Waltz: History and features of one of the most famous ballroom dances. Waltz - The term -EngoClopedic Foundation I.Shtraus "Waltz" from the operetta "Bat Mouse"

Waltz: History and features of one of the most famous ballroom dances. Waltz - The term -EngoClopedic Foundation I.Shtraus
Waltz: History and features of one of the most famous ballroom dances. Waltz - The term -EngoClopedic Foundation I.Shtraus "Waltz" from the operetta "Bat Mouse"


(Franz. Valse, through it. Walzer, from Walzen, here - spin) - Ballroom dance consisting in a smooth progressive movement by couples. Musical size 3/4. The pace is usually fast or moderately fast. Appeared in the 2nd half of the 18th century. In the city everyday, gradually developing from the folk dances of Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany. Distributed throughout Europe at 19 V. Vienna Waltz acquired special popularity. Waltz was also distributed in piano, orchestral, etc. Pieces, parts of a major work and as a basis of romance, aria.

Dictionary of musical terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Waltz in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • WALTZ in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    To see in a dream of dancing waltz foreshadows that you will have a pleasant relationship with cheerful, but prone to the adventures of a person. For the young ...
  • WALTZ in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    (Franz. Valse, it. Walzer, from Walzen - unscrew the feet in dancing, spinning), a pair dance based on smooth circling, combined with ...
  • WALTZ in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Walzer (Walzer) - German dance. In ancient V. Movement of music that was later than in the newest, so calling. Vienna V. (Wiener Walzer). ...
  • WALTZ in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
    (French Valse, German Walzer, from Walzen - spin in dance), 3-tight paired ballroom dance. At the end of the 18th century Austrian and ...
    [French Valse, from German Walzer] Dance of a three-row rotational movement; Received the widest distribution in music on 19 and 20 centuries; In the rhythm ...
  • WALTZ in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    a, m. Smooth dance with three-rhythm rhythm, as well as music in the rhythm of this dance. Walp - dance-tob.; spin
  • WALTZ in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -A, m. Smooth pair ballroom dance, as well as music in the rhythm of this dance. Wallase. II adj. Waltovy, ...
  • WALTZ in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Franz. Valse, it. Walzer), ballroom dance in a three-rank size. In the 70s 18 V. V.- YUZH.-GERM. cross. Dance (then ...
  • WALTZ in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Walzer)? German dance. In the old V. Music movement was slower than in the newest, the so-called Vienna V. (Wiener Walzer). ...
  • WALTZ in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    va "Lsa, Va" Lsa, Va "Lersa, Va" Ls, Va "Lersu, Va" Lersa, Va "Lsa, Va" Lsa, Va "Lsa, Va" Lersa, Va "Lers, ...
  • WALTZ in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    -A, m. 1) A pair dance with a three-rhythm rhythm, based on smooth circling, as well as music in the rhythm of this dance. BUT …
  • WALTZ in the new foreign word dictionary:
    (FR. Valsehem. Walzer) 1) A pair dance that has become the most popular in the 2nd half of the 19th century; I had a great influence on the whole ...
  • WALTZ in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [FR. Valse 1. A paired dance that has become the most popular in the 2nd half of the 19th century; had a great influence on the whole ball of repertoire; ...
  • WALTZ in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    boston, Waltz Boston, Waltsh, Waltza, Waltz Fantasy, ...
  • WALTZ in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
  • WALTZ in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    waltz, ...
  • WALTZ in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    waltz, ...
  • WALTZ in the spelling dictionary:
    waltz, ...
  • WALTZ in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova:
    smooth pair ballroom dance, as well as music in the rhythm of this Waltz dance! Smooth paired ballroom ...
  • Waltz in the Dalian dictionary:
    husband. , Franz. Rolz him. Famous dance or dance, where they are circling in pairs; | Music, measure in 3/4, for the dance of this. ...
  • WALTZ in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    waltz, m. (FR. Valse). 1. Dance with a three-rhythm rhythm consisting in smooth progressive circling. Everyone in the waltz is circling with the greatest ...
  • WALTZ in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    m. 1) Ballroom dance, characterized by three-rhythm rhythm and consisting in the progressive movement of smoothly circling steam. 2) a) music to such ...
  • WALTZ in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    m. 1. Ball dance characterized by three-rhythm rhythm and consisting of smoothly circling steam in the translational motion. 2. Music to such a dance. ...

A brief story for children about Walse will tell you a lot of interesting things about this famous dance. Also, the message about the waltz can be used to prepare for classes.

Message about waltz

What is waltz in music?

Waltz - This is a dance that is dancing at weddings, proms, Viennese Bals. Classic Waltz is characterized by such features:

  • Rhythmic and fast structure. The rhythm of the waltz steps is fought off so "times, two, three. One two Three".
  • The partner puts his hand on the Waist partners. Woman puts her hand on the shoulder partner. Loose hands closed the shape of the Waltz.
  • Air and grace and ease in each movement.
  • Each waltz tact includes 3 shares. This is called a three-dollar musical size to which dance movements are performed.
  • Waltz is performed in a closed position: Partners are facing each other. A woman stands a little to the right.

History Waltza

Waltz is by no means an old type of dance. If you compare with a chimes or allemand, then the waltz is at all Yun: his age is no more than 2 centuries. But the details of the origin of the dance are definitely unknown. One version states that Waltz's progenitor is a rapid German Walzer. According to another version, it originated from the three-row dance of the Austrian and German peasants - Lendler. He was danced in a pair in a circle. It seems that it would be quite simple, however, the elements of the future Waltz were present in the dance - the movement in a circle, touches Talia FarTner and knee-up.

Over time, Waltz entered the aristocratic circles, on secular techniques and balls. Initially, he was not very warm. In 1816, the Waltz dance was included in ballroom dances at the courtyard. The conformists and religious leaders considered it a shameful and depraved, violating the norms of morality and morality, devoid of chastity. The waltz hung the label of obscene and vulgar and decided that he was not worthy of a decent society. Such a relation to the dance was observed throughout Europe.

However, Walsa managed to survive. He was delighted by the bourgeoisie, spreading the dance in dance secular salons among citizens. Perhaps the waltz would remain "not accepted" in the highest circle, if it would not create composers of the era of romanticism (for example, Lanner and Strauss). In the 4th century, the refined waltzus music gave impetus for the further development of Waltse choreography. She gained ease, grace and beauty. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Waltz took at the court. He especially enjoyed success during the reign of Queen Victoria.

Views waltza

Waltz dance is quite diverse. He survived a lot of modifications for his story. Today there are many varieties of this dance. The most common are:

  • Vienna Waltz - rapid, fast, light and elegant.
  • English Waltz is a discreet, elegant, requiring good technique and discipline. It is characterized by changing the pace, fermat and pauses.
  • Tango Waltz. Combines the elements of the Waltz and Tango. Another name Argentine Waltz.
  • Figured waltz. This dance entered the program of sports ballroom dancing. It is characterized by performing a large number of strict elements.

We hope that the message about the Walse helped you prepare for the lesson. And you can leave your short story about the waltz via the comment form below.

Slow waltz
(Slow Waltz)
Year of Appearance: 1923-1924

Slow waltz is a very beautiful, elegant, soft and smooth dance, originated from the Vienna rapid waltz. Waltz's word happened from German "Walzen" - spin in dance.

This is a three-dolled pair ball dance. Complete Waltz, as a rule, in a closed position. This is a slow dance with a characteristic pronounced and constantly repeating "knotting of the surf" - along with a light dress for ballroom dancing, it creates a sense of flight and weightlessness. The soft nature of the decline execution will come special attractiveness and expressiveness. Couple partner management is mildly veiled, hidden character.

This gentle dance appeared in the Middle Ages. Waltz origin leads from many dances of the peoples of Europe. His roots are in popular for its time dance "Matoney" and his varieties of Furiante, performed on holidays in the Czech village, in the French Dance "Volt" and, finally, in the Austrian "Lindler", close to Walsa from his predecessors.

Waltz was born in Vienna (Austria) in the 1780s, quickly became a favorite entertainment of the secular audience and spread over Europe, and then the world. In different countries, this "king" of dances acquired certain national traits. This appeared English Waltz, Hungarian Waltz, Waltz Mazurka, Figure Waltz, etc. Perhaps no dance can compete with him in such a long and permanent popularity. As a result of the development of the Waltz musical form at the beginning of the twentieth century in the 20s, new dances appeared in England: Waltz Boston and a slow waltz. They became the parents of the modern competitive slow waltz.

Previously, dancing in very close arms was considered indecent. But Waltz was delightful and, despite the ill-wishers who condemned the dance, the Slow Waltz rated the French. And he became very popular in France, where the revolution finally changed human morals. Wested by Napoleon's troops, he was gradually adopted in different countries. When the slow waltz appeared in Russia, he immediately became a court dance.

England showed restraint for this dance longer. Opponents of a slow waltz behaved very aggressive. And therefore Queen Elizabeth legalized this dance. But the Waltz liked many, people admired the dance. Princess England Victoria appeared as if his guarantor. On June 28, 1838, on the day of her coronation, she sent an invitation to Johann Strauss and his orchestra. Strauss specifically composed music for this. The holiday lasted for three weeks and all this time the musician played in the palace and various castles of London and the surrounding area. Thanks to this ball, the Strauss orchestra was in demand throughout the territory of the whole kingdom. Rhythm Waltz appeared everywhere.

Around 1874, in England, a very influential "Boston Club" was formed and a new dance style began to appear, the English, called the slow Waltz (Slow Waltz).

In the mid-18th century, he gained the modern form and its rules were officially registered. In the 19th century, the slow waltz won popularity throughout Europe, constantly developing and changing.

The dance appeared in early 1919 as an independent, however, all the principles of movement and especially the figures were used from a slow fockey. In 1921 it was decided that the main movement should be: step, step, prefix. When in 1922, Victor Sylvester won the championship, the English program of the Waltz consisted only from the right turn, the left turn and the change of direction. In 1926/1927, Waltz was significantly improved. The main movement was changed to: step, step to side, prefix. As a result, more opportunities appeared for the development of figures. They were standardized by the imperial society of dance teachers (ISTD). Many of these figures we dance still.

A special contribution to the modernization of the Waltz was made by Josephin Bralli, Viktor Sylvester, Maxwell Steward and Pat Sykes - the first English world champions on ballroom dancing. Many of the variations introduced dance use at the time are still fulfilled on the competitions of ballroom dancing. History did not forget to note the merits of the British in the development of a slow waltz, his second name is English Waltz. The rate of performing a slow waltz - 30 clocks per minute, and musical size - 3/4.

In the slow waltz movement of the pair - sliding, soft, wave-like. In contests, slow waltz, despite its romanticism and smoothness, requires restrained costumes and strict shoes for ballroom dancing, very high equipment and strict discipline.

The history of the appearance of the Waltz.

The first Vienna Waltz dated 12-13 centuries and is applied in a dance called "Nachtanz". Viennese Waltz came to us from Bavaria and was called "German". Approximately 1830, composers of Franz Lanner and Johann Strauss wrote some very well-known Waltzes of our era, thereby contributing to the development and popularity of this dance. These waltz were very quick, but by making the dance rhythm more convenient, we now call them the Viennese Waltz and always with joy dancing.
Waltz - from the old-German word "Walzen" - spinning, spinning, slide in dance. Waltz - Ballroom Dance of Musical Size 3/4 with a special focus on the first tact and the main figure "Step-step-closed position". Waltz is a movement or sliding in a living and outstanding manner of execution (it is easily achieved and fulfilled).

Waltz originated in the vicinity of Vienna and Alpine region of Austria. Waltz danced on the balas at the Habsburg yard at the beginning of the XVII century. Much earlier than this time, "spising dances" performed the Austrian and Bavarian peasants. Many easily recognizable waltovoe motifs can be traced in simple peasant peasants.

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the German variety of Waltz was very popular in France. Initially, this dance was danced as one of the countersdance figures (Kadryli) with intertwined hands at the level of shoulders, but soon the Waltz became an independent dance, and "closed position" was introduced. By the end of the XVIII century, this old-Austrian peasant dance was adopted by the highest society with a 3/4 musical size (three quarters).

Despite the popularity of the Waltz in opponents, there was no lack. Dance teachers saw in the Waltz a threat to their profession. The main steps in the waltz could be learned in a relatively short time, while Menuet and other court dances demanded significant practice not only in the study of the many complex figures, but also in improving the relevant positions and behavior manner during dance.

Waltz also criticized on moral beliefs: they objected against too close and close position in dance, as well as fast circling movements. Religious leaders almost unanimously considered this dance vulgar and sinful. European courtiers stubbornly opposed Walsa. In England (country of strict morality) Waltz was accepted even later.

In July 1816, Waltz was included in the Bala program, which gave Prince Regent in London. A few days later, in the newspaper The Times, the advanced article was angrily reported: "We have been watched with the pain as indecent foreign dance, called" Waltz ", was presented (we hope in the first and last time) in the English yard on Friday ..., completely It is enough to take a glance at sensually intertwined limbs and closely pressed to each other in a dance to see how far we left from modest restraint, which was still considered a distinctive feature of English women. While this obscene dance was limited by a circle of prostitutes and adulterers, we did not think that he deserves our attention, but now, when the Waltz is trying to penetrate the respectable classes of our society through a civilian example applied to our rulers, we feel obliged to warn every parent against the show This dance is their daughters, for Walts will inevitably have a detrimental effect on them. "(Source: The Times, London, July 16, 1816)

Even later, in 1866, the article in the English magazine Belgravia reported: "The one who nights the night is watching without much anxiety, like his sister or wife, captured by an unfamiliar man and subordinate to passionate arms, circling in a dance on a small room - the only obvious apology This indecent appeal can only be that all this happens under the sounds of music - it is hardly able to understand that horror, with which the presentation of this immoral dance was met. "

History of Vienna Waltz.
The year of the creation of the Vienna Waltz is considered to be 1775. However, the first mention of dances like Walsa belongs to the 12th, 13th century, when Nachtanz danced in Bavaria. The main disputes cause two versions of the dance - Germanic, in England a long named "German" waltz, and French, or rather, French-Italian. Obviously, only one thing - the Vienna Waltz is not exactly from Austria, but called it as, since he survived the peak at the beginning of the 19th century. In Vienna to the music of the Strauss.
Consider both versions, while it is worth noting that most researchers consider it all the same French ...
1st version. Waltz is a dance that is performed to the music with three blows in the tact. Each beat begins with a shock account, and ends less dedicated, which creates great difficulties for beginners, and for an experienced dancer such a rhythm creates amazing romantic overflows. The dance story on the "Three Quarters" can be traced quite easily, since most dances danced and dancing on two and four bills (all the same we have two legs!), And there are no dances for three bills. One of the first dances in the rhythm "Three-quarters" - the peasant French dance from Provence (Provence), about the year of the appearance of which - 1559, wrote the Paris newspaper "La Patrie" ("Motherland") on January 17, 1882. This dance was performed under folk music , called "Volta", although with this title at the same time, there was a folk Italian dance. In Italian, the word "Volta" means "turn". Already in the first variants of the dance, it was continuous rotation. During the XVI century, Volta becomes popular in the halls of the Royal Ships of Western Europe, where the dances were held. Arbeau describes this dance similar to "Galliard" (GalliarD), executed to the music in Rhythm 3/2, but faster. At the same time, Volta and Galjard danced five steps to six shots on music. In Volta, partners danced in a closed position, but the lady shifted to the left relative to the gentleman! The partner kept the partner for the waist, the lady put the right hand on the gentleman's shoulder, supporting the skirt with his left hand. The dress had to keep, because during the rotations the skirt was confused around the pair and prevented moving on. The most famous image of this dance is a picture, on which the Queen of England ELIZABETH I is drawn, dancing with a volt with a Lancaster Count (Leicester), whipping over the floor in the hands of the graph. Interestingly, the picture of the picture is the hall of the French Royal Court! Volta those days look like a modern, Norwegian folk version of the Waltz. As in any dance with rotations, since one of the partners actually performs steps around the other, they have to do longer than in ordinary steps to side. At the same time, the partner's feet are longer than the feet of the partner, and in order for the partner to bypass the partner, in Norwegian Walla, he raises her above the floor and tolerates through the air. In Volta, the partners did the same thing, while holding it away because of each other, that the dance began to be considered extremely immoral and was banned by the King of France Louis XIII (1610-1613). Volta, initially fulfilled on three accounts, but in fact five steps, gradually began to play for music in five bills. The next descriptions of the dance for three accounts called "Hole In The Wall" were made by Playford in 1695. The story of the Waltz in France ends ... #
2nd version: In 1754, the first music appeared in Germany, which remotely resembled modern waltzes and was called "Waltzen". Until now, researchers who study the origin of modern dances are unknown how the merger and interaction of two dances - "Waltzen" and "Volta", although in German the word "Waltzen" also means "rotation". Music, on rhythm and character coinciding with modern melodies of the Vienna Waltz, appeared in 1770. Dancing, "similar to Waltz", first performed in Paris in 1775. "Waltzen", as well as Volta, did not comply with the norms of morality of that time, in 1779 there was a pamphlet of a certain "wolf" (WOLF) called: "Proof of the fact that waltching is the main source of body weakness and degeneration of our generation." In 1799, Arndt described this dance: "Lady raised long dresses so as not to get confused and not to step on them, the dresses suffered them as a carpet, over the ground, pressing the partner's body close to each other ...". The name of the Waltz became interested in the waltz after in 1787 in the opera, the composer V. Martin-I-Solera became the opera "rare item, or the beauty and virtue" of the composer V. Martin-I-Solera. It was there that the dance became very popular. Especially for the Waltz, large dance halls were opened, such as "SPERL" in 1807, "Apollo" in 1808 (in which 3000 pairs could accommodate!). In 1812 The dance appears in England called the "German Waltz" and causes a large sensation, the greatest popularity achieved in 1816. Initially, the waltz danced quite slowly; Gradually rhythm accelerated him. The fact that the cavalier took a lady during the waist was very unusual - after all, in most dances of that era, partners were in contact with only the tips of the fingers. Because of this, at first, many found the waltz "immoral" dance. The angry Lord Byron in 1813, having seen his wife in the hands of a friend on an invalid distance, wrote: "A healthy gentleman, like a hussar, swinging with a lady, like on a swing, while they are spinning like two May zhuoks planted on one awl." The struggle against the German Waltz continued, in 1833 in the book "Rules of Good Behavior", Miss Selbart wrote: "This dance is only for the girls of easy behavior!".
When the waltz appeared in Russia, nor Ekaterina II nor Paul I, nor especially his wife Maria Fedorovna did not approve him. Going to the throne, Paul forbade the Waltz to dance in Russia with a special decree, and even the death of his wife (and Maria Fedorovna died in 1830) the Waltz road to the Russian court was closed.
Both Sons of Maria Fedorovna - and Alexander I, and Nikolai I - did not dare to reap mothers. But on private bala after the Patriotic War of 1812, Waltz became one of the favorite dances. The Vienna Congress (1814-1815) was introduced into a special fashion (1814-1815), which solved the fate of Europe. During the day, diplomats decided the important problems of the post-war device, and in the evenings he was an active secular life and danced on the balas where the waltz was a corona dance.
Many people came to Vienna: kings and emperors, whole European yards, journalists and writers, great-minded beauty, and all were walked. Naturally, the Russians participating in Congress brought Waltz to St. Petersburg. For quite a long time, the waltz reputation remained doubtful. "The dance of this, in which, as you know, turn out and get together for both sexes, requires proper caution ... In order for not too close to each other, that it would be offended by a decency," said in the dance manual of 1825, (rules for noble public dances published by the dance teacher at the Slobodsko-Ukrainian gymnasium Louis Petrovsky. Kharkov, 1825). The youth, however, was crazy about the Waltz, and by this time there was no longer any provincial, but even the more metropolitan ball. After 1830 g, walp steel and in court balas, and soon the fashion for this dance gained a second breathing. The King Waltz appeared in Vienna, Johann Strauss, whose music has established and improved the choreography of dance. He began to play more beautifully and gracefully, and his pace was still accelerated. Contemporaries recalled that in Russia Waltz danced quickly, so that the aristocratic youth by the ability to quickly spin in the walsta was distinguished from performers of slow dances, not difficult to anyone. "With my nemalism, my dance, I feel that for your Russian waltors, not only me, but none of my comrades are unable - wrote the Englishman J.K. Shot a Russian journalist M.N. Makarov in 1805, - for them, for your volatile waltz, in the whole of Europe, the master only you, Russians, and, except for Russian ladies, these are too fast, almost air lobes will not stand any Englishwoman, nor German, or even a Frenchwoman. " In 1999, June 3, it was one hundred years since the death of Yohan Strauss, King Waltz. He was born on August 25, 1825 in Vienna, died in 1899 his father, born in Vienna in 1804, was then the most popular composer in Austria, called him too Johann Strauss. Thanks to its upbringing, as well as the fact that both were born in Vienna, Waltz began to wear the name "Vienna".
Very long at the time, the life of the "King Waltz" lived in music by writing more than 500 waltors, various poliki, Kadrili, Mershi. He was married three times, his first wife Jetty Treffz, singer, convinced him to try his strength in Operette, and his "bat" (1874) and the "Gypsy Baron" (1885) became a classic operetta. The huge number of composers of the mid-19th century, the brothers and nephews of the Strauss wrote waltz, inspired by the works of Johann Strauss.
Currently, the "Vienna Waltz" is performed in the rhythm of about 180 beats per minute, with a limited set of movements: Change Steps, Hesitations, Hovers, Passing Changes, Natural and Reverse Turns, Move to the center and rotation (Fleckerls), passing to Contracheck.

Waltz history has a little more than two hundred years. According to temporars, it is a very young and young dance, which is fully reflected in his character, rapid, light and cheerful. But she cares about not only energetic. Waltz is literally saturated with romance, which is felt in every movement of dancers. Not in vain, he performs the main dance at the wedding. To earn a similar "status", this dance direction had to go through a lot. We suggest find out what exactly.

Waltz history and many interesting facts about this dance on our page.

The name of the dance comes from the German word "Walzer", which means spinning, rotating. The base of the waltz is precisely smooth, continuous circle of a pair with a simultaneous movement around the hall. Typically, novice dancers are proposed to mentally imagine a large square in which they have to waltch. But this is not the only feature of the dance.

For the classic waltz characteristic:

    fast and rhythmic structure. "One two Three. Times, two, three "- so the rhythm of the waltovy steps is fought off;

    three-told musical size. This means that each beat includes three shares to which movements are performed;

    the dance is executed in a closed position when the partners are facing each other. At the same time, the woman is located a little right;

    one hand man is on a partner waist. She, in turn, puts his hand on his shoulder. Free hands dancers closure a figure for the execution of the waltz;

    ease, airiness and grace in each movement.

Waltz refers to ballroom dancing, that is, it is performed by two - a man and a woman. If earlier it was dancing on the balas, now at the solemn events and competitions. The European sports and ballroom dancing program necessarily includes a slow and Vienna Waltza.

Popular Waltza

Frederic Chopin "Waltz № 10". This is a real confession of a young and talented composer. The melody was written to them at the beginning of the creative way when he met the Constance of Gladkovskaya. The nineteen-year-old young man did not dare to approach and get acquainted with charming special, so the music has become a salvation for him from an excess of overwhelmed feelings.

Frederic Chopin "Waltz №.10" (Listen)

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz Flowers" (ballet " Nutcracker "). This composition written in Waltz rhythms is considered to be the most famous work of the author. She is even known to those who have never been on the ballet - touching, the tender melody sounds in the Soviet cartoon "Nutcracker".

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz Flowers" (Listen)

E.D. Dog "Wedding Waltz" (From the movie "My tender and gentle beast"). Only one day, the only summer night was needed by Evgeny Dmitrievich to write walvaya composition fascinating. It joined romance and tragedy - two main feelings accompanying the heroine film by Olga Skvortsov. The melody is still considered to be the most famous among the cynosals written by Soviet composers. It is often chosen as the first dance of newlyweds.

E.D. Dog "Wedding Waltz" (Listen)

AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky "School Waltz". It was this melody that symbolized the end of the school from Soviet schoolchildren. The song was written in 1950. On her composition of the composer promoted a letter to the graduate of the Voronezh school. She, together with classmates, could not write a song in which the words of gratitude would sound like their teacher. I could not and Isaac Osipovich. Instead, he wrote a "school waltz", which sounded in every school, and not only in one Voronezh.

AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky "School Waltz" (Listen)

History of Waltz or "On Times! About the moral! "

This is an expression spoken by the ancient Roman thinker Mark Tully Cicero, as it should not be better describing the moment of the origin and the development of the Waltz. Aristocrats and church figures counted him indecent and shameful. The British are especially indignant. How it is possible, hug a young lady for the waist in front of everyone! Therefore, almost the entire XIX century Waltz on European Bals was banned. Even Ekaterina II did not recognize it.

The view of the highest ranks was little worried about the simple people, among which the Waltz arose. Auerbach Lev Davydovich, Soviet musicologist, refers his birth to the 70th of the XVIII century. At the same time, it is impossible to call the only country for the "corruption" of society. The origins of the Waltz can be traced at least three national dances:

    czech Fouliant is a real idea where young pride attracts a girl for his waist and begins to dance with her for merry songs;

    french Volta is a pair dance for which various turns are characterized;

    the Austrian Landler initially represented a rite of walling, but later turned into a fast dance, where the young man rotated the girl you like around him.

It turns out that by the appearance of Waltz is obliged to many dances. However, its capital is considered by Austria because of the greater similarity of the dance pas with Landler.

It is noteworthy that both Furyant, Volta, and Landler - folk dances. That is, they were dancing in villages and villages on various holidays. How did they get to the imperial yard? His spread in the highest sections of society was helped by the Ertzgezogy of Austria Maria Teresia. She liked the Landler so much that she decided to transfer him to the luxurious halls of her palace. So the driver of the Waltz was in the center of attention of European nobles. Great Mellas began to push out the simplicity of movements and freedom of feelings. Gradually, the dance changed, turning into the option, which still does not cease to speak.

Time restrictions, a full ban, all sorts of persecution - all this was in the history of the Waltz. While the secular society criticized Waltz, they enjoyed the French bourgeoisie and other segments of the population of Europe, which were far from the arrival of aristocrats. He even managed to adopt even the Americans.

At the same time, the dance had a strong impact on the development of various musical genres: opera , ballet Suite. Especially for waltizing steam, beautiful and magnificent melodies have been composed, which became world classics.

Full freedom of Waltz acquired in 1888 thanks to Wilhelm II, the last German emperor. Now lovers could have been confused without the shadow of embarrassment to enjoy the beloved dance and endlessly spinning along the magnificent halls.

Currently, interest in Walsa is not as inquiry as in the old days. This dance is more interested in professional dancers and real aesthetes. Schools are created, individual studios, where every wishes can learn to perform waltching movements. PA is used in the concert and competitive activities of dance groups. At the same time, many dance teachers love Waltz for his combination with other genres - as a result, a beautiful performance is obtained, where history is intertwined with modernity.

Interesting Facts

    Waltz literally literally knocked Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy and Sophia Andreevna Bers. The fact is that the count still could not decide to make an offer to his beloved. Trying in indecision in the house of Sophia Andreevna, he faded: if her younger sister Tatiana goodly sing the top note in the Waltz Arditi "Kiss", then he will immediately make a sentence. Tanya did not let down - after 5 minutes, Sonya became the bride of the Great Writer.

    During the Great Patriotic War, composers did not forget about the waltzes, imposing touching music to poetic poems. "In the forest of the front-line" M. Blanter, the "Lantern" song "D. Shostakovich," In the dugout "K. Lisov - some examples of compositions written in this genre to raise the combat spirit.

    The English poet George Byron at the beginning of the XIX century ironically spoke about the Waltz. He even composed the same poem to the same name, where the fashion trends ridiculously.

    Waltza to write under the influence of sensory experience, love and tenderness was in the spirit of Fritrik Chopin. There were several charming music on his creative path: Gladkovsky Constance, Dolphin Pototskaya and Maria Vodzinskaya.

    The "dog waltz" famous has nothing to do with the genre stated in the title. The composition in size is more like polka.