Racing hovercraft. How to build a land hovercraft

Racing hovercraft.  How to build a land hovercraft
Racing hovercraft. How to build a land hovercraft

In the vastness of our country, outdoor enthusiasts do not miss the opportunity to ensure comfortable off-road movement, including water barriers, at any time of the year. And if you won’t surprise anyone with a snowmobile, a jet ski and an aerobot, then the use of military equipment attracts attention. The focus of this article is a hovercraft, its technical characteristics, peacetime use, user reviews and a brief overview of the prices for this type of transport.

Operating principle

The hovercraft, thanks to the laws of aerodynamics, uses the air flow created by the engine not only for movement, but also to reduce friction. The air cushion is a layer of compressed air under the bottom of the vehicle, which is held by the gravity of the vessel. Exceeding air pressure leads to its release in the zone of contact between the bottom of the vessel and the surface of the earth or water. At the moment of bleeding excess air, the friction force between the bottom of the transport and the surface of the earth is practically absent - this makes it possible not only to move the vessel with the help of an aero engine, but also to freely control it.

In addition to static work aimed at overcoming friction, the propulsion system also creates dynamic work, forcing the ship to move. To do this, a huge fan is installed on the hull of the boat, which accelerates the boat with a powerful air flow. Overlaps located behind the fan allow you to control the air flow by adjusting the direction of traffic.

Technical capabilities

The technical characteristics of hovercraft will not allow lovers of outdoor activities to pass by indifferently.

  1. Any surface for movement. A body of water with a wave height of up to 25 cm, ice or snow cover is the native element for a ship. Driving on grass, sand, swamp, gravel or asphalt is acceptable, but in such cases, you need to be prepared for rapid wear of the flexible airbag guard.
  2. Carrying capacity. If we are talking about civilian ships, then the carrying capacity, including passengers, is approximately 1000-1500 kilograms. To a greater extent, this parameter depends on the engine power.
  3. Driving speed and fuel consumption. The standard is considered to be a consumption of 20 liters of fuel per hour at a cruising speed of 60 km / h. The maximum indicators should not deviate from an arithmetic progression. That is, the boat speed of 120 km/h will double the fuel consumption, but no more.

Use restrictions

Small, medium or large hovercraft have a number of limitations that all buyers need to be aware of without exception.

  1. With a wave height of more than 30 cm on the water surface, the movement of the boat will be difficult and may lead to flooding, as jerking and hitting the crests of the wave reduces the air pressure under the flexible barrier, plunging the boat halfway into the water.
  2. Dense and high vegetation limits the tight fit of the flexible fence to the ground, which can also make it difficult to move.
  3. Rigid barriers over 35 cm (driftwood, stumps, stones) not only reduce the pressure under the bottom of the vessel, but can also damage the flexible fence. Let repairing boats on the spot is not a problem if you have an awl and wire, but this is an extra time investment.

Where did the interest come from

River and sea hovercraft in the 20th century were considered the best transport for walking on the water surface. Great speed, excellent maneuverability and high safety attracted not only tourists, but also the local population, who moved to suburban areas and back along the seas, lakes and rivers of our vast country. But the attention of hunters and fishermen was attracted by a landing craft after the demonstration of the film "Return Move" at the end of the twentieth century. It was then that the era of small hovercraft was born, because the film clearly presented all the technical capabilities of this type of transport, for which there are practically no barriers.

Landing craft are still in service with many countries of the world. The peace and tranquility of the Russians is protected by the world's largest hovercraft called the Zubr. It will not be any particular problem for him to cross the entire Black Sea area, having on board a couple of tanks and a dozen armored personnel carriers. In addition to carrying cargo, the ship has cruise missiles on board, making it a combat unit in wartime.

Young technician - the beginning of all beginnings

Reproducing a landing craft in an acceptable size for transportation by Russian Kulibins was not a problem. Having tested and provided the technology for the production of amphibians to the scientific and technical publications of the country, craftsmen made it possible for military technologies to serve peaceful purposes. If you open any technical magazine of that time, in the photo you can find not only motor boats on an air cushion or with a hard bottom. To overcome the land and water expanses, the masters came up with all sorts of symbioses of road transport and floating craft, vaguely reminiscent of the BRDM.

However, all of them remained only on paper, which cannot be said about the most popular transport in the world, for which there are no barriers - an air cushion vehicle (HV). In the media, even now you can find many detailed instructions, confirmed by photos and videos, for the production of boats with your own hands from scratch. However, professionals recommend refraining from such proposals, because SVP is considered traumatic.

Only stars above

The boat of the Pegasus series is recognized as the best hovercraft. First of all, it differs from its competitors by the possibility of using it at any time of the year. All new boats have a closed saloon. It is made with a heating system and allows you to maintain comfortable conditions even in thirty-degree frost. In the summer heat, the cab is easily transformed, allowing for better circulation of fresh air. Depending on the modification, the craft is capable of taking on board from 5 to 8 people with equipment of 350-500 kg.

Given the low fuel consumption and good range and speed, we can conclude that this is the best boat. The price of such a device can confuse an ordinary person - 30,000 conventional units. However, if you sum up the cost of the combined equipment - a motor boat, an ATV and a snowmobile, it becomes clear that the hovercraft has a very attractive price.

If the corporate segment is of interest, then the Neptune series ship is recognized as the leader here. With many modifications at its disposal, the device is primarily positioned as a cross-country vehicle for transporting passengers.

Domestic alternative

In addition to the Pegasus, the hovercraft Mars, Neoterik, Sagittarius, Mirage, as well as sea boats for transporting up to 15 people of the Aerojet series, have proven themselves on the Russian market. All of them belong to the tourist class, which is why they have a number of restrictions, primarily related to operating modes. For example, the Mirage ship can be used all year round, including severe frosts, but its movement over waves and uneven surfaces is limited due to some design features. But the baby "Neoteric" is able to go where no human has gone before, not to mention the low fuel consumption (5 liters per hour) and the tremendous speed of the boat. But with the carrying capacity and operation at low temperatures, he has big problems.

A miracle of the Russian industry is considered to be an air-cushion vehicle called the Zhuk. After viewing the SVP in the photo, no one will turn their tongues to call it a watercraft. It looks more like a hovercraft motorcycle. The double device of small dimensions shows high flotation characteristics on different surfaces and at large angles.

SVP for fun

Judging by the numerous reviews of the owners, the Tornado hovercraft has won great popularity in Russia. It was made by the Ukrainian manufacturer Artel LLC at the Nikolaev shipyard. Initially, the boat is positioned as a watercraft for entertainment and cultural recreation. It is enough to see a photo of the boat to make sure it is unsuitable for fishing or hunting. Small dimensions, low carrying capacity make it possible for the hovercraft to violate all the laws of physics and aerodynamics, both in speed and maneuverability, and in passing all sorts of obstacles. Why did he interest the Russian buyer?

  1. Low price. For only ten thousand conventional units, you can buy yourself a universal vehicle.
  2. Possibility of modernization. The SVP boat can be perfectly converted for both hunting and fishing for two people.
  3. Spare parts of Russian production. In addition to the RMZ-550 engine, all components can be found on the domestic market.

Inexpensive, but also low-power hovercraft Hov Pod SPX, presented by the factory in England, is the most popular watercraft in Europe. It is also in service with two dozen countries of the world and is in demand in UN rescue missions. In the retail market, the boat is positioned as a transport for the whole family - fishing, tourism, outdoor activities, picnics - all this is subject to it. The manufacturer claims that simplicity, convenience and safety are the main attributes of this vessel, and the control of the boat can be entrusted to a child.

English high-tech devices and mechanisms have always differed from competitors in their impeccability. The Hov Pod SPX hovercraft is made from a unique composite material that is used for fencing in Formula 1. The steering is made from Teleflex stainless steel. The hull base, engine protection, as well as all metal components in the body structure are chrome-plated. Thus, the manufacturer makes it clear to his customers that boat trips on the ship are not prohibited.

The need of state structures

In addition to outdoor activities and entertainment, air cushion vehicles have found their purpose in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Emergencies. For example, the Sever watercraft is used by the transport police to search for and detain suspects in a crime. The hovercraft not only shows excellent speed characteristics (150 km / h on water), but is also able to overcome long slopes up to 30 degrees. This vessel was seen in service with the fish inspection. Excellent performance characteristics will always be able to attract attention.

For the repair of bridges and structures, the maintenance of oil platforms, all kinds of diving operations, and if repair of boats, yachts and cargo ships in the roadstead is necessary, the Shelf series hovercraft is used. The huge engine power and large dimensions make it possible to place up to two tons of cargo on the ship, excluding 20 workers. 360-degree swivel without shifting makes it easy to maneuver in any hard-to-reach place.

Japanese motors

Mostly all hovercraft are powered by engines from Japanese automotive giants Honda and Subaru. Such a choice is not accidental. Unlike conventional motor boats, where the number of revolutions per minute of the cardan shaft is a priority, high power is more important for boats with a propulsion-pumping system. Naturally, fuel economy is always a priority for any owner. Two-liter and 130-horsepower Honda D15B and Subaru EJ20 engines have found their way into hovercraft.

And if initially their choice was justified by high performance and durability during operation, then at the moment the popularity lies in the possibility of modernization. Craftsmen not only increased the power of the engines to 150 horsepower, but also greatly facilitated them by replacing some components. The result is a very frisky hovercraft.

Legality of use

The hovercraft refers to small craft, which means it is subject to registration with the state inspection with the appropriate name. To control a water craft, it must also be registered and special rights obtained. These procedures are very simple and do not cause any problems. Trouble can only be delivered by obtaining a medical certificate for passing on rights. After all, it is not every day that doctors receive owners of small boats. Judging by the numerous reviews of the owners of SVP, when passing the commission, it is recommended to talk about the usual test for driving. Thus, the owner will significantly speed up the passage of the commission and save himself from questions and jokes from the medical staff.


As it turned out, the hovercraft market is not empty. A large number of models, both domestic and imported, have an affordable price and open up a wide range of possibilities. When making a choice among models, you must first outline the areas of use - walking, entertainment, travel, hunting, fishing. After that, it is recommended to decide in which season the boat will be used. The price of the boat is highly dependent on this choice.

You need to decide on the number of passengers and carrying capacity. But the choice of engine, fuel system and steering does not play a special role, since most devices have very similar characteristics, which will not significantly affect the price. Unless the potential buyer decides to give preference to the English car, which has a 65-horsepower engine and is not capable of accelerating over 70 km / h.

Roads are one of the most serious and intractable problems for rural residents, especially during the spring flood. An ideal alternative to any vehicles in such conditions are all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion.

What is such a transport?

The vessel is a special vehicle, the dynamics of which is based on the air flow injected under the bottom, which allows it to move on any surface, both liquid and solid.

The main advantage of such transport is its high speed. In addition, its navigation period is not limited by environmental conditions - you can travel on such all-terrain vehicles both in winter and in summer. Another plus is the ability to overcome obstacles no more than a meter in height.

The disadvantages include a small number of passengers who are able to carry all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion, and a fairly high fuel consumption. This is explained by the increased power of the engine, aimed at creating an air flow under the bottom. Small particles in the pillow can cause static electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages of all-terrain vehicles

It is quite difficult to say exactly where to start choosing such a model of a vessel, since it all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner and his plans for the purchased transport. Among the huge number of characteristics and parameters, all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion have their own advantages and disadvantages, many of which are known to either professionals or manufacturers, but not ordinary users.

One of the disadvantages of such vessels is their frequent stubbornness: at a temperature of -18 degrees, they may refuse to start. The reason for this is condensation in the power plant. In order to increase wear resistance and strength, economy-class all-terrain hovercraft have steel inserts in the bottom, which their expensive counterparts do not have. A sufficiently powerful engine may not pull the rise of transport to a fairly small coast with a slope of a couple of degrees.

Such nuances are found only during the operation of the all-terrain vehicle. To avoid disappointment in transport, before buying it, it is advisable to consult with experts and view all available information.

Varieties of all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion

  • Junior courts. Ideal for outdoor activities or fishing in small waters. In most cases, such all-terrain vehicles are purchased by those who live far enough from civilization and can only be reached by helicopter to their place of residence. The movement of small vessels is in many ways similar to, but the latter are not capable of side sliding at speeds of the order of 40-50 km / h.
  • Large ships. Such transport can be taken already for serious hunting or fishing. The carrying capacity of the all-terrain vehicle is from 500 to 2000 kilograms, the capacity is 6-12 passenger seats. Large vessels almost completely ignore the onboard wave, which allows them to be used even at sea. You can buy such all-terrain vehicles on an air cushion in our country - vehicles of both domestic and foreign production are sold on the markets.

Principle of operation

The functioning of an air cushion is quite simple and is largely based on a physics course familiar from school days. The principle of operation is to raise the boat above the ground and level the friction force. This process is called "exit to the pillow" and is a time characteristic. For small vessels, it takes about 10-20 seconds, for large ones it takes about half a minute. Industrial all-terrain vehicles pump air for several minutes in order to increase the pressure to the desired level. After reaching the required mark, you can start moving.

On small ships capable of carrying from 2 to 4 passengers, air is forced into the pillow using banal air intakes from the traction engine. The ride starts almost immediately after the pressure is set, which is not always convenient, since there is no reverse gear for all-terrain vehicles of the junior and middle class. On larger all-terrain vehicles for 6-12 people, this disadvantage is compensated by a second engine that controls only the air pressure in the pillow.


Today you can meet many craftsmen who independently create such equipment. The all-terrain vehicle on an air cushion is assembled on the basis of another transport - for example, the Dnepr motorcycle. A screw is installed on the engine, which in the operating mode pumps air under the bottom, covered with a leatherette cuff that is resistant to negative temperatures. The same motor carries out the movement of the vessel forward.

Such a do-it-yourself all-terrain vehicle on an air cushion is created with good technical characteristics - for example, its speed is about 70 km / h. In fact, such transport is the most profitable for self-manufacturing, since it does not require the creation of complex drawings and chassis, while differing in the maximum level of cross-country ability.

All-terrain vehicles on an air cushion "Arktika"

One of the developments of Russian scientists from Omsk is an amphibious cargo platform called "Arktika", which was put into service with the Russian army.

Amphibious domestic vessel has the following advantages:

  • Full cross-country ability - transport passes on the surface of any terrain.
  • It can be used in any weather and any time of the year.
  • Large load capacity and impressive power reserve.
  • Safety and reliability provided by design features.
  • Compared to other modes of transport, it is economical.
  • Ecologically safe for the environment, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates.

"Arktika" is a hovercraft capable of moving on the surface of both water and land. Its main difference from similar transport, which can only temporarily stay on the ground, is the possibility of operation both in swampy, snowy and icy areas, and in various water bodies.

The construction of a vehicle that would allow moving both on land and on water was preceded by an acquaintance with the history of the discovery and creation of original amphibious vehicles on air cushion(WUA), the study of their fundamental structure, comparison of various designs and schemes.

For this purpose, I visited many Internet sites of WUA enthusiasts and creators (including foreign ones), got acquainted with some of them in person. In the end, for the prototype of what was conceived boats() took the English "Hovercraft" ("hovering ship" - as the WUA is called in the UK), built and tested by local enthusiasts.

Our most interesting domestic machines of this type were mostly created for law enforcement agencies, and in recent years for commercial purposes, they had large dimensions, and therefore were not very suitable for amateur production.

My device is air cushion(I call it "Aerojeep") - three-seater: the pilot and passengers are arranged in a T-shaped pattern, like on a tricycle: the pilot is in front in the middle, and the passengers behind are side by side, one next to the other.

The machine is single-engine, with a split air flow, for which a special panel is installed in its annular channel a little below its center. The boat-AVP consists of three main parts: a propeller unit with a transmission, a fiberglass hull and a "skirt" - a flexible fencing of the lower part of the hull - so to speak, a "pillowcase" of an air cushion. Corps "Airjeep".

It is double: fiberglass, consists of inner and outer shells. The outer shell has a rather simple configuration - these are just inclined (about 50 ° to the horizontal) sides without a bottom - flat almost across the entire width and slightly curved in its upper part. The bow is rounded, and the back has the form of an inclined transom.

In the upper part, along the perimeter of the outer shell, elongated holes-grooves are cut, and at the bottom, a cable enclosing the shell is fixed in eyebolts from the outside for attaching the lower parts of the segments to it.

The inner shell is more complicated in configuration than the outer one, since it has almost all the elements of a small vessel (say, boats or boats): sides, bottom, curved gunwales, a small deck in the bow (there is no only the upper part of the transom in the stern), while as one piece.

In addition, in the middle of the cockpit along it, a separately molded tunnel with a can under the driver's seat is glued to the bottom. It houses the fuel tank and battery, as well as the gas cable and the rudder control cable. In the aft part of the inner shell, a kind of poop is arranged, raised and open in front.

It serves as the base of the annular channel for the propeller, and its deck-bridge-separator of the air flow, part of which (supporting flow) is sent to the shaft opening, and the other part to create propulsive thrust.

All elements of the hull: the inner and outer shells, the tunnel and the annular channel, were glued on matrices of glass mat with a thickness of about 2 mm on polyester resin. Of course, these resins are inferior to vinyl ester and epoxy resins in terms of adhesion, filtration level, shrinkage, and the release of harmful substances upon drying, but they have an undeniable advantage in price - they are much cheaper, which is important.

For those who intend to use such resins, let me remind you that the room where the work is carried out must have good ventilation and a temperature of at least 22 ° C. The matrices were made in advance according to the master model from the same glass mats on the same polyester resin, only the thickness of their walls was larger and amounted to 7-8 mm (for the casing shells, about 4 mm).

Before gluing the elements, all roughness and scratches were carefully removed from the working surface of the matrix, and it was covered three times with wax diluted in turpentine and polished. After that, a thin layer (up to 0.5 mm) of gelcoat (colored varnish) of the selected yellow color was applied to the surface with a sprayer (or roller).

After it dried, the process of gluing the shell began using the following technology. First, using a roller, the wax surface of the matrix and the side of the glass mat with smaller pores are smeared with resin, and then the mat is placed on the matrix and rolled until the air is completely removed from under the layer (if necessary, a small slot can be made in the mat).

The subsequent layers of glass mats are laid in the same way to the required thickness (4-5 mm), with the installation, where necessary, of embedded parts (metal and wood). Excess flaps along the edges are cut off when gluing "wet". It is recommended to use 2-3 layers of glass mat for the manufacture of the sides of the hull, and up to 4 layers for the bottom.

In this case, all corners should be additionally glued, as well as the places where fasteners are screwed in. After the resin has hardened, the shell is easily removed from the matrix and processed: edges are turned, grooves are cut, holes are drilled. To ensure the unsinkability of the Aerojeep, pieces of foam (for example, furniture) are glued to the inner shell, leaving only channels for air passage around the entire perimeter free.

Pieces of foam plastic are glued together with resin, and strips of glass mat, also lubricated with resin, are attached to the inner shell. After separately manufacturing the outer and inner shells, they are joined, fastened with clamps and self-tapping screws, and then connected (glued) around the perimeter with strips of the same glass mat 40-50 mm wide coated with polyester resin, from which the shells themselves were made.

After that, the body is left until the resin is completely polymerized. A day later, a duralumin strip with a section of 30x2 mm is attached to the upper joint of the shells around the perimeter with rivets, setting it vertically (the tongues of the segments are fixed on it). Wooden skids measuring 1500x90x20 mm (length x width x height) are glued to the bottom of the bottom at a distance of 160 mm from the edge.

One layer of glass mat is glued on top of the runners. In the same way, only from the inside of the shell, in the aft part of the cockpit, a base of a wooden plate is arranged under the engine. It is worth noting that the same technology used to make the outer and inner shells also glued smaller elements: the inner and outer shells of the diffuser, rudders, gas tank, engine cover, wind deflector, tunnel and driver's seat.

For those who are just starting to work with fiberglass, I recommend preparing the manufacture boats from these small elements. The total mass of the fiberglass body, together with the diffuser and rudders, is about 80 kg.

Of course, the manufacture of such a hull can also be entrusted to specialist firms producing fiberglass boats and boats. Fortunately, there are many of them in Russia, and the costs will be commensurate. However, in the process of self-manufacturing, it will be possible to gain the necessary experience and the opportunity to further model and create various elements and structures made of fiberglass. Propeller installation.

It includes an engine, a propeller and a transmission that transmits torque from the first to the second. The engine used is BRIGGS & STATTION, produced in Japan under an American license: 2-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, 31 hp. at 3600 rpm. Its guaranteed motor resource is 600 thousand hours.

The start is carried out by an electric starter, from the battery, and the operation of the spark plugs is from a magneto. The engine is mounted on the bottom of the Aerojeep hull, and the propeller hub axle is fixed at both ends on brackets in the center of the diffuser raised above the hull. The transmission of torque from the output shaft of the engine to the hub is carried out by a toothed belt. The driven and driving pulleys, like the belt, are toothed.

Although the mass of the engine is not so great (about 56 kg), but its location on the bottom significantly lowers the center of gravity of the boat, which has a positive effect on the stability and maneuverability of the machine, especially such an “aerofloating” one.

Exhaust gases are led into the lower air stream. Instead of the installed Japanese one, you can also use suitable domestic engines, for example, from snowmobiles "Buran", "Lynx" and others. By the way, for a single or double WUA, smaller engines with a capacity of about 22 hp are quite suitable. With.

The propeller is six-blade, with a fixed pitch (angle of attack set on land) of the blades. An integral part of the propeller installation should also include the annular channel of the propeller, although its base (lower sector) is made integral with the inner shell of the housing.

The annular channel, like the body, is also composite, glued from the outer and inner shells. Just in the place where its lower sector joins the upper one, a fiberglass dividing panel is arranged: it separates the air flow created by the propeller (and, on the contrary, connects the walls of the lower sector along the chord).

The engine, located at the transom in the cockpit (behind the passenger seat), is closed on top with a fiberglass hood, and the propeller, in addition to the diffuser, is also a wire grill in front. Soft elastic fencing "Aerojeep" (skirt) consists of separate, but identical segments, cut and sewn from a dense lightweight fabric.

It is desirable that the fabric is water-repellent, does not harden in the cold and does not let air through. I used a Finnish-made Vinyplan material, but a domestic percale-type fabric is fine. The segment pattern is simple, and you can even sew it by hand. Each segment is attached to the body as follows.

The tongue is thrown over the side vertical bar, with an overlap of 1.5 cm; on it is the tongue of the adjacent segment, and both of them, in the place of overlap, are fixed on the bar with a special clip of the “crocodile” type, only without teeth. And so on the entire perimeter of the "Aerojeep". For reliability, you can also put a clip in the middle of the tongue.

The two lower corners of the segment with the help of nylon clamps are suspended freely on a cable wrapping around the lower part of the outer shell of the housing. Such a composite design of the skirt allows you to easily replace a failed segment, which will take 5-10 minutes. It would be appropriate to say that the design turns out to be efficient if up to 7% of the segments fail. In total, they are placed on a skirt up to 60 pieces.

The principle of movement of the "Aerojeep" is as follows. After starting the engine and idling, the device remains in place. With an increase in the number of revolutions, the propeller begins to drive a more powerful air flow. Part of it (large) creates propulsion and provides the boat with movement forward.

The other part of the flow goes under the dividing panel into the side air ducts of the hull (the free space between the shells up to the very bow), and then through the slots in the outer shell it evenly enters the segments.

Simultaneously with the start of movement, this flow creates an air cushion under the bottom, lifting the apparatus above the underlying surface (be it soil, snow or water) by several centimeters. The rotation of the "Aerojeep" is carried out by two rudders, deflecting the "forward" air flow to the side.

The rudders are controlled from a two-arm motorcycle-type steering column lever, through a Bowden cable running along the starboard side between the shells to one of the rudders. The other steering wheel is connected to the first rigid rod. On the left handle of the two-arm lever, the carburetor throttle control lever (analogue of the throttle grip) is also fixed.

For operation hovercraft it must be registered with the local State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS) and receive a ship's ticket. To obtain a certificate for the right to drive a boat, you also need to take a course in managing a small boat. However, even these courses are still far from having instructors for piloting hovercraft.

Therefore, each pilot has to master the management of the WUA on their own, literally bit by bit gaining relevant experience.

Hovercraft "Aerojeep": 1 - segment (dense fabric); 2-mooring duck (3 pcs.); 3-wind visor; 4-side strap fastening segments; 5-handle (2 pcs.); 6-protection of the propeller; 7-ring channel; 8-rudder (2 pcs.); 9-rudder control lever; 10-access hatch to the gas tank and battery; 11-pilot's seat; 12-passenger sofa; 13-engine casing; 14-engine; 15-outer shell; 16-filler (polystyrene); 17-inner shell; 18-dividing panel; 19-air screw; 20 - propeller bushing; 21-drive toothed belt; 22-knot for fastening the bottom of the segment

Theoretical drawing of the hull: 1 - inner shell; 2-outer shell

Scheme of transmission of a propeller installation: 1 - output shaft of the engine; 2-leading toothed pulley; 3 - toothed belt; 4-driven toothed pulley; 5 - nut; 6-distance bushings; 7-bearing; 8-axis; 9-hub; 10-bearing; 11-distance sleeve; 12-support; 13 propeller

Steering column: 1-handle; 2-arm lever; 3-rack; 4-bipod (see photo)

Steering scheme: 1-steering column; 2-Bowden cable, 3-braid attachment to the body (2 pcs.); 4-bearing (5 pcs.); 5-steering panel (2 pcs.); 6-double-arm lever-bracket (2 pcs.); 7-connecting rod steering panels (see photo)

Flexible fencing segment: 1 - walls; 2-lid with tongue

Hovercraft is a vehicle capable of moving both on water and on land. Such a vehicle is not at all difficult to do with your own hands.

This is a device where the functions of a car and a boat are combined. As a result, we got a hovercraft (HV), which has unique off-road characteristics, without loss of speed when moving through water due to the fact that the hull of the vessel does not move through the water, but above its surface. This made it possible to move through the water much faster, due to the fact that the friction force of the water masses does not provide any resistance.

Although the hovercraft has a number of advantages, its scope is not so widespread. The fact is that not on any surface this device can move without any problems. It needs soft sandy or soil soil, without the presence of stones and other obstacles. The presence of asphalt and other solid bases can cause damage to the bottom of the vessel, which creates an air cushion when moving. In this regard, "hovercraft" are used where you need to swim more and drive less. On the contrary, it is better to use the services of an amphibious vehicle with wheels. The ideal conditions for their use are impassable swampy places where, apart from a hovercraft (Hovercraft), no other vehicle can pass. Therefore, SVPs have not become so widespread, although rescuers of some countries, such as Canada, for example, use such transport. According to some reports, SVPs are in service with NATO countries.

How to purchase such a transport or how to make it yourself?

Hovercraft is an expensive type of transport, the average price of which reaches 700 thousand rubles. Transport type "scooter" is 10 times cheaper. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that factory-made vehicles are always of better quality compared to homemade ones. And the reliability of the vehicle is higher. In addition, factory models are accompanied by factory warranties, which cannot be said about designs assembled in garages.

Factory models have always been focused on a highly professional direction, connected either with fishing, or with hunting, or with special services. As for homemade SVPs, they are extremely rare and there are reasons for this.

These reasons include:

  • Pretty high cost, as well as expensive maintenance. The main elements of the apparatus wear out quickly, which requires their replacement. And each such repair will result in a pretty penny. Only a rich person will allow himself to buy such an apparatus, and even then he will think once again whether it is worth contacting him. The fact is that such workshops are as rare as the vehicle itself. Therefore, it is more profitable to purchase a jet ski or ATV to move on water.
  • The working product creates a lot of noise, so you can only move around with headphones.
  • When driving against the wind, the speed drops significantly and fuel consumption increases significantly. Therefore, homemade SVPs are more of a demonstration of their professional abilities. The vessel not only needs to be able to manage, but also be able to repair it, without significant costs.

Do-it-yourself SVP manufacturing process

Firstly, it is not so easy to assemble a good SVP at home. To do this, you need to have the ability, desire and professional skills. Technical education will not hurt either. If the latter condition is absent, then it is better to abandon the construction of the apparatus, otherwise you can crash on it at the first test.

All work begins with sketches, which are then transformed into working drawings. When creating sketches, it should be remembered that this apparatus should be as streamlined as possible so as not to create unnecessary resistance when moving. At this stage, one should take into account the factor that this is, in fact, an air vehicle, although it is very low to the surface of the earth. If all conditions are taken into account, then you can begin to develop drawings.

The figure shows a sketch of the SVP of the Canadian Rescue Service.

Technical data of the machine

As a rule, all hovercraft are capable of a decent speed that no boat can reach. This is if we take into account that the boat and the SVP have the same mass and engine power.

At the same time, the proposed model of a single-seat hovercraft is designed for a pilot weighing from 100 to 120 kilograms.

As for the control of the vehicle, it is quite specific and, in comparison with the control of a conventional motor boat, does not fit in any way. The specificity is associated not only with the presence of high speed, but also with the method of movement.

The main nuance is related to the fact that on turns, especially at high speeds, the ship skids heavily. To minimize this factor, it is necessary to lean to the side when cornering. But these are short-term difficulties. Over time, the control technique is mastered and miracles of maneuverability can be shown on the SVP.

What materials are needed?

Basically, you will need plywood, foam plastic and a special design kit from Universal Hovercraft, which includes everything you need to assemble the vehicle yourself. The kit includes insulation, screws, air cushion fabric, special adhesive and more. This set can be ordered on the official website by paying 500 bucks for it. The kit also includes several options for drawings for assembling the SVP apparatus.

Since the drawings are already available, the shape of the vessel should be tied to the finished drawing. But if there is a technical education, then, most likely, a ship will be built that does not look like any of the options.

The bottom of the ship is made of foam plastic, 5-7 cm thick. If you need an apparatus for transporting more than one passenger, then another such foam sheet is attached from below. After that, two holes are made in the bottom: one is for air flow, and the second is for providing air to the pillow. Holes are cut with an electric jigsaw.

At the next stage, the lower part of the vehicle is sealed from moisture. To do this, fiberglass is taken and glued to the foam using epoxy glue. In this case, irregularities and air bubbles may form on the surface. To get rid of them, the surface is covered with polyethylene, and on top also with a blanket. Then, another layer of film is placed on the blanket, after which it is fixed to the base with adhesive tape. It is better to blow air out of this “sandwich” using a vacuum cleaner. After 2 or 3 hours, the epoxy will harden and the bottom will be ready for further work.

The top of the hull can have an arbitrary shape, but take into account the laws of aerodynamics. After that, proceed to attach the pillow. The most important thing is that air enters it without loss.

The pipe for the motor should be used from styrofoam. The main thing here is to guess with the dimensions: if the pipe is too large, then you will not get the thrust that is necessary to lift the SVP. Then you should pay attention to mounting the motor. The holder for the motor is a kind of stool, consisting of 3 legs attached to the bottom. On top of this “stool” the engine is installed.

What engine is needed?

There are two options: the first option is to use the engine from the company "Universal Hovercraft" or use any suitable engine. It can be a chainsaw engine, the power of which is quite enough for a home-made device. If you want to get a more powerful device, then you should take a more powerful engine.

It is advisable to use factory-made blades (those in the kit), as they require careful balancing and it is quite difficult to do this at home. If this is not done, then the unbalanced blades will break the entire engine.

How reliable can an SVP be?

As practice shows, factory hovercraft (SVP) have to be repaired about once every six months. But these problems are minor and do not require serious costs. Basically, the pillow and the air supply system fail. In fact, the likelihood that a homemade device will fall apart during operation is very small if the “hovercraft” is assembled correctly and correctly. For this to happen, you need to run into some obstacle at high speed. Despite this, the air cushion is still able to protect the device from serious damage.

Rescuers working on similar devices in Canada repair them quickly and competently. As for the pillow, it can really be repaired in an ordinary garage.

Such a model will be reliable if:

  • The materials and parts used were of good quality.
  • The machine has a new engine.
  • All connections and fastenings are made reliably.
  • The manufacturer has all the necessary skills.

If the SVP is made as a toy for a child, then in this case it is desirable that the data of a good designer be present. Although this is not an indicator for putting children behind the wheel of this vehicle. It's not a car or a boat. Managing SVP is not as easy as it seems.

Given this factor, you need to immediately begin to manufacture a two-seater version in order to control the actions of the one who will drive.

The prototype of the presented amphibious vehicle was an air-cushion vehicle (AVP) called "Aerojeep", the publication of which was in the magazine. Like the previous machine, the new machine is single-engine, single-rotor with distributed air flow. This model is also a triple, with the location of the pilot and passengers in a T-shaped pattern: the pilot is in front in the middle, and the passengers are on the sides, behind. Although nothing prevents the fourth passenger from sitting behind the driver, the length of the seat and the power of the propeller installation are quite enough.

The new machine, in addition to improved technical characteristics, has a number of design features and even innovations that increase its reliability in operation and survivability - after all, an amphibian is a waterfowl. And I call it a “bird” because it moves through the air both above the water and above the ground.

Structurally, the new machine consists of four main parts: a fiberglass body, an air spring, a flexible fence (skirt) and a propeller unit.

Leading a story about a new car, you will inevitably have to repeat yourself - after all, the designs are in many ways similar.

Amphibious hull identical to the prototype both in size and design - fiberglass, double, three-dimensional, consists of inner and outer shells. It is also worth noting here that the holes in the inner shell in the new apparatus are now located not at the upper edge of the sides, but approximately in the middle between it and the bottom edge, which ensures faster and more stable creation of an air cushion. The holes themselves are no longer oblong, but round, with a diameter of 90 mm. There are about 40 of them and they are evenly spaced along the sides and in front.

Each shell was glued in its matrix (used from the previous design) from two or three layers of fiberglass (and the bottom - from four layers) on a polyester binder. Of course, these resins are inferior to vinyl-ester and epoxy resins in terms of adhesion, filtration level, shrinkage, and the release of harmful substances upon drying, but they have an undeniable price advantage - they are much cheaper, which is important. For those who intend to use such resins, let me remind you that the room where the work is carried out must have good ventilation and a temperature of at least + 22 ° C.

1 - segment (set of 60 pieces); 2 - balloon; 3 - mooring duck (3 pcs.); 4 - wind visor; 5 - handrail (2 pcs.); 6 – mesh protection of the propeller; 7 - outer part of the annular channel; 8 – rudder (2 pcs.); 9 – steering control lever; 10 - a hatch in the tunnel for access to the fuel tank and battery; 11 – pilot's seat; 12 – passenger sofa; 13 - engine casing; 14 - paddle (2 pcs.); 15 - silencer; 16 - filler (polystyrene); 17 - the inner part of the annular channel; 18 - lantern navigation light; 19 - propeller; 20 – propeller bushing; 21 - drive toothed belt; 22 - knot for fastening the cylinder to the body; 23 – attachment point of the segment to the body; 24 - engine on a motor mount; 25 - inner shell of the body; 26 - filler (polystyrene); 27 - outer shell of the body; 28 - dividing panel of the injected air flow

The matrices were made in advance according to the master model from the same glass mats on the same polyester resin, only the thickness of their walls was larger and amounted to 7-8 mm (for the casing shells - about 4 mm). Before baking the elements, all roughness and scratches were carefully removed from the working surface of the matrix, and it was covered three times with wax diluted in turpentine and polished. After that, a thin layer (up to 0.5 mm) of red gelcoat (colored varnish) was applied to the surface with a sprayer (or roller).

After it dried, the process of gluing the shell began using the following technology. First, using a roller, the wax surface of the matrix and one side of the stackomat (with smaller pores) are smeared with resin, and then the mat is placed on the matrix and rolled until the air is completely removed from under the layer (if necessary, a small slot can be made in the mat). The subsequent layers of glass mats are laid in the same way to the required thickness (3-4 mm), with the installation, where necessary, of embedded parts (metal and wood). Excessive flaps along the edges were cut off when gluing "wet".

a - outer shell;

b - inner shell;

1 - ski (tree);

2 - sub-slab (wood)

After separately manufacturing the outer and inner shells, they were joined, fastened with clamps and self-tapping screws, and then glued around the perimeter with strips of the same glass mat 40–50 mm wide, smeared with polyester resin, from which the shells were made. After attaching the shells to the edge with petal rivets, a vertical side strip of a 2-mm duralumin strip with a width of at least 35 mm was attached along the perimeter.

Additionally, with pieces of fiberglass impregnated with resin, carefully glue all corners and places where fasteners are screwed in. The outer shell is coated on top with a gel coat - a polyester resin with acrylic additives and wax that add shine and water resistance.

It should be noted that using the same technology (the outer and inner shells were made using it), smaller elements were also glued: the inner and outer shells of the diffuser, the rudders, the engine cover, the wind deflector, the tunnel and the driver's seat. A 12.5-liter gas tank (industrial from Italy) is inserted inside the case, into the console, before fastening the lower and upper parts of the cases.

inner shell shell with air outlets to create an air cushion; above the holes - a row of cable clips for hooking the ends of the scarf of the skirt segment; two wooden skis glued to the bottom

For those who are just starting to work with fiberglass, I recommend starting the manufacture of a boat with these small elements. The total mass of the fiberglass hull, together with skis and an aluminum alloy strip, diffuser and rudders, is from 80 to 95 kg.

The space between the shells serves as an air duct along the perimeter of the apparatus from the stern on both sides to the bow. The upper and lower parts of this space are filled with building foam, which provides an optimal cross-section of the air channels and additional buoyancy (and, accordingly, survivability) of the apparatus. Pieces of foam plastic were glued together with the same polyester binder, and strips of fiberglass, also impregnated with resin, were glued to the shells. Further, the air comes out of the air channels through evenly spaced holes with a diameter of 90 mm in the outer shell, "rests" against the skirt segments and creates an air cushion under the apparatus.

A pair of longitudinal skis made of wooden bars are glued to the bottom of the outer shell of the hull to protect against damage from the outside, and in the aft part of the cockpit (that is, from the inside) there is an under-engine wooden plate.

Balloon. The new hovercraft model has almost twice the displacement (350 - 370 kg) than the previous one. This was achieved by installing an inflatable balloon between the body and segments of the flexible fence (skirt). The balloon is glued out of PVC material Uіpurіap, manufactured in Finland with a density of 750 g/m 2 , according to the shape of the body in plan. The material has been tested on large industrial hovercraft such as Khius, Pegasus, Mars. To increase survivability, the cylinder can consist of several compartments (in this case, three, each with its own filling valve). The compartments, in turn, can be divided in half lengthwise by longitudinal partitions (but this version of their execution is still only in the project). With this design, a broken compartment (or even two) will allow you to continue moving along the route, and even more so to get to the coast for repairs. For economical cutting of the material, the cylinder is divided into four sections: bow, two stern. Each section, in turn, is glued together from two parts (halves) of the shell: the lower and upper ones - their patterns are mirrored. In this version of the cylinder, the compartments and sections do not match.

a - outer shell; b - inner shell;
1 - nasal section; 2 - side section (2 pcs.); 3 - aft section; 4 - partition (3 pcs.); 5 - valves (3 pcs.); 6 - lyktros; 7 - apron

On the top of the cylinder, “lyktros” is glued - a strip of double-folded Vinyplan 6545 “Arktik” material, with a braided nylon cord embedded along the fold, impregnated with “900I” glue. "Liktros" is applied to the side rail, and with the help of plastic bolts the cylinder is attached to an aluminum strip fixed on the body. The same strip (only without the enclosed cord) is glued to the balloon and from the bottom-front (“at half past eight”), the so-called “apron” - to which the upper parts of the segments (tongues) of the flexible fence are tied. Later, a rubber bumper was glued to the front of the cylinder.

Soft elastic guard
"Aerojeep" (skirt) consists of separate, but identical elements - segments, cut and sewn from dense lightweight fabric or film material. It is desirable that the fabric is water-repellent, does not harden in the cold and does not let air through.

Again, I used Vinyplan 4126 material, only with a lower density (240 g / m 2), but domestic percale-type fabric is quite suitable.

The segments are slightly smaller than on the "balloonless" model. The pattern of the segment is simple, and you can either sew it yourself, even manually, or weld it with high-frequency currents (FA).

The segments are tied with the tongue of the lid to the lippase of the balloon (two at one end, while the knots are inside under the skirt) around the entire perimeter of the Aeroamphibian. The two lower corners of the segment, with the help of nylon construction clamps, are freely suspended from a steel cable with a diameter of 2–2.5 mm, wrapping around the lower part of the inner shell of the housing. In total, up to 60 segments are placed in the skirt. A steel cable with a diameter of 2.5 mm is attached to the body by means of clips, which in turn are attracted to the inner shell with petal rivets.

1 - scarf (material "Viniplan 4126"); 2 - tongue (material "Viniplan 4126"); 3 - pad (fabric "Arctic")

Such fastening of the skirt segments does not significantly exceed the time required to replace a failed element of a flexible fence, compared to the previous design, when each was fastened separately. But as practice has shown, the skirt turns out to be efficient even if up to 10% of the segments fail and their frequent replacement is not required.

1 - outer shell of the body; 2 - inner shell of the body; 3 - overlay (fiberglass) 4 - bar (duralumin, strip 30x2); 5 - self-tapping screw; 6 - cylinder lyktros; 7 - plastic bolt; 8 - balloon; 9 - cylinder apron; 10 - segment; 11 - lacing; 12 - clip; 13-collar (plastic); 14-cable d2.5; 15-string rivet; 16-grommet

The propeller installation consists of an engine, a six-bladed propeller (fan) and a transmission.

Engine- RMZ-500 (similar to Rotax 503) from the Taiga snowmobile. Produced by Russian Mechanics OJSC under license from the Austrian company Rotax. The motor is two-stroke, with a petal inlet valve and forced air cooling. It has established itself as a reliable, powerful enough (about 50 hp) and not heavy (about 37 kg), and most importantly, a relatively inexpensive unit. Fuel - AI-92 gasoline mixed with oil for two-stroke engines (for example, domestic MGD-14M). Average fuel consumption - 9 - 10 l / h. The engine was mounted in the aft part of the apparatus, on a motor mount attached to the bottom of the hull (or rather, to a wooden engine plate). Motorama has become higher. This is done for the convenience of cleaning the aft part of the cockpit from snow and ice, which get there through the sides and accumulate there, and freeze when stopped.

1 - output shaft of the engine; 2 - leading toothed pulley (32 teeth); 3 - toothed belt; 4 - driven toothed pulley; 5 - nut M20 for mounting the axis; 6 - remote bushings (3 pcs.); 7 - bearing (2 pcs.); 8 - axis; 9 - screw bushing; 10 - rear strut support; 11 - front over-engine support; 12 - front strut support-bipedal (not shown in the drawing, see photo); 13 - outer cheek; 14 - inner cheek

Propeller - six-bladed, fixed pitch, 900 mm in diameter. (There was an attempt to install two five-bladed coaxial screws, but it was unsuccessful). The screw sleeve is duralumin, cast. The blades are fiberglass, coated with a gel coat. The axis of the screw hub was lengthened, although the old 6304 bearings remained on it. The axle was mounted on a rack above the engine and fixed here with two spacers: two-beam - in front and three-beam - at the back. In front of the propeller there is a mesh fence grille, and behind - air rudder feathers.

The transmission of torque (rotation) from the engine output shaft to the propeller hub is carried out through a toothed belt with a gear ratio of 1: 2.25 (the drive pulley has 32 teeth, and the driven pulley has 72).

The air flow from the screw is distributed by a partition in the annular channel into two unequal parts (approximately 1:3). A smaller part of it goes under the bottom of the hull to create an air cushion, and a large part goes to the formation of propulsion (traction) for movement. A few words about the features of driving an amphibian, specifically - about the beginning of the movement. When the engine is idling, the machine remains stationary. With an increase in the number of its revolutions, the amphibian first rises above the supporting surface, and then begins to move forward at revolutions from 3200 - 3500 per minute. At this moment, it is important, especially when starting from the ground, that the pilot first raise the rear of the apparatus: then the aft segments will not catch on anything, and the front ones will slide over bumps and obstacles.

1 - base (steel sheet s6, 2 pcs.); 2 - portal rack (steel sheet s4.2 pcs.); 3 - jumper (steel sheet s10, 2 pcs.)

The control of the "Aerojeep" (changing the direction of movement) is carried out by aerodynamic rudders, pivotally fixed behind the annular channel. The steering is deflected by means of a two-arm lever (motorcycle-type steering wheel) through an Italian Bowden cable going to one of the planes of the aerodynamic steering wheel. The other plane is connected to the first rigid link. On the left handle of the lever is fixed a carburetor throttle control lever or a “trigger” from the Taiga snowmobile.

1 - steering wheel; 2 - Bowden cable; 3 - knot for attaching the braid to the body (2 pcs.); 4 - Bowden braid of the cable; 5 - steering panel; 6 - lever; 7 - thrust (rocking chair is conditionally not shown); 8 - bearing (4 pcs.)

Braking is carried out by "throttle release". In this case, the air cushion disappears and the apparatus rests on the water with its body (or skis on snow or ground) and stops due to friction.

Electrical equipment and appliances. The device is equipped with a rechargeable battery, a tachometer with an hour meter, a voltmeter, an engine head temperature indicator, halogen headlights, a button and a check for turning off the ignition on the steering wheel, etc. The engine is started by an electric starter. Installation of any other devices is possible.

The amphibious boat was named "Rybak-360". It passed sea trials on the Volga: in 2010, at a rally of the Velkhod company in the village of Emmaus near Tver, in Nizhny Novgorod. At the request of the Moscow Sports Committee, he participated in demonstration performances at a celebration dedicated to the Navy Day in Moscow on the Rowing Canal.

Technical data "Aeroamphibian":

Overall dimensions, mm:
Engine power, hp……………………………………………….52
Weight, kg……………………………………………………………………….150
Load capacity, kg………………………………………………….370
Fuel reserve, l……………………………………………………………….12
Fuel consumption, l/h………………………………………………..9 - 10
Overcome obstacles:
rise, hail………………………………………………………………….20
wave, m………………………………………………………………………0.5
Cruise speed, km/h:
by water………………………………………………………………………….50
on the ground………………………………………………………………………54
on ice………………………………………………………………………….60

M. YAGUBOV Honorary Inventor of Moscow

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