Military Medic told his version of the death of the Dyatlov group. The death of the Dyatlov group: our version

Military Medic told his version of the death of the Dyatlov group. The death of the Dyatlov group: our version
Military Medic told his version of the death of the Dyatlov group. The death of the Dyatlov group: our version

Composition of the group

Initially, the group included ten people:

Yuri Yudin dropped out of the group due to a disease that caused a strong pain in his leg before entering the active part of the route, so that the only one of the whole group was survivors. He first identified the personal belongings of the dead, he identified Slobodina and Dyatlov's corpses. In the future, he did not actively participate in the investigation of the tragedy. In the 1990s, he was Deputy Head of Solikamsk in economics and forecasting, chairman of the city tourist club "Polyus". He died on April 27, 2013 and, according to his last will, was buried on May 4 in Yekaterinburg in the Mikhailovsky cemetery together with the seven other participants in the campaign.


There is an opinion that the last hike of the group was timed to the XXI Congress Congress (the materials of the criminal case do not confirm this). For 16 or 18 days, the participants of the campaign were to overcome skiing at least 300 km along the north of the Sverdlovsk region and commit to the climb on the two vertices of the Northern Urals: Tver and Okay-Chakur. The campaign was the 3rd (highest) category of difficulties on the classification of sports turbo, which used in the late fifties.

Movement on transport

Ski hike

Waiting for the group's return

Search group


Search works began with the refinement of the route for which the Dyatlov group went. It turned out that the route book of Dyatlov in the sports club did not pass, and no one knows exactly what route tourists choose. Thanks to Rimma Kolyatova, the sister of the missing Alexander Kolhatov, the route was restored and transferred to rescuers on February 19. On the same day, the use was agreed for the search for the missing group of aviation, and on the morning of February 20 in Ivdel, the chairman of the sports club UPI Lev Proudly with an experienced tourist, a member of the Tresecration Bureau of the UPI, Yuri Globlinov. The next day, they conducted the airflow of the search area.

On February 22, 3 groups of search engines from students and UPI employees who had tourist and climbing experience were formed by a tourism project of the UPI, - Boris Slobtsov, Moses, Axelrod and Oleg Grebennik, who were transferred to Ivdel the next day. Another group, under the leadership of Vladislav Karelina, decided to transfer to the area of \u200b\u200bsearches directly from the campaign. In place to search for the search, the military - the group of Captain A. A. Chernysheva and a group of operational workers with spot dogs under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Moiseeva, cadets of SERZHANTS SERZERATS SEZURALLAGE under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Potapov and a group of saperes with minion currency under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Shestopalov. Local residents also joined the search engines - representatives of the Mansi Curcian family (Stepan and Nikolai) and Anyamova from the village of Suevatpaul ("Mansi Suevat"), hunters of the Bakhtiyarov brothers, hunters from the Komi ASSR, Radies with radio missions (Egor Nolovin from the geological exploration party, b . Yaburov). The leader of the searches at this stage was appointed Master of Sports of the USSR Tourism of Evgeny Polikarpovich Maslennikov (Secretary of Partcom Viza, was the "released" route commission under the Dyatlov group) - he was responsible for the operational management of the search detachments in place. Head of the headquarters became the head of the military department of the UPI, Colonel Georgy Semenovich Orthukov, in whose functions were the coordination of the actions of civil and military search detachments, aviation flight control in the search area, interaction with regional and local authorities, the management of the UPI.

The most promising for the search was determined by the area from the mountain to Okay-Chaura (in a straight line between them 70 km) as the most remote, complex and potentially more dangerous for tourists. Search groups decided to land in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain ruined (Northern Slobts and Axelroda groups), in the Oka-Chaura region (South Grebennik Group) and in two intermediate points between these mountains. In one of the points, on the watershed in the upper reaches of the Vishera and Purma rivers (about halfway from the seed to Okay-chakura), the Chernyshev group landed. The Karelina group decided to send Savlechahl Mountain to the area - to the origins of the Niols River, the south of the South River, between the Chernyshev and Grebennik groups. All search detachments were the task of finding traces of the missing group - ski traces and tracks of the parking lots, - to come out to the place of the accident and assist the Dyatlov group. The first was abandoned by the Slobtsov Group (February 23), then Grebennik (February 24), Axelrod (February 25), Chernysheva (February 25-26). Another group, as part of which was Mansi and a radist geologist Yegor Neolic, began to move from the low-voltage Auspians to her upper reaches.

The place of the night is located on the northeast slope of the height of 1079 in the origins of the Auspoly River. The place of the night is located 300 meters from the top of the mountain 1079 under the slope of the mountain of 30 °. The place of the night is a platform leveling from snow, at the bottom of which 8 pairs of skis are laid. The tent stretched on the ski sticks is fixed by ropes, on the bottom of the tent there are 9 backpacks with different personal belongings of the group participants, are postponed from top of the tag ray, the storms, in the heads of 9 pairs of shoes, also male pants, also felt three pairs were found, and warm fur jackets were also discovered. Socks, cap, ski hats, dishes, vendors, stove, ax, saws, blankets, products: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, route plan and many other small things and documents and camera and accessories Camera.

This protocol was compiled after the tent was excavated from snow, and things are partially disassembled. A more accurate representation of the status of the tent at the time of detection can be obtained from the interrogation protocols of the Sockets search group members.

Subsequently, with the participation of experienced tourists, it was established that the tent was delivered for all tourist and climbing rules.

In the evening of the same day, a group of Huncari-Mansi, moving on deer upstream of AUSPII, together with a radio lane, was joined by Auspia's Radine, who passed into the headquarters Radiogram about the find of the tent. From this point on, all groups that were involved in rescue work began to be filled into the search area. In addition, the search engines were joined by the prosecutor of the Ivedel district of Vasily Ivanovich Tempalov and the young correspondent of the Sverdlovsk newspaper "On shift!" Yuri Yarova.

The next day, on 26 or 27 February, the search engines from the Slobts group, whose task was the choice of the place for the camp, found the bodies of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko (the latter first was mistakenly identified as Zolotarov). The location of the detection was on the right side of the fourth tributary bed, approximately 1.5 km north-east of the tent, under a large cedar near the edge of the forest. The bodies lay next to each other near the remains of a small fire, which went into the snow. Rescuers struck the fact that both bodies were spread to underwear. Doroshenko lay on his stomach. Under his body, they found 3-4 bitch of cedar of one thickness. Crivonischenko lying on his back. Close things and scraps of clothing were scattered around the bodies, part of the burnt. At the cedar itself, at an altitude of 4-5 meters, the branches were broken, some of them lay around the tel. According to the observations of the search engine S. N. Sogrina, in the area of \u200b\u200bKedra, "there were not two people, but more, since the titanic work was done on the harvesting of firewood, fabric. This is evidenced by a large number of shelves on the trunks of trees, broken branches and Christmas trees. "

Almost simultaneously with this 300 meters from Cedar up the slope in the direction of the tent Hunters-Mansi was found by Igor Dyatlov. He was slightly listed in the snow, headed on his back, head towards the tent, having arrived with his hand the trunk of the birch. On Dyatlov there were ski pants, pants, sweater, cube, fur sleeveless. On the right leg of a woolen sock, on the left - cotton. On the face of Dyatlova was an icy thymus, which meant that he was breathing in the snow before his death.

In the evening of the same day, about 330 meters above the slope from Dyatlov, under the layer of dense snow at 10 cm, with the help of a spot dog, the body of Zinaida Kolmogorova was discovered. She was warmly dressed, but without shoes. On the face there were signs of bleeding from the nose.


A few days, March 5, 180 meters from the detection of Dyatlov's body and 150 meters from the location of the Kolmogorova body, under the layer of snow 15-20 cm, the corpse of the Slobodin can be found with iron probes. He was also quite warmly dressed, on his legs there were 4 pairs of socks, on the right foot was the boots (the second boots was discovered in the tent). On the face of Slobodin was ice growth and signs of bleeding from the nose.

The location of the three found on the slope of the bodies and their postures indicated that they died on the way back from Cedar to the tent.

On February 28, an emergency commission of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU was created, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the regional executive committee V. A. Pavlov and the head of the regional committee of the CPSU F. T. Yermash. In early March, the members of the Commission arrived in Ivdel to officially lead the searches. On March 8, the Commission was made by the head of searches for the passage of E. P. Maslennikov with a report on the progress and results of searches. He expressed the unanimous opinion of the search squad that the search should be stopped until April to wait for snow shrinkage. Despite this, the Commission decided to continue the search for all tourists by organizing a change in the search for a search room.


The search for other tourists was conducted on an extensive territory. First of all, they searched the bodies on the slope from the tent to the cedar with the help of probes. The pass between the vertices 1079 and 880 was also investigated, the ridge towards Lozva, the springs of the vertex 1079, the continuation of the fourth fifth valley and the Lozva Valley is 4-5 km from the mouth of the tributary. During this time, the composition of the search groups changed several times, but the search was unsuccessful. By the end of April, the search engines focused forces on the study of Kedar's neighborhood, where the thickness of the snow cover in the hollow reached 3 meters and more.


In early May, the snow began to intensively melt and allowed to detect items that the desired guidelines indicated the rescuers. So, torn coniferous branches and scraps of clothing were exposed, which were clearly led into the hollow stream. The excavation conducted in the hollow allowed to be found at a depth of more than 2.5 m flooring with an area of \u200b\u200babout 3 m² of 14 peaks of small fih and one birch. On the flooring lay several items of clothing. On the position of these items on the flooring, four spots were put on, made as "seating" for four people.

With a further search in the hollow, about six meters from the flooring downstream of the stream, the bodies of the remaining tourists were found under the layer of snow from two to two and a half meters. First, they found Lubinin to Lubinin, in a position standing on his knees with a support for a ledge, forming a waterfall of a stream, head against the flow. Almost immediately after that, next to her head, they found the body of three men. Tibo-Brignol lay separately, and Kolevatov and Zolotarev - as if hugging "Breasts to the back". At the time of the preparation of the discovery protocol, all corpses were in water and were characterized as decomposed. The text of the protocol marked the need to withdraw them from the stream, since the bodies may continue to decompose even more and can be carried out by the rapid flow of the stream.

Regarding the place of these finds in the materials of the criminal case there are discrepancies. In the protocol compiled on the site, the location "from the famous cedar is 50 meters in the first creek". A previously sent radiogram indicates the south-western position of the site of the excavation relative to the cedar, that is, close to the direction on the abandoned tent. However, in the decision on the termination of the case, the place is indicated "75 meters from the fire, towards the valley of the fourth influx of Lozva, that is, perpendicular to the movement of tourists from the tent."

On the corpses, as well as a few meters from them, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko's clothing were found - pants, sweathers. All clothes had traces of smooth cuts, because Removed from Doroshenko's corpses and Crivonischenko. The dead Tibo-Brignol and Zolotarev were detected well dressed, worse than the dubbed Dubinin - her jacket made of artificial fur and the hat were on Zolotarev, rolling the leg of a batinin was wrapped in woolen pants crumonishko. Crivonischenko's knife was found near the corpses, which were cut by the bonfire of young fir.

The found bodies were shipped to forensic medical examination in Ivdel, and the search was cooled.

Organization of funeral

According to the testimony of the sister Alexander Kolhatov, Rimma, the party workers of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU and the UPI officers offered to bury those killed in Ivdel, in a fraternal grave with the establishment of a monument. At the same time, conversations were carried out with each parent separately, the question of deciding to resolve the refusal to resolve. The persistent position of the parents and the support of the secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU Kuroyedov allowed to organize a funeral in Sverdlovsk.

The first funerals were held on March 9, 1959 with a large crowd of the people - that day I buried Kolmogorov, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko. Dyatlova and Slobodina buried on March 10. Bodies of four tourists (Kolmogorov, Doroshenko, Dyatlov, Slobodin) were buried in Sverdlovsk in the Mikhailovsky cemetery. Krivonischenko was buried by his parents in the Ivanovo cemetery of Sverdlovsk.

The funeral of tourists found in early May was held on May 12, 1959. Three of them are Dubinin, Kalyvatov and Tibo-Brignol - buried next to the graves of their comrades in the group in the Mikhailovsky cemetery. Zolotarev was buried in the Ivanovo cemetery, next to the grave of Krivonischenko. All four were buried in closed zinc coffins.

Official consequence

The official investigation was launched after the initiation of a criminal case by the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel Vasily Ivanovich Tempealov on the fact of detecting corpses on February 26, 1959 and was conducted within three months. Tempals began to investigate the causes of the death of tourists - he conducted a tent inspection, the discovery places of the body of 5 tourists, as well as interrogation of a number of witnesses. Since March 1959, the investigation was instructed by the Criminalist Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Prosecutor's Office of Lero Nikitich Ivanov.

Initially, the version was considered about the attack and murder of tourists by representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Northern Urals Mansi. Under the suspicion of Manci from the birth of Anyamov, bakhtsky and smokers. During interrogations, they showed that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountain Dishword in early February were not, students from the Tutor group were not seen, and the sacred chapter Moraple Mountain is elsewhere. Soon it turned out that the cuts found on one of the tent rods were not taken outside, but from the inside.

The nature and form of all these damage indicate that they were formed on the contact of the inside of the insole of the tent with the blade of a blade of some weapon (knife).

The examination found that on the skate of the tent, drawn down the slope, there were three significant permisses - length of approximately 89, 31 and 42 cm. Two large pieces of fabric were doried and absent. The cuts were applied with a knife from the inside, and the blade did not immediately cut the fabric - to the one who cut the tarpaulin, had to repeat their attempt once again.

At the same time, the results of the opening discovered in February-March 1959 bodies did not reveal mortal injuries and determined the cause of death as freezing. Therefore, suspicions with Mansi were removed.

According to V. I. Korotaeva who worked in 1959 in 1959, Mansi, in turn, said that they saw a strange "fiery ball" at night. They not only described this phenomenon, but also drew it. At the same time, "Fiery Balls" saw on February 17 and March 31, many residents of the Middle and Northern Urals, including tourists and search engines near Dyatlov Pass.

Meanwhile, the government commission required certain results that were not - the search for the remaining 4 tourists were seriously delayed, and there was no major version formed. Under these conditions, the investigator Lion Ivanov, having multiple evidence of disinterested persons, began to develop in detail the "technogenic" version of the death of people associated with some tests. In May 1959, being at the place of detection of the remaining bodies, he together with E. P. Maslennikov once again examined the forest near the scene of the incident. They "found that some young trees on the border of the forest have a burden footprint, but these traces did not wear a concentric or other system. There was no epicenter. " At the same time, the snow was not melted, the trees were not damaged.

Having acts of forensic medical examinations on the hands of the bodies of tourists found in the stream, which caused the presence of bone fractures caused by the "impact of great strength", Ivanov suggested that they were subjected to some kind of energy impact and sent their clothes and samples of internal organs to Sverdlovsk Gorsoes on physico-technical (radiological) examination. According to its results, the main radiologist of the city of Sverdlovsk Levashov came to the following conclusions:

  1. The investigated solid biosubstrates contain radioactive substances within the natural content due to potassium-40.
  2. The studied separate clothing samples contain several overestimated amounts of radioactive substances or a radioactive substance, which is a beta emitter.
  3. The detected radioactive substances or radioactive substance during washing of clothing samples show a tendency to wash, that is, caused by non-neutron flow and induced radioactivity, but by radioactive contamination by beta particles.

"In one of the cameras, a photocade is preserved (made by last), which shows the moment of snow excavation to install the tent. Given that this frame was removed with an excerpt of 1/25 seconds. With a diaphragm of 5.6, at the sensitivity of the film 65 units of GOST, as well as taking into account the density of the frame, we can assume that the tent has begun at about 5 pm on 1.02.1959. A similar picture is made by another apparatus.

After this time, not a single record and no photograph was found. "

The investigation found that the tent was left suddenly and at the same time by all tourists, but at the same time the retreat from the tent was organized, a dense group, disorderly and "panic" flight from the tent was not:

"Location and availability of items in a tent (almost all shoes, all overhead clothes, personal belongings and diaries) showed that the tent was left suddenly at the same time by all tourists, and, as established in the subsequent criminalistic examination, the leeward side of the tent, where tourists were located The heads turned out to be cut from the inside in two places, in areas providing a free yield through these cuts.

Below the tents, for up to 500 meters in the snow, traces of people coming from the tent in the valley and to the forest are preserved. Traces are well preserved and there are 8-9 couples. Inspection of traces showed that some of them were left with almost barefoot legs (for example, in one x / w sock), others had a typical flax display, legs, hoop into a soft sock, and so on the tracks travers were located close one to the other, converged And again diverged one from another one. Closer to the border of the forest, the traces disappeared - turned out to be listed in the snow.

Neither in a tent, nor near it was found traces of struggle or the presence of other people. "

This is confirmed by the testimony of the investigator V. I. Tepalov, who worked at the place of the tragedy in the first days:

"At the bottom of the tent 50-60 [m] from her on the slope, I found 8 pairs of traces of people who carefully considered, but they were deformed due to winds and fluctuations in temperature. I could not set the ninth trace, and it was not. Footprints were photographed. They walked down from the tent. Traces showed me that people went to a normal step down the mountain. Footprints were visible only on a 50-meter plot, there was no further, because the lower from the mountain, the more snow "

The cause of the remaining tent could not determine the head of the search for E. P. Maslennikov. In the radiogram of March 2, 1959, he indicated:

"... the main mystery of the tragedy remains the whole group of the tent. The only thing except the ice ax, found outside the tent, the Chinese lantern on her roof, confirms the likelihood of the release of one dressed man outward, which gave some reason to all the rest of hastily throw a tent. "

The decision notes that tourists have committed a number of fatal errors:

"... knowing about the difficult conditions of the elevation of the height of 1079, which was assumed to climb, Dyatlov, as the leader of the group, allowed a gross mistake expressed in the fact that the group began ascent on 01.02.59 only at 15:00.

In the future, on the ski access of tourists, preserved at the time of the search, it was possible to establish that, moving towards the valley of the fourth influx of Lozva, tourists took 500-600 m to the left and instead of the pass formed by the tops "1079" and "880", went to the eastern slope The vertices "1079". It was the second mistake of Dyatlov.

Using the rest of the daylight on the rise to the top of "1079" in conditions of a strong wind, which is common in this area, and the low temperature of about 25-30 ° C, the dyatlov turned out to be in the unprofitable conditions overnight and decided to break the tent on the slope of the vertex "1079" So that in the morning of the next day, without losing the height, go to the mountain, to the mountain, to which about 10 km remained in a straight line. "

Based on the facts outlined in the decision, the conclusion was concluded:

"Given the lack of external body damage and signs of struggle, the presence of all values \u200b\u200bof the Group, as well as taking into account the conclusion of forensic medical examination on the causes of the death of tourists, it should be considered that the cause of the death of tourists was the spontaneous force, to overcome the tourists were not able to "

Thus, the perpetraths of the tragedy were not. Meanwhile, the Bureau of the Sverdlovsk Communist Party of the CPSU in the party order, for the shortcomings in the organization of tourist work and weak control, punished: director of UPI N. S. Siiunov, Secretary of Partburo F. P. Zaostrovsky, Chairman of the trade union committee, V. E. Slobodina, City Chairman Union of Voluntary Sports Societies V. F. Kurochkin and the Inspector of the Union V. M. Ufimtsev. Chairman of the Board of the Sports Club UPI L. S. Gordo was removed from work.

The results of the investigation of Ivanov reported to the Second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU A. F. Eshtokin. According to Ivanov, Eshtokin gave a categorical indication: "Absolutely to settle everything, sealed, pass to the specialist and forget about it." Even earlier, the first secretary of the committee A. P. Kirilenko insisted in compliance with the investigation. The case was sent to Moscow to verify the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR and returned to Sverdlovsk on July 11, 1959. The deputy prosecutor of the RSFSR of Harkov did not report any new information and did not give a written instruction to classify the matter. Officially, the procracy was not assigned to the case, but by order of the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region N. Klovnov, the business was kept in the secret archive (sheets of the case 370-377, containing the results of radiological expertise, were commissioned in a special sector). Later, it was handed over to the State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region, where it is currently.

A common opinion that the dyatlov group of Dyatlov team was taken to subscribe to the non-disclosure of seen for 25 years, was not documented. In the materials of the criminal case, only two subscriptions (Yu. Ye. Yarovoy and E. P. Maslennikova) are stored on non-disclosure of preliminary investigation materials in accordance with Article 96 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR from 1926, which ceased to terminate the criminal case.

Outpitation results

Judicial examination of the regional bureau of forensic medical examination Boris Alekseevich was engaged in forensic medical examination of all dead. In the study of the first four bodies on March 4, 1959, the Jewel Sportspert of the city of Severouralsk, Ivan Ivanovich Laptev, was also participating in the study of the last four bodies on May 9, 1959, an expert criminalist Henrietta Eliseevna Churkina took part. The research results are briefly in the following table:

Name Date of autopsy Cause of death Contributing to death factors Other
Doroshenko Yu. N. 4.03.1959 -
Dyatlov I. A. 4.03.1959 Low temperature exposure (freezing) - Seafnation, abrasions, skin wounds (obtained both in full and in the agonal state and posthumously)
Kolmogorova Z. A. 4.03.1959 Low temperature exposure (freezing) - Seafnation, abrasions, skin wounds (obtained both in full and in the agonal state and posthumously)
Krivonischenko G. A. 4.03.1959 Low temperature exposure (freezing) - Burns II-III degree from the fire; Seafnation, abrasions, skin wounds (obtained both in full and in the agonal state and posthumously)
Slobodin R. V. 8.03.1959 Low temperature exposure (freezing) Closed cranopy and brain injury (frontal bone crack on the left side) The discrepancy of the seams of the skull (posthumous); Seafnation, abrasions, skin wounds (obtained both in full and in the agonal state and posthumously)
Dubinina L. A. 9.05.1959 Extensive hemorrhage in the right ventricle of the heart, multiple bilateral fracture of Ryube, abundant internal bleeding into the chest cavity (caused by the effect of great strength) -
Zolotarev A. A. 9.05.1959 Multiple fracture Roebert on the right with internal bleeding into a pleural cavity (caused by the effect of great strength) Body damage to the soft tissues of the head and "bath leather" of the limbs (posthumous)
Kolevatov A. S. 9.05.1959 Low temperature exposure (freezing) - Body damage to the soft tissues of the head and "bath leather" of the limbs (posthumous)
Tibo-Brignol N. V. 9.05.1959 The indoor multi-skilled fracture in the area of \u200b\u200bthe arch area and the base of the skull with abundant hemorrhage under the cerebral shells and in the brain substance (caused by the effect of great strength) Impact of low temperature Body damage to the soft tissues of the head and "bath leather" of the limbs (posthumous)

For the first five-studied bodies in the conclusions of the forensic, the time of death is indicated within 6-8 hours from the last reception of food and the lack of signs of drinking alcohol.

In addition, on May 28, 1959, Jewishperspert B. A. Reborna was interrogated, during which questions referred to the possible circumstances of obtaining serious injuries found on three of the bodies found in the creek, and about the possible lifespan after receiving such injuries. From the interrogation protocol follows:

  • All injuries are characterized by converted as hemplified and caused by the impact of great strength, knowingly exceeds the one that occurs when falling from the height of their own growth. As examples of such strength, the regenerated leads the impact of the car moving at high speed with a blow and discard the body and the effects of an air blasting wave.
  • The Tibo-Brignole's cranic and brain injury could not be obtained due to a blow of a stone on the head, as there is no damage to soft tissues.
  • After the injury, Tibo-Brignol was in an unconscious state and could not move independently, but he could live to 2-3 hours.
  • Dubinina could live 10-20 minutes after receiving injury, while remaining conscious. Zolotarev could live longer.

It should be noted that during the interrogation B. A. Regenerate did not have the data of histological research, which were completed only on May 29, 1959 and could give him additional data for answers to the issues issued by the consequence.

Publication of business

25 years after the cessation of the destruction of the Dyatlov group, it could be destroyed by "as usual" to storing documents. But the prosecutor of the region Vladislav Ivanovich Tuykov gave an indication of the matter not to destroy as "socially significant."

Currently, the case is stored in the archive of the Sverdlovsk region, familiarization with him is possible in the "limited access" mode only with the permission of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region. Fully materials are never published. Nevertheless, with copies of the case file, you can find a number of Internet resources. With the original materials, a small number of researchers were familiar, including the tenth participant in Yuri Yudin.

Criticism of criminal case and work of investigation

After the appearance of the materials of the case in public sources, the quality of work of the investigation was repeatedly criticized. Thus, the investigator Valery Kudryavtsev criticizes insufficient attention of the investigation to the details of the state of the tent and things of the Dyatlov group (in the conditions of the search engine intervention) and to the traces of the group on the slope, and the conspiracyologist A. I. Rakitin considers the inadequate examination of the cuts of the tent's skate and cedar research .

Jeweker V.I. Lysy, Candidate of Medical Sciences and a specialist in the field of study of the underwater of corpses, considers the findings of B. A. Rebornin and Tibo-Brignol to be mistakenly about the fusion of the cranopy and cerebral injuries. In his opinion, the crates detected by the revived damage are posthumous, and the tourists "died from supercooling and did not receive any deadly lifetime injuries." He also believes that such diagnostic errors in Soviet forensic practice before 1972 were systematic.

It is criticized and the very case stored in the archive. Many amateur researchers express doubts about the completeness and accuracy of the documents contained in it. The discrepancy between the date on the cover of the decision of the decision on the initiation of criminal case and the lack of a criminal case is mentioned. The extreme expression of this point of view is the opinion that there is (or previously existed) another case on the death of the Dyatlov group, in which, allegedly, contains genuine information about the circumstances of the incident. Although at the moment there is no objective evidence of this, the hypothesis of "other business" is supported by some experienced lawyers.

The versions of the death of the group

There are about twenty versions of the group's death, which can be divided into three main categories:

Naturally natural

Strong wind

This version was expressed during the investigation by local residents, and tourists search engines were considered. It was assumed that someone from Dyatlovtsev left the tent and was demolished by the wind, the rest hurried to help him, cutting a tent for a speedy way out, and were also passionate about the wind down the slope. Soon the version was rejected, since the search engines themselves experienced the impact of strong winds in the vicinity of the scene and were convinced that with any wind the ability to stay on the slope and return to the tent.

Gathering avalanche

Version, first put forward in 1991 by the participant of the search by M. A. Akselrod and supported by geologists I. B. Popov and N. N. Nazarov, and later masters of sports on tourism E. V. Buyanov and B. E. Slobtsov (also participant in searches ). The essence of the version is that avalanche has gone to the tent, pressed it with a significant snow cargo, which was the reason for the urgent evacuation of tourists from the tent. It also suggested that heavy injuries caused by a part of tourists were caused by avalanche.

Following its predecessors, E. V. Buyanov believes that one of the reasons for the gathering of avalanche appeared to trim the slope in the place of installation of the tent. Buyanov notes that the place of accident of the Dyatlov group refers to "continental inland areas with avalanches from recrystallized snow". Recalling the opinions of several experts, he argues that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Tent of the Dyatlov group, there could be a relatively small, but dangerous collapse of the layer of the compacted snow, the so-called "snowboard". The injuries of some tourists in his versions are explained by the squeezing of the victims between the dense snow weighing the collapse and the hard bottom of the tent.

Opponents of the avalanche version indicate that the lava traces were not discovered by the search participants, among whom experienced climbers were included. They note that ski sticks, blocked in the snow for fastening the tent, remained in place and question the possibility of applying a consequence of cuts from the inside of the shedding avalanche tent. The "avalanche" origin of heavy injuries of three people is rejected in the absence of traces of avalanche effect on other members of the group and fragile items in the tent, as well as the possibility of independent descent of injured or transported by their surviving comrades from the tent to the discovery location. Finally, the group's departure from the avalanche zone is straight down, and not a slope, it seems a rough mistake, which experienced tourists could not make.

Other veras

There are also a number of versions that explain the occurrence of wild animals that occurred (for example, a bear-connecting rod, elose, wolves [ ]), tourists poisoning with sulfur-containing volcanic gases, influence of rare and poorly studied natural phenomena (winter thunderstorms, ball lightning, infrasound). There is a tendency to consider part of such versions of "anomalous" and attribute to one discharge with the versions.

Criminal and technogenic criminal

Common for this category of versions is the presence of human evil intent, receiving an expression in the murder of the Dyatlov Tutor group and / or hiding information on the impact on her of a certain technogenic factor.

Criminal versions

In addition to the extremely dubious assumptions about the accidental poisoning of the turgroup (poor-quality alcohol or a certain psychotropic drug), the subcategories of criminal versions include:

Attack of runaway prisoners

In the decision on termination of the criminal case, such an opportunity is not mentioned. The former investigator of the prosecutor's office of Ivelda V. I. Korotaev argues that there was no shoots during the incident.

Death from mansi

Experienced tourists reject this version as in the book of Sorry, and in reality. A survival expert in extremal conditions V. G. Volovich spoke against the version of the internal conflict.

Attack of poachers - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to this version, Dyatlovtsy collided with law enforcement officers engaged in poaching. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (most likely, Ivdellag) from hooligan motives attacked the Turgroup, which led to the death of tourists from injuries and supercooling. The fact of the attack was subsequently successfully hidden.

The opponents of this version indicate that the surroundings of the mountain Holychachl are difficult to access, are unsuitable for winter hunting and therefore not interesting to poachers. In addition, the possibility of successfully concealing the shock with tourists in the conditions of the investigation of their death began.

"Controlled Supply"

There is a conspiramic version of Alexei Rakitina, according to which several participants of the Dyatlov group were KGB officers under cover. They had to meet with foreign agents to be disguised under another turgroup of an important misinformation concerning Soviet nuclear technologies. But those revealed this plan or inadvertently demasked themselves and killed all members of the Dyatlov group.

A former worker of Soviet intelligence Mikhail Lyubimov skeptically responded about this version, calling it a "detective novel." He noted that the Western intelligence service in the fifties was indeed interested in the secrets of the Ural industry and produced the concentration of agents, but called incredible methods of work of the special services described by Rakitin.


According to some versions, the Dyatlov group was under the blow of some tested weapons: ammunition or new type missiles. It is believed that this provoked hasty leaving the tent, and perhaps and directly contributed to the death of people. As possible affecting factors mention: components of rocket fuel, sodium cloud from a specially equipped rocket, exposure to a nuclear or volume explosion.

Yekaterinburg journalist A. I. Gushchin published a version that the Group became a victim of a bomb test, most likely neutron, after which, in order to preserve state secrets, the death of tourists in extreme natural conditions was being drawn.

There are versions that explain the incident of avalanche provoked by a technogenic factor (for example, an explosion). It was in this direction that the "avalanche" version was developed by the founder of M. A. Axelrod.

The general disadvantage of all such versions is that tests of new weapons systems are meaninglessly carried out outside the specially equipped polygon, which makes it possible to estimate their effectiveness in comparison with the analogues, identify the merits and disadvantages. During the period, the USSR maintained a moratorium on nuclear tests, whose violations western observers were not fixed. According to E. V. Buyanov, referring to the data obtained from A. B. Zheleznyakov, a random hit to the area of \u200b\u200bMount Holychachl Rocket is excluded. All types of rockets of the relevant period, including undergoing tests, are either not suitable for long-distance, taking into account possible points of launch, or not launched from February 1-2, 1959.

Mystical and fantastic

This category includes versions that use factors to explain the incident, the existence of which is not recognized by the scientific community: paranormal phenomena, alien contacts, curses, a snowfall attack, unclean power, etc.

The death of the Dyatlov group with all its dramaticness is not a unique event both for that time and for sports tourism at all.

Dyatlovtsev's death fell for the last period of existence of an old system for supporting amateur tourism, which had the organizational form of commissions in the sports committees and unions of sports societies and organizations (USSSU) of territorial entities. In enterprises and universities there were tourist sections, but these were scattered organizations, weakly interacting with each other. With an increase in tourism popularity, it became obvious that the existing system does not cope with the preparation, provision and support of tourist groups and cannot provide a sufficient level of tourism security. In 1959, when a group of Dyatlov died, the number of dead tourists did not exceed 50 people per year in the country. Already in the next, 1960, the number of dead tourists almost doubled. The first reaction of the authorities was an attempt to prohibit amateur tourism, which was done by the Decree of the WCSPS Secretariat of March 17, 1961, which has abolished federations and the tourism sections in the voluntary councils of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations. But it is impossible to prohibit people to voluntarily go hiking at a very affordable area - tourism moved to the "wild" state when neither the training none controlled nobody controlled, the routes were not agreed upon, only friends and friends followed the control deadlines. The effect followed immediately: in 1961, the number of dead tourists exceeded 200 people. Since the groups did not docume the composition and route, sometimes there were no information about the number of missing or on where to look for them.

Resolution of the Presidium of the WGSPS of July 20, 1962 "On Further Tourism Development" Sports tourism again received official recognition, its structures were transferred to the Maintenance of the WCSPS (trade unions), tourism tips were created, the Commission for the SSSU were abolished, organizational work on tourism support was Much revised and reformed. The creation of tourist clubs on a territorial basis began, but the work in organizations did not weaken, and intensified due to the broad information support that appeared by extensive information support due to the exchange of experience of amateurs organizations. It made it possible to overcome the crisis and ensure the functioning of a system of sports tourism for several decades.

Biography and episodes of life Igor Dyatlova. When born and died Igor Dyatlov, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Quotes Dyatlov, Photo and video.

Years of life Igor Dyatlova:

born January 13, 1936, died on February 2, 1959


"Where to find evil, and maybe late.
Just not lucky for the first time - but seriously.
And the blurred eyelids of the blizzard with shalm patron.
Wind, cliffs and snow outside Meryl, out of laws ... "
From the song Evgenia Sadykov "Wind, Rocks and Snow" Memory of the Dyatlov group

"And let them say yes, let them say
But - no, no one dies in vain! "
From the song of Vladimir Vysotsky "Top"


Biography Igor Dyatlov - a short history of the life of a talented young man, an inquisitive young guy who was fond of sports tourism and dreamed of practicing science. Perhaps if not the death of the Dyatlov expedition, Igor Dyatlov would be famous as a famous scientist, and not as a student of the fifth course tragically lost during the tourist hike.

He was born in First-Uralsk, all in the family of Igor was fond of science, constantly invented something and mastered. Dyatlov still as a schoolboy redid the pattephone into a device that recorded the sound to X-ray film, and in his first hike, where he went to a seventh grader, took with him the radio collected by him personally. Then he fell in love with tourism, it became his passionate passion, which, after a few years, deprived of his life.

Already at the institute, he became the chairman of the tourist group of the UPI. In the group, Dyatlov was difficult to get, he presented high demands for participants - not only physical, but also a moral plan. He thoroughly prepared the guys to the campaigns, together they studied to walk in bundles on the slopes, focus on the terrain, arranged overnight stays in the cold season. Tourists Dyatlov were very prepared that only further complicates the rays in the circumstances of the death of the Dyatlov group.

As part of the group of Dyatlov, which went hike in 1959, there were nine people. Tourists planned to go on skiing 350 km and conquer the tops of the oiko-chakur and tear off. On January 23, they left by train from Sverdlovsk, and on January 27 they were last seen alive. Anxiety was scored when a telegram did not come to the institute about the end of the campaign, and soon the search was started, which were experienced rescuers, and then Military and Hunters-Mansi. At first, an empty tent was discovered, one wall of which was carved, and there was no one inside. At the same time, all the backpacks and warm things remained on the spot, as if tourists left it to be treated in the frost. Nearby were found two first body, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko, put up to the underwear and with burns from the fire. A few meters from them lay Igor Dyatlov without outerwear and shoes and Zinaida Kolmogorov, also without shoes. The others found only in early May, after the start of the melting of the snow.

The funeral of the Dyatlov team took place in several stages, the grave of the group of Dyatlov is located on the Mikhailovsky cemetery of Yekaterinburg, except for the grave of KrivoChönko, he is buried in the Ivanovo cemetery. Dyatlov's case was discontinued on May 28, 1959 with the wording "for the lack of a crime composition." Mystery Dyatlova is still not disclosed. Pass, where the death of the Dyatlov group occurred, was renamed Dyatlov's Pass in memory of Dyatlov and the rest of the dead tourists.

Life line

January 13, 1936 The date of birth of Igor Alekseevich Dyatlova.
september 1944Start of study in high school number 12 of First-Uralsk.
1951The first tourist of Dyatlov.
1954 The end of the school, admission to the UPI.
1956The inclusion of Dyatlov in the national team on the tourism team of the Sverdlovsk region, participation in the campaign of the highest category on Eastern Sayan.
1957 Hike in the Northern Urals under the leadership of Dyatlov.
1957-1958 The election of Dyatlov Chairman of the TURSECTION of the UPI.
January 23, 1959 Departure of the Dyatlov group from Sverdlovsk in Serov to make a hike.
February 2, 1959 Date of death of Dyatlov and the death of the Dyatlov group.
March 9, 1959 The funeral of the participants of the Dyatlov group - Kolmogorova, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko.
March 10, 1959 Funeral Dyatlova and Slobodina.
May 12, 1959 Funeral Dubinina, Kolhatov, Tibo-Brignole and Zolotarev.

Memorial places

1. Pervouralsk, where Dyatlov was born.
2. Ural Federal University (formerly Ural Polytechnic Institute), where Dyatlov studied and in the ski club of which were all members of the Dyatlov group.
3. Serov, where Dyatlov Group arrived on January 24, 1959.
4. Ivdel, where Dyatlov's group arrived on January 25, 1959
5. Dyatlov Pass, near which the death of the Dyatlov group occurred.
6. Village Vizha, who was supposed to become a finite expedition of the Dyatlov group.
7. Mikhailovskoe cemetery, where members of the Dyatlov group were buried.
8. Ivanovo cemetery, where Krivonischenko is buried, one of the participants of the Dyatlov group.

Documentary film about the secret of Dyatlov's pass

Episodes of life

When Igor Dyatlov went to his tragic winter campaign in 1959, he promised his mother: "Everything, the last time we are. Last time". His words were prophetic.

The cause of the death of the Dyatlov group was first called freezing, but part of the experts came to the conclusion that Dubinin died as a result of hemorrhage in the heart and multiple fractures, Zolotarev - as a result of injuries, thibe-brignol - as a result of a closed fracture in the field of the arch area and the base of the skull. The expert of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination Regenerated at the interrogation of the Ivanov's processed expert, expressed his opinion that Tibo-Brignol, Dubinin and Zolotarev received their injuries as a result of the impact of great strength, similar to the one that could arise with an air blast wave.

Versions of Dyatlov about the causes of the death of his group were somewhat - from criminal to mystical, but none of them did not find a reliable official confirmation. For example, the version was sounded that the group had a conflict, or another thing about the fact that experienced tourists committed a number of errors and could not coordinate their actions in critical weather conditions. An affordable explanation seems to the gathering of avalanche. Another version is the impact of infrasound, which could cause uncontrollable fear among tourists than allegedly, their flight is explained. Other versions - test of secret weapons, death from the hands of spies, UFO. In each of the versions, even in the most believable, there are many inconsistencies. The memory of the Dyatlov group was devoted to many articles, books, programs, documentary and even art films, but, alas, the story of Dyatlov is still full of white spots.


"Dyatlov's accident is a tragic accident. And lesson for all of us. Any accusations are inappropriate and unfair. But all the errors have to see - and the mistakes of tourists, and the mistakes of the consequence, and the mistakes of the authorities, and the mistakes of human delusions. Dyatlov's group died in the struggle as the group of honest patriot soldiers in unequal battle died. They did not leave their dying comrades, they completely fought with the elements as well as they could! And fell in the struggle, giving all their strength, all the warmth of their hearts. "
E. V. Bujanov, B. E. Slobtsov, authors of the documentary book "The Mystery of the Death of the Dyatlov group"

Many researchers were patiently waiting for the statute of limitations and the case of the death of students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute will be declassified. This is what Gennady Kizilov writes (the death of tourists - 1959, "The case was declassified in 1989, but according to the reviews of journalists who leafed it (they include Stanislav Bogomolov, Anatoly Gushchin and Anna Matveyeva), a lot of important documents are seized from it. Probably, these documents moved from a secret volume to "Top Secret", which will hardly be shown to citizens or elected journalists over the next tens of years. "
Amateur and professional investigations continued. In 2005, I participated in the discussion of the death of the Dyatlov group on the forum of the Ural television agency website - This topic has so far and for six incomplete years has occupied almost 2000 pages -\u003d1111&pn\u003d1.
I wrote under Nick Sameh, and Leading was Lorelain. Despite the fact that there were very naive and illiterate opinions *, in general, the forum clarified many incomprehensible details. Then we tried to find patterns that could be the key to the rays. One of the main non-abnormal versions was an attack of a group of unknown people:

1. runaway zekov;
2. Military;
3. Special forces;
4. Local residents (Mansi).

Patterns could suggest how a group of tourists was divided into attack. Despite the possible numerical superiority of the attackers, a group of nine tourists could be divided into parts. So during the wars of captured officers separated from ordinary, and the commander was separated from their division. If young and sports students were able to escape from the surrounded camp, their own division into groups could occur - by the situation **, kinship, friendly and authoritative relations.

And tutting the available materials on the case in the press and the Internet, I decided to mention all the coincidence found, even if they sound anecdotically:

1. Dyatlov and Kolmogorov knew each other well along the past horses - they were crawled to the tent.
2. At the bottom of the cedar and the stream remained - three injured and three healthy ***.
3. Both dead cedar wore Ukrainian names.
4. Both dead from Kedra were no longer students, but engineers.
5. From the materials of the case: "In the winter of 1958, many of the guys (Kolevatov, Dubinin, Doroshenko) were in the campaigns on the Sayani" - this is exactly the top three at the foot of the mountain.
6. Worse than all were dressed outside the fire. Best of all dressed (except shoes) were returning
in a tent.
7. Kolevatov - the only one of the four streams, which did not have serious injuries. According to
Many researchers - died the most latter. It is his diary that is missing in business.
8. Dubinina is the only woman from the "four of the stream". Found a lying head against
flows. While the three other men lay downstream heads.
9. Three with the most severe injuries (and the keys) are found under the deepest layer of snow.
10. All three returned to the tent were without shoes - Kolmogorov and Dyatlov, Slobodin was in one boat.
11. Studying acts of autopsy, that's what I noticed: Throw injuries to the right side of the body: Kolevatov - two wounds: right cheek and right ear. Zolotarev - the fracture of the ribs on the right on the thoracic and mid-heartful line. Tibo - extensive hemorrhage into the right temporal muscle, respectively, to him - the fracture of the bones of the skull. Hardly all these injuries caused one left-handed, while being faced to victims. Injuries were applied by right-handers, rear and reply on the side. It happens when they caught up and stood with the victim.
12. From the case materials: "The campfire was the strongest guys - Krivonischenko and Doroshenko." (A. Matveyeva. Pass Dyatlova). The corpses of the strongest guys were spread.
13. From the case materials: "The strongest and crazy dyatlov and Zolotarev lay down, as always, from the edges, in the coldest and uncomfortable places. Dyatlov at the far end of the four-meter tent, Zolotarev at the entrance. I think, next to Zolotarev lay Lubinina, then Kolya Tibo-Brignol, Rustic Slobodin. Who was in the center and then, I do not know, but four guys at the entrance, in my opinion, lay exactly that way. Everything fell asleep " (Axelrod). All three lying at the entrance to the tent (Zolotarev, Dubinin and Tibo) were found together at the stream.
14. Zolotarev, Dubinin, Tibo and Slobodin - all those who lay at the entrance to the tent - got strong injuries.
Dubious coincidences:
Three creeping back to the tent - all students.
Four at the stream - two students and two not students.

There are two most mysterious circumstances of the tragedy:
1. If serious injuries of three people (tubinina, Zolotarev and Tibo-Brignol) were obtained on the slope in the tent, how were they taken down? Without stretcher and twilight, on a snowy and stony slope?
2. Why do two cedar (Doroshenko and Crivonischenko) What have had the strength worked on a high tree, throwing skin and breaking the muscles?

Answers to these questions are quite simple. If we assume that the unknown group of people attacked tourists, the struggle began at the entrance to the tent. Team Dyatlov was simply not allowed to leave her. Then those who were captured inside, cut the knife tent **** and ran down the slope.
It is known that being at the bottom of the guys tried to warm up and divorced a fire. The attackers found them in the light of the fire and attacked the second time. Then there were serious injuries - injured at the entrance to the tent simply finished at the slope of the mountain.
It was assumed that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko began to freeze. Therefore, they climbed the cedar behind his lower dry branches. But there were many small trees and bushes - fuel for the fire was abuse. Then they put forward a crazy hypothesis that engineers blinded UFOs or rocket fuel. But everything is simpler - tourists threatened a mortal danger. Unknowns attacked Doroshenko and Krivonischenko and they, kalech hands, tried to escape on the tree.
Prosecutor Ivanov wrote: "When we examined the neighborhood of the scene of the incident, they found that some young trees on the forest border as it were burned."
I have once watched the trees and pines drying the tips of the branches. They were brown and reminded of burns. So dried branches could be found. Why was it to cripple your limbs and climb on a high cedar trunk?
Here is an excerpt from the site "Mysterious Crimes of the Past" - His authors are distinguished by a very serious approach to the analysis of crimes: " The bodies of the dead tourists lay in such a way that the fire was located between them and the cedar. It seemed that the fire was not because the firewood ended, but because they stopped being stopped. There are memories, according to which the body of George Krivonischenko lay on dry branches, crushing them with its mass, as if the dead fell on the harvested twig from some height and no longer rose. But in the official protocol of the inspection of the crime, nothing is reported to this; There are no photos that can shed light on this very important nuance. Again, from the memories of the participants of the search operation, it is known that there was a lot of dryer, which was logical to use for breeding and maintaining fire around the fire. However, the dead for some reason lazy to cedar, breaking his branches, throwing the skin from the hands and leaving traces of blood on the tree of wood "
On the forum I had a controversy with a famous Ufologist and writer Mikhail Gershetin. I was inclined to the version of the attack of an unknown group of people, focusing in case of cedar. Mikhail Borisovich replied that "In cold accidents there is a period of permanent consciousness, when a person is deprived of the ability to soberly assess the actions produced by him."
Then I spent a conversation with a specialist in psychiatry of our Research Institute. He said that it is unlikely that two people with a clouded consciousness make at the same time, one action *****. In this case, fiercely climbed the cedar.
M. Gerstein replied that "Both of those killed by the fire could simultaneously make one action in the vague state of consciousness - it is incorrectly, they helped each other as they could, and not just sat and frozen. In addition, the recreation comes not immediately, as from hitting the head, they started in More or less sensible mind and only then, losing forces because of bad weather and cold, gradually "failed."
But in this statement, a contradiction is hidden. If engineers did not completely lose critical analysis and thinking - even help each other... Why are they generally climbed onto a tree? Why apply such efforts, tear skin and muscle, if you can move a little from the cedar and cutting the branches of young trees? In other words, they had a consciousness for so much that they were clutching her hands on cedar over the branches, not paying attention to nearly a slide ... And at the same time, their consciousness did not climb much - Doroshenko and Krivonischenko began to help each other in a mad desire Get to cedar branches. Too complicated and contradictory. The version with the attack when the victims from fear were saved on a tree, more believable. Such a scenario for the development of events is well known in forensic.

Apparently, on the forum we approached the randering of the long-standing tragedy at the Mountain of the Dead. After some time, the most active participants of the forum began to insult. Threats via email. Someone left the forum, someone returned ... And the riddles and questions still remain.

* For example, one of the forum participants argued that in 1959 he had no existed in the Soviet Union of helicopters. But with a careful study of the circumstances of the case, you can find evidence of rescuers that the pilot of the helicopter refused to transport the bodies of the dead tourists. Without the use of special hermetic bags, an infection of the helicopter compartment of decomposition can occur.
** During panic and in poor visibility (twilight), everyone could not run in one direction.
*** It is possible that each of the healthy helped move to one wounded.
**** The fact that the tent was cut from the inside is considered absolutely proven.
***** In case of temporary insoluction, the behavior of each person becomes purely individual. In other words, everyone in the head "his hell".

P.S. I received a letter (05.05.2010) from the authors of the site
I made information on the forum

"How to explain such a fact that Krivonischenko burned down a honey on her legs (the fire length is 31 cm.), But at the same time, the sock is not burned below? In what position you need to sit by the fire to squeeze the sock? Is it easier to suggest that sock? was dressed later ... even postmortal?
How to explain the origin of the gray foam at the nose and mouth Doroshenko? This is very S.erezny clinical sign , hinting that pressure in the lungs exceeds atmospheric pressure. Similar rapid development of pulmonary edemathere is only a few cases:

- drowning;
- epileptic seizure;
- gradual squeezing of the chest.
It is quite serious to think that Doroshenko was an epileptic, this assumption can be refuted by a number of indirect considerations (at least in that he did not have a white ticket and studied at the military department, well, from other heels).
Foam can also appear during agony. But only from submariners and climbers,as in the usual atmospheric pressure of the external environment, this is eliminated.
Really, only the case of squeezing the chest during intensive interrogation is suitable for the occasion of Doroshenko. Such is carried out in the field in the position of the interrogated "on the back", and the interrogative sits on his chest. For edema of the lungs and the appearance of foam with such a cold, it is enough for a short time on the chest a man weighing 90-100 kg. And this is the normal weight of a healthy man in winter uniforms. "
The message of the yellow wolf with the "Forum on the study of the death of the tourgroup I. Dyatlova",
Represents the interest of the CME (forensic medical examination) Slobodina. He (the only) truly shot down knuckles of fists (millstone joints) and the phalanx of the fingers. He is the only one who tried to fight in roasting. The dryness of these wound should not be embarrassed - in the cold the skin sediment will cover with a crust and a corpse. No falls into a snowdrift and blows about the inhibition of such wounds do not explain. Try on yourself and immediately see the difference! On his head hemorrhage in both temporal muscles - and the right and left. But at the same time, the skin is not shot, not dissected, it means the injury was stupid, from the fist. Two sediations on the left leg in the lower third - walked legs to leg blows, walled in the shoe, so brought the skin. Slobodin tried (the only one) to have physical resistance - was beaten, hit from his feet and survived the knockout.

The fight apparently happened near the tent. Of all the dead men, the corpse of Rusthem Slobodina was closest to the tent. And injuries, as a result of a cruel fight, he had one of the heaviest (crack of the skull).
If there were doubts that ninter people could hardly kill in any other people, then I will give a real case:
"But in the most terrible crime of 1989, it is possible to consider the fact that on the night of August 13 on August 14, the Kyzlet Krasnoyarsk Railway station occurred. There, late for the last train, seven students of PTU decided to stop the cargo and the rails were closed in front of the traffic light, As a result, a brigade of travel workers and a policeman came to eliminate problems to eliminate the scene, who met adolescents who were waiting for the train. After learning, in fact, the case, the policeman said and decided to punish the "criminals". Crawling out of the holster The gun he defeated a few blows on the head, which were fatal for a boy. Seeing this, the policeman decided not to leave witnesses and, clicking on the face of four travel workers, finished and the rest of adolescents. Then, immersing the body of those killed on the trolley, the killers took them to railway canvas, where they left to lie in the midst of rails, based on the fact that traveling due to Turning the composition will not have time to slow down and the corpses can be unrecognizable. So everything turned out. The investigative brigade investigating this case wrote down everything on an accident. Three years this is a matter of things. But in the fall of 1992, one of the way workers who took part in the murder, on a drunken, disperse the inhabitants of his village about this crime. In retaliation for this another member of the murder, his native brother was touched, took and killed his relative. So completed three years ago, the crime was revealed "(F. Razzakov." Bandits of the times of socialism ". Chronicle of Russian crime 1917-1991. - M., 1996)
Most likely, no one was going to kill a group of tourists. But apparently, the circumstances have developed.

A brief script of what happened, with possible adjustments in the future:

(Minor errors are possible in the description of the script that do not affect the overall picture of what happened)

1. A group of Dyatlova broke the camp on the slope of the Mountain of the Dead.
2. Judging by the products found in the tent, tourists gathered to dinner.
3. Judging by the found trails at the tent, one of the men came out of a small need.
4. It is possible that it was Slobodin, who entered into a hand-to-hand fight with attackers, and thus covered the waste of his group.
5. The entrance to the tent was blocked by attackers, then Dyatlovtsy cut the tent from the inside and rushed at dusk down the slope.
6. Many were poorly dressed and were forced at the bottom of the bonfire, so as not to freeze ... with a weak hope that they would not attack them again.
7. An unknown militarized group of attackers finds Dyatlovtsev in the light of the fire and attacks the second time (this explains the ambiguity as Dyatlovtsy could transport down the slope of serious injuries. Heavy injuries were already obtained at the bottom during the second attack).
8. Tourists are divided into groups of attackers. The interrogation of two engineers with Ukrainian surnames begins.
9. Doroshenko and Krivonischenko are trying to escape on a high cedar. But to no avail.
10. The officer / s are proceeding to interrogation. Krivonischenko migrate to the foot in the fire, dotoshenko's chest sits questioning. The main questions: The composition of the group, whether another group is not followed (the goal of the head of the militarized group is to identify all possible witnesses of the crime and destroy).
11. Making sure the death of all tourists, the militarized group produces some manipulations with corpses. In particular, they put on a whole sock on the burnt shole of Krivonischenko. The goal is the insignment of an accident (some rescuers who visited the death of Dyatlovtsev noted that they had a feeling of an inept insignment ... As if the criminals were in a hurry or did everything in almost complete darkness).

As before, the question remains the reason for the attack on peaceful tourists. My personal assumption: There is a secret underground object in the world of the Dead. Give arguments:
A. The case is known when two geologists have come across the hill, deep in the taiga. Among the night they heard the train go under the ground. The most important strategic objects are deeply underground. If this is a plant, a multi-kilometer underground "metro" is supplied to it. But without underground railway lines in the USSR, there were enough secret underground objects.
B. With Mansi Mountain of the Dead - an explicit taboo, a forbidden and danger zone.
B. Compassas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountain of the Dead often deviate. Perhaps due to the fact that under the ground there is a massive structure of iron and concrete.
The reason for which they attacked tourists was clear - they went into the forbidden zone. For some reason, the protection of the object attacked Dyatlovtsev. It is possible that even earlier, the guard somehow discovered itself. I had to "clean up" the place to keep the mystery of the location of an important object.
D. Previously, the question arose as the attackers found a group of tourists? They did not look for her - Dyatlovtsy themselves came.
E. Now it is clear the reason for such secrecy around the death of the Dyatlov group - an important strategic object is involved here.

But I repeat - secret underground object is just my assumption. This version does not explain why the dramatization was not then brought to perfection ... or why did not hide the corpses and the ammunition and did not take away. After all, it was enough ... And the dead and their camp were under the nose - at the top of the object.
It is possible that Dyatlovtsy stumbled upon something secret even earlier, before the approach to the mountain of the Dead. Most likely there are no artistic objects inside the hill itself.
Cut the tent from the inside and run down into the chilling twilight digests - could only force a serious (deadly) danger. My opinion is a group of people armed with firearms, against which did not mean a hand-to-hand fight. Slobodin fought from despair, subconsciously covering the group's waste.

P.S. At is the most complete analytical analysis of the tragedy. Presented previously not published photos from the case.
But political accents changed ... Western scout-diversants are called killers))).

The authors bring sincere gratitude for the cooperation and information provided by the Information Fund of the Dyatlov Memory Fund and personally, Yuri Kuntsevich, as well as Vladimir Askinepi, Vladimir Borzenkov, Natalia Warsagova, Anna Kiryanova and Yekaterinburg specialists in the processing of photographs.

Introduction .

Early in the morning of February 2, 1959, dramatic events took dramatic events on the slope of Mount Holychachl in the vicinity of Mountain in the Northern Urals, which led to the death of a group of tourists from Sverdlovsk under the leadership of the student of the Ural Polytechnic Institute of the 23-year-old Igor Dyatlov.

Many circumstances of this tragedy have not yet received a satisfactory explanation, breeding a lot of rumors, speculation, gradually overgrown in legends and myths, based on which several books are written and a number of feature films have been filmed. As we think we managed Restore the true development of these events, which puts the point in this tightened story. Our version is based on strictly documentary sources, namely on the materials of the criminal case of the history of the death and searches of Dyatlovtsev, as well as on some everyday and tourist experience. Here we offer this version to the attention of all interested parties and organizations, insisting on its authenticity, but not pretending to the new coincidence in the details.


Before being on the spot of a cold overnight stay on the slope of the Holychachl mountain on the night of February 1, 1959, a number of events occurred with the Dyatlov group.

So, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthis campaign III, the highest category of difficulties, Igor Dyatlova has emerged long ago and took shape in December 1958, as he told the senior comrades Igor on tourism. *

The composition of the participants of the planned campaign changed in the process of its preparation, reaching 13 people, but the bones of the group, consisting of students and graduates of the UPI, which have experience of tourist campaigns, including jointly, remained unchanged. It was included in it - Igor Dyatlov - 23-year-old head of the campaign, 20-year-old Lyudmila Dubinina - Zavtoz, Yuri Doroshenko - 21 years old, 22-year-old Alexander Kolevatov, Zinaida Kolmogorova - 22 years old, 23-year-old George Krivonischenko , 22-year-old Rustem Slobodin, Nikolay Tibo - 23 years, 22-year-old Yuri Yudin. Two days before the campaign to the group joined the 37-year-old Semyon Zolotarev, the participant of the Great Patriotic War, the front-line, who graduated from the Institute of Physical Education, a professional tourism instructor.

At the beginning, the campaign was walking according to plan, with the exception of one circumstance: on January 28, Yuri Yudin came from the route. Further path the group made a damp. Until January 31, the campaign, according to the general diary of the campaign, the diaries of individual participants, the photo given in the case, walked normally: the difficulties were overcome, and the new places gave young people with new impressions. On January 31, Dyatlov's group attempted to overcome the pass, dividing the valleys of the Auspian rivers and Lozviv, however, having met with a strong wind at low temperatures (about 18) was forced to retreat for overnight in the brownie part of the Auspoly River Valley. In the morning of the first February, the group got up late, left some of the products and things in a specially equipped labaz (it took a lot of time), he donated and approximately 15 hours on February 1 came to the route. In the case of termination of a criminal case, expressing, apparently, the collective opinion of the investigation and surveyed specialists, it is said that such a late route was first error Igor Dyatlova. At the beginning, the group most likely walked in his old traid, and then continued movement towards the mountain destroyed and about 17 hours was on a cold night, on the slope of the Holychachl mountain.

To facilitate the perception of information, give a remarkably compiled event scheme given by Vadim Chernobrov (ill. 1).

Ill. 1. Event location scheme.

The materials of the criminal case says that Dyatlov "did not come there, where he wanted," mistaken in the direction and taking significantly to the left, which was required to pass to the pass between heights of 1096 and 663. This is, according to the compilers of the case, was second error Igor Dyatlova.

We do not agree with the version of the investigation and believe that Igor Dyatlov stopped the group not by mistake, by chance, but specifically in the place previously scheduled in the previous transition.

Our opinion is not lonely - the student - Sogrin, who was part of one of the search rescue groups, who found a tent Igor Dyatlov said this during the investigation. A modern explorer of Borzenkov in the book "Pass Dyatlov said about the stop-upstream of the stop. Research and materials ", Yekaterinburg 2016, with 138. What prompted Igor Dyatlov to do it?

Cold night.

Arriving as we think , in advance planned dyatlov pointThe group began to install the tent, in all the "tourist and climbing rules". The question of cold overnight puts the most experienced specialists in a dead end and is one of the main riddles of the tragic campaign. Many all sorts of versions are highlighted until absurd, they say it was done for "training".

A convincing version managed to find only us.

The question arises, did the participants of the campaign that dyatlov knew plans Cold night. We think that they did not know *, but they did not move, according to previous campaigns and stories about them knowing about the difficult nor of their leader and a pre-nominal one for him.

* This is indicated by the fact that fire supplies (ax, saw and stove) were not left on the place of Labaz, moreover, the dry blob was also harvested.

Taking part in general works on the device overnight, only one person expressed his protest, namely, the war, a professional tourism instructor 37 - Summer Semyon Zolotarev. This protest was expressed in a very peculiar form, indicating the high intellectual abilities of his applicant. Semen Zolotarev was created a very remarkable document, namely Martial leaf №1 "Evening tear. "

We consider a combat leaflet number 1 "Evening exhaust" key to the rays of the tragedy.

On the authorship of Zolotareva, says the name itself " Combat Leaf ". Semen Zolotarev was the only one, from the participants in the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and very well-deserved, having four combat awards, including the courage medal. In addition, according to the tourist, Axelrod, reflected in the case, the handwriting of the handwritten "evening detonate" coincides with the handwriting of Zolotarev. So here at the beginning "Combat sheet", it is said that "according to the latest data of science snowy people live in the vicinity of the mountains of Torden. "

It must be said that at that time the whole world was covered by a fever of searches for a snowy person, which still does not fade. There were such searches in the Soviet Union. We think that Igor Dyatlov was aware of this "problem" and dreamed of meeting a snowy person and for the first time in the world And take pictures of it. It is known from the materials of the case that Igor Dyatlov in Vizhae met with old hunters, consulted with them on the issues of the upcoming campaign, perhaps it was about a snowy man. Of course, the experienced hunters * told the "young" all the "truth" about a snowy person, where he lives, what his behavior that he loves.

* So in the case, CHARGIN certificate is 85 years old, the group of tourists of Dyatlovtsev appealed to him, as a hunter in Vizhane.

Of course, all of the said was in the spirit of traditional hunting baakeks, but Igor Dyatlov believed said and decided that the surroundings of the outstand just an ideal place, for habitat of a snowy man and the case only for small - stand on a cold night, it is coldSince the snow man loves cold and from curiosity he will be suitable for a tent. The place for a possible overnight stay was chosen by Igor in the previous transition on January 31, 1959, when the group actually went to the pass, separating the pools of the Auspians and Lozvi rivers.

The photo of this moment has been preserved, which allowed Borzenkov to accurately determine this point on the map. The picture shows that, obviously, Igor Dyatlov and Semyon Zolotarev are very tightly arguing about the future route. Obviously, Zolotarev expresses against logically difficult to attribute Decisions Dyatlova Go back to Auspii and offers to "take Pass", which was about 30 minutes and descend for overnight stay to the Lozier River Pool. Note that in this case the group would get up for the night just about in the area of \u200b\u200bthe most ill-fated cedar.

Everything becomes logically explained if you assume that at that moment Dyatlov planned a cold night, just on the slope of the mountain 1096 *, which in the case of the night in the pool, Lozvi would be aside.

* This mountain called by Mansiysk Mount Holychachl in translation is called " Mount 9 Dead ". Manci consider this place "unclean" and bypass him. So from the case on the testimony of the student west, who found a tent, accompanied their conductor Mansi outline Refused to go to this mountain. We think that Dyatlov decided not yet, then it is necessary - to all prove that it is possible and he is not afraid of anything and still thinking that if they say - it is impossible, that means exactly here dwells notorious snow man.

So, about 17 pm on February 1, Igor Dyatlov gives unexpecteda team that rested in a half-day group to get up on a cold night, explaining the reasons for this solution to the scientific task of the search for a snow man. The group, with the exception of Zolotarev seeds, reacted to this solution calmly. For those who remained before sleep, Semyon Zolotarev and made his famous "evening tear", which is actually a satirical work, sharply criticizing The procedures have established in the group.

There is an informed point of view in our opinion on the further tactics of Igor Dyatlov. According to the experienced tourist, Axelrod, who knew well Igor Dyatlov on joint campaigns, he planned to raise the group that at about 6 in the morning, then go to the mountain assault. Most likely it happened. The group was preparing to dress (more precisely, wear shoes, because people slept in clothes), breakfast at the same time with breadcrumbs and lard. According to numerous testimonies of the participants in the rescue work, the crucks were scattered throughout the tent, they fell out of the crumpled blankets along with the slices of Sala. The situation was calm, nobody, except Dyatlov, was seriously not upset that a snowman did not come and that in fact the group was in vain underwent such significant inconveniences.

He was seriously indignant only Semyon Zolotarev, located at the very entrance to the tent. His discontent was heated by the following circumstance. The fact is that on February 2, the seeds had a birthday. And, it seems he has already started to "celebrate" by the reception of alcohol, and it seems onebecause According to the testimony of the doctor of the reborn, in the body of the first 5 found tourists of alcohol was not found. This is reflected in the official documents (in acts) given in the case.

About a feast with sliced \u200b\u200blady and empty flask with sapache vodka or alcohol at the entrance to the tent where Semen Zolotarev was located directly indicates the prosecutor of the city of Indelia Tempalov. A large flask of alcohol seized a student Boris Slobtsov in a discovered tent. This alcohol, according to the testimony of the participant of the events of Student Brusnitsan, would immediately drink the participants of the search group, found a tent. That is, besides the flakes with alcohol In the tent attended the flask with the same drink. We think it's about alcohol, and not about vodka.

Zolotarev heated alcohol, displeased with cold and hungry nightly left the tent to the toilet (the stack of urine remained at the tent) and outside demanded the analysis of the Dyatlov errors outside. Most likely, the amount of drinking alcohol was so significant that Zolotarev was very drunk and began to behave aggressively. On this noise from the tent was to leave someone. At first glance, it would have to be the head of the campaign Igor Dyatlov, but we think that he did not come out. Dyatlov was located at the most distant end of the tent, he was uncomfortable to climb through everyone and, most importantly, Dyatlov significantly inferior in his physical data Semen Zolotarev. We consider the requirement of seeds a convex (180 cm) and physically strong Yuri Doroshenko. In favor of this, also says that ice ax, found at the tent, belonged to Yuri Doroshenko. So, in the case of the case there was a record made by his hand "Go to the trade union, take its ownice ax. " Thus, Yuri Doroshenko, w.sole as it turned out later, there was time to wear shoes. The trail of the only person in shoes was docted fixed In the act of prosecutor Tempealov.

Data on the availability or absence of alcohol in the body of 4 people found later (in May), but, specifically, the seeds of Zolotarev in the acts of the doctor's doctorate are missing, because Bodies at the time of the study have already begun to decompose. That is, the answer to the question: "Was drunk Semyon Zolotarev or not?" There is no case in the case.

So, Yuri Doroshenko, wagged into ski boots, armed with ice ax and capturing with him to illuminate a flashlight Dyatlov, because It was still dark (light in 8-9 in the morning, and the action took place around 7th in the morning), gets out of the tent. A short, sharp and unpleasant conversation between Zolotarev and Doroshenko took place. Obviously, Zolotarev expressed his opinion on Dyatlov and Dyatlovtsy.

From the point of view of Zolotarev, dyatlov admits gross mistakes. The first of them was the passing of the Dyatlov's mouths of the Auspoly River. As a result, the group had to make a hook. It was not impaired for Zolotarev and the division of the group on January 31 to the channel of the Auspoly River instead of descending down, to the bed of Lozva and, finally, absurd, and, most importantly, no result Cold night. Dissatisfaction, hidden pronounced Zolotarev in the newspaper "Evening Severanny" broke out.

We think that Zolotarev offered to shift Dyatlov from the post of the head of the campaign, replacing it with someone else, having in view of himself. In what form of Zolotarev it offered to tell us now difficult. It is clear that after drunk alcohol, the form should be sharp, but the degree of sharpness depends on the specific reaction of the person on alcohol. Zolotarev, who knew the war in all its manifestations, of course was with a disturbed psyche, and could simply be excited to an alcohol psychosis that bordered with nonsense. Judging by the fact that Doroshenko left the ice ax and a flashlight and preferred to hide in the tent, Zolotarev was very excited. The guys even blocked him the road to the tent, throwing the entrance to the stove, backpacks, products. This circumstance up to the term "barricading" is repeatedly emphasized in the testimony of participants in the rescue operation. Moreover, the entrance to the tent stood an ax, absolutely superfluous in this place.

Obviously, students decided to actively defend.

Perhaps this circumstance, even more with a drunken Zolotarev (so in a tent in a tent at the entrance was literally broken off the floor of the sheet). Most likely, all these obstacles only bought Zolotarev, rushing into a tent to continue clarifying relationships. And then Zolotarev remembered about the tent in the tent with the "mountain" side, which was absorbed together on the previous parking lot. And I decided to penetrate the tent through this gap, applying that he would not be interfered, "psychological weapons", as was done on the front.

Most likely he shouted something like "You throw a grenade".

The fact is that the country in 1959 was still overwhelmed with weapons, despite all government decrees about his passing. To get a grenade at that time was not a problem, especially in Sverdlovsk, where weapons were overlooked for mirrors. So, the threat was quite real. And in general, it seems that it was not only imitation of the threat.

Perhaps there was a real combat grenade.

Apparently, it was her in mind that the investigator of Ivanov, speaking of some kind of "piece", which he had underwent. The pomegranate could really come in handy in the campaign, in particular, to join the fish under the ice, as was done during the war, as part of the route passed on the rivers. And, quite possibly, Frontovik Zolotarev decided to capture such a "right" hike.

Zolotarev did not calculate its "weapon". Students took a threat seriously and in a panic, making two cutouts in the tarpaulin, left the tent. It happened at about 7 am, as it was still dark, as evidenced by the flashlight in lit. Status obscured by students and later found by search engines 100 meters from the tent down the slope.

Zolotarev walked around the tent and, continuing to imitate the threat, decided to teach the "young" spot. He built people in Shan (which was witnessed by all the people who observed traces) and commanded the "down", setting the direction. He gave one blanket with him, they say, warm in one blanket, as in the Armenian riddle of the "Evening Sea". This is how cold nights of Dyatlovtsev ended.

Tragedy in the Ural Mountains.

People went down, and Zolotarev climbed into the tent and obviously continued to drink, marking his birthday. The fact that someone remained in the tent is evidenced by a subtle observer student, whose testimony sorrows are given in business.

Zolotarev, settled on two blankets. All the blankets in the tent were crumpled, with the exception of the two, on which the skins were found from the Korean, which Zolotarev was bored. Already powdered, the wind rose, which passed through a breakthrough in one place a tent and cutouts in another. The breakthrough Zolotarev closed a fur jacket of Dyatlov, and with the cutouts I had to fight in another way, since the initial attempt to shut up the cuts of things, according to the example, the cuts were failed (so, according to the testimony of asthenics, a few blankets and a jacket were stuck out of the tent cuts). Then Zolotarev decided to lower the far edge of the tent, cutting the rack - ski stick.

The severity of dropped snow (that night was snowing testifies the fact that Dyatlov's flashlight lay on a tent on a layer of snow with a thickness of about 10 cm) a stick was rigidly fixed and it was not possible to pull it away. The stick had to be cut by the long knife to which the fat was cut. Cropped stick managed to pull out, its parts were found cut backpacks cut from above. The far edge of the tent donkey and closed the cutouts, and Zolotarev was located at the front desk of the tent and, obviously, fell asleep for a while, doping alcohol from the flange.

The group meanwhile continued to move down, in the direction indicated by Zolotarev. It was certified that the traces were divided into two groups - to the left of 6 people, and the right - two. Then the traces came together. These groups obviously corresponded to two cuts through which people got out. Two on the right is Tibo with a double, which were located closer to the exit. Left all the rest.

One man walked in shoes(Yuri Doroshenko, as we think). Recall that this is documented, in the case, recorded by the Tempelov Prose. There is also said that the traces were eight,what documented Confirms our version that one person stayed in a tent.

Spent, it was difficult because of the dropped snow and, of course, it is desperately cold, because The temperature was about -20 with wind. Approximately 9 o'clock in the morning a group of 8 mi tourists, already semi-frozen, turned out to be near the high cedar. Cedar as a point, near which they decided to dilute the fire was not chosen by chance. In addition to dry lower branches for the fire, which managed to "get" on it, was with great difficulty equipped with a "supervisory point" to follow the tent. For this, a few large branches of the observance of the review were cut out for this fidka crumonishko. At the bottom of the cedar with great difficulty, a small bonfire was divided, which, according to the coinciding estimates of different observers, burned 1.5-2 hours. If Cedar was at 9 am, it took an hour to make a bonfire and plus two hours - it turns out that bonfire went out somewhere in 12 pm.

Still, perceiving seriously, the threat of Zolotarev, the group decided not to return to the tent, and try to "hold out", building some kind of refuge, at least from the wind, for example, in the form of a cave. It turned out to be possible to do in the ravine, at the stream, which tech in the direction of the Lozva River. For this shelter were cut 10-12 stories. For which it was not clear exactly what was not clear to serve, it could be of them planned to build "Paul", throwing the husknik from above.

Zolotarev, meanwhile, "rested" in the tent, forgetting anxious drunk bed. Waking up and a little rubrev, about 10-11 hours he saw that the situation was serious, the students did not return, and therefore somewhere they "fucking" and realized that he had frowning a stick. " He went in the footsteps down, realizing his guilt and already without a weapon (the ice ax remained at the tent, the knife in the tent). True, it remains unclear where the pomegranate was, if she really was. About 12 o'clock he approached the cedar. He walked dressed in the boots. The trail of one person in the boots was recorded by the Accelrod observer 10-15 meters from the tent. He walked down, to Lozwe.

The question arises: "Why is absent or not noticed Ninth mark? ". The case is most likely the following. Students descended at 7 o'clock in the morning, and Zolotarev about 11. By this time, a strong wind rose at the dawn, a gym, which inevitably poked the snow at night, and partly conclusted him, pressed against the ground. It turned out more subtle, and most importantly, more denselayer of snow. In addition, the boots are larger in the area than shoes, and even more so the legs without shoes. The pressure from the boots on the snow, per unit of the square turns out to be several times less, so the traces of the descent Zolotarev were minor and not fixed by observers.

People at Kedra, meanwhile, met him in a critical situation. Semi-frozen, unsuccessfully trying in turn to warm up by the fire, brings the freezing hands, legs and faces close to fire. Apparently, this combination of frostbite and light burns was observed an unusual color of the skin of the red tones of the open parts of the body in five tourists found in the first phase of the search.

All the blame for the happening people laid on Zolotarev, so his appearance did not bring relief, but served as a further discharge of the situation. Moreover, the psyche at the hungry and freezing people worked, of course, inadequate. Possible apologies for Zolotarev, or vice versa, his command orders were obviously not adopted. Began Samosud. We think that Tibo first demanded as the initial measure of "retaliation" to remove the boots and then demanded to give the Winning watches, which were reminded Zolotarev on his participation in the war, which was obviously the subject of his pride. It seemed to Zolotarev extremely offensive. In response, he hit Tibo camera, which perhaps he demanded to give. And again "did not calculate", obviously alcohol was still in the blood. Used the camera as pratya *he pierced Tibo his head, actually killed him.

* This is evidenced by the fact that the camera belt was wound on Zolotarev's hand.

In conclusion, the doctor is said that the TBIBO skull is deformed on a rectangular section of 7x9 cm in size that approximately corresponds to the size of the camera, and the torn hole in the center of the rectangle is 3x3,5x2 cm. This approximately corresponds to the size of the protruding lens. The camera, was, according to numerous witnesses found on the Zolotarev's corpse. Preserved photo.

After that, of course, all those present pounced on Zolotarev. Someone kept hands, and Doroshenko, the only one in shoes Bow in chest legs on ribs. Zolotarev was desperately defended, hit Slobodina, so that the skull had a crack, and when Zolotarev was immobilized by collective efforts, he began to fight with his teeth, defeating the nose tip Crivonishko. So, apparently, they were taught in front intelligence, where, according to some reports, Zolotarev served.

During this fight, Lyudmila Dubinin for some reason, Zolotarev for "supporters" was counted. Perhaps, she at the beginning of the fight sharply objected to the Samoye, and when Zolotarev actually killed Tibo, got into the "opal". But, most likely, the rage of those present turned to the Dubinin for what reason. Everyone understood that the beginning of the tragedy of her trigger, served as gold alcohol. In the case, the testimony of Yuri Yudina is given that, in his opinion, one of the main flaws in the organization of the campaign of Dyatlov was lack of alcoholwho, it is him, Yudina, failed to get in Sverdlovsk, but as we already know alcohol in the group was still. So the alcohol was bought on the road in Vizhae, in Indelé or, most likely, at the last moment before entering the route in the lumberjack in the 41st forest particle. Since Yudin did not know about the presence of alcohol, then, obviously, it was held secret. Dyatlov decided to use alcohol with some extraordinary circumstances - the type of storming the mountains is separated when the forces on the outcome, or to mark the successful end of the campaign. But the presence in the group of alcohol could not know the Zanezhosis and the Dubinin Accountant, since it was she who highlighted the public money Dyatlov to buy alcohol on the road. People or personally, Dyatlov decided that it was she about it tasted Zolotarev, who slept nearby and with whom she was eagerly communicated (photos were preserved). In general, actually Dubinin received the same, even more severe injuries than Zolotarev (10 ribs broken in a double, 5 from Zolotarev). In addition, she was burned by her "Cattle" language.

Considering that "opponents" are dead by someone from Dyatlovtsev, fearing responsibility, squeezed their eyes, because There was also a belief that an image of a killer remains in the pupil from the deceased death. In favor of this version, says that Tibo, who was fatally injured Zolotarev, eyes remained intact.

We will not forget that people acted on the verge of life and death, in the state of extreme excitement of the affect, when the animal instincts completely disconnect the acquired human qualities. Yuri Doroshenko was discovered with frozen foam at the mouth, which confirms our version of its extreme degree of initiation that has come down to rabies.

Very similar to the fact that Lyudmila Dubinina suffered without guilt. The fact is that almost 100 percent probability Semyon Zolotarev was an alcoholic, like many of the direct participants in combat operations in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The fateful role was played by the "People's Commissar" 100 grams of vodka, which were issued at the front daily during the fighting. Any narcologist will say that if it continues more than six months, the dependence of varying degrees of severity is inevitably depending on the physiology of a particular person. The only way to avoid the disease was to abandon the "People's Commissarians", which of course, a rare Russian man forces. So, unlikely, Semyon Zolotarev was except. An indirect confirmation of this is the episode on the train on the way of following from Sverdlovsk, described in the diary of one of the participants in the campaign, which is given in the case. The tourists addressed the "young alcoholic" demanding the bottle of vodka, kidnapped, in his opinion, by some of them. The incident was hushed up, but most likely the Dyatlov "calculated" Zolotarev and when buying alcohol, a strictly setting banned Lyudmila Dubinin to talk about this Zolotarev. Since Zolotarev still seen the alcohol of Dyatlov, and then all the rest decided that the Dubinin Zanegosis was to blame, which said, tasted. Most likely it was not. Students in youth did not know that alcoholics develop a supernatural "sixth" feeling for alcohol and they are successfully and unmistakably find it in any conditions. Just on intuition. So Dubinin was most likely not, and.

The described bloody tragedy occurred at about 12 pm on February 2, 1959, next to the ravine where she was coin.

This time is 12 hours of the day is defined as follows. As we have already written tourists in a panic through cutouts left the tent around 7 am on February 2, 1959. Distance to Kedra is 1.5-2 km. Taking into account the "nudity" and "booties" and difficulties of focusing the difficulty of orientation in the dark and at the dawn, the group desires to cedar for an hour and a half or two. It turns out 8.5-9 in the morning. Raw. Another hour on the workpiece of firewood, the cutout of the branches for the supervisory point, the preparation of the poles for the flooring. It turns out that the fire was burned around 10 o'clock in the morning. According to numerous evidence of search engines, the fire burned 1.5-2 hours. It turns out that the fire seems when the group went to clarify the relationship with Zolotarev to the ravine, i.e. At 11.30 - 12 hours. So comes around 12 o'clock in the afternoon. After a fight, knocking the bodies of those killed in the cave (dropping them) a group of 6 people returned to the cedar.

And the fact that the fight occurred in the ravine is proved by the fact that according to the expert conclusion of the doctor of the revived, tibo himself could not move after impact. He could only carry it. And carry even 70 meters from cedar to the ravine perishing, semi-frozen people were obvious no forces.

Those who have kept the forces of Dyatlov, Slobodin, and Kolmogorov rushed to the tent, the path to which was now free. Doroshenko, fragile Krivonischenko and Kolevatov, were abused in the Drake and Kolevatov and tried to regret the bonfire from Kedra, extinguished during the fight in the ravine. So, Doroshenko was discovered fallen on dry bruises, which he obviously carried to the fire. But it seems, they failed to regret the fire again. After a while, perhaps quite short, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko frozen to death. Kolevatov lived longer than them, and finding that his comrades were dead, and the bonfire did not succeed anew, I decided to meet my fate in the cave, thinking that someone from those who were in it were still alive. He finned cut off part of the warm clothes of his dead comrades and carried them to "Nora in a ravine" where the rest were located. He also removed the boots from Yuri Doroshenko, but apparently decided that they were unlikely to use and threw them into the ravine. Boots were not found, as, however, a number of other things of Dyatlovtsev, which is reflected in the case. In the cave of Kolevatov, Tibo,

Dubinina and Zolotarev met their death.

Igor Dyatlov, Rustem Slobodin and Zinaida Kolmogorov met their death on a difficult path to the tent, to the last struggling for life. It happened near 13 Watch of the day on February 2, 1959.

The time of the death of the group, in our version it is 12-13 hours of the day, coincides with the assessment of the remarkable forensic examination of Dr. Reborn, according to which the death of all the victims occurred 6-8 hours after the last meal. And this technique was breakfast after a cold night approximately at 6 am. 6-8 hours later gives 12-14 hours of the day, what almost exactly coincides with the time we specified.

There was a tragic junction.

Conclusion .

It is difficult to find right and guilty in this story. Sorry to all. The greatest wine, as it sounded in the case file lies at the head of the sports club UPI proudly, it was he who had to test the psychological stability of the group and only after that give a "good" to the exit. Sorry Zine Zina Kolmogorov, so loved life, romantic, who dreamed of love Luda Dubinin, Piřín handsome Kolya Tibo, fragile George Crivonishko with a soul of a musician, a faithful companion Sasha Kolyatova, a home boy of Naughty Rustem Slobodina, sharp, strong, with his concepts about Jury's justice Doroshenko. It is a pity to a talented radio engineering, but a naive and non-unhable man and a nicudual head of the campaign of ambitious Igor Dyatlov. It is a pity to the well-deserved front line, the seed scout Semyon of Zolotarev, who did not find the right paths so that the hike passed, as he probably wanted as much as possible.

In principle, we agree with the conclusions of the investigation that "that the group faced natural forces to overcome which were not able to". Only we believe that these natural forces were not external, but internal. Some could not be entitled with their ambitions, Zolotarev did not make a psychological discount on the young age of the participants in the campaign and his leader. And of course, a violation of "dry law" played a huge role During a hike, which, obviously, officially acted among the student UPI.

We believe that the investigation ultimately came to the version close to voiced by us. This is indicated by the fact that Semen Zolotarev is buried separately from the main group of Dyatlovtsev. But, publicly voiced this version in 1959 the authorities were considered undesirable for political reasons. So, according to the memoirs of the investigator Ivanov "in the Urals, probably there is no person who did not speak about this tragedy in those days" (see the book. "Dyatlov Pass" p. 247). Therefore, the investigation was limited to the abstract wording of the cause of the death of the group above. Moreover, we believe that in the case files there are indirect confirmation of the version of the presence of combat grenade or a grenade from someone from the participants of the campaign. So in the acts of the doctor of the reborn, it is said that the multiple fractures of the ribs in Zolotarev and the tubinin could arise as a result of the action shock air wavewhich is just generating a grenade explosion. In addition, the prosecutor-criminalist, Ivanov who conducted a consequence, as we already wrote about this spoke of a "inexlaring" of some kind of bunties found. Most likely we are talking about Granat Zolotarev, which could be in any place ranging from the tent and ending with the ravine. Obviously, people who conducted the investigation exchanged information and, perhaps, the "grenade" version reached the doctor of the revived.

We also found direct evidence that already at the beginning of March, that is, in the initial phase of the search, the explosion version was considered. So the investigator of Ivanov writes in his memoirs: "There were no traces of the explosion wave. This and we carefully considered Maslennikov "(see in the book." Pass Dyatlova "Article Ivanov L.N." Memories from the Family Archive "p. 255).

So, for searches for traces of the explosion there were grounds, that is, it was possible that the pomegranate was still found by sapirers. Since the memories we are talking about Maslennikov, then the time is determined - the beginning of March, so in the consequence of Maslennikov loss in Sverdlovsk.

This is a testimony very significantEspecially if you remember that at that time the main one was the "Mansiysk version", that is, the local residents of Mansi are involved in the tragedy. The Mansiysk version completely collapsed by the end of March 1959.

The fact that by the time of detection at the beginning of May of the bodies of the last four tourists, the investigation came to certain conclusions, says the full indifference of the prosecutor Ivanov present during the damping bodies. This is evident in his memoirs the head of the last group of search engines Askinadi. So, most likely, the grenade did not find a cave, and somewhere on the segment from the tent to Kedra in February-March, when a group of sappers with minion currency worked there. That is, to May, by the time of detecting the bodies of the last four dead, the prosecutor-criminalist Ivanov, who conducted a consequence, everything was already more or less clear.

Obviously that this tragic case should serve as a lesson for tourists of all generations.

And for this, the activities of the Dyatlov Foundation should be, as we, we consider continued.

ADDITION. About fiery balls.

Monster Oblos, mischievous, huge, challenge and lean

We did not accidentally led this epigraph from the wonderful story of the enlightener A.N. Radishcheva "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." This epigraph is about the state. So how was the "evil" there was a Soviet state of 1959 and how did it "lie" on tourists?

That's how. Organized the tourist section at the Institute, where everyone studied for free and received a scholarship. Then, such a "evil" allocated money in the amount of 1300 rubles to the campaign of his students, gave them free use for the time of the campaign, the most expensive equipment - a tent, skiing, shoes, storms, sweaters. Helped with hike planning, route development. And, even issued a paid business trip to the head of the campaign Igor Dyatlov. Top cynicism in our opinion. That's how our country, in which we all grew by "poluls" on tourists.

When it became clear that something unexpected was happening to students, immediately organized an expensive and well-organized rescue and search operation with the involvement of aviation, military personnel, athletes, other tourists, as well as the local population of Mansi, who showed themselves from the best side.

What about famous fiery balls? Whose tourists were allegedly afraid, what did the entrance to the tent barricaded, and then cut it to urgently get out of it out?

We also found the answer to this question.

To find us this answer, we helped us very much that with the help of unique techniques got, treating the film from the Camera Seeds Zolotarev, a group of researchers from Yekaterinburg. Recognizing the significant importance of this work, we want to pay attention to the following easily checked and obvious facts.

Just turn the images obtained to see that they are not at all depicted mythical "Fiery balls", and real And completely understandable plots.

So if you turn 180 degrees to 180 degrees, from the "Pass Dyatlov" and called the authors "Mushroom", then we can easily see the dead face of one of Dyatlovtsev found the last, namely Alexander Kolhatov. It was he who was the testimony of eyewitnesses, was found with a dried language, which is without difficulty "read" in the photo. It is obvious from this fact that the film Zolotareva, after the frames of the campaign, askinadi search engine.

Ill. 3. "Mysterious" photo №7 *. Face Kolvatov.

This is the object "Mushroom" on the terminology of Yakimenko.

* Photo 6.7 are given in the article Valentina Yakimenko "Film Dyatlovtsev": Searches, finds and new riddles "in the book" Pass Dyatlov "p.424. From there, the numbering of pictures. This provision additionally proves this frame is called the authors "Lynx".

We deploy it 90 degrees clockwise. In the center of the frame is clearly read by the face of a person from Askinadie's search group. We present photos from his archive.

Ill.4 asctinji group. By this time people already knewwhere are the bodies and produced a special dam - the trap "in the photo" to delay them in the case of a sudden stormy flood. The end of April is the beginning of May 1959.

Ill. 5 "Mysterious" photo №6 (Lynx object) on the terminology of Yakimenko and an enlarged image of the search engine.

We see that, in the center of the frame, from the film Zolotareva man from the group of Askinadie.

We think that this person was not accidental in the center frame. Perhaps it was he who played the key, main, central The role in search - realized where the bodies of the last Dyatlovtsev are located. The fact that he and in the group picture of the search engines feels the winner and is located above all.

We believe that everything Other pictures given in the article Yakimenko have a similar one purely earth origin.

So, thanks to the joint efforts of specialists from Ekaterinburg, first of all, Valentina Yakimenko and our mystery of "Fiery balls" was resolved by itself.

She simply never happened.

As in other matches themselves, the "fiery balls" in the vicinity of the mountain is separated on the night from 1 to 2 February 1959.

We respect our work with respect to all interested parties and organizations.

Sergey Goldin, analyst, independent expert.

Yuri Rance, a researcher engineer, an image analyst specialist.

Where arrived in the morning of January 24th. Describing this day, Yudin has made in the general diary of the group of frequently quoted record:

January 24th.
7.00. Just in Serov. We drove together with the Blinov group. At the station we met horror as hospitable: they did not let into the premises and the policeman turned his ears; In the city, everything is calm, crimes and violations of any, as with communism; And here Y. Krivo<нищенко> Delighted the song, he was captured at one moment and took.
Noting for the memory of the grief of Crivonischenko, the sergeant gave an explanation that paragraph 3 of the internal regulations at the station prohibits the calm of the passengers. This is perhaps the first station, where songs are prohibited, and where we sat without them. On Ivdel we are going from Serov at 6.30 pm. At school, near the station very warmly met. Zanegosis (she and the cleaner) heated the water to us, provided everything that could and what was needed to prepare for the campaign.
Free all day. I want to go to the city, for example, in the local history museum and on a tour of the met<аллургический> factory, but a lot of work with the distribution of equipment and its preparation.
12-2.00. Between the 1st and 2nd shifts, they organized a meeting with students. They stuffed as much as all such curious.
Zolotarev: "Children, now we will tell you ... Tourism happens, gives you the opportunity ..." Everyone is sitting, silent, fear. Z. Kolmogorova: "The tra-ta-ta, what is your name, where you were, how well done, and in the tents lived!" And went, and went. There were no questions. I had to show and explain each trifle from the lantern to the tent. The guys took two hours, they did not want to let us go. Song songs to each other. The whole school accompanied us to the station. The case ended in that when we left, the children were roaring and asked for Zina to stay with them and would be guilty of them, they would all listened to her, they studied well.
In a car, some other alcoholic demanded from us half a liter and stated that we pulled it from his pocket.
The dispute is a conversation about love on provocation Z. Kolmogorova. Songs. Revision, Dubinin under the seat. Garlic with bread, without water. And we arrived at 12.00 in Ivdel.
Large waiting room. Full freedom of action. In turn on duty all night. The bus on the Vizia will be wounded early in the morning.

In the evening, we left the train to Ivdel. He arrived in Ivdel at night from January 24-25, in the morning of the same January 25, Dyatlovtsy drove on the bus in Vizha, where they did in the hotel.

On the morning of January 26, the band left for a fellow in the village of logging (pos. 41 quarters). There, on January 27, they folded the backpacks on the ladder allocated by the head, they stood up and went to the abandoned village of the 2nd Northern Mine, which was previously in the Ivadelland system; On the same day, it was discovered that Yuri Yudin because of pain in the leg could not continue the campaign. Nevertheless, he came to the group until the 2nd Northern to gain stones for the institute and, perhaps, counting that the pain will pass before the active segment of the route.

On the morning of January 28, Yudin, saying goodbye to the group and giving his comrades to his part of the general cargo and personal warm things, returned back with the pit. Only from the detected diary entries and photographs of the campaign participants are known about future events.

The first days of the campaign at the active part of the route were held without any serious incidents. Tourists moved on skis along the Lozva River, and then along her influx of Auspii. On February 1, 1959, the Group stopped for the night on the slope of Holychachl Mountain (Kolat-Syakhl, translated from Mansiysk - Mountain Dead) or the tops "1079" (in later maps it is given as 1096.7 m), not far from Unnamed pass (later called Dyatlov's pass).

On the same day, one and a half kilometers from the tent and lower on the slope of 280 m, near the cedar, the bodies of Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko were discovered. Rescuers struck the fact that both bodies were spread to underwear. Doroshenko lay on his stomach. Under it - broken on the part of the branch of the tree, for which, apparently, he fell. Crivonischenko lying on his back. Any small things were scattered around the bodies. It was recorded: Doroshenko burned down and hair on the right temple, the crumonischenko - the left leg of 31 × 10 cm burns and the burn burn is 10 × 4 cm. Next to the corpses, the fire was found, which went into the snow. At the cedar itself, at an altitude of 4-5 meters, there were broken branches (some of them lay around the bodies), traces of blood remained on the crust. Nearby discovered sections with a knife with smokes of young fir and cuts on birch. Cut the tops of the fih and knife did not find. At the same time assumptions that they were used for the furnace, there was no. First, they are badly burning, and secondly, there were relatively many dry material around.

Almost simultaneously with them 300 meters from the cedar up the slope in the direction of the tent, Igor Dyatlov was found. He was slightly listed in the snow, headed on his back, head in the direction of the tent, after receiving the trunk of birch trees. On Dyatlov there were ski pants, pants, sweater, cube, fur sleeveless. On the right leg - wool sock, on the left - cotton. The clock on the hand showed 5 hours 31 minutes. On the face was ice growth, which meant that he was breathing in the snow before his death.

Approximately 330 meters from Dyatlov, above the slope, under the layer of dense snow at 10 cm, the body of Zina Kolmogorova was detected. She was warmly dressed, but without shoes. On the face there were signs of bleeding from the nose.

A few days, on March 5, 180 meters from the detection of Dyatlov's body and 150 meters from the location of the body of Kolmogorova using iron probes under a layer of snow 15-20 cm. Rustem Slobodin was found. He was also delayed quite warmly, while on the right foot was the boots, put on 4 pairs of socks (the second boots was discovered in the tent). On the left hand of Slobodin, a clock was found, which showed 8 hours of 45 minutes. On the face was ice thigh and there were signs of bleeding from the nose.

The location of all three bodies found on the slope, their postures indicated that they died on the way back from Cedar to the tent.

On the bodies of the first tourists found, there were no traces of violence, all people died from supercooling (during the opening it was revealed that Slobodin had a cranial brain injury (the crack of the skull 16 cm long and 0.1 cm wide), which could be accompanied by a repeated loss of consciousness and contributed to freezing). Another characteristic feature was the skin color: on the memoirs of rescuers - orange-red, in the documents of the forensic examination - a reddish-bugger.

The search for the remaining tourists took place in several stages from February to May. At the same time, the rescuers first of all were looking for people on the mountainside. The pass was also investigated between the vertices 1079 and 880 and the ridge towards Lozva, the sprog from the top 1079, the valley of the continuation of the 4th source Lozva and its continuation from the mouth along the Lozva Valley by 4-5 km. But everything was to no avail.

Only after the snow began to melt, it began to be discovered, which indicated rescuers the desired search direction. The exposed branches and scraps of clothing led in a hollow stream about 70 meters from the cedar, which was strongly listed. The digging allowed to be found at a depth of more than 2.5 m flooring of 14 stems of small fih and one birch length up to 2 m. On the flooring lay on the laps and several items of clothing. On the position of these items on the flooring, four spots were put on, made as "seating" for four people.

The first funerals passed on March 9, 1959 with a large crowd of the people. According to eyewitnesses, the faces and the skin of the dead guys had a crimson-blue tint. "In the coffins, there were negros," said one of the participants of the funeral. Bodies of four students (Dyatlov, Slobodina, Doroshenko, Kolmogorova) were buried in Sverdlovsk in the Mikhailovsky cemetery. Krivonischenko was buried by his parents in the Ivanovo cemetery of Sverdlovsk.

The funeral of tourists found in early May was held on May 12, 1959. Three of them are Dubinin, Kalyvatov and Tibo-Brignol - buried next to the graves of their comrades in the group in the Mikhailovsky cemetery. Zolotarev was buried in the Ivanovo cemetery, next to the grave of Krivonischenko. All four were buried in closed coffins.

Official consequence

The official investigation was launched after the initiation of the criminal case by the prosecutor of the Ivdelian district Vasily Ivanovich Tempalov on the fact of detecting corpses on February 6, 1959 and was conducted within three months.

Began to investigate the death of the group Dyatlov, the investigator of the Ivedel Prosecutor's Office Vladimir Ivanovich Korotaev. After V. I. Tempalov, together with the case, visited Sverdlovsk, the investigation was commissioned by the Criminalist Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Prosecutor's Office of Lion Nikitich Ivanov.

In one of the cameras, a photocade is preserved (made by last), which shows the moment of snow excavation to install the tent. Considering that this frame was removed with an excerpt of 1/25 seconds with a diaphragm of 5.6, with a film sensitivity of 65 units of GOST, as well as taking into account the density of the frame, we can assume that the tent has begun at about 5 pm. 1.02.1959 . A similar snapshot is also made by another camera. After that time, not a single record and no photograph was detected.

Mysterious 33rd photocardial from the films of Yuri Krivonischenko. According to one version, he was made in a tent when "someone" looked into her, according to another version, they were captured by glowing balls in the sky, which had rumors during the searches. In the Rakitin version, this frame is considered a defect of the film.

The attention of researchers of the death of the group attracted the 33rd frame of the film from the camera Yuri Krivonischenko. The most common version suggests that the frame was made from the tent and was the most last one that night. Meanwhile, Alexey Rakitin suggests that the ill-fated photo is the work of an expert-criminalist, who, before leaving the film, first pressed to the shutter, to find out if he was crushed (in the models of "Zorky" the 1950s there were no labels For which it was possible to determine the position of the shutter without clicking on it) and rewound it back to the cassette, and therefore, on this 33rd photography, the fact that at that time was in the field of view of the lens (taking into account unconference and excerpt).

The investigation found that the tent was left suddenly and at the same time by all tourists:

The location and availability of items in the tent (almost all shoes, all overhead clothes, personal belongings and diaries) showed that the tent was left suddenly and at the same time by all tourists, and, as established in the subsequent criminalistic examination, the leeward side of the tent, where tourists were located The heads turned out to be cut from the inside in two places, in areas providing a free yield through these cuts.

Below the tents for up to 500 meters in the snow, traces of people walking from the tent in the valley and in the forest ... Inspection of traces showed that some of them were left almost bass foot (for example, in one x / b toe), others had a typical flame , feet walked into a soft sock, and so on the tracks trails were located close one to the other, converged and again diverged one from the other. Closer to the border of the forest traces turned out to be listed snow. Neither in a tent, nor near it was found traces of struggle or the presence of other people.

The investigator V. I. Tempalov, who was among the first at the place of the tragedy, about the traces showed: "At the bottom of the tent 50-60 [m] from us on the slope, I found 8 pairs of traces of people who carefully considered, but they were deformed due to Winds and temperature fluctuations. I could not set the ninth trace, and it was not. Footprints were photographed. They walked down from the tent. Traces showed me that people went to a normal step down the mountain. The traces were visible only on a 50-meter plot, there were no further, as the lower from the mountain, the more snow. All this indicated that an organized retreat of a dense group, a messy and "panic" flight from the tent was not.

The head of the search by E. P. Maslennikov in the radiogram dated March 2, 1959 indicated that the reason for which tourists left the tent is unclear:

The main mystery of the tragedy remains the output of the entire group from the tent. The only thing except the ice ax, found outside the tent, the Chinese lantern on her roof, confirms the likelihood of a single person's output, which gave some reason to all the rest hastily throw a tent.

The investigation initially worked out the version of the attack and murder of tourists by representatives of the indigenous nationalities of the Northern Urals Mansi. Under the suspicion of Mansi Anyamov, Sanbindal, Chickens and their relatives. Some were concluded in the preliminary conclusion chamber, accused of violent penetration into a tent to tourists. None of them took blame for himself. However, soon with the help of a worker of one of the Atelier Ivell, invited to the office to the investigator Korotaev, it was installed - cuts in the tent not outside, and from the inside. The appointed examination confirmed the assertion of the Tktchikh:

The nature and form of all (...) damage indicate that they were formed from the contact of the tissue from the inside of the tent with the blade of a blade of some weapon (knife).

The examination found that on the skate of the tent turned down down the slope, there were 3 significant over the values \u200b\u200bof the cut - about 89, 31 and 42 cm long, 2 significant on the area of \u200b\u200bthe piece of fabric were doried and absent. In addition, there was a cut from the skate to the side wall, which was far from the entrance to the side of the skate, bend the rear wall. In this case, damage was caused by cutting from the inside with a knife, and the blade did not immediately cut the fabric, that is, to someone who cut the tarpaulin, had to repeat their attempt once.

As a result, Mansi was released. In turn, Manci said that they saw a strange "fiery balls" over the death of tourists. They not only described this phenomenon, but also drew it. According to Korotaev, after the case passed to L. N. Ivanov, drawings from the case disappeared. "Fiery balls" during the search period observed the rescuers themselves, as well as other residents of the Northern Urals.

Meanwhile, the search for the remaining tourists began to be seriously delayed, and there was never formed by any basic version, although the government commission required certain results. Under these conditions, the investigator Lion Ivanov, having multiple evidence of disinterested persons, began to develop in detail the "technogenic" version of the death of people associated with some tests. He once again visited the place of the accident, explored the forest, together with E. P. Maslennikov examined the scene. They found that some young trees on the border of the forest have a burden footprint, but these traces did not wear a concentric form or other system. There was no epicenter. At the same time, the snow was not melted, the trees were not damaged.

After finding the corpses of four tourists in a stream, at the insistence of L. N. Ivanov, their clothes were sent to the Sverdlovsk SES on radiological expertise. The main radiologist of Sverdlovsk Levashov made the following conclusion:

Subjects presented on examination (sweater, sharovari) contain radioactive substances. Separate clothing samples contain a somewhat overestimated content of a radioactive substance, which is a beta emitter. The detected radioactive substances during washing are washed off, that is, caused by non-neutron flow and induced radioactivity, but by radioactive contamination of beta radiation. The absence of appropriate devices and conditions in the laboratory did not allow radiochemical analysis to determine the chemical structure of the emitter and the energy of its radiation.

Decryption from the film "Mystery of Dyatlov Pass".

According to the journalist "regional newspaper" Yekaterinburg Anatoly Gushchina, radiation from clothing only slightly exceeds the natural background in Yekaterinburg - 10 ... 18 μR / h.

On the identified results of Ivanov reported to the second secretary of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU KPSS A. F. Eshtokin, after which the last, with the approval of the 1st secretary A. P. Kirilenko, gave a completely categorical instruction: absolutely everything should be sealing, sealed, pass to the specialist and forget about it. . In addition, from all participants in the search teams of Dyatlov, a subscription to the non-disclosure of what was seen for 25 years was taken.

The criminal case was discontinued on May 28, 1959 for the lack of a crime event. The decision to terminate the criminal case says:

"Knowing the difficult rates of the elevation of the height of 1079, which was assumed to climb, Dyatlov as the leader of the group made a gross mistake expressed in the fact that the group began ascent on 1.02.59 only at 15.00. Subsequently, on the ski access of tourists, preserved by the time of searches, it was possible to establish that, moving towards the valley of the fourth tributary Lozva, tourists took on the 500-600 m to the left and instead of the pass formed by the peaks of 1079 and 880, went to the eastern slope of the vertex 1079. It was The second mistake of Dyatlov.

Using the rest of the daylight on the rise to the top 1079 in conditions of a strong wind, which is common in this area, and a low temperature of about 25 degrees, Dyatlov turned out to be in unprofitable conditions overnight stays and decided to break the tent on the peak of the top 1079 so that in the morning of the next day, not Losing heights, go to the mountain, is separated, to which about 10 km remained in a straight line. "

It was concluded:

"Given the lack of external body damage and signs of struggle on the corpses, the availability of all values \u200b\u200bof the Group, as well as taking into account the conclusion of forensic medical examination on the causes of the death of tourists, it should be considered that the cause of their death was the spontaneous force, to overcome people were not able to "

After checking in Moscow, the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR returned on July 11, 1959, and by order of the prosecutor of Sverdlovsk N. Klogov, some time was kept in the secret archive (sheets of 370-377 "cases", containing the results of the radiological examination, were commissioned in Sov. Secret Archive . But then it was declassified and passed to the archive of the Sverdlovsk region. At the same time, the RSFSR prosecutor's office after checking the case did not report any new information and did not give any instructions to "classify the case".

Outpitation results

On March 4, 1959, the expert of the regional bureau of the forensic medical examination by Boris Alekseevich Reborn and Jewansk Speert of the city of Severouralsk Ivan Ivanovich Laptev was a study of the four bodies of the dead tourists delivered to Ivdel. This work was carried out in the location of the morgue of the Ivdelskaya ITC. The following was recorded:

  1. Doroshenko - bodily injuries (bruises and abrasions) refer to the category of lungs without health disorder; numerous traces of frostbite limbs ("end phalanges of the fingers of hands and stop - dark-purple color"); The internal organs are filled with blood; Fractures of bones and cartilage are not fixed;
  2. Crivonischenko - revealed numerous abrasions, scratches, sediation; there was no tip of the nose; Two burns are fixed - the burn of the left shin is 31 × 10 cm and burn the left feet of 10 × 4 cm;
  3. Kolmogorov - frostbite 3-4 degrees of the phalange of the fingers of the hands; numerous abrasions with dimensions from 1.5 * 1.0 cm to 0.3 * 3.0 cm on hand and palms; 3.0 * 3.2 cm wound with scalped skin flap on the brush of the right hand; Right side slope, turning onto the back of the skin sediment of 29.0 * 6.0 cm; Money cerebral edema;
  4. Dyatlov - revealed numerous abrasions, scratches, semilation; On the palm of the left hand, the surface wound is recorded from the second to the fifth fingers depth to 0.1 cm; Internal organs are filled with blood.

For all dead, the conclusion was made - death came from the effects of low temperature (freezing). Death time - after 6-8 hours since the last eating.

On March 8, 1959, B. A. Reborna conducted a forensic medical examination of Rustem Slobodina's corpse. Fixed: numerous abrasions, scratches, sediation are revealed; in the regions of the right and left temporal muscles, spilled hemorrhages with the impregnation of soft tissues; From the front edge of the left temporal bone forward and up the crack up to 6.0 cm long and with the discrepancy between the edges to 0.1 cm, the crack is located from the sweep seam at a distance of 1.5 cm; The discrepancy between the temporal seam of the bones of the skull on the left and right (defined as posthumous). But at the same time, the expert noted that the bones of the base of the skull were intact and there was no pronounced hemorrhage into the subband shells.

The revived specifically pointed out: "The specified closed skull injury is caused by a blunt tool. At the moment of occurrence, it undoubtedly caused a state of short-term stun Slobodin and contributed to the fastest freezing of Slobodin. Taking into account the above bodily injuries, Slobodin in the first hours from the moment they could move and crawl. The death of Slobodina came as a result of its freezing. "

On May 9, 1959, Jerothelspert B. A. Reborn, together with the criminalist expert Henrietta Eliseevna Churkin (conducted an examination of the tent cuts), made an autopsy and study of the bodies of the last four members of the deceased group of Igor Dyatlov. The autopsy was also held in the location of the Morna and the ITC. The expert discovered and described the bodies of those killed in the following condition:

  1. Dubinina - on the right brooms 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs, left were broken 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th ribs; Lack of soft tissues in the field of abnormal arcs, bridges, orclauses and the left temporo-zilly region. The bones of the face of the skull are partially naked; In the region of the left parietal bone, the defect of soft tissues of 4.0 * 4.0 cm in size, the bottom of the dark bone; Eye apples are missing; Nose cartilages are flattened (but the bone of the nose backrest is intact); The lack of soft tissues of the upper lip on the right with the exposure of the upper jaw and teeth; There is no language in the oral cavity;
  2. Zolotarev - on the back of the right of the wound 8.0 * 6.0 cm with dice, fractures 2,3,4,5 and 6 Röbembers on the right; Lack of eyeballs; The absence of soft tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe left eyebrows of 7.0 * 6.0 cm, the bone is naked.
  3. Kolevatov - Behind the right ear sink in the zone of the depositous process of temporal bone of the wound of an indefinite shape of 3.0 * 1.5 * 0.5 cm in size penetrating to the bone (i.e. the depositous process of temporal bone); In the field of iceds and the abnormal arcs - the lack of soft tissues with the exposion of the bones of the skull, the eyebrows are absent;
  4. Tibo-Brignol - Spilled hemorrhage into the right temporal muscle. Povered by the fracture of the temporal dark area of \u200b\u200b9.0 * 7.0 cm. (Plot of pressure of the temporal bone 3.0 * 8.5 * 2.0 cm.). The multi-speed fracture of the right temporal bone with the transition of the bone crack to the front cranial hole on the headless bone's supervised area. Another crack - with a discrepancy of edges from 0.1 cm to 0.4 cm. - On the rear surface of the Turkish saddle with the transition to the middle skull.

The expert concluded:

  • the death of Kolvatov came from the effect of low temperature (freezing);
  • the death of a tubinine - as a result of extensive hemorrhage into the right ventricle of the heart, multiple bilateral fracture Ryuber, abundant internal bleeding into the chest cavity. These damage could occur as a result of exposure to a large force resulting in a serious closed mortal injury of the chest. And damage to the lifetime character and are the result of the impact of a large force, followed by a fall, throw or injury injury;
  • death of Zolotarev - as a result of multiple injuries;
  • the death of the Tibo-Brignole is as a result of a closed multi-skilled fracture to the area of \u200b\u200bthe arch and base of the skull, with abundant hemorrhage under the cerebral shells and in the brain substance in the presence of a surrounding low temperature.

In addition, B. A. Reborn in conversation with L. N. Ivanov so explains the nature of body damage to Tibo-Brignol:

  • Question: "What is the strength of Tibo-Brignol could get such a wound?"
  • Answer: "As a result of a throw, fall, but I suppose, not from the height of its growth, that is, slipped, fell and hit his head. The extensive and very deep fracture of the arch and base of the skull is obtained by a blow, equal to the strength when dropping a car moving at high speed. "
  • Question: "Is it possible to assume that Tibo hit a stone that was in man's hand?"
  • Answer: "In this case, soft tissues would be damaged, and this was not detected."

Publication of business

25 years after the closure of the destruction of the Dyatlov group, it could be destroyed by "in normal order" to storing documents. But the prosecutor of the region Vladislav Ivanovich Tuykov gave an indication of the matter not to destroy as "socially significant." Therefore, it has been preserved in the archive of the Sverdlovsk region, and has been preserved in full.

Fully materials are never published. Directly with the materials got acquainted a small group of researchers; The rest were available for a few scanned photos, excerpts from inspection and interrogation protocols. However, it is possible that in the case contains additional materials that can change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe events.

The Public Foundation "Memory of the Group Dyatlov" in June 2012 began the collection of funds for copying the original criminal case from the Archive of Gaso Yekaterinburg.

Work of the investigation

Concrete tasks were stood before search engines and the consequence: the first was the main thing to find a group, alive or dead, consequence - to establish the presence or absence of a crime composition. The bodies of all dead were found, and the collected information and expertise showed that there were no signs of the crime, and the case was closed. However, the investigation did not answer the question - as people acted after they left the tent, under what circumstances four tourists were injured and as it turned out that no one had survived.

The consequence of specific tasks of the search engines and the investigation was the fact that the case file is not fundamentally full, and there are no important information that would allow to understand the causes of the events that occurred. There are many such gaps:

In other words, in essence, reliable information about what exactly the group members did in the last hours of their life and in what sequence, not so much. Numerous gaps in information make it difficult to understand what happened to the end and complete clarity.

According to the results of the investigation, the disadvantages in the organization of tourist work and weak control of the Bureau of the Sverdlovsk Communist Party of the CPSU in the party order, the director of the UPI Siiunov, Secretary of Partbühro Zaostrovsky, Chairman of the FCC, Sodobodina, Chairman of the City Union of Voluntary Sports Sports Special Sports and Inspector Union Ufimsev. Chairman of the Board of Sports Club UPI proudly removed from work.


The findings of professionals - tourists and climbers, with some discrepancies in the estimates, in general, and generally reduce the fact that for some reason on the evening of February 1 or at night from 1 to 2 February, spending the night in a tent on a flame slope of the mountain, members of the group in Hurry left the tent and moved down the slope, to the forest. People left part without dressed, without shoes, without getting the necessary things from the tent and equipment, Nulling not all the upper clothes. It is this fact that the reason for leaving the group of the tent - and represents the main question in this tragedy.

A lot of versions of the reasons prompted the group to leave the tent, and each has its weaknesses. There is also a certain number of super-standard, inexplicable features seen during the opening: for example, a barely noticeable purple shade of clothing, missing tongue of batinic and eyeballs of men, a strange skin color of the dead or fiery balls that witnesses said.

Evgeny Bujanov in the book "The Mystery of the Dyatlov accident" cites the following classification of the versions of what happened:

  1. Versions explaining the accident by the action of natural, natural factors
  2. Technogenic versions binding an accident with any weapon tests, etc.
  3. Criminal versions that explain the death of a group of a crime committed by rallied criminals or representatives of power, or representatives of the opposition, for example hiding saboteurs
  4. Other versions (UFO action, random poisoning, etc.)


Gathering avalanche

The version suggests that avalanche sued a tent, after which the tent fell under the burden of snow, tourists during evacuation from her cut the wall, which is why it is impossible to stay in a tent until the morning. Further actions due to the above hypothermia were not quite adequate, which ultimately led to death. It also suggested that heavy injuries caused by a part of tourists were caused by avalanche.

As presupposes E.V. Buyanov, one of the reasons for the gathering avalanche appeared under the slope in the place of installation of the tent. In this case, the injuries of some tourists are explained by the load of the large mass of snow due to the squeezing effect during the support on the rigid bottom of the tent. Buyanov, referring to the book "Snow Snow. Guidance Guide (A. Rudneva, A. Adobsko and M. Pankov, M., 2008), notes that the Dyatlov group accident is located in the area with "weak" avalanche danger, where "Avalanches are found in separate places and Low in multiserry years ": the area belonging to" inland continental districts with avalanches from recrystallized snow ".

Opponents of the avalanche version indicate that experienced climbers from search groups of avalanche trace did not find. Neither the tent itself, nor stretching, to which she was attached, was not shifted, and the ski sticks stuck in the snow were not caught. Naval snow on a tent inevitably led to the winding of the skate and would make it impossible to draw those cuts that were made. The selection of the group's waste down from avalanche is not entirely clear, although all tourists know that it is necessary to leave the sideways, and the departure down is mortally erroneous in the case of avalanche. In addition, if there was a heavy injuries of several tourists avalanche, the selectivity of the traumatic effect on the Dubinine, Zolotarev and Tibo-Brignol is completely incomprehensible, and looks unlikely the possibility of moving three such seriously injured people from the tent to the place where their bodies were found. In the published documents of the investigation, in particular, the expert directly rejects the possibility of independent movement of the Tibo-Brignol, based on the injuries they received. The concentration of traces, which would be inevitably formed when carrying wounded, the rescuers did not find. The selectivity of avalanche, ruthlessly torrential people, but very prudently not touched by thin-walled products made of metal type mugs, flashes, buckets, chimney pipes looks strange.

Collapse of the tent with a relatively small bullet

According to some calculations, the installation of a tent with a burden of the layer of snow on a weak slope and the existing weather circumstances - the transition of temperature from zero to -30 ° C for one night - in the complex could contribute to the fact that the layer of snow could come to the tent, which did not continue his movement for her . This version explains the leaving of the tent and its condition, and the explanations of the further events are similar to the avalanche version and have the same weaknesses: it is not clear why tourists, instead of digring equipment and clothing from under the snow, the whole group in what was going down the slope .

Buyanov explains it so - the tent was half ascended, to dig something out of her in the dark in the cold and with strong winds seemed very difficult, loose snow again shown down when the slope attempts were not excluded - all this, not to mention, not to mention The injured and psychological shock, contributed to the realization that it is necessary to leave the mountain as soon as possible. In addition, the very well, on the slope of the mountain was dangerous - due to the possibility of re-gathering avalanche in the case of attempts to eliminate things. And again - with strong wind and frost, there are poorly dressed people there any long-time suicide. It was necessary to immediately seek refuge, protected from the wind place where it was possible to get a fire and try to warm up. It was exactly that they tried to make the guys from the Dyatlov group, going down, to the forest, where they were located Labaz. However, a rock mistake was made - they were not descended by the slope and Labaz remained on the other side of the pass. Realized this group is already at the very edge of the forest. After that, leaving hard wounded and giving them upper clothes, the strongest went back to the tent.

Similar version adheres to Writer Boris Akunin:

I think that nothing mysterious in the pass did not happen.
At night, when the band was preparing to dinner and disguised himself to sleep, because of a strong wind, a snowy layer was shifted, the tent was half piled. Frightened that it wakes up avalanche, the guys rushed down the slope. Decided to divide the fire at a safe distance and wait for the morning to understand, there is a danger of avalanche gathering or not.
Began to freeze. Obviously, there was a dispute between the two leaders - the senior group of the Dyatlov and the instructor the golden. Three left the golden in the ravine, where they dug a pit or a hole in the snow, underwing down the cranked trees. Five remained at Cedar, but after a while they realized that they would not last until the morning. It was divided again. Two for some reason (maybe afraid to return) did not touch, and Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorov decided to take a chance, went back to the tent for warm things and skiing. These five people were frozen.
Someone from the "Zolotarians" returned to the cedar, when Krivonischenko and Doroshenko had already died, and took off their warm clothes.
Touching in the ravine, the four in principle took the right decision, but misfortune happened to them. Most likely, undermined snow fell and pressed three to death, and the fourth, let's say, stunned. In May, the flow of melt water was taken away by a body for several tens of meters from the flooring. Eye apples and tongue were curled by a bird or some other animals were leaving.
This is a common picture of what, it seems to me, happened. There is a number of unclear issues, but each of them can be found rational response, without leaving the framework of this concept.

Impact sound

There are versions according to which the cause of the incident has become a sound (or infrasound) impact of natural or man-made origin.

This version is not confirmed and can only be considered as a speculation, since there are no facts that indicate the presence of infrasound radiation. As there are no facts (experiments, evidence), confirming that such an impact is generally possible. It should also be noted that the source of the sound of this force is a very powerful thing, in nature simply does not occur, but artificially created is very expensive and costly.

Other veras

There are also a number of versions that explain the collision with wild animals (for example, bears, wolves, elms), poisoning of members of a group with methyl alcohol or drugs, the consequences of a natural phenomenon (for example, ball lightning).

However, there were no other traces around the tent, except for traces of "Dyatlovtsev". On the other hand, a collision with wild animals (for example, bears, wolves, elms) could occur in the area where the last fourth of the dead was found in the spring. In this area, traces and people, and animals were absent, as they were noticeable with snow.


Attack of runaway prisoners

The investigation requested the surrounding ITU and received the answer that it was not identified in the segment of the time of interest of the prisoners. In winter, shoots in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Urals are problematic due to the severity of natural conditions and the impossibility of moving outside of permanent roads. In addition, this version says that prisoners are unlikely to leave intact money, products and alcohol.

Death from mansi

Places where Dyatlovtsy died is indeed mentioned in the Mansi folklore. From the book by A. K. Matveyev "The vertices of the stone belt. The names of the Mountains of the Urals ":

"Kolat-Syyyl, Mountain (1079 m) on a water-seed ridge between the tops of Lozva and her influx of Auspii 15 km to YuyuV from the deregulated. Mansius "Kolate" - "Dead", that is, the Kolat Syakhl - Mountain of the Dead. There is a legend that nine Mansi died on this top. Sometimes add that it happened during the World Flood. According to another version, with a flood, hot water flooded everything around, except for the place on the top of the mountain sufficient to lie down a person. But Mansi, who found a refuge here, died. Hence the name of the mountain ... "

However, despite this, nor the mountain ruined, nor the Kolat Syakhyl is from Mansi sacred. According to the conclusion of forensic examinations, the cranial and brain injuries in the Tibo-Brignole and Slobodin could not be applied by a stone or other weapons - then the external tissues would be inevitably damaged. During the investigation, this version was carried out among the first, but subsequently was refuted.

From the decision to terminate the criminal case:

The investigation was not established at the presence of 1 or 2 February 1959 in the region of the height of "1079" other people, except for the group of tourists Dyatlov. It has also been established that the population of Mancy people, living in 80-100 km from this place, refers to Russians friendly - provides tourists to the night, provides them with assistance, etc. The place where the group died, in winter it is considered to be Herx and reindeer herding.

Under the resolution, the signature of the investigator, which was in production, ml. Advisor to Justice (corresponds to the army rank - Major) L. Ivanova and NCH. The investigative department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office of the Justice Advisor (corresponds to the army rank - lieutenant colonel) Lukina.

Quarrel between tourists

This version was not accepted as a serious one of the tourists who have experience close to the experience of the Dyatlov group, not to mention a bigger, which has an overwhelming part of tourists above the 1st category on a modern classification. By virtue of the specifics of training, in tourism as a sport, potential conflicts are eliminated already at the preliminary training stage. The Dyatlov group was similar and well-prepared by the standards of that time, therefore, the conflict that led to emergency development of events, under any circumstances was extremely unlikely. Alexey Rakitin noted that, judging by the published photos, at the very beginning of the path, everything in the group was in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit, which makes it an impossible version of the fact that their death could be the result of a suddenly broken internal conflict.

Murder by employees of Ivadellag on household soil

The death of tourists occurred due to the conflict with local law enforcement officers engaged in poaching. Employees of Ivadellag from hooligan motivations attacked the Tutor group, which led to the death of injuries and supercooling. .


There are a number of versions on which wine in the death of the Dyatlov Tutor group lies on the military or special services:

The impact version of some tested weapons

It was suggested that tourists were under the blow of some tested weapons, the impact of which provoked flights, and perhaps and directly contributed to the death of people. As an amazing factors, such as pairs of rocket fuel components, a sodium cloud from a specially equipped rocket, an explosive wave, the action of which explains injuries. As a confirmation, a slightly elevated radioactivity of clothing of some tourists is recorded as a consequence compared with the natural background. A confirmation of the sense of secret tests can serve a number of coincidences, found in the history of missile development of the Uralmash plant. Since 1955, the meteorological missile MR-12 and the Onega complex has been manufactured there, in particular. The rocket division was minimized in 1963 - in the same year the ruined area was reopened for tourists.

Only a strange railway branch in the village of Midnight, resting directly to the mountainside, wreckage of missiles found directly in the mountain break, a couple of years in the Kolat-Syakhyl area, and the vintage photo of the cutting in the forest wilderness. In favor of the version, you can attribute messages: search engine Syuniyev about Cannonade in the first days of searches; The prosecutor of the Ivelae Tempalova, the former artilleryman who had noticed from the helicopter on the opposite slope of the Kolat-Syakhl suspicious funnels; And A. P. Kirilenko himself, who sent relatives of those killed behind the "Military" pension.

But, on the other hand, how should the rocket fall to deprive the eyes and language? In addition, the rocket landfill assumes roads, buildings, villages, airfield, radar station. Traces of this was not observed.

Version about the TURGRUP as witnesses of secret tests

The assumptions were put forward that death had occurred from the hands of the military who removed unwanted witnesses of certain secret teachings or tests.

Version about runaway prisoners and search groups

Also, there is a hypothesis about the destruction of the turgroup with a detachment of soldiers who have searched for runaway prisoners. However, there was no shoots during this period. Near the tent did not find any traces of struggle. In addition, on the one hand, on persons who committed Escape, the security had the right to immediately open fire on the defeat (and there is no trace of gunshot weapons), on the other - it is extremely implausible to the assumption that the soldiers did not distinguish between runaway prisoners from tourists and that tourists became I would have resist representatives of power.

Version of "controlled delivery" (Avt. Alexey Rakitin)

There is a version of A.I. Rakitina, according to the group, the group included the CSB regular staff: Semen Zolotarev, Alexander Kolevatov and Yura Krivonischenko. One of them, depicting the anti-Soviet-minded young man, for a while before the campaign was "recruited" by foreign intelligence and agreed under the cover of the campaign on the route to meet with foreign spies masked under another turgroup, and convey samples of radioactive materials in the form of goods containing radioactive Dust (in reality it was "controlled delivery" under the supervision of the KGB). However, spies revealed the relationship of the group from the KGB (possibly when trying to photograph them) or, on the contrary, they themselves made an error that allowed the uninitiated members of the group to suspect that they were not those who were issued for them (misinterpreted themselves, they found ignorance of well-known for residents of the USSR Fact, etc.). Having decided to eliminate witnesses, the spies forced tourists to divide on the frost and leave the tent, threatening with firearms, but without applying him that death looked natural (according to their calculations, the victims were to inevitably die at night from the cold). Rustem Slobodin tried to render the attacked resistance and was beaten by them, as a result of which he lost consciousness during the departure from the tent. It was noticed by the rest not immediately, Dyatlov went to search for Slobodin, then Kolmogorova; They died from supercooling. To facilitate the orientation of the remaining remaining, the fire was lit. Noticing the light of the fire, the agents realized that tourists were able to self-organize for survival and decided to finish them. The remaining survivors were dispersed by that time, and as they were detected to obtain information and to eliminate the agents, torture and receiving hand-to-hand combat were used - bodily injuries, a broken tongue and a society were explained. The bodies of four tourists discovered later than all were reset in the ravine in order to make it difficult to find them. The saboteurs searched the tent and the bodies of the dead and seized the cameras with which they were photographed, as well as the suicide recording of tourists.


This version of versions attracts fantastic and mythological essences to explain the incident, such as Yeti. Most of such versions comes from various kinds of researchers of paranormal phenomena, ufologists, psychics, etc., which are found in the circumstances of the death of the Tutor group of Dyatlov some features similar to the estimated behavior of the phenomena or objects studied by these specialists. There are a number of fantastic versions of the causes of the Dyatlov group.

Incident in the context of the history of Russian tourism

The death of the Dyatlov group with all its dramaticness is not a unique event both for that time and for sports tourism at all. The fame of this case is associated with the active activities of the loved ones and friends of the dead, which made significant efforts to perpetuate the memory of the dead and legends of the publication of the tragedy. An important role is also plays the unknownness of the main reason for the accident - the circumstances of the bombing of the tent. In the mass of other cases, they are well known. But to this day, such incidents occur periodically, and they are far from always the circumstances are clarified in its entirety.

Dyatlovtsev's death fell on the last period of existence of an old system of support for amateur tourism, which had the organizational form of commissions in the sports committees and unions of sports societies and organizations (SSO) of territorial entities. In enterprises and universities there were tourist sections, but these were scattered organizations, weakly interacting with each other. With an increase in tourism popularity, it became obvious that the existing system does not cope with the preparation, provision and support of tourist groups and cannot provide a sufficient level of tourism security. In 1959, when a group of Dyatlov died, the number of dead tourists did not exceed 50 people per year in the country. Already in the next, 1960, the number of dead tourists almost doubled. The first response of the authorities was an attempt to ban amateur tourism, which was done by a decree of March 17, 1961. But it is impossible to prohibit people to voluntarily go hiking at a very affordable area - tourism moved to the "wild" state when neither the training none controlled nobody controlled, the routes were not agreed upon, only friends and friends followed the control deadlines. The effect followed immediately: in 1961, the number of dead tourists exceeded 200 people. Since the groups did not docume the composition and route, sometimes there were no information about the number of missing, nor about how to look for them.

The death of the Tutor group of Dyatlov in literature and art


Documentary prose

  • Oleg Arkhipov. "Death under the edge" secret "." Reflections on the tragedy of the group Igor Dyatlov, Publishing House "Truth", Tyumen, 2012


In mid-2005, the Ural magazine, in which four and a half years ago, annea Anna Matveyeva appeared, published a mystical thriller Anna Kiryanova "Hunting Sorsi Nai". The basis of the novel was the story of the death of the Dyatlov group, but the novel himself was neither a documentary or artistic version of real events. Despite the fact that the name of the main character of the novel was Dyatlov (but not Igor, but Egor; It was the only coincidence in the novel of the real last name and the name of the character), the editorial office of the magazine and the author declared that the "Hunting of Sorry-Nai" is a "aesthetic rethinking" of the Ural MiP on the death of the Tutor group. However, the magazine of the novel was noticed not so much literary critics as friends and associates of the tourists who died almost half a century. Kiryanova told him about it in an interview:

After edition of the book, a group of the elderly friends of Dyatlovtsev chased me, accusing me that I had a huge fortune, publishing this novel in the journal Ural, which I insulted the honor and dignity ...<...> If the city is called "Sverdlovsk", I can not name it "Zhopinsk". These academics stood with posters under my windows, and since then I decided not to write anything like this. In addition to trouble, I did not profit anything from the publication of this novel. Of course, I then came out and calmly said told these friends Dyatlovtsev, which was necessary in the 59th year to write denoms, requests and requirements, and not in 2005.