Theater MDT official. Academic Small Drama Theater - European Theater

Theater MDT official. Academic Small Drama Theater - European Theater

The Scarlet Drama Theater was opened in 1944 in Leningrad, when most theatrical teams were in evacuation. The theater created by the decision of the regional executive committee did not have a certain creative program or his own home. A small troupe gave performances in the towns and villages of the Leningrad region. The cardinal fracture in the repertoire policy of MDT occurred in 1973, when the theater was headed by Efim Padve. He made a bet on serious drama and invited young directors to cooperate, among whom was the Lion Dodin. Gradually, the theater began to acquire fame in the city and popularity in the intelligentsia environment.

The first work of Leo Dodin in the Small Drama Theater was in 1974 the play "Robber" on the play K. Chapeca. He attributes the attention of the public and criticism of the originality of the decision and the novelty stage. Others followed by others: "Tattooed Rose" T. Williams (1977), "Live and Remember" V. Rasputin (1979), "Purpose" A. Volodin (1979). The premiere of the play "House" according to the novel of the novel by F. Abramov in 1980 marked the birth of a special artistic phenomenon, called subsequently theater of Dodin.

In 1983, Lion Dodin became the main director, and from 2002 - artistic director and director of MDT. In 1984, the play "Brothers and Sisters" on the novel by F. Abramova, who was a trilogy with the "house". For 30 years of life, the performance visited all European capitals, was shown in the United States and Japan, awarded many premiums (the State Prize of the USSR in 1986, the Best Foreign Performance Prize (1991), the Italian Theater Prize "UBU" (1995) . In this work, the main features of the creative method of Lion Dodina were embodied - the depth, naturalness and the truth. On the stage, the first generation of students - Tatyana Shestakov, Peter Semak, Sergey Vlasov, Sergey Bekhterev and others. Thirty years later, their relay in the play took a new generation. . In March 2015, the premiere of the second edition of the Dilogy "Brothers and Sisters" was held with the participation of young MDT artists.

In 1988, the first large tour of the theater abroad passed. The deafening success of "stars in the morning sky" in the UK and the Dilogy "Brothers and Sisters" in France marked the beginning of international recognition MDT. In 1994, the French government awarded Leo Dodina by the Order of the Literature and Art of Officers' Dignity "For a huge contribution to the cooperation of Russian and French cultures." In 1998, the decision of the European Theater of Europe was assigned to the General Assembly of the Union of European Theaters of MDT. Today, only three theaters in the world have this status - Parisian Odeon, Milan Piccolo Theater and St. Petersburg small dramatic.

Most performances of Leo Dodina - happy stage fate. "Stars in the morning sky" A. Galina (renewed with the new composition in 2016) - the owner of the British Prize named after Lawrence Olivier, Gaudeamus based on prose S. Kaltedina (renewed with the new composition in 2014) - Winner of French theater and musical critics , Italian Prize "UBU" and the State Prize of Russia. "Demons" received a high assessment of the international theater community - the legendary theater epic of the three performances on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, who noted the quarter-time anniversary in December 2016.

Small dramatic - permanent guest and participant of prestigious theatrical festivals. The theater is undergoing internships. Young directors and actors from the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Scandinavia countries.

Since 1998, MDT has been participating in the annual festival of the National Theater Prize of the Golden Mask. In 1998, the play without a name was awarded the National Prize "Golden Mask" in two nominations - "The Best Performance" and "Best Directory". In 2000, Chevengur for Roman A. Platonov was awarded award in the nomination "Best Directory Work", "Seagull" called "the best performance" of 2002. In 2003, "Moscow Choir" on the play L. Petrushevskaya became the laureate of the Golden Mask in the "Best Women's Role" nomination and the "Big Form Best Performance". In 2004, Uncle Vanya received a reward for the "best work of the director" and the "best male role". In 2007, "King Lire" was noted by the "Special Prize of the Jury" and was awarded the mask for the "best work of the artist." In 2013, the play "Deceit and Love" was awarded the Golden Mask for the "best work of the artist" and was named the best performance. In 2014, the "cherry garden" was awarded a gold mask in the nomination "Best performance of a large form." The performance "Hamlet" participated in the 2016 Gold Mask Competition in five nominations. "The best performance of a large form", "Best Directory", "Best Women's Role", "The Best Male role of the second plan", "Best Male Role".

The basis of the MDT troupes are disciples of dat of different years: People's Artist of Russia, Winner of the USSR State Prize Tatyana Shestakov; People's Artist of Russia Igor Ivanov, People's Artist of Russia Sergey Kuryshev, People's Artist of Russia Ksenia Rappoport, Honored Artists of Russia, Winners of the State Prize Natalia Akimov, Sergey Vlasov, Tatiana Ratchezov; Honored Artists of Russia Natalia Fomenko, Angelica Nolovina, Irina Tychinina, Igor Chernevich, Oleg Dmitriev, Vladimir Seleznev, Maria Nikiforova and many others.

In 2007, with the coming to the theater of graduates of the last year of the Lion, the Dodin troupe MDT was replenished with bright young dating. Today it is impossible to present new performances without Elizabeth Boyarskaya, Danille Kozlovsky, Oleg Ryazantseva, Stanislav Nikolsky, Elena Solomonovoy, Catherine Cleopyina, Ursula Malki and many others.

In recent decades, MDT remains one of the recognized leaders of the global theater process. The theater performances were shown in almost all corners of the globe - in more than sixty cities of Europe, Australia, South and North America, Southeast Asia, and today on the level of Russian theatrical art, foreign spectators are judged, in many ways, on performances MDT.

Just the other day I learned that there is such a phenomenon as a union of theaters of Europe - the Association of European Theaters, which the European Commission feeds and the Ministry of Culture of France. The attitude to this phenomenon is ambiguous.

On the one hand, it is good and correct that significant amounts go to bring culture to the masses, expand the horizons, to acquaint residents of various countries with world artists, their creativity. In order for various cultures to get acquainted with the MiroClade of representatives of other cultures, in each of which people have their own, a special way to interact with the world and each other (and a foreign language here is not at all, we are talking exclusively about psychosomatics). On the other hand, it is, of course, everything is very subjective, because the title of "the theater of Europe" with us, it turns out, wears a small theater (Wikipedia is our everything!), And he, in my opinion, is as far away from Russian culture. More and more Ponta Administration and attendants, yes, pathos actors existing on the stage separately, by themselves, who do not want to interact with the partners in the scene (stain again!). Actors of the Small Theater live in the world of themselves, and more than anyone else and nothing. They also know that they are ingenious, and they love them the whole world, because in a different way and can not be. Russian there is nothing, and how can the union of different countries of Europe decide, in which theater ruus smells, and in what no? What are the parameters? On the length of the nose?

So when I learned that I bought tickets not to the usual Russian Theater, but to the theater, the title of European, then immediately thought that, apparently, his belonging to European quality standards will be expressed in an external environment: hall, service, interior ...

The dressing room in the theater is still before the entrance - in a spacious prebator, where you can sit, relax, come to yourself from the road and calmly, not in a hurry, dig in the handbag and find a cherished ticket. The minus is that, despite the long instructions on the Internet on the use of e-tickets, in fact everything looks different: at the entrance list, you say the surname and pass. And there was nothing to suffer people that they would have a huge number of documents to prove that you bought a ticket, and not someone else.

The administration of the promised tickets does not give the electronic in return, it upset me: it was not left for the memory of a precious piece of cardboard with torn control, the program is still not that it does not carry a time imprint.

It must be said that the theaters of St. Petersburg, unlike Moscow, in their architecture very well fit into the overall appearance of the city. Still, Peter is almost Belgium, the truth is very shabby, lowered, with paint and romantic cracks peeling and romantic cracks on all houses. But Belgium is already Europe, not we)) Find the theater in this city is not easy if, of course, you do not know exactly where it is. The buildings of theaters are not issued by anything, do not try to scream around the world about their exclusivity (and we have a red brick!). On the one hand, it seems to be good that the city administration takes care of his appearance, on the other hand - there is nowhere to show creativity, it is sad (remember at least what the theater of the Moon looks like - this is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, in St. Petersburg will not be allowed).

The Small Theater turned out to be "small" not only in the title: a small cozy lobby, a small hall, a tiny corridor with sketches of costumes on the walls, an unusual bust of Chekhov, portraits of all theater workers, not only actors. On portraits of people from the scene, the beautiful Russian word "artist" is, for which the theater is personally a great human human. Everything is very modest, restrained, but with taste. No gag and pretentiousness, like Kalyagin, at the same time did not abuse brown (the walls were painted with a simple white paint - cozy and light), which his weight in the same MHT creates the impression that you are not in the theater, but in a coffin, only Cover to jar. MDT bright, clean, joyful, the audience is different, there is a decent number of foreigners. By tradition, not all guests turned out to be cultural: they still found people who wished to go out in the auditorium.

Service personnel - charm itself. All very polite, attentive, moderately undergoing, at the entrance I was called "Irochek" (a completely outsider!), While I was looking for my name in the list of e-mails. My mood, of course, immediately rose. Coloring artists on stage as comfortable as possible: There are special vests with water in the theater, where you can leave a bouquet, and at the end of the play, the theater workers are made in the hall all the flowers left in the lobby and distribute to the audience, there is no need to run on the theater and search where you left A gift to your favorite artist. It's very nice!

For the guests of the country on a special scoreboard over the scene there is a translating of the play into English. Russian person is better not to read - such a blow to the psyche! Top English kills Russian culture, but what can you do? It is necessary to somehow convey the plot to foreigners, well, at least through the "Clean and No-Drink" (this is a "talented person in Russia", although in America the phrase "a talented person in Russia cannot remain clean and sober" at all sounds like " A man of genius cannot be a saint in russia "- no words, some interjections ...), what can you do? Then, in the lobby on the issuance of a coat, all bravely discussed "Antel Vanya" as a mockery over Russian classics. It is understandable - for the power, it's a shame, but where is the alternative? On another it is impossible.

The Hall of the MDT Theater is more like a small cinema hall. This is a very big minus. Our halls for moving films have the opportunity to grow styling (because white canvas can be seen from all places), whereas for the theater platform there are uniform units: you can infinitely increase the number of rows, but not their width. The theater hall should be pulled in length or have a rounded scene, otherwise sitting on the side will not be visible what is happening in the performance. In the MDT Theater, I learned on my 3rd from the edge of the place what sitting on the side. In the Vakhtangov Theater, it is when it can be seen absolutely everything, but if you really don't want to look at something, you can donate a bit and transfer attention to another. In the MDT theater, I was not even from the very edge, but about a quarter of the performance I was not visible - the boutofinsky table was completely destructed us from what is happening in the depths of the scene. Probably, girls sitting near me on the first two places was even worse. The MDT Theater Hall is overwhelmed - it is a significant minus. But the seats are english - omit, and the back rises.

After the end of the performance, I was not really in a hurry, but I did not stand in the queue for clothes, I got everything at once. Lucky.

In general, I had a very pleasant impression of the theater, I would like to visit him again, but, unfortunately, it will be very problematic - I really live. But now I will complain about the fact that I'm hard to get to Vakhtangov - by bus + metro with two transplants (with a bouquet of flowers in a crowded metro - lept-a-ah ...). This is still not 8 hours later by train with minimal amenities and maximum prices for travel.

But in plans for the future I had a new note: at the first opportunity to get out of MDT. This is a useful thing.

I will not tell about the performance itself - this is a topic for a separate entry.

I really do not like to raise estimates, but in this case the hunt to add another small spoon of truth. The theater while I put "5-", and minus - for excessive emotionality of the theater administration in responses on Facebook. We must be restrained, gentlemen.

The cost of tickets for the performances of the MDT Theater of Europe Leo Dodina (tour in Moscow 2017)

Lion Theater Dodina in Moscow. Gastrol Theater Lion Dodina in Moscow 2017 They will be held in September-October and will be presented by performances: "Hamlet", "Three sisters", "Deceit and love", "enemy of the people", "Life and fate", "demons." The Theater of Europe Leo Dodina is located in St. Petersburg (Small Drama Theater), where in 1975 the first performance of Dodin was released - "Robber" on the play of Karel Chapeca.
Lev Abramovich Dodin - Soviet, Russian Theater Director, Teacher, Theater Worker. He was born in 1944 in the Professor Leningrad family. The theater became interested in the school, visited the Leningrad theater of youth creativity in the Palace of Pioneers. Then there was a study at the Theater Institute on the course of Boris Zone, the years of work for the second director in the Tyuza in Zinovia Corogo region, teaching in Ligitm and K (Lentinrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography), coming in MDT in 1974, where Lion Dodin He is a artistic director. On the stage of the Small Drama Theater, such performances were delivered as: "House", "Brothers and Sisters" on F.Abramov, "Lord of the Flies" on U.Golding, "Demons" on F.Dostoevsky, "Love under Knias" Y. O. Nile, "Cherry Garden", "Piece Untitled", "Chaika" A.hehhova, "Cheving" according to A. Platonov, "Molly Susie" B. Fries. In 1995, at the Music Easter Festival in Salzburg, the Opera "Electra" Richard Strauss, supplied Lvom Dodinwho had a great success in the West. It was the first statement abroad. Now one performance follows after another: "Peak lady" in Florence and Amsterdam, "Katerina Izmailov" in Florence, Mazepa in La Scala (conductor M. Rostropovich), "Demon" in the Shatle theater in Paris, etc. Lion's creative lion baggage for more than fifty performances on the scenes of Russian and foreign theaters. In September 1998, the Leo Dodina Theater received the status of the "Theater of Europe" and became the third after the Odeon Theater in Paris and Piccolo Theater in Milan. Winner of state awards, winner of the Golden Mask Award, Europe - Theater Theater Prize, the Independent Prize "Triumph", Prize of the President of Russia 2001, laureate of numerous prestigious international premiums. Outstanding director Lion Dodin It raises the performances of the wandering of the human soul, the desire to truth in himself and actors tirelessly, each of his performance on the MDT stage is necessary and not accidental. Theater of Europe Leo Dodina Rely on the magnificent troupe of actors. Today, the main composition of the theater includes students of a lion diving of different years: Tatyana Shestakova, Peter Semak, Igor Ivanov, Natalia Akimov, Sergey Vlasov, Sergey Kuryshev, Natalia Fomenko, Irina Tychinina, Vladimir Seleznev, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Danil Kozlovsky, Daria Rumyantseva and many others Loud names. European Theater Tickets.
In autumn Lion Domin in Moscow 2017 present a few of their performances. Muscovites-theater with great impatience await meetings with actors theater of Europe. Tickets The performances already went on sale. Our VIP-Teatres agency will help everyone in acquiring tickets of any category. See tour information Theater of Europe Lion Dodina in Moscow 2017 On the website of our agency and order the best tickets to the presented performances.

Created in 1944 by solving the regional executive committee of the Leningrad region. Until 1956 was mobile.
In 1973, the chief director of the theater was the student of Tovstonogova E. Padve, who attracted to the cooperation of the young director L. Dodina. In 1975, Lev Dodin put in MDT performance "Robber" on the play K. Chapeka, and in 1983 he became the artistic director of the theater. Almost every play of the theater in the formulation of Dodina became an event of theatrical life in the country and abroad.

Theater is marked:
State Prize of the USSR ("House" and "Brothers and Sisters" on novels F.Abramova, 1986);
Prize of Lawrence Olivier ("Stars in the morning sky", 1988);
Regional English Theater Prize (1992);
State Prize of the Russian Federation ("Gaudeamus", 1993);
Italian Theater Prize UBU (1993);
Prizes of the International Theater Festival BITEF in Yugoslavia ("Claustrophobia", Grand Prix, award of audience sympathy, "For the best director" - L. Dodin, 1995), "Golden Mask" (1998-2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) and others .

Toured in more than 60 cities of the world, participated in the prestigious international festivals, including in Avignon, in 1994, opened the "Russian seasons" renewed in Paris.
In 1998, the status of the theater of Europe was assigned.

I love art, but the theater for a long time went by the party, not risking to face a senseless, tedious bustle on stage, preferring the Hermitage and concert halls, where you can get in touch with the masterpieces of world art. MDT saved me from prejudice against the theater.
In the performances of this theater, several perception plans were initially laid - emotional, conceptual, aesthetic. Therefore, they are not boring to look and several times. The actors play in such a way that the distance between them and the audience disappears, and you turn out to be drawn inside the action, competing what happens on the scene. As a rule, a few days after viewing the performance, perception is enhanced. Through the impedition of the first impressions begins to appeal the idea and the concept, more and more meanings are trapped.
I was sure that in the theater it is impossible to experience the same delight as in concert halls, listening to music. The game Igor Ivanova and Peter Semaak convinced me in the opposite. Igor Ivanov captures immediately from the first seconds of appearance on stage. The enchanting artistry of Lebidekin is perceived as a flash on a gloomy background of what is happening in the "demons". Professor of Serebryakov in "Uncle Vana", which has internal advantages, goes to the scene by the winner and leaves her the winner. Igor Ivanov's roles seem to be lacking only a pedestal, who elevates art over reality. The highest level of the game, when the created artistic image reaches not only maximum reliability, but also absolute completion. Sorry, now the actor plays a little.
Peter Semac charm me not immediately, gradually, from the play in the performance, from the role of the role, as his magnificent talent was revealed. Actor with rich natural data, with a strong artistic temperament, masterfully owning the means of his craft, knows how to create completely different images, each with its unique personality, has different manners of execution - conceptual, precisely verified, and spontaneous, free, improvisational. In his performance, I saw two different verthin, astron, Leontians, lires, various mental warehouses, character, manners. When his artistic temperament is completely freamed, there is a feeling that the action on the stage occurs here and now, you experience the overwhelming delight, mentally connecting with the actor. The game becomes life, and the life of the game, discrepancies cannot be distinguished. And maybe at this moment the theater begins to enrich and expand life.
Talented attracts, whether music, painting or theater. But the picture and music are already written, it is impossible to influence them. And the theater, in fact, Mystery. And it's not just a collective ecstasy. The actors are somehow difficult to comprehendly catch the impulses emanating from the auditorium. The performances are filled with life vibrations, they appear new perspectives and meanings. By changing, they begin to live truly.