Totems and sacred animals in the customs of Slavs. Totem animal

Totems and sacred animals in the customs of Slavs. Totem animal
Totems and sacred animals in the customs of Slavs. Totem animal

In the era, when the main occupation of the Slavic tribes was hunting, they believed that wild animals were their progenitors. And therefore, the animals were considered mighty deities that should be worshiped.

As a result, each tribe had his totem, in other words, his sacred animal who worshiped the tribe.
So, for example, a few tribes considered their ancestor and won him as a deity.

The name of this beast was sacred, it was forbidden to say out loud, so instead of the "wolf" they spoke "Lutchy", and they called themselves the Lutchi. During the winter solstice, the men of these tribes put on wolf skins, which symbolized the conversion into wolves. So they communicated with animal ancestors, who asked forces and wisdom. The wolf for these tribes was considered a powerful defender, an elder of evil spirits. The pagan priest, which made the protective rituals, was also dressed in the animal skull.

However, after the adoption of Christianity, the attitude towards the pagan priests changed, and because the word "Volkodlak" (i.e., clouded in a lobster - wolping) began to call an evil washingal, later "Volkodlak" turned into a "Vurdalaka".

Since the owner of the pagan forest was the strongest beast - a bear, - he was considered a defender from any evil and God fertility, and therefore it was with the spring awakening of the bear ancient Slavs tied the offensive of spring. For the same reason, almost until the XX century. Many peasants kept in their homes with a bearish paw as a talisman-guard, who should defend its owner from diseases, witchcraft and all sorts of trouble.

Slavs believed that the bear was endowed with great wisdom, almost all the time: the name of the beast swore, and the hunter had a violated an oath was doomed to death in the forest.

This mythological idea of \u200b\u200bthe bear as the owner of the forest and the powerful divine was reflected in Russian fairy tales. The true name of this beast deity was so sacred that was not uttered aloud and therefore did not reach us. The Bear is the nickname of the beast, meaning "underwent", in the word "Berg" preserved and more ancient root - "Ber", i.e. "Brown" (Berloga - Bere's Lair). A pretty long bear was honored as a sacred beast, and even much later hunters were still not decided to pronounce the word "Bear" and called him Mikhail Potapych, then Toptygin, then just Mishka.

From the number of herbivores in the hunting era, the deer (loss) was most revealed. It was the oldest Slavic goddess of fertility, sky and sunlight. In contrast to the real deer, the goddess appeared to horned, her horns were a symbol of sunlight.

Russian women who put on a headdress with horns made of fabric - kicks, were likened to goddess. The echoes of the myths about heavenly loses serve the folk names of the constellations of a large and small bear - Eloc and Losenok.

Heavenly goddess - deermen - sent newborns on the ground, bold, like rain, from clouds.

Among the domestic animals most of the Slavs honored the horse. This was due to the fact that once the ancestors of the majority of the peoples of Eurasia led a nomadic lifestyle, and in the appearance of a golden horse running around the sky, they seemed to them.

A somewhat later a myth about the God of the Sun, riding the sky on the chariot. The image of the sun-horse is preserved in the decoration of the Russian hut, crowned with a skate with the image of one or two horse heads. Amulet with an image of a horse head or just Horseshoe, like other solar symbols, were considered a powerful guard. Gradually, a person was more freed from fear before the world of animals, and therefore gradually the animal features in the images of the deities began to give way to human.

Now the owner of the forest from the bear has turned into a cosmot Lesgo with horns and legs, but still resembling a person. Lesme, as a patron of hunting, always left on the pnen the first mined game. It was believed that he could bring the travelers from the forest. At the same time, if it is angry, maybe, on the contrary, make a person in school and destroy. With the adoption of Christianity, Leshel, like other spirits of nature, began to be perceived hostile.

The main deities of moisture and fertility of the Slavs were mermaids and forks, taking dew on the fields from magical horns. They talked about how about winch girls who arrive from heaven, as about the mistresses of the wells and streams, as about the Mavels-drowns, then as the shepherds running at noon at the breadpage and the power of the ear.

According to people, believers, in the short summer nights, the mermaids go out of their underwater shelters, swinging on the branches, and if they meet a man, they can rocked to death or captivate him on the bottom of the lake.

The pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs are inextricably linked with the forces of nature and animals of the world. The sacred animals in the ancient Slavs were many, each tribe had his own totem beast - the patron saint of the whole tribe, which would always protect his people from natural dangers, from enemies and diseases. Ancient Slavs believed that the totem beast was a bear, a horse, a bull (tour), a wolf, falcon or deer, will ensure the continuation of the kind, will save them, who applied to him for help, will give them their strength, dexterity, wisdom, endurance, fertility. In the pagan times, the ancient Slavs believed that any part of the Sacred Beast (Totema) possesses the same force, the same properties as the alive beast itself. That is why the archaeologists find many pagan faiths in the form of bones, fangs, shreds of wool, horns, paws, and animals of the beasts. Slavic pagan charms associated with the cult of animals reflect the representations of the ancient Slavs about the "blood" kinship of people of a certain kind or a tribe with a revered animal (totem) ....

Images of animals, the totem ancestors of the ancient Slavs, inhabited the world of Slavic fairy tales. This is a horse, dog, bull, bear, wolf, goose, raven, falcon, eagle, frog, pike. In Russian folk fairy tales and legends, they reflected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the hero from Totem. Animals in fairy tales usually became assistants of a person, conductor, broadcasts, remember the gray wolf from the fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and about the Molding Apples. Many of the beliefs and magical rites of the ancient Slavs associated with animals remained until the XIX century, for example, a rooster or chicken are often used in the sinic divination.

Tour and Turitsa .

In the Middle Ages hammer of God Torah reed to D. footage of Varyagov - Rusov amulet, giving warriors of strength and endurance that protects from any natural disasters that protect against death, hunger, poverty, giving fertility.

Slavic charms in the form of fish included in a set with other bronze overages from the Kurgans of the Novgorod, Leningrad and Bryansk regions. For example, a pendant fish from the burial of the XII century, in the Bryansk region was attached to the arched lettering together with the key, knives and skate and lay at the right shoulder of the female skeleton.


Very often there are pendants of the charms depicting birds. With the images of birds, several types of Slavic faces are connected - roosters, clarification, geese, chicken, owls. The ancient Slavs believed that the birds were Messengers of Heaven, the messengers of the gods. It was believed that birds are able to drive the troubles, ailments, show the right way and help make a decision.

The oldest type of flat Slavic faucenes, depicting the opener with a smooth head, a flat widespread beak and a convex breast, arose in the lounge, in the second half - late X century. At the end of the 15th century, such amulets appeared in Novgorod, and in the XI-XII centuries they were widespread in the Novgorod and Pskov lands and the Upper Volga region, where their production was established.

A special kind of flat rubber-cutting holes of the faces, make up pendants with noisy pending. Charm depicting rooster with one or two heads. Such charms were produced in the Kostroma Volga region and were also found in Russian cities located along the course of Oci and Klyazma (Old Ryazan, Vladimir, Suzdal - XII-XIII centuries.). Hence the charms - the roosters reached the Volga Bulgaria, Perm of the Cell.

Rooster - the emblem of the rising sun, running sleep, and a cock cry with dawn notifies all about the occurrence of a new day, calling for all living nature to new activities and life, and chicken egg - the emblem of the upcoming birth and fertility, Left deep traces in modern folk customs. Chicken and duck were a symbol of fertility and well-being.

Bodrichi, that is, the Vendo-Rus, called themselves sterling (reregi) or falcons from here the name Rurik or Rerik means falcon. If the Varangian prince is called in Novgorod really prince Bodrichskythen he was most inflicted to be called the nickname of his people "Falcon" \u003d Rikric or Rurik , and if he considered the genus or the people of his what is happening from the Sun - Horsa, then, due to the foregoing, again the most natural the generic name was to be ROS or RUS (Greek. ρωσ )

Bear paw or claw.

The Bear is the owner of the pagan forest, a strong, powerful and noble beast, which was afraid and respected. It was believed that the Bear was a fair, and can protect against evil, or punished a person for evil. In many houses they kept as the overaga claw Bear. Slavs believed that the clawing of the Terrible Forest Beast would protect people from the troubles and diseases, protected from dangers and brought good luck.

Our ancestors endowed the bear with wisdom and enormous knowledge, but never uttered it out loud by name, as it was believed that the bear would immediately appear nearby. The name of the bear had a lot - Misha, Grandfather, Mikhail Potapich, the owner of the forest, Kosolapoy, Tapsygin, Biryuk (from Sanaskritakornny ). Boruk, Biruk - Bhīruka - shy, fearful, lonely turquoise, lives in ber. log - in the "Bear Lair".

On the Vine Slavonic Language Bear called Komami and he won their forest owners. Everyone knows the saying "The first pancake comormed" Previously wrote like this: "", Through A.
Early spring wake up in the forest after winter hibernate, shaggy, evil and hungry bears, they were very dangerous, they had to drop something. Once this time began at Slavs maslennaya week, which was called in Vine Education Comoedian. So fed the spring of the wokeered bears the first pancakes, throwing the first pancake on the tree.
And the surcharge itself sounds like this: "The first pancake commam, damn the second - acquaintance, the third pancake - relatives, and the fourth - to me."

"Of Rig Vedas are known , that the initial zoomorphic of the replica-free or spring sun was horse and the horse head, as the symbol of the speed, with which morning light is distributed ... ".[About Yaril. 81-82].

In the pagan beliefs of Praslavyansky tribes, the sun was depicted in the form of Horny (Vyshny, Most High), moving around the sky. From the word " mountains the name of the pagan Slavic - Horsa, Khoros. The name of the Slavic Sunny God Horse, Khoros - Hṛṣ - is inextricably linked with the fire and the sun. In the Rig Veda and in the pagan religion of Slavyan Sun depicted as horse moving across. In Vedakh Hári.\u003d Fire-colored, Harī. \u003d Fire-colored horses indra; Hari-Vant, Indra epithet - "supplied with horses". On Sanskrit: Hurshu - Hṛṣu - Agni, fire; the sun; - The reverent moment of delight, and the highest (mountain) joy.

In the Old Russian Kiev name Horsa Dazhboga witnessed chronicles. In the ancient Umbria The name of Horse is recorded in the inscription, in Iguuvin tables, like the epithet of God.

The emblem of the God of the Sun everywhere served a white horse,
he was sacrificed to Koni Belaya ( ROS (SS, S) and RUS (SS, S) - light) suit.

On Sanskrit Rig Vedas: Kinwin, Kindin, Kilkin - Kinvin, Kindhin, Kilkin - Horse, Horse, (From the root of "Kin" - Kin - horse) - "Glowing brilliant". On Sanskrit Rig Vedas: Knas - Knas - shine, shining. (Related Word in Rus. Yaz.: Prince, Prince, Prince ...)

At the end of the VI-VII centuries. Kidchai appear in the Volga-Vyatka and Volga-Kama Meternrech. Usually, overall skates are found in a bundle with other amules: spoons, buckets, scallops, beasts and others. Most often, these suspensions were wore on special chains on the chest, left shoulder, less often at the belt. At the end of the XII century, hollow skates-pendants appear with noisy pending, they are in ancient Russia until the end of the XIV century, the collection of these suspensions has 260 copies.

And in our time, the ancient Russian custom - Decorate roofs of houses by skates, Images of one or two horseheads. In each house it was possible to see the attributes of the horsepower - horseshoes, bells, the horse skull served as a faith for the pagan sanctuary, and the horse skins, planted on the fences around the brains and the kelves, guard the herd from the seaside ulcers. The horse was often portrayed on the ancient Russian pendants and amulets of the XI - XIII centuries, the image of the horse was considered the strongest faithful of happiness and well-being, protecting the dwelling and the whole family from the troubles and diseases.

Wolf The ancient Slavs had a totem beast and called him a strange name SIMARGL .

In the "Word" of his Nestor, mentioning the gods of the pagan, writes so: "Believe in Perun ... and in Sima and in Rygla"(On the list of the XIV century), that is , And Semo (Semo) from the ancient Sabinsky: "Glory, worthy, perfect". Vine Slavic leaders called themselves wolves. In the Old Russian Kiev, Sim Yar \u003d Yarovit, or Sim Ger \u003d Herovit, where "SIM" is "genius, demigod". Feronia (Heronia) \u003d Gerunha or Yarunya. The son of the Feronia - Herilus \u003d Yarilo. Ἡἡἡκλῆς - Herack \u003d ERET - Representative of solar heat and light, victorious champion of monsters bringing darkness and struran.

SEMARGL St. George Cathedral - 1234, Yuriev Polish, Vladimir region

Wolf-Sim Markl Symbol of Power and justice among the ancient Slavs, the victorious defender of the Light and the Sun, the wrestler with the monsters of the darkness and the jellows.

Wolf and Wolf - Symbols of dedicated love of monochiefs, who either stay paired for life or lonely.

From the middle of the first to n. e. On the territory of Slavswho lived in Danube Basin (Polynaya, Czech Republic, Moravia), Began Expansion of Celts, from Gaulway to the East. They were called Volki-tectosagi (Volks - "Lovers of Wanders") from a Germany name (GERM. * Walhōz. < галльск.Volcae, celtic ethnonym Volcae -"Wolves".Expansion of Celts accompanied their cultural lifting Galstattand later - in LATENT.time IV-III centuries. BC e.

From that moment began, as named celts initial Russian chronicle, reflecting the German form.

Lavrentievsky chronicle: " ... Self of fighting on the tena. Wolf and words Sloves. and Voluh. PRIEST Earth Slovenask in the population In La Hee. And the head of the earth [TU]. "

Slavs, retreating to the north, on the Vistula, Fascinated by the Celts. Celts and Celtic influences were also east, to the territory of the Right Bank of Ukraine and the Northern Black Sea region. Galich, Galicia, Galiciaprobably climb with the name of the Galatov.

Volks-tectosaga are known on Vistula and in Galicia, on Volyn - Wolves directly not traced, perform neury, tribe Under a different name. However, that's what tells about neuro Herodotus:

"Scythians and Hellenes living in Scythia say that once a year each of the neurons turns into a wolf For several days and again becomes what was "(Herodoti Historiae IV, 105.rocognovit S. Hude. Oxonii, 1976).

In ancient ethnogeography, which came to us, thanks to the west of the Scythians, at the turn with Agaphirs, that is, the Balkan world. Plinia and Ammonian Malecelline is mentioned nervia at the origins of Borisphen (Pripyat) and Nervii. in Gaul.

Volki Tectosagithey spread in the ponavar near the tribes of the Daci etymologically - also "wolves". Slav * vPLK "wolf"fully absent in anthroponymy (personal names) of most Slavic languages, acts in the personal names of the part of the South Slavs - Serbs, Croats. Serb.-Horve: Vukobrat, Vukoman, Vukomil, Vukomir, Vukosav, Vukovoj, Bjeloruk, Dobrovuk, Milovuk

Slavic charms occupy a special place in the form of a snake. In the Upper Volga region, in the mound of the XI century in Zagorye, the female bones lay three bronze round slot pendants, in the center of which was placed an image of a rolled snake, connected to the suspension of the suspension with six rays.

The kite in the form of cut from iron plates were found in the village of Vasilka Vasilka Vasilka. There is no doubt that the image of the snake was attached

The ancient Slavs before the adoption of the Christian faith confessed paganism - religion, closely related to nature. Our ancestors believed that every person, depending on the period of his birth, has its own patron - a totem animal that gives people who have appeared on its protection, similar to character, abilities, life destination. Hence, there was a Slavic animal horoscope by date of birth.

Horoscope of the ancient Slavs by date of birth

  • Wolverine (January 10 - February 9)

Wolverine is the elusive Single Beast, merciless to their opponents. Wolverine has developed intuition and there is no bad intention for the mile. It is almost impossible to deceive it, but to get the enemy in the face of Wolverine - easy. To do this, it is enough to eat for his property or what he believes. Jealous and ruthless, Wolverine will definitely find a way to take revenge.

  • Raven (February 10 - March 9)

The insightful and honest crows rarely achieve a high position in society due to the aggravated sense of justice. Special wisdom, which this bird gives his wards, allows them to look deep into the souls around others and take the right and not biased decisions. Cranes are inherent calm and slowness. They are always accurate in their judgments, and their words must be safely taken to faith - honesty and principle will never allow the Crown to sneak against the truth.

  • Ermine (March 10 - April 9)

Self-confidence and courage, sometimes bordering the recklessness - the distinctive features of Gornostayev. These people are incredibly freedom-loving and do not recognize authorities. They may seem tricky and dodgy because of their agility and the speed of mind, but in fact the mountainous excellent friends and partners who will go to all of the sake of those they love and respect.

  • Toad (April 10 - May 9)

Increlated optimists, toads are able to extract pleasure and benefit from any situation. Often, the toads are very talented and often achieve success due to perseverance and hard work. Toads seem open, light and cozy, but it does not quite correspond to reality. Toads are extremely smart and do not allow to abuse their confidence, as they always count only on their strength.

  • Grasshopper (May 10 - June 9)

Merchant and shirt-boyfriend Grasshopper is always in the spotlight. This joyful and positive person gives the impression of a lucky one who succeeds. But often it's just visibility, because the true grasshopper simply does not know how to lose heart and complain. Despite its hardworking, the grasshopper often faces failures due to its inconsistency and inability to bring to the end.

  • Hamster (June 10 - July 9)

Hamster bread does not feed, let me work. Only now it does it, albeit brilliantly, but only in Avral mode, when all the terms are burning. All the rest of the time, the hamster prefers to indulge in serene property.

  • Ravrika (July 10 - August 9)

Ravrik is an interesting interlocutor, a devoted friend and a born leader. Rhind people are very charismatic, emotional and able to captivate people behind them. For the sake of idea, they forget everything in the world and are able to make wonders of self-dedication and the most dizzying actions.

  • Ant (August 10 - September 9)

Harkers are never sitting back. They are stubborn and focused on their own purposes. Their reliability, perseverance and self-esteem make ants valuable employees at work and the best partners for family life.

  • Khrushche (September 10 - October 9)

Khrushche is a adventure person. The life of the Khrushchka is always full of dizzying ups and falls, fatal mistakes and ingenious ideas. Any other person would have come crazy in this whirlpool of events, but not to Khrushch. They feel in uncertainty as a fish in water, and from any grill come out with new forces and readiness for new surprises.

  • Beaver (October 10 - November 9)

Beaver often seems perfect person, so everything in his life is thought out, comfortable and harmoniously. But it is a calm and measured existence worth Bobru Titanic efforts. In fact, Beaver is a great perfectionist and is in constant search for perfection, which, in principle, is unattainable.

  • Dog (November 10 - December 9)

The most reliable of all representatives of the horoscope, the dog - the embodiment of nobility and loyalty. His most important value is a pure conscience. Pots have high moral values \u200b\u200band never come against their principles. Therefore, they respect them and trust as a different one. The reputation of a reliable person allows the PSU to make a good career and achieve fame. People who are managed by the dog are always energetic, vigorous and not exposed to Handra and doubts.

In addition to the analogue of the zodiacal horoscope, the ancient Slavs existed and the calendar like the East, which consisted of cycles, each year of which was noted by the patronage of a special animal, in one exception - the Slavyan cycle was not 12, and 16 years.

  • Dark Cow, or Eloc (1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008)

In these years, brilliant inventors, leaders and innovators are born. Moose is often ahead of their time and remain incomprehensible contemporaries. But imbibeable will constantly pushes them to new accomplishments and discoveries.

  • Stool Hornet, or Osa (1929, 1945, 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009)

Intuits with shiny mental abilities and irrepressible energy, the wasps are always in motion. They clearly know what they want, and often put their interests above strangers.

  • Fastened, or wolf (1930, 1946, 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010)

Wolves distinguishes love for freedom and hard. People who were born under the protection of the wolf possess the iron grip and the ability to fight back, which, however, does not prevent them from being soft and generous with those whom they love.

  • Fire Vacifier, or Protein (1931, 1947, 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011)

Skirts cheers and smart. They all do quickly - change anger to mercy, make decisions, study.

  • Pearl Pike (1932, 1948, 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012)

The main quality is puck - honesty. They do not like to crush the soul and always speak the truth in the face. Next to the pikes, the surroundings feel calm and peaceful, because this sign is distinguished by internal harmony and justice.

  • Bearded toad (1933, 1949, 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013)

Toads are very stable and pragmatic. These people know how to create a comfort and sense of security around themselves, they are smart and pleasant in communication. Toads create strong families, keep traditions, of which are excellent parents and spouses.

  • Wild Wear (1934, 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014)

Wear - this is a born warrior, brave and always ready to give a fight. At the same time, it cannot be called reckless - the Wear clearly sees his goal and is ready for everything to achieve it.

  • White Filin (1935, 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015)

Filin - mystics and magicians. The night bird gives people born in her years, the gift of providence and secret forces. As a rule, Filin lead a secluded lifestyle.

  • Enjoying (1936, 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016)

Frecks have a fine nature capable of opening the secrets of the universe. People have a lot of time to reflement on the meaning of life.

  • Crouching Fox (1937, 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017)

Intrigans and witnesses, foxes do not like loud words and go to their goal without attracting attention. Lisa Life is always enveloped by a halo of mysteriousness and full adventure.

Slavic totem horoscope by date of birth.
This is an ancient Slavic totem horoscope according to the date of birth, which was used by our ancestors during the times of Vedic culture and tradition. The most accurate description!

Slavic totem horoscope by date of birth, animal-based horoscope is an ancient Slavic totem horoscope, which was used by our ancestors during the time of Vedic culture and tradition. Horoscope Slavyansky has in its composition of animal managers of the year, and all animals are our traditional, found in the forests.

Slavic horoscope is also calculated by the date of birth. The Slavic animal horoscope is based on 12 animals, each of which manages its year or a pacistry.

The Slavic horoscope parses calls the signs of the zodiac. The Slavic animal horoscope by year has the same principle as the eastern lunar horoscope - for each year of the lunar cycle of his animal-management. The Slavic Horoscope Compatibility When calculating for a couple, takes into account the influence of an animal manager.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Strobog (Wedd)
January 21 - February 20 /

According to the mythology of the Eastern Slavs, the stribog is the god of the wind. His name from the point of view of the modern language can be interpreted as "senior", "Uncle on Father." It was believed that the stribog was born due to the breath of the genus.

In the presentation of people, the god of the wind looked an old man with gray-haired hair, which could live in different places - on the island in the sea-okayne, or in the impassible more often, or at all on the edge of the world.

This deity was quite revered from our ancestors. At that time, boat, sail, steering wheel, anchor were already invented; Ruys boldly mastered the marine expanses and believed that the stribling, turning the bird, causes or, on the contrary, stops the bad weather, storms. They were treated with prayers about the winds of the wind, which was inflated by sails.

A man who appeared under the auspices of the striboga, is distinguished by religiosity, the mystical orientation of mind, the ability to successfully study the ancient teachings.

A one-sided look at the surrounding reality, a rather quick-tempered character leads to the fact that the children of the fighting are easy to make themselves enemies.

Opponents begin to lead a secret struggle if they see that representatives of this sign are abused by their power. A man-threshing man is usually a bad expression of own emotions and feelings.

February was once called Lutuge, Lyudo. Those who have born at this time are another patron - God named the lion.

According to the representation of the ancient Slavs, this deity saved from the faithful death of frozen people, sending them a saving fire. The roof was the personification of the relic of mind, knowledge, thoughts.

Thanks to his patron, the born at that time possess a high level of intelligence, which makes it possible to protect against various problems and the successful resolution of the most difficult situations. Like his patron, a man-lid that generates new ideas can infaminate the fire of knowledge.

In his best embodiment, representatives of this sign are real patriots, ready to stand up on the protection of their native land at any time. At the same time they apply to the house and to the family.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Rod
/ February 21 - March 20 /

People who happened to be on the world at this time are under the auspices of one of the most renewed gods of the gods - the kind, which was considered the Creator of the Universe, the primary justice of everything. Rod, together with unique descendants, serves as an personification of the unity of all living things of our world.

Children kindly sense of feeling with all people, their own involvement of all occurring around events and phenomena. Even if these sensations are not fully realized, then the well-being of people who appeared on this month are built on this relationship.

The famous principle "If you want to change something - change myself" they know how to embody anyone else. If, for example, a man-kind is alone, it will not worry about this, but will decide for himself that he just seems to him. And it stands for him to think about the door or by telephone.

Being very susceptible, in their actions these people are guided more intuition than the mind. From the other signs, they are stronger than all tied to others and the rest of the rest are presented.

These are people with a rich inland content, able to forgive and possess a quiet character. Nevertheless, one who was born this month may be a victim of others and himself. They like it better when a partner of the Love Union himself will choose them from others than when the choice has to do.

Rod makes his ward wise people who know human psychology perfectly, and since its birth. Subject to them and psychology of the unconscious; Secret motives of human actions they read as an open book. Children of the kind feel that blood is connected with all the living nature, and therefore they do not doubt that people originated from animals.

These people happened to appear at the time when everyone else comes to life to love, and therefore it is characterized by pronounced spontaneous sexuality. They are incredibly passionate lovers, and sometimes it seems that their blood just boils from the flood of feelings.

Having conceived someone to charm, attract, the representative of this sign practically always reaches its goal, because to resist his charm - a very difficult task.

However, charming, confuse, confuse people born at that time, can not only in love, but also in all other life spheres. However, the stay in their networks can go and benefit: the wise race in the face of his wards can instruct the right way as no other.

He understands everyone and loves everyone, they do not disable anyone and, plunging into the darkness of hell, takes away from there the lost souls to indicate them the road to the light of truth.

This sign is considered in the Slavic zodiac the most mysterious. The life path of his representatives seems to be surrounding mysterious and very foggy.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Yarilo (Yaril, Yar)
/ March 21 - April 20 /

In the Slavic calendar, the first month was called Berezolem and believed that he was patronized by Yarilo (he was sometimes called Yar), the god of the spring sun, passion and love.

This name means "young, very strong, passionate." That is how our ancestors were presented to themselves: a barefoot rider Yarilo on a white horse and in white clothes was Yun, Ducky, in love and recklessness.

However, in other sources, this deity had a different kind: Yarilo appeared in them dressed in a white men's shirt and a woman's pants. In his left hand, she kept the ears of rye, in the right - the scarecrow man's head.

On the head of the Divine, a wreath of flowers was blocked, which appeared in the fields themselves. In during the spring holidays, our great-grandparents dressed in the same way, decorated the young girl and putting on the horse, displayed in the field. This image personified outdoor and kind.

Another embodiment of Yarily is the warm spring rays, which, defeated the winter darkness and cold, awakened all the living, filled it with freshness, forces, movement. With the onset of winter, Yarilo, wrapped by frost, mercilessly destroys everything that the spring gave life.

People who have emerged into these spring days are similar to their patron: they have the same powerful, indomitable energy, look at the surrounding reality widely open eyes and remain young regardless of age.

Yaril's children are more guided by feelings than mind; They do not bring boredoms and take everything possible to not be loaded and not to be in the depressed state. Also unbearable for them contradictions.

Representatives of this sign love all new, in many areas they protrude with pioneers and pioneers who do not fear risks. They are configured to fight difficulties and victory. These people sincerely believe in good, and this faith helps them avoid dangers and misfortunes.

Yaril's children impress the impression of quite simple, unremarkable people, but in fact, an indomitable temperament and a huge, fierce force, capable of crushing all obstacles in its path.

In anger, they are just terrible. After all, the time of Yarily is the time when the first spring thunderstorms begin to sound, even the demons are tested before. However, these people have a big heart, and they love the world with an open soul, so they will not be angry, "fierce" will not be. To the world and the life of Yarils are experiencing such strong love, which only capable of.

Representatives of this sign can safely be called warriors-heroes, boyfriend-workers, excellent owners who have enough strength to any work. They are not afraid of any difficulty. Sometimes they will stubborn, flashed like matches, and then it is better not to join the dispute with them.

By their nature, they are pronounced leaders, so they can become successful politicians who can lead and manage a large number of people. If the Yaril man chooses the field of military service, then it will be disciplined.

Because of the aspiration for leadership, they are poorly suitable for collective work. Children of Yaril voluntarily adhere to all the work, not seeking to divide responsibility with someone and without hoping for help. They are gigid, on whose shoulders the whole world is holding.

Representatives of this sign feel comfortable only when they only have enough - starting with food reserves in the refrigerator and ending with love.

They prefer to drink a bowl of life to the bottom. These temperamental people should always be in love, they need a constant state of emotional lifting, inspirational.

If all this is present in the life of a man Yaril, then he will be completely satisfied with life, and his family union will be durable. But if he is deprived of such pleasure, then it will not be able to hold it.

Since Yarilo is the deity not only the spring sun, but also love and passion, then its wards it gives loving, the ability to inflate by passionate feelings at a glance. This is pretty romantic, but extremely non-permanent people.

Representatives of the strong sex that was born at this time, like to achieve power over a woman, make it with their mistress, and then quit.

Women Yarils are able to keep loyal to partners only until their relationships will acquire a hint of certainty. If the people of this sign are hotly swear in eternal friendship or love, you should not deprive: it is already very soon the connection can be spoiled.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Lada (Lelia)
/ April 21 - May 21 /

A month, which in the Slavic calendar was called color, was under the auspices of the Goddess of Lada - the creative, the female embodiment of God the genus, the goddess of life and love. Thanks to its warm, gentle palms on Earth, love, dear, harmony and order are reserved.

In her honor, our ancestors have established a holiday of palm trees, chanting the arrival of spring, gentle heat, awakening nature.

During him, it was customary to call for spring. This was done by the fair sex representatives who climbed at high places - roofs of houses, hills, stacks, etc. And they gave their hands to heaven.

On the palm of the test made the chewing chambers; There was a custom to dance, imitating birds dancing, at this time usually returned to their native edges. All this helped people to express their joy about the awakening of the strength of life.

Where people who born under the auspices of the Lada appear, as if he was a warm and homely atmosphere herself. They are characterized by health, good, very "way" addiction, patient, peacefulness.

Children of Lada Outless and Unrasing, stubborn and slightly inert. They have to themselves surrounding, do not accept betrayal and change, love reverence, poorly tolerate the absence in the relationship of harmony.

Thanks to the patronage of Lada, people born during this period are real gourmets, aesthetes, fine connoisseurs of the beautiful. Their gentle natures are distinguished by a fine organization, vulnerability, compassion, readiness at the right time to help, sentimentality.

Lada man lives in harmony with nature, has developed imagination, intuition, violent fantasy. At the same time, these people are quite practical, firmly friends with money, and they correspond to them.

The one who has appeared on the light on April 21 is under the protection of another character from the host of Slavic deities - Leli, the goddess of love. Ancient considered her patroness of beauty and happiness and believed that she never leaves without his help lovers. Holiday in her honor - Lelnik (it is also called a red slide) - celebrated on April 21.

Under the protection of Leli there are also people born on this day. Loneliness is never threatened. Just like this goddess for the first time a year declares itself at the end of April, and the children of Lelley can always, not afraid of oblique looks and the rests, boldly declare themselves.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Summer (Lelia)
/ May 22 - June 2 /

In the month, which the ancient Slavs called the grass, worshiped the senior. She also had other names - Peruzit, Gromovitsa, because Lelia was considered the spouse of Perun himself.

Holiday in her honor - a tomb, called red slide, was celebrated on April 21. This was due to the fact that the "debut" of this goddess in the annual cycle took place earlier than in May, when Lelia became a full-awake master.

Representatives of this sign have a good soul, a hot heart, a well-developed sense of humor, high intelligence. Their psyche is bending and fast, the reaction is rapidly, and they themselves resemble a dazzling zipper.

This is incredibly alive, deft, non-permanent and unpredictable nature, next to which they do not have to miss and relax. In addition, people who are born at this time are inherent in courage and willingness to help people.

Children of Leli refute their life around the statement that appeared to light in May would have to have all his life. The patroness of love does not leave his wards to stare alone.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Kostroma
/ 3 - 12 June /

Kostroma ruins only 10 days at the beginning of summer and symbolizes spring, fertility. There was a rite of spring wires, or Kostroma wires. This deity personified a young woman's dressed in white clothes, which walked around a dance, holding an oak branch in his hands.

There was another tradition related to Kostroma: her straw scarecrow was burned or toky. The ancient Slavs thus were also accomplished - buried the spring and believed that such a job helps to make the Earth fertile forever.

Later, this ten-day period was the so-called seven weeks between the Ascension and Trinity. The time dedicated to the goddess Kostroma was called the Sweet.

This wonderful natural time has fully justified its name, because it passed, flew very quickly, leaving behind the wonderful memories.

People born at this time are distinguished by great talentedness, in particular in the field of creating literary works. This is explained by this ability to feel cosmic vibrations and transfer the words that the mother-nature itself is whispering.

A peculiarity of their life is a large number of tragic randoms that Kostroma's children are simply pursuing. However, it does not prevent many of them to live to old age.

Kostroma has two incarnations - female and male (bustle). In humans born under its patronage, this is manifested by some duality of character, as well as the fragility of thinking. It is typical of them to live "here and now", curiosity to everything that happens around, interest in solving all incomprehensible.

These are pleasant, smiling people with a gift of eloquence and surrounded by a large number of friends. They are presented with their own family, they are usually late, but they can boast the numerous descendants.

Kostroma's children pass their life path with a smile on the lips, leaving a rich spiritual heritage in memory of themselves. It's simply impossible to forget these bright personalities.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Dodol (Share)
/ 13 - 21 / June /

According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, Dodol ruled with the onset of early, as they say, young, summer. She is a goddess, patroness not only natural summer, but also human - i.e. youth. Especially it is favorable for young girls and their classes.

I caught the peasants at that time, except Senokos, so these beautiful summer days they were given the opportunity to relax from many agricultural troubles.

If a person was destined to be born during this period, he will forever remain young to the soul.

Slightly infantile, naive and even lazy dodla people come to this world to relax and contemplate what is happening around. They think that everything in this world occurs like in itself, without the need to make efforts to this.

Dodic wards are prone to contemplation, and therefore need an explanatory manual. Also these people should be accustomed to discipline already with young nails.

So not adapted to the life of the creatures help to survive in the harsh world, a natural belief in miracles and spiritual purity. In the presentation of children, the doda life is a game, fun, fairy tale, and certainly with a happy end. They fully and completely give themselves to fate, and she awards them for trust.

Representatives of this sign are incredibly lucky, and everything necessary appears in their lives as if in itself. In order for the world to be at their feet, they don't even need to portray themselves from themselves from heaven and wise men.

Their successfulness is distributed on others: for their loved ones and friends, they turn into a real happy talisman.

Dodic people have a powerful energy, reported summer solstice, and excellent health. It is no coincidence that it is time for this goddess, is simply ideal for the appearance of healthy kids.

As for love and family, the relationship in the life of people-dodol can be folded in different ways, since their point of view for love and loyalty can be very different from the generally accepted.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Veles (Kolyada)
June 22 - July 6, July 8 - July 22 /

Veles is considered one of the most important gods of the ancient Slavs. It is him that he is the merit of bringing the world of peace created by native and weld, and the definition of its laws. Thanks to this, they began to replace each other seasons, days and nights.

Veles is a teacher of the law, he is the initial, who lives forever the sage, who follows the laws and treaties in the world strictly respected.

In addition, Veles was considered the deity that helps people in their practical life. His ministers were Magi.

Veles was also considered the god-clutch, the master of the whole magic and intimate. In fairy tales, he was represented as an old man holding a tangle with a guide thread in the hands. The sacrifices of this deity were arranged in the dense coniferous forests, in places where three roads crossed, because Veles was considered the ruler of intersections.

They brought him copper money, fur and wool, glorified him by Kvais and beer: It was believed that it was thanks to the vele science, people learned to make these drinks.

From his patron, people born during this period receive interest and inclination to the occult. They are distinguished by a very affectionate character, hot love for children, gentle and trembling attitude to the house. At the same time, these are bohemians who have a tendency to too hot in hobby alcohol.

For people born at this time, there is a danger to search (and find) asylum from reality with all its problems in the depths of their subconscious.

In love relationships, the children of Veles are inherent in diversity, romanticism and at the same time sensuality, passion. They are able to achieve the love of the person being interested in.

The patron of July is the deity named by the Kolyada, personifying the law of time. It responded to the sun annually passed the initially predetermined path and rushed to people. The carols were celebrated in winter specifically in order to support the integrity of the living circle and the power of the deity itself.

Among other things, the carriage introduced people with heavenly science, taught them to understand the language of cosmic bodies. Therefore, his ward is inherent in a subtle understanding of the laws of the universe, nature.

Dysharmonium in any life sphere is painful for them. The life mission of those born at this time - to act the keepers of traditions, ensure that old good orders were erased from the face of the earth. After all, it happens to someone to break the state of things established by the gods - how to know may, this will lead to the fact that sometime and the sun itself will change its usual trajectory.

Slavic totem horoscope: caught
July 7 /

The night from July 6 to July 7 (dates are indicated by a new style) - a special night. At this time, it turns out annually to be on earth - light or darkness. The winner traditionally turns out to be good, however, the evil does not give up just like that.

It is no coincidence that the day of Ivan Kupala was particularly highlighted by the ancient Slavs from all 365 days of the year. The fires that were burned on the territory of all of Europe that night through the territory of the world.

For our ancestors, there was a god of summer, colors and fruits growing at this time. In the earthly embodiment, it is beautiful and cheerful, dressed in light clothes. The ancient Slavs believed that a wreath was molded on the head of the juggles, and he kept the fruit and summer flowers in his hands.

This God enjoyed tremendous respect, and on June 24, when the harvest began, sacrifices and a holiday were arranged in his honor. People focused on huge bonfires, sang and danced near them, especially young people.

The festival ended with jumping through the bathing beds. Through this cleansing fire, a home cattle was driven: it was believed that it provided protection against forest perfumes and debt.

People born on this day, throughout their life, carry their special attitude towards fire. Very well, if it is a fire, burned in a family focus, because the family, the dynasty, the genus are the main in life for the man-jooms. It stretches to the house, to the light of the whole soul.

These people are very gentle, gentle and externally seem very simple, but in fact it is philosophers having a rich inner world. The juggles are loving, sentimental; Many of them are interested in mysticism, terrible stories.

The combination of fire and water gives them forces having a truly magical character. At the same time, these people are firmly standing on Earth: households are always fading, the garden and the garden give good crops, and the farm is maintained thoroughly and excitely.

Children of the juggles are very interested in the question, what a trace of them will be able to leave on this earth, and with material and from a spiritual point of view.

Those who have appeared on the light under the sign of the joons, you need to navigate more on the naturalness and simplicity, to learn to do small. People of this sign become unhappy when they begin to pay too much attention to pay the material side of their existence and hit the accumulation.

For people-buying will be useful travel and wearing products from flax. They are not recommended to overheat.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Dazhibog (Sevement)
July 23 - August 23 /

The ancient Slavs called Augustus Serpene or Znim. The patron saint of this month was one of the most revered gods - sending-dazhbog. He was represented by a man with beautiful sunny-gold hair flutters in the wind, a greatest gait, an open, straight look, which does not know what a lie and deception is.

People believed that he was challenged in the sky in the wagon in which four beautiful horses were harnessed. They have golden wings, and instead of the mane - the flame.

Dazhbog in folk ideas was associated with the sun, the light as a whole. His name dates back to two words - "share" and "give", which indicates his mission - to appoint his destiny to every living thing.

It was also believed that Dazhibogogo is a patron of weddings. Our ancestors were convinced that all the grooms in the morning dawn of the day of marriage met that deity.

Believing your patron and summer time when he reigns. The earth resembles lush royal draws - due to abundant harvests, perficing breads, majestic thunderstorms.

Brilliance, greatness, fiery passion - these qualities are present in the nature of people born at that time. They are inherent in pride, frankness, loyalty, combination of mind and strength. They appear to be the main, first, manage others, and in all life areas; Often have a high social status.

Art show yourself in the best light is perfectly owned, and therefore are often in the spotlight. It is people-giving people who are able to appear the founders of empires and dynasties.

If their ambitions remain unsatisfied, they can become despotes, and representatives of this sign differ in impatience when they are waiting for their desires. They dream of universal recognition and respect, to have all the best.

Representatives of this sign will not tolerate when someone gets up on their way. They themselves are progressing to the goal persistently and ready for this a lot to work. Usually, fate gives them a lot of opportunities, however, true happiness is waiting for only those people who generously share their goods with others.

The rule, according to which the most of all those who give up most of all, people-giving people should learn better than the remaining signs of the Slavic zodiac. Their mission and happiness is to patronize the neighbor, protect the weak and fight for justice.

However, those born at this time are already distinguished by generosity, willingness to help and patronize. As the peasants are glad to the life of the rain and the friends of the Lazboga man are rejoiced when he appears in their society. He loves to make decisions for others, and it is not like everyone.

However, those who do not enter into the controversy and confrontation, who will provide them with full and unconditional trust, they always submit their powerful shoulder.

Often, the people of this sign achieve noticeable success on the field of military service and politics, in particular, due to the ability to light up and make decisions. Perseverance helps them to become successful managers and athletes.

The atmosphere of the holiday, beautiful life, wealth - the luxury of late summer pores is their elements. Lovers and subtle connoisseurs of beautiful, they try to live, love, care beautifully.

People-dazhboga are fully provided by their family, they are proud of them, inspire new accomplishments. The victims of Fiasco in his personal life, self-sufficient representatives of this sign may well be some at least the remaining life.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Maya (Seva)
/ August 24 - September 8 /

Those who have appeared in this time interval, patronized Maya's goddess. She was also called sieva and worshiped as a symbol of nature, a root, goddess of gardens and their fruits, a patronage of fertile lands, rains, good weather, sunlight.

Western and northern Slavs represented her long-haired, very beautiful woman holding in her hands. Rided grapes and apples, symbolizing the end of summer and the beginning of the golden autumn.

The mature beauty of Seva is the nature itself at the rate of harvest, and her long hair personifies Niva with ripe ears.

This feminine goddess has always supported life, participated in the cycle of vitality, every year giving everyone to generous gifts. Similar to his patroness and people born at this time. They constantly cess about something, and mostly for the good of others.

Children of Seva from endless troubles practically do not get tired - moreover, this is the meaning of their lives. Even resting, they take a book or some manual work. On the other hand, they need to bother and work in a comfortable atmosphere, so those surrounding should take care of it. In the absence of the guardianship of the power of children of Seva melt too fast.

These people are distinguished by a huge reserve of patience and tolerance, not indifference to unhappiness of others, kindness, aspiration to harmony and quiet life.

Representatives of this sign have extraordinary moral turnout, developed by a sense of measure and justice.

In addition, they are inherent in friendliness, hospitability, special, very mild sense of humor. Noticeable, quiet sowing can make enemies with friends, heal the human souls, smoothing conflicts. Their ideal is touching, subtle, mental relationships.

Seva's children can do small and are fans of naturalness and purity in everything. City apartment they will prefer their own home. At the same time, their future cares and worries; They can be extremely incredulous, careful.

Often, representatives of this sign turn into scopidomes. Seva fear all sorts of changes and try to live in accordance with the established order. For them, it would not be superfluous to look at the world with a more optimistic look.

People of this sign are excellent spouses, because they are fair and kind, they want to live in peace and harmony, and besides, unpretentious and economic.

As a rule, there are few children born; Some representatives of this sign remain childless. This is all the more hurt, since these maple people the house usually happens a complete bowl, and they themselves are very miles and attractive for others.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Rozhanitsa
/ 9 - September 11 /

Thegnants reign only a few days of early autumn, after which the time of the woman comes. According to the ideas of our ancestors, Rod and Rozenits, who were his companions, gave the lives to all of the essence on Earth.

Ancient Slavs attributed to these creatures many missions. So, it was the guy from Heaven who commanded the whole world, underwater and dungeon forces; Helped women to give birth.

Thanks to them, animals, birds and fish appeared on Earth, in which the need for people experienced. But the most important thing - Rozennica was the goddesses, devies of fate and life, endowed every person a fraction than reminded, for example, ancient Greek Moire.

These were two sisters - the proportion of the happy events in a person's life, and underwent a gloomy creation, for the grace of which all sorts of troubles were filled.

Their symbols considered the constellation a large and small bear. It is no coincidence that people said that someone appeared on the light under luck, and someone - under the unfortunate star.

People who were born under the patronage of rolling, are characteristic of calm, shy, secretive. They are inherent in the developed feeling of harmony, as well as the desire to be cleaned or simplified.

Sometimes they are lynch, but at the same time they are often in love with their work to such an extent that they are ready for the sake of forget about everything in the world. Representatives of this sign are hardworking and diligent, like bees, but they like to work one more, outside the team.

They always fulfill their promises. They love these restrained people, too, calmly, considering passionate love of the present disease and marching.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Wet (Makos)
/ September 12 - 27 /

People who appeared on the light of the time interval from 12 to 27 September are under the auspices of the Divine named Mokosh.

This goddess, who personified his mother's mother, was revered along with the main Slavic deities. She was the only female deity, which was awarded the idol, who was standing on the Kiev hill near the idol Perun, Veles and the gods of the equally high hierarchical level.

In a later period, the wet began to associate and with female crafts. Our ancestors imagined her long-term creation with a large head, which nights were in the night. With this idea, the custom was associated with a sideline from the pitchflowers before bedtime - so that the mock did not recount.

Gradually, in folk beliefs, the image of this deity has joined Fridays with the image. In her honor they made a sacrifice: the well threw yarn or a cowel. The name of the rite has occurred from this action - Mokrida. And the name of the mokoshi itself is considered to be related to the words "mock", "wet".

This goddess ruled within two weeks that we call the Babi summer. Nights began to last longer days; The life of people slowly flows into the houses in which the windows are already tightly. In nature, the time of silence approaches.

People who appeared during this period, one to sense their involvement in natural processes. Just like the seasons replace each other, the order of events and phenomena is already installed in the life of a person-mokosha. This is representatives of this sign, being fatalists, are absolutely sincerely confident.

Whatever I had to deal with Mokashi children, they will perform work carefully and responsibly. Their approach to its nutrition is also founder; They know how to cook very tasty.

In the account of the Human Mokashi literally every minute. They are not tagging their time and do not respect people who are precious life run on trifles. At work, they often become horses-horses, which are not too lazy.

Nevertheless, the mumps do not forget about the rest, scrupulously observing the mode and spending a clear boundary between the work and the house. They quietly take the fact that the world and society are built on the hierarchy, respectively relate to any power, and therefore they will never move to the bosses.

At the same time, people who were born at this time really like to distribute advice (as, however, and read notations), which most of them find themselves very wise.

Mokosh man is a master on all hands, but the ability to speak beautifully nature was delivered. For him will be very successful work in the field of light industry. These people love their home very much. The most suitable weather for them is rainy, and the source, from where they can draw strength, serves the well.

Representatives of this sign are inherent in the desire to releasing their loved one and rather grumpy temper, and because of this, in their family life, everything is not always easy. At the same time, the family is holy for them, and in their will they will not dare to destroy it.

Mokosh is a patronage and fertility, the birth of children. Ancient Slavs believed that at the time of the child's appearance, this goddess sends him the soul.

Born at this time can be successful writers, warlords, journalists, politicians who do not know defeats. They are given a gift to find a common language with people and feel in a completely unfamiliar company quite comfortable.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Welders
/ September 28 - October 15 /

People born at this time of year are under the protection of the Son of God's Svarog, whom Slavs read as one of the main deities. For our ancestors, the welded symbolized the earthly fire, was the patron saint of natural elements, warriors, classes (professions) of a person.

It was believed that his forces were simultaneously fertile, giving light, warmth, and disastrous, because, due to the fault of this deity, drought came across and fires occurred. In some tribes, he was considered the God of War and Victory.

On the day of the autumn equinox, the ancient Slavs celebrated the names of the weld. The life of people who appeared on the world during this period is usually filled with meaning. The first half of life they have to be most often carried out in the struggle. But in the second part, they will reap its fruits: to enjoy the respect, honor, will become rich.

With the children of the weld, you should not try to tie and maintain close love relationships to people of Dazhbog and Mokosha, as it will not bring any of the partners.

Since this deity symbolized the heavenly fire from the sky and the "tamed" man, people, the birth under his patronage, differ in the tendency towards craft and art. They are the meaning of the life of a man-welder.

As a rule, he best sees beauty and helps to see it the rest, because people of this sign are distinguished by a sophisticated artistic taste. They carry them around not only beautiful, but also light, warm.

They are characterized by irresistible, but at the same time sad semi-coul. In the life of the Sweezhals, it is not necessary to give in bad mood and remember that the despondency is considered to be a mortal sin.

These are observant, highly intelligent, well-versed in life, rational people who like to lay everything around the shelves. This is largely due to the peculiarities of the time in which they were born: in the fall, reserves are made, which should provide a person to a new harvest.

The children of the weld appear in order to become a driving force in culture and science. They can achieve success in a very wide range of areas of activity - from poetry to blacksmithing craft.

It is noticed that the representatives of this sign can be outstanding teachers. Mathematically people risk becoming victims of creative burning, and therefore should be careful.

They strive for marriage, confident that somewhere in the light wanders their second half, which can be found, the main thing is not to spend the time of time. By the way, it is the name of the Weshirov who opens the period of autumn weddings.

People-welded people can look at the fire, and it is from him they draw energy. Their Talisman Birds, bringing good luck, is a rooster and swan. The life of the representatives of this sign will be happy if they are able to burn, not burning, and will not lose the vital ideals.

Slavic totem horoscope: Morana (Moraine, Mora, Mara)
October 16 - November 1 /

People who have emerged at this time of the year, acquire the patronage of Moran. In the name of this Slavic goddess, a clear connection with the word "Ma" is traced, which means a sudden death overtaking almost all the polls.

More could take a tiny village, and a huge state. Moraine is the goddess of painful, fruitless stroke, withering life processes, death. And the victims of this creation brought the appropriate - faded flowers that fondue, spoiled, rotten fruits.

And it was also believed that she liked to take faded human lives.

The symbols of the moral were considered a broken skull, a black moon and a sickle - a tool for cutting a life of life.

At the same time, the ancient Slavs believed that death from the hand of this formidable and inexorable goddess is not a complete cessation of existence, and the transition to life in another capacity. After all, the alignment itself is established by the order, according to which Spring necessarily comes to the change of all the susceptible Winter.

In order to get rid of himself from death and all kinds of trouble, our ancestors have come up with a special rite. Before Ivanov, they cut the tree, which was to personify Moran, and decorated with flower wreaths and ribbons. Together with the "morao" they dressed up and "buy" - a doll from straw.

After all these preparations, they lit a bonfire and with the "buy" in the hands of couples jumped through it all night. And in the morning Ivanov of the day, they removed from the man-made embodiments of both deities of decoration, and then threw a tree and a straw doll into the river.

After that, as the ancient Slavs believed, the Terrible Moran could have been afraid not so much.

People under her patronage are destined to be born in a dull, frightening time when you can count and hope exclusively. Of all other signs, this one is considered the strongest, and this force has properties bordering with magical. T.

the fermen and stubborn children of the Moraine are steadily progressing to the goal and did not care if they are nervous: they also know that everything will work out. When they fall into the most difficult, hopeless everyday situations, do not even think to lower their hands, but on the contrary, they collect all their will in his fist. In addition, in difficult provisions, they are protected by the fate.

Representatives of this sign do not avoid and are not afraid of struggle. Moreover, they are always configured to win and are not afraid to look into the face of the death itself.

It is no coincidence that people-moraine can become excellent doctors, in particular, working in intensive care and surgery: they are absolutely able to pull almost anyone from the world. Without confrontation, without competition, they do not seem interesting neither love nor friendship.

Born in this period is inherent not only durability, but also an unusually developed self-discipline. They do not know how to make compromises and often can be vengeful.

At the same time, often these people have to fluctuate between two attachments. They do not give their feelings to take a complete will. Do not like responsibility and therefore try to avoid it, although the work is performed invariably at a high level.

Children of Morals are simultaneously inherent friendlyness, tenderness, dreaminess, prudence, elegance, delicate eroticism - and aggressiveness, sullenness, gloomy, quick temper, stubbornness, fury, jealousness.

Most of the wonderful sex representatives born under the patronage of Morags are notorious fatal women. However, most often the energy and power of children of this goddess are aimed at defense and much less likely to attack.

Moraine people are extremely strong, but even they need extra energy. For them, its source is dead water. It can be gained in any reservoir when water in it is half freezing.

Like a fabulous, she acts for representatives of this sign by defense against all sorts of problems and resurrects to life, giving new forces. People born at this time retain a magnificent physical shape to deep old age and are long-livers.

The children of the Moraine, who have truly demonic nature, are distinguished by a detached look at the world, a pronounced interest in everything otherworldly. They are inherent in the ability to keep under the control of the feelings of people, so they are sometimes solved on the fact that they are taboo.

In addition, Velez, who was responsible for the relationship between the two worlds - the living and the dead, was also considered a patron saint of people born at this time, who was responsible for the relationship between the two worlds - the living and the dead, for the continuity of the cycle of births and deaths.

His wards people well understand that a new birth is simply impossible without death, as well as the acquisition of something - without a victim.

The best representatives of this sign can renounce that belongs to them. It often turns out that the children of Veles, not possessing anything, in fact, gain a lot, if not all. People born at this time become worthy representatives of the authorities, skillful managers.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Camargl (Smargl, Skiper)
November 2 - November 22 /

People who have appeared in November, or, as our ancestors called him, are in breasts, they receive patrons from semarlang.

SEMARGL in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs with a fiery sword in his hands guarded the house, a family hearth, played by the keeper of fiery sacrifices. They believed that this deity was kept in warmth emanating from his heart, seeds and crops. So that it is not angry, his name did not utter aloud.

People believed that periodically this god acquired the appearance of the sacred winged dog. It was with Semargl that our ancestors were inclined to tie the origin of the feelings between men and women.

The people of both sexes, in their opinion, were created from two small sticks, between which the fire unexpectedly broke out.

Legends say that SEMARGL was born from a flame that broke out from the sparks carved by the magic hammer of a powerful Svarogo about the Stone Alatyr. The banner of this fiery god was a cloud of thick smoke, and he himself swept on the ground on the ground, leaving behind the burning mark.

And yet, much more often he was peaceful, calm and always defeated people from evil, especially when the night darkness descended the world. Only once a year - on the day of autumn equinox - Semargl left his post for the sake of love games with a swimsuit. The fruits of this love are buying and Kostroma.

The one who has appeared at this time is a real warrior, a strong spirit man. His element and need - all the time try to achieve something, fight for justice, defeat.

Semarlang children are able to cope with almost any assignment assigned to them. Representatives of this sign are appropriate to your chosen. As a rule, in their family, many children are born, and they are very pleased with them.

In addition, in November, hosts the Skipper-beast belonging to Perun and being the leader of various creatures of the other world and snakes.

People who were born under his patronage were inherent in special wisdom and dismantling, which helps them penetrate the most hidden, "dark" motives moving around. They know how to talented psychologically affect people. Representatives of this sign have particularly strong links with dead ancestors. It is no coincidence that it is in November who is the parent night dedicated to the ancestors.

In the thoughts and actions of the people born this month, it is possible to detect the possession of knowledge about the back of things and experienced generations.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Winter
/ November 22 - 30 /

The ancient Slavs represented themselves with a white beauty in a white shower, which rang possessing on Peg's horse and froze everything around her ice breath. Blood blows from her kiss, and all sorts of "non-bustles" try to hide from winter as much as possible.

In the servants in winter - blizzards, blizzards, gyms-creep. Together with her mistress, they try to make it all around everything is snowing, so that everything is covered with a white bedspread.

The beginning of its domination is the time of fun and joy, bright holidays. But closer to March, the winter becomes an old woman - ugly, harmful and insidious.

Winter people look at the world with optimism, because they were destined to be on the world at the time when the cellar is broken from all sorts of stocks. They can impress cold, detached, but in reality these are people with a hot heart, in which there is enough warmth to warm those who are near.

Representatives of this sign are often becoming violent wrestlers with world evil. There are practically no accidents in their lives; The events of their life are influenced by some incomprehensible lightweight forces.

Often, the people of this sign are inquisitive researchers and gambling athletes. Winter children are interested in a lot, and not related to the material side of existence, - the life of space, parallel worlds, unusual natural phenomena, etc. They love to reflect on the secrets of the universe, peer into the starry sky, trying to find answers to eternal questions.

Being smart and very well-read, representatives of this sign have a wide range, will be heard by "walking encyclopedias" and are wonderful interlocutors.

Without evidence, people born under the auspices of winter are not taken on faith. Even in search of a purely spiritual representatives of this sign are accustomed to repel from the material. They live in accordance with their own laws, and therefore it is impressed that they cannot be found on them.

However, control over them is not needed, because it is high-level people whose thoughts are distinguished by purity and nobility. If something is not regulated by social norms, then for them is carried out by religious morality, characterized by greater depth.

Winter knew his children with a big margin of patience, which in family life is a great help for them. Moreover, on this capacity, all the well-being of the family often holds on the sacrifice of a person-winter. Thanks to its character, they easily acquire friends, and in general, people usually pull them.

Winter people tend to perceive the world around black and white, without halftone, because they consider the basis of the world order the eternal struggle of the opposite forces. They see their mission in the battle on the side of good and fulfill her all their life, never relaxing. The famous expression "The world is not without good people" refers to the ward of winter to the full.

Representatives of this sign usually have the opportunity to boast gorgeous health, especially if they support the physical form by hardening.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Crawling
/ 1 - 10 / December /

The appearance of fling-death is simply great. The only "small" flaws - hair-snake and a deadly look. For a whole year, this is a creature living in the sea-icy, on the island near the world tree, spends time in fun games and fun.

However, with the onset of the time of love, it becomes not to laughter, and the catch alternately calls for his animals, starting with a lion. Birds, reptiles and people who can not resist the call of death, calling love.

Death-catching knows the languages \u200b\u200bof all living things on Earth, so the cry is heard and understand everything. The one who comes on her call will at least once look at her beautiful eyes, to get away from the knowledge of the highest love through death is no longer able to ...

For those who are familiar with the ancient Greek myths, it is clear that the catch is "Sister-twin" Jellyfish Gorgon. These mythological species have indeed one source - Paraarian culture of death. And the Culture has a nickname - jellyfish, which is tantamount to the "Lady", "Vladychitsa", the master of death. Even in the Epoch of the Early Middle Ages, the Slavs considered the image of Medusa Gorgon with their faith.

It is known that Vladimir Monomakh had a serpent with the appearance of this character. As the medieval legends read, the owner of Gorgon's head was Alexander Macedonian. It was this circumstance that explained his glory of a commander, who won one for another brilliant victories.

People who have emerged under the patronage of Culture, are distinguished by perseverance, independence, extremely stormy fantasy, dislike for too hard work, an indomitable burden for a comfortable life. Often they become speculators and shules.

Children are inherent in militant and vanity; They love them to praise, glorified and erected to the pedestal. Women of this sign may well compose a strong floor competition.

The chief of people born at this time are very often the representatives of another race, social circle, other religion.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Kitovras (Karachun)
/ December 23 / December 23 /

As one of the variants of the Slavic zodiac, people who have emerged at this time are under the patronage of Kitovras. This is mythological centaur, one half of the body of which is a horsepower, and the second is human. This character says that he is wise and strong, but it feeds weakness to the guilt.

Kitovras is able to circle anyone around the finger, but this ability often turns against himself.

The gods, patronizing the "dark" half of the year, using the love of Centaurus to alcohol, force to put his wisdom and the strength to serve the mercy and evil. This is inevitably comes to punish from the bright gods.

As well as their patron of Kitovras, people born during this period are quite capable of literally in all life areas to achieve significant success, but provided that their desire for all sorts of benefits and worldly pleasures will not go beyond reasonable.

There are people born in these December days, another patron - Karachun, an underground god, the owner of frosts. Slavs believed that in his servants he had wolf-blizzards and bears-connecting rods, who had the ability to turn into beran. Then Karachun began to be considered a deity responsible for the potent of cattle.

Karachuna Day is December 23, one of the most frosty winter days. That is this God attributed to shortening the bright part of the day. The image of an inexorable, formidable, terrible strength was reflected in the expression existing today, "to" ask Karachuna ", the meaning of which is to kill, torture to death, kill someone, die.

It is time when Karachun reigns, is the coldest, dark and hopeless, because until spring is still very far away. And only after December 23, at its end, the sun begins to go for the summer, and a person appears a good mood and hope.

People who had a chance to be born under the sign of Karachun have far from brilliant health. It is explained by the fact that their emergence of the world had to be in a period of natural energy recession, because the heavens are empty, land - lifeless, and the water is captured by the ice ...

Karachun people are forced to make efforts to at least somehow correct this state of affairs and become more energetic. And in general, they do not fall from the sky, and everything goes to the price of large works.

It is possible that one day a man born under the patronage of Karachun will experience a strong desire to find shelter from harsh reality in the world of dreams.

People of this sign are characteristic of their thoughts in the future or past. They love to travel very much and show not enough interest in the cultures of other states. South countries are attracted especially.

Born at that time often hard to communicate with people. Probably, so they love to mess around with animals and can make a wild beast. Karachun people differ in disbelief.

In order not to spoil your life, they must study the collective experience of mankind, not to rely on themselves, but on objective public ideals. It will give them confidence, will allow you to feel that they are involved in all life processes that have a global, global character.

Representatives of this sign may look sullen, cold, irritable, evil, inaccessible, but it is nothing more than a mask. With closer communication, it turns out that in reality they are pleasant, cheerful, witty, are skillful crossbars.

It is not surprising that people-Karachuni can become good parodists and talented satirits. However, so they are trying to hide from deep sadness, often scolding their souls.

Born at this time have pronounced abilities to linguistics, they can compose talented poems and often choose the passage of the translator.

Kartachun's children - workers, cope with the hardest work they are not difficult. Insecurity is able to cause depression, so some kind of occupation, the work of representatives of this sign is simply vital.

Usually, the personal life of Karachunov is not very successful, although they are aimed at creating their own family. Moreover, alone, these people are not able to live and day. The reason for difficulties lies in their noncommunicability bordering with frank dislike.

In communicating with such a person, the most difficult task is to make it removing the usual mask. And when it happens, it becomes obvious that Karachun is a real treasure, for which it cost to work hard. All signs of the Slavic horoscope can without fears to associate their lives with them.

Slavic Totem Horoscope: Perun (Indrik, Unicorn)
/ December 24 - January 20 /

According to the ideas of Slavs, Perun looked like a gray-haired mature man. He is similar to Silver, and his beard and mustache is gold. They portrayed it in the legends and as an angry man at the age, which had a large red-haired beard.

The people believed that he was on the chariot or on horseback in heaven, and the thunder, hearing on Earth, there is nothing more than a rumble produced by his chariot. It has been harnessed white and rave stallions with wings.

The name "Perun" arose in deep antiquity and is interpreted as "the one who beats stronger", "separating". God, whom it indicates, is the most eldest and famous of the children of Svara and Lada, the owner of the thunder, lightning, thunderstorms. When Perun saw this light, a strong earthquake occurred.

It did not have time for the young deity to grow up, as together with his sisters, he was abducted by receiving a semi-clip of skipper and immersed in eternal sleep. Peunun slept in captivity for a long time and has already turned into a man when he was found in the dungeon of the older brothers. The washed live water, God came to himself, found and destroyed evil spells, who turned his sisters into monsters, and destroyed the Skipper-beast.

People who were born under the auspices of Perun are distinguished by a special life force, fearless, courage. Own image and the impression on other impressions worry about a little. These people are more afraid than respected, and even more so - what they love.

Peunun children do not go divorced, stop the development of scandals, but turn into aggressive creatures, when they cannot find a worthy use of their energy. If, in the best embodiment of these people, you can be called harsh, brave warriors, then the embodiment with the "minus" sign is the role of a soldier, walks and a rowdy.

People born in January have another patron - Indrich-beast. It is depicted as a unicorn. The battle of this creature with lion is considered a symbol of the month, and its deep meaning is the battle of the law of the time (striding) with the self (indra).

It is noteworthy that none of the preserved lobs and paintings there is no plot in which one of the wrestlers would win the other. This is one of the laws of world evolution: having an equal force of an annual cycle (circle) and free will (straight vector), summing up, uniting, and create a movement along the helix, i.e. Development that has no end point.

The one who has appeared under the auspices of a unicorn has the opportunity to be as free as possible in the expression of his own will. That is why in order to prevent equilibrium violation in the world around the world, they are obliged to exercise great care.

Any vertices can be conquered by people-unicorn, if they are more often thinking, do not take over the too much. For them, it will be especially useful to remember the ancient proverb "You go quiet - you will go further."

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In ancient times, our ancestors had the similarity of the Eastern (Japanese) horoscope of animals for birth. Among the features of the Slavic totem animal horoscope should cancel the sixteen-year-old cycle, and not a twelve-year-old as in the eastern horoscope. Every year a special beast is dedicated, which can manage the character of a person who was born under such a sign.

Elk (dark s) - (1928g; 1944g; 1960g; 1976; 1992; 2008)

Elk has a property of making discoveries and lead the rest. This is a totem of a person who cannot stop in one place and is constantly looking for new achievements. A constant desire for something new can put in a dead end of close people born a man under this sign. Such people are characterized by which it is advisable to fight then luck can turn face in all endeavors.

OSA (Thausing Hrencher) - (1929g; 1945g; 1961; 1977; 1993; 2009)

The special property of the nature of such people is leadership in all its manifestations. And to the intended purpose of people, the axes go, applying any methods. Passenger and quiet can be considered permanent companions of such people. But in, too, they have greater purposefulness and intuition. Excellent memory, thrift and jealousy in their blood from birth.

Wolf (fastened) - (1930; 1946; 1962; 1978; 1994; 2010)

For people born under the sign of the wolf, the ability to find exits from any unpleasant situations. The main features of the character can be considered generosity, angelic patience, kindness. But with all the positive properties, this sign loves freedom very much and will not give an encroachment on its territory. This is a predator with an instant reaction to the stimulus, and the restrictions and obligations can be only as such as a person imagined.

Protein (fire ornament) - (1931g; 1947; 1963; 1979; 1995; 2011)

People who have emerged in this year have a large dexterity and mobility not only in the physical plan, but the yv sector of mental activity. They can grab everything on the fly, quickly make calculations from the current situation consistently with the benefit of themselves. This is fraught with nervous stresses, therefore people - proteins often fall into depression. The calculation only on its strength leads to the fact that those born under this sign are early become independent or create their own family.

Pearl Pike - (1932g; 1948; 1964; 1980, 1996; 2012)

Communication with such people, as a rule, straight and frank, they will always say what they really think without excess of flattery and emotions. These are people inclined to conservatism and completely confident in their thoughts and actions. The patronage of the ancestors gives them inland peace and peace.

Bearded toad - (1933g; 1949g; 1965; 1981; 1997; 2013)

A person with a persistent attitude towards life is able to appreciate what has been distinguished by economic and careful attitude towards the surrounding. Such people do not like change, clearly know what they want from life. Modesty, hospitality, accuracy This is all the qualities of the character inherent in this sign. A constancy amateur in all spheres of life.

Kaban (Wild Vepor) - (1934g; 1950g; 1966; 1982; 1998; 2014)

Do not try to become an angry boar on the road, demolished and does not even look like. These are people without fear and have the opportunity to repulse any enemy. If such a person is interested in something, he will dig an earth as long as the desired will not be in his personal property. After that, they usually calm down and lead a dimension lifestyle to a new passion. In a state of rest, the boars have emergency intelligence and the ability to make the right actions.

White Filin - (1935g; 1951; 1967; 1983; 1999; 2015)

Filin is distinguished by closure, constitution is often susceptible to superstitions. Its main talent can be considered the ability to Extrasenssic. These are people who spiritual put above material.

Winning - (1936; 1952; 1968; 1984; 2000; 2016)

Harmony is the main feature of people born this year. Lovers of secrets and opponents of empty conversations. Workability, leaning, purposefulness with a small tolie hide makes such people perfect subordinates. In case of irresistible obstacles, the custody can abandon their ideas.

Crouching foxes - (1937g; 1953g; 1969; 1985; 2001; 2017)

Adventures and dexterity, ingenuity and cunning, caution and dedication are all the features of the people born in the year of fox. Skillfully spent intrigue, only add mood to such people.

Rolled Yozh - (1938g; 1954g; 1970s; 1986; 2002; 2018)

These people are inherent unpredictability and bustle. Love noise and funny companies. But at the same time they have a unique memory to detail. Different with loyalty not only in the family, but also in friendship.

Soaping Eagle - (1939g; 1955; 1971; 1987; 2003; 2019)

Aristocrats for their nature do not endure manipulation and dictatorships. In terms of character, you can distinguish courage, pride and rejection of the imposition of other people's ideas. Eagles can see future troubles, so if they are warned about them, it is worth listening to them.

Spider (spinning Mizgir) - (1940g; 1956; 1972; 1988; 2004; 2020)

People - Spiders are great organizers who can combine people into a large group. Creatively harboring, love power, but sensitive to changes around. At the same time, the reliability in the family plan is distinguished by tradition.

Screaming Rooster - (1941; 1957; 1973; 1989; 2005; 2021)

Originality and the opportunity to be the first in all endeavors are about people born in the year of the rooster. Infancy, big ambitions, activity is considered the main features of nature. At the same time, children and their home love.

Bull (cereal tour) - (1942g; 1958; 1974; 1990; 2006; 2022)

The inconsistency of the nature of the bull can be justified by the desire to protect the weak. At the same time, the bull is striking endurance and patience. Despite this in extreme situations, such people are capable of aggression.

Fireless horse - (1943g; 1959g; 1975; 1991; 2007; 2023g)

Extreme, alternating with permanent travel, is the main part of the life of people born under the sign of the horse. They are distinguished by leakage and activity, have talent in the creative sphere.

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