the target audience is people who buy a product 1 or less times

When determining the target audience, it is important to pay attention to its size and population dynamics, expressed in thousand people. The size of the target audience allows you to assess the potential market capacity and sales volume, and therefore assess the profitability of the business, the return on advertising investment and the long-term growth of the company.

Core and types of target audience

Each target audience has a core - a group of people who represent the most active and important consumers of the product. The core of the target audience usually includes consumers who bring a large share of profits and sales (or can bring), who use the product most often (or will use it), and also who have the highest need for the product and are ready to satisfy it by any means.

In modern marketing practice, there are 2 types of target audience: primary and secondary.

Main target audience

The primary or main (primary target audience) target audience is a priority in brand communication and means a group of people who directly decide on the need to purchase a product or service. The primary audience is the initiator of the purchase.

Indirect target audience

The secondary or indirect target audience (secondary target audience) plays a more passive role and even if it can participate in the purchase process, is not the initiator of the need to purchase a particular product or service. The secondary target audience has a lower priority for brand communication.

The difference between these types of target audience can be seen on the example of the market of children's toys. In this market, there are two types of target audience: parents (directly buying the product) and children (directly using the product). Children do not make the purchase of toys on their own, but very often they are the initiator of the purchase - they ask their parents to make a purchase. Therefore, children are the primary audience for the children's toys market, parents are the secondary target audience.

Socio-demographic characteristics in the description of the target audience

The following socio-demographic characteristics can be used to describe the target audience:

  • education

    income level

    social and family status

    profession, place of work, occupation

    nationality or race

    geography of residence.

An example of a description of the target audience by socio-demographic characteristics

Women, 35-55, with an average and above average income, with higher or secondary specialized education, average office workers or middle managers living in large cities with more than 500 thousand people.

Psychographic characteristics

The following psychographic characteristics can be used to describe the target audience:

    description of character traits (conservative, ambitious, cheerful, innovator, soul of the company, etc.);

    values, life positions and attitudes towards important social issues (opinions about the environment, globalization, abortion, the standard of living of the population);

    personal hobbies, hobbies, lifestyle;

    model of purchasing behavior (description of how a consumer makes purchases from making a purchase decision to choosing on a shelf in a store);

    a description of the places where the goods were purchased and the characteristics of the consumption of the goods (Where do they buy? How do they use them);

    relation to the price of the product;

    factors determining product choice or consumption drivers.

Description of the target audience in the B2B market

The following characteristics can be used to describe the target audience in the B2B market:

    type of activity, range of goods

    number of employees

    annual sales

    geography of distribution, activities - local, national, multinational

    number of branches

    who decides

    seasonality of sales associated with the type of activity

    price policy.

Socio-demographic signs of segmentation

Socio-demographic segmentation of the market is the process of dividing all buyers of the market into homogeneous groups according to sex-age criteria and social status in society. It is the most common method of market division, since the criteria for this segmentation method are easily measurable, and, therefore, the size of the segments is amenable to accurate mathematical calculation.

Socio-demographic segmentation is an integral part of any market segmentation process and has recently been increasingly combined with psychographic segmentation.

Criteria for socio-demographic segmentation

Segmentation according to the socio-demographic principle can be based on the following segmentation criteria:

women or men

under 6 years old, 6-11 years old, 12-19 years old, 20-25 years old, 26-30 years old, 30-35 years old, 65+/ or newborns, teenagers, adults, pensioners

Income level

consumers with high, middle or low income / or with a description of the exact limits of income: less than 3 thousand rubles, 3-5 thousand rubles, 5-10 thousand rubles

Family life cycle

singles, a young family without a child, a young family with a child, a family married for more than 5 years, elderly spouses, etc.

Presence, age and number of children

have children / no children; newborns / children aged 1.5 to 3 years / children aged 3-7 years / adolescents, etc.; one child / 2 children / 3 or more children

Nationality and race

Russians, Americans, Ukrainians, Eastern peoples, European nations


mental labor or technical specialists; business owners, appointed business leaders, middle managers, office workers; pensioners, students, housewives, etc.


higher, secondary, secondary special, without education; knowledge of languages, etc.

Scope of work

building; education; nutrition; retail; healthcare, etc.

Important events

birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, national holidays, sporting events

Religious beliefs

Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Hindus


born before 1964, born between 1964-1980, born after 1980

Criteria for psychographic market segmentation

Psychographic market segmentation is the process of dividing all market buyers into homogeneous groups according to criteria such as: values, beliefs, motivation to buy a product and personality type. The theory of psychographic segmentation of consumers was born relatively recently, but has already managed to gain recognition in the field of marketing, as it is best able to explain the reason for the purchase of a product by different consumers.

The segments formed in the process of psychographic segmentation are very difficult to digitize, measure and quantify, so this type of market description is often grouped with socio-demographic segmentation.

In practice, there are 2 large examples of this kind of segmentation:

    Psychographic segmentation of consumers according to the VALS methodology: a well-known American model of consumer market segmentation based on the motivation and resources that the consumer owns to make a purchase.

    Generational psiographic segmentation: The second well-known and widely used model is based on the assumption that the behavior of people born around the same time is similar.

Basic Criteria for Psychographic Segmentation

The method of psychographic segmentation of consumers can be carried out according to any parameters that can characterize the type of personality and motivation of the buyer's behavior in the market, the most commonly used signs of market segmentation include:

Consumer lifestyle

dynamic, measured, rural, urban

Consumer attitude towards innovation

innovators, conservatives, traditionalists

Attitude towards oneself, perception of one's "I"

feeling like a victim - inability to influence anything; feeling like a leader - the ability to change the world or the state of things; feeling like "I'm like everyone else"; feeling like "I'm better than others"

Who is the idol, the leader for the consumer?

peers, famous personalities, girlfriends and friends, parents

Intrinsic Purchase Motivation

desire for self-expression; desire to achieve the ideal; desire for recognition

Relation to the local producer

positive, negative, desire for Western

Life position

active, positive, calm, assertive, passive, aggressive


health, family and children, home and comfort, loved ones, communication, self-realization, material well-being, spiritual growth, pleasure, stability, freedom, position in society

Market Segmentation from A to Z: The Definitive Guide

Market segmentation is a term in marketing theory used to describe the process of dividing an entire market or industry into homogeneous parts (segments) according to certain characteristics.

The need to identify market segments and search for free niches is due to growing competition in all sectors of the economy, the need to increase the effectiveness of advertising investments in product development and strengthen loyalty to the company's product. In the article we will reveal the concept of market segmentation at 360 degrees. We will consider in detail each important stage of market segmentation, talk about modern criteria and methods of market segmentation, and describe a working methodology for choosing a segment for a business.

The article contains practical examples and links to additional sources of information. So we hope that after reading our material you will have no questions about how to find, evaluate and select the most profitable segment for the development of the company in the market.

    Is it really that important to choose a segment?

    Detailed classification

    What should be the market segment?

    Universal Process Sequence

Is it really that important to choose a segment?

In today's world, a loyal customer is most valued, who will not switch to competitors at the slightest opportunity, who will tell his friends about the product and bring new customers, for whom it will not be necessary to conduct large-scale advertising campaigns to increase knowledge. This kind of loyalty can only be acquired if the company is able to determine the needs of the audience well and satisfy them by 130% with the help of its product.

But how can you please everyone? That's right - you can't. An individual approach is important. This is where market segmentation can help. The essence of market segmentation is to combine all market consumers into homogeneous groups according to certain criteria, select the most stable and profitable customer groups and create a separate product for each group, conduct a separate advertising campaign, offer different services and working conditions, in other words, develop separate marketing -mix for each segment.

The importance and role of the market segmentation process for a company cannot be underestimated: optimization of company resources by concentrating on high-performance markets, unification of work with consumers and increasing their level of satisfaction by better matching the product to market needs, increasing the competitiveness of the product and business as a whole by following a clearly chosen strategy work.

Thus, the global goal of the market segmentation process is the long-term growth of sales and profits of the company, therefore, when starting to develop a marketing strategy for a product, planning a business expansion or creating an advertising campaign, check whether your target segment is defined.

Detailed classification

Marketing is the science of universal methods. The market segmentation methodology can be used not only for dividing into homogeneous groups of consumers and searching for the target audience. In his daily activities, a marketing manager uses at least 4 segmentation models: buyers, products, competitors and customers of the B2B sector.

Segmentation of market demand (buyers) allows you to describe the target audience of the company according to geographical, behavioral, socio-demographic and psychographic criteria. Segmentation of business markets helps to identify promising customers who can provide the company with a stable income in the future. Product segmentation (analysis of the entire range in the industry) helps to globally assess the structure of the market, identify free functional niches for creating new products. And segmentation of competitors gives an idea of ​​the threats and sources of growth for the business.

What should be the market segment?

Before starting to study the process of market segmentation, let's unequivocally define what a market segment should be in order to be convenient to work with. In global practice, it is generally accepted that the right market segment has the following characteristics: homogeneity, distinctive features, completeness of description, measurability, sustainability in the long run and access to communication channels. A detailed description of the segmentation conditions is given in the table:

If the segments obtained during segmentation do not meet the criteria described above, think about whether it will be convenient for your company to work with them.

Universal Process Sequence

The market segmentation process is the first step in developing a market positioning strategy. The process begins with the selection of segmentation criteria (or principles) and ends with the approval of product positioning and the development of a marketing plan for each target segment.

The model shown in the figure is called target marketing and is a modern concept of doing business in the market.

Read more: Target Marketing Strategy: A Practical Guide to Choosing a Marketplace Strategy.

Search for segments and market niches

After the segmentation criteria are defined, the longest stage begins: the process of dividing the market into segments. At this stage, do not spare time and effort. The more accurately you analyze, the more free market niches you will find, the higher the probability of building a strong stable company on the market. Details on how to search for segments and conduct market segmentation are described in our examples:

    Product market segmentation methodology: a practical guide (with a good example) for product segmentation.

    Segmentation of the consumer market from scratch: a practical guide to finding free niches in a highly competitive product market.

Description of segments

The description of the segment helps to choose the right marketing strategy for product development.

In practice, 6 main descriptive characteristics are used: characteristics of the audience of the segment according to the selected criteria; the number of players in each segment, indicating the manufacturers; a description of the buyer's behavior model at the time of choosing, buying and using the product, as well as the formed habits of using the product; assessment of the level of advertising support in the segment; determination of price sensitivity and indication of the existing price limits of the segment; assessment of the overall level of satisfaction with the product on the market; description of the key requirements for the quality and functional characteristics of the product.

Determining the boundaries of the company's functioning and setting goals

It is important to avoid mistakes during the target market segment selection stage, so take the time to collect additional information and accurate data. Segment size can be determined by one of three options for calculating market size, and the attractiveness and potential of the segment will help evaluate business analysis techniques used in marketing on a regular basis. In practice, there are many criteria for choosing a target segment, you need to choose only those that best help to describe: sales potential in the segment, demand potential in the market, competitive conditions and the presence of entry barriers, market threats, competitiveness of the company's product.

Read more: Strategic segment attractiveness: five groups of factors that will help you assess the potential of the market and the attractiveness of the segment in terms of resources and capabilities of the company.

Tags: https://website/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Documental.jpg 300 450 Igor Belov /wp-content/uploads/2018/05/logo.pngIgor Belov 2014-03-29 17:45:44 2014-04-17 07:39:16 Media planning. The target audience

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

The target audience is existing and potential buyers of products or services, united according to some criteria. The content on the site is focused on such users.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

Imagine that you are selling camping equipment. Most likely, you will not hand out flyers on the first street that comes across, but place them where you are most likely to attract the attention of outdoor enthusiasts. After all, they are interested in such a product. The same principle applies to the Internet. Before placing ads or filling the site, you need to find out the characteristics of the people for whom you will do this.

What is the target audience for?

Analysis and identification of the target audience is one of the main factors affecting the success of a business. Knowing the habits, needs and other characteristics of potential customers, you can easily create an effective advertising strategy:

  • Smart USP. You will know the target audience problem and formulate its best solution.
  • Choose psychological techniques that motivate you to buy and a way to communicate with people.

Rational budget allocation is another advantage. You will be able to place only on those sites where there are potential customers.

How to define the target audience

Determining the target audience of a website is not as easy as it seems. For example, if you think that your clients are solvent men and women aged 30-45, then you are not quite right. The portrait should be more detailed. There are several types of target audience in marketing:

  • main and indirect. The first makes a decision to purchase and initiates it, the second only participates in the selection process (for example, buys).
  • Wide and narrow. For example, people interested in traveling and those who are considering tours only to Asian countries.
  • B2B and B2C. Business consumers and individuals.

How to determine the target audience of the site: selection criteria

Make a rough idea of ​​a potential customer according to the following characteristics:

  • Sex, age, nationality, marital status, place of residence.
  • Occupation, education, income level.
  • Social networks, resources, communities in which the buyer spends time.
  • Lifestyle: values, habits, speed of decision making.
  • What problems does your product or service solve for the target audience?
  • Emotions that a person experiences from the acquisition.
  • Associations evoked by the product.
  • Reasons to buy from you: service, price, status confirmation.

How to choose a target audience: segmentation

Segmentation is the division of real and potential customers into groups with similar characteristics. It can be done using the 5W method. It consists in the fact that you consistently answer five questions related to the business.

After filling out the table, you will have portraits of those buyers who are interested in your offer. Based on them, you can create personalized advertising for different target audience segments.

What tools exist to identify the target audience

To get more detailed data, conduct small surveys, interviews on your website or on survey sites. Involve as many people as possible. And also study the behavior of potential customers in social networks, in communities and on related forums. From the comments and created posts, you can find out what worries the target audience, how they react to a particular topic.

In addition to the above methods, use statistical programs and services:

  • Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. Useful information about visitors can be found in the "Reports" tab.
  • Yandex.Audience. Forms segments for targeting based on a list of regular customers.
  • Survey Monkey. Paid survey platform. There is a free temporary registration.
  • Google Forms. Creation of questionnaires.
  • Simpoll. Poll constructor.

How to attract the target audience

Attracting the target audience to the site is work to increase the popularity of the brand, the number of orders and customer loyalty. To get additional traffic, you can use many methods. We will list some of them.

  • Do more blog posts. The influx of visitors primarily grows due to content. The more often you post articles useful for the target audience, the faster it will grow.
  • Register social media accounts. Choose one or more depending on where your potential buyers live. Develop each of them and do not forget about the main resource.

You have decided to change the company's business model or launch a new product/service on the market. Or the sales technology used in the company has ceased to lead to sales growth. Often, changes in consumer behavior lead to the need to restructure the entire supply chain.

When starting to plan changes related to the market strategy, analyze the target audience. Depending on its needs, values, attitude to the product category and brand, you will be able to develop solutions that will attract the attention of your customers. And, most importantly, give them an answer to the question: "Why should they prefer your company over competitors' products."

Use a step-by-step example of analyzing and describing the target audience of an online designer clothing store.

Description of the target audience for an online store of designer clothes

Company "A" manufactures and sells its own brand of designer clothing using wholesale and retail sales channels (showroom in Moscow and an online store with courier and postal delivery). A large share of sales of brands is made through the largest Russian online store. In one year of presence on the market, the private label showed high sales growth rates (45% growth). Therefore, company "A" decided to increase its market share by developing its own sales channels: increase sales in its own online store for wholesale and retail customers, open a retail store in a shopping center.

The new market strategy requires a change: restyling of the online store website, adjustment of the product portfolio and reconfiguration of the company's key business processes.

The main product: dresses, trousers, blouses, etc., which look like a designer item, but are several times cheaper. More expensive clothes than in the mass market. Wholesale prices depend on the volume of the order.

1. The structure of the target audience

Target audience analysis is carried out at three levels: general level, brand level, brand level.

2. General level of description of the target audience

On a general level of description, don't think about your brand or product. Strive to understand the target audience in general. The only limitation is the geography of presence. Describing the target audience at a general level in relation to their brand is a common mistake of many marketers. Represent all consumers who buy similar products or services.

Criteria for describing the target audience
Demographic characteristics

The core of CA is women aged 27-35 living in large cities (from 500 thousand people) of Russia (the European part + the Urals and Siberia).

Income level - from 40,000 rubles.

Engaged in intellectual work or in the field of building relationships with clients.

Marital status is not an important demographic characteristic.

The core of CA is women aged 30-45 living in large cities of Russia (from 500 thousand people) (the European part + the Urals and Siberia).

Owner or manager of a clothing store (multi-brands).

Married or in a civil marriage, has children.

There is a car B, C - class.
Vacations abroad more than once a year.

The core of CA is women aged 25-45 living in large and medium-sized cities of Russia (from 300 thousand people) (the European part + the Urals and Siberia).

Sole proprietor and owner of LLC. Runs business from home or office with low rent.

Married or in a civil marriage, has children. There is a car B, C - class.

Vacations abroad more than once a year.

Key values

Look expensive, spend little.

Caring for female attractiveness occupies an important place in life.

The desire to emphasize individuality.

"No matter how much you earn, you can always find a way to look good."

It's important to be on trend.

The strength of a woman is femininity.

Why overpay for the name of a global brand, if you can look good several times cheaper.

Self-esteem is based on the desire to look successful and attract attention.

It is important to do business that brings pleasure.

Close relationship with clients, desire to promote femininity and fashion.

He perceives business as an extension of his self-identity.

Appreciates care, therefore, he chooses suppliers not only on the principle of profit maximization, but also on the comfort of interaction.

Values ​​economy and efficiency.

Makes decisions based on data and analytics.

Striving for independence from business, the ability to manage outside the office.

The need for constant research and implementation of new business methods.

The basic value is freedom and constant development, the ability to change business if desired.

Striving for revenue growth and business profitability.

Psychographic characteristics

Leads an active lifestyle, attends cultural events where successful people spend time.

The need for self-expression and the willingness to pay for individual style.

Follows the figure, is engaged in a fitness center.

Meets friends in a mid-price cafe.

Reads women's magazines.

The goal is to break into the high-price segment.

Take care of yourself, take care of your health and appearance.

Understands fashion and consumer demand.

Reads women's magazines to better navigate consumers.

Communicates in an entrepreneurial society associated with the fashion and beauty industry.

Owns Internet technologies and constantly develops his skills and competencies.

Often studied at trainings and seminars on Internet marketing.

Leads a closed life.

In addition to the online store, he periodically works on other projects or works somewhere.


The reference group are girlfriends who have already reached a higher position.

Profit and pleasure from owning your own business. Profit, inner freedom and exploratory excitement.

3. Product category level

At the second level of description, it is worth evaluating the perception of the target audience of the product category. So far, too, without reference to your brand.

Criteria for describing the target audience Retailers of women's clothing Retail stores for women's clothing Online stores of women's clothing
Purchase frequency

1 time in 2 months

1 time per month

2-3 times a month

Where and how do they prefer to buy

In sales online stores or in retail stores (mid-price format of designer clothes).

Must try before purchase.

In wholesale online stores.

Directly from manufacturers or brand distributors.

Delivery under the existing order from the final buyer.

Large online stores - on request.

Clear conditions for the return of unsold goods.

Use of the number of trademarks (level of attachment to TM)

3-4 brands are used.

They become attached to the brand when they associate it with the achievement of their goals.

Use 3-5 brands.

More than 10 brands are used.

They are tied when they get the maximum profitability from the brand and support from the manufacturer in the field of sales promotion + service support.

They prefer brands that give repeat sales and a long customer life cycle.

Relationship to product category They believe that clothing is a means to an end. Clothing is the main product of the business.
Decision making method

They choose in familiar and trustworthy online stores. They can place an order by mailing if they like the product and have money to buy it.

TM should have a positive image in the eyes of the environment.

Important - the possibility of fitting and different payment options.

Delivery time is minimal.

Wide size and color range.

Having positive customer reviews.

Free shipping.

Choose among TM the most relevant to the target audience of the store.

If the supplier is new, they evaluate the level of transaction security and additional benefits from cooperation.

TM should be recognizable.

Acceptable contract terms.

Choose to maximize profit from TM.

The conditions for returning goods to the supplier are important.

It is desirable that the supplier takes over most of the functions associated with the promotion of goods.

Acceptable contract terms.

Lack of price competition during promotions.

3. Brand level

At the brand level, you focus on the consumption pattern of your particular products and services. The task is to answer the question: why consumers decide to buy a brand.

Criteria for describing the target audience Retailers of women's clothing Retail stores for women's clothing Online stores of women's clothing
Brand awareness level The brand has a low level of recognition.

According to the results of a survey of registered users of the online store: they do not remember the brand and website.

Low level of recognition of the analyzed brand. Some stores know (mostly those who have collaborated or are collaborating now). Low level of recognition of the analyzed brand. They know some online stores (mostly those who have collaborated or are collaborating now).
Brand loyalty switching switching Relatively loyal, if the possibility of custom redemption is provided.
Formed opinion about the brand Things are good, but on the site they look better than when buying. Expensive. You can try, but it is not clear what permanent benefits the cooperation provides.
Triggers for making a decision to move to a brand Positive balance of value and price.

The site design looks expensive and exclusive.

Celebrities wear the brand.

You can create many finished images from a small set of things.

Persuasive argumentation that things will help achieve personal goals.

Timeliness of deliveries.

Returns of goods without loss.

High turnover of goods.

Break-even trade (rate of profit from cooperation).

Timeliness of deliveries.

Full range (depth, etc.)

Support from the supplier aimed at increasing sales.

High quality - no returns

Returns of goods without loss.

Depending on the field of activity of the company and the purpose of the analysis of the target audience, additional criteria can be included in this model. For example, the key problems of Central Asia.

In the analysis of the target audience, you should not describe your products and how best to present them. This is the next stage in the development of a business model, promotion strategy or sales technology.