Literature lesson on the topic "Vanyushi's fate in the story of MA Sholokhov" Fate of Man "(grade 5) using RCMCP technology

Literature lesson on the topic
Literature lesson on the topic "Vanyushi's fate in the story of MA Sholokhov" Fate of Man "(grade 5) using RCMCP technology

In Russian literature, many works telling about the Great Patriotic War. A striking example is Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man", where the author does not give us so much a description of the war, how much a description of the life of a simple person in the difficult war years. In the story of the "Fate of Man" the main characters are not historical personality, not titled officials, nor famous officers. They are ordinary people, but with a very difficult fate.

main characters

Sholokhov's story is small in volume, it takes only ten pages of text. And the heroes in it are not so much. The main hero of the story is the Soviet soldier - Andrei Sokolov. Everything that happens to him in life, we hear from his mouth. Sokolov is a teller of the whole story. His named son - Boy Vanyusha - plays an important role in the story. He completes the sad story of Sokolova and opens a new page of his life. They become inseparable from each other, so we will take Vanya to the group of main characters.

Andrey Sokolov.

Andrei Sokolov is the main character of the story of the "Fate of Man" Sholokhov. His character is truly Russian. How many misfortunes he survived, what flour made, he knows only himself. The hero speaks about it on the pages of the story: "Well what are you, life, I am not going to pass?

What is this insecanic? " He slowly tells his life from the beginning to the end of the oncoming fellow traveler, with whom he sat down from the road.

Many had to survive Sokolov: both hunger, and captivity, and the loss of the family, and the death of the Son on the end of the war. But he all suffered, everything survived, because he had a strong character and iron power of the Spirit. "It is then you and the Men, do you and Solat, so that everyone will endure everything, if you need it," Andrei Sokolov said himself. His Russian character did not allow him to break, retreat before difficulties, surrender to the enemy. He snatched his life at the very death.
All the deprivation and cruelty of war, who suffered Andrei Sokolov, did not kill human feelings in it, not an outlining of his hearts. When he met Little Vanya, the same lonely, like he, the same unfortunate and no one needed, he realized that he could become his family. "We will not bring to us to disappear! I will take it to your children, "Sokolov decided. And he became for the homeless boy by his father.

Sholokhov very accurately revealed the character of a Russian man, a simple soldier who fought against the title and Order, but for his homeland. Sokolov is one of those many who fought for the country without sorry for their lives. It was embodied the entire spirit of the Russian people - persistent, strong, invincible. The characteristic of the character of the story "The Fate of Man" is given Sholokhov through the speech of the character himself, through his thoughts, feelings, actions. We go with him on the pages of his life. Sokolov passes a difficult path, but remains a person. A man of good, sympathizing and stretching the hand to help a little Vanya.


Boy of five-six years old. He stayed without parents, without home. His father died at the front, and his mother killed the bomb when they drove on the train. Wanted Vanyusha in a dirty dirty clothes, and ate fact that people will be served. When he met Andrei Sokolov, he reached for his whole soul. "Folder relatives! I knew! I knew you would find me! All the same you find! I waited so long when you find me! " - with tears in his eyes shouted Vanyusha. He could not break away from his father for a long time, apparently, was afraid that he would lose him again. But in the memory of Vanyushi, the image of a real father was preserved, he remembered the leather cloak, which he wore. And Sokolov told Vanya, which, probably, lost him in the war.

Two solitude, two fates intertwined now so hard that they never can be separated. Heroes of the "Fate of Man" Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha now together, they are one family. And we understand that they will live on conscience, in truth. They will all stand, everyone will survive, everyone will be able.

Secondary heroes

There is a number of secondary heroes in the work. This is the wife of Sokolova Irina, his children are the daughters of Nastya and Olyushka, the son of Anatoly. They do not speak the story, they are invisible to us, Andrei recalls about them. Copyright commander, black-free German, Vivigar, Traitor Korjnev, Lagerführer Muller, Russian Colonel, Uryupin's friend Andrei - all these are the characters of the story of Sokolov himself. Some have no name, nor the surname, because they are episodic heroes in the life of Sokolov.

A real, audible hero here is the author. He meets with Andrei Sokolov on the crossing and is a listener of his history. It is with him that our hero is talking, he tells him his destiny.

Test on the work

At the very beginning of 1957, Sholokhov published the story of the "Fate of Man" on the Pravda pages. In it, he spoke about full deprivation and serious tests of the life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian man Andrei Sokolov. He lived before the war in peace and prosper, shared his joy and sorrow with his people. This is how he talks about his pre-war life: "I worked with these ten years and day, and night. I earned well, and we lived no worse than people. And the children were pleased: all three studied on "excellent," and the oldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics that they wrote about him even in the central newspaper ... For ten years, we have accumulated a little money and before the war, they set themselves Domishko about two rooms , with storage room and corondrist. Irina bought two goats. What is even more necessary? Children porridge eaten with milk, roof over their heads are, dressed, shods, it became, everything is in order. "

The war destroyed the happiness of his family, as she destroyed and the happiness of many other families. The horrors of the fascist captivity away from the homeland, the death of the most relatives and loved ones were hard for the soul of Sokolov's soldier. Remembering difficult years in the war, Andrei Sokolov says: "It's hard to me, my brother, remember, and even harder to talk about what happened to Capture. How to remember nonhuman flour, which I had to bear there, in Germany, how to remember all friends-comrades, which died, tortured there, in camps - the heart is no longer in the chest, and in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... Beyond The fact that you are Russian for the fact that you still look at the White Light, for the fact that on them, bastards, you work ... Became easily, in order to ever kill before death, in order to choose its last blood and From beatings ... "

All endured Andrei Sokolov, since one faith supported him: the war will end, and he will return to his loved ones and native people, because Irina with children waited so much. From the letter of the neighbor, Andrei Sokolov learns that Irina and daughters died during the bombing, when the Germans bombed the air facility. "A deep funnel, poured by Rusty water, a circular burden on the belt," that's what remained from the former family well-being. One hope of Anatoly, who successfully fought, received six orders and medals. "And I started at the nights of Starikovsky dreams: as a war will end, as I am a son of Zhenya, and I will live with young people, to buy and grandchildren to nurse ..." - says Andrei. But these dreams Andrei Sokolova was not destined to come true. The ninth of May, on the Victory Day, killed Anatoly German Sniper. "I buried myself in someone else's, German land, my son's last joy and hope, I hit the battery of my son, accomplishing my commander in the distant path, and as if something was cut off in me ..." - tells Andrei Sokolov.

He remained quite one on the whole white light. The heavy inecilious grief seemed forever settled in his heart. Sholokhov, having become acquainted with Andrei Sokolov, turning '! Attention to his eyes: "Have you ever seen, eyes, like sprinkled ashes, filled with so inecilible, mortal longing, is it difficult to look at them? These are your eyes of my random interlocutor. " So looks at the surrounding world of falcons with eyes, "like ashes sprinkled." From his lips, words are broken down: "For what you, life, I have so crippled? What did it seek? No, I do not have a response in the dark, nor with a clear sun ... no and I can't wait! "

The story of Sokolov about the event, which turned his life to the whole life - a meeting with a lonely, unhappy boy at the tea door: "Summary Little Wheel: Lichyo all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty, as dust, dishonor, and goes At night after the rain! " And when Sokolov finds out that the boy has a father died at the front, the mother killed during the bombing and he doesn't have anyone, and he has nowhere to live, it booked in his soul and he decided: "It's not to bring to us to disappear! I will take it to your children. And immediately my soul became easily and somehow light. "

So they found each other two lonely, unfortunate, crumpled man's war. They needed to do each other. When Andrei Sokolov said the boy that he was his father, he rushed to her neck, began to kiss in the cheek, on his lips, in the forehead, kneading and thinly shout: "Folder, relatively! I knew! I knew you would find me! All the same you find! I waited so long when you find me! " Caring for the boy has become the most important thing in his life. The heart that ordered from grief has become softer. The boy changed in front of the eyes: clean, trimmed, dressed in clean and new clothes, he pleased the eyes not only Sokolov, but also around. Vanya tried to be constantly with his father, did not part with him for a minute. Hot love for the foster son overwhelmed the heart of Sokolova: "I wake up, and he sheltered under my arm, as a sparrow under the clash, quietly puts up, and before it gets joyful in the soul, that you can't tell you!"

The meeting of Andrei Sokolova and Vanyoshi revived them to a new life, saved from loneliness and longing, filled the life of Andrei in a deep meaning. It seemed after the losses incurred, his life was killed. The life of the man "squeezed" a man, but 'could not break him, kill living soul in it. Already at the beginning of the story of Sholokhov, it makes it feel that we met a good and open, modest and gentleman. Simple worker and soldier, Andrei Sokolov embodies the best human features, discovers a deep mind, thin observation, wisdom and humanity.

The story causes not only sympathy and compassion, but also pride for a Russian man, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, faith in the immense human capabilities, if it is a real person. This is exactly what Andrei Sokolov appears, and the author gives him and his love, and respect, and courageous pride, when with faith in justice and the mind of history he says: "And I would like to think that this Russian man, a person of inflexible will, exhausted and Near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, having matured, will be able to fullete everything, to overcome on its path, if his homeland calls it. "

Vanya in the work of M.A.Sholokhova "The Fate of Man" is a prototype of purity and naivety. During the war years 1941 - 1945 The parents of the boy are tragically die, the father is on the front, and the mother on the train from the broken bomb. Vanyukha has nothing and no one left, nor native, nor roofs over their heads. And here on his life path, namely, in the fall of 1945 in Uryupinsk, he meets Andrei Sokolova. All attention in this story is concentrated on this person. But the description of his image would not be full without a boy vanyushki, small, but strong.

When Andrei Sokolov meets Vanyuschka, on the view of the child about 5 - 6 years old. The boy was all dirty, shaggy and hungry. A man takes Vanya to her upbringing and tells him that he is his father. The boy rejoices this news, perhaps in the depths of the soul understanding that this is a lie. Vanyushka missed human caress and warmth, so Andrei Sokolova is taken as a father. The child was very delighted by such a meeting, kissed, hugged Andrei, said that he was waiting and believed that he would find him.

The man loves Vanya as a native son, cares for him. At first, he drove into the hairdresser, then I ran away, and when Vanya fell asleep, ran to shop. I bought him a shirt, sandals and cards. Vanyushka missed Andrei Sokolov, when it was not at home. These two are orphaned people who found each other.

In the story "The Fate of Man" the author does not immediately give the portrait characteristic of Vanya. He does it gradually. The story is conducted on behalf of the narrator and the main character. When meeting with Andrei Sokolov on the pier, the narrator carefully considers Vanya and at the same time joking with him, calling the "old man." The boy has curly blond hair, and pink handles and cold. Most of all remembered vanyushkina eyes - bright and blue.

This child is a small, but strong personality. He already survived so much. Vanyushka managed to warm the cold soul Andrei Sokolov, who also had a lot of winning on his way.

The story "The Fate of Man" is a work about the victory over human destiny. The boy is small, but a strong spirit has become the meaning of life for a person who has fate selected all the most expensive, for which it costs to live.

Option 2.

Each person has its own fate and their own way in life. Sometimes we cannot change the life situations to us, because the fact that it is destined over, will be fulfilled, we want this or not. Life is a series of occurring events: good, pleasant, and sometimes bad and misfortune to man. But all the events and people who are found in a person's life is not by chance. All this has its meaning, its goal, you just need to be able to understand.

In the work of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" Vanyush appeared in the life of Andrei Sokolova, too, not by chance and the main character quickly understood. At the first meeting, this guy who was five to six years, made a strong impression on Sokolov. This little obsolete, as the author calls it, so I loved Andrei Sokolov, that he missed him, and every evening hurried to a tea tea to see the Vanya. This guy was an orphan, his father died at the front, and his mother killed the bomb on the train, and Vanyusha remained completely alone. He spent the night there, where he would have, fed around the tea shops that they would give passersby.

The baby was dirty, the face is covered with dust, the hair is unwashed and dishonor. But his eyes were so bright and expressive as stars on the night sky. These were children's eyes, who radiated faith and hope that everything will be fine. Vanyusha really believed that his father would soon return from the front, and they will be together. He walked around tea every day or just sat on the porch, hanging out with legs, and waited. So strong was the Baby Faith, because he understood that children could not live alone, they should have parents.

All the expectations and hopes of Vanyushi came true, his father appeared. How many joy and delight when he heard from Andrei Sokolov that he was his father. The boy rushed on the neck, pressed against the cheek of this adult. The child overwhelmed the feelings, he shouted tonnyko and knew, it was a joyful shout of a soul from a huge happiness. Vanyusha believed all his children's hearts that it really is his father, he did not have any doubts. After all, the guy so much wanted.

Andrei Sokolov took the boy to himself, and began to live together. He looked at him with his father's care, and what could not cope with, the mistress of the house, who lived temporarily Andrei was helped. The child with all the children's love took this concern, because even recently he was deprived of it. Vanya always tried to be with his father, smaller to part with him, and Andrei did not oppose it.

They are two orphaned souls, as two grades found each other, adult and child, such different and such similar in their grief. In the soul, each of them became easy and light, life again gained the meaning for both.

Essay about Vanya

The story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" is permeated by the tragedy of war, its inhumanity in relation to the fate of people. Two loneliness are quite accidentally found and find each other. Andrei Sokolov, bravely fighting in the horn of war, lost his family in this war and Vanya, who had a father on the front, and the mother died in the bombing of the train. They have a common trouble - the war is mastered. The main hero of the story Andrei Sokolov lost interest in life, but the little Vanyushka saved him from bitter fate.

Vanya Andrei met near tea. For several days, he watched a street-free child who was eats on union. In appearance it was a boy of 5-6 years old, with rusia curly hair, confusing and unclear, with dirty from dust face and in the same dirty clothes. But his clothes had a good thing that he said that Mom was very careful about him.

None of the passers-by pay attention to the boys, for such a lot of wage scattered in the world. But Andrei drew attention, for he was as lonely, and maybe because the boy's eyes emitted warmth and gullibility, they were childish naive and glowed on a prisoner, like asterisks after night rain.

The boy was trusting, he immediately adhered to Andrey, when he said that he was his dad. Vanyushka was delighted that now it's not one that he has a native soul that he needs someone. Perhaps he understood that Andrei was not a father to him, but the boy most in the world wanted it to be true, and he believed that he now has a father.

Andrei took the Vanya to her upbringing, and the boy turned out to be very talkative, cheerful and mischievous, he made big changes in his life, filled her with happiness and joy. Andrey loved him very much and gained the meaning of life.

Vanyushka also found fatherly love and quickly attached to his new father, missed when he was not at home for a long time, I met work.

This boy saved Andrei Sokolov from the sad fate of the fate, he screamed his existence, made him believe in the future, which seemed to him useless and lonely. This little boy completely changed the life of Andrey.

In the image of Vanya, the author showed the harsh truth about the children of post-war pores that were left as orphans. They are starving, stunned, but did not lose their will to life and courageously demolished all the adversity and deprivation. These children, like Vanya, possessed will and resistance, spiritual purity and naivety. They believed in a bright future.

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From Communication with Fedor Bondarchuk, Paul Polunina remained bad memories

In 1959, the story of Vanyushki's unworcorn, which in the Cinema of Sergey Bondarchuk "The Fate of Man" was reliably played by Pavel Polunin, touched everyone. On January 19 of this year, he celebrated the 60th anniversary. "Express Gazeta" congratulated Paul Evgenievich with the anniversary and learned how his life had arisen after filming in the classics of Russian cinema.

In a solid man, today it is difficult to learn the Chumasian Patzanenka, which we remember it in the film. However, the years have not taken away from Paul a midnight children's immediacy and kindness. In this, we were convinced of themselves, looking at him and his friendly spouse to visit the cozy "odnushku" in the center of the railway.

My wife and I live modestly, but I always tried that the family did not need anything, "the conversation began the conversation" Vanya ". "For life, I changed a lot of professions: I started a stupid of a locksmith, an engineer worked as a secretary in the commander of Komsomol, the bureau to the Bureau of Youth Tourism. In the mid-2000s fell under the reduction. Traded auto parts, then settled in a taxi.
- You had a good start in order to become an actor.
- I got easily in the "fate of a person", although there were many applicants for the role of Vanyushki. When Bondarchuk desperately find a suitable boy, my father - then a student Vgika - offered me. It was the first director's work of Sergei Fedorovich, and he often consulted with Sholokhov himself. Before filming, we arrived in the village of Veshinskaya. Sholokhov immediately asked who will play a boy. I was detained, the writer came up, pulled through the hair and said: "Let's see which of you will be released." Approved, it means. By the way, remember the moment when Vanya with Sokolov is running over to spill with blooming apple trees? In fact, the apple tree was filmed before the filming, and Don had already left in the direction. To remove the beautiful scene, the group had to cut the trees and to attach paper flowers to each branch.

After all, you and six years did not have, how did you cope?
- The most difficult was to remember the text. I have not been able to read yet, so I memorized a role for rumor, with the words of Mom. Bondarchuk helped himself: he had a me with me everywhere, even if scenes did not remove me with my participation. Mom and father at that time lived not very friendly, and I was missing for male education. Sergey Fedorovich was able to arrange me to himself, probably, so the scene of Sokolov's meeting and Vanya, when the boy shouts: "Folder, relatively, I knew that you would find me!" - came out so convincing.
- Removed from the first time?
- Bondarchuk applied an interesting cinematographic trick: Usually the director takes off, and then he woofing, and here, on the contrary, they first recorded the sound, and then the image. To do this, I was taken to the steppe for two hours.

For a child to play in the cinema - always adventure. Many discoveries made for yourself?
- They talked to me as with a real actor, but it was not allowed to capricious - mom quickly put in place. True, Sergey Fedorovich brought me to tears once: I rejected the headdress, which was given to me for shooting, is too clean for a sleepwear. Local boys crowded nearby. Bondarchuk approached one, gave my cap, and I fell on my head sick-like cap. From the insult, I spawned.
- You very convincingly depicted overlooking watermelon crusts in tea.
- Then I did not understand what the film is about. The episode of the teahouse we shot under Voronezh. I was dressed in rags, turned on the camera, and a local resident approached Bondarchuk: "What is your child so poor and hungry? Take, we have collected something to him - the clothes, pies punched. " It was so touching. After the war, quite a bit of time passed, however, people did not turn around the soul and were ready to give the latter.

And how naturally you have shut down in the frame!
- Before filming the episode, Bondarchuk called my mother and warned that the scene is serious - I have to play as if I did not feed for two days. You can imagine: while filming, I wined a two-liter pans with an appetite! Bondarchuk was shocked. "Do you really not fed it?" He turned to his mother. In fact, the brideller was very tasty - I still love him.
- What did the fee for the role of Vanyushki spent?
- During filming, I earned more than now. Salary was 1000 rubles. Mom, like a "educator of a young actor," received 800. These were decent money - the bun was worth seven kopecks. For those money, Mom bought me new clothes and everything you need to school.

Classmates envied you?
- No, but when our class gathered to translate to another school, for some reason they switched all the guys except me. Odnoklassniki considered that I was left by Blat, so he was often harvested for it. I briefly flashed on the screen. After the "Fate of Man" starred in ten films ("Annushka", "First Date", "Friends and Years" and others - A. K.), and then there was a breaking of a voice, character. In several films I tried me, but did not take. For example, the samples in the film "Leader of Redheads" failed because of the too good view: the director needed a bridge, who could stuff potatoes for the collar, and even the pink write. In "Welcome, or an extraneer entry is prohibited", elegant Kimov chose between me and Viktor Kosh. But my mother didn't let me in the "hyperboloid engineer Garina": they are killed by a laser beam in the plot of the boy - bad sign.

Is your acting career on this?
- After school, I tried to enter VGIK, but failed the exams and went to the army. I did not throw my work in the movie and told my parents that I would try to act on your acting. In addition, after the divorce with the father of Mom married Evgenia Polunin, who gave me his last name, - in the credits to the "fate of a person", as Pasha Boriskin, so that the last name was not talking about Nicknight. After serving, I tried twice twice, but did not come out. For the third time, Mom joined: she somehow agreed with Bondarchuk so that he looked at me. We met in Vgika, Sergey Fedorovich started me in the hall where the State Commission was sitting, and asked to read something. I was confused: "I thought, you ask how my life was formed, asked by my affairs." He left the hall - and closed the path to the cinema. But I do not regret it.

With Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk no longer see each other?
- Another once in 1984 on the 25th anniversary of the film. The Likhachev plant put forward the "fate of a person" for the competition of the State Prize. We arrived there, performed and diverged. Then I was 31 years old. And in 2009, we were invited to the Weeshenskaya for the celebration of the 104th anniversary of Mikhail Sholokhov. I was not on the ground of half a century, but, having arrived, I remembered everything - even where the shepherd and chicken coop were once. But from communicating with the son of Bondarchuk - Fedor, I had bad memories. When the film was 45 years old, I called him. Fedor answered dry: "I don't do this questions, contact someone else." Apparently, it was busy with long-legged girls - at that time he conducted the transfer of "you - Supermodel". I judged like this: if I don't need my own son, I will need to climb anything?

The enemies burned the native hut,
Robbed his whole family.
Where now go to a soldier
Who to carry his sadness?
M. V. Izakovsky

"The fate of a person" is a story about how a man won his fate, and a child became a symbol of this victory. At the front and in German captivity, Andrey Sokolov showed himself a courageous and persistent soldier, but in character he is very peaceful. In captivity, he dreamed of a family all the time, in a dream he spoke with his wife Irina and children: "... I'll be back, my relatives, do not feel about me, I am strong, I will survive, and again we will be all together ...". So thoughts about the family helped him survive in the fascist camp. Two years later, returning from captivity home, he heard a story about the death of his wife and daughters during a bombing. But his eldest son Anatoly was alive, and Andrei Sokolov again began to dream of family life, as after the war he marries his son and would nurse grandchildren. His son died to the victory from the Bullee of the German Sniper, and buried the father "in someone else's German land the last joy and hope." Thus, during the war years, Andrei Sokolov lost everything worthwhile in life: wife, children, home.

It could not marry another time the hero could not, because in the nature there was a monochief. This discreet and severe man gently loved his wife: "From the side, it was not so prominent from the outside, but I didn't look from the side to her, but in the emphasis. And there was no beautiful and welcome for me, it was not and will not! ". Sokolov embodies an active, creative beginning: to live only for themselves, he could not live with their sufferings and heavy military memories - not such a character. A similar personality concept is close to the writer: it is hero with a courageous and generous character that can withstand tragic historical events. Andrei Sokolov must take care of others, to give out to people, love. Therefore, he immediately drew attention to the street kid at the tea room, sawing his "glazers", such clear, "like stars after the rain." Remarkably the following circumstance: Vanyushka lived a few days near the tea shop, where local chaffins were lunch; Many adults saw this boy feeding with handouts and union, but only Andrei Sokolov pried. The boy adopted a man with undermined health, without a home, without a wife, and, for example, not a childless friend Andrei Sokolova, who has a home and wife in Uryupinsk.

The child was saved by a hero from loneliness and despair, the life of the orphaned adult "comprehended", that is, he received a decent goal, quite appropriate to his character and beliefs. Andrei Sokolov gave the boy father's love that the child was so dreamed of. Life of a little orphan, tragic at the very beginning, recovered, thanks to a random meeting with tea. So the father and son, orphaned, spindrop the disappeared, found a common destiny.

Sholokhov appreciates Andrei Sokolov as a true hero not only because the soldier survived in the most severe conditions of the front and camp, but also because he managed to preserve kindness, sympathy for someone else's suffering and the desire to help weak. Caring for Vanyushka has become worthy of the content of the life of the chief hero. The child, as well as the spring landscape becomes symbols of inextricate life, symbols of hope. When Andrei Sokolov and Vanya are suitable for the server sitting at the crossing, he quickly compares their appearance. Father is tall, sutured, carelessly dressed in a root chair; The boy is small, dressed in neatly stitched jacket and small boots. One - "big harsh hands"; Other - "Pink Handles". In an adult - in the eyes of the mortal longing, from which the author did not in itself; Little is a gullible, naive-clear look.

Starting his confession, Andrei Sokolov sends a vanyushka to the water to play, and the child practically falls out of the field of view of the author captured by the story of a random interlocutor. But by the end of the confession, the theme of the disadvantaged and saved childhood is put forward to the fore, as the mental qualities of adult heroes check and the author and the author checks out the attitude towards the child of Sholokhov. Andrei Sokolov is afraid that he can die from a heart attack and the boy will again remain an orphan, and the author turns out that Vanyushka is not frightened by the Sedo "Uncle."

Summing up, it should be noted that the main thing in the "fate of a person" is the tragic pathos that permeates the whole story. The fate of children, disadvantaged (Vanya) or killed (the children of Andrei Sokolov), are a vivid proof of the inhumanity of war. The fate of the chief hero of the story becomes a living curse of war. Even when Andrei Sokolov finds a new son, Happy end does not work: the hero every night sees his wife Irina and his native children and feels that his health worsens every day.

This premonition of the tragic end is complex intertwined with the favorite idea of \u200b\u200bSholokhov about the indispensable, in spite of everything, the celebration of life over death. Arriving his optimistic view of the world, in the final of the most tragic works, the writer depicts spring and baby - symbols of life. On the last page of the novel "Quiet Don", a completely devastated, calling death as a deliverance, Grigory Melekhov stands at the threshold of the native home and keeps Mishatka on the hands of his son. In the "man's fate", Andrei Sokolov goes to the communal boat, and near the seed of Vanya, his reception, but a hot beloved son.