Great Humanists in Europe. Outstanding Humanists of the Renaissance and their Work What works were studied in the circles of Humanists

Great Humanists in Europe. Outstanding Humanists of the Renaissance and their Work What works were studied in the circles of Humanists
Great Humanists in Europe. Outstanding Humanists of the Renaissance and their Work What works were studied in the circles of Humanists

Renaissance era literature - A large direction in the literature, part of the entire culture of the Renaissance. Takes the period from the XIV to the XVI century. The medieval literature differs from the fact that it is based on new, progressive ideas of humanism. Synonym for Renaissance is the term "Renaissance", French origin. The ideas of humanism are born for the first time in Italy, and then apply throughout Europe. Revival literature also spread throughout Europe, but acquired its national character in each individual country. Term Revival Means the update, the appeal of artists, writers, thinkers to the culture and art of antiquity, imitating its high ideals.

The concept of humanism

Revival literature in general

For the literature of revival, the above-mentioned humanistic ideals are characteristic. This era is associated with the emergence of new genres and with the formation of early realism, which is also named, "Realization of Renaissance" (or Renaissance), in contrast to later stages, educational, critical, socialist.

In the works of such authors like Petrarch, Rabl, Shakespeare, Servanis expressed a new understanding of the life of a person rejecting the slave submissions, which the church preaches. They represent a person as the highest creation of nature, trying to reveal the beauty of his physical appearance and the wealth of the soul and mind. For the realization of the revival, the scale of images is characterized (Hamlet, King LIR), the poetization of the image, the ability to the big feeling and at the same time high intensity of the tragic conflict ("Romeo and Juliet") reflecting the collision of a person with his hostile forces.

For the Review Literature, various genres are characterized. But certain literary forms prevailed. The most popular was the novel genre, which is so referred to novel Renaissance. In poetry becomes the most characteristic form of sonnet (stanza of 14 lines with a certain rhythm). Much development gets dramaturgy. The most prominent revival playwrights are Lope de Vega in Spain and Shakespeare in England.

Publicistics and philosophical prose are widespread. In Italy, Jordan Bruno refuses the Church in his works, creates its new philosophical concepts. In England, Thomas More expresses the ideas of utopian communism in the "Utopia" book. The authors such as Michel de Monten ("Experiments") and Erasmus Rotterdam ("Praise Stupidity") are widely known.

Among the writers of that time turn out to be crowned personnel. Poems writes the Duke of Lorenzo Medici, and Margarita Navararskaya, the sister of the king of France Francis I, is known as the author of the collection "Heptameron".


The features of the ideas of humanism in Italian literature appear already at Dante Aligiery, the predecessor of the Renaissance, who lived at the turn of the XIII and XIV centuries. The most fully new movement was manifested in the middle of the XIV century. Italy is home to all European Renaissance, as for this purpose, socio-economic prerequisites have been ripe here. In Italy, capitalist relations began to be formed early, and people who were interested in their development should have come out of the flow of feudalism and the care of the Church. It was bourgeois, but it was not bourgeois-limited people, as in the next century. These were people with a wide range of traveling travels speaking several languages \u200b\u200band active participants of any political events.

The cultural figures of that time were the struggle with scholasticism, asceticism, mysticism, with the subordination of the literature and the art of religion, called themselves humanists. The Writers of the Middle Ages were taken from the ancient authors of the "letter", that is, separate information, excerpts, centions, eliminated from context. Renaissance writers read and studied whole works, paying attention to the creatures of works. They also apply to folklore, folk creativity, folk wisdom. The first humanists are considered Giovanni Bokcchcho, the author of the Decameron, a collection of Novel, and Francesco Petrarch, the author of the sonnet cycle in honor of the laur.

The characteristic features of the literature of the new time are the following. The main subject of the image in the literature is a man. He is given a strong character. Another feature of Renaissance realism is a wide show of life with the full reproduction of its contradictions. In a different way, the authors begin to perceive nature. If Dante still symbolizes the psychological gamut of sentiment, then in later authors, nature gives the joy of their real charm.

In the following centuries, they still give a whole pleiad of large representatives of literature: Lovovico Ariosto, Pietro Aretino, Tarkwato Tasso, Sannadzaro, McAwelli, a group of Petrarkist poetrakistov.


In France, the prerequisites for the development of new ideas were generally the same as in Italy. But there were differences. If in Italy, the bourgeoisie was more advanced, northern Italy consisted of individual republics, then in France there was a monarchy, absolutism developed. The bourgeoisie did not play such a big role. In addition, a new religion was spread here, Protestantism, or otherwise Calvinism, by the name of its founder, Jean Calvin. Being at first progressive, in subsequent years, Protestantism entered the second phase of development, reactionary.

In the French literature of that period, the strong influence of Italian culture is noticeable, especially in the 1st half of the XVI century. The King Francis I rule in those years wanted to make his yard exemplary, brilliant, and attracted many famous Italian writers and artists to their service. Leonardo da Vinci, who moved to France in 1516, died in his hands in Francis.


In England, the development of capitalist relations is faster than in France. Current growth occurs, trade development. A strong bourgeoisie is formed, a new nobility appears, opposing the old, Norman tip, which in those years still retain their leadership role. The peculiarity of the English culture of that time is the lack of a single literary language. To know (descendants of Normanov) spoke French, the peasants and townspeople were told on the numerous English-Saxon dialections, and Latin was the official language in the church. Many works then went out in French. There was no uniform national culture. By the middle of the XIV century. The literary English based on the London dialect begins to develop.


  • History of foreign literature. Middle Ages and Revival. - M.: "Higher School", 1987.
  • A brief dictionary of literary terms. Envitors-compilers L.I.Timofiev, S.V. Turaev. - M., 1978.
  • L.M.Brina. Italian humanism. - M., 1977.
  • Foreign literature. Renaissance (Reader), compiler B.I. Purishev. - M., 1976.

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In Italy, it is worth noting Petrarch (who is considered the first humanist), Bokcchchcho, Lorenzo Valla, Picodella Mirandol, Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo, then humanism spreads to the Almost European countries simultaneously with the movement of the Reformation. Many great thinkers of the time of the time have contributed to the development of humanism - Monten, Rabel (France), Shakespeare, Bacon (England), L. Vives, Cervantes (Spain), Gutten, Durer (Germany), Erasmus Rotterdam and others.

Second option

The central idea of \u200b\u200bhumanism in the Renaissance meaning of this concept was to actualize the ability and possibilities laid in the person and possibilities. The content of humanistic experience was reduced to the explication of an ancient cultural heritage, which was considered by the Renaissance as a sample to imitate.
For humanism, the conviction in self-sufficiency of man is characterized, faith in his ability to develop its potency without any assistance.
The most famous representatives of the Renaissance Humanism: Francesco Petrarch, Dante Aligiery.

The main features of the philosophy of humanism
* Criticism of scholastic philosophy.
* Change style and philosophizing content.
* Translations and comments on antique texts, popular presentation in national languages.
* Aesthetization and moralization as distinctive features of philosophizing.

Francesco Petrack (1304-1374)
It is considered the creator of the new European lyrics, the author of sonnets dedicated to the laure. Medieval scholastic formation contrasted with humanistic, based on new philological culture, on free attitude to the texts. For Petrarca is characterized by concern to the inner world of man, his passions and boring. Petraque criticized asceticism, wrote about the harmony of spiritual and bodily in man.

Dante Aligiery (1265-1321)
Known as the author of the famous "Divine Comedy". He belongs to deep philosophical generalizations about the essence and purpose of man in the world. The picture of the world presented in the comedy contains elements of the anthropocentric worldview. A man, on Dante, has the result of the compound of natural and divine principle, the creature belonging to the two worlds. Therefore, they lead two goals, two destinations: to follow the commandments of God and fulfill the earthly calling. Dante was the first one who presented a man as a highly spiritual and self-concrete creature with independent earthly significance.

Question. 13. Infinite Universe N. Copernicus and J. Bruno. Heliocentrism

The above provisions contradict the principles of Aristotelian physics based on the distinguishing of the highest - the permanent and the lowest - sublutage worlds. Nikolay Kuzansky destroys the final space of ancient and medieval science, in the center of which there is a fixed land. Thus, he prepares the Copernian revolution in astronomy, who eliminated the geocentrism of the Aristotelian-Ptolemeevsky picture of the world. Following Nikolai Kuzansky Nikolai Copernicus (1473-1543) enjoys the principle of relativity and it is based on a new astronomical system.

Characteristic of the Nicholas of the Kuzansky tendency to think the highest principle of being as the identity of the opposites (single and endless) was the result of a pantheistic painted convergence of God with the world, the Creator with creation. This trend was further deepened by Jordan Bruno (1548-1600), creating a consistently pantheistic teaching, hostile to medieval theisms. Bruno relied not only to Nikolai Kuzansky, but also on the heliocentric astronomy Copernicus. According to Copernicus, the Earth, first, rotates around its axis, which explains the change of day and night, as well as the movement of the starry sky. Secondly, the Earth revolves around the Sun, placed by Copernicus to the center of the world. Thus, Copernicus destroys the most important principle of Aristotelian physics and cosmology, rejecting with him and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe limb of space. Like Nikolai Kuzansky, Copernicus believes that the universe is immeasurable and limitless; He calls her "such infinity", at the same time showing that the size of the Earth compared with the size of the Universe is extinctingly small.

Having identified space with endless deity, Bruno receives endless space. Removing, further, the border between the Creator and Creation, it destroys the traditional opposite of the form - as the beginning of the indivisible, and therefore active and creative, on the one hand, and matter as the beginning of the boundless, and therefore passive - on the other. Bruno, therefore, not only transfers the nature itself that in the Middle Ages, God was attributed, namely an active, creative impulse. It goes much further, take away from the form and transmitting matter to the beginning of life and movement, which since the times of Plato and Aristotle was considered to be inherent in shape. Nature, according to Bruno, is "God in things."

It is not surprising that the teachings of Bruno was condemned by the church as a heretical. The Inquisition demanded that the Italian philosopher renounced his teaching. However, Bruno preferred death to renunciation and was burned at the fire.

A new understanding of the relationship between matter and the form indicates that in the XVI century, consciousness was formed, significantly different from the ancient. If for an ancient Greek philosopher limit above the boundless, completed and the whole more beautifully unfinished, then for the philosopher of the revival of the possibility is richer relevant, movement and formation is preferable to fixedly unchanged being. And it is not by chance that the concept of infinite is particularly attractive in this period: the paradoxes of relevant infinity play the role of a kind of method not only in Nicholas Kuzansky and Bruno, but also in such outstanding scientists of the end of the XVI - early XVII century, as Galilee and B. Kavali.

The term humanism arose from the name of the circle of sciences, which were engaged in poetically and artistically gifted people: "Studia Humanitatis" is the sciences that studied all the human as opposed to "Studia Divina" - that is, theology studied all the Divine

Humanists glorified: -sheemy life-Mysterious joy -Sospened beauty, mind, spiritual freedom - Having changed ignorance and greed-rapid advantage of a person considered the virtue of the humanists glorified: -considant life - Merchant joy -Sospened beauty, mind, spiritual freedom - Having changed ignorance and greed -Frequent advantage of man considered virtue

2. Writers - Humanists at the beginning of the 16th century unfolded sharp clashes of humanists with church scholasticism, which the humanists were ridiculed in satirical works Scholasticism (Greek. Σχολαστι όςός Scientific Scholia - School) Systematic Greek. Medieval philosophy Medieval philosophy, concentrated around university universities

Erasmus Rotterdam () The Netherlands writer was famous for the satirical work of the "foolishness praise": -Goodness from the department herself says to Praise, and everything becomes fools among the fools - the dignity of the person who himself must elect his life path-made an opponent of wars

"What is the difference between an old man and a child, except for the fact that the first is exemplary wrinkles and has more days from birth? The same white hair, toothless mouth, small height, addiction to milk, kosonasia, chatty, stupid, forgetfulness, rashness. Briefly speaking, they are like each other in everything. The more people are old, the closer they are to the children, and, finally, as if real babies, without having disgusted with life, not aware of death, they leave the world. "

"Without me, no community, no everyday connection would be pleasant and durable: the people could not demolish their sovereign, Mr. - Slave, the servant - Mrs., teacher - a student, a friend, wife - husband, The apartment is a householder, the cohabitant - the cohabitant, Comrade - Comrade, if they would not be mutually mistaken, did not resort to the lasthest, did not spare strange weaknesses, did not fuck each other with honey of nonsense "

Francois Rabl () French writer wrote Roman "Gargantua and Pantagruel": -Readed representatives of the French society - the ideal society, where the freedom of personality dominates

3. Humanism in public life in the 16th century. People tried to understand how and for what laws, the Society of Machiavelli in the treatise "Sovereign" showed an image of a real, and not an ideal ruler: -Hytric -Lecery-sensible -Bespricypny Niccolo Makiavelli ()

The sovereign "you need to be able to be managed with a person, and with a beast," for "In order to get around the trap, you need to be a fox, and Lvom - to get around the trap, you need to be a fox, and Lvom - to get the wolves" Makiavelli did not justify these qualities he Reality reflected

In the English king, Henrikhe 8 held the position of Lorda Chancellor composed "Utopia" (the place that is not) Thomas Mor ()

"Utopia": "There are 54 cities on utopia; All of them are big and gorgeous. In the language, the businesses, the establishments, laws they are the same; The location is also one of all the same, as far as the locality is allowed, and the appearance. Utopians work at all, no one has property. The society provides every abundance ... and provides him with leisure for free development of the mind. Discipline ...: installed opening hours, joint adoption; Everyone with hunting follows this "

"Genuine Freedom is to have complete power" urged to educate in the child good, love for science Michel Monten ()

Task: Paragraph 4 Reply to the Questions: What kind of revival is such a humanism -What is the difference between a person of the Renaissance from the person of the Middle Ages in the era of the revival intensified interest in the ancient philosophy - what questions would you like to ask the Humanists?

Politics, science and culture cannot develop under constant conditions. The perception of people of the environment and their views must be subject to change.

Humanism is a system of views in the center of which is a person who is interested in art, science and improves itself in all areas.

The great humanists of Europe were created in the revival era. They chased the ancient era, forgotten in the Middle Ages. The main object of study was a man and his feelings.

New people's glances could not appear just like that. The humanism has given great importance to raising the future generation. The first to spoke to Vittorino de Feltre. In the XV century, he founded a children's school, the classes in which took place in nature. It did not have physical punishment and coercion. There were not only the children of the highest estate, but from ordinary families. Children developed a versatile not only intellectually, but also physically.

Teaching children through a system of questions and answers suggested Erasmus Rotterdam in the treatise "On the decency of children's morals". He also considered it impolitely with a conversation with a man to raise her eyebrows, yawning, wrinkle his nose, povered in the ears and shake his head. Such rules exist today.

Rotterdam was born in 1469 near Rotterdam. At the nineteenth aged, he was sent to the service to the monastery. There he read many books from the monks library. In the post of secretary of the bishop, he left the monastery in 5 years. Erasmus Rotterdam was able to become a student of the Parisian theological faculty. In London, he met Thomas Maorm, who would become his friend to the end of his life.

Rotterdamsky became famous for his work "praise nonsense." In it, stupidity opposes the reader. Her father was Plutos (God of Golden), the crumbles were uncompatory and intoxication. Many flavors of society are ridiculed in the work. This is the first voice of the new time and the desire to radically change society.

Erasmus worked at the University of Cambridge and was appointed to the position of Spanish king. He traveled a lot and won the respect of people. Died in 1536.

Another famous humanist was Thomas Mor. Born in 1478 in England. He studied in Oxford, worked as a lawyer and was a member of parliament. After a couple of years, he gets a knightly title and is part of the secret council.

The famous creation of Thomas Mora became "Golden Book ...". It criticizes the device of modern society and describes the model of an ideal society. In the first part, the cause of public disorders of European countries call money and property. The rulers seek not to good management, but an increase in the territory. The second part is devoted to utopia - the model of the ideal state. It is located on the island and consists of 54 cities (the number of cities in England in the XVI century). The chapter is the prince elected to the life rule. Just charge in tyranny can be a reason for his displacement. Laws and issues are solved by the national fee - 3 people from each city. People live families whose work controls Philharh. Each resident knows the aces of agriculture and one craft to choose from. In the city, all warehouses are common. Sick residents are located in special hospitals for cities that would not infect the rest. Gold is appreciated in utopia no more water or iron. To prevent his accumulation, gold began to match the shame. A lot of interesting things described Thomas Mor in his perfect city.

Famous humanist was Francois Rabl. His homeland is the French town of Shinon. His childhood spent in the monastery. He was taught by Greek and Latin. In Poitiers, he studied medicine at the university. All his life was engaged in satirical literature. He believed that laughter is able to cure all diseases. The most popular became Gargantua and Pantangruel. Gargathua brought up theologians who forced him to memorize everything. As a result, he was even more. His son Pantagruel becomes the opposite of his father - he is more humane. The book rises the papacy, theology, judging and government.

As you can see, people in the Renaissance era began to look at the world around. They almost all everyday things criticized. Many Humanists offered their understanding of the ideal state system and society. A person in all samples becomes basic value. A distinctive feature of the Renaissance has become a mass desire for education, respect for people who want to learn and help people.

Humanists were not narrow specialists, but were experts in culture at all. "They are carriers of a new nobility (nobilitas)identified with personal valor and knowledge "See Poletukhin Yu.A. Classics of legal thought and enlightenment the problem of applying the death penalty. -M: Chelyabinsk.: Chelgu, 2010. p.87

The main instrument of Humanist was philology. The impeccable knowledge of Latin and Greek, especially the skillful possession of the classic Latin, was a necessary requirement for the reputation of a humanist, it was extremely preferably the ownership of an oral Latin speech. Also required clear handwriting and incredible memory. In his studios, humanists were interested in the following objects - grammar, rhetoric, ethics, history and poetry, etc. Humanists refuse medieval artistic forms, resurrect new - poems, epistolary genre, fiction, philosophical treatises.

The highest reputation of humanism began to play great importance. The characteristic feature of the Renaissance was the highest social prestige of humanistic knowledge and talents, cult culture. Good Latin style has become a need for politics. In the first decades of the XV century, the delight to the humanistic scholarship will be the usual feature of public life.

One of the founders of the birth of humanistic philosophy appeared

great European poet Francesco Petraska (1304 - 1374). He was born in the family of the poor inhabitants of Florence, by the time of the birth of the son of the expelled from his native city and lived in a small town of Arezzo. Already as a child, he together with his parents changed a lot of different accommodations. And it became a kind of symbol of all his fate - during his life he traveled a lot, lived in different cities of Italy, France, Germany. Everywhere he found honors and respect for numerous fans and admirers of his poetic talent, see the same place.

However, Petrairka is not only a poet, but also a kind and most interesting thinker, philosopher. It was he who first in Europe formulated the ideas of humanism, began to talk about the need to revive the ancient spirit, ideals of antiquity. No wonder at the beginning of the XV century. They wrote: "Francesco Petrarch was the first one who descended grace, and he admitted and realized and led the elegance of an ancient style, lost and forgotten.

Being sincerely believed Christian, Petrarch did not take a common scholastic understanding of the essence of God and, above all, established by the domination of rationalized Christianity. Therefore, he urged not to spray his forces in fruitless logical dignity, but re-discover the true charm of the entire complex of humanitarian disciplines. True wisdom, in his opinion, is to know the method of achieving this wisdom. Consequently, it is necessary to return to the knowledge of his own soul. Petrarch wrote: "I do not cause anxiety of the barrier from books and admire the earthly things, since the pagan philosophers I learned that nothing deservedly admiration, with the exception of the soul, against which everything seems insignificant."

It is with Petrarch that the first humanistic criticism of Aristotle begins. Although the Aristotle Petrak himself refers with great respect, however, the use of the Aristotelian style of thinking, the principles of Aristotelian logic, the principles of Aristotelian logic, for the evidence of the Truth of Faith, are completely not satisfied. Petragus insists that purely logical ways to comprehend God are not knowledgeable, but to wormless.

Petraka himself preferred the philosophy of Plato and the compositions of the church's fathers based on it. He argued that if Plato did not reach the truth, he was close to her more than others. Recognizing the "philosophical championship" Plato, he rhetorically asked: "And who will deny such a championship, excluding the noisy crowd of stupid scholasts?".

And in general, Petrors calls for the most active study of the philosophical heritage of antiquity, to the revival of the ideals of antiquity, to revive the fact that the name of the "ancient spirit" was later obtained. After all, it, like many ancient thinkers, was interested, first of all, internal, moral and ethical problems of a person.

Not less than a bright outstanding humanist of the Renaissance Age was Jordan Bruno (1548 - 1600). He was born in the town of Nola not far from Naples. Later, at the place of birth, he himself called himself a Nolant. Bruno took place from the family of a small nobleman, but in the early years he became interested in sciences, theology and young people became the monk of the Dominican Monastery. However, an exceptionally theological education, which Bruno could get in the monastery, soon ceased to satisfy his search for truth. Nolanets got carried away by the ideas of humanism, began to study philosophy as an ancient, primarily antique and modern. Already in the young years, a clear expression acquired one characteristic feature of Jordan Bruno - possessing an uncompromising character, he from the young age and until the end of his life rigidly and gentlely defended his views, was not afraid to join the disputes and disputes. In this uncompromising, there was an expression of the thesis about the "heroic enthusiasm", which Bruno advanced as the main quality of the true scientist - in the struggle for truth it is impossible to experience fear even before death. But for the very Bruno, the heroic struggle for the truth has served the source of his endless conflicts with the surrounding see Poletukhin I.A. Decree. Cit. P.91.

One such conflict that happened to the young monk with the authorities of the monastery led to the fact that Bruno had to escape from the monastery. For several years, he wandered around the cities of Italy and France. The lectures that Bruno visited the universities of Toulouse and Paris, also often ended with hot spores of Nolas with professors and students. The most of all the Italian thinker was outraged by the commitment of teachers of universities to scholasticism, which, as he believed, has long outlived herself. Conflicts with the scientific community continued in England, where Bruno visited Oxford University.

At the same years, Jordano Bruno works fruitfully on its own essays. In 1584 - 1585. In London, six of his dialogues in Italian were published, in which he outlined the systems of his worldview. It was in these writings for the first time that the ideas of the multiplicity of worlds sounded, denying the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe Earth, as the center of the Universe. These ideas caused a sharp rejection in the Roman Catholic Church, as the heretical, breaking church dogmas. In addition, Bruno dialogs contained a tough and caustic critic, which he exposed scholast scientists. Restoring in the center of conflict, having caused the displeasure of scientists, Nolanets was forced to leave England and go to France.

The philosophical views of the Nolatz were formed under the influence of many preceding exercises: Neoplatonism, Stoicism, ideas of democritus and epicuris, heraklite, humanistic theories. It is noticeable to the impact of the concepts of Arabic philosophers of Averroes and Avicenna, as well as the Jewish philosopher Avitzrebron (which, however, was considered to be an Arab Ibn by a gebier). Carefully studied Bruno and the texts of Hermes of the Trismegist, who in his own writings Bruno called Mercury. The theory of Copernicus on the heliocentric structure of the Universe, which served as the starting point for his own cosmological representations was of great importance for Bruno. Modern researchers emphasize the serious influence of the philosophy of Nikolai Kuzansky, especially the teachings on the coincidence of opposites. Probably, only Aristotle and Bruuno philosophers based on it did not accept Bruno philosophers at all and constantly criticized.

The philosophical counterpoint of Jordan Bruno's teaching is the doctrine of the coincidence of opposites, hoped by him, as already mentioned, Nikolai Kuzansky. Reflecting on the coincidence of the endless and final, higher and lower, Bruno develops the doctrine of the match and minimum coincidence. Using including mathematical terms, it comes to the conclusion that, since the maximum and minimum coincide, the minimum, as the smallest, is a substance of all things, "indivisible principle." But, so at least - this is "the only and root substance of all things," then it is impossible for it to have an accurate certain name and such a name that would have a positive, and not negative meaning. " Therefore, the philosopher itself emphasizes that three kinds of lows should be distinguished: this is a monad in philosophy, in physics - an atom, in geometry - point. But the different names of the minimum do not cancel its main quality: at least as the substance of all things, is the basis of everything, including the maximum: "So, the substance of things does not change at all, it is immortal, it does not give rise to her any opportunity and no destroy Does not spoil, does not reduce and does not increase. Thanks to it, they are born and they are allowed in it. "

Also, I can not not notice in my work such an outstanding humanist of the Renaissance Age as Thomas Mor. (1478 - 1535), he was born in the family of the famous London lawyer, the royal judge. After two years of study at Oxford University, Thomas Mor, at the insistence of his father, graduated from law school and became a lawyer. Over time, Mor acquired fame and was elected to the English Parliament, see Kudryavtsev O.F. Renaissible humanism and "Utopia" .- M.: Moscow, M.: Science 2009. S. 201.

At the beginning of the XVI century, Thomas Mor comes closer to the mug of John's Humanists, which meets Erasmus Rotterdam. Subsequently, Mora and Erasmus tied a close friendship.

Under the influence of humanist's friends, the worldview of Thomas Mora is also formed - he begins to study the works of ancient thinkers, having learned the Greek language engaged in translations of the ancient literature.

Without leaving literary works, Thomas Mor continues his political activity - he was Sheriff London, Chairman of the House of Commons of the English Parliament, received a knightly rank. In 1529, Mor took the highest state post in England - became Lord Chancellor.

But at the beginning of the 30s of the XVI century, the position of Mora has changed dramatically. The English King Heinrich VIII decided to implement church reform in the country and stand at the head of the church. Thomas Mor refused to swear a king, as the new chapter of the church, left the post of Lord Chancellor, but was accused of state treason and in 1532 he was sharpened in Tower. Three years later, Thomas Mor was executed.

In the history of the philosophical thought, Thomas Mor entered, first of all, as the author of the book, which became a kind of triumph of humanistic thought. Posted by its mor in 1515 - 1516. And already in 1516, with the active assistance of Erasca Rotterdam, the first edition called "very useful, as well as an entertaining, truly golden book about the best device of the state and about the new island of Utopia. Already in life, this essay, briefly called "Upopia", brought Mora world famous.

The word "utopia" was invented by Thomas Biow, which made it from two Greek words: "OU" - "not" and "topos" - "place". Literally "Utopia" means "the place that is not" and no wonder the Mor himself translated the word "utopia" as "nowhere", see Kudryavtsev O.F. Decree. Cit. From 204.

In the book, Mora is told about a certain island called Utopia, the inhabitants of which lead the perfect lifestyle and have established the perfect state system. The very name of the island emphasizes that it is about the phenomena, which is not and, most likely, cannot be in the real world.