Werelam Shalamov Kolyma Stories Meeting. "Poetics of camp prose" (V.Shalamamov)

Werelam Shalamov Kolyma Stories Meeting.
Werelam Shalamov Kolyma Stories Meeting. "Poetics of camp prose" (V.Shalamamov)


Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelshtam

People arose from non-essential - one by one. An unfamiliar man went down next door to me on Nara, fell at night to my bony shoulder, giving his warmth - heat droplets - and getting my way in return. There were nights when there was no heat before me through the scraps of the Bushlata, the tag, and in the morning I looked at the neighbor, as a dead man, and a little bit wondered that the dead was alive, rises in the okhika, dressed and fulfill the command. I had little warmth. Not much meat remained on my bones. This meat was enough for anger - the last of human feelings. Not indifference, and anger was the last human feeling - the one that closers to the bones. A man who arose of non-existence disappeared during the day - there were many sections at coal intelligence - and disappeared forever. I do not know people who slept next to me. I never asked them questions, and not because I followed the Arab proverb: Do not ask - and you will not lie. I still had - I will lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, out of lies. Blessed on this subject is a tough, bright, rude saying, permeated by deep contempt for a given question: do not believe - acceptance for a fairy tale. I did not ask and did not listen to fairy tales.

What remained with me to the end? Evil. And keeping this malice, I expected to die. But death, so close quite recently, it became gradually moving away. It was not a life of death substituted, but half a score, the existence that there is no formula and which cannot be called life. Every day, each sunrise brought the danger of a new, deadly push. But there was no shock. I worked as a boilercycle - the lightest of all works, it is easier to be a guard, but I did not have time to seize firewood for Titan, the boiler "Titan" system. I could drive me - but where? Taiga is far away, our village, "Traveling" in Kolymsky, is like an island in the Taiga world. I barely laughed my legs, the distance in two hundred meters from the tent to work it seemed to me endlessly, and I didn't stay relaxed once again. I now remember all potholes, all the pits, all the pivots on this mortal trail; The stream in front of which I went to the stomach and lacqual cold, delicious, healing water. Two-handed saw, which I dragged on my shoulder, then the wolf, holding one handle, seemed to me the cargo of incredible gravity.

I could never boil the water in time, to achieve Titan to boil to dinner.

But none of the workers from the freesties, all of them were yesterday's prisoners - did not pay attention, whether water was boiling or not.

Kolyma taught us all the drinking water only by temperature. Hot, cold, not boiled and raw.

We were not affected by a dialectical jump of the transition of quantity in quality. We were not philosophers. We were workers, and our hot drinking water of these important scrap whales had no jump.

I ate, indifferently trying to eat everything that came across, - trimming, wreckage of edible, last year's berries in the swamp. Yesterday or marriage Soup from the "free" boiler. No, yesterday's soup did not have left.

In our tent there were two guns, two shotgun. Partridges were not afraid of people, and first time bird beat straight from the threshold of the tent. Mining was baked entirely in the ashes of the fire or was cooked, when it was plotting carefully. Poo-feather - on the pillow, also commerce, loyal money - the acquisition of the free owners of rifles and taiga birds. Scotched, plug-in partridges were cooked in tin cans - three-liter, suspended to fires. From these mysterious birds, I never found no residues. The hungry freestyle stomachs are crushed, resololi, excosal all stitching bones without a residue. It was also one of the wonders of Taiga.

I never tried a piece from these partridges. My - was berries, herb roots, soldering. And I was not dying. I became more and more indifferent, without malice, look at the cold red sun, on the mountains, goltsy, where everything: rocks, turns of the stream, larch, poplar - was angular and unfriendly. In the evenings, a cold mist was raised from the river - and there was no hour in Taiga day when I would be warm.

The frostbitten fingers and legs weave, buzzed from pain. The bright pink leather of the fingers remained pink, easily vulnerable. The fingers were forever climbed into some dirty rags, protecting your hand from a new wound, from pain, but not from infection. Of the thumbs on both legs, the pus was frozen, and there was no end of the end.

I was brought by a blow to the rail. A blow to the rail was removed from work. After a meal, I immediately lay down on Nara, not undressing, of course, and fell. The tent, in which I slept and lived, saw me how through the fog - people moved somewhere, there was a loud Maternaya Brand, there were fights, there were instantaneous silence before a dangerous blow. The fights quickly faded - by themselves, no one kept, did not dispel, simply blahled the motors of the fight - and there was a night cold silence with a pale high sky through holes of the tarpaulin ceiling, with snoring, wheezing, moans, cough and an imparcelly swearing.

One night I felt that I hear these moans and wheezing. The feeling was sudden as an insight, and did not please me. Later, remembering this minute surprise, I realized that the need of sleep, forgotten, infamousness became less, I slept, as Moses said Moses, our blacksmith, clever from the smarts.

There was persistent pain in the muscles. What I really had the muscles - I don't know, but the pain in them was, angry me, did not give me to distract from the body. Then I had something different than anger or anger, existing with anger. There were indifference - fearless. I realized that I would still be to beat me or not, will give lunch and soldering - or not. And although in the intelligence, on an infinite business trip, I did not beat me - they only hit on the forecast, - I, remembering the mine, measured my courage to the schism. This is indifferent, this fearlessness was gone to some kind of death. Consciousness that they will not beat here, do not beat and will not beat, gave birth to new forces, new feelings.

Behind the indifference came fear - not very strong fear - fear of losing this saving life, this saving work of boilinglice, a high cold sky and a new pain in worn muscles. I realized that I'm afraid to leave here on the mine. I'm afraid, and that's it. I never sought the best from the good for all my life. Meat on my bones day of day grew. Envy - this is what was called the next feeling that returned to me. I envied the dead to my comrades - people who died at the thirty-eighth year. I envied the living neighbors who chew something, the neighbors who snatch something. I did not envy the boss, foreman, the brigadier was another world.

Love has not returned to me. Oh, as far away love from envy, from fear, from anger. How little you need love to people. Love comes when all human feelings have already returned. Love comes last, returns the last, and whether it returns? But not only indifference, envy and fear witnessed my return to life. Pity for animals returned earlier than pity for people.

As the weakest in this world of shurts and exploration canvas, I worked with a topographer - dragged the rail to the topograph and theodolite. It happened that for the velocity of movement, the topographer was adjusted the belts of the theodolite for his back, and I only got the limestly, painted rake numbers. The topographer was from prisoners. With you for courage, this summer there were a lot of fugitives in the taiga - the topographer tested a small-caliber rifle, scoring the weapon from the bosses. But the rifle only interfered with us. And not only because there was an extra thing in our difficult journey. We sat down to relax in the glade, and the topographer, playing a small-caliber rifle, aimed at the Krasnogrudoy Bullfigue, the fallen to consider the danger, to lead to the side. If necessary - to sacrifice the life. Snagir's fellow sat somewhere on eggs - only this was explained by the insane bird courage. The topographer raged the rifle, and I took the trunk to the side.

Remove the gun!
- Yes, what are you? You are crazy?
- Leave the bird, and that's it.
- I share the boss.
- Damn with you and with your boss.

But the topographer did not want to quarrel and did not say anything to the boss. I understood: something important returned to me.

For more than one year, I have not seen newspapers and books and long learned myself, I do not regret this loss. All fifty of my neighbors on a tent, on a tarp tan tent, felt the same way - in our barrack there was not a single newspaper, not a single book. Higher bosses - foreman, head of intelligence, declines - descended into our world without books.

My tongue, a rude rude language, was poor, as the poor were feelings still living near the bones. Lifting, work divorce, lunch, end of work, hugging, citizen boss, allow you to turn, shovel, shurt, hear, burden, kylo, outdoors cold, rain, cold soup, soup hot, bread, soldering, leave to smoke - two Tens of words did not do the first year. Half of these words was rugs. I existed in my youth, in childhood anecdote, as a Russian managed in a story about the journey abroad with just one word in different intonation combinations. The richness of Russian swearing, her inexhaustible insulting revealed before me not in childhood and not in his youth. Anecdote with a croution looked here as a language of any institution. But I did not seek other words. I was happy that I should not look for some other words. Are there these other words, I did not know did not know how to answer this question.

I was scared, stunned when in my brain, here - here I clearly remember - the word was born under the right darkest bone, the word was born, at all for the taiga, the word I did not understand, not only my comrades. I shouted this word, putting on the Nara, turning to the sky, to infinity:

Maxim! Maxim!
And walked.

Maxim! - I screamed right in the northern sky, in a double dawn, I screamed, without realizing the meanings of this word born in me. And if this word returned, it is better, the better, the better! Great joy overwhelmed all my creature.

- Here is a psycho!
- Psycho and there! Are you a foreigner, or what? - Zvronsky asked the Mountain Engineer Vronsky, the very chronic. "Three tobacco".

Vronsky, give a smoke.
-- No, I do not have.
- Well, at least three tobacco.
- Three tobacco? You are welcome.

From the paint, complete Machorka, was removed with a dirty nail of three tobacco.
- Alien? - The question translated our fate into the world of provocations and denunciations, consequences and periods of the term.

But I was not affected by provocative question of the Vronsky Nakhodka was too huge.
- Centralization!
- Psycho and there.

The feeling of anger is the last feeling with which the man went into oblivion, in the dead world. Dead? Even the stone did not seem dead to me, not to mention the grass, trees, river. The river was not only the incarnation of life, not only a symbol of life, but also his life itself. Her eternal movement, the roar of the unpleasant, his own conversation, its business that causes water to run downstream through the counter wind, breaking through through the rocks, crossing the steppe, meadow. The river, which changed the sun-dried, nude channel and a little bit of a water wounded somewhere in the stones, obeying the eternal debt, a stream, who lost hope for helping the sky - on the saving rain. The first thunderstorm, the first shower - and the water changed the shore, broke the rocks, threw the trees and flew fucked down the same eternal expensive.

Maxim! I myself did not believe myself, I was afraid, falling asleep that in the night it would disappear that returned to me. But the word did not disappear.

Maxim. Let us rename the river on which our village was standing, our travel "Rio Rita". What is it better "maxi"? The bad taste of the owner of the Earth - Cartographer introduced on world maps Rio Rita. And it is impossible to fix it.

Centralization is something Roman, solid, Latin was in this word. Ancient Rome for my childhood was the history of political struggle, the struggle of people, and ancient Greece was the kingdom of art. Although there were politicians and murderers in ancient Greece, and there were a lot of art people in ancient Rome. But my childhood exacerbated, simplified, narrowed and divided the two of these very different world. Meeting - Roman word. For a week I did not understand what the word "Centralization" means. I whispered this word, shouting, scared and laughed with this word neighbors. I demanded from the world, the sky has a solution, explanations, translation. And in a week I understood - and shuddered from the fear and the joy of fear - because the world scared the world, where I was not a refund. Joy - because I saw that life returns to me besides my own will.

Many days have passed until I learned to cause new and new words from the brain depth, one after another. Every one came with difficulty, each arose suddenly and separately. Thoughts and words were not returned by the stream. Each returned one by one, without the convoy of other familiar words, and arose before in the language, and then in the brain.

And then came the day when everything, all fifty workers threw the job and ran to the village, to the river, choosing from their shurps, a ditch, throwing the eased trees, unsolved soup in the boiler. Everyone felt faster me, but I downed on time, helping myself in this run from the mountain with my hands.

From Magadan came the head of the day was clear, hot, dry on a huge larch pnenet, that at the entrance to the tent, the pattephone was played by the pattephone played, overcoming the hip needle, played some kind of symphonic music.

And everyone stood around - the killers and the Konokrads, Blendy and Frarera, the foremen and the workers, and the boss stood near and the expression of his face he had such as he himself wrote this music for us, for our deaf taiga business trip, the shelter plate was spinning and spiked, The stump itself, headed for all her three laps, as a tight spring, twisted for whole three hundred years.

It would be wrong to reduce the whole meaning of the experience of Shalamov only to physiological problems, since physiological - there is a direct continuation of spiritual, and the spirit today is not yet on Earth.

For the Spirit is the only condition from the start of creation, which will allow a person to live independent life in nature, without needs. This is confirmed by all the oldest teachings and practices. But mankind has never ever tried to go along the path of the Spirit in the entire history, and not tasted - what is it.

However, it is impossible here, due to the main features of Shalamov's creativity, the facts confirm that society only continues to cover the truth that he himself is only a false masquerade mask for which it hides quite different - his unreliability and There is still complete vulnerability of a person in this world, which is so fully understood. Recall the latter, for most unexpected, just a bandwall that resembles a belling alarm clock, who received a person from nature, again exposing the failure of society - Japan.

Is it time to awaken a person?


"Despite the impression that you create, thanks to the media, fasting as a result of emergencies, there are less than 8% of the entire hungry population of the globe. Few people realize that more than one billion starving people on our planet do not fall into the press headlines. , And this is the number of these people equal to the population of the United States, Japan and the European Union combined. These are people of all ages, since the infancy, whose mother cannot produce a sufficient number of breast milk and, ending older people who have no relatives who could They take care of. These are the unemployed residents of urban slums, farmers who do not have their lands and cultivating someone else's land, who have contradicted children with AIDS and patients who need special intensive nutrition in order to survive.

4 - Where do the starving people live?

The percentage of starving people is higher in the East, Central and South Africa. About three quarters of malnutrifying people live in rural areas of developing countries with the lowest income per capita. However, the number of starving in cities is also increasing recently.

From one billion starving people on our planet more than half live in Asia and the countries of the Pacific and about a quarter of the hungry in sub-sugar Africa.

5 - Does the number of starving in the world decrease?

According to FAO information, while significant progress was achieved in reducing the number of starving in the 80s and in the first half of the 90s, in the last decade, the number of starving slowly, but constantly grows. In 1995-97 and 2004-2006, their number increased in all regions other than Latin America and in the Caribbean countries. But even in these regions, the achievements achieved in the fight against hunger went back as a result of high prices for oil and the global economic crisis began. "

e. Yu. Michaelik

Mikhailik Elena Yurevna

Phd, lecturer,

University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia)

The University of New South Wales (UNSW),

Australia, Sydney, NSW 2052

Tel.: 612-93852389

E-mail: [Email Protected]

the time of "Kolyma stories." 1939 - year not

Annotation. The article attempts to analyze the nature of the treatment with time in the "Kolyma stories" of Varlam Shalamov, in particular, is investigated by Kazus 1939. 1939, the time of action of many key stories, extremely important inside of the Cyrgyzine event, directly as the date is practically absent in the text. This problem, in our opinion, is part of a more complex problem of the Kyrgyz Republic. Shalamov depicts time in general and historical time in particular as a biosocial category. The ability to perceive time and relate to him in kr directly depends on the social status of the character and its physical condition. In order for this social inconsistency with time and history in the field of view of the reader, in the same field of view, the time and history should be present with the inevitability - as rejection objects. One of these objects, at the same time present and absent, and became 1939 - as we believe, the "reference" camp year on Shalamov.

Keywords: poetics, time, camp literature, Varlam Shalamov, "Kolyma stories", 1939

The story of Varlam Shalamov "Centralization" begins with words: "People arose from non-existence - one by one" [Shalamov 2004-2013 (1): 399] 1. The reader suddenly realizes that the phrase describes not so much these arising as the state of the narrator: the consciousness returned to

© E. Yu. Mikhailik

him so much that he gained the ability to notice the presence of others - and tell about it. After all, "Centralization" is a story about how the collapse of the deposit, a boiler, and then the assistant of the topograph of the geological party slowly - a few extra calories here, a few hours of sleep there - begins to notice the world around, learn others, experience some feelings - indifference, malice, envy, pity for animals, pity for people, - while under the parietal bone he is not awakened by the Narrechnaya "Roman word" "Centralization", finally restoring contact with the previous person, former life. Communication is fragile, incorrect, imperfect, but infinitely valuable. In the final of the "Centralization", the narrator is already able to rejoice at the symphonic music and put his feelings into an allocated multilayer metaphor: "The shellah plate spisled and hiped, the stump itself, headed for all three hundred circles, was spinning, like a tight spring, twisted for integer three hundred years."

However, the reader by this time already knows that the frost will strike in the same way, the soldering will be reduced, work will change - everything that has been achieved may fall inside and leave the reverse spiral to the state to the first phrase of the story, to the line, where the body is still conditionally alive, but lead The narrative is already somehow, or for this line.

The pattern density, the amount of information per unit of text affect the imagination, and therefore it is quite easy to not notice one small information package, which is explicitly absent in the story: date. The time of action of "Centralization" from the very story is not restored. Perhaps the fact is that the character together with everyone else has the time bill? No - he can say: "I envied the dead of my comrades - people who died around the thirty-eighth year," but how far from him the thirty-eighth year remains unknown.

Within the cycle "Left Bank", which includes a story, we also do not calculate the year - for the lack of markers.

Meanwhile, this important date, the date of the time resurrection is defined for sure.

The Great and Scary 1939 was happy for Varlam Shalamov. In December 1938, Shalamov was pulled out from the "partisan" as a result of the so-called lawyers. Nothing but shooting, it did not promise a matter, but the usual camp random intervened continued: the initiator of the process was arrested, and all the trended issued to the Magadan shipment. In Magadan - another randomness - the title epidemic walked, and therefore the "s / k z / k" 2 did not send immediately on the departments, but detained in quarantine. Luck big - prisoners in quarantine, of course, chased on

2 Standard method of bureaucratic designation of prisoners in a plural.

work, but this work was not the mirder itself. They also fed them and periodically soapy, and this counterpart, which was continuing until April 1939, most likely saved Slamov's life. And in the spring - the randomness of the third, the decisive and most magical - on the late distribution, he did not hit terrible, deadly gold and not even for coal, but in geological exploration on the Black Lake, where, in view of the full physical exhaustion and softness of geological morals, he worked at first a boiler And then an assistant to the topograph, that is, it turned out to be in the very situation, which is described in the "Central Sentation".

It should be noted that the fact that in the 1930s was called the material, the year was also generous. Stories "Typhseous Quarantine" 3, "Bread", "Children's Pictures", "Esperantist" (from which the reader finds out, under what circumstances the narrator lost a precious place in geological exploration and found himself in the coal mining camp, where he was immediately attached to the "Egyptian" equestrian Color instead of a horse), "Apostle Paul", "Bogdanov", "Triangulation of class III", "Bitch Tamara", "Ivan Bogdanov" and already mentioned "Centralization" - all this harvest 1939, collected, of course, much later, In the 1950s and 1960s.

Actually, the plots and the circumstances of the 1939 in the "Kolyma Stories" pop up constantly. And here is 1939 as a date if noticeable, then there is no lack of. As in "Centralization".

And if - again, as in the "center" - 1937th, perceom, or no less deceived 1938 is constantly mentioned, including the characters ("Pay attention - no one beats you, as the thirty-eighth year. No pressure "), then 1939 in the entire building of" Kolyma stories "(hereinafter referred to as the Kyrgyz Republic) on the space of five collections of stories named - directly and indirectly - a total of ten times.

Moreover, when analyzing the housing, it seems that this date for some reason it is not possible to perceive directly, but you can only restore post-finish, on Veshkov and signs - from outside, from a different situation. In the very 1939th, no matter how impossible, it is impossible to know that now - thirty-ninth.

This is later, having done a daily chemical office, students of preferred paramedic courses, paramedic or even a writer, the narrator will be able to remember with whom and as a soap floor in 1939 on the Magadan shipment or worked on a black lake. The inhabitant of quarantine and the geological exploration handter, whoever he could, exist as if not in the 1939th calendar year, but in some other place - or time.

3 Naturally, partially related and 1938

If we are somewhat expanding the field of research, it will be found that for the Soviet camp literature a story about the camp - and, in fact, the camp itself - it seems, it does not begin with space, but with a properly organized time.

A year in nine hundred and forty-ninth, we attacked my friends with a remarkable note in the magazine "Nature" of the Academy of Sciences. It was written there with small letters that the underground ice lens was somehow discovered on the Kolyma River during the excavation - frozen ancient stream, and in it - the frozen representatives of the fossil (several dozen thousand few years ago) of the fauna. Lee fish, whether these tritons have been preserved so fresh, indicated the scientist of the correspondent that those present, the splits of the ice, immediately eaten their [Solzhenitsyn 2006 (1): 7].

The thirty-seventh year began, essentially, from the end of the 1934th. More precisely, from the first December 1934 [Ginzburg 1991: 8].

This list is Solzhenitsyn, Ginzburg, Zhigulin - can be continued simply alphabetically. G, "Gorbatov": "In one of the spring days of 1937, deploying a newspaper, I read that state security authorities" revealed the military-fascist plot "" [Gorbatov 1989: 116]. Z, "Zabolotsky": "It happened in Leningrad on March 19, 1938. Secretary of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Writers Miroshnichenko aroused me in an urgent cause" [Zabolotsky 1995: 389]. H, "Chetverikov": "I write these lines on April 12, 1979 ..." [Chetverikov 1991: 20].

Prosaiki, poets, memoirists and random passersby, speaking about the camp as a phenomenon, the first thing was built the temporal sequence, placed a camp in history and biographies, corrected as the official - and unofficial - chronology as needed. And claimed it was. It was then that in these calendar terms.

Paradoxical (and natural) The inclusion of camp - monstrous, incorrect and short-term - experience in the total flow of biography and history was perceived as restoration of communication and connectivity of times.

But this restoration had three - mostly unintentional - grammatical consequences:

1. The camp is fully attributed to the past time. Solzhenitsyn even made the life of his "hero", "Archipelago Gulag" - "1918-1956" - in the title of books. The camp in these texts is the date of birth and the date of death. For the audience, he is the past.

2. The camp as a historical event and even as a historical person, endowed with the name and last name, does not imply questions "with what we have

do it matter? "," How did this object be in the middle of our geography? "," As we turned out to be here, and who we are - what are we here? " - For in a variety of ideological paradigs, all kinds of answers have already been given to all these questions, and the reader chooses from them in accordance with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe overall history of the country.

3. Appeal to the past on the biographical level, the genre itself - the story, a story, "artistic study", memoir or pseudo memoir - by definition it implies that the story tolded is over and has not only a plot, but also a plot, that is, invites The audience mastered the author's sense. "I - I sat there enough, I sorted the soul there and I say inexperienced: - Bless you, prison, that you were in my life!" [Solzhenitsyn 2006 (2): 501]. The reader comes from the fact that the survivor knows what and why he writes. He is waiting - stories.

Thus, putting the camp in the context of historical time, the authors strongly define the boundaries of a possible conversation, and the format of this conversation, implying the limb, plotiness and opou-middleness. The camp here can only be a specific historical phenomenon.

Well, and if the date of this phenomenon suddenly drops out the date, it means that either this period was not in the author's experience, or was summed up, or the author one or another, it was not satisfied with this year and what is happening in it anyway.

Is it possible to apply this logic to "Kolyma stories"? How and from what made Shalamov time camp?

The story "At the show", actually opening the Kyrgyz Republic, begins words "played cards from Konogon Naumova" - repeatedly by all the "peak lady" mentioned and studied paraphrase: "Played the cards at the Konnogvardeeza Namirova" 4.

4 paraphrase this is invariably realized in the categories of opposition. Wed., for example: "For example, one of the wonderful" Kolyma stories "Varlam Shalamov begins in words:" Played cards from Konogon Naumova. " This phrase immediately draws the reader to the parallel - the "peak lady" with her start: "... played cards from Connog Guard Narimov." But in addition to the literary parallel, the authentic meaning of this phrase gives a terrible contrast of life. The reader must assess the degree of gap between the Connogvardeese - an officer of one of the most privileged guards regiments - and Konogon - belonging to the privileged camp aristocracy, where the access of the "enemies of the people" and which is recruited from the criminals. The difference and the difference that may slip away from the not-exclusive reader, between the typically noble surname of the vyaov and common - Naumov. But the most important thing is the terrible difference in the very nature of the card game. The game is one of the main forms of life and precisely from such forms in which the era and its spirit with particular sharpness reflect "[Lotman 1994: 13-14]; "If the text of Pushkin is open space, the free flow of time and the free movement of life, then Shalamov - the space is closed, the time as if it stops and no longer

For us, however, it is important that, among other tasks, this mockery quote establishes the relations of the Kyrgyz Republic with history and culture. Only this is a relationship of non-communications and connectedness, but conflict and rupture. The fact that in the classical literature, in the cultural tradition (and on average, the camp literature appealed precisely to her) filled the niche of the terrible, with a situation where a person is killed, because the sweater is easier to calculate with the card game, than with the living, Does not correlate at all. What, right, gothic, what, right, ghosts.

What is equally important, this gap inside the text "at a show", this conflict could not be realized by anyone, including a storyteller. The latter is quite capable of detail and thoughtfully describe the details of the Kolyma life and etiquette of thoughts, but too hungry and too much does not want to return to the frozen barak, to draw conclusions from its own observations, even if we are talking about life and death (including his own lives and of death).

As a result, all the conclusions about how the reality of the story "at a show" is separated from the circumstances of the "peak lady" (and how much in this situation a new countdown is necessary), it is necessary to do the reader - and independently. Thus, a model of interaction with text characteristic of the camp literature, where all the meanings in the theory produces the author, deployed 180 degrees.

However, that the reader can make this conclusion, someone - no longer characters, not a narrator, and the author of the Kyrgyz Republic must first put a question in front of him. In order for the reader to realize the distance to the "peak lady" - the "peak lady" must be introduced into the Barak Konogonov. In order for the time of time visiblely broken, it should in some form to indulge.

It would be possible to find it too unfolded interpretation of a single case, a single paraphrase, but if we look at how Sha Lamov accepted at all over time, we will see the structurally the same situation.

Mentioned any hostile phenomenon for a person (from the countless set of Kolyma phenomena of this variety), Shalaov usually gives it a characteristic of a long or permanent action.

"The rain lilts the third day, without ceasing."

"White fog stood round louds ...".

"The spit was frozen on the fly for two weeks."

"Nature in the north is not indifferent, is not indifferent - she is in collusion with those who sent us here."

The camp device in all its forms here is equal to the phenomena of nature. The story "As it started", describing the crystal process

life laws, but death determines the behavior of characters. Death is not like an event, but as the name of the world, in which we turn out to, open a book ... "[Timofeev 1991: 186].

the lyrics of the camp Kolyma from the Kolyma geographic, the narrator combines, reduces the cold, hunger, snow drifts and the then chief of the dialing of the colonel, without making any difference between them, comprehending them as quite homogeneous by the nature of the influence of the system elements of the generated system:

Many months day and night in the morning and evening calibises read countless execution orders. In the fifty-fiendous frost, the prisoners of Musicians from the householders played a carcass ... The musicians were reflected in the lips, pressed against the flutes, silver helikov, cornet-a-pistons ... Each list ended in the same way: "The sentence is provided. The head of the colonel Garanin was chief.

The author gives reading "countless shot orders" by the same temporary characteristic as "cold small rain". The verbs of the imperfect species: "referred", "covered", "ended", load the effect of the additional value of duration and incompleteness.

In addition, inside the chronotopic system of the CR, the time in which there is a camp, the dragging duration of any of its manifestations is constantly compared with the length of human life: with many years of conclusion, the "golden slaughter made healthy people with disabilities in three weeks ...". Accordingly, the internal countdown of time s / k operates with small currency - clock, days: "Two weeks - the term is very far, the thousand-year", "the day it was difficult to live, not that year."

However, quite quickly hunger, cold, fatigue, fear of indefinite future, the irrationality of the camp world, the inability to focus in it, the inevitable disintegration of the memory and functions of the brain ("it was painful") deprive the heroes of the KR, the ability to perceive the course of time, turn "now" In a non-omitable "always": "... and after you cease to notice time - and the great indifference masters you" [1: 426].

Here we will have to invade the sphere so far, very indirectly conjugate with the literature disciplines - neurology and psychology. At the time of the creation of the main massif of the Soviet camp literature, this information has not yet existed; Only in the 1990s experiments D. Kaneman and D. Redelmayer were supplied. Patients forced, for example, to transfer painful operations without anesthesia, offered to fix the level of pain at every moment of time, and at the end of the procedure re-evaluate their experience as a whole. It turned out that people who perfectly gave themselves a report in

5 Office of northeastern corrective labor camps.

the fact that they are experiencing in the process have invariably preserved the memory of the genuine volume of experienced pain, nor - more importantly - about the duration of the procedure as such. "I remember the" man, turning the experience in the plot, simply discarded this data.

Actually, the phenomenon turned out to be so stable that he gave rise to the term Duration Neglect (disregard for durability); Moreover, patients enjoyed their experience in the future as a criterion when choosing between procedures, systemically preferring to the most painless and rapid option where at the end they experienced some relief.

It is necessary to conclude that that part of the personality of the survivor, which is responsible for the development, understanding and transferring experience, by definition does not remember and, apparently, is physically not able to remember what passed through. And the part that experienced this experience step by step is deprived of speech and memory, and there is no time for it at all.

In fact, Shalamov, reproducing for the reader, the gradual disconnection and disappearance of time, duplicates the real physiological process, at that time not yet described by experts, but probably the famous kong author directly. The hero of "Centralization" arises from that very nonsense and is also not able to remember that it happened there.

But, as it has already been said that the subjective violations or the cease-time stopping itself became noticeable to the reader, even the Kolyma time should flow and still be measured.

So that in the field of view, the inconsistency of the average s / k with the "big history" (and how will it be correlated with her, for example, the hero of the story "At night" Glebov, who did not remember, "Was he himself sometime", and another Glebov, And perhaps the same, forgetting the name of his wife?), In the same field of view, the "big story" must be present with the inevitability. After all, neither the movement nor the lack of movement is impossible to show without having a coordinate system, point of reference. To create timeless for the reader, Shalamov is forced to enter the time.

It looks like this. Opening the "Artist shovel" cycle, the reader discovers that the stories "June" and "May" (United common character, Andreev) seems to be not in the same order - summer is ahead of spring. In the process of reading from brief remarks of characters on the position on the fronts, it turns out that Shalamov did not violate the chronological sequence at all, for "June" is June 1941 (actually, the action of the story begins on the day of the German attack on the USSR), and "May" - May 1945 exhausts whether to work with time? Not.

According to the same brief remarks, it is rather noticeable that relations with historical times exist in stories as a biosocial luxury, most of the s / k inaccessible and frankly for them alien6:

Listen, "said Steppy. - The Germans bombed Sevastopol, Kiev, Odessa.

Andreev listened politely. The message sounded like the news of war in Paraguay or Bolivia. What is the case andreva? Sta-Nietsky is full, he is a decompress man - here it is interested in such things as a war.

"I heard you, Lord Panzhan," he said, "the war ended. A week ago ended. The second courier from the control came. And the first courier, they say, the fugitives killed. " But Andreev did not listen to the doctor.

But in fact, at this level of exhaustion, not only interest and attention to the events of the outside world, but also, as we have said, the time counting itself becomes s / to not by pocket. With this, in fact, the reader faces at the level of the plot, because:

a) in "June" an action from the end of June for the estimated maximum two months shows a demonstratively jumping in winter:

Koryagin removed Andreev from underground work. In winter, the cold in the mine reaches only twenty degrees on the lower horizons, and on the street

Sixty. Andreev stood in a night shift in high groundcone, where the breed was browned -

and this winter comes suddenly after July, slipping the warmer Kolyma month, August;

b) the event from which the story "May" begins (the capture of the camp robber), explicitly happens in April.

And the stories are ending with almost the same phrase: "He had a temperature"; "He climbed the temperature." (In both cases, a high temperature is a circumstance, naturally, a purely positive, promoting character survival.)

6 In the work of Leono, the creature is exhaustively disassembled by the essence of this semantic gap for the Soviet audience, which is used to perceive the second world (or, more precisely, the Great Patriotic) war as one of the supporting events of Soviet history and (more importantly) as universal deal It was probably disoriented with the fact that for the part of their contemporaries war could be a thing of unimportant, insignificant and unworthy attention [Tokeg 2015].

The literal coincidence of the ending can be considered non-random with confidence - both stories were written in 1959 and are reduced to the sequence of the author's will. Shalamov actually closes both stories on a single finale, creating the reader with the illusion of the most immovable, non-metallic, not allowing the orientation within itself the camp time.

In fact, the degree of correlation of the character with historical and biological time is an indicator of physical decay, the absorption measures with the camp system. Moreover, in the Shalami world, the camp time and time can not coexist within one organism. No wonder in the story of "Flip" the memory of the camp with its appearance, as it were, pushes the narrator from his real, post-election, quite historical reality back, in the former experience. Where there is a camp, there is nothing more than anything.

Refers this rule not only to people. Within the framework of the Kyrgyz Republic (we have already talked about it in other works [Mikhailik 2002; 2009; 2013]) in the camp there are any things, creatures, texts and ideas from the outside world: from the book will make a deck of cards; Cat will be killed and cried criminals; A scarf, a suit, a photo of a loved one is taken away when inspection or steal; The package from the house will not cause death; Precious letters from his wife will burn a drunken camp head; The plot of the plays "Sirano" will be used to bring any suspect character with their hands to suicide his wife. In the story "Tie", it is not even possible to hold the Civil Detail of the Clothing in the hands of this Civil Detail: an embroidered tie will be selected by another camp head directly from the masters. Neither a tie nor such a complex social concept as a gift, in the camp can not exist in themselves7.

All of the above allows us to assume that Shalamov considered the camp with the battery of the quality of life, or rather unbearable, killing the lack of this quality, the measure of entropy, a measure of socially organized universal decay - not limited by the geographic borders of the Kolyma and the temporary framework of the history of the Gulag (or Soviet power) and easily reproduced On any substrate.

7 See, for example, the story "Hercules", where the doctor who gave the head of the hospital of his beloved cock, will immediately witness how honorable guest, the head of the Sanot business, torn off the defenseless manual bird's head - demonstrating his warmer power. As a rule, inside the hull of the Kyrgyz Republic is successful (and without catastrophic consequences), people whose "social position" is much higher than the position is granted. The gifts themselves often bear a specific camp character: "And the Crist was still alive and sometimes - no less than once again for several years - recalled the burning folder, the decisive fingers of the investigator, the fading Crysto" case ", is a gift to doomed from the circumference."

Here, for example, the story "Proteka" (the cycle "Resurrection of larch"), telling about how in the middle of the revolution, hunger and shooting hostages is completely ordinary inhabitants of non-hegered and not spoiled by an even apartment issue of the sample of 1918. Selflessly crowds hunt for a hunt to the city Squirrel and kill her - just like later in the camp there will be insane half-satellite people to catch the insane dying from the hunger of people on the bread soldering on the table and beat the mortal fight for the "stealing".

In the story "Resurrection of larch", giving the name cycle, the narrator will write:

The maturity of the Daurgy larch is three hundred years. Three hundred years! Larch, whose branch, breathed on the Moscow table, - the Rough of Natalia Sheremeteva-Dolgorukova and can remind her of her sorting fate ....

These three hundred years, the term of maturity of the Daurry larch, the time distance from Shalamov to Natalia Sheremetheva, have already met on the pages of "Kolyma stories." These are the most three hundred permanent rings of Stump, served as a stand for a patefone in the final of the "Centralization" - "Heated on all its three hundred circles, like a tight spring, twisted for integer three hundred years." And for these three hundred years, concludes Shalamov, "nothing has changed in Russia - neither the fate nor the human evil or the indifference."

Within the framework of the figurative and philosophical system of the Kyrgyz Republic, the camp was not built by the Soviet authorities, did not arise from nowhere and not explicitly suddenly - it was always here, and not at all as a political phenomenon. He inevitably appears at the junction of physical circumstances and human nature everywhere, where these circumstances and this nature will be provided to each other long enough - as it came to the will of Sevvost-Lag on Kolyma or the will of Anna John in Berezov. Long enough - this is, for example, two weeks.

What is the case then the unperturbation of 1939 - what kind of condition, what is the category of non-lips denotes this date?

Did it distinguished for the Schalamis 1939 from other Kolyma years? Existed whether separately? It can be said with confidence - yes, differed, existed. Here, for example, that Solzhenitsyn Shalamov writes in November 1964 on the freshly published memoirs A. Gorbatov ("New World", 1964, No. 3-5):

Gorbatov - a decent person. He does not want to forget and hide his horror before he met on the Maldian government.<.. .>

Considering all the terms, you will see that Gorbatov stayed at the "Mal-Dyak" only two or three weeks, the most and a half months, and was thrown out of the bottom forever as a human slag. But it was 1939, when the wave of terror was already sleeping, fell.

It is characteristic that the historians of Kolyma and Falls share this assessment: by the beginning of 1939, the wave of political terror, the wave of executions really slept. But terror production has not disappeared anywhere. Actually, it was then that he was put on the order of the day and was introduced into the system [Batsaev 2002: 92]. This in 1939 was eliminated by the first director of the station Dalstroy E. P. Berzin Colonies - villages of free accommodation for prisoners, and their inhabitants were returned for wire [ibid.: 94]. This in 1939 was canceled by a system of conditional and early liberation, and the main stimulus "to increase labor productivity" was recognized as "Supply and nutrition" 8. This in 1939 is massively restored by the towers and barriers and are transferred to the enhanced camp mode all prisoners who do not perform 100% of daytime production. This in the summer of 1939 "All refusalists from work and maliciously not performing the norms of work of prisoners were ordered to translate into a penalty diet" [Zelyak 2004: 65], and on all primaries, karzers were created for refusal and violators of discipline, where day soldering consisted of 400 grams Bread and boiling water (naturally, these 400 grams existed mainly on paper). This in 1939, the camp bosses systematically received a reprimand with a lettering for "incomplete exhibition of labor for the main production" [ibid: 66], and eight such bosses were arrested administratively: it is quite easy to imagine how these measures have been reflected in the state prisoners. The list of labor force of those worst mining controls increased from 55,362 to 86,799 people (with a planned digit of 61,617 people) [Batsaev 2002: 59]. Exceeded.

But at the same time, the fresh replenishment from the mainland arrived, and in this regard, there was no need for permanent 14-16-hour overtime works, the weekend was restored, the prisoners began to periodically feed in the interests of the plan. There was some infrastructure that was absent year earlier. And Kolyma mortality, in 1938, reaching almost 12%, lowers up to 7.5% - the numbers also destroying, but already testifying not about the intense mass harness, but about gradual slow extinction, not contrary to the needs of the mining industry [Cocharin, Morukov: 536-537].

It seems to us that this administrative-house painting in conjunction with the already described poetic time in the Kyrgyz Republic and the submission of Shalamov about the nature of the camp makes it possible to explain why 1939 in the Kyrgyz Republic became partly the default figure.

In the range of Shalamovskaya poetics, 1939 took the place of the exemplary camp of the year, the reference, "Zero's Points". The time when the Kolyma camp system has already developed in all its production magnificence, not confusing the triumphant mismanagement and political radiation of 1937 and 1938. This is the place of the environment, the water that is not able to notice or name the name of the camp fish, the state whose parameters can be identified only in comparison.

The medium in which it may even live a little longer, if not to get into the mining control, if the work is satisfied. Environments where hunger is not strong enough to kill fast ...

But at the same time, the "prosperous" narrator, happily stuck in Typhseous quarantine, will see bread, bread and bread in a dream, and a child who lives next to the camp will not remember anything and will not be able to draw about his life, "except yellow houses, barbed wire , Steps, Shepherd, Convoirs with automata and blue, blue sky. "

The medium in which you can with incredible good luck and the same perseverance to regain the word "maxim" - to the first cooling or denunciation.

The 1938th in the Kyrgyz Republic easily dating and distinct - on shooting and disappearances, sudden hunger, typhus, winter life in tents, 16-hour working day, workers, instantly bent and petrified on the cutting shovel. In terms of the fact that by the end of the story of any story this year, the story, the focus of the indirect narration, his neighbor or neighbor neighbor is in general, someone - will probably be dead. With no less likelihood - they will be dead.

The war years are recognized on the American lend-Lizovsky bread, the epidemics of camp processes, mass bellows - there is a lot in the Cyrgyza will take time clips with dates, distinguish between their "s / k", will begin to distinguish the reader.

But to say "it was in 1939" - you need to change the condition, get out of the medium, get alongside and from above - a paramedic, writer, inhabitant of historical time. Look at the thin crust of the ice, separating some kind of life from a timelessness, the same for St. Andreeva and Natalia Sheremetheva, for all representatives of our biological species, and say: "This is thirty-ninth. Perfect camp. So he, it turns out, was what. "


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Time in the "Kolyma Tales". 1939 - The Year That Wasn "T There

Mikhailik, Elena Iu.

PhD, Lecturer, The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia, Sydney, NSW 2052 Tel.: 612-93852389 E-mail: [Email Protected]

Abstract: This Paper Attempts to Analyse The Treatment of Time In The "Kolyma Tales" Of Varlam Shalamov: in Particular, We Investigate "The Case of the Year 1939". As A Date, As A Number The Year 1939, The Time in Which Many of the Key KT Stories Are Set, A Period That Is Very Important Within The General Structure of the Events, Is for all Pardical Purposes Absent from The Narration. This Problem, In Our View, IS Part of a More Complex Issue: Shalamov Is Portraying Time in General and Historical Time in Particular AS A BIOSOCIAL CATEGORY. The Very Ability to Perceive Time and Relate to It in Kt Depends Directly On The Social Status of the Character, And (Therefore) on Their Physical State. HOWEVER, IF This Social Lack of Cohesion with Time and History Is to Be Noticed by The Audience, The General Landscape - As Objects of Rejection - As Objects of Rejection. One of Such Objects That Are Present and Absent at the Same Time Happens to Be The Year 1939 - A Period That Represents, As We Believe, The Model, "Perfect" Prison Camp Year in Shalamov.

Keywords: Poetics, Time, Labour Camp Literature, Varlam Shalamov, "Kolyma Tales", 1939

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Mikhailik, E. IU. (2016). Time in the "Kolyma Tales". 1939 - The Year That Wasn "T There. Shagi / Steps, 2 (1), 28-43

The story of Varlam Shalamov "Meeting" is included in the collection of Kolyma stories "Left Bank".

Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelshtam

People arose from non-essential - one by one. An unfamiliar man went down next door to me on Nara, fell at night to my bony shoulder, giving his warmth - heat droplets - and getting my way in return. There were nights when there was no heat before me through the scraps of the Bushlata, the tag, and in the morning I looked at the neighbor, as a dead man, and a little bit wondered that the dead was alive, rises in the okhika, dressed and fulfill the command. I had little warmth. Not much meat remained on my bones. This meat was enough for anger - the last of human feelings. Not indifference, and anger was the last human feeling - the one that closers to the bones. A man who arose of non-existence disappeared during the day - there were many sections at coal intelligence - and disappeared forever. I do not know people who slept next to me. I never asked them questions, and not because I followed the Arab proverb: Do not ask - and you will not lie. I still had - I will lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, out of lies. Blessed on this subject is a tough, bright, rude saying, permeated by deep contempt for a given question: do not believe - acceptance for a fairy tale. I did not ask and did not listen to fairy tales.

What remained with me to the end? Evil. And keeping this malice, I expected to die. But death, so close quite recently, it became gradually moving away. It was not a life of death substituted, but half a score, the existence that there is no formula and which cannot be called life. Every day, each sunrise brought the danger of a new, deadly push. But there was no shock. I worked as a boiler - the lightest of all works, it is easier to be a guard, but I did not have time to seize firewood for Titan, the boiler "Titan" system. I could drive me - but where? Taiga is far away, our village, "Traveling" in Kolymsky, is like an island in the Taiga world. I barely laughed my legs, the distance in two hundred meters from the tent to work it seemed to me endlessly, and I didn't stay relaxed once again. I now remember all potholes, all the pits, all the pivots on this mortal trail; The stream in front of which I went to the stomach and lacqual cold, delicious, healing water. Two-handed saw, which I dragged on my shoulder, then the wolf, holding one handle, seemed to me the cargo of incredible gravity.

I could never boil the water in time, to achieve Titan to boil to dinner.

But none of the workers from the freesties, all of them were yesterday's prisoners - did not pay attention, whether water was boiling or not. Kolyma taught us all the drinking water only by temperature. Hot, cold, not boiled and raw.

We were not affected by a dialectical jump of the transition of quantity in quality. We were not philosophers. We were workers, and our hot drinking water of these important scrap whales had no jump.

I ate, indifferently trying to eat everything that came across, - trimming, wreckage of edible, last year's berries in the swamp. Yesterday or marriage Soup from the "free" boiler. No, yesterday's soup did not have left.

In our tent there were two guns, two shotgun. Partridges were not afraid of people, and first time bird beat straight from the threshold of the tent. Mining was baked entirely in the ashes of the fire or was cooked, when it was plotting carefully. Poo-feather - on the pillow, also commerce, loyal money - the acquisition of the free owners of rifles and taiga birds. Scotched, plug-in partridges were cooked in tin cans - three-liter, suspended to fires. From these mysterious birds, I never found no residues. Hungry freezers crushed, smaloli, excosal all bird bones without a residue. It was also one of the wonders of Taiga.

End of a familiarization fragment.


"People arose from non-existence - one by one. An unfamiliar man went down next door to me on Nara, fell at night to my bony shoulder, giving his warmth - heat droplets - and getting my way in return. There were nights when there was no heat before me through the scraps of the Bushlata, the tag ray, and in the morning I looked at the neighbor, as on the dead man, and I am surprised a little bit alike that the dead man is alive, it rises in the okhika, dresses and performs submissive team ... "

Varlam Shalam Metention

Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelshtam

* * *

People arose from non-essential - one by one. An unfamiliar man went down next door to me on Nara, fell at night to my bony shoulder, giving his warmth - heat droplets - and getting my way in return. There were nights when there was no heat before me through the scraps of the Bushlata, the tag, and in the morning I looked at the neighbor, as a dead man, and a little bit wondered that the dead was alive, rises in the okhika, dressed and fulfill the command. I had little warmth. Not much meat remained on my bones. This meat was enough for anger - the last of human feelings. Not indifference, and anger was the last human feeling - the one that closers to the bones. A man who arose of non-existence disappeared during the day - there were many sections at coal intelligence - and disappeared forever. I do not know people who slept next to me. I never asked them questions, and not because I followed the Arab proverb: Do not ask - and you will not lie. I still had - I will lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, out of lies. Blessed on this subject is a tough, bright, rude saying, permeated by deep contempt for a given question: do not believe - acceptance for a fairy tale. I did not ask and did not listen to fairy tales.

What remained with me to the end? Evil. And keeping this malice, I expected to die. But death, so close quite recently, it became gradually moving away. It was not a life of death substituted, but half a score, the existence that there is no formula and which cannot be called life. Every day, each sunrise brought the danger of a new, deadly push. But there was no shock. I worked as a boiler - the lightest of all works, it is easier to be a guard, but I did not have time to seize firewood for Titan, the boiler "Titan" system. I could drive me - but where? Taiga is far away, our village, "Traveling" in Kolymsky, is like an island in the Taiga world. I barely laughed my legs, the distance in two hundred meters from the tent to work it seemed to me endlessly, and I didn't stay relaxed once again. I now remember all potholes, all the pits, all the pivots on this mortal trail; The stream in front of which I went to the stomach and lacqual cold, delicious, healing water. Two-handed saw, which I dragged on my shoulder, then the wolf, holding one handle, seemed to me the cargo of incredible gravity.

I could never boil the water in time, to achieve Titan to boil to dinner.

But none of the workers from the freesties, all of them were yesterday's prisoners - did not pay attention, whether water was boiling or not. Kolyma taught us all the drinking water only by temperature. Hot, cold, not boiled and raw.

We were not affected by a dialectical jump of the transition of quantity in quality. We were not philosophers. We were workers, and our hot drinking water of these important scrap whales had no jump.

I ate, indifferently trying to eat everything that came across, - trimming, wreckage of edible, last year's berries in the swamp. Yesterday or marriage Soup from the "free" boiler. No, yesterday's soup did not have left.

In our tent there were two guns, two shotgun. Partridges were not afraid of people, and first time bird beat straight from the threshold of the tent. Mining was baked entirely in the ashes of the fire or was cooked, when it was plotting carefully. Poo-feather - on the pillow, also commerce, loyal money - the acquisition of the free owners of rifles and taiga birds. Scotched, drencakes were cooked in tin cans of three-liter, suspended to fires. From these mysterious birds, I never found no residues. Hungry freezers crushed, smaloli, excosal all bird bones without a residue. It was also one of the wonders of Taiga.

Varlaam Shalamov is a writer, who has undergone three deadlines in the camps, survived the hell, who lost his family, friends, but not broken by Naitaria: "The camp is a negative school from the first to the last day for anyone. Man - Neither the boss, nor the arrestant to see him. But if you saw him - I must say the truth, no matter how terrible it is.<…> For my side, I have long decided that I dedicate the rest of my life for this truth. "

Collection "Kolyma stories" - the main work of the writer, which he composed for almost 20 years. These stories leave the extremely difficult impression of horror from the fact that people really survived. The main topics of works: camp life, breaking the nature of prisoners. All of them were waiting for an imminent death without food, without joining the fight. Hunger and its convulsive saturation, soda, painful dying, slow and almost as painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - that's what is constantly in the spotlight of the writer. All heroes are unhappy, their fate ruthlessly broken. The product language is simple, simple, not decorated with means of expressiveness, which creates a sense of the truthful story of an ordinary person, one of many who worried all this.

Analysis of the stories "At night" and "condensed milk": problems in "Kolyma stories"

The story "At night" tells us about the case that does not immediately fit in my head: two prisoners, bagresses and Glebov, roll the grave to remove the underwear from the corpse. The moral and ethical principles were erased, gave way to the principles of survival: the heroes will sell underwear, they will buy a little bread or even tobacco. The subjects of life on the verge of death, the doomes of the red thread pass through the work. The prisoners do not value the life, but for some reason they survive indifferent to everything. The problem of deeming opens in front of the reader, it is immediately clear that after such shocks a person will never be the same.

The problem of betrayal and infancy is devoted to the story "Condensed Milk". Geologist's engineer Sheestakova "lucky": in the camp he escaped mandatory work, got into the "office", where it gets good food and clothing. The prisoners envied not free, but such as the Shestakov, because the camp dashed the interests to domestic: "Only something external could bring us out of indifference, to take away from slowly approaching death. External, not internal force. Inside everything was burned, empty, we were still, and on tomorrow we did not build plans. " Shestakov decided to assemble a group for escape and to hand over to the authorities, having received some privileges. This plan has solved the nameless main hero, familiar engineer. The hero requires two banks of milk canned food for his participation, this is the limit of dreams for him. And Shestakov brings a treat with a "monstrously blue sticker", this is a revenge of the hero: he ate both banks under the eyes of other prisoners who did not expect food, they simply watched a more successful person, and then refused to follow the Shestakov. The latter still persuaded others and handed over them. What for? Where did this desire to hear and substitute those worse? V. Hashamov answers this question: the camp dismisses and kills all the human in the shower.

Analysis of the story "The Last Fight of Major Pugacheva"

If most of the heroes of "Kolyma stories" are indifferent to those unknown for what, then in the story "The Last Fight of Major Pugachev" situation is different. After the end of the Great Patriotic War in the camp, the former military, whose wines were just that they were in captivity. People who fought against the fascists cannot simply indifferently live, they are ready to fight for their honor and dignity. The twelve newcomer prisoners led by Major Pugachev organized a conspiracy with the goal of escaping, which is preparing all winter. And so, when spring came, the conspirators rushes into the premises of the guard and, shining the duty officer, take advantage of weapons. Holding under the sight of suddenly awakened fighters, they dress up in a military shape and reserved by the province. Going beyond the camp, they stop the truck on the track, planted the chaffeur and continue the path already on the car until gasoline ends. After that, they go to Taiga. Despite the power of the will and determination of the heroes, the camp machine overtakes them and shoots. Only Pugachev was able to leave. But he understands that he will come soon. Does he be sense of punishment? No, he also shows the strength of the Spirit in this situation, he himself interrupts his difficult life path: "Major Pugachev recalled them all - one after another - and smiled to everyone. Then I put in my mouth a blow of a gun and the last time he fired in life. " The theme of a strong man in the suffocating circumstances of the camp is disclosed tragically: it is or grinding the system, or it struggles and dies.

"Kolyma stories" are not trying to split the reader, but how many sufferings, pain and longing are in them! This collection needs to read each to appreciate your life. After all, despite all the usual problems, a modern person has relative freedom and a choice, it can show other feelings and emotions, except for hunger, apathy and desire to die. "Kolyma stories" not only scare, but also make a look at a different way. For example, stop complaining to fate and regret yourself, because we were lucky enough more than our ancestors, brave, but grinding in the millstones.

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