Thomas Man: Strategist Trade. History of economic exercises: mercantilism

Thomas Man: Strategist Trade. History of economic exercises: mercantilism

Mantilism had not only general principles and features, but also country features. It is necessary to consider them in England, France, Holland, Italy, Germany, Russia. It is important to identify the rational elements of mercantilism.

Thomas Man. (1571-1641) - The most famous and authoritative representative of the developed mercantilism Thomas Man (1571-1641). He was a major merchant, director of the East India Company, an influential member of a powerful bourgeois corporation called London City. Man was the author of the trade balance theory. Trade balance is the final summary of all countries in foreign trade for a certain period (for example, per year). It indicates all payments made by this country for goods and services acquired from other countries, and all the arrivals of the "Call of Coins" to this country for the goods set by it and the services of the glory of Manu brought his book, the title of which itself expresses the basic idea: "Wealth England in foreign trade, or the balance of our foreign trade as a regulator of our wealth "(1664). As Marx says, "the essay it remained for a hundred years of mercantilism for a hundred years ... If mercantilism has some component of the era, the writing" as a kind of inscription on the entrance ", then such an essay should recognize the man's book." In this book, compiled from rather heterogeneous chapters, compressed and accurately set down the very essence of mercantilism. Like a genuine mercanticist, mans sees wealth mainly in its cash form (gold, silver). The point of view of commercial capital will take his thinking. Mans against the prohibition of the export of money, as money bring wealth, only being in the turn. He clearly formulates the trade balance. Mans indicates that the main rule of foreign trade is to sell products to foreigners for a large amount than the one for which foreign goods are consumed in the country. Mans compared money with seeds, which "agriculture, throwing into the ground, as it crushes, but it gets back in the form of an abundant harvest." Mans expressed the development of industry, for the export of finished products, not raw materials, for the development of transit trade, shipping.

A. Monkeren (1575- 1621) - French economist. The main work is "the treatise of political economy." Entered into circulation The term "political economy". The place that is occupied by Monkeyen in the history of economic science is likely to more the result of the title than the content Political Economy. Never before the words "political" and "savings" were not combined on a title page of Tom, applying to the title of treatise, which involves a systematic consideration of one topic. For some, this is the only merit of Moncontene, others believe that it was engaged in the painstaking work of the department of analytical wheat from the attic of the actual data. Montoule's contribution to economic science, even if he is partly lacking in originality, for the first time introduces some important elements of what was to serve as the standard of mercantilistic thinking. Monkeren was the first to add (to the external wars) the search for wealth as a means of ensuring the stability of the social order of France, formed around the king. Politics - This is one of the first works that explicitly poses the question of the old Aristotelian statement on the independence of politics from (and on its advantage of them) other aspects of public life, including economic activities. Labor is no longer under the curse, but is one of the factors of political stability, productive work and the accumulation of wealth, - Monkeyen came to such a logical conclusion: "The happiness of people: is mainly in wealth, and wealth is in work." In addition to agriculture, in its study, the device of the Society of Monkeyen addressed to the study of industry and trade. Since the exchange has become the basis of most of the productive work, sellers and "merchants" began to play a central coordinating role. Profit, being their main stimulus, was to be encouraged and being protected (states): merchants are more than useful, and their concern for income, which is carried out in the work and industry, creates / is the cause of a large part of public wealth. For this reason, they must forgive the love of the benefit and the desire for it. Of this, this naturally implies the statement of mercantilists on the need to assist the state in improving the welfare of nations. For the first time, emphasizing the close relationship between politics and the economy, Monkeren Painted the political economy of work, including uncomplicated evidence, how the wealth of the nation is distributed is distributed and exchanged, and which were systematically studied only and a half centuries later.

R.Colber During the reign of Kolbera State. Intervention in the economy has reached a big sweep. The protectionism system was aimed at minimizing the import of goods, export manufactory was created to be an active contribution to the development of the domestic industry. EXPORED PROSIDES. The development of the royal manufactory of the construction of a trade and military fleet The colonization of the conquered lands was developed, introduced a protectionist customs tariff. It was forbidden to export bread from the country and his free imports, introduced low prices for bread, feudal forms of operation, high taxes on C / x products, which was further negatively appeared at the level of industrial production and nat. Household Generally.

12.I.Petti his role in the formation of English classical economic science.

William Petti is the founder of the classic bourgeois political economy in England.

Theory of value: Petty delimited the "natural" price of the goods and the market price, which called the "political" price. Considering the "natural" price as the inner base of market prices, he determined it by difficulty .. However, he mixed the cost with the exchange cost and considered the latter in the form in which it was manifested in the exchange process, i.e. in cash. The direct source of value considered labor and silver extraction (i.e. money material). The cost of labor products in other industries was determined as a result of their exchange for noble metals. The influence of mercantilism here is found particularly bright.

Wage and Rent theory: S / fee seemed to be a natural cost of labor. Determined S / fee with a minimum of the existence of workers, and if the workers become twice as much as the minimum of the one mentioned, then they will work two times less. The rent is the cost of agricultural products minus production costs. It is a rent in the teaching of Petty acts as the main form of surplus value.

The doctrine of the percentage and price of the Earth: Changes in land prices are followed by changes in the rate of interest. The sale of land was considered as the sale of the right to receive rent and should be calculated as a certain amount of annual revenue. Loan percentage was defined as

rentality ratio to ground price.

It originates in the 17-18 century. In France and EnglandIn England, its representatives Vivze Netty, Pierre Buchaller (France.). Petty wrote a tract about taxes and fees, about money, about political arithmetic. He is an intermediate point between Malkatenism and a classic school. He has a mercanthelism of richness - it is a guilt of gold, silver and drag stones, because they are not dying and not so Changes like other goods, but always and everywhere are wealth, while ISBILITY meat and melon is also wealth but the richness of the second grade is only here and now he has tepical mercantile relations to agriculture, prambers and trade, i.e. he said that it is possible to earn more than C / x, and trading more than industry and the most productive work in terms of forming wealth in foreign trade is Labor futing work. He believed that the interests of the state contradict each other therefore can be justified by the power of the state. Petty as a representative of the English. Classic school. The theory of labor value, i.e., determining labor as an essential factor affecting the price level. The work is a father, but the earth is a mother of wealth. The value assessment of all items should be reduced to two natural values \u200b\u200bof labor and

earth. Buchaller The birth of a classic school in France. Ideas believed that the basis of wealth state is a village. The labor is the most important factors. Life. He considered the EC. It developed successfully free competition between the goods producers.

Thomas Man:

strategist trade

The British are called London The Great Wen, that is, a big goiter, a big bump. As a tremendous thigh, London hangs, which several centuries were the greatest city in the world, on the ribbon Thames, and thousands of visible and invisible threads diverge from him.

For the history of political economy, London is a special city. The world trade and financial center was the most suitable place for the origin and development of this science. In London, Petty pamphlets were published, and his life is no less closely connected with him than with Ireland. After 100 years in London, Adam Smith's Book "Wealth of Peoples" was published. The genuine product of London, his boilers, political and scientific life, was David Ricardo. And in London, Karl Marx lived in London. There was written "Capital".

Thomas MAN, a characteristic expressant of the ideas of English mercantilism, was born in 1571. He took place from the old family of artisans and merchants. His grandfather was a chashanger on the London Mint, and his father was trading in Silkom and Velvet. Unlike his French contemporary Monkeyene, mans did not write tragedies, did not fought on duels and did not participate in the rebellion. He lived life calmly and with dignity as an honest dealers and a clever man.

Early losing his father, Thomas Mans was raised in the father's father's father, a rich merchant and one of the founders of the East India Trading Company, which arose in 1600 as a branch of the older Levant Company, which was trading with the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. Having passed training in the shop and office of the stepfather, he began eighteen or twenty service in the Leadant company and spent several years in Italy, went to Turkey and the country of Levant.

Mans quickly rich and acquired a solid reputation. In 1615, he was first elected to the Board of Directors of the East India Company and soon becomes a scene and most active defender of her interests in parliament and in print. But the man is careful and not too ambitious: he rejects the proposal to take the post of deputy manager of the company, refuses to travel to India as an inspector of the company's factories. Traveling to India in those days lasted at least three to four months in one end and was associated with considerable dangers: storms, diseases, pirates ...

But man is one of the most prominent people and in City and in Westminster. In 1623, the publicist and writer on the economic issues of Misselden gives him such a certification: "His knowledge of the East India Trade, his judgments about trade in general, his zealous works in their homeland and experience abroad - all this decorated it with such advantages as Just wish in every person, but which is not easy to find in these times among the merchants. "

Allowing the possibility of exaggeration and flattery, we can still not doubt that Man was by no means an ordinary merchant. As one of the new researchers said, it was a trading strategist. (The word "trade", by the way, in the XVII and XVIII centuries. The British is essentially equivalent to the word "economy".)

Maturity Mana accounts for the epoch of the first two kings from the steart dynasty. In 1603, after almost half a century, the childless Queen Elizabeth died. When she joined the throne, England was an isolated island state, torn by religious and political stripping. By the time of her death, England became a global power with a powerful fleet and extensive trading. Age of Elizabeth was marked by a large cultural lifting. The son of the executed Scottish queen Maria Stuart Jacob (James) I was afraid of the city of the Son of the Sonnaya Scottish Queen of Maria Stuart and needed him. He wanted to rule as an absolute monarch, but the money was from parliament and in London merchants. The financial and trade difficulties that have arisen in the early 20s forced the King and his ministers to call on the Council of Experts from City: a special state trade commission was formed. In 1622, Thomas May was entered in her. He was an influential and active member of this advisory body.

In the stream of pamphlets and petitions, in the discussions that were conducted in the Commission on Trade, in the 20s of the XVII century. The basic principles of the economic policy of English mercantilism were developed, which were carried out until the end of the century. The export of raw materials (especially wool) was banned, and the removal of finished products was encouraged, including by state subsidies. England captured all new and new colonies, which were given to industrialists cheap raw materials, merchants - arrived from transit and mediation trade with sugar, silk, spices, tobacco. Access of foreign industrial goods to England was limited to high import duties, which weakened competition and facilitated the growth of domestic manuffs (politics protecting). A lot of attention was paid to the fleet, which was to transport goods worldwide and defend English trade. The most important goal of these events was to increase the influx of precious metals to the country. But unlike Spain, where gold and silver went straight from the Ministers of America, in England, the policy of attracting money was beneficial, for the means of this policy was the development of industry, fleet and trade.

Meanwhile, thunderstorm gathered above the monarchy of Stuarts. The son of Jacob I is the short-sighted and stubborn Karl (Charles) I restored a bourgeoisie against himself, which relied on dissatisfaction with the wide masses. In 1640, a year before the death of Mana, a parliament was gathered, who opened openly against the king. Fight struggle. The English bourgeois revolution began. A nine years later, Charles was executed.

We are unknown by the political views of the old mana, who did not live to turn the revolutionary events. But at one time he opposed full absolutism, for the restriction of the power of the Crown, in particular in the tax area. Hardly he, however, would approve the execution of the king. By the end of the life, Mans was very rich. He bought significant land estates and was known in London as a person who can give a large cash loan.

From Mana left two small essays, which were held, speaking by a high syllable, in the Golden Fund of Economic Literature. Their fate is not quite common. The first of these writings was entitled "The reasoning about trade in England with Ost-India, containing an answer to various objections that are usually made against it" and came out in 1621 under the initials of T.M. This polemical composition is directed against the critics of the East India Company Standing on the positions of the old primitive mercantilism (monetary system) and arguing that the operations of the company are damaged by England, since the company exports silver to buy Indian goods and this silver is irretrievably lost by England. Delivito, with numbers and facts in the hands of Mans refuted this opinion, proving that silver does not disappear, but returns to England with a great increment: goods brought on the company's ships, otherwise I would have to buy Schridogoga from the Turks and Levancents; In addition, a significant part of them is resold to other European countries on silver and gold. The meaning of this pamphlet for the history of economic thought is, of course, not just in the protection of the interests of the East India Company, but in the fact that the arguments of mature mercantism were systematically presented here.

More than more than more than God's glory rests on his second book, the title of which, as Adam Smith wrote, hesitually expresses the basic idea: "England's wealth in foreign trade, or the balance of our foreign trade as a regulator of our wealth." This essay was published only in 1664, almost through a quarter of a century after his death. For many years of revolution, civil wars and republics, it lay down in Larz with papers and documents inherited by the son of Mana together with real estate and driven property of the Father. Restoration of Stuarts in 1660 and the revival of economic discussions prompted a 50-year-old rich merchant and landowner to publish a book and remind the public and authorities a pretty forgotten name Thomas Mana.

In this book, composed of quite heterogeneous chapters, written, obviously, in the period 1625-1630, compressed and accurately set down the essence of mercantilism. Manu alone all sorts of beauty style. According to his own words, "for lack of learning" he writes "without unnecessary words and eloquence, but with all the intense truth in every little thing." Instead of quotation from ancient writers, he operates folk sayings and calculations of Deltsa. Only once he mentions the historical character - the king of Philipp Macedonsky, and only because the latter recommended that the money is where the force does not take.

As a genuine mercantist, mans sees wealth mainly in its cash form, in the form of gold and silver. The point of view of commercial capital will take his thinking. As a separate trading capitalist, it allows money in turnover to extract them with increment, so the country should be enriched by trade, providing excess of the export of goods over the import. The development of production is recognized by it only as a means of expanding trade.

Economic compositions are always more or less definitely pursued practical goals: justify certain economic events, methods, policies. But mercantilists have these practical tasks especially prevailed. Mans, like other mercantilist authors, was far from the desire to create some "system" of economic views. However, economic thinking has its logic, and mans on the need operated on theoretical concepts reflecting reality: goods, money, profit, capital ... anyway, he tried to find a causal connection between them.

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Thomas Man, the characteristic expressant of the ideas of mercantilism, was born in 1571. He was a native Londoner and an influential member of the powerful bourgeois community called London City. For many centuries, City had a Citadel in the English bourgeoisie - a strong, rich and far-sighted. The kings are already in the XVI century. They felt their dependence on City and sought to live in harmony with him.

The man came from the old family of artisans and merchants. His grandfather was a chancener on the London Mint, and his father led a silk and velvet trading. Early losing his father, Thomas Mans was raised in the father's father's father, a rich merchant and one of the founders of the East India Trading Company, which arose in 1600 as a branch of the older Levant Company, which was trading with the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. Having passed training in the shop and office of the stepfather, he began with eighteen service in the Levant Company and spent several years in Italy, went to Turkey and the country of Levant.

Mans quickly rich and acquired a solid reputation. It is reliably known that in 1612 the man lives in London, since this year he marries the daughter of a rich nobleman and settles his house in the parish of St. Helena in the Bishopsheit area. In 1615, he was first elected to the Board of Directors of the East India Company and soon becomes a glorious and most active defender of her interests in parliament and in print. Interestingly, he rejects a proposal to take the post of deputy governing company, refuses to travel to India as an inspector of the company's factories. Traveling to India in those days lasted at least three to four months in one end and was associated with considerable dangers: storms, diseases, pirates ...

Maturity Mana accounts for the epoch of the first two kings from the steart dynasty. In 1603, after almost half a century, the childless Queen Elizabeth died. When she joined the throne, England was an isolated island state, torn by religious and political stripping. By the time of her death, England became a global power with a powerful fleet and extensive trading. Age Elizabeth was marked by a large cultural lift. The son of the executed Scottish queen Mary Stuart Jacob (James) I was afraid of the Siens (James) I was afraid of City and needed him. He wanted to rule as an absolute monarch, but the money was from parliament and in London merchants. The financial and trade difficulties arising in the early 20s forced the king and his ministers to call on the Council of Experts from City: A special State Commission for Trade was formed. In 1622, Thomas Mansman entered it.

In the stream of pamphlets and petitions, in the discussions that were conducted in the Commission on Trade, in the 20s of the XVII century. The basic principles of the economic policy of English mercantilism were developed, which were carried out until the end of the century. The export of raw materials (especially wool) was banned, and the removal of finished products was encouraged, including through state subsidies. England seized all new and new colonies, which were given to industrialists cheap raw materials, merchants - arrived from transit and intermediary trafficking with sugar, silk, spices, tobacco. The access of foreign industrial goods to England was limited to high import duties, which weakened competition and promoted the growth of domestic manufactory. A lot of attention was paid to the fleet, which was to transport goods worldwide and defend English trade. The most important goal of these events was to increase the influx of precious metals to the country.

Meanwhile, thunderstorm gathered above the monarchy of Stuarts. The son of Jacob I is the short-sighted and stubborn Karl I restored a bourgeoisie, which relied on dissatisfaction with the wide masses. In 1640, a year before the death of Mana, a parliament was gathered, who opened openly against the king. Fight struggle. The English bourgeois revolution began. A nine years later, Karl was executed.

We are unknown by the political views of Mana, who did not survive the reversal of revolutionary events. But at one time he opposed full absolutism, for the restriction of the power of the Crown, in particular in the tax area. Hardly he, however, would approve the execution of the king. By the end of the life, Mans was very rich. He bought significant land estates and was known in London as a person who can give a large cash loan.

From Mana left two small essays included in the Gold Fund of Economic Literature. The first of these works was entitled "The reasoning about the trade in England with East India, which contains the answer to various objections that are usually done against it" and came out in 1621 under the initials of T. M. This polemical composition is directed against critics of the East India Company Standing at the positions of the old primitive mercantilism and arguing that the company's performance is delivered by England damage, since the company exports silver for the purchase of Indian goods and this silver is irretrievably lost by England. Delivito, with numbers and facts in the hands of Mans refuted this opinion, proving that silver does not disappear, but returns to England with a great increment: goods brought on the company's ships, otherwise I would have to buy Schridogoga from the Turks and Levancents; In addition, a significant part of them is resold to other European countries on silver and gold. The meaning of this pamphlet for the history of economic thought is, of course, not just in the protection of the interests of the East India Company, but in the fact that the arguments of mature mercantism were systematically presented here.

More than more than the glory of Mana rests on his second book, the title of which, as Adam Smith wrote, he mostly expresses the basic idea: "England's wealth in foreign trade, or the balance of our foreign trade as a regulator of our wealth." This essay was published only in 1664, almost through a quarter of a century after his death. For many years of revolution, civil wars and republics, it lay down in Larz with papers and documents inherited by the son of Mana together with real estate and driven property of the Father. Restoration of Stuarts in 1660 and the revival of economic discussions prompted a 50-year-old rich merchant and landowner to publish a book and remind the public and authorities a pretty forgotten name Thomas Mana.

In this book, composed of quite heterogeneous chapters, written, obviously, in the period 1625-1630, compressed and accurately set down the essence of mercantilism. Manu alone all sorts of beauty style. According to his own words, "for the lack of scholarship" he writes "without unnecessary words and eloquence, but with all the intense truth in every little thing." Instead of quotation from the ancient writers, he operates with folk sayings and calculations of the Delta. Only once he mentions the historical character - the king of Philipp Macedonsky, and only because the latter recommended that the money is where the force does not take.

As a genuine mercantilist, mans in turnover money in order to extract them with increment, so the country should be enriched by trade, providing excess of the export of goods over the importation. The development of production is recognized by it only as a means of expanding trade.

Thomas Mans stubbornly fought against the rigid regulation of the export of precious metals. He wrote that how the peasant should quit the grain in the ground to get a later harvest, so the merchant must take money and buy foreign goods to then sell more of their products and give a nation benefit in the form of an additional amount of money.

Economic compositions are always more or less definitely pursued practical goals: justify certain economic events, methods, policies. But mercantilists have these practical tasks especially prevailed. Mans, like other authors-mercantilists, was far from the desire to create any "system" of economic views. However, economic thinking has its logic, and mans on the need operated on theoretical concepts reflecting reality: goods, money, profit, capital ... anyway, he tried to find a causal connection between them.

Translated works:

The richness of England in foreign trade or the balance of our foreign trade as a regulator of our wealth. // Mantilism (Collection), L., 1935.

The reasoning about trade in England with East India. The answer to various objections that are usually done against it. // Mantilism (Collection), L., 1935.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


In addition to agriculture, in its study, the device of the Society of Monkeyen addressed to the study of industry and trade. Since the exchange has become the basis of most of the productive work, sellers and "merchants" began to play a central coordinating role. Profit, being their main incentive, was to be encouraged and being protected (states):

the merchants are more than useful, and their concern for income, which is carried out in the work and industry creates / is the cause of a large part of public wealth. For this reason, they should forgive love for the benefit and the desire for it.

Of this, the statement of mercantilists naturally implies about the need to help state In improving the welfare of nations. For the first time, emphasizing the close relationship between politics and economics, it was Monkeyen who dubbed the political economy of work, including uncomplicated evidence, how to produce, distributed and exchange the wealth of the nation, and which were systematically studied only and a half years later.

Economic ideas of Thomas Mana

One of the ideologues of developed mercantilism was Thomas Man. In 1621 he released "Correspondence on Trade with East India" , the purpose of which was the justification of the activities of the East India company. The company has been created not only as an enterprise that makes profit to its owners (shareholders), but also as a state policy tool. The man argued that the company was right, exporting money from England, because in the end it turns into the import of even more money to the country. You can not take only one stage of trading turnover to assess the final results of a kind of business. To explain its position, mans uses the "Metaphor of the Agriculture": the farmer, scattering the grains (read the "money"), counts on harvest, which will not only cover the cost of grain, but also pays for them with a storm. In other words, to increase the influx of precious metals into the country, you must first spend some of their number. In 1664 his second book came out "The wealth of England in the external trade " . The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work is that the consumption of foreign goods should be less than the export of domestic goods.

Man was also one of those who developed the concept trade Balance. Trade balance is the final summary of all countries in foreign trade for a certain period (for example, per year). It indicates all payments made by this country for goods and services purchased from other countries, and all the arrivals of the "call of coins" to this country for the goods and services set by it. (Attachment 1).

The difference between exports (the flow of money from abroad) and imports (payments abroad), or trade balance, was, according to mercantilists, the most important source of accumulation of the country's wealth. Therefore, the main means of increasing national wealth is to create a favorable trade balance, maximizing a positive trade balance. The state policy is to minimize the importation of foreign goods and increase the removal of domestic goods abroad. For this, a protectionist policy is applied, including the following elements:

1. Foreign trade policy. It is forbidden to import many foreign goods to the country, the protective and prohibitive duties are introduced, export premiums are established; The creation of trading monopolies is encouraged.

2. Industrial policy. Manufactory production is planned and developed, as industrial products have greater value than primary benefits, and are easier transported. In the field of industrial policy, mercantlers sought to maximize value added. Performance of this task can be achieved, on the one hand, by increasing the degree of processing of goods, and on the other hand, by reducing the costs of their production. In order to reduce the costs of labor, the following measures were used: the adoption of laws establishing the ceiling (maximum value) of wages, limiting the movement of labor (as an example, a ban on emigration in France); restriction of food exports in order to reduce the cost of living; Attracting foreign specialists. To reduce the cost of raw materials, the colonies took place in order to turn them into sources of cheap raw materials and simultaneously to the markets for the sales of finished products.

Thomas Mans in his work "The reasoning about trade in England with Ost-India response to various objections that are usually done against it" wrote: "The trade in goods is not only a commendable practice that so adequately exercises communication between; People, but also, as I would say, truly trial stone prosperity, if only well-known rules are carefully complied.

Considering the household of individuals, we can assume that only that person thrives and rich, which, having a greater or less income, respectively, competes its expenses; It may, in this case, annually make savings for his offspring.

The same happens in those states that are trying to sell more of their domestic goods with great care, than import and consume foreign goods; After all, as a result, the residue is undoubtedly returning to them in the form of money. But if, due to light-length and waste, otherwise comes, excessively spend their own and alien goods, it is necessary to take money as a means of payment of these excesses; And so, because of the dissolved lifestyle, many rich countries are extremely impoverished.

Therefore, hardworking, which increases wealth, and the thrift, which preserves it is truly the faithful guards of the state's wealth, even in cases where the power and fear of royal prohibitions are not able to hold it. It is quite clear that in the importation of foreign goods should always be observed by the well-known proportionality, it is also necessary to take into account their quality and appointment. "

According to I. Plotnikova, Thomas Man (1571-1641) in his pamphlet, the reasoning about trade in England with East India (1621 g) first formulates the basic principles of mercantilism in England. Marx wrote about mana in ch. 10 second part of the anti-darya: "This is a work (reasoning about trade in England with Ost-India.) It has already in the first edition of the specific importance that it is directed against the original, protected even then as state practice, the monetary system, therefore consciously The separation of mercantilism from the mother system. In its original form, this work has grown up a lot of publications and has had a direct impact on legislation. In a completely recycled author and appeared only after his death of 1664, called the wealth of England in foreign trade ("England" s Treasure By Forreign Trade ") It remained for the subsequent century the Gospel of mercantilism if mercantilism can be found a work creating an era, then they are undoubtedly this work." Man was a member of the Board of the famous East India Company and the Government Committee Committee (Commission of Trade). In the preface To "England" s Treasure by Forreign T Rade "John Man wrote about him:" At one time he enjoyed a big glory among merchants and well known was the majority of business people, thanks to great experience in affairs and deep understanding of trade. " His main work is the "richness of England in foreign trade" (6 publications in the XVII and XVIII century.) A. Smith mentions in the wealth of peoples, where he writes: "The name of the book man's name. It became the main position of political economy not only in England, but also In all other trading countries. " In addition to the works of London merchants selling the same main ideas, the Petition of London merchants selling the same basic ideas of London merchants selling the same basic ideas, presented by the House of Commons in October 1628. Between the two works of Mana: the reasoning about trade in England with East India And the wealth of England in foreign trade is a great difference not only external, but also internal. The first work is mainly represented by the apology and protection of the Ost-India Trade against the attacks on it from different sides (supporters of the monetary system and trade counselors with Levant). The main provisions of mercantilism are expressed only along the way. On the contrary, in the second pamphlet, the author does not concern directly the Ost-India Trade, but systematically sets out the mercantistical Credo, criticizing supporters of the monetary system. The first pamphlet is of interest in the fact that it gives a fairly distinct idea of \u200b\u200bthe first two dozen years of English trade with East India (the first trip to Ost-India was organized in 1600 g.;. Comparison of mana two ways to follow Indian goods to Europe (on land from the Persian Gulf to the shores of Malaya Asia across the Turkish possessions and the sea path around Africa from the Persian Gulf) clearly shows that coup in trade routes, which led to the decline of the Italian cities (and at the same time the Levance company in England) and the European Elevation of European States adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. Interesting also information about the size of this trading, its content, prices, etc.

Men Man (MUN) Thomas (1571-1641), English Economist, Developed Developed mercantilism. Member of the Board of the East India Company and the Government Committee. In the book "The richness of England in foreign trade" (Edition of 1664), performing the substantiation and protection of the active trade balance, reflected the interests of trade bourgeoisie in the era of the initial accumulation of capital. K. Marks described this work M. as a work that creates the era and is the gospel of mercantilism (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Op., 2 ed., Vol. 20, p. 240-41).

M., like all mercantlers, wealth identified with money, but rejected the money balance system, and it was necessary to achieve their increase in the excess of the excess of goods over the importation, giving great importance to intermediary trade. In this regard, M. considered money not only as a treasure, which is characteristic of early mercantilism, but also as a means of circulation and capital. M. - The Investigator of the Quantic Theory of Money (see Moneysection bourgeois theory of money).

Lit.: mercantilism. [Collection], L., 1935, p. 109-39, 158-83; Mordukhovich L. M., Essays of the history of economic exercises. M., 1957, ch. four; History of economic thought, Part 1, [M.], 1961, p. 182-83.

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  • - Hood, Hood Thomas, English poet. Son of bookseller. His humorous verses illustrated their own cartoons. Success, especially among the charters, brought him a poem "Song of the Shirt" ...
  • - English playwright. Born in London, baptized on November 6, 1558; From 1565 he studied at Merchant-Taylor's cheek. Further biography is restored only to fragmentary ...

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  • - English Humanist, State Worker and Writer. Erasmid Rotterdam, who dedicated Moru's "stupidity praise." Chancellor of England in 1529-32 ...

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"Man Thomas" in books

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Thomas Mor.

From the book 100 great prisoners [with illustrations] by Jonina Nadezhda

Thomas Mor Future Socialist-Utopist and the first Minister of England took place from the environment of the wealthy trading bourgeoisie. An educated and capable young lawyer, skillfully speaking in court as a defender of the interests of the bourgeoisie, Thomas Mor became widely known at the beginning of the XVI century.

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Vi. Thomas Sas


Vi. Thomas Sas

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Thomas CAC monograph "My Madness Saved Me": Te Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2006.anti-Freud: Karl Kraus's Criticism of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1990.antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2009.Ceremonial Chemistry: Te Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers. Garden City; N.Y.: Doubleday, 1974.Coercion As Cure: A Critical History Of

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Thomas Mor.

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