Ghost estate. Khotylevo estate kn

Ghost estate.  Khotylevo estate kn
Ghost estate. Khotylevo estate kn

I wander through the ruins. I feel - here and there - imperceptible movement, breathing, echo. I am in Khotylevo, in the Tenishev estate.

No, of course, there are no ghosts here. There is only memory, everything here keeps the times of flowering of life and creativity. I brought with me fragmentary memories of some information about the activities of the princess, and the space responds to them with resonance, just as the smooth surface of water diverges in circles from a pebble thrown at it. I feel these circles.

The house was blown up by the Germans in the 43rd, completely, only fragments of the staircase leading to the river are alive. The park, which was once the only external park in the region, framed by exotic species of trees, is now abandoned and wild beyond recognition. The Church of the Transfiguration, which is across the road from the estate, strikes with the beauty and grandeur of its destruction, and this is a rather eerie feeling.

Let's start with it, especially since this is the first (and the last, at least partially preserved) object of the estate complex, which is encountered on the way to the territory of the estate.

The stone temple was built in 1759-1763 on the site of a wooden predecessor "through the efforts and at the expense of the landowner Faddey Petrovich Tyutchev," according to the site "Gray Bryansk Region", had two aisles. This is a rare example of architecture in our region in the style of the Elizabethan period of the Russian Baroque - magnificent, romantic, joyful, with an abundance of pilasters, ornate frames, a play of chiaroscuro, rounded outlines of forms ... This is how the temple looked at the end of the nineteenth century:

(photo from the site "Grey Bryashchina")

Neither the octagon of the second floor, ending with a domed roof, nor the bell tower have been preserved. We see a rectangular skeleton with a torn entrance, battered by the winds of time.

An inter-wall staircase leads to an invisible bell tower:

Church interior:

Staying inside leaves a feeling destruction movements: The remaining rare roof beams seem to be falling right now, creating barricade structures on the ground.

Remains of baroque stucco:

Faddey Tyutchev, the first owner of the estate in Khotylevo, lost it at cards. The estate fell into unreliable hands, but due to fortunate circumstances, it was soon bought out by Prince Vyacheslav Tenishev, co-founder of the rail-rolling plant in Bezhitsa, which became famous throughout the country (now it is the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant). The prince was the second husband of Maria Klavdievna, whose vigorous and versatile activity began to unfold from here.

I would like to dwell on this in more detail, because. Maria Tenisheva was able to show here extraordinary resourcefulness and courage, perseverance and determination in the implementation of her multiple plans. And the conditions, it should be noted, resembled a real swamp (surrounding the city in fact, and not just figuratively) - a quagmire of consciousness. How did she manage to get out of this quagmire and pull out the whole factory that formed the basis of the city of Bezhitsa? The whole "kitchen" of putting Tenisheva's ideas into practice is described in detail in her book "Impressions of my life", from which I have taken further detailed quotes. Like a sword, the spirit of the princess was tempered in difficult trials, and all these qualities were very useful to her in the future - on the main platform for the realization of her mission, in Talashkino.

So, having settled after the wedding in Bezhitsa next to the factory and being forced to communicate with managers of various levels who were part of her husband's business circle, the princess was unpleasantly struck by what she saw. “I was cold among these uncultured people. The rudeness of their morals chilled me, narrowness, limited interests suppressed. … Never before in my life have I met such people. I definitely got into some special world, with special customs, special customs and a special understanding of everything that makes life beautiful ... ".

The situation of the working layer was completely horrific: people lived in cramped cold barracks in several families, and domestic cattle huddled here. Dirt and stench, darkness and the lack of normal human conditions, men compensated with alcohol, while women did not find consolation at all, breaking down on children. There was no question of morality or enlightenment.

Such a life seemed meaningless to the princess, the bitterness from the observed picture soon caused her jaundice, and on the recommendation of doctors, Tenishev took his wife to Khotylevo.

“The boundless water meadows spread wide around in all directions, with a bizarrely and majestically meandering river between them. The air and space were immense... And I was awakening... Every day my strength grew in me. Little by little, like distant chords, long-forgotten dreams of broad, fruitful social activity sounded in my soul.

Factory realities and ardent compassion prompted Maria Tenisheva to take immediate action:

“I discovered that, in addition to the jaded, fat matrons and well-fed indifferent figures, there also lived in it small people, bruised, scorched by the fire of foundry furnaces, deafened by endless hammer blows, rightfully, perhaps, embittered, calloused, but still touching, deserving at least a little attention and concern for their needs. After all, these were also people ... Who had taken care of them until now? About improving their lives, their children? Who listened to their voice, their complaints, their needs? Nobody... The tops inexorably trampled the bottoms with some kind of cruelty, not looking around. Each greedily, selfishly, coldly snatched a piece in his favor, not noticing his younger brothers, who, it seemed, were not destined to ever emerge from the caustic soot, scorching heat, wash themselves, calm down, straighten their aching back, breathe freely ...

Yes, living people who needed help lived in this inferno and knocking. It is necessary, because up to this moment nothing has been done for them.

She carefully looked around, noticing with a keen eye what should be done first. A school was organized in Khotylevo, in which children were gradually attracted by sweets and games. At the Bezhitskaya school, the former teacher, "a narrow-minded person, also well-fed, blind and deaf to everything alive," who profited from the trade in teaching aids, was removed from his post. On the site of an empty park, a beautiful stone building “School of Craft Students named after Prince. M.K. Tenisheva ”(the course of study in it lasted three years). At the school, a lower vocational school for younger children soon began to exist. Maria Klavdievna also opened a craft school for girls, where they learned needlework, cutting and sewing.

Creative work interested the younger generation, and this lively, sincere interest significantly transformed their whole life:

“But what a metamorphosis this school produced in my students! What a miracle! .. After all, their composition was made up of the same savage destroyers who a few months ago, running through the streets in crowds, with stones and sticks, did not allow anyone to pass - and then what sweet, friendly faces met me at the school, what bright eyes looked with gratitude ... There was no longer a trace of savages. Before me stood future people, consciously related to work, with zeal, diligently taking up a serious matter.

Tenisheva was surprised at her own strength, capable of working miracles and, as if by magic, changing the sound of space:

“My life took such an unexpected turn, energy and initiative immediately woke up in me with such unstoppable force that everything that was conceived yesterday, the next day, was already carried out. I did not feel myself and did not see anything around, except for the work and the people who would carry out my plans. My activities were in full swing. I treated my appointment with some kind of pious feeling of the chosen one, grateful to the depths of my soul for the happiness that fell to my lot.

“From the former rough shell came out businesslike, capable young men, real people. Subsequently, they all took to the road, got good jobs, their knowledge immediately found a use for itself and was well paid. For example, one of the students of the first graduate, Ermolaev, is now serving at the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Plant as an agent for the delivery of boilers, receiving annually up to three thousand rubles ... I can’t describe what a lofty, fertile feeling the consciousness of the completed task gave rise to in me! .. "

Leaving the plant after only four years, she left, in addition to the vocational school, six comfortable and special school buildings, in which one thousand two hundred children studied.

Seeing that a worker’s day is fraught with significant everyday difficulties, she “conceived a people’s canteen, in which, for a small fee, the worker would receive a healthy, fresh table, hot food, where he could warm himself and rest. I succeeded quite well."

In each of her projects, the princess took the most direct part. I had to do everything myself - from the idea and approval of the idea at the council of the plant management to the search for builders and teachers. Nothing bothered Maria Tenisheva, she was ready for any, the most "low" work.

In this regard, the opening day of the dining room is noteworthy: “There were a lot of people, it was necessary to serve the guests as soon as possible, there were not enough hands. Then I, having rolled up the sleeves of my dress, set to work myself and began to serve dishes to the guests, rushing from the kitchen to the dining room with cups filled with cabbage soup and porridge. Following the example, my assistants began to help me together.”

In addition, Tenisheva gave the idea (and largely contributed to its implementation) to build a kind of colonies with plots of land for each working family, thus improving their way of life. “At first, little by little, and then for miles stretched houses with gardens, kitchen gardens, surrounded by fences. It was comforting and reassuring to ride through these spacious settlements. In the windows of the houses, sometimes with red, sometimes with white curtains, one could see pots with flowering plants ... touching family scenes flickered on the porches and balconies on a holiday ... Everything that was clogged, depersonalized by the barracks, woke up at once in freedom, taking on a vital, normal form. Personalities, personal tastes appeared, human needs in a cozy, clean environment began to speak.

For a worthy leisure time, the princess arranged a public meeting in Bezhitsa - a club for employees, and a theater for workers. For free trade - factory shops, where workers could freely purchase products.

Of course, the workers loved their intercessor and patroness and responded with the most ardent and sincere gratitude. “It was joyful to look them straight in the eyes, with the consciousness of a duty fulfilled, so joyful that the spirit died away, I wanted to cry ...”, writes the princess.

It was the Tenishevs who transformed the estate itself in Khotylevo. An architect was invited from St. Petersburg, who built the building of the house in a style consonant with the Baroque of the Church of the Transfiguration standing nearby, thereby giving integrity to the architectural complex.

The Khotylevsky house “looked majestically on the high bank of the Desna, among the dense greenery of century-old lindens, brightly whitening in the sun. At the end of the picturesque stalls, in front of the balcony, a majestic staircase of wild stone was built, leading by two wide descents to the river. Pretty white boats swayed merrily at the wharf from a strong stirrup.

(photo from the site "Grey Bryashchina")

Khotylevo became unrecognizable, everything in it changed, became prettier. Stone bridges were thrown across deep picturesque ravines, connecting parts of the garden. In a huge orchard, wide paths were laid out, lined with gooseberries and all sorts of berries. Apples, plums and pears grew in the squares between the paths. All around breathed abundance and beauty. And down there, far away in the open, among lush meadows, the beautiful Desna flowed smoothly, beckoning the enchanted eye with soft curves farther and farther ...

On the highest point of the steep bank I built a pavilion with a wide veranda, and at the hour of sunset I liked to come and admire the enchanting spectacle. The picture from there was of breathtaking beauty, sometimes raising silent prayer in my soul, quiet, unconscious sadness, sometimes sweetly awakening the imagination with an outburst of passionate love for my homeland. Never and nowhere abroad have I experienced such sensations, nowhere has my soul been able to tremble so. Only one Russian nature almost to tears excited my touching heart with its touching, artless beauty.

Today I wander through the wild park

I go up the stairs to the house that has become a small forest,

going down the stairs to the river

and I never tire of admiring the tireless power of creation of Princess Tenisheva, her indifference, her sincere love for people and art, and I feel that this space is waiting for her return.

There must be a key that will fit into this keyhole and unlock reality.

Year of construction: mid 18th century, second half of 19th - early 20th century.

Picturesquely stretched on the slope of the right high bank of the Desna, between the river and rural buildings, occupying a leading position in it. The village, known since the 17th century, until the end of the 19th century belonged to the Tyutchev family, one of whose representatives is F.P. Tyutchev - built a stone church of the Transfiguration here in 1759-68. The current manor began to take shape at the beginning of the 19th century, when the park was laid out. In 1889, she passed to Prince V.N. Tenishev (1843-1903), a major engineer, one of the founders of the Bryansk rail-rolling, iron-making, steel-making and mechanical plant, who also studied mathematics and ethnography. He rebuilds the estate: in the 1890s he erects a state-owned house with a number of services and reconstructs the park. The estate was built according to the project of the architect N.D. Prokofiev.
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, in the estate of the prince's wife, M.K. Tenisheva (1867-1930), a well-known philanthropist and patroness of the arts, a collector and artist, the founder of an art workshop in Talashkino and a museum in Smolensk, many representatives of Russian culture have repeatedly visited. In August 1896, I.E. stayed here. Repin (1844-1930). Several of his drawings with views of Khotylev have been preserved. In July-August 1899, M.A. lived in the estate. Vrubel (1856-1910), who started work on the painting "Pan" here, his wife, singer N.I. Zabela-Vrubel (1868-1913) and her accompanist, later composer and teacher B.K. Yanovsky (1875-1933).
For the convenience of the connection of the estate with Bezhitsa V.N. Tenishev built the Khotylevo platform on the Riga-Oryol railway. A slag road was laid from it and a steel bridge was built across the Desna. This bridge was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.
After the death of V.N. Tenishev in 1903, the estate passed to Countess M.N. Grabbe. In 1905, during peasant unrest in the village, the "summer house" in the park burned down. During the Great Patriotic War, the main house was destroyed and burned by the Nazis. To date, the staircases from the verandas of the main house, several rebuilt outbuildings and individual park structures - "iron gates", a granite descent to the river and an arched bridge over the ravine have been preserved from the manor buildings. The entire park was heavily overgrown, and the church lost its completion in the late 1940s.
One of the most interesting eclectic manor houses in the region, whose architecture, stylized in the spirit of classicism and renaissance, surrounded by a picturesque park, perfectly combines with an earlier impressive baroque church.
The territory of the estate, located on the relief, is close to a rectangle in plan and stretched between the Desna and the main street of the village, which served as an access alley. The Church of the Transfiguration, located on a rural square, is located directly opposite the entrance to the estate - the so-called. "iron gate". From them begins the main park alley, crossing it along the north-south line and serving as the main compositional axis of the entire complex. Previously, the alley was closed from the south by a boat pier on the banks of the Desna. To the right of the gate there are three buildings of outbuildings grouped around a small courtyard. The architecture of these one-story, rectangular structures is extremely simple and concise.
Approximately in the middle of the axis of the alley, there was a manor house, facing the main facade towards the square. The opposite façade with a four-column portico overlooked the park. From the house, only two wide (up to 7 meters) entrance stairs of verandas with eight steps, made of granite, with pedestals on the sides, have been preserved. In front of the main facade there is a narrow flower parterre, and in front of the park there is a semicircular platform, from which a granite staircase descends along the axis of the alley to the river. On one of its platforms between marches a stone grotto is arranged. A wide longitudinal alley runs along the coast, at the ends of which stone arched bridges were thrown over ravines (only the eastern one has survived).

The territory of the estate is connected with the rich and interesting history of the village. For three centuries it was the fiefdom of the Tyutchev family. In the 19th century, the estate became the property of Prince Tenishev. Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Tenishev was an outstanding figure in Russia in the last quarter of the 19th century. An educated, experienced and energetic engineer, he, together with P.I. Gubonin and V.F. Golubev, established in July 1873 the Joint Stock Company of the Bryansk Rail-Rolling, Iron-Making and Mechanical Plant (now the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant). His knowledge and energy contributed to the fact that the plant grew rapidly and by 1900 took the second place in Russia after the St. Petersburg Putilov plant in terms of output. Soon, V.N. Tenishev became the largest Russian industrialist, subsidizing the construction of the first car plant in Russia. In addition to practical engineering work, Tenishev was engaged in scientific activities in the field of mathematics and, especially, ethnography, published a number of books and was the chairman of the "ethnographic bureau" organized on his initiative - to collect and study ethnographic information about the life and life of peasants. Known for his attempt to organize a "Free School" in St. Petersburg. The wife of the owner of the estate - Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva - was a prominent philanthropist and applied artist, a collector of a collection of Russian applied art. V.N. Tenishev gave his wife not only a princely title, but also spiritual support, a large fortune and the opportunity to realize herself as a scientist, educator, artist and philanthropist. Having received funds for the implementation of her projects, Tenisheva soon opened a craft school in Bezhitsa and put a lot of work into creating an estate in Khotylevo. The park and the manor buildings in it, both in their main location and down to the smallest detail, are the product of her creative work. “All the imagination, and most importantly, the energy that I invested in the creation of Khotylev and my extensive activity in Bezhitsa could no longer freeze in me. A surge of healthy strength again and again pushed me to new creativity, to new work, ”wrote Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva in her Impressions of My Life. In the capital, Khotylevo and Talashkino, M.K.Tenisheva was surrounded by prominent Russian artists. Her circle consisted of S. Malyutin, N. Roerich, V. Serov, V. Polenov, M. Vrubel, K. Korovin and others. Some of them visited her in Khotylevo and worked here. In Khotylev, M.A. Vrubel wrote his famous "Pan". According to B.K. Yanovsky, “the landscape in the picture was taken from nature: this is a view from the terrace of the Khotylevsky Palace to the opening distances.” The great Russian artist I.E. Repin also visited Khotylevo. He painted here several sketches and made a number of drawings, now kept in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Just like Vrubel, Repin did not remain indifferent to the beauty of the Desnyansk that was revealed here. M.K. Tenisheva had long-term friendship with I.E. Repin. The great artist was fascinated by the idea of ​​M.K. Tenisheva to organize drawing schools for gifted children from the people, as well as courses for drawing teachers. The best works of the artist include many portraits of Tenisheva.

The pictures of this group were taken 10 years ago, but the ghost was apparently only recently discovered on them.

In the Aktualny Bryansk community last fall, a photo of one of the excursion groups that visited the estate in the village of Khotylevo was posted. To their surprise, when printing photos from a digital camera, the excursion participants found an unfamiliar girl in the photo, who was not originally among the children.

“It was alarming that among the children of the detachment we found a face unfamiliar to us,” says Larisa Polyakova. “This girl is sitting behind the backs of the guys. She has a pale face, long black hair, wide eyes, and is half the size of the other children. In addition, the body of a mysterious girl grows out of the asphalt...

A photographer, a scientist and a parapsychologist were offered to look at a strange picture, and this is what they heard.

Photographer Konstantin ZUKER:

Apparently, the mysterious girl in the photo is not photoshopped. But how it got here, I can not say. Sometimes things appear in the pictures that cannot be explained. I have experienced this phenomenon myself. A friend recently bought a professional camera. I shot a wedding, and in several shots the bride turned out with absolutely black lips. The people standing nearby are normal, but she has such strange lips. We tried to figure out what was wrong, maybe the settings went wrong. But no clear reason has been found. We decided that we would not show this picture to the newlyweds. Why scare them?

As for the photographs that came to you, here the defect of the camera is excluded, since the phantom girl was filmed on several cameras at once.

A strange phantom girl was discovered at once in two pictures from different angles from different photographers

Associate Professor of the Department of Physics at BSU Pavel POPOV:

I am sure that this is not worth looking for devilry. Barabashki here can not be exactly. It's just that anything can be displayed on a digital medium. The answer must be sought not from the point of view of physics, but from the point of view of electronics, which often has various failures. I think that there are no otherworldly forces in this picture. This is not serious.

Svetlana NIKULINA, a senior researcher at the Bryansk Museum of Local Lore, who has been studying the biography of Princess Tenisheva for many years, says:

Khotylevo has existed for more than a thousand years and can be fraught with many mysteries. It is not necessary that the phenomenon captured in the photograph is associated with Maria Nikolaevna. The Tenishevs bought this estate after the princess fell ill with jaundice. They moved here to fresh air. I doubt that the princess would have decided to give birth after such a disease. If we assume that she really had a second daughter and she died, then this would be known. After all, both Repin and Vrubel went to her. Surely they would have written: “Oh, what a pity! The princess's daughter died! Still, the Tenishevs are very famous people, you can’t hide the facts of their biography. But all sources mention only her daughter from her first marriage.

There are legends among local residents that at the end of the 19th century in Khotylevo, Princess Maria Tenisheva gave birth to a second daughter (the eldest was from her first marriage). They say that this girl was killed on a horse when she was still very young.

The village of Khotylevo has been known since the 17th century. Until the end of the 19th century, it belonged to the Tyutchev family. In 1889, it passed to Prince V. N. Tenishev, a major engineer, one of the founders of the Bryansk rail-rolling, iron-making, steel and mechanical plant. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, many representatives of Russian culture visited the estate of the wife of Prince Maria Tenisheva, a well-known patroness of the arts. In August 1896, Ilya Repin stayed here. In the summer of 1899 - Mikhail Vrubel, who began work on the painting "Pan" here.

After the death of Prince Tenishev in 1903, the estate passed to Countess Grabbe. In 1905, during peasant unrest in the village, a summer house in the park burned down. During the Great Patriotic War, the main house was destroyed and burned by the Nazis.

Maxim LYSENKOV, senior expert of the forensic center of the Internal Affairs Directorate, specializing in the production of portrait examinations, 13 years of work experience:

We studied the image under multiple magnification. Photographs were stacked one on top of the other. The difference between the shots was five seconds, and if editing had been applied, its traces would certainly have shown themselves.

Why did the digital camera see what the eye did not see?

If there may be some overlaps when printing a photograph from a negative, then this is impossible in digital photography, - says Evgeny TsUKANOV, head of the forensic center of the Internal Affairs Directorate. - The image is in the form of a digital code. In this case, it is established that this image is real, and there are no signs of installation or marriage in the process. This is what we were able to establish. And it is very difficult to explain this phenomenon from the point of view of the available methods and equipment. We failed to explain the origin of this image.

Each camera has a system of lenses through which the image is refracted, and the lens is the same mirror under certain conditions. Maybe there was some kind of reflection or refraction? Of course, these assumptions are conditional, since it is impossible to prove this exactly.

All the inexplicable phenomena that we ourselves have to meet or learn from television programs suggest that those quantities that are accepted as the standard for the time being are expanding. Accordingly, the possibilities of a person are expanding.

For example, time is not a constant value, as we used to think. It has its own density and other parameters. Maybe the time density was close to zero when the photo was taken. And at the junction of these densities, let's say, an invasion of something unknown to us occurred. Maybe a parallel world, or maybe the past.

It is possible that the past is stored in some time interval of memory. Look: our conversation is now being recorded on a dictaphone. And there is a hypothesis that time also writes all the events that occur. And if we know the mechanisms of its action, we could get true pictures of the past.

As for the girl in the picture, I do not think that this image came to us from the other world. After all, ghosts do not eat apples ... And here in one photo you can clearly see how a girl bites an apple, and in the next one she chews it.

Maybe time first recorded the picture, and then it was reproduced in the picture, and the girl appeared from the past ... It is very difficult to talk about this topic, because we do not have enough knowledge in such an area as time.

View from the outside

We sometimes encounter inexplicable phenomena in our work, - Evgeny Nikolaevich continues the story. - Intuition is developed - also a little explainable phenomenon. From my own practice, I can recall examples when you go to inspect the scene of an accident where a person has just died. Despite the indisputable signs of death, you seem to feel the presence of this person, some kind of energy that still comes from the deceased. It's like you can feel his gaze.

The deceased seems to be looking at you - how you work, take pictures, explore the traces. It seems that for a short time a certain energy charge is stored near the body, and then departs from it. Maximum three hours after death. After all, we come to road accidents and fights, where the police are promptly called. And this feeling cannot be conveyed, it must be felt.

Sometimes these sensations are so vivid that you mentally give the deceased the word: to do everything to find the one who took the life of the victim. And then some intuitive reflexes turn on, you work intuitively, you perform actions that at first glance cannot be logically explained ... As a result, it is very often possible to solve crimes "in hot pursuit." And mentally addressing the victim of the crime, you say: “Well, we have fulfilled our duty ...”