Eduard Hil's extramarital children. Eduard Hil before his death confessed to the love of the singer from Israel

Eduard Hil's extramarital children. Eduard Hil before his death confessed to the love of the singer from Israel
Eduard Hil's extramarital children. Eduard Hil before his death confessed to the love of the singer from Israel

Zlata Razolina began to meet with the legendary baritone when she was not fulfilled and 16

Three years ago, in St. Petersburg at the age of 77, the performer of the hit "Ceiling Ice, the door Scripping" and many other popular songs - Eduard Hil, famous all over the world as Mr. Trololo. We managed to find a person who had fulfilled the last video shooting of the legendary singer, where he, as if prefabricating fast care, performed a "farewell romance" to the verses of Nikolai Gumilev. This person - a singer and composer Zlata Razolina since 1990 in Israel. Which, as it turned out, has been associated with Eduard Anatolyevich for many years with Eduard Anatolyevich.

With a hiel, I met in Leningrad in the mid-70s, when he was already a recognized singer, a people's artist of Russia, and I was 15 years old, "said Abramovna Zlata. - I then wrote the first big cycle of songs "No Strits about War" to Vadim Shefner's poems. I wanted these songs to fulfill Hil. And I came to him for the scenes after the concert in the Oktyabrsky Hall. More precisely, I was brought by my dad's handle - a former naval doctor. I myself was afraid to approach the Great Artist. Eduard Anatolyevich without any "I am busy" or "I'm tired" accepted me and immediately offered to sit down for the tool. I played a few songs. "You sing so well! - he said. - Why do you need? You must sing myself. " I was terribly upset. "Probably, he did not like my work," I thought. "And he decided to sweat me in this way." Nevertheless, Hil left the number of his home phone and expressed the desire to continue with me acquaintance. And after a while I recorded my military cycle to Shefner's poems for the Leningrad Radio. I began to be at home on the fountain. Offered new songs for execution. So gradually we had warm friendships.

Eduard Anatolyevich very much helped my formation as singer. Before meeting, I considered myself only the composer. And he convinced his authority that I could sing. And I began to speak from Lenconcert as a performer. First, he received, like all beginners, 7 rubles per concert. But after a few years I was given the right to the solo department and significantly increased the bid. Solists of Lenconcert, who performed my songs, paid from 7 to 16 rubles. And me - 26!
My successes then many envied. At the beginning of the 80s, I had to take place a large author's concert in the Leningrad Academic Chapel with the participation of Hil and many other artists. The whole city was fueled by bills. Tickets were sold chic. But two days before the concert, at the request of the Leningrad Union of composers, it was canceled without explaining the reasons. Then the editor-in-chief of Lenoncert told how composers swore bones at the party assembly. "I want to pay attention to the unworthy behavior of our colleague - Komsomolskiy Zlata Razolina," said the husband of singer Maria Pakhomenko Alexander Kolker. - She died to schedule his concert on the holy scene of the Leningrad Capella. Even many of our corneans did not receive such honor. " - "Well, what did you get to this concert? Someone objected. - He was canceled. " - "Yes, canceled. But the poster was "," Alexander Naumovich did not learn.

Hello to mom

Since 1987, Zlata began writing romances to the verses of Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gumilyov and other silver century poets. I also really liked the chil. But they did not have time to write them down.
It happened that in 1989, my "Requiem" on the poems of Akhmatova was awarded on two contests and selected by the Commission for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Anna Andreevna for execution in the anniversary party in the Hall of the Hall. "After that, I started to receive calls with threats from the Memory Society:" If you try our Akhmatov again, we will quiet you and your family. Get into your Israel! " They were especially indignant that I took the name of Razolina, although I am Rosenfeld by birth. From such "disguised" the Jews, they wanted to clean Leningrad.
All the horror was that I had three children. There was a husband - Theatrian Alexander Laskin, the Son of the writer Seeds of Laskina. I did not dare to ask for help to scream. His many of him mistakenly considered the Jew. Yes, and did not want to mix it in all this. About threats told only one person - Poet Mikhail Dudin. "Do not worry! - he said. - I also say that I am a pair of liquid. Soon I will go to Moscow and put the order there. " And then my older son, who was 9 years old, brutally beat some adult guys in the courtyard. And they said to him: "Tell Hi Mom!" I was very frightened. At that time, there was a terrible story that occurred in Moscow with a successful Jewish lawyer. She also received such threats from "Memory" and sent them to a well-known address. As a result, this advocate was burned in her house with mom and daughter. I realized that I needed to leave everything and escape from Leningrad adored by me.
And just at that moment they were invited to tour in Finland. I decided to take this to escape to Israel. With her husband who did not want to leave the Soviet Union, divorced. Took with me children and their parents. The customs officer at the border alerted that I was going with the whole family and a large number of baggage, half of which was notes. It was clearly not like a tour of the tour. She wanted to search me. And under the dress, our Soviet passports were hidden. If they were found, I could immediately go to jail. Fortunately, everything went around, and we were safely missed across the border.
But on this problems did not end. In Helsinki, I turned to the Israeli embassy and asked asylum in their country. "Return back to Leningrad and register documents for departure normally! - Suddenly answered me. - We are waiting for greater official repatriation from the USSR. And we do not want to spoil relations with the Soviet authorities because of you. " My girlfriend intervened here - a journalist with radio Helsinki. "If you do not help the split and her family, we will raise the noise to the whole of Europe that you refuse to save the Jewish, which fled to the persecution of anti-Semites," she threatened to employees of the embassy. And two days later we made Israeli documents.

Part of the soul

For several years, the USSR has not broke up, separately, as aptiveness, could not come to their homeland. Because of this, her chat with the hille was interrupted. Only in the late 90s, Eduard Anatolyevich came with tour to Israel. She, of course, came to the concert.
- And we began to communicate again. By then, I managed to marry in Israel. And Killy constantly joked, as lucky my husband. And the jokes on this topic he looked not only in a private atmosphere, but from the stage at concerts, "the Zlata smiles embarrassedly. - In 2003, for the first time after a long break, Leningrad visited, again became St. Petersburg. And the first thing I did is, he invited Heil to speak with me in the house of architects. The concert was charity. And Eduard Anatolyevich was distinguished by exceptional unconsciousness and sang without any questions free. Another free concert, we then gave him to the Akhmatova Museum. I remember, after some presentation, an old lady was approached. Began to tell about all your troubles. Another would not listen to her. And Hell spoke with this old woman half an hour! He was always ready to support others, give good advice. I myself constantly felt his attention and care. When my youngest son got sick, Hil first came to the rescue and found a very good doctor for his son, who cured him.
The last time I arrived at the very beginning of April 2012. It was literally a few days before its stroke. "Eduard Anatolyevich, let's finally make a normal entry! - I told him. "It seems to me that you are ready." "You know, I now have the doctors now, then something else," Suddenly began to refuse Hil. - Maybe better the next time? " But I insisted that you need to do it now. Agreed about video shooting in the house of architects. We recorded several romances, some of which he performed solo, part - a duet with me. In addition, they also filmed a small interview with Edward Anatolyevich. He spoke very well there well before the camera about me: "For what we love the Zlata Razolin? For her soul. For the fact that she never changed Petersburg. "
As it turned out, it was his last lifetime shot. The next day I returned to Israel. A couple of weeks later, the terrible news reached me, that Edward Anatolyevich lies in a coma and his state hopelessly. Despite all the efforts of doctors, on June 4, 2012 it was not. For me it was a big blow. I lost a very close person - not just the artist of my songs, but a part of my life, some of my soul.

Anastasia Yampol, who announced himself an extramarital daughter Edward Heil, a DNA test was held in the program "Direct Ether".

The girl named Anastasia Ympol considers himself an extramarital daughter of the famous Soviet and Russian singer. She came to the Studio "Direct Ether" to tell her story and go through the DNA test - Nastya wants to get an answer to her question that she really did the Daughter of the Star?

Her mother of Lyuba was married to another man and the passport itself Nastya - Vyacheslavovna. However, in his youth, Lyubov Yampol, according to her stories, was an affair with Edward Hille. She told about it to her daughters when she was still alive.

Anastasia's mother was also singer - sang in the State Academic Russian Choir. A.V. Sveshnikova. There he met the singer.

According to Anastasia's stories, her father suspected a mother in treasures and arranged scandals on this. And the grandmother Nastya told that his father did not want her mother to give birth to - obviously, did not believe that his child.

In the studio they scrolled an excerpt from an interview with Hil's wife, which did not exclude that there could be a connection on the side.

Mother retained strand of hair Eduard Hil, whom he loved all his life. It is based on this strand of the singer's hair and tried to make a DNA test.

Anastasia Yampol - Eduard Hil's Ovenful Daughter?

It is worth noting that the initiator of the dough was the cousin of Nastya - Ekaterina Zhdanova. She is sure that Anastasia Yampol is daughter Eduard Hil. And not only because it looks outwardly similar, but also in mind the stories of relatives about the novel of the mother of Nastya with a singer.

Ekaterina Zhdanova - Anastasia cousin Yampol

Special envelope for biological samples, and there is a strand of hair of the Soviet legend of Eduard Heil to analyze DNA. A few decades, this strand of hair very carefully kept a woman who loved Hil all his life, kept to prove that her daughter Nastya was daughter Edward Hil.

And here in the "live broadcast" opened the test results. Alas, but the hair was old and they could not distinguish the singer's genetic material.

Therefore, the question remains open - whether Anastasia is an extramarital daughter Edward Hil. You need another test, for example, genetic material could provide the son of the singer.

Mr. Trololo's hair strand: DNA test for the extramarital daughter Edward Hil. Live

Eduard Hil - Soviet and Russian pop singer (baritone), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974). In 2010, Khil experienced another splash of popularity. On the Internet, a great interest called Hili's video clip on Vocaliz A. Ostrovsky "I am very happy, because I finally return home,", Khil became known to the wide masses of the American listeners. He received proposals to make a world tour. And the icons and T-shirts with his image were almost the most chassis in British online stores. Eduard Hil participated in concerts until his illness in April 2012, from which he did not recover. On June 4, 2012, Eduard Hil died on 77 years of life.

The son of the singer Edward Heily told the site why in childhood he got into the shelter and how his last days lived.

On June 4, 2012, there was no people's artist of Russia, the opera and pop singer Eduard Anatolyevich Heily. His famous wintions "Winter", "Sailor came ashore", "loggers" and many others sounded almost from each window. Without this artist, no concert did not affect. His voice, a constant smile and easy execution was impossible to confuse with anyone. He sincerely worried about his fatherland, for people, but he tried all the adversity to perceive with irony. The site talked with the son of singer Dmitry Eduardovich and found out why his famous father was in the orphanage, as survived after the war and how he spent his last days ...

Hil, if you believe official sources, born on September 4, 1934 in Smolensk. However, according to his mother, he was born a year earlier. Mom Elena Pavlovna worked as an accountant. Father of the future singer Anatoly Vasilyevich was a mechanic.

"When the dad was still quite small, Elena Pavlovna dismissed Anatoly Vasilyevich and married the second time," Dmitry Khil's Son of People's Artist is devoted to the family nuances, which, like Dad, became a musician.

Hard childhood harden Eduard Anatolyevich. He has learned from the Small years, what is humanity / family archive

Childhood Eduard Anatolyevich had to have for the years of the Great Patriotic War.

- When SMOLENSK began to be bombed in the summer of 1941, kindergartens were evacuated very quickly. The father fell into the children's home of the village of Raevka under Ufa, where they brought the wounded. All orphanages came to climb and sang for them. Two years later, when the city of Smolensk was liberated from the German occupation, the father found stepfather, and then his mother took him. When the grandmother saw him, Obomllah: He was so stuffed that he could not even walk.

In one of the programs, Edward Anatolyevich himself said: "When Mom arrived to me, I brought a lot of tasty: chocolate, cookies, candy, and I asked:" Do you have bread? " My guys shared a small piece of each other. Nothing deer than this bread did not eat.

Dad, being a 7-year-old boy, along with his friend Misha Haikin tried to escape to the front. But they were caught and returned back. It so happened that on one of the programs after many decades, he met with Misha. It is so touched the dad that I saw tears in his eyes.

Dmitry Hil / Family Archive

Eduard Anatolyevich since childhood had a good hearing and artistic abilities, so participated in dramatic productions.

- In the school play in the orphanage dad, Papa was forced to play the role of Hitler. He refused and cried, wondered: why did he get this character? In the school journal, where he was rated by the assessment, it was written next to the last name: "Hil - German." This magazine is still kept in the local school museum of the village of Raevka. Soon I will release a book with the memoirs about the Father, there will be rare photos, including a military period.

When it was already approached to receive education, Mom sent a 15-year-old Edward to his brother in Leningrad.

- The fact is that stepfather loved to drink. He had frequent disagreements with Elena Pavlovna, Dad didn't like it. He always tried to defend mom and hated stepfather. I even wanted to imagine him with a knife and figure out, so that nothing happened, Elena Pavlovna sent him to Uncle Shura.

"He lived in Leningrad with his brother's brother and his family," Dmitry continues. - Once a relative of Pope Aunt Manya for the wedding of his father and Mom gave a single down blanket. A month later, Aunt Manya hurried to visit the newlyweds: "How is the blanket? Use? " Dad replied affirmatively, and she: "And then look, if I don't like it, I will take." So several times a week, Aunt Manya came and asked about the blanket. In general, Mom could not stand and returned a gift (laughs). So the relatives of the dad were fun.

Edward Hil was fond of painting, won the contest of young artists in Smolensk, wanted to act in the famous Mukhinsky school.

- He sent his uncle drawings, he showed their familiar artist. We decided, they say, let him go to the Mukhinka, but it turned out that it was necessary to study there for seven years. Uncle Shura said that "Edik will not pull so long," that is, it will not be able to keep it, and advised to enter the Leningrad Printing Technical School.

Edward Hil got from Dmitry Medvedev Order of Merit to Fatherland »IV degree / Global Look Press

After his end, Gil got a job as an offset factory. He began to engage in vocals in the Studio of the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov, realized that he had a voice. One day, someone from his peers asked: "Could you deal with the conservatory?", Dad replied: "Yes Easy!" So it happened.

After graduating from the Leningrad Conservatory and many years of work at the Opera Studio, Edward Hil began to act as a soloist of Lenconcert, where he worked over 50 years. In the end of the eighties, the country experienced troubled time, more than half of the artists have fallen under the reduction. Some journalists wrote that Edward Hil went to earn money in Paris and that he allegedly bought an apartment in the center of Moscow and another - on the Champs Elysées.

- For some reason, for some reason, the opinion has developed that the Father had no work in the 90s. This is not true! He was always very in demand, with his level of popularity and a rich repertoire could not be otherwise. Dad loved Paris very much, but he had no thoughts in France forever, his homeland was for him. You know, you can write anyone who does not need a refutation and to prove something, but you can smile in response - this is actually done my father. He always said: "Dima, you do not understand what country do you live in?!"

Zoya Aleksandrovna still feels the presence of spouse / Zamir Usmanov / Global Look Press

The son of singer Dmitry often traveled with his father on tour.

- Once dad met some kind of man near the concert hall. Whether he was a little drunk, or it was not in himself. In general, he was delighted with his father: "Oh, and you and you, like him, Eduard Hil!" And dad decided to joke: "No, that's not me." The man insisted on his own: "That's exactly you. I can see". He even tried to grab the dad for his nose: "Here, you have a label on the nose." Father pulled back a little, and I almost rushed to the man. Pope really was noticed on the nose. When he was small, he knocked over a hot saucepan. In general, he remained a scar from this, but it can be seen only on large photos. After such meetings with Fans, Dad always did a foolish face, depicting the next jerking admirer. You know, now everyone is accustomed that artists are full of guards, they ride cool cars, declare inconceivable requirements in the so-called rider, type "Toilet paper with papaya aroma and an exotic soup of shark fins" and everything in such a spirit. Father never asked something special for himself.

Eduard Hil tremblely and with respect referred to his viewer, but sometimes among the fans there were people with oddities.

- One lady from the attic of the neighboring house was aimed right into the parent bedroom. It was lucky that the bullet was stuck in the frame, and did not get into the bed. It is good that in the hands of the lady turned out to be a homemade gun. We must mention the letters that wrote the father of the fan. As soon as they did not call Heil in letters: "Eduel! Edwardissimo! Dikushko! " Or "Oh my edelweiss!" One woman wrote that he wants to meet him at night in a cemetery. How many colors gave him, you can not imagine! After each concert in Crimea there was a full bath of bouquets. Dad joked, they say, let's take the market now and earn money.

Edward Gil Jr. went in the footsteps of his father and grandfather / photoxpress

In 2010, one American student posted on the Internet a reduced version of the speech of Edward Hil, where he performed "I am very happy, because I finally return home." Roller scored a record number of views per day. In the people, the name of the song was reduced to "Ololo Trololo", and the singer nicknamed Mr. Trololo.

- After this incident, the phone did not shut down the phone. Called from different ends of light. Dad was incredibly in demand and love. He was taken everywhere to invite. He treated the roller with humor. It believed that such a promotion on the Internet is needed only by novice artists, and he has already proven everything with his songs.

"In general, Dad was sometimes a very strange person," Dmitry continues, "he could not go to a well-paid concert, but to speak at a charity." Having fun and Balagenil in responsible government concerts, for example, in the Palace of Congresses. And before insignificant performances on small sites could worry and for a long time to prepare for the exit.

You know, sometimes leads to a bewilderment that the Father knows as a person who sang "Trololo", "Ice Ceiling ..." and "Sailor Spit ...". He performed both the classics and arias and romances. Dad has always been for the singer to have a special musical education. Yes, there is self-taught with beautiful voices, they, as diamonds without faces that are incredibly difficult to turn into a diamond. You know what should be in the present teacher - he does not simply pull out the student, but trying to pull something characteristic of human nature from the depths of human nature, directing it to the true path revealing the unique features of individuality.

Dmitry complains that real artists leave the life, and a generation brought up for Massia, those who have neither voices, nor deep knowledge, no votes.

Thousands of people came to farewell to the favorite artist

- Sorry, but songs and music are now absolutely no. Many young artists do not know how to sing, now there is no foundation in order to go to people appear on the stage. Previously, a proven people who were not for money were published on the scene, who were won on various competitions, but they passed hard selection. And now almost anyone who wants to leave. Moreover, everyone is passing through the phonogram, and dad has always been against it. Nowadays, artists are important as they look, and not how and what they sing. I am a supporter that the artist sang on stage without scenery and smoke, which overshadow the song, against the background of the gray curtain. After all, the singer will need to be squeezed by the viewer only with the help of his efforts. Then it will be seen what the performer is capable of.

Despite his wiping work, Eduard Hil at the head of the corner stood a family. He tried to give her relatives as much time as possible. Usually, a strong woman stands for a successful and man being held. The singer lived in marriage with his wife's wife Alexandrovna 53 years.

- Parents met at the opera studio in 1958: Dad was a singer, and Mama - ballerina. They performed in performances. Communicated like ordinary colleagues. But on the tour in Kursk everything has changed. Then there was summer, dad came to the beach, I saw my mother and kissed. She did not expect such a turn of events, indignant, so they twisted the rapid novel.

On June 2, 1963, the son of Dmitry was born. He graduated from choir school them. M. I. Glinka, the Leningrad Conservatory, worked as a musician in the Petersburg concert, composed music for performances, songs and romances. Dmitry has a 19-year-old son Eduard, he also graduated from choir school. M. I. Glinka and Conservatory, now actively acts at concerts.

Tomb of the legendary singer / Global Look Press

Eduard Anatolyevich gave many concerts, despite his age. He had a pension of 11.000 rubles, it was necessary to live on something. He never complained about anything, was a man of incredible kindness. Many stretched to him. It seems that he had the sun inside. He until the last days was faithful to music. In 2010 he began to bother his heart, hypertension developed. On April 8, 2012, everyone's favorite artist was hospitalized in one of the hospitals of St. Petersburg.

- Dad, before traveling to Germany, went to the hairdresser. There he became bad. He had a stroke. In the hospital, he was all excanted with tubes, could not speak. We constantly showed him something, told. Every day came to him in the intensive careful, the feeling of helplessness did not leave us. Because of the irregular work of the brain, organs began to function poorly. Father perfectly understood what was happening. I remember how he lay in bed, looked at the green trees in the window, and the tears were dripal from his eyes. May 15, I already understood that there is no road road. Once he turned it on the song "I go to the stars," and he discovered his eyes. It is very painful to see a person who can neither continue to live, nor leave life. It was not on June 4th.

About Edward Heel can talk long. After all, it was a man and an artist with a capital letter, he sincerely worried about his country, for the music he devoted all his life. Unfortunately, on our stage, very few artists who would be extremely honest with the audience as Eduard Anatolyevich. In one of his last television interviews, he said in a farewell: "The greatest pleasure is not to take it, but to give! Bring your feelings, to give people all that is good in you. "

Eduard Hil was a big friend of Komsomolskaya Pravda. We often called him about this or another and always heard in the tube a cheerful, vile voice. The artist raised the mood with his jokes-additives, told stories from life. A little more than two years ago he did not. Until the 78th birthday, he did not survive exactly three months.

In the death of Pope there were many strange circumstances that were going together, "his son Dmitry recalls. "Not that dad foresaw and premonish something, nothing like this was." Perhaps I exaggerate, but my father committed several actions that were not characteristic to him.

Strange circumstance number 1

Shortly before Edward Hil's disease was invited to Baden-Baden in the company of several more Russian artists. After the vocalization without the words "Trololo" became popular all over the world, the singer in vindica began to call on tour. Hil categorically refused such proposals - he avoided traveling in the plane due to its harmful pressure drops. At 75, hypertensive crisis happened. Doctors discovered a weak heart valve - the possible consequence of hungry childhood. The artist abandoned the operation, but began to take the prescribed medicine and canceled all the flights, although the trips were very seductive, for example, to Tahiti. And to go to Baden-Baden suddenly agreed. And the spouse, who also opposed long tour, supported her husband. They even bought a bow tie to perform together.

Strange circumstance number 2

Eduard Gil unexpectedly presented a spouse on the birthday of an antique lamp. The son of Dmitry told that his father had never committed spontaneous shopping. And then I made a gift, as if the last time. Then he refused to accept the most appointed medicine prescribed by the doctor, which should have been drinking all his life without a break. Said: "I feel great."

There were some more unusual actions that I don't want to tell, "says Dmitry Hil. - They are built into a kind of logical chain.

Ended all heavy stroke. The artist was chained to the bed, Huned by droppers, could not breathe independently ... He remained in consciousness, but did not speak. Sometimes the state of such patients is improved, but not in this case.

At some point, I very clearly felt that the point of no return was passed, "the son of the artist admitted. "It's hard to explain ... Mom hoped to last that he will open his eyes and say something.


Many were talking that after the vocalization "Trololo" became superpopular, Edward Hil did not gem himself. He worked in the morning to late night. Concerts, corporate standards, interviews - not every young such tempo will endure. So I was disturbed, but as a result of stroke.

This is a complete nonsense, "Son Dmitry is sure. - He worked, and continued to work. He was always invited to corporate parties, and he chose.

And at this time

"All like when dad"

The son of the artist wrote a book about him.

In St. Petersburg, there is already a Square named after Eduard Hil. Here the singer loved to walk. For eighty years since the birth of a grave at the Smolensk cemetery, a monument will be installed: the heart on which the portrait knocks out. And the son of Dmitry prepares a book about dad. Eduard Anatolyevich will enter it.

Dad is the story of our country, our music, and the Soviet, and Russian, says Dmitry. - His glory after Trololo reached worldwide. But no monuments, concerts, books and the names of the streets of a person do not return. In our house nothing has changed, especially. We try everything to be like when dad.

Grandson Eduard Hille Jr. is very similar to the grandfather. On September 1, the guy went to the graduation class, is going to enter the conservatory, it is now engaged in the nobility. With any scenario, his life will be associated with music. Edika has a good voice, grandfather's songs know by heart. And on the light, with humor, the attitude of the young man very much reminds Eduard Hilie-senior.

Excerpts from the book

Opposite us, in the yard, there was a well-known ballet artist and director of the Kirov Theater Georgievsky Mikhail Sergeevich with his wife Galina Dmitrievna. And both have been for years under seventy. But, despite age, Georgievsky kept and looked very good. It was a tall, dried, static, and not some hungry old man.<...>

Dad always talked with him when they both walked with dogs. We had a big dog Gray, and Mikhail Sergeevich had a little dog Lisa.

Mikhail Sergeevich somehow once, walking, put a postcard in the mailbox with verses addressed to dad. These were the lines that Georgievsky composed in passing. I now hold this postcard in my hands, this is a kind of greeting from the distant 80s. This is what the hand is written by M. I. Georgievsky:

When the sheets fall from the poplar -

Seen oval chil window.

We live opposite. Then see you

Then I look lovingly and mightily.

Of course, these are outdated words

But still true from the century ...

About Hille goes good cute -

Honor a kind singer and man!

We would warm and lease to us.

But this, alas, can not be ...

Probably, you need to remember about the dock of Masha from the distant 80s. Masha was a small, low growth, a rustic woman of some uncertain age. She taught a colored scarf, put on her waggered robe, shung up a scarclass with a broom and chose garbage into a huge iron scoop. Masha lived on the first floor in the middle yard. It is ridiculous, somehow rustic talked, but was good in nature. Its responsibilities included to comply with cleanliness not only in the yard, but also on our "black stairs."

Why did I remember her? Because Dad often stopped and talked to her on the street. He probably liked something "folk" in it. And they are both, each other - everyone in their own way - have fun in a conversation. And Dad laughed from the soul, and Masha smiled.

So, somehow, the same Masha with a broom of the Natrea Pope met in the yard on the eve of his "anniversary concert". She said hello and asked:

And they say that it will be like that of such loving? Is it?

Dad tried to explain that this, they say, a special concert - a round date, a performance is where many artists will be. And Masha in response and says:

I did not understand ... what is it! But the staircase will help you twice!

Dad loved this funny story to tell about the core. He laughed in kindness whenever Masha.

Pope in the first yard was another familiar friend's female, which he was constantly having fun. Called her Clara Zinovievna. She was already at the age, slightly cargo, and her health was already, it can be said, not perfect<...> She told with the characteristic "Odessa" emphasis, always very loud, can be said, "Garkala". Perhaps she had something with hearing something - I can not say.

Once I witnessed an anecdical situation. Once dad went through our courtyard, people go around around. Clara Zinovievna saw him and shouted his diverse voice, so that even on Rubinstein Street, probably heard:

Edinka! Go Rather here! I'll tell you a new political anecdote! Only you are quiet! Do not speak anyone ...

And Clara Zinovievna on the whole yard loudly began to tell some kind of anecdote!

Political joke! Imagine? In Soviet times, when Dad was elected to People's Deputies - what are the jokes on political topics! He did not know where to go - the circle of people, everyone looks at him, and Clara Zinovievna can say "screaming" to the whole courtyard. Probably, the Pope would certainly remember his relatives who for humor and love for jokes for political topics went to once build the Moscow-Baltic Channel named after Stalin. But everything was done, after all, the yard were already the 80s.

We moved to this house when everything was somewhat different here. In the central courtyard stood a fountain that worked in the summer. The boys and girls were spun around him and ran. In the courtyard there was a detriment for children's games and cycling. No cars. In the summer, the yards were empty - all cars in the country. Is that in the last yard one car broken stood, it seems some kind of "Moskvich". Confirmation of my words can be seen in one of the daddy video clips. This is the song "Childhood Country" Yakova Dubravin on the poems of Igor Talkov, she was filmed in our yard in the early 80s ...

Delhi on 15 parts "- it was so many guys in their group. I remembered others, although the dystrophy already had. Mom had to carry a son in her arms - there was no strength even to go.

It happened, another journalist carefully peeking his face and asked the question: "Eduard Anatolyevich, do you note on the nose from the war?" "And then! Bullets in front of him and whistles! " - Hille agreed readily. In fact, it was a trail from another childhood injury: Edik was not yet to the table, when I stretched over Borsch and overturned the hot pan. I almost died from burns ... but not disappointing the same reporters!

- How did Eduard, Anatolyevich got into Leningrad? After all, it was there who got acquainted your parents?

Pope had a living imagination - he also painted perfectly. I compare: my son is Edikov, whom we called in honor of the grandfather, are now 15 years old. And the father at this age left Smolensk and went to enter the Muhinskaya school. I wanted to become an artist. But completely another child! In Leningrad, his uncle Shura lived. He accepted the nephew, but heard that he had to learn for 7 years, objected: "So much I will not pull you - go to the printing college!"

Judging by the concert programs that Dad retained, in Leningrad he led a rich cultural life: Theater, Opera, Ballet ... "looked at all eyes and ears - presented himself at the place of Bariton, and sometimes even bass," said Eduard Anatolyevich about that period . At home, of course, it was already rehearsing - under the plates of Chaliapina. So after the technical school entered the preparatory department of the conservatory.

Here he studied for two years and then was transferred to the first course of the Leningrad Conservatory without exams.

Shortly before that, he walked to the Smolensk cemetery - he knew that there was a dilapidated chapel with an icon of Ksenia bliss. "I asked Xenyushka about admission, because the competition was huge. It comes out, she responded, "the father told him.

"Without love, neither songs, no children happen," brought dad for himself for a formula. And try to disagree with him: more than half a century on stage - and all these years next to your beloved wife!

In the opera "Black Domino" dad performed the role of Old Lord Elfort - the Student's age was added to the Boroda and Lysin.

On the stage - the ball, where his future wife shone. Young ballerina Zoe Pravdina set the task: grab the chil behind the ear and circle around him so that his head hesitated. "Here I took, spinning - and all my life does not let go," then dad laughed.

So the first contact at my parents took place in the Opera Studio, where students of the Conservatory were practiced. Then they went on tour to Kursk, and in their free time both were on the city beach. Mom was sitting on the pebble, substituting the face of the Sun and the pleasure of closing his eyes. And I woke up from a kiss - this dad got courage and got down to her lips. As a decent girl, Mom immediately exclaimed: "What do you allow yourself!" However, after six months, they played a wedding.

Dad lived in a student dormitory, he was from a simple family - Mom Accountant, he did not know and brought up stepfather. And Zoya was from the generation of St. Petersburg Intelligents: Mamin Grandfather - Managing the Imperial Nikolaev Railway, and her dad had his own theatrical studio. Grandmother before the revolution lived in the estate in Velsk, where they had servants, governors, gardeners, nurse ... "Let me bring me some student encouraged," she preded her daughter. And one day comes home, and on the bed sits a student with a suitcase, from things in which is a towel and three books.

Mom well remembered how she took her father from a hostel. In the room of boys on the windowsill stood a huge pan. Looked: there is some kind of incomprehensible mess. Here and cereals, and potatoes, and peas ...

In the middle, the aluminum spoon sticks out - you will not check. "Do you eat it?" "If you warm up, even tasty," Edik embarrassed.

Once the name apartment on a sterefied street by that time has already turned into a communal service - the mother's family after the war left only two rooms. Parents bought a bedside to put the mattress on him. There was even a leg - dad had to drink koblobashkas and nurture them. The piano for classes they took a hire ... but for lovely paradise and in a communal service!

There was no funds for the wedding, so I wrote down my parents on December 1, 1958, then the month was paid money - and walked only for the new year. The registry office was an absurd spectacle: in the middle of the empty hall stood the table on which there were three huge pile of papers - separately divorces, funeral and weddings.