See in a dream nude female breasts: interpretation. What dreams of breasts in dream

See in a dream nude female breasts: interpretation. What dreams of breasts in dream
See in a dream nude female breasts: interpretation. What dreams of breasts in dream

Women's breasts - ambiguous and multifaceted symbol. What dreams of a female breast? On the one hand, it can be perceived as an element of the beauty of virgin nature, a sample of femininity and sexuality. On the other hand, the female breast, full of maternal milk, gives rise to a new life, serves as a newborn baby serves as a newborn child and plays an extremely important role in the continuation of the human race. It is not surprising that in such a complex and dual symbol there is a great set of both positive and negative interpretations.

The appearance of a female breast in a dream is most often a favorable omen, especially if the chest looks healthy, young and lush.

The appearance of white, full female breast in a dream - a very good forever. Such a dream is Slitov Snovedice - the owner of these charms is a happy future and great good luck. A man if he sees a beautiful breasts of his beloved woman in a dream, also prepared by the fate of something unexpectedly good.

The dreams or dreams will soon be in the center of the most incredible, frightening and high-profile events. However, a dream or dreaming has no reason for panic: he or she should only swim downstream in complete peaceful peace of mind, and any absurd and noisy caner will turn for him or for it a gift for fate with the most, that neither is pleasant consequences.

A dream in which a man is stolen looking at the lush female bust of the dreams, is quite favorable for it. Such a dream says that relatively recently, a woman has a fervor and initiative man. In order to completely interpret such a dream, it is necessary to pay attention to the reaction of the dreams. If the actions of a man are annoyed or angry, in reality she is unlikely to take care of a young man. If, on the contrary, such attention from the representative of the opposite sex flatters with a dream, it feels pride and interest, in real life, she will answer the reward of reciprocity. Such relationships may well grow into a long, becoming a full-fledged durable union.

  • Women's breasts in a dream foreshadows an important acquisition. Moreover, this interpretation is equally fair for representatives of both sexes. A dream or a dream waiting for a long-awaited expensive purchase.
  • For a woman have a bigger than in reality, breasts in a dream - a very good sign. Such a dream foreshadows its achievement of authority among colleagues, the emergence of an influential patron with a wide range of useful ties.

Negative interpretation of sleep

However, such a dream exists with negative interpretations, which in no case should not be ignored.

  • If the breast of the dreams are evaporated or dried, in a short time there are still awaits and difficulties.
  • Female breasts in a close bra in a dream foreshadows anxiety and unfortunately anxiety.
Small compared to its dimensions In reality, the chest of dreams in a dream foreshadows problems in relations with others. Snovidice should be careful: competitors seek to leave it without material property and support of loved people.

However, even in the most difficult situation for the dream, it is extremely important not to lower the hands and do as everything is possible to achieve the desired one. In the near future, she is unlikely to be easy. We will have to work a lot, make efforts, forget about the time about small household worries to cope with more serious problems. However, in no case should not give up and throw resistance to borestiving slanders halfway. Having surrendered, the dream risks not only not to achieve the desired, but also lose that she is expensive.

  • If a woman sees her breasts naked in a dream, in reality she will have to get into a very delicate position. Once the object is gossip and rumors, she will soon learn from outsiders about all their shortcomings. It is important to perceive this kind of criticism not as a lifetime stamp, but as an incentive, impetus to self-development and achieving new heights.
  • Losing female breast in a dream is the foresight of failures in love affairs. However, the dreams should not be desirable. These failures are not infinite, and at the time of bad luck, you can leave attempts to find your soul mate and devote yourself to work.

What is sleep? This phenomenon is not solved so far. According to the approval of the ancient sages, the horses help to communicate with the gods, spirits and nature. Modern scientists suggest that in a dream, the brain analyzes the information received by the Day, reveals the emotions and desires of a person, and also makes it possible to understand how to act in certain life situations. In order to interpret the dream value most correctly, it is necessary to remember in detail not only its events, but also your own feelings, feelings, internal state at this moment.

Many wonder what the chest had a night. In order to find out the answer, you should take a good dream book. Breast appearing in a dreamIs interpreted by different authors in its own way, thanks to this there are many interesting values, each of which will be based on additional sleep items.

Today there are many dreams, such as Miller's dreams, Smirnova, big, love, vintage Russian, esoteric, French. Answers to the question "What dreams of the breast" is contained in each of them.

Interpreter Miller

This interpreter gives the interpretation depending on the plot. Also, the author does the difference, does the breast sees the unmarried girl or adult woman:

Large dream book

Women's breasts, according to this dream book, dream of future happiness, to buy. In general, the chest, as part of the human body or the body of the bird, the animal decreases to changes in the future. Riding chest symbolizes the shortcomings, cut one or both of the mammary glands - speaks of treason, and old and wrinkled - about loyalty in marriage.

Modern interpretation

Naked woman's breasts Symbolizes love and happiness, fulfillment of desires, dressed in a bra - anxiety in the near future. If the lady sees a man's nude breast in a dream, it's fortunately. Alien female Nagy Bust, for example, girlfriend, promises to discover their shortcomings. Larger than usual size, own bust talks about honor, less - about hate. Elastic or milk breasts symbolize wealth and joy, solid - poverty, cut-off - treason, and disgusts - trouble.

If a man sees in a dream milk in his chest, he will grow rich in the future, if he sees instead of his female, it means good health and joy. In the event that his chest is covered with thick hair, it will tell about honor. Alien breasts dream of male to emergency profit.

Erotic dream book Danilova

This is due to the fact that, first of all, this part of the body symbolizes motherhood, namely, a human personality is being formed. Such dreams can talk about longing for loved people in the distance from a person, and specifically - about the mother with which there may be disagreements and which the dream is very lacking.

Other options decryption

Sometimes in a dream can be aware of the fact that in ordinary life it is quite difficult to imagine. These characters can also be decrypted:

What dreams breastfeeding

LactationSeen in a dream may have many values \u200b\u200bthat depend on specific details. To interpret such visions should be individually. In most cases, this process will dream of women and means a subconscious desire to have children and family.

If such a dream sees a newly born mother, it can mean her subconscious fears to lose milk, and also testifies to anxiety and overwork. The same dream disagamented by an unmarried girl speaks about the speedy change in her mood.

If this process dreams of a man, this indicates a close wedding or about future serious relationships, and also shows a subconscious desire for the creation of a family hearth. Feed the girl speaks of positive changes in fate, and the boy is about the strong character of the person who will help her succeed in life.

Watching the feeding of a child means fast pleasant troubles, but to learn this process in a dream - a subconscious desire to have children or a desire for a senior position. If in a dream you have to feed someone else's child, it says that someone from the close will soon answer ingratitude and betrayal in response to permanent assistance.

Breastfeeding kitten talks about prejudice and misconceptions of a seeing dream that will lead to problems at work. It is necessary to take a break and sort out yourself.

Thus, it is possible to understand what the nude female breasts dream is using a dream room. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream.

ATTENTION, only today!

For the most part, the image of the breast in a dream is a good sign, signing about safety and complete security. However, one should not relax and need to try to remember the smallest details and nuances of a dream. It is they who give a complete picture of the approaching events, the phenomena about which the unconscious is trying to warn. What dreams of breasts for men and women, in detail, not missing anything important will be set out in the article. But it is sometimes not warned to be warned. The implementation of certain manipulations (rituals) will help minimize the consequences or to remove the impending danger at all.

General symbol

Answering the question of what the breasts dream is, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the general emotional color and the completion of the storyline. The naked female bust promises happiness, prosperity, and someone else foreshadows about joining the fight against their own lowest desires. The temptation will be so great that they will need all the strength and iron will to combat their internal demons. But this is the necessary test - tested for strength.

Men's breasts (hairy)

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation, that in the question, what dreams of men's breasts for a woman are there are two main answers. On the one hand, this is a signal that the relationship with the beloved comes into a deadlock (as a rule, due to monotony in the intimate sphere or because of the emerging removal). In this situation, it is impossible to hurry and "waving a checker." Men do not like to talk about their experiences, failures, therefore the crisis, adversity is reflected in them much more. The construction of relations is a time-consuming, a long process that requires complete dedication from both partners of this union. At the same time, it should be remembered that completing something old, a person imparts something new in his life.

The second interpretation version foreshadows a more negative scenario for the development of events. These are misfortunes, misfortunes that can fall on the whole family and loved ones.

How to protect yourself after such sleep

So, the nude female breasts dreamed of a meeting with his happiness. In order for this happiness somewhere in anywhere and rightly found the way, it is necessary to find the bird's feather (not the crow). For a whole week, this feather must be worn with you.

In a situation where a naked male torso appeared in dreams, it is worth waiting for troubles, chagrins, difficulties. And the most unpleasant thing is that it will affect all relatives and loved ones. You should not fall into a panic, but to progress, asking the protection of the higher forces, you can.

There are situations where a woman dreams that she appears to someone from familiar nice men in naked. It is necessary to urge: it may well be foresown to start a new relationship.

For this, a strong black tea is brewed, and pebbles are put on the bottom of the cup. To drink tea, mentally referring to the call for help. Stone from the bottom of the cups also carry a week. But it will be better to turn to proven professionals.

After analyzing the moment, what dreams of the chest should not forget men. The value of this symbol is no less interesting for them.

Image of a female breast in the dreams of a man

Why dream a man's breasts? Foreign school of psychoanalysis binds this phenomenon with some sexual dissatisfaction. By nature, representatives of the power of polygamus. It is useless to be offended - they are created. There is one nuance. In the depths of the soul, all people remain small children in something. Men are looking for support, sometimes consolation, as it was in childhood. The answer to the question of what the female breast is dreaming is not entirely unequivocal. It may well be the desire to find their pair.

A naked woman is a loss of reputation, this situation can be avoided if you cannot celebrate something in the next week to celebrate. The use of alcohol after such a warning sign, and the reason will definitely be found, does not foreshadow anything good.

One of the most likely explanations, what dreams of a naked woman's breasts are dreaming - in the entire cattle caused by Avral at work, some unpleasant people fell out of a permanent field of view. Very bad: meanness is preparing behind his back. It is necessary to look carefully. In the next two days, they will manifest themselves. The main feature is increased attention to the dream. Angry man on the second day will call twice. Only caution, thoughtfulness, composure will help stop the encroachment on a career and status. Excessive emotionality only hurts.

Caress chest

Men such pleasant dreams hint that it is worth the turnover in an exciting relationship with young individuals, asked her parents. Most likely, such a surprise will be unpleasant because the probability of the scandal is high.

This also applies to women. The intrigue on the side will reveal - the consequences will be sad. But the point here is not only in love adventures. The situation is created when the probability of an immoral act is high. Nothing will ever remain unpunished.

What dream of a female breast, which man covers kisses? Time to act. Full ahead, developing success in the developing situation. Obrarates on the way collapsed. For men, it is always good luck, well-being.

Women who feels in a dream that they kiss them in the neck or allow even more bold caresses, it is necessary to beware of the appearance of gossip, scandals, discord. Reputation can be extruded. It is necessary to mobilize. A complex campaign to conquer a good name is to be. Unfortunately, the result is difficult to predict, but the fact that there is a difficult absorbing period in front, there is no doubt.

Push to chest

The feeling of reliability, spiritual heat, calm soon bursts into everyday life. Interpretation there is only one: finally will meet a beloved native man. Here, a little trick is to try to remember the dream in the smallest details and reproduce it as often as possible. A huge plus will draw him. This applies not only to just such a plot in a dream. Such a simple way works with all pleasant dreams.

What dreams big breasts

As a rule, wealth, prosperity is already knocking on the door. This is another indicator of self-confidence. Anxiety can bring if a big bust looked around and was hidden under clothes. On the horizon I loasured some kind of burning. Most likely, nothing serious, but careless caution does not happen. Although in most cases - banal fatigue from the dirty cargo of small hassle.

Why dream big breasts in men? There are very unexpected plot turns. This is especially true when some brutal macho, winner in life, sees a big female bust. Yes, for them it is unpleasant. Maybe lightly shock or scare, but do not be afraid. In real life, the state of affairs, it is impossible to favorably. This information concerns more professional sphere. So ahead - the breasts on the ambrusura, everything will work out.


Perhaps the most common, often found plot in women. However, men can also dispense. It is clear that for each floor the interpretation is different. It is necessary to disassemble in detail what to dream to feed the breast.

For men, breastfeeding is married or the beginning of serious responsible relations, where it is no longer once. This is a subconscious desire to realize yourself as a father, the head of the family.

Dream "suck the chest"? The situation in which a person turns out to cause his desire to seek help from foreign people. This is not associated with infantality. Although it, unfortunately, suffers from the most people who prefer their problems, liable for their own life to shift on other people's shoulders, so that, in case of failure, shifting everything without a branch of conscience on others. Here just such a case when the alignment of the strength has changed. The help of other people will be as impossible.

See how a woman feeds a strange thing, - help will ask other people. To provide or not - everyone's personal matter. It must be remembered: in this world, good and evil is equally punishable.

Dreamed the woman that she feeds his breasts ...

Continuing the conversation on the topic, what to dream to feed the breast will be appropriate to consider various options for one of the most common scenes of sleep in women.

Feed a kitten. Conference, prejudice will negatively affect the professional sphere. Therefore, the removal of pink glasses, the elimination of fear of new situations giving a good chance for the necessary growth in production. And the saddest is the loss of status, positions, all the developments. We need a break, but not to get into the deaf defense, but to analyze the situation. Here is an integrity in relation to yourself. True, objectivity is needed first of all the woman herself, and not others. I am digging in yourself, it is necessary to remember: the challenge still did not bring anyone to the good, as, however, and excessive self-confidence. Here, only the observance of the golden middle will help get out of the pile of fallen out.

Did the baby breastfeeded? Various dreams advise to pay attention to the sex of the child. If this girl is a favorable change to the irrepressible wave can break into life by arranging a pleasant pamph, confusion, hassle. The desire to acquire offspring. Feeding a boy - the winner's laurels in the field of business do not give rest. Honor, respect for colleagues, recognition of management. These unsatisfied desires may well play the role of the goal, the program for future actions.

In itself, breastfeeding in the kingdom of morpheus or monitoring the child feeding is a positive symbol, setting up a woman to a more constructive, active position in life. What is needed to conquer new creative and professional heights.

Strange breast-related dreams

What dreams of a naked chest covered with a tattoo? An interesting character in his own way, but, unfortunately, he does not foreshadow anything good for the dream. All the fault of the past. Tiger protects the skin, man is a name. Sins from the past pull down. Soon have to say goodbye to a positive way. All secret becomes clear. It is friends, girlfriends most often contribute to this. This is especially unpleasant to girls. They disappoint their soul mate.

Knife in the chest. Another reminder of unnecessary trust, chatty, even surrounded by the loved ones, proven years of people. This is especially true of this "terrarium of friends" - a cohesive female team. In this environment, where the envy flourishes, gloating, malice, can not even guess that at some point a deadly insult was applied. The task of such sleep is the danger warning.

Three chest. This is also about deception and betrayal. Maybe more point to destroyed dreams that will lead to disappointment. A person must remember that it is necessary to take with gratitude what is given, because it is a lesson and the result of choice in one situation or another. Dissatisfaction, ungrateful ropotes to their own destiny will launch a chain of consistent unpleasant, sometimes dangerous events. Their main goal will be educated humility, making a given.

Wound in chest or illness

What does a woman dream of a breast, from which blood comes with? Wound into the chest is a great soulful injury. She is associated with unrequited love. Sometimes with a lie, betrayal. If you believe the ancient French dream book - infertility or loss of a child. In the east, such a dream was among the possible seriousness. He was solved as a terrible danger, hung over a man.

See sliced \u200b\u200bbreasts - treason.

Breast cancer is a subconscious distrust of their own forces. You shouldn't hide from the seen. Now for a person needs a break, care for yourself is loved, because the probability of getting sick. Let even a deadly disease. Everything now suggests that it is better to accumulate energy for future achievements.

Beauty chest

As you can guess, beautiful elastic bust is wealth, honor, complete security. Old flabby - all nations symbolized the disease, poverty. The fan throws the lowned views on his desires - most likely the beginning of a new relationship.

How to make dreams come true

Many answers if you can analyze and correctly ask questions, can give a dream book. Why dream breasts or something else? Snams can be believed or relate to them with a healthy fraction of skepticism - a matter of personally of each person. The following is a number of tips designed for those who believe, wanting to change the situation for the better.

  1. You can not tell anyone about a pleasant dream.
  2. Use of positive programming. It will completely come down the phrase: "What I saw in a dream, then my will (will remain)."
  3. No need to immediately run to the interpreter of dreams. His interpretation can destroy positive, and as a result, the desire will not come true.
  4. If the dream came true. How a reminder will be some thing. With proper use, it will help in the future.

Dream Breasts

Understand what the breasts dream is quite simple. If it was a vision of a part of the body of a man or an animal - this is a symbol of the future destined for fate. To see the female complete or naked breast, with erotic subtext, has a little different interpretation and requires a deeper analysis.

Symbols of such dreams indicates the nearest events in life or relationship with the opposite sex. A man who sees a female nude breast in a dream will be successful in affairs, and in love.

To see in a dream breasts, male, hard, as an obstacle is not a very good sign. The work started will stall and long will not move. Especially if you need to move, and someone blocked the way and does not allow.

If you dreamed of men's breasts

Avoid a similar obstacle, it means to give a second life to the almost dead and unpromising work. To get wound at the same time, it means that only fiction and the natural creative start of a dream can help.

For a girl, leaning up for men reliable and solid from sleep - means the appearance of a patron, which then can become her husband. Some archetypal effect on such dreams has the image of the Father.

It was he who showed the girl, which healing can be men's strong arms. Perhaps some Cavalers got into scourge, because they could not awaken in the girl such a feeling of heat and protection?

What does men's breasts mean sleep

In any case, strong men's breasts are a positive symbol. This is a support, honor, success and wealth. To see such a dream, it means to be involved in the independent construction of your destiny, its own fortune. The vision simply shows that everything you need for rapid development is already there, and you just need to move forward.

In general, this is the way that life gave a man everything is needed for the development of worldview and its abilities for active actions in society. And only your own laziness can be knocked down from the path stated earlier. You should not chase the ghostly ideals - they are simply not. The truth is not in fault, but from birth is in itself, - just you need to be able to understand it.

Male body dream man

If you dreamed my own, but hairy

If a man sees his breasts in a dream - it means his fate in his hands. Now the events are made up for it in the best possible way, and you need to have amazing abilities in order to destroy it.

  • a man sees his breasts in the mirror - unique opportunities to help achieve significant success;
  • see your, but too hairy - high position in society;
  • men's male nipple flows milk - soon wealth, it is possible to obtain a negandoned inheritance (on the interpretation of Miller);
  • wound - sad news that will give a strong push creative potential;
  • seeing your shie and climb - a sharp decline in life potential, disease, long-term treatment. Perhaps loneliness.

Men's breasts dream of a woman

For a woman to see a male breast - also a good sign. This is a support, protection and patronage. For a young unmarried woman, a male body from a dream can be foreshadowed soon marriage with a decent young man.

The importance of this image cannot be overestimated. It is not just the way the road intended for fate, this is an understanding of his own future and its unconditional adoption. For some, it is even more difficult than just a neutral attitude to reality.

If you pressed to the male chest

During the growing, a little girl seeks to rescue from his father, and when it does not get full-fledged protection from a young man, he understands that he can stay in full solitude. It scares and knocks out of the natural day of events. Therefore, such dreams are a sign, giving a young woman a feeling of heat and protection.

  • lean to a solid warm breast - symbolizes father's defense, says Miller's dream book;
  • very hairy - marriage with a man, which is significantly higher than its social status;
  • naked beautiful male with a slim body - a new interesting acquaintance that can grow into a stormy novel;
  • see her full, similar to female - proximity with a pleasant young man;
  • to bass over a strong injury - you have to create peace and comfort in the house of a man who will need to pay a lot of time.

Women's chest from sleep symbolizes maternal food

Maternity symbol

Almost every dream book chest identifies with motherhood and the possibility of birth of children. On the one hand, this archetype is very strong, and can influence the interpretation of such visions. But on the other hand, such symbols from sleep may be caused by the own desire to implement the sexual role.

For men, this means sexual realization with a woman you like. And women such dreams promise good health and happy marital marriage.

Women's charms in men's dreams

Almost always female bulges in a dream symbolizes good. Miller's dream book explains what the breast is dreaming: this is a symbol of motherhood, nutrition, wealth, fertility. Even if a similar symbol of sleep sees a man.

There is some focus of dreams to the mother, if this part of the body dreams of a young man. Perhaps mother misses and waits for your visit. But more often, this is a symbol of wealth and success. For entrepreneurs, such a dream means a quick take-off on a commercial field.

  • a man sees naked female breasts - to successes in any endeavors;
  • large, full of milk - extraordinary luck, profit in all spheres;
  • a man kisses the open neckline of a girl - a strong emotional connection, it is possible to quite happy marriage;
  • woman with one breast - treason;
  • wpad, trough and wrinkled - serious mother's disease.

What dreams of breasts woman

To pregnancy

For a woman, such dreams are a reflection of her self, her female began, the opportunity to conceive, endure and give birth. So, to realize yourself as a mother and a woman.

For a very young girl, such dreams can mean the beginning of maturation. For a mature woman can mean marriage and birth of children.

A married woman such dreams predict an ambulance pregnancy. And for those who already because of the age plans to replenish the family - the second honeymoon with her husband.

  • if a woman's breasts dreamed of breasts - it talks about her good sexual health;
  • see your complete, more ordinary - the present lesson will bring profit;
  • filled with milk, it flows out of the nipples - getting an inheritance, a new profitable case, which will be engaged in her husband;
  • covered with dense hair - marriage with a very rich man;
  • a man throws views on the decollet - to give way to persistent courtship;
  • sagging and wrinkled - disease in sexual sphere, long-term treatment, problems with conception;
  • a man frankly admires the beauty of the female decollet - a new relationship;
  • one is removed - breaking relationships.

Tested emotions: Beauty will save the world

Natural emotions that cause a nude beautiful body - are normal for this type of dreams. They are warm, homemade, but at the same time deep intimate.

To admire what beautiful someone else's breasts - for a woman means a good marriage and the rapid birth of children. It is important that in this dream, a woman did not see a woman completely naked, but only watched the chest. Nudah - a symbol of the disease.

Surprise to the thick hair of both the male and female breast means that any work started will bring significant profits without much effort. This interpretation applies to men and women.

Scared wounds in this part of the body - moral injury, but it will also be useful because it will be a good impetus for the implementation of creative projects.

For a girl, it is small for a girl, it is small - meaning the immaturity of solutions and hasty conclusions. Only close communication with the older woman will not allow to make mistakes.

Feeling dislikeing to her old and stray body - failures, the completion of the case, the counting of damages may soon overtake the prolonged disease.

Women's chest is considered a symbol of motherhood, care and education. The image of the bust in a dream for men and women has different interpretation. What dreams of a female breast? The dream interpretation will depend on the peculiarities of the perception of the dream image.

The archetype of the female breast is firmly connected with the way motherhood and life. Milk is the only nutrition for the baby, so the lack of food will lead to the inevitable death of a small man. However, for men, this symbol has the opposite meaning - sexual need.

Men's dreams of female breast are filled with eroticism and the desire for sexual implementation. Lonely men The female bust may foresee a long-awaited meeting with his half. Businessmen - Successful project implementation, especially if the chest was filled with milk.

For women This symbol is promoting health and good luck in personal life. Nursing mothers The chest can be dreaming due to the subconscious fear of losing milk. This dream has a psychological background and the interpretation is not subject to.

General interpretation of sleep

  • Big beautiful breasts Symbolizes good luck in all endeavors and prosperous life. Respectively, small chest Expresses financial disadvantage, disadvantage and complexes about their appearance and significance in society.
  • See how bust increases in front of- Soon there will be a long-awaited meeting with his beloved. For men, big breasts symbolizes large income and promotion.
  • If a breastfall flows from milkMaterial abundance awaits you. Breast-filled breasts promise an increase in position.
  • See three chest - To the unrealizations of conceived. Your plans will remain in the project, without becoming a reality. Perhaps your dreams simply do not have a real basis and look like a mirage.

Men's dreams

  • Sleep in which the man sucked milk From the female breast, symbolizes the need for help. There was a situation in which the dreams could not understand independently, so it needs support and the Council on the part.
  • See a beautiful lush chest - To new romantic victories and conquests. All dreams will be implemented, and the conceived is implemented. To caress women's breasts - to a long-term relationship with a partner.
  • Hairy breast Spread the deception from a well-known person. If the hair on the bust armted on rings, the reality of the dreams will receive an inheritance or get rich in a different way, the luck is excluded in gambling or winning the lottery. The thickness of the hairprook will tell about the magnitude of the money supply.

If you have joined the test period and suffer from a variety of problems, the image of a female bust can symbolize the subconscious desire to obtain maternal support and help or long-minded childhood.

Women's dreams

  1. If dream sees single woman, the image of the breast (or feeding the baby milk) is a subconscious desire to create a strong family and raise their own kids.
  2. If you see how unfamiliar woman feed baby breastSoon you will be involved in work, takes away a lot of time and strength. A dream with a similar plot for unmarried women is a symbol of a strong family, the desire to become a happy mother.
  3. A man kisses his chest in a dream? Soon in the life of a woman will appear a man whom she will love with all his heart. Married women, this plot predicts the temptation with which a difficult struggle will have. Do not give in seduction.

What they say dreams

Female dream book He considers the vision of a full beautiful breast by an omnory of happiness and success. If you saw your breasts dirty or dried, there are more successful and self-confident rivals on the way. If you are wounded in the chest, expect trouble. If you see in a dream a fan, seductive looking at the chest, soon your relationship will become closer.

Dream of flowers Sees in female breast a symbol of happiness, material well-being and large acquisition.

Dream of the 21st century He considers women's breasts with a symbol of mutual love and trust. If there was a bra on the chest, there is no complete trust in the relationship between lovers and there is a secrecy. Beautiful breasts will dream of dream performance.

For women, the image of the breast is the following omen:

  • bust of someone else's woman - to aware of the shortcomings of their appearance;
  • see big breasts - to respect;
  • see a little breast - to hatred;
  • breast filled with milk - to sufficiency;
  • too firm breasts - to losses and disadvantages;
  • highed breasts - to troubles;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bbreasts - to treason.

Dream Stranger Sees in the image of a female breast child dependence on parents, a symbol of femininity and self-dedication. Beautiful bust - to the exercise of a secret dream, thin and dry - to failures. See wound - heart experiences, love.

French dream book The marriage is predicted if the image of the breast of the nursing mother appeared in the CE. If the image of an old woman, nursing his breast, came to sleep, soon you will gain great wealth. Breast pain foreshadows a dangerous situation.

Large dream book He considers the image of a crossed dried breast with a symbol of marital loyalty. Beautiful magnificent breasts will dream of happiness and well-being, cut - to treason, solid - to loss and poverty.

Dream Miller Warns: Wanting in the chest will dream of misfortune, dried to rivals, full and white to part.

Esoteric dream book Tract this image, depending on the floor of the dreaming. A man is looking for a mother's image in his beloved, a woman dreams of becoming more sexy and liberated.

Lunar dream book It believes that the chest foreshadows the pulmonary diseases, and a beautiful - a lot of happiness and love.

Erotic dream book Sees in this image of longing for loved people with whom fate separated you. Also, this image can symbolize longing for lost comfort, children's immediacy and carelessness.