Aquarius in March of the year exact horoscope.

Aquarius in March of the year exact horoscope.
Aquarius in March of the year exact horoscope.

Aquarius businessmen should not accept a single proposal regarding their own business, especially when it comes to expanding the sphere of influence - advises the horoscope for March 2019. Aquarius is now not ready for this either morally or financially. A great March strategy is to focus on doing specific daily activities.


In March, Aquarius should not convince his opponents or business partners of the correctness of his own words and actions, justify his own point of view, this looks unconvincing, and sometimes ridiculous. For this, the stars will be given the opportunity at the end of spring. Then life itself will prove to those who did not trust you that your conclusions are correct.

If Aquarians work as hired workers, they will be forced to simply crawl out of their way in order to stay in their place of work. In March, many factors do not play into the hands of the representatives of the sign, and circumstances are such that your achievements will go unnoticed, but the slightest flaws and shortcomings will be made public.

Due to the intrigues of spiteful critics, you can be branded as a careerist and a person walking "on corpses". Therefore, the horoscope recommends Aquarius to stay away from colleagues, whose intentions and purity of thoughts the representatives of the sign are not 100% sure of, refraining from talking with them or in their presence.

It is better not to schedule business meetings, especially important ones, in March. If, nevertheless, it is not possible to postpone business negotiations, then be prepared for improvisation and lightning-fast change of the plan. The picture drawn in the imagination of Aquarius of what result the meeting will end with will not correspond to reality, so think over several options for the development of events in advance.


The Aquarius family boat will be stormy in March. The relationship of the spouses in March 2019 will be tested for strength, the representatives of the sign themselves will be to blame, the likelihood of their new hobbies and novels on the side is very high. With all this, Aquarius themselves can annoy their partner with bouts of jealousy: his suspicion in March will escalate to the limit. In order not to torment himself and his spouse or spouse, the horoscope recommends that Aquarius weigh all the available facts and clearly prioritize. You should not make hasty decisions, they can become fateful, and it will be impossible to correct the situation. The crack that started in March could split your family completely.

Aquarius Woman

Since the soul of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, born under this sign, is constantly boiling with many desires, in March she will need to always have sensual sensations.

At the beginning of spring, Aquarius women will be feminine, flirtatious, seductive and extremely attractive for men of literally all signs of the horoscope. Representatives of the stronger sex, not without pleasure, become her true fans, although this is dangerous: an Aquarius woman in March can easily harm the reputation of a person who had the imprudence to fall in love with her. Most men are willing to make huge sacrifices for her. Family, career, dreams, good relationships with family and friends can be at stake. Even if he fails to conquer the obstinate Aquarius woman, she still remains with him forever, as a wound in his tortured heart.

Aquarius man

At the beginning of the month, despite the women's holidays, Aquarius will be forced to think about business, and keep everything under control. And right after the festive corporate party, it is urgent to plunge headlong into work, otherwise unsolved problems will accumulate. It is optimal to rely only on yourself and your strength in March.

In March, you need to pay attention to the repair of an office space or other place where Aquarius has to work. The month is good for preparing for moving to a new place, but not for the move itself. In March, there will be brilliant negotiations on any acquisitions, real estate transactions, both residential and commercial. But you shouldn't take action right away, it's better to wait for April. March will be the perfect time to complete the projects started in the past.

Aquarius child

In March 2019, little Aquarius will most likely be haunted by the same setbacks and troubles as the adult representatives of the sign. Detachment, emotional coldness, irritability with the transition to aggression will be difficult for the children themselves and their parents. Representatives of the older generation will need all their wisdom and ability to conduct a dialogue in order to survive this difficult period in a baby's life. Do not neglect the help of grandparents in the educational process, try to maintain peace of mind that appears on the horizon of influence, the Moon will soon soften the heart and calm your child.


The secret of good health in March 2019 for representatives of the zodiacal house of Aquarius is simple - moderation in everything. However, despite the simplicity and correctness of this advice, it will be very difficult to follow it in March: the Yellow Pig will persuade Aquarius to be excessive in all aspects of life - in food, love, alcohol and work. Even in treatment, it will be very difficult to keep the golden mean. March, and all the months that follow it, do not provide for half-tones for the representatives of the sign, and succumbing to the rigid pace of the month, many Aquarians will acquire many health problems. Overwork, nervous breakdowns, exacerbation of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue, will overtake many Aquarius in March. Therefore, from the very beginning of the month, astrologers recommend taking a course on a healthy lifestyle. Observe your diet, work and rest regimen, and finally go in for sports. Be careful when drinking alcohol. A temporary loss of performance is possible due to severe alcohol intoxication.


Horoscope for March 2019, Aquarius should postpone important business meetings for a better time.
Be careful when dealing with colleagues: you don't need to be too frank.
In amorous affairs, difficulties: fits of jealousy, romances on the side take place in March 2017.
Horoscope for April 2019, Aquarius.

It is unlikely that in March 2017 there will be a situation from which Aquarius will not be able to extricate himself. And here it is important to note two points. Firstly, due to the extremely positive location of Saturn and Mercury, your key patrons, there will be a minimum number of conflicts. Secondly, in most cases, circumstances will develop in your favor, which is good news. This is certainly not a panacea for mistakes, but in this situation, any "jambs" can be corrected quickly and painlessly, it is enough to try a little and really want it. In the coming month, motivation will be the defining moment where it makes sense to focus your attention. Both in the work area and in the sphere of personal relations, a whole front of opportunities will unfold before you, doors ajar or wide open, but (and this is true) not every door will be necessary for you. Sometimes a lot of choice also becomes a problem. In March, the influence of Mars, your main celestial antagonist, combined with the position of the Sun, will not allow you to use all your resources, so you will have to act wisely. Calculate your every step and move forward only when you are confident, otherwise you will get lost in the maze of everyday problems.

The sphere of work and business in March 2017 is likely to be successful in any case. Another question is how much Aquarius will be right in solving certain issues, how energetic and professional he will be. Now in this direction, in addition to the above-mentioned motivation, your innate attentiveness will play a big role, which all Aquarians, without exception, sometimes simply forget. You do not need to be guided by your environment, now only your own thoughts, experiences and plans should determine the further development of your business. If necessary, stop and think, but only in the first ten days of the month. From the dawn of the second decade, you will have to act, constantly increasing activity. If you're not working for yourself, just do what you have to, without further ado. This will free up time and resources to implement your own initiatives. Just keep your mouth shut, be communicative, but not talkative. Mars easily uses this against you, and if you say something overtly unnecessary, you may face lingering problems.

On the love front, such warnings would be superfluous. In March 2017, Aquarius can say whatever they want to their friends and loved ones, in any case they will be perceived positively. Of course, everything is relative and by "sending" everyone you meet "seriously and for a long time", you are unlikely to achieve anything. Nevertheless, lonely Aquarians right now can start a new relationship that will not only be as productive as possible, that is, they will allow their desires to come true, but are also durable, perhaps they will bind you and your new passion almost for life. Family Aquarians will be happy because several fundamental events will happen next to them this month. Perhaps a replenishment awaits you, and we are not at all necessarily talking about the birth of a child, because the family can grow in other, no less positive ways. Just do not get carried away with intoxicating! In general, at this stage of life, the stars recommend meeting even the craziest news in a sober mind. Solar negativity, albeit weak, but supported by the energy of Mars, can destroy all your plans if you are inattentive and not concentrated.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for March 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our fate is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is generalized and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Aquarius: Personal horoscopes for the sign Aquarius:

March will definitely bring stability to Aquarius, but only if they themselves do not put a spoke in their wheels. This month, it is better to just trust fate and start going with the flow than to constantly struggle with windmills, spending all your strength and internal reserves on it.

The beginning of the month will be quite harmonious. And you can feel this for yourself. Being in a great mood, everything will suit you and nothing can cause negative emotions. In this case, life will go on at a measured pace.

However, this does not mean that there will be no problems or questions to be solved. But Aquarius will be able to cope with everything without outside help, only if they do not rush and do not pursue public recognition.

In the middle of the month, some representatives of the sign risk becoming more selfish than their nature. In all their actions and decisions, they will pursue quantity, not thinking about quality at all. And least of all at such a moment they will think about the feelings of other people. And in order not to regret later that suddenly a void has formed around you, you should be more attentive to those around you, even if at this moment you are busy with important matters.

Towards the end of the month, you can become very upset because of meanness on the part of a loved one. But the stars advise not to take this to heart, since this person should have disappeared from your life long ago and the sooner this happens, the better.

Aquarius Woman: Horoscope for March 2019

What you should definitely not do in March, as this is pushing family and friends into the background, trying to direct all your time and energy towards realizing your own ambitions. This will definitely not lead to anything good. You risk being alone, which will further increase your helplessness and vulnerability.

To avoid such a development of the situation, the stars advise the Aquarius woman to open her heart to close people and devote a little more time to spending time together.

The middle of March will allow you to enjoy its versatility. Events will follow each other, and the Aquarius woman will be able to enjoy every second, since there will be many reasons for this. And at such a moment, you should not close in yourself and be ashamed to show your feelings in public. Allow yourself to be a little child and get a real thrill from life.

But at the end of the month, you should draw up a clear plan of action and finally get down to business, which until then repulsed by its monotony. Now, after the received emotional uplift, you will cope with it in one go.

Aquarius Man: Horoscope for March 2019

From the first days of March, the Aquarius man will be afraid of unfinished projects. Before him there will be tasks that should have been completed a long time ago, but he never got around to them. And here you can break loose and throw yourself headlong into all matters, tearing your veins and giving your last strength.

But you shouldn't turn into a draft horse and take on such a heavy load. This will further aggravate the situation and provoke a nervous breakdown. It is better to first prepare fertile ground and enlist the support of friends, then it will be easy and quick to cope with pressing tasks.

In the middle of the month, the stars warn you not to take all the information you receive as a reliable source and last resort. This is fraught with many problems and, first of all, your own doubts, which will interfere with making the right decisions.

It is better to spend the end of the month in a cheerful company with heartfelt songs and telling anecdotes. Then all difficulties will soon recede, and the work begun will end extremely well.

Aquarius in the first month of spring - March - a difficult time awaits. It will show how ready the representatives of this zodiac sign are for harmonious relationships in a couple. This month will put everything in its place and make Aquarius experience strong feelings. Will Aquarius feelings lead to a happy personal life? The answer to this question can be found in the exact love horoscope for March.

In March 2017, free Aquarius will have a great opportunity to change their loneliness for a tender relationship with the opposite sex. Many representatives of this sign will feel the interested gaze of a long-familiar person and decide to get to know him from a new perspective. Aquarians have a great opportunity to make this relationship life-changing.

Aquarians in family relationships in March will be able to fully appreciate the consequences of their relationship to a partner, manifested in previous months. For some representatives of this sign, the first days of spring will become a time of complete harmony, mutual care and love. For other Aquarius, March of this year will boomerang all the grievances and inattention to their spouses. The exact love horoscope advises Aquarius not to bring the relationship to a critical point and understand that everything that happens this month is the result of only their actions in relation to their spouse.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman for March 2017

This month will give an opportunity for Aquarius girls, who have found their love, to feel on themselves a large number of signs of attention from men. This circumstance will slightly turn the head of girls born under the sign of Aquarius, and will give the opportunity to enjoy meetings and communication with the opposite sex without looking back. Aquarius girls in March of this year will be able to attract the attention of almost any man they like. Many of them will make new, interesting acquaintances, who have every chance of developing into a stable relationship.

Many married Aquarius women will finally receive a lot of attention, gratitude and care from their spouses in March. The first month of spring is a time of strengthening sincere relationships for Aquarius, but a test for many couples who, in their everyday hustle and bustle, have forgotten about their halves. In March, women will have many opportunities to fix their relationships and return them to their former passion and love. To do this, you will have to make an effort, otherwise the family relationship of Aquarius can very quickly come to a break.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for March 2017

March prepares for single Aquarius men the opportunity to show activity and perseverance in relation to the opposite sex. Men born under the sign of Aquarius, if desired, can easily establish their personal lives. They should not miss this opportunity to enjoy mutual feelings. The natural sociability of Aquarius will help to establish new acquaintances and transfer them to a romantic level. Will this relationship be serious or a fleeting romance - only the men themselves will decide. The love horoscope recommends that Aquarius take a closer look at the object of their tenderness: the likelihood of rapid development of relationships and marriage before the end of this year is high.

Married Aquarius representatives in March are aware of the implications of all the emotions they have expressed to their women during the previous months. For some Aquarius men, this period will be very favorable because of the positive emotions, love and care previously invested in relationships. For such couples, this is the heyday and full value of family life.

Many Aquarius men will make fateful decisions about planning children or changing housing. Other Aquarians in March may find themselves immersed in the analysis of relationships and family squabbles. Not everyone will be able to normalize relationships on their own: many Aquarius will need advice from parents or older relatives. Only the joint work of the spouses on the mistakes will be able to return a full-fledged relationship to such a family.

No matter how contradictory Aquarius tries to make March 2017 a month of impromptu, it will not work, because now you need to strictly follow the logic and plan, which should be drawn up for the whole March.

From the first days you will feel a craving for relaxation and practically decide for yourself that everything should go on as usual, as things begin to pour in, as if from a cornucopia. And more often than not, these will be those things that you did not finish at some time.

The easiest thing this month is organizing an action plan and following it. Now you have the opportunity to remember what you promised, including the work you committed to do. Do the best you can in the shortest possible time, and take on the work of the second plan.

The obligations you owe will come up, and you will meet acquaintances who have ever helped you. And you may also have to do them a favor. Do not refuse help in any way.

Family and friends will be dear to you more than ever, and you will appreciate their help, their participation in your life. Do not hesitate to ask for help and support, you will not only solve a lot of cases, but also make it clear to your loved ones that you need them. Don't be afraid to appear weak.

Do not rush to leave your job, do not agree to business trips or a long trip. You will still have time to accept a job offer, as well as a vacation. Wait until summer, and then you, having solved all the accumulated cases, will be able to fully relax.

Health and sports

If you find time in your schedule to go to the gym, pool, or just walk more, you will feel that your strength is only increasing.

Do not rush to throw yourself headlong into the solution of all tasks at the same time, try to plan, choosing the top-priority tasks not in terms of importance, but in terms of execution time. That is, if you promised to give the work to the customer in two days, and in a week the debt, then do the work, because everything will go according to a good storyline, when, having done the work, you will receive money that you can repay as debt.

In the midst of this constant jigsaw puzzle, you must find time for yourself, otherwise you will quickly fizzle out.

Sport will help you think about and correctly prioritize, and on top of that, you will have the opportunity to find completely unexpected approaches to a particular situation.

Walking, jogging, as well as trips out of town with children will give a feeling of fullness of life, so you will see the reason for your employment and the purpose for which you are immersed in a routine for so much time, otherwise you will soon fizzle out.

Take your time to drink alcohol, try to quit smoking, this month you have a chance, because your busyness does not give you an extra minute for an addiction.

Aquarius horoscope for March 2017 should be considered an opportunity to enter spring from a new, clean slate.

Finance and shopping

All your debts, obligations, including loans and mortgages, you must pay especially carefully, with the preservation of all documents and checks. Feel free to ask for additional documents if you see fit.

In any matter involving deposits, take your time. Everything is fairly stable for you now, and therefore you should not take any action. Do not change the bank, do not change the conditions.

You want to buy something expensive, but you are worried, are you doing the right thing? You are rightly worried, because now all the funds that you have, you must use to cover debts, in order to get away from them as soon as possible.

You start life with new things, but you need to finish old ones.

You may be asked for help, and you will have to provide it, since you were also helped out once, this is also your payment for the past, and do not come up with excuses, otherwise you will ruin relations with people you love.

Do not skimp on treatment, this is what you need to do in March - to end chronic diseases.

Love and relationships

Have you decided on a major change in your life? Decided to get away from an oppressive relationship or, finally, chose between two people? This is a serious step, and most likely you are ready for it. Do not stop half way and make a choice, and if you are not sure, do not voice your decision - it means you did not choose.

Doubts will tear you apart, no help or advice will help you, only you can personally decide what is important and even necessary for you now.

Family Aquarius love horoscope for March 2017 can be considered a warning against a hasty step, and not a guide to action. If your family is crumbling and it's up to you, you can use this time for major renovations rather than demolition.

Free Aquarius are confused and want a sincere conversation with their passion, but are afraid to offend. Thus, they complicate an already incomprehensible relationship. Now you should not mislead people who are with you for a reason, but rather out of love. Take your time to draw conclusions from your conjectures.

Find a common activity that both enjoy, bring it to the end, be it a joint game or renovation, and you will see that you are standing together.

Career and business

For a serious approach to business, you have no determination and no spark, which most often gives your business a path. Either wait, or light it yourself, because there is a lot to do. Have you stockpiled these Augean stables for the purpose of raking them for six months? They grow like a snowball. Take the trouble to rake it thoroughly, otherwise you will not only not be promoted, but also condemned for such a negligent attitude to work.

Do not plan job changes yourself, clean up all the imperfections after yourself. Strive to put things in such order so that the mosquito does not undermine your nose, since you are waiting for a test, or at least some kind of aptitude test. And you have to go through it.

You must meet a proposal for a new place of work in readiness, closer to the end of March, at your work everything must be ready for the transfer of affairs, otherwise they will not wait for you.

In business, there is an opportunity to expand, reach new levels and even in a new segment, just establish a cycle in existing directions, since you will have to prove that you have order everywhere.

You should not trust offers to invest or sell part of your business to others, even if they are your close people. Only you yourself can do better now, only you will do the right thing.

Aquarius man

In order for the horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius - a man to pay attention, it takes a lot of effort, but he, no later than the second decade of March, will appreciate what the stars tell him.

You should not play with the feelings of people, you should not lock your emotions and desires until better times, because now you also live. Try to accept life as it is. Don't live in the future, but don't reject the past either. You must close the past: debts, duties, unanswered SMS. Don't be afraid to answer for what you did earlier, or if you were afraid to finish. One has only to start, and you will solve all the problems.

At the end of March, you will understand why you needed it, you will see your life in a new way. You will have new guidelines and goals.

Do not make an elephant out of a fly, do not be afraid of situations. Solve them.

Your love is next to you now, just stretch out your hand - it is with you. And not that ghostly mirage that you paint yourself for a long time, thinking that all the problems are from the fact that you are with the wrong person right now. All the incompleteness is in you. Change yourself, bring everything to the end.

Woman - Aquarius

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius - a woman passes through the filter of mistrust, but looking around, she sees that she is mired in completely uninteresting affairs, relationships, friendship.

If you wash away all unnecessary things, separate them from yourself, you get a surprisingly lot of time and energy for your beloved affairs, beloved people. You just need to muster up the resolve and throw out this stuff.

An oppressive relationship out of pity, out of gratitude, not out of love, it's time to leave behind and step into spring as a new, completely independent person. Yes, you are full of nobility, but it will not add happiness.

Family women are looking for themselves in different areas, and forget that, first of all, they are mothers and wives. And in this they do not need to pass exams, to prove their professionalism, they just need to love their family and see how much they need you.

Do not stand still, do not trample on the past, the road ahead is now open for you, and you should take only the most important thing with you.

Women who are looking for their half are largely right in choosing the best, but if you reconsider your needs, at least rearrange the physical and moral qualities of the chosen one, everything will turn out to be much easier. Don't overstate the bar, be simpler in your choice. A pretty good person is reaching out to you, but he does not pass through the "Appearance" filter.