Drawing lessons with a simple pencil. Tips How to Learn to Draw Pencil

Drawing lessons with a simple pencil. Tips How to Learn to Draw Pencil
Drawing lessons with a simple pencil. Tips How to Learn to Draw Pencil

Parents teach our first children's naive drawings. Mortification, we are yesterday's authors of ridiculous doodles, feel the desire to display the fabulous beauty of the world, the small part of which we managed to comprehend, without using such technical means as video and camera, asking how to learn how to draw certain objects.

The most affordable painting technique for an amateur artist is pencil drawings. At the same time, the drawing process is a kind of brain stimulant. And the art therapy itself is recognized as an effective prophylactic and rehabilitation means for removing stress and overcoming emotional devastation.

To create a first full-fledged pattern from nature, a sheet of paper, pure elasty and a simple pencil. Start training drawing is best with incarnation of small, static items. For example, you can choose some household appliance or something from the kitchen utensils.

At the first stage, a rough sketch of the displayed object, an angle or pose is created. Using the outline you record the first impression, what is striving to pass in the picture. To create a full-fledged image of the subject in your imagination, it is necessary to look good from all sides, paying attention to the form, the material from which it is made, as well as the shadow discarded them.

After that, the composition of the drawing is determined. Simply put, you decide, in which place on the improvised canvas - a sheet of paper will be displayed the subject, from which angle it will be written, and on what scale. Having finished the sketch, the artist begins to draw the details. At the final stage, the imposition of shadows should be performed.

Basic Pencil drawing techniques

How to quickly learn to draw a pencil? To do this, you will have to master the special technique of pencil drawings. Most often, when creating pencil drawings, such technicians are used as a decisive and hatching. Beginners are easiest to learn the decisive. It should be noted that in art schools the focus on the training of hatching techniques, counting the decisiveness less complete.


How to learn to draw a pencil using hatching? It is performed by consistently applying a pencil on the painted surface of short shallow parallel lines, having them at a short distance. At the same time, ending with the line, it is important to tear off a pencil from paper, and not to lead its pointed tip with a zigzag at the beginning of the next line, leaving the visible trace. The pattern of the drawing is strictly strictly in the same selected direction.

The hatching helps to achieve a change in the saturation of the drawing tone. For this, the artist changes the frequency of the strokes and the direction of hatching, choosing between vertical, horizontal and diagonal strokes. To increase the depth of color resort to the application of crossbar of different orientation. If necessary, to transfer the surface relief, you can use strokes from indirect lines - arcuate or broken.

The hatching is ideal for displaying tones and shadows, surface textures. However, it is considered relatively difficult for beginners, and its development requires a lot of time. Therefore, first, it is preferable to master the decisive technique. It is used and then when you need to hide hatching errors.


How to learn to draw a pencil with a decisive? It allows you to achieve large image naturalness, as smooth gradation is tone. Rastuchevka is carried out as follows: Initial strokes are applied to the drawing area, which are then rubbing or its substitutes - cotton chopsticks, a cloth from suede, a piece of paper. Some have a drawing drawing, using fingers, but this practice can lead to the appearance of fat spots, which will not add her aesthetics.

If you decide to use the decisive, the preliminary hatch must be made cross-broken strokes. Towers are triturated in one direction - from top to bottom. The main thing is to achieve a visible homogeneity of the decisive. If necessary, those sites that came out lighter will re-subjoint with a pencil, and darker areas brighten up the eraser.

Basic drawing rules

The main principle is a movement from a simple to complex, from the total to the details. How to learn to draw a pencil correctly? So, to achieve good results in drawing, you will have to be patient. Before you begin to get decent drawings, you need to draw the simplest objects to draw many times. And in order to understand how to learn to draw "an adult", you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of drawing. When creating a picture to use to take into account the fundamental drawing rules, namely:

  1. Perspective - objects that are closer to the observer, seem more those that are far away.
  2. Location - The item displayed at the bottom of the sheet is perceived closer than the rest.
  3. Size - a larger object is perceived closer than small.
  4. Halfing - if part of the subject is on the opposite side of the light source, it must be darked.
  5. Shadow - to create an illusion of volume on the opposite side of the light source draw a shadow dropped from the subject.
  6. Contour - borders of rounded items need to be drawn more thoroughly. It will give them depth and volume.
  7. Horizon - With it, the artist creates the illusion of finding objects in the figure at different removal from the viewer.
  8. Density - long-range objects in the figure are not as detailed as neighbor and are performed in brighter colors.

Drawing simple objects

Some of the easiest objects for transferring the drawing are buildings and transport. How to learn to draw the simplest house, knows most of those who graduated from an early art school. The contours of the construction almost always form straight lines. Simple combination of two geometric shapes - a rectangle and a triangle - already creates a primitive sketch of a classic one-story building.

To obtain a car drawing, you need to perform a simple algorithm: apply outdoor contours of the machine, separating their symmetry line. The case is then palp. After that, the wheels should be displayed. The next step is the drawing of the details of the near part of the car. The final draws mirrors, glazing and doors. A more complex drawing level is the creation of animal patterns. Draw animals from nature is hard enough, as they are never static, and strive to change the pose.

Before the start of drawing large animals, such as a horse, determine its individual features - the characteristic form of the muzzle, the thickness of the mane, the development of the musculature of the legs.

Creating a drawing of a person

After animals, you can move to drawing portraits of people. But how to learn to draw people with a pencil? For the beginning, the composition is determined. The drawing of a person begins with the head contour, then the outlines of the rest of the body parts are applied from top to bottom. In order for the resulting image of a particular person to be recognizable, it is necessary to pay the most attention to the person drawing. And to draw it correctly, we should act in stages.

First, determine how it will be located on the sheet. In the center of the canvas, apply the axis of symmetry. Draw out the face outline in the form of an inverted chicken egg. Then you should carefully recreate the face form, starting with the chin and moving up to the most wide part of the cheekbone area. Forming their contour, the artist continues to move up to a narrow, temporal area. The resulting lines are aligned, adjusting the eraser.

Having received an oval, it is separated by three layers with thin longitudinal lines. The first, coming near the chin, is a nasal tip marker. Nose must be drawn from the tip. This item may have a different form. The most common round or square shapes. But how to learn to draw your mouth? The mouth contours are drawn from the central bending of the upper lip.

Then follows the step image of the eye. In the figures of a person, they play a major role, as they attract the viewer's view. That is why the eyes are painted with special care. First indicate eyebrow lines, focusing on the nose. From the form of eyebrows, the type of character of a person who seeks to convey the artist. Displaying the eye contours you need to thoroughly draw their shape. Then the pupil is drawn, the eyelids are fixed and eyelashes are drawn.


For inexperienced artists, it is easier to move to the image of people through the drawing of manga. How to learn such a style? Create drawings of characters of Japanese cartoon films is relatively easier than writing portraits from nature. In the manga, the focus is on the image of the head, eye and hero chapels.

Drawing manga passes according to the following scheme: an oval head contour is applied. It is divided by a smooth line in half and two parallel lines, spent across oval, share a character's head into three parts. Points of eyes, nose and mouth are marked. The eyes of manga are large and drawn, starting with an arc of the upper eyelid. Eyes are widely located. When drawing the pupil, the artist should pay high attention to creating glare.

The nose manga is disproportionately small, usually indicated by a check mark. Also inaccessibly depicted lips - two parallel lines. Hair is depicted in the form of drop-down triangles who run a little on big eyes.

The main thing is to draw a lot and often so that this lesson has become a pleasant leisure.

If you want to learn to draw beautifully in a matter of days, then you "entered" at. Since this article will help even inexperienced newcomer master drawing techniques and independently learn to draw a pencil.

The main thing in the article

Basic Rules for Painting Pencil

To learn how to draw, you need to step by step by these art. As with any creation (work) in drawing, there are certain rules, not knowing which, to study this science will be very hard. We will get acquainted with the main six pencil drawing rules:

How to quickly learn to draw a pencil person?

Before proceeding with work, you need to make small mathematical calculations. For the proportional view of the drawn person, the head is taken. Next, the remaining parts of the body are calculated. For a realistic picture of men take:

  • from head to hips - size 2.5 goals;
  • from the hips to the knee - 1.5 heads;
  • from the knees to the heels - 2 heads.

For the image of a woman, the calculation varies slightly:

  • from head to hips - size 2 heads;
  • from the hips to the knee - 2 heads;
  • from the knees to heels - 2-2.5 heads.

The biggest attention is paid to the person, since there are many lines that need to be transmitted with the greatest accuracy. Face paint should be painted, more detailed instructions for drawing will find below.

How to learn to draw a pencil landscapes?

Landscape is an artistic genre of fine art, the main subject of which is the image of the nature around us.

On the example, consider how drawing landscapes with a pencil.

To get such a picture, you need to prepare a pencil and a white sheet. Now perform the following actions:

How to draw pencil anime?

Anime - A popular modern cartoon direction, which "hooked" not only adolescents, but also young artists. When drawing anime, it is not necessary to adhere to the classic hand drawing rules. And this largely simplifies the drawing process. The main elements in such drawing are the head, eyes and hair. And the cartoon Anime is drawn like this:

  1. Originally draws headed head. It is divided by a half of the smooth line, after they divide the same oval across three parts.
  2. Now you need to post, where the nose, mouth and most basic are large eyes.
  3. Stand your eyes. Between them should be a distance of one eye. Start painting big eyes from an arc of the upper eyelid. The peculiarity of the eyes of animed heroes is glare in pupils that pay great attention.
  4. The requirements for the nose anime one - it should be small. Mostly artists perform it in the form of a check mark.
  5. Eyebrows should be drawn over big eyes. They are performed in a classic style, in other words, these are two smooth arcs.
  6. The lips on the cartoon leaps are drawn by two small lines, closed with each other.
  7. As for the hair, they are drawn by triangular plates that are chaotic falling and slightly cover their eyes.

How to learn to draw a pencil at home beautifully?

The main rule drawing house is Use of smooth lines. Thanks to them, the structure comes out state and beautiful. Also in drawing home should withstand a specific technique:

  • D. oh is drawn the same way as built - bottom up.
  • The basis of the future house is a conventional rectangle. It is performed by smooth lines.
  • Fall the foundation by drawing it across the entire width of the house.
  • Smooth lines are outlined doors, windows, angles and other elements.
  • The roof is drawn in the form of a triangle. If desired it can be modified. The roof is drawn up with tiles, since it is this coating in the figure looks very effectively.
  • Now pay attention to the details of the house. You need to draw windows, shutters, doorway, steps, porch, etc.
  • Strike drawing, remembering the basic drawing rules.
  • Place trees, flowers, bushes around the house.

How to learn how to easily draw animals with a simple pencil?

Drawing animals can be engaged not only with children. Cute fauna representatives are superbly obtained on canvas and dislike. Therefore, take a pencil and proceed to drawing the amazing friends of our smaller.

How to draw a dog with a pencil?

Picture a dog is simple enough on paper. The basis is taken:

  • the circle that will perform with a face;
  • oval - the body of the dog.

After the face and the paws are formed. All details are applied and the dog is ready.

How to draw a pencil horse?

For drawing a horse, the artist must have certain skills, as it is not possible to transfer all the power on paper and the pride of this animal is not every way. Below is a step-by-step instruction that will help cope with this task.

You can try to draw the option easier, for example, a cartoon horse.

How to draw a pencil cat?

The cat is a favorite pet in many families, so it is not surprising that artists very often depict this animal. Cats in different styles are equally beautiful, while they are simply drawn enough, and the schemes below are once again proved.

How to learn to draw faces of people with a pencil: basic principles.

Let's go back to the topic of human drawing, and to be more accurate, consider the basic principles and stages of drawing:

  1. Initially draw oval . It is divided by the axes of symmetry into 4 parts. The axes should converge in the center of the oval.
  2. Now oval give the contour of the face. It should be started with a chin, moving up, drawing the sinyl area, the temporal zone. Lines need to grow by a piece of leaflet. This will make the contour not so heavy.
  3. Barely noticeable lines face divided by three identical parts across. On the bottom line should be the tip of the nose.
  4. The nose is drawn from the tip. Depending on the type, it can be round, square or pointed. Then tee the wings of the nose and the nose.
  5. Roth start draw from the bending of the top lip located opposite the edge of the nose.
  6. Since the shower portrait is transmitted through the eyes, we will focus on this portrait element for details below.

How to learn how to paint your eyes with a pencil?

Since the eyes in the portrait are assigned the most important role, their drawing should be given to maximum attention. Drawing this part of the face, consider the following:

How to learn to draw cars with a pencil?

The machine with a pencil is drawn according to the following plan:

  • The outdoor outlines of the car are designated depending on the brand.
  • The resulting template is divided into pressure.
  • The case is indicated by the bold lines.
  • After the wheels are drawn.
  • Next, windows, doors, mirrors.
  • Details of the car (headlights, bumper, etc.) are distributed.

How beautiful to draw a pencil sketches of clothes?

Many girls since childhood are dreaming of becoming an eminent clothing designers. But without the skills of drawing sketches of clothes, it is simply impossible.

Sketch is a fuzzy pattern of a model that focuses on clothes, shoes, accessories, leaving a silhouette of a person in the background.

Consider the basic rules for drawing clothes on models:

  1. Attention details. For the integrity of the image, you need to pay attention to all the trifles, not forgetting to draw accessories, ruffles, patterns on the fabric.
  2. You should also take into account the density of the tissue, since it depends on how the thing will sit on the figure of the model. Dense fabrics on the sketch look slightly baggy, but light fabrics will contend the shape.
  3. Carefully draw folds on the fabric, the fibulation of the figure, In order to maximize the realism of clothes. Pleats on clothes are also pictured differently. On thin tissues, they are intermittent, small, but on dense tissues folds are larger than wave.
  4. When paint drawing Pay special attention to the displayed print. Take into account on folds, as it can bother.

On the sketches, it is difficult to consider the nuances of Crow, so the flat layout of things should be attached to each model to consider it, it was possible to identify all the nuances to create a model.

How to learn to draw flowers with a pencil?

Each flower is unique, and transmit all its beauty on canvas is not so simple. We offer below to consider step-by-step color drawing schemes.

Video: How to learn to draw pencil children

List of drawing pencil for beginners: video

Do you look with envy on those who know how to draw? Do you often look at the beautiful object and sigh that you can't portray him?

Then our today's article is for you, because we will tell you how to learn how to draw, explain why start and what to do to get closer to your artistic dream.

The first thing you need to start is to realize that the ability to draw is not talent. This is primarily hard work. Even if a person from birth has a tendency to draw, music or poetry, this does not mean that he does not need to do anything. Persistent work and a great desire - this is the real key to success, and as soon as you realize this, you are mastered the most important drawing lesson.

1. Draw always and everywhere

Starting the way to the development of art skills, first of all you need to "fill the hand." To do this, we advise you to purchase a notebook A5 format, which should always be with you. Draw a drawing at least 20 minutes every day. Draw the silhouettes, lines, aliens, doodle, quotes, sketch everything that is enough for your imagination. Draw the situation around yourself while waiting in the queue, remember - the main thing is to do it every day. Daily drawing should be in the habit as a cup of morning coffee.

2. Pain from nature and photos

For some reason, there is a faith in what to draw from the photos is harmful and that this does not contribute to your development and becoming as an artist. It is a myth. Sliming from the photo, you get there is an excellent opportunity to study every detail. The only thing we do not advise to get involved in handling from photos, try most of the time to use images in your head or make outline from nature. Turning from the photo to drawing from nature, select the fixed items first, gradually moving to more complex - moving. This will help develop your spatial thinking and eye meter.

It is useful to make small etudes from architecture, as well as pay your attention to drawing parts of the body (hands, legs, etc.).

3. Be diverse

Try to draw different styles, so you will be able to work out your own style faster. Use all the materials available to you - pencils, crayons, gouache, watercolor, handles, markers. Try copying styles of famous artists, do not dwell on something one until you find your own drawing style.

4. Learn

Purchase good learning books for artists, for example, we recommend you the magnificent book Natalie Ratkovsky "Draw every day." This book has become a kind of experiment, during which the artist gave itself a promise to draw daily during the year. This book will inspire you to repeat a similar feat, and will also give answers to many questions of novice artists.

See the student video on YouTube, find a group for artists on social networks and join her, so you will be charged with motivation from other people and do not want to throw everything at the very beginning.

5. Track your progress

Choose one picture, photo, landscape or person you will draw periodically. For example, every month give time only to this plot. Track changes. Also keep all the drawings you make. Believe me, soon you will experience a huge sense of pride for what results were able to achieve.

The most important thing is to believe in yourself and stay with us, remember, it is worth just start, and then inspiration will find you.

So that a man's portrait had the maximum similarity with the person depicted, first of all you need to correctly draw his eyes. In this lesson you will learn to draw a person's eyes in a stages of a simple pencil.

If you are going to draw someone's portrait even a simple pencil, prepare for the fact that you have to do a few sketches and spoil a lot of paper sheets.

On the eve of the New Year, the drawing of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden becomes very relevant. I hope this phased lesson in a simple pencil technique will help you correct Santa Claus.

The drawing portrait is often enough just to correctly draw eyes, lips and nose and a certain similarity of a positive person will appear.

Each person's nose has unique features, so give accurate tips how to draw a girl's nose, a child or a man.

Draw a hand completely simple, especially in full size. For this, it is enough just to circle the contours of your hand.

Do not complicate the drawing of comic mines. The image of the figure and faces of people should be without much detail, almost a schematic, slightly in the cartoon, comic tone.

If you know how to draw a person's face, then the mermaid will be easy to draw, because instead of the legs of the Fishe tail.

The eyes of girls drawn in anime style are unnaturally large, with long eyelashes and huge black pupils.

The lesson, how to draw a Cartoon Hero Sonic, is designed for very young children. The lesson is made by a simple pencil, but you can draw markers or colored pencils.

Draw Winnie the Pooh gradually quite simple and the picture of Winnie the fluff must be fine.

This spider man drawing is made by a simple pencil, but you can draw it with markers or colored pencils.

If you draw an iron person in a phased pencil, then you will definitely get a beautiful picture of this hero. To the Iron Man turns out to be more spectacular, be sure to color the drawing.

This drawing in the style of manga is made by a simple pencil, but on the site there is almost the same color drawing made on a graphics tablet.

The hero of this lesson was the character of the famous cartoon about Pokemon. The picture is made step by step, so even small children will cope with these tasks.

Since Patrick is a starfish, then his body shape resembles a five-pointed star. This lesson is designed for the youngest visitors to the site.

Another lesson is designed for children. I hope to draw a sponge Bob will not be difficult for even young children, just begin to learn to draw.

This doll is more like a small princess with a high collar and numerous lace on the dress.

Smesharikov a lot and all of them are similar to each other, as the body resembles the ball or ball. Try to draw a sthadowed pencil.

Smesharik Hedgehog differs from Smesharica Crock only by the fact that on the contour of his body you need to draw a needle.

In this lesson, we will draw a monkey chimpanzee gradually. If you need a drawing of a monkey of another species, you can draw it in the photo.

Try to draw this graceful cat having the name of Jaguar. Of course, such a "cat" like jaguar only looks like a domestic cat and hunting not on mice, but onto the brafice.

If you like to draw animals, be sure to draw a phased pencil of this cute and pretty bear coal.

Bear in children's drawings has friendly and peaceful character. In the Wildlife, this is a dangerous and aggressive animal.

The fox looks like a dog, but in addition to the lush tail, the original bright redhead of the fur has a number of other differences, such as a narrow and long muzzle.

Elephant draw quite easily. You will make sure that if you try to draw an elephant with me a stages of a simple pencil.

If you tried to draw a snake and bird, then draw the dragon you will be easy. Dragon drawing, made of black and white pencil, can not even be painted.

Drawing a camel, be sure to draw the surrounding desert landscape. It is easy to draw sand and bright sun, but you will have a real picture.

Figure spider is not necessarily painted. It is enough to sharpen the spider with a simple pencil, and for realism, paint the spider web.

Snake, many inspires panic fear, as some snakes are very poisonous. But in fact, this is an ordinary animal from the family of reptiles using poison for self-defense.

Figure For children, a simple pencil is better to do in gradually, at first there is only common contours of the frog. And after, step by step, draw the whole picture.

The most difficult thing to draw the bee transparent wings with streaks. I think with this lesson you can easily handle it

The black and white feature of the ant, made by a simple pencil will look quite realistic.

The main thing is to correctly draw a long and narrow fruit of the hedgehog. Numerous hedgehog needles draw easy. So that the hedgehog looked more realistic, draw next to the mushrooms or fallen apples that the hedgehog collects in autumn.

What only unusual animals are not on our planet. Panda's Bear is an extraordinarily beautiful and unique animal living only in China.

Draw a crocodile with an open mouth. So it will be easier for you to express the fierce and predatory character of this very ancient being of our planet in the picture.

The protein can be drawing "from nature", because in any park you can find this wonderful animal and even feed with your hands.

No one knows exactly what a dinosaur looked like. Perhaps he looked exactly as in this picture.

Externally, Scorpio resembles cancer, only a smaller scorpion claws, and there is a dangerous poisonous sting on the edge of the tail.

Think, you will not be able to draw such a beautiful dragonfly, like on my drawing? And you try. The main thing, take a fool's pencil so that the lines are thin and clear.

All dogs are similar to each other and at the same time there are no identical dogs. Let's draw a very pretty and good-natured dog Senbernar, saving people who fell under snow avalanches.

Many children hold houses of hamsters, funny and cute animals. Take a piece of paper and a simple pencil and let's try to statenly draw your pet.

If you need to draw a pony, this small pretty horse, then this lesson will help you to do it in stages.

Donkey is very similar to the pony, that's just why he should have such long ears? However, it does not matter. It is just important that you can correctly and beautifully draw a donkey with this lesson.

Beginners artists paint the horses back legs as well as the front. Do not make this standard error. Look carefully, the horses bend the horses bend on the contrary.

I really like the assignment lesson. He is very simple, and at the same time allow any person to accurately draw a horse's head.

In this lesson, you will learn to draw a rabbit in a stages of a simple pencil. With the help of simple steps, you can quickly and easily draw the rabbit, try.

Draw a kitten fascinating, especially when the drawing "turns out". Try to stale to draw a kitten on this lesson.

Do you need to draw mushrooms? Then take advantage of this lesson. Step by step, you draw the most popular white mushroom in the mushroomnikov.

The maple leaf is very beautiful, especially in the autumn, when it changes its green color on shades of yellow and red.

This lesson is quite simple, just enough to draw a "house" snail. So that the snail pattern was realistic, draw a piece of grapes yet.

What patterns do not happen on the wings of the butterfly. Wings even a regular cabbage butterfly as if the artist's palette with multicolored paint stains.

Sea messenger is easy to draw, it is much more difficult to convey the depth of the color, breaking about the rocks of sea waves.

Often we do not notice what surrounds us and without which we will not be able to live. Trees, plants - the basis of our nature. Protect the environment!

Flowers, green grass, leaves of trees not only cleans our air from harmful impurities, but also decorate our life. Look around the "other" eyes and you will understand how carefully needs to be related to our nature.

Figure Christmas tree you may need closer to the new year. In addition to the drawing of the festive Christmas tree, there is a lesson on how to draw Santa Claus.

There is not a single identical snowflake, so you can come up with any shape of the snowflake, the main thing is that its "rays" were absolutely symmetrical.

God's cow must be painted with colored pencils or paints, and even better to draw it against the background of the surrounding nature: green leaves, bright bud buds.

Against the background of cosmic darkness, the shuttle will be especially impressive. This spacecraft can turn into an airplane and falling out of the orbit will land on the ground independently.

Helicopters as well as aircraft are civil and military. In this lesson, you can gradually draw the most common brand of the civil helicopter of our country.

Drawing a military aircraft You will definitely get beautiful if you can correctly draw your wings correctly and symmetrically.

Figure English military fighter times of World War II. The lesson is made by a simple pencil.

You will draw the car much easier if you do it in stages. First you need to make a body markup, and then, step by step, draw other parts of the car.

Why create art schools? No, not to make paintings artists from all pupils. The essence is to develop the ability to portray the items in the child, which he sees correctly, and in case of need, he could draw a curious type of terrain from nature, or any other subject. The ability to draw develops in a person the ability to correctly evaluate elegant arts delivering great pleasure. It also follows that learning this kind of art should be different from an ordinary method of teaching based on copying one copy from already ready-made drawings, or originals. It is necessary to develop the eye meter, assimilate the properties of various lines and mutual compatibility, distinguish between the forms that are depicted by hand, without the use of the line and circula.

What can be drawn with a pencil?

If there is no possibility, or the desire to attend art school, everything can be learned from all this. But keep in mind, this will require much more forces to study the necessary literature. Remember that you need to start with a small, gradually moving towards more complex (learn to draw gradually). Books on drawing are recommended to get acquainted with such positions:

  1. Lines, their equality, connection and compilation of figures
  2. Drawing rectilinear images
  3. Curvilinear figures, perspectives
  4. About light and shades
  5. On the right bodies
  6. An image of complex bodies from nature

And only after that, already move to drawing of full-fledged paintings. You can't come up with what to draw a simple pencil? Look around! Here so much: streets, houses, people, trees, animals, items. Do not find anything worthy of your brush? You can draw pictures from books (this is the simplest thing you can come up with). Yes, and just draw mom with dad! On our site you will find a lot of useful gradual lessons, such as learning how to draw:

  1. in the forest;

And much more! How many of all we have ready-made lessons can look at the right column from above. And I also picked up a little interesting pictures that would help your imagination. See below!

Pictures for boys:

See my. This is a sophisticated anime picture. I made a lesson much easier.