Viennese musical assembly. Vienna Philharmonic Vienna Golden Hall of Vienna Philharmonic

Viennese musical assembly. Vienna Philharmonic Vienna Golden Hall of Vienna Philharmonic
Great masterpieces of architecture. 100 buildings that felt the world of Mudry Anna Yurevna

Golden Hall Vienna

Golden Hall

The first hall of the world is so often called the Golden Hall of the Vienna Philharmonic, the Center for Music Life.

The Vienna Music Assembly is located in the domestic city and is the concert hall of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The Golden Hall, thanks to his acoustics, belongs to the best concert halls of the world, along with the halls of the Berlin Drama Theater, Amsterdam Konstgebaau, the Symphony Hall of Boston and the Theater of Colon Buenos Aires. All of them were built without the use of modern acoustic technologies and have an extended and narrow shape with high ceilings.

The building of the Vienna Music Assembly is built as a new concert hall for the "Vienna Society of Music Lovers" on the land plot alloted by the emperor Franz Joseph I in 1863. The project was developed by Teofil Hansen in the neoclassical style of ancient Greek temple and included a large concert hall ("Golden Hall"), as well as a small - for chamber music. This monumental building is built in the best traditions of antiquity. Powerful foundation, three tiers of balconies covered with gilding bas-relief, statues, arabesque, all this emphasizes the majesty of the concert hall. Due to the large number of gilded interior details - he was called "Golden Hall". The goldes were not only the walls, but also the sound in the new hall.

The first concert took place on January 6, 1870. During the opening of the concert hall, not the walttes were performed, and the fifth symphony of Beethoven.

The Golden Hall has about 49 m lengths, 19 M width and 18 m of height. Here are 1744 seats and another 300 standing. His acoustics is obliged to the skill of theophile Hansen, who at that time could not count on achieving acoustic physics. Rectangular forms of the room and its proportion, the location of windows and sculptures contribute to numerous sound reflections.

Initially, the hall was equipped with the organ of the work of Friedrich Laelegast, and Anton Brookner was given the first solo concert in 1872. The modern body was established by the Austrian company Riger Orgelbau in 1907, and it was highly appreciated by such musicians as Franz Schmidt and Marseille Dupre. The body was fully restored in 2011. Since 2001, the building undergoes reconstruction, which, however, does not affect concert activities. So, in particular, several new halls for rehearsals were built in the basement of the building.

The Golden Hall hosts a New Year's concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, which is mainly the work of musicians from the Strauss dynasty.

For decades, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra delves its audience with an optimistic, perky program from a rich film repertoire Strauss and their contemporaries. This concert can enjoy lovers of Music Vienna and guests of the Austrian capital. Also very popular, television broadcasts are also very popular, which are currently going to more than 70 countries.

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Golden Age L'Age D'or Manufacturer Country and Year of release: France, 1930 (in the USA called The Age of Gold) Manufacturer Company / Distributor: Les Films Sonores Tobis / Corinth Films (USA, 1979) Format: Sound , black and white constitutionality: 60 MINAZYK: FrenchReer: Count Charles de

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The order of concert tickets is possible in Moscow, subject to hotel booking in Vienna.


Golden Hall of Vienna Philharmonic

The first hall of the world is so often called the Vienna Grosser Musikverein, the center of Austrian musical life. Opened in 1870, the hall in addition to noble beauty, in its pure form embodulating the Vienna architectural style of the second half of the XIX century, is famous for its unique pure acoustics. It is not surprising that this particular hall chose the most famous symphony orchestra in the world in the world The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, more than a century regularly conducting his subscription concerts and whose New Year's concert in the Golden Hall every year is broadcast worldwide. The scene of the Golden Hall seen many of the largest musicians, from Gustav Maler to Herberta von Karaian. The best of the best is still visiting here very often. And yet, for their first visit, it is better to choose the concert of the Viennese Philharmonics after listening in their fulfillment of the Symphony of Brahms or Beethoven, you can proudly tell about what I visited the epicenter of the planet's musical life.

The building of the philharmonic is equipped with air conditioning and accommodates 1744 people.


Viennese concert hall

The building of the Vienna Concert Hall was completed by 1913, during the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I and completely reconstructed by 2000. Currently, it hosts the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Well-known festivals are held, for example, "Vienna Music Week" ("Wiener Festwochen").

Konzerthaus is a large complex that enlists the four concert hall with various-caliber names: Big, Mozartovsky, Schubertov and New. The best repertoire and the best performers get the big room with a capacity of 1,865 shower, plus the Viennese School of Music, from where the best Austrian musicians come from. Konzerthaus annually offers many interesting concert subscriptions, where there are symphonic and chamber concerts, baroque music and even folklore of different countries of the world.

On Sundays, the Vienna high-level festivals are arranged in the concerthaus.
The building of the Vienna Concert Hall is equipped with air conditioning and accommodates 1808 people.


Main Hall of the Imperial Palace Hofburg

The Hofburg Palace is the former winter residence of Habsburgs, and today - a unique music concert hall, producing a tremendous impression.

As a former winter residence of Habsburg, the palace gets a unique position for festive framework opportunities in Vienna. In this magnificent baroque halls, the emperor celebrated his greater fortress.

The hall is equipped with air conditioners and accommodates 1298 people.



In 1862, an urban park made in English landscape style. Five years later, the famous Vienna Casiaon was built in it - a concert hall, where the first concert from the works of Johan Straus took place the next year. From this time, the casiar, made in the style of the Italian Renaissance, became one of the most pompous and aristocratic buildings in Vienna, and along with this, one of the centers of the secular life of Vienna, the venue of dance evenings and musical ideas.

Initially, despite its magnificence - Viennese Camaton attracted only a few visitors, since Vencedians in these luxurious premises were supposed to be indulged by water procedures. Concerts and other entertainment were strictly prohibited. But the thirst for music enthusiasmed over the thirst for the water: already a year after the opening, October 15, 1868, the first concert of Johanna Straus was held here.

In this luxurious building, Strauss celebrated his biggest success. Today, casiaon presents a full Vienna charm evening, with incendiary melodes of Waltza, pollki, arias, duets, as well as operetta melodies and solo concerts at the highest artistic level.

Vienna People's Opera


Die Volksoper Wien.

Vienna People's Opera, one of the most significant musical scenes of veins, representing today the most diverse repertoire of the opera, operetta, musicals and modern musical and dance performances.

The Operettes "Countess Maritsa" (Graain Mariza) Imre Salman, Bat (Fledermaus) Strauss, Opera "Free Arrows" (Der Freischutz) K. M. Von Weber, the founder of the German romantic opera, are the most loved by the public with works.

An der Wien.


Theater "An Der Wien" - a theater with a rich tradition, located on the left vintsile in the 6th district of Vienna, Mariahilf. This is the youngest opera scene of the city.

September 30, 1791 in the then theater "Auf Der Wieden" the most successful premiere took place: the Opera "Magic Flute" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Catcher of birds papagedly played Schicanader himself, author of libretto.

The opera turned out to be commercially so successful that Shicanther, with the support of a merchant Bartolomew Zitterbart, was able to build a new theater, theater "An der Wien" theater. Therefore, in 1801, the old Theater "Auf Der Wieden" was closed and turned into an income house. Theater "An Der Wien" opened on June 13, 1801 Opera Schicanader "Alexander" (Music of Franz Taiber). In the artistic terms, the new theater offered much more serious Repertoire: Here they took place here, including the premieres of the "Rosamunde" of Schubert and the fifth symphony of Beethoven, where he himself conducted; the premiere of the first version of the Beethoven Opera "Fidelio" was held here.

The first fifty years of its existence, the main role in the formation of the repertoire theater was given to opera performances, in the second half of the 19th century, it turned into the center of the Vienna Tweeter. From 1945 to 1955, after the destruction of the building in the ring in March 1945, the theater became a temporary chamber for the team of the Vienna Opera. In 2004, a decision was made, starting in 2006, the year of Mozart, to convert An Der Wien theater to the Opera House.

Concert Hall of Vienna Philharmonic Musicfenene - Wiener Musikverein. The building of the Vienna Music Society. This is the center of Vienna musical culture and one of the centers of international concert culture associated with classical music. Vienna Muzicfene was opened by the emperor Franz Izief January 6, 1870 and still considered one of the best concert halls in the world. 1744 places, Goldener Saal ( Golden Hall); 570 seats, BRAHMS SAAL (Bramx Hall). The golden hall is most famous - great "crystal" acoustics, luxurious decoration. Vienna Muzicfein -this is the base Vienna Strauss Fillarmonic Orchestra. It took place the famous scandalous Shonberg Concert with Mass Mordobine in 1913 year. Here were conducted Rubinstein, Brahms, Karaians... in a word, this is a great monument to classical music and architecture.

Franz Joseph (Franz Joseph i) complained to the construction of land culture in this place in 1863, having ordered the work of the Danish architect Theophil Hansen. He performed the building in the neoclassical style - although in many features it resembles monuments of ancient Greek architecture. A sponsor of the construction site was made by Nikolaus Dumba (Nikolaus Dumba) - his name is now wearing one of the surrounding streets.

The Golden Hall (Goldener Saal) has dimensions of 49 x 19 x 18 meters, 1744 sedentary and 300 standing places. The acoustics in the hall turned out to be perfect - although Hansen, as they say, did not possess any knowledge in terms of creating buildings with good acoustics. Purely, everything did everything ...

The first organ in the hall was built by Friedrich Ladegast (Friedrich Ladegast), on it in 19872 he performed his organ concert Anton Brookner (1872). The existing and understood body was constructed by Rieger Orgelbau in 1907 and renovated in 2011. Since 2001, the building has partially redid - more precisely, a couple more rehearsal premises in the basement.

But besides the main gold hall of the Muzicferee building, six more concert halls holds. This is a Bramx Hall (BrahmsSaal, 32.5 x 10.3 x 11 meters, places - 600), Glass Hall (Gläserner Saal / Magna Auditorium, 22 x 12.5 x 8 meters, places - 380), Metal Hall (Metaller Saal, 10.5 x 10.8 x 3.2 meters, places - 70), Stone Hall (Steinerner Saal / Horschek Auditorium, 13 x 8.6 x 3.3 meters, seats - 60) and wooden hall (Hölzerner Saal, 11.5 x 7.5 x 3.4 meters, places - 60).

Here were conducted, among others, Anton Rubinstein (Anton Rubinstein, from 1871 to 1872), Johannes Brahms (Johannes Brahms, from 1872 to 1875), Herbert Von Karajan (Herbert Von Karajan, from 1948 to 1964).

In 1913, it was in the Golden Hall that the so-called scandalous concert (Skandalkonzert) took place. Then the music was performed, to put it mildly, innovative, experimental. The "main hero" of the event was Arnold Schoenberg (ARNOLD SCHOENBERG). On March 31, he conducted, and he performed not only his chamber symphony N1, but the same "four songs on Meterlinka poems" Alexander Tremlinsky (Alexander Von Zemlinsky), Teachers of Schönberg, as well as works of two pupils - Anton Von Weberna (Anton Webern) and Alban Berg (Alban Berg). The public has long tolerated all sound experiments, but having heard the first monstrous dissonsants "songs on the texts with the postart of Petair Altenberg" Berg, lost patience, began to yell, to smash everything, climbed onto the scene. "Walking", moreover, were divided into two camps - opponents and supporters of heard - so it went to everyone. A terrible briefly stopped the police, and the planned presentation of "songs of dead children" Gustav Maler (Gustav Mahler) did not take place that evening. Later on the organizers of the show one of the audience sued ...

The New Year's concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, is broadcast for the whole world annually since 1959, it is carried out just in the famous Golden Hall of Muzicfene, for the orchestra This room is generally a permanent rehearsal and concert venue. The majestic building of the Muzicfene also became a house for the famous Vienna Male Choir Society (Wiener Singverein), recognized Music Publishing House Universal Editions and the manufacturer of Viennese Piano Bosendorfer.

Go to Schwarzenbergplatz stop, tram number 71 and "D". Not far from the metro station Karlsplatz.

Musikvereinsplatz 1.
Not yet...

The Vienna Music Assembly is the concert hall of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. "Golden Hall", thanks to his acoustics, belongs to the best concert halls of the world.

The Vienna Music Assembly (Wiener Musikverein) is located in the domestic city and is the concert hall of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The "Golden Hall" Muzicfenen due to its acoustics belongs to the best concert halls of the world, along with the halls of the Berlin Drama Theater, Amsterdam Konstgebau, the Symphony Hall of Boston and the Theater of Colon Buenos Aires. All of them were built without the use of modern acoustic technologies and have an extended and narrow shape with high ceilings.

The building of the Vienna Music Assembly is built as a new concert hall for the "Vienna Society of Music Lovers" on the land plot alloted by the emperor Franz Joseph I in 1863. The project was developed by Teofil Hansen in the neoclassical style of ancient Greek temple and included a large concert hall (Golden Hall), as well as small for chamber music. The first concert took place on January 6, 1870.

Golden Hall, Photo Bwag

The Golden Hall has about 49 m lengths, 19 M width and 18 m of height. Here are 1744 seats and another 300 standing. The "Golden Hall" hosts a New Year's concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. With his acoustics, the hall is obliged to intuition of theophile Hansen, who at that time could not count on achieving acoustic physics. Rectangular forms of the room and its proportion, the location of windows and sculptures contribute to numerous sound reflections.

BWAG Hall, Photo Bwag

Initially, the hall was equipped with the organ of the work of Friedrich Laelegast, and Anton Brookner was given the first solo concert in 1872. The modern body was established by the Austrian company Riger Orgelbau in 1907, and it was highly appreciated by such musicians as Franz Schmidt and Marseille Dupre. The body was fully restored in 2011. In 2001-2004, the building underwent reconstruction, which, however, does not affect concert activities. In the basement of the building several new rehearsals were built.

How to get

Riding the subway line U1, U4 or tram 1, 62, WLB to Karlsplatz stop.

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Muzicfein is the most famous center of classical music in Vienna. Visit the concert in Muzicfene - it means to get acquainted with the city of Music Vienna at the highest level of quality. As well as with such musical giants as the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

Millions of music lovers from all over the world Muzicfein is known as one of the richest traditions of concert halls, in which the artists of the highest rank are. The building on Karlsplants Square, not far from the luxurious Ringstrasse boulevard, built in 1870 by Teofil Hansen in a historical style with columns, tongs and reliefs, reminds the temple.

The large hall of the Muzicfene, also called the "Golden Hall", is famous for its luxurious finish. Apollo and Muses attract attention to the ceiling, the columns are decorated in the form of ancient female figures. It is as incomparable as the appearance, and the acoustics of the room - the sound of music in the gold hall is unique all over the world. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is broadcast from the Golden Hall for the Multi-Million public from all over the world. The remaining 364 days in the year Muzikfein offers concerts of the highest level. However, he has long been no longer a temple of exclusively classical music.

Glass, Metal, Stone, Tree

Since 2004, there has been four new halls in Muzichelina: a glass room, a metal hall, a stone room and a wooden hall. Here the program is the presentation of the young generation of artists. So, in the glass hall, the singer's debut soprano Anna Prachhazki, who already conquered world fame.

In four new halls of Muzicfene, Jazz settled as firmly as the conversational genre - Actors, authors and musicians read fragments from their own works, tell stories or speak musical topics. The young public is also willing to meet new halls; Every year more than 230 children's and youth concerts are held here, fond of the young generation of music.

Wiener Mozart Orchester GmbH.
Wientourismus / GES. d. Musikfreunde in Wien / Peter Rigaud
Wientourismus / Gerhard Weinkirn
Wientourismus / Lois Lammerhuber