Tanya Tkachuk: "I like the profession" Kevin Spacy "! "My Michel": in childhood I thought about me "Show Truman What is most afraid of Tatyana Tkachuk.

Tanya Tkachuk:
Tanya Tkachuk: "I like the profession" Kevin Spacy "! "My Michel": in childhood I thought about me "Show Truman What is most afraid of Tatyana Tkachuk.

The group "My Michelle" appeared rapidly: the guys took part in the project "Home Scene", and now many after the soloist Tanya Tkachuk kill their songs.

Photo: Julia Kropachev

Participants in the group are called their music style of the group, and sing about Midasa and Tarantino. "If I knew where all these images come from, I would go to this store every day," Tanya laughs. - These are all chemistry, unregulated brain and heart processes, plus something from the outside. "

At an interview with Tanya Tkachuk arrived at the subway. Her lifestyle is too different from scenic behavior, so the singer rarely recognize on the streets and in public transport.

Tanya, artists, as a rule, dream of awareness, this is part of the profession. And you?

This is not the most important attribute. It is enough for me what is happening in the hall when I on the scene. Of course, somewhere in the depths of the soul awareness is pleasant to me, but in fact I am wildly shy.

Somehow said that you have love for music from two years. Do you remember yourself at such a young age?

Rather, I know this in parents' stories. Of course, I loved music from kindergarten, since the time of the matinee. But consciously, on the other level, I began to engage in music years from eighteen, when it came to me that I could write something. Although, of course, I always liked and fulfill, and watch how the song can sound when different people sing her.

Here we communicate with you, and I have an impression that you are somewhere not here. Are you always so immersed in yourself?

It seems to me that all people are. If everyone went and was told around the clock to others, what they think about, they would look like knotted. ( Laughs.) How much I remember myself, always such. From early childhood.

Your closure on progress did not affect?

I even had an excellent one - a time or a couple of times. ( Laughs.) And then fascinated by the music. There were all sorts of groups, boys playing guitars ... That was then slightly rolled, but finished school with one four. It seems to be. ( Smiles.)

Chemistry probably loved?

I could not stand. Chemistry Teacher Lidia Ringoldovna will not forgive me, but, to be honest, it was the most boring and unloved lesson. In addition, he was often the first on schedule, and I slept on it, and I wrote off Yulia, Tanya or Oli in the checklists - who surrendered faster.

Why did you decide after school to get the "earthly" profession - to become a Russian teacher?

I, as a frivolous and rather romantic person, felt the imperfection of the education system. Children do not instill real professions, do not teach how to live on. It would be better to have reduced them to the enterprise or told about the composition of the shampoo. I can not say that it was clear to the eleventh grade, who I want to become in my life. Did this profession come in handy in the future? I do not know. Would I like to become a teacher? Probably not.

Parents did not try to help you with the choice of a future profession?

They never forced me anything. I was not a fan of Russian. I was attracted first of all literature, well, since these items are always studying together, I went to the Pedic Institute.

Institute you still graduated, or the music completely absorbed you before?

Graduated. Of course, I am very important in life to have a maneuver for renting, but this does not mean that I can not bring something serious to the end. Man I am dug. My character is daddy. I do not think that for your loved ones I am a cloudless sky. My stubbornness is what they are constantly facing. It is difficult for me to ask for forgiveness, not in the sense of "Oh, sorry, I stepped on my leg," and truly recognize my mistakes, the wrongness is all some kind of congenital pride. Dad wanted a girl and was very bothered in childhood, and then I realized that I did it, and began to raise. He is strict. As a child, I was afraid of him. So far, when I come, he is trying to point out how much I come home. Now I do not belong to this with irritation and do everything so that he does not worry.

I wonder how then such a strict dad let you go from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow?

Dad realized that he had no choice: in the city in which I live, I feel bad. He saw it and agreed with what I need to leave.

And musical education did you get?

I have no musical education. I do not know how to write and sing songs. It seems to me that this does not need a musical education. Maybe it even interferes, although, probably, all the ability to speak in their justification. ( Laugh.)

But after all, did you go to the music school? This is also an education.

Five years on the piano and two years - on the guitar. Another eleven years sang in the choir. But there is also teaching how to do it right, and it is very binding. There should be no rules.

You are impressed by a modest that says hemispot. Where so much strength to steer men in the group?

I have no task to steer. It works differently. They just love me and defend me.

The last word is always yours?

What is the "last word"? Last smile for me. ( Smiles.)

Okay. And you can knock on a fist on the table, or is it still not your method?

I can and fist in the forehead, but very rare. Still, this is not mine and I need to bring it before.

With men easier to work?

Never have no women, besides me, should not be within a hundred meters radius. ( Smiles.) I can only say: it's good that I always have a guys in my team, otherwise we would not live to the first concert. It's hard - ride with ladies on trains, live in hotels. In addition to their whims, I'm not ready to listen more than a draw. Of course, I have a girlfriend, but this does not mean that I am ready to work with them.

So you can't tell you that you love to shook.

I and the caprip, and patient at the same time. I do not know what it depends on. Very impulsive, apparently. The mood is changing a hundred times day. And in three days I can fall in love twice.

You somehow said that they first sang about nature. Men began to disappoint and become the heroes of the songs later.

It's true. At first, the writings were very abstract and global, then I realized that I love the items, and began to carry a lot from your personal life in the songs, mix.

Disappointment inspire you?

It sounds too much, but every person in life is given to us for something, even if this is something will not bring happiness. I think if you take all the songs of the world, it will turn out that the percentage of seventy is written in unhappy state, and only thirty - in the feeling of happiness, and then half - Bob Marley. ( Laughs.) But I always write songs, even when I have everything well and stable. That is, I do not have inspiration. I can write a song without him. If there are ideas, they need to be embodied.

Do you write songs only for yourself?

This is a difficult question. I recently wrote several lines for Ivanoshek, and then I thought: "Damn, about the knees and clavicle I could sing myself." I still have to figure it out, the opinion is not formed finally.

Do you remember when your group has become popular? It happened almost overnight.

Yes, it was the fourteenth of February last year. The program "Home Scene" was published, where we performed the song "Dura". On the day of the ether we had a rehearsal, everyone began to call phones: Moms, Pope, friends from the Far East, were in a hurry to say that they saw us on TV. ( Laughs.) All the time difference with the Far East, where the program has emerged earlier. That is, in Moscow have not yet shown, and the wave has already come. It was nice and scary at the same time.

Tanya, you are on stage from 2010, and the popularity came to you just a year ago. Previously, you did not have a disappointment from what was invested?

Of course, it was. Disappointment is as normal as charm. And the fact that there is a return, does not mean that disappointment will not come again.

You probably think that every step is thinking carefully?

I always promise yourself that I will think through every step. No, sometimes I do it, but it all happens more often impulsively. I do not always cope with emotions. I can not say that this is good, so you need to count to thirty, but better before one hundred, and only then make a decision, answer, kiss, believe ...

Scars are also the consequences of impulsive behavior?

Baby childhood. ( Smiles.) I have five scars on my face. I liked to climb on trees, construction workers, trenches ... Once in the fifth grade, my friend and I swam the lake. Parents still do not know about it, thank God. I can not say that I am so fearless. We checked the local legend, which says that in the middle of the lake there is a bump, which you can get up, and then you will leave the water on the belt ... So, the bodie there was true. In general, the maximalism is almost completely in the past, and now I am more attracted to wisdom and calm.

The vocalist of the Russian musical group is called Tatyana Tkachuk. On the second May 2018, the girl celebrated his 29th birthday.

A group was formed in 2009, in the city of Blagoveshchensk. It consists of four people:

  • Tatyana Tkachuk - vocalist, the author of the songs;
  • Bass-guitarist Dmitry Streltsov;
  • Drummer - Oleler Burakov;
  • Guitarist Renat Samigullin.

According to the team members, they took their name from the famous Beatles- "Michel".

The guys in the Far East became acquainted, at a young age, however, despite this, each "behind his back" had a musical experience.


Tatiana, the group leader, has two senior brothers. Being a girl, she was very afraid of attractions. There was a case when during riding on the carousel, Tatiana began to lose consciousness from fright.

In adolescence, Tkachuk was peeling on his nephew Anton, who is older for her year. They understood each other with the semi-word, and invented their own language.

What is the famous group

In one of the issues of the project of the main scene, my Michelle performed the song "Dura", which Tatiana wrote.

The team released their album, called "I like you", in which eleven best songs entered. In November 2016, there is a new collection of Sandy songs, which included:

  1. We catch the night;
  2. Nastya;
  3. Sucks;
  4. Christmas;
  5. Sonya;
  6. Dark alleys;
  7. It is impossible to kiss;
  8. Haruki;
  9. Milky Way.

Eastern culture had a great influence on the group. Thanks to this, it looks advantageous against the background of other families like each other.

In 2015, a clip came to the song "Dura", and the following "Chemistry". In 2016, the group shot a joint clip with DJ Smeshem, as a result of which "took" a premium for MUZ-TV, for the best duet.


Tatiana was born in 1989. Currently lives in Moscow, like the whole group. The girl is not married at the moment. In his hometown graduated from a pedagogical university. The singer is silent about his weight, but his growth is voiced: 170cm.

The girl's face cover five scars obtained under different circumstances. It is worth noting that by their occasion, Tatiana does not complex complex, even on the contrary, claims that they decorate it.

At the moment, the group is quite known. In 2017, the album was released called "Cinema". The song released in the same year, "Summer is always", found a response in the soul of millions of listeners.

You have an image of a light and immediate girl with which it is always easy and easy. And in life you are the same or, for example, tough and purposeful?

Sometimes I get borneling. I think: "Well, everything will be adult," then bored. Then I think: "I will be calm," then it is too open, then - well, it is impossible ... And this is without end, often contradicted to yourself, I change the beliefs.

In one of the interviews, you said that you have a hard character. What is it expressed?

In all sorts of maiden psychos, stubbornness, whims, with a rare exception, with those I love very much, I almost never argue, but there are only two such people, those who cope with me, more precisely - they don't even have anything to do anything.

Your song "Dura" has become popular. And you can call yourself a fool when you fall in love?

Every day I swear myself: the fool you are a fool, like the promscar, but globally - my mind is analytic, I can teach an algebra.

Suffered from unhappy love?

I let all your suffering in the circulation, not that very cynically, but it's like an antidote - good songs, energy conversion.

Tell me about a man's dream? What is he?

About the man's dreams knows better Karry Bradshou (smiles). I think this is not enough to life. A man of dreams, like women dreams, is for covers and instagram. If it seems that the person has no vices, then they are! And, most likely, more nasty.

What would you never forgive near a person?

I'm selling everything and say goodbye after.

Tell us about when and how did you come to Moscow from Blagoveshchensk?

In September 2007, it was my first journey by plane. So decided: finish the university, slip the summer and move forever. I remember it was overcast and we could not land.

Do you have a philologist's diploma, why did you decide to engage in music?

Music took up me, it is a faster mafia. And I do not see any contradictions at all. That's when the mechanic or speech therapist does music ...

Dreamed of becoming famous or did not think about glory and multimillion audience?

I like to sing, act, always liked most. True, in childhood legs from fear on stage, now less (laughs). And since it does not make much sense without an audience - yes, I wanted more and more people to capture.

"My Michel" differs from pop groups with which producer Igor Matvienko usually works. Are you afraid to lose individuality? Or do you have complete mutual understanding?

We have a whole ecosystem, team - Igor Igorevich, Music producer Pavel Shevchuk, musicians, Studio M.A.A. I am interested in the search process, and mutual understanding usually occurs at the end or does not occur - and this is not the end of the world.

You are quite unusually dressing. Go around without stylists? How and where usually choose things, what are you guided?

And with stylists and without stylists - like, of course, dress up. And then I deny all and go in the same thing.

Are you on someone in terms of style and creativity?

Of course, on Jackson Five, Led Zeppelin and the Karamazov brothers still.

Ask advice from guys from the group about how to dress up for a concert or shooting clip? Are you important for a male opinion?

It is important for me the opinion of one guy, well, it's how to twist in front of the mirror, only 100 times more interesting (laughs).

In one of the interviews, you said that I was glad to work with men's musicians, since the girls could hardly have a walk. Why? Do you have a girlfriend or you do not believe in women's friendship?

Probably, the whole thing in the children's zealous thirst for full attention plus from women can be expected anything, men are more predictable and straightforward, they can be calculated. My friends can be calculated: two - in the Far East, two - in Moscow.

Are you calm about your appearance? Have any complexes or a desire to change something in yourself?

I like the current tendency in beauty, the promise this about "be yourself". It seems to me that earlier at school would be confused. And now all "disadvantageous" - in Glianz. I wonder what will happen next. I remember the class in the seventh I really wanted to recover. Once I was asked to leave the choir, the teacher said: "You are so thin, I can't look at you, go beyond your jacket."

And in men, what role does appearance play for you? In general, what exactly do you pay attention to when meeting the opposite sex?

I still can easily be pushed into a "picture". All sorts of diagonal, high and thin, asocial, sort of guys "from the area." It is good that I'm still a little more adultery, now I am not 15 in this sense, but as much as 17, sometimes I think!

What qualities for you are the main in the man, and which repel?

I do not know about the main. Humor bribes me. It pushes, perhaps, when I start to prove, what Paolo Coelo is a terrific author, and what survived when he read it.

Are you not afraid that in parallel with growing popularity will be the interest of foreign to your personal life?

I don't think about it, but in general it is about equilibrium: if you get one in one thing - in something else ... you also get, and then I confused.

You somehow said that everyone falls in love with you. What's the secret? Advise how to become the same beautiful?

These are periods too - all or no one! 132nd Newton Law! The secret, of course, is: you need to drink the blood of the unicorn on the night of the summer solstice, go to the intersection and dance naked.

Fine like you are scheduled for this spring?

We are going to the # blasphemy in many cities and, most importantly for me, - to the Far East and in the native Blagoveshchensk. In Moscow, play two different beautiful concerts on April 7 and 8 in the "16 tons". They promised to people dragons and tigers - train ...

On the eve of the Moscow concerts "My Michel", which will be held 7 and 8 april In the club "16 tons", we talked to the soloist of the group of Tatiana Tkachuk about her favorite artists, plans for the future and how a girl worked with the character in the men's team.

Musicians in your group are all very different - both in style, and by age, and in nature. How did you find each other? Was it hard to work at first?

Renat with me for a long time, we generally studied together at the university, then he had another group and a crowd of fans. Misha and Dan since the summer of 2015, introduced us to Paul Shevchuk, a friend and musical producer and began ... A wave behind the wave, back behind his back, Pasternak behind the wall. In general, it is quite difficult, to be diplomatic with my character, balancing, I can only say - it's good that I have boys in the team, and not girls, and then we would not live to the first concert.

You somehow said that you do not understand the parents who from infancy lead children to castings, beauty contests. And how was your childhood in terms of classes? How old is music about your life?

That's how you say something, and then do not remember. Probably, I am sad that children no longer play in the yard into the ball that the courtyards with fences and under the castle that you need to warn about the arrival in the visit. I think I was all my life in some vocal groups, right here how much I remember, from kindergarten. And I thought - to be the singer was the coolest: it is not necessary to carry any tools - you stand beautiful, singing, dancing, hair flutter, all the compliments are told you (laughs).

- What do you like most and, on the contrary, strains on tour?

Moving is tiring, but the fact of movement is like. In general, it is impossible for me long on the spot - I become a poisonous, and so: I will pay the plane in the plane, we will sing a concert, you will see a new city and sparkle.

As far as I know you (like Angelina Jolie) in ordinary life, even during the moves, you do not wear jeans. How did it happen?

Tired of probably, I would not give this value.

When we communicated with you for the "musical impulse" you said that you do not love Russian folk fun called karaoke. How do you rest with friends? Dancing? Clubs? Sport?

I think my hell looks like some kind of karaoke for a thousand seats. The clubs were interesting to me in the 9th grade, I dragged there with the company of friends of about six years older, funny, they called me "favorite cool youngster," danced until the morning, and then slept the first lessons. In the first year I was already tired, and when all the escaped parents flew there with burning eyes, I was looking for other adventures. Sport I do not like, with discipline I have trouble, permanent. Everything is missing for: running and swimming, sometimes I am fond of yoga, just like this - I do not like everything connected with an imposed will, breathtaking on the verge of religion and similar, here I think - my grandmother lived without meditations, and I live .

If I remember correctly, then by education you are a philologist. We have a group of book enthusiasts on our site, from them a question about favorite books.

I tell the most beloved only the closest, it is treasure, greeding (laughs). In general, globally and abstract: fairy tales (very important - with pictures!), Mayakovsky, Nabokov, Sellinger, Bulgakov, Akhmatova, Yesenin, Marquez, Kizi, Kortasar, Hars, Tolstoy, the one that Lev Nikolaevich, Mariengoof, Baudelaire, Zurn, Babel, Dovlatteov.

When I was small, I liked Paul McCartney, Vladimir Vysotsky and Michael Jackson. In the latter, I was generally in love, and McCartney too. Then I remember that I didn't like Vysotsky at all, I decided so: well, a man died, so much on TV show, the parents are sitting - what a good one was, it's a pity, and I have a feeling of guilt - always inspected to the end of his speech, herself I thought - would soon end. Well, this in childhood, I was able to evaluate his talent much later.

- What are the plans for 2016?

Write new songs that crowd in line, a few duets, go home with tours, buy my mother Pink Cadillac (this is a joke), play in St. Petersburg on May 28 (this is not a joke), - the full schedule of the tour at www.moyame.ru). On April 7 and 8 there will be two different beautiful concerts in "16 tons", there will be # 16Ton altogether. It is only until the summer, in the summer you will have to ask me again.

- And the wishes of readers of our site, please.

Remove the safe rather, already smells of lilac, and the valley, and the cherryha. I always wish love, probably because it is most important for me.