Tenor, who changed the world. Stories from the life of the legendary Enrico Caruso

Tenor, who changed the world. Stories from the life of the legendary Enrico Caruso
Tenor, who changed the world. Stories from the life of the legendary Enrico Caruso

ENRICO CARUSO / Enrico Caruso

Ruggero LEONCAVALLO, "PAGLIACCI", Ariozo Canio "Recitar!" - "Vesti La Giubba"

Giacomo Puccini, Tosca-Act I, RECONDITA ARMONI(Cavaradossi)

The Great Italian Tenor Enrico Carouzo is called the king of opera art. His voice amazes with beauty and extraordinary expressiveness of sound. Enrico knew more than a hundred operas in different languages, performed countless songs of any genre. "The ruler of the human hearts" considered his publicist Nikola Daspuro. The Figaro newspaper wrote about Caruso as an artist "with a tear in his voice," singer, who sang with such expressiveness and with such a warmth, like no other. The artist himself, listens to the quality necessary in order to become a great singer, called "wide chest, a big throat, excellent memory, mind, a lot of work and ... Something in the heart"!

Enrico Caruso was born 25 (for some sources - 26 and even on 27) February 1873 in Naples, in the family of the working and mechanic. Since childhood, he was captured by opera music and neapolitan songs. Young Caruso sang on holidays in the church of St. Anne's church. Assessing his talent, Maestro Gulielmo Vergain invited 19-year-old Enrico to his School of Singing the Temple Belkanto.

The official debut of Cairos was held in the Nuovo Neapolitan Theater on December 24, 1895. The little-known Opera Morelli "Friend Francesco" was Osvistan by the public. True, Galleka frantically applauded Caruso, but there were his friends there.

On the young singer drew attention to theatrical agent Francesco Dzukki. He printed a poster, which was inscribed in large letters: "In the opera, a wonderful tenor Enrico Caruso will speak." Dzukka's trick was a success: his ward was successful.

The triumph of the singer grew from the performance to the spectral. But eight years will be held before Caruso conquers recognition not only in Italy, but also beyond. Young tenor toured in the world's largest theaters. Milan "La Scala", "Metropolitan-Opera" in New York, "Colon" in Buenos Aires, "San Carlo" in Naples, famous opera theaters of St. Petersburg and Moscow and many other theaters of Europe and America want to see on their scene Caruso.

In 1903, Enrico arrived in the United States. He concluded a contract with the Metropolitan Opera and soon became its first soloist. In America, Caruso, from the very beginning, accompanied unchangeable success. The chronicle of the Metropolitan-Opera Theater states that there has no other actors had such success here. The big hall of the theater could not accommodate everyone. We had to open the theater for eleven hours before the start of the presentation!

Enrico Caruso was considered the highest paid operatic singer of the world, his fees rose from 15 Italian lira at the beginning of a career to 2.5 thousand dollars for each performance in the Metropolitan Opera. The head of the theater Julio Gatti Chatsztsz argued that "no fee can be excessive for him."

Billionaire Henry Smith to obtain the consent of the cargo to the performance in his house, offered an artist sum on the dollar more than the "Metropolitan Opera". Another billionaire led negotiations with Italian tenor about a series of concerts in the hall of his palace.

Caruso was fashion laws in America and Europe. Many artists imitated him in a manner to hold onto the scene. The hairstyle "under Kaorazo" was very popular at the beginning of the century. Legends went about his love for things. The singer's wardrobe has always been at least fifty costumes and eighty pairs of shoes.

According to Biograph Vittorio Torotorelli, the Great Caruso was the Lord of the crowd. But he was kind, a funny man, acutely reacted deeply to friendly feelings; Despite wealth and birthday, he was ready to generously help people, deliver joy and happiness to them.

High opinion about it was colleagues. Jacomo Puccini, first heard the performance of 24-year-old Caruso Aria Kavaradosi from "Toski", exclaimed: "You sent to me by God yourself!"

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin, with whom Caruso tied not only a few joint speeches, but also warm friendships and a common passion for drawing, in one of the interviews spoke about his first meeting with a great Italian on the stage "La Scala": "Caruso produced me the most A charming impression, his whole appearance personified hearty kindness. And his voice is the perfect tenor. What pleasure was to sing with him together! "

In the fall of 1907, a large group of emigrants from Italy gathered in the port of New York. In order to get to America, they needed at least 50 dollars with them. Most families did not have such a sum. And here someone remembered the Caruso. When the singer was informed about the problem of compatriots, he immediately allocated the emigrants the necessary amount. Later, he has once satisfied charity concerts in favor of countrymen.

History with emigrants had an unexpected continuation. In winter, a boy with a bouquet of flowers and an envelope came to the singer, in which 50 dollars were invested. This Italian family of bakers with gratitude returned the singer duty. Enrico immediately went to the Bakery to visit. Fun, family-friendly, cargo spent the evening with countrymen. And, of course, I did not forget to return them to them.

Every year Enrico visited Naples. He helped his friends as soon as he could: Dressed, gave money, arranged to work. Caruso sang for them in the tavern Neapolitan songs.

Glory and wealth did not turn the head of Cairos even when he reached Zenith and gained idolatry. He remained modest, albeit not deprived of extravagance, was such a warehouse of his nature.

In one of the summer days in the garden of the Parisian cafe performed stray musicians. The boy played on the accordion, and the old man probably his father, went around the tables with a plate in his hands. An elegant representative master in a straw hat, smoking a cigar, watched with curiosity for what is happening. He was extremely surprised when he saw only a few coins in a plate, "the boy played perfectly. Finding out that the musicians are the Italians from Bari, he asked the boy to play "About my sun."

When the melody sounded, Mr., having taking a straw-hat on the forehead, sank the famous song di kapua in full voice, offering an old man to bypass visitors. Very soon the plate was filled with coins to the edge, and then also again. By voice, someone recognized the cargo. Stray musicians stood shocked. Enrico Caruso - And it was really he, - shining from pleasure, happily laughed. The people have already crowded at the entrance of the garden restaurant. Friends hurried to lead the singer from the cafe.

Cello, as a truly great man, frightened over his glory and often told the following story. Once, the cargo broke the car, and while she was rejected, he was forced to stop at the local farmer. When the singer called himself, the farmer jumped up, shook the hand of Caruso and excitedly said: "Could I ever think that I would see in my little kitchen of the great traveler Robinson Caruso!"

But another famous story. When Caruso, the already famous singer, came to the bank to get a considerable amount for a check, it turned out that he had noyourself documents.

- But I'm cargo! - he exclaimed.

- What do you prove it? - asked Clerk.

The singer frowned, then his face enlightened. He sought Aria Kavaradosi from the opera "Tosca". The execution was so great and clean that the delightful bank employee immediately gave him money.

They said that, taking somehow high note, Caruso broke the chandelier hanging nearby. American otolaryngologist William Lloyd recorded in the voice of 560 oscillations per second. From such a oscillations could burst window windows.

In Berlin, one of the theaters learned that Caruso is an avid smoker and throws unintended cigarettes everywhere. He was put to the fireman who followed him with a bucket everywhere, wherever he was.

In Mexico City, Carmen, Carmen, Open-air at Plaza de Toros in the presence of thirty thousand spectators. The announcement of the speech of Caruso was posted only a day before the performance. On the poster was a simple inscription: "Sings Cairos." Mexicans took place storm. More than ten thousand people could not get to the concert. Neither the power of the authorities, nor the rain, which aroused during the performance at the improvised theater, could not force the bustling crowd covered by ecstasy, ready to leave the square.

At the end of the last scene, which caused the universal delight, the Caruso was removed under the protection of the police attached to follow the public order. It was necessary to protect the cargo from the fury of enthusiastic fans.

What is the cause of the triumph of Cairo? The singer tried to answer this question in his letter to his wife Dorothy: "Probably the fact that this time I sang like never in my life. I managed to transfer my feelings and experiences through the voice of all my strength through the voice, to achieve spiritual unity with her. And it captured her. "

Caruso enjoyed great success in women. The doors of his hotel room duty the fans - the heiress of the richest families of America. In August 1918, 45-year-old tenor married an American Dorothy Park Benjamen. A year later, they were born the daughter of Gloria. In addition, Caruso had two extramarital sons - Enrico and Rudolfo.

On December 24, 1920, Caruso performed at the Metropolitan-Opera theater was the last time. It was six hundred seventh appearance of an artist on the scene of this theater. Caruso lost five acts of "Daughters Cardinal". The public was frantically applauded, screamed "bis". But the singer was already seriously ill. In Caruso, he developed in a serious form of purulent pleurisy, and numerous operations only extended his life.

Enrico Caruso died on the morning of August 2, 1921 in Naples. He was only 48 years old. The body of the Great Singer was applied and exhibited in the central hall of the hotel "Vesuvio" in a crystal coffin. Three days and three nights were forgiven the Italians with their idol. The dust of Caruso is buried in Naples, drunthly in the cemetery, in the specially built chapel.

In September 1921, a huge wax candle in Naples was delivered from America to Naples in five centners - a gift of the American people. The candle was planned to light once a year before the image of Our Lady in memory of the great artist, idol millions. This gigantic candle was cast in New York on the order of "United Hospitals", Institutions and Shelters of America, which Caruso provided assistance.

Thousands of tourists from all countries of the world flock every year in the Naples Santa Lucia sea suburb, visit the small Cemetery of Drunato, the San Carlo Theater - places associated with the name of Caruso to honor his memory.

The guard of the closed chapel, where the cargo is resting, they protect it from the trigger visitors. One New York Student remained in the cemetery after its closure, in order to be in the society of the Great Singer before the Sunrise of the Moon. An elderly woman, too, American, was ready to give the last money for allowing her to sit on the night at the steps of the chapel and resurrect the memories of how in the distant days of her youth she listened to Caruso.

Fortunately, the voice records of Enrico Caruso remained: he became the first singer, whose repertoire was recorded on the records, and the famous Arioso "Laugh, Sweatz!" Divided by a million circulation. In total, the Caruso has been added about 500 plates with more than 200 works!

Many tenors lie down before the talent Enrico Caruso. Once Luciano Pavarotti stopped at the Hotel Excelsior. Having learned that Caruso usually lived in the next hotel "Vesuvius," he said to himself that next time would definitely stop at Vesuvia and, if possible, in his room. "I find it difficult to explain why I wanted so much," Pavarotti wrote. - Maybe this is a tribute to respect, maybe appreciation maybe superstition. Perhaps I thought that while I would live there, he would teach me something else in the art of singing. "

It is difficult to disagree from Torotorelli, who said: "The memory of Caruso will live as long as the love of music, singing and great artists will not fade in the hearts of people.

Recitar! ... Mentre Preso Dal Delirio

Non SO Più Quel Che Dico E QUEL Che Faccio!
Eppur ... è d'uopo ... sforzati!

Vesti La Giubba, E La Faccia Infarina.
La Gente Paga E Rider Vuole Qua.
E SE ARLECCHIN T'Invola Colombina, RIDI,
PAGLIACCIO, E Ognun Applaudirà!
Tramuta in Lazzi Lo Spasmo ED Il Pianto,
RIDI Del Duol Che T'avvelena Il Cor.

Recondita Armonia Di Bellezze Diverse!
BRUNA FLORIA, L'Ardente Amante Mia.
E TE, Beltade Ignota, Cinta Di Chiome Bione,
TU Azzurro Hai L'Occhio,
Tosca HA L'Occhio Nero!

L'Arte Nel Suo Mistero,
Le Diverse Bellezze Insiem Confonde ...
Il Mio Solo Pensiero,
AH! Il Mio Sol Pensier Sei Tu,
Tosca, Sei Tu!

- Not only the greatest talent, but also a person with a unique character, about the faces of which can be judged by interesting cases that occurred with the artist.

Joker and amateur drawing

A stunning voice, a legendary personality - Enrico Cairoso by the public as an unsurpassed genius, but the contemporaries of the singer knew him and as a person with an excellent sense of humor. And he showed it sometimes right on stage. Until now, the case is remembered: one of the singers accidentally lost lace pantalonons during the execution of the party. But no one noticed this, because the girl managed to shove them with his foot under the table. No one except Caruso. He slowly approached the table, raised the Pantalonians and with an important appearance raised their singer.

It also knows his dismissive attitude to politicians. So, at a meeting with the Spanish king in his residence, Caruso appeared with his Macarona, assuring that they are tastier royal. It is still quoted by his famous appeal to the American president - "Mr. President, you are almost as famous as me."


Enrico Caruso several times became a witness and sometimes a member of the catastrophe. Once in San Francisco, where Kaorazo toured, an earthquake was passed. The hotel was also injured, in which the singer lived. But then Caruso was separated only by fright and again found a place for humor. When the teen friends met him in a dilapidated hotel with a wet towel on his shoulder, he shrugged and said: "I said that it would happen irreparable if I take the upper note." A few times the singer's lifier threatened danger: one day, right during the performance there was an explosion in the theater, then robbers penetrated into the carbonate mansion, and the singer was blackwiddled by fraudsters, extorting a large amount of money.

Enrico Caruso. Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

Selective professional

Caruso one of the first opera singers began to sign up on gramophone plates, and did it on a large scale. So, the singer recorded about 500 albums, each of which was diverged by a huge number of copies. The most sold steel "Laugh, soldering!" and "paint". It is also known that Caruso treated extremely tremendous compositions and preferred to execute all the parties in the original language. He believed that no translation could bring to the audience all the ideas of the composer.

Bad actor

Despite the impeccable voice that the whole world admired, Caruso often reproached in the absence of acting skills. Especially tried the press and envious. But the phrase that once said Fedor Shalyapin Forced to silence all haters: "For those notes, that Cantilene, that phrazing, which the Great Singer possesses, you must forgive him everything."

True profession

Enrico Caruso knew not only all his parties, but also the parties of all his partners on the spectral: he did not go to the image, he did not leave him, until the last applause silence. "In the theater, I'm just a singer and actor, but in order to show the public that I am not the other, and the present character, conceived by the composer, I have to think and feel exactly as a person who meant the composer," said Caruso.

The last spectacle, 607th in a row, Caruso played already seriously ill. He suffered all the painful 5 opera acts, then finally run. The audience shouted "bis", not knowing that heard the famous tenor for the last time.

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Enrico Caruso is a great singer whose name, without a doubt, is known in all corners of our immense planet. His songs and charming vocals are a sample of higher musical art. That is why his compositions easily stepped over the borders of countries and continents, glorifying the name of the Great Italian for many decades.

But what was such a unique in the work of this outstanding tenor? How did his fate developed, and how long was his path to the heights of musical art? Reveal some secrets associated with the life and creativity of the Great Maestro we will try today. In our biographical review you will find all the most interesting facts from the life of an inimitable Italian classic.

Early years, childhood and family Enrico Caruso

Enrico Caruso appeared on the light of the twenty-fifth of February 1873 in the family of the most ordinary auto mechanic. Parents of the future singer - Anna Maria and Marcello Caruso - lived quite poorly, but our today's hero always called them very kind, generous and open people.

They always wanted to her beloved son, and therefore they fully supported him at the moment when he said he would like to learn music.

From the earliest years, Enrico Caruso sang in church choir. This passion was for the boy with genuine margin at that time when his mom began to root often and soon died. As the great tenor later recalled, he sincerely believed that he had been able to hear his singing in his church.

However, some time later, due to the plight of his family, the singer began to fulfill church compositions right on the central streets of Naples. Thus, he earned money for a long time.

During one of the similar "street concerts" of our today's hero, one of the teachers of the Vocal School of Gullylmo Vergain noted. The young singer was invited to audition, and very soon Enrico Caruso began to engage in music with a famous conductor and teacher Vincenzo Lombardi. It was he who organized the first concerts of a young performer in bars and restaurants of Naples resort regions.

Some time later, Enrico felt popular for the first time. His concerts have always come a lot of people. Shortly after the speeches, the well-known representatives of the Italian music industry began to be often suitable for him, who were offered to a talented performer for those or other contracts. Thus, our today's hero first turned out to be in Palermo.

Enrico Caruso - O Sole Mio

According to many researchers, it was after the legendary execution of the ENSO party from the Opera "Joconda" about the twenty-e-flylet cargo, they spoke about the established star of the Italian scene.

Star Path Enrico Caruso

After that, the triumphal success Enrico went to the first foreign tour in his life. Whatever enough, the route of the musician was lying in distant and cold Russia. Next followed by performances in other countries and cities. And already in 1900th, as a full-fledged celebrity, Kaorazo first performed on the stage of the Legendary Milane Theater "La Scala".

After that, our today's hero again went on tour. During this period, the Great Italian spoke in London Covent Garden, and also gave concerts in Hamburg, Berlin and some other cities. The speeches of the singer were held with constant success, however, the concerts of the Italian performer in the New York stage of the metropolitan operator were truly magical and inimitable. Speaking here for the first time in 1903, subsequently, our today's hero was almost twenty years old by the leading soloist of this theater.

dedicated to Enrico Caruso

Repertoire Caruso included parties of both lyrical and dramatic plan. However, with any opera works, our today's hero always coped equally virtuoso. In addition, it is also worth noting that the fact that throughout the career Cairos has always included traditional neapolitan songs in his repertoire. Perhaps that is why Enrico remains one of the most famous natives of Naples and all of Italy.

The fact that Enrico Caruso became one of the first opera performers on the world scene, which decided to fix his repertoire on gramophone plates. To a large extent, this circumstance predetermined the world's population of the tenor, and made his work available to wide masses.

In the life of Enrico Caruso, called the legend of vocal art. This outstanding tenor remains as a role model also remains for many modern performers.

Kona Caruso, cause of death

Enrico Caruso performed a lot and toured. Therefore, the news about his death became largely unexpected for his fans in different countries of the world.

At the age of 48 years, the Great Tenor died in his native Naples as a result of purulent pleuritis. After his death, a special wax candle was made in memory of an outstanding opera performer, huge sizes. It was promised that every year this candle will be lit in front of the face of St. Madonna. According to some calculations, only 500 years old, the Giant Candle should exorp.

Personal life Enrico Caruso

It is known for certain that even in the youth Enrico for a long time was in love with the Opera singer Adu Jacketti, who has been actually actually his civil wife for a long time. Despite the ardent novel one day, the girl just ran away from the singer with a young driver.

After that, our today's hero was combined with a marriage with a girl named Dorothy, who, until the end of his days, wore his last name and always remained near Caro. After the death of the legendary tenor, the performer wrote several publications about his life.

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The art of singing Enrico Caruso

Breath technique of Cargo

Caruso was a follower of the singing method of large Italian Masters Belkanto: He inhaled, delayed, and then spent his breathing completely in the same way as these masters did, - in other words, he used a diaphragmatic, intercostal breathing.

Exercising breathing, Caruso paid special attention to the simultaneous air drawing to the nose and mouth, and the main emphasis he made a nose on his breath, considering such a way more natural and at the same time more successful. The process of inhalation should be noticeable to the listener only on the rising chest, and not on the rising shoulders, which can be observed in many singers with the wrong method in singing.

The Caruso method gave him the opportunity to preserve the breathing organs with healthy and armed against all weakness.

Culture sound

Good sound formation depends not only on high-quality breathing, but also from many other factors. For example, it is necessary to complete the absence of any kind of stress. Or, which is very important, the exhalation and supply of sound at the singer should occur simultaneously. This secret is a beautiful sound.

Caruso perfectly owned the audio attack. Improving it, it achieved that the stretching of voice ligaments and exhale accomplished with impeccable consistency. These both functions so coincided that in the end there was no work and forcing for this. He breathed with great ease and with the same ease tried to reproduce sounds. This skill is acquired with the greatest labor, but opens the way to the great art of singing. Singing Caruso Breath Voice


For good sound playback, you need to pay attention to external and internal factors. The internal factor concerns the muscles of the neck, which act in coordination with the muscles of the face. External is the position of our body while playing sound. The singer must exercise without tightening, without all squeezing. This is a constant condition of good cantile. The singer should also not disturb the calm expression. After all, any contraction of the muscles of the face, it reflects on the muscles of the neck.

The issue of registers is extremely important for the singer, as the capturing problem of the survival of the voice, it is closely related to the formation of sound. Caruso never confused the difficult question about voice registers. He knew that there was only one goal: the formation of good sounds. Only all his strength rushed to this goal. He said that the purity and ease of formation of sounds on high colors is greater depending on how the loses leading to them lower tones. If they are correctly formed and the uniform position during the upstream gamma is saved, the upper tones will depend on low.

Caruso attached a special value to equalizing the voice. For this, he sang vocalize to the vowel, while well opening his mouth in an oval position. Then the vowel and passed into the vowel oh, and that in turn in y.


In the morning, getting up, Caruso drank a cup of coffee. After that, he began to rinse the larynx with great thoroughness, or, as he called it joking, "clean the tool."

Caruso often started his morning work with a ten-minute exercise in the singing of vocalizes, regardless of whether he had a speech on this evening or not. In continuation of these ten minutes he worked with great intensity, and nothing could slip away from his sensitive ear.

In their exercises, Caruso invests the liveliness and energy, which led to brilliant results. When he practiced, his goal was not only the flexibility and the power of sound, he sang vocalization with such an art that they served him with direct preparation for the role in which he performed in the near future.

The fact that Caruso drove his vocalize in the morning for ten minutes does not mean that the beginning singer must be inserted in the morning ten minutes. On the contrary, it is very important that the student sang these exercises with the most serious attention and tireless patience. Special attention should be paid to the attack of sound, which should be clean and transparent, rather than whistling and appreciated. During vocalization, the young singer should always remember the breath and sound formation.

Caruso and Basics of Singing Technology

Caruso always knew that instead of relying on the natural beauty of his voice, you need to make all the efforts to create an impeccable tool. He knew that the singer should find a solid technical basis, only then he could give his feelings the corresponding expression in sounds.

All those tasks that stand on the singer's path are inextricably linked among themselves, and only a tireless desire to master them led a cargo to high mastery in the art of singing.

Posted on Allbest.ru.


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