Themes of abstracts in world artistic culture. Lectures in the course "World Art Culture"

Themes of abstracts in world artistic culture. Lectures at the rate
Themes of abstracts in world artistic culture. Lectures in the course "World Art Culture"

World artistic culture reveals the specifics and peculiarity of the spiritual and aesthetic experience of mankind, summarizes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe arts about the arts. This subject is included in the basic curriculum and is mandatory for study.

The concept of culture. Principles of studying artistic culture.

World Art - A whole list of scientific disciplines:

Art history (as well as his philosophy and psychology)

Aesthetics (study of the forms of beautiful in artistic creativity)

Culturalology (complex of research of culture as a whole)

Cultural ethnography (science studying material and spiritual ethnic peoples)

Semantics of culture (study of cultural objects from the point of view of the meaning expressed by them)

Semiotics of culture (consideration of culture as a system of signs)

Hermenevics (study of the principles of interpretation and interpretation of cultural objects)

Ontology of culture (the relationship of culture and universal laws of being)

Epistemology of culture (study of the forms of knowledge based on cultural heritage)

Axiology (consideration of the values \u200b\u200bapproved by the culture)

What is culture? The Latin origin of the word sends us to the noun colere "Using", "cultivation". But there is no single definition.

Classification of definitions Concepts "Culture"spanish culturologist Alberta Cafane.

1) definitions that are repelled from the concept of social heritage (Edward Supir: " culture There is any socially inherited element of human life - both material and spiritual»)

2) definitions that are repelled from the concept of learned forms of behavior (Julian Stewart: " Culture is usually understood as acquired ways of behavior, transmitted socially ...»)

3) definitions based on the concept of ideas (James Ford: "... culture can be generally defined as a stream of ideas that flows from individual to individual through symbolic behavior, verbal learning or imitation»)

4) definitions that are repelled on the concept of superborgan (i.e., lying beyond the limit of sensory perception), - intellectual, emotional, spiritual)

Culture - This is a combination of socially inherited material and spiritual elements of human life: physical objects created by man, labor skills, behavioral norms, aesthetic samples, ideas, as well as the ability to save them, use and transmit to descendants.

The separation of culture on the material and spiritual. It is believed thatmaterial is labor, dwelling, clothing, vehicles, production facilities, etc. But this type of culture is represented not only by certain objects, it includes knowledge, ability and skills of the personality processing process. The physical development of a person is also part of this culture. Spiritual culture is art, religion, education, science and the level of implementation of its achievements in life and production, traditions, customs, rites, medicine, the degree of development of the needs and interests of people in material and spiritual plans. This can also include relationships between people, as well as the attitude of a person to himself and nature ...

Such a separation is legitimate, but not worth taking it as an unconditional truth. This indicates, for example, the Russian philosopher Nikolay Berdyaev:« Every culture (even material culture) is the culture of the Spirit, every culture has a spiritual basis - it is a product of creative work of the Spirit ..." In other words, any material culture has its own cause of spiritual culture, and the consequence of this or that the spiritual state. Let's say, a mobile phone available from each of you is the object of material culture, but its existence is possible only due to the culture of the spiritual (science area), and its result is your spiritual state (for example, an SMS thinking phenomenon).

Art culture
- this is the world of art, which is characterized by interaction with society and other types of culture. This type of culture is a product of man's artistic activity. Artistic culture It includes the following components:

Artistic production

Art historical sciences

Artistic criticism

- "Consumption" of works of art (listeners, audience, readers).

Obviously, the first three of these components suggest professional involvement in the artistic sphere (as an artist (in the broad sense of the word), art historian, criticism). The fourth concerns us directly with you.

The task of the course MHK
: The person gained by the status of the "competent" consumer (viewer, reader, listener), which has definiteness in the field of art and the understanding of the patterns, according to which art exists and develops.

In order to study this or that scientific discipline, we need to choose a kind of "observation point" - that is, our position in time and space is relatively studied phenomena. French philosopher Henri Korben calls this point "History".

When it comes to scientific disciplines, the likelihood is that historial coincides with a point denoting the state of modern humanity. Those., Let's say physics we will study, based on most of the modern theses put forward by this science. Those., Scientific historial is unlimited and more or less motionless: we analyze physical hypotheses put forward in 4 V. BC. (for example, the idea of \u200b\u200batoms for the authorship of democritus) and the molecular theory of the 19th century on the basis of the same scientific data owned by the century of the 21st.

Is such an approach to the field of art possible? Can we study, for example, ancient Greek art, staying in the positions of modernity (modern scientific data, social device, technical capabilities, aesthetic trends) and our cultural and national identity (traditions, relevant system of values, religious views, etc.)? That is, can we study the texts of Homer, fully remaining Russian people of the 21st century, living in the era of the information society, democratic values \u200b\u200bbrought up in the direction of Christian and post-Christian culture? No, we can not, because in this case we will simply stay indifferent and deaf to these works; All that we can say about them is, it's some meaningless and banal nonsense - they say, these are "masterpieces" and "everyone should know" ... What do we do? Answer: Shift our historical in that spatially time point when these works were created (in the case of Homer, it will be an ancient Greece of the archaic period). Intellectually and emotionally this will mean - try to understand and feel the Homer's poems as they felt and understood the author's contemporaries and the author himself. Then the historial will be personal and movable. Then we can at least understand something. This is the movement of the historian - this is probably the most technically difficult thing that we have. Because it requires from us to constantly change their thinking, constantly freed from the stereotypes of modernity. It is really not easy, and it requires practice.

Why do we need all this ? Modern Russian philosopher Heydar Gemeal compared a man with a candle. There is a candle and there is her fire. The flame of the candle is not a candle. But the candle without a flame is also not completely a candle, is just an oblong wax item. Those., It is the flame of a candle makes a candle candle. Also with man. There is a person (candle) and makes sense (flame). Not being involved in the area of \u200b\u200bmeaning, a person is not quite a person, but only a combination of external signs of a person, biting without feathers. And only searching and enveling meaning we are fully in force. And the area of \u200b\u200bmeanings is the area with which the artistic culture "works".


By world artistic culture

Mandatory minimum knowledge

in foreign artistic culture

Section I.

Artistic culture of antiquity

1. Artistic culture of ancient Egypt. Religious ideas and the cult of the dead in the ancient Egyptians as the basis of their architecture and art. Periodization of the ancient Egyptian artistic culture is a dynastic period, early kingdom, an ancient kingdom, a secondary kingdom, a new kingdom, later. Break facilities - Pyramids and Temples. Pyramid complex in Giza. Temples in Karnak and Luxor, Ramses II Temple in Abu Simbel.

2. Milf artistic culture. Sumer and Akkad. The most important achievement of the temple architecture of Mezhdrachya is zigkurat. Zikkurat God Moon Nanna in Ura (XXI century BC.). Relief, small plastic, mosaic. Millennium sculpture III. Standard from Hurray (2600 BC). Art of the Starovalonian period (2000-1600. BC). Stela with the laws of Hammurapi. Architectural monuments of Babylon in the Novovavilon period (I millennium BC). The gates of the goddess Ishtar, the role of tapered brick in the decoration of architectural structures. Art of Assyria. Art features of Assyrian relief.

3. Aegean art. The Knos Palace and its frescoes. Lion gate in mycken. Camares style vase.

4. Artistic culture of ancient Greece. Periodization of Greek art - Archaic, classic, Hellenism.


The main types of Greek orders and temples.

The architecture of the classic period is Athenian Acropolis.


Archaic - Types of Kuros and Cor. Classic. Sculptors Miron, policlet, fidium, scas, Praxitel.

The sculpture of Hellenism is the altar of Zeus in Pergamma, Laocoon of Assandra, Atenodora, Polydor.

5. Artistic culture of ancient Rome. Periodization of Roman art - the republican period, imperial Rome.

Main types of architectural structures- Amphitherators, stadiums, temples, triumphal arches, triumphal columns and their sculpt-touring decor.

The embodiment of the imperial style in the monuments of the era of August. Monuumen-Talny and Stankovaya sculpture of ancient Rome and its connection with religious cults. Roman sculptural portrait and its typology.

Section II.

Artistic culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

1. Art Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Christianity is the spiritual basis of the culture of the European Middle Ages. Structure of early Christian Basilica and decoration system. The concept of iconography and its role in religious art. The birth and distribution of the Romanesque style. The characteristic features of the structure and scenery of the Romanesque Basilica. The role of sculpture in the Romanesque temple. Sculpture of the Royal Portal of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Chartra. The role of monumental painting in the Romance Basilica. Big and distribution of Gothic style. Cathedral Notre Dame in Paris. Notre Dame Cathedrals in Chartres, Reims and Amiene. Gothic stained glass window. Saint-Chapel in Paris.

2. Artistic culture of Byzantium. Cathedral of St. Sophia in Konstan-Tinopole. Architecture and mosaic scenery of the Church of San Vitaly in Ravenna. The role of icons and iconography in the history of Byzantine art. Addition and development of the type of cross-dome church. The system of the picturesque monumental scenery of the Byzantine temple is Mosai, frescoes.

3. Artistic culture of the Italian Renaissance. Periodization - PRATINESSANS, Early regeneration, high revival, later revival. Humanism is the ideological basis of the Renaissance Culture. The value of the ancient heritage.

Creativity Jotto di Bondone. The art of Florence in the Epoch of the Early Renaissance - Bruneland, Alberti, Mazachcho, Botticelli, Donatello. The art of high revival is the work of Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo. Georgeon, Titian and the Venetian School of Painting. Architectural structures Bramte and Palladio.

4. Art features of the Northern Renaissance. Creativity Van Eyk, Albrecht Dürer, Hans Golbien, Jerome Bosch and Peter Breygel.

Section III

Artistic culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

1. European art and baroque style. Manifestation of Baroque style in architecture and sculpture Lorenzo Bernini. Creativity P.P. Rubens - the highest takeoff of the Flemish Baroque.

Portraits A. Van Dequee, genre paintings Ya. Yordans, still lifes F. Snyders.

2. Realistic search for masters of Dutch and Spanish painting XVII century. The ratio of myth and reality in the work of D. Velasquez, H. Rembrandt. Portraits of Rembrandt.

The role of "small dutch" and the causes of the development of genre painting, still life, landscape in the Dutch painting of the XVII century.

3. Classicism in architecture and fine art of France XVII century. Architectural and park ensemble Versailles. Creativity N. Poussin - Mythological and religious plots, the formation of classic principles of painting.

4. Architecture and visual art of the XVIII century. Further development of the architecture of classicism in France (small trianon in Versaille, an area of \u200b\u200bconsent in Paris).

5. Rococo style in art and architecture of France XVIII century.

6. Theater images and theatricalness of images in the work of J.A. Watto.

7. Realistic features in painting Kurba, J.B.S. Sharden.

8. Neoclassicism in the work of A. Kanov.

Section IV

Artistic culture of the XIX-XX centuries.

1. An expression of ideals of romanticism in the painting of Germany. The role of the landscape in the work of Caspar David Friedrich.

2. Romanticism and creativity F. Goya.

3. Features of romanticism in France.

Creativity T. Zherik and E. Delacroix.

4. Painting French Impressionism - Creativity at the Captivity, interest in the exact transmission of the momentary state of the light-hearted medium, sunlight. Submission of pictorial technology of new goals and tasks of painting.

5. Postpressionism. Searches for a new artistic form in the work of P. Cesanna, humanism and expression of color in painting V. Van Gogh, gaining new spiritual values \u200b\u200boutside of European culture in the art of P. Gogen.

6. Modern style in the art of Europe.

7. The art of walkers. The origins of the fusistic manner in the non-classical forms of art. Picturesque technique of Fovisma. Creativity A. Matisse.

8. Picasso and cubism.

9. Surrealism as a direction in art. Creativity S. Dali.

10. New directions in the architecture of the XX century. Creativity Le Corbusier.

Mandatory minimum knowledge

in Russian artistic culture

Section V.

Artistic culture of ancient Russia

1. Orthodoxy is the spiritual basis of Old Russian art. The role of Byzantine traditions in Russian art. Art of Kiev Rus. Sofia Kyiv temple - architectural image, painting, mosaic. The role of icons and iconostasis in the art of medieval Russia.

2. Artistic culture of the ancient Russian principalities - Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Recycling of Byzantine features and the addition of local architectural and artistic traditions in the art of Veliky Novgorod. Church of St. Sofia Novgorod, St. George Cathedral of the Monastery of the Monastery. The frescoes of the church of the Savior in Nearly. Creativity Feofan Greek - Frescoes of the Savor of Transfiguration in Ilyin Street. Novgorod school icon painting. The princely character of the culture and art of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus in the middle of the XII - the first third of the XIII century. The concept of God's Princely Power and Architecture of Vladimir. Artistic features of the architecture of the temples of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the Temple of the Pokrov Virgin on Nerli, Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Cathedral of St. George in Yuryev-Polsky.

3. The creativity of Andrei Rubleva is the expression of the characteristic features of religiosity and the world of Moscow Rus: the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the icon "Trinity". The image of a new statehood in the architecture of the Moscow Kremlin - Assumption, Blagoveshchensky, Arkhangelsky Cathedrals. Creativity Dionysia is a bright sample of the "communional style" in art: the frescoes of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Farates Monastery. Tent architecture - ascension church in Kolomenskoye, Cathedral of Basil Blessed (the Condos of the Virgin, which is on the RBU).

4. Transitional character of Russian artistic culture XVII century. Coexistence of two directions - court tradition and city landing culture. Penetration of secular traits in art. Intensive temple construction in Moscow and provinces. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of a new Jerusalem on the Istra River is an ensemble of the New Jerusalem Monastery. Temple painting Yaroslavl. Simone Ushakov's Art.

Section VI

Russian artistic culture of the XVIII-XX centuries.

1. Artistic culture of the Petrovsky era. The role of European traditions in art and architecture of the XVIII century.

2. Construction of St. Petersburg, the development of a new typology of public and residential structures. Activity of leading architects of Petrovsky Time - D. Trezini, J.B. Lebed.

3. Baroque style flourishing in creativity FB Rastrelli. Palaces of St. Petersburg and his suburbs.

4. The architecture of classicism in Russia - the work of J. Kaprengy, Ch. Cameron, I.E. Older. The continuation of the traditions of classicism in the work of the largest architects began the XIX century. - A.N. Voronikhina (Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg), A.D. Zakharova (Admiralty Building). Architectural ensembles of the capital - K.I. Rossi, V.P. Stasov.

5. Fine art of the first half of the XIX century. Reflection of romantic trends in artistic culture. Portrait painting of the era of romanticism - creativity O.A. Kiprensky, V.A. Tropinine. Contradiction between the academic form and romantic content in the works of K.P. Bryullov. Creativity A.A. Ivanova and his picture "The phenomenon of Christ to the people."

6. The birth of a household genre in the work of A.G. Venetianova.

7. Fine art of the second half of the XIX century. Further development of the household genre and increasing critical trends in the work of V.G. Perov. Creation of a partnership of mobile art exhibitions and realistic art. Creativity N.I. Kramsky ("Christ in the desert"). N.N. 7 ("What is the truth") and the importance of religious and moral sermon in art. The emergence of realistic landscape. Images of Russian nature in the landscapes of I. Shishkin, poetics of everyday life in the landscapes of A.K. Savrasov. Mood scenery I.I. Levitan. The variety of genres and themes in creativity I.E. Repin. Images of Russian history in painting V.I. Surikova. Epic images of Russian legends in the work of V.M. Vasnetsova.

8. Russian art of the late XIX - early XX century. The main features of Modern style in the work of architect F.O. Shechor. Creativity V.A. Serov. MA Vrubel and painting of Russian symbolism. Fairy tale and myth in his work. The topic of the demon at Vrubel. Association "World of Art" and appeal to the traditions of the past epochs. Creativity VE. Borisov-Musatova and the connection in his style of the features of postmingnessism and symbolism. Creativity of masters - participants of the exhibition "Blue Rose".

9. The art of the Russian avant-garde of the beginning of the XX century. Development of avant-garde tendencies in painting artists of "Bubnoy Valtny". Abstract painting V.V. Kandinsky. "Black Square" K.S. Malevich. "Analytical art" P. Filonova.

10. Russian and Soviet art of the first half of the XX century. Preservation of culture of machine painting and new imagery in the work of K.S. Petrova-Vodkina.

11. The concept of socialist realism and its role in the work of S.V. Gerasimova, A.A. Plastov, A.A. Deneki. Sculptural creativity V.I. Mukhina.

Section VII

Theory of art

The required minimum knowledge in the field of art theory - Applicants should understand and be able to apply the following terms in the description and analysis of works of art:

  • style: Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Modern;
  • composition, flavor, perspective, plot;
  • tools of artistic expressive types of visual arts: architecture, sculptures, painting, graphics.
  • art genres: Landscape, Portrait, Still Life, Battle Genre, Animalistic, Historical, Mythological.

Examples of tests

a) M.O. Mikeshin

b) A.M. Pothein

c) M.M. Antickolsky

2. "Mighty hand" is:

a) Combining Russian artists in the XIX century.

(b) Combining Russian musicians in the XIX century.

c) Association of avant-garde artists

3. Which of the arts listed below are characterized as temporary-spatial:

a) theater and movies

b) Architecture and monumental painting

4. In the center of the composition of the picture D. Velasquez "Menina" is:

a) Portrait of the King and Queen of Spain

b) Margarita Infanta

c) the artist of Diego Velasquez himself, who looks at the viewer

5. The characters of the painting "Arcade shepherds" N. Poussin consider:

a) sarcophagus with the inscription

b) Sculpture depicting the goddess Aphrodite

c) amphora with the image of the scene from the Trojan War

6. What type of construction is the Church of Basil Blessed:

a) Cross-dome

b) Basilical

c) Centrician

7. Which of the above stylistic steam coexisted in the XVII and XVIII centuries:

a) Gothic and Baroque

b) Baroque and classicism

c) Baroque and Rococo

d) classicism and neoclassicism

List of works of art

1. Heops pyramid, middle III millennium BC. e., Giza, Egypt.

2. Large Sphinx, middle of the III millennium BC. e., Giza, Egypt.

3. Sculptural portrait of Nefertiti, XIV. BC e., state museums, Berlin.

4. Standard from the royal tomb in ure, approx. 2600 BC E., London, British Museum.

5. Stela with a vault of Hammurapi laws from Sousse, XVIII century. BC er, Paris, Louvre.

6. Gate of the goddess Ishtar in Babylon, VI. BC e. Berlin, state museums.

7. Temple Parthenon on Acropolis, 447-438 BC. E., architectant and Callicrat, Sculptural Decor Fidia, Athens.

8. Temple Pantheon, II century, Rome.

9. Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople, 532-537, architect Isidor Miletsky and Anthimius Traclesky.

10. Church of San Vitaly in Ravenna, VI century.

11. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

12. Stained glass window of the Cathedral in Chartres: Our Lady "Beautiful Window", 1194-1225.

13. "Trinity", Mazacho, OK. 1427, fresco, Santa Maria Novella, Flo Renation.

14. Spring, S. Botticelli, OK. 1482, tempera / tree, 203 × 314, Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

15. David, Michelangelo, 1504, Marble, Gallery of the Academy, Florence.

16. "Last Supper", Leonardo Da Vinci, 1498, Much. Technique, Santa Maria's refectory monastery della Grazia, Milan.

17. "Mona Lisa", Leonardo da Vinci, 1503-1505, m / h, Louvre, Paris.

18. "Creation of Adam", Michelangelo, 1508-1512, the fresco of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome.

19. "Sikstinskaya Madonna", Rafael, 1513-1514, m / x, 270 × 201, art gallery, Dresden.

20. "Athens School", Rafael, 1510-1511, Machine Machine Della Siedura, Vatican, Rome.

21. "Sleeping Venus", Georgeon, 1510, m / x, 108 × 175, art gallery, Dresden.

22. "Menins", D. Velasquez, 1656-1657, m / x, 318 × 276, Prado Museum, Madrid.

23. "Return of the Prodigal Son", Rembrandt, OK. 1669, m / x, 262 × 206, State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

24. "Self-portrait with Sasquia on his knees", Rembrandt, 1635, m / x, 161 × 131, art gallery, Dresden.

25. "The bean king (" King drinks! ")", Jacob Yordans, OK. 1638, M / X, 157 × 211, State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

26. "Arcade shepherds", N. Poussin, 1637-1639, m / x, 185 × 121, Louvre, Paris.

27. "Death of Germany", N. Poussin, 1627, m / x, 148 × 198, Art Institute, Minneapolis.

28. "Gilles", J.A. Watto, 1718-1720, m / x, 184.5 × 149,5, Louvre, Paris.

29. "Freedom, leading people", E. Delacroix, M / X, 1831, 260 × 325, Louvre, Paris.

30. "Funeral in Ornan", Kurba, 1849-1850, m / x, 315 × 668, Museum Orsay, Paris.

31. "Breakfast on the grass", E. Manne, 1863, m / x, 208 × 264,5, Museum Orsay, Paris.

32. "Starry Night", Vincent Van Gogh, 1889, m / x, 73.7 × 92.1, Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.

33. "Dance", A. Matisse, 1909-1910, m / x, 260 × 391, State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

34. "Kapuchin Boulevard", K. Monet, 1873, m / x, 61 × 80, GMI them. A.S. Push-kina, Moscow.

35. "Portrait of Ambroaza Vollar", P. Picasso, 1909-1910, m / x, 93 × 65, GMI them. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow.

36. "Burlaki on the Volga", I.E. Repin, 1870-1873, m / x, 131 × 281, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

37. "Boary Morozova", V.I. Surikov, 1887, m / x, 304 × 587,5, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

38. "Last Day Pompeii", K. Bryullov, 1833, m / h, 456.5 × 651, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

39. "The phenomenon of Christ to the people", A.A. Ivanov, 1837-1857, m / x, 540 × 750, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

40. "Ceremonies of the Deadyer", V.G. Perov, 1865, m / x, 45 × 57, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

41. "On Pashne. Spring, "A.G. Venetsianov, the first half of the 1820s, m / x, 51.2 × 65.5, the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

42. "Grachics flew", A.K. Savrasov, 1871, m / x, 62 × 48.5, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

43. "Vladimirka", I.I. Levitan, 1892, m / x, 79 × 123, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

44. "Girl with peaches. Portrait V.S. Mammoth ", V.A. Serov, 1887, m / x, 91 × 85, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

45. "Demon (Sitting)", MA Vrubel, 1890, m / x, 116.5 × 213.8, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

46. \u200b\u200bIcon "Trinity", Andrei Rublev, 1425-1427, tempera / tree, 142 × 114, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

47. Portrait of A.S. Pushkin, O.A. Kiprensky, 1827, m / x, 63 × 54, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

48. "" What is the truth? " Christ and Pilate, N.N. Ge, 1890, m / x, 233 × 171, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

49. Monument A.S. Pushkin, A.M. Pokeshine, 1880, Bronze, Granite, Moscow.

50. Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, Arch. Aristotle Phiorewanti, 1475-1479.

51. The Temple of Basil Blessed (Cathedral of the Pokrov of the Virgin Mary What's on the Ravy) in Moscow, 1555-1560.


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Herman M.Modernism. The art of the first half of the XX century. SPb.: Alphabet Classic, 2005.

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Daniel S.European classicism. Epoch Pussen. David's era. SPb.: Alphabet-Classic, 2003.

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Culture (from lat. Cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, development, reverence) Culture - a set of material and spiritual values, life ideas, samples of behavior, norms, methods and techniques of human activity: - reflecting a certain level of historical development of society and man; - embodied in subject, material carriers; And - transmitted to subsequent generations.

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Artistic culture (art) is a specific type of reflection and formation of reality by humans in the process of artistic creativity in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals. World culture - created in different countries of the world.

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Art functions narratives and educational - knowledge and enlightenment. Information and communicative - communication of the viewer and artist, communication of people with works of art, communicating among themselves about works of art. Prognostic - anticipation and prediction. Social and transformative and intellectual moral - people and society are becoming better, they are penetrated by ideals that make art, reject what the art criticism is directed.

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Aesthetic - the development of the abilities of art perception and creativity. At the examples of works of art, people develop their artistic taste, learn to see in life beautiful. Hedonistic - enjoyment. The psychological impact on a person - when, listening to music, we are crying, looking at the picturesque canvas, feel joy and tide of strength. Art as a mining keeper.

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Spatial arts of artworks of art, whose works - exist in space, without changing and without developing in time; - are subject matter; - are performed by treating material material; - perceived by the audience directly and visually. Spatial arts are divided: - on the visual arts (painting, sculpture, graphics, photo art); -Hellographic arts (architecture, decorative and applied art and artistic design (design)).

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Fine arts Fine art is a kind of art, the main feature of which is the reflection of reality in visual, visually perceived images. Fine arts include: painting graphics sculpture photo print

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Painting is the appearance of the visual art, the works of which are created on the plane through colored materials. Painting is divided into: Machine monumental decorative

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Special paintings are: icon painting, miniature, fresco, theatrical and decorative painting, diorama and panorama.

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Sculpture is a type of visual art whose works have a material, subject volume and three-dimensional shape placed in real space. The main objects of the sculpture are the man and images of the animal world. The main varieties of sculptures are round sculpture and relief. Sculpture is divided: - on monumental; - on monumental-decorative; - Machina; And - the sculpture of small forms.

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Photo art - plastic art, whose works are created by means of photography.

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Intentent art design (artistic design). Decorative architecture, applied,

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Architecture is the art of designing and building buildings and creating artistic expressive ensembles. The main goal of the architecture is to form a medium for labor, life and recreation of the population.

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Decorative art is the area of \u200b\u200bplastic arts, the works of which, along with architecture, artistically form a human environmental environment. Decorative art is divided into: - monumental-decorative art; - Decorative and applied art; And - formation art.

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Design - artistic design of the objective world; Development of samples of rational constructing of the objective environment.

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Temporary arts to temporary art types include: music; 2) fiction.

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Music is a type of art reflecting reality in sound artistic images. Music can transmit emotions, feelings of people, which is expressed in rhythm, intonation, melodies. According to the method of execution, it is divided into instrumental and vocal.

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Fiction is a type of art in which the material carrier of the image is speech. It is sometimes called "elegant literature" or "the art of the word". There are artistic, scientific, journalistic, reference, critical, courtesome, epistolary and other literature.

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Spatio-temporary (spectacular) types of art to these types of art include: 1) dance; 2) theater; 3) cinema; 4) pop-circus art.

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Cinema is a type of art, the works of which are created using a filmmaker of real, or specially insistenced, or with the attraction of the animation of events, facts, reality phenomena. This is a synthetic type of art connecting literature, theater, visual arts and music.

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Dance is a type of art in which artistic images are created by means of plastic movements and rhythmically clear and continuous change of expressive provisions of the human body. The dance is inextricably linked to music, the emotional-shaped content of which finds its embodiment in its choreographic composition, movements, figures. .

Lectures in the course "World Art Culture". Leskova I.A.

Volgograd: VGPU; 2009 - 147 p.

The course of lectures, in which through world art, the fundamental principles of the development of the artistic culture of Europe, Russia and the East are revealed. For students, undergraduates, graduate students of art specialties.

Format: PDF.

The size: 24.1 MB

Watch, download:

Lecture 1. World art culture as a subject of study 3
Lecture 2. Basic concepts of world artistic culture 7
Lecture 3. Arkhetypic basis of the artistic culture of the West 18
Lecture 4. Archetypical basis of the artistic culture of the East 30
Lecture 5. Categories of space and time in artistic culture 42
Lecture 6 categories of space and time in artistic culture of antiquity and medieval 47
Lecture 7. Categories of space and time in Renaissance 54 artistic culture
Lecture 8. Categories of space and time in the artistic culture of the new time 64
Lecture 9. Categories of space and time in the artistic culture of the modern time 88
Lecture 10. Art Culture of Russia 108

The history of world artistic culture has the millennium, but it becomes an independent object of scientific analysis only by the XVIII century. The study was based on the idea that this area of \u200b\u200bthe spiritual activity of the Company is a simple combination of art species. Philosophy, aesthetics, historical sciences, art history, literary criticism investigated artistic culture mainly in the intracerellious perspective: the ideological aspects of art were analyzed, artistic advantages of works, the professional skill of their authors was revealed, attention was paid to the psychology of creativity and perception. In this perspective, world artistic culture was defined as a set of artistic cultures of the peoples of the world, prevailing in various regions throughout the historical development of human civilization.
A lot of discoveries made on this path led to the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bworld artistic culture as a holistic process, which has its dynamics and patterns. This presentation has become taken to top XX century. And fully manifested itself in the first half of the last century in research O. Benesh, A. Guildebrand, Völdflin, K. Fall, M. Dvorakik, and others. There was an understanding that there is a common spiritual and sensual basis expressed Languages \u200b\u200bof various types of art, and world artistic culture began to be considered as a way of intellectual-sensual display of Genesis in artistic images.

Explanatory note

World artistic culture (MHC) - pre-meta relatively new in the Russian education system, which has no analogues in the world. The emergence of new programs, textbooks and benefits on the MHC, improvised the interest of teachers and high school students, more than an interested discussion of the problem of his teaching in the media - an indisputable evidence that it firmly and for a long time wins the space in The overall system of humanitarian education.

Documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in which the further prospect of the study of the MHC in high school is considered, quite clearly determine its place in the basic curriculum. They are emphasized in them that the admission of schoolchildren to the masterpieces of world artistic culture is a single and continuous process that allows you to establish the continuity of all objects of the humanitarian and artistic direction.

The system of studying the MHC at each of the stages and in each class has its own specifics, browsing the psychological and pedagogical objectives of the course and the age characteristics of the perception of the work of art. The acquisition of schoolchildren to the world of Isline is presented as a gradual process from the specific perception of works of world artistic culture to understand and understand the basic laws of the development of art, to the comprehension of a holistic Hu-delusted picture of the world and its own creative work (10-11 classes) .

Educational goals and course tasks:

  • the study of the masterpieces of world art, created in various artistic and historical epochs, comprehending the characteristic features of the worldview and style of outstanding artists-creators;
  • the formation and development of concepts about the artistic historical era, style and direction, the inhibitory of the most important patterns of their shift and development in the history of human civilization;
  • awareness of the role and place of a person in artistic culture throughout its historical development, the reflection of the eternal search for aesthetic ideal in the best works of world art;
  • comprehension of the knowledge system of unity, many-drawn and national identity of cultures of the policies of the world;
  • the development of the main stages of the development of the domestic (Russian and national) artistic cul-tours as a unique and original phenomenon, having an incredit magical meaning;
  • acquaintance with the classification of arts, post-vaging the general patterns of creating an artistic image in all its kinds;
  • interpretation of art types, taking into account the specifics of their artistic language, creating a secret picture of their interaction.

Educational goals and course tasks:

- help schoolboy to work out a strong and sustainable need to communicate with the works of art

throughout life, to find in them a moral support and spiritual and value guidelines;

  • promote the upbringing of the artistic taste, develop the ability to distinguish true values \u200b\u200bfrom fakes and surrogates of mass culture;
  • prepare a competent reader, a viewer and a listener, ready for interested dialogue with the work of art;
  • development of abilities for artistic creativeness, independent practical activity in specific arts;
  • creating optimal conditions for the living, emotional communication of schoolchildren with works of art in lessons, extracurricular activities and local history work.

Requirements for graduate training

As a result of the study of world artistic culture, the student must:

Know / understand:

  1. the main types and genres of art;
  2. the studied directions and styles of world artistic culture;
  3. masterpieces of world artistic culture;
  4. features of the language of various types of art.
  1. recognize the studied works and relate them to a certain era, style, direction.
  2. set the style and plot links between the works of different types of art;
  3. use various sources of information on world artistic culture;
  4. perform educational and creative tasks (reports, messages).

Use acquired knowledge in practical activity and everyday life for:

  1. choosing ways of their cultural development;
  2. personal and collective leisure organizations;
  3. expressions of their own judgment on the works of classics and contemporary art;
  4. independent artistic creativity.

List of digital educational resources:

Esun "Art History" 10-11 class

Tsor "Artistic Encyclopedia of Foreign Classical Art"

TSOR "Hermitage. Art of Western Europe "

Tsor Kirill and Methodius "Masterpieces of Russian Painting"

COR "World Art Culture"

Electronic benefits: "Learning to understand painting",

"Art Encyclopedia of Foreign Classical Art"

"Masterpieces of Russian painting", "Learn to understand the music"

"History of the ancient world and middle ages" electronic version

MHC lessons "History of development of architecture and sculpture"



Danilova G.I. World Art. From sources to the XVII century. Grade 10. Moscow, publishing house "Drop", 2008;

Development of schoolchildren's creative abilitiesit is implemented in the design, search and research, individual, group and advisory activities of educational activities. This work is carried out on the basis of the specific sensual effect of the work of art, the development of the ability to selection and analysis of information, the use of the latest computer technologies. The most priority should include concert-execution-Tel, scenic, exhibition, game and local history activities of students. Protection of creative projects, writing abstracts, participation in educational conferences, disputes, discussions, competitions and excursions are designed to ensure the optimal solution to the development of the creative abilities of students, as well as prepare them for the conscious choice of the future profession.

Main didactic principles.The program provides for the study of the MHC based on uniform approaches that have historically established and developed in the system of school education and upbringing.

The principle of continuity and continuityexecutes the study of the MHC throughout the years of study at school. Selected historical and thematic approaches to the study of the course ensure

the extension of continuity on each of the stages. The material close in the historical or thematic plan is revealed and summarized on a qualitatively no-level level with the previously studied. For example, if antique mythology in grade 5 is studied in a moral-but-aesthetic aspect, then in the 10th grade, antiquity is recognized as a unique cultural and historical epoch, a cradle of human civilization.

The principle of integration.The MHK course is integrative in essence, as it is considered in the general system of objects of the humanitarian and aesthetic cycle: literants, music, visual art, history, social studies. First, the program reveals the relationship of various types of art united by the key concept of an artistic image. In the second, it is especially emphasized by the practical direction of the subject of the MHC, its relationship with real life is traced.

The principle of variability.The study of MHK - Pro-process exceptionally selective. It envisages the possibility of implementation on the basis of various methodological approaches, taking into account the specific tasks and the profile orientation of the class. That is why the program provides an inalienable right to learn the changes in the distribution of hours on the external one (to reduce or increase their number), allocate large thematic blocks, schedule the sequence of their study. At the same time, any choice and methodological solution made by the teacher should relate to the educational effect, not destroy the logic and general educational concept of the program. The maximum amount of thematic turns (especially in high school) is due not only to the increase in the number of hours, but also the possibility of choice.

The principle of differentiation and individualization.The process of mating art is the process of deeply personal and individual. It allows for the pros of all learning time to direct and develop the creative abilities of the student in accordance with

the general and artistic level of its development, personal interests and tastes. The possibility of choice in the main and profile school is the key to the successful development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

In the context of a multinational Russian system of education, the teacher provides the possibility of wider use of a national-regional component due to the variative part of the basic curriculum. At the same time, it takes into account the specifics of the development of regional crops, defo-divided by the peculiarities of the national composition of Nasya, which have established cultural traditions and religious ideas about the world. So, for example, selecting the material for studying folk pro-thoughts, heroic epic, holidays and rites, dancing and music, the teacher is entitled to turn to the ray of the artistic achievements of his people, to give students to feel their national imaging, uniqueness and originality.

This feature of the construction of the course of MHC Prodicto-Wan with the specifics of art, which has a un-sown language of communication between nations. She puts off in general and the world to see the private and indie-dual world, contributes to understanding each other through eternal, irreversive values, brings up mutual respect for the cultures of other peoples.

The distribution of the program hours takes into account the characteristics of the curriculum in the 10-11 school classes. In connection with the state final certification, the school year in grade 11 lasts 34 school weeks, therefore, in the 10th grade, the academic year has been extended to 35 scientific weeks.

Thematic planning

Topics, sections


Of these, Cont. R

Of these, microthelers RK

Grade 10, 1st year of study

Artistic culture of ancient civilizations

Artistic culture of antiquity

Artistic culture of Middle Ages

Medieval culture of the East

Artistic culture of rebirth

Artistic culture of the XVII - XVIII centuries.

Grade 11, 2nd year of study

Artistic culture XVII - XVIIIIV.

Artistic culture XIX century.

Artistic culture XXV.

Form of control:

Criteria for assessing students

The result of checking the level of learning material is the mark. When assessing students' knowledge, it is planned to pay attention to the correctness, awareness, logicality and evidence in the material, the accuracy of the use of geographic terminology, the autonomy of the answer. The assessment of knowledge involves accounting by the individual characteristics of students, a differentiated approach to the organization of work in the classroom. Based on the goals set, it is taken into account.

Rating "5"

  • the student fully copes with the goal of the lesson;
  • properly sets out the material studied and knows how to apply the knowledge gained in practice;
  • it is true of the composition of the drawing, i.e. Harmoniously coordinates all the components of the image;
  • able to notice and transfer the most characteristic in the image.

Evaluation "4"

  • the student fully mastered the software material, but in the presentation it allows inaccuracies of a secondary nature;
  • harmoniously coordinates all the components of the image;
  • i know how to notice, but it does not exactly transmit the most characteristic in the image.

Rating "3"

  • the student weakly copes with the goal of the lesson;
  • allows inaccuracy in the presentation of the studied material.

Rating "2"

  • the student allows gross mistakes in response;
  • does not cope with the goal of the lesson;

Rating "1"

The student reveals a complete ignorance of educational material.