Extracurricular biology classes.

Extracurricular biology classes.

3.1. Organization of extracurricular activities for the formation of subject, meta-competence and personal qualities of students

Today, extracurricular activities are defined as an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organizing the free time of students, the purpose of which is to create conditions for manifestation and development of their own interests on the basis of free choice, achieving spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band cultural traditions.

Together with the basic formation, extracurricular activities gives the general development of the personality, expands, deepens and complements the basic knowledge, reveals and develops the potential of the child, and this happens in a comfortable setting for it. Extracurricular activity gives the child a real opportunity to choose its individual path. In extracurricular activities, the child itself chooses the content and form of classes, may not be afraid of failures. All this creates a favorable psychological background to achieve success, which in turn has a positive effect on learning activities, stimulating its activity in it, you can count on a new qualitative result.

The formation of an environmental culture is closely related to the development of civil society and aims to consolidate all the forces in solving environmental problems based on the generality of interest in ensuring a favorable environment. Environmental education has a universal and interdisciplinary. That is why it has the opportunity and should be included in the content of all forms of general education, including to be implemented through the organization of extracurricular activities of the environmental orientation, protruding one of the main directions in the educational process of the modern school in the conditions of administration of GEF.

Currently, the task of developing school education is to update its content, forms and technologies of training and achieve new quality on this basis. The federal educational standards and the concept of general environmental education for sustainable development, identifying the main task of education, to prepare a learning adulthood so that he can contribute to the sustainable development of society.

3.1.1.Toretical approaches to the rationale for extracurricular activities

The leading purpose of education is the acquisition of educational key competencies and universal training actions. Key competencies and universal learning activities include planning and goaling skills, formulating hypothesis, its solution, analysis and processing of information, cooperation, solving problems, communicative skills and a number of others. The achievement of students of the designated result occurs in the process of urgent and extracurricular activities and implies the presence of a teacher of the necessary level of professional competence guaranteed within the framework of the GEF VPO.

Project activities are one of the necessary means of learning and education, which allows you to create conditions for the development of key competencies and the formation of universal learning actions of students.

The purpose of extracurricular activities:it is not only the expansion and deepening of the knowledge obtained in the lesson, but also in modern man-made conditions, the approach of learning and education for life. Creating conditions for the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality.

Tasks : Provide a favorable adaptation of a child at school; reduce its learning load; improve conditions for development; take into account age and individual characteristics; Development of creative activity, initiatives and independence.

Creative abilities I develop through research and project activities - one of the most efficient. A project or research is a means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop mental-activity, search, information, communicative, presentation skills in pupils.

3.1.2. Organizational approaches to the implementation of extracurricular activities in practice

For the implementation of the new generation standard, the variable and individual forms of the organization of extracurricular activities of children differ in content and species are most valuable. This is a new approach to the organization of extracurricular activities of students, which is possible, subject to the development of each educational institution of its model, based on the established system of extracurricular activities and existing requirements, which include:

  1. integration of the urgent, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students, ensuring the achievement of common educational purposes;
  2. the system of organizing the emergency activity of schoolchildren, ensuring the relationship of the dedicated areas to GEF with generally accepted areas in the field of additional education of children;
  1. the variability of the organization of extracurricular activities of students, taking into account the characteristics of the potential of the school, the use of project technology;
  1. the optimality of the model that allows you to use in the organization of extracurricular activities of the possibility of social partnership.

To develop an optimal model of the organization of extracurricular activities in its practice, I use a step-by-step approach such as:

Step number 1. The study of the main regulatory and regulatory documents on the organization of extracurricular activities and relate:

Step No. 2. I detect, with the help of the requests of children and parents for the need for extracurricular activities.

Step No. 3. Analysis:

  • i detect, the creative potential of students;
  • i compare, the possibilities of resources and the material and technical side of the educational institution;

Step # 4. I study additional educational services offered by the agencies of additional education, and consider possible collaboration options with them:

For example, what directions of extracurricular activities can be implemented with the help of teachers, invited professionals, parents.

3.1.3. Extracurricular activities on environmental education

In the context of the formation of a modern educational space, one of the most important problems is environmental education and environmental education of students. In connection with the goals of the National Strategy in the field of education, the task of developing environmental thinking and the formation of the environmental culture of students during school education was the task of developing the ecological culture.

Extracurricular activities are a concept that unites all types and forms of activity of students (except for the urgent) aimed at their upbringing (formation of a common culture) and socialization (spiritual and moral, social, personal, intellectual development), as well as self-development and self-improvement.

Developing educational informative motivation, activity, independence, initiative, creative abilities. I form a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle in the context of the modern world. In general, this will ensure the development of creative, physical abilities and the preservation of the health of students.

It is extracurricular activities that makes it possible to provide the possibility of free choice of electrical courses in the conditions of prefigure training, and profile training that promotes the informed choice of learning further areas of vocational training. The organization of extracurricular activities of the environmental orientation is significantly complemented and fills the missing environmental component of the subject matter of the urgent activity.

In my curriculum included extracurricular items as: "I am young ecologist" - 5-6 cells, "I researcher" in 8-9 grades. This training program is year-round, based on the basis of the general-free project "Ecology, Tourism, Bayanai". The draft GEF LLC reflects the directions of formation of environmental thinking and social design, corresponding to the system-activity approach, and the transition from broadcasting environmental knowledge to the formation of eco-sensing learning and eco-oriented activity skills, as well as the responsible, environmentally sound and safe conversion of human life, is determined.

In my activity, as a biology teacher, extracurricular work occupies an important place. The maintenance of extracurricular work is much beyond the framework of the curriculum and is determined by the interests of students, which can significantly expand and deepen knowledge, apply them in life situations. In my work, I use all three forms of extracurricular work: individual, group, mass.

Individual work with students is to individually advise students on environmental issues, when working on abstracts, performances, articles, in the framework of the implementation of individual educational research projects. Group work is to work with students on programs of elective courses, electives, circles.

Mass work with students includes a variety of activities: student conferences, seminars, environmental work contests, drawings, posters, competitions, participation in various environmental promotions, operations, environmental research excursions.

I want to note that the latest forms of work organization allow us to form practical skills to protect and restore natural objects.

Ecological promotions and operations at school are held annually, in the course of which, children see the importance of their work: "Help the forest", "the foams of birds", "Clean the planet from the garbage."

When using individual and group work for the formation of ecological culture, it is impossible without the use of technology of design and research activities. In my practice I use several types of projects:

  • information search projects involving the collection and analysis of information, preparation and protection of the speech;
  • research, focusing students on a deep study of the problem, protecting their own ways to solve it, nomination of hypotheses.
  • productive, giving the opportunity to schoolchildren to show creative imagination and originality of thinking when creating a newspaper, poster, presentation;
  • practical oriented, the actions of students on solving real environmental problems.

In younger classes, we begin with excursions, write observations, we bring everything interesting to the Cabinet. The guys ask questions to which I find answers together. So absolutely naturally the topics of research work arise. To serious research environmental work, schoolchildren are gradually acquainted. In 7-8 grades, students act on the results of observations on excursions and life experience.

Young researchers are the annual participants in the district and republican conferences, environmental events focusing their students on the environmental problems of our area.

When conducting environmental research, students are communicated with nature, the skills of the scientific experiment are acquired, observation develops, an interest in the study of specific environmental problems of its region is awakened. In the process of research activities, a schoolboy learns to formulate the ecological problem itself, to put forward and justify the causes of its occurrence, develop and conduct an experiment, draw conclusions.

In connection with the declared president of the Russian Federation, the Year of Ecology 2017 was a program on environmental education for the year, which was successfully implemented at school in collaboration with my colleagues at all levels of school education.

The purpose of the program: the formation of environmental literacy and environmental style of thinking, contributing to the formation of the moral and environmental position and environmental competence of the personality of the studying.


  • develop and add the resulting environmental knowledge, skills, skills;
  • raise a responsible attitude towards nature and contribute to the interaction of students with the objects of the socio -
  • expand the knowledge of students with examples of positive interaction in the Society-Society system;
  • contact solving environmental problems of local value through practical oriented environmental protection activities.

As expected results of the implementation and approbation of the program of extracurricular activities of the environmental orientation at the stage of basic general education, we consider:

- personal results - the formation of the foundations of environmental culture corresponding to environmentally friendly practical activities in everyday life;

MetaPered results - the formation of environmental thinking, the abilities to choose the most optimal way to solve the environmental task in socio-practical activities;

Subject results - the formation of ideas about the relationship of the world of living and inanimate nature, between alive organisms; Forgetting research skills.

During the implementation of the program "Year of Ecology 2017"the following methods are used:

  • explanatory and illustrative training is the traditional and least effective method of learning from the point of view of "education for sustainable development". A learning tool is a teacher and a carrier of information;
  • interactive learning is a more effective learning method based on the interaction of students with each other, with a teacher and a sociogencies;
  • project training is the most effective method of learning through the creation and implementation of training projects related to life practice, the integration of theory and practice and aimed at achieving specific improvements in the state of the environment.

The program of extracurricular activities of the environmental orientation implies the followingforms of work with students:

  • training seminars and practical work;
  • games, quiz, contests, competitions;
  • excursions, environmental promotions and holidays;
  • exhibition of creative works and the exchange of experience of studying research with peers.

The forms used ensure the achievement of subject, personal and meta-delicent results, and also contribute to the development of communicative, regulatory and cognitive universal educational actions. To conduct classes there is an educational study with laboratory equipment (chemistry, biology,) and the presence of reference information resources under the subject area "natural science" and "Ecology".

The program of environmental education of schoolchildren includes the following directions of educational activities: "Ecology of Nature", "Ecology of Health". Each of them is focused on the introduction of students to those or other universal values.

The project "The Ecological Trail" Bayanai "has been developed by students of 8 and 11 classes of HSOS during work in the Barylas summer camp. The purpose of the ecological trail is to create conditions for the education of environmentally competent people, for the formation of an environmental culture of human behavior in the environment, the introduction of citizens to the world of wildlife.

The guys want each resident of the village, passing on an ecological path, penetrating the thought to save the nature of the native land from any unreasonable treatment of it.

The ecological trail serves as an educational and educational study on the ground, it is designed for a number of categories of visitors: children of preschool institutions, students of secondary schools, vacationers.

In the role of guides on the trail - students of grades 8. Along the way along the route of the ecological trail:

  • the species composition of plants was determined;
  • ecological trail has been studied;
  • the types of incoming birds and fauna of the reservoir are determined;

The guys wrote mini-projects to each object.

Knowledge, skills, personal qualities acquired by the guys in environmental work will undoubtedly be useful both while studying and in its continued life.

In the future, for me, the important result of the school environmental program is that many of his pupils have tied their future profession with environmental activities.


  1. Grigoriev, D.V. Extracurricular activity of schoolchildren. Methodical designer: manual for teacher / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 223 p.
  2. Zakhlebny, A. N., Development of general environmental education in Russia at the present stage. Sustainable Development: Ecology, Politics, Economics: Analytical Yearbook. - M.: Publishing house MNEPU, 2008. - P. 144-170.
  3. Kondakov A. M. Concept of federal state educational standards of general education / A. M. Kondakov, A. A. Kuznetsov, etc.; Ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008. - 39 p.
  4. Marfenin, N. N. Environmental education in the interests of sustainable development: new tasks and problems / N. N. Marfenin, L. V. Popova // Environmental education: to school, at school, outside of school. - 2006. - № 2. - P. 16-29.
  5. Federal State Educational Standard of the Basic General Education / M-in Education and Science Ros. Federation. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 48 p.

MKOU "Togulskaya Main Communication School"

Methodical development of extracurricular activities

"Environmental Assorted"

Borovtsova A. V.

This event is carried out among the 6-8 classes the duration of the event of 45 minutes.

Student organization form: group.

Purpose: Creating conditions for educating a sense of love and responsibility to the native nature.

Tasks: form knowledge of students about the nature of the native land;

Develop communication skills;

Educate civil position and careful attitude towards nature

Objectives of extracurricular activities:

Education: reveal the aesthetic, informative, wellness, practical importance of nature in people's life; expand the submissions of students about the nature of the native land;

Developing: Continue the formation of work skills in the group, stimulating cognitive interest in the subject, expansion of the horizons of students.

Educational: Development of a sense of responsibility to the team, raising the ability to argue and defend its point of view, as well as listen to the opinions of others; cultivate respectful attitude towards nature, the norm of behavior in nature is environmental responsibility;

Formulated Wood:

Personal Wood : - sense-forming, - the internal position of the schoolchild at the level of a positive attitude towards the surrounding people, the environment.

Regulatory Wood: - Taking and maintaining the task, - the ability to take into account the dedicated actions of action in the new conditions - adequate perception and understanding of the assessment - the implementation of actions in a materialized, loud speech and mental form.

Communicative Woods: - Accounting for different opinions and desire to coordinate various positions in collaboration - the ability to negotiate and coming to a general solution in joint activities - the ability to control the actions of the partner, the ability to formulate and ask questions.

Cognitive Wood: -arbitrary construction of speech statements in oral and writing is the argument in the form of relationships of simple judgments about the object - establishing analogy, and use of iconic symbolic agents.

Equipment: computer, Multimedia Equipment, Presentation "Environmental Assorted", Vigorolik about ecology ", Physical map of Russia, Physical map of the world, on the" Environmental Wonder-Tree "board, chips in the form of a globe

Preliminary preparation:

  • form teams (3), come up with the name and motto of teams, relevant to the topic of events;
  • draw environmental signs;
  • on the list to collect natural and throwing material.

Event Plan:

  1. Organizational moment -2 min.
  2. Main part:
  • Station "Miracle Tree" - 5 min.,
  • Station "Environmental Situation" - 10 min.,
  • Station "Biosphere" - 5 min.,
  • Station "Red Book" - 5 min.,
  • Station "We Creators" - 10 min.,
  • Station "The Edge of Native" (Information) - 3 min.,
  1. Summing up - 5 min.

Event flow:

  1. Organizing timeTeamwood places are presented.

The teacher presents members of the jury, introduces the game rulesSlide 1-2.

Our event I would like to spend under the next motto: "How can I know yourself? Only by action, but never - by contemplation." (I. V. Guete)

  1. Main part (2 minutes).

Slide 3. Picture . Look around - what a beautiful and amazing world surrounds us! Blue sky, gentle sun, large meadows, green forests, majestic mountains, unique world of plants and animals. Everything is designed wisely and convenient for the life of all living beings. The nature of the generous and disinterested, it gives everyone to life - food, water, clothing, fuel, surrounds beauty.

Slide 4.VideoRolik "Ecology"(environmental pollution)

Guys, tell me what this video?

What are we talking about today?

Of course, we will talk about ecology today, about the problems of environmental pollution and its protection.

Our present class hour is unusual, we go with you to an ecological patrol.

Slide 5. We will dwell at various stops, solve problems, perform tasks, of course earn scores. For each earned score, the team gets a globe chip.

Slide 6-15. Stop 1 "Environmental Wonder Tree"

Here we will check your knowledge of ecology. The guys are in turn fit to the miracle tree, tear the leaf on which the question is written. Discuss in the team 1 minute and give an answer if it is difficult to answer, another team can answer this question. For each right question 1 point.


  1. What plants are bioindicators that detect overall pollution of the environment?(lichens).
  2. What does the term "ecology" mean?("Ecospa" -d, "Logos" - doctrine).
  3. What components pollute the atmosphere? (dust, gases, smoke, microorganisms, noise, radiation).
  4. What components pollute the hydrosphere? (household and industrial wastewater, fertilizers, petroleum products, trash, microorganisms, algae).
  5. What components pollute the lithosphere? (fertilizers, pesticides, waste from enterprises, domestic waste, radioactive waste).
  6. In which year, the first red book was published and why was it so called?

(1971, red color alarm, danger, warnings).

  1. What is the reserve? (A specially protected area or aquatorial, fully or partially excluded from economic use in order to preserve natural complexes, the protection of animal and plants, as well as observations of natural processes).
  2. Are rain worms useful?(Yes, they are feed for animals and birds, participate in improving the structure soil the soil, form humus, disinfect the soil).
  3. What role are predatory animals and birds?(They are agencies).

Slide 16. Stop "Ecological Situation"

Guys, at this station, each team receives a card with an environmental situation.(Attachment 1). Discuss the task and give an answer.

Slide 17. Stop "Biosphere"Guys, you have the text of the story with environmental errors(Appendix 2) . Find them and offer the rules of behavior in nature. For each correct error found 1 point.

Guys, tell me why this stop is so named? A really biosphere is a shell in which all components of living and inanimate nature interact: water, soil, air, animals, plants and man.

Slide 18-20. Stop "Red Book"


Protected by the Red Book

How many rare animals and birds,

To survive the expanse of many

For the light of the coming granas.

So that the souls are not empty,

Guarded beasts

Snakes are protected

Even flowers are guarded.

Guys, at this stop, you are invited to guess animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Flek Territory. Name them (on the tables at the teams are photos with animals and plants). For every guaranteed animal or plant you get 1 point if you correctly call this animal, get another extra point.

  1. Guys, what is the role of the Red Book?


I love my edge. How strange to hear

After all, every person loves his edge!

But the sky is blue here, the sun is higher!

And in the color of the lilac here is painted May.

The rain and hay smells the summer,

Calling a cool river ...

And autumn gold dressed,

Float clouds clouds,

Skiing manits in the distance Winter,

Frosty in the morning snow crousts

And come out from the banks of the river in April.

And the forest in spring noise

I love my edge! I voted many places

And you can get around half by half

But closer and relatives of the native land,

I think I no longer find.


Once collecting the last forces,

Created the lord of the planet beautiful

Gave her the shape of a big ball

And planted trees there, flowers

Herbs of unprecedented beauty

Many animals are found there

Snakes, Elephants, Turtles and Birds

Here is a gift, people, bypass

Land plowing, sit down with bread

I'll let you want to all

You take care of this shrine.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

Not always know how to protect

If they are destroyed,

On the planet we will stay alone.


What happened? What was forgotten? What broke?

I understand everything clearer: be trouble!

There is no nature on Earth,

And we live in the environment.


I feel more and more feeling the pain of loss,

Lucky with Flooro and fauna.

And in salads they say some nitrates,

And nitrates in each fish are sitting.


All alarming on the planet year from year!

And it is clear even to Komara:

Or will we take our nature

Or we take into the ozone hole!


People, people, what did you do with the planet?

You yourself got off with the fucking paths

After all, there is no other such in the world,

Yes, and there is no nature of spare parts!


I don't want such a world

Where everything is so gray and sad ...


What did we do with nature?

How now she look into her eyes?

In dark poisoned water

In those who smelled the death of heavens.


My planet human house

But how she live under a smoky cap

Where is the waste ditch ocean?

Where all the nature is caught in drone,

Where there is no place, nor Aista, nor lion,

Where the herbs moan: "I can not". "


I look at the globe globe,

And suddenly he sighed as alive!

And they whisper to us the continents:

You take care of us, take care!

In alarm grove and forest,

Rosa on herbs as a tear.

And quietly ask Springs

You take care of us, take care!

Grust deep river

Your own shore,

You take care of us, take care!

Stopped the deer his jog:

"Be a man man!

We believe in you, do not solga

You take care of us, take care! "

I look at the globe globe

So beautiful and native

And whisper of the lips: "Not Latvo,

I saved you, saved! "

  1. Summing up (reflexes 2 minutes)
  1. What's new you learned today?
  2. What do you remember most today?
  3. Do you think yourself with environmentally cultural people?

Slide 27. Guys today's event I would like to finish the following statement:"I threw the flower - and he faded. I caught a moth - and he died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch in nature. " (E.L. Prasolova)

Thank you! All the most kind of you!


  1. Ecology.6-11 Classes: extracurricular activities, research activities of students / Sost. I.P. Chertnichenko.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-134c.
  2. Fadeeva E.O., Babenko V.G. Ecology. Organisms and their habitat. From the NC ENAS, 2002, -72- (teacher's portfolio).
  3. Environmental education at school: cool hours, games, events / auto-comp. IG Nornko.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.-139С.
  4. Sub weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle / comp. V. V. Balabanova, TA Maksimtseva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.-154С.
  5. Internet resources.
  6. Extracurricular work on biology 6-11 class. S. M. Kurgansky. - M.: Wako 2015. - 288 s (teacher teacher workshop)

Attachment 1.

Situation №1

At one distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. Used for this Yadochymikati. The mosquitoes really disappeared, but after a while many rats appeared. They attacked the fields and sheds of the locals, drinking grain. People could not understand why this "attack" appeared.

The task . Expand the causal relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and offer ways out of this ecological situation.

(Yadhimikati, destroying mosquitoes, fell on the plants that, in turn, fed the cockroaches (insects). Insects were fed on plants, but did not die from poison. At the same time, he accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught lizards. They weakened from poison and became easy to prey cats. For cats, the poison was fatal. Soon they are not at all left on the island. It has arrived for rats.)

Situation 2.

Sea transport extremely pollutes the world ocean. Canned cans, plastic bottles, paper and polyethylene packages and other trash. Fishermen leave in the sea fishing synthetic networks.

The task. Analyze the consequences of the pollution of the World Ocean by marine transport, offer the way out of this environmental situation.

Answer. This leads to the pollution of the ocean, turning it into a landfill. Sea animals are dying, in particular, leathery turtles and seals. They take polyethylene packages for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach is clogged, and animals are dying. Very often in the stomachs sharks discover, when opening canned cans, lumps of fuel oil, other items, as sharks, when hungry, grab everything.

Often sea animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) can not live normally and eat, because their body tightly tightens the grid, it does not decompose in nature and therefore delivers torment animals throughout life.

Measures: Do not throw garbage into the ocean, which is not disposed of in nature, conduct explanatory work with sailors and sea transport passengers, introduce quotas for fisheries.

Situation 3.

The uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphate) leads to oversaturation of water with organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.

The task . Describe the shortest development of the environmental situation and offer ways to solve it.


The rapid development of blue-green algae ("flowering of water bodies") is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the disadvantage of which in the future causes their death. Slight and settled on the bottom, algae decompose, for which oxygen is also spent. All this entails the mass death of representatives of flora and fauna. Algae isolated a large amount of substances that depress zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poisoning fish, bird, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to normalize the introduction of mineral fertilizers to the fields, monitor compliance with the rules for the storage of mineral fertilizers in warehouses, farms. In the case of contamination of water bodies, fertilizers should not allow domestic cattle on the pond. To fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out measures for wastewater treatment, as they also stimulate the reproduction of blue-green algae

Appendix 2.

Story with errors

"Sunday in the Forest"

For a week, only there were conversations in the class, about the future trip to the forest. At the last moment the teacher got sick. But we decided to go to the forest themselves. We already knew the road, got stuck with the products, took the compass, did not forget the transistor.

Merry music we notified the forest - we arrived! The days were hot, dry, but the heat was not felt in the forest. A familiar road led us to a birch grove. On the way, we often came across different mushrooms and white, stabber, sweethearts. This is a harvest! Who cut the elastic feet of mushrooms, who twisted them, and who pulled out. All mushrooms that we did not know, we shot off with sticks.

Total Quickly broke the branches and burned the fire. The tea was brewed in the bowler, climbed and went further. Polyethylene packages and banks have thrown over the departure from Peter's grove. He said: "Microbes still destroy them." The burning corners of the fire wink to us for goodbye. In the bushes we found a nest of some bird. Holding warm bluish eggs, put them back. The sun climbed above the horizon. It became hotter. On the forest edge we found the hedgehog. Deciding that his mother threw him, took him with them - at school it will be useful. We are already tired. There are quite a few anthills in the forest. Petya decided to show us how formic acid is mined. He struck sticks and began to immerse them deeply into an anthill.

Gradually began to run clouds, it became darker, grunted with lightning, thunder thundered. I went pretty heavy rain. But we were no longer scary - we managed to reach alone of the standing tree and hid under it.

Lively, we went to the station, jumping up the puddles. And suddenly across the road crawled the snake. "This is a viper" - shouted Petya and hit her stick. We approached the snake and saw two yellow spots on her head. "This is not a viper - Masha said quietly," this is. " "All the same - Gaddy!" - replied Petya.

We approached the station with meadow and forest colors. An hour later, the train was already approaching the outskirts of the city. Fun gone day!


  • do not include loud music;
  • do not pull out mushrooms, and not to shoot down even inedible; as

the mushrooms is destroyed, animal medicine disappears,

insect communities are violated - Mushrooms - Trees;

  • for a fire, collect drywalk, and not break the branches. In warm, dry weather in the forest to breed fires is prohibited;
  • do not leave polyethylene, as it is poorly destroyed

microorganisms (completely collapsed after 220 years) and

metal banks (destroyed after 100 years);

  • bonfire after burning should throw the earth or fill

water to complete cessation of burning;

  • do not touch the eggs of birds - the bird can leave the nest;
  • do not take animals and chicks from the forest to the city - if they do not perish in the city, they will die when you want to return them to the forest again;
  • do not stick into the anthill sticks - the relationship is violated

in this complex community;

  • do not hide during a thunderstorm under a lonely tree - it can


  • in no way to destroy snakes, even a viper;
  • meadow and forest flowers should not be - the life of torn

colors are short-lived.

Appendix 3.

Swan small

The pedagogical process is not limited to learning. All that is held at school in terms of the implementation of educational work in extracurricular time in some pedagogical sources is combined with one general concept - extracurricular educational work. In other sources, along with extracurricular educational work, there are still extracurricular work on educational subjects (subject circles, sections, competitions, exhibitions of creative works, etc.). The extracurricular work includes work with students' class teachers, a school librarian and all other school workers, which is carried out in extracurricular time, but does not have a specially pronounced substantive nature (not aimed at learning a single study subject). This work can be carried out in the school walls or outside of its borders, but is organized and is conducted by the school employees (meetings, classroom watches, rules, holidays, exhibitions, excursions, hiking, etc.).
Along with extracurricular and extracurricular work, there are still extracurricular educational work. The pedagogical process is not limited to learning. All that is held at school in terms of the implementation of educational work in extracurricular time in some pedagogical sources is combined with one general concept - extracurricular educational work. In other sources, along with extracurricular educational work, there are still extracurricular work on educational subjects (subject circles, sections, competitions, exhibitions of creative works, etc.). The extracurricular work includes work with students' class teachers, a school librarian and all other school workers, which is carried out in extracurricular time, but does not have a specially pronounced substantive nature (not aimed at learning a single study subject). This work can be carried out in the school walls or outside of its borders, but is organized and is conducted by the school employees (meetings, classroom watches, rules, holidays, exhibitions, excursions, hiking, etc.).
Along with extracurricular and extracurricular work, there are still extracurricular educational work.



State Educational Institution of Additional Vocational Education

(advanced training) Employees of the Moscow region

(GOU Pedagogical Academy)

Practical oriented project

"Forms of organization and conducting extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students on biology"

at the rate of the variable training module

"Modernization of biological education" (72 hours)


Lilakov Albina Vladimirovna

biology teacher MOU TSOSH number 14

n. Tomilino

Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region

Scientific project manager:

Dankova E. V.,

candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Scientific Disciplines

G. Lyubertsy 2011.

Introduction .................................................................. ......... ..3.

  1. General characteristics of extracurricular work on biology ............... 7
  1. . Announced work as a category of biology learning ............ ..7
  2. Educational value of extracurricular work in training biology ........................................................................ 9
  3. Forms and types of extracurricular work .................................... .11

2. Forms of organization and conduct of extracurricular and out-of-school work in MOU TSOSH No. 14 ............................................................................................................14

2.1. Organization of individual and group episodic

extracurricular work on biology ...................................................... 14

2.2. Organization of circle extracurricular work ........................ .16

2.3. Mass extracurricular activities .................................... 19

2.4. Wall newspaper, bulletins, mounting .................................... .24

2.5. Exhibitions of work students ............................................. 25

3. Conclusion ................................................................................. 27

4. Literature ................................................................................... 28


The pedagogical process is not limited to learning. All that is held at school in terms of educational work in extracurricular time in some pedagogical sources is combined with one general concept -extracurricular educational work. In other sources, along with extracurricular educational work, still allocateextracurricular work on educational subjects (Subjects, Sections, Olympics, Exhibitions of creative works, etc.). The extracurricular work includes work with students' class teachers, a school librarian and all other school workers, which is carried out in extracurricular time, but does not have a specially pronounced substantive nature (not aimed at learning a single study subject). This work can be carried out in the school walls or outside of its borders, but is organized and is conducted by the school employees (meetings, classroom watches, rules, holidays, exhibitions, excursions, hiking, etc.).
Along with extracurricular and extracurricular work there is still
out-of-school educational work.It is carried out in musical and art schools, stations of junns, young technicians, clubs with various organizations, etc., i.e. It is conducted under the guidance of non-school teachers, but extracurricular workers and is characterized by a greater in comparison with extracurricular work of practical orientation and specialism.
The variety of forms of extracurricular educational work is constantly updated with new forms corresponding to the changing social conditions of school life. Often the foundations of their content and methodologies are borrowed from popular games of television programs ("Spark", KVN, Round Table, "Auction", "What? Where? When?", Etc.).
variety of shapeseducational work with students can be divided into three groupsdepending on the main to the educational task:

1) Forms of management and self-government School life (meetings, rules, rallies, hours of class leaders, meetings of representative bodies of student self-government, wall printing, etc.);

2) Cognitive forms (excursions, hiking, festivals, oral journals, information, newspapers, thematic evenings, studios, sections, exhibitions, etc.);

3) Entertainment forms (matinees and evenings, "Capups", "Sowing")

Means and methods used also play a significant role.

Depending on this featureyou can divide the forms of educational work into three groups:

1) verbal (meetings, rallies, information, etc.), during which verbal methods and types of communication are used;
2) visual (exhibitions, museums, excursions, stands and other forms of visual agitation), which are focused on the use of visual methods - visual perception by pupils of samples of relations, actions, etc.;

3) Practical (duty, chef and charitable activities, the collection and design of exhibits for museums, exhibitions, manufacture of stands, release of newspapers, magazines, participation in labor operations, etc.), the basis of which is the practical actions of pupils that change the objects of their activities.

Principles of the organization of extracurricular work

Extracurricular work is based on a voluntary basis with equally right to participate in it as well-known subject of students and weakly learning. Of particular activity acquires an individual approach to children: accounting for their interests and requests, support on their initiative and independence, promotion of curiosity and cognitive activity. Each offer, comment, the wish of students is heard, is discussed, takes note of the action.

The connection of extracurricular activities with the work in the class is that the knowledge gained by students in the lessons is the basis for extracurricular communication. The system of extracurricular sessions is consisted in accordance with the lesson classes. For them, students produce ideological, moral and aesthetic views, norms, concepts, draw conclusions, compare and summarize the facts. This manifests itselfthe principle of raising learning.

Principle of scientific relationship It requires that extracurricular classes are built on a cognitive base, and not turned into a means of fun or entertainment. Any material of extracurricular activities, even if it is fed in an unexpected and unusual form, corresponds to scientific data without excess simplification or complication.

Important acquires on extracurricular activitiesprinciple of clarity. The scientific depth of the material outlined on extracurricular activities, the identification of its practical significance should be combined with fascination of the form. Here the parents come to the rescue: they are issued together with children, teachers visibility for extracurricular activities and events, help in the design of decorations and costumes, are direct participants.

Extracurricular work more than cool is based onprinciple integrability. This principle is reflected in the diversity and variability of forms, methods, specific techniques, tasks, linguistic games, allowing to achieve the goal with the greatest efficiency.

Object Research is extracurricular work on biology.

Subject Studies were the mechanisms of impact of extracurricular work on the identity of the child, the formation of moral qualities, the influence of the interest of students and teachers on the effectiveness of extracurricular work.

Purpose The project was the development of various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work on biology to organize the activities of students affecting the moral development of the personality.

Tasks :

1. Determine the degree of interest of students and teachers in extracurricular and extracurricular work on biology.

2. Choose material to develop various forms of events.

3. Determine the circle of students who want to take part in various biology events.

4. Determine the direction of extracurricular work (extracurricular work should be sent to the development of personal qualities, according to teachers).

5. To introduce into the extracurricular and extracurricular work of the school, various forms of organization and conduct of extracurricular work on biology.

To solve the tasks in this project, various methods of information collection were used: questionnaire, interviewing, acquaintance with literary sources; Conducting extracurricular activities in different forms.


1. Extracurricular work and extracurricular biology work will be interested in a large circle of students.

2. Extracurricular and out-of-school work on biology can be carried out in various forms.

3. The result of extracurricular and out-of-school work on biology should be effective (leading to the moral development of the personality of the student).

When evaluating the effectiveness of spent extracurricular and extracurricular work, I allocated the mainefficiency criteria extracurricular work:

1. Obtaining additional out-of-promotional learning knowledge. Indicator: The number of students attending a biological orientation mugs, the number of students who called the norm of the behavior reading additional literature.

2. Sports, physical improvement. Indicator: The number of students attending various sections, the number of students who called the basic values \u200b\u200bof life health, the number of students who called the norm of behavior of the exercise.

3. Art classes. Indicator: Number of students who participate in various theatrical productions, KVN, holidays, etc.

4. Classes in the direction of the chosen profession. Indicator: Number of professional-oriented students.

5. Comfort at school. Indicator: the number of students who feel like "school owners".

6. Development desire. Indicator: The number of students seeking self-improvement and moral development.

7. Characteristic. Self-assessment of the significance of their personality students. Criterion: the ability to make decisions that determine the life of the class and school. Indicator: The number of students who have the ability to make decisions that determine the life of the school and class.

1. General characteristics of extracurricular work on biology

Educational and educational tasks of the school biology of biology are most fully resolved based on the close link of a cool-time learning system with extracurricular work. Knowledge and abilities on biology acquired by students in lessons, laboratory activities, excursions and other forms of academic work, find a significant deepening, expansion and awareness, which have a great influence on the overall increase in their interest in the subject.

In the methodical literature and practice of the school's work, the concept of "extracurricular work" is often identified with the concepts of "extracurricular work" and "out-of-school work", although each of them has its own content. In addition, extracurricular work often consider one of the forms of training. Based on the comparison of these concepts with other generally accepted methodological concepts, extracurricular work should be attributed to one of the components of the system of biological education of schoolchildren, extracurricular work -

To one of the forms of biology learning, and foreign biology work -

to the system of additional biological education of schoolchildren.

Extracurricular work on biology is carried out in extracurricular time. It is not obligatory for all schoolchildren and is organized mainly for those of them that conduct an increased interest in biology. The content of extracurricular work is not limited to the framework of the curriculum, and significantly go beyond its limits and is mainly determined by schoolchildren of those interests that in turn are influenced by the interests of the biology teacher. Very often, for example, teachers interested in flower growers are fond of schoolchildren with work on the study of diversity and growing ornamental plants, and teachers interested in bird biology, almost all extracurricular work subordinate ornithological themes. Extracurricular work is being implemented in its various forms.

Hourly work, like extracurricular, students perform outside the lesson or outside the class and school, but necessarily on the tasks of the teacher when studying any section of the biology course. The content of extracurricular work is closely related to the software material. The results of the execution of extracurricular tasks are used in the lesson of biology and are evaluated by the teacher (it sets it in the classroom). An extracurricular work is referred to, for example: observations of seed germination assigned to students when studying the topic "Seed" (grade 6); Perform the task associated with observations of the development of any insect when studying the type of arthropod (grade 7). Extracurricular works are also provided by the Summer Tasks for Biology (6 and 7 classes), as well as all the homework tasks of a practical nature.

The extracurricular work of students in contrast to extracurricular and extracurricular is carried out with extracurricular institutions (stations of young naturalists, institutions of additional education) on special programs developed by the staff of these institutions and approved by the relevant authorities of the national education.

1.2 Educational value of extracurricular work in biology training.

This value is proved by both scientists - methodologists and experienced biology teachers. It allows students to significantly expand, realize and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons, turn them into persistent beliefs. This is primarily due to the fact that in the process of extracurricular work, not constrained by a certain framework of lessons, there are great opportunities for the use of observation and experiment - the main methods of biological science. Conducting experiments, observations of biological phenomena, schoolchildren acquire on the basis of direct perceptions specific ideas about the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Conducted by students, for example, long-term observations of the growth and development of any flowering plant or the growth and development of butterfly - cabbage or ordinary mosquito or experiments related to the development of conditional reflexes in animal corner of nature, leave in the minds of children deeper traces than the most Detailed stories or conversations about it using visual tables and even special video films.

Wide use in extracurricular work of various tasks related to the conduct of observations and experiments is developing research abilities from schoolchildren. In addition, the specificity of the observed phenomena, the need to briefly record the observed, make the appropriate conclusions, and then tell about this in class or occupation a circle contributes to the development of student thinking, observation, makes you think about what previously passed by their attention. In extracurricular work, individualization of learning is easily carried out and a differentiated approach is being implemented.

Extracurricular work allows you to take into account the versatile interests of schoolchildren, to significantly deepen and expand them in the right direction.

In the process of extracurricular work, performing various experiments and conducting observations, engaged in protection of plants and animals, schoolchildren enter close contact with wildlife, which has a big impact on them.

Extracurricular work on biology makes it possible to closely communicate theory with practice. She introduces schoolchildren to various emergency work: the preparation of the soil for the formulation of experiments and observations of plants, the care of them, planting trees and shrubs, the billet for feeding birds, the care of the crown animals, which, in turn, brings up a sense of responsibility for Charged case, the ability to bring the work started to the end, contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism.

If extracurricular work is related to the manufacture of visual benefits from the material assembled in nature, as well as ullands, tables, models, the organization of biological Olympiads, exhibitions, the release of wall newspapers, it causes the need for schoolchildren to use scientifically popular and scientific biological literature, admission to extracurricular reading .

The great importance of extracurricular work on biology is due to the fact that it distracts schoolchildren from a blank pastime. Interested in biology student in their free time dedicate observations of interesting objects and phenomena, plant growing, leaving the care of sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Thus, extracurricular work on biology is of great importance both in the resolution of the educational tasks of the school course of biology, and in the resolution of many common-breeding tasks facing the general education school as a whole. Therefore, it should take a prominent place in the activities of each biology teacher.

1.3 Forms and types of extracurricular work

The secondary school has accumulated extensive experience of extracurricular work on biology, so along with the disclosure of the content and organization of extracurricular work, its forms and types are considered.

When the forms of extracurricular work should be proceeded both from among students participating in extracurricular work and from the principle of systematic or episodicity of its implementation.

Characteristics of the forms of extracurricular work on biology.

Forms of extracurricular work can be classified bythe degree of systematic systematic organization of students' activity:

Motherwise (contests, kvany, watches of entertaining biology, quiz, conference, olympiads);
systemic (newspapers, design work, excursions, theatrical submissions, optional classes, local lore associations of students).

All of them are organized and are held once (or several times) during the school year for various classes, groups of students.

Their main goal: to develop interest among students in the subject, region.

Forms of extracurricular work can be classifiedon the mass in them learned:

Individual form of work - This is an independent activity of individual students aimed at self-education. For example: Preparation of reports, artistic amateur numbers, preparation of illustrated albums, observations in nature, the manufacture of visual aids, selection of material for the stand, setting experiments and observation of plants and animals in nature, on a learning - experienced site, etc. This allows everyone to find its place in general matter. This activity requires the knowledge of the knowledge of the individual characteristics of students by conversations, survey, studying their interests.

To unifying forms Works include children's clubs (circles), school museums, society.Circle work(Profile clubs) can combine, such as botany, zoologists, physiologists, genetics(a mug of a young biologist, young veterinarian, young ecologist). In the circles (clubs) there are classes of different types: these are reports, watching k / f, excursions, manufacture of visual aids, laboratory classes, meetings with interesting people, etc. The report of the work of the circle for the year is carried out in the form of the evening, conference, exhibition, review.

Common form are school museums. By profile, they can be local history. The main work in school museums is related to the collection of materials. For this, hiking, expeditions, meetings with interesting people are held, a wide correspondence is being conducted, work in the archive. Museum materials should be used in lessons, for educational activities among adults. It is necessary that the work of the school museum takes place in contact with the state, which should provide them with scientific and methodological assistance.

Mask forms belong to the number most common in school. They are designed for the simultaneous coverage of many students, they are characterized by paintiness, solemnity, brightness, large emotional impact on children. Mass work contains great opportunities to activate students. Socompetition, Olympiad, Competition, gamerequire the direct activity of each. When conducting conversations, evenings, matinee only a part of schoolchildren act as organizers and performers. In such events asvisiting performances, meeting with interesting peopleAll participants become viewers. The empathy that emerged from participation in a general case serves as an important means of cohesion of the collective. Traditional form of mass work areschool holidays. They are dedicated to the dates of the calendar, the anniversaries of writers, cultural figures. During the school year, 4 - 5 holidays are possible. They expand the horizons, cause a sense of admission to the life of the country. Competitions, Olympics, reviews are widely used. They stimulate children's activity, develop the initiative. In connection with the competitions are usually arrangedexhibitions which reflect the creativity of schoolchildren: drawings, writings, crafts. School Olympiads are organized by educational subjects. Participation in them are accepted by students from primary classes. Their goal is to involve all children with the selection of the most talented.Watch - The most common competitive form of mass work. Their task is to summarize and disseminate the best experience, the strengthening of vocational guidance activities, the organization of circles, clubs, upbringing the desire for a general search. Form of mass work with children isclass hour . It is carried out in the framework of the allotted time and is an integral part of educational activities. Any form of extracurricular work should be filled with a useful content (campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, seed collection and other feed for winter feeding birds; Manufacturing and hanging bird nestings).

A characteristic feature of extracurricular work is that it is most fully implemented by the principle of mutual learning, when older, more experienced students, transfer their experience to younger. This consists of one of the effective ways to implement educational functions of the team

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work on biology are related to each other and complement each other. In the emergence and development of the relationship between them there is a certain pedagogical pattern. Interest in working with alive organisms usually arises from schoolchildren when performing individual tasks. By doing well, those or other teacher's tasks are usually asked to give them additional empowerment. If there are several such schoolchildren in the class, the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and later in the circles of young naturalists, working in which they are actively involved in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use of individual, episodic group and circle results (for example, demonstrations of manufactured benefits, reports of conducted observations, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contribute to engaging in the extracurricular work of students who have not shown before it. Often, some schoolchildren who have at first passive participation in the mass extracurricular work on the landscaping of the school area, the manufacture of bird houses, as listeners, subsequently become either youngsters, or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the tasks of the teacher.

  1. Forms of organization and conduct of extracurricular and out-of-school work in MOU TSOSH No. 14

1.2. Organization of individual and group episodic extracurricular work on biology.

The extracurricular work of schoolchildren on biology can be successful under the condition of permanent management by the teacher. Guideindividual work Some interested biology of students lies in the fact that the teacher helps them choose or clarify the subject of classes, recommends reading the appropriate literature, develop a methodology for carrying out experience or observation, is interested in working work, advises how to overcome certain difficulties that meet the difficulties, etc. Results The individual work of the teacher is then used as an illustration when reporting a new material in biology lessons, in the notes of wall newspapers on biology, on the benches of the biological office.

In the lessons of biology, the teacher can offer a student to observe in extracurricular time for one or another, bring additional information about an animal or plant and say where you can read more about them. At the same time, in the following lessons, it is always necessary to find out which of the students conducted the recommended observation, read the book, made a visual allowance, etc., cheer up and, involve it to another job.

Group episodic classes usually organizes a teacher in connection with the preparation and conduct of school mass events, for example, the school biological Olympiad, the month of biology, the month of the zozh, the holiday of birds. To implement such a work, the teacher selects a group of educational biology, sets the task before them, for example, to prepare and spend birds day, and then gives them various orders: one is to make reports on the meaning of birds in nature and the need for their protection, quizzic issues; Others - to choose them drawings with the image of birds and arrange installation; Third - draw up the literary installation of their poems on birds, fourth - to release the thematic wallpaper, as follows - to prepare and conduct reports, prepare artistic numbers for the holiday. The teacher then monitors the execution of the assigned work and helps in its implementation. The result of this work is to hold a holiday.

Usually after the completion of any mass event, the operation of the episodic group is terminated. To carry out another mass event, the teacher attracts the student former episodic group or creates a new one.

Episodic group extracurricular work is organized and in connection with the desire of the teacher to attract students to study the living nature of their edge, for example, to have an inventory of wood and shrub vegetation of a school territory, a neighboring park; Find out the species composition of birds inhabiting the places near the pickens. Tomilino or park zone near the school; To study the daily activity of animals of certain species, "biological watches" of plants. The need to organize such an episodic group work usually occurs in the absence of a young naturalist mug in school.

Similarly, the occupations of an episodically operating group of students in the preparation and conduct of biological KVN, evenings, watches of entertaining biology and other mass biological events are organized.

2.2. Organization of mug extracurricular work.

In contrast to the episodic naturalistic group, mugs combine schoolchildren systematically performing various tasks throughout the year and even several years. The composition of the circle is stable and includes both students of one class or parallel classes, so students differing in the years of study. Often, students are united in a circle not by age, but by the inconsistencies, passionateness by biology. When determining the content of the work, the mug is most advisable to proceed from the fact that every schoolboy who is interested in biology should have versatile knowledge of wildlife. For naturalistic mug, such types of work, as experiments and observations (in the natural situation, on an educational and experienced plot, in the corners of wildlife) are characterized; Excursions in nature and agricultural production; participation in nature conservation; Production of visual benefits.

In 2010-2011 academic year, two mugs from DDT "Intellect" (Moscow) are operating in MOU TSOSH No. 14 from 2010-2011 academic year (Moscow): "Young veterinarian" Classes are conducted by Dr. Biological Sciences, Professor - G.V. Pavlov; Methodist - R. V. Zhelekin.

In this academic year (2011-2012) in the "Young Veterinarian" circle consist of studying 8-9 classes, in the circle of "exotic animals in the house", students are consisting of 3-5 classes.

The program of these circles involves different activities (see Appendix)

Charter mug. The circle of young naturalists is a voluntary organization. However, having joined it, students must fulfill certain rules (charter) that develop and take the circle themselves at one of the first fees.

Asset mug. The success of the work of the mug depends largely on its asset (the headman, the secretary responsible for the TSO, the wall printing), which is chosen at one of the first circular classes.

The elder of the circle supports communication with the head of the mug, reports the upcoming changes in the schedule of the circle, presides on them, prepares lists departing on excursions, monitors the fulfillment of the duties by other members of the asset mug.

The Circle Secretary makes up and posts lists of duty, notes the presence of young people at the assembly of the circle, finds out the causes of the absence, leads a brief protocol of assembly, is preparing a photo report on tours and a circle.

Responsible for the TSO monitors the correction of TSO, their readiness to work is responsible for the safety of the inventory, the Yunnat Library, etc.

Responsible for the wall seal together with the members of the editorial board selects the material for the wall newspaper, follows their timely release.

The head of the circle develops in every way the initiative and independence of the Asset Mug, is consulted with it in solving certain issues.

The program of operation Mug is the head of the mug.It reflects all types of work mug. In compiling such a program, the head of the circle comes from the interests of the Yunnists, their cognitive research abilities and opportunities. Individual or group tasks for independent research work are distributed between Yunnats, instructions for execution.

Classes are held twice a week.

At the end of the year, the reporting occupation is held, the release of the wall newspaper, the design of the exhibition on the results of work.At the reporting lesson, the Junnata Circle report on the work done, demonstrate collections, photographs of the objects studied, read the records of the observations performed.

Extracurricular work remains for students interesting only if they do not feel stagnation in it, monotony. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually lead the circles from the fulfillment of simple experiments and observations to the conduct of more complex, which have a research character.

The organization of the promotion of young people, expressing primarily in the development of useful cases in the general diary of the circle and systematic "publication" of entries in the wall press, has a great importance in the development of circular work at school.

Heads of Circles are not limited to conducting classes in the framework of the school.

This year, members of the circles visit the laboratories in the DTD "Intellect". Laboratory "Live Innovations" on the themes has already been visited:

1. "How to see bacteria? (work on microscopes) ",

2. "At the reception of a veterinary doctor (learning how to determine the disease at your pet)",

3. "Biological program - DNA molecule (study of the structure of the DNA molecule)". In class, laboratory work under the guidance of laboratory managers and are listened to small lectures on topics.

In the month of the subjects of the natural-scientific cycle (in November), these laboratories visited and studying different classes that are not part of the circles.

Members of the Mug "Young Veterinarian" visited the exhibition "Intellectual Property" WAO Moscow andinternational Scientific conference "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials"

2.3. Mass extracurricular activities.


In our school annually undergo subject month. The schedule of holding them is approved by the director at the beginning of the school year. The month of items of the natural science cycle takes place in our school usually in October, the month for a healthy lifestyle - in April. This is a traditional form of work that allows you to attract all school students to objective activities depending on their interests and cognitive opportunities. The purpose of the Months is to develop interest in subjects, expanding the horizons of students, the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. During them, the teachers use a variety of forms of extracurricular work.

As a rule, items are held in close contact with class managers, subject teachers. Subsensions are held, combining the mandatory activities for all classes, with events for individual groups of students.This is, for example, biological competitions, evenings, holidays, watches of entertaining biology, quiz, cool hours, work on the protection of nature, etc. They are organized by teachers of biology with the help of a circle or group of students who are unformed in the circle, student asset of the school.

School Biological Olympiads They are carried out in school typically in the fall. Training gifted in this area from the point of view of the teacher and 3-4 students are invited to participate in the Olympiads.

The Olympics takes place in two rounds.Usually a month before the Olympics, the group of students publishes a bulletin on the procedure for its holding, highlights the list of recommended literature, Olympiad options last year.

The first round of the Olympiad passes in writing. For the second round, the Olympics Yunnata prepare living and fixed natural objects, stuffed, tables, drawings and photographs of plants and animals, anatomical preparations. All this is placed on the departments: "Botany", Zoology, "Anatomy and Human Physiology", "General Biology". In each department, the participants of the Olympiad take tickets with one question or a task, requiring the name of the plant, an animal or say whose traces are shown in the figure, or briefly tell about any object, phenomenon.

Winners of the school Olympiad are applicants for fate in the district or district Olympiad. Every year (last 10 years), our school students occupy prizes (2 or 3) in the district competitions. In 2011-2012 academic year, the 10th grade student became the winner of the district Olympiad (4th place).

Biological KVVs, The most common distribution in schools is carried out following the example of television KVN. For the KVN, two teams are usually selected from several classes (better parallel), each of which weeks 2-3 before the start of the competition is preparing a biological greeting for a rival team, questions, riddles, poems and livelories.

In advance prepares for KVN and presenter. To evaluate the work of teams during the competition, the jury is elected, which includes the head and asset a mug of UNNATES, class leaders of students who are actively involved in KVN, responsible for the youth parliament for the cultivation work of the school. Manages the entire work teacher of biology - the organizer of KVN. He recommends that participants relevant literature, is interested in the training of the game, holds advice, gives advice, it is more interesting to realize certain ideas as possible.

Fans are invited to biological KVN - all those who want students. The date of the KVN is reported in advance: in the lobby of the school, a colorfully decorated ad.

In our school, KVVV are held 1 time per year in the month of natural science cycle items

Cool hours . The main function of the class hour is the enrichment of students with moral, aesthetic and other knowledge, the formation of skills and skills of moral behavior. Most often in our school there are cool clocks aimed at preventing a healthy lifestyle. At the class hour, the main "acting person" is a teacher. It prepares the classroom script and assistants - students for spending an hour (see Appendix).

Hours of entertaining biologyusually organized by classes or in parallel classes. The duration of one classes is an academic hour.

Every hour of entertaining biology (botany, zoology or other), students under the guidance of the teacher are preparing in advance. They are selected from the recommended literature the necessary information, compose them, prepare visual benefits. When classes are attached to the game form of holding (for example, in the form of a travel), prepare leading.

At the lesson, the master offers schoolchildren to travel, calls stopping points, during which pre-prepared students report interesting information about plants (on an entertaining botanist), animals (on entertaining zoology), etc.

The presenter can offer participants to guess any biological riddles, solve crosswords or chainvords, answering quiz questions.

Similarly, variousbiological evenings, for example: "Forest Treasures", "Travel to the homeland of houseplants", "How to bind superstitions", etc., the holding of each evening is preceded by a large preparatory work: the evening program is being developed, they are distributed among the organizers of the topics and reports, its entertaining part is being prepared ( Questions Quiz, Biological Games, Crosswords), Affiliate Educational Rooms (poems, Staging), Decoration, Exhibition of Naturalistic Works of Pupils.

The value of such preparations for holding the evening is primarily that schoolchildren are involved in independent work with various scientific and popular and reference literature (while their biological horizons expands), comprehend and creatively recycling the information found. It is important that at the same time it is implemented by one of the most important tasks of the school associated with the development of creative activity and independence of adolescents, the ability to navigate in the stream of modern information. In cases where the teacher uses ready-made scenarios and offers students (speakers leading) to learn one or another text and retell it at the evening, the educational effect of the events held in the evening. This year, within the subject of the subject month, the biological evening was conducted "Tea Ceremony" (see Appendix)

Theatrical ideas.This form of extracurricular work has the goal of the development of personality qualities of students, interest in the subject.

Public operational activities (CPD) is the leading psychological activity of adolescents. CPDs is characterized by gratuitous labor aimed at outsiders, rapid and visible results that have public recognition that benefits.

In the massive community schools held by the schoolfor the protection of nature, all schoolchildren take part in the landscaping of school territories. This work is organized by the school administration, biology teacher, class managers, circles, school student.

Before each mass community useful campaign is given the volume and nature of the work, they receive the necessary briefing and conduct work. During such events, students acquire appropriate skills and environmental knowledge.

A lot of flower beds are broken in our school. In landing seedlings, 5-6 classes participate on them. Tasks for growing seedlings of annual plants. Pupils are obtained in biology lessons. Underground parts of perennial plants in spring and autumn students bring from family cottages. Thus, almost all learning schools admire "their" plants on these flower beds. Designers are teachers of biology and wishing students. In school territory, a fruit-berry garden is broken. Trees and shrubs in it annually plant graduates of the school, and they care for them students of high school students during years of work.

Pupils of our school in spring, in the summer and autumn are involved in the improvement of the school area and the parking lot adjacent to school. These events are educated in the personality of morality, ecological culture, hard work, a sense of patriotism, responsibility, etc.

Design work. Purpose: training schoolchildren to rational receivers of collective (group) creative research work;
development of individual educational, organizational, creative and other abilities of students; Learning by students of the substantive side of the subject. In this school year, the most interesting ecology projects prepared by the 10 grade guys were the most interesting: "Garbage: What to do with it?", "Studying the environmental state of the school and a school area", last year 6-graders under the guidance of a biology teacher and the research The work of the "Landscaping Design of School Klumba".

Excursions are the most popular form of extracurricular local history work. Excursions can be planned (conducted by excursion organizations) and amateur (prepared and studied schoolchildren). The lack of planned excursions - children are passive receivers of information, the degree of assimilation of which largely depends on the qualifications of the guide. In this school year, within the month of the subjects of naturally - scientific cycle, the student 5-10 classes visited the equestrian courtyard in the Golitsyn estate in Kuzminakh, where they met with the breeds of horses, the conditions of their content, feed, equestrian utensils. 2-4 classes made an excursion "On the guests to the North Olem"Moscow region.

Every year our school students leave for excursions to a prioc-terrace reserve, bird park)

2.5. Wall newspaper, bulletins, installation.

A large role in the organization of extracurricular work on biology belongs to wall printing. Circusmen produce Junnat newspapers, ballots, photomontizes. The main disadvantage in this type of activity of the circle is often manifested in the fact that they correspond to interesting information from magazines and other popular science literature in "their newspapers", almost without reflecting the work of the mug as a whole and the work of individual Yunnists in the wall press. However, in school printing needs to be placed on the activity of the biological circle. In school printing, the results of all independent research of the circles should also be reflected.

In the month of items of the natural-scientific cycle, schoolchildren of grades 5-11 produce newspapers on biological topics, on biologists, on environmental protection, healthy lifestyle, etc. Themes offer teacher. Students can create newspapers with groups and individually. In this school year, newspapers were issued on the themes "Traditions and Tobaccoing", "Tablet from ...", "Health Cocktail", "We are for a healthy lifestyle."

2.5. Exhibitions of students.

The purpose of exhibitions is to develop the interest of students to the native land, the development of creative abilities of students. Exhibits of the exhibition may be drawings, photos, layouts, crafts, computer works, textbooks and other products created by participants.

At the preparatory stage, the teacher needs to determine: goal, subjects, type (species) of exhibits, time and venue of the exhibition; criteria for evaluating work (if the exhibition is competitive); list of participants. The provision about the exhibition should be brought to all school students. The subject of the exhibition can cover any parties in the region.

Their organization is more expedient to coincide with any biological evening (or holiday), to the final session of the circle, a certain time of the year.

In our school, exhibitions from natural material "Autumn fantasy", photo exhibition "Winter landscapes", "Winter - the fun time of year" (a series of zozh), "Spring - the time of flowering". In different years, teachers of biology and primary classes organized exhibitions "Summer Works of Pupils" (Collections and Herbarium), "Autumn Gifts" (grown plants), "My Bouquet for Mom" \u200b\u200b(Appliques). The exhibits selected for the exhibition must be provided with labels indicating the name of the work and its performer.

The exhibition is organized in the Biological Cabinet or in the School Hall. It is open to visiting everyone (and students, parents) in the posturn time. The exhibition is organized on duty. Excursions are allocated for learning students. This year the school creates a book of feedback.

The creation of newspapers, exhibitions develops in student interest in biology and creative thinking.

One of the forms of school communication with family isorganization of parental assistance in carrying out extracurricular learning and educational work with students. Among parents there are specialists in various fields of science and technology, workers of medical institutions, labor veterans, etc. Their participation in extracurricular learning and educational work with students gives it a variety and increases its meaningfulness.

Educational activities of parents at school are primarily in the form of conversations with students, conducting reports and lectures. They are devoted to the development of science and technology, familiarization of schoolchildren with the production success of people. The subject of these speeches includes issues of medicine, stories about the life and creative activity of outstanding people, etc.

A common form of participation of parents in extracurricular work of the school is to conduct excursions of students to industrial enterprises and to scientific institutions, as well as the organization of local history work.

In the framework of objective months in our school, meetings with parents with doctors, veterinarians, cosmetologists, food workers are held annually. Girls 8, 9 classes One of the moms, a gynecologist, organizes a tour of the gynecological office. In the spring of the month for a healthy lifestyle, a tour of the 10-11 classes in the house of Baby in the village is held. Malakhovka, organized by the parents of our studying, who work in this house. Students see children, and these are mostly disabled children abandoned by disadvantaged parents and in their example get acquainted with the manifestations of various hereditary diseases.

  1. Conclusion

"Extracurricular activities have a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of a teacher to initiate and manifest them of cognitive interests and creative amateur in the expansion and addition of the school program on biology." An extracurricular form of classes opens up ample opportunities for both the pedagogical creative initiative of the teacher and for the diverse cognitive amateurness of students and, most importantly, raising them. In the process of extracurricular studies, students are developing creative abilities, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and skills, develop intellectual, mental abilities, develop perseverance and hard work, deepen knowledge of plants and animals, develop interest in environment, learn to apply the knowledge gained on Practice, they have a natural-scientific worldview. Also extracurricular forms of classes contribute to the development of initiative and collectivism.

In all types of extracurricular work, a single principle of raising learning is carried out, implemented in the system and development. All kinds of extracurricular activities are related to each other and complement each other. With extracurricular activities, direct and feedback is carried out with a lesson. Types of extracurricular work allow students from individual work to work in the team, and the latter acquires public focus, which is of great importance for education.

Extracurricular classes conducted in the system of the entire teaching process are developing multilateral interests of students, independence in work, practical skills, their worldview and thinking. Forms of such classes are very diverse, but in the content and methods of implementation they are associated with the lesson; At the lesson, students arise interest, which finds its satisfaction in one form or another form of extracurricular activities and again receives development and consolidation in the lesson.

The interests of students are often extremely narrow, limited collecting, amateur attitudes for individual animals. The task of the teacher is to expand the interests of students, to educate an educated person who loving science who knows how to explore nature. When conducting experiments and long-term observations of nature phenomena, schoolchildren are formed by specific ideas about their material reality. The observation by themselves, for example, for the development of the plant or the development of butterflies (for example, cells of cabbage), leaves a very deep mark and strong emotional impressions in their consciousness.


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NO № 1

Class hour "Suffering from Cybermania"

Molding form: Round table dedicated to the problem of computer addiction

The form of a class hour - a round table - allows children to speak out, develops discussion skills. It is very important that the teacher leads the leaders to organize a discussion. The round table discussion consists of 3 blocks: 1 information (information on the problem of computer dependence) and 2 discusses block ("Who is to blame" and "what to do?"). The actions of the lead in each block: first give the word "guests", then - the rest of the children. At the same time in the information block it is impossible to allow discussions. After messages "guests", children are invited to add their performances with new facts. In the discussion blocks, they can already express their opinions.

It is desirable that the teacher constantly emphasize that the general opinion should be developed as a result of the discussion, which takes into account the views of the majority. Therefore, it is very important at the end of each block to summarize, formulate the general thought.

All replicas are discharged in detail in the scenario, but this does not mean that they need to be distributed to all children. It will turn the round table in the reheated matinee, which will be uninteresting for nine-graders. It is important for them to express and be heard. Especially the topic is close and understandable to everyone. Texts can only be distributed to "guests", warning them that they are not valid for the bent, but for a reference point (in time and content).

purpose : familiarize children with the harmful effects of computer games, give an idea of \u200b\u200bInternet addiction; form a positive attitude towards such character qualities as independence, curiosity; develop skills to participate in the discussion; Cross the children to expand their horizons, to participate in sports sections, to self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement.

Preparatory work: Distribute roles among children: Moms (2), doctors (2), programmers (2), provide all texts. To put all the children for the parties, and "guests" - face to class at the board.

Registration : Write on the board the topic, epigraph "Computers are such machines that are intended to solve problems that you would not have if you did not have a computer.

Classroom plan

Motivational conversation.

Round table "Suffering from Cyberia".

The first discusions block. "Three faces of the problem."

Third discusions block. "What to do?"

Final word.

Summing up (reflex)

Classroom time

I. Motivational conversation

Classy led those l Today we will touch on the urgent topic for all adolescents.

Raise your hands, who at least once played computer games?

It was such that you missed the lessons to playb in the game hall?

Are you talking about computer games, codes, levels, etc.?

Do you experience the pleasure of working at the computer?

Are you angry at those who distract you from the computer?

Have you had to deceive your loved ones, saying that you wrote an abstract or searched for information, while you just played or communicated?

Have you happened to forget about time while playing a computer?

Do you post important affairs for a computer?

Do you like to play at the computer in moments of sadness, depressed?

Do your parents scold for the fact that you spend too much money on the online games?

(Responses Detei.)

Approximately such questions ask psychologists when they want to make sure a person suffers from computer addiction. I asked these questions so that you soberly looked at myself from the side, critically appreciated your attitude to the computer. A positive answer to all these questions should make you alert.

II. Round table "Suffering from Cyberia"

The first discusions block. "Three faces of the problem"

Classroom teacher. Computer dependence is a new disease of our time or a fictional threat? In the West, they argue that every fifth Internet user in one way or another suffers from computer addiction. And in Russia, many are already subject to this mania. People lose a sense of reality, go to the virtual world. The most unprotected, as always, were children and adolescents. Even such a term appeared - "Computer Syndrome". Who is to blame for this and what to do? Today we will discuss these issues during the round table, which we called "Suffering from Cybermania."

Introducing our guests. Parent's view will be announced (names, surnames). Doctors point of view will be (names, surnames). The opinion of computer specialists will be expressed(names, surnames). We start a discussion. First word - parents.

Mom 1. Many parents simply do not understand what a terrible destructive power represents a computer. One 14-year-old schoolboy from Romania took from the Internet cafe "Ambulance". The boy promised in this cafe for 9 days in a row and reached full physical and mental exhaustion. His mother told that the boy was just obsessed with the computer game "Counter Strike". He did not move away from the computer, stopped going to school. He lied, stole from home things to sell them and spend money on the Internet.He stopped wash and lost 10 kg.

Mom 2. Another terrible fact: 12-year-old teenager from Yekaterinburg died from a stroke after a 12-hour computer game. Doctors of the Children's Hospital. Where the boy was delivered, they say that every week there is a minimum of one adolescent, which has come to addiction from computer games. Children in days without food and recreation can be in front of a computer at home or in game clubs.

Mom 1. . And here are the criminal facts: a 13-year-old teenager robbed his grandmother with her grandfather to get money for an Internet cafe. A high school student, playing at Doom, brutally beat neighbor kids. Such stories are enough in every police station. Tens of thousands of boys and girls for the sake of the virtual world throw their studies, lose friends, conflict with their parents.

Mom 2. Not only children suffer from computers, but also adults! Recently, computer widows appeared in the world. These are women whose husbands of the cybercoalthans. So called people obsessed with computerism. Up to 18 hours a day spend at the computer, cease to follow their appearance, we will not shave for weeks and do not wash, walk around the house in dirty clothes, and ribs to the street and generally minimize. Poor women really feel straw widows - like a husband and nearby, but completely in another dimension.

Classroom teacher. What can our participants add to this? Only facts! Can you give similar facts? Do you feel that you also tighten into a computer bog? Do you see how your friends are more and more go away from you into the virtual world? Can you give opposite facts when computer games activists did not fall into any dependence?

(Children speak.)

So, people are alarming, seeing their loved ones go into the virtual world. What do doctors say?

Doctor 1. Western doctors unequivocally argue that computer and Internet - addiction exists. Even such a diagnosis appeared: "Cyberia" or "Pathological use of a computer" (games, Internet). While, however, the computer is not a formal diagnosis, but some scientists suggest that with the time of cybernia will be recognized as a number one disease in the world.

There are already clinics in the West, where different computer is treated.

disorders. In Finland, even there were cases when the recruits were delayed from the army to treat computer addiction. In Russia, there are still few people for medical care, parents are afraid to conduct a child to a psychiatrist, they do not want their child to lay in the same chamber with drug addicts and alcoholics.

Physician 2. What is cybermannia? First of all, the fact that people prefer more time to spend not in real life, but in computer games and the Internet - up to 18 hours a day!

Teens begin to walk the classes, lie, too quickly make homework to quickly sit at the computer. In virtual reality, they forget about the time, madly rejoice in their virtual victories, and the bad things are stormy. Even eating normally, they can no longer, preferring to chew something in front of the monitor. And when communicating in chats, they invent themselves with a virtual image, which gradually displaces their real "I".

Doctor 1. What is the danger of cybernia? First of all, many computer games are dangerous. In them, the main action is murder,

and colorful, sophisticated. But the game for a child is a rehearsal of life. So it consists of 14-15 years old that violence, murder is an exciting and useful occupation.

Physician 2. The second danger of games is that to defeat them is much easier than in real life. After all, life is a constant struggle, self-affirmation, victory and failure. All this can not be replaced by virtual successes. A person simply loses himself, his personality, becomes the prefix to the computer.

Doctor 1. . Another danger towes chat lovers. Many, hiding behind anonymity, can speak in chats anything, believing that such communication will franch them, gives freedom. But virtual communication cannot replace livelihood between people. A person who plunged into the fictional world under someone else's mask, gradually losing his face, loses and real friends, condemning himself for loneliness.

Physician 2. But the most terrible danger is that the computer can go to another type of dependence - from alcohol, drugs.

Classroom teacher. I give the floor to our participants.

Do they agree with the conclusions of doctors? Do you think that computer games increase aggressiveness?

Did the number of your friends decreased from the fact that you are fascinated by computer games?

Do you prefer to eat at the computer?

What victories did you wish in real life in the last year?

Have you ever chat in chat rooms? Have you performed under your real name or under the fictional? Felt at the same time free, liberated?

What children do you think are most prone to computer addiction? (Children speak.)

It's time to express computer specialists. Is the computer really dangerous? Can there be a communication with anonymous chat rooms? Are all games built on violence? I give the word programmers.

Programmer 1. . The computer can be dangerous. After all, this is a source of electromagnetic radiation and non-ionizing radiation. And this negatively affects a person. But if you observe the sanitary rules, it may be harmless. In all organizations, the rules of work on the computer must be right in the workplace. But we, unfortunately, we have few people know these rules and performs.

For example, according to these rules, an adult can be sitting at a computer for no more than 4 hours a day, and the child is not more

10-20 minutes, depending on age. The computer must necessarily "ground", it is impossible to work at a computer pregnant and nursing women. In developed countries, these rules are very strictly observed. And we prefer to pay our health.

Programmer 2. Are there harm from computer games? Not all games are built on aggression. There are logical games, games to explore school items. There are simulators with which you can get important and useful skills. There are game tests that will help you check your knowledge. As for the Internet, except for chats there are forums where serious issues are discussed and where you can express your point of view. In the World Wide Web, everyone can create a website, to make it popular, become a star of the Internet. So the Internet does not necessarily lead to the loss of your "I". It gives very great opportunities for self-affirmation, self-expression.

Programmer 1. As for anonymityin the Internet,

then she is imaginary. Each computer has its own unique digital address for which other network computers will know. As soon as you

i went to any site, your address is instantly fixed and you can easily calculatewho are you and where do you live. That is why hackers almost always find. Therefore, being in the chat and inventing some kind of nickname, do not lose self-control how ... would notit was not possible to answer.

Programmer 2. . For example, in 2006, the 37-year-old user from Novosibirsk was brought for anti-Russian statements on the Internet. He had to pay a fine of 130 thousand rubles. At the trial, he tried to escape from responsibility, but providers proved that existing technical means allow you to determine which user network went to the Internet and was on this particular site. By the way, the same technical means can track which sites are most often visited from this computer.

Classroom teacher. As you can see, the NIV of the computer itself, there is nothing on the Internet, which would cause dependence. What can our participants add to this?

Maybe someone wants to say the word in protecting computer games?

Who has his own site? What are your forums and chat rooms? What information are looking for online?

Do you know about the sanitary rules for using the computer?

Are you not afraid that someone can learn about your travel on the Internet?

What interesting for yourself did you open on the Internet?

Why did we come at this stage of the discussion: there is a computer addiction or is it all the fiction of doctors and parents? [Yes there is.)

Second discusions. "Who is guilty?"

Classroom teacher. We met with different points of view on the problem of computer addiction. We start the second block of our discussion. Who is to blame that more and more adolescents become patients of narcological hospitals and are diagnosed with Cyberia?

First, listen to the opinions of specialists.

Options of opinions:


The hosts of Internet clubs, as well as providers that are based on the health of our children.

Local authorities who receive bribes from these structures.

Sanitary stations that do not control the work of these clubs.

Teachers who do not conduct conversations about the protection of the life and health of children.


The parents are to blame for giving money to children without asking how they will spend them.

To blame children who are looking for only pleasures and entertainment, not wanting to work.

The authorities who did not create the conditions for sports conditions for the development of abilities and talents.

To blame the teachers who cannot captivate children with some interesting thing.


To blame the manufacturers of computers. They produce more and more new games and programs that require more and more powerful computers. Therefore, people are forced to constantly update their cars. And curious children all want to try and fall into dependence.

The parents who do not follow the children know, do not know what they do.

Parents are to blame. If they had mastered the computer themselves, they could understand what was possible and what could not be a child. And so it seems to them that once they bought a computer to children, then their development can not be taken care. Then the uncle and aunts from the Internet and play clubs will be taken care of.

Doctors are also to blame. It was necessary to put these questions before the government, to bring to the discussion of the press, television.

The government is to blame. It could take laws that would forbid children at night to sit in game clubs, could generally close these clubs or withdraw them for the trait of the city.

Classroom teacher. What will our participants say? Who blame for the fact that children get into a computer dependence?

Sample answers:

Kids themselves to blame.

Parents are to blame. They do not want to understand the children, they only scold, pass. Here are children and run away into virtual reality.

To blame the school. In it, such a gray and boredom, and in the virtual reality you are a hero, the winner, the fate of the fates and civilizations depend on you.

Classroom teacher . Please conclude: "Who is to blame for the fact that the child becomes dependent on the computer?"(In the formation of computer dependence in children, parents, doctors, school, police, local authorities, children themselves, etc.) are to blame.

Classroom teacher. So, the problem of computer addiction. We listened to different points of view, determined the perpetrators. We proceed with the final stage of the discussion. Let's try to answer the question: what to do so that people do not get in captivity of cybernia? The word to our guests.

Exemplary options:


Close all gaming clubs.

Allow children access to the Internet only in the "accompaniment" of adults.

Allitone the head of the sanitary station, the director of the school, re-elected the mayor, etc.

Prohibit teachers demand from children essays so that they do not download them from the Internet.

Teach children working with useful programs and games in which you can play with your parents.


Enter censorship on games. To prohibit the use of aggressive games in clubs.

Enter punishment for parents whose children became inter-dependent. Make them to communicate with your children for 4 hours every day.

Each child should do sports or find yourself some hobby. Then friends will appear, and there will be no time to bored.

It is necessary to adopt the laws that prohibit the propaganda of violence in games, and severely punish for violation of these laws.


You need to become a competent user, not a kettle.

Critically refer to game news, do not buy everything in a row. Restrict the use of aggressive games.

It would be nice to all schoolchildren to engage in programming. It will be an occupation, and development, and communication with interesting people.

Children need to play less smaller. Let everyone try to create a website, then you need to tell something about yourself, show what your uniqueness is. And this will push to self-development,

Classroom teacher. We listen to the proposals of our participants. Maybe some of them will be able to find a compromise solution solution to the problem of computer addiction? [Children speak, repeating and paraphrasing the opinions of the guests, add their original suggestions.)

And as the result of this stage of discussion, we formulate the conclusion: what can we do to not get into a computer dependence?(You need to become a competent user, to master useful programs, you need to play less, and to do sports, communicate with friends, read books, etc.)

And how can we formulate the general outcome of our discussion?

(You can ask leading questions: Is there a computer dependence? Who is to blame for her appearance? How to deal with this evil?)

Approximate result of the discussion:

Computer dependence exists.

This is the result of the promiscuity of children, the irresponsibility of parents, the carelessness of the authorities, the greed of the representatives of the gambling business.

Exit - in increasing computer literacy, in the introduction of censorship, in adopting laws that would increase the responsibility of parents and business representatives.

Classroom teacher. Our discussion came to an end. And I would like to complete it with the words of one writer. He discussed the problem of computer addiction on the Internet and wrote: "I write these reflections on the computer, send them by e-mail through the world network, draw information from the Internet. All these facts indicate that I have no computer phon. Moreover, I love this little box that helps me live. But my love will end at that moment when, or if, I will understand that I do not own them, and he is *.

Final word

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about computer addiction. This problem is ambiguous and is far from solving. But we did not strive to solve it by anything. Discussing this problem, we learned to lead a discussion, learned to listen and hear each other. During the live discussion, we studied lively communication - exactly what is no, even the most powerful computer to give no power. Look at the epigraph to today's class hour (reads). I wish you your computer to create for you as few problems as possible.

Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher . Does you concern what we talked about today? Did it make a reason to think about yourself and change your behavior? What gives you today's class? (children's responses)

Individual classes - work in a wildlife corner, work on a school and experienced area, work in nature, extracurricular reading.

Group classes - a circle of young naturalists, the work of the "Assistants" of the Cabinet for its equipment.

Massive classes - lectures and demonstrations of films, excursions and hiking in nature, scientific evenings and conferences, exhibitions of students of the Olympiad, Campaigns: Harvesting Day, Garden Week, Day of Birds, Biological KVN, etc.

Episodic group, circular and massives can be combined into a group of forms of collective extracurricular work.

The individual form of extracurricular work on biology is carried out in almost every school. Trying to satisfy the inquiries of individual students interested in the biology, the teacher proposes to conduct them any observations in nature, read a particular scientific and popular book, make a visual allowance, choose a material for a stand, etc.

But in this case, it is necessary to find out the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly keep them in the field of view, to put the task - to develop their interests in a particular direction, to select the corresponding individual tasks for the implementation of this problem, complicate and expand their content. An episodic group work is usually organized in connection with the preparation and holding of school mass events, such as a holiday dedicated to the Day of the Birds, Forest Day, Garden Week, Health Week, etc.

To implement such a job, the teacher selects a group of students interested in biology, entrustes the necessary material, release a wallpaper, to prepare reports, artistic amateurness, etc.

Usually after the completion of this or that mass event, the episodic group disintegrates, and then after the expiration of some period in connection with the preparation and holding of another mass event, it is created again, and its composition is significantly changed.

A circle of young naturalists is the main form of extracurricular work. In contrast to episodic group work, the circle includes schoolchildren systematically working in it during a year or a number of years. The composition of the mug is usually stable.

A large number of students are attracted to the mass work - several classes, the whole school. For mass extracurricular work, social and useful focus is characterized. Usually, the schools are organized in schools such as holidays, evenings, campaigns, watches of entertaining biology, biological conferences, Olympiad, etc.

Biological KVNs (cheerful and resourceful club) include selected two teams selected from several classes, each of which weeks 2-3 before the start of the competition in resourcefulness prepares greetings for the opponent team, questions, riddles, poems and stories about living organisms. In advance prepares for KVN and presenter.

A jury is elected to evaluate the work of teams during the competition. Manages the entire work teacher of biology - the organizer of KVN. The teacher recommends that the participants of the teams appropriate literature, is interested in training, advises, it is more interesting to implement their ideas that they have.

Fans are invited to biological KVN - everyone's students. The date of the CVN is reported in advance, the announcement is posts. The participation of fans is also evaluated, and their points are replaced with the points received by the team for which they are "sick." Hours of entertaining biology is usually organized in each class. The duration of one classes is an academic hour.

Each hour of entertaining biology, students are preparing in advance. They select the necessary information from the recommended literature teacher, compose them, prepare visual benefits.

When classes are attached to a game form of holding (for example, traveling), prepare leading.

At the lesson, the leading offers schoolchildren to take a journey, calls stopping stops, during which pre-prepared Yunnates report certain interesting information about plants (animals), etc.

The presenter offers participants to guess any biological riddles, solve crosswords, chainvords, answer the questions of the quiz.

Similarly, different evenings are organized.

Big preparatory work is preceded by a large preparatory work: the evening program is being developed, distributed between the topics of the topic of reports and communications, it is preparing an entertaining part of it (quiz questions, biological games, crosswords, chainvords, etc.), artistic self-identity (poems, staging, songs, musical numbers , Dancing), decoration hall, exhibitions of students.

All listed types of extracurricular work on biology are related to each other and complement each other.

In schools, where extracurricular work on biology is well delivered, there can be no only one of its form. Conducting mass events is necessarily related or with individual or group work on their preparation, or with the work of a mug of young naturalists.

Changes occurring in society determine new requirements for the domestic education system. Successful self-realization of the person in the period of study and after its end, its socialization in society, active adaptation in the labor market, are the most important task of the educational process.

In the school learning system, the biological cycle of disciplines occupies a special place, makes a significant contribution to the comprehensive identity development, forms a modern natural science picture of the world from the younger generation. The teaching of biological disciplines gives more and more positive educational results, if you associate an educational process with extracurricular activities, whose importance in the general training system and education increases today. The organization of extracurricular work on the biological cycle disciplines should be an integral part of the educational and educational work of students.

Today it is already difficult to agree with the classics of techniques (N. M. Verzilin, D.I. Tritek and others) that extracurricular work contributes to the learning of knowledge by students and strengthens their developing function. At the present stage, the paradigm of biological education has changed, new goals and objectives face biological education, the main purpose of which, education of biologically and environmentally competent people.

Educational and educational tasks of the school rate of biology are most fully resolved based on the close link of a cool-time study system with extracurricular work of students. Knowledge and abilities on biology acquired by students in lessons, laboratory activities, excursions and other forms of academic work, find a significant deepening, expansion and awareness, which have a great influence on the overall increase in their interest in the subject.

The success of extracurricular work on biology is more connected with its content and organization. Extracurricular work should cause interest among schoolchildren, to entail their various activities. The formation of cognitive interests of students in the process of extracurricular work is a holistic, complex, multifaceted and long-term process, complicated at each stage of schoolchildren. B. Z. Wolfov and M. M. Potashnik believes that the main features of the organization of extracurricular work should be as follows:

  1. In contrast to training sessions extracurricular work is organized and carried out on a voluntary basis.. This is its first feature. Students, depending on interests and inconsistencies, are independently recorded in various circles, as they will take part in the mass and individual work in extracurricular time. Consequently, voluntariness means, first of all, the free choice of species of extracurricular activities. The task of the teacher is to attract all students to extracurricular work without exception. It should be done, of course, without coercion.
  2. Organization of extracurricular work is that it not related to the framework of mandatory programs. Its content and form depend mainly on the interests and requests of students, from local conditions. Circle programs exemplary, indicative. Based on these programs and guidance and methodological instructions, work plans are drawn up taking into account specific conditions and wishes of students. This allows you to make the content of extracurricular work more flexible, inhabitants and schoolchildren's requests.
  3. Extracurricular work covers students of different ages. The multi-age composition cannot be an obstacle to the organization and conducting extracurricular work. On the contrary, combining students from various classes, extracurricular activities contribute to the cohesion of the general-wide team, are created by the favorable conditions for the championship of the elders over the younger, for the development of a friendly assistance.
  4. In extracurricular work, independent classes prevail. Of course, the independent work of students needs to be directed to the teacher, but in contrast to training sessions, the schoolchildren themselves are mainly organized. The older students, the more fully and the multilaterally appear their initiative and independence. They act as not only as participants in a variety of circles, club-type associations, but also in the role of active organizers of extracurricular activities.
  5. The peculiarity of extracurricular work in modern conditions is that now she is acquires a large social resource. As a result, it acts as a very important and effective means of vocational orientation of schoolchildren, especially in high school.
  6. Variety of forms and methods. It is very difficult and, perhaps, it is impossible to list all forms and methods of extracurricular activities. The forms of socio-efficient activities, an increase in the cultural horizon of schoolchildren become more diverse.
  7. Massiness. It covers not only individual lovers of nature, art, and all students. Massive forms are complemented by group and individual classes. Sometimes not all students involve in extracurricular work, but only an asset. The remaining, first of all, difficult guys remain outside the sphere of organized influence. "The involvement of such guys in an interesting extracurricular work helps their re-education, improving interest in joint activity." (2: p. 98-99)

Considering the features of the organization of extracurricular work proposed by Wulfovy and the Potchik, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Extracurricular work should really be organized on a voluntary basis and should not be associated with the framework of mandatory programs. Extracurricular work allows you to take into account the versatile interests of schoolchildren, significantly deepen them and expand in the right direction.
  2. The multi-stage group of groups contributes to the conditions for the creation of the chef. Senior students help, control the work of the younger. It does not interfere, but often helps - grow faster, grow up, learn to find friends.
  3. Wide use in extracurricular work of various tasks related to the conduct of experiments is developing research abilities from schoolchildren. In addition, the need to describe the observed, draw conclusions, develops thinking in students, observation in students. Makes thinking that they didn't notice before.
  4. Extracurricular work really acquires a greater socially useful direction. In the process of work, students need to make it clear that our house has our city, our country, our land. And if we do not learn how to protect and protect our home yourself, no one will do this for us.

The formation of a modern worldview of children in the process of extracurricular work on the biological cycle disciplines is a painstaking work and requires a teacher of large pedagogical efforts, skills and skills. As practice shows, the educational value of extracurricular activities on biology, their effectiveness is largely dependent on compliance with a number of requirements.

One of the most important requirements for extracurricular work is a close connection with life. The work of the circle should help familiarize themselves with the surrounding life and actively participate in its transformation.

The organization of extracurricular work allows, firstly, take into account the versatility interests of schoolchildren and to significantly deepen and expand their knowledge in the right direction, using both the individual approach and the work of schoolchildren with small groups. Secondly, and this is perhaps the most important thing, extracurricular work allows students to work at different speeds of the digestibility of educational material, which often contributes to the involvement of schoolchildren with low performance and weak interest in biological science.

The content and organization of extracurricular activities must be subordinate to the educational tasks of the school. It is important to take such a material that would contribute to the expansion of a general education outlook, moral and labor education, aesthetic tastes and physical forces. The effectiveness of extracurricular activities is significantly increasing, provided that they are conducted systematically, regularly, and not from the case.

An important requirement for the organization is accessibility, a plan. Unbearable classes do not give the necessary results. They are not interesting for students, do not carry them. It is especially necessary to ensure their availability in primary classes. In mug and mass work in these classes, a great place occupies a variety of games and entertainment, elements of romance. The main requirement is a variety and novelty. It is known that students do not tolerate monotony and boredom. They do not show interest in monotonous classes, do not attend them. So that the schoolchildren are willing to take a mug, at the matinee, to the conference, you need to be fascinating, diverse, new. It is no secret that on extracurricular activities that pass more at ease than a lesson, sometimes the innermost caches of the child's soul are fully revealed. A variety of forms of extracurricular work, to which schoolchildren can attract, is the most important means of forming not only the cognitive interest of students, but also serves to enhance their civil position in other areas.

In the methodical literature and practice of school work, the concept of "extracurricular work" is often identified with the concepts of "extracurricular work" and "out-of-school work", although each of them has its own content. In addition, extracurricular work often consider one of the forms of training. Based on the comparison of these concepts with other generally accepted methodological concepts, "extracurricular work should be attributed to one of the components of the system of biological education of schoolchildren, extracurricular work - to one of the forms of biology training, and foreign work on biology - to the system of additional biological education of schoolboys" (9 : p.254).

Analysis of the textbooks of the biological cycle shows that they do not fully meet the modern requirements. Many textbooks are characterized by a weak connection of the material being studied with the practice, the overload of the presentation of secondary facts and the details without a clear allocation of tasks to manage independent work of students, which, ultimately, inhibits the development of cognitive interests of schoolchildren. Therefore, the formation of scientific knowledge of students in the lessons of the biological cycle is impossible without a consistent continuation of this work on extracurricular activities.

An important role in extracurricular work is played by scientific and educational evenings, circle work, extracurricular homework, the Olympics, if they are conducted not from occasion to the case, but systematically. The problem is not only high-quality teaching learning items, but also the revival of extracurricular work today is most relevant. Playing, answering the questions of the quiz, solving puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, guys not only learned about this amazing world of nature, but they will learn to make conclusions, invent hypotheses will remember the names of plants and animals.

The results of the execution of extracurricular tasks are used in the lesson of biology and are evaluated by the teacher (it sets it in the classroom). An extracurricular work includes, for example: observations of germination of seeds, assigned to students when studying the topic "Seed" (grade 6); Perform the task associated with observations of the development of any insect when studying the type of arthropod (grade 7). Extracurricular works are also provided by the Summer Tasks for Biology (6 and 7 classes), as well as all the homework tasks of a practical nature.

The extracurricular work of students in contrast to extracurricular and extracurricular is carried out with extracurricular institutions (stations of young naturalists, institutions of additional education) on special programs developed by the staff of these institutions and approved by the relevant authorities of the national education.

Educational importance of extracurricular work in biology training

Changes occurring in society determine new requirements for the domestic education system. Successful personality self-realization during the training period and after its end, its socialization in society, active adaptation in the labor market is the most important task of the educational process.

In the school learning system, according to the concept, the biological cycle of disciplines occupies a special place, makes a significant contribution to the comprehensive development of the personality, forms a modern natural science picture of the world in the younger generation. But the practice indicates that the content (time) reduces in biological discipline. Therefore, the teaching of biological disciplines gives more and more positive educational results, if you associate an educational process with extracurricular activities, whose importance in the general system of training and education is increasing today. Their role is to expand the knowledge, the formation of the ability, upbringing responsible attitudes towards nature. As the study of literature on this subject shows, currently the problems of biological and environmental education and education are investigated in various directions:

The issues of environmental education in extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students found their development in the works of A. N. Zashlebovny, S. M. Zaicina, V. D. Ivanova, D. L. Teplova, and others. They studied ways to form a responsible attitude towards nature in extracurricular Work, disclosed forms and methods for organizing extracurricular activities.

In the studies of the teachers of O. S. Bogdanova, D. D. Zueva, V. I. Petrova developed the methodological and general theoretical foundations of the methodology for organizing extracurricular activities of students from different ages, which made it possible to enter into the essence of the implementation of extracurricular work, to determine the effective ways of the organization.

Improvement and methodological support of environmental education, as well as environmentalization of training subjects, contribute to the work of A. N. Zashlebny, I. D Zvereva, I. N. Ponomareva, D. I. Traitak;

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of the educational culture of the teacher and the student are disclosed in the works of such scientists as S. N. Glazicheva, N. S. Dennikova, P. I. Tretyakova etc.;

Problems of the theory and practice of students of students to research environmental work, the preparation of teachers for the environmental education of schoolchildren is considered in the works of S. N. Glazicheva, I. D. Zvereva, E. S. Slayshenina,;

Famous psychologists B. G. Ananyev, L. I. Bowovich, V. A. Kruttsky and others, taking into account the age-related features of students, the conditions and mechanisms of the organization of extracurricular work related to feelings, will and the interests of schoolchildren were investigated.

The value of extracurricular work on biology is proven as scientists - methodologists and experienced biology teachers. It allows students to significantly expand, realize and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons, turn them into persistent beliefs. This is due primarily to the fact that in the process of extracurricular work, which is not constrained by a certain framework of lessons, there are great opportunities for the ecologization of biology, based on, as noted, first of all, environmental education.

Conducting experiments, observations of biological phenomena, students acquire on the basis of direct perceptions specific ideas about the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world, about environmental issues, etc. conducted by students, for example, long-term observations of the growth and development of any flowering plant or increase And the development of butterflies-cabbage, or an ordinary mosquito, or experiments related to the development of conditional reflexes in animal corners of nature, leave the children's deeper traces in the minds of children than the most detailed stories or conversations about it using visual tables and even special videos.

Wide use in extracurricular work of various tasks related to the conduct of observations and experiments is developing research abilities from schoolchildren. In addition, the concreteness of the observed phenomena, the need to briefly record the observed, make the appropriate conclusions, and then tell about it in class or class a circle, contributes to the development of thinking in students, observation, makes you think about what previously passed by their attention. In extracurricular work, individualization of learning is easily carried out and a differentiated approach is being implemented.

Thus, it can be concluded that extracurricular work allows you to take into account the versatile interests of schoolchildren, to significantly deepen and expand them in the right direction, prepare for vocational guidance activities.

In the process of extracurricular work, performing various experiments and conducting observations, engaged in protection of plants and animals, schoolchildren enter close contact with wildlife, which has a big impact on them.

Extracurricular work on biology makes it possible to fruitfully exercise two principles of training - the connection of the theory with practice, the relationship of biology with life. She introduces schoolchildren to various emergency work: the preparation of the soil for the formulation of experiments and observations of plants, the care of them, planting trees and shrubs, the billet for feeding birds, the care of the crown animals, which, in turn, brings up a sense of responsibility for Charged case, the ability to bring the work started to the end, contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism.

If extracurricular work is related to the manufacture of visual benefits from the material assembled in the nature, as well as ulules, tables, models, the organization of biological Olympiads, exhibitions, the release of wall newspapers, it causes the need for schoolchildren to use popular science and scientific literature, attachment to extracurricular reading .

The great importance of extracurricular work on biology is due to the fact that it distracts schoolchildren from a blank pastime. Interested by biology, students of their free time dedicate observations of interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, care for sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Summing up the values \u200b\u200bof extracurricular work, we can conclude that well-set extracurricular work contributes to the development:

  • interest, creative abilities and initiatives of schoolchildren;
  • observation and independence and decision-making;
  • wider mastering of intellectual and practical skills and skills;
  • skills to use the knowledge gained in nature conservation issues;
  • awareness in the deepening of knowledge about the nature obtained in the lesson, which allows them to turn them into persistent beliefs;
  • understanding the significance and values \u200b\u200bof nature in a person's life, which contributes to the formation of a holistic worldview;
  • responsible attitude towards nature.

Thus, extracurricular work on biology is of great importance both in the resolution of the educational tasks of the school course of biology, and in the resolution of many common-breeding tasks facing the general education school as a whole. Therefore, it should take a prominent place in the activities of each biology teacher.


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