William Shakespeare Year of birth. Shakespeare: Was it or not? That is the question

William Shakespeare Year of birth. Shakespeare: Was it or not? That is the question
William Shakespeare Year of birth. Shakespeare: Was it or not? That is the question

english poet and playwright

short biography

An outstanding playwright, one of the most famous in the world, poet, was a native of the city of Stratford-on-Avon. Here, in County, Warwikshire, he was born in 1564. The date of birth is unknown. It is believed that this is April 23, but the day of baptism, April 26, was established reliably. His father was a tricky artisan, respected in the city of a man, and the mother - a representative of the ancient Saxon family.

For 1569-1571. Shakespeare was a junior school students, later - high school in Stratford. It was distinguished by a decent level of education, however, it is unknown, finished it with William or not, - most likely, he had to leave classes and help his father in connection with family financial difficulties. The 18-year-old young people William married the pregnant Ann Hataway, which was 8 years older than him; By concluding the marriage, the youngsters were escalated from dishonor and punishment. In 1583, the four Shakespearers had a daughter, after another 2 years - a couple of diversified twins. Shakespeare left Stratford in the 2nd half of the 80s. And moved to London.

The period of the biography of Shakespeare, affecting the following years, is customary to be called dark, or lost, years, because There are no information about his life at this time. It is believed that moving to London was tentatively in 1587, but there are other versions. Whatever it was, in 1592, Shakespeare was already the author of the historical chronicle "Heinrich VI".

For 1592-1594. The theaters of the English capital were closed in connection with the plague epidemic. To fill the resulting pause, Shakespeare writes plays, in particular, the "Taming of the Shrew", the tragedy of Tit Andronik, the poems "Lucretia" and "Venus and Adonis". Also in the period from 1594 to 1600, Shakespeare writes a large number of sonnets. All this makes it a famous writer. When theaters opened, in 1594 Shakespeare enters the new composition - so-called. Troupe servor Lord-Chamber, named after her patron. Shakespeare was not only an actor, but also a shareholder.

For 1595-1596. The famous tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was written, as well as the "Venetian merchant" - comedy, subsequently first called "serious." If before the authors of the plays for the theater were "university minds", by this time their role was lost: someone stopped writing, someone died. Shakespeare came to replace them, having marked this newest era in the development of theatrical art.

In 1599, another significant event occurs in Shakespeare's biography - the opening of the Globus Theater, in which he was an actor, chief playwright and one of the owners. A few years after that, the famous "Hamlet", which opens the period of "Great Tragedies", to which "Othello", "King Lire", "Macbeth". Comedy written at this time also had much more serious, and sometimes pessimistic content. In the same period of life, Shakespeare became nobleman, acquired a large in Stratford, the second in the city in the city, a house.

After death in 1603, the Queen of Elizabeth and the parish to power Yakov I, the king himself becomes a patron of Lord Chargera troupe. The 1606th was the point of reference for the last period in the literary activities of Shakespeare, marked, in particular, the creation of tragedies based on antiquity plots ("Coriolian", "Anthony and Cleopatra"), as well as romantic tragicomedies "Storm", "Winter Tale" and Dr.

At about 1612, Shakespeare, whose career developed very successfully, unexpectedly left for everyone from the capital and returned to Stratford, to the family. Researchers suggest that the cause of such a cardinal step was severe illness. In March 1616, Shakespeare makes up his famous testament, subsequently created the soil for the so-called. Shakespearev's question that considers the problem of the authorship of his works and his personality itself. On April 3, 1616, one of the greatest playwrights of the world died; He was buried on the outskirts of his native city in the church of St. Trinity.

During the lifetime of William Shakespeare, published only in a separate form, sometimes in the form of collections (sonnets). The first complete collected works by the forces of friends was prepared and published in 1623. In the so-called Shakespearean Canon entered 37 plays; During the lifetime of the playwright, only 18 of them saw the light. His creativity marked the end of the process of creating English and culture, failed under the European revival. Before our day, his plays are an integral part, the basis of the repertoire of theaters of the whole world. In the age of new technologies, almost all Shakespeare's dramaturgy was decreed.

Biography from Wikipedia

Shakespeare Born and grew up in the city of Stratford-Avon-Avon. At 18, he married Ann Khataui, in marriage from which he had three children: Daughter Suzanne and twins Hemnet and Judith. Career Shakespeare began between 1585 and 1592, when he moved to London. Soon he became a successful actor, playwright, as well as co-owner of the theater company called the "servant of Lord-Chamber", later known as the "king's servants". Around 1613, at the age of 48, he returned to Stratford, where he died in three years later. There is little historical testimony about Shakespeare's life, and the theory about his life are created on the basis of official documents and certificates of contemporaries, therefore, questions about its appearance and religious views are still discussed in the scientific community, and there is also a point of view that the work attributed to him is created by whom -To other; It is popular in culture, although rejected by the overwhelming majority of Shakespire scientists.

Most of the work of Shakespeare was written in the period from 1589 to 1613. His early plays mainly belong to comedies and chronicles in which Shakespeare has succeeded significantly. Then, in his work, the period of tragedies, including the works of "Hamlet", "King Lire", "Othello" and Macbeth, who are considered one of the best in English. At the end of his work, Shakespeare wrote several tragicomedies, and also collaborated with other writers.

Many Pieces of Shakespeare were published in his life. In 1623, two friends of Shakespeare, John Heming and Henry Kondel, published the first folio, meeting of all, except two, Pieces of Shakespeare, are currently included in the canon. Later, Shakespeare various researchers were with a different degree of evidence attributed by a few more plays (or their fragments).

Under life, Shakespeare received commendable feedback on his works, but he really became popular only in the XIX century. In particular, representatives of romanticism and the Victorians so bowed to Shakespeare that Bernard Shaw called this "Bardolatry" (Rus.) English, that in English means "Bardopocole". The works of Shakespeare remain popular and now, they are constantly being studied and rethought in accordance with political and cultural conditions.

Coat of arms with the motto of the kind of Shakespeare Non Sanz DroiCt - Fr. "Not without right"

early years

William Shakespeare was born in the city of Stratford Apone-Avon (County Warikshire) in 1564, baptized on April 26, an accurate date of birth is unknown. Tradition refers its appearance to the light by April 23: This date coincides with the exact day of his death. In addition, on April 23, the Day of St. George, the patron saint of England is celebrated, and the birth of the greatest national poet could be made to this day. From English, the surname "Shakespeare" translates as a "stunning spear".

His father, John Shakespeare (1530-1601), was a wealthy artisan (glove), was often elected to various significant public posts. In 1565, John Shakespeare was an Alderman, and in 1568 - Balley (head of the city council). He did not attend church services, for which he paid large cash fines (it is possible that he was a secret Catholic).

Shakespeare's mother, neborn Mary Arden, belonged to one of the oldest Saxon families. In total, there were 8 children, William was born third.

It is believed that Shakespeare studied in the Stratford "Grammar School" (Eng. Grammar School), where good knowledge of Latin had to get: Stratford Latin teacher and literature wrote poems on Latin. Some scientists argue that Shakespeare visited the school of King Edward VI in Stratford-on-Avon, where he studied the work of such poets as Ovid and Float, but the school magazines were not preserved, and now nothing can be said for sure.

In 1582, at the age of 18, he married Ann Khataui, the daughter of a local landowner, former 8 years older than 8 years. At the time of the conclusion of Marriage Ann was pregnant. In 1583, the spouses were born daughter Susan (baptized on May 23), in 1585 - twins: the son of Hemnet, who died in 11 years in August 1596, and the daughter of Judith (baptized on February 2).

On the future (within seven years), the events of Shakespeare's life exist only assumptions. The first mention of the London theater career belongs to 1592, and the period between 1585 and 1592 researchers are called "lost years" Shakespeare. Attempts by biographers learn about the actions of Shakespeare during this period led to the emergence of many apocryphic stories. Nicholas Row, the first biographer of Shakespeare, believed that he left Stratford to avoid persecution for poaching in the estate of local Squire Thomas Lucy. It is also assumed that Shakespeare dismissed Lucy by writing several obscene ballads to his address. According to another version of the XVIII century, Shakespeare began a theater career, looking after Horses of London theatrical patrons. John Obell wrote that Shakespeare was a school teacher. Some scientists of the 20th century believed that Shakespeare was a teacher Alexander Naton from Lankashira, since this landowner Catholic was some "William Sheakshaft". This theory has little reasonable, except for rumors who spread after Shakespeare's death, and, in addition, Sheakshaft is quite common in Lancashir the surname.

London and theater Career

It is not known when Shakespeare began writing theatrical work, and also moved to London, but the first reached us sources that speakers belong to 1592. This year, the historical chronicle of Shakespeare "Heinrich VI", which went to Henslo Theater "Rosa belonging to Henslower". In the same year, pamramagu pamphlet and prosaika Robert Green, where the latter with angrily fell on Shakespeare, without calling the surname, but ironically beating her - "Shake-Scene shoche-Scene), paraphrasing the line from the third part of Heinrich VI Oh, the heart of the tiger in this female skin! " As "Tiger's heart in the skull of a hyser". Scientists disagree on the exact meaning of these words, but it is believed that Green accused Shakespeare in attempts to be compared with highly educated writers ("university minds"), such as Christopher Marlo, Thomas Nash and Green himself.

Biographers believe that Career Shakespeare could begin at any time, starting from the middle of the 1580s. Since 1594, Shakespeare's plays was put only by the ship "servants of Lord-Chamber". The composition of this troupe was also a Shakespeare, which in the end of the same 1594 became its co-owner. Troupe soon became among the leading theatrical teams of London. After the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, the troupe received the royal patent from the new ruler, Yakov I, and became referring to the "servants of the king".

In 1599, the partnership of the group members built a new theater on the southern shores of the Thames called "Globus". In 1608, they also acquired the Closed Theater "Blackframe". Reports on purchases Shakespeare Real Estate and its investments show that the troupe made it a rich man. In 1597, he bought a second house in Stratford - New Place.

Some Pieces of Shakespeare were published by In-Quarto in 1594. In 1598, his name began to appear on the title list of publications. But after Shakespeare became famous as a playwright, he continued to play theaters. In the publication of the works of Ben Johnson, 1616, the name of Shakespeare is included in the list of actors performing plays "Any fad" (1598) and "Fall sown" (1603). However, his name was absent in the actors of the play Johnson "Wolpon" 1605, which is perceived by some scientists as a sign of the end of the London Career Shakespeare. Nevertheless, in the first folio of 1623, Shakespeare is named "The main actor in all these plays", and some of them were charged after "Wolpon"Although it is reliably unknown which roles played Shakespeare. In 1610, John Davis wrote that the "good Will" played "Royal" roles. In 1709, in his work, Row recorded the opinion that had already established by the time that Shakespeare played the shadow of Hamlet's father. Later also argued that he played the role of Adam in "How do you like it" and choir B. "Henry V"Although scientists doubt the accuracy of this information.

During the acting and dramatic activity, Shakespeare lived in London, but some part of his time was also spent in Stratford. In 1596, a year after the purchase of New Place, he lived in the arrival of St. Helena in Bishopgate, on the north side of the Thames. After the construction of the Globus Theater in 1599, Shakespeare moved to the other side of the river - to the Saucark, where the theater was located. In 1604, he again moved across the river, this time to the area north of the Cathedral of St. Paul, where a large number of good homes were located. He removed the rooms from the French Guenota named Christopher Mountjoy, the manufacturer of women's wigs and hats.

Last years and death

There is a traditional opinion that a few years before his death, Shakespeare moved to Stratford. The first biographer Shakespeare, who submitted such an opinion was Row. One of the reasons for this can be the fact that London public theaters have repeatedly stopped their work due to outbreaks of the plague, and the actors did not have enough work. Full care from affairs was rare in those times, and Shakespeare continued to visit London. In 1612, Shakespeare has witnessed in the case Belllot against Mountjoy, law proceedings on the wedding dowry daughter Mountjoy Mary. In March 1613, he bought a house in the former blackfreary parish; In November 1614, he spent several weeks with his son-in-law, John Hall.

After 1606-1607, Shakespeare wrote only a few plays, and after 1613 he even stopped creating them. He wrote his last three plays together with another playwright, perhaps with John Fletcher, who replaced Shakespeare as the main playwright of the King servant troupe.

All the preserved Shakespeare signatures on the documents (1612-1613) are characterized by a very bad handwriting, on the basis of which some researchers believe that he was seriously ill.

On April 23 (May 3), 1616, Shakespeare died. Traditionally, it is considered that he died on his birthday, but the confidence that Shakespeare was born on April 23, no. Shakespeare survived the widow, Ann (mind. 1623), and two daughters. Susan Shakespeare was married to John Hall from 1607, and Judith Shakespeare married two months after Shakespeare's death for Thomas Quini's winery.

In the will, Shakespeare left most of his real estate owner of his eldest daughter Susan. After she had to inherit her straight descendants. Judith had three children, and they all died not marrying. Susan had one daughter, Elizabeth, who got married twice, but died childless in 1670. She was the last direct descendant of Shakespeare. In the testament of Shakespeare, his wife is mentioned only by a glimpse, but she had to get a third of the entire property of her husband. However, it was indicated that he leaves her "My Second Quality Bed", and this fact had a lot of different assumptions. Some scientists consider it an insult to Ann, while others argue that the second quality bed is a married bed, and therefore there is nothing offensive in it.

Three days later, Shakespeare's body was buried in the Stratford Church of St. Trinity. The epitaph is written on his tombstone:

Good Frend for Iesvs Sake Forbeare
To Digg The Dvst Enclosed Heare.
And Cvrst Be He Yt Moves My Bones.

Friend, for the sake of the Lord, not swarm
The remains taken by this land;
Untouched blessed in centuries,
And cursed - touched my dust.
(Translation of A. Vajansky)

Shortly before 1623, the painted bust of Shakespeare was erected in the church, showing it in the process of writing. Epitaphs in English and in Latin compare Shakespeare with the wise Pilos tsar Nestor, Socrates and Vergil.

All over the world has many statues of Shakespeare, including funeral monuments in the Saoutherk Cathedral and the corner of the Poets of Westminster Abbey.

In the commemoration of the four-hundredth anniversary of the death of the playwright, the Royal Mint released three two-found coins (dated 2016), symbolizing three groups of its works: comedies, chronicles and tragedies.


The literary heritage of Shakespeare decays into two unequal parts: poetic (poems and sonnets) and dramatic. V. G. Belinsky wrote that "it would be too bold and strange to give Shakespeare a decisive advantage before all the poets of mankind, as the poet itself, but as a playwright, he now remains without an opponent, whose name can be set beside him."

Question of periodization

Researchers of Creativity Shakespeare (Danish literary crown of Brands, publisher of the Russian full collection of writings of Shakespeare S. A. Vengerov) at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries, based on the chronology of works, presented his spiritual evolution from the "cheerful mood", faith in the celebration of justice , Humanistic ideals at the beginning of the way to disappointment and destroy all illusions at the end. However, in recent years, it has appeared that the conclusion of the author's personality for his works is a mistake.

In 1930, Shakespired E. K. Chembers offered the chronology of Shakespeare's creativity by genre signs, later she was adjusted by J. McManueem. Four periods were distinguished: the first (1590-1594) - Early: Chronicles, Renaissance Comedies, "Horror Tragedy" ("Tit Andronik"), two poems; The second (1594-1600) - Renaissance comedies, the first mature tragedy ("Romeo and Juliet"), chronicles with elements of tragedy, antique tragedy ("Julius Caesar"), sonnets; Third (1601-1608) - Great tragedies, antique tragedies, "gloomy comedies"; Fourth (1609-1613) - Drams-fairy tales with a tragic stylish and a happy finale. Some of Shakespires, including A. A. Smirnov, united the first and second periods into one early.


Most of the playwrights of that period created their works together with other authors, and critics believe that Shakespeare also wrote some of his plays together with other authors; This is mainly related to early and late works. For some works, such as "Tit Andronik" and early historical plays, it has not been established that they are definitely written in co-authors, whereas for "Two noble births" and lost plays "Cardenio" It is documented. The data obtained from texts also make it possible to assert that some works were reworked by other writers relative to the original text.

Some of the earliest works of Shakespeare - Richard III and three parts "Heinrich VI"written in the early 1590s, the period when the historical drama was in fashion. Shakespeare's plays with difficulty dating, but researchers of texts suggest that "Tit Andronik", "Comedy Errors", "The Taming of the Shrew" and "Two Verona" Also belong to the beginning of the Creative Path of Shakespeare. His first chronicles, most likely those founded on the publication of 1587 "Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland" Raphael Holinsheda, represented the destructive results of the reign of weak and corrupt ruler and to some extent served as the emergence of the tudor dynasty. The early places of Shakespeare affected the work of other playwrights of the Elizabethan era, especially Thomas Kid and Christopher Marlo, the traditions of the medieval drama and the play of the Seneki. "Comedy Errors" also built on the classic model, not found sources for "Taming Skropivaya"Although it is connected with another play with a similar name playing in London theaters in the 1590s and, perhaps, has folk roots.

Oberon, Titania and Pak dancing with Faymi. William Blake, 1786. Tate Britain.

In the middle of the 1590s, the transition of Shakespeare from mocking and farce in his style comedies to romantic works. "A dream in a summer night" - This is a witty mixture of romance, fabulous magic and the life of the lowest society. In the next, also romantic, comedy Shakespeare "The Merchant of Venice" The portrait of a vengeful Roshchik-Jew of Sheilok, which reflected racial prejudices of the British of the Elizabethan era. Outdoor play "Much ado about nothing"Finely depicting life in the province "How do you like it" and lively fun "Twelfth Night" Supplement a number of Shakespeare comedies. After lyric Richard IIpractically fully written by verses, Shakespeare introduced a prose one comedy in his chronicles "Heinrich IV, Part 1" and 2 , I. "Heinrich V". His characters become more complex and gentle, it very deftly switches between comic and serious scenes, prose and poetry, so that his mature work reaches narrative diversity. This period began and finished tragedy: "Romeo and Juliet", the famous love story and the death of a girl and a young man and "Julius Caesar"based on "comparative lives" Plutarch.

Hamlet, Horatio, Marcell and Ghost of Hamlet's Father. Henry Fuseby, 1780-85. Kunsthaus (Zurich)

At the beginning of the XVII century, Shakespeare wrote several so-called "problem pies": "Measure for measure", Troil and Cresan and , as well as a number of the most famous tragedies. Many critics believe that the tragedies of this period are the peak of Shakespeare's creativity. Hamlet, the title hero of one of the most famous tragedies of Shakespeare, is perhaps the most studied character of this playwright; This is especially true of the famous Solokvia, which starts to "be or not to be, that's the question." Unlike the Hamlet's introvert, the hero, the heroes of the following tragedies, the Lir and Othello king, suffer from too hastily accepted decisions. Often, the Shakespeare tragedy is built on the disadvantages or fatal deeds of the heroes destroying it and his loved ones. IN "Othello" The villain Yago brings the jealousy of the capital hero to the point, and he kills his innocent wife. IN "King Lira" The old king makes a fatal mistake, abandoning his rights to power, which leads to terrifying events, such as the murder of the youngest daughter Lira Cordelia. IN Macbeth, the most short and compressed tragedy of Shakespeare, uncontrolled ambitions navigate Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, to the murder of the legitimate king and the usurpation of the throne, and ultimately they destroys the awareness of their guilt. In this play, Shakespeare adds an element of supernatural to the tragic structure. His last large tragedies, "Anthony and Cleopatra" and CoriolianAccording to some critics, contain one of his most beautiful poems.

In the final period of his work, Shakespeare turned to the genre of romance or tragicomedia and add three major plays: "Cymbelin", "Winter Tale" and "Storm"as well, together with another playwright, play "Pericles". The works of this period are less gloom than the previously preceding tragedies, but more serious than comedies of the 1590s, but they end up with reconciliation and deliverance from troubles. Some researchers believe that these changes have occurred from changing the views on the Life of Shakespeare, which became more relaxed, but perhaps in the plays simply reflected the theater fashion of the time. Two more preserved Pieces of Shakespeare are written by him in collaboration, possibly with John Fletcher: "Heinrich VIII" and "Two noble parents".

Printermed settings

So far it is not for sure, for which theatrical companies Shakespeare wrote their early plays. So, on the title page of the publication "Tita Andronika" 1594 It is indicated that the play was put in three different groups. After the plague of the 1592-1593, Shakespeare's play was already set by his own company in the "Theater" and "Kurtin" in the row to the north of the Thames. There was a first part "Heinrich IV". After a quarrel with her owner, the company left the "theater" and built on the south side of Thames, in Sauterka, the Globus Theater, the first theater built by actors for actors. "Globus" opened in the fall of 1599, and one of the first plates set in it became "Julius Caesar". Most of the most famous Pieces of Shakespeare written after 1599 were created for the Globe, including "Hamlet", "Othello" and "King Lira".

Shakespeare's troupe "The servants of Lord-Chamber" consisted in special relations with King Yakov I, especially after it was renaming in 1603 in the "King Servants". Although recordings of the productions are fragmented, we can talk about 7 stages of Shakespeare's plays at the courtyard between November 1, 1604 and October 31, 1605, including two productions "Venetian merchant". After 1608, they began to perform in winter in the indoor theater "Blackfreyers", and in the Globus work in the summer. A good room in combination with royal patronage allowed Shakespeare to introduce more complex devices into the props of its plays. For example, in "CIMBELINE" Jupiter descends "with thunder and lightning, sitting on the Eagle: He mildles lightning. Ghosts fall on the knees. "

In the troupe of Shakespeare, such famous actors as Richard Burbedzh, William Kemp, Neri Condel and John Heminghas were held. Burbedzh was the first performer of the main roles of many Pieces of Shakespeare, including Richard III, "Hamlet", "Othello" and "King Lira". Popular comic actor William Kemp, among other characters, played Pietro in Romeo and Juliet And Kizyl B. "Much ado about nothing". At the turn of the XVI and XVII centuries, Robert Armin replaced him, who fulfilled such roles as ceremonies from "How do you like it" And the jester is "King Lira". In 1613, Henry Voton reported on the posted play "Heinrich VIII" . On June 29, during the formulation of this performance, the cannon gives off and set fire to the straw roof of the building, so the whole theater burned down. This fact allows you to set the time of writing the play with good accuracy.

First publications

As considered, half (18) Pieces of Shakespeare was published in one way or another during the lifetime of the playwright. The main publication of Shakespeare Heritage is considered to be the Folio of 1623 (the so-called "first folio"), published by Edward Blant and William Jaggarde as part of the so-called "Chester collection"; Printers Warl and count. This edition includes 36 pieces of Shakespeare - everything except "pericla" and "two noble births". This is the basis of all studies in the field of shakespeare.

The implementation of this project was made possible thanks to the efforts of John Hemenda and Henry Kondel, friends and colleagues Shakespeare. The book precedes the message to readers on behalf of Hemenda and Cokella, as well as the poetic dedication to Shakespeare from the playwright of Ben Johnson, also contributed to the publication of the first folio.


In 1593 and 1594, when theaters were closed due to the epidemic of the plague, Shakespeare created two erotic poems, "Venus and Adonis" and "Discaled Lucretia". These poems were devoted to Henry Rizli, Count Southampton. IN "Venus and Adonis" Innocent Adonis rejects sexual harassment of Venus; whereas B. "Disclaimed Lucretia" Virtuous wife Lucretia is raped by Tarquinia. Under influence Metamorphosis Ovidy, the poems show the feeling of guilt and the terrible consequences of uncontrolled love. Both poems were popular and reprinted several times during Shakespeare. Third poem "Complaints in love"in which the girl complains about the seductive deceiver, was printed in the first edition Sonetov In 1609. Currently, most scientists recognize that "The complaint is in love" Posted by Shakespeare. In poem "Phoenix and Dove"printed in 1601 in the collection of Robert Chester "LOVE'S MARTYR", It is told about the sad death of mythological phoenix and his beloved, faithful dove. In 1599, two Sonet Shakespeare on behalf of Shakespeare, but without his consent in "Passionate Pilgrim".


Sonnet is a poem from 14 lines. The following rhymes are adopted in Shakespeare's sonnets: Abab CDCD EFEF GG, that is, three cores on cross rhymes, and one two-befall (type introduced by the poet Count Surrey, executed under Henrich VIII).

In total, Shakespeare was written 154 sonnets, and most of them were created in 1592-1599. For the first time they were printed without the author's knowledge in 1609. Two of them were printed back in 1599 in the collection "Passionate Pilgrim". These are sonnets 138 and 144 .

The entire sonnet cycle disintegrates into separate thematic groups:

  • Sonnets dedicated to a friend: 1 -126
  • Friend chanting: 1 -26
  • Friendship Tests: 27 -99
  • Bulfle separation: 27 -32
  • First disappointment in the other: 33 -42
  • Deployment and fears: 43 -55
  • Growing alienation and melancholy: 56 -75
  • Rivalry and jealousy to other poets: 76 -96
  • "Winter" separation: 97 -99
  • Celebration of renewed friendship: 100 -126
  • Sonnets dedicated to dark lover: 127 -152
  • Conclusion - Joy and Beauty of Love: 153 -154

Sonnet 126 The canon violates - it's only 12 lines and a different pattern of rhyme. Sometimes it is considered a section between the two conditional parts of the cycle - sonnets dedicated to friendship (1-126) and addressed to the "dark lady" (127-154). Sonnet 145 written by a four-stranded yamb instead of a five-resistant and differs in style from the rest; Sometimes it is believed to the early period and identify it with a heroine with the wife of Shakespeare Anna Khataui (whose surname, perhaps, in the form of Kalabura "Hate Away" is presented in Sonnet).


The language of the first Pieces of Shakespeare is the language, the usual for the plays of this period. This stylized language does not always give the playwright to reveal its characters. Poetry is often overloaded with complex metaphors and suggestions, and the language more contributes to the text recording than the living game. For example, solemn speeches "Tita Andronika", according to some critics, often slow down; Character language "Two Veroness" It seems unnatural.

Soon, however, Shakespeare begins to adapt the traditional style for its purposes. Primary Solloquivia from Richard III Ries to conversations with us vice, traditional character of medieval drama. At the same time, the bright monologues of Richard will later settle in the monologues of the later plays of Shakespeare. All plays commemorate the transition from the traditional style to the new one. Throughout his career, Shakespeare unites them, and one of the most successful examples of styles can serve "Romeo and Juliet". By the middle of the 1590s, the creation time "Romeo and Juliet", Richard II and "Sleep in the summer night", Shakespeare style becomes more natural. Metaphors and figurative expressions are increasingly consistent with the needs of drama.

The standard poetic form used by Shakespeare is white verse written by a five-colored yack. The white verse of early and late plays is significantly different. Early is often beautiful, but, as a rule, at the end of the line ends either the entire proposal, or its meaning part, which generates monotony. After Shakespeare mastered the traditional white verse, he began to change it, interrupting the offer at the end of the line. The use of this reception gives poetry power and flexibility in such plays, as "Julius Caesar" and "Hamlet". For example, Shakespeare uses it to transfer the senses of shocked Hamlet:

Sir, in My Heart There Was A Kind of FightingThat Would Not Let ME Sleep. Methough I Lay.Worse the Mutines in the Bilboes. Rashly-And Prais'd Be Rashness for IT-Let US KnowOur Indiscretion Sometimes Serves US WELL ...In my soul, it seemed to be a struggle,Preventing me to sleep; I was lyingVeryer than fluid. Suddenly, -Praise suddenness: us recklessnessSometimes cuts out where the diesDeep intent ..."Hamlet", Act 5, scene 2, 4-8. Translation T. Shipkina-Cupernik.

In the following "Hamlet" Pieces The poetic style continued to vary, especially in the emotional passages of his late tragedies. Literary critic Bradley described this style as "more concentrated, fast, diverse, with fewer repetitions." By the end of his career, Shakespeare used many methods to achieve such effects. He used methods such as Anzhembeman, unstructured pauses and stops and various unusual design variations and lengths of proposals. In many cases, the listener must think of the sense of proposal. In late romantic plays, long and short sentences are opposed to each other, the subject and object of action are changed by places, the words are descended, which creates a feeling of spontaneity.

Shakespeare combined poetic art with understanding the practical details of theatrical production. Like all the playwrights of that time, he theatrollized history from sources such as Plutarch and Holinshead. But the source did not remain unchanged; Shakespeare introduced new and changed the old storylines so that all the multifaceted narratives revealed before the audience. With the growth of Shakespeare's skill, his characters began to emerge clearly and acquire distinctive features of speech. However, his late plays resemble early creations. In the late romantic works, he deliberately returned to an artificial style to emphasize the illusion of the theater.

Reputation and critics

"He was a man not era, but of all time."

Ben Johnson

Although at his life Shakespeare and was not considered a great playwright, he received commendable feedback on his works. In 1598, the writer-clergyman Francis Meris allocated him from English writers as "the most excellent" and in comedy, and in the tragedy. And the authors of the collection of plays "PARNASSUS" Compaped Shakespeare with Choseer, Gower and Spencer. In the first folio, Ben Johnson called Shakespeare: "The soul of the century, worthy of applause, delight, miracle of our scene."

In the period between the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 and the end of the XVII century, the ideas of classicism prevailed. Therefore, criticism of that time preferably put Shakespeare lower than John Fletcher and Ben Johnson. Thomas Riemer, for example, condemned Shakespeare for mixing comic and tragic. Nevertheless, the poet and critic John Dryden highly appreciated Shakespeare, speaking of Joneson: "I admire them, but I love Shakespeare." Nevertheless, for several decades, the views of the rimera rule, but in the XVIII century, critics began to admire them and call him a genius. A similar reputation was only strengthened by a number of scientific work, dedicated to the work of Shakespeare, for example, the work of Samuel Johnson of 1765 and Edmond Malone 1790. By 1800, the title of the National Poet of England was firmly entrenched. In the XVIII and XIX centuries, Shakespeare also received a name and outside the British Islands. He was supported by such writers like Voltaire, Goethe, Standal and Victor Hugo.

In the era of romanticism, Shakespeare received a high assessment of the poet and literary philosopher Samuel Taylor Karridge; Critic August Wilhelm Schlegel has fulfilled his plays into German in the spirit of German romanticism. In the XIX century, admiration Shakespeare often bordered with worship and flattery. "This king Shakespeare," Essheist Thomas Carlel wrote in 1840 - "Above us all, the most noble, gentle, but strong; Industrable. " Bernard Shaw, however, criticized Shakespeare's romantic cult, putting the word "Bardolatry" in the course of the word "Bardolatry). He argued that the naturalistic drama Ibsen makes Shakespeare outdated.

Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his critical essay "On Shakespeare and Drama" on the basis of a detailed analysis of some of the most popular works of Shakespeare, in particular: "King Lire", "Othello", "Falstaf", "Hamlet" and others - subjected Shakespeare's sharp criticism as a playwright.

After the modernist revolution of the art of the beginning of the 20th century, Shakespeare was recorded in the ranks of avant-garders. German expressionists and Moscow futurists put his plays. Marxist, playwright and director Bertolt Brecht, developed an epic theater under the influence of Shakespeare. The poet and critic T. S. Eliot opposed the show, saying that Shakespeare's "primitivism" makes his works modern. Eliot led the movement of researchers to the more detailed consideration of Shakespeare's images. In the 1950s, the wave of new hikes changed modernism and laid the "postmodern" studies of Shakespeare. In the 1980s, Shakespeare's work began to be studied by representatives of such trends as structuralism, feminism, new historicism, the study of African Americans and Quir-research.


Shakespeare's work seriously influenced the theater and literature of the following years. In particular, he expanded the area of \u200b\u200bwork of the playwright with characterization of characters, a plot, language and genre. For example, before "Romeo and Juliet" Romance has never been considered as a decent topic for the tragedy. Solokvia was mainly used to report the audience about the events that occurred; Shakespeare began using them to disclose the character of the character and his thoughts. His works greatly influenced the subsequent poets. The poets of the era of romanticism tried to revive Shakespeare's poetry drama, but did not have much success. Critic George Stainer called all the English drama from the ring to Tennison "weak variations in Shakespeare's themes."

Shakespeare influenced such writers as Thomas Hardy, William Falkner and Charles Dickens. Also, his influence has spread to Herman Melville; his captain Ahav from the novel "Moby Dick" - Classic tragic hero inspired by the King of the Lir. Scientists calculated that 20,000 musical works are associated with the works of Shakespeare. Among them are 2 Operas Giuseppe Verdi, "Othello" and "Falstaff", in the source of which they are the same plays. Shakespeare also inspired many artists, including romantics and prerafaelites. Swiss artist Henry Fuseby, friend William Blake, even translated into German Pieces Macbeth. The developer of the theory of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud relied on Shakespeare Psychology, in particular the image of Hamlet, in its theories about human nature.

At the time of Shakespeare, English grammar, spelling and pronunciation were less standardized than in our days, and his language contributed to the formation of modern English. He is the most cited by Samuel Johnson author in "A Dictionary of the English Language", first essay in your own way. Such expressions like "With Bated Breath" (letters. Having dried breathing \u003d with a fooling heart) ( "The Merchant of Venice") and "a Foregone Conclusion" (letters. Propringe Exodus) ( "Othello") entered modern everyday English speech.

Doubts around the personality of Shakespeare

"Shakespearevsky question"

About 230 years after the death of Shakespeare, doubts about the authorship of the work attributed to him began to be expressed. Alternative candidates were proposed, mainly breeding and received good education, such as Roger Menners, 5th Count Ratland, Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlo and Eduard De Ver, 17th Count Oxford. Theories were also proposed for which a group of writers was hidden for the pseudonym "Shakespeare". However, in the academic community, traditional theory, interest in Nestrafordian current, especially the Oxfordian theory, is preserved in the 21st century.

One of the evidence of its theory, Nestrafordians consider that no evidence of the receipt of Shakespeare of Education is not preserved, while the vocabulary of its works for different calculations ranges from 17,500 to 29,000 words, as well as deep knowledge of history and literature. Since not a single manuscript written by Shakespeare's hand was preserved, then the opponents of the traditional version conclude that his literary career was falsified.


Some scientists believe that the members of Shakespeare's family were Catholic, although at that time the Catholic religion was banned. Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden, came from the Catholic family. The main proof of the affiliation of Shakespeare to the Catholic family is considered to be the testament of John Shakespeare, found in 1757 in the attic of his house. The original document was lost, and scientists disagree in their authenticity. In 1591, the authorities reported that he did not appear in the Church. In 1606, the name of the daughter of Shakespeare Susanna hit the list did not appear on the Easter communion in Stratford. Scientists found in the plays of Shakespeare of evidence and for both of his Catholicism, but the truth is not established absolutely.

Sexual orientation

Despite the fact of the marriage of Shakespeare and the presence of children, there are various opinions in the scientific community regarding his sexual orientation. Researchers often believe that Sonnet Shakespeare Autobiographies, and some make out of them about the love of Shakespeare to a young man. Others, however, consider these sonnets only an expression of friendship, and not sexual attraction. 26 so-called sonnets to the "dark lady", addressed to a married woman, often given as proof of its heterosexual orientation.


List of writings

Classification of Pieces

"Pieces of William Shakespeare". John Gilbert, 1849.

The compositions of Shakespeare include 36 plays published in 1623 in the first folio, the division of which here on comedies, chronicles and tragedies is given in accordance with this edition. The first folio did not entered two plays, Two noble parents and Pericleswhich are now considered part of the canon, and scientists agree that Shakespeare has made a great contribution to their writing. Shamele Shakespeare in the first folio were not published.

At the end of the XIX century, Edward Duden classified 4 of the late Pieces of Shakespeare as romantic, and, although most researchers call them tragicomediaThis option is widely used. These plays, as well as related to them "Two noble parents"marked with a sign (). In 1896, Frederick Boas introduced the term "problem plays", describing the Pieces of Shakespeare, which are difficult to classify by genre sign: "All is well that ends well", "Measure for measure", Troil and Cresan and "Hamlet". This term was discussed a lot and was sometimes used in relation to other plays, used in our time, although "Hamlet" It is often ranked with just tragedies. Problem plays are marked with a sign ().

If it is believed that Piece is written by Shakespeare only partially, then it is marked with a sign (). Works, sometimes attributed to Shakespeare, are classified as apocryphal.



  • All is well that ends well
  • How do you like it
  • Comedy error
  • Fancy efforts of love
  • Measure for measure
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • Windsor mocking
  • A dream in a summer night
  • Much ado about nothing
  • Pericles
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • Storm
  • twelfth Night
  • Two Veronea
  • Two noble parents
  • Winter fairy tale


  • King John
  • Richard II.
  • Heinrich IV, part 1
  • Heinrich IV, part 2
  • Heinrich V.
  • Heinrich VI, part 1
  • Heinrich VI, part 2
  • Heinrich VI, part 3
  • Richard III
  • Heinrich VIII.


  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Corioloman
  • Tit Andronik
  • Timon Athens
  • Julius Caesar
  • Macbet
  • Hamlet
  • Troil and Cresus
  • King Lear
  • Othelllo
  • Anthony and Cleopatra
  • Cymbelin


  • Sonnets William Shakespeare
  • Venus and Adonis
  • Disclaimed Lucretia
  • Passionate pilgrim
  • Phoenix and Goluba
  • The complaint is in love

Lost works

  • Refressed Efforts of Love
  • History Cardhenio. \u003e William Shakespeare

Stratford. Departure to London

Born in the family of a merchant and the honorable citizen of John Shakespeare. Shakespeare's ancestors were engaged in the gossip in the vicinity of Stratford. 1568-69 - The years of the greatest prosperity of the family, followed by a slow ruin. About 1580 William had to throw a school, which in Stratford was excellent, and start working. It is assumed that, leaving the school, Shakespeare for some time as an apprentice helped his father. In November 1582 he married Ann Hateway. Perhaps the marriage was forced: in May of next year their first child was born - Daughter Susan. In February 1585 twins appeared on the world - the son of a gamnet and daughter Judith. In the second half of the 1580s. Shakespeare leaves Stratford. There are so-called "lost" or "dark years", which is unknown.

At the turn of the 1590s. Shakespeare comes to London. In these years, his first play was created - Chronicle "Heinrich VI". Having done a fairly noticeable figure, Shakespeare immediately won a jealous attack by one of the "University minds" of Robert Green, who called him "Shocker Scene", who called him "Shakespeare's Silence" (Camibar game on Shakespeare's names: Shake-Speare, ") And the crow, which" goes down to our feathers "(a reeued quote from Heinrich VI). That was the first preserved review.

The emergence of a new playwright

In 1592-94, London theaters are closed due to the epidemic of the plague. During the involuntary pause, Shakespeare creates several plays: the Chronicle "Richard III", the "Comedy of Errors" and "Taming Skropivaya", its first tragedy (still-resistant-style "bloody tragedy") "Tit Andronik", and also publishes for the first time Under her name of the poem "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucretia". In 1594, after the opening of the theaters, Shakespeare joins the new composition of the Lord Chargera troupe, called the position of its patron of Handon. From the scene they left (they died or stopped writing for theater) "University minds". The era of Shakespeare begins. This is what one of his contemporaries F. Merez in 1597: "Just how the Float and Seneca was considered the best of the comedy and tragedy among the Romans, so Shakespeare of the British is the most advantageous in both types of plays, designed for the scene".

Creative takeoff. "The globe"

In the 1590s. (A period that is considered first in Shakespeare Creativity) Shakespeare creates all its main chronicles as well as most comedies. In 1595-96, the tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet" was written, following her, the "Venetian merchant" is the first comedy, which will later be called "serious".

In the fall of 1599, the Globus Theater opens. Over the entrance - winged words: "The whole world - theater" ("Totus Mundis Agit HistRionEm"). Shakespeare is one of his co-owners, actor troupes and the main playwright. In the year of the opening of the Globe, he writes the Roman tragedy "Julius Caesar" and the comedy "how you like it", which the development of melancholic characters open the way to the year later "Hamlet". With his appearance, the period "Great Tragedies" begins (1601-1606). They belong to "Othello" (1604), "King Lear" (1605), "Macbeth" (1606). The tone of the comedy now was trying, and sometimes it becomes dark in such works as "Troil and Cresan" (1601-1602), "Everything is good, which is well ends" (1603-1603), "Measure for Measure" (1604).

Unexpected departure to Stratford

March 28, 1603 Queen Elizabeth dies. The English throne passes to Yakov I, the son of executed Maria Stewart, who inherited the Crown of Scotland. The new king signs a patent for which the troupe of actors Lord-Chamber is taking the highest patronage. From now on, they will be called "servants of His Majesty of the King." After 1606, the last period of Shakespeare Creativity begins, which ended in 1613 his departure in his native Stratford. At this time, tragedies are created on antique plots ("Anthony and Cleopatra", "Coriolan", "Timon Athens", 1607-08). The late "romantic" plays followed them, including the "winter fairy tale" and "storm" (1610-12).

The reason for the unexpected cessation of such a successful career of playwright and departure from the capital was, apparently, the disease. In March 1616 Shakespeare also signs a testament, which will subsequently cause so much bewilderment about his personality, authorship and will be a reason for what they will be called "Shakespeare's issue." It is believed that Shakespeare died on the same day that was born - April 23. Two days later, the burial was followed in the Altar of the Holy Trinity Church on the outskirts of Stratford, in the metric book of which this was recorded.

Under the life of Shakespeare, his works were not collected. Individually printed poems, a collection of sonnets. The plays originally appeared in the so-called "pirate editions" with a spoiled text, which in the form of refutation should, as a rule, the publication prepared by the author. According to the format, these editions are called Quarto (Quarto). After Shakespeare's death, Haming and Kondell's efforts were prepared by the first complete edition of its works, including 36 plays, the so-called first folio (The First Folio). Eighteen of them were not printed at all.

"Shakespearevsky question"

The source of chagrins and doubts for Shakespeare's biographers served as his testament. It speaks of houses and property, about the rings for memory for friends, but not a word - about books, about manuscripts. As if not a great writer, but an ordinary philistine. The testament was the first reason to set the so-called "Shakespearevsky question": Was William Shakespeare from Stratford by the author of all those works that we know under his name?

For a hundred years now, there are many supporters of a negative response: it was not, could not be, because it was not upgraded, did not travel, did not study at the university. Stratfordians (supporters of the traditional version) and anti-disstafduncers were given many witty arguments. More than two dozen candidates in Shakespeare were proposed. Among the most popular applicants, Philosopher Francis Bacon and the predecessor of Shakespeare in the transformation of dramatic art, the greatest of the "University Mind" Christopher Marlo. However, they were mainly looking for among the people of the titled: Counts of Derby, Oxford, Retland - the last rights were supported in Russia. It was believed that only the education inherent on them, a position in society and at the courtyard, the ability to travel, opened a wide review of the life, which is in the plays. They could have the reasons for hiding their real name, which allegedly stained shades would have a craft of playwright for the then ideas.

However, in favor of Shakespeare, the main argument is indicated: his name has appeared on dozens of individuals of individual plays, poems, on the collection of sonnets. Shakespeare was told about the author of these works. Immediately after the death of Shakespeare, the two of his friends-actors published his works, and four poet, including the greatest Sovpear contemporaries of his friend Ben Johnson, raised him. And never follow no refutation or exposure. None of the contemporaries and descendants, up to the end of the 18th century. Did not doubt Shakespearevsky authorship. Is it possible to assume that the mystery in which dozens of people should have were dedicated to be kept so zealously?

And how to explain that the next-generation playwright William Davenant, perfectly aware in theatrical affairs and gossip, came up with a legend that it turned out that his mother was "the dim lady" of sonnets, and he himself - his son of Shakespeare from Stratford-he-Avon? What was proud here?

Shakespeare's mystery, of course, exists, but this is not a biographical mystery, but the secret of the genius, which is accompanied by what the poet-romantic John Khats calls the "negative ability" of Shakespeare, his poetic vision is to see everything and nothing to detect its presence. The unique Shakespeare Mystery, which belongs to the person and time when the personal first disresses the imperference of being, and the great playwright, on the century, which created the portrait gallery of the new era, hides only one person - his own.

Shakespeare completes the process of creating a national culture and English; His work brings the tragic result of the entire era of the European Renaissance. In the perception of subsequent generations, the image of Shakespeare as a comprehensive genius is developing, which at the origins of the new time created the gallery of his human types and life situations. Shakespeare's plays to this day make up the basis of the world theater repertoire. Most of them were repeatedly shielded for film and television screen.

© World literature from antiquity to Renaissance / [Avt. Text N. V. Khatkin]. - M.: World of Book, 2008. - C.191

Note to biography:

  • Fiction in the work of the author (section prepared by VUDU)

    Shakespeare in his work occasionally turned to fabulous, legendary, plots, making them the base for a whole work or inserted into it.

    "Sleeping in the summer night" - the most famous fabulous play, one of the appeals of writing which is called the celebration of Queen Elizabeth I Day of St. John the Baptist (the celebration of the Christmas of John the Baptist is associated with many believes and legends). Actions unfold on the eve of the wedding of the duke of Athenian Tezay and the Queen of Amazons of Ippolites. On the pages of the play, the reader will see the legendary elf of the peek, a famous joker and squad, will meet with the master of the magic country, the king of fairies and elves of the Oberon.

    Other his play, the "winter fairy tale", the author not only saturates fabulous elements, he and the geographical and historical reality "transforms": gives Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) to the sea, Hermione, wife of the King of Sicily, makes the daughter of the Russian emperor, Delphian Oracle From the mainland (where and there are delphs) "moves" to the island.

    Speaking about fabulous plays, of course, it is worth paying attention to the "storm" comedy (the comedy of the play is only nominally, in fact - tragicomedia), in which the fate of the wizard of Prospero and his servants, the spirit of air Ariel, is told about the fate of the Wizard.

    The fabulous works are often attributed to the "Twelfth Night" play, the action of which occurs in the fictional (fabulous) country of Illyria. At the same time, it is worth noting that at that time such a "geographical" reception was common: the name of a far-distant country is taken (which may not be on the moment of writing) and use it in the plot without any bindings to real geography and history.

  • The great playwright England era Renaissance, the National Poet, who received world recognition, William Shakespeare appeared in the town of Stratford, which is north of London. In history, only information about his baptism is preserved on April 26, 1564.

    The parents of the boy were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. They were among the wealthy citizens of the city. The father of the boy in addition to agriculture was engaged in the manufacture of gloves, as well as small-scale usury. He was chosen several times to the Council of the city of the city, he was constable and even mayor.

    According to some reports, John belonged to the Catholic religion, for which at the end of his life was persecuted, forced him to sell all her lands. During his life, he paid large amounts of the Protestant Church for the inget of the service. William's mother was neborn, she belonged to an ancient respected surname. Mary gave birth to 8 children, the third of which was William.

    In Stratford, Little William Shakespeare received good education at that time. As a child, he entered the grammatical school, where Latin was studied and ancient Greek. For the deeper and complete development of ancient languages, students were involved in the school productions of plays in Latin.

    According to some data, in addition to this educational institution, William Shakespeare attended the Royal School, which was also in his native town. There he had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the ancient Roman poetic works.

    Personal life

    At 18, the young William had a novel with a 26-year-old daughter of Ann Hataway's neighbor, with which they soon got married. The reason for hasty marriage was the pregnancy of the girl. In those days, the trunkles in England were considered the norm, the marriage often passed after the conception of the firstborn. The only condition of such connections was a mandatory wedding before the birth of a child. When in 1583, the young couple was born the daughter of Susan, William was happy. All his life, he was especially attached to her, even after birth in two years twins the son of Hemneta and the second daughter Judith.

    William Shakespeare with his wife and children

    There were no more children in the family of the poet, most likely because of the second heavy childbirth of his wife Ann. In 1596, Chet Shakespearers will survive the personal tragedy: during the epidemic of Diesenteria, their only heir will die. After the move of William to London, his family remained in his native town. Infrequently, but regularly William visited his relatives.

    About his personal life in London historians build a lot of riddles. It is possible that the playwright lived alone. Some researchers of the biography of the poet attribute love to him, including with male floors. But this information remains unproved.

    Unknown seven years

    William Shakespeare is one of the few authors, about which the information was gathered literally in grains. There are very few direct evidence of his life. Basically, all information about William Shakespeare was extracted from secondary sources, such as statements of contemporaries or administrative records. Therefore, about seven years after the birth of his twins and to the first mention of his work in London, researchers are building riddles.

    William Shakespeare. Single preserved lifette

    Shakespeare is attributed to the service with a noble landowner as a teacher, and work in the London theaters by Sufler, a working scene and even a horse breeder. But truly reliable information about this period of life there is no poet.

    London period

    In 1592, the press appears in the press of the English poet Robert Green about the work of young William. This is the first mention of Shakespeare as the author. The aristocrat in his pamphlet has tried to make fun of the young playwright, as he saw a strong competitor in him, but which, not distinguished by noble origin and good education. At the same time, it is mentioned about the first productions of the play of Shakespeare "Heinrich VI" in the London Rosa Theater.

    Illustration of the "Heinrich VI" play

    This work was written in the spirit of the popular English Genre of the Chronicles. This type of ideas was distributed in the Renaissance era in England, he wore the epic nature of the narration, scenes and paintings were often not related to each other. The chronicles were called upon to chant the statehood of England in counterweight feudal fragmentation and internecine wars.

    It is known that William from 1594 enters the major acting community "The servants of Lord-Chamber" and becomes soon his co-founder. The productions brought great success, and the troupe in a short time is so rich, which allowed themselves to build the famous Globus Theater building over the next five years. And by 1608, theatrians acquired themselves also and closed premises, which were called "Blackfreers".

    The legendary building of the Globus Theater in 1599

    In many ways, the success was facilitated by the favor of the rulers of England: Elizabeth I and her heir Yakov I, who has a theater team acquired a permit for the change of status. From 1603, the troupe was called "King's servant". Shakespeare not only engaged in writing plays, he also took an active part in the production of his works. In particular, information is preserved that William played the main roles in all his plays.


    According to some evidence, in particular, about the purchases of real estate William Shakespeare, he earned enough and was successful in financial affairs. The playwright is attributed to exercise by usury.

    Mansion William Shakespeare

    Thanks to its savings in 1597, William could afford to buy a spacious mansion in Stratford. In addition, Shakespeare after death was immediately buried in the Altar of the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Native City. Such an honor was provided to him not for special merits, but for the fact that he also paid the amount for his burial for his burial.

    Periods of creativity

    Great playwright has created an immortal treasury that feeds the world culture for more than five centuries in a row. The plots of his plays became inspiration not only for the artists of dramatic theaters, but also for many composers, as well as for film directories. For all his creative life, Shakespeare has repeatedly changed the nature of writing his works.

    The first places in their structure often copied the popular genres and plots, such as chronicles, comedies of the Renaissance ("Taming of the Shrew"), "horror tragedies" ("Tit Andronicon"). These were bulky works with a large number of heroes and unnatural to perception by a syllable. On the classic forms of forms of the young Shakespeare comprehended Aza writing drama.

    Illustration to the play "Romeo and Juliet"

    The second half of the 90s of the XVI century was marked by the appearance of dramaticly honed in the form and content of the essays for the theater. The poet is looking for a new form without departing from the specified framework of the Renaissance Comedy and the tragedy. It fills the old outstanding forms with new content. So the brilliant tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet" appears on the light, the comedy "Sleep in the Summer Night", "Venetian merchant". The freshness of the verse in the new writings of Shakespeare is combined with an unusual and memorable plot, which makes these plays popular among the public from the public.

    At the same time, Shakespeare creates a sonnet cycle, famous at the time of the genre of a love poetic lyrics. Almost two centuries, these poetic masterpieces of the master were forgotten, but with the emergence of romanticism, they again found glory. In the XIX century, a fashion appeared on the quoting of immortal lines written on the outcome of the Renaissance English genius.

    William Shakespeare at work

    Are thematically poems are love messages to an unknown young man, and only the last 26 sonnets out of 154 are an appeal to the black-haired lady. Many researchers see in this cycle autobiographical features, assuming the unconventional orientation of the playwright. But some historians are inclined to think that in these sonnets, William Shakespeare's appeal to his patron and to his friend Southampton Count in a secular social form was used.

    At the turn of the centuries in the works of William Shakespeare, works that made his name of the immortal in the history of world literature and theater appear. Practically held, successful creative and financial playwright creates a number of tragedies who brought him fame not only in England. These are the play "Hamlet", Macbeth, "King Lear", "Othello". These works raised the popularity of the Globus Theater to the heights of one of the most visited entertainment institutions in London. At the same time, the condition of its owners, including Shakespeare, has repeatedly increased in a short period.

    Illustration of the play "Othello"

    At the sunset of his work, Shakespeare composes a number of immortal works that surprised contemporaries with their new form. In them, the tragedy is combined with the comedy, and the fabulous plots are woven into the canvas description of situations from everyday life. First of all, these are the fantasy plays "storm", the "winter fairy tale", as well as dramas on the ancient stories - "Coriolian", "Anthony and Cleopatra". In these works, Shakespeare acted as a large connoisseur of the laws of a drama, which is easily and gracefully collects together the tragedy and fairy tales features, complex high syllables and understandable speech turnover.

    Separately, many of the dramatic works of Shakespeare were published in his life. But the full collection of works, in which almost all the canonical play of the playwright appeared, appeared only in 1623. The collection was printed on the initiative of the friends of Shakespeare William John Heming and Henry Kondee, who worked in the Globus troupe. A book, consisting of 36 plays of the English author, saw the light called "First Folio".

    During the XVII century, three more folios were published, which came out with some changes and with the addition of previously unnecessary plays.


    Since the last years of your life, William Shakespeare suffered a serious ailment, testimony to his changed handwriting, some of the last plays he created in collaboration with another playwright troupe, whose name was John Fletcher.

    After 1613, Shakespeare finally leaves London, but does not give up some affairs. He still has time to participate in the trial of his friend as a witness of protection, and also acquires another mansion in the former Blackfriangic parish. For some time, William Shakespeare lives in the estate of his son-in-law John Hall.

    For three years before the death of William Shakespeare writes his will, in which almost all property leaves for his older daughter. English writers died at the end of April 1616 in his own home. His wife Ann survived her husband for 7 years.

    Monument to William Shakespeare in Leicester Square, London

    In the family of the eldest daughter Susan, by this moment the granddaughter of Geniya Elizabeth was already born, but she died childless. In the family of the youngest daughter Shakespeare Judith, who was married literally two months after the death of his father for Thomas Quini, there were three boys, but they all died in his youth. Therefore, straight descendants from Shakespeare left left.

    • No one knows the exact date of the appearance of William Shakespeare. In the historians Arsenal, there is only a church record about the baptism of the baby, which was available on April 26, 1564. Researchers suggest that the rite was performed on the third day after birth. Accordingly, an incredible way the date of birth and death of the playwright fell on the same number - April 23.
    • The great English poet had a phenomenal memory, his knowledge could be compared with encyclopedic. In addition to ownership of two ancient languages, he also knew modern dialects of France, Italy and Spain, although he himself never left the borders of the English state. Shakespeare disassembled both in thin historical issues and in the current political situation. His knowledge was affected by music and painting, he thoroughly studied the whole Plast Botany.

    • Many historians tend to think about the alternative orientation of the poet, referring to the fact of a separate residence of the playwright from the family, as well as his long friendship with Count Southampton, who had a habit of dressing in women's clothing and apply a large amount of paint on her face. But there is no direct evidence to this.
    • The Protestant religion of Shakespeare and his family remains doubtfully. There are indirect evidence about belonging to his father to the Catholic denomination. But during the reign of Elizabeth I was forbidden to be an open Catholic, so many adherents of this branch simply covered off the reformers and visited the Catholic worship service secretly.

    • The only autograph writer who came to the present day is his testament. In it, he lists all his property to the smallest detail, but never mentions his literary writes.
    • For life, presumably, Shakespeare changed about 10 professions. He was a guard at the stables of the theater, actor, co-founder of the theater and the director of performances. In parallel with the acting activities, William led usury affairs, and at the end of his life he was engaged in brewing and handed over the housing.
    • Modern historians support the version of an unknown writer, who made Shakespeare with his stacked face. Even the British Encyclopedia does not refuse the version that Shakespeare could create the plays under the pseudonym, Count Edward De Ver. More on a number of guessing it could be Lord Francis Bacon, Queen Elizabeth I and even a whole group of people of aristocratic origin.

    • The poetic syllable of Shakespeare had a great influence on the development of English, formed the basis of modern grammar, as well as enriching the literary speech of the British with new phrases, which quotes from the works of the classic were used. Shakespeare left in heritage to compatriots more than 1,700 new words.

    Famous quotes Shakespeare

    Famous phrases of the classic often contain philosophical thoughts that are expressed very precisely and concise. A large number of fine observations is devoted to the love sphere. Here is some of them:

    "The sins of others judge you are so diligent - start with your own and not get to others."
    "Oaths, data in a storm forgotten in quiet weather";
    "One glance can kill love, you can resurrect it in the same look."
    "What does the name mean? Rosa smells a rose, at least a rose name for her, even though not ";
    "Love runs from those who chase for her, and those who are running running, throws on the neck."

    Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello - their thoughts and actions are known to the whole world. Oddly enough, about the playwright that created these characters, William Shakespeare, almost nothing is known. His literary heritage, perhaps one of the richest in the world: 37 plays, 154 sonnets, two big poems and a lot of poems. However, only two of its images applying for reliability are preserved; No letters left, nor diaries who reveal his feelings, but about the handwriting of Shakespeare only a few unintelligible signatures and 147 rows of the scene, which he wrote as a co-author for the play created approximately in 1595, but forbidden censorship. Despite the fact that the achievements of Shakespeare-playwater were recognized by his contemporaries, he himself believed that only verses would bring him deserved glory. A complete collection of his plays was published only seven years after his death in 1616, and some scientists still claim that not all of them belong to Peru of playwright. At the disposal of Potential biographers of Shakespeare there are only fragments for which it has to restore his life. In the parish book of Stratford-on-Avone, the English town with a population of about 20,000 people, located 33 kilometers southeast of Birmingham, there is an entry on Latin on baptism on April 26, 1564: "Gulielmus, Filius Johannes Shaksper" - William, Son John Shakespeare. William was the third child (and the first son) of eight children Mary Arden and her husband, John Shakespeare, who made the glove and who later became a city advisor. Most likely, William was born two or three days before Crestin. There is no data on his formation, however, it can be assumed that he studied Latin grammar in Stratford School. His upbringing should also include a visit to the church and intensive study of the Bible. At the end of November or early December 1582, 18-year-old Shakespeare married Ann Hathev, the daughter of a successful farmer, who was older than eight years old. In six months, they were born the daughter of Susanna, and in February 1585 - a few years: the son of Hamlet and daughter Judith. About his life, starting with this date and until 1592, when William Shakespeare, being a popular actor and novice playwright, appeared in London, nothing is known.


    Mostly on the basis of this caustic and contemptant remarks, Robert Green historians consider the three parts of Heinrich VI with the first play of Shakespeare. Most likely, it was written until 1592, when Shakespeare was a novice actor and played one of London theatrical troupes, such as Queen's troupe. In January 1593, the plague epidemic broke out in London, and the Secret Council of the Queen forbade "All plays, Bearing and Bulls, the game in the balls and any meetings of any number of people (with the exception of sermons and divine services in churches)." Theaters opened again only in the fall of 1594. By the time when the plague subsided, Shakespeare acquired a patron, a beautiful young Count Southempton, to whom he dedicated his poems "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucretia". "Venus and Adonis", published in 1593, was its first published work. And when theaters revealed again, Shakespeare became part of the Lord Chancellor troupe, with which it will be in -ured before his depart from the stage after 18 years. In the accounting book, the Treasurer of Queen Elizabeth William Shakespeare is among the three "servants of Lord Chancellor", which was paid a certain amount for the submission of the Queen in its Greenwich Palace on December 26 and 28, 1594. As one after another, comedy, tragedies and historical dramas appeared, grew not only the glory of Shakespeare, but his wealth: Soon he became a teaching officer and its main playwright. Most likely, he put his own plays. It is also known that Shakespeare continued to play - both in his own plays, and in the plays of other authors, including his young protege Ben Johnson. His best role was considered the role of the ghost of Hamlet's father, and the younger brother of Shakespeare recalled his role of the old servant of Adam in the play "How you like it." Despite the fact that Shakespeare was quite indifferent to the publication of his theatrical plays, by the end of the century several of them were published - both with his consent, and without his knowledge, often even without specifying the author name. In some cases, the playwright had to publish the corrected texts of the plays, which were in incomplete or distorted form. In February 1599, Shakespeare joined other members of the Lord Chancellor troupe, who, rented a land plot on the southern bank of the Thames, built a large new theater on it - "Globus". Already in the fall "Globus" opened by the play "Julius Caesar". Arma, we have no information about Stratford that Anne Hathewa moved to London with three children to live with her husband. On the contrary, the family of the famous actor and playwright, apparently, lived in Stratford, first in a small house on Henley Street, and after 1597 - in a beautiful three-story house with five fronts, located in the depths of the courtyard on Chepelstream opposite the Church in which Shakespeare Went a boy. Their son Hamlet died at 11 years old, but both Shakespeare's daughters married a father's life, and Susanna's eldest daughter gave him the only granddaughter, Elizabeth Hall. After 1612, Shakespeare finally returned to Stratford, and on March 25, 1616 he wrote a testament - separately testing his "second, better bed" Ann Hathev's wife, who lived 33 years old. He died in a month, April 23, almost in his 52nd birthday.

    In search of Shakespeare

    The works of Shakespeare are extremely multifaceted. At one time, doubts were expressed in the fact that they could get out of one person's pen - especially such a relatively low-fledged, as far from a brilliant actor from Stratford. The famous plays with their intricate plots and unforgettable characters are striking the depth and breadth of human feelings and reflect the cognition of the author in the field of history, literature, philosophy, rights and even courtie etiquette. Where did this provincial, who belonged to the lower layers of society, knew how the aristocrats behave and say lawyers? Maybe the actor allowed to use his name to an educated person who occupied his high position and descended to preserve his authorship secret? In 1781, the English priest J. Wilmot, having studied the archives of Stratford, came to a striking conclusion: a person of such origin, like Shakespeare, did not have education and experience to create these immortal works. Not wanting to publish your work, Wilmot burned all the records, entrusted, however, his suspicions of a friend, whose story about their conversation saw the light only in 1932. In the meantime, in the middle of the XIX century, English and American scientists began to put forward similar theories. In 1856, one of them, William Henry Smith, suggested that the author of Pieces is Sir Francis Bacon. This philosopher, an essayist and the statesman held a high post in the successor of Queen Elizabeth Yakov I and later received the noble title from his crowded patron. Scientists on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean grabbed Smith's hypothesis, having wrapped the avalanche of documents in its support. Baektonians, as they began to be called, indicated that Sir Francis had all the qualities that Shakespeare had lacking: classical education, the situation at the court and good knowledge of jurisprudence. Unfortunately, Bacon was clearly not interested in the theater and, as far as known, never wrote white poems. In 1955, the American scientist Calvin Hoffman called the author of Shakespeare's play of the playwright of the Elizavtian era of Christopher Marlo, who in 1593 threatened the prison, and perhaps death for his heretical views. According to Hoffman's theory, Garlo staged his own murder in the south of London's own kabache, the real sacrifice of which was a foreign sailor. Running onto the continent, Marlo continued to write plays, who already brought him recognition in London, and send them to England for setting under the name of Shakespeare. Candidates aristocrats

    Neither Bacon nor Garlo nor a more young playwright Ben Johnson wrote Shakespeare's play, they argue other detectives from literature. In fact, their author was a nobleman, who either believed below his dignity to write for theater, or was afraid to cause the queen discontent with an open expression of controversial political views. Among the nominated candidates of aristocratic origin, Sovperemniki Shakespeare, - William Stanley, the Sixth Count Derby, Roger Manners, Fifth Count Ratland, and Eduard De Ver, Seventeenth Count Oxford. Despite the fact that Lord Derby showed a huge interest in the theater and even wrote a few plays, it should be noted that he survived Shakespeare for 26 years, during which there was not a single new Shakespeare Piesel. As for the candidacy of Lord Retland, he was only 16 years old in 1592, in which they were written and put at least three plays of Shakespeare. And Lord Oxford died in 1604, although such masterpieces of Shakespeare, as the "King Lire", "Macbeth" and "Storma", still appeared up to 1612 - the dates of his alleged return to Stratford. Despite the intriguing hypotheses about the mysterious author, hiding under the name of the rural actor, today most scientists recognize William Shakespeare from Stratford-on-Hey-in-in the author of great works. Shakespeare was recognized as a genius during his lifetime, and the contemporaries did not have the slightest doubts in his authorship. It is useless to try to explain where he took the experience and talent necessary to create his masterpieces. Whether it is not better to be grateful to the young man who went to London 400 years ago, leaving his humble past behind his back. His act made the world much richer