Types of Orthodox Crosses. Differences of the Orthodox Cross from Catholic

Types of Orthodox Crosses. Differences of the Orthodox Cross from Catholic
Types of Orthodox Crosses. Differences of the Orthodox Cross from Catholic

The eight-spin cross consists of a vertical component and three crossbars. Two top straight, and lower - oblique.

There is a version that suggests that the upper part of the Orthodox Cross crossbar is turned to the north, and the bottom - south. By the way, this is how the cross is installed today.

Why the lower crossbind of the cross is obliquely, they are unlikely to explain even theologian. The answer to this question has not yet been found. There are many versions, each of which reflects a certain idea and is confirmed often by convincing arguments. But, unfortunately, there is no accurate evidence to date at the moment.

Bible legend versions

Options for why nevertheless the lower crossbind of the cross oblique is diverse. The household version explains this fact that Jesus stumbled at the foot, so it twisted.

There is also a variant that the upper part of the lower crossbar of the Orthodox Cross indicates the path to paradise, and the lower in hell.
Also, the version is often found that after the coming of Jesus Christ on Earth, the balance of good and evil was broken on the ground, all people earlier than the sinners began their way to light, and it was this disturbed equilibrium and shows the twisted crossbind.

Versions of household

Most of all believablely looks like the lower crossbar is a symbolic image of such a special crossbar for a person's stop, which was subjected to crucifixion. Previously, such a shape of execution was spread. The person was crucified, but with the complete absence of support it is likely that the person just fell under the weight of his own weight, because under his weight, his hands and legs, nailed to the cross, were simply broken. Just with the goal of maintaining a person in a hanging position, in order to prolong its torment, and such a stand was invented, which reflected symbolically on the Orthodox eight-pointed cross. On average, as indicated in some sources, the time before death, with this form, the execution was approximately 24-30 hours.

Also exists in the literature the option that the bottom crossbar is only conditionally indicated as oblique. In fact, it is only a schematic image of a bulk figure in a two-dimensional plane. And in fact, the surface of the crossbar was still smooth.

In the same time, the version from the proposed believing, it seems that everyone choose to everyone, because after such years old, truth is unlikely to be open to someone.


  • Installed the second Poklonnaya Cross

The process is very individual. But despite this, like the process of birth, he has its own mechanisms and symptoms for which you can unmistakably predict the approach of death.


What happens to a dying person. How it changes and. What signs can exactly report that a person is dying. The dying becomes drowned. He sleeps almost all the time, the waking periods are increasingly declining, energy gradually fades. Apathies comes, a person is losing interest in life and the world around.

"Death rattle"

His breath is knocked down. It is disturbed by its rhythm, fast and intermittent replaced by complete stops. Closer to the end appear "death rays." Breathing becomes noisy, because liquid accumulates in the lungs, and the weakened body does not displays it out.

Impairment of appetite

Worsen appetite. The functions of the urinary system and the GTS are broken. The stool is delayed due to the conservation process (constipation) in the intestine and darkens the urine due to increasing its concentration as a result of the violation of the filtering function of the kidneys. The dying refuses to eat food and drink, since its metabolism slows down, and it does not need the amount of food and fluid in which he needed earlier. In addition, the ability to swallow decreases.

Body temperature

Temperature of the body also changes. This is due to the violation of the activity of the brain area, which is responsible for regulating the body temperature. Moreover, the dying may experience the heat, that is, the temperature is too high, replacing the climbing of the limbs and temperature is significantly lower than the norm.


There are changes in hearing and vision. A person may not see and do not hear what is happening around - worsening eyesight and darkening in the eyes especially frequent phenomenon, but begins to notice what they do not see. There are hallucinations of visual or auditory. Revitalization, hallucination and unconscious state that replaces the revival - the symptoms of the so-called "white and white", which often accompanies the process of dying.

Spotted skin lesion

Skin covering dying pale and covered with yellowish bluish spots. Especially strong changes undergo the face and limb. Changes in the color of the skin of the face, hands and legs are called a spotted lesion, and they almost unmistakably indicate the approach of the last hours of human life.

Psycho-emotional changes

Often, before his death, a person "goes to herself," closes on his feelings and ceases to respond to what is happening. It is also possible a condition of painful excitement, in which the dying all the time seeks somewhere "go". He may also talk with long-dead people or rethink his life, remembering all the events and re-experiencing them.

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There are a large number of characters in Orthodoxy we use every day. Among them, the crucifix is \u200b\u200bmost popular. The cross carries a certain meaning in Orthodoxy. It is he who means the martyrdom of Jesus Christ. If you look good for this very important symbol of Christianity, you can see some inscriptions. They attract our attention, especially Nick's inscription on the Orthodox Cross.

The value of the Cross Orthodox

The cross consider the most important object of religious reverence. The crucifixion on the cross was one of the most frequent ways of execution in ancient Rome, which was borrowed from Carthaginian. Basically, thus executed the robbers, but many other people suffered the same punishment. Crucified on the cross on the orders of Patiya Pilate was Christ, but the apostle Peter ordered his headside down, as he said that he was not worthy of the same death as Jesus.

Until the VI century, the image of the cross was rarely used. There are a large number of variations of this symbol.

Most often in Orthodoxy among the eight-spin cross, with lower and upper crossbars. These crossbars are also of particular importance:

  • The top (above the main horizontal crossbar) means a sign on the Cross of Jesus, on which there is an inscription Inci.
  • The bottom (oblique crossbar) is considered to be a backup for the legs. It bears the meaning of two robbers who were crucified on both sides of Christ. One of them before his death repented in his sins, for which he was awarded the kingdom of heaven. The other, before his death, hesally responded about Christ and his executions.

What does Nick mean on the Orthodox Cross

Looking around to the cross you can see a few inscriptions. They are both on signs and near the cross. There are somewhat particularly significant for christianity Scriptures. On the top plate you can see the reduction of Inci. This word is practically not translated into other languages \u200b\u200band remains unchanged. It means "Jesus Nazarinan Tsar Judaisky." This inscription made Pontius Pilate in order to designate Christ's misconduct, as it was done for other robbers.

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The second is important as an inscription on the cross Nick. This word is under the lower main upper horizontal crossbar. There are many differences about its origin.

Translated this word makes sense to defeat or winner. It is it that is a symbol of the victory of Christ over death, as well as his Sunday. Many believe that the appearance of this inscription is associated with a different equally important historical event.

It is believed that the appearance of this inscription on the cross arose after the victory of Konstantin the Great over Mark Avreniem in 312. According to the legend, he saw a cross in front of the battle. And I read the inscription next to him "War down with him!". It added his strength. After the victory, he began to read the symbol of the cross and installed in Constantinople, which was previously called Byzantium, 3 Crosses with inscriptions:

  1. IC - on the cross of the triumphant gate,
  2. Xs - written in the Roman column,
  3. Nika - on a marble post.

If you combine all these inscriptions together, then the phrase will come out - Jesus Christ wins. Over time, it became a tradition to write this inscription on the prosforas and. After such a victory, the universal reverence of the Cross of Christ in the people went.

Why is Nick written on the crosses? Scientists believe that the power of Christ is shown in this way over death. That even after his crucifix, he was able to rise and appear to people. In order for them to believe in him and in the Lord.

On the cross is written in nickname

Lower crossbar over which there is this inscription symbolizes the peculiar scales of God's court. If repentance occurs, then one cup rises and so a person falls into paradise. If he continues to live in sin, the bowl is released and thereby leading a person to hell. It is also considered that Jesus is a new Adam, who redeemed the original sin of mankind.

The Lord is always with you!

The cross is one of the most ancient religious symbols in the world. In ancient Egypt, people read it with a ring at the top, which is called anch. For the ancient Egyptians, he symbolized life and still used in the Coptic Church. In Assyria, one of the attributes of the Sun of the Sun Ashura is the cross enclosed in the ring. In Babylon, also read this symbol for God Heaven - Ana. Archaeological excavations confirm that the crosses used even in pagan beliefs.

Cross and his varieties

In astrology, there is a concept about this symbol. Astrologers divide twelve signs of the zodiac into three groups for which a certain kind of cross is characteristic:

  • Cardinal - Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn.
  • Permanent (Cherubic) - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
  • Movable - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Fish.

The world has a huge number of different options for the image of the symbol. The most common species are:

  • egyptian;
  • greek;
  • maltese;
  • twelve council;
  • christian;


The very first cross-famous cross is the ancient Egyptian symbol of the life anch. No one still can say with confidence where this symbol appeared and its exact value. Until now, there are disputes in the scientific historical world on this issue. In ancient Egypt, this hieroglyph was decorated with amulets, dwellings and temples. And the anch was the attribute of the ancient Egyptian gods, which were often portrayed with this symbol in their hands. Usually anx call the nile key or the key of life.


It is two identical crossbars crossed at right angles. He was a symbol of the God of the Sun and personifies the four elements - the earth, air, fire and water. Currently, this sign is used as the designation of the international movement of the Red Cross. For the construction of temples and churches in the Byzantine style, a composition in the form of a Greek cross, for example, the Church of Christ the Savior, is very often used.


This symbol has an equilateral shape of the eight-pointed cross and belonged to the knights - hospital. Another name is ionites, these people were knights of the Roman Catholic Church in Palestine from 1099. Their task was the help of the poor and the protection of the Holy Land. Maltese symbol is often called the St. George Cross.


Represents the Slavic Sign of the Sun, which is executed in the form of crossed in the middle of the lines and with crossbars on each ray prisoners in the circle. He served as an evil and misfortune.


Christianity inherited the symbol after the execution of Jesus Christ through the crucifixion. At that time it was the most common execution in ancient Rome and sentenced to her murderers and robbers. And since the reign of Emperor Nero, it is so beginning to execute the first Christians. According to the ancient legend, the apostle Peter demanded that he was crucified her head, he considered himself unworthy to die like Jesus Christ.

Crosses in the Russian Orthodox Tradition

To understand which Orthodox crosses, species and meanings for a believer, it is necessary to refer to the history of the Church. Little Native Cross - a symbol of an Orthodox man who he always wears on the chest under clothes. The cross is not accepted by the deposit, following the example of ancient Christians who feared the persecution and hid their faith from the pagans.

Sometimes people do not understand what the Orthodox cross means a person who believes in God's God, and meanwhile wearing a native cross symbolizes involvement in faith and creates protection from the devilish goat. Those who had to be in the temple and go to confession, know that the father is always wondering, wears a man with a cross or not.

Native Cross

The most common form of the Orthodox cross is eight-pointed. Another form is called the Cross of Saint Lazarus or Byzantine. It is two crossed lines with a displacement of the horizontal crossbar above the center vertical and two small cross. One above horizontal line and denotes a sign (titulus) with the phrase "Jesus Christ, Tsar Jewish", which was written in three languages \u200b\u200b- Greek, Latin and Arama. The oblique line is located at the bottom of the cross and is a table for the legs, one end she points out the paradise, and the other hell.

Often you can see image of Jesus, Virgin Mary, Apostles, the word Nick (Victory) and Skull Adam. According to legend, Calvary, the place of execution of Christ, is the grave of the first man of Adam, who ordered people to death. Thus, Christ tramples the skull and death itself, opening people entry into life eternal. During Easter worship, this is confirmed in the chanting: "Death Death Determining and Identifying the Globhech of the belly."

On the other hand, the crossed is usually the inscription: "Save and save" or the words of prayer "God will resurrect ...". These two prayers help Christian to avoid temptations and falls. And also besides eight-pointed form, a native cross can be six-pointed, in this case there is no title.

Other varieties

In addition to the native, there are other crosses:

Differences of Orthodox and Catholic Crosses

Often, when choosing a native cross, believers do not know what the right Orthodox cross should be, proportions and sizes of this symbol. Usually all the cross are beautiful and very similar to each other. Nevertheless, the differences exist.

What does a Catholic cross look like:

What does Orthodox look like:

  • According to the custom of eight-pointed or six-pointed shape with four nails.
  • Christ looks alive and stretches his hands, as if wanting to hug the whole world, opening the rheric people the way to eternal life.
  • The presence of inscriptions and the words "Nika".
  • The legs of Jesus are nailed with two nails.
  • The Orthodox crucifix symbolizes the victory over death, as Christ is depicted on it alive, which indicates His Resurrection and gives hope for the eternal life to people.

Often, for the sanctification of the dwelling, people draw a cross on their own. Its image can be applied to the doors, windows and different household items. If your own beautiful cross does not work, you can search the Internet vector cross, download a picture and use if necessary. And you can also cut pictures from the old Orthodox calendar, and the remaining pages burn, since the books and logs with the images of the saints can not be thrown into the trash. Such an appeal with saints is considered unacceptable for an Orthodox Christian.

The Holy Cross is the symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every truly believer man at sight is involuntarily executed by the thoughts of the death torments of the Savior, adopted by him to get rid of us from eternal death, which became the lot of people after the Fall of Adam and Eve. A special spiritual and emotional load carrying an eight-pointed Orthodox cross. Even if there is no image of the crucifixion on it, it always appears to our inner breath.

Death weapon that has become a symbol of life

The Christian Cross is an image of an execution gun, which Jesus Christ was subjected to the forced sentence, made by the procurator of Judea Pittiya Pilate. For the first time, such a type of death of criminals appeared from the ancient Phoenicians and already through their colonists - Carthaginians got into the Roman Empire, where he received widespread.

In the pre-Christian period to the crucifixion on the cross, they were mainly the robbers, and then the followers of Jesus Christ took this martyrdom. Especially frequent, such a phenomenon was during the reign of Emperor Nero. The death of the Savior herself made it a gear tool and suffering a symbol of the victory of good over evil and the light of eternal life over the darkness of hell.

The eight-spin cross - the symbol of Orthodoxy

The Christian tradition knows many different designs of the cross, from the most common crossing of straight lines to very complex geometric structures, supplemented to the same varied symbolism. Religious meaning in them is laid the same, but external differences are very significant.

In the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, as well as in Russia for a long time, the symbol of the church is the eight-spin, or, as often they say, the Orthodox Cross. In addition, you can hear the expression "Cross of Saint Lazar", this is another name for the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross, which will be said below. Sometimes the image of a crucified Savior is placed on it.

External Features of the Orthodox Cross

Its feature is that besides two horizontal crossbars, of which the bottom is large, and the upper is small, there is also a sloping, called fit. It is small and placed in the lower part of the vertical segment, symbolizes the crossbar to which the legs of Christ were relied.

The direction of its inclination is always the same: if you look from the crucified Christ, the right end will be higher than the left. This laid a definite symbolism. According to the Savior in the terrible court, the righteous will stand according to his right hand, and sinners - on the left. It is the path of the righteous in the kingdom of heaven who points up the upward end of the foot, and the left in the depths of hell is addressed.

According to the gospel over the Savior's head, they knocked the board, on which the hand was written by hand: "Jesus Nazoria, the king of the Jewish". This inscription was performed on three languages \u200b\u200b- Aramaic, Latin and Greek. It is her who symbolizes the upper small crossbar. It can be placed both in the interval between the large cross-shirt and the top end of the cross and on its very top. Similar drawing allows with the greatest accuracy to reproduce the appearance of the instrument of the suffering of Christ. That is why the Orthodox cross is the eight-spin.

About the Law of the Golden Section

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross in his classic form is based on the law so that it is clear that we are talking about, we will discuss somewhat in this concept. It is customary to understand the harmonic proportion, one way or another, underlying everything that is created by the Creator.

One of its examples is the human body. By simple experience, you can make sure that if we split the magnitude of our growth to the distance from the soles to the navel, and then the same value is separated by the distance between the navel and the top, the results will be the same and amount to 1,618. The same proportion is imprisoned by the phalange of our fingers. This ratio of the values \u200b\u200bcalled by the golden section can be found literally at every step: from the structure of the marine sink to the shape of the ordinary garden turnip.

The construction of proportions based on the law of the golden section is widely used in architecture, as well as other areas of art. With his accounting, many artists manage to achieve in their works of maximum harmony. This regularity was observed by composers who worked in the genre of classical music. When writing compositions in the style of rock and jazz, they refused.

The Law of Building an Orthodox Cross

Based on the Golden section, the eight-spin Orthodox cross was built. The value of his ends was explained above, now we will turn to the rules underlying the construction of this main thing they were not established artificially, but they resulted out of the harmony of life itself and got their own mathematical justification.

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross, drawn in full compliance with the tradition, always fits into a rectangle, the aspect ratio of which corresponds to the Golden section. Simply put, dividing its height to the width, we get 1.618.

The cross of Saint Lazarus (as mentioned above, this is another name for the eight-pointed Orthodox cross) in its construction has another feature associated with the proportions of our body. It is well known that the width of the hands of man's hands is equal to its growth and the figure with cultivated hands on the parties perfectly fits into the square. For this reason, the length of the middle crossbar corresponding to the wise of the hands of Christ is equal to the distance from her to the inclined foot, that is, its growth. These simple, at first glance, the rules must take into account every person, before which the question is about how to draw an eight-spin Orthodox cross.

Cross Golgotha

There is also a special, purely monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross, whose photo is presented in the article. It is called the "Cross of Calvary". This is the drawing of an ordinary Orthodox cross, which was described above, placed above the symbolic image of the Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain. It is usually represented in the form of steps under which the bones and skull are placed. On the left and right of the cross can be depicted cane with a sponge and spear.

Each of the listed items has a deep religious meaning. For example, skull and bones. According to the sacred legend, the sacrificial blood of the Savior, shedding them on the cross, falling on the top of Calvary, leaked at her subsoil, where the remains of the progenitor of our Adam were resting, and washed off the curse of original sin. Thus, the image of the skull and bones emphasizes the connection of the victim of Christ with the crime of Adam and Eve, as well as the New Testament - with the Old.

The meaning of the image of a spear on the Cross of Calvary

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross on monastic vestments is always accompanied by images of canes with a sponge and spear. Familiar with the text well remembers full of drama moment when one of the Roman warriors named Longin pierced by this weapon of the Savior's Ribra and blood and water flowed from the wound. This episode has a different interpretation, but the most common one is contained in the works of Christian theologian and philosopher of the IV century St. Augustine.

In them, he writes that, just as the Lord made him from the edge of the Sleeping Adam, so from the wound in the side of Jesus Christ, who defeated the Warrior, was created by his bride church. Blood and water, according to St. Augustine, symbolize the holy sacraments - the Eucharist, where the wine is put into the blood of the Lord, and the baptism, in which the person entering the Lono of the Church is immersed in the font water. The spear, which was applied by the wound, is one of the main relics of Christianity, and it is believed that at present it is it stored in Vienna, in the Hofburg Castle.

Image of canes and sponge

Image of canes and sponges are equally important. From the narratives of the saints of evangelists, it is known that the crucified Christ was suggested to drink. In the first case, it was a wine mixed with Smirnaya, that is, a dopeful drink that allows you to fit pain and thereby extend the execution.

In the second time, having heard from the cross, the chuck "thirst!", He was brought to him with a sponge filled with vinegar and bryel. It was certainly mockery over the exhausted person and contributed to the approach of the end. In both cases, the executioners used a sponge planted on a cane, since without her help could not reach the mouth of a crucified Jesus. Despite such a gloomy role assigned to them, these items, as well as a spear, became among the main Christian shrines, and their image can be seen next to the Cross of Calvary.

Symbolic inscriptions on the monastic cross

For those who first see the monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross, there are often questions related to inscribed on it. In particular, it is IC and XC at the ends of the middle crossbar. These letters denote nothing more than the abbreviated name - Jesus Christ. In addition, the image of the cross is accompanied by two inscriptions located in the middle crossbar - the Slavic inscription of the words "Son of God" and Greek Nika, which means "winner."

On a small crossbar, symbolizing, as mentioned above, a sign with the inscription made by Pontiya Pilate, the Slavic abbreviation of Intzі is usually written, denoting the words "Jesus Nazarey Tsar Judaisky", and above it - "King of Glory". Near the image, the spear entered the tradition of writing the letter K, and about the canes of T. In addition, from about the XVI century began to write at the base of the cross the letters ml on the left and RB on the right. They are also an abbreviation, and mean the words "Lob's Lob's Place".

In addition to the listed inscriptions, you should mention two letters of r, standing on the left and right from the image of Calvary, and are initial in its name, as well as G and A - Adam's head, written on the sides of the skull, and the phrase "King of Glory", the wedding monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross. The value embedded in them is fully consistent with the evangelical texts, but the inscriptions themselves may vary and replaced by others.

Immortality given by faith

It is also important to understand why the name of the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross is associated with the name of the Holy Lazarus? The answer to this question can be found on the pages of the Gospel of John, which describes the miracle of His Resurrection from the dead, committed by Jesus Christ, on the fourth day after death. The symbolism in this case is quite obvious: as Lazarus was returned to the life of his sisters Martha and Mary in the omnipotence of Jesus, and everyone, who fishes the Savior, will be delighted with the hands of eternal death.

In a vulnerable earthly life, people are not given to those who have been able to see the Son of God, but they are given by his religious symbols. One of them is the eight-pointed Orthodox cross, proportions, a general view and sense load of which were the subject of this article. It is accompanied by the believer man throughout life. From the holy font, where the sacrament of baptism breaks him the gates of the Church of Christ, up to the grave tombstone, the eight-pointed Orthodox cross falls.

A native symbol of the Christian faith

The custom wearing small crosses made from a wide variety of materials on the chest, appeared only at the beginning of the IV century. Despite the fact that the main instrument of the passion of Christ was the object of honor in all his followers, literally from the first years of establishing the Christian church on Earth, it was generally taken to wear no crosses on the neck, and the medallions with the image of the Savior.

There are also evidence that in the period of persecution from the middle of I and before the start of the IV century, there were voluntary martyrs who wanted to suffer for Christ and the image of the cross on his forehead. According to this sign, they were recognized, and then betrayed torment and death. After the establishment of Christianity as a state religion, wearing the native crosses entered the custom, and in the same period they began to be installed on the roof of the temples.

Two types of native crosses in ancient Russia

In Russia, the symbols of Christ appeared in 988, at the same time with her baptism. It is curious to note that our ancestors were inherited from Byzantines two species, one of them was taken to wear on the chest, under the clothes. Such crosses were called tanks.

Along with them, the so-called encasps appeared - also crosses, but a few more sized and put on top of the clothes. They lead their origin from the tradition to carry carpets with relics, who were decorated with the image of the cross. Over time, Enkenpirans were transformed into priests and metropolitans.

The main symbol of humanism and humans

For the millennium, lasting since the Posh, when the Dnieper shores littered the light of Christ, the Orthodox tradition has largely undergone changes. Only its religious dogmas and the basic elements of symbols were unshakable, the main of which is the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross.

Golden and silver, copper or made of any other material, he keeps a believer, protecting him from evil forces - visible and invisible. Being a reminder of the victim brought by Christ to the salvation of people, the cross became a symbol of the highest humanism and love to the neighbor.

The dome of the Orthodox churches crowned crosses. Believers wear crosses on the chest to always be under the cover of God's defense.

What should be the right Orthodox native cross? On his reverse side there is an inscription: "Save and save." However, this attribute is not a talisman capable of protecting from all misfortunes.

The native cross is the symbol of the "Cross", which God gives a person who wants to serve him - in pursuing the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Who wants to go for me, turnover, and take your cross, and follow me" (MK. 8, 34).

The person who carries the cross, the most gives the pledge that he will live according to the commandments of God and stealing all the trials that will fall into his share.

Our story about how to be guided by the choice of the Orthodox nate cross, will be incomplete, if you do not apply to the story and not to tell about the festival dedicated to this Christian attribute.

In memory of the acquisition in 326 in Jerusalem, near Califa, where Jesus Christ was crucified, the Cross of the Lord Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday, which is called the exaltation of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. This holiday symbolizes the celebration of the Church of Christ, which has passed a difficult path of testing and persecution and spread throughout the world.

As the legend says, the mother of Emperor Konstantin the Great, Tsaritsa Elena, went to search for the Cross of the Lord in Palestine. Excavations were held here, as a result of which the cave of the Globa of the Lord was found, and three crosses were found not far from it. They alternately pinned on a sick woman, which, thanks to touching the Cross, the Lord healed.

According to another legend, a deceased person who was a funeral procession was rescued from contact with this cross. However, as it looked exactly the cross, on which Christ crucified, is unknown. Only two separate crossbars were found, and near the plate and foot.

Part of the life-giving Tree and Nails of Queen Elena brought Konstantinopol. And Emperor Konstantin erected in 325 in Jerusalem the temple in honor of the Ascension of Christ, which included the coffin of the Lord and Calvary.

The cross began to use as a symbol of faith thanks to the emperor Konstantin. According to the historian of the Church of Essian Pamfil, the Emperor "In a dream, Christ came, the Son of God, with the sign on the sky, and commanded, making a banner like this seen in the sky, to use it to protect against the attack of enemies."

Konstantin commanded to place images of the cross on the shields of his warriors and installed three memorable Orthodox cross with gold inscriptions in Greek "ic.xp.nika" in Constantinople, which means "Jesus Christ is a winner."

What should be the right native cross?

There are various graphic types of crosses: Greek, Latin, the Cross of St. Peter (inverted Cross), the papal cross, etc. No matter how different branches of Christianity differed among themselves, this shrine is honored by all denominations.

But if in Catholicism, Jesus Christ is depicted in his hands, which emphasizes his martyrdom, then in Orthodoxy, the Savior appears in force - as a winner, calling on its arms of the whole universe.

The palm of Jesus on the Orthodox Cross, as a rule, are open; The figure expresses peace and dignity. It is embodied the most important His Ipostasis - Divine and Human.

The attribute of the Catholic Crucifixion is a thorns crown. In the Orthodox Fine Tradition, he is rare.

Also on Catholic images, Christ crucified three nails, that is, nails are drunk in both hands, and feet feet are folded together and nailed with one nail. In the Orthodox crucifixion, each foot of the Savior is naught separately with its nail, and in total four nails are depicted.

The Canon image of the Orthodox Crucifixion was approved in 692 by the Tula Cathedral and remains unchanged today. Of course, the Orthodox believers are worth using crosses, which are made in accordance with the Orthodox Tradition.

It must be said that the dispute about what the Christian cross should be the right form - eight-pointed or four-spin - was long. In particular, he was conducted by Orthodox believers and Old Believers.

According to Igumen Luke,
"In the Orthodox Church, its holiness does not depend on the form of the cross of the cross, provided that the Orthodox Cross is made and consecrated precisely as a Christian symbol, and not initially made as a sign, such as the Sun or part of the household ornament or decoration."

What form of a native crossed is considered correct in Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church recognizes both four-end, and six-pointed, and eight-pointed types of crosses (the latter, with two additional partitions - inclined to the left side for the legs and crossbar in the headboard, are used more often), with the image of a crucified Savior or without it (however, such a symbol cannot be 12 finite or 16 end).

The letters of the IIS XS are a Christogram, symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ. Also, the Orthodox Cross has the inscription "Save and Save".

Catholics also do not attach a lot of the shape of the cross, the image of the Savior is not always found on the Catholic crosses.

Why is the cross in Orthodoxy called a native?

On top of the clothing worn crosses only priests, and simple believers should not wear crucifixes, demonstrating their faith, because such a manifestation of pride does not fit Christians.

It should also be said that the Orthodox native cross can be made of different materials - gold, silver, copper, bronze, wood, bones, amber, decorated with ornament or precious stones. The main thing, it should be consecrated.

If you bought it in the church shop, you can not worry about it: there are already consecrated crosses. It does not apply to products purchased in jewelry stores, and such crosses will need to be consecrated in the temple. During this rite, Patus will read prayers that urge not only the soul, but also the body of a believer person from evil forces.