Tamara Sinyavskaya: biography, children, first husband. Sinyavskaya Tamara: Details of the personal life of the legendary performer Maiden's name Tamara Sinyavskaya

Tamara Sinyavskaya: biography, children, first husband. Sinyavskaya Tamara: Details of the personal life of the legendary performer Maiden's name Tamara Sinyavskaya
Tamara Sinyavskaya: biography, children, first husband. Sinyavskaya Tamara: Details of the personal life of the legendary performer Maiden's name Tamara Sinyavskaya

- Tamara Ilinichna, four years ago you voluntarily left the Bolshoi Theater. I have never regretted it?

Sorry? Not. Today I could sing the same Olga from Evgenia Onegin. And sing a rather young voice. If you cheat me, put the wrap, why not ... and who is joy from this? Better let them say that from the theater I left too early than hear: "How? She still sings! " Especially since my native large theater is closed for repairs, and a new scene for me, alas, someone else's.

- But in concert halls, you also have become a rare guest. Why?

I can afford only at my level and nor on the step below. But to sing, as before, I can no longer, at least because of the nerves. Speaking in some concert hall, I start to worry, as if I would go to at least the scene of La Scala. Why do I need it? I don't appear on television for the same reason - suddenly will be shown in such an aid that Ikhneshi ... I try to guard myself and my name. Every day I "greet" with my voice: I run away your favorite arias, romances. Many years ago I was invited to teach me to different universities, but then I did not consider it possible to "sit on two chairs" - either sing, or teach. And now I am conducting the vocal class in Gitis, and while I really like it.

- How did you manage to, working in the Bolshoi Theater for almost 40 years, do not quarrel with anyone, not to be in the center of scandals and intrigues?

Yes, I never intrigued in my life! I came to the big when I was 20 years old, naive, gullible, in love with the scene and very friendly to all the girl. Because of my young age, none of the soloist and did not perceive me as a rival.

Ice cream ate only in summer

- At what age began to sing?

Sang years from three. It is funny to say: first in the entrance of your house (earlier in the old Moscow houses were an entrance with excellent acoustics), a voice sounded very beautifully, as in the temple. What sin to hide, I'm even now, going to an unfamiliar entrance, quietly trying a voice. And then, so that my "public" can hear me - the guys, I gave the "concerts" in my yard. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. On the second floor of our house there was a clinic. I liked to go there, because there she smelled with ether, cleanliness and white bathrobes. At home I made up a medical file, wrote the "medical history" of my friends who signed the "doctor Sinyavskaya". Probably, if I did not become a singer, I would have turned out a good doctor. But after school, after all, instead of medical entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory.

We in the school was a teacher who gave students the opportunity to earn money in the choir of the Small Theater. And I pleasure to start singing in the theater. Yes, in what! Moreover, my mother and I lived very modestly, and for the performance paid 5 rubles (for example, so much cost a kilogram of Sevryfi in Eliseevsky grocery).

- Singers constantly have to take care of the voice ...

Because of the fear, I had to catch a sport - skis and skates, which I was fond of. By the way, when we recently opened a rink on the Red Square, I had a glanced heart from nostalgia for youth, by childhood. I really wanted to ride.

And the voice really faugored: eat ice cream allowed himself only in the summer when the season closed the season and all artists left on vacation. Now I can talk on the street, and eat ice cream, nuts and seeds, which singers are also contraindicated, and, pah-pah, nothing with voice happens. And before, probably, a psychological installation was triggered - God forbid to catch a cold on the eve of the performance.

Muslim - a very generous man

Tamara Ilyinichna interrupts our conversation, as if the "ambulance" make another injection of the Poodle Charlik and cook the coffee to her beloved husband. And I also treat me magnificent coffee, cooked in Turkish, and myself pours a glass of water. Sinyavskaya does not want to lose shape so that at any moment you can wear a suit, for example, Lyubashi and go on the stage in the play "Tsarist Bride".

In this sense, Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya has always been an example for me, which all his life was kept in one weight and put on stage costumes of the same size.

- In a conversation on the phone, you called me three best women - 29 years old, 38 and 45. What was in your life interesting when you were 29 years old?

Roman started with Muslim. I was then in danger in Italy. Muslim daily called me, allowed to listen to new records. We talked a lot and for a long time. As far as these calls cost him, you can imagine. But the conversation about money was a prohibitive topic. He was always very generous man.

- In 38 what events happened?

This is a wonderful age for any woman - a feeling of completeness of life. And I still coincided with professional flourishing. By the way, the legendary love Orlova loved to repeat that she was 38 years old and no one else. I sometimes quote it into a joke, although I understand that 38 years old are too a bold statement, but if you go to "trim" (so the Sinyavsky calls a circular suspension of the face. - Aut.), Make a light makeup, I still have nothing. Joke.

Secret of youth - good sleep

- Have your secret, how to look good?

Sleep. When a woman is poured, she has less wrinkles on his face, a healthy blush and glowing eyes. True, our poodle Charllik for three years already does not give sleep. He is already old, he is tormented by insomnia, he does not sleep at night and looks into the darkness with his blind eyes. And I am very afraid that he can fall from the bed, as he is used to sleeping with us. Naturally, in touch. He is like a child for me. With his children, unfortunately, somehow it did not work out, although it seems to me that I would be a stunning mother, but the Lord ordered otherwise ... True, I was told if I had a child, I could not be able to serve my favorite profession so selfless .

- You have long-time and durable star union with Magomaev. Thanks to which he keeps?

Maybe the most important thing - love? .. Yes, and the interests of common many. Especially when it comes to music, about singing. It is worth the Muslim to see the TV speech on TV, which causes emotions, he is right to me: "Did you hear" this "?!" And the evening of "questions and answers", delight or indignation begins. Muslim - well, a very emotional man. But I must say that our tastes and evaluation almost always coincide. In addition, I never felt my star, especially next to Muslim. In general, in my opinion, the word "star", today sounds insulting. After receiving all-union glory at the nineteen years, Muslim jesle her throughout his life and does not need it constant confirmation.

- What is the fond of Magomayev today?

He is very passionate about the Internet, writes music, draws a lot of talents, it is superbly disassembled in modern technique. And most importantly - all hobbies do not force the Muslim to go beyond the threshold of the apartment, he is a home. I, on the contrary, I love society and has always been a soul of the company. For this I did not have to invent anything, I just started singing. And everything around, sorry for indiscrimination, was a shatter.

Soviet and Russian opera singer, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR. The widow of the People's Artist of the USSR singer Muslim Magomaeva.

Tamara Sinyavskaya. Biography

Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya Born in Moscow on July 6, 1943. There is no information about the father. She brought up her mother's mother - a talented woman, which from nature was endowed with a beautiful voice. Singing the Sinyava began in three years, repeating behind the mother heard songs. However, in childhood, Sinyavskaya dreamed of becoming a doctor, as in the house where she lived was a clinic.

Engaged in singing at school age in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers. The desire to become an actress appeared at Tamara in adolescence, when she looked at the "Kuban Cossacks" and "the house in which I live," learned songs from these films and constantly sang them. In 1964 he graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, and in 1970 - Gityis, where he studied in the class of singing D. B. Belyavsky.

From 1964 to 2003, Tamara Sinyavskaya was the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, a young singer had no conservative education, however the adoptive commission of the large, in which Boris Pokrovsky, Galina Vishnevskaya and Yevgeny Svetlanov, unanimously decided that the 20-year-old artist should be in the troupe.

He made his debut on the scene of the singer in the opera "Rigoletto" Verdi, in which he performed the party a group. In 1972, Sinyavskaya took part in the play "Not only Love" (Barbara Vasilyevna Party) of Rodion Shchedrin, who was put at the Moscow State Academic Chamber Music Theater. The year, from 1973 to 1974, the singer was in the internship in the famous Milan theater "La Scala".

Over 40 years in the Bolshoi Theater Tamara, Sinyavskaya became a primary, fulfilling all the main opera parties to the velvet mezzo-soprano. For the voice range and skill, the singer called the best Russian vocalist of the Italian school.

Tamara Sinyavskaya has played a lot abroad, participating in performances of opera houses of France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, USA, Australia and other countries. Toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. There was a participant in the festival "Varna Summer", which was held in Bulgaria.

The name of the singer Tamara Sinyavskaya called the small planet of the solar system. Dramatic mezzo-soprano Tamara Sinyavskaya admired the legendary opera diva Maria Callas.

In the concert repertoire of Tamara Sinyavskaya was the most complex works of Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, "Spanish cycle" M. de false and other composers, opera arias, romances, works accompanied by the authority. Sinyavskaya also performed in the vocal duet genre with his spouse Muslim Magomaev.

In 2003, Sinyavsky left the stage. She later explained why he decided to complete the singer's career: from the words of Tamara Ilinichny, she chose to leave earlier than hear words about the career "long-life". Since 2005, Professor Tamara Sinyavskaya was the head of the Vocal Department in Gitis.

Tamara Sinyavskaya. Personal life

Tamara Sinyavskaya was married twice. The first husband of the singer was the artist of ballet. Sergey (so called the spouse) singer, from her words, was always grateful, because it was he who helped her in a difficult life period, when her mother was gone from life. While married with Sergey, Tamara on tour in Baku in 1972 faced with the handsome Muslim Magomaev, in which millions of women were in love. Magomayev was also incompatible at the time of dating from Sinyava.

Tamara Sinyavskaya became the wife of Muslim Magomayev in November 1974. The couple lived together 34 years old. Despite the quarrels and parting, they still always put up and remained together. There were never children in marriage, but Tamara Ilyinichna gave her husband all his husband. After in October 2008, Muslim Magomayeva did not become, the Sinyavskaya three years did not appear in public.

Tamara Sinyavskaya. Discography

1973 - "Tsarist Bride"

1970 - "Evgeny Onegin"

1979 - "Ivan Susanin"

1986 - "Prince Igor"

1987 - "Boris Godunov"

1989 - Cycle songs on poems Marina Tsvetaeva

1993 - "Ivan Grozny"

1999 - "Jewish cycle"

Tamara Sinyavskaya. Filmography

1983 Karambolin Carambolett

1979 Ivan Susanin (film-performance)

1979 in the song My life ... Alexandra Pakhmutova (short)

1972 Autumn Concert (short)

1964 Blue Okonok 1964 (film play)

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna Children from the first marriage, the mystery of a personal life, which caused a real shock at the fans of the opera singers. Tamaru Sinyava today is more and more known as the wife of Muslim Magomayev, and then as a high-end artist. But in vain. She is a very talented singer who was very famous in Soviet times.

Her mezzo-soprano admired Brezhnev himself. She worked his whole life in the Bolshoi Theater, in its repertoire more than 30 parties in the most religious works. Sinyavskaya is a well-deserved and folk artist of the RSFSR and Russia, in the Milan, in the "La Scala" theater and in her honor the planet is called. She graduated from Tamara Ilinichna's opera career in 2005 and since that time she headed the vocal department in Gitis.

Personal life

Sinyavskaya for his 72 years of life never particularly told about his family and personal life in an interview, always believed that it should be interesting to people at the expense of his creativity, and not because of dirty woven. That is why it has never been woven around it, but there is little information. It is known that by the nationality of the singer, Russian and a radical Muscovite. Her father died in war, the singe talent of Tamara Ilinichna inherited from the mother, so she spoke herself. However, her mother was not a professional pop singer, but only sang in church choir.

Few people know, but before marriage with Muslim Magomaev, the Sinyavskaya was married. Nowhere is the name of the first husband of the singer, but it is known that he was a ballet artist. There were no children in marriage. He lasted for a short time, since the woman met Magomaev, who, by the way, was also married at that time.

In 1974, Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomayev got married and lived happily 34 years together until the artist died in 2008. Their family, God also did not give children, but it did not prevent them from lived the soul in the soul of so many years and always talk about each other only good. And on the question of how they managed to be together and to love each other, no matter what, Sinyavsky replied that they were combined with a common cause, one passion for two - music. Of course, according to the recognition of the artist, they quarreled and even parted, but they still converged, because they did not imagine their lives without each other.

So after the death of Magomayev, the Sinyavskaya went to his senses and had not appeared in public for a whole three years. It was very difficult to care for her husband's husband. But now, she says that he has taken herself in his hands and is full of strength to live and do a loved one. Today it is teaching activities and the cultural and musical heritage of Muslim Magomayev. To the scene Tamaru Ilyinichna is called, but it refuses, arguing that he does not want to even want to lower the level she reached earlier.

So there are no children from the first marriage. She suffered an unforgettable joy of what is the first husband, but the children did not make her fascinating extension.

On the other hand, the singer really does not like to spread about his family, in the USSR it rarely thundered to the whole world. Maybe she has a son somewhere or daughter, whom she chose to hide from the public. So do many famous parents so that children become independent personalities. After all, the shadow of the Glory of Mother easily can make a child with an accrueistic pricker.

Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in the Heavy War years, in the summer of July 6, 1943, in Moscow. Her singing talent has opened early, at the age of three. She gladly sang mom when she, working around the house, sang amazing songs.

The talent of the girls was obvious, and the parents of Tamara gave advice to take the baby to the nearest Poland of Pioneers, where the set in the song ensemble and dance was carried out, who led the talented Vladimir Loktev. Later, when young Tamara turned 10 years old, she was transferred to an academic choir from the ensemble.

The children's team acted on the largest, including government, concerts. Here for the eight years, Tamara Sinyavskaya has gained vocal and scenic experience. But, despite the bright vocal data, the girl's dream was not at all the profession of artist, but a doctor. But the talent took the top and Tamara Sinyavskaya after the elaping of the school still made a choice in favor of music and decided to receive an appropriate education. In 64, the twentieth century, she graduated from the Music School named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, and then walked in guitis, to the department of vocals to the teacher D. Bellevskaya.

From 1964 to 2003 Tamara Sinyavskaya was the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, where all these years shine.

During this period, in the mid-19070s, Tamara Sinyavskaya passed an internship in Italy and sang for a whole year, adopted the experience of the best artists of the "La Scala" theater.

Since 2005, and at the moment Tamara Ilinichna Sinyavskaya works in glorious guitis, teaching young talents in the art of vocals. She carries the title of professor, heads for the cane pool. We can say that she made a brilliant career on his field.

Facts from personal life

Personal life of Tamara Sinyavskaya is a legend. But start from the very beginning. She was married twice. The first her spouse seemed to be a completely crazy man in her life. It was the artist of the theater, from ballet, it is known about him, only the fact that he was named Sergey, the marriage lasted them long, he was concluded in 1971, when the singer was 28 years old, and ended with a termination in 1974. They did not take place as Husband and wife, they did not have a child, in fact, did not unite anything, but Tamara Sinyavsky recalls the first spouse with warmth, since he disrulled her extremely and had invaluable support to her exactly when she had so sharply needed.

It was in that 1974 that Tamara Sinyavskaya married the great love of all his life - Muslim Magomaeva. They lived in happy, full love and creativity of marriage until 2008. It is in that year, unfortunately, the spouse of Tamara Sinyavskaya, also the famous singer and unsurpassed artist, died, which became a tragedy not only for the singer, but also for the whole world. Their family was a role model, since an infrequent creative environment can boast of durable and strong marriages.

Creative way

Tamara Sinyavskaya can boldly brag that her creative path was littered with the stars. List all her parties, Operas, where she brightened, the plates on which her voice sounds - it is necessary to write a whole book. But it is worth noting that her magnificent voice, velvet and penetrant mezzo-soprano sounded in such operations as "Boris Godunov," Eugene Onegin "," Tsarist Bride ". And this is just a drop in the creative sea singer.

For the combatant history of soloist, she managed to sing in almost all operations, which at that time were put on the stage of the theater. This is not counting the performance of the songs of famous authors to poetry no less well-known poets, concert activities, filming in films.

How does Tamara Sinyavskaya live now? It is completely immersed in creative activity and life, only on the other side. She teaches, leads the department of vocals in Gitis, is engaged in the foundation named after his husband Muslim Magomaeva, keeps his hand on the pulse and does not lose ties with theatrical medium.

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Tip 2: Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilinichna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Opera art lovers have always impressed a beautiful couple, which was Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomayev. Thanks to these wonderful performers, we can enjoy romance, opera arias and songs in their performance. Although the opera dive is currently conducting a closed lifestyle, the interest of the public to the Great Singer is still high.

The famous opera singer Tamara Ilinichna Sinyavskaya was born on July 6, in the Heavy Martial Summer of 1943.

Biography of childhood

Tamara grew up without his father, whose name is unknown. Her mother was engaged in the education of young dating, due to difficult life circumstances, which did not become famous, but had an unconditional talent and a beautiful voice. This voice passed to her daughter's inheritance.

Little Tamara Popped in three years, repeating the song heard performed in the performance of mom. The first stage of the future opera diva was the entrances of nearby houses. Acoustics in the old Moscow parade was such that from the executable Aria made hand into a shiver, as if she sang in the temple or on stage. It is someone from the inhabitants of this entrance - the scene and advised Mom Tamara to record a girl in the vocal circle of the pioneers at home, where specialized teachers would have been involved.

Career and Creativity of the famous singer

However, Tamara Ilinichna, herself dreamed of becoming a doctor as a child, but life was different. As the Opera Div said herself, she could well devote life to medicine, if she had not become singing. I had to throw and loved skiing because of the fear of losing a voice from the cold. The whole of her life of the childhood itself was a turn of conscious failures and decisions that they led her to the scene.

After school, Tamara Ilyinichna graduated from the School at the Conservatory, worked in the choir. Her debut role on the stage was the "Page" from the opera Rigaletto, at that moment the singer was only twenty years. At first, by virtue of young age, no one perceived her seriously, but in the same year Tamara Sinyavskaya became the leading singer and received an invitation to the Blue Spark known in those days.

Tamara Ilyinichna dedicated the theater more than forty years of life, she became a primary opera, there was tours in Europe, in the Far East, America and in the distant Australia.

Personal life Tamara Sinyava

Prima was married twice. The first her husband was the same creative man, the ballet artist, but their joint life was not bright. The second husband has become a man of a similar spirit, the singer of opera and pop, the well-known Muslim Magomedov. They met in the autumn of 1972 in the southern city of Baku, but at that time Tatiana was still married. But this fact did not stop Magomedov: he cared for Tatiana two long years and came to the goal - on November 23, 1974, Tatiana married him.

Children never appeared in their pair, but they were happy and romantic together for 34 years. Their relationships were above glory and fans.

Name: Tamara Sinyavskaya (Tamara Sinyavskaya)

Age: 74 years

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Activity: opera singer, teacher

Tamara Sinyavskaya - biography

Opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya hardly made his way to the highest stage of the vocal Olympus. Talent, this Tamara Ilyinichna from God, she gladly gives her fans. Thanks to her, the opera becomes closer and more clear to many.

Children's years, family

Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in Moscow in the military 1943. Mother brought up a daughter alone and did a lot so that the girl went in his life on the right track. The whole biography of Tamara was the efforts of her mom. She led her to the ensemble of Vladimir Loktev. Now the singer with a smile remembers how she sang in the entrances of Moscow houses. She liked the acoustics of ancient buildings, she learned to listen to her voice.

The world fame in the children's life period of Tamara Sinyavskaya had a singer from Argentina Lolit Torres. Of course, she was idol for many girls who possessed good vocal data. Tamara did not lose time with the gift: she had time to sing in the ensemble, attended the choir in a small theater, studied wonderful.


The girl came to the Older Group in the Bolshoi Theater. There was no conservative formation, but there was a wonderful voice. The reception commission is not in vain selected Tamaru Sinyavsky among the best interns, after a year it was transferred to the main composition of the theater. From that moment on, all celebrities, on which she used to want to be similar, became her colleagues in the workshop: Novishnevskaya, I. Archipova, A.Oneknivtsev. The girl studied from the great all on rehearsals, at home he repeated their movements, intonation, faithful.

Tamara behaved modestly, to the end he was shy to reveal his talent. Helped the case. Almost all of the theater was on tour, Moscow spectators were waiting for the "Eugene Onegin". The actress was lacking in the play, which was playing Olga, to sing to Tamara Sinyavskaya, with which she made a brilliantly.

The biography of talent does not tolerate inaction, and Tamara began to move on. The girl continued to work on her voice, reperished the repertoire. The young performer began to trust serious parties that made it popular and abroad. In Canada, France and Japan admired the skill of the Sinyava. Three years and three awards on the most significant competitions and festivals.

And at the Annual International Competition, the first prize was divided between Elena Exephate and Tamara Sinyava. The singer began to invite to American tour, but in the Soviet Union it was similar to betraying the Motherland, Tamara was not allowed to make this trip. Sinyavskaya leaves in Baku, where the decade of Russian culture was held.

Work in the theater

In the Bolshoi Theater Tamara Sinyavskaya worked for forty years. It connects not only vocals in its performance, but also charm along with sensuality. Her party is very feminine and in Russian are wide and 20 times. Tamara Ilinichna is not afraid of any work.

Everyone knows that the role of Carmen in Opera is not only a voice and appearance, this ability to move perfectly. Tamara took the lessons of choreography at the famous ballerina Semyne \u200b\u200bfor six months.

Biography of personal life

The first husband of Tamara Sergey was a ballet artist, they had even relationships. But having met with a singer, a young woman realized that they were intended for each other. The biography of Tamara Sinyava, like singer and as women, would be incomplete without Muslim Magomaeva. In the relationship showed the perseverance to Muslim. He constantly invented the reason to call the lover. Young people decided to play a modest wedding, but relatives did not allow two celebrities to do with a simple registration and dinner during candles.

More than one hundred people broke into the restaurant, and those who were not invited were standing on the street. Magomayev sang for those who came to congratulate the young at the open window, then suffered from bronchitis. Magomaeva and the Sinyavsky did not have children, so Tamara gave all his tenderness to her husband. For a long time, the favorites of both spouses was a silver poodle. Charlie was for Tamara, like a child. She also did not sleep at night, like a loving mother when a pet was sick. She did injeces. The absence of children was replenished with a joint community-music. The spouses joined their song creativity together, giving joint concerts and evenings.

When Muslim is seriously ill, Tamara Ilinichna did not find a place. And after his death, for a long time was not shown in public. The last years of Magomaev and Sinyavskaya were inseparable, and bother with the thought that her husband, whom she adored and guarded, no nearby, very hard. Then there were new projects. Tamara Sinyavskaya began to organize and hold a contest named after his famous husband.