Three kingdoms are copper, silver and gold. Russian folk fairy tale Three kingdoms Copper, Silver and Golden Brief Contents Tales Three kingdoms

Three kingdoms are copper, silver and gold. Russian folk fairy tale Three kingdoms Copper, Silver and Golden Brief Contents Tales Three kingdoms
Three kingdoms are copper, silver and gold. Russian folk fairy tale Three kingdoms Copper, Silver and Golden Brief Contents Tales Three kingdoms

V. Vasnetsov. Three princes of the underground kingdom

In some kingdom, in some state there was a king Bel Belyanin; He had a wife of Nastasya Golden Spit and three Sons: Peter-Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan-Tsarevich. The queen went to the garden and nyutushki to stroll around the garden. Suddenly a strong whirlwind rose - that my God! Grabbed the queen and delivered unknown where. The king sealed, twisted and does not know how to be. He graduated from Tsarevichi, he says to them: "My dear children! Which of you will go - my mother will find out? "

Two senior son gathered and drove; And behind them, the younger has become a fish to ask. "No," says the king, "you, Son, do not go!" Do not leave me one, old man. " - "Let me, father! Fear as you want to shoot the white light to quickly find it. " The king dissuade, dissuaded, could not dissuade: "Well, there is nothing to do, go; God is with you!"

Ivan-Tsarevich saddled his kind horse and started on the road. I was driving, how long, briefly; Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done; comes to the forest. In that forest, the richest palace stands. Ivan Tsarevich drove into a wide yard, he saw the old man and says: "Healthy years of healthy, an old man!" - "Welcome! Who is like, kind well done? " "I - Ivan-Tsarevich, the son of Tsar Bela Belyanin and Queen Nastasya Golden Spit." - "Ah, native nephew! Where does God bears? " "Yes, and so," says, "I'm going to find my mother." Can you say uncle, where to find it? " - "No, nephew, I do not know. Than I can, all the way you all Here you have a ball, throw it in front of him; He will ride and lead you to steep, high mountains. In the mountains there is a cave, enter it, take iron claws, put on your arms and on your feet and lie on the mountains; perhaps there will be your mother Nastasya Golden Spit. "

That's fine. Ivan-Tsarevich said goodbye to the uncle and let the ball before him; The ball rolls, rolls, and he goes behind him. How long is it briefly - sees: his Peter-Tsarevich's brothers and Vasili-Tsarevich stand in a pure field camp and many troops with them. The brothers are invented: "Ba! Where are you, Ivan-Tsarevich? " "Yes," says, "I missed at home and I decided to go find the mother. Release the army home and eat together. " They did that; They let go of the army and drove the three of the ball. Mountains were still overlooked - such cool, high, that my God! The tops in the sky were overlapped. The ball right to the cave rolled; Ivan-Tsarevich tears from his horse and says to the brothers: "So you, brothers, my kind horse; I will go to the Mountain Mother to find out, and you are still here; Play me exactly three months, and I will not in three months - and there is nothing to wait! " The brothers think: "How to put on these mountains, so here and head to break!" "Well," they say, they go with God, and we will wait here. "

Ivan-Tsarevich approached the cave, sees - the iron door, pushed from all the sweep - the door turned out; He entered there - iron claws to his arms and on his feet themselves. I started climbing on the mountains, lez, climbed, worked for a whole month, climbed upstairs upstairs. "Well," says, "glory to God!" Rested a little and went through the mountains; She was walking, she walked, walked, looking - the copper palace stands, the gates are terrible snakes on copper chains chain, and sisha! And beside the well, the well has a copper root on a copper chain hanging. Ivan-Tsarevich took his waters with the king, drove the snakes; They were recalled, he was imposed, he passed to the palace.

Pops up to him the copper kingdom of the queen: "Who is the good one?" - "I am Ivan-Tsarevich". "What," asks, "His Hunt Ali Neils came here, Ivan-Tsarevich?" - "His hunt; I am looking for my mother Nastasya Golden Spit. Some kind of whirlwind of her the garden kidnapped. Do you know if, where is she? " - "No, I do not know; But not far from here lives my sister sister, the silver kingdom of the queen; Maybe she will tell you. " Gave him a copper ball and copper ring. "The ball," says, will bring you to the middleweight sisters, and in this rings, all the copper kingdom consists. When you win the whirlwind, who keeps me here and flies to me through every three months, do not forget me the poor - free from here and take it with free on free light. " "Good," Ivan-Tsarevich answered, took away the copper ball - the ball rolled, and Tsarevich went behind him.

Comes to the silver kingdom and sees the palace better than the former - the whole silver; At the gate, terrible snakes on silver chains are chained, and bend a well with a silver king. Ivan-Tsarevich leaned the water, drove the snakes - they lay down and missed him to the palace. The Queen of the Silver Kingdom is coming: "Soon three years," says Mighty whirlwind here holds me here; I did not hear the Russian spirit to sleep, did not see the view, and now the Russian spirit is performed by the second. Who is like, kind well done? " - "I am Ivan-Tsarevich". - "How did you get here - Near Ali's hunt?" - "I will have a hunt, looking for my mother; She went to take a walk in a green garden, how the whirlwind risen and hesitated her unknown where. Do you know if where to find it? " - "No, I do not know; And here he lives the older sister my, the golden kingdom of the queen, Elena is beautiful; Maybe she will tell you. Here is a silver ball, to sing him in front of him and go behind him; He will bring you to the Golden Kingdom. Yes, look how you kill the vortex - do not forget me poor; causes from here and take with free on free light; Holds me the whirlwind in the conclusion and flies to me every two months. " Here she filed a silver ring: "In this ring, all the silver kingdom consists!" Ivan-Tsarevich shoved the ball: where the ball rolled, there and he headed.

How long, briefly, saw the Golden Palace stands like heat burning; The gates are sissed by terrible snakes - in gold chains are chained, and near the well, the well of the golden king on the gold chain is hanging. Ivan-Tsarevich leaned the king of water and drove the snakes; They lay down, were reconsidered. Included Tsarevich to the palace; He meets him Elena Beautiful: "Who is such, good well done?" - "I am Ivan-Tsarevich". - "How did you go here - whether His Hunt Ali is unheard?" - "I went hunting; I am looking for my mother Nastasya Golden Spit. Do not you know where to find it? " - "How not to keep! She lives near this, and the whirlwind flies to her once a week, and to me once a month. Here is a golden ball, to shake and go behind him, he will bring you to usually; Yes, here is still the golden ring - in this rings, all the golden kingdom consists! Look, Tsarevich: How to win the vortex, do not forget me the poor, take with you to free light. " - "Good," says, "take it!"

Ivan-Tsarevich swept the ball and went behind him: she walked, and comes to the palace, that and my God's God! - It burns in diamonds and self-color stones. The gates are hissing the hexagonal snakes; Ivan-Tsarevich drove them, Snakes were submitted and missed him to the palace. Tsarevich passes with great rest and find his mother in the farthest: she is sitting on a high throne, the royal outfits are removed, the precious crown is crowned. I looked at the guest and screamed: "Oh, my God! Are you my sweetheart? How did you get here? " "So," says, "you came for you." - "Well, son, hard to you! After all, here in the mountains reigns an evil, mighty whirlwind, and all spirits obey him; He was charged with me. You need to fight him! Let's go as soon as the cellar. "

They went to the cellar. There are two cadi with water: one on his right hand, the other on the left. She tells the Queen of Nastasya Golden Spit: "Icy, the water, which rightly stands." Ivan-Tsarevich washed. "Well, how much strength in you?" "Yes, so strong that the entire palace is at the same hand." - "Well, sophisticated yet." Tsarevich was still spoiled. "How many strength in you now?" - "Now I want - all the world will turn around." - "Oh, it's a lot of so much! Stop these Cadi from place to place: the one is worth the right, take it on the left hand, and the one that left, take on the right hand. " Ivan-Tsarevich took Cadi and rearranged from place to place. "Here you see, a kind of son: In one Cadi - strong water, in the other - powerless; Who will be the first to go - it will be a strong borty, and who is the second isopier - completely weaken. The whirlwind is always strong water and becomes the right side; So it is necessary to deceive him, otherwise they do not speak with him! "

Round into the palace. "Soon the whirlwind will arrive," says Queen Ivan-Tsarevich. "Say to me under Porfir, so that he did not see you." And how the whirlwind will arrive, let me embrace-kiss, and grab it for the cleans. He will highly rise to wear you and over the seas and above the abuse, you look do not let me out of the hands of the cloth. The whirlwind will shy, wants to eat strong water, go down to the cellar and rushes to the Cadi, which is put on his right hand, and you drink from Cadi on your left hand. Here he completely extensive, you caress the sword from him and one blow is branched his head. How to graze his head, immediately behind you will scream: "Ruby is still, Ruby more!" And you, son, not Ruby, but in response, say: "The heroic hand does not hit twice, and all from one time!"

Only Ivan-Tsarevich managed to hide under the Porphyra, as suddenly he darkened on the courtyard, he shook everything around; The whirlwind hit, hit the land, became a good hedge and enters the palace; In his hands he has a battleclock. "Fu Fu Fu! What does the Russian spirit smell like? Al Who was a guest? " Queen answers: "I don't know why you give you so much." The whirlwind rushed to hug-kiss, and Ivan-Tsarevich immediately for the cleans. "I will eat you!" - shouted on him whirlwind. "Well, the grandmother said in half: either eat or not!" The whirlwind rushed - in the window yes in the doorway; He wore, wore Ivan-Tsarevich - and above the mountains: "Khosh," says, - sewing? " And above the seas: "Khosh, - threatens, - drowning?" Only no, Tsarevich does not produce a pancake from the hands.

All the light swirl pulled out, worried and began to descend; It went downstairs to the cellar, ran up to that kind on the right hand, and let's drink powerless water, and Ivan Tsarevich rushed to the left, drunk a strong water and became the first mighty richren in the world. He sees that the whirlwind very weakened, he grabbed his sharp sword yes, and his head compartment. They shouted behind the voice: "Ruby is still, Ruby is still, and it will come to life." "No," Tsarevich responds, "the Bogatirskaya hand does not hit two times, but everything cums everything from one time!" Now laid fire, burned and the body and head and the ashes in the wind dispelled. Ivan-Tsarevich's mother is getting glad! "Well," says, "my beloved son, you will hang, try, let them go home as soon as possible; And then here is boring, there is no one of people. " - "But who serves here?" - "But you will see." They just thought they were to eat, now the table is covered, different dishes and wines on the table themselves; Queen with Tsarevich dinner, and invisible music to them wonderful songs play. Write-got drunk, rested; Says Ivan-Tsarevich: "Let's go, Mother, it's time! After all, the brothers are waiting for us under the mountains. Yes, it is expensive for three tsaritsa expensive that the vortex lived here. "

Took everything you need and went on the road; At first they went on the queen of the Golden Kingdom, then behind the Queen of Silver, and there behind the queen of the copper kingdom; They took them with themselves, captured the canvas and everyone all sorts and soon came to the place where it was necessary to descend from the mountains. Ivan-Tsarevich lowered her mother on the canvas, then Elena's beautiful and two sisters of her. The brothers stand at the bottom - wait, and they themselves think: "Let's leave Ivan-Tsarevich at the top, and the mother yes Tsaritz is lucky to the father and say that we found them." - "Elena, I will take the wonderful for myself," says Petr-Tsarevich - Tsaritsa Silver Kingdom you will take you, Vasily Tsarevich; And I will give the queen of the copper state at least for the general. "

This is how Ivan-Tsarevich was to descend from the mountains, the older brothers took up the canvas, rushed and completely tear off. Ivan-Tsarevich on the mountains remained. What to do? I cried bitterly and went back; I went, I went along the copper kingdom, and in silver, and in gold - there is no soul. Comes to the diamond kingdom - there is also no one. Well, that one? Boredom mortal! Look - on the window lies a shoe. He took her in hand. "Give me," says, "I will play boredom." Only whistled - pop up a chrome and curve; "Whatever, Ivan-Tsarevich?" - "I am hungry". Immediately, there either hurt - the table covers, on the table and wines and the Kushan are the very first. Ivan-Tsarevich attempted and thinks: "Now would not have thin." Sucking in a doodle, appeared chrome and krivoy: "Whatever, Ivan-Tsarevich?" - "So that the bed is ready." I did not have time to say, and the bed is postlane - that neither is the best.

So he lay down, slept nice and again whistled in a dull. "Anything?" - Ask him lame and curve. "So, it became possible?" - asks Tsarevich. "Everything can be, Ivan-Tsarevich! Who in this dull whistles, we will do everything. As before the whirlwind served, now you can serve as happy; It is only necessary, so that this man is always for you. " "Good," says Ivan-Tsarevich, "so that I have now become in my state!" Only said, and at that time I found himself in my state sategorized bazaar. Here walks in the bazaar; Going towards a shoeman - such a merry! Tsarevich asks: "Where, a peasant, you go?" - "Yes, carrying Chereviki2 to sell; I am a shoe. " - "Take me to myself in the apprentices." - "Do you know how to sew cravings?" - "Yes, anything, I can, I can; Not the cravings, and a dress with a sushoy. " - "Well, let's go!"

They came home; Bashman and says: "Well, smart! Here you have the very first product; See how you can ". Ivan-Tsarevich went to his room, took out a denunciation, whistled - was a chrome and curve: "Whatever, Ivan-Tsarevich?" - "In order for the shoes to the Vorutur,". - "Oh, this is a service, not a service!" - "That's the goods!" - "What is this product? Dryan - and only! You need to throw out the window. " The next day Tsarevich wakes up, on the table shoes there are beautiful, the very first. Has got up and the owner: "What, well done, sewed shoes?" - "Ready". - "Well, show!" I looked at the shoes and painted: "That's how the masters got himself! Not a master, but a miracle! " He took these shoes and suffered to sell to the bazaar.

At this very day, the king was preparing three weddings: Peter-Tsarevich was selected to marry Elena beautiful, Vasily Tsarevich - on the Queen of the Silver Kingdom, and the Queen of the Copper Kingdom was given to the general. Began to purchase outfits to those weddings; For Elena, the slaughters needed perfectly. Our shoe workers have declared heels better than all; led him to the palace. Elena is beautiful as she looked: "What is it? - He speaks. - Only on the mountains can do such shoes. " I paid the shoeman dearly and orders: "Make me without the measure another pair of the killer, so that they were sewn to dislike, precious stones are removed, the diamonds are seated. Yes, so that he has slept to the punishment, and not that - at the gallop! "

Took a saummer money and precious stones; Go home - so cloudy. "Bed! - He speaks. - So what's now? Where are such shoes to sew to tomorrow, and even without measure? Seen, hang me tomorrow! Give at least finances we take a walk with grief with your friends. " Went to the tavern; He had a lot of friends, so they ask: "What are you, brother, overcast?" - "Ah, others are kind, because tomorrow will hang me!" - "Why so?" The shoe told his grief: "Where is I thinking about work? Better take a walk finally. " Here drank-drank, walked-walked, the shoe is already swinging. "Well," says, "I'll take home the keg of wine and sleep to sleep. And tomorrow, as soon as they come for me to hang, now I will blow half emana; Let me hang me without memory. " Comes home. "Well, the popyan," says Ivan Tsarevich, "That's what your kisheviks have done ... So so ... in the morning, as they come after me, now I'll wake me up."

At night, Ivan-Tsarevich took out a denunciation, whistled - was the chrome and the curve: "WHAT IT, Ivan-Tsarevich?" - "So that such shoes were ready." - "We listen!" Ivan-Tsarevich lay down; In the morning wakes up - the shoes on the table are standing like heat burn. He goes to wake the owner: "Host! Get up time. " - "What, Ali came for me? Let's rather a keg with wine, here's a mug - pour out; Let it be drunk hanging. " - "Yes, the shoes are ready." - "How are you ready? Where are they? - ran the owner, looked: - Ah, when did we do it with you? " - "Yes, at night, Surely, the owner, do not remember how we cried and sewed?" - "Mostly slept, brother; I remember a little! "

He took the shoes, wrapped, runs to the palace. Elena perfectly saw the shoes and guessed: "True, this is Ivan-Tsarevich the spirits do." - "How did you do it?" - She asks the shoe "Yes," says, - I can do everything! " - "If so, make me a dress wedding, so that it was embroidered with a gold, diamonds are duly digestively. Yes, so that Sorrow was ready, and not that - the head is not yet! " There is a bag of cloudy again, and he lived him for a long time: "Well, what?" - "What, - says, is one eyeguard! There was a translator of the genus of Christian, she ordered a dress with gold with gold, with stones. And what tailor I am! That's right, tomorrow will be removed from me. " "E, brother, in the morning of the evening wisen: let's go a walk."

Let's go to the tavern, drink drinking. The shoe looked again, dragged the whole barrel of wine and says Ivan Tsarevich: "Well, small, tomorrow, as woke, so a whole bucket and blow; Let a drunk chop down! And I don't do this dress for me. " The owner went to bed, Zaranked, and Ivan-Tsarevich whistled in a shoe - was the chrome and the curve: "WHAT ARE WHAT, Tsarevich?" "Yes, so that the dress is ready for the trust, just like Elena wary with the vortex wore." - "We listen! Will be ready". The light woke up Ivan-Tsarevich, and the dress on the table lies like the heat burns - so the whole room and illuminated. So he wakes up the owner, he extended his eyes: "What, Al after me came - to chop your head? Come on Wine! " - "But the dress is ready ..." - "Ohhhe! When did we subscribe? " - "Yes, at night, don't you remember? You yourself and Croil. " - "Ah, brother, I remember a little bit; As in a dream I see. " He took a shoe dress, runs to the palace.

Here Elena gave him a lot of money and orders: "Look, so that tomorrow to the dawn on the seventh miles, the kingdom was the kingdom and so that from there to our palace was the Golden Bridge, that bridge was eliminated by expensive velvet, and around the railing on both parties would grow The trees are wonderful and singing b birds with different voices chased. You will not do for tomorrow - Velin fadder you! " He walked the shoe from Helena beautiful and hung. Meet him: "What, brother?" - "What! I disappeared, tomorrow to fed me. Such a service was asked that no damn would do. " - "E, full! The morning is wiser than the evening; Let's go to the restaurant. " - "And then go! For example, you need to have fun. "

Here they saw-drink; The barbecue must be drunk in the evening that they brought home under his hands. "Farewell, small!" - He says Ivan Tsarevich. "Tomorrow I execute me." - "Ali new service asked?" - "Yes, like that!" Lit and scared; And Ivan-Tsarevich immediately in his room, whistled in a shoe - was a chrome and curve: "Whatever, Ivan-Tsarevich?" - "You can serve me that such a service ..." - "Yes, Ivan-Tsarevich, this is a service! Well, yes, there is nothing to do - everything will be ready for the morning. " The next day, Ivan-Tsarevich woke up, Ivan-Tsarevich woke up, looks out the window - Sveta's father! All as it is done: the Golden Palace is like a heat burning. He wakes the owner; He jumped up: "What? Al followed me? Give wine as soon as possible! Let be executed drunk. " - "Yes, because the palace is ready." - "What are you!" She glanced in the window and became surprised: "How did it have?" - "Do you not remember how you are mastered?" - "Ah, it can be seen, I slept; I remember a little! "

They ran to the Golden Palace - there wealth is unprecedented and unheard of. Says Ivan-Tsarevich: "Here is the owner, the wing; Look, wash on the railing bridge, and if I will come, let them ask: who lives in the palace? "You don't tell anything, just give this note." That's good, the shoe went and began to spend the railing on the bridge. Elena woke up in the morning, he saw the Golden Palace and now ran to the king: "Look, Your Majesty that we do; At the sea, the Golden Palace is built, from that palace the bridge for seven miles stretches, and around the bridge wonderful trees grow, and singing birds sing with different voices. "

The king now sends asking: "What would this mean? Is it not bogin, what under his state regulated? " Come sent to the shoeman, began to ask him; He says: "I don't know, and I have a note to your king." In this note, Ivan-Tsarevich told his father everything, as it was: how he freed himself, Elena his beautifully mined and how his older brothers were deceived. Together with the note, Ivan-Tsarevich Golden carriages is sent and asks to come to him the king with the queen, Elena is beautiful with her sisters; And the brothers let Nazady in simple woodlons will be brought.

Everyone immediately gathered and drove; Ivan-Tsarevich met them with joy. The king wanted to grow older sons for their inappropriate, and Ivan-Tsarevich his father strangled, and forgive them. Here began the feast of the mountain; Ivan-Tsarevich married Elena's beautiful, for Peter-Tsarevich gave the Tsaritsa of the Silver State, for Vasilla-Tsarevich gave the Tsaritsu of the copper state, and the barbecue to the generals produced. On Tom Peir and I was, I drank honey wine, flowed across the mustache, did not get into my mouth.

Despite the fact that fairy tales in our presentation is what remains deep in childhood, it's not at all like that, because They are hidden deep symbolism. Consider it on the example of the Russian fairy tale " Three kingdoms"- About the journey of the hero (Tsarevich) for three underground kingdoms, copper, silver and gold.

One of the leading religious scientists and cultural scientists of our time Mircea Eliad shares all myths and legends of the world for 2 main categories:

  1. Cosmogonic myths concerning directly the life of the people, its origin and life, i.e. "True legends"
  2. Fairy tales and fables that do not bring any influence on man and its activities, i.e. "Fictional legends."

We will discuss both those and others. Humanity has no such a long story, and too recently, the steel events occur quite quickly enough to make it possible to forget the past. Only in the XIX century, progress began to gain momentum, before that life was too slow, measured and established. We can even conditionally divide all human history on conditional ages. So primitive system is an early age; Ancient world, antiquity - childhood; Middle Ages - adolescent age. And only the last 150-200 years old mankind began to grow up. So if we do not care about your childhood and fairy tales that accompany him and lay the foundations of the future? Not to mention the fact that talekotherapy is one of the methods of psychological work with both children and adults.

Three kingdoms - copper silver and gold

In childhood, a Russian folk fairy tale " Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold". Tale with an unusual cruel end. I remind you of a summary: " He lived, there was a king with the queen and they had 3 sons. Once the queen was dragged by an evil spirit, and the older brothers went to search for the mother. When they did not return, it came a line of younger. In his search, he went to the sea where young girls had bathed. Entering into the water, they turned into birds-clips. Tsarevich kidnapped the belt of one of the girls so that she was in return to tell him where his mother hides. The queen was captured by the father of a girl, a powerful sorcerer, and the girl told how to find it. And gave a small bird-conductor. Behind the sea, Tsarevich met his brothers, then they went to search already together. The bird leads brothers to the entrance to the dungeon, which is under heavy iron stove. The older brothers help Tsarevich go down, and his path lasts 3 years. In his journey, he passes 3 kingdoms: copper, silver and gold, and in each of them finds a princess, which turns out to be more beautiful and wiser of the previous one (the latter is a girl from the shore of the sea). Tsarevna tell him how to defeat their father. Tsarevich finds a mother that the evil spirit inclined to marriage and tasks with gold and decorations. The son frees his mother, kills the Spirit and takes with him all princess. The brothers help everyone climb up, but then, having envied the success of the younger, reset it back down. All others are returned home. The brothers marry on the first two first princes, and the king, falling in love with the Golden Kingdom princess, orders to execute his wife to marry again. Tsarevna offers him to swim in the milk can be rejuvenated. The king dies, and the returned Tsarevich will take revenge on his brothers, takes Tsarevna to his wife and becomes a new king. "

Tale Three kingdoms - copper silver and gold

When you squeeze the measured story in a short retell, then a lot of details are thrown into the eyes, which are forced to think. In a fairy tale Three kingdoms - copper, silver and golden "the first thing that cuts the eye is why the princes are so easy to betray the Father? Then - that the queen, although it does not accept the proposal of an evil spirit, nevertheless with pleasure takes gifts from him. And why for so long - 3 years - the journey lasts? Why are Tsarevichi try to kill their native brother? Why does the king orders so cruel to deal with his wife who gave him 3 sons, in search of which he sent them all (remaining without the heir) and which is not guilty of anything before him? And why Tsarevich calmly celebrates the wedding, when he had just killed his father?

In fact, all these issues have a rational and deep explanation. Anna Ben, for example, leads a detailed analysis of all characters used in fairy tales and metaphors.

The girl by the sea tells how to find a father, because Tsarevich kidnap her sush. Belt In a traditional Russian costume, it is an overlap, a line closed in a circle is a symbol of the organization of chaos and an emotional sphere. With the loss of a belt, the girl loses his defense and is forced to tell the truth.

Three years - It is 3 levels - mind, emotions and actions. And 3 kingdoms are hidden under the iron stove - a symbol of durable matter hiding the entrance to the scope of the subconscious. Where and penetrates Tsarevich.

Copper Silver and Golden Kingdom - These are key stages of the hero's development.

Copper kingdom - Association with a copper mirror Venus - a symbol of beauty, inspiration and creativity.

Silver kingdom - Symbol of the Moon and Night. The moon reflects the light of the truth sun. Therefore, the silver kingdom is a symbol of wisdom, a moon that opens the mystery of knowledge.

Golden kingdom - Symbol of the sun, the kingdom of truth. It is here that Tsarevich receives knowledge as to defeat an evil spirit.

Brothers Karevich kill, because they did not pass through the transformation and search for the truth that the younger brother experienced. They are a symbol of rational activity and cannot correctly appreciate the wealth of knowledge that Tsarevich brought.

King (symbol of consciousness) kills returned tsaritsaBecause it (the symbol of the emotional sphere) suffered from the influence of an evil spirit, taking his gifts. She was humbly in captivity, without trying to get out, as the soul is not able to get out of the shackles, it is limiting.

And finally, Tsarevich quietly sits on the throne just the deceased father, because it is absolutely logical. Old king - Old, inert, talked consciousness (on the likeness of how old men are usually not ready for the discovery of anything new) and his marriage with the princess gold kingdom - the kingdom of light of truth and discoveries is impossible. And Tsarevich is a young, young consciousness, open fresh ideas. New comes to the place of old, as it should be.

As you can see, in simple, it would seem, the narrative is hidden deep symbolism and meaning. We will still talk a lot on this topic, because it is truly inexhaustible. And besides, helps to find the path to yourself.

(When writing an article, the materials of the book Anna Ben "Dancing with Wolves") were partially used)

At the time ago, when the world of God was filled with leather, the witch da mermaids, when the rivers flowed dairy, the shores were kindergarten, and fried roasted partridges were flying, while there was a king named Pea with Queen Anastasia beautiful; They had three sons-Tsarevich. The trouble was shook. There is a lot of trouble - a unclean spirit dragged the queen. Says the king of a big son:
"Batyushka, bless me, I will go to find a mother."
I went and disappeared, for three years about it, nor a guilty there was no hearing. Became the second son to ask:
- Batyushka, bless me in the road; perhaps it will be lucky for me to find and brother and Mother.
The king blessed; He went and was also missing - as if he was going to the water.
Comes to the king of a little son Ivan-Tsarevich:
- kind bass, bless me in the road; There may be lazy and brothers and mother.
- Go, son!
Ivan-Tsarevich went into an alien side; I was driving and came to the blue sea, I stopped on babe and thinks:
- Where to keep the way now?
Suddenly they flew to sea thirty-three hopits, laid out and became red girls - all are good, and one is better than everyone; Section and rushed into the water.
A lot of whether they never had a bathe - Ivan-Tsarevich burst, took from that girl that everyone painted, a cushache and hid behind the sinus. The girls bathed, went ashore, began to dress - there is no dusty.
"Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich," says Beauty, "Give MY Kushachka.
- Tell me before, where is my mother?
- Your mother's mother lives - Voron Voronovich. Go up the sea, the silver bird of Golden Khokholok will fall: where she flies, there and you go.
Ivan-Tsarevich gave her a cushache and went up the sea; Then he met his brothers, greeted them and took with him.
They go together by the shore, saw a silver bird of golden jokolok and ran after her followed. The bird flew, flew and rushed under the slab iron, in the pit of the dungeon.
- Well, brothers, "says Ivan-Tsarevich, - bless me instead of the Father, instead of Mother; I'm omitted to this pit and find out what the earth is an innumenny, whether our mother is not there.
The brothers were blessed, he sat down on the reliance, climbed into that pit a deep and a lot nor a little nor - exactly three years; descended and went through expense.
She walked, she walked, saw a copper kingdom; Thirty-three girls are sitting in the palace, embroidered towels with cunning patterns - towns with suburbs.
- Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! - says Tsarevna Copper Kingdom. - Where are you going where to hold the way?
- I go my mother to look.
- Your mother's father, Voron Voronovich; He is a cunning and wise, in the mountains, according to Vertices, in the clouds flew! He you, good well, kill! Here's a tangle, go to my middleweight sister - that she will tell you. And back to come, do not forget me.
Ivan-Tsarevich swept the tangle and went after him.
Comes to the silver kingdom; Thirty-three gods are sitting there. Says Tsarevna Silver Kingdom:
- Delieleva of the Russian spirit was not to see the view, do not hear the layer, but Nonche the Russian spirit manifests itself! What, Ivan-Tsarevich, is you trying to try?
- Ah, Red Maiden, I go to look for a mother.
- Your mother's father, Voron Voronovich; And heter he, and the wise, in the mountains, flew in dolt, on the verteps, rushed on the clouds! Eh, Tsarevich, because he will kill you! Here's a tangle, you go to your smaller my sister - what will she say to you: Do you go back to come back?
Ivan-Tsarevich comes to the Golden Kingdom; Thirty-three girls are sitting there, towels embroidered. All above, all the best prince of the Golden Kingdom - such a beauty that neither in a fairy tale to say or write to the pen. She says:
- Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! Where are you going where you keep the way?
- I go to Mother to look.
- Your mother's father, Voron Voronovich; And heter he, and the wise, in the mountains, flew on dolt, along the verteps, was rushed along the clouds. Eh, Tsarevich, because he will kill you! On you the tangle, go to the pearl kingdom; Your mother lives there. Seeing you, she will rejoice and immediately order: nanniki-mothers, give my son green wine. And you do not take; Asked, so that he gave you a three-year wine that in the cabinet it is, and the burner crust on the snack. Do not forget: my father has two water chants in the yard - one is strong, and the other is poor; Stop them from place to place and put a strong water.
For a long time, Tsarevich was talked to the princess and fell in love with each other, which was not wanted to part; And there was nothing to do - Ivan-Tsarevich said and went on the road.
She walked, comes to the pearl kingdom. He saw his mother, delighted and shouted:
- Mom nyanki! Serve my son green wine.
"I don't drink a simple wine, give me a three-year one, but for a snack burned crust."
He drank a three-year wine, bit the burner crust, went to the wide yard, rearranged the chains from place to place and began to drink strong water. Suddenly, Raven Voronovich arrives: he was bright as a clear day, and Ivan-Tsarevich saw - and became dark at night; Sounded to the chane and began to pull the powerless water. Meanwhile, Ivan-Tsarevich fell to him on the wings; Raven Voronovich sulculate highly highly, wore it in dollars, and in the mountains, and over the vertices and clouds and began to ask:
- What do you need, Ivan-Tsarevich? Do you want to make a shatter?
"I'm not needed to do anything to me, just give me a feather-alert."
- No, Ivan-Tsarevich! It hurts in wide sleigh.
And again the raven suffered on the mountains and dollars, over the verteps and clouds. Ivan-Tsarevich holds hard; It's all the weight and slightly clouded his wings. Screwdrived by Raven Voronovich:
- Do not break my wings, take a bed-feather!
I gave Tsarevichov's Pries; Himself became a simple raven and flew to steep mountains.
And Ivan-Tsarevich came to the pearl kingdom, took his mother and went to the opposite way; It looks - the pearl kingdom of the glomerulosa, and a shame after him. He came to the Golden Kingdom, then in Silver, and then in Copper, took himself with his three beautiful princes, and those kingdoms curled up with glomers, and they were shown. Suitable for relax and cried into the golden tube.
- Brothers relatives! If alive, do not give me.
The brothers heard the pipe, grabbed the reliance and pulled the soul to the white light of the Red Maiden, the Copper Kingdom of Tsarevna; They saw her and began to quarrel himself: she does not want to give it one another.
- What are you beating, good done! There is even better than me a red maiden.
Tsarevichi lowered the reliance and pulled the princess of the silver kingdom. Again began to argue and fight; He says:
- Let me get!
And the other:
- I do not want! Let mine be!
- Do not quarrel, good well done, there is a beautiful maiden.
Tsarevichi stopped fighting, lowered the reliance and pulled out the princess of the Golden Kingdom. Again, they began to quarrel, and the Tsarevna-Beauty immediately stopped them:
- Waiting for your mother!
They pulled their mother and lowered the reliance of Ivan Tsarevich; His up to half and climbed ropes. Ivan-Tsarevich flew into the abyss, firmly hurt and half a year lay without memory: waking up, looked around, I remembered everything that Gallostrole took him out of his pocket and hit them about the ground. Twelve young people came to the moment:
- What, Ivan-Tsarevich, order?
- Turn me to free light.
Well done picked up him under his arms and brought to free light.
Ivan-Tsarevich became about his brothers to explore and found out that they had long married: Tsarevna from the copper kingdom married a gray brother, Tsarevna from the Silver Kingdom - for her older brother, and his naschant bride did not go for anyone. And the father's and old man marry himself appeared on it; gathered the Duma, accused his wife in the Council with evil spirits and ordered her head to cut off her; After execution he asks Tsarevna from the Golden Kingdom:
- Go to marry me?
"Then I'll go for you when you wish the shoes without measure."
The king ordered the cry clicked, everyone and everyone ask for everyone: WHAT WILL WHAT WILL WHAT CAREVER SHOBERS WITHOUT MERCY?
At that time, Ivan-Tsarevich comes to his state, hired by one old man in workers and sends him to the king:
- Stay, grandfather, take this thing. I have a shoe shoes, only you do not tell me.
The old man went to the king:
- Ya de ready for this job to take.
The king gave him the goods to a couple of shoes and asked:
- Do you have a spectacle, an old man?
- Do not be afraid, sovereign, I have a son of Chebotar.
Going home, Ivan Tsarevich's goods gave the old man; He cut the goods into pieces, threw out over the window, then dissolved the golden kingdom and took out ready-made shoes:
"Here, grandfather, take, take to the king."
The king glanced, sticks to the bride:
- Will it go to the crown soon?
She answers:
"Then I'll go for you when you wish you a dress without measure."
The king again bothers, it takes all the masters to himself, gives them a lot of money, just that the dress was sewn without measure. Ivan-Tsarevich says the old man:
"Grandfather, go to the king, take the matter, I don't tell you a dress, just don't tell me."
The old man goes into the palace, took the atlas and velvet, grown home and gave Tsarevich. Ivan-Tsarevich immediately for the scissors, he cut off all the atlases and velvet on the shreds and threw out over the window; dissolved the Golden Kingdom, took from there that neither is the best dress and gave an old man:
- Carry to the palace!
King Radehonek:
- What, my beloved bride, is it time for us to go to the crown?
Tsarevna answers:
"Then I'll get married for you, when you take the Starikov of the Son and Male to cook in milk.
The king did not think, gave an order - and on the same day they collected from every courtyard on the bucket of milk, poured a big chhan and boiled on a strong fire.
Lied Ivan-Tsarevich; He began to say goodbye to everyone, to bow to the ground; Throw it into Chan: He dived, the other dived, jumped out - and he became so handsome that he had to say in a fairy tale nor to write. Says Tsarevna:
- Look, king! For whom I marry me: for you, old, or for him, good well done?
The king thought:
- If I swim in milk, I will do the same handsome!
Rushed in Chan and welded in milk. And Ivan-Tsarevich went with the princess from the golden kingdom to be married; They married and began to live-wait, to find good.

At the time ago, when the world of God was filled with leather, the witch da mermaids, when the rivers flowed dairy, the shores were kindergarten, and fried roasted partridges were flying, while there was a king named Pea with Queen Anastasia beautiful; They had three sons-Tsarevich.
The trouble was shook. There is a lot of trouble - a unclean spirit dragged the queen. Says the king of a big son:
"Batyushka, bless me, I will go to find a mother."
I went and disappeared, for three years about it, nor a guilty there was no hearing.

Became the second son to ask:
"The father, bless me in the path, would be lucky for me to find and brother and Mother.
The king blessed; He went and was also missing - as if he was going to the water.
Comes to the king of a little son Ivan-Tsarevich:
- kind bass, bless me in the road; There may be lazy and brothers and mother.
- Go, son!
Ivan-Tsarevich went into an alien side; I was driving, I was driving and came to Blue Sea, I stopped on babe and thinks: "Where is the way now to keep?" Suddenly they flew to the sea thirty-three hips, laid out and became red girls - all are good, and one is better than everyone; Section and rushed into the water.

A lot of whether they never had a bathe - Ivan-Tsarevich burst, took from that girl that everyone painted, a cushache and hid behind the sinus.
The girls bathed, went ashore, began to dress - there is no dusty.
"Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich," says Beauty, "Give MY Kushachka.
- Tell me before, where is my mother?
- Your mother's mother lives - Voron Voronovich. Go up the sea, a silver bird will fall, Golden Khokholok: Where she flies, there and you go.

Ivan-Tsarevich gave her a cushache and went up the sea; Then he met his brothers, greeted them and took with him.

They go together by the shore, they saw a silver bird, a gold joke, and ran behind her. The bird flew, flew and rushed under the slab iron, in the pit of the dungeon.
- Well, brothers, "says Ivan-Tsarevich, - bless me instead of the Father, instead of Mother; I'm omitted to this pit and find out what the earth is an innumenny, whether our mother is not there.

The brothers were blessed, he sat down on the reliance, climbed into that pit a deep and a lot nor a little nor - exactly three years; descended and went through expense.

In some, it was a kingdom, in some state there lived the king with his spouse, and they had three beautiful sons, of which they called Bolshoi Vasily-Tsarevich, and the Middle Fedor-Tsarevich, and the smaller Ivan Tsarevich. On one day, the king walked in the garden, and with his spouse. Suddenly, Vihore rose and took the queen from his eyes, about whom the king was very sad, we had a long time to condole his spouse. His eldest two sons were asked her blessing from the sad father and went to their search for her mother. Studbs with their people for a long time, they drove into the wild steppe, spread the tents and expected whether anyone who would point them the road; However, during three years it did not see anyone, and meanwhile he had a little brother Ivan-Tsarevich. And he also, as soon as the father, his blessing and slipping, went on the road. On a long time, he saw a tent away and went to them and how he began to approach closer, he learned that it was his brothers. Having arrived, he said: "What are you, brothers, in which wild steppe stopped? Let go of your people in our state and go better some of the look for your mother. " The brothers on his advice were learned and went to the road, and they drove a long time, whether it was briefly, it was far that there was a fairy tale, and it was not done soon, and the Palace of Crystal was watched, he was wrapped around And came to it. Then Ivan-Tsarevich, finding the gate, pulled down to the courtyard and, driving up to the porch, saw a pillar in which there were two rings: one gold, another silver. Take a reason to both rings, he tied his horse of the Bogatyrsky, then went to the porch. And he meets his king himself, and on a satisfied conversation, the king found out that he was a nephew, and he led him in the rest, where and the Ivan Tsarevich brothers invited. They brought short time and got a magic ball from the king as a gift, which to turn in front of him - they drove to the highest mountain, where they stopped. The steepness of the mountain was so high that it was not possible to take it on her.

After that Ivan-Tsarevich found a well, where he fell into his arms and on his feet of iron claws, the help of Koi was asleep at the very top of the mountain. Tired, he sat down under the oak for rest, and only removed the claws from himself - suddenly they disappeared. Insert, he saw a tent made from the finest batistu, the copper state was depicted on the top, and the ball was put on the top of the tent. At the entrance, there were two presets lions that were not allowed to enter the tent. Ivan-Tsarevich, seen the basins stood with them empty, poured water and quenched them thirst, and they gave free entrance to the tent. At the entrance, he saw on the sofa the Sailing beautiful princess at Sofa, and in her feet, she slept a snake three heads, which, he was alone all three heads, "for which Tsarevna thanked him and gave him a copper egg to him in himself. So, Tsarevich, standing up with her, went on the road and, weeding for a long time, saw a tent made from the finest Fleur and tied to cedar trees with silver shoelaces, for koi's brushes were emerald, and a silver state is depicted on the tent A silver ball was put. At the entrance of the tent lay two preferred tiger, which thirst from the solar heat was sat down with water and made himself a free entrance to the tent. And how Ivan-Tsarevich was entered there, he saw a very richly crushed princess on Sofa, the beauty of the first is superior. At his feet lay a six-headed snake and twice the former larger, to whom he drank off all his heads, "for which Tsarevna, seeing his strength and faintness, gave him a silver egg that hides a silver state in himself. Shattered with this princess, Ivan-Tsarevich went further and reached, finally, before the third tent, which was made from the most pure card (?), The golden state was embroidered, and there was a ball from the very pure gold on the tent; It was attached to the laurel trees with golden laces, the diamond brushes were crucified. At the entrance, there were two great crocodiles, which the fiery flames were frightened from the great heat. Tsarevich, seeing their thirst, filled their empty Thai with water and those led himself a free entrance to the tent. And there I saw Tsarevich on Sofa Sitated Tsarevna, beauty than the previous ones; At his feet lay, the twelve-headed snakes, who from two times all the heads cut off. Tsarevna for this gave him a golden egg containing a golden state, and with an egg handed him his heart and pointed him on a satisfied conversation, where his mother lives, and wanted to finish him a happily.

On a happy journey, Ivan-Tsarevich reached the magnificent palace and many people were held in it and not found a single person. Finally, the reserved room came to be resolved and saw his mother in royal clothes, sitting in chairs, and in gentle between their brushes and courtesy conversations announced to her that he and many summer brothers wandered. Suddenly, the mother felt the Spirit and said Ivan Tsarevich: "Hiding under my clothes, and how Vikhore will arrive and will caress me, then try to grasp with his hands for his magic closet; He will rise to the air - you are not afraid, and how to go down to the ground and crushes into small parts - you collect everything and burn, and the ashes in the field. " Only only the mother managed to say and hide Ivan-Tsarevich under her clothes, that minute Vikhore flew and began to gear to the queen. Then Tsarevich, on the advice of his mother, grabbed the magic tool. Vikhore, having stung on Tsarevich, rose to her height, then dropped to the ground and crumbled into small parts. Tsarevich, all parts of the pickup, burned, and the ashes dispelled on the field and mastered the magic paletia. Take the mother and three Tsareven, Ivan-Tsarevich came to the oak, where he launched a book all over the canvas. His brothers, as Ivan-Tsarevich, stayed on the mountain, cut off the cloth and left the mother and princes in their state and told them to swear that the father would say that they were found by the senior prince. And Ivan-Tsarevich, remaining alone on the mountain, did not dare to descend with Oyoy, seeing that the canvas were cut off, and walked around the mountain, throwing a shuttle with his hands on his hand. As suddenly, a man appeared before him, who was driving him from the mountain and put on the square of his state, where Ivan-Tsarevich met with one shoe, which he hung up to workers. The owner, screaming the skin satisfied, got drunk drunk and went to bed. Ivan-Tsarevich, seeing that there was little in the host, the Spirit called him from the mountain, and ordered him to make shoes to the morning; The Spirit on the orders he learned everything. In the morning of Ivan-Tsarevich, the womb of the owner, sent with a commodity to the city, where he sold to the merchant to the merchant, who recommended him by the notable gentlemen. Finally, the king himself, seeing his work, ordered him to wear to his palace; Meanwhile, the Golden State of Tsarevna, who was here, to have the work of the Golden State of the Spirit, ordered to call for a shoemaker. And how soon he came, he ordered him that tomorrow in the morning before Slim Palace put the Palace of the Golden State, and from him the Golden Bridge to the most tsarist palace, covered with green velvet, and with that he went from him. The owner came home very sadly and said everything worker, and he himself got drunk so much, which he did not remember himself, only he says: "Now, though the head of Ruby, and there is no need!" Tsarevich, hearing this, ordered the spirit, to immediately put the Palace and the Golden State, swaying in the Golden Egg; The spirit of orders to fulfill everything and in the morning it was too early to transfer to Ivan Tsarevich, which, made to meet the father of his father and mother, sent magnificent chariots for them, and in brothers the most sled carts, asking for everyone to bite. The king, hear that his little Ivan-Tsarevich's son is alive and live well, very delighted and sat down with the queen and three princes to be sent for them to be resolved the cramped chariot, and the children forced him forcibly ordered to land in the sled carts, while saying Do not deserve it. Ivan-Tsarevich met them perfectly and forgave his brothers to his guilt; Then I appointed Vasilu-Tsarevich to the spouses of the silver state of Tsarevna Elena, and Fedor-Tsarevich Copper State Tsarevna Zemru, and he took the Golden State of Tsarevna Renira and gave the brothers with silver and copper eggs, concealing the states in themselves. The next day was the marriage of all brothers, to the great joy of subjects. And so they possessed their subjects and all states that were put on the same sea.