Technical maintenance of thermal energy accounting nodes includes. Once again on the issue of maintenance of nodes of the number of heat

Technical maintenance of thermal energy accounting nodes includes. Once again on the issue of maintenance of nodes of the number of heat
Technical maintenance of thermal energy accounting nodes includes. Once again on the issue of maintenance of nodes of the number of heat

Service jobs of general gates of accounting in apartment buildings, HOA, ECC, management companies, organizations and enterprises.

The warranty period of the instruments that make up the accounting node ranges from 1.5 to 4 years. As a rule, the manufacturer of instruments indicates that warranty obligations are carrying if the installation, commissioning work was carried out by a specialized organization.

If the installation of accounting nodes is performed within the framework of the municipal program, then on the basis of competitive selection: with several specialized organizations, the municipal contract is consist of a requirement to provide a five-year warranty for the work and equipment.

Specialized organizations, often they are service centers of manufacturers, are subscribed to such a contract, thereby extending the warranty period of up to five years to their risk. At the same time, it is calculated that they will be involved in the maintenance of the accounting nodes mounted by them.

Another side of the municipal contract represents the future way: nodes are new and good, and if something breaks, that is, a warranty for five years. Hence, further operation in the next five years is not more difficult than collecting testimony from meters at the end of the reporting period.

Apparently, the thought itself to pay money for servicing the metering nodes, which completed the installation and gave a five-year warranty for the work performed, it seems absurd.

Based on such a simplified idea of \u200b\u200bthe further operation of the accounting nodes, 16 kopecks from a square meter for maintenance are laid on the tariff. It approximately 500 rubles per month for servicing the metering nodes of one MKD.

To provide maintenance services, a new organization "The best servicing organization of the city of Vladimir" is created (conventionally), which under the contract with the management companies undertakes twice a month to control the state of the seals and shut-off valves, as well as collect meter readings at the end of each month.

Service centers, one of whom we are, offer the realistic set of services in the average cost of 1500 - 3500 rubles. per month for the metering knot, but most of the management companies prefer "five hundred rubles", without deepening in the contents of the contracts.

However, after two or three months, a massive refusal of services "The best servicing organization of the city of Vladimir" began and the transition to the services of service centers, that is, the services of specialized organizations trained in the manufacturer.

What is the reason? The reason was the fact that the energy supplying organization refused to make the testimony of many accounting sites, which were removed by the "best serving organization of the city of Vladimir," note, with a preliminary inspection of the state of the seal and shut-off reinforcement.

If the "best servicing organization of the city of Vladimir" fulfilled the contractual obligations in full, the guarantee for instruments and installation acts, and there is no commercial accounting, then the reason is apparently in the improper work of the service organization.

Given that in the country there is a massive introduction of accounting nodes, I believe that this story may be useful to those who have to be serviced by the metering nodes or service organization.

How to organize maintenance so that the readings of the accounting devices taken by the power supply organization?

Let's start with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 №190-FZ "On Heat Repair". Article 19. Organization of commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant, establishes that the organization of commercial accounting may include:

1) installation of accounting devices;

2) operation of accounting devices, including the removal of the readings of the accounting devices and the transfer of these services to customers, calibration, repair and replacement of metering devices.

Another document. The rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Clause 9.3. "The maintenance of the metering assembly associated with dismantling, calibration, installation and repair of equipment must be carried out by personnel of specialized organizations ...".

It follows that, besides removing the readings of the accounting devices, the obligation of the service organization must include the implementation of services for the repair and replacement of accounting devices, regardless of the availability of guarantees of the installation organization and the manufacturer. Warranty repairs will be made free of charge, but before the service organization must establish that the reason for the malfunction of the device. Next, competently place an advertising act, dismantle the device, and the device sent to repair the device is replaced with a serviceable device from your backup submental fund.

The calibration of measurement tools, according to Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Ensuring Measurement", is carried out by the established manner in the field of ensuring the unity of measurements of legal entities. Service organizations do not have such accreditation, but for instruments for calibration they need to be correctly dismantled, prepare for verification and after calibration again carry out installation in the accounting node. Therefore, it is advisable to include in the duty of the serving organization and this position.

But that's not all. Heat supply is a complex technological process. Hence complicated commercial accounting. Indications of serviceable devices can not always be taken to commercial calculations. Reason?

Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 №190-FZ "On Heating" establishes the following concepts:

The quality of heat supply is a set of established regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and (or) the heat supply contract of heat supply, including thermodynamic parameters of the coolant.

The mode of consumption of thermal energy is the process of consumption of thermal energy, coolant in compliance with the thermal energy consumer of the mandatory characteristics of this process in accordance with legal acts, including the technical regulations and terms of heat supply contract.

Article 15 of the same law establishes that the heat supply contract must be determined as follows:

The magnitude of the heat load of heat-consuming installations of the consumer, the quality of heat supply parameters, the mode of thermal energy consumption;

Responsibility of the parties for non-compliance with the requirements for the quality of heat supply, violation of the mode of consumption of thermal energy, including responsibility for violation of conditions on the amount, quality and values \u200b\u200bof the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.

The rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Paragraph 1.3. It establishes that the calculations for the heat obtained are carried out on the basis of the readings of the metering devices and control of the parameters of the coolant. Paragraph 1.4. It establishes that mutual obligations for the calculations for thermal energy and the coolant, as well as to comply with the release modes and the consumption of thermal energy and the coolant are determined by the contract ....

Since it is obvious that non-compliance with consumption modes will adversely affect energy efficiency, we will also point to Article 9.16. Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, which establishes the responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements of the energy efficiency of those imposed on the MCD.

From the above references it follows that the consumer can pay with an energy supply organization on the readings of the accounting devices only if there are no violations of the consumption mode, there are no violations of "conditions on the amount, quality and values \u200b\u200bof the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant." Otherwise, a fine, or the accrual of additional quantity, it all depends on the heat supply contract. There is another option - the output of metering devices from exploitation, with consequences. Consider this option in more detail, since it is related to the maintenance of accounting nodes.

So, the power supply organization determines the presence of regime deviations based on the readings of the accounting devices. Here is legitimate doubt. Does there really have violations in the domestic system that registered the device, or the device is lying, and in the system everything is in order?

Let us turn to everyday experience. Do we know the cases of leakage of the coolant in the downtown systems? Yes. What should the device fix? It will fix the difference between the mass between the coolant obtained from the system and returned back to the system. Is it a violation of the regime? Yes.

Are there any cases of expansion of hydraulics of the domestic system? Yes, many know that when in part of the apartments it is cold, you need to complain, then the restricting consumption of the nozzle coolant will be twisted. In the "cold" apartments will be warm, and in "warm" - hot, but the excess heat is easy to remove through the window. What will register the device? Violation of "Conditions of the number, quality and values \u200b\u200bof thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant".

Another solution is known - to drain the heat carrier from the return pipeline into the sewer? What should the device fix? The difference between the masses between the resulting and returned heat carrier. Is this a violation? Sure.

If everyone knows that the state of the domestic engineering systems is far indifferer, then it is possible to say that warranty, targeted appliances with seals can be believed without a doubt?

Unfortunately no. If there are malfunctions from the domestic systems, then there is also a repair. When conducting welding, plumbing work in the system, the scale falls into the system, rust, slices of rubber, other foreign objects: they are stuck in the accounting unit and create the conditions unacceptable for the operation of the conditions, which leads to the loss of measurement accuracy. The device does not require repair, but it is required to restore the working conditions for its operation.

We conclude that the cause of unsatisfying the power supplying organization of instrument readings can be both a malfunction in the system and the loss of measurement accuracy.

How does these doubts allow the power supply organization? Simply. When monitoring the consumption mode for commercial accounting, the energy supplying organization is indifferent to the real cause of a malfunction, it only considers the actual instrument testimony, and not the reasons that led to such indications.

If the accuracy of the instrument testimony is in doubt, the energy supplying organization may remove the node from commercial metering, referring to § 9.10. Rules for taking Teit "Work outside the speed of accuracy."

For example, in a closed system by definition, there should be no difference between the masses between the feed and return pipe. If there is a difference, the device is faulty. Here is such logic. The logic is permissible, since both the instruments and the domestic system beyond the responsibility of the power supply organization.

We approached the key point. The energy supply organization displays the metering units only when it has the grounds to doubt the accuracy of the instrument readings, because These readings do not meet the expectations of the normal process.

Output. So, there should be no indications in which you can doubt. No falsifications! There is another one for the right decision. We need such a service technology that allows you to control the testimony and eliminate the causes of dubious readings immediately as they occur.

This conclusion is based on the organization of maintenance of accounting nodes by our enterprise.

The main task of service is to provide a normal, continuous operation of accounting nodes, in which all parties trust the results of accounting. I like or do not like the results of accounting, and the parties trust (forced to trust) the results are different concepts.

Go to the area of \u200b\u200bpractical implementation of this task.

To eliminate the causes of dubious testimony as they occur, it is necessary to detect them as it occurs. So, software and technical means need to keep continuous monitoring of parameters of all accounting nodes in an acceptable to solve the tempo task are required. Without the ability to monitor - the task of impossible!

We use an automated system for collecting information as a top-level system and data transfer equipment. With part of the accounting nodes, the connection is carried out through modems. Data collection is automatically daily at night after midnight. At the request of the operator, you can download readings anytime.

The key figure is a person performing dispatching functions. This analyst capable of the number columns and multi-colored graphs of parameters to see the process of heat-water supply and deviation of consumption modes. Some deviations of the parameters program determines automatically, but the human brain remains the strongest analytical apparatus.

Control does not boil down to primitive assessment - "There are indications" or "no indications". The lack of readings is an unpleasant, but the simplest case when you can easily install and quickly eliminate the cause. More difficult when the testimony is. How to determine that this testimony can be trusted?

Since the metrological characteristics of the devices cannot be determined at the site of operation, the "Quality" of the testimony is continuously estimated. Under the "Quality" of the testimony, we understand compliance with the expectations of the magnitude and dynamics of changes in the controlled parameters in time, as well as the relationship of changes between the dependent parameters.

When indications that do not meet the "Quality" criteria are detected, the dispatcher sends to an object of operational staff, which in place finally finds out that the reason was the reason for such testimony - incorrect measurements of the normal mode or correct changes in the abnormal regime.

Thanks to the monitoring, personnel directed to the object knows in advance - what actions he should take, and has accessories for replacement, if necessary.

It is important that the staff knows not only the devices, but is able to determine and is argued to prove a malfunction in the downtown system to receive a confirmation of a representative of the management company. It stimulates (but does not guarantee!) The efficiency of troubleshooting in the domestic network and protects the serving organization from claims to accounting devices.

So, the key point of service is that the serving, manageing and resource-supplying organization is equally trusted or do not trust the readings of the instruments of accounting, assessing their goodness.

If the serving and managing organization timely eliminate the causes, the consequence of disclaimed testimony, then commercial accounting becomes continuous and long-term.

We generalize the minimum requirements that the service organization must meet, capable of providing long-term and continuous commercial registration:

The organization must have a technical ability to continuously monitor serviced accounting nodes;

The organization must have trained personnel capable of evaluating the "Quality" of the testimony obtained during monitoring;

The organization must have trained personnel capable of disassembled the malfunction of the heat supply process from accounting devices malfunctions;

The organization must have training personnel trained by the manufacturer allowed by maintenance and small repair of these devices;

The organization must have a sufficient reserve fund for the operational replacement of faulty instruments;

The organization must be the service center of the manufacturer's plant, the instruments of which it serves;

The organization must have many years of experience in this direction.

If someone today has difficulty choosing a servicing organization for organizing the maintenance of accounting nodes, then I recommend to take into account the set out of the requirements or simply contact our organization Energo Troops LLC. It will save you from many unnecessary problems interfering with real energy saving.

Based on the above, we carry out the following works:

1. Periodic maintenance of the instruments of the heat metering unit (inspection, removal and analysis of readings, donoyake, adjustment, fine repairs, checking electrical connections, checking the oil level in thermal sensors).

2. Printout of the conductions of heat consumption, drawing up the report and protection of it in the heat supply organization.

3. Preventive work: dismantling, installation, cleaning of instruments.

4. Verification and interactive preparation of devices (tracking of the deadlines of the melief).

5. Replacement of instruments.

6. Repair of devices.

7. Putting-commissioning work on the tunner of thermal energy. Commissioning in the inspector of the heat supply organization. Drawing up an act of readiness.

8. Challenge the inspector of the heat supply organization for surrendering the center of the thermal energy (the presence of the representative when checking the heat meter with a power supply organization).

9. The correct operation of the heat meter, leaks, pass, notop.

10. Monthly analysis of accounting devices.

11. Analytical work to identify non-standard (new) reasons for the exit of devices in order and restoring performance, etc.

To date, the service price is in the range of 500 to 5,500 rubles per month for one heat meter. The price is formed from the specific wishes of the customer and the number and types of work that he wants to see on his object. We are ready for each of our customer.

Mobile metering devices (OTP) are used to fix water flow, gas, electricity or thermal energy in a whole apartment building. To date, their installation cannot be called a priest, this is a need for law. It has been valid for six years, but equipping with such meters of apartment buildings is extremely slow.

In this article you will learn:

  • What are the features of the installation of general-purpose metering devices.
  • Who pays the installation of OPU.
  • Who provides servicing service equipment in apartment buildings.
  • What services are included in the maintenance of communicable accounting devices.
  • What is the maintenance of communicable accessories.
  • What order passes the check and replace the oda.
  • Who pays for service to communicate communications.
  • What is the responsibility for poor-quality maintenance of communication devices.

Serious theme is the maintenance of general metering instruments: who does this and who pays for work. From August 6, 2017, housing inspectors began to check the availability of general accounting devices in the MCD. If one is not found, they give prescriptions to install or fine. In order not to get a fine, learn the arguments for inspectors in your favor.

Installation and maintenance of communications

Usually OTPA are used for water, thermal energy, electricity, gas. Their installation is made in technical premises, such as basements, utility rooms. That is, where unnecessary citizens cannot penetrate and cause harm to devices.

Now the devices are provided for such resources:

  1. Thermal energy - Tachometric, vortex, ultrasonic, electromagnetic counter. In our country, their installation began in 2009, after the emergence of the law on the supply of buildings for thermal energy metering. The growth of tariffs also served as an incentive for the population to control heating in this way. Note that the collective counter is established exclusively by decision of the assembly of residents.
  2. Electricity. The devices exist individual, multitarithic. The second option really allows you to reduce the cost of payment for electricity. The principle of his work is that at night the tariff is significantly lower than during the day. In the clock of the most active use of the resource, that is, 7:00 - 10:00 and 17:00 - 19:00, payment increases.
  3. Cold hot water. The system fixes the volume of the consumed liquid based on all residents, and not only prescribed in the apartment.

In 2009, FZ No. 261-F3 was released on the mandatory installation of general-owned counters. As a result, the extreme deadline for the equipment of them was appointed 2012. However, in a considerable number of houses, this procedure has not yet been carried out.

For this reason, in 2015, it was decided that it was time for the time for financial methods to influence citizens refusing to install such devices.

If an apartment building performs all the rules for the installation of common counters, but there are no devices themselves, when calculating the utility payment, the actual amount is multiplied by an increase in the coefficient. Note that it is possible to increase costs by 10-60%. Such harsh measures are taken exclusively in order to faster to complete the process of equipping apartment buildings of OTP.

The complexity is that the installation of instruments is made on the basis of a decision of the meeting of the owners of housing. The Criminal Code is obliged to inform the owners that it is necessary to establish a common counter and that it is beneficial. And also convey information about possible penalty and other sanctions for refusing its application.

The Criminal Code is not entitled to force housing owners to take a certain decision. And therefore, when the management company is unable to explain the need for ONPA, the meeting will not give consent to the installation of equipment. The reason is simple: usually the decision is made taking into account the fact that the payment of the device is carried out at the expense of owners.

But we note, the collective counter is included in public property, its use is coming for the benefit of residents, that is, it is fair that it is for them that they are imposed on the cost of purchase and installation. We emphasize the fact that the high cost when distributing to apartments is acceptable.

The price along with installation, but without maintenance, for example, a general-friendly metering of cold water is changed under the influence of several characteristics:

  • section of the pipes of the water supply system;
  • the volume of the passing fluid;
  • house area, number of apartments;
  • technical conditions recorded in the installation project;
  • size, type, package of stupa;
  • technical, other montage nuances.

All necessary documentation, calculations are prepared by the company responsible for the supply of a resource (in our example - cold water). Or work can make a specially hired contractor.

Recall that generalized counters in basements are mounted, next to the main communications of most houses. The exception sometimes consists of general electricity metering devices, they can be located in equipped panels in the presence of the latter.

Opinion expert

Why installation oda is beneficial for

Love garlic,

editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Management of an apartment building"

Without the use of accounting devices, calculations are made according to customer consumption standards, due to this, the cost is higher.

In August, two more reasons appeared to establish counters and an automated information and measurement system for taking into account energy consumption and utilities.

  • First, it is currently to start using it is allowed at the expense of the capital repairs fund. The condition is one thing - the subject of the Russian Federation should introduce a service to the list of work on the overhaul of the common property in the MCD, which is indicated in part 2 of Art. 166 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Secondly, if there is an automated information and measuring system of accounting with the possibility of simultaneous readings, the fee for the CD on soybeans is established in accordance with these data. That is, tenants have the need for a meeting and a separate discussion of this issue.

Who pays the installation of one

According to the Federal Law "On Energy Saving", the cost of installing general-purpose metering devices is fully covered by housing owners.

They are obliged to pay bills, in addition to situations, when these costs are included in the amount of maintenance, repair of residential premises and (or) in compulsory payments and (or) maintenance contributions, the current, overhaul of common property (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, p. 38).

An account for payment of general-purpose accounting devices is presented to each owner. This document includes a total cost and information about what amount is required from a particular owner.

Costs here are determined in the form of a part, a proportional share in the right of a common ownership of joint property. In order to calculate it, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is divided into the entire member of the house, multiply on the area of \u200b\u200bthe common property.

Suppose an apartment area is 100 m², a house area - 9,000 m², a total area area - 1,500 m². Then the proportion of the owner will be: 100/9000 x 1500 \u003d 16.67 m².

According to the rules of the content of the common property in an apartment building, the ODEA are joint property, entering into the downtown engineering systems. That is why to install these metering devices you need to make a collection of premises owners, which we have already spoken about. The owners of the apartment reports to the owners.

Although the meeting from the management company requires only familiarization of the inhabitants, it is a fine, if the owners do not receive information about the need to install accounting devices.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if companies that are responsible for the content of the MKD are evapved by the development, bringing information about energy saving activities to the owners of housing, the controlling body sends an order to impose administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in relation to UK, HOA:

  • for official 5,000-10,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity 20 000-30 000 rubles.

Payment of installation even before the service stages of general service devices can be carried out in one way:

  1. One payment. The whole amount is added to either after installing the meter.
  2. Installing for 5 years. Then the proportion of the owner for the payment of such a device is divided into equal parts and is made in receipts for utilities for 5 years. But we emphasize that, in addition to the price of the device, you will have to spend money percentage of installments that correspond to the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  3. At the expense of the fulfillment of communal services allocated to energy saving measures, an increase in energy efficiency.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 05.05.2011 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" establishes that the performer of utilities should spend on energy saving measures the difference between the standard and the amount of payment, taking into account the raising coefficient.

Since these funds can be directed exclusively on energy saving activities, they have the target nature of spending. That is, accounting rules require reflection separately from other revenues.

Let's discuss the example. Imagine that according to a person per month, 7 m³ of water is relying for a month. If an increase in the coefficient is 1.4, at a tariff of 14.63 rubles. For 1 m³ we get such numbers: 7 x 1.4 x 14,63 \u003d 143.37 rubles.

Whereas the amount without overpayment, according to the standard norm, it would be different: 7 x 14,63 \u003d 102.41 rubles.

It means that the difference between the two above-mentioned sums: 143.37 - 102,41 \u003d 39.96 rubles. These funds, the performer is obliged to send energy saving measures.

Installation of a general-purpose accounting device is included in the list of energy saving measures. If the owners decided to introduce it, and in the account of the executor of utilities there are targets, they must be investigated to be paid and its installation.

Now imagine a different picture: the owners refuse to pay for the introduction of the counter. In this case, the instruments are enforced by the resource-supplying organization.

P. 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving" obliges owners to provide access to RSO employees to the installation places of metering devices and pay for work costs. By refusing, the owners will have to spend on the forced recovery of funds.

  • Three rules for concluding contracts with resource-supplying organizations when receiving / transmitting the MKD

Who provides servicing service equipment in apartment buildings

The Board of Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation explained in his letter that the performer of utilities, that is, the Criminal Code must serve the common property of the owners of the premises in the house, to ensure the constant readiness of engineering communications, including public accounting devices, to the supply of resources to provide utilities to the population.

Regardless of the form of the MKD leadership: the management company, the HOA, a housing cooperative or other specialized cooperative, for ensuring the work of collective instruments of accounting and compliance with all the requirements on them is responsible for a person engaged in the content of common property in the house. The role of tenants is limited by the monthly payment of the LCA.

With the identified faults, being responsible for the content and commissioning of a similar device, the Contractor KU is obliged to ensure their elimination within 2 months. This is fixed in the Federal Law No. 261 of 23.11.2009 "On Energy Saving and Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (current revision of July 13, 2015).

Even if the question is not resolved during the above-mentioned period from the date of the detection of a malfunction, the RSO should begin using, maintaining general accounting instruments. And all expenses will go at the expense of the owners of the premises in this apartment building.

Regulations part 12 Art. 13 FZ No. 261 should always be implemented in the detection of violations of violations of the requirements of the accounting of energy resources expended with the use of conjunction. And also when disassembled by their face for up to 2 months from the date of their detection.

The owners of the OJSC must provide RNS access to accounting devices, pay for operational costs. If citizens disagree to voluntarily make the amount of the amount, the latter will be recalled in forced.

Opinion expert

How to automate data collection with odpa

A. A. Matveyev,

key Account Manager OJSC Teleofis

If you want energy consumption to be calculated without errors, it is necessary to submit correct data from a general-friendly metering device. Simplify work, facilitate access to these indicators and can even save by installing an automated system for collecting information.

As can be seen from the name, such a system acts in automatic mode. It can collect information at a certain time immediately from all the dignitaries connected to it. Thanks to this, the reduction of the balance in all consumers is very convenient.

The automated system usually includes such components:

  • accounting devices equipped with a digital interface that allow you to take readings in automatic mode;
  • communication device (modem) for data transfer to the server;
  • server for storing information on accounting devices;
  • software (software) that allows you to collect information, calculate payment.

Communication within the service framework of a general-friendly metering device can be used to be used:

  • by means of a wired compound;
  • using a wireless connection;
  • through local networks;
  • using the Internet.

The most efficient way of all listed is the connection of the network metering device. It is carried out by the Ethernet or Modem adapter.

Ethernet connection makes it possible to use the Internet available in the home to connect devices. It is possible to avoid spending on other communication options with the accounting instrument.

Then connected to the counter converters (adapters) Ethernet via the network are connected to the data collection server where the readings transmit.

Of course, the described method is effective, it does not need to install expensive additional equipment with it, but the MCD must have access to the Internet.

Another connection option to the automated data acquisition system required to maintain overall metering devices will be GPRS terminals. They apply if there is no connection to the Internet on the object. Such a device establishes a connection of the meters with a network almost everywhere where there is a cellular communication. In other words, this is a universal, reliable, which has managed to establish itself.

If we compare GPRS terminals with a connection using an Ethernet cable, then several of their indisputable advantages can be distinguished:

  • the cellular communication used here is constant, does not depend on the infrastructure of the object;
  • this option cannot be a reason for idle for technical reasons;
  • does not require additional investments in maintenance, repair with accidents;
  • the cellular operator guarantees the reliability of communication.

Of course, we must not forget that for cellular communication you need to pay. However, it is necessary for no more than two times a month exclusively for the transfer of small messages when servicing general-purpose accounting devices. That is, the costs of the connected meter are calculated by several rubles.

Let's consider the possibilities of automated funds on the example of the ATM system.

It gives the opportunity to remotely:

  • receive information from water accounting devices, gas, electricity, heat;
  • automatically at a certain time to prepare reporting;
  • amendments to form new templates for reports;
  • place objects on an interactive map;
  • get access to the system from any computer, tablet if it has access to the Internet.

What services are included in the maintenance of communications

In accordance with the rules of the content of common property in an apartment building approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006, the general property must be serviced and operated in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, to be maintained in a state that ensures the constant readiness of engineering communications, metering devices to the provision of utilities to residents MKD. Recall that the meter is included in the common property. And therefore, the operation and maintenance of communicable accounting instruments includes:

  • formulation of a device for commercial accounting;
  • monitoring of indications on a monthly basis;
  • work control, visual inspection of devices for preventing, troubleshooting;
  • periodic equipment calibises;
  • repair of advanced devices;
  • drawing up energy consumption reports.

What does the maintenance of communications

The rules for the content of common property in an apartment building and the rules for the provision of utilities to citizens approved by the RF Government Decisions determine the following: the operation of common property should be ensured in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a state of constant readiness of engineering communications, metering devices for the provision of utilities to the residents of the MCD.

The owner's responsibility includes ensuring the use of counters according to their technical requirements. That is, the owner of the accounting node must conclude a contract for maintenance with the appropriate organization. So, it may be a firm establishing registering equipment, an energy supply company, the Criminal Code.

Maintenance implying the repair of general metering devices is made on a specialized enterprise in accordance with the approved technology. After restoration work, an extraordinary device verification is carried out.

Maintenance of languid consumption counters of cold, hot water, gas, thermal energy can be divided into two categories: periodic inspection and preventive measures.

In the first case, such actions are carried out:

  • departure to the object (within the same district, counters);
  • obtaining keys in dispatching (odced);
  • transition from dispatching to the object, opening the room, access to the place of installation of a general-purpose accounting device;
  • determination of compliance of the conditions of operation of measuring instruments, devices, nodes, their details of the technical documentation of manufacturers;
  • visual inspection for checking for the absence of mechanical damage, the presence, integrity of the seal;
  • checking the reliability of mechanical, electrical connections, the presence of supply voltage;
  • determination of the fact and degree of working condition of the node;
  • removing the readings, record them;
  • preliminary assessment of measurement results, errors, identifying the causes of their occurrence, printout, final analysis;
  • study of measurement testimony, determination of the compliance of high-quality and quantitative parameters of heat and water supply to contractual conditions, regulatory documents;
  • collecting tools and appliances, room closure, transition from an object to ODS, handling keys, transferring subscriber profile and recommendations for the operation of internal networks in ODS and resource-supplying organization.

In the case of preventive maintenance of communications, such actions are required:

  • getting rid of dust;
  • checking the presence of oil in protective sleeves of thermal converters, its addition to replenish drying losses;
  • checking the performance by closing to the failure and opening of regulating parts of the valves, valves;
  • flushing flow of flow meters;
  • cleaning filters from deposits, sand, scale with disassembly, revision;
  • launching water with shared valves to the appropriate device;
  • check the operation of the counting mechanism of the device.

If the integrity of the seal is broken, it is given 24 hours to call representatives of the supplier and a resource-consuming organization and arrange a tripartite act.

If there is a malfunction of measuring instruments, instruments, parts and parts included in the accounting node, a repairs are prepared. When leaks in the field of flange connections with pipelines, it is necessary to tighten them if this step does not help - put new gaskets.

  • Direct contracts with resource-supplying organizations and direct settlements for utilities

Maintenance of communications: checking and replacing meters

Along with the rest of the complex devices, the general counter requires care, the implementation of periodic control, repair and even sometimes a complete replacement. And since it is part of a public property, the issue of operation is under the jurisdiction of all residents.

But responsibility lies on them not in private. It should help them, which has the right to attract qualified professionals from the organizations of the required profile. That is, it is the Criminal Code should maintain the technical condition of the OPA, to control the timely, repair and replace this device.

An attached to the company's work must be posted by a certificate for their execution, admission to the implementation of verification, service, repair, replace these devices. Typically, such firms produce servicing accessories on an ongoing basis.

They control the serviceability of devices, perform their repair when breakdown, if the restoration is not possible, replace the old equipment to the new one.

After checking, an act is preparing, including all deviations in the operation of the device, malfunction (if available), existing options for eliminating them. This document is signed by both parties: a representative of the Criminal Code and the employee who carried out control measures.

We emphasize that the benefit from the installation of the ODE is obvious, however, the instrument will have to invest. Residents should take this issue with all seriousness. And even with the slightest doubts, they have the right to demand a report on the activities carried out in this area.

The fact is that the use of a non-correct device is prohibited, equalized by the resource supplier to the absence of such. That is, the consumer will feel all the consequences arising from here. For the period of control measures, payment for averaged consumption services is allowed.

Opinion expert

The difference between the verification of the ODEA and testing its testimony

Ivan Molchanov,

Verification is a metrological event, and the OTP is measuring. If we talk about our case, we are talking about determining the amount of consumed communal resource. The calibration of measurement means implies a set of operations produced to confirm the compliance of the instruments of metrological standards. This establishes the Federal Law of 26.06.2008 No. 102-FZ "On Ensuring Unity of Measurements" (hereinafter - Law No. 102-FZ). From a technical point of view, during calibration, the maintenance of communication devices by specialized equipment is maintained. Means of measurement (s), obtained from production, after repair sent from abroad, operated and stored are operated.

The calibration of these devices can be carried out exclusively accredited legal entities, IP. This rule is established by law No. 102-FZ. The periodic calibration of meters listed in the list approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.04.2010 No. 250 is entitled to hold only state regional centers of the Metrology of FBU CSM.

Now let's talk about checks. As the performer you carry out checking instruments. But these devices do not belong to the OPE, these are individual counters. You are responsible for checking the state of the IPU, the fact of their presence is either the absence, the accuracy of the consumer of information. This norm is enshrined in paragraph 82 of the rules for the provision of utilities to the owners, users of premises in the Ministry of Conscription and residential buildings approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354.

Opinion expert

Incorrect operation of ONPA - one of the reasons for insults

Pavel Nikitin,

general Director of the Consortium "Logic-Heat and Power Engineering"

The problem of the accuracy of these resource consumption counters always remains pressing for the RSO, for the UO, for the end user. The reasons for which the instrument readings may be inaccurate, incredibly a lot. The main one can be called an evil intent of a certain person, but insufficient professionalism.

Manufacturers of accounting devices, struggling for the market and consumer, learned to produce fairly accurate, protected devices. But the life cycle of the latter does not end in the factory. Embossed installation, violation of the norms of operation easily levels all the efforts of the manufacturer. Obspero, this problem is subject to the maintenance of general door metering of thermal energy. The fact is that they are much more complicated by household electricity meters, water components, as well as to test their working condition, it is often necessary to attract additional specialized equipment.

Who pays for service to communicate

If there are such devices in the MKD, residents each month should pay for their maintenance. According to the technical passport of the counter once a few years, it is necessary to carry out the metrological state verification of this device. Whose account is she going?

P. 29 Rules for the main property of the MKD approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, establishes: Service costs, the repair of residential premises must ensure the content of common property on the norms of the laws of the Russian Federation. This includes the cost of maintaining the performance and restoration of intra-industrial engineering systems of electro-, heat, gas, water supply, water disposal, costs for debt debt, to receive information from meters, maintenance of information systems necessary for removing indications, processing, storage of information About payments, preparation of all necessary settlement documents.

Subparagraph "K" of paragraph 11 states that providing the required operation and servicing of general-purpose metering devices is made within the content, repair of common property.

We emphasize the required list of measures established by Section 2 Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2013 No. 290 "On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in the MCD, and the procedure for providing and fulfillment," includes health verification, Working condition, adjustment, maintenance of communicable accessories.

Part 1 Art. The 36 Housing Code of the Russian Federation determines the list of objects falling under the concept of common property. Collective counters included in it, the Criminal Code is responsible for their operation.

It turns out, according to the norms of the law, the Criminal Code is carried out by calibration, the current maintenance of communicative equipment for funds paid by residents for the content, the repair of residential premises.

The system interpretation of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of the main property in the MCD, rules and norms of the technical operation of the Housing Fund: the whole current, urgent, mandatory seasonal activities are provided for by the management agreement of the MCD, the Criminal Code is based on whether such works are present in the above-mentioned list.

In other words, it is impossible to demand from the tenants of the house of payment for repair, verification of general metering instruments, as this money includes the maintenance and repair of the common property of the MCD. This norm is set to 1, part 2.3 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, sub. "K" of paragraph 11, paragraph 29 of Rules No. 491, section 2 of the rules and norms of the technical operation of the Housing Fund.

Similar actions of the Criminal Code are contrary to the requirements of the sub. "F", paragraph 4 of the rules for the management of the MKD, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/15/2013 No. 416. The fact is that on this document, the management of high-rise buildings is carried out in accordance with the rules for the organization, maintenance of payment for services, work on maintenance , repair of common property in the MKD, this also includes house management activities, utilities. The accrual of mandatory payments for maintenance, repair of common property in MKD, utilities are taken into account.

Article 7.23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes the administrative responsibility of officials, legal entities in the event of non-compliance with organizations, IP, managing MKD on relevant contracts for the rules of entrepreneurial activities aimed at servicing MCD.

The provision of such illegal actions is responsible for the prevention of such illegal actions, which issues the management of the prescription to eliminate non-compliance with the standards, is the protocols on administrative offenses. Responsibility for the latter is provided by Art. 7.23.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and implies an administrative penalty for officials of 50,000-100,000 rubles. or disqualification for up to 3 years. For legal entities, the amount is 150,000-250,000 rubles.

  • Resource-supplying organization - Companion of the Criminal Code and HOA or vice versa?

Responsibility for poor-quality maintenance of communications

Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the Law on the Installation of the ODA, a penalty is imposed on:

  • legal entities: 500-600 thousand rubles.

Failure to complimentary suppliers of energy resources on the proposal of the installation of public counters owners of premises in the MCD, their representatives entail a fine:

  • officials: 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities: 100-150 thousand rubles.

Unreasonable refusal or evasion of the Criminal Code, which is responsible for the installation, replacement, maintenance of communication devices of consumed energy resources, from signing an agreement and / or from its execution, as well as a violation of the procedure for its conclusion or non-compliance with the requirements for the installation, replacement, operation of accounting devices is punishaned with a fine for:

  • officials: 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • IP: 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities: 50-100 thousand rubles.

With the failure to fulfill the requirements for the Equipment of the MKD by general-purpose counters, those who are responsible for managing residential buildings, the penalty will be for:

  • officials: 10-15 thousand rubles,
  • legal entities: 20-30 thousand rubles.

In other words, the responsibility of the Criminal Procedure includes tracking of health, the working condition, the readiness of the meters to the supply of energy resources and ensuring the public.

Information about experts

A. A. Matveyev, Manager for working with key clients of OJSC Teleofis. Teleofis is a Russian manufacturing company offering a wide range of wireless equipment for constructing dispatching, control and industrial communication systems.

Ivan Molchanov, Leading Specialist of Energy Audit and Standards of GC "Yurenergo". LLC ZAO Yurenergo is a head company of the Yurenergo Group of Companies (which also includes LLC EnergoAuditoncelt LLC and LLC LEGAL FIRM VIG-BUSINESSALTING) and one of the leaders of the Russian market for energy audit, consulting, legal services. The company was established in August 1995 and during this time managed to turn into a major organization offering a wide range of services in all regions of Russia. Yurenergo Group of Companies Today is more than 60 energy auditors, consultants, lawyers, experts of energy and legal consulting, which have advanced knowledge and modern technologies.

Pavel Nikitin, General Director of the Consortium "Logic-Heat and Power Engineering". Consortium "Logic-Heat and Power Engineering" - a powerful association that provides a comprehensive solution to the tasks of commercial accounting of energy and energy saving in general industry and utilities. More than 27 years of experience, a high-tech production base, knowledge of leading industry specialists and the accumulated portfolio of typical solutions provide a systematic approach to the project implementation of any degree of complexity and open our customers the opportunity to obtain the maximum effect and significantly reduce energy consumption.

  • Do we need a servicing organization?
  • Is there a law prescribing it to have?
  • What awaits us if we give up the service service?
  • What is included in the service service?

Let's deal with all questions in order.

Heat meter, from the owner, does not require special care. The lithium battery, from which the heat meter eats is not suitable for re-use, but requires disposal. No special care for the battery is not necessary, the service life declared by the manufacturer at least six years is usually not more than five years old and this is equal to the service life of the meter before it is inspected (the deadline for the melief is four five years for different heat meters). A specialist checking or serving heat meter, about four years, must change the battery. If you have consumption converters, also feed on batteries, then they must be changed every two years.

Thermal resistance - services do not require.

This theory - we will analyze in practice.

If you installed heat meters and forgot about them, hoping that they would safely work without checks, then you risk noting the breakdown too late. Avoiding this will help in timely carried out by the maintenance of heat meters, which is just aimed at identifying any troubleshooting.
Many companies, offering the purchase and installation of heat metering devices, do not produce further maintenance of UWE in the future. Unlike them, our company after installing the maintenance of heat metering nodes. Like any complex equipment working in difficult conditions, heat meters require increased attention. Our specialists will be able to inspect your devices in a timely manner and check them for any problems. And when the breakdown is detected, the most likely ways to solve the problem have been able to offer.

Do not forget about the maintenance of heat meters

It may seem like a trifle - skipping planned technical inspection. What really happens? You may encounter the fact that any retreat from the main plan for the regular maintenance of heat metering nodes will cause a missed problem. And if it could be easily fixed when detected, then after it may be necessary to replace all equipment as a whole.
This, of course, would like to avoid. Therefore, competent experts will always offer you to make UWE service after a while after installation. You can save, providing yourself with the equipment working as long as possible.
Small investments in the maintenance of the metering assembly of thermal energy will always get rid of you from the need to produce costly repairs. And thus, your object will be ensured by the requirements of Russian legislation by the instruments of thermal energy accounting, which will serve you for a long time without replacing them. And the appeal to an experienced company will save from the extra costs and proves to you that the timely service of UWE has a considerable value and should be carried out regularly.
The cost of maintenance services for thermal energy accounting node:

List of companies in service:
1) monthly removal of testimony and passing them into the heat supply organization;
2) analysis of the testimony and issuance of recommendations for the operation of internal networks;
3) Registration with representatives of the heat supply organization of repeated admission acts
4) Regulatory work - checking the integrity of the seal, taking the oil, checking the grounding contacts, checking flange and coupling connections, checking the state of the electrical wiring to thermistors, flow sensors and power supply;
5) interim testing of the health of the heat energy accounting assembly;
6) Instrument performance checks:
a) an estimate of the current error of measurement measurements on the supply and return pipelines;
b) comparing the temperature of thermal converters of resistance with temperatures on alcohol (mercury, bimetallic, etc.) thermometers;
c) reading accumulated error codes of emergency and abnormal situations and their analysis.
7) Minor repairs:
a) replacement of up, fuses;
b) check interface;
c) replacement of measuring and computing blocks;
d) Estimation of pressure sensors.
8) In the event of an exit of devices in order - dismantling with shipping to the enterprise, the manufacturer, installation after repair, launch to work, call a representative of the heat supply organization for registration of an admission act.

Pressing buildings. Preparation for the heating season of the building.