Incoming characters comedy grief from the mind. Secondary and insignificant characters in the comedy "grief from the mind"

Incoming characters comedy grief from the mind. Secondary and insignificant characters in comedy
Incoming characters comedy grief from the mind. Secondary and insignificant characters in the comedy "grief from the mind"

Having written the first realistic comedy "grief from the mind", A. S. Griboedov was an innovator in this genre. Before him, writers did not put a special task to ridiculously Moscow and its inhabitants. In the play of Griboedov, Moscow, or, in a different way, the Famusov society plays a dominant role.

The author took prototypes of the people whom he knew and who lived in Moscow at the time, and moved them to their comedy, giving them others, sometimes speaking surnames: Famusov, Molchanin, Toguhovsky, reheetles and others. But their types and characters remained. Heroes travel around the balls, playing cards, dancing, having fun and gossip, that is, they lead idle life. They hate enlightenment, because they are afraid of educated youth. They all serve only in order to earn more ranks and "signs of excellent". In their environment, the uniform and the title are dominated, and a person is appreciated by the wealth and the number of fortress shower. And this picture is shown so bright, clearly and vividly, that for us the house of Famousov with all its inhabitants and guests personifies Moscow on the 10-20s of the XIX century in miniature.

Violating the classic rule of the three unity, the author displays the play beyond the Famousov's house with the help of inshastable characters. It helps to show the "picture of the morals" of Griboedovskaya Moscow in full. They complement and expand it.

Most of the insignificant characters are represented by the "century last". Most often it is the princes and princes, which are worshiped for the sample and are highly appreciated in the Famusov Society environment. For Paul Afanasyevich, Famusov, Kuzma Petrovich ("Empty Camera, with the key and son, the key knew how to deliver the key ...") and Maxim Petrovich:

Surveneous look, appreciated by temper. When it is necessary to rely, and he bended to beggar.

These "aces" are honored and respected in Moscow for their "merit".

The ideal is silent, just a poor secretary of Famusov, is Tatyana Yurevna, which "balls can not be richer." Having learned that Chatsky was not familiar with her, he was dumbfounded, because she is "famous, - moreover, officials and officials are all her friends and all their relatives." Then Thomas Fomich, who "at the three ministers was the head of the department." Molchanin admires his syllable just because they all admire them, "because it is necessary to depend on others." And here they include these rubbish, rings, Valana, jumps that have long been aware of the madness of Chatsky. This, apparently, famous names that have weight in society and on which everyone is oriented. This is the "judges" of the Moscow society.

Also, the "age of the past" in the comedy represent the extraordinary landowners-serfs: "Nestor of the villains of noble", enduring their devotees to the "Borzy Three Dogs", a landowner-theater, who drove on the fortress ballet "from mothers, fathers of refrigerated children", and then Sprained them alone for non-payment of debts.

The comedies also created parodies for members of the Secret Union: Vorkulov Evdokim, Left and Borigna, Udushyev Ippolit Markelich. Already in one of their surnames, you can guess what they represent. But reheetles with a huge excitement recommends their Chatkoma.

The "century century" is also presented in the comedy insignificant characters. This is a cousin of the Scalozeb, who "firmly scored some new rules. Chin followed him: he served suddenly left, in the village of books began to read ".. Famuses and rockos are criticized by him and without tired of the same thing and the same:" Learning is a plague, a scholaech is the reason. " Next - the nephew of Princess Tugukhovskaya, who "the ranks does not want to know! He is a chemist, he is nerd, Prince Fedor. " And also among the insignificant characters "Century of the present" - all the advanced youth, on behalf of which the Chatsky acts, using the pronoun "we": "Where, specify us, the Fatherland of the Fathers ..."

All these seemingly inconspicuous and unnecessary characters complement the picture of the Moscow society, they make it brighter, more colorful.

In the comedy "grief from the mind", there is all Moscow, with all its advantages and disadvantages, with its magnificence and pomp balls, dinners, dinners and dances, but at the same time with its unexpectedness, worship before all foreign, fear of all new. The introduction of such a number of insignificant characters emphasizes the typical of the stage and helps to make the image of the "paintings of the morals" of Moscow 10-20s of the XIX century more complete.

Available characters and their role in the Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

First of all, the heroes of the comedy "grief from the mind" can be divided into several groups: the main characters, minor heroes, heroes masks and inshapt characters. All of them, in addition to the roles assigned to them in the comedy, are important both types reflecting certain characteristic features of Russian society of early XIX century.

The main heroes of the play can be attributed to Chatsky, Molchalin, Sophia and Famusov. The plot of the comedy is based on their relationships, the interaction of these characters with each other and develops the stroke of the play. Secondary heroes - Lisa, Scalozub, Hersestov and others - also participate in the development of action, but they have no direct relationship to the plot. Images of heroes and masks are maximally generalized. The author is not interesting to their psychology, they only occupy it as important "times of time" or as eternal human types. Their role is special, for they create a socio-political background for the development of the plot, emphasize and explain something in the main characters. This, for example, six Prinjeon Toguhovsky. The author is not interested in the identity of each of them, they are important in comedies only as the social type of Moscow Lamuny. Heroes masks play the role of a mirror made by opposite the highest light. And it is important to emphasize that one of the main tasks of the author was not easy to reflect the features of modern society in the comedy, but makes the society of themselves in the mirror learn. The task of this contribute to the extraceptional characters, that is, those whose names are called, but the heroes themselves do not appear on the stage and participate in action do not accept. And if the basic heroes of "grief from the mind" do not have some specific prototypes (except for Chatsky), then in the images of some minor heroes and inshapical characters, the features of the real contemporaries of the author are quite recognized. So, reheetals describes the Chatskom one of those who "noise" in the English club:

No need to call, you know the portrait:

Night robber, Duelist,

In Kamchatka, Soslated, returned to Aleut,

And firmly in hand is unclean .

And not only Chatsky, but most readers "learned on the portrait" colorful figure of that time: Fedor Tolstoy - American. Tolstoy himself, reading in the list of "Mount Mind", he learned himself and when meeting with Griboedov, asked to change the last line as follows: "In the pictures on the hand of unclean." He his own crossed the string and attributed an explanation: "For loyalty, the portrait of this amendment is necessary, so as not to think that stealing tobacker from the table."

In the collection of scientific papers "A.S. Griboedov. Materials for biography "An article is placed N.V. Gurova "That black ..." ("Indian Prince" Visphur in the comedy "grief from the mind"). Recall, with the first meeting with Sofia, Chatsky, trying to revive the atmosphere of the former ease, goes through the long-lasting common acquaintances. In particular, he comes with some "black":

And this, like him, is he Turk or Greek?

That black masted, on the legs of the caravilines,

I do not know what his name is

Wherever you slide: here it is,

In the canteens and living rooms.

So, in the notch Gurova speaks of the prototype of this passing inshapical character. It turns out that it was possible to establish that there was a certain Alexander Ivanovich Borus-Vispursk at the time of Griboedov, which is quite suitable for the description of Chatsky. Why required to look for the prototype "black"? Is it too small figure for literary studies? It turns out - not too. For us, after a half century after the edition of "grief from the mind", it was indifferent if the "black" or Griboedov was invented him. But the modern reader (and the viewer) of the comedy immediately understood about the com. And then the abyss was disappeared between the scene and the auditorium, fictional heroes talked about the persons known to the public, the audience and the character turned out to be "common acquaintances" - and quite a lot. Thus, Griboedov managed to create an amazing effect: he washed the line between real life and stage reality. And that is especially important, comedy, at the same time, gaining intense publicistic sound, did not lose themselves in artistic attitude.

In the same conversation, Chatsky mentions many others. All of them give us a clear concept of Griboedovsky top light. These are extremely immoral people who impede the penetration of education in Russia, science: "And that consumers, the relatives of you, the books of the enemy ..." These people are concerned only by their material situation, seeking to be met as much as possible, will come together with rich families throughout Europe. Of course, not all people of Moscow were such a sad spectacle. Chatsky was not alone, there were other, stretching for the enlightenment, to science: "... He is a chemist, he is nerd." But they were rather an exception than the rule. Such people could not earn respect for the highest light. There were valued such as Maxim Petrovich. It was Maxim Petrovich "I used to rod on gold," he has a "one hundred people to services," he is "all in orders." And what did he achieve this situation? Mind? No, he achieved this because he forgot about his human dignity. But, according to Famusov, this is the manifestation of his intention.

And what else can you expect from society, who has such moral values? From society, where, first of all, be appreciated not the voice of its own conscience, but the opinion of Knyagini Maryia Alekskna. Griboedov masterfully presented to us the highest light of their era. And we could never understand that it was this society, if not for acceptance characters. Yes, and readers of that time would lose much if they were some kind of omen "in the heroes of Griboedov.

In a comedy in the verse "Mount from the mind", inshapt characters play an important role. This is a unique work in which elements of romanticism, classicism and realism are skillfully combined. It describes the classical contemporaries of Griboedov, in which serfdom reigns. The action takes place ten years after the Patriotic War of 1812.

Comedy Griboedov

In the comedy Griboedov "grief from the mind", insignificant characters deserve a separate mention. It contains caustic and skillful satire on the aristocratic Moscow society, which was in Russia in the first half of the XIX century.

The comedy is considered one of the peaks of domestic poetry and dramaturgy. And its aphoristic style served as soon as she literally went to quotes, which still remain famous.

The plot "grief from the mind"

In the center of the narration - a young and successful nobleman named Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. At the very beginning of the work, he returns from abroad to meet with his beloved Sofia Famusov. Young people have not seen three years.

They grew up from the very childhood, fell in love with each other in his youth. True, they broke up not good friends. Sophia is very offended by Chatsky for the fact that he left suddenly, not even saying goodbye to her.

Because of the border, Chatsky returns with a solid desire to marry Sofye. But in spite of his hopes, the girl meets him very cold. It turns out that during his absence she managed to fall in love with another. This is Alexey Molchanin, who lives in her father's house and works as a secretary. Chatsky initially can not understand what she found in it. Molchanin seems to him a small and insignificant person. In addition, he despises him for the desire to please all the surrounding and kindness. Realizing that it was such a person who liked his beloved, he completely disappointed in her.

Throughout the comedy, the main character utters colorful monologues, with the help of which the capital society is denied. A bright representative of this society is the father of Sophia - Pavel Famuses. What Chapsky says, many categorically do not like. Therefore, rumors about the hero's madness begin to spread in society. They began to dissolve Sophia from his annoyance, and those surrounding them with pleasure picked them. The play ends the fact that Chatsky makes the decision to leave and leave Moscow.

The value of the extratent character

In the comedy "grief from the mind", insignificant characters allowed Griboedov to become an innovator in his genre. None of the writers before him did not put the tasks to make fun of the whole city and its inhabitants. In this case, we are talking about Moscow. Therefore, the author leads to the first roles, it begins to play one of the dominant roles in the comedy.

The author moved to the pages of the prototypes of the people who were familiar to him who were his contemporaries. It gives them talking surnames, such as Molchanin, reheetles or Toguhovsky. At the same time, he retained the main features, the characters and types of characters.

The main classes that they dedicate their lives are participation in the balls, a game of cards, gossip and empty-haired fun. All this is elements of idle and carefree. They hate enlightenment, they are sching with formed by young people. They work only in order to receive ranks and titles. The main thing in their medium is uniform and the title, and the person is evaluated only by the number of fortress shower.

House of Famusov

In the "grief from the mind" the role of insignificant characters is great. With their help, the author is alive and brightly draws a picture of the inhabitants of the Famovsky house for us, which corresponds to the Moscow society of the 10-20s of the XIX century. Only in miniature.

At the same time, Griboedov is not bent to break the classic (place, time and action). It expands the space of the house of Famousov precisely with the help of inshapt characters. "Woe from Mind" is a comedy, which shows the entire picture of the morals of Griboedovskaya Moscow.

Moscow Society

A large number of heroes that personify the so-called past century can be added to the list of crash. As a rule, it is the princes and princes, which in the house of Famusov are honored for the sample. Communication with them is very high.

For example, for the Famusov itself, such a sample to follow the imitation chamber Kuzma Petrovich. And also another comrade Maxim Petrovich. All of them are distinguished by helpfulness and willingness to progress at any desired moment.

The ideal of Molchanlia

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ideal of another character of the Comedy of Molchalin, the beloved Sophia. He sincerely considers his sample to follow Tatyana Yuryevna, which gives the richest and lush balls in the district. In its example, it is possible to give the characteristic of the extraordinary characters "grief from the mind." This is a goodness, wealth and kindness.

When Molchanin finds out that Chatsky with her unfamiliar, it is really surprised and amazed. For convenience, you can collect in the table of acceptance characters "grief from the mind." In this case, there there will be a place and Fomoch. He is famous for being the head of the separation at once at three ministers. All this speaks of his phenomenal survival with any power, the ability to adapt to any surrounding conditions.

Representatives of the Famós Society are also worth attributing to the Railways, Dryansk, Scroll, Varland. All of them quickly take the news about the madness of Chatsky. For others, these famous people whose names are talking about, they have weight in society, they are focused on them, they strive to imitate and fit.

When the main character sets a rhetorical question: "And who are the judges?" It turns out that they are the judges of the Moscow Famow Society.


Available characters in the comedy "grief from the mind" it is worth considering both landowners-serfs, which are ourselves only to the ease of serving servants on greyhound puppies.

There are among them and the type of theatrical landowners who organize the fortress ballet in their estates. But after the presentation, the mothers and their children are still selling, although not taking care of the integrity of the family.

The attentive reader will find in comedy and a bright parody of the members of the secret society. Obviously, there are in mind future Decembrists who will go to the Senate area only three years later. Among the characters comedy Griboyedov is Left and Borigna, Evdokim Vorkulov, Ippolite Udyshev. They also have very speaking surnames that give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they represent.

Thus, it can be recognized that in his comedy Griboedov depicted Moscow society in all his diversity. With all the disadvantages and virtues, splendor and no indispensability. Such a large number of insignificant characters in the work helps the author to emphasize the typical specimens, the most fully depict the picture of the life of Moscow in the 10-20s of the XIX century.

A.S. Griboedov belonged to that generation of young Russian nobility, for whom socio-political issues were the most important in life. Opposition moods, spirit of freedom, the desire for change in the state led many people from this generation to secret political societies, and then to the uprising ...

In the comedy, the conflict of Chatsky and society grows gradually from his personal love conflict (so we can say that the conflict is dual: and personal and public). Griboedov himself estimated the duality of the conflict

His comedy as follows: "The girl herself is not stupid prefers a fool to a smart person ... And this man is somewhat in anti-netchi with society, his surrounding" (Letter Griboyedov to P.A. Katrenina, 1825).

Chatkomu opposes not only Magovsov is a silence, and a colonel of rockosub, and in part Sophia, and a lot of guests in the house of Famusov. Chatsky also defends his position alone. Griboedov introduces a large number of episodic individuals and inshapical characters. They are shaking and complement the features of the main characters. Together, they create a complete and bright picture of the Moscow Nobility Society.

Most of the same, such characters appear in the play on the ball at Famusov. Only Colonel Scalozub and Sofia Lisa maid we celebrate before. They probably influenced the course of events. Scalozub, for example, is a type of military, unhappy, but self-confident and aggressive. His appearance complicates both love and public conflict. Lisa - the maid, without it it is impossible to imagine both the emergence and the isolation of love intrigue. At the same time, it is ironic, witty, gives accurate characteristics of different heroes. With the help of her image, Griboedov emphasizes the confrontation of the nobility and serfs:


And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

In general, secondary characters perform three main functions: show the level of concepts about life in society, modern Griboedov; emphasize the spiritual loneliness of Chatsky; Perform an important storyline - spread the rumor about the madness of Chatsky.

So, Famous Ball. The first of the guests comes Chet Gorichi. Natalia Dmitrievna and Platon Mikhailovich - a typical Moscow family, in which a man becomes a "husband-boy", "a servant". Griboedov spends a thin parallel between him and silent: Gorich says the Chatskom, which now comes on the flute "amol" duet; Molchanin and Sophia at the beginning of the play behind the scene play a duet on the piano and on the flute. Sophia is raised in the Famovian spirit, and she needs the same "husband-servant."

Also on the ball comes the family of Toguhovsky. The image of the princess helps to understand the character of Famousov - they are committed to the calculation; The princess on the ball immediately draws attention to idle Chatsky, but, having learned that he is not good, loses interest to him.

With similar purposes, the Countess of Hrumina arrives. Grandman's granddaughter can not find a decent groom and therefore constantly embittered. In addition, in her face, Griboedov ridicule the addiction to everything foreign.

Like the most vicious of the guests is Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky - "Anchored Fraudster, Plut" even by definition of guests. To win the location of the people you need, he is ready for any dishonest measures, ready to serve. He is the image of the future silence.

The image of Baryni whispe was very bright - in its kind, not essence of Saltychikha. The persistent parallel between it and the "Nestor of the National Relative" from the monologue of the Chatsky - the same disregard and cruelty in relation to the serfdom.

Some guests of Famousov even no names are Mr. N and Mr. D, actively participating in the spread of hearing about the madness of Chatsky. With their help, Griboedov shows that the noble society does not happen at all such a low occupation as the transfer of wovers.

The last on the ball is reheetles - the image is bright and necessary in comedy. He is his "secret union" and "secret meetings on Thursdays" acts as a worthless boltun, for which advanced ideas are not more than a fashionable passion.

Numerous in comedies are also extraordinary characters - those that we do not see directly in the comedy, but about which any of the heroes mentions at a certain situation. Available characters can be divided into conditional groups, depending on who, for what purpose mentions.

First, these are those whom Chatsky mentions as an example of immoral life in a monologue "And who? ..". Secondly, Magonov and his guests lead examples of standards of commendable life, from the point of view of Moscow society, they are samples for imitation and chief judges - Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich, influential Moscow ladies Irina V.S. Lucheria Alekseevna, Tatyana Yurievna, Pulcheria Andrevna, And finally, Marya Alekskna, whose opinions are so afraid of the Magazus in his final monologue.

Next, it is worth highlighting the characters that repetitive repetitions are the circle of his buddies, who, in his opinion, are authoritative to a certain "secret union", but the reader understands that they cannot bring real benefits to society. One of them is "noteworthy" by the fact that "the teeth says", the other - what sings, and Ippolit Markelich Udyshev - "Genius", since he wrote in the magazine "passage, look into nothing." These people are rejected and detain the ideas of a new generation and this emphasizes the loneliness of Chatsky not only among the older nobles, but among his peers.

And only two extraordinary characters are the cousin of the Scalozub and the nephew of Princess Tugukhovskaya - can be called people who can be considered potential like-minded Chatsky. We do not know their image of thoughts, but already one thing is that in the Famovskogo society they mention them as strange people, speaks of their belonging to the generation of Chatsky and Griboedov himself. So, for example, says scalosis about his cousin:

But firmly scored some new rules.

Chin followed him: he suddenly left,

And Knyagin Toguhovskaya about his nephew responds:

No, in St. Petersburg Institute

Pedagogical, so it seems to call:

We exercise in splits and peckers

Professors !! - Our relatives studied,

And came out! At least now in the pharmacy, in the apprentices.

From women runs, and even from me!

Ranks do not want to know! He is a chemist, he nerd,

Prince Fedor, my nephew.

It turns out that the extraordinary characters, as well as secondary, allow the author not only fully and multifoxy to reveal the characters of the main characters. In addition, they, as it were, complement the ranks either by the Society of Famousov, or supporters of the Overallis of Chatsky, represent one of the opposing parties; With their help, the conflict from the local, taking place in the same house becomes public, the action "is transferred" even to St. Petersburg (the nephew of Princess Togukhovskaya studied there). That is, Griboedov wanted to show that the conflict, born in the house of Famusov, is not united and not accidental; Such is the situation throughout Russia - a new generation is coming, thirsting for the new world.

"Woe from the mind" is a realistic work, where the author gives a generalized picture of the life of the noble Moscow 20s of the XIX century.

According to I. A. Goncharov, comedy " Mount from Um"It is worth" a mansion in the literature and is distinguished by a dailyness, freshness ... ". Griboedov, continuing the tradition of Fonvizin and Krylov, at the same time made a huge step forward. He marked his comedy with a critical realism in Russian drama, raised the most acute social and moral problems of his time.

The main theme of the work under consideration is the contradiction between the "century of the current" and the "century of last", that is, between the progressive elements that move the society forward, and the regressive, inhibiting its development. The second is always more, but won the first early or late.

In the comedy "grief from the mind" of Griboedov, for the first time in Russian literature, he dismissed a positive hero on the scene. The conflict between the Chatsky and the Famovsky society is the leading plot line of the work.

Chatsky - a wrestler, he has his beliefs, high ideals. He is deeply confronted by the life of society, where Mizhsov, Scalozub, Molchanin, reheetles with all their cosnosis, hypocrisy, lie, lazy, stupidity. The bright, active mind of the hero requires a different environment, and Chatsky joins the fight, "begins a new century." He rifles to free life, to the exercise of science and art, to the service, and not to persons. But his aspirations does not understand the society in which he lives.

In its work, Griboedov gave a wide characteristic of the life and morals of the Moscow nobility, satirically portrayed the metropolitan "aces" (migrauses), high-ranking soldiers (rocks), noble liberals (repetitives). The author accurately painted the environment in which these types appear, and opposed to Chatsky.

Comedy conflicts deepen inshapt characters. There are quite a lot of them. They expand the lounge of the life of the capital nobility. Most of them adjacent to the Famovsky society. Of course, Uncle Maxim Petrovich, who has gained the favor of the queen of the queen with low-altitude and waters. His life is an example of serving the queen. Uncle - Ideal Famusov.

He fell hurt, got up great.

But it happened to Vist who is more invited?

Who hears at the courtyard of a friendly word?

Maxim Petrovich. Who knew everyone before?

Maxim Petrovich. Joke!

In the rank brings who? and pensions gives?

Maxim Petrovich!

Human dignity, humoring his honor, the representatives of the "century past" received all the vital benefits. But their time is already going. No wonder Famusov regrets that times are no longer the time.

No less than a portrait of Kuzma Petrovich, who did not only manage his life, but also did not forget about relatives. "The dead man was a venerable chamber ... rich, and was married to rich. Catching children, grandchildren.

"What the aces in Moscow live and dying!" - Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov admired.

Not inferior to men and fair sex representatives:

"Take them to send them to the Senate! Irina Vlasievna! Lucheria Alekshna! Tatyana Yuryevna! Andrevna Pulcheria! "

Ladies are all-insoles. A bright character - Tatyana Yuryevna, who is closely familiar with the "ranks and officials". Surely it has the greatest power in society and the princess of Marya Aleksosna, the views of which is very afraid of Magazov. Griboedov makes fun of these "lungs" by the mouths of Chatsky, opening their emptiness, stupidity, peep character.

Of course, except for "aces", there are people and lambers in the noble society - typical representatives of the middle nobility. It is Zagoretsky and repetitives. And from the shaped characters you can call the "black and on the legs of the caravalny", "three of the boulevard", which mentions Chatsky. All of them, conscious of their insignificance in front of Moscow ranks, try to serve them, conquer their favor of hypocrisy and waters.

Petelov type people seek to show the surrounding that they are also worth something. Describing the "Secret Society" of the English club, Griboedov gives the satirical characteristics of the "best" of its members, liberal talkers. This is the prince of Grigory, Evdokim Vorkulov, Ippolit, Udushiev and "Head, which in Russia there is no". But it can only be expressed by the ideas of the public reheetles: "noise, brother, noise. In fact, the "Secretary Union" is an ordinary company Kutil, Lgunov, drunkards.

Griboedov-Patriot is fighting for the purity of Russian, art, education. Having ridiculed the existing education system, he introduces such characters in a comedy as a Frenchman from Bordeaux, Madame Réye. And many noble children with such teachers are growing "inexpensive" and incurred, as in the times of Fonvizin.

But the most disgusting insignificant characters are a serfs' landowners whose characteristic features have absorbed Nestor's noblewomen, which is denied by the protagonist in his passionate monologue. The disgusting gentlemen, exchanging their servants on greyhound dogs, selling children taken from mothers. The main problem of comedy is the relationship between landowners and fortress peasants.

Members of the Famovskogo society are many, they are strong. Did the Chatsky alone in the fight against them? No, Griboedov is responsible, introducing the story of the Scalozeb's story about a cousin, who "sounded some new rules firmly. Chin followed him: he suddenly left. In the village of book began to read. " Prince Fedor "Chins does not want to know! He is a chemist, he is nerd. " So, the progressive forces are already in the depths of society. And Chatsky is not alone in their struggle.

So, the extratent characters can be divided into two groups and attributed one to the Famovsky society, the other - to the Chazza.

The first deepen the comprehensive characteristic of the noble society, show the times of Elizabeth.

The second is spiritually connected with the main character, close to him on thoughts, goals, spiritual quest, aspirations.

Especially I would like to note the language of the play. The comedy is written by a multiple yamba, which brings the poetic speech to the conversational. And stories about the inshapt persons are organically woven in the story.

In the work of the "grief from the mind" of Griboedov, the ideological content of the public struggle of the beginning of the 19th century, showed the life of the nobility of Moscow and by introducing insignificant characters in the narrative, deepened the conflict of the work, expanded the picture of the morals of the Moscow nobility.

The writing on a similar topic.