Exercises for voting vocals. Causes of voice loss

Exercises for voting vocals. Causes of voice loss

Now, when you got acquainted with the basics of the right singing - a diaphragm breathing and free resonator sound, you can go directly to the exercises and start making vocal exercises more diligently.

General rules for performing vocal exercises

First, listen, how do the teacher performs. Then try to repeat. Exercises must be sitting on the chair, smoothly holding the back and not bother.

Initially, it should be done within the first 6-7 most comfortable sounds, gradually expanding the range of votes. Keep your breath. To control, keep your hand on your stomach. Control the operation of the lower resonator. Make sure that the lips are not trembling, do not pull up the shoulders and head, do not pull the neck. Keep the feeling of peace, comfort and some relaxation. Only stomach should work, as if pumping air for singing.

To the upper note, the stomach is strained more than during the previous one. It feels your hand lying on the stomach. All of the above is mandatory for both exercises and directly execute things.

Sound concentration exercises

These exercises are needed by those of you who have the following problems during singing:

  • deaf, swallowed sound
  • difficulties with the performance of the upper and medium notes
  • silent sound on all or some vowels often on "and"
  • inclination to incline notes
Exercise 1
Closed syllable "M". Make a quick breath. At the same time, lower the larynx, as during Zovka and discover the nostrils. In exhalation, we sing one note on the consonant "M". Glows remain below. The lower jaw is lowered so that the teeth do not touch each other. Tongue lies freely. The lips are closer, but not tense. Nostrils are open. You must achieve a deduction of long smooth sound.

Vibration Easy oppression is felt in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, bridges, cheeks, chin. The vibration epicenter is located on the front upper teeth. Try not to allow the beacon of the gloom. Do not pull to the note from the bottom, attack on top, as if by pressing the imaginary key. Otherwise, the note will succeed in a slightly understated, or the feeling will be present that you "drive up" to the note without exactly intonating.

It is necessary to start this exercise with anyone comfortable notes that are in the middle of the range, and gradually increase and lower the tone. The author does not recommend doing this exercise in a high register, stay low and medium.

Exercise 2
M-and-and-and-and-and-and-and. In this exercise, the first note should sound the same as in the previous one. For the execution of subsequent notes, it is necessary to open a little mouth, tracking however, so that any voltage does not appear. The sound "and" during singing should not be different from the usual conversational as in the word "snail".
Exercise 3.
Mr. O-A-O-U-O-A-E-and. When you feel control over the letter "And", go to this exercise. All vowels must be executed by the same sound - a ringing, without chic and the product. It is necessary to constantly feel the point of the concentration of sound on the upper front teeth.

Exercises to achieve sound strength, depth and beauty timbre

These exercises are intended for all, but special attention to them should be paid to those who have the following drawbacks of singing:

  • gnushy Column
  • voting shake
  • incompretation of graceful vocal decorations

If, as it approaches the top notes, your voice becomes thin, it lacks a powerful dramatic tone, so necessary for the execution of fatal compositions, then these exercises are undoubtedly for you. Performing them, use all useful skills acquired when working on the exercises of the previous cycle.

Exercise 1
Ro-oh-oh-oh-oh. The mouth is open wide, the jaw is in the lowest position. Lips are relaxed. Do not try to form a letter of lips. It should be as if inside the larynx. With this position, the sound will resemble something among the average between O and A.

Take the mirror and check the position of the language on the vowel. Do not forget that the ladins slightly climbing on the r, must fall on O. again. It must be remembered about the state of the frozen yawk. Control the operation of the lower resonator. To do this, it is necessary to imagine that the mouth moved to the chest and the sound goes from there.

Exercise 2
RO! -O! - Well! -Oh! -Oh! In this exercise, after each syllable, a sharp exhale is performed and a quick breath, as if good air. Exhalation occurs due to a sharp reduction in the muscles of the press, as during laughter. This reception is called an active exhalation.

If it is completed correctly, the good air takes place automatically. The higher you climb, the deeper there should be sound. The sound more and more should be like a moan, as if on the chest lies a heavy girome and you sing through strength. Do not close your mouth and strain your neck.

Exercise 3.
RO-O'O-O'O-O'OO-O'OO-O'O-O'OO. During this exercise, after every two sounds about doing a small exhale and breath / breathing is marked with an apostrophe sign /, as if good air / see. UPR.2 /.

Try not to jump from the notes on a note, but smoothly transfer, making Glissando. There should be a feeling as if you stretch the lower note on the top. At the same time, a higher sound must be disconnected in the chest deeper than the previous one.

Exercise 4.
PO-O'O-O'O-O'O-O'OO-O'OO-O'OO. In contrast to the previous one, this exercise is performed easily jumping from notes on a note. Gradually, accelerate the tempo, but make sure not to stretch behind the sound, pulling the neck and throwing the head, and lower it on the chest. The sign of the apostrophe is marked active exhalation and good respiration.

Exercises for the development of the subton

Exercise 1
A, Ma-Ri-I. Waire hands with breathing, as they do in the cold. Now add a little sound to breathing. This technique is called splitting or subton. Here you also got the feeling necessary to perform exercise 3. Watch the mouth widely discovered and the priests do not disappear throughout the phrase.

Exercise is designed to use greater than usual, air quantities. If breathing is hardly enough, it means that the sound is found correctly. To facilitate the task, lean forward, put your hands on the lower back and feel the air penetrates there. Now you have formed a "lifebuoy" around the waist.

Do not hurry, consume air economically, - do not exhale a lot on the first note. Inhales do your nose, rhythmically, quickly and sharply, feeling how the air is filled with air. If the vowel and clamp or sounds in the nose, replace it on / a-ve Mary-s / I /.

When you learn how to rush it properly, it will be possible to return to the initial sound. This exercise can be done within the octave. Follow the vibration of the chest resonator - it should not disappear at high notes.

Almost every person loves to sing. Despite the fact that for the formulation of the voice, many learn in the music school, to develop their own singing style and confidence in their own performing skills can be even independently. For general practice, start with regular daily singing. It can be the execution of your favorite song or simply hazing. Do not be afraid to show a creative approach to working with voice. In addition, to achieve the best voice sounding to you will help you concern for your own health and maintenance of water balance, as well as the disclaimer of smoking.


Determine your vocal range

    Write your voice using a microphone. Run the recording application on your computer or smartphone. Then check the settings so that the record is in its pure form without any voice change. Try singing various songs and record your voice.

    • To make you comfortable, connect a real music microphone to a computer or smartphone. So you will better understand how ways to keep the microphone and singing to it will affect the final sound.
    • PERFECT PIANO and POCKET PITCH are considered not bad applications for singers.
    • You can also use a digital tuner or download such an application like Vanido, which will show you the level of owning the voice range.
  1. Sing the song familiar to you again and again. Print the words of the song that you like. Hold the time to study all text nuances. Then work on the details of the song with the modulation of your own voice, thereby changing the song itself.

    • It is important to choose a song that you really like, since for some time you have to work on it again and again.
    • When just starting to do, try to use the song that is within your vocal range so as not to overvolt the voice ligaments.
  2. Work on the extraction of sound with various parts of the voice apparatus. Singing does not boil down to the sounds that go out of the throat through open mouth. Concentrate on the performance of the same song, but with different approaches to the management of the position of language, mouth, aperture, throat and even to the work of the nose. Write the results and listening to you will allow you to better understand your own body and those sounds that it can make.

    • For example, transmitting a larger air flow through the nose can create higher nasal sounds, which is not surprising. If you take one nostril carefully during singing, then your voice will also change.
    • Move the tongue closer to the village of Nose when you sing to check how much the voice change. You can also try to move the tongue to the cheek. The shift of the jaw to the side will also allow to vocalize other sounds.
    • For experiments with a diaphragm, try to release all the air from the lungs during singing. Alternatively, see what happens if you become singing with minimal air consumption.
    • The most important thing is to catch the desired emotional attitude, but not to be in power of emotions. In addition, the quality of your singing will not be better if you cry during the execution of any sad song.
    • For example, if you sing about grinding, try to remember the negative moments of your past personal relationships.
    • In order not to marry in emotions, thinking about a specific event, immediately return the focus of your attention to the executable text and notes.
  3. Play before singing so as not to overvolt the voice ligaments. Start with a soft spin of sound "and" on one note (for example, the FA first octave for women and the fault of small octaves for men) and keep the note as long as possible. Repeat the exercise twice. You can also run on one note by the phrase "Mi-Ma Mo-Mu", after which go to the row from low notes to high. Repeat the exercise twice. Then go to the row in the other direction from high notes to the low, repeat the exercise three times.

    • In the middle of its range, we hold down "Oh!" On five notes up the range (pre-re-Mi-Fa-salt). Repeat the exercise twice.
  4. Sing the sound "A" on notes "to, re, mi... "Up and down the range within your vocal range. This is another great way to warm up voice ligaments and practice the retention of the necessary notes. Start with the gamma to major in the first Octave, then go to a higher octave, another gamma and so on. Do not hurry, clearly leave each note, instead of smoothly shifting the tone of the previous note towards the next one.

    • Concentrate at work in the main range of Major on notes: "To, Re, Mi, Fa, Salt, La, Si, To". For complications, you can try to touch two notes in a row, and then jump over one or use another order.
    • Then still complicate the exercise, resigning two notes up, one down and so on the gamma.
    • Gamma is a set of sounds that consistently increasing at certain intervals (tones and halftone). When you move up and down the range, you are executable and low, and high notes. For example, between notes up to and up-duz, the interval is equal to the halftone, and between the notes of the up-diez and the re-response interval is tone.
  5. Try to sing at least 30 minutes a day. This will be enough to produce voice ligaments, and at the same time not too long to overvolt them. It is better to do when no one will disturb you. Nevertheless, if you earn your life with singing, then such work will allow you to develop your singing skills in the public.

    • Long-term daily speeches in front of the audience can teach you to read the mood of the public and adjust their work with it accordingly.
    • You can work on singing on small scenes of entertainment establishments, cafes and restaurants. If you do not like this option, you can try to offer your voluntary participation in some local musical group.
  6. Work on maintaining proper posture during singing. Stand up, keep your back straight, look forward. Watch your shoulders to be reached back, and the neck did not bend too much. Position the language at the bottom of the oral cavity so that it can barely touch the lower row of teeth. Carefully negotiate the jaw from the side to the sides to relax the muscles.

  7. Perform breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm. Try the ripe breathing that implies the expansion of the chest during the breath. On the breath, weigh the chest and allow the abdominal muscles to relax. And for exhalation, on the contrary, use abdominal muscles. Also try during breathing the diaphragm to perform the exercise below:

    • at the expense 1, inhale and fill the lungs on 1/4;
    • on account 2, inhale and fill the lungs by 2/4 volumes;
    • on account 3, inhale and fill the lungs by 3/4;
    • at the expense 4, inhale and fully fill the lungs;
    • at the expense of 5-12 slowly and gradually exhale;
    • then repeat everything from the very beginning.

Take care of your own health and preservation of voice

  1. Eat at least 6-8 glasses of fluid per day. Maintaining the throat in the moistened state allows it to make deeper and rich sounds. The best choice for you will be the usual warm (but not hot) water. Cold water strains the throat. Also in the water for taste and softening the throat, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey or lemon slice.

    • If you decide to add honey to water, try to use as a natural product as possible. If possible, try to avoid the use of products with chemical additives.
  2. Ensure at least 8 hours of night sleep. If you feel fatigue, then the voice will suffer from this too. Perform this recommendation is especially important if you have to sing for a long time. When you do not have the opportunity to secure 8 hours of sleep at night, try to sleep a little day.

    • Try to lie down directly before the jacket and performance - such a rest will help improve the quality of the sound of your voice.

In this article you will find exercises after the execution of which will begin.

To open a voice

Your voice can actually be not yours. The reason is in the clamps or improper method of speaking (for example, on some ligaments). The exercises presented below will help cope with these challenges and disclose your true natural voice.

Sound sources

First, understand how surrounding you are heard. To do this, you can imitate the recording studio. Your left palm will be a headset - press it with "shell" to the left ear; Right will be a microphone - keep it at the mouth at a distance of several centimeters. Start a sample: Consider say different words, play with sound. Perform this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time you will understand how it really sounds, and you can improve it.


To open a voice, you need to free the throat and transfer the main work of the lips and aperture. To do this, say the Kew-X syllables. At the "Kew", round lips, to "X" - stretch them in a wide smile. After 30 repetitions, try to pronounce a little speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less strained, and the lips are better executed by your teams.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to be thicker. Perform this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day, and you will notice how blocks and clips in the voice disappear.


This exercise will help reveal the natural sound of your voice. Its essence comes down to voice out.

Position: Legs stand on the floor, the jaw is ajar and relaxed. Start inhaling the air, and in exhale to make any sound. Do it without any effort - if everything is right, you need to get a moan.

With the right exercise, the sound comes from solar plexus. It is from there that you need to say that the voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make a voice enjoyable

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but in compliance with the rule of three smiles. Smile mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus. After that, start exhaled with sound. Only 5 minutes a day - and your voice will begin to sound more pleasant and confidentially.

Exercise yogis

This training session is practicing Indian yoga to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: Standing, legs on the width of the shoulders. First, make some calm breaths and exhale, then - and a sharp exhale with the sound "ha-a". Exhaust must be the most complete and loud. The case can be slightly moving forward.

Stretch syllables

Inhales deeply, and at the exhale, say broken "Bom-M", "Bim-M", "Bon-n". Try the latest sounds as long as possible. Ideally, vibration should arise in the upper lip area and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables of "Mo Mo", "Mi-Mi", "Mu-Mu", "ME-ME." But in this case, first say them briefly, and only then long.

Both exercises are better to do every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make a voice more pleasant, but also help strengthen voice ligaments.

Long tongue

Tighten the language. First, direct it down as far as possible, trying to get to the chin. Keeping this position, tilt your head down. Then pull the tongue up, trying to get the tip of the nose. At the same time, too, lift as high as possible.

To make a voice stronger

Sounds "and", "E", "A", "O", "Y"

Make an exhalation, then a deep breath and on the second exhalation, say the long sound "and". Do it freely, until the air is enough. Forcibly air from the lungs do not squeeze. In the same way, say the rest of the sounds: "E", "A", "O", "U". Perform three repetitions.

The sequence of these sounds is not accidental: they are distributed in height. Accordingly, "and" is the highest (activates the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe head), "y" - the lowest (uses the abdominal bottom). If you want to make a voice below and deeper, more often train the sound "y".

Tarzan exercise

Perform the previous task, only now to eat yourself with fists in the chest, like a tarzana. The exercise is designed to fill the voice and clean the bronchi, so if you want to fade, do not stop yourself.


This exercise activates the work of the chest and abdomen. Exhale and breathe. On the next exhalation, begin to pronounce the sound of the "M" sound closed. Perform three approaches: first piss quietly, then on average volume and at the end - very loud.


Raise a relaxed tongue to the nebu and begin to pronounce the sound "p". It should be "R-R-R", like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, after which I expressively read with a dozen words, in which there is a "p" sound. Be sure to accompany the reading Rask "P".

Exercise Shalyapin for setting the voice

Great Russian singer Fedor Shalyapin every morning also started with a growl. But he was performed not alone, but with his bulldog. After training the sound "P", Fedor Ivanovich began to bark on the pet: "Av-Av-Av".

You can repeat the Shalyapin exercise or if it is impossible to relax the larynx, replace it with the villain theatrical laugh. It's just done. With an open mouth on exhale, laugh viciously: "A-a-ah-ha ha ha haa-aa-aa". The sound should come easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself with your hands in the chest. This exercise instantly cleans his voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, it is necessary to maintain the right one. The stomach should be relaxed, and the chest is to be outstretched. However, if you smoothly hold your back, these areas of the body will automatically take the right position.

municipal educational institution of additional education of children "Children's Creativity Center"

Collection of vocal exercises

Development of singing skills in students of secondary and older school age

Nadym, 2014

The collection includes various types of exercises for the development of patient skills. A teacher or a student can choose the most appropriate target in each case.

This manual can be used by the teachers in the class of vocals as an additional material.


Singing is a psychophysiological process associated with a different emotional state of the child and significant changes in vital acts of the body, such as breathing, gas exchange, blood pressure, blood circulation, heart rate, work of the endocrine system, etc.
Proper singing is accompanied by a child with sensations of psychophysiological comfort, which contributes to the formation of a positive attitude to the process itself, and, consequently, to the subject in general. Singing has a profound impact on the emotional scope and mental development of the child, its main mental functions improves. Thus, teaching children singing is a powerful means of their upbringing and development.
Teaching singing should be directed not only to the development of the singing voice of children, but also to solve the tasks of their upbringing and general development. The singing process, communication with musical art - in itself a powerful educational and developing children factor. This is due primarily to the learning process itself.

Children's singing is the subject of study not only special pedagogy, but also aesthetics, techniques, psychology, physiology, art and medicine, and so on. Each of these sciences is considering one of the aspects of singing activities.From the analysis of the practical work of many children's singing teams it becomes clear that not all singing contributes to the development of children's votes. According to the Foniators (V.G. Ermolaeva, V.T. Maslova, N.F. Lebedeva, etc.), the wrong voice formation mode, as well as a violation of hygienic standards in singing, it often leads to serious diseases and damage to children's votes.

Any vocal lesson should begin with a row.

Rush Heats voice ligaments, preparing them to work. Without a grinding, the performer may not fall from the very beginning to some notes, despite the good hearing and voice, it can find that somewhere in the middle of the vocal exercise or the song he can intercept the throat and he will need to fade, etc.


At the beginning of training, your task is to learn how to breathe correctly. Pay this section. Move forward, periodically return to it, repeating the breathing exercises. It is useful to use them as a warming gymnastics before combustion. First, try to test the operation of the respiratory muscles.

Put your palms on the stomach and make some calm breaths and exhale. So that breathing was more intense, warm their hands to them or inflate the imaginary fire in the oven. You will feel that the stomach rises and lowers. If this does not happen, then you use the most non-rational kind of breathing - clavish. It is correct that the intercostal muscles of the lower walls of the abdomen and the diaphragm - the membrane separating the pectoral region from the abdominal are most actively working. This type of respiration is called a diaphragm. The easiest way to check the diaphragm movement in the lying position. You need to lie on the back, put your hands just above the abdomen, where there is a solar plexus / the diaphragm region / and take a breath and exhale. When inhaling the hand will necessarily rise due to the movement of the diaphragm. With an exhalation, the hand goes down. Simultaneously with the test of the movement of the diaphragm, the movement of the abdominal muscles, which work rhythmically and coincide with the movements of the diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation. The diaphragm and abdominal muscles in the positions standing and sitting should be in the same way. Check will show you the advantages and disadvantages of your physiological breathing.


Naturally, our breath is functioning during laughter. We will notice how and where the muscles of the abdominal press are strained, the bottom of the back / loins /, the belly is served forward.


Now I will put your hand on the stomach to control the breath and make a slow breath, considering it up to four. Do not delay the breath, slowly exhale, again counting to four. Feel like the stomach inflates when inhaling and blown away when exhaling. If the motion of the belly is badly tangible, let's try to do this exercise, tilting the body forward and putting your hands on the lower back area. The inhalation should be felt the expansion of this area of \u200b\u200bthe back. With each subsequent breath-exhalation, we increase the bill per unit (five, six, seven, etc.).


Active exhalation. We warm up the muscles, alternating fast breaths-outflows open mouth. Close how the sides of the dog are raging, breathing language breathing, and you will understand why this exercise is called the "dog". This exercise is useful to perform at the mirror. Sit on the chair, learn on his back and relax your shoulders and neck. Performing an exercise, watch the shoulders do not rise.


One of the essential flaws of breathing is the uneven exhalation. The voice sounds jolts, trembling and swinging. Training smooth exhalation, we lay the basics of smooth voice sounding. Having pre-exhausted, we will make a sharp breath, sending the air to the abdomen. With the sound of TC-C-C ... Slowly exhale air through closed teeth. In order for the air pillar to be uniform and did not swing, it is necessary to leave the abdominal muscles after the inspire, and the abdomen itself is round, like a ball. Try to maintain the tension until all the air comes out. Gradually, it is necessary to extend this exercise from 20-30 seconds to one minute.

While singing uses specific muscles that do not work in everyday life. Therefore, to swing the press or resort to another kind of exercises for their workout should not be! Help yoga, therapeutic respiratory gymnastics and swimming. The diaphragm breathing must be brought to automatism: breathe "belly" in the subway, studying and walking. Characteristic errors: constant looting or twitching shoulders during the breath - testimony of a clavary breathing, the deliberate protrusion of the abdomen and its unnatural pulling or another inconvenience in respiration means that the exercise is incorrect. The diaphragm type of breathing is the most natural and useful for the entire body. This type of breathing is commonly common for professional singers, athletes, lecturers and speakers. It is an integral part of therapeutic gymnastics, yoga, oriental martial arts. So breathing animals, and you breathed in early childhood, while the costs of civilization in the form of various physiological complexes did not lead to the fastening of the wrong skill. Do not forget at first at the time of singing constantly put your hand on the stomach to control the breath. In the future, it is useful to use a tightly fitting wide rubber belt. It helps to control the breath and takes a slightly load on the muscles, performing the functions of the simulator.

Auxiliary exercises

Often proper singing interfere with muscle clips, excessively voltage of individual muscle groups, their discordination. The proposed exercises will help properly organize the work of the muscles. First of all, you should take care of the right posture: the back is straight, the shoulders are spinned and lowered down, the head is in the middle position. Do not bow your head up - it is overnight straining the larynx and voice ligaments. Work rhythmically.


Neck relaxed. Soft movements of the head in a circle in the right and left side.


Mildly lower the lower jaw down, then return to the place. Perform gently, carefully. The correct position of the lower jaw can be found by opening the mouth to the maximum width, and then slightly weakening the muscle.


The lips are elongated into the tube, perform movements to the left-right, rotation in a circle back and forth and left-right.


The language takes various forms: folded into the tube, takes the shape of the bathtubs rising lateral walls and the tip of the language / or sail / mouth open, the language concerns the upper sky as far as possible from the front teeth.

If you can't do all exercises, - do not despair. It is enough if you limit the regular execution of the simplest. Follow the larynx Kadyk - the most wide place. Take it with two fingers and follow his movements during the yoke. Kadyk lowers down. It is necessary to learn to fix this condition during singing. This is called vocal zoo. Omitted, which means free and slightly extended larynx contributes to the beautiful natural sound output. The lack of extra tension on the larynx is the key to the artist's creative longevity. But it is not necessary forcibly to pull the larynx down and all the more keeping it with your hands. Its proper discovery is achieved only by the feeling of Zovka. Let's open your mouth in front of the mirror and try to "show your doctor's throat" - omit the root of the tongue, raise a soft sky with a small tongue and say "a", opening the rear wall of the throat.

  1. Wrong: the tongue is the hump, closing the passage in the throat, the soft sky is lying in the language.
  2. Correctly: The throat is open, the language lies freely, almost touching the tip of the lower teeth, the soft sky is raised. At the same time, the sensations of the recorded zovka are preserved.

A low-live curtain / soft sky / and the language interfere with the output of the free sound. It becomes flat, hollow. The following exercises train the mobility of a soft sky, language and larynx.


3-4 Finger-coated finger insert in the mouth as an expander. The most self-consistently, distinctly and loudly pronounce the location of NGA, NGO, NGU, NGU, NSU, NGA. I do not let your head, do the exercise to the feeling of fatigue in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx.


Open your mouth. Throughly push the language to the outside with such an acceleration, so that he hike himself jumped himself. We assign yourself a frog, catching a mosquito. Try to touch the chin tongue. The mouth is open, it does not twitch and does not close, the jaw is relaxed. At first, you can hold yourself for the chin.

Work rhythmically at a convenient pace before the feeling of fatigue of the muscles of the larynx. Watch that only the needed muscle group acted in each exercise. Learn to differentiate the work of the individual muscles of the vocal apparatus and manage them arbitrarily. Watch out for breathing, posture, do not strain your shoulders, neck.

Free resonator sound

In the process of finding the right sound, we will use various devices that allow you to put into the course of various natural mental and physiological mechanisms. Usually this conditional representations that we call in your imagination. They help to penetrate the nature of sensations arising from proper singing.

In the previous sections, we have already enjoyed similar devices: remember the exercises "Doggy", "Frog catches mosquito." Naturally, they should not be understood literally. It is only necessary to call these pictures in your imagination. This greatly facilitates you finding the right sensations.


Open your mouth. Let's make a slow breath with a slight sound of "surprise." Feel chill on the soft sky and lowering Kadyk. On the exhalation, I will publish extensive, free, similar to moan sound "A". Mountains along with Kadyku remains in the lower position. Language should not close the throat. Lips should not tremble. Check yourself with the mirror. Follow the right breathing. Inhale Do not fix / exhale - immediately after the inhalation without delay /. Lanes do not rise. The involuntary birth of free sound contributes to peace, internal discrepancy and even some relaxation.

Vocal exercises.

General rules for their implementation

Now that you got acquainted with the basics of correct singing - a diaphragm breathing and free resonator sound, you can go directly to the exercises.

First, listen, how do the teacher performs. Then try to repeat.

Exercises must be sitting on the chair, smoothly holding the back and not bother.

Initially, it should be done within the first 6-7 most comfortable sounds, gradually expanding the range of votes. Keep your breath. To control, keep your hand on your stomach. Control the operation of the lower resonator. Make sure that the lips are not trembling, do not pull up the shoulders and head, do not pull the neck. Keep the feeling of peace, comfort and some relaxation. Only stomach should work, as if pumping air for singing. To the upper note, the stomach is strained more than during the previous one. It feels your hand lying on the stomach. All of the above is mandatory for both exercises and directly execute things.

Source: Rockvocalist.ru.

Sound concentration exercises

These exercises are needed by those of you who have the following problems during singing: deaf, swallowed sound, difficulties with the execution of upper and medium notes, sapper sound on all or some vowels / often on "and" \\, tendency to incline notes.


Closed syllable "M". Make a quick breath. At the same time, lower the larynx, as during Zovka and discover the nostrils. In exhalation, we sing one note on the consonant "M". Glows remain below. The lower jaw is lowered so that the teeth do not touch each other. Tongue lies freely. The lips are closer, but not tense. Nostrils are open. You must achieve a deduction of long smooth sound. Vibration \\ Easy oppression \\ Feels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, bridges, cheeks, chin. The vibration epicenter is located on the front upper teeth. Try not to allow the beacon of the gloom. Do not pull to the note from the bottom, attack on top, as if by pressing the imaginary key. Otherwise, the note will succeed in a slightly understated, or the feeling will be present that you "drive up" to the note without exactly intonating. It is necessary to start this exercise with anyone comfortable notes that are in the middle of the range, and gradually increase and lower the tone. The author does not recommend doing this exercise in a high register, stay low and medium.


M-and-and-and-and-and-and-and. In this exercise, the first note should sound the same as in the previous one. For the execution of subsequent notes, it is necessary to open a little mouth, tracking however, so that any voltage does not appear. The sound "and" during singing should not differ from the usual conversational \\ as in the word "snail" \\.


Mr.-E-A-oh-oh-ah-u-and. When you feel control over the letter "And", go to this exercise. All vowels must be executed by the same sound - a ringing, without chic and the product. It is necessary to constantly feel the point of the concentration of sound on the upper front teeth.

Exercises to achieve sound strength, depth and beauty timbre

These exercises are designed for everyone, but special attention to them should be paid to those who have the following disadvantages of singing: the vigilance of votes, votes, inability to guess elegant vocal decorations \\ little things \\. If, as it approaches the top notes, your voice becomes thin, it lacks a powerful dramatic tone, so necessary for the execution of fatal compositions, then these exercises are undoubtedly for you. Performing them, use all useful skills acquired when working on the exercises of the previous cycle.


Ro-oh-oh-oh about mouth is open wide, the jaw is in the lowest position. Lips are relaxed. Do not try to form a letter of lips. It should be as if inside the larynx. With this position, the sound will resemble something among the average between O and A. Take the mirror and check the position of the language on the vowel. Do not forget that the ladins slightly climbing on the r, must fall on O. again. It must be remembered about the state of the frozen yawk. Control the operation of the lower resonator. To do this, it is necessary to imagine that the mouth moved to the chest and the sound goes from there.


RO! -O! - Well! -Oh! -Oh! In this exercise, after each syllable, a sharp exhale is performed and a quick breath, as if good air. Exhalation occurs due to a sharp reduction in the muscles of the press, as during laughter. This reception is called an active exhalation. If it is completed correctly, the good air takes place automatically. The higher you climb, the deeper there should be sound. The sound more and more should be like a moan, as if on the chest lies a heavy girome and you sing through strength. Do not close your mouth and strain your neck.


RO-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O during the execution of this exercise after every two sounds about doing a small exhale and breath breathing marked with an apostrophe sign /, as if good air / see. UPR.2 /. Try not to jump from the notes on a note, but smoothly transfer, making Glissando. There should be a feeling as if you stretch the lower note on the top. At the same time, a higher sound must be disconnected in the chest deeper than the previous one.


PO-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" o Unlike the previous one, this exercise is performed easily jumping from notes on a note. Gradually, accelerate the tempo, but make sure not to stretch behind the sound, pulling the neck and throwing the head, and lower it on the chest. The sign of the apostrophe is marked active exhalation and good respiration.

Exercises for the development of the subton


A, Ma-Ri-I-I. Waire hands with breathing, as they do in the cold. Now add a little sound to breathing. This technique is called splitting or subton. Here you also got the feeling necessary to perform exercise 3. Watch the mouth widely discovered and the priests do not disappear throughout the phrase. Exercise is designed to use greater than usual, air quantities. If breathing is hardly enough, it means that the sound is found correctly. To facilitate the task, lean forward, put your hands on the lower back and feel the air penetrates there. Now you have formed a "lifebuoy" around the waist. Do not hurry, consume air economically, - do not exhale a lot on the first note. Inhales do your nose, rhythmically, quickly and sharply, feeling how the air is filled with air. If the vowel and clamp or sounds in the nose, replace it on / a-ve Mary-s / I /. When you learn how to rush it properly, it will be possible to return to the initial sound. This exercise can be done within the octave. Cut the breast resonator vibration - it should not disappear at high notes.