Great Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Anastasia Romanova: The mystery of the Great Princess

Great Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Anastasia Romanova: The mystery of the Great Princess
Great Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Anastasia Romanova: The mystery of the Great Princess

She signed her letters to the will with the name of the Great Princess Anastasia Romanova

Already without the twenty years, this story does not give me peace. Since in the archive of the Kazan psychiatric hospital with intensive observation, the history of Hope Vladimirovna Ivanova-Vasilyeva, who issued themselves for the great princess, was discovered from time to time. Anastasia Romanov. Ledzprincents was a lot, but neither one of them did not cost so cruel. Her life has become a series of incessant torment in camps and prison psychologists.

And now the call from the past. Most recently, in the archive of Pompolit ("E.P.Shekova. Help with political prisoners"), her letters were discovered by Stalin and Catherine Peshkova.

Great Princess Anastasia Romanova.

Moscow. Kremlin. Red Square. Joseph Vissarionovich personally to Stalin. Urgently.

"Dear Joseph Vissarionovich! Forgive me for anxiety, but I wish you urgently talking with you. I'll wait. This writes to you former daughter Nicholas II, the youngest Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. Then I think that my relative, the former King of England, Edward Georgievich, should come to me. I wrote him a letter and waiting for his arrival. I, Joseph Vissarionovich, warn that I was arrested, I suffer 20 years in prisons, according to concentration camps, links. Was in Solovki and currently I am in the NKVD special circuit. However, all his life, from 15 years old, a girl, as he was saved from under the death of the Krasnogvardeysky commander, injured, since then I suffer only for one of my origin. And so I wrote to my relatives and I want to be put to the end of my suffering and I was taken from the limit of the Soviet Union. I am sending this letter through the wife of Maxim Gorky Catherine Pavlovna Peshkov. Resperating you A.Romanova. June 22, 1938, Kazan.

Moscow, Kuznetsky Bridge, 24. Help political prisoners. Ekaterina Pavlovna personally pesko.

"Hello, Favorite, dear Ekaterina Pavlovna! Send you your hearty hello. Forgive me for anxiety, but I decided to apply with a little request. I ask you, do not refuse, if you can, help me since I stole some things on a storage warehouse where I am, and not to ask who ... When I was in Moscow in 1934, then I received foreign things Through the Swedish Embassy from his girlfriend Gretti Yanon ... Be kind, send me if you can, coat and stocking, as soon as possible, for which I will be cordially grateful and at the first opportunity I will try to thank you ...

I write you the daughter of the former Nicholas II, 20 years ago I was saved from under the death, wounded, 15-year-old girl ... now I am 36 years old. I personally suffered a lot, horror survived. And now I am glad that my relatives learned about me, and we must be together. I do not know, let me give me or not. I sit only for one origin, I'm no more to blame for anything. I had a fake passport in the name of Ivanova-Vasilyeva, but I was departed for it ...

These letters in the archive of Pompolit found Leia Dolzhanskaya, historian, archivist, an employee of the research and informational and educational center "Memorial" and the author of the book about the life of Catherine Peshkova, Maxim Gorky's first wife.

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Ivanova-Vasilyeva wrote dozens of letters and pasties. All of them are listed in her history of the disease and, naturally, did not go beyond the closed institution. She, of course, guessed that he wrote to nowhere, because she had never received a response. The Uznage tried to forward his letters through the agencies, as evidenced by the entry in the history of the disease, and once it was miraculously managed. There was a person who believed in the story of the "queen" that was not afraid to break the strict orders of special circuit and make letters from the regime institution, and then deliver them to Moscow. It was a courageous deed, conjugate with a tremendous risk. The leaves made by flying handwriting from the shy reached the addressee - Ekaterina Peshkova. And lay down in the archive.

A strange patient who was distinguished from the surrounding girlfriends on misfortune and appearance, and manners, and stories about royal life, believed. As, however, in a short period of her life outside of prison and hospital walls, when a counter-revolutionary group of monarchically-minded believers has been formed around it, according to the investigation.

Valeria Makeev's nun, who divided the Chamber with Ivanova-Vasilyeva, told me that in the hospital the hope Vladimirovna was not considered an impostor, and every year on her birthday, on January 4, tea was even sat down in the corps. Nurses and nannies brought baking from home with the words: "Today the queen celebrates!" The head physician once asked Valery: "What do you think maybe our patient - the great princess Anastasia Nikolaevna?"

Participant of the Great Patriotic Antonina Mikhailovna Belov, who fell into a prison hospital for "Kramol records in the diary" and from 1952 to 1956 was also in the same Chamber with "Queen", wrote in a letter to the editor: "Knowing a lot about" treatment ", I It was silent at the exit from the hospital about everything. But, having heard about your article, decided to tell about my meeting face to face with Anastasia. I prompted the debt of Christian. She was a genuine younger daughter of King Nicholas II. She had an almost non-Russian face: an almost oval shape, the nose is longer than the usual, with a light hubby. Dark eyebrows shifted to the bridge, the eyes are large, sharp. It was too much irrepected of me, beautiful, high hairstyle ... Anastasia told me about his wonderful salvation, that she had a diamond earrings from her ear. She raised a strand of hair: her ear from the bottom was ugly tearing away ... I am a knockout. There was no doubt about me that the Great Uzpet is located in separation No. 9. "

Anastasia said: "I lost consciousness and never remember anything. Woke up in some basement. In such a tragic manner, one of the whole house of Romanov, on Mount himself, I was alive; More than once, envy members of the executed family, requested death. "

Moscow, Kuznetsky Bridge, 24, - Pompolite address, as a password, was passed from hand to hand. It was the last hope for the "enemies of the people" and their family members.

Fifteen years old, up to July 1938, the service legally operated in the USSR, which by all possible ways tried to alleviate the fate of people who fell under the millstone repressions! Of course, in contrast to the political red cross, which existed until 1922, Pompolit could not provide legal protection, but still his help was invaluable. He supported prisoners and their families with money, products, clothing, medicines, petitioned a revision of the case, reducing the deadline. The last six months the organization practically did not work. In 1937, Assistant Catherine Pavlovna Mikhail Vinawaru was given 25 years, and Peshkov turned out to be powerless. She could no longer help anyone.

In writing Ivanova-Vasilyeva - Pavlovna's own tag of Catherine: "Mentally sick. E.P. ". This meant that letters would not be given a move, and they will remain in progress. But was it possible at all at least something to take at that time, not at the time, at best, to enjoy crazy?

Ivanova-Vasilyeva's name was first met in the investigative file A.F. Ivanshina. This is the case of the underground church monarchical organization of 1934, "says Levanskaya. - In the archive of Pompolit, several letters Ivanova-Vasilyeva found. Thus, a letter from the "Romanova Anastasia Nikolaevna" was preserved from the Vishero concentration camp (1933), where she asks to inform her toet Xenia Alexandrovna Dolgorukova, living in Germany, so that she had material support. Why did Ekaterina Pavlovna make a note "mentally ill"? There may be two options. Perhaps it seemed to her, and it was very likely that the author of letters really suffers from mental illness (because the royal family was shot, and this is a famous fact). At the same time, Ekaterina Pavlovna understood that it was possible to preserve the life of a long-suffering prisoner, only declaring its "mentally ill". This tag is only on the last letters dated 1938, when Pompolit has practically finished its work.

Who was this strange Ivanov-Vasilyeva? Why did it be like a cross, someone else's name, understanding that he would never come to freedom?

Sick self-charge or great princess?

Only last year in the State Archive of the Russian Federation (Garf) I first issued a case No. 15977. Previously, all my attempts to make a way to the case of a political prisoner ended with a constant refusal.

Sheet pages. Protocols interrogations, witness testimony. In the column "place of service and the position", the arrested indicated that he was a teacher of a foreign language, the question of the property situation was not answered, "and about the property of the Father the information refused. In the "Social origin" paragraph written "from nobles." Interrogation signed concisely: "A.Romanova".

It is amazing and inexplicable that investigators, having established the fact that the artantchka lives on a false passport, did not even try to figure out her real last name.

In the case, the envelope of thick paper will be laid with the inscription "Confidential." What: Photos, Secret Documents? Criminal case without a small 80 years ...

Journalistic curiosity makes you watch the envelope on the clearance, but, alas, nothing can be seen. It remains only to write an official letter to the Garf leadership with a request to uncover the secret contained in the envelope. The answer disappoints: in the envelope is a medical act.

I have already seen this document in the archive of the Kazan Psychiatric Hospital. Here are some fragments: "The testable average growth, asthenic physique looks significantly older than the specified age ... In the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower third of both bones of the shoulder there are extensive soft scars, according to the conclusion of a specialist, firearms ... There is no majority of the teeth in the upper jaw." In the act also noted that "communication is possible only within the conversation about its alleged royal origin. It is entirely filled with delirious thoughts about his origin from the Romanov family ... nonsense does not give in to this. "

Combined portrait. Right Princess Anastasia, left - Nadezhda Ivanova-Vasilyeva.

After the rehabilitation, the hope of Vladimirovna Ivanov-Vasilyev was transferred to the clinical psychiatric hospital, and then from the eye, in a boarding school for psycho-hotness on the island of Sviyazisk, where she finished her days. She was buried as an overhexious. It is known only in which part of the rural cemetery.

Could the Great Princess Certain? The evidence certificate was described, which would see the wounded, but live Anastasia in the House on the Resurrection Avenue in Yekaterinburg (almost opposite Ipatiev's house) Early in the morning of July 17, 1918. It was a certain Henry Kleinbetle, a tailor from Vienna, the Austrian prisoner, which in the summer of 1918 he worked in Yekaterinburg with an apprentice at the tailor of Badine. In this house, early in the morning of July 17, a few hours after the brutal reprisals in the basement of the house of Ipatiev, the princess brought one of the guards, probably sympathetic to the family.

Of course, it is impossible to exclude that the testimony of the Vienna Tailor is just the fruit of imagination. And this is quite explained. Murder committed under mysterious circumstances always generates rumors. Especially when the victims are famous people, the more crowned personnel. Different people presented their rights to the role of members of the royal family. Most of all was false Alexeyev and Pseudo-Anastasi. When the remains of two people were missing in the burial near Yekaterinburg, rumors about wonderful salvation began to spread with a new force.

But, as you know, only in 2007, Zesarevich Alexei and the Grand Princess Mary were found in a semi-kilometer from the main burial. Their authenticity experts were confirmed back in 2008, but so far these fragments remain unpainted and waiting for the last rest in the safe of the state archive of Russia.

Official point of view: All members of the family Nikolai II and he himself were shot in Yekaterinburg in 1918, and no one was able to escape. And all the applicants for the role of salted Anastasia and Alexey are impostors.

The rank of all members of the royal family to face the saints of all members of the royal family, the Russian Orthodox Church has not yet recognized the results of genetic examination and officially did not participate in the burial ceremony of the remains of the royal family in the tomb of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral in 1998. In 2000, the killed Romanovs were glorified in the face of passion recorders - martyrs for faith. To clarify today's position of the church, I called the Moscow Patriarchate.

We do not blame anyone in falsification and trust scientific conclusions at least because the church is not a research institute, which can check the results of the examination, - explains Vakhtang Kipzidze, head of the analytical management of the Synodal Information Department of the Russian Federation Republic ROC - but our restrained position regarding the remains is connected So that when collecting samples for research, there was not enough openness. The royal family is canonized, that is, it is ranked with the faces of saints, and people want to be sure that the relics they will worship - it is the remains of those most people. And we cannot afford uncertainty. Doubts are easily removed by re-examining the samples taken in a more public way.

The mysterious of the mysterious artantchka went with her. And we probably never know who she really was. Noble with a dismissed psyche? Or anastasia?

"About 3 hours at Alix began severe pain. At 4 o'clock I got up and went to myself and dressed. Exactly at 6 am Daughter was born Anastasia. Everything happened under excellent conditions soon and, thank God, without complications. Due to the fact that everything started and ended, while still sleeping, we both had a feeling of calm and privacy! After that, seized for Scripture to telegrams and the alert of relatives into all the ends of the world. Fortunately, Alix feels good. The baby weighs 11½ pounds and the growth has 55 cm. "

So the last Russian emperor described in his diary the birth of the younger, fourth daughter, which occurred on June 18, 1901.

The appearance of a small Anastasia did not cause delight among the Romanovs. Nikolay's sister, Great Princess Kseniawrote about it like this: "What a disappointment! 4th girl! ... Mom I won the same thing about the same and writes: "Alix again gave birth to a daughter!"

According to the laws in force at that time in the Russian Empire, the laws introduced Paul I., women could inherit the throne only in the case of curbing all men's lines. This meant that the heir of four daughters father Nicholas II. Must be his younger brother Mikhail.

This perspective was not too pleased with the Romanov clan, and emperor's spouse Alexander Fedorovna And at all led to rabies. The fourth births of the Empress pinned great hopes, but a girl appeared again. Heir to Alexander Fedorovna managed to give birth only with the fifth attempt.

"Cubia", not loved by arithmetic

Great Princess Anastasia Perspective Take the throne did not threaten. Like sisters, she received a home education, which began in the eight of the age. The program included French, English and German, history, geography, the law of God, natural sciences, drawing, grammar, arithmetic, as well as dances and music.

Study, "Her Imperial Highness Great Princess Russian Anastasia Nikolaevna" special dislike was experiencing to arithmetic and grammar. Anastasia loved games, dancing, charaks.

For mobility and hooligan temper in the family, her was called the "Shrink", and for a small height and inclined to complete the figure - "Kubashka".

In accordance with the traditions of the imperial family, at 14, each of the daughters of the emperor became an honorary commander of one of the Russian regiments. In 1915, Anastasia became the Honorary Commander of the Caspian 148th Infantry Regiment.

Maria and Anastasia in the hospital in the royal village. Photo:

During World War II, Anastasia, together with the sister, Maria arranged concerts in hospitals for wounded soldiers, read them, helped write letters home.

In the spring of 1917, the daughter of Nicholas II, who had already rejected the throne, silenced cute. Due to the high temperature and severe drugs, the girls began to fall out, and they were abused. Their brother Alexey, whom the disease bypassed the party, insisted that he was touched by the same as sisters. In memory of this, a photo was made - overwhelmed heads of children of the emperor, protruding because of black drapery. Today, some see a gloomy omen in this picture.

Anastasia, Olga, Alexey, Maria and Tatyana after measles (June 1917) Photo:

Life under the house arrest of Nikolai II daughters is not too much - the girls were not spoiled in the palace, where they grew up if not in Spartan, then very harsh conditions.

During his stay in Tobolsk, Anastasia with enthusiasm engaged in sewing and wood harvesting.

Birthday in the house of Ipatiev

In May 1918, the family of Romanov delivered to Ekaterinburg, to the house Engineer Ipatiev. June 18, Anastasia celebrated its 17th anniversary.

From left to right - Olga, Nikolay, Anastasia, Tatyana. Tobolsk (Winter 1917) Photo:

By this time, children's fun almost no longer interested - Anastasia, like all the girls at her age, experienced due to relatively imaginary and real flaws of their own figure. With the beginning of the war, she, alongside the sisters, was addicted to smoking. In the last period, before the father's renunciation, Anastasia fond of photography and adored chatting on the phone.

In the family of Romanov, there were few people with strong health, and Anastasia did not apply to the number of favorites. Doctors believed that she, like the mother, is a carrier of hemophilia. Since childhood, she suffered from pain in the feet - the consequence of the innate curvature of large fingers. Anastasia had a weak back, but from special exercises and massages aimed at correcting this lack, died in every way.

On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, Anastasia Romanova was shot in the basement of the House of Engineer of Ipatiev, along with sisters, brother, parents and approximate.

Short life with the sad finale. But in an amazing way, after his death, Anastasia became the most famous representative of the family of Nicholas II, the Emperor himself, the Emperor himself.

Girl from the Berlin Clinic

The story of "wonderful salvation" of the great princess of Anastasia excites the minds for almost a century. The books were written about her, films were lifted, and in 1997 a full-length cartoon "Anastasia", which gathered $ 140 million in global rental. For the best song "Anastasia" even nominated for Oscar.

Anastasia. Photo: Frame from cartoon

Why did Anastasia gain such fame from the whole imperial family?

This happened thanks to a woman named Anna Andersonwho declared himself a great prince, escaped from execution.

In February 1920, in Berlin, a policeman saved a young woman who was trying to commit suicide, jumping from the bridge. From confused explanations, the ladies followed that in the capital of Germany she was looking for royal relatives, but those allegedly rejected it, after which the woman decided to reduce the scores with life.

Anna Anderson. Photo:

A failed suicide was sent to a psychiatric clinic, where, when inspected, they found numerous scars from firearms on her body. The patient understood in Russian, but the doctors still believed that her native language was Polish. In the clinic she did not call her own behalf, and at all reluctantly joined the conversation.

In 1921, in Europe, they became particularly actively circulating rumors that one of the daughters of Nicholas II could survive when executing in Yekaterinburg.

Considering the photos of the daughters of the Russian emperor, published in the newspapers, one of the patients of the clinic found that her neighbor was extremely similar to one of them.

With this, the epic of Anna Anderson - Anastasia began.

"I hid behind my sister Tatiana"

Russian emigrants began to visit the clinic, trying to understand whether the unknown, suffering from losing memory, is the daughter of the emperor.

At the same time, initially said that the patient of the psychucleaper was not - not Anastasia, but Tatiana.

Most of the visitors from among those who knew the royal daughters were convinced that the unknown lady had nothing to do with the children of Nicholas II.

But notes that Tsarevna grabbing everything on the fly - after one visitor, trying to remind her about the "tsarist past," she told her episodes from the life of the royal daughters, then she passed these words as their own "memories."

Anna Anderson. Photo:

In 1922, Anna Anderson first openly declared himself Anastasia Romanova.

"I was with all the murder on the night, and when the massacre began, I hid behind my sister Tatyana, who was killed by a shot. I lost consciousness from several blows. When I came to my senses, I discovered that I was in the house of some kind of soldier who saved me. By the way, I went to Romania with his wife, and when she died, decided to wade into Germany alone, "the woman told her" wonderful salvation ".

Anna Anderson's stories, who left the clinic and found support for those who believed her, changed over time and were full of non-promotion. Despite this, the opinion on its account was divided: some were convinced that Anna Anderson is an impostor, others also firmly insisted that she is really Anastasia.

"Anna Anderson against Romanov"

In 1928, Anna Anderson moved to the United States, where he began to actively fight for recognizing anastasia. At the same time, the "Romanov Declaration" appeared, in which the surviving members of the Russian Imperial House resolutely died from kinship with her.

The problem, however, was that from 44 Romanovs under this document, less than half signed. Some Romanovs stubbornly supported Anna Anderson, joined them and Tatyanaand Gleb Botkin, Children of the last Life Medica of the courtyard killed together with the royal family.

In 1928, Gleb Botkin stood at the origins of the creation of a joint-stock company Grandine ("Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia" - that is, "Russian Great Princess Anastasia".

The company intended to defend the interests of Anna Anderson in the courts, seeking her recognition by Anastasia. In Konou stood "Tsarist Gold" - overseas treasures of Romanov, who were assessed in tens of millions of dollars. In case of success, Anna Anderson should have become their only heir.

The lawsuit "Anna Anderson against Romanov" started in Berlin in 1938, stretched out for several decades. It was a series of litigation, which in 1977 ended with nothing. The court found insufficient evidence of the Knival of Anna Anderson with Romanov, although her opponents failed to prove that Anderson is in reality is not anastasia.

Opponents of "Anastasia" from the number of Romanov, spending considerable money to pay for private owners, led evidence that Anna Anderson is actually a pool Francis Shanzkovskaya, a worker of the Berlin Plant of Explosives. Wounds on her body, according to this version, were obtained during an explosion at the enterprise.

Anna Anderson even arranged a full-time bet with Shagkowski, on which those identified their relative in it.

However, their testimony believed not all, especially since the Shartrics themselves was identified in Anna Francis, they refused their words.

"Alas, it was not she"

A long trial made the alleged "Anastasia" very famous in the West, inspiring writers and directors to create works on her fate.

At the end of the life, Anna Anderson was again in a psychiatric clinic, this time in Charlottesville, in the US state of Virginia. On February 12, 1984, she died of lung inflammation. Her body, according to the will, betrayed cremation, and the dust burned in the chapel of Zeon's castle in Bavaria.

By 2008, numerous DNA tests of the proposed remains of the royal family found in 1991, conducted by experts in several laboratories of various countries, gave an unequivocal conclusion - it is really about the family of Nicholas II, and all its representatives really died in the House of Ipatiev.

An analysis of the samples of the tissues of Anna Anderson, taken from her during his lifetime and preserved in Charlottesville clinic showed that it had no relation to Romanov. But two independent DNA tests confirmed its genetic proximity to the Shantskovsky family.

Great Princess Anastasia, circa 1912 Photo:

Anna Anderson was the most famous, but far from the only false anastasia. Emperor Nicholas I Prince Dmitry Romanov He said: "Anastasy Anastasii in my memory was from 12 to 19. In the conditions of post-war depression, many went crazy. We, Romanov, would be happy if Anastasia, even in the face of this Anna Anderson, was alive. But, alas, it was not she. "

"Emperor's Children" as "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt"

The prince turned out to be wrong only in one - Libe-Anastasius was significantly more. To date, it is known about 34 "wonderfully saved anastasses." Most of them did not show such activity as Anna Anderson, some "royal origin" attributed posthumously different kinds of historical secrets.

Who was not among the "Anastasii" - and the peasants who opened the "secret" to their children before death, and the patients of the psychiatric clinics, and dexterous fraudsters, sometimes do not have any attitude towards Russia at all. The latter of false anastasi leaves in 2000, but some of their heirs of these women are still fighting for recognition of themselves with Romanov.

"But why exactly Anastasia?" - a regular question of a tortured reader will be heard.

In fact, not only Anastasia. "Wonderfully saved children Nicholas II" no less than the famous "Children's Children's Children" from the Golden Calf. Researchers of this phenomenon counted 28 false-olg, 33-false-Tatyana, 53 false-Maria. But all the records beat Lia-Alexei - there were more than 80 people for today. And everyone has their own rescue history, their supporters who are confident of the truth of the applicant.

All this is not related to the tragic destiny of Alexey, Anastasia, Mary, Tatiana and Olga Romanov, as a story Falsmitria not related to the fate of the unfortunate younger son Ivan Grozny.

But in history sometimes it happens that the impostors leave in it a brightest trace than those whose name turned out to be assigned.

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova - a mystery of the Great


July 17 "HREF \u003d" / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg) - Great Princess, the fourth daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna. Shot along with his family in the house of Ipatiev. After her death About 30 women declared themselves "by the miracle of the Great Prince," but all sooner or later were exposed as an impostile In 1981, they were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. Memory - July 4 for the Julian calendar.


Born 5 (18) June 1901 in Peterhof. By the time of its appearance, three daughters were already three daughters - Olga, Tatiana and Maria. The absence of the heir grew a political situation: according to the act of the throne, adopted by Paul I, the woman could not climb the throne, because the younger brother Nicholas II was considered the heir, Mikhail Alexandrovich, which was not satisfied with many, and first of all - the Empress Alexander Fedorovna. In attempts to pour a son from God, at this time she is more and more immersed in mysticism. To the court with the assistance of the Montenegrin Princesses Militsa Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolaevna arrived a certain Philip, a Frenchman, who declared himself a hypnotist and a specialist in nervous diseases. Philipped predicted Alexander Fedorovna the birth of a son, however, a girl appeared on the world - Anastasia. Nikolay recorded in his diary:

The entry in the diary of the emperor contradicts the allegations of some researchers, who believed that Nicholas's daughter disappointed by the birth of a long time did not decrease to visit a newborn and wife.

The Great Princess Ksenia, the sister of the ruling emperor, also noted this event:

The Great Princess was named after the Chernogorsk Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna, a close friend of Empress. The "hypnotist" Philip, not confused after the failed prophecy, immediately predicted her "amazing life and special fate." Margaret Chair, author of Memoirov "Six years at the Russian Imperial Dvor", recalled that Anastasia was named after the fact that the emperor pardoned and recovered in the rights of students of St. Petersburg University, who took part in recent unrest, since the name "Anastasia" So "returned to life", in the image of this saint, there are usually there are chains torn in half.

The full title of Anastasia Nikolaevna sounded like her imperial highness Great Princess Russian Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, but they did not use it, in official speech, calling her by name and patronymic, and at home called "Little, Nastaskaya, Nastya, Kubashka" - for a small height (157 cm ) and a round figure and a "high-profile" for mobility and inexhaustibility in the invention of pranks and leprosy.

According to the memories of contemporaries, the children of the emperor did not pour luxury. Anastasia divided the room with the older sister of Maria. The walls of the room were gray, the ceiling was decorated with images of butterflies. On the walls - icons and photos. The furniture is sustained in white and green colors, the situation is simple, almost Spartan, a couch with embroidered pads, and the army bed, on which the Great Princess slept all year round. This bed moved around the room to be in the winter to be in a more illuminated and warm part of the room, and in the summer sometimes pulled out even on the balcony, so that it was possible to relax from the stuff and heat. The same bed took with me for the holidays in the Livadian Palace, on it the great princess slept during the Siberian reference. One large room in the neighborhood, separated by the curtain in half, served as a great princess to the general Booo and the bathroom.

The life of the Great Prince was quite monotonous. Breakfast at 9 o'clock, second breakfast - at 13:00 or at 12:30 pm on Sundays. At five o'clock - tea, at eight - a common dinner, and the food was quite simple and unassuming. In the evenings, the girls decided charades and engaged in embroidery, while his father read them out loud.

Early in the morning it was assumed to take a cold bath, in the evening - warm, into which several drops of perfume was added, and Anastasia preferred the spirits of Coti with the smell of violets. This tradition has been preserved since Catherine I. When the girls were small, the buckets with water wore a servant to the bathroom when they grave - it was charged with themselves. There were two baths - the first large, left since the reign of Nikolai I (on the preserved tradition, all who washed in her left their autograph on the side), the other - smaller - was intended for children.

Sundays were waiting with a special impatience - on this day the great princessed children's balls at their aunt - Olga Alexandrovna. Especially interesting was the evening when Anastasia allowed to dance with young officers.

Like other children of the emperor, Anastasia received a home education. Training began in the eight of the age, the program included French, English and German, history, geography, the law of God, natural sciences, drawing, grammar, arithmetic, as well as dances and music. Speed \u200b\u200bin study, Anastasia did not differ, she could not tolerate grammar, wrote with horrific mistakes, and arithmetic with children's spontaneity was called "the lead". The English language teacher Sydney Gibbs recalled that one day she tried to bribe his bouquet of flowers to raise the assessment, and after his refusal gave these flowers to the Russian teacher - Peter Vasilyevich Petrov.

Basically, the family lived in the Alexander Palace, occupying only a part of several tens of rooms. Sometimes they moved to the Winter Palace, despite the fact that it was very large and cold, Tatiana girls and Anastasia were often sick here.

In mid-June, the family went on a trip to the Imperial Yacht "Standard", usually - at Finnish Schkers, sitting down from time to time to the islands for short excursions. An especially imperial family was loved by a small bay, which was chosen by the Bay of the Standard. Picnic arranged in it, or played tennis on the court, which the emperor arranged his own hands.

Rested in the Livadia Palace. In the main premises, the imperial family was located, in extensions - several courtiers, security and servants. They bathed in warm sea, built fortresses and towers from the sand, sometimes chose to the city to ride a stroller along the streets or to visit the stores. In Petersburg, it did not do this, since any appearance of a royal family in humans created rolling and excitement.

There were sometimes in Polish estates belonging to the royal family, where Nikolai loved to hunt.

The First World War turned into a catastrophe for the Russian Empire and for the Romanov Dynasty. By February 1917, having lost hundreds of thousands killed, the country drown. In the capital, Petro-Grad, the people suited the hungry bun-you, students joined the strikers, and sent to the guidance of the order of the troops themselves raised the rebellion. I king Nikolai II-MU, hastily caused from the front, where he personally commanded the imperial army, put an ultimatum: renunciation. For himself and his painful 12-year-old son, he refused the throne that his dynasty occupied since 1613.
The temporary government placed the family of the former emperor under house arrest in the royal village - a comfortable ensemble of palaces under Petrograd. Together with Nikolai II, Empress Alexander Fedo-Roven and Tsarevich, there were four daughters of the king, the great princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, the elders of which were 22 years old, and the youngest - 16 years. If not considered a permanent supervision, the family practically did not feel deprivation during the conclusion in the royal village.
By the summer of 1917, Kerensky began to disturb conspiracies: on the one hand, the Bolsheviks sought to eliminate the former king; On the other hand, the preserved loyalty to the king, monarchists, wanted to save Nicholas II, and return to him the throne. For the sake of security, Kerensky decided to send his royal prisoners to Tobolsk, a distant Siberian town of more than 1500 kilometers east of the Ural Mountains. On August 14, Nikolai II, His wife and five children accompanied by about 40 servants went from the royal village in a six-day journey on a carefully protected train.
... In November, the Bolsheviks captured power and concluded a separate world with Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Brest Lithuanian Mirny Agreement was signed in March 1918). In front of the new leader of Russia, Vladimir Lenin stood a lot of problems, including what to do with the former king, now become his prisoner.
In April 1918, when the White Army, supporters of the king, moved to Tobolsk along the Trans-Siberian Railway, Lenin ordered to transport the royal family to Yekaterinburg, who was at the western end of the road. Nicholas II, and his family settled in the two-story residence of the merchant Ipatyev, giving it an ominous name "House of Special Forces".
The guards, most of which were the former factory workers, commanded the ugly and often drunk Alexander Avdaev, who liked to call the former king Nikolai Blood.
In early July 1918, Avdeeva changed Yakov Yurovsky, head of the local chk. Two days later, the courier arrived from Moscow with order to prevent the former king to get into the hands of white. The promosterhist army, connecting with the 40,000th Czech Corps, steadily moved to the west to Yekaterinburg, despite the resistance of the Bolsheviks.
Somewhere after midnight, on the night of July 16 to July 17, 1918, Yurovsky woke up members of the royal family, ordered to dress and ordered to gather in one of the rooms on the first floor. Alexander and Patient Alexei brought chairs, Nikolai II, Tsarevna, Dr. Botkin and four servants remained standing. Having read the death sentence, Yurovsky shot Nicholas II-mu in the head - it was a signal to other participants of the execution of opening fire on the predetermined goals. Those who do not died immediately, hammer bayonets.
The bodies disastened to the truck and taken into an abandoned mine outside the city, where they were disfigured, doused with acid and dropped into the Stand. On July 17, the Government in Moscow received an encrypted message from Yekaterinburg: "Tell Sverdlov, that all family members have suffered the same fate as her chapter. Officially, the family died at evacuation."
On July 18, the meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences held on July 18, his chairman reported the telegram received on the direct wire on the execution of the former king.
On July 19, the Council of People's Commissar was published on the confiscation of the property of Nikolay Romanov and members of the former Imperial House. All their property was announced by the property of the Soviet Republic. The shooting of Romanovs in Yekaterinburg was officially published on July 22. On the eve of this, a message was made on a working rally in the city theater celebrated by a rapid expression of delight ...
Almost immediately there were rumors about how truthful is this message. The version was actively discussed that Nikolai II was really executed on the night from July 16 to July 17, but the former Queen, her son and four daughters retained life. Nevertheless, since the former Queen and her children did not appear anywhere, the conclusion about the death of the whole family became generally accepted. True, from time to time, applicants appeared on the role of those who have experienced this terrible tragedy. They were considered impostors, and the legend that not all the Romanovs were killed in that night, considered as a fantasy.
... In 1988, sensational facts revealed with the onset of publicity. Yurovsky's son, Yurovsky conveyed to the authorities a secret report with a detailed description of the place and the circumstances of the burial body. From 1988 to 1991, searches were searched and excavations. As a result, nine skeletons were found in the specified location. After a thorough computer analysis (comparison of the skulls with photos) and the comparisons of genes (the so-called DNA imprint) it became obvious that five skeletons belonged to Nicholas II-MU, Alexander and Troim from five children. Four skeletons - Troim servants and Dr. Botkin - a family doctor.
The detection of the remains lifted the veil of secrecy, but also poured oil into the fire. In the burial found near Ekaterinburg, there were no two skeletons. Experts came to the conclusion that there are no remains of Zesarevich Alexey and one of the great prinjon. Whose skeleton is missing, Mary or Anastasia, is not known. The question remains open: fifty-fifty.

Memories of contemporaries show that Anastasia was perfectly educated, he knew how to dance, knew foreign languages, participated in domestic performance ... She had a funny nickname in her family: "Schwibzik" for storm. She seemed to be from mercury, not from flesh and blood, was very witty and possessed a certain gift of Mim. She was so fun and so knew how to dispersed wrinkles from anyone who was not in the spirit that some of the surroundings began to call her "sunlight"
... The life of the youngest daughter Nicholas II ended in 17 years. On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, she was shot with closest in Yekaterinburg.
Or did not shoot? In the early 1990s, the burial of the royal family under Yekaterinburg was discovered, but the remains of Anastasia and Tsearevich Alexei were found not found. However, another skeleton was found later, "number 6" and buried as belonging to the Great Princess. True, a small detail makes doubt its authenticity - Anastasia had a height of 158 cm, and the buried skeleton - 171 cm ... Well, didn't have a princess in the grave?
There are other inconsistencies to hope for a miracle ...

With the seeming transparency of the history of the death of the family of the last Russian king, there are still white spots in it. Too many people were not interested in finding out the truth, but in creating the illusion of truth. Multiple examinations conducted in different laboratories of different countries of the world have made not so much clarity as the bestness.
It is well known that in the early 1990s, the burial of the royal family under Yekaterinburg was discovered, but the remains of Anastasia (or Mary) and Cesarevich Alexei were found not found. However, another skeleton was found later, "number 6" and buried as belonging to the Great Princess. However, a small detail makes doubt its authenticity - Anastasia had a height of 158 cm, and the buried skeleton - 171 cm ...
It is less known that Nicholas II had seven twin families, and their fate is not clear. Two judicial definitions in Germany, based on DNA examinations of Yekaterinburg remains, showed that they would absolutely correspond to the family of Filatovy - Doubles of Nicholas II family ... So, perhaps, it is still necessary to figure out whose remains are buried under the name of the Great Princess Anastasia in St. Petersburg in July 1998 (there are doubts about other other remains buried then), and whose remains were found in the summer of 2007 in the Koptakovsky forest.
Official point of view: All members of the family Nikolai II and he himself were shot in Yekaterinburg in 1918, and no one was able to escape. Applicants for the "role" of those who saved Anastasia and Alexey are fraudsters and impostors who have merge interest to obtain foreign bank deposits Nicholas II. According to different estimates, the amount of these contributions in England is from 100 billion to 2 trillion dollars.
This official point of view contradicts facts and certificates that do not allow Anastasia who died together with the entire royal family on the night of July 17, 1918:
- There is an eyewitness testimony, which saw the wounded, but living Anastasia in the House on the Resurrection Avenue in Yekaterinburg (almost opposite Ipatiev's house) Early in the morning of July 17, 1918; It was Heinrich Kleinbetsell, a tailor from Vienna, the Austrian prisoner, which in the summer of 1918 worked in Yekaterinburg with an apprentice at the tailor of Badine. He saw her in the House of Badine early in the morning of July 17, a few hours after the brutal massacre in the basement of the house of Ipatiev. She brought one of the guards (probably, another of the former more liberal composition of protection - Yurovsky replaced not all the former guards), - one of those several young guys who have long been sympathetic to girls, royal daughters;
- there is a confusion in the testimony, reports and stories of the participants of this bloody massacre - even in different versions of the stories of the same people;
- It is known that the "red" was looking for missing Anastasia for several months after the killing of the royal family;
- Do you know that one (or two?) Women's corsets were not found.
- It is known that the Bolsheviks led secret negotiations with the Germans about the issuance of the Russian queen and her children in exchange for Russian political prisoners in Germany after the tragedy in Yekaterinburg!
- In 1925, A. Anderson met with Olga Alekandrovna Romano-Kulikovskaya, Nikolai II sister II and Native aunt Anastasia, who could not not know the niece. Olga Alexandrovna reacted in relation to the healthy warmth. "I am unable to embrace this mind," she said after the meeting, but the heart suggests that it is Anastasia! " Later, Romanov decided to abandon the girl, declaring an impostor.
- The Archives of the CCB-KGB-FSB are still not open about the murder of the royal family and what Chekists led in the Kopthakovsky forest led by Yurovsky 1919 (a year after the execution) and the MGB officers (Beria) officers in 1946. All the documents are still known about the execution of the royal family (including the "note" of Yurovsky) obtained from other state archives (not from the FSB archives).
If all members of the royal family were killed, then why don't we have answers to all these questions so far?

Freilain Unbekannt (Unbekannt - Unknown)

Under the name Froilain Unbecant in the protocol of the Berlin Police on February 17, 1920, a girl was registered while trying to suicide. She did not have documents with him and refused to call her name. She had blond hair with chestnut chip and piercing gray eyes. She spoke with a clearly expressed Slavic accent, so in her personal case was made by the "Unknown Russian".
Starting from the spring of 1922, dozens of articles and books are written about it. Anastasia Tchaikovskaya, Anna Anderson, later - Anna Manyan (according to the surname of her husband). These are the names of the same woman. The last name written on its gravestone, Anastasia Manyaan. She died on February 12, 1984, but after death, her fate does not give rest to her friends nor enemies.
... That evening on February 17, she was placed in the Elizavtian hospital on Luttsistraße. At the end of March, he was transferred to a non-rological clinic in Daldorf with a diagnosis of "sincere disease of a depressive nature," where she lived two years. In Daldorf, when inspected on March 30, she admitted that he tried to commit suicide, but refused to call the reason or give any comments. During the inspection, its weight was recorded - 50 kilograms, growth - 158 centimeters. When examining, doctors found that six months ago she suffered a childbirth. For a girl "under the twenty-year-old age," it was an important circumstance.
On the chest and the abdomen of the patient, they saw numerous scars from torn wounds. On the head behind the right ear there was a 3,5 cm scar, deep enough, so that the finger could enter it, as well as the scar on his forehead at the very roots of the hair. At the foot of the right leg was the characteristic scar from the end-to-end injury. It completely corresponded to the form and size of the Russian rifle of the Russian rifle. In the upper jaw - cracks. The next day after inspection, she admitted a doctor that was afraid of his life: "It makes it clear that he does not want to call himself, fearing persecution. The impression of restraint generated by fear. More fear than restraint. " In the history of the disease, it is also written that the patient has a congenital orthopedic disease of the Hallux Valgus Stop of the third degree.
The disease discovered in a patient with the doctors of the clinic in Daldorf absolutely coincided with the congenital disease of Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. The girl had the same height, the size of the foot, the color of the hair and the eyes and the portrait resemblance to the Russian prince, and from the data of the medical card it is clear that the traces of injury "Froilain Unbecant" fully correspond to those that Anastasia in the basement of the house of Ipatiev has been applied . The scar on the forehead coincides. Anastasia Romanova had such a scar from childhood, so she was always the only one of the daughters of Nicholas II always wore hairstyles with "bangs".
In the end, the girl called Anastasia Romanova. The wonderful salvation in her version looked like this: along with all the killed family members, she was lucky to the place of burial, but on the road Sectional Anastasia hid some soldiers. With him, she got to Romania, there they got married, but what happened next - the failure ...
The next 50 years of conversations and judicial cases are whether Anna Anderson Anastasia Romanova was not subsidized, but in the end it did not recognize the "real" prince. Nevertheless, fierce disputes about the riddle Anna Anderson continues until now ...
Opponents: Starting from March 1927, the opponents of the recognition of Anna Anderson Anastasia, put forward the version that the girl who gave himself to escape Anastasia was actually a native of the Peasant family (from Eastern Prussia) named Francis Shanzkovskaya.
This point of view is confirmed by the 1995 expertise implemented in the Department of Forensic Medicine of the British Ministry of the Interior. According to the results of the examination, the study of the mitochondric DNA "Anna Anderson" convincingly proven that it is not a great prince Anastasia, the younger daughter of King Nicholas II. According to the concluding group of British genetics in Odermeston, headed by Dr. Peter Gill, DNA Ms. Anderson does not coincide with the DNA of the female skeletons learned from the grave near Yekaterinburg in 1991 and presumably belonged to the queen and three her daughters, nor with DNA relatives of Anastasia on maternal and the father's line living in England and in other places. At the same time, the analysis of the blood of Karl Maugheter, the grand nephew of the disappeared factory workers Francisky Shantskovskaya, discovered a mitochondria coincidence, which makes it possible to conclude that Francis and Anna Anderson is one person. Tests in other laboratories, where the same DNA was considered, led to the same conclusion. Although there are doubts about the source of samples for DNA at Anna Anderson (it was cremated, and samples are taken from residual materials of surgical defiations carried out 20 years before expertise).
These doubts are aggravated by testimonies of people who knew Anna-Anastasia personally:
"... I knew Anna Anderson for more than ten years and was familiar with almost everyone who was involved in her struggle for recognition over the past quarter of a century: with friends, lawyers, neighbors, journalists, historians, with representatives of the Russian royal family and royal families in Europe , Russian and European aristocracy is a wide range of competent witnesses, without hesitation recognized by her royal daughter. My knowledge of her character, all the details of her business and, it seems to me, the likelihood and common sense, - all convinces me that she was Russian Great Princess.
This is my belief, although challenged (the results of DNA studies), remains non-omitable. Not being a specialist, I can not question the results of Dr. Gilla; If these results only found that Ms. Anderson is not a member of the Romanov family, I may be able to accept them - if not easily now, then at least over time. However, no scientific testimonies nor the results of forensic medical examination will not kill me that Ms. Anderson and Francis Slazkovskaya - the same face.
I categorically argue that those who knew Anna Anderson who lived next to her months and years treated her and cared for her during her numerous diseases, whether he was a doctor or nurse who watched her behavior, posture, to keep himself, "Can not believe that she was born in the village in Eastern Prussia in 1896 and was a daughter and sister of peasants growing beets."
Peter Kurt, author of the book "Anastasia. Anna Anderson's mystery "(in Russian translation" Anastasia. Mystery of the Great Princess ")

Anastasia in Anna, in spite of everything, some foreign relatives of the Romanov family, as well as Tatyana Botkin-Melnik, the Vodov of Dr. Botkin, who died in Yekaterinburg.
Supporters: supporters of recognition Anna Anderson Anastasia draw attention to the fact that Francis Slazkovskaya was older than Anastasia for five years, higher than the growth, wore shoes for four sizes more, never gave birth to children and did not have orthopedic feet. In addition, Francis Shanzkovskaya disappeared from the house at a time when Freilain Unbecant was already in the Elizavtian hospital on Luttsistrasse. "
The first graultic examination was made at the request of Hessian in 1927. She was fulfilled by the staff of the Institute of Graphology in a dream, Dr. Lucy Wezsecker. Comparing the handwriting on the recently written samples with the handwriting on the samples written by Anastasia, during the lifetime of Nicholas II, Lucy Wezsecker came to the conclusion that the samples belong to the same person.
In 1960 by the decision of the Hamburg court, a graphologist Dr. Minna Becker was appointed a graphic expert. Four years later, reporting on their work at a meeting of the Higher Court of Appeal in the Senate, the gray doctor Becker stated: "I have never seen such a number of identical signs in two texts written by different people." Another important doctor's notice should be mentioned. For the examination, samples of handwritters were provided in the form of texts written in German and Russian. In his report, speaking of Russian texts, Mrs. Anderson Dr. Becker noted: "It seems that she again fell into a familiar environment."
Due to the lack of opportunity to compare fingerprints, anthropologists were attracted to the investigation. Their opinion was considered by the court as "the probability close to confidence." Studies conducted in 1958 at the University of Mainz doctors Aikstedtte and Klenka, and in 1965 the founder of the German anthropological society, a professor Otto Rehe, led to the same result, namely:
1. Mrs. Anderson is not a Polish factory worker of Francisa Shantskovskaya.
2. Mrs. Anderson is the Great Princess Anastasia Romanova.
The opponents indicated the inconsistency of the shape of the right ear Anderson ear of Anastasia Romanova, referring to the examination made in the twenties.
These doubts allowed one of the most famous forensic experts of Germany Dr. Moritz Furtmier. In 1976, Dr. Furtmayer managed to find that, according to a ridiculous accident for comparing ear shells, experts used a photo of Daldrop's patient, made from an inverted negative. That is, the right ear of Anastasia Romanova was compared with the left ear "Froilain Unbeckant" and naturally received a negative result for identity. When comparing the same photo of Anastasia with a photo of the right ear, Anderson (Tchaikovskaya), Moritz Furtmayer received a coincidence in seventeen anatomical positions. To recognize the identification in the West German court, there was quite enough coincidence of five positions from twelve.
One can only guess, no matter how the fate would be formed, do not be that fatal error. Even in the sixties, this mistake was based on the decision of the Hamburg court, and then the Highest Court of Appeal in the Senate.
... In recent years, another important consideration has been added to the mystery of the identification of Anna Anderson as Anastasia, previously ignored for an incomprehensible reason.
We are talking about the congenital deformation of the stop, which was known since childhood the Great Princess and which was also at Anna Anderson. The fact is that this is a very rare disease. As a rule, this disease appears in women who have reached the age of 30-35 years. As for the cases of congenital illness, they are identical and found extremely rare. By 142 million in Russian residents over the past ten years, only eight cases of this disease have been registered.
Speaking easier, the statistics of an innate case is approximately 1:17 Thus, with a probability of 99,9999,9947 Anna Anderson really was a great prince Anastasia!
This statistic denies the negative results of DNA tests conducted with the remains of the tissue materials in years, since the reliability of DNA studies does not exceed 1: 6000 - three thousand times less reliably than Anna-Anastasia statistics! At the same time, the statistics of the congenital disease are actually statistics of artifacts (there is no doubt), while DNA studies are a complex procedure at which it is impossible to exclude the possibility of random genetic contamination of the initial tissue materials, or even their malicious substitution.

Possible causes of non-recognition

Why are some members of the house of Romanovs in Europe and their relatives from the Royal Dynasties of Germany almost immediately, in the early 1920s, were tuned sharply against Anna Anastasia? Possible causes are several.
First, Anna Anderson sharply spoke out about Great Prince Kirill Vladimirovich ("he is a traitor"), while the latter claimed the empty throne.
Secondly, she unintentionally revealed a large state secret about the arrival of her uncle Ernie Hessian to Russia in 1916. The visit was associated with the intention of incloring Nicholas II to the Separate world with Germany. It did not succeed, and at the departure from the Alexander Palace, Ernie even said to his sister, Empress Alexandra: "You are no longer a sun" - so called Alix in her childhood all German relatives. At the beginning of the twenties, it was still a state secret, and Ernie Hessen had nothing left, how to blame Anastasia in slander.
Thirdly, by the time of the meeting with relatives in 1925, Anna Anastasia was in a very serious physical and psychological state. She was sick tuberculosis. Her weight barely reached 33 kg. People surrounded by Anastasia believed that her days were considered. But she survived and after meetings with aunt Olya and other close people dreamed of a meeting with her grandmother - a widowed Empress Maria Fedorovna. She was waiting for the recognition of relatives, and instead in 1928 on the second day after the death of a widowed empress, several members of the House of Romanov were publicly renounced, announcing that she is an impostor. The insult has led to the rupture of relationships.
In addition, in 1922, the question of who will lead the dynasty in Russian abroad, and will take place the "emperor in exile". The main challenger was Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov. He, like most Russian emigrants, could not even imagine that the Bolshevik government will delay in a long seven decades. The appearance of Anastasia in the summer of 1922 in Berlin caused the soundness and separation of opinions in the ranks of monarchists. Information about the physical and mental unhealthy princessed, and the presence of the heir to the throne, born in an unequal marriage (or from a soldier, or from the lieutenant of peasant origin), all this did not contribute to the immediate recognition, not to mention the consideration of her candidacy In place of the head of the dynasty.
... You could have completed the history of missing Russian princes. It is amazing that for more than 80 years I did not occur to anyone to learn the medical statistics of the deformation stop Hallux Valgus! It is strange that the results of a ridiculous examination of the comparison "of the right ear of Anastasia Romanova with the left ear" Froilain Unbeckant "(!), Served as the basis for fateful court decisions, contrary to multiple grapheological examinations and presonant testimonies. Surprisingly, serious people can seriously discuss the question of the "identity of the" identity "of the small Polish peasantry with the Russian prince, and to believe that Francis could have been mystified by the surrounding, without giving up its true origin ... and the last one, it is known that Anastasia gave birth to Son in the fall of 1919 , somewhere on the border with Romania (at that time she was hiding from the red for the name of Tchaikovskaya, according to the surname of a man who saved her and taken out to Romania). What is the fate of this son? Really, no one asked? Maybe this DNA should be compared with DNA of relatives of Romanovs, and not dubious "fabric materials"?

Only facts:
During the time of the killing of the royal family in Yekaterinburg, about 30 appeared pseudo-anastasiy in the world (according to data). Some of them did not even speak Russian, explaining this by the fact that the stress was experienced in the Ipatiev House made them forget their native speech. In the Geneva Bank, a special service was created for their "identification", the exam was not able to withstand none of the candidates. True, the Bank's interest in identifying the herenation of the amount of about $ 500 billion is also non-obvious.
Among the many explicit impressants are a mansion, except Anna Anderson, a few more contenders.

Eleanor Kruger
At the beginning of the 20s, a young woman with aristocratic posture appeared in the Bulgarian village of Grabarevo. She introduced himself as Eleunori Albertov Kruger. Together with her there was a Russian doctor, and a year later, a tall young man of a painful view appeared in their house, which was registered in the community under the name George Zhodin. Rumors that Eleanor and Georgy - brother and sister, and belong to the Russian royal family went to the community. Nevertheless, no statements and claims for anything they did not express.
George died in 1930, and in 1954 - Eleanor. The Bulgarian researcher of the Good Emmanuilov believes that Eleanor is the missing daughter Nicholas II, and Georgy - Tsearevich Alexey. In her conclusions, he relies on the memories of Eleonora about how "the servants bathed her in a gold trough, combed and dressed. She told about her own royal room, and about their children's drawings, in her drawn. "
In addition, in the early 50s in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Balchik, Russian Belogwardians, describing the life of the shot imperial family in detail, with witnesses they said that Nikolai II commanded him to personally take Anastasia and Alexey from the palace and hide them in the province. He also claimed that he delivered children to Turkey. Comparing the pictures of 17-year-old Anastasia and 35-year-old Eleonora Kruger from Gabarevo, experts established a significant similarity between them. The years of their birth coincide. Contemporaries Georgia argue that he was sick and talk about him as a high, weak and pale young man. Similarly, describe the patient with hemophilia Prince Alexey and Russian authors. In 1995, Eleanora and Georgy remained exhibited in the presence of a judicial doctor and the anthropologist. In the coffin, George found incense - the icon with the face of Christ - from those with whom only representatives of the highest layers of Russian aristocracy were buried.

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Ivanova-Vasilyeva
In April 1934, a young woman entered the Church of the Resurrection at the Semenov cemetery, heavily daring and poorly dressed. She appeared to confession, but sent her Hieromona Athanasius (Alexander Ivanshin).
During the confession, the woman declared a priest that she was the daughter of the former king Nicholas II - Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. On the question of how she managed to escape from the execution, the stranger answered: "It is impossible to talk about it."
To seek help, it prompted the need to get a passport to try to leave the country. The passport was able to get, but someone reported to the NKVD on the activities of the "counter-revolutionary monarchical group", and all that helped a woman was arrested.
Case number 000 and today is kept in the State Archive of the Russian Federation (Garf) and is not subject to disclosure. A woman who called himself Anastasia, after endless prisons and concentration camps, by sentence of a special meeting at the NKVD, was directed to a psychroom for compulsory treatment. The sentence was indefinite, and in 1971 she died in a psychiatric hospital on the island of Sviyazisk. He was buried in a unlucky grave.
Ivanova-Vasilyeva has spent almost forty years in the walls of medical institutions, but she has never been analyzed for a blood group (!). None in any questionnaire, nor in one protocol has no number and month of birth. Only a year and place that coincide with the data of Anastasia Romanova. Investigators, speaking of the defendant in the third person, called it "prince Romanova", not an impostor. And knowing that the woman lives on a false personally filled passport, the investigators never asked her the question of this name.

Natalia Petrovna Bilodze

N. Bilhodze lived in Sukhumi, then Tbilisi. In 1994 and 1997, she went to the Tbilisi court to recognize it anastasia. However, the court sessions did not take place due to its non-appearance. She argued that the whole family was saved. Died in 2000. The posthumous genetic examination did not confirm her relationship with the royal family (more precisely, with the remains buried in 1998 in St. Petersburg).
Yekaterinburg researcher Vladimir Wiener believes that Natalia Belithodze was a member of the Dubler family (Berezkina), who lived in Sukhumi. This explains its external similarity with Anastasia and the positive results "22 examinations conducted in a commission in three states - Georgia, Russia and Latvia". According to them, there was "such a number of matching signs that can only be in one of 700 billion . Cases ". Perhaps a story with recognition was started in the calculation of the royal inheritance of the royal family, in order to return it to Russia.

"Where is the truth," you ask. I will answer: "Truth is somewhere there ..." because it is "fiction is obliged to remain within the limits of possible. Truth - no "(Mark Twain).

Great Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna, the daughter of the last Russian emperor, June 18, 2006 would be 105 years old. Or still furnished? This question does not give rest and historians, and researchers, and ... to the chairs.

The life of the youngest daughter Nicholas II ended in 17 years. On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, she was shot with closest in Yekaterinburg. From the memories of contemporaries it is known that Anastasia was perfectly educated, as the emperor's daughter, he knew how to dance, knew foreign languages, participated in domestic performances ... She had a funny nickname in her family: "Schwibzik" for perseverance. In addition, she has taken care of her brother from an early age about her brother, Alexei, who was sick hemophilia.

In Russian history, before, there were cases of "wonderful salvation" of the dead heirs: it suffices to recall the numerous lzheldmitriev, who appeared after the death of the young son of King Ivan Grozny. In the case of a tsarist family, there are serious reasons to believe that someone from the heirs survived: members of the Yekaterinburg District Court Nametkin and Sergeev, investigating the death of the imperial family, came to the conclusion that the royal family was at some point being replaced by the family of twins . It is known that Nicholas II of such twin families were seven. The twin version was soon rejected, a little later, the researchers returned to her again - after the memories of those who participated in the Ipatiev House in July 1918 were published.

In the early 1990s, the burial of the royal family under Yekaterinburg was discovered, but the remains of Anastasia and Tsearevich Alexei were found not found. However, later, another skeleton was found, "number 6" and buried as belonging to the Great Princess. Only one small detail makes doubt its authenticity - Anastasia had an increase of 158 cm, and the buried skeleton - 171 cm ... Moreover, two judicial definitions in Germany, based on DNA examinations of Yekaterinburg remains, showed that they will absolutely correspond to the Filatov family - Double Family Nicholas II ...

In addition, little actual material remained about the Great Princess, it may also provoke "heiress".

Two years later, after the execution of the royal family, the first challenger appeared. On one of the Berlin streets in 1920, the young woman Anna Anderson was found unconscious, which, having come to himself, was called Anastasia Romanova. The wonderful salvation in her version looked like this: along with all the killed family members, she was lucky to the place of burial, but on the road Sectional Anastasia hid some soldiers. With him, she got to Romania, there they got married, but what happened next - the failure ...

The strangest thing in this story is that Anastasia recognized some foreign relatives in it, as well as Tatyana Botkin-Melnik, the widow of Dr. Botkin, who died in Yekaterinburg. Within 50 years, conversations and court cases did not subside, but Anna Anderson did not recognize the "real" Anastasia Romanova.

Another story leads to the Bulgarian village Grabarevo. "A young woman with aristocratic posture" appeared there at the beginning of the 20s and presented by Eleonor's Albertov Kruger. Together with her there was a Russian doctor, and a year later, a tall young man of a painful view appeared in their house, which was registered in the community under the name George Zhodin.

Rumors that Eleanor and Georgy - brother and sister, and belong to the Russian royal family went to the community. Nevertheless, no statements and claims for anything they did not express. George died in 1930, and in 1954 - Eleanor. Nevertheless, the Bulgarian researcher of the Good Emmanuilov declares that he found evidence that Eleanor and there is a missing daughter Nicholas II, and Georgy - Tsearevich Alexey, leading some evidence:

"A lot of data, reliably known about Anastasia's life, coincide with the stories of holes from Gabarevo about themselves." - said Radio Bulgaria Researcher of the Good Emmanuilov.

"By the end of his life, she herself recalled that the servants bathed her in a gold trough, combed and dressed. She told about her own royal room, and about their children's drawings, in her drawn. There is another interesting evidence. At the beginning of 50- x years in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Balchik Russian Belogwardets, describing the life of the shot imperial family in detail, mentioned Nurra and George from Gabarevo. With the witnesses, he told that Nikolai II commanded him to personally withdraw Anastasia and Alexey from the palace and hide them in the province. After long-lasting walnings, they reached Odessa and rose on board the ship, where the bullets of red cavalry officers were overtaken in the universal turmoil. All three came ashore on the Turkish Pier Tegerdag. Further, Belogwarders argued that the will of the fate of the royal children were in the village of Kazanlyk.

In addition, comparing the pictures of 17-year-old Anastasia and 35-year-old Eleanora Kruger from Gabarevo, experts established a significant similarity between them. The years of their birth coincide. Contemporaries Georgia argue that he was sick with tuberculosis and talk about him as a high, weak and pale young man. Similarly, describe the patient with hemophilia Prince Alexey and Russian authors. According to doctors, the external manifestations of both diseases coincide. "

The site leads a report to the radio of Bulgaria, in which it is noted that in 1995 the remains of Eleanora and George were exhumed from the graves on the old rural cemetery, in the presence of a judicial doctor and the anthropologist. In the coffin, George found incense - the icon with the face of Christ - from those with whom only representatives of the highest layers of Russian aristocracy were buried.

It would seem that the appearance of wonderfully saved Anastasi would have ends, after so many years, but not - in 2002 another contender was presented. At that time she was almost 101. Oddly enough, it was her age forced many researchers to believe this story: those who appeared earlier could count, for example, to power, glory, money. But does it make sense at 101 to chase for wealth?

Natalia Petrovna Bilhodze, who claimed to be considered great prince Anastasia, of course, counts on the monetary heritage of the royal family, but only in order to return it to Russia. According to representatives of the Interregional Public Charitable Christian Foundation, the Great Princess Anastasia Romanova, they have had data "22 experts conducted in a commission in three states - Georgia, Russia and Latvia, the results of which none of the structures were disproved." According to this data, the Georgian citizen Natalia Petrovna Bilodze and Princess Anastasia have "such a number of coinciding signs that can only be in one of 700 billion cases," the members of the Foundation stated. The book N.P. was published. Bilodze: "I am Anastasia Romanova" containing memories of life and relations in the royal family.

It would seem that the rally is close: they said even that Natalia Petrovna is going to come to Moscow and to speak in the State Duma, despite his age, but later it turned out that Anastasia died two years before she was declared the heir.

In total, during the killing of the royal family in Yekaterinburg, pseudo-anastasiy appeared in the world already about 30, writes Some of them did not even speak Russian, explaining this by the fact that the stress was experienced in the Ipatiev House made them forget their native speech. In the Geneva Bank, a special service was created for their "identification", the exam was not able to withstand none of the past candidates.

Sir Picok claimed: I am almost convinced that the Russian Imperial Family has never opened accounts either in the English bank or in general in any of the banks of England. Having read before this meeting in the studio of the book I - Anastasia Romanova, and now she is also listening to her speech from the screen, he put a linguistic diagnosis from the screen: we are most likely a simple hundred, which, visible, has been lost in the aristocratic environment. Naughznik gradually adultel, but still - teased the mirrors. I do not know why in the cartoon Rasputin made a negative character.

Spring weather, snow melts well, and there is a lot of water everywhere. The last thing that I could see Anastasia, closing my face from the impending bayonet, is how of the hands of a dead dog with a dead dog with a silky wool of chocolate colors falling out of the hands of the sister. The Anastasia drawing was confiscated during the search in a high-grade nature of character, in the fall of 1919. Tsearevich Alexey by the moment of execution could not walk at all. In 1970, her claim was rejected by the court for lack of evidence. But who then the mysterious prisoner from the Sviyazhsky specialist.

Anastasia Romanova alive?

Examination confirmed that Anastasia Romanova alive.
The main proof of the existence of the Great Princess Anastasia is a historical and genetic examination.
This was announced by Professor of the Diplomatic Academy, Doctor of Historical Sciences Owned Sirotkin. According to him, genetic expertise was conducted 22, photoExpertizis was also held, that is, comparisons of young Anastasia and the current elderly, and handwriting examination.

All studies confirmed - the youngest daughter of Nicholas II Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova and a woman under the name of Natalia Petrovna Bilodze - the same face. Genetic examinations were conducted in Japan and in Germany. And on the latest equipment. There are still no such equipment in Russia. In addition, according to Sirotkin, there are documentary evidence of the flight of Anastasia from the executioner of the royal family of Yurovsky. There are archival confirmation that on the eve of her godfather, officer of the royal special services and an employee of Stolypin Verkhovsky, secretly brought Anastasia from the Ipatiev house and hid with her from Yekaterinburg.

Together, they went to the south of Russia, were in Rostov-on-Don, in the Crimea, and in 1919, they were assieved in Abkhazia. Subsequently, the Verkhovsky guarded Anastasia in Abkhazia, in the mountains of Svanetia, as well as in Tbilisi. In addition, Academician Alekseev in the State Archive of the Russian Federation found a stunning document - testimony of the royal waitress Catherine Tomilova, who, under the subscription, tell the truth, the truth and only the truth, stated the investigators of the Kolchakov Commission Nikolai Sokolov, as after July 17, that is, after the execution of the royal family, I wore Lunch for the royal family and personally saw the sovereign and the whole family. In other words, Professor Sirotkin noted, from July 18, 1918, the royal family was alive.

However, members of the Commission on the study of the remains of the royal family chaired by Boris Nemtsov ignored this document and did not include it in their dossier. Moreover, the director of Rosarhiva Dr. Historical Sciences Sergey Mironenko, a member of the transmission of Anastasia on REN-TV, did not include this document in the collection of documents of the death of the royal family, although the sublayed note of Yurovsky without any indication that it was not written by Yurovsky, but Pokrovsky, published not once.

Meanwhile, reports that Anastasia died was more than three hundred, Sirotkin noted. According to him, reports of living Anastasia from 1918 to 2002 were 32, and each of them died 10-15 times. In the real situation there were only two Anastasia. Anastasia Andersen, the Polish Jew, who was sued twice in the 20s and 1970s of the twentieth century, and Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. It is curious that the second trial of Lia-Anastasia is in Copenhagen. Neither representatives of the Government Commission Nemtsov, nor representatives of the Interregional Charitable Christian Foundation of the Great Princess, were not allowed to him. It is classified until the end of the XXI century.

I, Anastasia Romanova

The book about the family of Emperor Nikolai II is written by the younger daughter of Emperor Anastasia Romanova. Live sincere narration opens the world of the Romanov family from the inside, there are a lot of intimate moments and, on the other hand, relations with many persons, when it is easy to get lost among them, but without moving the permissible limits and not getting lost, Anastasia is present in everything. Russia is served in a romantic halo with eyes of a fifteen-year-old girl and surprises a wide view of events and relations with people. This is Anastasia's book, her words, her thoughts.

Sources: Habeo.Ru,,,,

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