In which year, Suleiman is gorgeous. Sultan Suleiman in life and on the screen: how really the great ruler of the Ottoman Empire was

In which year, Suleiman is gorgeous. Sultan Suleiman in life and on the screen: how really the great ruler of the Ottoman Empire was
In which year, Suleiman is gorgeous. Sultan Suleiman in life and on the screen: how really the great ruler of the Ottoman Empire was

On April 27, 1494, the 10th ruler of the Ottoman Empire was born, Sultan Suleiman I magnificent, whose rule is dedicated to one of the most popular Turkish TV series "Magnificent Century". His access to the screens caused an ambiguous reaction from the public: ordinary spectators watched the plot's rapidations, historians indignantly commented a large number of Retreats from historical truth. How was Sultan Suleiman actually?

The main characters of the series * Magnificent Century *

The series is designed primarily for the women's audience, so the central storyline in it was the relationship between the Sultan with numerous harem inhabitants. The descendant of the 33rd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire of Murad V, Osman Salahaddin objects against such an alignment of accents: "He ruled 46 years. In the campaigns over the years, almost 50 thousand kilometers overcame. Not on Mercedes, but riding a horse. It took a lot of time. Therefore, Sultan simply physically could not be so often in her harem. "

Francis I and Sultan Suleiman

Of course, the film originally did not claim the status of documentary historical cinema, so the share of artistic fiction in it is really great. Consultant of the series, Doctor of Historical Sciences E. Alfondi explains: "We shut off the mass of sources. Translated recording of Venetian, German, French ambassadors, who at that's time visited the Ottoman Empire. In the "magnificent century" events and individuals are taken from historical sources. However, the personal life of Padishah due to the lack of information had to think about himself. "

Sultan Suleiman takes the ruler of Transylvania Janosha II Poles. Old miniature

Sultan Suleiman was not accidentally called magnificent - he was the same figure as Peter I in Russia: initiated many progressive reforms. Even in Europe, he was called great. The Empire during the time of Sultan Suleiman won extensive territories.

Fragment of engraving * Bath of Turkish Sultan *

The series softened the true picture of the morals of that time: society is shown more secular and less cruel than it really was. Suleiman was Tyran, according to G. Weber, nor kinship, nor merit saved from his suspicion and cruelty. At the same time, he struggled with bribery and severely punished officials for abuse. At the same time, he patronized poets, artists, architects and wrote poems himself.

Left - A. Hikel. Roksolana and Sultan, 1780. Right - Halit Ergench as Sultan Suleiman and Merini Primelli in the role of Hurrem

Of course, the on-screen heroes look much more attractive than their historical prototypes. The preserved portraits of Sultan Suleiman captured a person with subtle features of a European-type face, which is difficult to call beautiful. The same can be said about Hurrem, known in Europe as Roksolana. Women's outfits in the series reflect, rather, the European fashion, than the Ottoman, - there were no such deep neckline during the "magnificent century".

Merree Primea in the role of Hurrem and the traditional Ottoman

Intrigues and stools between the Hurrem and the third wife of Sultan Makhidevran, who in the film pays great attention, took place in real life: if the heir to the throne, the son of Makhidevran Mustafa came to power, he would kill the children of Hurrem to get rid of competitors. Therefore, Hurrem was ahead of the opponent and did not slow down to give the order about the murder of Mustafa.

An employee of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. Oreshkova draws attention to the fact that the harem is not shown at all what he really was: "It is surprising that in the series of concubines and his wife Suleiman walks so loosely. With a harem there was a garden, and there could only be eunules with them! In addition, the series does not show that a harem in those times is not only a place where Sultan's wife lived with children, servants and concubines. Then the harem was partly as the Institute of Noble Maiden - it contained a lot of pupils who did not meet the ruler's wife. They trained music, dances, poetry. Therefore, it is not surprising that some girls dreamed of getting into a harem to Sultan.

4) Mehmet (1521 -6 November 1543 in Manisa) is proclaimed by the heir Vali Ahad October 29, 1521. Interest of Kutahn 1541-1543. Son Hurrem.
5) Abdullah (until 1522-28 October 1522) Son Hurrem.
6) Selim II (1524-1574) Eleventh Sultan Ottoman Empire. Son Hurrem.
7) Bayazid (1525 - July 23, 1562) in Iran G. Kazvin. Proclaimed 3 in the heir of Vali Ahad on November 6, 1553g. Karamann 1546, the governor of the provinces of Kyutya and Amaasya 1558-1559. Son Hurrem.
8) Jikhangir (1531- November 27, 1553 in Aleppo (in Arabic Halup) Syria) Vicer in Haleba 1553. Son Hurrem.

It is also worth remembering that it was Suleiman, and not Thairem, two of his son were executed, namely Mustafa and Bayazid. Mustafa was executed with his son (the remaining of two, since one of them died a year before the death of Mustafa himself), and together with Bayazid, five of his little sons were killed, but it happened already in 1562, 4 years after the death of Hurrem .

If we talk about the chronology and the causes of deaths of all the descendants of the canow, it looked as follows:
Sehzade Mahmud died of smallpox 11/29/1521,
Sehzade Murad died of smallpox earlier than brother 10.11.1521.
Sehzade Mustafa Ruler Province of Manisa from 1533g. And the heir to the throne is executed along with children on the orders of the Father on suspicion of conspiracy against the Father in the Union with Serbs.
Sehzade Bayezid "Sahi" executed along with five sons by order of his father for the rebellion against him.

Accordingly, what kind of mythical forty descendants from Sultan Suleiman killed by Cheurrem, it remains to be a mystery not only for skeptics, but also for history itself. Or rather the bike. One of the 1001 Baek of the Ottoman Empire.

Legend Second. "About the marriage of twelve-year-old Mihrima Sultan and a fifty-year-old Rustem Pasha"
The legend reads: "As soon as the daughter turned twelve years, as Hurrem suggested Mikhrimah's wife to the wife of Ibrahim Rustem-Pasha, who was already fifty at that time. The difference between the bride and groom was not embarrassed by Roxolane in almost forty years. "

Historical Facts: Rustem-Pasha Also Rustem-Pasha Mecri (Horve. Rustem-Pasa Opukovic; 1500 - 1561) - Sultan Suleiman's Great Vizier, by nationality, Croat.
Rustem Pasha married one of the daughters of Sultan Suleiman I - Princess Mikhrima Sultan
In 1539, at the age of seventeen, Mikhrima Sultan (March 21, 1522-1578) married a diyarbakyr province of the province - Rustem Pasha. At that time, Ruste was 39 years old.
To whom it seems unconvincing simple arithmetic actions to fold-subtract dates, you can only advise to take advantage of the calculator for the instill of greater confidence.

The legend is the third. "About castration and silver tubes"
The legend reads: "Instead of a cute and fun chaplain-laughter, our gaze appears a sharp, insidious and ruthless survival machine. The execution of the heir and his friend began a wave of repression, unprecedented in Istanbul. For the unnecessary word about bloody palace affairs you can easily pay your head. They cut their heads, not working even to bury the body ...
The effective and frightening method of roxolane was castration made by the most cruel way. Suspects in Kramol have cut everything under the root. And after the "operation", the unfortunate was not supposed to tie to the wound - it was believed that "bad blood" should come out. The one who still remained alive could experience the mercy of the Sultanshi: she gave the unfortunate silver tubes inserted into the bladder hole.
Fear settled in the capital People began to be afraid of their own shadows, without feeling safe even near the home the hearth. The name of the Sultanshi pronounced with trepidation, to which reverence was mixed

Historical facts: The history of mass repression, organized by Cherrem Sultan, was not preserved, nor in historical records or in the description of contemporaries. But it should be noted that historical information has been preserved that a number of contemporaries (in particular SEHNAME-I AL-I OSMAN (1593) and SEHNAME-I HUMAYUN (1596), Taliki-Zade El-Fenari presented a very flattering portrait of Cheerrem as Women honored "For her numerous charitable donations, for her patronage of students and respect for scientists of men, connoisseurs of religion, as well as for the purchase of rare and beautiful things it," if we talk about historical facts that took place in the life of Hurrem, it entered In history, not as a repressive politician, but as a person engaged in charity, she became known for their large-scale projects. So on donations to Hurrem (Kulliye Hasseki Hurrem) in Istanbul, the Aksaray District was built by the so-called Avret Pazari (or Women's Bazaar, later the name of Haseki) containing a mosque, madrasa, imaret, elementary school, hospitals and fountain. It was the first complex, built in Istanbul architect Sinan in his new chapter posts The architect of the ruling family. And the fact that it was the third largest building in the capital, after Mehmet II complexes II (FatiH) and Suleymanie, testifying to the high status of Hurrem. It also built complexes in Adrianopol and Ankara. In the number of other charitable projects, it is possible to call the construction of the project that is based in Jerusalem (called the name of Haseki Sultan), hospices and dining room for pilgrims and homeless people; The dining room in Mecca (with Hseki Hürremet Imaret), a public dining room in Istanbul (in Avret Pazari), as well as two large public baths in Istanbul (in Jewish and Aya Sofya quarters, respectively). With the filing of Cherrem Sultan, slave markets were closed and a number of social projects were implemented.

Legend fourth. "About the origin of Chemurre"
The legend says: "Fucking a consonance of the names - own and nominal, some historians see Russian, other, mostly French, based on the comedies of Favara" Three Sultanshi ", argue that Roksolana was a Frenchwoman. It is also completely unfair: Roksolana - Natural Turkish - was purchased for a harem by a girl at a slave bazaar for servants of odals, in which he held the position of a simple slave.
There is also a legend that the pirates of the Ottoman Empire in the suburbs of Siena attacked the castle belonging to the knowledgeable and rich genus Marcigli. The castle was looted and burned down, and the daughter of the castle's owner is a beautiful girl with red gold colors and brought with green eyes to the Sultansky Palace. In the family tree of the Marcigli family indicated: Mother Hanna Marcigli. Khanna Marcigli - Margarita Martygly (La Rosa), called so for the fire-grind color hair. From marriage with Sultan Suleiman, she had sons - Selim, Ibrahim, Mehmed. "

Historical Facts: European observers and historians called Sultanh as "Roksolana", "Rocks", or Ross, since it was assumed that she was Russian origin. Mikhail Litvin (Mikhalon Lituan), Ambassador of Lithuania in Crimea in the middle of the sixteenth century, wrote in his chronicle of 1550 "... The beloved wife of the Turkish emperor, his eldest son and the heir, was in due time abducted from our lands." Navagerro wrote about her as about "[Donna]... Di Rossa," and Trevzano called her "Sultan Di Russia". Samuel Tvardovsky, a member of the Polish Embassy to the court of the Ottoman Empire in 1621-1622 also pointed out in his notes that the Turks informed him that Roxolant was the daughter of the Orthodox priest from Rogatina, a small town in Podolia near Lviv. The conviction that Roksolana was Russian, and not Ukrainian origin, probably arose as a result of the possible misinterpretation of the words "Roksolan" and "Ross". At the beginning of the XVI century in Europe, the word "Rocksolania" was used to refer to the province of ruthenium in Western Ukraine, which was known in different times under the names of Red Rus, Galina or Podolia (that is, located in the eastern podolia, which was under the Polish control in Time), in turn, modern Russia at that period of times was called the Moscow State, Moscow Rus or Muscovy. In ancient times, the word Roxolani marked nomadic sarmatian tribes and settlements on the Dniester River (currently in the Odessa region in Ukraine).

Legend fifth. "About the witch at the court"
The legend reads: "Hurrem Sultan was unremarkable outwardly and highly elegant in nature. She became famous for his cruelty and cunning. And, it is natural that the only way, by which she kept Sultan more than forty years beside himself - this is the use of conspiracies and love spells. Not in vain after all, it was among the simple lita called a witch. "

Historical Facts: Venetian reports argue that Roksolana was not so much beautiful as Mila, elegant, and elegant. But, at the same time, her radiant smile and playful temperament made it irresistible-charming, for which she was admed to "Hurrem" ("the joy of doning" or "laughing"). Hurrend was known for his singing and musical abilities, the ability to make elegant embroidery, she knew five European languages, as well as Farsi and was extremely erudite man. But the most important thing was that Roksolana was a big mind woman and the wills of the will, who gave her Advantage among other women in the harem. Like everyone else, European observers testify that Sultan was completely fighting with his new concubine. He was in love with his Haseki over long years of living. Hence, evil tongues accused her in the department (and if in medieval Europe and in the east the existence of such a legend in those times can be understood and explained, then in our time, faith in such speculation is due to difficulty).
And logically, you can go to the next, directly related to this legend.

Legend of the sixth. "About the infidelity of Sultan Suleiman"
The legend reads: "Despite the fact that Sultan was tied to the Inrigan of Hurrem, nevertheless, nothing human was alien to him. So, as you know, at the Sultansky courtyard was contained a harem who could not not be interested in Suleiman. It is also known that Hurrem commanded to find in the harem and throughout the country of other sons of Suleiman, who gave birth to wives and concubines. As it turned out, Sultan's sons found about forty people, which confirms the fact that Hurrem was not the only love of his life. "

Historical facts: When ambassadors, Navagerro and Trevoricano wrote their reports to Venice in 1553 and 1554, pointing out that "she is very loved by its owner" ("Tanto Amata Da Sua Maesta"), Roksolana was already about fifty and she was near Suleiman for a long time . After her death in April 1558, Suleiman remained awesome for a long time. She was the greatest love of his life, his native soul and legitimate wife. Confirmation of this enormous love of Suleiman to Roxolane served a number of decisions and actions on the part of Sultan for his Haseki. For her, Sultan broke a number of very important traditions of the imperial harem. In 1533 or 1534 (the exact date is unknown), Suleiman married Cherrem, having committed the official wedding ceremony, thereby violating the semi-unified custom of the Ottoman House in accordance with which the Sultans were not allowed to marry their concubines. Never before was the former slave was erected into the rank of legitimate spouse Sultan. In addition, the marriage of Hseki Cheurrem and Sultan became practically monogamous, which was just unheard of the Ottoman Empire. Trevizano wrote in 1554, which once met Roksolana Suleiman "does not just want to have it as a legitimate wife, always keep her and see her in the role of the government in a harem, but also he does not want to know any other women: He committed what was not done by any of his predecessors, because the Turks were accustomed to take on several women to have as many children as possible and satisfy their carnal joy. "

For the sake of love for this woman, Suleiman violated a number of traditions and prohibitions. In particular, it was after the marriage to Cherrem Sultan dissolved a harem, leaving only attendant personnel at the court. The marriage of Hurrem and Suleiman was a monogamous that there was a lot of contemporaries. Also, really existing love between the Sultan and his Haseki confirm love letters sent by them to each other and preserved to our times. So, one of the indicative messages can be considered one of the numerous farewell dedications to the Canona of his wife after her death: "Heaven is covered with black clouds, for there is no peace, there is no air, the Duma and Hope. My love, the thrill of the feelings of this, strong, so squeezes my heart, ruins my flesh. To live, what to believe, my love ... How to celebrate a new day. I am killed, my mind is killed, the heart stopped believing, there is no more your heat in it, there is no more on the body of your hands, your light. I'm plunged, I erased from this world, erased spiritual sadness for you, my love. Forces, there is no more that power that you betrayed me, there is only faith, faith your feelings, not in the flesh, and in my heart, I cry, I pay about you my love, no ocean more than the ocean of my tears about you, Cheurrem ... "

The legend is seventh. "About a plot against Shekhzade Mustafa and the whole universe"
The legend says: "But the day came when Roxalana" revealed the eyes "Sultan to allegedly the treacherous behavior of Mustafa and his friend. She said that the Prince tied a close relationship with Serbs and prepares a conspiracy against the Father. Initriganka knew well where and how to strike - the mythical "plot" was quite believable: in the east, the time of the sultans, the bloody palace coups were the most common cause. In addition, Roksolana led as an irrefutable argument of the genuine words of Rusthem Pasha, Mustafa and other "conspirators", which allegedly heard her daughter ... in the palace he hung a painful silence. What will Sultan decide? Rocksalan's melodic voice, similar to the chime of a crystal bell tower, was thoughtfully: "Think, about the master of my heart, about the state, about his peace of mind and prosperity, and not about the fumes ..." Mustafa, whom Roxalana knew from 4 years, becoming Adults should have died at the request of his stepmother.
The Prophet banned the shedding of the blood of the Padishakh and their heirs, so by order of Suleiman, but the will of Roxalana, Mustafa, his brothers and children, the grandchildren of Sultan, strangled with a silk shoe "

Historical facts: In 1553, the Senior Son of Suleiman was executed, Prince Mustafa, at that time he was already under forty years. The first Sultan, who executed his adult son, was the ruler at the end of the XIV century Murad I, who achieved that the recalcitrant Savji would betray death. The reason for the execution of Mustafa was that he planned to usurp the throne, but, as in the case of the execution of the Sultansky Favorite, Ibrahim-Pasha, the wines were assigned to Hurrem Sultan, which was inaemic, who was close to Sultan. In the history of the Ottoman Empire, there was already a case when the Son tried to help his father leave the throne - so did the father of Suleiman, Selim I with Santa Suleiman, Bayazid II. After the death of Prince Mehmed, who happened in one years earlier, the regular army really considered it necessary to remove Suleiman from affairs and isolate it in the south edir of the Residence Di-Dimotichon, in a direct analogy with how it happened to Bayazid II. Moreover, the letters of Shehzade were preserved, at which shehzade's personal seal Shehzade Mustafa, addressed to Sefavid Shah, who later recognized Sultan Suleiman (this press was also preserved and the Mustafa Sultan Mustafa is inscribed on it. Photo). The last straw for Suleiman was the visit of the Austrian ambassador, which instead of visiting Sultan, first of all went to Mustafa. After the visit, the ambassador informed everyone that Shehzade Mustafa would be excellent Padishah. After Suleiman found out about it, he immediately called Mustafa to himself and ordered him to suffer. Shehzade Mustafa was strangled by the order of the Father in 1553g during the Persian Military Warm.

Legend eighth. "Pro Origin of Valid"
The legend reads: "Sultan's Valide was a daughter of the Captain of the English vessel, the victim in the Adriatic Sea. Then this unfortunate ship captured Turkish pirates. That part of the manuscript that was preserved, ends with a message that the girl was sent to the Sultan Garem. This is the British, which is ruled by Turkey 10 years old and only later, not finding a common language with his son's wife, not essential Rokcolan, returned to England. "

Historical facts: Aisha Sultan Hafsa or Hafs Sultan (born around 1479 - 1534) and became the first Sultan Valis (Queen-Mother) in the Ottoman Empire, being his wife Selim I and the mother Suleiman magnificent. Although the year of birth of Aisha Sultan is known, historians still can not decide on the date of birth finally. She was the daughter of the Crimean Khan Mengly Gurya.
She lived in Manisa with her son from 1513 to 1520, in the province, which was traditional for the residence of Ottoman Shehzade, future rulers who studied the basics of government management.
Aishe Hafs Sultan died in March 1534 and was buried next to her husband in Mausoleum.

The legend is ninth. "About the soldering of Shekhzade Selima"
Legend reads: "The nickname" drunkard "Selim gained due to excessive consumption of wine. Initially, this love for alcohol was due to the fact that at one time the mother of Selima, Roksolana itself, periodically gave him wine, the son's dust was much more manageable. "

Historical facts: Sultan Selima called the drunkard, he was so kind of life and was not alien to human weaknesses - wines and harem. Well, the prophet Mohammad himself confessed: "I loved women and fragrances on earth, but I always found full pleasure only in prayer." Do not forget that alcohol was in honor at the Ottoman yard, and the life of some sultans turned out to be shorter because of the passion to the alcohol. Selim II, being suitable, fell in the bath and then died from the consequences of the fall. Mahmoud II died from white hot. Murad II, who won the Crusaders in the battle of Varna, died from the apoplexic strike caused by the rop. Mahmoud II loved French wines and left behind their huge collection. Murad IV from morning to night I braified with my courtiers, eunuchs and jesters, and sometimes forced the main muftis and judges with force. Flashing in the river, he made such tight actions that those surrounding seriously thought he was crazy. For example, he loved to shoot from Luke in people who floated on the boats by the Palace of Topkapups or run around at night in yogging the streets of Istanbul, killing anyone who came across. It was Murad IV who was removed from the point of view of Islam, the decree on which the alcohol was allowed to sell even Muslims. In many respects, Sultan Selima, a person approached alcohol influenced his alcohol, in the hands of which was the basic threads of the control, namely Sokol.
But it should be noted that Selim was not the first and not the last Sultan, honored alcohol, and this did not prevent him from participating in a number of military campaigns, as well as in the political life of the Ottoman Empire. So from Suleiman to the inheritance he got 14.892.000 km2, and after him this territory was already 15.162.000 km2. Selim, reign safely and left his son to his son, not only not diminished geographically, but even the increased; This, in many respects, he was obliged by the mind and energy of the Vizier Mehmed Fall. Fall finished the conquest of Arabia, which was previously located only in weak dependence on the ports.

Legend tenth. "About thirty trips to Ukraine"
The legend says: "Cherrem, of course, had an impact on Sultan, but not so much to save countrymen from suffering. During his reign, Suleiman took more than 30 times hiking to Ukraine. "

Historical facts: restoring the chronology of conquering hikes of Sultan Suleiman
1521 - Hike in Hungary, Osada Belgrade.
1522 - Siege of the Fortress Rhodes
1526 - Hike to Hungary, Siege of the Fortress of Petervaradin.
1526 - Battle of the city of Mohach.
1526 - Suppression of the uprising in kilicia
1529 - Capture Buda
1529 - Vienna Storm
1532-1533 - Fourth Hike in Hungary
1533 - capture Tabriz.
1534 - Capture Baghdad.
1538 - The ruin of Moldova.
1538 - Aden capture, naval expedition to the shores of India.
1537-1539 - Turkish fleet under the command of Hayreddin Barbarossa ruined and postponed the tribute to more than 20 islands in the Adriatic Sea, belonging to the Venetians. Capturing cities and villages in Dalmatia.
1540-1547 - Fights in Hungary.
1541 Capture Buda.
1541 - Capture Algeria
1543 - Capture the Esterg Fortress. The Yanycharian garrison was placed in Buda, throughout Hungary, captured by the Turks, the Turkish administration began to function.
1548 - a passage along the lands of southern Azerbaijan and the capture of Tabriz.
1548 - the siege of the fortress of Van and the seizure of the lake basin Wang in South Armenia. Turks also invaded Eastern Armenia and South Georgia. In Iran, the Turkish parts reached Kashan and Kuma, mastered Isfahan.
1552 - Teeshewar Capture
1552 The Turkish squadron headed from Suez to the shores of Oman.
1552 - In 1552, the Turks took the city of those Mashar and the fortress at Veszdy
1553 - Capture Eger.
1547-1554 - Capture of Muscat (large Portuguese fortress).
1551-1562 The next Austro Turkish War took place
1554 - Sea battles with Portugal.
1560 The Sultan Fleet won another big marine victory. Near the coast of North Africa, the Island of Djerba, Turkish Armada entered a battle with the combined squadron of Malta, Venice, Genoa and Florence
1566-1568 - Austro-Turkish War for possession of Transylvanian principality
1566 - Capture of Sigtwhars.

During his long, almost half-century dominion (1520-1566), Suleiman gorgeous has never sent his conquerors to Ukraine.
It was at that time that the construction of the intercourse, castles, fortresses of the Zaporizhia SECHE, the organizational and political activities of Prince Dmitry Vishnevetsky arose. In the letters of Suleiman to the Polish king Articulum of August II, there are not only a threat to punish "demeter" (Prince Vishnevetsky), but also the requirement of a quiet life for residents of Ukraine. At the same time, in many respects, Roksolana contributed to the establishment of friendly relations with Poland, in subordination of which at that time were the lands of Western Ukraine, the native land of the sultani. The signing of the Polish-Ottoman truce in 1525 and 1528, as well as the contracts of the "Eternal World" 1533 and 1553 very often attribute to its influence. So Peter Optinsky, the Polish ambassador to Suleiman's court in 1533, confirmed that "Roksolana begged Sultan to prohibit Crimean Hanu to disturb Polish lands." As a result, close diplomatic and friendly contacts established by Cherrem Sultan with the King of Sigismund II, which is confirmed by the preserved repository, allowed not only to prevent new raids into the territory of Ukraine, but also contributed to the interruption of the flow of the workman from those lands.
Article author: Elena Minyaev.

Roksolana and Suleiman I magnificent.

The whole world knows Roxolane as a person who broke all the stereotypes of a woman in Islamic society. And despite the fact that her image almost half of the millennium is so popular, there is no only true and indisputable thought of her character or appearance. There are only alone assumptions - the simple prisoner could conquer the heart of one of the most powerful rulers of the Ottoman Empire Suleyman I Magnifying

... A lot of dark spots tait her biography. Apparently, therefore all its portraits written by artists in those times are so contradictory.

This extraordinary woman was fameded poems and poems, writing novels and plays; Some remembered her even with delight, others - accused of destroying the stereotypes of the Islamic Society and the most Ottoman Empire. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in almost five centuries the biography of Roksolana, melting a lot of contradictions and mysteries, so overtook legends and fiction.

Roksolana. Unknown artist. Beginning of the 16th century.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to talk about this famous woman. Hurrem Hseeki Sultan - so it was called in the Ottoman Empire, in Europe they knew under the name of Roksolana. The present name is reliably unknown. But, relying on literary traditions and on the main version, she was born in the small town of Rogatin, which in Western Ukraine. And since in those days the territory was under the Poles, Rocksolane was often called poll. However, according to official data, it was by the Ukrainian nationality.

And by the name of the Ambassador of the Roman Empire de Busbek, who called it in his reports of the "Roksolanaya" by the name of the Roman Empire, bearing the name of those places from which the Sultanus was coming from Rocksolani away at the end of the 16th century. The name "Roksolana" sounded like Rousus, Ross, Rossan.

Roksolana - Hurrem-Sultan.

As for the real name, there are still turbulent disputes among researchers. Indeed, in the original sources of the 16th century there are no reliable information about him. Only much later, some began to call it Anastasia, the daughter of the clergyman Gavril Lisovsky. And other historians were considered Alexander and the Polyakha by nationality. Now some researchers are often mentioned the version of the Russian roots of the Great Sultanshi, which has no good reason under them.

On the slave market.

And the most popular version says that approximately in 1520 during the next raid of Tatars 15-year-old Anastius Pisovskaya captured, taken into the Crimea, and from there they were sent to Istanbul. There and noticed a bad girl Vizier Ibrahim-Pasha, who presented her Suleiman I.

Harem Turkish Sultan.

It is from that time and its majestic biography will begin. Anastasia in the harem was entrusted with the name "Hurrem", which meant "cheerful". And for a very short time, from ordinary concubine, she will become a beloved wife Suleiman I magnificent, who is idle, devoted to his state affairs and wrote his poems for her.

For the sake of his beloved, he will make that no one and never from Sultanov before him: will connect himself as an official marriage with a concubine. For this, Roksolana will accept Islam and, becoming the main wife, will be about forty years of influential person in the Ottoman Empire.

Suleiman I magnificent. / Khurem Sultan. (1581) autor: Melchior Loris.

Justice should be noted that no one has ever described Roksolan, as a very beautiful woman, she had an attractive appearance - nothing more. What was the Slavic girl of the Turkish Sultan? Suleiman magnificent loved volitional, smart, sensual and educated women. And the mind and wisdom was not borrowing.

This is explained by the fact that Roxolane managed to fall in love with the young Sultan so easily and become the master of his heart. In addition, being a very educated woman, she perfectly understood in art and politics, so Suleiman, despite all the customs of Islam, allowed her to attend the Council of the sofa, at the negotiations of diplomatic ambassadors. By the way, Suleiman was magnificent was the greatest Sultan from the Ottoman dynasty, and with his rule, the empire reached the appaude of its development.

Roksolana and Suleiman I magnificent.

Especially for her, Sultan introduced a new title at his yard - Haseki. And from 1534 Roksolana will become the hostess of the Palace and the main political adviser to Suleiman. She had to independently take ambassadors, conduct correspondence with influential politicians of European states, to engage in charity and construction, patronize art craftsmen. And when spouses had to be separated for a while, they corresponded to beautiful verses in Arabic and Persian languages.

Suleiman and Hurrem. (1780). ON HICKEL.

Rocksolane with Suleiman was born five children - four sons and daughter. However, from sons survived Suleiman a magnificent only one - Selim. Two died in the process of bloody struggle for the throne, the third - died in infancy.

Over the forty years of marriage, Hurrem managed almost impossible. She was proclaimed the first wife, and her son Selim became the heir. At the same time, two younger son of Roksolana were strangled. According to some sources, it is precisely her in involvement in these murders - allegedly it was done in order to strengthen the position of her beloved Son Selim. Although reliable data about this tragedy was not found. But there is evidence that about forty sons of Sultan, born by other wives and concubines, were wanted and killed by her order.

La Sultana Rossa.

They say that even the mother of Sultan was shocked by those harsh methods, thanks to which Roksolana's power gained themselves. The biography of this extraordinary woman testifies that she was afraid of her and outside the palace. Hundreds of dismissal persons quickly died in the hands of the executioner.

Rocksolane could be understood by living in constant fear that at any time the Sultan could get carried away with a new beautiful concubine and make it a legitimate wife, and an old wife order to execute. In the harem, an objectionable wife or concubite was headed in a leather bag with a poisonous snake and an angry cat, and then tieding a stone to dump the Bosphorus. The guilty counted for happiness, if they simply quickly remove the silk cord.

Portrait of Hurrem, stored in the Museum of the Topkapi Palace.

Time went, but Roksolana and continued for Suleiman the best: the further - the stronger he loved her. When she was already under 50, the ambassador from Venice wrote about her: "For His Majesty, Sultan is such a favorite wife, what they say, - after he recognized her, no longer wanted to know any woman. And this did not make any of his predecessors, as Turks have the custom of changing women. "

Fortunately, not only a cunning and cold settlement glorified Hurrem-Sultan. She managed to do a lot for the prosperity of Istanbul: built a few mosques, opened school, organized a house for mentally retarded, and opened the free kitchen for beggars, established contacts with many European countries.

Suleiman I.

On 55 years of life, the biography of an influential woman breaks down. Roksolana was buried with all the honors who did not know any Islam woman. After her death, Sultan until the last days did not even think about other women. Hurrem remained his only sweetheart. After all, he in his time for the sake of her dismissed his harem.

Sultan Suleiman died in 1566, having survived his spouse for only eight years. Their tomb still stand nearby, near Suleiman's mosque. It is worth noting that only one woman is awarded for the 1000-year history of the Ottoman state - Roksolana.

Approximately 5 centuries. Spouses rest with the world in neighboring turbors in Istanbul. On the right of Türba Suleiman, on the left - Hurrem-Sultan.

After the death of Sultan, the throne took the favorite son of Hurrem-Sultan Selim. During his eight-year-old government, the decline of the empire began. Contrary to the Koran, he loved to "take the chest", therefore it remained in history under the name of Selim-drunkard. Fortunately, Roksolana did not live before.


The life and elevation of Roksolana so excited creative contemporaries that even the great painter Titian (1490-1576), wrote a portrait of a famous sultachi. The picture of Titian, written in the 1550s, is called La Sultana Rossa, that is, Russian Sultansh.

One of the probable images of Hurrem. Unknown artist.

The German artist Melchior Loris was in Turkey in those years when the rules Suleiman is great. He wrote portraits of Suleiman himself and his courtiers. The likelihood that this portrait of roksolan, made on a skid, belongs to the brush of this master is quite likely.

Portraits of roxolanes in the world there are quite a few, but among the researchers there is no consensus in which of these portraits is the most reliable.


This mysterious woman becomes still fantasy of artists, in a new way interpreting her image.

    Sultan Suleiman had six children. This is the Hurremsh-Zadeh Gigangir, Bayazet, Selim, Makhmet, as well as daughter Mehrimakh. He also had a son Mustafa from Makhidevran-Shahzad's supervisory. At least according to the script, it is.

    Sultan Suleiman had only 9 children:

    Mahmud-son from the concubine Fulane, Murad-Son from the concubine of Gulf Hatun. These 2 sons died.

    Mustafa Son from Mahidevran. Sons Mehmed, Abdullah, Selim, Bayazid and Jihhangir, as well as daughter Mikhrimah, Children from Hurrem (also called Alexander, Anastasia, Roksolana.

    Sultan Suleiman is the greatest of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. For his long life (he lived 71 years), he produced 9 children to light, which is quite small, given what a big harem was at his board. Children Suleiman:

    Shehzade Mahmoud (1512 - 1521) - Son Suleiman and the concubine Fulane

    Shehzade Mustafa (1515 - 1553) - Sultan Sultan Soulman and concubine Mahideevran Sultan

    Shehzade Murad (1519 - 1521) - Son Suleiman and concubine Gulf Hatun

    Shehzade Mehmed (1521 1543) - Soul Soul Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem

    Shekhzade Abdullah (1522 - 1526) - Suleiman and Hurrem

    Mikhrimam (1522 1578) - It is considered the only subsidiary of Suleiman from Cherrem

    Selim II. (1524 - 1574) - Suleiman and Hurrem's Gun - next Sultan Ottoman Empire

    Shehzade Bayazid (1525 - 1561) - Suliman and Hurrem

    Sultan's time (1525 1570/1571) - presumably daughter Suleiman and Cheurrem

    Shehzade Jihhangir (1531 - 1553) - Juling Son Suleiman and Cheurrem

    In total, Sultan Suleiman had 10 children, but it is considered to be 9Since the Sultan is only presumably the daughter of Suleiman and Cherrem. No accurate data about it has been preserved.

    The tenth Sultan Suleiman I is the magnificent, which was ruled in the XVI century the Ottoman Empire, consider the greatest representative of the Ottoman dynasty. Ottoman port at it reached a peak of its own development.

    In Europe it was called Sultan gorgeous, and among Muslims he is known as Suleiman Canow.

    According to historical data, Sultan had 9 children:

    • son Mahmud. From concubine Fulane
    • son Murad. from the concubine of Gulf Hatun (though he died without reaching one year old)
    • son Shekhzade Mustafa Mukhlisi From the concubine Makhidevran Sultan. The following children were from the first official wife of Sultan
    • son Mehmed
    • daughter Mikhrimama
    • son Abdalla
    • son Bayazid
    • son Selim
    • son jikhangir From Anastasia (other sources say that Alexandra) Lisovskaya. After she got into Harem Sultan, she was named after Hurrem Sultan, among Europeans she is known as Roksolana.

    There are versions about another daughter Suleiman - a time of Sultan. But, perhaps, the inscription on the grave of Sultan was incorrectly interpreted (it says that she could be worthy of becoming a daughter of Sultan). Maybe she was a daughter of one of the Brothers Suleiman.

    Sultans could have so many concubines as he could afford it (contain them).

    In the series magnificent century, which watched the whole world, a greater emphasis was on the relationship between the Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem Sultan. Only 6 children appear in the series and the Son from Gulfem Sultan is mentioned. However, these are not all the children of Sultan.

    The first two sons died back in infancy: Mahmoud, who gave birth to Fyulana; Murad (died at the age of 8), gave birth to Gulfhem Hatun.

    The third son from Makhidevran Sultan - Mustafa.

    All subsequent children gave birth to Hurrem Sultan: Mehmed, Mikhrimah, Abdullah (died in infancy, not mentioned about him in the series), Selim, Bayazid, Jahangir.

    In general, Sultan Suleiman had 9 children.

    Suleiman Sultan magnificent was the legendary ruler Ottoman Empire And as all the rulers of the Muslim world had their own harem. According to some sources it is reported that this ruler had 9 children.

    Sons Mehmed, Abdalla, Bayazid and Selim, daughter Mihrama from the first wife with official status.

    Mahmoud from concubine with the name Fulane, Murad from the concubine of Gulfem Harun, Shekhzade Mustofo Mukhlisi from Makhidevran Sultan, Jihhangir from Hurrem Sultan (Roxolants).

    Sultan Suleiman, a total of nine children. Among them:

    1) Son named Mahmoudborn from concubine named Fyulana;

    2) Son Murad.born from concubine named Gulfhem Hatun;

    3) Son named Mustafaborn from concubine named Mahidevran;

    4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9)

    son named Mehmed

    daughter named mihrimah

    son named Abdalla

    son named Bayazid

    son named Selim

    son named jikhangir

    These children were born from Hurrem.

    Sultan Suleiman 1 Fair had 9 children. The first three sons gave birth to Suleiman the foreman, and all these children were waiting for an unenviable fate. The first, Mahmoud died of smallpox at the age of 9, the second - Murad died at 8 years old from the same disease and during the same epidemic. The third son of Mustafa Mustafa Mukhlisi, has lived 38 years old and was executed by the orders of Suleiman himself. Then Sultan finally married Roksolana and she gave birth to him five sons and one daughter. The sons of Roksolana called Mehmed, Selim, Bayazid, Jihhangir and Abdalla, who died at a three-year-old. Also, Suleiman and Roksolana had a daughter, Mikhrima. The eldest son Roksolana Mehmed lived 22 years old, and therefore the heir in 1858 became Selim, who had to fight the insurgency of Bayazid's younger brother.

    2 boys from concubines died of smallpox.

    Three was Mustafa from Makhidevran.

    5 kids gave birth to Hurrem (5 guys and one girl).

    Total 8 children.

    Another girl in question, so the sultan. It is believed that she is Mahidevran and Suleiman's daughter, but this information is not accurate and not confirmed certainly.

    Son of the concubine Mahideevran-Shahzad Mustafa. Children of the wife of Sultan Suleiman Tsyurrem-Shahzad Jigangir, Bayazet, Selim, Mehmet, daughter-mehrimers. Just 6 children.

    From many sources, it is possible to understand that Sultan Suleiman, in course the result, turned out to be 9 children, these are those known with confidence.

    As can be seen, it turned out only one daughter, and the rest of all the worms. But as you know, it is the male floor that all the rulers of such magnitude were our hero, which is about whom.

Suleiman I - the tenth of Sultan Ottoman Empire - endowed his state unprecedented power. The Great Conqueror became famous as a wise author of laws, the founder of new schools and the initiator of the construction of architectural masterpieces.

In 1494 (according to some reports - in 1495), the Turkish Sultan Selim I and the daughter of Crimean Khan Aishi Hafsy had a son who was destined to conquer polimir and transform their native country.

The future Sultan Suleiman I received a brilliant education at the time of the Palace School in Istanbul, childhood and youth held reading books and spiritual practices. From an early age, young people were in charge of administrative affairs, appointing three provinces by the governor, including in the Vassal Crimean Khanate. Even before climbing the throne, young Suleiman won the love and respect of residents of the Ottoman state.

Beginning of the Board

Suleiman took the throne when he was almost 26 years old. Description of the appearance of a new ruler belonging to Peru of the Venetian ambassador Bartolomeo Contarini, entered the famous book of English Lord Kinross "Flowering and decay of the Ottoman Empire" in Turkey:

"High, strong, with a pleasant facial expression. His neck is a little longer than usual, the face is thin, the nose is eagle. The skin tends to excessive pallor. They say that he is a wise lord, and all people hope for his good rule. "

And Suleiman initially justified hopes. She started with humane actions - returned the freedom to hundreds of captives chained in the chain from noble families of states captured by the Father. It helped to resume trading relations with countries.

Especially rejoiced by the innovations of Europeans, hoping for a long-term world, but, as it turned out, early. An equilibrated and fair at first glance, the ruler of Turkey still snapped the dream of military glory.

Foreign policy

By the end of the board, the military biography of Suleiman I numbered 13 major military campaigns, of which 10 conquering campaigns - in Europe. And this is not counting small raids. The Ottoman Empire has never been so powerful: her land stretched from Algeria to Iran, Egypt and almost to the threshold of Vienna. At that time, the phrase "Turks at the gate" became a terrible horror tower for Europeans, and the Ottoman ruler was compared with the Antichrist.

After a year after the climbing, Suleiman went to the borders of Hungary. Under the pressure of the Turkish troops fell the fortress of the Shabat. Victory was thrown as out of abundance - Osmans established control over the Red Sea, Algeria, Tunisia and Rhodes Island, conquered Tabriz and Iraq.

The Black Sea and the eastern part of the Mediterranean also took place on the rapidly growing Empire map. In subordination of Sultan was Hungary, Slavonia, Transylvania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1529, the Turkish ruler swung on Austria, storming the army of 120 thousand soldiers of its capital. However, the epidemic that took a third of the Ottoman army was helped by Vienna. The siege had to remove.

Only on Russian lands, Suleiman did not seriously attempted, considering Russia a deaf province that does not cost efforts and cash spending. Osmans occasionally arranged raids on the ownership of the Moscow state, Crimean Khan even reached the capital, but the large-scale campaign did not happen.

By the end of the reign of the ambitious Lord, the Ottoman Empire turned into the greatest and strongest state in the history of the Muslim world. However, military events exhausted the treasury - according to estimates, the content of the army from 200 thousand military, where the slaves, Yanychars, eaten two thirds of the state budget of peace times.

Domestic politics

Suleiman not in vain got the nickname magnificent: the life of the ruler is filled with not only military successes, Sultan succeeded in the internal affairs of the state. On his instructions, the judge Ibrahim from Aleppo updated the court of laws, which acted up to the twentieth century. Applying the injury and the death penalty decreased to a minimum, although the criminals caught on the fake of money and documents, the MZOMOTI and perjury, still lost their brushes of the right hand.

The wise ruler of the state, where representatives of different religions adjointed, considered it necessary to weaken the pressure of Sharia and attempted to create secular laws. But part of the reforms did not take place because of the permanent wars.

He changed to the better and education system: elementary schools began to appear one after another, and graduates, if desired, continued to receive knowledge in colleges, which were located within the eight major mosques.

Thanks to Sultan, the architectural heritage was replenished with masterpieces of art. According to the sketches of the beloved architecture, Sinana built three chic mosques - Selimia, Shehzade and Suleymania (the second largest in the capital of Turkey), which became a sample of the Ottoman style.

Suleiman was distinguished by poetic talent, so the literary creativity did not care. During his reign, Ottoman poetry with Persian traditions was polished to perfection. At the same time, a new position was appeared - the rhythmic chronicle, she was occupied by poets, which entered the poems of current events.

Personal life

Suleiman I, in addition to poetry, was fond of jewelry affair, heard the skillful blacksmith and even personally cast guns for military hikes.

How many women were in the sultan harem, unknown. Historians know only about the official favorites who gave birth to Suleiman. In 1511, the first concubine of the 17-year-old heir to the throne became Fyulana. Her son Mahmoud died of smallpox, without surviving up to 10 years. The girl disappeared from the advantages of the palace life almost immediately after the death of the child.

Gulfem Hatun, the second concubine, also presented the sown to the ruler, whom the epidemic of smallpox did not spare. A woman emitted from Sultan, for half a century remained his friend and advisor. In 1562, Gulfem on the orders of Suleiman strangled.

The third favorite was approaching the status of the official wife of the ruler - Makhidevran-Sultan. For 20 years, there was a great influence in the harem and in the palace, but she failed to create a legitimate family with Sultan. He left the capital of the empire along with the son of Mustafa, who was appointed by the governor of one of the provinces. Later, the heir to the throne was executed for the fact that the allegedly was going to overthrow the father.

The list of women Suleiman is magnificent headed by Hurrem. The favorite of the Slavic roots, the prisoner from Galicia, as she was called in Europe, fascinated the ruler: Sultan gave her freedom, and then took into legal wives - a religious marriage was concluded in 1534.

The nickname of Hurrem ("Laming") Roksolana received for fun temper and smoothies. The Creator of Harem in the Topkapi Palace, the founder of charitable organizations inspired artists and writers, although it did not differ in perfect appearance - the subjects appreciated the mind and everyday trick.

Roksolana skillfully manipulated her husband, by her pointer, Sultan got rid of sons born by other wives, became suspicious and cruel. Hurrem gave birth to daughter Mihrimah and five sons.

Of these, after the death of the Father, the state was headed by Selim, who, however, was not distinguished by an outstanding talent of the autocrat, loved to drink and walk. During the reign of Selim, the Ottoman Empire began to fade. Suleiman's love did not fade to Cheurrem over the years, after the death of his wife, the Turkish ruler did not go so more under the crown.


Sultan, who put on his knees, mighty states died, as he himself wished, in war. It happened during the siege of the Hungarian fortress of the sigtaur. 71-year-old Suleyman has long been tormented by gout, the disease progressed, and even riding a horse was already with difficulty.

He died in the morning of September 6, 1566, and without having lived a couple of hours to the decisive storming of the fortress. The treasurers of the doctors immediately killed that information about death did not reach the troops, which in the heat of disappointment could raise the uprising. Only after the heir to the throne Selim installed power in Istanbul, the warriors learned about the death of the Lord.

According to legend, Suleiman felt the approaching end and voiced the last will commander-in-chief. A request to a philosophical meaning today is known to everyone: Sultan requested not to close his hands on the funeral procession - everyone should see that the accumulated wealth remains in this world, and even Suleiman is a magnificent, the Great Lord of the Ottoman Empire, goes with empty hands.

Another legend is connected with the death of the Turkish ruler. Allegedly displaced the body, and the outstanding internal organs were placed in a gold vessel and burned at the place of his death. Now there are towering mausoleums and mosque. The remains of Suleiman are resting on the cemetery of the Sulimania mosque built by him, near the Roxolana Mausoleum.


A few artistic and documentaries tell about the life of Suleiman I. The series "Magnificent Century" was bright shielding of harem intrigues, which saw the light in 2011. The role of the Ottoman ruler acts, whose charismaticness is even felt in the photo.

The image created by the actor is recognized as the best embodiment of the Sultan authority in cinema. The arrangement and wife of the ruler plays, actress with German-Turkish roots, too, managed to transfer the main features of Cherrere - immediacy and sincerity.


  • "Suleiman is great. The greatest Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. 1520-1566 ", Lamb
  • "Suleiman. Sultan East, "Lamb
  • "Sultan Suleiman and Roksolana. Eternal love in letters, verses, documents ... "Prose of the Great.
  • Series of books "Magnificent Century", N. Pavlischev
  • "The magnificent age of Suleiman and Hurrem-Sultan", P.J. Parker
  • "The greatness and collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The ruleless horizons ", Goodwin Jason, balls m
  • "Roksolana, Queen of the East", O. Nazaruk
  • "Harem", B. Small
  • "Flowering and decline of the Ottoman Empire", L. Kinross


  • 1996 - "Roksolana"
  • 2003 - "Hurrem Sultan"
  • 2008 - "In search of truth. Roksolana: bloody path to the throne "
  • 2011 - "Magnificent Century"


  • Mosque by Hurrem Sultan
  • Mosque Shehzade
  • Mosque Selimium