XYZ Generation Theory. Generation theory: X, Y, Z - who they are Generation x age

XYZ Generation Theory.  Generation theory: X, Y, Z - who they are Generation x age
XYZ Generation Theory. Generation theory: X, Y, Z - who they are Generation x age
February 19, 2017 6:53 pm

"On the golden porch sat: Tsar, prince, king, prince, shoemaker, tailor ... Who will you be?"

Today I will tell about the theory of generation X, Y, Z

In 1991, a book was published that essentially predicted the September 11 terrorist attack and the 2008 financial crisis in the United States.

Former US Vice President Al Gore called Generations the most inspiring book on history: "If the United States lives quietly to 2015, then their work will be forgotten, but if they are right, they will take their place among the great American prophets."

The idea is that generations with the same historical experience early in life form a collective portrait and live according to similar life scenarios. Values ​​are formed by the age of 11-12 under the influence of historical events (war, manned space flight, perestroika, etc.).

Generations X and Y these are those who are now from 31 to 45 years old, the second from 21 to 30 years old. The generation of schoolchildren and to some extent the 20s are referred to as Z.

Below I will give a description of each generation, and you try to relate them to yourself. At the end we will arrange a voting)

So, the average basic duration of "generations" is about 20 years.

However, there are no precise boundaries separating one generation from the next. People can be of different generations depending on the growing environment, social, educational and technological opportunities, and trends. Someone grew up alone, and someone has younger or older brothers or sisters - this also leaves an imprint.

Researchers distinguish border zones - this is a period of plus or minus three years from the "official" date of the emergence of the new generation.

People born in this zone share the values ​​of both generations, which gives them greater flexibility and adaptability. This is true called "border guards"

Generation X (Generation X)- the term was first used by Jane Deverson in 1964 in a study of British youth that identified a generation of adolescents who “sleep with each other before they get married, don’t believe in God, don’t love the queen, don’t respect their parents and don’t change their last name when they are married ".

Usually "Xs" were born approximately from 1963/65 to 1982/84.

The main distinguishing feature- they are very independent, as they grew up in conditions of autonomy - no one told them when, where and what to do. They themselves came from school, warmed up lunch, walked. They were called so - "children with a key around their necks."

The parents were too busy at work and these children learned to keep themselves occupied. X was alone for days on end.

They received little parental warmth, but many gifts. Therefore, as adults, they formed a "consumer boom", buying up everything that moves.

Self-reliance goes hand in hand with self-sufficiency. They rely only on themselves. and are reluctant to share information (information is value). They thoroughly delve into everything they do, and also strive to establish useful connections.

Generation X - generation lost faith in everything- in their parents, social institutions, social structure ... They are more pragmatists than romantics.

Key features of Generation X

1) heightened intellectual ability, global awareness, technical literacy, commitment to lifelong learning;

2) pragmatism and relying only on oneself; autonomous work; the desire to hide information; survival in critical situations.

3) dissatisfaction with the authorities, lack of trust in the leadership and enormous political indifference;

They are sometimes referred to as "Generation Wanderers " - they are born during social ideals and spiritual quests.

Wanderers grow up as unprotected children, come of age as estranged young people, become pragmatic adult leaders, and face old age after this period with more vitality.

This generation was greatly influenced by the Afghan and Chechen wars, the end of the Cold War, the beginning of the era of personal computers and the emergence of the Internet. They love their computers, nature and McDonald's fast food. (even if they don't talk about it :)

Millennials or Generation Y

In the United States, the generation of "Yigrek" is associated with the rise in the birth rate, which began in 1981-1982, and in Russia, the generation of those born with 1983 to late 1990s.

In general, the beginning of a new generation is a controversial issue. So "border guards" born from 1981 to 1985 will have to identify themselves on their own :)

Key features of Generation Y

Generation "Y" are in no hurry to take on the responsibilities of adulthood because of the negative example of the previous generation (their parents married early, divorced early, went to work early).

They tend to delay the transition to adulthood for a longer period than their peers in previous generations, as well as stay longer in the parental home.

They are called " by the Peter Pan generation", - the concept of eternal youth is close to them.

Generation Y grew up in greenhouse conditions: they always had food, toys, money. "Games" are accustomed to the fact that all their desires are fulfilled, they are somewhat idealistic and even impractical, but what frustrates the "X" most of all is that they are poorly adapted to the world around them.

The relationship between generations X and Y can be illustrated by this dialogue:

- hello, egg!

- I'm a chicken...

Often times, Y are unable to reveal their talents - they need an experienced mentor. In this regard, "Xs" and "igryki" are able to develop each other: "Xs" land "playmakers", and "playmakers" show their elders how to live here and now.

Y is called " generation of disappointed hopes": More was expected from life than they received by thirty. They are characterized by an increase in the involvement in the life of the team.

They especially often complain about the lack of feedback and information at work and in the family circle. They need nuance, they want to understand what is still worth working on, and where everything is already good, it is important for them to share what they are experiencing.

Baby Boomers and Xs complain that Y reads few books, and the Ygreks themselves use completely different formats for development - travel, communication, video, gadgets.

For the Millenniums, care for the world around them, integration into the world space are important. They often challenge the accepted rules and are distinguished by a "horizontal" vision of social contacts. They believe that it is effective - precisely the team that may not need a leader at all.

While Baby Boomers and Xs adhere to a hierarchical paradigm of social interactions.

The main complaint of hyperresponsible "Xs" to Y is the lightness of the latter, the desire to try everything without staying for a long time at one job, excessive emotionality.

Representatives of the "Y" generation will often change jobs. They need everything and preferably at once: the world is changing too quickly. Hence another name for the generation "Y" - trophy generation Because they want more value from their work and greater participation in decision-making, they prefer flexible working hours.

What is in short supply becomes the values ​​of a generation. During the childhood boomers, books were a rarity - and they are extremely important to them.

"X" gives children the opportunity to learn foreign languages ​​- in their time it was a pass to the world of success, and "Games" consider it important to teach descendants the art of communication.

X and Y are the so-called " digital immigrants"because they were born before many modern technologies were available. And their children - generation Z - are already the first truly digital generation .

After the millennials, "young, leggy and politically literate" have already grown up. They are also called "Generation MeMeMe" - generation "YAYAYA" or generation Z.

They grow up in the era of the Internet and the heyday of social media and do not even remember the time without the Internet in direct access ...

Their worldview was influenced by the global financial and economic crisis, Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technologies.

Obsessed with tech fetishes taking comical selfies in toilets and elevators, they bring sleepovers under the door of Apple Stores ...

In the digital world, they are locals, not immigrants. They are called Digital Natives.

There is a significant variation in their dates of birth. Many are inclined to think that these are people born from 1993/98 to 2014, moreover, 1996 and 2010 are most often mentioned as border dates.

In general, they are still schoolchildren, but they are already approaching 20 years old.

Z are very loyal to brands and stick to certain ones throughout their lives. In the long run, this is the jackpot for the fashion business ...

Although they are more risk averse and rarely wear seat belts, they have lower rates of teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse compared to Y.

Generation Z called a generation Artists .

They are overprotected by adults in crisis, come of age as socialized opportunists in a post-crisis world, become active adult leaders, and become rational older adults.

Generation Z will be affected by overprotection. After school, they study in circles or with tutors. As a result, the Zetas experience a lack of peer communication. They understand gadgets and technology better than human emotions. But the family will be of great value to them: it is the only thing that is safe in their world.

The next generation after Z - Generation Alpha - "people Alpha" - already among us. They were born after about 2010-2011 in families X and Y. Their parents will be people who decided to offspring after thirty. Alpha people are predicted to be more balanced, positive and less aggressive.

Wait and see...

Today everyone is discussing the generations of the future -Y,Z andA, while people of the generation remain the most economically active X. Little is said or written about them, but they are the ones that shape the future of the world economy and politics. About who the people of the generation are X, and how they differ from representatives of other generations, read our article.

The most active economically today are representatives of the so-called generationsX... It has largely influenced the formation of the modern business environment and made an invaluable contribution to the development of the global economy. Generation X has a unique value system that allows them to excel in all areas of life.

Gen X value system

This system is a set of behavioral and social attitudes that have developed under the influence of many factors. The system has a direct impact on a person's opinion regarding certain phenomena and things that he encounters throughout his life. It is she who is the main reference point in the process of making important decisions. Changing the value system during life is possible, but it is extremely rare.

Due to the huge variety, values ​​are usually divided into several main categories. Most often, researchers distinguish 2 types of values :

Value # 1


This category is one of the fundamental. This includes all attitudes and ideals under the influence of which the individual's ideas about good, justice, beauty, good, evil, and so on are formed. It is on the set of spiritual values ​​that ideas about what is necessary and what should be, preferences and desires, aspirations and impulses depend;

Value # 2


Material values ​​include consumer values, expressed in material form: basic necessities, private property, availability of goods and services.

The final set of values ​​of each person is individual and unique. It is rather difficult to take into account each element of this system. However, there are certain combinations of values ​​(gender, family, national, professional) that are inherent in representatives of certain “generations”.

Generation theory

For the first time, several scientists started talking about this theory in the first half of the 90s. According to this theory, approximately every 20 years, a new generation of people is born, whose value system is fundamentally different from the value system of their parents, grandparents. The formation of the value system of a representative of each new generation actually ends by the age of 11-15, after which it is only supplemented and strengthened. Already at this age, one can notice the first differences: the attitude towards other people, money, material and spiritual benefits, the style of consumption and behavior in general.

The calculation and description of "generations" begins at the end of the 19th century. Each of the generations has its own unique values, which were formed under the influence of many factors. The activities of representatives of each generation provoked the creation of new conditions, which, in turn, began to influence the formation of the value system of the next generation.

The Lost Generation (1890-1900)

The first generation referred to in this theory is people born in the years 1890-1900. This era is characterized by social inequality, stratification of society, disillusionment with civilization, cultural decline and decadence. Representatives of the “lost generation” grew up and formed under conditions of despotism and monarchism, and the most important event of that era was the unprecedented global military conflict - the First World War and the collapse of the imperialist state. In response, representatives of the generation took an active part in revolutionary events, the formation of modern states, the creation of new ideas, the development of science and a new culture.

Winners (Greatest) (1901 - 1925)

According to various versions, representatives of this generation were born from 1901 to 1925. These people grew up in an era of global changes in the social and political world order. Bold ideas, new directions of science and technology, strengthening of totalitarian and authoritarian societies - all this influenced the system of values ​​of representatives of the “generation of winners”. People born at this time were participants or witnesses of the Second World War, the creation of the UN, the post-war restoration of world order.

The Silent (1925-1945)

People born on the eve of and during the Second World War (1925-1945) are usually called the “silent generation”. They had to grow up and live in the post-war period, to restore the destroyed economy and industry. The period of their activity was the beginning of the Cold War, slow but steady economic growth, gradual improvement of living conditions and quality of life, the absence of global shocks, and the strengthening of power structures. However, childhood for these people was extremely difficult, which could not but leave an imprint on their entire life.

Baby boom (I) (1946 - 1964)

The silent generation and the "winners" gave birth to a huge number of children, as a result of which there was a population explosion (1946-1964). The era of the baby boom marked the beginning of the sexual revolution, the heyday of rock music and hippie culture. Authoritarian rulers no longer suited society, which often led to unrest and local conflicts. Demonstrations, rallies, popular demonstrations and protests became typical of this era.

At the same time, protest moods and narcissism began to prevail. People of the “generation I” gave preference to self-realization, rejecting the generally accepted social responsibility. This generation was one of the first to talk about the fact that the main thing in life is getting pleasure and changing the world. People from the baby boom generation actively promoted the ideas of equality, non-violence, democracy and tolerance.

Generation X (1965 - 1979) (according to some researchers - until 1982)

The socially active and freedom-loving baby boomers were replaced by representatives of generation X, born from 1965 to 1979 (according to some researchers - to 1982). In some cases, all children who were born before the 1990s and even the 2000s are also included here, but this is not true.

The formation of the X's value system was influenced by: the war in Afghanistan, the Chechen war, the stagnation and fall of socialist regimes, the end of the Cold War, the opening of borders, freedom of movement, globalization, an increase in the number of emigrants, the fall and subsequent rapid economic growth.

Representatives of the unknown have become even more independent from the official authorities. However, in contrast to the worldview of the baby boomers, attempts to change the world have been replaced by the absolute or partial indifference of the X's to what is happening in the political arena. Sexual relations outside of marriage became the norm, as did the lack of religiosity and patriotism. Gen Xers are getting divorced more often, but family values ​​still play a primary role for them.

These people are not used to stability. Before their eyes, the entire system of the world was changing radically, and they got used to the difficulties associated with these changes. Infantilism and decadence are alien to them, they are active, quick-witted, they can be called "disruptive". They rely only on themselves, always have a plan "B", do not get lost in the face of difficulties and are ready for any difficult situations.

"X" changed the world beyond recognition. These people are characterized by high efficiency and productivity, they are persistent and diligent. For "X people", career, educational level, material wealth play an important role. They strive to be successful, but often do not look for new ways, but use long-proven routes.

HR Director of the company "Relief"

People over 45 are professional and executive, without unnecessary ambitions. Explain this to the management of the company

Sometimes employers are afraid that subordinates will be older than the manager. But that's okay! The main thing is to entrust older employees with suitable work, not associated with high rates and constant stress. And there is always enough such work at the enterprise. For example, we have a lot of employees in our company who turn 50 this year. Just a year of anniversaries. And all these specialists work productively. Therefore, I am happy to take people over 45 years old to my department. They are more efficient, reliable, professional, and at the same time they do not have unnecessary ambitions (like a university graduate who does not know how to do anything, but wants a lot). I can rely on such an employee, as I am sure that everything will be done 100%. After all, he has both responsibility for the result and unwillingness to lose his job. This is exactly what HR directors should explain to top managers of the company.

Millennials (Y, YAYA) (early 80s - late 90s)

Most of the economic models and incentive systems were created specifically for the X's. Thanks to this, the HR director can quickly achieve an increase in labor productivity, while using the "standard" set of motivators, both material and non-material.

"X" are accustomed to achieve everything on their own. Career and life in general for them is a kind of step-by-step strategy. First you need to graduate from school, then go to college or university, get a profession and "crust". After that, the newly minted specialist comes to the enterprise and starts from the “bottom” - he works as a line or junior office staff with the prospect of slow but sure career growth. Management or expert positions "X" reached (and still reach) at the age of 30-40 years.

Motivating workers X

In most cases, fast career growth is impossible for them. Representatives of "X" are trying to "sell themselves" more profitably, but at the same time they understand that in order to implement such a plan, it is necessary to correspond to the declared price. Empty ambitions are rare for them, they know their worth well and require adequate reward for their work.

Material motivation plays a huge role in motivating Gen X workers. Moving up the career ladder, obtaining new powers or responsibilities, solving assigned tasks, fulfilling the production plan - all this should be noted not only in the form of praise or recognition of merits from the side of the management, but also quite tangible material reward. The increase or bonus itself may even be insignificant, but it must necessarily be.

The most effective way of non-material motivation for X employees is the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and improve their qualifications. Courses, seminars, business trips, webinars - all of this will be appreciated by representatives of Generation X.

Recognition of merit plays an equally important role - public awards, the provision of a personal workplace, personal benefits, and so on. A great way to recognize such an employee is to appoint him as a mentor who should be engaged in teaching newcomers to the team. With this trick, the HR department can decide immediately 3 problems:

Problem # 1

Increase mentor motivation

By appointing an employee as a “teacher”, management demonstrates their loyalty and trust, which in turn encourages the mentor to perform their own work better;

Problem # 2

Reduce the time for a beginner to adapt

It will be easier for a new employee to join the team and get involved in work processes if an experienced employee is engaged in adaptation and training, and not a representative of the personnel service;

Problem number 3

Reduce the workload of the HR department

How to use X's human resources

The “unknown generation” was formed at the dawn of the era of media communications, when the Internet and other types of mobile communications were more rare than the norm. For this reason, for many X's, live communication and real human relationships are of fundamental value. They are not so dependent on social networks and the Internet in general, so their picture of the world is much more realistic than that of representatives Y and Z.

Characteristics of people from generation X

  • have rich life experience,
  • have extensive work experience,
  • have certain merits,
  • have a good education,
  • diversified,
  • tactful
  • sociable.

These people are best suited for stable and responsible work that requires perseverance and a solid approach.

Xs are attentive to people and details, so they make excellent managers at all levels. Consistency and predictability of actions allows them to be appointed as leaders of serious projects or developing areas of business.

Thanks to business acumen and the ability to build working relationships, "Xs" can be safely sent for negotiations with other companies. They can be trusted to carry out major projects with pre-planned performance.

Disadvantages of workers X

Unlike people Y (YAYA), whose representatives are very ambitious, "X" can and will work hard. It was this generation that gave birth to the term "workaholism" - addiction to work. An unfulfilled project, failures at work, failure to meet deadlines - they all take it very seriously and painfully.

Excessive workload and responsibility provoke stressful situations from which the moral and physical health of these individuals suffers. For this reason, X's are more prone to nervous breakdowns, mental exhaustion and depression. The damage to physical health manifests itself in the form of headaches, decreased sexual activity, heart attacks, early heart attacks and strokes.

Such consequences can be avoided only with the help of regular alternation of the "work" and "rest" modes, creation of comfortable working conditions and a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Check yourself

What are the 2 main types of values ​​that are usually distinguished:

  • gender and family;
  • professional and national;
  • spiritual and material.

What is the name of the generation born from 1946 to 1964?

  • lost;
  • baby boom;
  • millennials.

Which generation is the most active in the economy at the moment?

  • Baby boom;

What's special about Gen X?

  • high efficiency;
  • unwillingness to grow up;
  • protest spirit, active participation in political and public life.

The main disadvantage of Generation X is:

  • overestimated ambitions;
  • exposure to stress;
  • dependence on modern technologies.

Over the past decades, marketing campaigns around the world have targeted millennials — the easy-to-learn, narcissistic, struggling for social status. Literally in a few years, a new generation will become solvent - generation Z. How it differs and how to work with it - read below.

Five generations that defined the marketing of the century

American scientists Neil Hove and William Strauss developed in 1991 the theory of generations, according to which a new generation of people appears every 20-25 years. The new generation differs from the previous ones in habits, character, values ​​and goals.

Neil Hove

Every eighty years, the characteristics of a generation are the same, which is why modern adolescents resemble people born between 1923 and 1943. Scientists have scheduled the periodicity from the first half of the fifteenth century, but the last five generations are of greatest interest to the public.

Silent Generation (born 1923-1943)

The last representatives are now 80-90 years old. The silent generation is law-abiding, conservative, patient. Best of all, he manages to work, people born in this period of time prefer to adapt to conditions, rather than change them. The generation strives to save money, the main spending is food, printed books, interior details. Marketers engage the silent generation with care and attention.

Baby Boomers (born 1943-1963)

Compared to the previous generation, a much more active and cheerful generation. They tend to idealize the world, work hard, try to maintain a correct lifestyle and love self-medication. For them, money is, first of all, the key to status. They often spend more than they can afford. Optimal marketing images for them are bright pictures of a brighter future.

Generation X (born 1963-1984)

A pragmatic generation willing to pay more for speed and comfort. They have a completely different attitude to their health - unlike previous generations, in case of illness, they prefer the removal of symptoms, rather than full treatment, all for the sake of maintaining efficiency. The first of a generation to shop both in malls and online. To get Generation X interested, the marketer needs to show a variety of characteristics and choices. Not loyal consumers will always have to fight for their attention.

Generation Y (born 1984-2004)

Millennials are fickle, narcissistic, ambitious, but they don't always take life seriously. Stable work for the sake of money does not attract them; representatives of this generation are looking for pleasure and entertainment. They trust well-known brands and are loyal. Millennial marketing companies showcase a lifestyle rather than a product. A company without a website with a user-friendly interface and groups in social networks will not inspire their trust.

Generation Z (born 2004 and younger)

It is not yet possible to form a final portrait of a generation, but certain characteristic features are already clearly visible. The idols of the generation are on social networks, the line between real and virtual life has been completely erased, they are practically immune to traditional advertising, but they are still eager to buy.

How does Gen Z live?

Generation Z requires a significant revision of approaches to advertising campaigns and a change of sites - from contextual advertising and landing pages to social networks. On the one hand, this is problematic - many proven concepts become ineffective. On the other hand, social media marketing is much cheaper than traditional marketing, so modern marketers can achieve high results with minimal costs. To know how to rebuild your advertising campaigns for the new generation, it is worth remembering the differences between Z and Y.

Smartphones are ahead of computers

Unlike the previous generation that prefers laptops and computers, Gen Z prefers to be online from a smartphone. The statistics below are compiled by the Global Web Index.

During the day, Gen Z spends more than seven hours online - 3:45 on a computer and 4:01 on a phone. Millennials spend about the same amount of time online, with 4:01 online from a computer and only 3:38 from a phone. Generation Z listens to music an average of 17 minutes a day - 1 hour 40 minutes, and 18 minutes watch less TV.


  • Fill free time: 51% - Z, 44% - Y.
  • Find entertainment content: 47% - Z, 40% - Y.
  • Stay connected with friends: 46% - Z, 43% - Y.
  • Stay updated on the latest developments: 42% - Z, 42% - Y.
  • Share photos and videos: 38% - Z, 36% - Y.

Search for information

Generation Z in search of information about goods and services is leaving traditional sites in social networks - compared to the previous generation, the search activity in them is 6% higher. The frequency of using mobile applications for the same purposes increased by 2%, while the indicators for other methods decreased.

Top 5 information search channels:

  • : 51% - Z, 45% - Y.
  • Search engines: 48% - Z, 49% - Y.
  • Mobile applications: 30% - Z, 28% - Y.
  • Consumer reviews: 29% - Z, 33% - Y.
  • Websites of brands and manufacturers: 25% - Z, 29% - Y.


The new generation attaches great importance to social status, which affects brand preferences.

Top 5 smartphone brands.

  • iPhone: 52% - Z, 45% - Y.
  • Samsung: 42% - Z, 40% - Y.
  • Huawei: 16% - Z, 19% - Y.
  • Xiaomi: 15% - Z, 13% - Y.
  • Sony: 11% - Z, 11% - Y.

Desires and ability to pay

Due to their age, Gen Z is not yet very solvent, so its representatives cannot afford much of what millennials have. The only exceptions are smartphones.

Top 5 Owned Gadgets

  • Smartphone: 96% - Z, 84% - Y.
  • Computer / laptop: 68% - Z, 74% - Y.
  • Tablet: 29% - Z, 37% - Y.
  • Smart TV: 25% - Z, 34% - Y.
  • Game console: 23% - Z, 23% - Y.


Generation Z is immune to traditional ads and tired of PPC ads. They turn to opinion leaders for advice, who on their social media pages advise on which cosmetics to choose and where to book a hotel.

Influencer Marketing Effectiveness:% of users who said they discovered new brands after being endorsed by stars or celebrities.

Total: 14%

Men: 13%

Women: 15%


16-24 - 17%

25-34 - 16%

35-44 - 12%

45-54 - 9%

55-64 - 6%


Bottom 25% - 13%

Average 50% - 14%

Top 25% - 15%

How is Generation Z different from other generations?

  • Generation Z does not separate real life from virtual, but carefully keeps the border between private and public life, which is why many have two accounts on social networks.
  • Reported by Millvrad Brown less than a quarter of this generation responds positively to advertising. They are especially aggressive about intrusive advertisements such as pop-ups.
  • Decision-making is influenced by opinion leaders - celebrities, bloggers. The more subscribers, the higher the authority. At the same time, authorities should be as sincere as possible - Gen Z is looking for honesty in promotion.
  • They quickly switch attention. Millennials can hold their attention by an average of twelve seconds, while Gen Z has a further four seconds.
  • Generation Z wants to be involved, wants to be confident in the importance of their opinion. They easily communicate with the brand, are ready to participate in surveys and leave reviews. It will be easy to create a portrait of the target audience of this generation, but thanks to established communications, additional threats arise for marketers - information about a failed advertising campaign will scatter very quickly.
  • Unlike millennials who are focused on career success and financial independence, Gen Z places more emphasis on self-fulfillment. They believe in the ease of gaining popularity and wealth by observing the experiences of peer bloggers monetizing their channels.
  • Generation Z strives to be active in their free time. because life experience is becoming the new social currency. Positive and vivid emotions are what will definitely involve representatives of the generation.
  • Values ​​are shifting further and further from material to intangible. Exclusive designer bags are going out of fashion, and health care and organic products are making a comeback.

How to sell to Gen Z members?

  • To engage the new generation, you need to take all available communication channels, in particular - to be active in the digital environment. Generation Z does not know the world without digital technologies, so they use them intuitively.
  • Social media groups, mobile apps, and brand sites must offer high-quality, informative content, such as details of manufacturing processes. Gen Z stands for benefit and openness, so loyalty can be gained through these methods.
  • Emotional involvement, working with imagination is the key to successfully interacting with Gen Z.
  • Gen Z has an average of five devices, so it's important to build cross-platform ad campaigns. If your site looks great from a laptop, but is completely unreadable from a phone, it will not inspire confidence.
  • Technology should become a natural part of the marketing process - virtual reality, augmented reality, multiscreen and cross-platform are becoming significant factors.

In the 90s arose generational theory by scientists Neil Hove and William Strauss. In parallel, they are not connected with each other, they have become active researchers of various generations. They were interested in the conflict between people, in which there are no age differences. Under the leadership of the coordinator of the Rugenerations project - Evgenia Shamis, a group of specialists made an attempt to introduce this theory as applied to the Russian society in 2003-2004.

The idea of ​​the theory of generations is to assess the values ​​and priorities of people who are ranked among the middle class. The concept of generation includes a set or community of people united by specific dates of birth in a certain period and who are united by the same conditions of influence of events, and also associate the features and nature of upbringing with established values. The ideological meaning lies in the fact that it is the commonality of values ​​and their relationship, and not the age criterion, that lays the foundation for the future generation. Values ​​are introduced and rooted daily and gradually, often intangible to us. But it is our model of behavior, our communication and mutual understanding with each other, our loyalty and ability to avoid, resolve conflict situations, and what affects our development and consciousness, our choices and our goals build, define and lay the foundation for our values.

Generation theory in Russia

A characteristic feature that distinguishes the theory in Russia is that the population belonging to the middle stratum of society is divided into two groups. The first group includes people with sufficient financial resources and stable well-being. In the second group, you can define people who have received higher education. Therefore, applying the theory of generations to Russia, experts have accepted the use of the concept of the majority.

Currently, the following generations are distinguished in Russia:

Generation Winners or Generation GI (born 1900-1923)
The values ​​of this generation were formed under the influence of the two revolutions that took place in 1905 and 1917, the process of collectivization and electrification.
This generation is characterized by family values, love of work, a high degree of responsibility, high religious convictions, honored traditions and firm judgment.

Silent Generation (born 1923-1943)
The values ​​of this generation are established under the influence of harsh repression, the outbreak and conduct of World War II, the uplift of the country after the destruction and the emergence of antibiotics.
New values ​​are formed and stand out such as honor and dignity, strict observance of laws, devotion to the Motherland, and official status.

Generation Baby - Boomers (born 1943-1963)
The creation of new values ​​is laid under the influence of Soviet politics and power, development and leadership in the space industry, the Cold War, the appearance of the first contraceptives, impeccable provision of medical care for every citizen, and a unified school curriculum.
Highlighted values: the priority of personal growth, the spirit of teamwork and team cohesion, the importance of the younger generation.

Generation X or Generation Unknown (born 1963-1984)
Values ​​are formed under the influence of events related to the Cold War, the era of perestroika, the emergence of drugs and military operations in Afghanistan.
The basic values ​​are: adaptation to rapid changes, diversity of views, complete equality of the sexes, emotional individualism, non-standard beliefs.

Generation Y / Games or Generation Milenium, Networks, Next (1984 - 2000)
Events that gave birth to new values ​​of this generation: the collapse of the USSR, terrorist acts, the introduction of new technologies. Their usual environment is the presence of the Internet and mobile communications and a cult to brand style in clothes.

Independence and entertainment are becoming values, but at the same time, civic position and maximum responsibility are strengthened.

Generation Z (since 2000)
The values ​​of the elite of this generation are in the making.

The distinguished years of birth of this or that generation are only approximate. Differences also arise, depending on where people live.

The theory of generations in Russia continues to develop with each new year and decade.

Currently, HR communities are taking measures to recruit and motivate Generation Y employees. Companies and firms are discussing the specifics of communication and mutual understanding among employees belonging to Generations X and Y.

We live in the 21st century - a century of high technologies and rapid development. The world around us is changing, and transformations are affecting all areas of our society. Someone strives to keep up with innovations, someone, on the contrary, adheres to a conservative position. What strategy of behavior a person chooses in changing conditions often depends not only on personal beliefs, but also on factors such as social environment, upbringing, and generational affiliation.

The problem of "fathers and children" has existed in our world for a long time, and the issue of mutual understanding between generations is regularly raised in various literature, both fiction and scientific. And in the modern world, the gap between generations is becoming more and more noticeable, since the conditions under which representatives of different generations grow up and are brought up are radically changing. This undoubtedly has a significant impact on their values ​​and attitudes: thinking, way of life, people's attitude to rest and work are changing.

Many argue that representatives of different generations hardly understand each other, because they grew up in radically different conditions. It is believed that the younger generation that is now entering the labor market has different labor values, different job requirements and different expectations.

But are representatives of different generations really significantly different from each other in terms of work values? Let's answer this question by reviewing current research on this topic.

X, Y, Z - who are they?

In 1991, American scientists Neil Hove and William Strauss published a book on the theory of generations, in which they described their ideas that approximately every 20 years in the world there is a change of generations, people with new values, a new mindset, enter the "arena" have other life trajectories.

Recently, the theory of generations has gained popularity, and we can often hear references to generations X, Y and Z, who are currently the most active workers and consumers of economic goods and services.

What are these generations? What makes them different from each other? Let's try to figure it out.

Determining generational boundaries is not an easy task. Some scientists establish them based only on time intervals, that is, starting from the year of birth, someone focuses on similar values ​​and attitudes, the common conditions of upbringing. It is worth noting that social, cultural and economic conditions, which can vary greatly in different countries, have a great influence on the process of defining generations. Any turning point that affects the development of society can occur in different countries with a difference of decades. For example, the widespread use of the Internet took place in America in the 90s of the last century, and in our country it began only in the new millennium. It is obvious that such significant events have an impact on the development of society and draw boundaries between generations.

Thus, the boundaries of generations X, Y and Z are not defined stably and vary somewhat depending on countries and the approaches of scientists. So, let's define the main characteristics of representatives of generations X, Y, Z.

GenerationX Is the generation of people born after 1965. The upper generation limit varies from author to author, with some scientists setting it at 1976, others talking about 1980 or 1984.

American scientists speak of the people of this era as a "lost generation." It was at that time that the “era of divorce” began in America, and many people were greatly influenced by this family event. In Russia, the years of growing up of representatives of Generation X fell on the years of perestroika, and this era had an important impact on the formation of personalities. Generation X is characterized by a high level of skepticism, social and political indifference, lack of initiative, but at the same time, they are a very educated and literate generation. Compared to the previous generation, who used to work together, X's are focused on hard work and individual success. They are used to building their careers throughout their lives, gradually moving in the chosen direction.

GenerationY also referred to as the networked generation or millennial generation, were born from about 1985 to 1995. A characteristic feature of this generation can be called the widespread use of the Internet, pop culture, and mobile communications during their growing up, which had a great impact on their values ​​and attitudes. The gamers are accustomed to being constantly in touch, communication, cooperation, cooperation are important for them. They are not ready to spend their entire lives in one place, they strive for a variety of work, therefore they are ready for training and retraining throughout their lives. Games are characterized by greater flexibility, they quickly adapt to changing conditions, but at the same time, they change the conditions themselves, they are ready to dictate their own rules if they see that it will be of great benefit and increase efficiency.

There are other points of view, some argue that gamers are used to consuming: information, pop culture, products. They do not strive to start working, do not want to grow up, they are characterized by the "concept of eternal youth" and constant narcissism.

GenerationZ- these are people born in the period from 1995 to 2010. Now representatives of this generation have not yet entered the labor market, so it is still difficult to talk about their work attitudes and values, but some characteristic features can be noted. Representatives of generation Z grew up surrounded by modern technologies, they are less sociable than the previous generation, more focused on themselves, their own world. Because of this, some scientists call this generation “Generation MeMeMe”, emphasizing their focus on their own thoughts and feelings, and not on other people. Due to the development of electronic technology, the Zetas are used to visual perception of information. This makes it possible to assume that over time, new ways of learning and new work technologies will appear on the market, which will be introduced by representatives of Gen Z.

Once again, we note that generational boundaries are conditional, so, for example, a person born in 1995 will be closer to someone who was born in 1994, that is, a representative of a different generation, than to someone who was born in 2005 - a representative of his generation. Therefore, scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of + - 3 years, and for people at the junction of generations, the features of both are often characteristic.

Comparison of work values

Many domestic and foreign sociologists have studied labor values ​​in the modern world, but it is worth noting that none of them subdivided the population under study into generations X, Y and Z, perhaps because such a division is very arbitrary. In addition, there is a problem of lack of information about the labor values ​​of generation Z. The fact is that at the moment representatives of generation Z are between 5 and 20 years old, and mass surveys usually cover the population from 18 years old, which is why there is no relevant information about labor values and the beliefs of this generation. Therefore, we will determine the differences in labor values ​​of generations X and Y.

So, let's look at what labor values ​​are typical for representatives of generation X.

According to V.S. Maguna, for representatives of this generation, the main labor value is good earnings. In addition, the interest of the work and the reliability of the place of work are of great value. Also, other researchers confirm that the dominant position in the pyramid of labor values ​​is occupied by high earnings.

Can it be argued that commercialism is the main feature of X's? I think that such conclusions will be hasty and unfounded. A.N. Demin argues that in the minds of Generation X, the prestige of a job is invariably associated with high wages. Money is not an end in itself, it serves as a means for satisfying needs and is instrumental in nature, contributing to the achievement of a high position in society.

In general, it can be assumed that the desire for financial well-being and the desire for a secure place of work may be a consequence of the changes taking place in the country in the 90s. The transition to a market economy, the instability of the economic situation in the country, the 1998 crisis - these events could have a significant impact on the work attitudes of people.

In addition to the aforementioned values, among the widespread answers about the important characteristics of the place of work, there are the following: the ability to benefit society, the ability to manage their own time and the desire to match the work with the level of a person's competence. We can say that by the end of the 90s, a transformation is taking place in the minds of Russians, which is a consequence of the transformation of society. People are becoming more free, they want to have more independence and scope for action, in addition, they want to benefit not only themselves and their families, but also other people. In society, old boundaries are being destroyed and restrictions are being lifted. If earlier, in Soviet times, too much earnings were considered suspicious, and starting a business was condemned by society, now labor is becoming free from conventions and strict rules. Naturally, in such conditions, people strive for greater realization of their capabilities and want to earn as much as their level of knowledge and skills allows.

Carol Zhurkiewicz says that the opportunity for personal growth is important for Generation X. However, domestic researchers do not confirm this. This difference can be explained by the fact that societies develop at different rates, so the factors of labor that were important for America 10 years ago are becoming important in our country only now.

Do the work values ​​of Generation X coincide with those of their "followers", Generation Y?

Good pay also remains in the first place for the generation of gamers. The following positions are an opportunity for career growth and an opportunity for self-realization, which was not in the answers of the X generation. Work continues to be perceived by people as a means of achieving success, a way to take a worthy position in society. But now an important role is played not only by material wealth, but also by other components of labor - self-realization, position in society.

In addition to wages and self-realization, the generation of gamers makes high demands on the quality of work: they need good working conditions, social guarantees, and work ethic.

This is a significant difference from the previous generation, whose representatives did not name these values ​​among the priorities. This means that the labor values ​​of the gamers' generation, which were formed in completely different economic and political conditions than the values ​​of the X's, are somewhat different from each other. The new generation is developing positive attitudes towards work, they are ready to work, improve their knowledge and implement skills, this predetermines high claims for decent wages and high-quality working conditions.

But is it safe to say that differences in work values ​​of different generations really exist?

There is no such guarantee, I believe, as the difference in answers may be due to differences in the methods of collecting information, for example, different questions.

In order to avoid this inaccuracy, let us turn to the study “Youth of New Russia: Lifestyle and Value Priorities”, conducted in 2007 and covering representatives of two generations: young people aged 17 to 26 and older, generation from 40 to 60 years old.

Let's compare the answers of representatives of two generations to one question: "What requirements should a job that would suit you meet?"

The most popular answers among representatives of generation X are as follows (the sum of answers exceeds 100%, since it was possible to choose an unlimited number of answers): a well-paid job (87.2%), interesting for me (60.0%), with good working conditions ( 42.4%). The least important were career opportunities and prestige.

For representatives of the generation of gamers, the answers were distributed in a very similar way: good pay (84.9%), interesting work (63.5%), good working conditions (29.0%). That said, the least popular answer for this generation is effortless work.

It is noteworthy that the top of the hierarchy of values ​​is the same for representatives of two generations, although the percentage of answers is somewhat different. However, it is noticeable that other values ​​differ in importance for representatives of different generations. So, representatives of the Y generation have a great focus on professional growth and a desire for creativity in the profession, while Xs want to be useful in society, while they want work to leave more free time, do not strive for career growth.

It is difficult to say whether such differences are caused precisely by belonging to different generations, that is, by the conditions of upbringing and socialization, or whether they depend only on age. Naturally, by the age of 50, a person, most likely, has already moved up the career ladder and reached a high position if he aspired to it. Therefore, this direction ceases to be a priority for him, and other values, such as free time, in order to spend it with his family come to the fore. The younger generation has ambitions that have not yet been realized, so they strive for advancement and career growth.


So, generations X, Y, Z do not have clearly defined boundaries, but differ from each other in the characteristics of upbringing, values, perception of the world.

At the moment, the labor values ​​of Generation Z have practically not been measured by scientists, since those who represented this generation are mostly still receiving education and have not entered the labor market as active workers and consumers. Measuring the work values ​​of this generation seems to be an important task for modern sociologists, since they will soon become the main labor force of the country.

The main labor value for both generation X and generation Y continues to be high wages, but this is rather not an end in itself, but a means to achieve other goals, such as prestige and respect in society.

The labor values ​​of generations X and Y are somewhat different, the gamers strive for self-realization through the profession, for a more creative work, in addition, they claim good working conditions, for X's it is important to have more freedom.

It is important to note that the topic is not well researched at the moment, but it is of great value. The world is changing, the labor market is transforming, and it is necessary to take into account the needs and demands of young generations in order for work to be more efficient and the potential of young generations to be realized in work.

Infographics: Natalia Sidorova

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