Dark mirror - WOW. Opinion: Story "Dark Mirror"

Dark mirror - WOW. Opinion: Story "Dark Mirror"
New details about the life of Natanos of Gnilosten, Queen Bishi champion, and his relationship with her.

Despite the abundance of revelations from Natanos, I would not say that this story filed such news about Silvan and rejected, which could not be expected. Abduction of people, dark rituals and various kinds of immoral acts - such events were enough since the times of the original WoW. But there is one thing in this story that I truly surprised me - I will write about it closer to the end of the release.

Queen and her defender

And I wanted to start with the conversation about the relationship of Silvanany and Natanos. The events described in the story were not suddenly unexpected, because in the history of Natanom, Marris, his mysterious relationship with Silvanaya vitrorytte was always the red thread. Nowada, he belongs to the title of Queen champion, and during his lifetime he was the only commander of Kel'talas's tracker from the genus of people in history, and he also served under the start of all the same Silvan. In the game itself and the story "In the Shadow of the Sun" about Lor'temaara, there was enough instructions on the connection of this couple. It is known that during his lifetime they have never discovered and did not deny their communications, even if they did not speak about it in the open.

Nevertheless, in the "dark mirror" about the romantic relations of Silvanany and Natanos, only a series of hints. But these hints are completely transparent: here and the manner of their communication, and the evening spent together, and the words of the dark estimation of Ani about the nature of the attachment of Silvanas to their champion. So these two had exactly a special connection, but she was not the same as say, other sisters from the windows. Still, here simultaneously with romance coexisted the relationship between the military commander and his subordinate - the commander of the tracks of the highest elves and the person who has reached in this organization of the rank of previously unattainable for his people. And it is important to note that Nataros Marris, indeed, earned the title of trafficking commander - he was as strong and deft as his senior elves comrades. But it did not get rid of this couple from the dissatisfied views of other trains who annoyed one presence of a person in their ranks.

It is curious that all three sisters from the genus of vitroxpeted, as a result, entered into relations with people. The older sister of the allery loved the Paladin Turalion, side by side with which she fought in the second war. And the younger sister of Veris loved the magician of Ronin, and together these two were prevented by the Matthew Plan to subjugate the Alliance. It is noteworthy that the relations of Silvanany and Natanos originated before these stories. Perhaps on all this somehow influenced the life of the sisters on the outskirts of the kingdom and their exceptions. Maybe some features of their family mentality. But in any case, such unions between people and elves have always been rare due to a number of reasons: Cel'talas was closed from strangers by the state, and the only city with a truly large community of the highest elves was Dalaran (and here such unions were not so amazing due to mentality of local elves and human magicians); In both peoples, different cultures, mentality, and should not be discharged by banal xenophobia or the difference at the age and speed of aging. It is impressive that the Sisters are vocroxted were above such prejudices.

But back at present. Now the relationship of Gnibostna and Queen Bashi no longer as they were before. No wonder: these two are already not the ones that in the old days. Nataros so generally prefers to consider itself from the past by some completely different person. But Silvana still values \u200b\u200bthem. This is no longer the attachment that was before, because she also transformed along with the Basha itself. But nevertheless, it exists. Silvana needs a defender, but it is very important for her so that the rottenosta continue to carry this burden. Silvana does not want him to be in the same monstrous location as she, when she rushed to Saronite spiers in Nordskol. And she just nice to see a person reminiscent of the person who, together with her, served on the benefit of Cel'talas, a man who was her roads.

But they will never be so close as before. They were previously a commander and subordinate, but now they are the Queen and her favorite - and Silvan will not endure disobedience from their champion. And she went to risk, setting up that ritual. Natalos himself noted that the dark tracker was in the hall in order to shoot him if he comes crazy during the ritual.

In a sense, the defender Silvana was lucky that he was already undead. After all, not so long ago, Silvana tried to reunite with the younger sister: I was going to kill her, and then resurrect in the form of undead and co-guilty rejected. And personally, I doubt that the Dark Madam will not sacrifice with his defender, if her life will threaten a mortal danger, whatever feelings she still have experienced.

As for Natanos, Silvana remained the only meaning of its existence. He lives to serve her and fulfill her will. And he is ready to die if his Mrs. will also be destined to die. So would he endure with his brenoal pitiful existence and could always be with Silvan, albeit in hell. It is curious that the rottenosta is not just aware that their old intimacy remained in the past life - he generally refuses the thought that could be the roads of Silvan not just like her personal guardian. Nevertheless, it is important for her attention and approval, and it was even important to know how it belongs to his new appearance.

Changes in Natanom - Theory

And now you can talk about the ending of the story.

Taking in the hands of a walker breastplate, Nataros involuntarily remembered his cousin, killed for the ritual for the restoration of the flesh, and these memories were conjugate with a sense of guilt. A new feeling surprised Natanos, because such torments he did not have experienced since he was alive. It is understandable: the rottenosten with pleasure tortured and killed his former companions from the trackers, and his attitude towards Stephan was cold and cruel.

I lead to the fact that such a reaction from Natanos for what happened to Stephen is unnatural for his person. More recently, he was spitting on the torment and even the death of the Cousin, whom he loved during his lifetime, so to believe in the sudden awakening of humanity, caused by one who had a deed act, is difficult here. I suspect that there is another reason here - a ritual, through which the rottenosten passed. The body acquired does not just look more alive: to some extent it is more alive than the body of the usual rejected. That is why Nataros and felt a blowing smell emanating from other renouncements. And what if, together with the feelings of the body, such as tactile sensitivity and sense of smelling to the dark trail to some extent returned to the perception of emotions, characterized by living people?

Such a turn of events will easily explain the change in Gnilleosten itself by the fact that its nature simply could not cope with perfect atrocities - because this very nature became closer to what he had during his lifetime. If you follow this theory, it turns out that the rottenosta simply was very frozen thanks to his life revived Mesttzets. But I must emphasize that this is only my theory - just speculation.

And here there is one subtlety - sometimes it is very difficult to understand what exactly caused changes in the personality of a person who became renounced. Some of them rise from the graves no longer as they were during life - sometimes this is a consequence of brain damage, sometimes magic can be mixed here. Yes, at least the fact that the souls renounced by Sean Copeland, the developer from the Creative Development department, are not very tightly connected with their bodies, and therefore are not in a state of harmony. In addition, all re-engaged through a series of serious shocks: awareness of the facts of their death and the subsequent resurrection, addictive to their dead body and to life in the society of the lives of the dead on the ruins of the kingdom of people or in its sewerage. It is easily given to someone, and for someone ends with the most severe psychological trauma. Such life can already break even that individual, which rebelled by the same person as he was in life.

"There is information that after a long-term contact with the light, some redefined partial exacerbation of their usually muted sense of smell, touch, etc., as well as the increase in the number of occurrence of positive emotions, which are usually a big rarity for undead.

But there are those who have become monsters and without damaged brains and a sorpressive turn of the shocks of the psyche. They became brutal sadists simply ... Because they could become them. New doors have opened before these people, and they themselves entered them, throwing the morality that they said them before. But at the same time, among those who renounced there are more than a sufficient number of those who kept their former "I" and just wants to live in the world. And not each of those who have changed in non-Venizni, necessarily became a butcher and a killer. And the fear of death for them is even more terrible than for living: while some practically wait for re-rest, others are fairly afraid to die, not knowing that they are caked by the undead like them in Posmertia.

And Podgorod remains for a free undead safe harbor. Regarding, of course - but the outside world may be even more dangerous for them. And perhaps, in all this and is the main tragedy of modern Lorderon: there is no simple answer. Decisive cry "They are undead! They all have to return to the graves "Here it will be the same unfair verdict, like an attempt to close the eyes on the horrors in the depths of the Podgorod with the words" Jump them, they are all ordinary people - the same as we are with you! "

In general, Gnylosta does not create the impression of such an personality, which made all his monstrous acts of violence simply because he is undead. But in this and the problem - with the renovated in this it is difficult to figure out. From the story I had the impression that the incredible incredibly contributed to the personality of our hero, but I do not believe that it was only in this. I believe that he had enough will and mind freedom to slow down, so to speak, turns. So he deserves to go back to the light from the sword of someone from his enemies. And after the sadistic killing of their former comrades, no history of the Atonement about this dark traid, I do not want to see me. But again, the flap of the consciousness of undead are very subtle matter, and therefore I can make a mistake about this character.

Whatever it was, the theory that part of the previous humanity returned to Nataros, automatically calls new questions. Will the Personality of Gnucks from the crumbs of humanity returned to him? And if the answer is yes, how? Perhaps he will decide to suppress this side of his soul to remain true Sylvan, or humanity will force him to change his opinion about the dark mistress - and then he can be like staying on her side, and start rethinking his being. Surely there is something difficult to say here - in the end, the life of the commander of the Podgorod's tracker is completely devoted to the Queen of Bansha.

And the second question is how Silvana itself looks like in the light of this theory. After all, her body is in a similar condition, and we already know that the Queen of the Podgorod is capable of recognizing odors. As for emotionality, it is enough to remember the story with the Veris from the "war crimes": Silvana wanted to kill his sister and resurrect in the form of undead, which would have the rules with her. And when all the plans of the bishops in the story were collapsed, she was not joking on a joke. That is, her body provides its spectrum of emotions, similar to Natanos.

It follows from this that Silvana chose a common degree of ruthlessness of his actions and judgments in his own will - yes, the incredible, naturally, made his contribution to all this. Like her, without any doubt, terrible fate. But it turns out that the lever, which greatly presses on many who renounced due to the fact that they were very strong from their previous personalities, could not have similar effects on the middle of the wind sisters simply because of the fact that her case was different from the point of view ... Non-Study Physiology. And it returns us to Natanos. How will he evaluate the actions of his mistress, knowing that they have about the same emotional spectrum? Does he imbued with the same specific morality, which is followed by Silvana, or will distance himself from her? This we do not know. But I repeat, the rottenosta is faithful to Silvan to the depths of his extercoucted soul, and I doubt that he is generally able to leave it, no matter how much it belonged to her acts.

But all this is just speculation.

But the look of Natanos on the rest of the redefined can change without it. After all, now his feelings aggravated, and one fact that he clearly sew Smyrad, emanating from their bodies, can already cause certain disgusts in it. However, the individual he is also, so it can get used to.

Killing Palaina

One of the most hotly discussed topics from the events of this story is the death of Stephen Marris, Cousin Gnylostic. The fact is that Stefan was a paladin of a silver avant-garde, so his death from the hands of those who were renounced, at first glance, it seems a very hostile gesture from the side of free undead. But here everything is not so simple.

Stephen killed those who renounced that for the representative of the adhering neutrality of the silver avant-garde more than a dangerous move. This activity has enabled to grab it, and later use for the ritual when Silvana gave the corresponding order. Based on the text, it seems that Stephen in his crossed campaign against the redefined was lonely (perhaps he pursued a concrete goal in the face of Gnylight), so it is impossible to talk about the victims among other representatives of the avant-garde. And if the news of this event comes to the avant-garde or silver dress, Podgorod may fairly answer that only eliminated the threat to his people.

Since we are unknown a full version of events related to the murder of soldiers of the Marris farm, you can assume that the avant-garde would not take the death of Stephen with a symmetrical answer to him ... Proceedings. But it does not matter. Podgorod, obviously, simply hides this information to avoid dangerous consequences. Moreover, for the overwhelming number of residents of this undercurrent, the mystery of Natanos transformation will forever remain a mystery.

And let's not forget that the plague lands remain a dangerous place. In the forefront, most likely, it is considered that Stefan died of some rogging in more often a rough forest.

"Mortality" rejected

In this story, they remembered one rather important feature of the people renounced - that they are mortal in some way. They still revived the corpses, and the rotting does not bypass them. Some lucky: their bodies raised relatively "fresh", and they support them in a "decent" form with various solutions. Magic can also be an excellent assistant here. But renounced is a whole nation. It is not known whether the balsaming drugs will be panacea. And does everyone have access to them? About magic and nothing to say. Of course, the renounced can replace himself with a new hand or jaw, but it is rather a temporary solution. So the rotting of the body can be an analogue of death from old age for many redefined: they are still not skeletons. However, slow down this process is real. And in the case of Natanos, it is not at all.

But still, even Silvana itself recognizes the reality of this problem:

"Thanks to the power of Val" Cyrus, my body will be safe for centuries.

Your human body, like the bodies of many other rented, so much

stretch. I want to stop your collapse. Save you from pain that I

tested when ... "

Also for the defeated there is a threat to become brainless undead - there are examples of this ailment in WoW. It may be as a consequence of the weakness of the mind (the case is in the rotation of the brain?) And the continuation of the influence of the plague on the rejected.

"I'm so cold now. The plague of non-lips is sprawling on my veins, like an ice snake. Already soon I will fall into thoughtless state. " - Gretchen Dedmar.

Who knows, perhaps that in his pursuit of Eyir Silvana pursued not only his personal interests, but also tried to solve this very problem of mortality of his subjects.

"Our goal lies in this crypt. I do not have time to explain everything in detail - just know that our victory has been vital. " - Silvanana Vetrokrylaya

Ritual, spent on Natanom, demanded that the flesh related to him. So it is unlikely to apply for a whole nation of undead. But somehow let their decomposition on the manner how does it happen to the knights of death? This is a possible option. In the end, enhanced renounced, Silvana strengthens its shields and gives death from herself - so such an enterprise is in its interests. And from this point of view, it still falls under the personal interests of Dark Mrs..

"With the blessing of Queen Valkir, you opened the way on which the fate of all Azeroth will be forgotten. I invite you to witness the dawn of a new day for the people renounced! " - Silvanana Vetrokrylaya

Alas, the true plans are Silvana to Eyir, as well as the details of her deal with Helia, still remain a mystery.

Answers on questions

IN: Silvana chose Stefan because he looked like Natanos?

ABOUT: As they say in the story, a flesh is needed for the ritual, compatible with the original Natanos itself. Was it just based on this? Decide yourself.

IN: After reading this story, I began to treat Silvan even worse than before. She always thinks only about himself and focused only on what she wants, and what she needs.

ABOUT: Fair. I wanted the reader to experience a feeling of rejection to the actions that she makes, but at the same time, I hope that I experienced a certain sympathy for that life, which she was once, and which she lost.


    I was interested in the presence in the underfloorsystems of secret corridors And the rooms that fully knows, probably, only Silvana itself.

    In the underfront hold prisoners fromAlliance which are used as living training mannequins. Sad, but expected.

    The story is well described simple thinkingrevived dead man, subordinate will of the King Lich. Natanom was moving hatred, the desire to kill and devour the flesh of the victims of them. But the will of King Lich remained above all this. At the same time, he was in consciousness, even if it was limited to wild hatred, to kill the will and the desire to fulfill his lord. But with the same Silvana everything was different: being banshees in the service of the screast, she kept her mind, but was forced to obey the orders of Arthas and the will of Ner'zul. So she was punished for the fierce resistance to the march of the screasts on Kel'talas.

    During his life, Natanos believed that fromLor'temaara Politician would have come out better than the tracker. I do not think that it makes it from theron less skilled traction, but he still became a very successful politician - Luundvet's Luordvet's regent. The irony here is that Lor'temar did not strive for this position, and his tracker was completely satisfied.

    I noticed a bit of misconception: they say, the ritual turned Natanos in the Knight of Death. It is not true. The meaning of the comparison with the Knights of Death was that the ritual for creating a new body for Natanos demanded a much greater strength than raising the simple rejected, and in terms of the cost of this power he just compare with the creation of a death knight. And Nataros Gnylosten -dark peeper . And now he externally corresponds to his companions: the same pale leather and red eyes.

    And the second popular misconception: allegedly Silvana subjugated Natanom-slave with his power of Bansha. No, then the case is in the other - the attachment of Natanom to his commander was so great that he overpowered the power of King Lich. It says how much isNatanos his mistress, so that he has a very strong will.

    Hearing like Val'kira Reads the words of Ritual, Nataros"I felt the power of the king-lyric king in her voice". Very curious detail, but in fact, it seems to be simply on the cost of perceiving the perturbation itself. He felt the power of Val'kira associated with the energy of Nekromantia, and immediately connected it in his head with the king. So, I think it's no more than its empty associations.

    And back the words of the ritual We were read on the ancient Nataros language. This is probably either Vyskulsky or the death language of the cult of the damned. Of course, this cult will not call ancient, but at the same time, the origin of his secret language remains unknown.

    In the ritual itself, there is also a certain inaccessibility. I personally got the impression that Stephen's bodies andNatanos they merged into one, creating a kind of chimera. After all, if his new body would be an accurate copy of Stephen, it would immediately notice it. At the same time, in his reflection in the mirror, Nataros saw"Not really your face." Hence my idea with "Chimera."

    I was impressed how thoroughly Silvana approached the safety of his body. Obviously, her non-living body was originally special. After all, with the exception of Silvana and its dark trackers, such non-rotting bodies could boast only San'uelin and part of the death knights. This is the merit of the magic of King Lich. And I have long been interested in whether it can "eat" this effect without the support of his magic. From the manga "Death Knight" and various tasks about the deaths of death make up the impression that they have a decent charge of their own strength - they are still might and main and raise the Vurdalakov. So there is an explanation with them. San'uelin - Vampires, and indeed were faithful to Lich's King. And here in the "Dark Mirror" they explained that Silvana decided to solve this problem with its own batteries,val'kirami: "Thanks to the power of the Val" Cyrus, my body will be safe for centuries. "

    As we have already remembered, Silvana is afraid that Natanomin death they may wait for the same horrors that she experienced on his own experience after the suicide attempt. But we do not know this for sure. And there is no evidence that it is waiting for everyone who renounced after death. In the history of Warcraft there were already rare examples of undead, who had seen peace after death. The same Alexandros Mogruin appeared to Darion in the form of a spirit after the victory over Arthas in the Citadel of the Ice Corona to thank His Son for Saving his own soul. Perhaps the case is in the actions.

    Nataros considers Silvana beautiful like a goddess is quite expected. He also reflected that the leaders of her enemies secretly are spent on her beauty - again, from Natanom the other assessment, it was not worth waiting here, but judging by the author's syllable in the story, this is true. Surprisingly.

    The countless representatives of noble houses offered their hand to Silvana, and even rumors, it was even wishing himselfprince Kel . I hope that these rumors are a lie, because the poor can have a hard fate to add the second love fiasco to it (the first, as is known, was Jaina).

Thank you for reading this issue.

And See you in the following! *)

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Dark mirror

From the point of view of self-improvement, the "dark mirror" I consider one of the most important works. Fortunately, I happened then to work with Jim Louder, one of the most demanding and attentive editors in this area of \u200b\u200bliterature. Jim never allows the author to turn on the Easy Path of Surface Stories. He always asks: "Why?"

By the time of this story, the initial delight of publications is already UGAS, as well as the desire to write continuously, which I (to my horror) experienced in 1990 after leaving the place of the main activity. To participate in the work on the collection, I was first of all pushed my own interest in a funny paradox, which was further developed in the cycle legends about Dzirt. Many readers wrote to me on email, demanding comment on the racial theme of books about the dark elf. And indeed, through the prism of the exploits and misfortunes of Dzirta, I could explore and develop many questions of racial differences, while inevitably analogies arose with our modern world, but I did not want to retreat from our ideas.

In the end, isn't the classic Saga Tolkina built on the concepts of racism? The elves differ from the dwarfs, differ from haflings and people from orcs and goblins. Yes, the orcs and goblins interfere with everyone. But is it a similar characteristic of one of the races is not a classical manifestation of racism? Of course! And what if I broke in the face of Dzirta, the victim himself from racism, his own prejudices? What if with the help of your drow hero I (although inadvertently) call an excitement on a calm stroit of fantasy zone?

For this and it was written "Dark Mirror". In addition, this story became a turning point in my work. Being a young impatient author, full of exciting ideas, I thought that I was known all the answers. I sincerely believed that my task is to proclaim the people of truth. I thought I know everything (later I was convinced that most young authors suffer from a similar arrogance). But I matured and realized that I don't know anything, and my task is not to give answers, but in making people to ask questions themselves. Simply put, I do not know how to solve the racial problem raised in the Dark Mirror. I am sure that if necessary, I could give some explanations and in support of my "truths" to bring the quotes of Joseph Campbell or some other deity from literature. It would look very impressive.

But, although I and the science, I try not to lie.

* * * * *

Sunrise. Birth of a new day. Awakening lying on the surface of the world, filled with millions of hopes. And, no matter how sad, should add filled with hopeless works for many others.

In the dark world of the birthplace of the dark elves, in a hopeless underrode, there is nothing that could compare with the beauty of the Sun, standing above the eastern edge of the horizon. No day, no night. In constant warmth and darkness of the underground, the soul is lack of something. In this eternal dusk it is impossible to seal on the wings of hopes, no matter how reckless they are. But in that magical moment, when the rising sun lights the sky silver, any vertices may seem achievable. And in the endless darkness, the accompanying doubt doubt quickly dissipates and mysterious secrets of the earth's night are replaced by actual enemies and very real hazards of the underdem.

And the seasons in the underdema, too, no. On the surface of the winter marks the period of thoughtful, this time thinking about mortality, about those who left forever. But this is just one time period, and melancholy does not have time to let deep roots. I watched, as animals return to life with the arrival of spring, as bears wake up like fish overcome the rapid flow in their pursuit to spawning sites. I saw how the birds are spinning in the sky, how gracefully jump newborn foals ...

In the subterront, animals do not dance.

The change of seasons on the surface, it seems to me, does not really affect the mood. The emotional rise, which emerged at the sight of the rising sun, can disappear without a trace when the flaming ball is hidden behind the western edge of the horizon. And it is not bad. Fears and doubts are inherent in the night, and the day is full of light and hopes. And anger cools under winter snow and with them melts from spring heat.

In the immutability of the subway, the anger is preserved until it changes the sweetness of mens.

The constancy is reflected in religion that plays an important role in the life of my relatives, dark elves. My hometown rule the priestesses, and all his inhabitants obey the will of the cruel Sphere Queen Llin. But, despite the solemn rituals and ceremonies, religion is mainly pursuing a practical goal - the preservation of power, and there is no spiritual life of the elves. After all, spirituality implies the collision of emotions, the contrast between at night and the day, unknown by the drow. The contrast between the depths of despair and heights of delight.

And the deeper the abyss, the majestic vertices.

* * * * *

I could not choose a better day to exit Mithril Hull, where the king was again my good friend Dvoron Brenor combat hammer. Two centuries of the birthplace of the dwarves remained in the hands of evil gray dwarves, Dergarov, and their powerful leader, a dark dragon named shimmering darkness. But now the dragon is dead - killed in person by King Brenor, and the gray dwarves dispersed.

There is still deep snow around the fortress, but the continuous sky is already blue, and the last stars are stubbornly shine to the very end, until the final digging of the night. I correctly calculated time and went out to the windy bench marked by the wind on the east side in a few moments to the daily event, which I hope never to miss.

I can not describe the thrill in the chest and sinking the hearts for the last moment before the Golden region of the Faerrian Sun crosses the burning line of the horizon. I went out into the upper world almost two dozen years ago, but I never bother to watch the sunrise. The next sun was a counterweight of my restless life in the underdema, a symbol of liberation from constant darkness and gloomy customs of my relatives. Even after everything ended and the sun quickly rises through the eastern edge of the skyscland, I feel how his warmth penetrates through my skin color of the ebony, drinking energy, which I never felt in the depths of the earth.

So another day began in the southeastern spurs of the world ridge. Just a few hours ago, I left Mofril Hull, and a lot of a hundred miles to the most amazing city of this world - a silver moon. Sad branle and the rest when there are still so many work in the mines. Only this winter we walked the fortress and cleared it from the riverpers and other bellows, settled here during a two-year absence of a mold clan. But over the mountains are already rising pillars of smoke from the downtown forge and the molot of tireless misfortunes of Mithril is heard.

Brenor with his head plunged into the work, and even arranged the engagement of his adopted daughter Katty-brie with Varvar Wulfgar. Brenor was happy about ever, but like many other creatures that I managed to find out, the dwarf could not just enjoy his happiness. He started feverish preparations for the wedding, wanting to arrange the most magnificent ceremony of all that saw northern lands.

I didn't say anything to Brenor, it would be meaningless, although his colossal enthusiasm held my desire to leave Mithril Hull.

But the invitation of Alastriel, the magnificent government of the silver moon, one cannot ignore, especially the apostate-drow, which seeks to conquer recognition among peoples belonging to his relatives with caution.

On that first day I easily shagged on the road. I was going to cross over the Sarbrin River and leave behind the highest mountains. But around noon, on the way to the bank of the river, I saw traces. The mixed group, about two dozen travelers, passed the same way, and most recently. The greatest prints belong to the sign. These creatures are found here not so often, but most of all minor traces were alarmed. Judging by the size and shape, they were left by people, and some seemed to belong to children. Even more concern caused the fact that the traces crossed, which means that all the travelers walked one group. So who was a prisoner, and who is invaded?

It was not difficult to go in the footsteps. Bright red drops on the road strengthened my fears, but the existing gear gave me confidence. For the first campaign to the Silver Moon Catti-Brie lent to me Tulmaryl seeker of hearts. With this powerful magic onion in his hand, I could continue the way, no doubtfulness that I could handle any dangers.

I began to move more carefully, if possible, kept in the shade and closed the face with a green hood of a raincoat. And yet I knew that I quickly catch up with a group going ahead. There was no more hours between us, and it is time to call for my very faithful ally.

I took out a panther's figure connecting me from Gwenwivar, put it on the ground and called. In a loud appeal, there was no need - Gwenwivar knew my voice perfectly. At first, as usual, a gray fog walked around, and in a moment a black panther appeared - six hundred pounds of magnificent muscles ready for battle.

In the small town of Chita lived a little girl Valya Y. She was 6 years old. She recently graduated from the garden and had to go to school. Valya lived with dad. He was very good, but once a month, after the salary, he came home very strange. He brought friends who spent loudly, walked slightly and could just take something and break. At these moments, Valya was locked in the closet and read .... I read everything she came across. And there was a lot of things: basically it was Biology books - otherwise - about wildlife, well, and fairy tales. But sometimes dad (for some reason) several times a month was strange. These days, Valya found out a lot of new things. In complete darkness, she read books about large black spiders and long snakes. She read the fairy tales of Baba Yaga and Koshee Immortal and about their poor victims, which they cut off their heads or put them in the dungeon, and those died with painful death. Sometimes the shaft came across newspapers, and she read articles about poachers and looked at the photos of the dead animals with horror. After reading everything, the Valya began to be afraid .. Boyed poachers, and for one and animals, Babu Yagu and the Blasting of the Immortal, Darkt and, Naturally, Darkness. Sometimes, she was afraid of his own cabinet. And finally, she began to be afraid of dad and his strange friends. In addition, Vali had many different fear. : Angarofobia, Glamethobia (on this she did not play in dolls), acousticophobia, algofobia, aerophobia, viccaphobiya, hemophobia, gephyrophobia,fobia, demofobia, entomophobia, film fobs, isopterophobia, etc. Separate approached. And now he came. Valya dressed, as she likes first grader and went to school. Valya came to school one of the first, but with every minute people fit. Crowds of people. Valya turned out to be in the middle of all these crowds. She looked around with horror, and people had no end and edges. But more than this crowd, the marks scared some aunt. I had very high hairstyles (and Valya was afraid of heights) and the worst thing - they had a very bright makeup, such a terrible, like clowns. And these aunts shouted loudly (and Valya was afraid of loud sounds). They shouted the incomprehensible phrases, like * 1 A! 1 A! Here! * Or * 8 d! 8 d! Hush! * Some kind of grimy aunt dragged the currency for the hand. Valya saw a large, long staircase, leading to a huge gray school with opened windows and doors .. Sold up very loud music. There was something about Kola. The shaft was not just scary. She was terribly. She wanted to close his eyes, clamp her ears and run away, but the music stopped and the grimitated aunt, whom everyone was called the teacher, dragged her hand to school. Several people from the crowd went behind them. * What will she do with me ?? * - thought Valya. She really wanted back to the closet .... the teacher led everyone to a room with tables, called parties. Valya sat for the last. * You can put flowers *, "said the teacher. Valya put flowers. * You give me 2 flower? *, - asked the teacher. Children laughed loudly. * Why do they laugh? *, "Valya thought. She hated school. The next day, Valya came to the same office. The lesson began. "You have to draw what is afraid most," the teacher said. 15 minutes passed. "Why don't you draw?" Teacher asked Vali. - Everything will not fit here. The whole class laughed loudly, and the teacher too. Even the wind laughed so blowing in the opened window that the door opened. * These people .. They are not people .. *, "Valya thought: * Why do they laugh so loud? *. Valya ran out of school. She did not know where it runs. She did not know anything and did not understand. She came running for some field. On the open field .. there was afraid of open spaces. She ran further. She ran further and stumbled upon the well and looked at him. He was very deep, dark and terrible. Now the little Valya Y. was afraid of the wells. She ran further and finally went to the city and saw her. house. The entrance was dark. Valya quickly ran to the apartment and opened the door. The door broke down. * Did Dad again got a salary ?? *, she thought. She was right. The room was sitting 10 people and played cards and sang loudly on an incomprehensible language, vaguely reminiscent Russian. Valya ran to the closet. * Diewe's *, "said one of the father's friends: * Look, what kind of tever Cube is ..kulka..uklu .. Buclu brought !! *," he opened the cabinet door, where Valya sat and threw her doll. Valya never played in dolls. Vali had gavenfobia. She screamed and threw back a doll. Books fell on it .. Records with large black spiders and newspapers with photos of dead animals. Valya with a cry jumped out of the closet to the room, from the room to the dark corridor and on the street. On the street, the car rushed loudly on the roads. The shaft was very scary. She ran into the forest. In the forest it will not touch her, will not shout, will not laugh, will not be frightening with his strangeness. Valya came running into the forest and sat down on the stump. She remembered her .. I read somewhere that the cuckoo could find out the number of years left to you yet. - Cuckoo cuckoo, how long can I live?, I asked Valya. Cuckoo silent the shaft was cold from fear. She decided to walk before his death. It became dark. Valya went deep into the forest. Under the legs and she saw a puddle and looked at her and immediately drenched with a new tide of fear. In the forest of light, there was almost no and valor, the reflection is slightly distinguished in the puddle. In a puddle, Valya almost did not see anything. Only vague outlines. Only their brightly burning frightened eyes and a branch behind his back. * Aaaaaaaaaaaa !! *, - screamed Valya, it seemed to her that the death itself was looking at her from reflection. Valya ran through the forest. Further and farther. She did not watch where it runs. She thought she would run away from death .. she was running to the root of the tree. NOT!! Do not touch me! Remove your hands !! **, - shouted Valya. She did not know where to run from her fears. I did not know, but fled further. And confused in the web. Big black spiders crawled on the web. A whole pack of spiders. They crawled in different directions and finally saw the mirror. Big, huge mirror. In it, she saw her frightened reflection, - after all, Valya was afraid to look into the mirror in the dark. She saw her frightened reflection and frightened. She was terribly looking at himself, fearing. And it was terribly looking at his own fear. And Valya thought: what is terrible? : To be afraid of his frightened reflection or fear of fear before this reflection. Sunset. Valya Yu. Stood in full darkness and looked in the mirror. She made her choice. She went back, but another expensive. She went not on the terrible dark forest by the terrible branches. Not. She went on a beautiful dark forest past the thin branches of trees with big green leaves. He did not go through the desert, hanging the fear of the field past a deep well. She went through a big yellow field past a wooden well. She did not go to the unknown. She went to a large and mysterious horizon, to a new life. And she really wanted to come there.

Nataros Marris closed his eyes and took a deep breath through the nose, which he was withdrawn from his whole life so many times that he and the expense lost. In the wet air already felt the smell of autumn and notes of the fragrance of wild flowers, growing along the trail. He liked this smell - such a familiar, simple and native. This smell Nataros would not have traded anything.

Silvanana windy, the leadership of the tracker, as always, came silently. From her smelled of roses, which was famous for her hometown, the capital of the highest elves. This fragrance Nataros would find out of a thousand.

For a long time, a person just stood silently, in the depths of the soul rejoicing the presence of a sudden guest. Silence violated only tweet birds who accompanied the sunset sun, and a short sheep bluled, which she grazed behind a low wooden hedge, which he, Nataros, helped build his father when he was still a child.

He opened his eyes. From a small hill, on which he stood, the whole estate of the Marris was like on the palm: the house in which he lived almost all his life; barns and sheds, which it's time to prepare for winter; Wheat, waiting for harvest.

His house.

Nataros loved him very much - and proud of them. Probably because he wanted to even extend this moment a little ... before everything is destroyed.

"It was not worth coming here," he grumbled.

"Well, you will tell your commander," Silvana replied, turning in his direction.

A light smile played on her lips, but the steel in her gaze gave out authority. Looking at her elegant blue leather armor and a beautiful carved bow thrown behind his back, Nataros felt awkwardly - he was dressed in battered casual clothes, and the beard did not interfere with the beard.

He shook his head.

- You know perfectly well what I meant, Silvana. There are pereses among the wanderers since you made me on the trackers commanders. Your visits here also did not go without attention, and these of your "noble" trackers are gossiping about us clearance of rustic women's laundry.

Silvana leaned back his hood, and her long golden hair fell on the shoulders.

- I really did not think that someone else's opinion was careful.

The words of the highest elvesica exuded honey of preliminary empathy, experiencing its determination.

Antended, he squeezed his teeth. He did not like that Silvanana was so accustomed to his manner of communication, which was not completely noticed when he really was angry.

- About me these gossips let them say anything. But you are their commander, and it will not be good if you lose their respect.

Silvana leaned back from the forehead of Natanos who spawned on the eyes of a strand of his brown hair.

- I am the leader of the tracker, and my responsibilities include collecting reports from my intelligence officers. And since you decided to retake here, on the expanses of Lorderon, and not carry the service in the Kel "Talas, I have to look at you from time to time.

He shrugged.

- In the Kel "Talas I have nothing to do. I don't have any business before the intrigue of a big city. Here I will at least freely sigh, get together with my thoughts. I have more like the simple joys that you will not find ancient spiers.

"And Lor" the thechor believes that you prefer to hide because of fear of the elven archers, "she said, slightly aroused the eyebrow.

- Lor "Team Theron carries nonsense! His element is politics; and not the life of the traid. And I certainly do not give anything to him!

Nataros sharply cut his tirade. His irritation was clearly amused by Silvan, and he did not want to give her such pleasure.

- Well, I am glad that I learned the true cause of your indulgence. And then I already began to seem that my society is in favor of you.

The setting sun illuminated the flawless features of her face; Gray-blue eyes are so glittered in the golden light. The effect was awesome. Nataros was ready to swear that it did not cost without any spell, to which she at any time was ready to resort to translate the conversation in the right direction or distract the interlocutor.

And, of course, they worked. He again unwitted her vanity.

- The point is not that I don't like your visits, Silvana. But you are the leadership of the tracks and should be near the subordinates. Especially, now this time is ...

Elf frowned eyebrows.

- Soon your wish will be fulfilled. I need to meet with allery, my sister. She believes that the orcs are already an accurate teeth on the Kel "Talas and going to attack our homeland. If her fears are justified, you may be withdrawn to protect the Lunostvet, you want it or not.

He took her to the elbow and slightly attracted to himself.

- Silvana, you know that I will fulfill my duty and ...

- Nataros! - there was a ringing boyish voice.

Right to them, waving his hands and scattering grazing sheep, fled the parenchy. Having stopped in the top ten meters from them, he looked at the elf and an amazement turned his mouth. He almost fell away from the hedge, when clumsy climbed over her, but still she gained courage to approach.

- Silvanana Voshroktaya, the leader of the tracker, - began Natanos, - Let Stephen Marris, my cousin, began to introduce you. He is only nine, but, as you can see, in terms of the lack of good manner, he already reaches me.

Stephen blushed from embarrassment. Nataros strictly looked at him, struggling with his strength. He loved the guy who was very similar to him. Looking at Stephen, he again recalled, what it is like to live in a world where everything is so amazing, wonderful and new.

"Yes, I quit, Nataros," Silvana replied, sank to his knee in front of the boy and smiling warmly. - I have no doubt that he will grow cultural and educated, despite all your influence.

"You ... are you too tracter?" How is my cousin? - Stefan Already stuttered from excitement, looking at the elf in all his eyes.

- No, friend, take above. Silvana is not just a tracker. She commands all the investigations in these parts, "said Natanos.

Stefan looked ashamed of it on him, then at her, trying to find a suitable case to the phrase.

The highest elf leaned toward the boy and asked him in a whisper, as if by turning the secret:

- Do you want to become a tracker when you grow up?

The cousin of Natanos has a negatively shook his head.

- No, I want to become a knight. So that I have a sparkling armor, a huge sword and your castle! And to live in the woods and from Luca to fly reluctance.

And then he suddenly frightened his words.

"Not, in general, I like the trails ... well, that is, I ... I would gladly serve you!"

Silvana quietly laughed with his melodic laugh. Nataros squeezed his teeth and sighed:

- Late already, Stephen. Step-ka in the house and stop already borrowing to my commander.

Stephen was already unfolded, but here Silvana with a truly feline grace took something from his pocket and stretched out his hand to the boy.

"Here, take," she said, putting a gold coin in his palm. - Save it until your cousin decides that you are already adult enough to buy your first sword.

Stefan shone so that he could highlight the neighboring fields.

- Thank you! Thank you!

He jumped through the hedge and ran through the meadow. Poor sheep shakeped from him, see, was not destined to get calmly this evening.

- I will have my own mea! - Joyfully screamed the boy.

"That's just not enough for me," Natanos grumbled, the beard was tangible. - He's now with this coin all the hops with this coin.

Silvana rose from his knee and watched Stephana until he disappeared behind the hill.

"He just needs one who believed in him," she replied. - How and all of us from time to time ...

Some time they were silent. The sun has already completely disappeared behind the horizon. The singing of the birds was replaced by the buzz of moshcars. Silence has been delayed.

Nataros broke it first.

- Are you here?

She barely smiled noticeably.

- Before the morning, I think. It's already too late. Feet, or your commander dinner, and entertain about the conversation.

Silvana unfolded and went to the house. Passing by Nataros, she barely touched his hands with his fingertips.

Nataros thought. Lunostvet's political intrigue, the disapproving smile of Lor "Temar Theron, the shadow of an impending horde ... On the one hand, he would like more quiet life for himself. He loved to work on earth, like his father and grandfather. He could resign, leave Rows of wanderers and live the rest of their days in the estate. In their hometown. But for this he would have to sacrifice something much more than the position of the position of the tracter.

Moving towards the house where he was waiting for a warm center and a satisfying dinner, he already knew that he was made in the depths of his soul. To the line of politicians. To hell with the whole world! He gave Silvan's word, and nothing would separate him with her.

What do you fuck, my defender?

An impatient voice of Silvana pulled Natanos from the captivity of foggy memories. In fact, he rarely recalled the past. That life belonged to another person who was dead for many years. All the fact that once determined him as a person: his home, family, obligations to others - all this was now something unimportant and distant. Nothing from this was no longer the meaning for whom he became. From now on, he is rotten. He - renounced. And he no longer served as the highest elf, the leadership of the tracker.

He served as the queen of bishi.

I do not understand the appointment of it.

For a moment, he was amazed by the creak of his words, echoed from the stone walls of the Royal Quarter. Otherwise, he expected that he would speak again by a human voice. Sentimental fool!

The ritual will make you stronger - she went there and forth in the center of a huge round room, her eyes sparkled with red fire. - Legion invaded the Land of the Horde. My defender should be strong.

Nataros looked from Silvana on the Val "Kiru, that Paris in the air slightly behind her. Smooth wings of the ghost hardly concerned the huge columns on the edge of the platform, between which there were good two dozen steps. Podgorod, the capital of the queen of bishi, literally his with all sorts of ghosts, ghosts And other evil spirits - he was accustomed to this. But the Val "Kira with their massive helmets, tightly closing his face, acted on his nerves. He heard that these Virgin Warper Versekulov were once keepers of the kingdom of the dead. They were entrusted to accompany the decent souls of the deceased to the place of perpetual rest. But this Val "Kira, like her sisters, fell into slavery to the Lich king. At his order, they raised the huge army for this monster, who killed Silvana Voshroktnu, cursed it and observed the existence in the guise of undead.

He sat down. Wisely was the queen from the queen to call these creations to the service after the fall of the King Lich? However, he quickly corrected doubts. Val "Kira have already provided an invaluable service to Silvan, replenishing the ranks of her troops with many new renouncements. Dark Madam knows what he does. And he always knew.

Nevertheless, he could not resist to collapse her.

If you think that I am not strong enough, maybe you choose another defender?

The eyes of Silvana flashed with a crimp flame.

Nataros was pleased that she was bored, but did not show the mind.

Dark mistress curbed her rage.

Thanks to the power of the Val "Cyrus, my body will be in preservation over the centuries. Your human body, like the bodies of many other other thanks, will not stretch so much. I want to stop your disintegration. Rid you from pain that I experienced when ...

He nodded quickly, giving a sign that she understood her. Only he was alone she told about what happened that day when the king was pal. Then she decided that he had fulfilled his destination and that the eternal peace, in which she was denied for so long, was waiting for her. But when she rushed into the abyss of the stones under the Citades of the Ice Crown, it turned out that she was not resting her, but eternal hunger of void. And although she never admitted it, he knew her well enough to understand how she was frightened.

By concluding an agreement with the Val "Kirirami, she was then saved, and he thanked for this fate. But still, if he had lost his queen, for him there would be no sense to keep this pitiful similarity of existence. If she was destined to endure in the darkness of the eternal Flour, he could at least complete his way and bear the burden of his curse next to her.

Probably, he said, "it will be better to let me go.

Fire in the eyes of Silvana. For a moment, he saw the gleam blue, which shone in them once a long time ago. But immediately, her gaze again became ice and not tolerating objections.

Twice I called on you to my service, Nataros Gnylosta. And you will be released from her, only when I order!

The world around him was as if in a dense fog. For him, no longer caused causes or meaning. There is only hate alone. Hate deeply launched the roots in his mind and launched with its tenacious tentacles. The man whom he was once, died, and his blood was ordained the land, once his own native. In his dead body, another creature has now lived, who did not have any own will. But he was not supposed to have it. It existed only to serve the Lich King.

He fell back to the ground, on which the ungvented corpse of his last victim was lying. He snatched the teeth a piece of meat out of her throat, and the warm wave of strength broke through his body. He remembered with what pleasure she listened to her silent crick; What indescribable horror froze in her empty eyes while he ripped the cooling body into parts. Robing the feeling, he touched the next piece of dead flesh.

How long has passed since it was raised from the dead? Days? Years? All this was completely no matter. Time matters only for mortals; The new gentleman saved him from this burden. Now all his actions managed only the desire to distribute the curse of the undead in the lands of the fallen kingdom of Lorederon. In that very earth, which he liked so much by man. If in his heart there was a place for something, besides hatred, he would have laughed at the irony of fate, long and loud.

He interrupted his meal. That was the command of his Mr.

He felt that now something should happen. Dark magic, once reviving his dead body, penetrated the corpse of his victim. In her amazement, he looked like a lifeless corpse rises from the ground. One creation has become more. She looked at him, and there were no longer fear in her non-living eyes - they were now burned with a flame of hatred.

She would probably have even smiled at him if her jaw did not hang on thin flesh flaps. And he would probably have even smiled in response, if she had not left the arrow in his head. The decapitated body of his new companion was ruined on the ground, jerked and froze a couple of times.

He turned his face to the attacker. Before him loomed three shapes in the hoods. He has not yet lost all the memories of the past life, so I learned their weapons. He still remembered how dangerous in skillful hands can be onions. But all these residual memories did not have any meaning for him. Hate boiled in it, and it was necessary to throw out.

He made to the jump, and then the middle of the archers shouted the team. Standing on the sides immediately released several heavy stupid arrows into him, kneading to their feet. He clumsy collapsed on the ground. A couple of times he tried to rise, but the new arrows immediately knocked him down. Here are the damn creatures! He did not ask the question why they simply do not finish him like that woman. He just wanted to dug his teeth into live flesh, not covered with armor. When they become the soldiers of the plethor, they will no longer need bows. Their weapons will be hatred; From now on it will be their only driving force.

He pulled the nose to the air, heated in himself a feeling of hunger, but an unfamiliar smell embarrassed him. His opponents were no people nor elves. They were not alive at all - the same walking dead, as he himself. But why then do they want to prevent him from executing the will of Mr. With the fear and despair of the beaten dog, he again and again tried to rise, and every time the next arrow knocked him down from his feet.

Not. This name has long died and rotted on the desecrated land of the estate of Marris. How did she dare to awaken these memories? In it, with a new force, she clings rage. He will kill her. He will be saturated with her flesh. For a while, he quit his thirst to kill.

Not. Hatred. The willa of the owner is above all. If these three will not serve him, he will destroy them!

- Nataros! - she shouted again by the gang of bishops.

- Nataros!

When she uttered his name for the third time, he remembered everything, and fear gradually disappeared.


She threw back the hood, and the dull light of the plague lands illuminated her elven features. Her skin was now a dead ash-gray. Once golden hair sweat and lost their shine. Eyes, once gray-blue, now telled red fire. He realized that Silvana also fell victim to dark magic, and to the throat approached the bitterness. But the sadness quickly gave way to reverence - she was so gorgeous in her new appearance. She looked Queen in his life. After death, she became the goddess.

He looked down and saw his curved bloodied fingers from which the skin was hung with flaps. He swept his attack, eclipsed even the joy of reunion with Silvan. The idea that she sees him like this is a pathetic similarity to the previous one - it was unbearable to him. He raised his hand, trying to cover the half-chased face.

- Silvana, - whispered his awesome lips.

His own voice seemed to him completely stranger. Suddenly he realized that it was the first word uttered since the will of the Dark Mr raised him from the dead. The servants of the King Lich need no need to talk - they only needed to kill.

- I came for you, Nataros. I take you with me.

He was not fit to stand next to her. He was unnecessary even to look at her. But the power and authority, which came from her, fascinated him. He slowly lowered his hand and met with a silent look.

"You see, what I have turned," he growled. - Why do you need that the monster, how can I serve you?

Silvana only dismissed.

- I will build a new kingdom, Nataros. The kingdom of the renouncer, liberated from the power of the King Lich. You will become my defender, and together we continue it to pain and suffering. Arthas will answer for his crimes!

Nataros jerked in a smirk. Fog in his head scattered. The king-lich no longer had power over him, and Nataros squeezed the fists at the thought that he could revenge now. Anger and hatred still devoured him, but now he could act in his will.

Although not. Of course not.

Now her will take him over him. As before.

Dark traps accompanying Silvana, tightened when Nataros rose to his feet. He stepped forward and bowed his head.

- I am all yours, dark mistress. Until the very end.

Natanos carefully examined his left hand. The skin and lived was still enough to keep the onions and teach even the most stupid student to pull it out. But he felt that the forces were gradually leaving him. Non-fat flesh decomposed slowly, and one day the day will come when his hand will cease to work or fall off at all. And what then will it be sense from him?

"Well," he reminded himself, "even though he is rotten, but he did not forget about his debt."

Waiting for your orders, my queen.

Silvana nodded.

At one time, Arthas forced the Val "Cyrus to raise the death knights for his army. This is a very powerful ritual, much stronger than which they now turn to the redefined fresh corpses. They can transform your body. Make you stronger and ... more durable.

Why don't they do this for all your subjects? - he asked.

Silvana quit a quick glance at the unperturbed ghostly wigwriter.

This ritual takes a lot of strength. They resort to it rarely and reluctantly. The energy of King Lich no longer feeds them, and they are forced to give part of their own essence.

She turned to him.

But they will do it, because I want it so much.

He stepped toward the queen of Basha, looking at her face carefully. He reassured himself what he wanted to provoke her and enjoy her annoyance. But in the depths of the soul, he knew that he was deceiving himself. He wanted something more.

But if the Val "Kira can do it only once ... why am I?

What was flashed in her eyes? Pain? Even if, and so, after a moment, this pain has changed unshakable determination.

I said. The legion threatens our existence. I need a powerful defender.

Satisfaction that he eager to get, of course, was petty. But still, in him every time something woke up when she called him so.

Well, tell her, let it be started, "Natanos grumbled. - I still have to learn the tracks.

Silvana barely smiled noticeably, turned to the Val "Kire and nodded. The ghostly Virgin sailed through the air to a small niche in the wall of the throne room. The queen whispered the secret word, and the stone walls went to the parties. The dark pass was opened. It was one of the many secret The moves that Silvana enjoyed to move around the city, and Nataros suspected that there are such passages that even he knows about.

They walked along the intricate labyrinth, in which it would be easily lost and even the experienced killer launched, selected by the enemy. Val "Kira also, apparently, knew the road; Perhaps the path of her suggested the dark magic, which was saturated by the magician quarter. At some point, this energy has become almost tangible; even Nataros felt it.

They were wrapped in one another corner and left in a dead end. Silvana again uttered a secret word, the passage opened, and they stepped forward.

On the walls of the room in which they found themselves, shelves were hung, tested by books and all sorts of magical accessories, dimly shiny in the light of lamps. Two altars stood in the center, each of which was lying along a huge stone plate. One was empty. A man was tied to other thick leather belts. From clothes on it only underwear left. He tried in vain to free up - the belts were tightly tight. On the floor near it were collapsed in a bunch of gilded armor, combat hammer and shield. Nataros noticed that the symbol of silver avant-garde is engraved on weapons and armor. The captive was clearly helpless, but did not look broken and was not mutilated. Nataros satched the tongue. He was made and killed by Paladinov, and take them in captivity, but few of them left almost untouched.

Gnylosten turned to his Mrs. and, pointing to a man, asked:

what this is?

Silvana walked around the altar.

This ritual requires a sacrifice. Need flesh ... your own own.

She stopped at the head of the Paladin and closely looked at Natanos.

What was it for checking? What did she expect from him? Nataros leaned toward the man lying on the altar, and stood in his face. Something familiar was brought to him in the frowning eyebrows, a volitional chin, desperate determination, with which the captive was trying in vain.

He was striking how this paladin reminded him of him when he himself was still a man. From the date of his death, a lot of time has passed. He thought that all these memories were lost forever, and now, looking at this man, he as if he looked into his past.


The prisoner met with him a look. He obviously recognized Natanos, but in his eyes there was no fear - only contempt.

Nataros leaned and pulled a gag out of his mouth.

Well, hello, cousin.

Stephen's face expressed extreme disgust.

I prayed the light to die completely. To your soul gained peace. In his words, sadness was heard and bitterness.

Nataros chuckled.

Tell me, did you spend that golden that he gave you the leadership of the tracks?

I saved it, "Paladin answered with the challenge. - I kept him after Fal Stratholm; After the whip ruined Lorderon, hoping that my cousin was still alive. I asked about you, but the answer I was only awkward silence. Then I had rumors about the monster named Gnylosta, which was revealed to the Manor of the Marris and began to exterminate the heroes of the Alliance, striving to restore the world. I thought it was that the creature that I killed Natanos, and I swore revenge for him. But once I accidentally overheard the conversation of two refugees from Darroushire. It flashed the real name of this monster, and then I understood what you turned. - Stephen is a little fallen. - And that day I threw this ill-fated golden in the river.

He spat with hatred on the stone floor.

Nataros stood silently. There was no meaning to deny the truth. He arrived at his former farm on the orders of his queen and lured her enemies into the trap. He made a special pleasure to drain the highest elves - trackers from the northern footage; The very strangers he once commanded and at the same time served. All of their arrogance disappeared without a trace, when they died, expired by blood, - or turned around the animal ruffle, if they were destined to rebel in the guise of undead. And all this time, whatever noble heroes, no victims, no matter how close friends they are in the past life, Nataros, killing them, did not feel pity, nor repentance. He did not feel anything at all. He just performed his duty, and this was his only purpose. His victories, he earned the favor of dark Mrs. He did not want anything else and could not desire.

Silvana patted the captive on the shoulder; The one as far as the belts allowed, pulled away.

I was reported that after bringing the Knight's oath, your expensive cousin patrolled the plague lands just near your old farm. Many of my soldiers put, "she leaned toward the prisoner, and the metal rang in her voice. "Of course, I could order my dark trails to kill him, but very good that I did not do it." Now this paladin will serve ... a higher target.

I will never stop to you! - Stop Stefan through the arted teeth.

I don't worry about it, the cousin, Natanos answered gloomily. - She has other plans to your account.

Queen Bansha smiled.

That's for sure.

She did not say a word anymore and leisurely moved away.

Nataros looked at her cousin, helplessly lying in front of him, and a strange, unfamiliar feeling was shred in his chest. A pity? No, he knew that he was not capable of it. But he did not feel hate to Paladin - in any case, that hate that he had naught to other live people. And then he understood - it was pride. In the depths of the soul he really proud of The fact that Stephen's dreams about the life he came from childhood came true. But only with this life it was about to part.

Nataros raised his eyes and glanced with Sylvan. So, it was her test? She suspected that he could betray her from love for cousin? She wondered if something would shown in him in the last decisive moment?

Of course, he had no choice. The thoughts of a man who have long died, could not force Natanos of Gnitost, to retreat from his oath.

Getting Started, "he grunted, heading for an empty altar.

Light will save me! - shouted Stephen, but judging by despair in his voice, he himself didn't believe it too much.

The light will not find you here, the boyfriend, "answered Nataros, looking closely to the queen. - We will go to the darkness together with you.

Val "Kira silently saddled to the altars and stopped between them. Nataros looked at the ghostly virgin. He was overcome by doubts, but he tried not to give her mind. With his hands raised and open wings" Kira, it seemed that one took the whole room. She began to raise the words of the ritual on an unknown ancient language, and in her voice still felt the power of the King Lich. Ghost leaned over stone slabs; From her hands, a blue-gold flame was applied. The world around Natanos suddenly exploded fire and pain.

Monstrous pain ...

The pain retreated, the consciousness was given to the little. Nataros opened his eyes. The room gradually acquired the outline.

Val "Kira sat on the floor, clogging into the corner. Once majestic and huge, now she looked defenseless, little and miserable.

Dark mistress stood beside him.

Well, how do you feel, rottenness?

Dead, he answered dryly. - Although not so dead as before.

His new voice was unfamiliar to him. He no longer reminded the gnage of semi-paraded voice ligaments of undead, but was not a ringing, like a living person's voice. He was also not like the voice of Basha, although there was an authority in him.

The eyes of Silvana flashed brightly.

Lift my defender!

Nataros raised and sweep his legs from the plate. Becoming to the floor, he exhaled surprise, trying to stay on his legs, which at first seemed to him in other people's. As if a child unfaiting a long-awaited gift, he pulled the glove with his left hand and stared at his fingers in amazement.

Nigid did not stick out naked bones. The skin no longer hung the flaps, the meat did not fall off anywhere. It was not a living hand, but it was a whole, strong and strong.

"Well, with such a hand, the Queen's defender will be able to serve her as it should," said Nataros.

He touched the cheek. Instead of dried skin, thin, like paper, his fingers felt flesh. Chin overgrown with hard bristles. Nataros saked new sensations. His new body was almost not distinguished from the living, human.

He turned to Silvan.

I look like?

He tried to give a question indifference. But, of course, he smelled.

And you are Narcissus, rotten!

In the voice of Silvana felt mockery, but also explicit satisfaction. Interestingly, she so pleased? What did she make a mighty Val "Kira perform her will? Or just amused by a new toy? Silvana led natanos to the large oval mirror hanging on the wall in an elegant carved frame.

Looking for yourself.

Another when she was the leadership of the Lunutvet's trackers, Silvan had a passion for the mirrors. Yes, in fact, why not? Even by the standards of the highest elves, the middle of the sisters of the windy was distinguished by rare beauty. Very many representatives of noble houses sought her hands. They say even the prince himself sunny charming wished her.

But the dead had no need to look at her reflections. They were just reminded by renounced how disgusting their decomposing flesh, the type of which all the living caused disgust. The undead personified an inevitable fate, who was waiting for mortals - someday and their bodies are rotting in the ground ... Unless the queen of Bansha will call them on his service.

Silvana left several mirrors in her rest. After death, she lost her elven refinement, but in her guise of the undead, there was still something fascinating. Nataros knew that her rivals from the mortal kingdoms hypocritically scolded it and renounced the granted in the public, but in conversations with the eye on the eyes admired the greatness of the dark Mrs.. She herself also knew about it, and she gave her pleasure, although she, of course, did not show her mind.

Nataros looked in the mirror. His face was an unhealthy yellow color, with pointed features, but the flesh was County. For the first time from the day of his death, he could stand, straightening up all the growth, and not sludge, like a sloped ancient old old man. If it were not for the eyes that fledged by the crimson fire, in the dim lighting of the undercard, it was quite possible for a person.

He was pleased with this wonderful transformation, but decided that Silvan was not necessary to know about it.

GOOD, perhaps.

Her face distorted Grimas Angel, but only for a moment.

In the name of his queen, you destroy thousands of demons! She proclaimed.

And he knew that she was right. A newfound force will have to be very powerful in the coming war. And when they finally won the victory if fate is favorable to him, they both will die for the last time and together will be buried in the underworld.

And then suddenly she struck him like a current. From the mirror there was not quite his face. He turned to the second altar, but there was nothing, except for the chopping of ashes and traces of blood drunk. The weapons and armor of the Paladin were in disarray fell on the floor. Nataros tried to convince himself that these are just trophies remaining from the defeated enemy. Only this, and nothing more.

You do not apply to wear this ribbon, you need to end the past, - Silvana said, and he knew that she was right.

Why did he keep his shape that he wore a man ... and a soldier of the plenty? He was simply not worried about what he was dressed, and therefore he did not care about new armor? Or is he really subconsciously cling to last life?

Silvana waved his hand toward the dark corner, and only here Nataros noticed the shapely joined there. Queen Bansha had all. This legend had to shoot him, if the spell of the Val "Kira worked not as necessary.

Anya, speaking my defender in the weapon, and let him make it kind of his position.

That bowed and the gesture invited Natanos to go ahead. Going out of the room, Nataros briefly nodded to Silvana, twist to her look

Coming out of the Maze of the secret moves, Nataros and Anhe went along the long corridor, heading toward the outer ring of the undercard. Once in a residential quarter, Nataros discovered that his new appearance, in addition to obvious advantages, felt in himself and some flaws. He had a noticeable sense of smell. When three rejected three came to them, he was almost stuck from the shadows of the declaving flesh. Where the ritual was held, the body SMARD was practically not felt, but here, among thousands of undead, the smell was simply unbearable.

Nataros delayed his breath, passing a fatal trinity, and swore that the next time this stench would certainly find him surprise.

Anya, if he noticed his minute weakness, did not bother.

For a long time I have not seen dark Mrs. so pleased. As soon as she found out that the Val "Cyra is really able to spend such a ritual, she immediately sent for you.

The wisdom of our queen is great, "Nataros answered her. - With this new body, I can better serve her.

Anya Khmyknul, and Nataros felt a sharp attack of irritation.

You do not agree? - he asked sharply.

His character even after the ritual remained the same.

Yes, not the point, - she shrugged.

Well, what then?

He almost moved to a cry. It seemed to him that the dark arc was kept too arrogant.

She sighed.

Well, yes, the queen now has a stronger defender. But she didn't want it the most.

Nataros stopped and turned to her. He squinted, furiously enraged her answers.

What do you want to say?

Anya barely smiled at the same corners of the lips.

Silvana challenged to all his kingdom when he made you on the trackers commanders. She searched all the plague lands to snatch you from the paws. And today she has spent its most valuable resource to return to you power. You think about all this, rottenosten, and tell me how you can be so insightful as you, and at the same time not to notice obvious things.

Nataros fiercely looked at her, grit his teeth. The complacent expression by the MiG flew from her face. Mustian Lien! The queen was not swapped on such insignificant trivia.

Like him. Whatever feelings and emotions at one time disturbing His Human Heart, now there is only a place for contempt and rage. Now his name was Nataros Gnitosten, the defender of Queen Bashi. He almost smiled, anticipating how to sow chaos among her enemies.

As they approach the block of warriors a distant ringing swords became more clearly louder. Instructors hoarsely shouted teams to the new detachment of converts, with the disservice of chopped training mannequins or unfortunate captives of the Alliance - who went. Nataros spent countless hours on classes with such as they, and at first glance it became clear that these would have to take longer than the usual one. He jerked from irritation and continued his way into the weapons.

Along the stone walls of the Armory Chamber stood rows of racks with a variety of weapons and armor. Nataros chose himself half a leather, half a chain armor, which would reliably defended from arrows and swords, but at the same time did not throw out movements. He decided that the color was best suited for a gray-green - for a good disguise and in the forest, and at dusk.

He has already turned around and gathered to leave, but here suddenly saw the edge of his eyes, as something flashed in the corner of the room. He walked over to the corner rack and began to disassemble it. Under the pile of all the rubbish, a polished walled breastplate of fine work was discovered. His thoughts returned to the ritual, an empty altar next to the one on which he lay. To the selection made.

For a moment, he felt someone else and anxious feeling. The feeling whom he did not experience from the day when he died. But all this time, the mortal weakness should have followed him and now, having imagined the moment, clung to his throat.

Nataros experienced regret.