Tarasov gets rid of memories of marriage with Buzova. "Hurry up home, where Nastya is waiting for me with lunch"

Tarasov gets rid of memories of marriage with Buzova.
Tarasov gets rid of memories of marriage with Buzova. "Hurry up home, where Nastya is waiting for me with lunch"

The former member of the show "Dom-2", and now its presenter is not only the main blonde telestroy, but it seems to be the whole country. Buzova wrote a few books, got a job on television, became a clothing designer and married a football player Dmitry Tarasova, midfielder and vice captain of Moscow "Locomotive" ... True, their small family did not exist for 5 years.

Critics and advisers: it's time to start children!

Olga Buzova rarely swears and provokes scandals, even now, in a busy period of disagreement with her husband. However, once angelic patience of the star came to an end when subscribers criticized her ... for being married for several years, she did not give birth to a child! Comments were so angry by Buzov, that she was not kept from sudden statements and asked for subscribers how they think.

This event caused a large scandal, and UEFA representatives rated an athlete's output as a provocation. "Lokomotiv" fined the spouse Buzova for 300 thousand euros (more than 25 million rubles) and was deprived of all February bonuses. In another unpleasant incident, also associated with football, the heroine was Olga Buzova, but this time in the role of the victim. April 30 TV presenter was sick for her husband during the Spartak Match - Lokomotiv.

After the news about the rupture was the first to speak "Buzova's side." Olga Buzova's sister Anna posted a photo in Instagram with the words of support: "So much dirt as not everyone can take out, but we will all bring, my blood, my sister." Following Anna, Olga Rustam Solntov spoke, a former member of the reality show "Dom-2", which, like many of the "Taraisikov" fans, still expressed hope for family reunification: "Olya and Dima have long been together. Maybe to some extent, their relationship has lost freshness. At one time they wrote that Dimka could change her - well, the thing is young. In general, he is a fairly rough and non-public person. But I love and hope that they will overcome this crisis. But only if they really need it, but otherwise you should not try ... "

Spend a conversation with them: Petition against divorce

In the fact that the spouses really need to be reconciled, the most desperate female fans do not doubt. The day after the announcement of the divorce fans created a petition sent by the member of the Federation Council Elena Mizulina to help preserve the marriage of the TV presenter and football player. "Dear Elena Borisovna! You, as no one can influence the solution of our favorite Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasova. For us, fans of this beautiful pair, they are an example of ideal relationships, family values \u200b\u200band mutual love. We do not know that they have happened, but they are confident that their marriage can be saved. Please spend with Olga and Dmitry Conversation! " - Written fans without uncens. To their chagrin, the reaction of Mizulina did not follow ...

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The story of the love of the top Teediva, the leading popular realistic show "Dom-2" and her, already now a former husband, a football player, a midfielder FC Lokomotiv Dmitry Tarasova began, as they say, on the stray.

Having met once in one and Moscow restaurants, and widow playing with each other, both celebrities continued to get acquainted and after, almost did not let their sympathy from sight.

Despite the fact that Dmitry Tarasov was still married at that time, Olga, always opposed to the destruction of married couples, went on a compromise with his conscience and shrewd a novel with a married football player.

And while the paparazzi, he photographed the "sweet couple", indignantly and exhausted from Jealous of Oksana's wife with a small daughter Angelina-Anna in his hands, sobbing over eloqueous photos and comments on this occasion in various social networks.

You need to know Olga Buzov, because it all exhibits a deposit. And first of all, a decent man who was finally caught in her network! All principles - to the side, all the rules - won! The main thing is, everyone sees, as she likes the famous football player, what kind of rocky beauty, which can som such a man.

In general, as regards the Olga Buzova itself, then the attitude towards it is ambiguous. It seems to be a kind soul, break through her tears, on spiritual breakdowns, nothing is worth it. And on the other hand, it is more self-confident, but no, rather, a narcissistic person in our visual show business still search.

As for the football player Dmitry Tarasova, then he was, so he remained. It is on the field midfielder is a non-radical and unhurried. In privacy that Oxana's first wife quickly met, quickly married. Then even the birth of the firstborn did not embarrass the midfielder "Locomotive". Also quickly and divorced to create a new union with a fine.

And the song then they recorded in the rain! And all the shows on all TV channels ran! So Delighted before the preparation of your wedding. We must know Buzov. Naturally, the girl planned another large-scale show, but, surprisingly, came to the conclusion that it was better to be beautiful, but a small wedding, with the participation of only very close people to them: relatives and loved ones.

So it turned out, at the wedding of Tarabusikov attended not more than 70 people. Wedding herself Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasova took place on June 26, 2012. The solemn part of the marriage, naturally, in the registry office, and the celebration - on the ship called "Swallow" in a cruise in the Moscow River.

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It was, really, a very beautiful sight! Before climbing along the ladder on the ship, newlyweds passed on the carpet sweated rose petals. Gorgeously covered tables, brutal from the abundance of seafood and meat dishes. Exquisite drinks, dear and famous guests, beautiful presenters made a wedding atmosphere unforgettable and magical!

There was no surprise when he sailing under the next bridge, guests, and the bride herself saw the inscription on it "Olya, I love you!". Huge letters over Moscow-River assured the girl that the feeling of the groom to her is also huge.

After this wonderful and unforgettable wedding, the young gathered and went to the shore of one of the distant islands to share universal love only among themselves, a paradise place on the ocean and a gentle foreign sun.

And then, as in a fairy tale, the farther, the worse. For Tarasova, for sure: he is on training, and Olya with him. He is to friends, and Olya nearby. He leaves the country to the competition - Olga flies next, and Dmitry is not used to Dmitry. He loves freedom and from the first wife went to find it. True, a wedding with Olga Buzovoy all the plans and interrupted.

It first, it seems, everything is perfect. When and the house that they only want to buy is already discussed in the Internet, there are fans of their furniture on the forums already! And he even listed money for the purchase.

Once he received a minor injury in training. Well, what can you do, he is a football player. So, Olya not only occupied the hospital, but also arranged almost open chat with the vote! See how my favorite suffered.

Now imagine that so in everything. Everywhere. And it lasted somewhat painful for midfielder years. They separated. Ugly, dishonest.

The heart of the leading famous realistic show "Dom-2" was broken. The girl was, really, sorry. She believed and loved with all his heart, as he knew how. She is not to blame that she has not explained from childhood. What, since you yourself yourself, nobody love you and admire you ...

He took away not only the heart of the lead, but also all the property jointly hidden. It is understandable, the money is it! And it was written to him. Where is Olga?

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There was no mental pain in the abandoned like this, according to treacherously, Buzova. The whole country experienced her divorce with it. I would like to believe that Teediva learned the lessons of life, the capital truth: "Happiness loves silence!" Yes, and the law of boomeranga nobody canceled. Let us remember the funny days with a football player in the eyes of the whole country, and at the same time his legitimate wife with a child.

What now? Life goes, everything changes. Dmitry Tarasov found an adequate, beautiful girl, fashion model, but with brains. They are waiting for a child.

And Olga Buzova, as always, made a long-term show from the divorce and his experiences and punished the whole country with his songs.

Regarding its relationship, no information appears. Sometimes there are inconclusive fans like, and sometimes colleagues on TNT, it seems, try to charm the lead, but even fans do not really believe in the sincerity of the "couple".

Olga Buzova is an incredibly versatile media driver. The celebrity successfully manifested itself on television, radio, in fashion industry, cinema, music, and even publishing business.

The general public became known in 2004, becoming a participating of the TV project "Dom-2". And in 2008, "retrained" to his leading.

Childhood and youth

Biography Olga Buzova originates in the city on the Neva. The future leads were born in January 1986. By nationality - Russian. Her parents are far from show business. Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Alexandrovna at that time were military personnel.

Little Olga Buzova very rapidly developed: she appeared to three years of reading and writing. At the same age, the girl began to learn English. Olga's abilities prompted parents to send a child to school for 5 years. Baby brilliantly coped with all the difficulties of study, home brought five quickly found a common language with classmates.

Already at 13, Olya worked in a guide in the children's camp, and at the age of 15 years old got into a modeling agency.

In 2002, the girl graduated with a silver medal gymnasium. She dreamed of career actresses, but strict parents asked her to throw this "non-serious profession." Soon she entered the University of St. Petersburg, where he chose the faculty of geoecology and geography. During these years, the blonde with his head plunged into the world of show business.

"House 2"

At the TV project "Dom-2" Buzova appeared in 2004 as a participation. Here she was engaged in the "construction of his love" for 4 years. At the same time, parents insisted that the daughter gets a higher education. And Ole managed to do this with a red diploma.

At "House-2" Buzova began to meet with the showman. A charming girl received a nickname from the nickname Buzonush and the army of fans. Roman with Tretyakov lasted two years. In 2005, Olga, together with Roma, began to lead to TNT Talk Show "Roman with Buzova".

In 2006, the Roman Tretyakov said that he was tired of the "aquarium" life and left the project. The young man settled in Moscow, removed the apartment and waited for him to join him Buzonish. But Olga did not hurry to leave the show at which she was still comfortable. Bosovoy and Tretyakov relations soon came up. And the girl decided to continue his career on television.

In 2007, two wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov appeared in the metropolitan museum of wax figures. Such an honor was provided to them as the most popular pair of the project.

The girl remained in "House-2" until 2008. At this time, she had short novels with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. But in December she announced that he wanted to leave the show. The producers highly appreciated the last stall from the "gold composition" of the show, so they offered Olga Buzovoy to become the co-host "House-2". At that time they were and. Olya accepted the offer.

Olga Buzova in the show "Dom-2"

Thus, in December 2008, Olga Buzova not only changed the status of the project participant on the leading realistic show, but also acquired an additional position of the chief editor of Dom-2 magazine.


In this wave, the celebrity became interested in writing and released two copyright books: "The case is in the hairpin. Stylish blonde tips and "Roman with Buzova". The pages of the latter were impregnated by the favorite aromas of the beautiful spirits.

In addition to the literary talent, the blonde discovered the love of singing: Since 2011, Olga Buzova began to actively develop as a singer, and her songs entered the collection "Stars at home-2. Laws of love. " Her first work as a singer was the single "Do not forget", released jointly with a popular rapper. A clip appeared on the song.

With increasing popularity, Buzov began to regularly invite to various television shows. In 2011, Olga visited the role of the bride on the show "Let's get married" on the first channel. And in 2012, the girl competed in flexibility and plastic on the project "Dancing with the stars." Her partner was a professional dancer. But long the contestant in the show did not last. She left the project with a scandal, stating that the members of the jury are too biased towards it and put low estimates.

At the popular TV show "Dances on TNT" and "Comedy Battle" Buzova was repeatedly present as a member of the jury, becoming a kind of "voice of the people."

Olga Buzova on the TV show "Dancing with the stars"

A charismatic St. Petersburg took place and as an actress. In 2008, she debuted into cinema in episodic roles. Appeared in the projects of "Zaitsev +1", "Bartender", "Elena from polypropylene" and "University".

The acting biography of Olga Buzova has a continuation on theatrical stage. On the stage, the artist debuted in 2010 in the play "Honeymoon" with the participation of Tamara Tsantashvili and.

In 2016, Olga Buzov, Olga Buzov, was held in the role of himself. In the same year, the star played together with and in the comedy Ary Oganesyan "Keep a blow, baby!".

In the same period, Olga Buzovoy fans were able to read her new book called "The price of happiness."

As it should be a secular lioness, the celebrity is vividly interested in the Fashion-industry. Therefore, the girl tried her hand as a fashion designer. The collection of clothing Olga Buzova was shown in the Fashion Week "Estet", where Teediva demonstrated not only his designer, but also DJ Talents - independently played a DJ-set to display.

It is known that over this line of clothing Boozov worked together with the Italian company C & C.

Since 2013, Olga Buzova and her sister are brand owners of Bijoux jewelry and Bijoux Room chains.

Personal life

Olga Buzova's personal life has been built publicly for many years, under the sight of the TV camere. But after the girl changed the status of the participant on the TV presenter, she herself would decide herself, what to talk about, and what to keep better about. True, it still "spoke".

In 2011, rumors crawled out that blonde beauty was a novel with a locomotive football player. Piquancy of the situation attached the fact that he was married at the time of dating from Buzova. In marriage grown up daughter.

Soon the lovers stopped hiding their relationships. It is noteworthy that the football player tried to protect the girl from attacks and accusations that Olga Buzova allegedly "took away" Tarasov from the family. The young man stated that no one was "taught", allegedly prerequisites for the divorce arose long before the meeting with Olga.

Two months after dating Dmitry took his beloved to relax in Dubai, where he made her an offer. Buzova agreed. The wedding took place in June 2012. The ceremony was held in a circle of relatives and the best friends of the couple. Olya took the surname of her husband, but left - as a creative pseudonym - his maiden surname.

Olga Buzova has repeatedly told in an interview that she dreams of becoming an ideal wife, so a lot of time gives her husband. The girl abandoned some projects and became less likely to shoot in TV shows, films and entertainment TV shows.

For some time, they were compared with the spouses of Beckham. And they were called a funny nickname of Tarabusiki. But after 4 years, the fairy tale came the end. The first about the sad finals of the novel guessed the subscribers of the page pairs in "Instagram". They noticed that the spouses no longer exhibit cute joint photos. When the fans asked the athlete to comment on this, he advised everyone to contact Olga, which allegedly "loves everything comment."

Family life couples at the end of 2016 ended. Soon, Dmitry Tarasova had a new lover, which is called. She is the second Vice-Miss of Russia 2014. In January 2018, young people. In addition to the traditional marriage ceremony, the pair passed the rite of wedding. And in July 2018, Anastasia former husband Buzova daughter.

Of course, the network actively discussed the possible causes of Dmitry and Olga divorce. Versions spoke different. At first they spoke about the treasures of Tarasov, then that the girl did not give birth to a child for 4 years of marriage, about which a man asked her.

Later it turned out that a marriage contract was signed between the spouses. According to his conditions, when divorced, each remains "at its own". This was told about the lawyer informed in legal matters.

Yes, and Tarasov himself did not deny the existence of the contract, but it is written in it that half of their property is departed to Olga. According to him, it was especially difficult to share with a Buzovo house, in which he invested so many own means and strength.

And soon the new scandal was killed: someone merged Olga Buzova into the network. Some skeptics argue that it was supposedly published by the herself an angry beautiful beauty to "pump" her husband. Correspondence screenshots are dated even the time when Buzova and Tarasov were married. But most likely, the photo and correspondence were stolen by hackers by hacking the television television phone, as conversations came to the network not only with Nagiyev, but also with her.

One way or another, but Buzova was difficult to worn a divorce with Tarasov. In an interview, for the most part, she cried and accused of a former spouse in betrayal. And then, as if he had called him, she became strong and even more popular. Blonde repainted into brunette. In addition, some suspect that Olya resorted to plastic surgery.

Sofa "Experts" are confident that the TV host increased her lips, but admit that it did it carefully, without the "duck" effect. Also suspect it in rhinoplasty. But the photo comparison before and after rather refute the arguments of the nose plastic, which confirm them. Maximum that made Buzova, so it adjusted its shape. Many noticed that after the divorce, the girl lost weight. Now, with growth, 179 cm its weight is 54 kg. You do not have to argue, Olga clearly looked.

Whatever it was, Olga plunged into the work. She took off the video to his new hit "under the sounds of kisses" and traveled with concerts almost all the provincial cities of the country. And in 2017 introduced the debut of the same album, which includes the songs of "little half", "getting used to" and others. From now on tour and the army of fans - an integral part of her life.

Olga Buzova - "Under the sounds of kisses"

She has Hayer. Perhaps it is criticized as often as prases. For example, in the summer of 2017, a scandal broke out in the network, when in an interview unfaithfully responded to the audience, which listens to Olga Buzov. TV presenter was not silent and dedicated to the artist post in "Instagram". She reported that he was predicted to her fans, like her her. And asked Lobod to continue to abandon such loud, unreasonable and unturious statements.

Olga Buzova now

In February 2018, the news has published the news that Buzova serves to the court on the "Comedy Club" resident due to insults. Many were surprised at many, since the artist is a frequent guest of a humorous show and never offended even on the most sharp jokes from his participants. It turned out that her offender became in the form of his alter-ego rapper Glebati.

Olga Buzova - "Few Polovine"

Soon, Olya was interceded, which promised to resolve the issue with a colleague alone. By the way, by a happy coincidence of circumstances, Olga noted the new year 2018 with Timur. The guys were accidentally on vacation in one place. Subscribers immediately "married". But despite the desire of the fans, they did not lead to their serious joint vacation.

Buzova continues to storm all new areas of activity. In April 2018, the TV presenter announced the release of his own cryptocurrency, which was called Buzcoin. In June 2018, the celebrity opened a restaurant in the center of Moscow - Buz Food.

Of course, such an attractive and self-sufficient business woman grabs fans. But after parting with Tarasov, she never tied up with anyone relations. On the project "Dom-2" among the participants from Olga, too, there is a worker -. The young man tried to win the arrangement of the TV presenter for more than a year. Buzova then flirting with Roma, then satisfied the scenes of jealousy, but it was clearly clear that his courtship was pleasant to her. But on the other hand, she did not give any hope of a guy.

Olga Buzova - "Take me" (premiere 2018)

In August 2018, it became known that romance began romantic relations with the participant of "House-2". Olga shocked this news, with tears in his eyes, she left the shooting platform.

The singer pays great attention to "instagram", over 13.5 million subscribers subscribed to its microblogging (as of August 2018). Olga regularly publishes new photos and stories, often spreads snapshots in a swimsuit with various photo sessions for a gloss. It appears in your account and without makeup. On the rest of Buzova prefers not to overload the skin excessive cosmetics.

And many of her fans are interested in what its gesture is hand with which it often appears in the frame. Buzova holds palm up, raising index and ring fingers. "L - LOVE. The world rules love! "," The girl proclaimed on his page in "Instagram", thus dispelled all the species and deciphering the secret meaning of the gesture.

On August 27, the singer announced the release of the new album "Take me", as well as its new concert show with which it will perform on November 18 in Crocus City Hall.

Today Buzova is one of the most influential representatives of the Russian show business. For 2017, according to Forbes magazine, Olga earned $ 3.9 million. The publication notes that 90% of its income is a means of advertising in "Instagram".

"Marry Buzov"

In August, a new project was started on the TNT television channel - "Marry Buzov". In essence, this is a female analogue of the popular show "Bachelor". Ole had to choose a man's dreams from 15 candidates presented, and Buzova's "grooms" picked up "for every taste and color." The girl itself repeatedly repeated that it was not a show for her, but real life.

Shooting it has long been completed. Olga frankly admitted that the project literally turned her life, and the TV presenter was still finding.

Of course, after the first shown series, they spoke about the project favorites. Most fans of the singer believed that this is the owner of the cheese plant. Paparazzi has already seen Olga several times in the society of its alleged chosen one.

In October 2018, Buzova wrote in the "Instagram" the truth about the relationship with the cheeseman. According to the girl, she did not believe it for a long time, but the facts began to emerge one after another.

"At the moment, we are not together with Denis, and in the future we will also not be able to be together! Because I can't be with a person who deceives me, changes, uses bets and sells! Unfortunately, everything that has been mutating the media so long, It turned out to be bitter truth! "," Olga said.

Lebedev commented on the situation. He admitted that the share in business is not so great, all at the stage of development. He really occupied the money on Claudia for Buzov, so as not to disappoint the beloved. All these moments do not affect its attitude towards Olga. He is still in love and hopes to continue their history.


  • 2017 - "Under the sounds of kisses"
  • 2018 - "Take me"

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are bred after 4 years of marriage. TV presenter not only lost their usual goods: a luxurious apartment and car, but also began to experience serious financial difficulties. All this pushed her with his head plunge into advertising all sorts of goods.

As it became known from Olga's recently published Hackers, it is ready to advertise absolutely any product. Olga Buzova's divorce and Dmitry Tarasova hit the girl so much that she agrees to upload advertising posts at least every hour.

Over the past month, Olga posted 64 advertising photos in their Instagram. Despite the fact that in October this kind of posts were only 21. Previously, Buzova was selectively related to what he advertises. It was basically clothes and jewelry. Now on her page, pested photos with dishes, vitamins and even strollers.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov Latest news: Teediva no longer copes with a surging advertising flow and makes mistakes. The other day the subscribers have noticed that from the published advertising text Buzova forgot to remove the comment of the customer: "Olenka, you need to post until 20.00." After some time, the mistake was still fixed.

Dmitry Tarasov told the whole truth about parting with Olga Buzova, and how not just he sought heart Anastasia Kostenko.

Dmitry Tarasov gave a frank interview about how his novel began with Anastasia Kostenko. The football player, despite the statements of eyewitnesses, denies that Olga Buzova changed his ex-wife. According to his version, acquaintance with Kostenko occurred only in December last year, and the second date took place in January. This recognition is a contrary to rumors, because the scandal with the mistress of her husband Buzova began on the network back in November last year. Friends of the couples assured, by the time the TV presenter learned about the treason of her husband, Tarasov had already twisted the romance with Kostenko for about three months.

Tarasov is voiced by another version. Kostenko he met in the company of general friends. He really liked the girl, and he got her phone number. According to Tarasov, relations with Olga at that time were already completed. Then he spent a lot of strength to conquer the heart of Anastasia. Dmitry literally from leather Von Les to conquer the heart of the "impregnable" beauties.

"Nastya was impregnable as a fortress, and I can understand it. He knew that anyone next to me would fall out the ears. And then rumors still crawled out that I had a harem of my mistresses, "said Dmitry. Kostenko is recognized, the football player made a good impression on her. "I immediately warned that I won't buy me with gifts," the model added. - The most valuable is attention. Dima can care: gives flowers, leads to restaurants and cinema. My aunt lives in Moscow, which has always warned: "Be careful. In the capital of men spoiled. " I avoided communication with representatives of a strong floor, I lived with my sister. But Dima turned out to be another - caring and homely. And when I saw his reverent attitude towards children, I understood - this is my man! "

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

He surrounded her care and in March persuaded to move towards him to the apartment. Soon Tarasov introduced her with her family, which Kostenko really liked. So, protecting the beloved from the "bad glory that fell on it", Tarasov began a new life after the divorce. Now the couple lives a quiet family life in the country house of Tarasov, the construction of which began in marriage with Buzova. Dmitry and Anastasia dream of a wedding and children, but they do not want to hurry with such serious things. Kostenko told that he really wants to give birth to Dmitry Child, but it happens not in the coming year. "I hid out two sisters and brother. At some point I realized that I myself do not want to get it myself. But having met Dima, changed the opinion. I see his father of his children. Perhaps I will face earlier than planned, but not in the coming year! ", Quotes Starhit Kostenko.