War and the world Card debt. Money in Russian literature at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

War and the world Card debt. Money in Russian literature at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
War and the world Card debt. Money in Russian literature at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The one who is going to write about the fat, as if warned by the author himself and at the same time sent. How do you say about the "war and the world"? But the criticism has to do this, - she must convey the meaning of the literary work "in other words." Butthe meaning in the novel is born from the clutch of images, episodes, paintings, motifs, details. This is the "clutch maze", which, as Tolstoy says, is the essence of art; Criticity is "leading the reader" in this labyrinth, find a guide thread that would be led to the world of Roman, discovered this world to us. But before you need to enter it.

We reveal the "war and peace" and see the familiar text. Maybe bypassing the preliminary "general words", try directly through the text to enter the world of clutches of the novel Tolstoy? Maybe one or this page, one or another episode or rather and directly enter us into the book, in the internal connection of it, than preliminary general reasoning?

Here on the page revealed by us - one of the "peaceful", "family" pictures, so memorable everyone who knows the "War and Peace". Nikolai Rostov returns home after a major loss of Doolohov. He promised to pay ...

tomorrow, gave honestly and with horror it is aware of the inability to keep it.

Nicholas in his condition is strange to see the usual peaceful comfort: "They have the same. They do not know anything! Where should I go? " Natasha is going to sing, it is not clear and annoying him: what she can rejoice, bullet in the forehead, and not sing. As if not two hours, and the whole eternity has passed since Nikolai and Natasha and his own was together in the theater, before he went to Dolokhov. Then he was, as usual, in his atmosphere, among loved ones, now he separated from them that happened to him the trouble and through this trouble perceives the familiar situation. As at every step at Tolstoy, we are striking in this scene that the credibility of which the psychological state is transferred, familiar to any of us: when a strong experience, great joy or great misfortune, creates a distance between us and the surrounding things and makes them see in a new way .

But psychological loyalty is not an end in itself for the artist. Not for the sake of her one written these pages; Having hit us and caring our attention, she leads us together with Nikolai Rostov to open. Nikolai hears the voice of the sister, and suddenly something unexpected with him: "Suddenly the whole world focused on him in anticipation of the next note, the next phrase, and everything in the world has become divided into three pace ... Eh, life is our stupid! - I thought Nikolai. - All this, and misfortune, and money, and share, and malice, and honor - all this is nonsense ... But it is a real ... "

The requirements of honor are all for Rostov, they generally determine all his life, but at that moment, hearing Natasha, he is sharply feeling their convention, they seem to be acknowledged: Trying the TRADE, and something better in the soul of Rostov. "And this was something regardless of everything in the world and above all in the world. What are the loss here, and share, and honestly! .. All nonsense! You can coat, steal and still be happy ... "

Nikolai, just that the most unfortunate man is going through the minute of the most complete happiness. "For a long time, Rostov has not experienced such pleasure from music, like on this day." And this is despite the depressed state; And however, is it true that "despite"? Is it because the balance is lost, shakes the habitual system of attitudes towards life, his usual norm? Tolstoy in the "war and the world", as a rule, represents events and paintings in the perception of any of the characters, using his "subjective prism". So here: the singing of Natasha we "hear" together with Nikolai Rostov. And not because in such persuasion and strength it appears consideration and importance present - The power of music, charm of a young voice, in which "ignorance of their forces" and "not processed more velvet," - that these impressions are refracted in the shocked consciousness of Nicholas? For him in a catastrophic vision, in these moments we have visited it, the values \u200b\u200bof life stood in a different ratio than always. Nikolay has musicality and poetry, and these "Rostov" qualities are usually well combined in it, they get peacefully with the unconditional commitment to the "noble honor" and all the rules of conduct adopted in his social circle. He is tightly regulated, and his musicality does not undermine the fundamentals in it, on which his life stands. "Everything understands and feels gradually," it says about Nicolae in the initial sketches of the characteristics of the heroes under the heading "Poets [Českaya]".

But now he does not feel "little by little." The experience of music at this moment is not pleasant pleasure, but ecstasy in which delight and despair mixed. Rostov is music in that strength, which he knew and felt like a few, thicker himself.Music gives pleasure, but for it wants something from a person, demanding a life solution, developing energy in it over the usual.

My misfortune Nikolay is dissolved for perceptionthis music. Patriarchal harmony is broken in it,he is in the disaster with the usual Rostov, so that it is the meaning of life. The importance and obligation of caste regulations suddenly disappears in the stream of surgery and raised him over the desperate and happy: "Eh, our life is stupid!" What was always certainly felt relative and insignificant, but the present unconditional disappears from different differences.The present opens through the disorder, through the crisis.

Very much for Nicholas dramatic, this minute acute and bright joy: Against the background of the shock overgrown his shock, she came out of this shock, it would not be without him.

"All this is nonsense ... But it is a real ..." Memory puts alongside another episode, other books of the book - reflections to Pierre Dunzhov, when he is sent to the Borodino field with the intention of participating in the battle. Pierre is experiencing "a pleasant feeling of consciousness that all that makes the happiness of people, ease of life, wealth, even the lifetime, there is a nonsense, which is nice to lean in comparison with something ... with which Pierre could not give a report, and I didn't try to understand myself ... "

Are the accuracy of expressions in which Nikolai and Pierre understand their condition? The situations in which are those and the other seem to be incommensurable in importance: the household episode and the moment of decisive voltage of the forces of the entire people in Grozny 1812.

But this is not really no incommensuracy for thick. For him, items and episodes in the novel are not distributed according to the degree of significance, depending on whether they depict homemade life or historical event. In "War and the World", Tolstoy just built the story separated from the simple life of people, and the whole at all is an artificial hierarchy of historical and private life as the phenomena of the highest and lower rank. At a fat, refuting the habit of regarding the ranks, grafting by people by official society, are fundamentally commensurate and equivalent in their significance of the scene family and historical, and the division itself is still very external, although it suggests itself.

"Life meanwhile, the real life of people with their essential interests of health, illness, labor, rest, with their interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passions went, as always, independently and outside political proximity or Enjoyment with Napoleon Bonaparte, and beyond all possible transformations. "

There is, in a thick, one-life of people, its simple and general content, a native situation, which can reveal as deeply in the events of the household and family, as in an event called historical.The episodes of "War and Peace" are related to each other, first of all, the unity of action in which the same heroes participate as in the usual novel; These links are secondary in nature and are determined by another, more hidden, internal communication.From the point of view of the poetics of the novel, the action in the "war and the world" is very unlimited and unsolved. It diverges into different directions, develops by parallel lines; The connection is the internal, which is the "basis of clutch", is the situation, the main situation The human life, which reveals Tolstoy in a wide variety of its manifestations and events.

This deep situation appears in the state of Nicholas when he in shock hears the voice of the sister, and in a state of Pierre on the eve of Borodin. Therefore, the similarity of the expressions themselves in their inner speech is not at all a random coincidence.

Pierre From the very beginning of the war of 1812, full of premonition of the impending formidable and together saving catastrophe. He looks forward to her signs and with all the powers of the soul calls on this terrible thunderstorm cloud, which must "mature, to break out and bring it out of that enchanted, insignificant world of Moscow habits in which he felt prisoners, and bring him to the great feat and great happiness " Pierre, the worst life of the "retired, good-naturedly living his own age in Moscow of the Chamber", involved in it at the time of spiritual impasse of the "force of the situation, society, breed," - Pierre catastrophe As changes in all this life, in which he came to hopeless loss. The impending terrible event must be destroyed by the vital node in which his personal existence is entangled. Horror and waiting for happiness are connected to Pierre in the premonition of liberation: it should not come, but break out.

Freedom connected to a catastrophe, a great crisis, is such a situation of "war and the world". And in order to express this situation, the Tolstoy began to be needed 1812.But not a purely historical interest led the writer to half a century ago an event: Tolstoy needed to understand and express their modernity, its highest degree of catastrophic and crisis era, which was opened The 60s, when the novel was written.

The writer in his work talks about Nicolae Rostov. The hero is in confusion, as it has just lost to the cards a large amount of money. Talking about the loss family Nikolai was ashamed. Arriving home, he entered the hall, and it covered the "poetic atmosphere". The hero heard the magnificent singing of his sister, and the whole world for Rostov focused on waiting for the next note. He encouraged, and the incident that happened to him ceased to be tragic for him.

L.N. Tolstoy argues that music is able to influence the best in man. Natasha Rostov saved his brother Nicholas from the despair. And harmonious music was able to distract the hero from all the adversity experienced by him.

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Music has a huge emotional impact on man. Sometimes she turns our consciousness, stops time and gives us the opportunity to think about happiness, love, harmony and the meaning of your existence.

There are many works in the literature, where the problem of the influence of music on the mental state of man is set.

Recall the story A.I.Kuprina "Pomegranate bracelet". Listening to Sonata Beethoven, the main heroine of Princess Vera Shein experienced a real spiritual cleansing after his hard life experienced by her. The wonderful sounds of the piano helped her to find the inner harmony, calm down, put up with the inevitable and find the strength to live on.

The main hero of the story of V. Korolenko "The Blind Musician" Petrus was born blind. He could not get used to his life for a long time. But thanks to the music, the hero was able to accept his blindness. And now I have already started to influence people, telling them with the help of sounds, the main thing is that it is so difficult to understand himself. Music helped the hero not fall in spirit, survive and become a truly talented pianist.

In the story of the K.G.Pautsky "Old cook" is talking about Johanne Meyer. He feels the approach of death, but does not want to confess before the priest. Therefore, his daughter calls the first man celebrated on the street, so that his father could tell about his sins at least him. One young man agreed to listen to the old man who told him about his wife. For her, he made his only sin. When she was sick, stole a small golden dish at the owners, broke him and sold on pieces to help out money for medicines for his dear person. And now he really wants to see their first meeting before death. The young man then sat down for the harpsichine and began to play. He helped his music to the old chef again remember that sunny winter day in the mountains when the hero met his favorite March. With tears in her eyes, Johann Mayer thanked the young man for his lucky happiness for him, for the fact that he was able to see his wife again and feel the young. The stranger, who played for the old chef, was the great composer - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Thus, the music is always beneficial effect on a person, as she changes his perception of life, helps to feel happy and awakens the best moral qualities in it.

Updated: 2017-12-12

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Approximately the same scenario, as with Pierre, Drokhov's friendship is developing with Nikolai Rostov. The initial idealization and "not spilling water" replaced envy and intended to destroy his life.

(in the photo - Jay Jay Field (?) In the role of Dolokhova)

So far, she is searched at the Mother, his connection with Rostov is stronger. AND Shard appears to him completely different. "Hereby", as Rostov erroneously thinks.

"Shelok himself often, during his recovery, spoke Rostov such words that could not be expected from him.

"I consider me an evil person, I know," he used to say, "and let. I do not want to know anyone, except for those who love; But who I love, I love so that life I will give, and we will transfer everyone else, if I will become on the road. I have a tendable, an unworthy mother, two or three friends, you including, and on the rest I pay attention only as much as they are useful or harmful. And everything is almost harmful, especially women. "

So, Nikolay is suggested that he is "special", "one of very few." Often, Narcissus in the phase of idealization opposes us "hystericals and mercantile bitches, which are now 95%." And how else can he relate to "bitches"? Like the share - "to pay attention to how good they are or harmful.". That is, to use.

"Yes, my soul," he continued, "I met the men who were loving, noble, elevated ..."

(Issue Dolokhova, I really want to ask: who are these men? Families can be called?)

"... But women, except for sales creatures - a shoot or cook, still, - I have not met yet. I have not met that heavenly purity, loyalty, which I am looking for in a woman. If I found such a woman, I would give life for her. And these! .. - He made a contemptuous gesture. - And whether you believe me, if I still rush with life, then rushing just because i hope to still meet such a heavenly creature that would revive, cleared and raised me».

This period of Nikolai and Dolokhov can be called seduction. At this stage, Rasokhov unconsciously idealizes Rostov, gradually envy him as a person with a completely different device, a man is happy. And this envy increases when Nikolay introduces Dolokhov to his home. He sees joyful, friendly people, warmly relating to each other, natural in the expression of their feelings. From the observation visit of the psychopath, the special relations of Nicholas and Sony, who are also becoming the subject of His envy. He unconsciously seeks to "become Nikolai" - in order to love Sonya and become loved by her. But he is not Nicholas ...

"Shelokhov, who did not like the Ladies Society, began to be in the house, and the question of who he drives, soon (although no one told about it) was resolved so that he drove for Sony. And Sonya, although I would never have time to say this, I knew it and every time Kumach, I blinked when Dolokhova appears. She often dined with growth, never missed the performance, where they were, and visited Yogel's Bals, where Rostov had always been.

He provided preferential attention to Sona and looked at her with such eyes, that not only she could not withstand this look without paint, but also the old Countess and Natasha Krasnel, noticing this look. "

(What kind of look, everyone who idealizes Narcissis knows)

"It was seen that this strong, strange man was under the irresistible influence made on him with this black, graceful, loving the other girl."

And all the proposal makes Sona. Note: narcissus love to seduce women of their friends.The script "I was loved, and I became my wife." Logic is this: an idealized friend, who envies Narcissus, chooses Sahaamy Best. So his woman becomes the object of idealization and envy Narcissus. In parallel, there is a drastic or even conscious desire to destroy someone else's marriage, an alliance that cause envy of Narcissa.

But Sonya refuses Dolohov. Moreover, it refuses, unwittingly falling into the most vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bNarcissa. She says she loves the other. Other! So someone is better, smarter, more beautiful than this fucking dolokhov. And who is this "better", all learned by all difficult.

In the seizure of a narcissistic shame he ceases to ride to Rostov. During these days, his hatred of Nikolai flares up, and he decides him to take revenge. For what? Why? It is unlikely that they will answer it even Sociopath himself. By and large, "You are to blame only what I want to eat."

"Two days after this, Rostov did not see Dolokhov from his own and did not find him at home; On the third day he received a note from him. "Since I have no more intention in the house, I don't intend to go to the army for you, now I give me a farewell feast in the evening - come to an English hotel."

Of course, Rostov does not expect a trick from a person who considers the friend. Even the fact that Solokhov secretly brought the bridges with his girlfriend, for some reason she does not confuse him. Apparently, he rationalizes the behavior of Dolokhov, arguing something like this: "What is it? This is personal, and he does not owe me to report on my feelings. Why is he watched to my girlfriend, not talking to me? And here, too, everything is simple! Of course, he does not know that this is my girl, I did not speak anything about Sonya. Otherwise he would not do that. This is all just a misunderstanding, we will laugh at the Burgundy Bottle today! "

While Nikolai reflects about such a spirit, she is waiting for him to be completely consciously ruined. He even appoints a symbolic amount to which the game will bring 43 thousand. 26 (Age Dolokhova) +17 (Sony's age).

"The Light Cold Look of Dologov met Rostov still at the door, as if he had long been waiting for him. Due to the smile of his Rostov, he saw in him the mood of the Spirit, which he had during lunch in the club and in general at that time, when, as if bidding his daily life, she felt the need for some strange, the biggest part of the cruel, act from her".

Excellent accurate observation! Nikolay Intuitively understands that for Dolokhov, who is bored with a boredom, came the moment of "adrenaline". Only he still does not recognize who is sacrificed.

«— So you are not afraid to play with me? - repeated SOLOHOV, and, as if in order to tell a cheerful story, he put the cards, tipped over the back of the chair and slowly with a smile began to tell: - Yes, gentlemen, I was told me that in Moscow, hearing is dissolved, as if I am a shoeler, so I advise you to be careful with me».

Psychopath almost open text warns of danger, But how many, without putting the cones, listen to such applications? On the contrary, such words spur us. How, how can you be afraid to play with a friend? After all, this is Friug! I will not be offended! And if I refuse, what will he think? What do I trust not him, and vile rumors? No, no, my refusal I will inflict him a great insult. And he will put themselves with a coward.

Only in the process of the game to Rostov, the monstrous washed off the act of "friend" begins to reach. In his head, he has porridge, he, just like Pierre before calling a duel, asks for himself questions: what? What did I do to him but good?

"And why does he do it with me? .." I thought and remembered Rostov. "After all, he knows," he said himself, "what this loss means for me." Can he not want my death? After all, he was a friend. After all, I loved him... but he is not guilty; What to do when he is lucky? "

(Again an attempt to rationalization)

"And I'm not guilty," he said himself. - I did nothing bad. Did I kill anyone, insulted, wished evil? What is the terrible misfortune? "

Nikolay, without seeing the logic in the behavior of Dolokhov, it is easy to understand for which sins of karma, the universe, Providence gives him this cruel "lesson." The randral, gentlemen, is simple: because. Because you encountered a psychopath.

"- Listen, Rostov," said Solokhov, smiling and looking into the eyes of Nikolai, "you know the saying." "Happy love, unhappy in the maps." Your cousin is in love with you. I know.

"ABOUT! It's terrible - feel so in the power of this person, "Rostov thought. Rostov understood what strike he would strike, the mother by the announcement of this loss; He understood what happiness would get rid of all this, and understood that she knew that he could save him from this shame and grief, and now he wants to play with him like a cat with a mouse.

- Your cousin ... - I wanted to say share; But Nikolai interrupted him. - My cousin has nothing to do with it, and there is nothing to talk about it! He shouted with rabies. "

Share and his mother

As we remember, after a duel with Pierre Nicholas Rostov, Rutov is lucky to Moscow. He first sees a friend "with an enthusiastic-delicate expression":

"Rostov struck perfectly changed and unexpectedly enthusiastic expression of the face of Dologov.
- Well? How do you feel? - asked Rostov.
- Splly! But not the point. My friend, "said Sharchov by a discontinuous voice," I didn't kill her, killed ... She will not take it. She will not happen ...
- Who? - asked Rostov.
- My mother. My mother, my angel, my adorable angel, mother.
And Shelahov began to cry, squeezing Rostov's hand. When he calmed down somewhat, he explained Rostov, which lives with his mother, that if the mother sees him dying, she will not take it. He begged Rostov to go to her and prepare her. Rostov went ahead to fulfill the order and, to the great surprise to his own way, learned that she, this Buyan, Breter-share, lived in Moscow with the old woman and a humpbed sister and was the most gentle son and brother. "

"Nicholas Rostov was sincerely surprised when he saw, from what real warmth, she belongs to the old woman and his sister", - writes a schoolboy in writing.

That's why the puzzle is not folded! Yes, she is cruel, deposited, but how to put his trembling tenderness to the mother and sister in this picture? .. But everything is simple: loving mother and sister is not the same thing to say that you love your mother and sister.

And here it is time to debunk the myth of Love Dologov to Mother, and even more so - to the sister. Suffice it to say that the sister generally exists in the form of a shadow, she has no name in the novel. Most likely, this is a scored opposite creature, the "failed" child (not enough that the girl, and even a hunchback), which is in complete slavery from a narcissistic mother. And the light in Fedenka's window seems to be tremended as a kummy family and brought up in the atmosphere of di-grasis, all kinds and complete indulgence of any pleasures and whims.

So, sister is a shadow. But Mother pops up only when the wounded share is forced to lie down from her. During the rest of the time, the fate of these "adored" women takes little share. There are simply no of them in his life.

Probably, you wonder which mother could grow such a son. Tolstoy puts in the mouth of Marya Ivanovna Doolova just one monologue, but it is very informative:

"- Yes, Count, he is too noble and pure soul- She used to say Rostov - for our current, depraved light. Nobody loves virtue, she all his eyes rolling. Well, tell me, the graph is rightful, honestly this is from the side of the bang? And Fedya loved him for his nobility, and now he never speaks anything wrong about him. In St. Petersburg, these pants with a quarterly, there something was joking, because they did together? Well, without anything, and Fedya moved everything on his shoulders!

After all, that he suffered! Put, returned, but how and not to return? I think, such as he, the bravers and the sons of the Fatherland there were not much there. Well, now - this duel. Are there any feelings, the honor of these people! Knowing that he is the only son, call a duel and shoot so straight! It's good that God pardon us.

And for what? Well, who in our time does not have intrigue? Well, if he is so jealous, "I understand," after all, he could have been able to feel, and then the year continued. And what, he called on a duel, believing that Fedya would not fight, because he should. What lowness! That's disgusting! I know you Fedy understood, my cute graph, because I love you soul, believe me. His rare understand. This is such a high, heavenly soul ..

Well, just charm what. Whether the apoophyte of the ripzlic of his own son, whether the curve is the perenetic logic of Narcissyi. How virtue and high soul of her Fedya - and how the Count of Lyuhov, who had the arrogance, not to understand Shahov, with his wife, is unsuccessful! Achotakova, "And who has no intrigue now."

And how this can come into mind to a normal person: "And what, he called on a duel, believing that Fedya would not fight, because he should. What lowness! That's disgusting!"?

I see that the brains are very curves at the old woman. Here it is, a narcissistic mother in three or five bright strokes.

(In the following posts, I will talk about the prototypes of Dologov. Among the contemporaries, inspired by Tolstoy, allocate three such people).

Literary characters, as well as real people, constantly use money. However, their financial situation is most often determined by no money, but according to any other signs, because if the time of the actions of the literary work does not coincide with the modernity, then it is very difficult to understand the real price of money. And it is completely easy to get confused about it, if we are talking about the classical literature of the XIX century.

Relying on the recent publication in, we convert the ruble that the heroes of famous works enjoyed, in its modern cost.

A peculiar achievement in the symbolic nomination "Despite the Money" belongs Nastasya Filippovnain the novel FM Dostoevsky "Idiot" I threw a pack of money into the fire, when Roghin wanted to buy her love on them. It is noteworthy that earlier this heroine of the novel was quite bought, but here suddenly decided to end with his sales and ... I went with him just like that, and the money proudly betrayed fire! A lot of deep sense is written about the deep sense of this episode - they say, the depraved society led the girl to fall, and the Positive hero Prince Myshkin helped her spiritually revive, and the money burning in fire is a symbol of her cleansing. Only here about the amount abandoned in the fireplace, literary critches are somehow not very much spread. It's a pity! 100 thousand rubles of 1868 - this is 8 billion 2015! And in order to know - in 2015, the regions of Russia, together, was taken to the modernization of vocational education from the federal budget, a little more than one billion was allocated. Money, rejected by Nastasya Filippovna, today would be very useful to Russian trade formation!

By the way, approximately in 1830, Pushkin Hermann from the "peak lady" I went crazy and from a smaller amount. His win 396 thousand rubles. Equivalent to modern 2.5 billion rubles. And - Once again, by the way, Hermann and to his card adventures were not so poor, as we used to consider from the words of Pushkin, because his first rate was 47 thousand (300 million rubles. on modern money).

However, let us return to Dostoevsky, who seemed to be inclined to increase the role of money in our lives. Another his character Rodion Raskolnikov, in 1865 killed an elderly interest officer for the sake of "some" three hundred seventeen rubles! In the novel, "Crime and Punishment" emphasizes several times, how an insignificant amount went to the "Clever" that he went to murder not for the sake of money, but "just so" to check whether he could kill a person. Criminals with such motivation today are called frozen. However, if you recalculate 317 rubles. at the rate of 2015, then it turns out 320 thousand - most modern scumbags this has not dreamed.

Remember how much in 1806, Nikolai Rostov Lost in the maps of Dolohov? Asking for money from his father, he struggled to make the appearance that the amount of the shroud - "just" 43 thousand. The father of his request simply turned off, and we are with him, because today it is whole 70 million!

Khlestakov from Gogol "Auditor" in 1831 only from the city received 400 rubles. (400 thousand at the rate of 2015)And just gained money offends by more than a thousand - over a million, if we translate into the current cost of the ruble. Compared with modern officials, chanting on bribes, it may, and a trifle. But Khlestakov, he got such a thing in passing, besides, he not only was not an official, he did not fully understand, for whom it was precisely accepted! (Raguccin he writes that he was accepted for the Governor-General, although in reality he was taken for the auditor.)

In all previous examples, the image of money does not carry a positive: gambling, madness, selling love, bribes, and three dead old women (double murder made a splitter, another death on the conscience of Hermann). However, there is in Russian literature and such episodes where money is not associated with evil.

So, hare Toulip from Tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter", according to Savelich, in 1773 It was possible to sell for 15 rublesthat today would be 140 thousand rubles. Print Savelich Simple Tulup rated as a good mink fur coat! And Petya Grinev just took and presented him to a stranger. It is not surprising that the stranger, which turned out to be a famous Razvyol Emelyan Pugachev, afterwards repeatedly cut off the young officer who showed such generosity.

Well, and hardly any of the craftsman masters would refuse the modern equivalent of those hundred rubles that he received in 1826. Tula Spit, who worked by flea. Today is 800 thousand.

I saw on one of the video hosting cartoon roller from the rotation of the Propoker TV channel plot of which is the game of poker two classic writers - Pushkin and Dostoevsky.
And this video made me think - and how was it really? Were these writers in reality players, or became famous as such thanks to images from their works? And how much was the game in the creative environment?

Under the cut facts about famous writers and their attitude to the game.

It's believed that Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky During the period of writing his sign-on Roman "Player", he lived in Wiesbaden, where the largest casino at that time in all Germany was. Regular visits to this casino gave birth to an exciting feeling of excitement in the writer, which, in turn, was a powerful impetus for inspiration of the writer. Going on this weakness, Dostoevsky descended all the money before a penny. At that moment, when the writer's business went very badly, the work on the novel stalled, and the card debts became a formidable reality, the twenty-year-old Anna Diekkin came to help the writer, despite the difficulties of character and strange whims who loved the writer. To maintain the inspired configuration of the player, she gradually demolished all his things to the pawnshop. They say when Dostoevsky found out about it, he threw to play. According to other testimonies, he himself has led money from his wife, leaving her hunger. However, some of his debts were paid only due to creative fees. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky belong to the words: "If Russian writers were not playing cards, then there would be no Russian literature". But there is another opinion that completely disprovers all of the above. Roman "Player", as you know, tells about passion to roulette. Moreover, its initial name is "Rulenburg". And it is the roulette, and not the card, it was his passion. Anna Dostoevskaya in his memoirs says: "By the way about the maps: in a society (mostly literary), where Fyodor Mikhailovich rotated, there was no wonders to play cards. For our 14-year-old life, the husband just played the preference in my relatives, and despite the fact that I did not take in the hands of cards for more than 10 years, played excellent, and even beat partners a few rubles, which was very confused. " And the statement of Dr. S. Yanovsky, who knows the writer since 1846, not only said in the light of the said, who has not only did not play, but did not have the idea of \u200b\u200bany game and hated the game. " Moreover, there was such a nameless statement: "Dostoevsky in one of the letters once admitted - more than once he was experiencing an orgasm during the cards, especially at the moments of a major loss ...". We do not want to consider it at all.

Once, a report of one of the gendarmes will be paid to Benkendorf's table. Pushkin, famous for its free glances. In his report, some P.A.Fremov writes: "In the police list of Moscow cartridge players for 1929, 93 rooms are set:" 1. Count Fyodor Tolstoy is a thin player and plans. 22. Nachichokin, retired guard officer. Maker and Buyan. All-known on business, it has been produced. 36 Pushkin, famous in Moscow. "In the words of Friend Pushkin, Al.N. Kulfa, Pushkin said: "The passion for the game is the strongest of passions." Alexander Pushkin once said to another friend: "I would prefer to die than not to play." Prince Pavel Petrovich Vyazemsky, the son of the famous poet and a passionate player, noticed somehow:"Pushkin to the death of his own was a child in the game and in the last days of life losing even with such people who, besides him, beat everything". In the spring of 1820, Pushkin "Semi-Fodded, Semi-player" Nikita Vsevolozhsky, a handwritten collection of his poems. Following verses (in the game with the Greater Popolsky, the second chapter "Onegin", and for her, and the fifth.He lost huge amounts. With a declaration of 700 rubles, he could lose several thousand overnight. After death, he left 60 thousand rubles debt, not less than half of which was a card debt. This debt paid out of its own funds Emperor Nicholas I ...

Passion for card games was a family passion Nekrasovy. Grandfather Nikolai Nekrasova, Sergey Nekrasov, lost almost all the state in the card. Nikolai Nekrasov later jokes that fate returned grandchildly three times more than the grandfather lost. "People's Singer" I did not refuse to myself - sweetly ate, played, enjoyed all the benefits that allowed him the funds received sometimes not the decent paths, because of which friends were often forced to turn away from the writer. During the game, he never lost self-control, it was not important for him, but the ability to feel the winner, break the "blind fortune". Played Nekrasov brilliantly. He also owns a special system, thanks to which the writer won a lot, which allowed him to fully ensure all his needs. This is a truly unique case. When and as Nekrasov won for the first time - it is unknown, as what he put on the con - he had nothing. Subsequently, Nekrasov rose so much that he was invited to the prestigious English club, and did not play with nameless dubious vagamies, but with representatives of the highest society of their time. And even when the fees allowed him to not have additional sources of income, Nekrasov continued to play, and she saved his brainchild more than once - the magazine"Contemporary" from bankruptcy and death.

Mark Twain played poker and wrote about him. His collection of stories "Life on Mississippi" is, a kind of writer's travel log. Then, in the 19th century, when Poker was prohibited due to the prosperity of the chairs, the game remained relevant thanks to the so-called "river casino". In one of the stories from this cycle, "Professor's story", Twain talks about Shulers trying to deceive the prostacle-peasant, but in the end, they themselves remain with anything. Once Mark Twain went to the company of friends to a yacht cruise in the Caribbean. One of his buddies, the Congressman Reed won 23 times in a row. And then, if the captain declared about the approach to the next port, he was answered: "Let's float further, and do not bother to play!". Mark Twain lived a very long, complicated and rich life. But before death in 1910 saved a cheerful attitude and interest in poker.

Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky It was listed in the service in the Meeting Office, but led a secular life, waking up inheritance in the card. Lydia Ginzburg writes about it:"Consciously alien to official, bureaucratic circles, the young Vyazemsky leads a scattered life, gambling playing cards, but in the same period there are strong literary ties for a long time, which for a long time, determined his creative way"

From a number of outgoing, it seems in today's context, the characteristic of Agap Ivanovich, a serf peasant of the Pskov province, released by Barin "on the lifts" served by the poet Kondrati Fedorovich Ryleev: "For work, he saws usably water through sugar with lemon. The mug was the simplest thing. Wine generally used reluctantly. The cards played a little, I did not see it to played (...). "

Loved to play I. Athanasius Fet., constantly located in a distinguished material situation. They say that one day during the game, when he leaned up to raise the fallen ten-legged bill, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy to point to the lowestness of such a act, settled from the candle the storubluble bill and he studied him.

Friend Vladimir Mayakovsky, Nikolay Aseev, recalled: "With Mayakovsky was scary to play cards." Mayakovsky played aggressively, each loss perceived as a personal drama, and immediately was extremely prone to accusations of chairs to the address of the partners in the Liver Table. Often began a fight, unsatisfied with the outcome of the party.

Probably, as in the case of Dostoevsky, the creative person always nourishes its inspiration and talentin Azart, whatever he manifest itself.