Vasily Brovko. Wunderkind on special instructions

Vasily Brovko. Wunderkind on special instructions
Vasily Brovko. Wunderkind on special instructions

The 30-year-old director for special instructions, renamed Rostechnology in Rostech, is one of the most promising management managers in Russia.

Vasily Yuryevich Brovko Born in Zhukovsky near Moscow in 1987. Moscow region were then not too comfortable, but often and just a dangerous place, but in the "Sciences" the public was still very decent. There is no information about parents in open access, but it is known that Vasily studied in a prestigious lyceum with a mathematical bias, then he did in Moscow State University, and not to economic, as it was planned for a while, and at the Faculty of Philosophy (separation of political science). It was a very demonitive choice - his whole short (at the moment), but the unusually stormy career will be held at the stake of politics and economics. The ability to negotiate and the ability to count the money was very useful to our hero.

Like many energetic young people from non-heedled families, Vasily tried to "torment the business" from the first courses of the institute. First, it was another web magazine SRADA.ORG with good columnists - it got acquainted there, for example, with Nikita White. In general, Vasily actively and deliberately expanded the range of promising acquaintances, and it constantly helped him in life. Just like that, from the street, in 19 years old to the post of producer, let it be rented, but the federal channel of O2TV does not come. Vasily worked with political programs, thanks to which, again, met very useful people. This process continued and as director of the Directorate of Prime Time Broadcasting Radio Program of the GRK "Lighthouse" (20 years!). Somewhere at this time, the historical meeting of Vasily with a popular TV presenter took place Tinatin Kandelaki.

In January 2008, even before its 21st anniversary, Brovko founded another company - "Apostle Media". At first, it was nothing noticeable PR agency, but everything changed when Kandelaki entered the case. She was simultaneously a client "Apostle" (the organization very successfully spun the image of the TV host, which became one of the reasons for its release to the next height, top media modelier), and his PR manager: Tinatin Hivievna's relationship made it possible to get a very high level for the Customer Agency. In particular, thanks to the friendship of Kandelaki with the wife of the head of "Rostechnologies" Sergey Chezisov, the state corporation has trusted the formation of its image of the "apostle". And there they took up the case, droving the sleeves: according to media reports, the renaming of "Rostechnologies" was divided into the depths of the Apostle in the depths of the Apostle in Rostech.

Another side of the APOSTOL activity is considered to create a network of Internet trolls - those who will later be called "Olginsky". The tasks of these elusive network agents are considered as the formation of the desired opinion due to the maintenance of thousands of blogs and pages in social networks ("White PR") and constant attacks on opponents through offensive comments, complaints of administration, minor provocations and so on (such a PR can be called "brown "). In addition, the "apostle" was taken for an adjacent task - the promotion of customers in social networks. They managed to multiply the number of subscribers in the shortest possible time; Another question is that not all of these citizens really existed. Often the client paid actually for the armion of bots.

The "apostle" Vasily led in his unique style of a mixture of Gopnik with an intellectual. The young team coped perfectly with network games, but when it came to more serious tasks, a lack of experience and professionalism affected. Still, one thing is to fill out opponents in LiveJournal mockery comments, and the other is to make a real web project for a serious reader. At this level, the agency, unfortunately, did not come out. But it perfectly cleared his managers, and when both took the right positions, it became simply unnecessary. Paired Springboard Brcovko and Kandelaki (their relationship was not a secret for employees in 2011, long before the official announcement of marriage), the "apostle" was closed in 2016 through the bankruptcy procedure.

Vasily Brovko went in 2013 to his best customer - Rostech. The State Corporation, which united a huge amount of assets under its wing, added a new trend-technological technologies to technologies. For four years of work browing Doros before the director of the director for special instructions.

"Director for Special Instructions" ... as it sounds - revolutionary, extremely, mercilessly! Is there a director? Hardly. It is possible that Vasily Yuryevich in 2016 himself for himself and came up with the name of the post. This, by the way, turned out to be infectious - in November 2017 in Rostekh, the second "disobedience" appeared, Nikolay AndrianovBut even at least a leaving from the relevant authorities.

In this as browing, Sergey Chezzov's directly subordinate to the head of the company, but his "department for special instructions" has no. Wolly shooter. Dream work. Something is very secret, not very legitimate, requiring decisiveness, brutality and reduced squeezing. Perfect post for browing.

Probably, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a post arose a little earlier when Vasily served as director of communications, analytics and strategic research "Rostech".

"ROSTEKH" has now become a state in the state - as once holding Gusinsky "Bridge" or Corporation Khodorkovsky Yukos. Only now the actions of the "special entrants" are consecrated by the epithet "state" in the definition of the corporation. So in front of the vasil browfully open "widest paps", as the punk singer favorite Egor Letov.

There is almost no doubt that Vasily awaits a bright career that we only see the beginning of overclocking. Work in the State Corporation is always a crossroads between politics and business. It seems to us that entrepreneurial talents browfully significantly inferior to his political abilities, so that by having accepted the right decision, he may already be surrounded by the highest leaders of Russia in the next decade.

For "special orders" are given there more and more.

Despite its publicity, Tina Kandelaki diligently hides their personal life, and only some events taking place in it become public. When after ten years of living life it became known that it was divorced with her husband, all sorts of reasons for the divorce immediately began to appear, and Tina herself said that the wines of their huge employment, because of which they and his spouse were very rare.

The first husband Tina Kandelaki businessman Andrei Kondrahin also kept silence about this, but before their parting began to appear at various events with another girl.

Personal life Tina Kandelaki

Already after the divorce, Tina admitted that he had long hoped that her life with Andrei would work out, and they would still be fine with them, but this did not happen. The decision to break up the spouses took into a difficult day for Tina, when her father died from severe illness. But this decision was only a logical completion of the fact that they and Andrei do not fit each other, and their views on life are absolutely different.

In the photo - Tina Kandelaki with the first husband

The awareness of this ripe in Tine for several years, during which they and her husband were gradually moving away from each other, and the personal life of Tina Kandelaki developed independently, in parallel life of Andrei.

In marriage with Kondrachin, she gave birth to two children - the daughter of Melania and the son of Leonty, but even for the sake of them, the spouses could not save the family.

In the photo - Tina Kandelaki and Andrey Kondrakhin with children

First husband Kandelaki

The first husband Tina Kandelaki, when they met, was a successful businessman, co-owner of the Multidisciplinary Clinic "Ascona", but he saw his main calling in creating paintings. Tina has repeatedly said that Andrei was engaged in a business rather as needed, and his dream and vocation was to realize himself as an artist. Therefore, for Kandelakov did not become a surprise that after the divorce Andrei gave his own clinic to managing his companion, and he left Russia himself.

She says that her ex-husband always dreamed of living in unity with nature, travel, and becoming a free person, he decided to embody his dream into life. At first, Andrei Kondrahin went to Jamaica, then moved to Cuba.

At the divorce Tina, she said that she didn't need alimony, and she will be taken on their own children alone, and this decision was not made because of pride, but because then the financial situation of Kondrachin wanted the best, and she always earned her husband, decided that she does not need dragging, disassembly and scandals. The only condition of Kandelaki was that his father continue to maintain relations with children. True, due to the fact that the former husband of Tina Kandelaki Andrei Kondrakhin left Russia, see me with melania and Leonthius him, basically, had only accounted for Skype.

Wedding Tina Kandelaki and Vasily Brovko

For a long time after the divorce held in 2010, there were few people known about the personal lives of a well-known TV presenter, until rumors appeared that she was married to Vasily Brovko, an employee of the state corporation "Rostech". The new husband Tina Kandelaki for ten years younger than your chosen, but it does not affect their relationships.

In the photo - Tina Kandelaki and Vasily Brovko

They kept her wedding in a deep secret, and that Tina became a married lady again, her surroundings found out only on the ring on a ring finger right.

Vasily Tina met on "Pioneer readings" - Brovko at that time promoted the magazine "Russian Pioneer", and Tina Kandelaki was among those invited to the presentation. According to rumors, their wedding took place in 2015, and they were painted in the spring of 2014.

With a new husband, Tina has a lot of common interests, including sports. Vasily Brovko In the past, a candidate for the master of sports in football, it is interested in many sports, and in this very similar to his wife. In the evenings, they often flick sports sites together to keep abreast of all sports news.

Biography Vasily Brovko

Vasily Brod was born on February 6, 1987 in Zhukovsky near Moscow. After the end of the lyceum with a mathematical bias, he entered the department of political science of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University, although he first planned to study on an economist.

Vasily created his first project already in the second year, and it was a youth online magazine. The browral career decided to develop in the field of telecommunications, and after graduating from the university, he became a producer of political and entertainment programs, later Vasily Brod created the Center for the Strategic Communications "Apostle Media", engaged in promoting various projects not only on Russian, but also in the overseas market.

Taking into account the prospects of the Internet, browfully launched the POST TV channel and several gears, among which were "unreal policies" with Tina Kandelaki, "Real Sport" with Victoria Lopierva, "Men's Games" with Oleg Taktarov and many others.

He entered the Directorate of the Rostex Corporation at the end of 2013 and since that time achieved considerable results in this position.

The results of their investigation Lena Miro published on the page in the popular social network "Live Journal". "Tina Kandelaki's husband (Vasily Brovko. - Approx. Ed.) - The guy is young, and for 12 years younger wife. Umnichka Tina, everyone dismissed everything for everything, showing that the woman also loves meat a fusion," - to start a sultry brunette praised Lena Miro.


Next, the blogger made a slight digression. She published several photos on which a kind of dark-haired young woman was captured. "Meet Nicole Sakhtaridi - you don't know her for sure because it is nobody. Well, like no one? Young, P *** - Tits on the spot, participant" Bachelor "and generally a good girl," the blogger presented a young beauty.

Miro explained why he suddenly jumped from her husband Kandelaki on Sachtaridi. "The whole thing is that the young Vasya, the husband Tina, not only signed in social networks on Nicole, but also hardly breathing her photos," the Miro announced.

Lena developed thought. In her opinion, Tine Kandelaki should worry. "12 years differences are not in favor of Tina. Vasya-wow and generally well done. That's just a trouble - the social networks n *** and, not embarrassed, lying around their young charms. Now we put yourself in the place of Tina, bunnies, and understand that there is nothing good in this situation, "Lena concluded.

According to Miro, the marks of attention brver in relation to the young star "Bachelor" are humiliation for Kandelaki. "Where Tina, and where Nicole is visible to the naked eye. And Tine can be seen, and you, and even her husband, who is lying a young body, and not an old wife-crook. And the husky wasi is the humiliation, from which before treason - step or even less, "Lena Miro is convinced.

Bright and not a similar TV presenter, businesswoman, and now the general producer of "Match TV" Tina Kandelaki has always attracted the attention of a strong half of humanity.

From the moment of its divorce with the father of her two children by the artist Andrei Kondrachin, they were attributed to novels with many influential men, for example, with Suleyman Kerimov.

However, truth turned out to be much easier. Tina Kandelaki married a person younger than for 10 years.

In 2016, Tina Kandelaki opened all the cards - she is married to a business partner, the director of communications, analytics and strategic research of the Rostech State Corporation Vasily Bver.

Tina and Vasily met in 2008, when the TV host was still married. The woman immediately attracted the attention of a young man. At that time he was 21 years old. Before he headed the Directorate of Prime Time Broadcasting Radio Station "Lighthouse". As a man Tina, then Vasily did not perceive, but saw good professional chambers in a young ambitious guy.

Tina at that moment just wanted to change his role, and frankly confessed to Vasily that those projects that she offer her, she does not want. "What is the problem?," The young and daring browchko told her, "let's make a project that you yourself yourself." There is an Internet. "

At the time when Kandelaki as a presenter was in the very top, trying out some kind of dubious project using the global network, many seemed clear water adventure. The surroundings believed that Kandelaki was not a bit in themselves. It turned out that both co-authors of the new show were very "in themselves", and became hardly pioneers in the development of inerti-media.

They opened a joint project - "unreal policy." Pilot editions passed with a large resonance in the network, and the bold project bought some of the federal channels. The show was rating, and cooperation was fruitful.

Vasily Brovko, together with his colleague, left the "lighthouse" with the aim of creating their own business, and it turned out. They created the company "Apostle", which in a short time became the leader in the communications market. Kandelaki became part of the Board, until 2013, the post of Director-General was occupied by Vasily Brovko, and after his departure in Rostex, Tina Kandelaki occupied this position.

Close and mutually beneficial business cooperation near Tina and Vasily and as people, and as a man and a woman. Friends of the couple remember, she did not immediately drew attention to the courtship of Vasily. He had to run, prove, what he stands.

Interesting notes:

And many agree - despite their age, he managed to achieve a lot. Vasily - stubborn, strong, gifted and already very experienced. He managed to achieve and Kandelaki.

Tina says that they and his spouse are a nontrivial couple. They started in business together, developed together. Kandelaki's husband studied with her, and she - he has.

"My husband and I are partners, although in marriage it is dangerous," says Tina, a man must remain a man, and a woman is a woman. " Tina hopes that her husband understands that she is an unusual wife.

She admits that sometimes she hardly manages not bring home their need to arrange, structuring and build. But she understands that in the family everything should be based on love and mutual respect, and not on the desire to solve all the problems and get the best result. This is the scope of business and career.

Spouses are often advised to each other., they together became in the world of business, this fact will not throw out. Tina admits that at a difficult moment is ready to substitute her husband's husband - the vast partnership experience is not allowed.

Tina is passionate about the fitness, and Kandelaki's husband is a passionate football fan. At the dawn of relations, Tina was very annoyed by her husband's habit on returning home to surf all sports channels. Now, on debt service, she chips them with her husband.

"If someone told me at the moment when we met," Vasily admits, "that we will watch football matches together, I would never believe." Well, that they did not argue. "

Like any Georgian wife, Tina is perfectly preparing, it can be seen from numerous photos of appetizing dishes in her microblog. She even admitted to Instagram that her love for delicious food was brought with her husband.

The age difference does not look like something shocking, Tina in his 42 years demonstrates the perfect press in social networks and sport figure. Vasily in his 30 with a little - quite conspite, responsible and successful man.

Naturally, you are interested in whether the spouses are planning to replenish the family. The last rumors about the dismissal of Kandelaki with the "Match TV" closely adjacent to the peresis about its possible pregnancy. And the one, and other information is not confirmed, but Tina does not exclude anything in the future.

Vasily Brovko is a Russian entrepreneur, the founder of the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle" and the Director of Communications, Analytics and Strategic Research of the Rostex Corporation.

The future businessman was born on February 6, 1987 in the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow. Boy's parents were engaged in science. Vasily grew up with a street boy, loved to drive the ball with the guys and even consisted in a professional junior football team. Thanks to the sport, the boy realized that such a team and responsibility, and also brought up leadership qualities.

Browfully studied in a lying with a mathematical bias, at the end of which documents submitted to the Moscow State University of Name. Initially, the young man planned to enter the Economic Faculty, but the choice of specialty in the end influenced the atmosphere in the family. The fact is that the parents of Vasily Houses burly discussed political problems in the country and abroad. Yes, and the young man himself read a lot of literature, in which the heroes were political technologists and PR.

Vasily Brod graduated from the department of political science of the Faculty of Philosophy. By the way, in the second year, the young man created the first project - the youth Internet magazine SRADA.ORG. And after the university, the young man plunged into television.


At the initial stage of the professional biography, Vasily Brod became the producer of political and entertainment programs "Talk without rules", "Black and White", "Political League". Later, Vasily was headed by Prime Time Broadcasting Radio Program GRK "Mayak", and then created the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle Media", which is engaged in the promotion of projects in the Russian and international market.

Quick Vasily realized that the Internet segment could not be ignored. Therefore, the Channel POST TV and the transmission "Unreal Policy" with, "old men here is not a place" with, "Fantastic breakfast" C, " Video version" C, "Real Sport" with, "Men's Games" with and others . In addition, Brovko was engaged in promoting the popular video channel "+100500" blogger.

Vasily belongs to the idea of \u200b\u200bgaining momentum of the National Educational Project "Smart School", which is based on the format of the Park School. An individual approach to each student is promoted at school, the training uses project activities as close as possible to reality. The educational program consists of a number of main components, which includes an in-depth study of foreign languages, labor activity, school sports.

The project includes annual educational forums, a visit to regional educational institutions, the development of an Internet resource "Smart-School. RF", through which direct communication with representatives of the Public Chamber, State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out. Tina Kandelaki also participated in the creation of the concept of "smart school". Later, the "smart school" was transformed into an educational project that has no analogues in Russia. For the implementation of the project, private investors were involved.

Also, together with TV host, Vasily Brovko participated in the creation of "AM-Invest", a company that is engaged in investments in the development of Internet startups and computer software for secondary schools.

At the end of 2013, the businessman entered the director of the corporation "Rostech" and managed to achieve large results on this post. After a year, Rostech entered the top three leaders among the State Corporations of Russia on the rating of Medialogia. And in 2015, the value of the brand reached a mark of 31.2 billion rubles, which allowed Rostech to get among the first 15 expensive brands of Russia.

The result of the company's fruitful work was the approved plan for the nearest decade, according to the calculations of which the annual revenue should reach 17% per annum and increase corporate profits to 6 billion rubles. It is also intended to increase the share of civil products up to 50%.

In addition to Rostech, the young entrepreneur is included in the Board of Directors of the Mail.Ru Group and a number of other enterprises, including "Electronics", "RT-Inform".

Personal life

The personal life of the entrepreneur until recently was hidden from strangers. With his wife, Tina Kandelaki Vasily Brovko met for the work, because young people have been engaged in joint projects for several years. Romantic star relations for a long time from the public hid. Even, which took place back in 2015, was distributed only in June 2016.

The parents brow and candelacks are still not in a hurry, but along with the spouses they live Kandelaki from the first marriage - the daughter of Melania and the son of Leonati.

Browing remained from childhood faithful to his beloved game - football. The entrepreneur is an ardent fan of St. Petersburg "Zenith" and the Russian national team. As a professional piercer Vasily worked on the "Development Concept of Children's and Youth Football in Dagestan", intended for the "Anji" football club. Also, the young entrepreneur was engaged in the organization Presentation of the Star Player of the Makhachkala Samuel Team Eto'o.

Vasily Brovko now

In mid-2017, an enthusiastic post dedicated to the work of her husband appeared on the page of Tina Kandelaki. In the comments to the joint photo, which the spouses did on the CIPR Conference - the largest in Eastern Europe of the IT forum industry, the TV presenter was pleased with the success of the spouse that united the talented young people around them. According to Tina, Vasily gives them a chance that the ideas of young specialists in the field of IT technologies will be perceived by society.

Now Rostech, the director of the special instructions of which is Vasily Brovko, has entered the number of companies dealing with the digital transformation of the sectors of the Russian economy and individual actors according to the plan developed by the Government of Russia.

Vasily Brod continues to develop a smart school project. The next general educational institution will open in Irkutsk in 2018. The school will take 1000 students, of which 150 are orphans. The architectural appearance of the building will recreate specialists from Cebra (Denmark).


  • 2009-2012 - "Info"
  • 2010 - Transfer "+100500" Maxim Holopolosov
  • 2010-2011 - "Right Choice"
  • 2010-2011 - "Food for strength"
  • 2010-2011 - "Russia in numbers"
  • 2011 - "Moscow 24/7"
  • 2012 - Political Talk Show "Flying with Kamikadze"
  • Daily and weekly show for the Russian Lottery "Gosloto"