Types of musical instruments. What are musical instruments? (photo, titles) images of artists with musical instruments for children

Types of musical instruments. What are musical instruments? (photo, titles) images of artists with musical instruments for children
Types of musical instruments. What are musical instruments? (photo, titles) images of artists with musical instruments for children

If you decide to introduce your child with musical instruments, it is especially for you cute cards with children playing musical instruments.

Your child will get acquainted with such musical instruments as shock setting, tube, violin, organ, triangle, electric guitar, piano, xylophone, flute, tambourine, saxophone, drum, guitar, clarinet, pipe, cymbals.

Cute pictures of children like any kid. Cards with musical instruments are designed for children from 1 year.

You can use them, both at home and for classes in kindergartens, early development schools and junior school classes.

The smallest enough to show cards and pronounce the name of the musical instruments depicted in the pictures.

Then you can check how well your child has learned information. Offer him to choose from two options one or another musical instrument. If the child quickly cope with this task, complicate it with this task - add more cards with musical instruments and offer to find a particular tool.

Download here free cards Musical instruments for children:

Here you can also download the game for the development of memory with musical instruments for children.

Download and print multicolored cards in two copies, take a few identical cards first, turn them over with the other side and offer the child to find two pairs of identical cards with musical instruments, while learn the name of musical instruments.

Here are the cards themselves - click on the picture below to print:

Another game with musical instruments for children.

Here you need to determine the name of the musical instrument on its shadow.

Look also - here are a lot of pictures with musical instruments for children.

Musical instruments are designed to extract different sounds. If the musician plays well, then these sounds can be called music, if not, then Cocafron. The tools are so much that their study is similar to an exciting game Fry Nancy Drew! In modern musical practice, the tools are divided into different classes and families on the sound source, manufacturing material, method of sound recovery and other features.

Wind musical instruments (Aerofons): A group of musical instruments whose sound source - air column fluctuations in the barrel channel (tube). Classified in many features (by material, design, methods of sound recovery, etc.). In the Symphony Orchestra, a group of brass musical instruments is divided into wooden (flute, oboe, clarinet, barbecue) and copper (pipe, horn, trombone, tube).

1. Flute - wooden brass musical instrument. The modern type of transverse flute (with valves) was invented by the German master T. Bem in 1832 and has varieties: small (or flute piccolo), alte and bass flute.

2. Oboe - Wooden brand tongue musical instrument. Known from 17 century. Varieties: Small Oboe, Oboe d Amur, English Horn, Heekkelphone.

3. Clarinet - Wooden brand tongue musical instrument. Designed to NC. 18 V. Sopran clarinets, clarinet-Piccolo (ITAL. Piccolo), altovor (so-called Piccolo), are used in modern practice.

4. Bassoon - wooden brass musical instrument (mainly orchestrous). Originated in the 1st floor. 16th century Bass variety - counterphagot.

5. Pipe - a brass copper mouthpiece musical instrument, known since ancient times. The modern type of valve pipe has developed. 19th century

6. French horn - brass musical instrument. Appeared at the end of the 17th century as a result of improving hunting horn. Modern type of horn with valves was created in the first quarter of the 19th century.

7. Trombone - a brass copper musical instrument (mainly orchestrous), in which the height of the sound is regulated by a special device - the scene (T.N. Sliding Trombone or Tzugrombon). There are valve trombones.

8. Tuba is the lowest on the sound of a brass copper musical instrument. Designed in 1835 in Germany.

Metallophones are a genus of musical instruments, the main element of which the keys plates for which they beat the hammer.

1. Self-sounding musical instruments (bells, gongs, vibumphones, etc.), the source of the sound of which is their elastic metal body. The sound is extracted with hammers, chopsticks, special shocks (languages).

2. Tools such as xylophone, in contrast to which metal phones plates are made of metal.

String Musical Instruments (Hordophones): According to the method of sound recovery, they are divided into a bow (eg, violin, cello, hydraulic, Kemamach), Pedgles (harp, husli, guitar, balalaika), drums (cymbals), shock-keyboard (piano), plug-in -Klavic (harpsine).

1. Violin - 4-String Bed Musical Instrument. The highest register in a violin family, which constituted the basis of the symphony orchestra of the classic composition and string quartet.

2. Cello - musical instrument of the violin family of the Baso-tenor register. Appeared in the 15-16th centuries. Classic samples are created by Italian masters of 17-18 centuries: A. and N. Amati, J. Guardari, A. Stradivari.

3. Hydzhak - String Bow Musical Instrument (Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Uigur).

4. Komancha (Kamchaka) - 3-4-stringed bow musical instrument. Distributed in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, as well as countries of the Middle and Middle East.

5. Harf (from him. HARFE) - Multi-line pin musical instrument. Early images - in the third millennium BC. In the simplest form it is found in almost all nations. Modern pedal harp was invented in 1801 S. Erar (S. ERARD) in France.

6. Gusli - Russian string tweezing musical instrument. Walled Husli ("Call") have 4-14 or more strings, helmet - 11-36, rectangular (or-shaped) - 55-66 strings.

7. Guitar (Guitarra. Guitarra, from Greek. Kiphara) - String Plug Tool Little Type. In Spain, known from the 13th century, in the 17-18th centuries spread in Europe and America, including as a folk instrument. From the 18th century, a 6-string guitar was commonly used, the 7-string was distributed mainly in Russia. Among the varieties of the so-called Hawaiian guitar; In modern pop music, an electric guitar is used.

8. Balalaika - Russian People's 3-String Plug Musical Instrument. Known with nach. 18 V. Improved in the 1880s. (under the leadership of V. V. Andreeva) V. V. Ivanov and F. S. Persubsky, constructed a family of Balalak, later - S. I. Nalimov.

9. Tsimbals (Polish. Cymbaly) - Multi-line impact musical instrument of ancient origin. Participated in the People's Orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

10. Piano (Italian. Fortepiano, from Forte - loud and Piano - quiet) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer mechanics (piano, piano). The piano was invented in the beginning. 18 V. The appearance of a modern type of piano - with the so-called. Double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. Flooring of piano actuation - 19-20 centuries.

11. Clavecin (Franz. Clavecin) - String keyproof musical instrument, piano precursor. Known from the 16th century. There were clutter of various shapes, types and varieties, including the bombal, trees, spinet, keystore.

Keyboard Musical Instruments: A group of musical instruments combined by a common feature - the presence of keyboard mechanics and keyboard. Divided into different classes and types. Keyboard musical instruments are combined with other categories.

1. Strings (shock-keyboard and plug-and-key): piano, chest, harpsichine and its varieties.

2. Brass (keyboards and boring): organ and its varieties, fragarmonium, bayan, accordion, melody.

3. Electromechanical: Electronically, the key

4. Electronic: electronic piano

piano (ITAL. Fortepiano, from Forte - loud and Piano - quietly) - the general name of keyboard musical instruments with hammer mechanics (piano, piano). It was invented at the beginning of the 18th century. The appearance of a modern type of piano - with the so-called. Double rehearsal - refers to the 1820s. Flooring of piano actuation - 19-20 centuries.

Impact musical instruments: a group of tools combined by the method of sound removal - impact. Sound source serve solid housing, membrane, string. Tools with defined (litwords, bells, xylophones) and uncertain (drums, tambourines, cassays) sound heights are distinguished.

1. Litaur (Litavra) (from Greek. Polytaurea) - a drum musical instrument of a boot-shaped form with a membrane, often pair (Nagara et al.). Common from ancient times.

2. Bells - orchestral impact impassive musical instrument: a set of metal plates.

3. Xylophone (from Xilah ... and Greek. Phone - sound, voice) - Impact self-visible musical instrument. Consists of a number of wooden brooms of various lengths.

4. Drum - impact membrane musical instrument. Varieties are found in many nations.

5. Tuben - shock membrane musical instrument, sometimes with metal suspensions.

6. Castnets (Castanetas) - Impact musical instrument; Wooden (or plastic) plates in the form of shells, strengthened on the fingers.

Effective tools: musical instruments in which the sound is created as a result of generation, gain and converting electrical signals (using electronic equipment). They have a kind of timbre, can imitate various tools. Electricized tools include termenvox, emiritone, electric guitar, electric juggles, etc.

1. Termenvox - the first domestic electrical tool. L. S. Termen is designed. The height of the sound in the Termenvelox varies depending on the distance of the right hand of the artist to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to other antennas.

2. Emiriton is an electrical tool equipped with a piano keyboard. Constructed in the USSR inventors A. A. Ivanov, A. V. Roman-Korsakov, V. A. Krayser and V. P. Dzerzhkovich (1st model in 1935).

3. Electric guitar - guitar, as a rule, from wood, with electrical pickups, transforming oscillations of metal strings into electric current oscillations. The first magnetic pickup in 1924 I made the engineer of Gibson Lloyd Loor. The most common six-string electric guitars.

Music surrounds us from childhood. And at the same time, our first musical instruments appear. Remember your first drum or tambourine? And the brilliant metallone, on the plates of which it was necessary to knock on a wooden wand? And dulls with holes on the side? At them, with a certain skill, it was possible to even play simple melodies.

Toy tools are the first step into the world of real music. Now you can purchase a variety of musical toys: from simple drums and harmonica to almost real piano and synthesizers. Do you think it is only toys? There is no at all: in the preparatory classes of music schools from such toys, whole noise orchestresses are compiled, in which the kids are selflessly blowing into the shoes, knocking on the drums and tambourines, spurt the Rhythm Maracas and play the first songs on xylophone ... and this is their first true step into the world music.

Types of musical instruments

In the world of music there is an order and classification. Tools are divided into large groups: string, keyboards, drums, brass, and also language. Which of them appeared earlier, which later, it is difficult to say for sure. But already ancient people who shot out of Luca noticed that the stretched valuation sounds, reed tubes, if they have a pioneer, publish whistling sounds, and the rhythm is conveniently discouraged on all the surfaces with all his profiles. These items have become the progenitors of strings, wind and shock tools, already known in ancient Greece. Also, the tongues appeared for a long time, but the keys were invented a little later. Consider these basic groups.


In wind instruments, the sound is issued as a result of the oscillations of the air column concluded inside the tube. The larger the amount of air, the lower sound it makes it.

The winds are divided into two large groups: wooden and copper. Wooden - Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Fagot, Alpine Horn ... - are a straight tube with side holes. Closing or opening holes with fingers, the musician can shorten the air post and change the height of the sound. Modern tools are often made not from wood, but from other materials, but according to traditions are called wooden.

Copper The brass set the tone of any orchestra, from the wind to the symphony. Pipe, French horn, Trombone, Tuba, Helikon, whole family of Saxcorn (Bariton, Tenor, Alt) - typical representatives of this very high-profile group of tools. Later, a saxophone appeared - the king of jazz.

The height of the sound in copper winds is changing due to the power of the inventive air and the position of the lips. Without additional valves, such a pipe can only publish a limited number of sounds - a natural sound. To expand the sound range and the ability to fall on all sounds, a system of valves - valves, changing the height of the air column (as side holes on wooden) were invented. Too long copper pipes, unlike wooden, can be collapsed, giving them a more compact form. French horn, Tuba, Helicon - examples of rolled pipes.


A bow of Luke can be considered a prototype of string tools - one of the most important groups of any orchestra. The sound here is published by the oscillating string. To strengthen the sound of the string began to stretch over the hollow case - so the lute and mandolin, cymbals, husli appeared ... and a guitar familiar to us well.

The string group is divided into two main subgroups: smychkovy and plug instruments. Smychkov include violins of all varieties: violins, alta, cello and huge double bass. The sound of them is extracted with a bow, which is based on stretched strings. And for the pinch, the bow is not needed: the musician fingers turns the string, causing it to hesitate. Guitar, Balalaika, Lutni - Plumbing Tools. Like the beauty of the harp, publishing such tender speaker sounds. But the double bass is a bow or tweezky instrument? Formally, it refers to the puffy, but often, especially in Jazz, they play with tweezers.


If the fingers hitting the strings are replaced by the hammers, and the hammers to move in motion using the keys will turn out keyboards instruments. First keys - clavician and clauses - appeared in the Middle Ages. They sounded quite quiet, but very gentle and romantic. And at the beginning of the 18th century invented piano - The tool on which it was possible to play both loud (forte) and quietly (piano). A long name is usually reduced to more familiar "piano". Senior Brother Pianino - Why there is a brother - king! - So it is called: piano. This is not a tool for small apartments, but for concert halls.

The keys belongs to the biggest - and one of the most ancient! - Musical instruments: organ. This is no longer a shock-key, like a piano and piano, but keychard Tool: not light musician, and the blower creates an air flow into the tube system. This huge system is managed by a complex control panel, in which there is everything: from manual (that is, manual) keyboard to pedals and register switches. And as otherwise, the organs consist of tens of thousands of individual tubes of various sizes! But the range is huge: each tube may sound only on one note, but when there are thousands of them ...


The ancient musical instruments were drums. It was the advocating rhythm that was the first prehistoric music. The sound can produce a stretched membrane (drum, tambourine, oriental darbuka ...) or the tool housing itself: triangles, plates, gongs, casstans and other ruts and godrelki. The special group is the drums, emitting the sound of a certain height: Litales, bells, xylophones. They can already play a melody. Percussion ensembles, consisting only of drum tools, arrange entire concerts!


Is it possible to somehow extract the sound? Can. If one end of the plate from the tree or metal is fixed, and the second leave free and make it hesitate, then we get the simplest tongue - the basis of the tongue tools. If the tongue is one, we get vargan. Belongs include harmony, accordions, accordions and their miniature model - harmonica.


On the accordion and accordion you can see the keys, so they are also considered keyboards, and the bunch. The tongues are some winds: for example, in the already acquaintances of us clarinet and a fagot tongue is hidden inside the pipe. Therefore, the separation of tools for these types is conditional: there are many tools mixed type.

In the 20th century, a friendly music family was replenished with another big family: electronic tools. The sound in them is created artificially with the help of electronic circuits, and the first sample was the legendary Termenvelox, created in 1919. Electronic synthesizers can imitate the sound of any tool and even ... play yourself. If, of course, someone will make up the program. :)

The separation of tools to these groups is just one of the ways to classify. There are many others: for example, the Chinese combined tools depending on the material from which they were made: wooden, metal, silk and even stone ... Classification methods are not so important. It is much more important to be able to recognize the tools and in appearance, and the sound. We will learn to this.

The kids love music and all that is connected with it. Therefore, they are happy to consider and study musical instruments, and if possible, they try to play them. But remember the names of such a variety of unusual items to kids are quite difficult,

And in this case, cut pictures depicting different tools come to the rescue; For children who know how to read well or beginners, pictures with names are especially relevant.

Usually depicting musical instruments for children include the main types of tools from different classes - keyboards, drums, winds. The differences between them are studied at school, and at the level of kindergarten children are enough to remember how the tool is called and, if possible, learn how it sounds. Therefore, it is very convenient if the musical instruments depicting pictures for kindergarten are accompanied by an entry on a CD.

Study is easier to start with tools with characteristic appearance and sound.

Flute is one of the most first tools that appeared on the light.

Saxophone and clarinet.

The body is the largest of all tools.

Triangle and Tamburin are the main creators of additional sound effects.

Violin - Queen among musical instruments.

Cello - a larger sister of violin with a voice down.

Synthesizer is a real wagon.

Piano and piano - the basis of music.

Xilophone, with a children's type of whose kids usually get acquainted in the younger age.

Gusli is the most common popular tool in our country.

Lifting harmonic (or harmonica), which is convenient to carry in his pocket. Makes a kind and touching sound.

Guitar and her relative of the electric guitar.

Break, whose singing is often able to hear in Scotland.

Drum and whole drum installation, main rhythm drivers melody.

Accordion - a tool with rich sound.

Maracasi - make a delightful rustling sound.

For convenience, you can make pictures depicting musical instruments, cards, and then kids will be able to work with them more purposefully, considering the tools near, pulling out different in turn and grouping them by certain signs.

Musical Instruments (Drawn)

At school, they will already put pictures, focusing on the type of tool and its sound. You can demonstrate the desired card, including the recording with the sound of a specific tool, and then the kids will be better understood and heard the melodies. And reassuring to music, they will expand their horizons and enrich the inner world.

Larisa Ghushina

Music and didactic games in kindergarten are a means of enhancing the musical development of each child, which allows you to attach to the active perception of music.

I present you some of the didactic games and attributes made by your own hands for musical training.

Three Cees Fabric

Didactic game for the definition of the nature of music

Demonstration: Three Cardboard Flowers (in the middle of the flower painted "face" - Sleeping, crying or cheerful, depicting three types of music character:

Kind, affectionate, lulling (lullaby);

Sad, miserable;

Cheerful, joyful, dance, perky.

You can make not flowers, but three sun, three puffs, three stars, etc.

Distribution: Each child has one flower, reflecting the nature of the music.

I option. Music executive performs a work. The caused child takes a flower corresponding to the nature of the music, and shows it. All children are actively involved in determining the nature of music. If the work is known to children, the caused child says his name and the name of the composer.

II option. Before each child is one of three flowers. The music director performs the work, and children whose flowers correspond to the nature of the music, raise them.

Musical patterns

A musical game, developing musical imagination and a sense of rhythm.

Purpose of the game:

to give children an idea of \u200b\u200blong and short, smooth and sharp, high and low sounds and. t. d.

Didactic material:

cards with graphic images of "musical" patterns.

Methods of organizing the game:

The teacher offers children to see the picture and reproduce the music of the music figure pictured on the card, you can also lose some drawings on musical instruments or show this musical drawing in motion.

"Stand up children, stand in the circle"

Purpose: develop in children orientation in space. Learn free rebuilding in the hall (circle, semicircle, ranks, etc.)

Preliminary work: children in advance to acquaint with icons on cards: clubs - boys, triangles - girls. Also on the cards displayed how children should stand. For example: For a dance, children get up in a circle (card with a circle), for the game - in a circle with watering (card with circle and center, on dance - pairs in a circle (card with triangles and circles, located in a circle), etc.

Description: Children are placed in the hall. Music manager shows a card. Next, the music sounds, to which children are freely moving around the hall. When the music begins to serve, the children are rebuilt, respectively, the specified card.

Cards are conveniently used when learning a musical material, when preparing for holidays.

Rhythmic fence

Objective: Develop a sense of rhythm in children, to acquaint with a strong share.

Demonstrative material: cards with the image of the fences reflecting a strong stitch in march, waltz, polka.

Preliminary work: children are familiar with the genres of music in advance.

Description: The musical leader tells children about a strong share, we turn a strong share in the march, waltz., Noted by its corresponding card, slam down once again. Noting a strong share.

Decorate Christmas tree

Determine the tempo of music

Objective: The development of the perception of music. Acquaintance with the pace.

Distribution material: cards corresponding to the topic of musical work and cards reflecting the tempo of music.

Preliminary work: to introduce children with certain musical works that more brightly reflect the tempo changes in music. Choose pictures with the designations of the music tempo (fast, rapid, very fast, slow, very slow, etc.) and introduce children with them.

Description: Children, listening to music, determine its name, talk about the tempo of music, about the animal, about his character movement and pick up the corresponding card.

Musically - didactic game "Guess what I play."

Purpose. Exercise children in distinguishing the sound of children's musical instruments.

Develop timbre rumor.

Description. Shirma, Children's Musical Instruments: Dudge, Tuben, Ratchet, Spoons, Triangle, Bell, Metallophone, Bubrentes, Rattle.

The course of the game.

1 option. The master of shirma also plays child musical instruments. (Dudge, tambourine, ratchet, spoons, triangle, bell, metallophone, bubrentsy, rattle.)

Children guess tool for sounding. By clicking in the presentation, the corresponding picture of the musical instrument appears.

Option 2. By clicking in the presentation, a picture of a musical instrument appears.

Children choose a similar tool from the proposed, calls him and plays it.

"Musical Teremok" or "Little Composer"

1Wariant Games: "Teremok" Purpose: Development of melodic hearing of children.

The game material of the feature of animals. Games: It is in the field of teremok, teremok. How beautiful he is high, and high. On the steps we go, everything go. I sing your song, let me sing. Three children are chosen, everyone takes themselves any figurine. The character goes along the steps up and sings the first phrase: "I go along the steps ...", then, standing at the entrance to the house, sings the second phrase: "In the house wonderful I go!", I come up with my motive, - and "comes" to the house. Each child, coming up with the motive of the second phrase, should not repeat someone else's motive. When all the characters "go" to the house, moves to the bottom, in reverse order. The character goes down in the steps and sings: "I go down the steps down ...", then, standing at the first step, stands up the second phrase: "I will leave along the path"

2 Options: "Little composer" opens a house in which there are notes living, each on its floor, children are invited to become a minute by the famous composer and compose their music. The solar music is played by the music leader, and the children listen to what they had a musical work or a song (you can come in first with the music director, and at that together.)


Didactic game for the development of memory and musical hearing.

Objective: The development of musical hearing and musical memory of children. Game material: a large flower consisting of seven petals of different colors that are inserted into the slot in the middle of the flower. On the back of the petal - drawings to the plots of works with which the children acquainted in the classroom. For example: 1. "Cavalry" D. B. Kabalevsky. 2. "Clowns" D. B. Kabalevsky. 3. "Doll disease" P. I. Tchaikovsky. 4. "Procession of the Dwarfs" E. Grieg. 5. "Santa Claus" R. Schuman, etc. Game: Children are sitting by a semicircle. Gardener comes (teacher) and brings the children an extraordinary flower. A caused child takes out of the middle of any petal, turns it and guess to what product this illustration. If the work is known to him, the child must call him and the name of the composer. Music executive executes the work or turns on the record. All children are actively involved in the definition of character, pace, the genre of the work.


1 version of the game (game for the development of visual memory and musical impressions)

Purpose: develop visual memory, expand the musical outlook, replenish the vocabulary of the child with musical terms, teach children to clearly express their thoughts.

Game description: Players are distributed to tip cards with an image of a fragment of a children's cartoon. Sounds of a cartoon song sounds. Players are invited to remember and call from which cartoon this song. If the player makes it difficult to answer, you can suggest to tell you about this cartoon.

2 version of the game

Purpose: Teach children to determine the nature of the music, develop diction in singing, clean intonation, develop the emotional responsiveness to the heard song, introduce children with the works of the composer V. Ya. Shainsky and children's songworked poets.

Game description: Children stand in a circle. Players are distributed Card-tips with the image of the cartoon fragment. MUZ. Hands. Offers to consider the card players. With the help of readings, "driving" is selected:

"Once, two, three, four, five, they gathered to play,

To us, forty arrived and you spit told. "

The player is invited to perform a children's song that is depicted on the card. If the player finds it difficult to sing, then the muses helps him. Hands. If the child does not know this song, the move goes to any player who wants to fulfill a song, he also become leading.

"Name the composer of music", "Merry Plate"

The course of the game. The educator shows the children portraits of composers P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, D. Kabalevsky, suggests the name of the familiar works of these composers. For the correct answer, the child gets a point. Then the music leader loses this or that work (or the grampanis sounds). The called child must call & the work and tell about him. For a complete answer, the child receives two points, wins the one who will get more points.

The game is carried out in class, and can also be used as entertainment.

Cheerful plate

Game material. Toy player with a set of plates - in the center Draws a picture that transmits the song contents; Player with a set of software of software works.

The course of the game. The lead loses in gramzapsy joining some familiar children to the work. The caused child finds among the small plates the necessary and "skim digs" it on the toy player.

What music?

Game material. Player, records with waltz records, dance, polka; Cards with the image of dancing waltz, folk dance and polka.

The course of the game. Children distribute cards. Music leader, performs musical plays on the piano (in gramzapsy), corresponding to the content of drawings on cards. Children recognize the work and raise the desired card.

Attributes for matinee and classes.