VII Miscelter Festival. "Mystery of dance" II International Competition of Choreographic Art

VII Miscelter Festival.
VII Miscelter Festival. "Mystery of dance" II International Competition of Choreographic Art


II International Choreographic Art Competition

"Mysteries of Dance"

moscow, Russia

Small forms (3-5 people) and ensembles participate in the competition

Location - cosmos Hotel Concert Hall. The concert hall is one of the most sought-after Moscow concert sites - there are shooting of many television programs and concerts with the participation of stars of domestic and foreign pop, theatrical performances and circus performances. The hall has excellent acoustics and is equipped with the latest equipment. Professional technical equipment complements the stylish interior of the concert hall.

Competition was established with the support: Academy of Russian Literature and Fine Arts. E.P. Derzhavina, Center for Effective Communication of Ivan Artsishevsky, Elite Concert Hall "Cosmos".

Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Music Klondike"

Prestigious international competition-festivals of children and youth creativity, combined with an extensive excursion program. A series of festival contests is carried out in various cities of the world for many years. Every year the level of preparation and organization of events is improved, the geography of projects is expanding, and the number of participants is growing.

Objectives and objectives of the competition

The competition is held in order to identify and support talented youth, popularizing choreographic art in its executive and pedagogical aspects, as well as to open new names and talents in the choreography. Also the objectives of the competition are: the preservation and development of the traditions of the multinational culture of the Russian Federation; Acquaintance of participants with dance wealth of the peoples of the world; improving the professional level of team leaders; holding master classes, creative meetings and round tables for managers; the development of the youth tolerance and an adequate understanding of other cultures, ways of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality; exchange of experience between groups, managers and teachers, support for permanent creative contacts between them, their association within the framework of the festival movement; creating an atmosphere for professional communication of participants in the competition, exchange of experience and repertoire; Attracting producers and organizers of concerts for subsequent contacts with team members - participants in the competition, for organizing tour and participation in foreign festivals, competitions and concerts; drawing attention from state, international, commercial and public organizations to the problems of creative teams and performers; Lighting the creativity of children and young people in the media.

The competition-festival is held competitive listening of soloists and teams, the opening ceremony, awarding and gala concert of winners, creative meetings and master classes with artists of theater, film and pop, composers, poets, directors, producers, famous cultural masters, round Tables with jury members and excursion program for the main attractions.

Competition nomination

  • Folk dance - ethnic, folk, characteristic
  • Dancing different nationalities, with exposure style, technology and music.
  • People's stylized dance - the execution of folk dances in modern treatments.
  • Dancing peoples of the world
  • Classic dance and neoclassic
  • Modern Choreography: Jazz, Modern, Free Plastic, Street and Club Destinations, Dancing without Rules
  • Pop choreography: show groups, step, oriental dances, disco
  • Sports Choreography: Hip Hop, Techno, Street, Electric Boga, Break Dance
  • Dance theater
  • Children's dance
  • Ballroom dance and sport ballroom dance
  • Original Genre: Equilibristics, Eccentric, Chirilding, Majornets and Drummers, Acrobatics, Rhythmic Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics.
  • Dance Show
  • Pantomime

Small forms (3-5 people) and ensembles participate in the competition

  • Children's group, age up to 11 years
  • Youth group, age from 12 to 15 years
  • Youth group, age from 16 to 20 years
  • Adult group, age from 20 to 40 years
  • Adult group, age older than 40 years
  • Mixed group

In the team of each age category, no more than 30% of participants are allowed or older than the specified age framework. Competitive performances are held in the presence of viewers.

Levels of performers

Beginners - performers who have a small experience of solo performances at concerts and competitions. Estimated experience of speeches - 1-3 years.

Amateurs - performers who have sufficient experience of solo performances at concerts, competitions, commercial speeches. Dancers who spent in nominations are not higher "lovers" (open class), as well as teachers of dance circles, studios, groups. Estimated experience of speeches - 3-7 years.

Professionals- performers who have a great experience of solo performances at concerts, competitions, commercial speeches. Dancers previously speaking in the nomination "Professionals", as well as teachers of dance circles, studios, groups. Estimated performance experience for more than 5 years.

TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT.Participants of all nominations can execute competitive works with live music or have phonograms on a USB carrier (flash drive) signed as follows: Title Title, Team or Full name, and city (for example: "Russian dance", Ans. Kalinka, Moscow). There should be no other files on the USB carrier other than the competitive program..

Speech program

Each competitive team represents a program of speaking, consisting of two works with a total duration of up to 10 minutes (two numbers), taking into account the release and leaving the scene. In the nomination "Dance theaters", the speech time can be extended to 15 minutes if this is one story setting.


The participants' assessment is carried out by the Board of the jury, consisting of professional dancers, teachers-choreographers of higher educational institutions, directories, ballersters and pop artists.

Evaluation criteria

Competitive numbers are estimated on a 10-point system.

  • Execution technique - compliance with style, level of complexity, originality of ballerster solutions, creative idea, the possibility of a dancer to fulfill the characteristic features of the selected dance technology, the quality of execution, rhythm, synchronicity in the performance of dance, lexical and composite solution.
  • Composition / choreography - the choice of dance elements and their composition, figures, variation, use of the dance floor, interaction with each other, the variability and originality of the use of various ligaments.
  • Image - self-expression, presentation, contact with the viewer, suit, expression of a conceived idea in a dance composition, props, makeup. Entertainment number. Compliance with the repertoire of the age characteristics of the participants.

Summing up the competition

Winners are detected in accordance with the decision of the jury, on the basis of points reflected in the protocols.

The decision of the jury is final and is not subject to change.

Prizes and awards.

All team members are awarded with diplomas, memorable cups. In each nomination and age category, the titles of the laureate I, II, III degrees, as well as the title of the diploma I, III of the III degrees, are assigned. A single team that scores the most votes of the jury members is awarded a grant diploma diploma and a cash grant. Special diplomas and titles are also established: "Best Balletmaster", "Diploma for Artistism", "The Best Suit", "For a high level of performing skills", "The best registration on the patriotic topic."

Production work in the choreographic team (for teachers). Creating a number of choreographic collective forces is equivalent to building a building. Attention to the basics and consistent activity - such principles can be followed, including, with daily work with groups of creative children. Lecturer: Zara Davidovna Langolf (St. Petersburg, Russia) - Honorary Professor of the Institute of Peace Under the auspices of UNESCO, Head of the Department of Choreography of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, Balletmaster-director. Olga Spesivtsevaya Prize winner and medal "For contribution to domestic culture."

Master class on modern dance.A practical lesson on modern dance will be an excellent addition to the already existing choreographic base of the artist. In modern dance it is extremely important to be aware of the latest trends and relevant dance trends. Having visited the master class on modern choreography, young dancers will be able not only to take over the rich experience of a professional, but bring fresh decisions to their own dance aesthetics.

To participate in the competition you needapply through the online form on the site and pay for its registration until October 15, 2017,and also fully pay the organizational fee.

The application must specify: the full name of the team; nomination; The institution in which the team is based, its postal address (with an index), tel. / fax; Date of creating a team, honorary title, awards; the number of participants and their age; Competitive program: title, author, timing, carrier phonogram, technical means; Full name of the collective, contact phones. For coming: the need to organize additional nutrition or excursion program and information about the arrival time.


After submitting an application, participants receive an account for payment for registration of the application. Registration is paid strictly until the end of receiving applications and only to the current account. Further payment will be less than paid for the amount.


For nonresident participantsThe organizational fee for participation is 7600 rubles / person.

The price includes:

  • registration of applications 760 rubles / person
  • accommodation in the hotel "Cosmos" *** 2 days in 2-3-bed rooms with amenities, check-in 02.11 at 14.00, departure 04.11 at 12.00,
  • breakfast buffet,
  • participation in the competition-festival and master classes,
  • excursion program,
  • transfer with railway stations in the date of the festival.

For managers of organized groups, the offer 15 + 1 is available for free

The first nomination is as a gift!Participation in the second and subsequent nominations is paid additionally. The organizational fee for participation in additional nominations is 1000 rubles per person, but not more than 12,000 rubles from the team.

Hotel complex "Cosmos" Located in the northeast of Moscow on one of the main streets of the city - Peace Prospect, in a green area, a 20-minute drive to the center. On the contrary, there is a All-Russian Exhibition Center (WVC), Ostankinskaya Telbashnya, Museum-Manor Count Sheremetyeva. Not far there are a sports complex "Olympic" and Exhibition Complex Sokolniki, Botanical Garden and the National Reserve "Losinai Island". Cosmos GC was built to the 1980 Olympics and became one of the best three-star hotels, and continues to remain so until today.

Moscow sightseeing tour (duration 4 hours). During the excursion, the participants of the festival competition will be held on the route, which includes such key sights and cults of Moscow, like: Tverskaya Street, Pushkin Square, theater Travel (Moscow Theaters), Lubyanskaya Square, Presidential Administration Building, Kirill and Methodius Monuments, Temple All Saints on Stewers, Street Barper, Red Square, Temple of Basil Blessed, Kremlin Embankment, Church of Christ the Savior, Bolotnaya Square, Leninsky Avenue, Vorobyev Mountains, Moscow State University, Moscow Highlights from a bird's eye view, as well as panorama of Moscow, Movie Stars Alley, Monument Leonov, the Embassy town, modern residential complexes "Golden Keys" and "Vorobyev Mountains", Poklonnaya Mountain, Triumphal Arch, New Arbat, Znamenka Street - the oldest street of Moscow.

Additional excursions (charged separately):

1. Excursion to Moskvarum "World Travel in Nautical Depths", 2. A visit to the planetarium (excursion to the Uranian Museum, watching the film in the Great Star Hall or Excursion to the Museum of Entertaining Science "Lunarium", watching the film in the Big Star Hall), 3. Walk On the motor ship in the Moscow River (opening of navigation from April 22) 4. Excursion to the Museum of Cosmonautics, 5. Excursion to the Museum-Reserve Museum "Moscow Kremlin" + a pedestrian tour of the Red and Manezhnaya Squares, Alexandrovsky Garden, 6. Excursion to the Armory Chamber + Pedestrian tour of the Red and Manezhnaya Squares, Alexandrovsky Garden, 7. Excursion to the Museum-estate "Kolomenskoye" (to choose from): the territory of the manor, the front door complex / Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, 8. Bus tour "Moscow - City of Cinema" with a visit Mosfilm Film Studiy, 9. Excursion to the Ostankino Tenerbashne, 10. Excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery, 11. Visiting the Museum of Modern History, 12. Excursion to the Pokrovsky Cathedral (Vasily Blessed Church), 13. Excursion to the Pushkin Museum, 14. Visits to the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno", Ekaterininsky Palace and Park, 15. Excursion to Moscow State University, 16. Visit the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin, 17. Excursion to the Museum of A.S. Pushkin (literary), 18. Visit the historical museum, 19. Excursion to the Church of Christ the Savior with a rise in viewing platforms.

Summer Music Festival collects virtuoso performers from different countries in the walls of one of the most beautiful architectural monuments of the capital.

The State Museum-Manor "Arkhangelsk" deservedly among the main cultural sites of Moscow. The central place in the series of bright events passing on the territory of the historic complex - along with the famous festival - with a large-scale art marathon "Mystery", which is usually held in the second half of summer.

Forum of Arts tolerate the viewer into the atmosphere of the noble musical salons of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The basis of the Mystery Program make up various genres of chamber and classical music, ideally combined with the classicism of the Arkhangelsky architectural ensemble. The immortal works of Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Schubert sounds performed by famous Russian and foreign musicians. Concerts within the framework of the Misteria Festival are held in the sophisticated interiors of the open and closed sites of the noble estate - the Krasnada's tomb of the "Colonnade", the organ hall, the palace oval hall and the theater of Gonzago. On the scenes of the festival, you can see not only familiar to most interpretations of classics, but also very unusual ways of filing the material - such as programs "Organ + Saxophone", "Legends of Ireland and Scotland", "Duduk and the Organ" - as well as bold combinations of music with dance art Argentine tango.

Ticket price for concerts of the Misteria Festival - from 400 rubles.

The III International Choreographic Competition "Mysteries of Dance" was held in Moscow from 15 to 17 December 2017 with information support of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region.

Also, the competition was also supported by: St. Petersburg State Establishment of Culture and Additional Education Institute of Cultural Programs, Leningrad Regional State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Training and Methodical Center for Culture and Art."

December is the perfect time to try your hand at the metropolitan areas. On the eve of the New Year, the strongest dancers from Russia, CIS and Europe countries entered into the fight for the title of the winner of the Grand Prix of the Unique Choreographic Competition "Mysteries of Dance". It is on the eve of the main winter holiday, the magic hovers in the air and creates a special atmosphere in which it is so easy to believe in his strength and open new talents. At the competition "Miscelia dance", our participants acted on one of the best scenes of the city, received a huge number of training material on master classes from leading choreographers, rested in a free time from the competition, taking advantage of a rich leisure program, went to a review tour of New Year's Moscow, in The framework of the country's main Christmas tree on Red Square, walked along the Kremlin Embankment and made stunning photos from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On the III International Choreographic Competition "Miscellaneous Dance" to demonstrate its achievements and raise the level of skill arrived contestants from 2 republics, edges, 9 areas and 20 cities: Bobruisk (Republic of Belarus), peaceful (Yakutia, Republic of Sakha), Izhevsk, Irkutsk, the village (Stavropol Territory), Volgograd, Yaroslavl, Koryazhma (Arkhangelsk region), Nizhny Novgorod, Kemerovo, Vladimir, Tula, Moscow and the Moscow region.

Members of the jury of the III International Choreographic Competition "Mystery of Dance":

Zara Davidovna Langolf (Russia, St. Petersburg) - Honorary Professor of the Institute of the World Under the auspices of UNESCO, Head of the Department of Choreography of St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts (St. Petersburg), Balletmaster-director.

Tatyana Borisovna Evseukova (Russia, Moscow) - Honored artist of Russia, soloist, teacher-tutor, balletmaster Gaha "Berezka" them. N.S. Nadezhdina, President of the Cultural Foundation for the Support and Development of Children's Junior and Youth Creativity "World of Arts", owner of the state award "For Valiant Labor", a member of numerous international and all-Russian choreographic festivals and competitions.

Sergey Vladimirovich Melnikov (Russia, Moscow) - Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow Region, Artist Ballet of the State Ensemble of Dance Dance "Russia", Artist of the Ballet of the Songs of the Songs and Dance of the Moscow Military District of the Air Defense, a member of the city expert council on choreography of Moscow.

Roman Dozens (Russia, Moscow) - Finalist of the project "Dance" on the first channel, choreographer-director of the project "Dancing on TNT" (season 2), choreographer party dance show "Price of desire", teacher of modern dance directions.

Taras Burnashev (Russia, Moscow) - Choreographer-director, dancer, founder of the project "ONE ZUKHER", teacher "Modern Center for Dance" Workshop ".

Elena Vasilyevna Gorbacheva (Russia, Sankt-Petersburg) - General Director of the Creative Association "Triumph".

All judicial composition is much grateful! Thank you for your love for art, thanks for your work!

Awards of the III International Choreographic Competition "Mystery of Dance":

The Grand Prix In the nomination "People's Dance" in the age group of 12-18 years old and a grant for 50,000 rubles for a trip to the International Competition-Festival of Musical and Artistic Creativity "Holiday Childhood", which will be held on November 22-26, 2018 in St. Petersburg, won the ensemble Dance "Russian woman" Muk DK "Moskovsky" (Head of Lyudmila Sergeevna Aseeva, Pedagog-Concertmeister Tokman T.V., Moscow). The team struck the jury with impeccable technique, bright costumes and incredible energy.

The Grand Prix In the nomination "Modern Dance" in the age group of 12-15 years and a grant for 30,000 rubles for a trip to the international competition-festival of musical and artistic creativity "Open pages. Yaroslavl ", which will be held in May 2018 in Yaroslavl, won an exemplary ensemble of modern dance" Sculptor "(head of Roman Mustafin, Svetlana Lain, Chernogolovka). The performance of the ensemble became one of the brightest in the history of our contest. Young dancers literally hypnotized the hall and "posted" on stage 100%.

Laureate Laureate Diploma In the nomination "People's Dance" in the age group of 12-15 years old and a grant for 30,000 rubles for a trip to the International Competition-Festival of Music and Artistic Creativity "Golden Legend", which will be held on October 26-28, 2018 in Suzdal, won the choreographic ensemble " Zadorinka "(head of Victoria Evgenievna Ravich, teacher-tutor Alena Ivanovna Ushakova, Concertmeister Stanislav Valentinovich Prik, Yaroslavl). The team of the ensemble - a multiple participant of our festivals reaffirmed the title of one of the strongest this time in the "People's" nomination, remembering the visual hall with the massiness and entertainment of production.

Laureate Laureate Diploma In the nomination "Pop Dance" in the age group of 15-20 years and a grant for 50,000 rubles for a trip to the International Competition-Festival of Musical and Artistic Creativity "Eastern Fairy Tale", which will be held on May 31-June 2018 in Kazan, won the Dance Theater "Eccentric Step" (Head of Alexey Alexandrovich Chimnikov, Kemerovo). The extraordinary number at the original costumes was fully consistent with the unusual name of the team, confirming the creative approach to each number both by the pedagogical composition and dancers.

Laureate Laureate Diploma In the nomination "People's Dance" in the age group of 14-17 years old and a grant for 30,000 rubles for a trip to the International Competition-Festival of Musical and Artistic Creativity "Sounds and Paints of White Nights", which will be held on May 31 - June 3, 2018 in St. St. Petersburg won an exemplary studio of the national dance "Anddan" (head of Felix Borisovich Khubetov, Izhevsk). GSTI from the capital of Udmurtia demonstrated all the subtleties of the folk folklore: from parts in a suit to depot, historically loyal and verified movements, with the help of which the dancers told the real story from the stage.

A special prize in the nomination "For a high level of performing skill" received the School of Dance Olga Ushakova (Head of Ekaterina Nikolaevna Sulment, Yegoryevsk).

A special prize in the nomination "For a high level of performing skill" received a dance ensemble "Russian" Muk DK "Moskovsky" (Head of Lyudmila Sergeevna Aseeva, Pedagog-Concertmeister Tokman T.V., Moscow).

A special prize in the nomination "For the preservation of national cultural traditions" received the choreographic ensemble "Zadorinka" (head of Victoria Evgenievna Ravich, teacher-tutor Alena Ivanovna Ushakov, Concertmeister Stanislav Valentinovich Prik, Yaroslavl).

A special prize in the nomination "Best Stage Suit" received an exemplary choreographic ensemble "Vasileuk" (head of Natalia Mikhailovna Zynovenko, Anastasia Olegovna Galch, Bobruisk, Republic of Belarus).

A special prize in the nomination "The Best National Suit" received the ensemble "Viharitsa" Deshi G. Moskva, Moskovsky (Head of Lyudmila Sergeevna Aseeva, Pedagog-Concertmeister Tokman T.V., Moscow).

Special prize in the nomination "Best Lecturer" received Felix Borisovich Hubetov (Izhevsk).

A special prize in the nomination "Best Lecturer" received Victoria Evgenievna Ravich (Yaroslavl).

A special prize in the nomination "Best Choreographer-Director" received a novel Mustafin (Chernogolovka).

A special prize in the nomination "The best room for the patriotic theme" received a choreographic team "Wolnitsa" (head of Svetlana Petrovna Adamchuk, the village of Privolly, Stavropol Territory).

A special prize in the nomination "For artistry" received an ensemble of dance "Russian" Muk DK "Moskovsky" (Head of Lyudmila Sergeevna Aseeva, Pedagog-Concertmeister Tokman T.V., Moscow).

Congratulations to the winners and wish good luck in the following contests!

Master Classes III International Choreographic Competition "Mystery Dance":

As part of the festival contest, participants were able to take part and improve their skills on workshops of professional teachers on various creative disciplines, to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical advice from experienced artists in the field of art.

Setting a summary number

A consolidated number is a colorful event of any creative contest, festival. How to combine all the wards in a common consolidated number in which there is a place to demonstrate the talent of each of the young artists - found out on this master class!

Pfedagog: Melnikov Sergey Vladimirovich (Moscow, Russia)- Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow Region, Artist Ballet of the State Ensemble of Dance Dance "Russia", Artist of the Ballet of the Songs of the Songs and Dance of the Moscow Military District of the Air Defense, a member of the city expert council on choreography of Moscow.

Master class on dance dance "World Travel in Dance":

Feel the harmony, the wisdom of the century traditions and the spirit of circular (dance) dances were able to all participants in the lesson, because since ancient times the dances are a symbol of the force concluded in the sacred form of a circle, which allows dancers to become one whole and merge with the outside the world alone and pacification.

Lecturer: Elena Paradise (Moscow, Russia) - Ethno-choreographer, creator of the project "Dancing to myself", a professional fitness coach, certified by the World Fitness Federation (WFF).

Production work in the choreographic team (for teachers):

Creating a number of choreographic collective forces is equivalent to building a building. Attention to the basics and consistent activity - such principles can be followed, including, with daily work with groups of creative children.

Lecturer: Zara Davidovna Langolf (St. Petersburg, Russia) - Honorary Professor of the Institute of Mira under the auspices of UNESCO, Head of the Choreography Department of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, Balletmaster-director. Olga Spesivtsevaya Prize winner and medal "For contribution to domestic culture."

A bright program, interesting master classes, many positive emotions and unforgettable moments - all this was on the III International Choreographic Competition "Mystery of Dance" in Moscow! Thanks to everyone who took part in this event, we are waiting for you on the following contests-festivals of the creative association "Triumph"!

The VII Miscelter Festival of the BELCANTO Charitable Foundation is the main event in the cultural life of the capital. The legendary atmosphere of the era, permeated by the spirit of the Russian estate, combining the creative efforts of modern Russian and Western musicians, dancers, artists and artists, will create an amazing effect of a miracle. In the walls of the old manor, the masterpieces will be revived by various eras and styles - from Baroque and classics, to modern times.

The sophistication of the interiors of the noble estate of the princes of Yusupov, classical music, tested by time, performed by the body, saxophones, twin, bagpipes, Celtic harp, the passion of the Argentine Tango and Spanish Flamenco - aesthetic component that will force the audience to nostalgically to be sad about the beautiful, which will be created right in front of him . After all, the festival has no reason to receive such a mysterious name - like the participants of the ancient Greek theatrical mysteries, each guest will feel elected devoted to the amazing sacrament of creativity.

"The first solemn concert amazes the selection of performers - the body and quartet of saxophones. The combination is unexpected harmonious. It was this amazing combination of popular musical instruments to enjoy the guests of the concert-discovery in the organ hall of the colonnade of the Museum-Manor "Arkhangelsk". It will sound: I.S. Bach, F. Sheet, Sh. M. Vidin, K. Debussy. So, the glorious traditions of noble manor making are renewed. And it can not but rejoice. " - Stresses the founder and artistic head of the Belcanto Charitable Foundation, Tatyana Lanskaya.

VII Miscelter Festival of the Charitable Foundation - an event in the cultural life of the capital. The legendary atmosphere of the era, permeated by the spirit of the Russian estate, combining the creative efforts of modern Russian and Western musicians, dancers, artists and artists, will create an amazing effect of a miracle. In the walls of the old manor, the masterpieces will be revived by various eras and styles - from Baroque and classics, to modern times.

The sophistication of the interiors of the noble estate of the princes of Yusupov, classical music, tested by time, performed by the body, saxophones, twin, bagpipes, Celtic harp, the passion of the Argentine Tango and Spanish Flamenco - aesthetic component that will force the audience to nostalgically to be sad about the beautiful, which will be created right in front of him . After all, the festival has no reason to receive such a mysterious name - like the participants of the ancient Greek theatrical mysteries, each guest will feel elected devoted to the amazing sacrament of creativity.

"The first solemn concert amazes the selection of performers - the body and quartet of saxophones. The combination is unexpected harmonious. It was this amazing combination of popular musical instruments to enjoy the guests of the concert-discovery in the organ hall of the colonnade of the Museum-Manor "Arkhangelsk". It will sound: I.S. Bach, F. Sheet, Sh. M. Vidin, K. Debussy. So, the glorious traditions of noble manor making are renewed. And it can not but rejoice. " - Stresses the founder and artistic head of the Belcanto Charitable Foundation, Tatyana Lanskaya.