Tragic love in the works of Kupper. Alexander Kurlingranaya Bracelet.

Tragic love in the works of Kupper. Alexander Kurlingranaya Bracelet.
Tragic love in the works of Kupper. Alexander Kurlingranaya Bracelet.

In the literature, and in a Russian literary tour, especially, the problem of the relationship of a person with its surrounding world occupies a significant place. The personality and environment, an individual and society - many Russian writers of the XIX century thought about it. The fruits of these reflections were reflected in many sustainable formulations, for example, in a well-known phrase "Wednesday". Interesting interest in this topic was noticeably in the late XIX - early XX century, in the era, a turning point for Russia. In the spirit of humanist traditions inherited from the pro-sloe, considers this question Alec-Sandre Kuprin, using all the Hu-delusted means, which became the achievement of the stroke of centuries.

The work of this writer was for a long time as if in the shadows, he was challenged with bright representatives of contemporaries. Today, the works of A. Kepper cause painful interest. They attract the reader with their simplicity, humanity, a democracy in the very noble sense of the word. World of Heroes A. Kaprin Pepl and diverse. He himself lived a bright, on-full-sample impressions of life - was both military, and office-com, and Amermer, and actor agun circus troupe. A. Kookin many times go-vored, which does not understand writers who do not find anything in nature and people. The writer is very interesting human destred, with the heroes of his works - most often not lucky, succeeding, satisfied and the life of New people, but rather the opposite. But A. Kuprin refers to his externally non-russian and unbelievable heroes with the warmth and man-eternity, which always distinguished Russian writers. In the characters of the stories "White Poodle", "Tapper", "Gambrinus", as well as many others, the features of a "little man" are guessed, but the writer does not just reproduce this type, but rethinking it.

We will reveal the very famous story of Kupru-on "Pomegranate Bracelet", written in 1911. At the heart of its plot - the real event - the love of a telegraph official P. P. Zholtkov to his wife an important official, a member of the State Council of Lyubimov. This story mentions the Son of Lovely, the author of the famous memories of Lu-Bimov. In life, everything ended out otherwise than in the story of A. Kurin, -. The official accepted the bracelet and stopped writing letters, nothing else was known about him. In the family of Lu-Beam, this case was remembered as strange and curious. Under the same writer, the story resulted in a sad and tragic story about the life of a little man who raised and destroyed love. This is transmitted through the composition of the work. It gives an extensive, leisurely accession, which introduces us to the exposition of the house of cervical. The story of extraordinary love, the history of the pomegranate bracelet is described in such a way that we see it with the eyes of different people: Prince Vasily, who raises her as an anecdical case, Brother Nikolai, for whom, everything in this historical seems offensive and suspicious The very faith of Nikolaevna and, Nako-Netz, General Anosov, the first preducive to living that here, maybe, the real love, "about which men are cut and for which men are no longer capable of." The circle to which Vera Nikolaevna belongs, it cannot assume that this is a real feeling, not so much because of the weirdness of the behavior of Zheltikova, as because of the prejudices who own them. Kuprin, wanting to convince us, readers, in the authenticity of love Yolkolkov, resorts to the most irrefutable argument - suicide hero. Thus, it is approved-gives the right of a small person on a while, while the motive of his moral superiority arises, so cruelly insulted him, failing to understand the power of the feeling, which was the whole point of his life.

The story of Kupper is simultaneously sad and light. It permeates the musical start - as an epigraph is indicated by a musical work - and the story is completed, when the heroine is listening to the music in the tragic moment of moral insight. In the text of the product-Dénia enters the theme of the inevitability of the death of the main character - it is transmitted through the SIM-VOLICE of Light: at the time of receipt of the bracelet, Vera Nikolaevna sees red stones in it and thinks with anxiously, they look like blood. Finally, in the story there is a collision theme of various cultural traditions: the theme of the East is the Mongolian blood of Otza Vera and Anna, Tatar Prince, introduces the topic of love-passion, recklessness; Mention that the mother of Ses Ter - An Englishwoman introduces the subject of rationality, inconsistency in the sphere of feelings, the power of the mind over the heart. The third line appears in the final part of the story: not a chance that the apartment hostess turns out to be a Catholic. This in the work introduced the topic of love-worship, which is surrounded by the Mother of God, love-self-sacrifice.

Hero A. Kookin, a small person, faces the world around him who surround it, the world of people, for whom Lu-bov is a birth of madness, and, facing him, dies.

In the wonderful story, "Olesya" before us appears the poetic image of the girl who grew up in the hives of the old "sorcerer", outside the usual norms of the peasant family. Love of Olesi to the accident that Ivan Timofeevich is accidentally caught in the deaf forest village - this is a free, simple and strong feeling, without regard to and obligations, among high pines, painted by the Baghrous Decorating Dawn. Is-thorium girls ends tragically. Co-rivets of rustic officials, and superstitions of dark peasants invade the afflicted life of Oleces. Os-Medyanny, Olesya is forced to run from a forest nest.

In the works of Kupper, many heroes have similar features - this is a spiritual pure, dreamence, ardent imagination, co-uniform with impracticality and bravery. And the most clearly revealed in love. All heroes belong to a woman with sons of pure and awe. Preparedness to pour for the sake of the beloved woman, a romantic clone, Knight's service - and at the same time underestimating himself, disbelief in their own forces. Men in the stories of Kurris as if changed in places with women. This is an energetic, volitional "Poleskaya sorcerer" Olesya and "kind, but only weak" Ivan Ti-Moffeevich, intelligent, calculating Shurochka Ni-Coloevna and "Clean, cute, but weak and strangers" Poderoruk Romashov. All this is the Kurpric heroes with a fragile soul that fell into the cruel world.

The atmosphere of revolutionary days breathes an excellent story of Kuprin "Gambrinus", created in anxious 1907. The Ma of the All-Labor Art is woven here with the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy, a bold pro-test of a "little man" against the black forces of arbitrariness and reaction. The meek and ve-haired Sasha with its outstanding talent of the violinist and intensity attracts a sedentary crowd of port loaders, fishermen, smuggling in Odessa zucchini. With delight, they meet Melo-DiI, which, as it were, the background, as if reflecting public sentiment and events - from the Russian-Japanese war to the rebellious days of the revolution, when Sashkin violin sounds the vigorous rhythms of "Mars-Slas". In the days of the coming terror, Sasha challenges with disguised detectives and black-weed-wing "bastards in papakh", refusal - having playing the monarchichesky anthem to play on their demand, opening them in murders and pogroms.

A cripped up royal guard, he turns around to port friends, to ig-rhine for them on the outskirts of the melody of stunning-fun-funny "Chaban". Free creativity, the strength of the People's Spirit, according to the thought of Kurrov, invincible.

Returning to the world, "man and the world around him," - we note that in the Russian prose the beginning of the 20th century there is a wide range of Outbreaks on it. We looked at only one of the options - the tragic clash of the person with the world around him, his insight and death, but the death is not a nonsense, but containing the element of the eyes and a high meaning.

Search activities of students in the study of works A.I. Cook "Olesya", "Pomegranate bracelet"

I go to the lesson

Olga Sukharina

Olga Nikolaevna Sukharina (1965) - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature of School No. 71 of Yekaterinburg.

Search activities of students in the study of works A.I. Cook "Olesya", "Pomegranate bracelet"

Lessons for creativity A.I. Kupper can begin with a lecture presentation of the material. The teacher gives an overview of the creative path of the writer, comparing him with the work of I.A. Bunin. The purpose of the comparison is to invite students to find. The problem question may sound and at the beginning of the Cooking conversation, and at the end of the presentation of the material about the work of the writer.

On the following lessons, I pay a lot of attention student search activities. For this, I think about the system of problematic issues, the answers to which are based on the existing knowledge base, but are not contained in previous knowledge, questions should cause intellectual difficulties in students and a focused mental search. The teacher may come up with indirect tips and leading questions, may summarize the main thing, relying on the replies of students. It is possible that the teacher does not give a ready-made answer, the task of the mentor is to attract a student to cooperate.

Approximate questions and tasks of problem search when studying the story "Pomegranate bracelet":

How does the landscape help to understand the mood and the inner world of Vera Nikolaevna?

How important is the image of General Anosov in the work?

Give a comparative analysis of the description of the name of the faith and description of the Zhestkova room.

Compare guest gifts with Zheltikov's gift. The meaning of comparison?

What mood will the story finals imbued? What role does music play in the creation of this mood?

The search method relies on the following forms of activity:

Work with text;

Choice quotation;

Text analysis:

holistic analysis

analysis of the episode,

comparable analysis;

Detection of art features of text.

For each question, I advise students to collect material, the collected information we designate in the form of schemes.

When parsing the story "Olesya" we reflected on the matter: "Ivan Timofeevich is a good man, but weak. Is such a statement right? " We present examples of similar reasoning decorated in the form of schemes.

Output.The feelings of Ivan Timofeevich were too weak. I failed to protect my love. Maybe there was not that real love that would eclipse doubts and helped to survive all the troubles and sorrow.

Output.Olesya is capable of feelings stronger than its chosen one. For heroin, love has become life; Ivan Timofeevich This feeling could not save and did not want.

General Anosov About Yolkov: "Madman ... Maybe your life path crossed, Veroch, it is such a love that the women are cut about and for which men are no longer capable. "

Prince Shein about Jolve:"I feel that this person is not able to deceive and lie ... I feel that present at some huge tragedy of the soul ..."

Output.Kurin shows the nobility of the soul of a simple person, his ability to a deep, sublime feeling. Love elevates man, transforms his soul. Love Zheltikova, the one that happens "once in a thousand years," was left immortal. It is such a love of drinking caudin.

Associative series: Cold - arrogant - proud - outmade - aristocratic

2. If the cold from the very beginning concentrates around the main heroine, as characterizes features of her perception of life?

Bad weather replaced with warm days

Summer will be changed in autumn

Youth - old age

The most beautiful flowers are doomed to wilt and death

Is the princess faith capable of feeling the elusive time?

3. The ratio of faith to nature:

sea- "When I first see the sea, it makes me happy and striking"

"When I got used to him, I miss him looking at him ...";

forest (pines, mosses, mugs) - comparison:

Output.Keepur conducts a parallel between the description of the autumn garden and the inner state of the heroine. "The trees calmed down, submissively dropped yellow leaves." In such an indifferent condition, heroine is: with all strictly simple, it is cold.

Final story: "The princess faith hugged the barrel of acacia, pressed towards him and cried. Trees gently shook. The light wind flew out and, accurately sympathizing with her, the necklace with leaves ... "

Love of Olesya - Strong, deep, dedicated feeling

According to A.I. Cook "Olesya"

Love testing:

Olesya for others alien;

Bold, free;

Strive for good;

It is not afraid to live in harmony with his heart, so she is destined to see further, feel thinner than her cautious chosen one;

Strive for good;

Love is the main meaning of life.

Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich

Through a comparison with Ivan Timofeevich, a novice writer, Kubrin will allow to see in Oles main:

Ivan admits not only the outer beauty of Olesya, but also internal;

It is important not only to be able to see, but also the desire to see;

Output.Life taught Ivan Timofeevich to constantly monitor his spiritual impulses, did not teach himself to think about the consequences. "Good, but weak," he is not capable of true love. The rights turned out to be Olesya: "You don't love anyone with your heart, but those that you will love, you bring a lot of grief."

Only in unity with nature, a person is able to achieve spiritual beauty and nobility.

Thread of red beads of Olesya:

This is a memory of love;

This is a symbol of her pure feeling;

This is the strength of its negative love;

Each bead is a light of love.

Search activity prepares the transition to independent research.

Students independently formulate the problem and solve it in writing creative works (writings) or in abstracts. The material that the children gathered themselves as a result of search activities is important. It is important not to confuse this material, to kill it, systematize. The result of work on the work is to write an essay. The basis of the writings and will be the material, support schemes, reflecting work during the search operation of students. Each scheme is the basis of the composition, disclosure of thought, the result of the work done, this is the identity of the student, his perception read.

© AST Publishing House LLC

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Garnet bracelet

L. Van Beethoven. 2 SON. (OP. 2, No. 2).


In mid-August, before the birth of a young month, suddenly there was a disgusting weather, which are characteristic of the northern coast of the Black Sea. Through the whole day, he was seriously lying above the earth and the sea thick fog, and then a huge siren on the lighthouse was roared during the day and night, exactly mad bull. Then from morning to morning it was not stopping the small, like water dust, a rain, which turned clay roads and paths into a solid thick dirt, in which the carriages and carriages were knocked out. I blinked from the northwest, from the side of the steppe, a fierce hurricane; From him, the tops of the trees were swinging, bending and straightening, exactly waves in the storm, thundered at night the iron roofs of cottages, seemed like someone runs on them in sled boots, shuddered the window frames, clapped doors, and wildly overtook in chimneys. Several fishing barcasses got lost in the sea, and two were not returned at all: only a week later, fishermen's corpses in different places of the coast rose.

The inhabitants of the suburban sea resort are mostly the Greeks and Jews, the vitality and a constant, as all southerners, - hastily moved to the city. By the softening highway, blind droces, burned with all sorts of housewives, with mattresses, sofas, chests, chairs, washbasins, sofa, sofa, sofas, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofamings, sofams, sofams, samovars. Sorry, and sad, and disgusting was to look through the muddy cheeky rain on this pitiful Skarb, which seemed to be so worn, dirty and nishchensky; On the maids and the cooks, sitting on the top of the war on the wet tarpaulin with some iron, tin, and baskets in their hands, on the swollen, exhausted horses, which were still stopped, trembling knees, smoking and often carrying sides, on the syphal of the swearing throll, Flipped from rain in Rogodh. Even saddering was to see the daches with their sudden space, emptiness and salty, with disadvantaged flower beds, broken windows, abandoned dogs and all sorts of cores, pieces of paper, shards, boxes and pharmacaric bubbles.

But by the beginning of September, the weather suddenly sharply and very unexpectedly changed. Immediately stepped quiet cloudless days, such clear, solar and warm, which was not even in July. On the squeezed squeezed fields, on their barbed yellow bristle there is a saliva glitter autumn tatten. Soothing trees silently and submissively dropped yellow leaves.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna Shein, the wife of the greener of the nobility, could not leave the cottages, because in their urban house they still did not finish with repair. And now she was very happy with the coming adorable days, silence, solitude, clean air, twitter on the telegraph wires of swallows, who installed to the departure, and a gentle salt breeze, weakly pulling from the sea.


In addition, today was her name day - September 17th. In cute, remote childhood memories, she always loved this day and always expected something happily wonderful from him. The husband, leaving in the morning on rush to the city in the morning, put her case with beautiful earrings from pear-like pearls on the night table, and this gift had more fun at her.

She was alone in the whole house. Her idle brother Nikolai, Comrade Prosecutor, who lived usually along with them, also went to the city, to court. To dinner, the husband promised to bring a few and only the closest acquaintances. It went well that the name day coincided with the country time. In the city would have to spend money on a large main dinner, perhaps, even on the ball, and here, in the country, it was possible to do the most in a small expenditure. Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society, and maybe thanks to him, barely reduced ends meet. A huge generic estate was almost entirely upset by His ancestors, and there was higher to live: make techniques, charitable, dress well, hold horses, etc. Princess Vera, who has the former passionate love for her husband has long passed into a feeling of strong, faithful, True friendship, with all their might tried to help the prince to stay from full ruin. She in many ways, imperceptibly for him, refused to himself and, as far as possible, saved in the household.

Now she walked around the garden and cautiously cut flowers to the dining table with scissors. The flower beds were excavated and had a messy appearance. Multicolored terry cloves flourished, and the left in the colors, and half in thin green jars, smelling cabbage, pink bushes were still given - for the third time for this summer - buds and roses, but already crushed, rare, exactly degenerating. But it bloomed with its cold, arrogant beauty dahlia, peonies and asters, spreading in a sensitive air, herbaceous, sad smell. The remaining flowers after their luxurious love and excessive abundant summer motherhood quietly creep into Earth countless seeds of the future life.

Close on the highway heard familiar sounds of a car three-way horn. It approached the sister of Princess of Faith - Anna Nikolaevna Fresses, in the morning I promised to come to help my sister to receive guests and in the household.

Slim hearing did not deceive faith. She went to meet. A few minutes later, a graceful car-carriage stopped in the country gate, and the driver, deftly jumping from the seat, opened the door.

Sisters happily kissed. From the earliest childhood, they were tied to each other warm and caring friendship. According to the appearance, they were not similar to strange among themselves. The eldest, faith, went to the mother, the beauty of the British, his high flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and the charming shoulder depreciation, which one can see on old miniatures. The youngest - Anna, on the contrary, inherited the Mongolian blood of the Father, the Tatar Prince, whose grandfather was baptized only at the beginning of the XIX century and the ancient generation of which he went to Tamerlana himself, or Lang-Temira, as proudly called her father, in Tatar, this great Blood. She was halfolons below the sister, somewhat wide in shoulders, live and frivolous, mockery. Her face of her strong Mongolian type with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she, besides the myophesia, Puchel, with an appreciated expression in a small, sensual mouth, especially in a slightly nominated full of the bottom lip, - the face is, however, captives some That elusive and incomprehensible charm, which could be, in a smile, maybe in deep femininity of all the features, maybe in a piquant, prisoner-flirty fairy. Her graceful urgentness excited and attracted the attention of men much more often and stronger than the aristocratic beauty of her sister.

She was married to a very rich and very stupid man, who did nothing exactly, but was listed at a charitable institution and had the title of cameras-Juncker. She couldn't stand her husband, but he gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; She more decided not to have children and did not have. As for the faith - she eagerly wanted children and even, it seemed to her, the more, the better, but for some reason they were not born she was born, and she painfully and dusty adored pretty young children of the younger sister, always decent and obedient, with pale torment Persons and with curly linen puppet hair.

Anna all consisted of cheerful carelessness and cute, sometimes strange contradictions. She willingly indulged in the most risky flirting in all capitals and at all resorts in Europe, but never changed her husband, however, contemptuously ridiculously in the eyes, and for his eyes; It was wasteful, terribly loved gambling, dancing, strong impressions, sharp spectacles, visited dubious cafes abroad, but at the same time he was characterized by a generous kindness and a deep, sincere piousness, which made it even take secret Catholicism. She had a rare beauty back, chest and shoulders. Going to big balls, she has exposed much more than the limits allowed by decency and fashion, but they said that she always had a whabenyan.

The faith was strictly simple, with all cold and a little bit of amazing, independent and coarly calm.


- My God, how is your good here! How good! - Anna said, walking fast and small steps next to the sister along the track. - If you can sit down a little on the bench above the cliff. I have not seen the sea for so long. And what a wonderful air: breathing - and the heart is having fun. In Crimea, in Mishore, last summer I made an amazing discovery. Do you know what the sea water smells during the surf? Imagine a rescue.

Faith gently grinned:

- You are a dancer.

- No no. I remember also once, I needed everything to do me when I said that there is some pink shade in the moonlight. And the other day, the artist Boritsky is the one that my portrait writes - agreed that I was the right and that the artists had known about this for a long time.

- Artist - Your new passion?

- You will always come up with! - Anna laughed and, quickly approaching the very edge of the cliff, the sheer wall of falling deep into the sea, looked down and suddenly screamed in horror and recoiled back with the pale face.

- Oh, how high! - she uttered she weakened and shuddering voice. - When I look from such a height, I always have somehow sweetly and thickens in my chest ... And my fingers on the legs spisit ... and still pulls, pulls ...

She wanted to break over the cliff again, but the sister stopped her.

- Anna, my dear, for God's sake! My head is spinning when you do that. I ask you, sit down.

- Well, well, good, sat down ... But you just look, what beauty, what a joy - just the eye will not be saturated. If you knew how I am grateful to God for all the wonders that he did for us!

Both for a minute thought. The sea was deeply deep beneath them. The bench was not visible to the coast, and therefore the feeling of infinity and the grandeur of the maritime spacing was even more in effect. The water was affectionately calm and fun-blue, lighten only oblique smooth stripes in the flow places and turning into a dense-blue deep color on the horizon.

Fishermen boats, with difficulty marked by the eye - they seemed like small, - motionlessly dreamed in marine stages, not far from the coast. And then it was exactly in the air, without moving forward, a three-volume vessel, all top to bottom dressed with monotonous, convex from wind, white slender sails.

"I understand you," the older sister said thoughtfully, "but I somehow don't look like you." When I first see the sea after a lot of time, it worries me, and I am glad, and amazes. As if I see a huge, solemn miracle for the first time. But then, when I got used to him, it starts to put me to put me with a flat void ... I miss him, looking at him, and I try not to watch anymore. Bored.

Anna smiled.

- What are you? - asked the sister.

"Last summer," said Anna Lukavo, "we went from Yalta a big cavalcade riding an account. It is there, behind the forestry, above the waterfall. At first they got into the cloud, it was very raw and clearly visible, and we all rose up the steep path between the pines. And suddenly somehow the forest ended immediately, and we came out of the fog. Imagine yourself: a narrow platform on a rock, and under our feet we have the abyss. The villages at the bottom seem no more match box, forests and gardens - like small herb. All terrain descends to the sea, accurately a geographical map. And then there is a sea! The verslet is fifty, a hundred forward. It seemed to me - I hung in the air and is about to fly. Such beauty, such ease! I turn back and say the conductor is delighted: "What? Well, seid ogs? " And he only pumped into the language: "Eh, Barin, how mine is tired of all. Every day we see. "

"Thank you for a comparison," Faith laughed, "no, I just think that we, Northerners, never understand the charms of the sea." I love the forest. Do you remember the forest in our Egorovsky? .. can he ever borrow? Pines! .. And what kind of mosses! .. and amansor! Exactly made of red satin and embroidered with white beads. Silence is such a coolness.

"I don't care, I love everything," Anna replied. - And most of all I love my little sister, my prudent license. We are just two in the world.

She hugged her older sister and pressed her cheek to her cheek. And suddenly she unwound.

- No, what I'm stupid! We are with you, exactly in the novel, sit and talk about nature, and I completely forgot about my gift. Look here. I'm afraid only, will you like it?

She took out a small notebook in an amazing binding from her hand-made bag: on the old, erased and ran to the blue velvet, the dull-gold filigree pattern was rare complexity, subtlety and beauty, - obviously, the love work of the hands of a skillful and patient artist. The book was attached to thin, like a thread, a gold chain, the sheets in the middle were replaced with ivory tablets.

- What a wonderful thing! Charm! - said Faith and kissed her sister. - Thank you. Where did you get such a treasure?

- In one antique bench. You know my weakness to rummage in ancient chem. So I came to this prayer room. Look, you see how the ornament makes the cross. True, I found only one binding, the rest all had to invent - leaflets, fasteners, pencil. But Molina did not want to understand me at all as I interpreted him. The fasteners were to be in the same style as the entire pattern, frosted, old gold, fine thread, and he knows what he did. But the chain is real Venetian, very ancient.

Faith gently stroked the wonderful binding.

- What a deep old man! .. How much can this book be? She asked.

- I'm afraid to determine exactly. Approximately the end of the seventeenth century, the middle of the eighteenth ...

"As strange," said Faith with a thoughtful smile. "So I keep in my hands the thing that, maybe concerned the hands of Marquis Pompadour or the Queen of Antoinettes ... But you know, Anna, it could only come to mind with a crazy thought to remake the prayer room into the carnet lady. However, let's go, let's see what we are doing there.

They went to the house through a large stone terrace, from all sides, closed with dense trellis of grapes "Isabella". Black abundant borders, published a weak smell of strawberries, heavily hung between the dark, in some places the greenery with the sun. The whole terrace spilled out a green half-floor, from which the faces of women immediately pale.

- Do you negate here? - asked Anna.

"Yes, I myself thought so at first ... But now the evenings are so cold. It's better in the dining room. And men let go here to smoke.

- Will someone interesting?

- I do not know yet. I only know that our grandfather will be.

- Ah, grandfather. Here is a joy! - Anna exclaimed and splashed his hands. - I seem to him, I did not see it.

- There will be a sister of Vasi and, it seems, a professor of speeches. I yesterday, Annay, just lost his head. You know that they both love to eat - and Grandpa and Professor. But neither here, nor in the city - you will not get anything for any money. Luka found somewhere quails - ordered a familiar hunter - and something wisely over them. Rostable got relatively thoroughly, - alas! - inevitable roast beyf. Very good crayfish.

- Well, not so bad. You do not worry. However, between us, you yourself have a weakness to eat delicious.

- But there will be something rare. This morning, the fisherman brought the sea rooster. I saw myself. Straight some monster. Even scary.

Anna, to greed curious to everything that it concerned and that he did not touch, now she demanded that she brought to show the sea rooster.

He came high, shaved, yellow-beetolic chef with a big oblong white Lohan, which he with difficulty, cautiously kept behind the ears, fearing splashing water to parquet.

"Twelve and a half pounds, your clay," he said with a special cooking pride. - We will have weighed.

The fish was too large for a loyalty and lay on the bottom, wrapped the tail. Her scales cast gold, the fins were bright red, and from a huge predatory muzzle went to the sides of two gentle blue folded, like a fan, long wings. The sea cock was still alive and worked hard with habies.

The younger sister gently touched the little finger to the head of the fish. But the rooster suddenly threw the tail, and Anna with a shange pulled his hand.

"Don't mind worrying, your shyness, everything in the best way to arrange," the cook said, obviously, who understood Anna's alarm. - Now Bulgarian brought two melons. Pineapple. On the manner, it seems like Cantaloupe, but only the smell is more fragrant. And I still dare to ask your clay, which sauce will order to serve to the rooster: Tartar or Polish, and then you can just crac in oil?

- Do, as you know. Stay! - said Princess.


After five hours, guests began to go. Prince Vasily Lvovich brought Lyudmila Lvovna with his widow sister, on her husband, a full, good-natured and unusually silent woman; The secular young rich chalopaya and Kutil Vashukha, whom the whole city knew under this familiar name, would be very pleasant in society to sing and recharge, as well as arrange live paintings, performances and charitable bazaars; The famous pianist for Zhana Reuters, a girlfriend of Princess faith in the Smolny Institute, as well as its Shurin Nikolai Nikolayevich. For them came by car Anna's husband with Shaved Tolstoy, ugly with a huge professor Snechnikov and with the local vice-governor, the background of Zekkom. Later, General Anosov arrived, in a good hired Lando, accompanied by two officers: the staff colonel of Ponamarev, who was premature, a worst, gall man, exhausted by the insane stationary work, and the Guards Gusar Lieutenant Bakhtinsky, who was famous for the best dancer and an incomparable charger of balls .

General Anosov, fat, tall, silver old man, got sickly from the footboard, holding one hand for the handing of a goat, and the other is for the crew back. In his left hand, he kept a hearing horn, and in the right - a pitch with a rubber tip. He had a big, coarse, red face with a fleshy nose and with the good-natured-great, a little bit as a contemptuous expression in the surreatible eyes located radiant, swelling semi-windows, which is characteristic of courageous and ordinary people who have often visited and close in front of their own eyes and death. Both sisters, published his learned, ran up to the carriage just in time, so that hemispheries, heather to maintain it on both sides under his arms.

- For sure ... Booking! Said General Laskov's hoarse bass.

- Grandfather, nice, dear! - spoke faith tone of easy reproach. - We are waiting for you every day, and at least you would have shown your eyes.

"The grandfather we lost all the conscience in the south," Anna laughed. - It would be possible, it seems to remember about the godfather's daughter. And you keep yourself with Donjun, Shamelessness, and completely forgot about our existence ...

General, exposing his majestic head, kissed his hands alternately at both sisters, then kissed them in his cheeks and again in her hand.

"Girls ... wait ... don't scold," he said, mocking every word with sighs that took place from long-standing shortness of breath. - Honest word ... The doctors are part-to-suck ... All summer has been bathing my rheumatism ... in some dirty ... kisel, it smells awfully ... And they didn't let ... You are the first ... to whom I came ... It's terribly glad ... To see you ... how are you jumping? .. you, Verochka ... completely lady ... it became very similar to the mother ... When you call you to baptize?

- Oh, I'm afraid, grandfather, that never ...

- Do not despair ... Everything is ahead ... Pray to God ... And you, Anya, did not change at all ... You are at sixty years ... you will be the same dragonfly-huz. Wait-ka. Let me introduce you to the Lord officers.

- I have long had this honor! - said Colonel Ponamarev, bowing.

"I was represented by Princess in St. Petersburg," Gusar picked up.

- Well, I will introduce you, Anya, Bakhtinsky's lieutenant. Dancer and Buyan, but a good cavalryman. Reel, Bakhtinsky, my dear, there from the stroller ... Let's go, girls ... what, Veroch, will you feed? I have ... after the liman regime ... appetite, like a graduation ... ensign.

General Anosov was a combat comrade and a dedicated friend of the late Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky. All gentle friendship and love he after the death of the prince suffered on his daughters. He knew them very small, and the younger Anna even baptized. At that time, both so far - he was a commandant of a big, but almost abolished fortress in the city of K. and daily visited Tuganovsky's house. Children simply adored him for the pellery, for gifts, for the lodges in the circus and the theater and for the fact that no one fascinatingly knew how to play with them like an alosos. But most of all, their stories about military campaigns, battles and parking on Bivuaki, about victories and retreats, deaths, wounds and loud frosts were captured in their memory, and fastening, - leisurely, epically calm, simple stories told between evening tea And the boring hour when children will call to sleep.

According to the current nravam, this fragment of the antiquity was represented by a giganic and unusually picturesque figure. It was those simple, but touching and deep features that even in its times were most often met in ordinary than in officers, those purely Russians, man's features, which in the compound give an exalted image that sometimes made our soldier not only invincible , but also a Great Martyr, almost saints, - features consisting of a frequency, naive faith, a clear, good-natured-fun look at life, cold and business courage, conquests in the face of death, pity for the defeated, infinite patience and amazing physical and moral endurance.

Aloshov, starting from the Polish war, participated in all campaigns except Japanese. He would have taken this war without hesitation, but he was not called, and he always had a great rule for modesty: "Do not climb death until you are called." For all his service, he is not only never carved, but did not even hit a single soldier. During the Polish insurgency, he refused to shoot prisoners once, despite the personal order of the regimental commander. "I will not only shoot the spy," he said, "but if you order, I personally kill." And these are prisoners, and I can not. " And he said it is so simple, respectfully, without a shadow of a call or rice, looking straight into his eyes with his clear, hard eyes, that he, instead of shooting himself, left alone.

In the war of 1877-1879, he very quickly sent to the rank of Colonel very quickly, despite the fact that there was little formed or, as he himself was expressed, finished only by the "Bear Academy". He participated when crossing through the Danube, Balkan passed, was sitting on the chips, it was at the last attack of the piers; His wounded once hard, four - easily, and, moreover, he got a fragment of grenades with a cruel contusion in the head. Radetsky and Skobeliev knew him personally and treated him with exceptional respect. It was about him who said somehow Skobeliev: "I know one officer who is much brave me, is Major Anosov."

From the war, he returned almost illuminated thanks to the splinter of the pomegranates, with a sick leg, on which three frostbitated, during the Balkan transition, fingers, with severe rheumatism, htorated on a chip. He was wanted after two years of peaceful service, to resign, but the anosos was preparing. Here he was very useful to his influence the head of the region, the living witness of his cold-blooded courage when crossing the Danube. In St. Petersburg, they decided not to upset the well-deserved colonel, and he was given a lifelong place of commandant in the city of K. - the position is more honorable than the necessary state defense.

In the city, everyone knew him from Mala to Great and dinnerly laughed at his weaknesses, habits and manners to dress. He always walked without a weapon, in the old-fashioned surtuka, in a cap with large fields and with a huge direct visor, with a stick in his right hand, with a hearing horror in the left and certainly accompanied by two noisy, lazy, hoarse pugs that always have a tip of the tank They dried out and bored. If he had to meet with friends during the usual morning walk, then passersby heard the commandant in a few blocks, as his pugs are crushed together after him.

As many deaf, he was a passionate opera lover, and sometimes, during some languid duet, he suddenly he was heard his decisive bass: "But purely took before, damn it! Exactly sprinkle nuts. On the theater, a discrepanant laughter was swept, but the general did not even suspect this: in his naivety he thought that she was exchanged in a whisper with his neighbor a fresh impression.

According to Commandant, he is quite often, together with his hoarse pugs, visited the main gaptwathery, where it was very cozy behind the screw, tea and jokes rested from military service arrested officers. He carefully asked everyone: "How is the surname? Who is planted? How much? For what?" Sometimes completely unexpectedly praised the officer for the brave, although the illegal act, sometimes began to spark, shouting so that he was heard on the street. But, shutting off, he was aware of without any transitions and pause, from where the officer wear lunch and how much he pays for him. It happened that some launched podoruk, sent for a long-term release of such a silence, where he had no own gaptweath, admitted that he, by lack of money, was content with the soldier's boiler. Anosov immediately ordered that the poor feared lunch from the Commandant House, from which it was not more than two hundred steps to the Gaupvakta.

In the city of K., he became close to the Tuganovsky family and such close bonds were attached to the children that for him it became a mental need to see them every evening. If it happened that the ladies went somewhere or the service detained the general itself, he sincerely wandered and did not find himself places in large rooms of the Commandant house. Every summer he took his vacation and spent a whole month in the estate of Tuganovsky, Egorovsky, who was out of K. at fifty miles.

He all his hidden tenderness of the soul and the need for heart love moved to this ladder, especially for girls. He himself was once married, but so long ago, that even forgot about it. Even before the war, the wife escaped from him with a passing actor, captivated by his velvet jacket and lace cuffs. The general sent her a pension until her death, but did not let him into the house, despite the scenes of repentance and tear letters. They did not have children.


Against the expectation, the evening was so quiet and warm, that the candles on the terrace and in the dining room were burning with fixed lights. For dinner, the prince of Vasily Lvovich drove everyone. He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell. He basically took the story of a true episode, where someone from those present or common acquaintances were the main acting person, but so thickened paints and at the same time spoke with such a serious face and such a business tone that the listeners were abandoned from laughter. Today he talked about the failed marriage of Nikolai Nikolayevich on one rich and beautiful lady. There was only the fact that the lady's husband did not want to give her a divorce. But the Prince of Pravda miraculously intertwined with fiction. Serious, always a few famous Nikolai, he made at night running down the street in alone stockings, with shoes under the arm. Somewhere on the corner of a young man delayed the city, and only after a long and violent explanation, Nikolai managed to prove that he comrade the prosecutor, and not a night robber. The wedding, according to the narrator, did not take place a little bit, but at the very critical moment the desperate gang of false visiders who participated in the case suddenly fascinated, demanding an increase in wages. Nikolai from misfortune (he really was misfortune), as well as being a principled opponent of the strikes and strikes, flatly refused to pay extra, referring to a certain article of the law, confirmed by the appearance of the cassation department. Then angry false witnesses on a well-known question: "Does anyone know the pretexts that pretends to complete the marriage?" - Chorus answered: "Yes, we know. Everyone shown by us on the court under oath is a solid lies to which we have forced threats and violence Mr. Prosecutor. And about the husband of this lady we, as aware of the faces, we can only say that this is the most respectable person in the world, chaste, like Joseph, and Angelic kindness. "

Attacking the thread of marriage stories, Prince Vasily did not spare and Gustav Ivanovich Freessa, her husband Anna, told that he was the next day after the wedding came to demand with the help of police eviction from the parent home, as a non-separate passport, and its place to place legitimate husband. That faithful in this joke was only that in the first days of married life Anna had to be abandoned to be near the famous mother, since Vera hurriedly left for her south, and poor Gustav Ivanovich indulged in disheartening and despair.

All laughed. I smiled and Anna with her roasting eyes. Gustav Ivanovich laughed loudly and enthusiastically, and his thin, smoothly covered with brilliant skin, with slightly liquid, light hair, with cropped eye orbits, was like a skull, who exposed the precompanic teeth in the laugh. He still adored Anna, as on the first day of the marriage, always tried to sit near her, it is imperceptible to her and cared for her so in love and smugly, which often became a pity and sorry and awkward.

Before you get up because of the table, Vera Nikolaevna mechanically recalculated guests. It turned out to be thirteen. She was superstitious and thought about himself: "It's not good! How did I not occur before? And Vasya is to blame - said nothing on the phone. "

When the neck or Fresses had close acquaintances, then after dinner, they were usually played in poker, since both sisters to funny loved gambling. In both homes, they even developed their own rules on this: the bones of a certain price were distributed to all playing, and the game lasted until all the knuckles moved to one hands, - then the game for this evening ceased, no matter how partners argued on continuation. Take from the cash register for the second time the tokens were strictly forbidden. Such harsh laws were derived from practice, for curbing the princess of faith and Anna Nikolaevna, who in Azart did not know any deserving. The overall loss rarely reached a hundred - two hundred rubles.

Scenes for poker and this time. Faith, who did not accept participation in the game, wanted to go out on the terrace, where they were covered to tea, but suddenly her with a somewhat mysterious view caused the maid from the living room.

The topic of love worries and excites many representatives of art and literary figures. Writers of all times chased this feeling, his beauty, greatness and tragedy. A.I. Kuprin is one of those writers who reveal the topic of love in different manifestations. Two of his works "Olesya" and "pomegranate bracelet" were written at different times, but they are united by the topic of tragic love.

In the story "Olesya" all events unfold against the background of a small village, lost in the forest. The Olesya grew here - a modest trusting girl who does not know the coquetry and chemicals characteristic of many city ladies. It is natural and trusting as nature itself, among which the children's and young years of Olesy passed.

Ivan Timofeevich is a representative of a completely different world. At first he causes sympathy.

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His love for Oles seems sincere and real. At some point, the reader rejoices the acquired happiness of two lovers. However, sincere and gullible feelings of Olessee are pushing on the indecision and caution of their chosen one. Although he tries to help the girl, but brought up in a civilized false medium, Ivan Timofeevich is not able to repulse prejudice. Essentially, he betrays Oles and their love. At the same time, the quiet Olesya sake of his beloved goes to the church, the stimples on the hatred of the villagers blinded by the superstitions.

Sad finals and in the story of A.I. Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet" of a secular lady, married beauty throws a certain minor yolk official. Princess at first almost does not pay attention to these signs of an unrequited feeling. Letters from an anonymous rim even annoying it, violating the divine life of the family life of Faith Sheina. However, the death of Yolterkova awakens in a woman some kind of unclear feeling of sadness and understanding that not everything is so smooth in her matrimonial life. In the depths of the soul, faith defines a report that the real feeling only slightly touched it and passed by.

In life, it also happens that it is not always possible to recognize your love. The one who is not given to see the sincerity of the feeling of a loved one who cannot appreciate him to dignify, deprives in life a lot. Then the real love passes by.

Updated: 2016-12-11

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The topic of love is probably the most frequently affected in the literature, and in art in general. It was love that inspired the greatest creators of all times to create immortal works. In the work of many writers, this topic is key, and A. I. Kuprin belongs to their number, whose three main works are "Olesya", "Sullaph" and "pomegranate bracelet" - are devoted to love, presented however by the author in different manifestations.

Probably there is no more mysterious, beautiful and all-consuming feelings, familiar to everyone without exception than love, because from the very birth, people are already loved by his parents and himself feels, albeit irregularly, responding feelings. However, for each love has its own special meaning, in each manifestation it is not the same, unique. In these three works, the author depicted this feeling from the standpoint of various people and each of them it has a different character, while the essence of it remains unchanged - it does not know the borders.

In the story "Olesya", written in 1898, Kuprin describes the deaf village of Volyn province, on the outskirts of Polesia, where the fate took Ivan Timofeevich, Barin, the city intellectual. Fate brings him with the granddaughter of the local sorcerer of Manulyehi, Olesya, who fascinates his extraordinary beauty. This beauty is not a secular lady, but a wild lavie living on the lap of nature. However, not only appearance attracts Ivan Timofeevich in Oles: A young man is delighted with self-confidence, pride and daring the girl. Growing in the depths of the forests and almost without communicating with people, she was accustomed to belong to unfamiliar people with great care, but having met Ivan Timofeevich, she gradually falls in love with him. He bribes the girl with his own ease, kindness, intelligence, because for Oleces all this is unusual, new. The girl is very glad when a young guest often visits her. In one of these visits, she, guessing his hand, characterizes the reader of the main character as a person "Although good, but only weak," he recognizes that his "not heart-old" is kind. That his heart is "cold, lazy", and the one that he "will love him," he will bring, although involuntarily, "a lot of evil." Thus, from the words of the young fortune-up, Ivan Timofeevich appears before us as an egoist, a person who is incapable of deep spiritual experiences. However, in spite of everything, young people fall in love with each other, completely giving up this all-consuming feeling. Falling in love, Olesya shows his sensitive delicacy, innate mind, observation and tact, her instinctive knowledge of secrets of life. Moreover, her love opens a huge force of passion and dedication, detects in it the great human talent of understanding and generosity. Olesya is ready for all sake of his love: go to church, tolerating the mockery of villagers, find the strength to leave, leaving behind only the thread of cheap red beads, which are a symbol of eternal love and devotion. The image of Oleces for Cookin is an ideal of an open, selfless, deep nature. Love elevates her over the surrounding, giving her joy, but at the same time making it defenseless, leads to the inevitable death. Compared with the great love of Olesy, even the feeling of Ivan Timofeevich loses in many ways. His love is more likely sometimes on the fleeting passion. He understands that the girl will not be able to live out of nature surrounding it here, but still, offering her hand and heart, implies that she will live with him in the city. At the same time, he does not think about the possibility of abandoning civilization, remaining to live for Olesy here, in the wilderness.

He is humble with the Regulation, even without making attempts to change anything, by challenging the current circumstances. Probably, whether it would be true love, Ivan Timofeevich would find the lover, making everything possible for this, but unfortunately he did not understand what he missed.

The topic of mutual and happy love A. I. Kubrin also revealed in the Sulamif's story telling about the limitless love of the richest king Solomon and the poor slave Sulamife working on the vineyards. The unshakable strong and passionate feeling raises them above the material differences, washing the boundaries, separating lovers, once again proving the power and power of love. However, in the final of the work the author destroys the well-being of his heroes, killing Sullaif and leaving Solomon alone. According to Kuprin, love is a light flash, which opens the spiritual value of the human person, awakening in it all the best, which is hidden until podium in the depths of the soul.

Most other love is depicting the Kuprin in the story "Pomegranate bracelet". The deep feeling of the chief hero of Zhalatkov, a small employee, the "little man" to the secular lady of Princess, faith Nikolaevna Sheina brings him so much suffering and flour, since his love is unreasonable and hopeless, how much and pleasure, as she elevates him, waving the soul and giving joy. Rather, not even love, but adoration, it is so strong and challenged that even ridicule does not diminish her. In the end, realizing the intact of their beautiful dreams and having lost hope for reciprocity in their love, as well as in many respects under pressure from the surrounding yolks decides to commit suicide, but even in the last moment all his thoughts are only about beloved, and, even leaving life, He continues to establish faith Nikolaevna, referring to it as if by the Divine: "But your name will be hid." Only after the death of the hero, in which he was so hopelessly in love with aware of, "that the love that every woman dreams of, she went past it," it's a pity that too late. The work is deeply tragic, the author shows how important it is not only to understand the other on time, but also, looking into his soul, can find there a response feeling there. In the "pomegranate bracelet" there are words that "love should be tragedy"; It seems to me that the author wanted to say that before a person realizes, the spiritually comes to the level when love is happiness, pleasure, he must pass through all those difficulties and adversity, which is somehow conjugate with it.