Participants of the Show Bachelor (Season 6) with Egor Creed. Who will become the new participant in the seventh season show "Bachelor Bachelor's new season who groom on TNT

Participants of the Show Bachelor (Season 6) with Egor Creed. Who will become the new participant in the seventh season show
Participants of the Show Bachelor (Season 6) with Egor Creed. Who will become the new participant in the seventh season show "Bachelor Bachelor's new season who groom on TNT

The last season of the Show "Bachelor" with Egor Crem was the most successful in the entire history of the project, so the TNT producers will have to look good a hero for the new Tele Show season. In addition to the fact that the Bachelor should be young and popular, it is necessary that he possessed charisma and could "create drama." The version of Super suggested who have chances to become a new project's hero.

First of all, TNT TV channel is interested in pinging the heroes of his projects, as it was in the case of Timur Batrudinov and Ilya Mlinnikov. Timur Karginiov - a 34-year-old Stand-Up-comic, however, recently will most often meet in the jury of humorous projects TNT. For the show "Bachelor" can be noteworthy that for the first time in the project there will be a Caucasian man. Ossetian temperament and acute humor could give a new breath of a popular project.

Another "employee" TNT - Anton Shazhun - even recorded the promo to the new "bachelor", but it turned out to be a first-herrial joke. Anton is the brightest hero of the program "Improvisation" with Pavel Will. He is charming and perfectly joking, only it is difficult to imagine a sharp in dramatic scenes.

The son of the Sex Symbol of Russia Kirill Nagiyev has long been ahead of the A-List of women's portals. The younger acting generation generally floods the ratings of the desired bachelor, and Cyril is often put on the top of these lists. However, the All-Russian popularity, like his dad, did not have Cyril, so everything may be ambiguous on the scales of "for" and "against".

The author of the Blog "Diary Khacha" could be the perfect hero of the show "Bachelor": he has a sense of humor, it is easy for him to talk about relationships and his reputation of the womanizer. Like Egor Cre, Amiran often complained that finding the perfect girl is very difficult. It would seem that everything is perfect, but the viewers are often not familiar with the heroes of the Internet and Sardarov can be for the audience TNT unfamiliar character. In addition, Amiran is too often changing the gaznob, which may appreciate the sacralism of the project.

Singers Dima Bilan very often refer to the potential hero of the Show "Bachelor". In the sidelines, they even discuss that the musician led the preliminary negotiations, but it takes a lot of time for the shooting of such a project, and such a large "window" is quite difficult to organize without concerts. Among other things, the last Public Roman Dima Bilan ended ten years ago, the audience has many questions.

The release of the 7th season of all the favorite TV show "Bachelor" was appointed March 2013. No one knows who will become the most important bachelor of the country, since even the announcement of the new season has not entered the screens. Leading TV show - incomparable Peter Fadeev.

In previous seasons, Evgeny Levchenko, Maxim Chernyavsky, Timur Batrutdinov, Alexey Vorobyev, Ilya Mlinnikov and Egor Cre. But who will become a new hero, it will be possible to find out only after the debut series of the season on the screens.

Scene line of television show "Bachelor"

The plot of all seasons of the favorite TV show "Bachelor" never changes. A well-known and fairly rich idling man is usually chosen to the role of the main character, who goes to the project precisely in order to find his soul mate.

Fragment from the TV show "Bachelor"

But only the person who currently does not have completely close relationship with the opposite sex can be chosen on the role of a bachelor. He must want to associate fate with one of the participants of the project.

In the first series "Bachelor", all girls who have passed preliminary casting are acquainted with the main hero. The girls leave the limousine and give a potential fiance of any memorable gift. Pose each of the participants should tell a little bachelor about himself. Rose of the first impression will get to that girl who will be in the hero's heart at the very first moment of dating.

Fragment from the TV show "Bachelor"

After that, the bridegroom communicates with every girl separately. He is trying to penetrate their souls, learn about interests and desires. The most important thing is to understand who and why came to the project, as well as what girls are experiencing girls to bachelor.

If a date succeeded, bachelor will give a red rose to the girl. This means that the potential bride will definitely continue their participation in the show. But it happens that the bachelor does not find mutual understanding with some girls. As a result, they do not get a rose and leave the project with anything.

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Fragment from the TV show "Bachelor"

Only 3 are the most interesting girls for bachelor. They want to be the most beautiful to enhance their chances of winning. Everyone is waiting for, what will be the final choice of bachelor.

There are several facts about the Show "Bachelor", which may be interested in viewers:

Fragment from the TV show "Bachelor"
  • the Russian version is based on choosing the most popular bachelor who can enjoy many viewers. They will join the screens of their TVs to seek to find out who this time will choose enviable fiance;
  • only after the participants will pass a preliminary qualifying round, they are allowed to participate in the filming of the main show;
  • all seasons of the project broadcasts the TV channel "TNT";
  • red roses that bachelor hands have some girls at the end of each series, symbolize some kind of sympathy of the hero to a particular participant;
  • the show is created for about 3 months;
  • shooting "Bachelor" is always held in various countries of the world.

When will the 7 season "bachelor" be released?

The release of the first episode of the new season 7 of the TV show "Bachelor" was scheduled for March next year. The project comes out in the spring because it is considered the most romantic sometimes of the year. It is too early to talk about who will become the main character, but the audience is looking forward to continuing the favorite project.


Date of release of the TV show "Bachelor" 7 season

Series No. release date
1 March 2019.
2 March 2019.
3 March 2019.
4 March 2019.
5 March 2019.
6 March 2019.
7 March 2019.
8 March 2019.
9 March 2019.
10 March 2019.

"Created on the basis of the well-known American program The Bachelor, which began to be published in 2002. In each season, one man is "enviable bridegroom" - chooses one of 25 contenders on his heart. Unchanged lead show " Bachelor"All seasons remain a journalist and actor Peter Fadeev.

Bachelor in previous seasons of the Russian format were an athlete Evgeny Levchenko, Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, showman Timur Batrutdinov, actors Alexey Vorobyov and Ilya Mlinnikov, Singer Egor Cre.

None of the bachelors as a result remained with the girls they chose in the project final. Timur Batrutdinov and his chosen by 22-year-old Daria Cananowuch a few months after the end of the show publicly admitted that there was only a business agreement between them. Moreover, Alexey Vorobyev preferred to leave the project one, rejecting both finalists.

In July 2018, rumors appeared that a popular blogger and businessman Huseyn Hasanov can take the vacant place of the bachelor. "My Direct breaks down from this" Go to the "Bachelor", "Go to" Bachelor. " Here is the last two days, as I broke up, I write everything. I think that this is possible why there is no ... Or maybe we have already agreed, and maybe ... anything is possible, "the 24-Liajai of the Internet-trail intrigued.

Later it became known that TV channel TNT postponed the release of the 7th season of the project for 2020, continuing the search for the main character.

About the show bachelor Season 7

To participate in the show " Bachelor 7 season"Project organizers initially organize casting, the girls from all over Russia can be involved in the point. Applicants need to send up to 20 photos, on which the face and figure of the girl are visible. Also welcome video availability. Take part in " Bachelor 7 season»Can only unmarried girls who have reached majority. True, in the sixth season of the project, at the time of filming, one of the participants admitted that it was still not divorced.

According to the results of the casting before participation in the show allowed25 Beauties, which, according to the organizers of reality, are worthy to compete for the bachelor. The name of the Bachelor Channel TNT traditionally holds in the secret practically before the start of the project's ether.

In each release of the show " Bachelor 7 season»The main character (and this is necessarily a well-known and rich unmarried man, who has the status of the" enviable groom ") goes on a date with one of the girls, and also suits a collective date. The purpose of the girls is to interest the bachelor and get rid of the rivalries. At the end of each release, the rose ceremony is carried out, in the final of which the girl who did not receive the flower from the main character, leaves the project. However, this rule has repeatedly violated by bachelors in previous seasons.

In the last releases of the show " Bachelor 7 season"Girls introduce the main character with their families, and the Bachelor, respectively, represents the potential bride with their relatives who express an opinion about the applicant. In the finals, the Bachelor's show should choose one of the two finalists that appear in front of him in the wedding dresses, and put the ring on the hand.

Show "Bachelor Season 7" was created on the basis of the well-known American program of The Bachelor, which began to be published in 2002. In each season, one man is "enviable bridegroom" - chooses one of 25 contenders on his heart. Unchanging the leading show "Bachelor" All seasons remain a journalist and actor Peter Fadeev.

Bachelor in previous seasons of the Russian format were an athlete Evgeny Levchenko, Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, showman Timur Batrutdinov, actors Alexey Vorobyov and Ilya Mlinnikov, Singer Egor Cre.

It remains not to suffer for a very long time so that it is absolutely called the next "bachelor", but the impatient spectators of the "Bachelor-6" season want to know everything in advance and quickly. Information on the Internet on this score is different. Star, moreover, attractive outwardly, and even idle are called several young men. So, among them most often called a guy with a rather big growth and a great sense of humor. This is Anton Shastun. In my opinion, they still will be chosen by him, but a challenger, more corresponding to the presentation of girls about the "Prince on the White Kone". There is another interesting guy who lovers of youth series know well in the "Univera". His name is Alexey Gavrilov. And again, I argue that he is not the one who will choose to participate in this project, it seems to me, he is not serious enough. Who will be another bachelor? Perhaps Miguel, a guy with exotic appearance and an excellent figure.

The project "Bachelor" is one of the most popular projects on TNT TV channel. Bachelor is usually choosing from the most popular and successful men, so Egor Cred and Ilya Mlinnikov and Alexey Vorobyev also managed to participate in the project. Season 6 "Bachelor" comes to an end and now many are guessing who will become the next bachelor. For several seasons in bachelors, Miguel is stubbornly, a famous dancer, choreographer and one of the jury members in the Dance project. Also, I recently appeared about the fact that Anton Shazhun could become a bachelor, this is a rather popular humorist, he has a lot of fans.

In a man, the charisma is very important, a sense of humor, and not appearance. More precisely, not so much appearance as personal qualities. Girls are sometimes falling in love with merry guys. One of the main candidates for the role of a new bachelor in the seventh season Anton Shazhun is just that or it seems. It will be interesting if it will be a member of the project, because in fact we do not know him, but only the image that he plays. Anton has many chances to become bachelor-7. But, you will agree, even in it there is something, but not every girl will endure such a partner, which literally everything can turn into a joke.

On June 3, the final of the 6th Single Season was held, in which his star - singer Egor Creid - chose his bride and part-time the winner of the show. Crend gave the wedding ring of a 23-year-old Darius Kzobero, which for the second time he attended happiness on the "bachelor".

In 2017, the Winner of the Bachelor Fought for the attention of the Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov, however, relations between them were limited to sympathy. Today, Kozokin still does not know how Mlinnikov responded to her return to the "Bachelor".

In the near future, Kizkina intends to begin work with popular brands, from some of which she has already received proposals on cooperation.

The next season "Bachelor" starts in 2019, but the show fans are already putting forward their versions, which of men will be the next bachelor. Many users agree that they will be the star of the TNT channel, where the show is broadcast.

The editors of the publication robes over those who become a bachelor in the 7th season of the show. We present eight candidates for the role of a new Hero "Bachelor".

Ruslan White

Former participant Comedy Club and Standap-comic Ruslan white almost all his time pays to work. Since 2013, he has been heading one of the most famous Russian television shows Stand Up, and in 2017 the White tried Battle between Raper Oximiron (real name - Miron Fedorov) and purulent (Vyacheslav Kareline).

According to him, he does not have enough time to build relationships. A few years ago, White fans attributed to him with another Stand Up star Akhmedova. Later, the humorists died from rumors: they admitted that only friendship binds them.

Today, nothing is known about other novels of white reporters. Fans Ruslana are confident that in the 7th season "Bachelor" he will be his hero.

Amiran Sardarov

The leading YouTube channel "Diary Khacha" Amiran Sardarov has been trying to find his love throughout the year. Envious bachelor does not believe women who, as he believes, want to get money from him and glory: they do not intend to build relationships with him.

The 31-year-old video cell before the summer of 2017 was in a relationship with the photo model Anastasia Tukmacheva, also known as the "Nastya Tuki-Tuk". The girl was outraged by the Khamsky attitude of the friends of Sardarov to her, which pushed Anastasia to rupture with his beloved.

After parting, Sardarov began to complain regularly on the absence of a partner on his YouTube Channel. Over the past year, Amira was able to make friends with many TNT channel stars, in particular with Comedy Club members, so they can be invited to shoot 7 seasons "bacheloy".

Emin Agalarov

Singer Emin Agalarov is a major candidate for the role of a new bachelor. People's Artist of Azerbaijan in the spring of 2015 announced a divorce with the daughter of President Ilham Aliyev - Leyla. Agalarov and Aliyev decided to interrupt relationships, but remain friends. Today, they together raise children and support each other: their relationship has become warmer than in the years of marriage.

Later, in 2016, Paparazzi found Agalarov in the company with Miss Mordovia-2004 by Alena Gavrilova. 38-year-old Emin also published a joint photo with a girl, but nothing else is known about their novel. Agalar's fans are confident that his relationship with Gavrilova has not advanced, so he can participate in the 7th season "Bachelor".

Sergey Lazarev

Journalists are rightfully considered the Russian singer Sergey Lazarev one of the most enviable grooms of the last decade. There are many rumors around the personal life of the artist: in the fall of 2015, Lazarev admitted that it was found with a girl from the "near-communal environment". Later, in the winter of 2016, Sergey said that for two years she raises his son.

The press knows only about the name of Lazarev - with TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva, with which he met from 2008 to 2012.

Today, Eurovision-2016 Star does not talk about personal life, and his fans hope that he will be a bachelor in the 7th Show season.

Dima Bilan.

Recently, journalists say nothing about the personal life of the Russian singer Dima Bilan. In 2008, the artist gave a promise to marry the models of Elena Kulecksky in the event of a victory at Eurovision. Bilan became the first Russian winner of the European Song Competition, but he did not restrain his promise, and later he broke up with Kulecksky.

Today, nothing is known about Bilan's relationships, but some fans of the singer attributing to him with his back-in-vocalist Julia Lima. Recently, Bilan has greatly closed in itself: it is often divided into "instagram" with sad thoughts. His subscribers hope that he will be able to try happiness to find a beloved in the 7th season "Bachelor".

Oleg Miami

The scandalous star "House-2" and the Russian singer Oleg Miami (Oleg Krivikov) is known for its numerous novels, each of which ended with a heavy gap. Among the girls, Oleg were mostly participants in the "House-2": Victoria Bernikova, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, Katya Zhuzh, Oksana Strunkina, Vary Tretyakov.

Over the limits of the project, Oleg Miami tried to build a relationship with the leading "Eagle and Dish" by Nastya Ivlev, but they also ended with a rupture. For a while, the artist attributed a novel with a soloist of the Serebro group by Olga Seryabkina. However, later they died from these rumors.

Fans of the 27-year-old singer hope that it will participate in the 7th season "Bachelor". However, Oleg is still huddling about their possible participation in the project.

Maxim Averin

In the life of the Russian actor, Maxim Averin had many novels. The 42-year-old star of the series "Ceremakha" has not connected himself to strong marriage. In zero Averin, an affair with actress Victoria Tarasova was attributed to the actress, but, according to Maxim, his relationship with her did not fit the flirting.

Later there were rumors about the actor's novel with Maria Kulikova, with which he was familiar in the Theater Institute. After a divorce with a spouse in 2015, reporters have become more actively talking about her secret romantic relations with Averin.

Recently, the actor told reporters that he had everything in his personal life: he meets with a girl named Tatiana, which is not related to acting activities. However, Averin fans are confident that such statements he tries to fight off from the annoying paparazzi. The actor fans hope that it will become the next bachelor.

Anton Shatun.

7 avid hollywood bachelors

The Russian comedian and participant of the Show "Improvisation" Anton Shazhun in a short time became one of the most popular TNT stars. A native of Voronezh practically gives work all the time, and he does not have enough time to his personal life.

Shastun publishes only backlight photos in "Instagram", so there is nothing more known about his relationship with girls in his free work. Some time ago, Shastun fans attributed to him with an Irina Kuznetsova, but these rumors remained rumors. In 2019, Anton can become the next bachelor.