Thai prisoner: Evgeny Osin escaped from the clinic. Journalists "Let them say" the latter saw Evgenia Aspen let them say the last issue to watch online

Thai prisoner: Evgeny Osin escaped from the clinic. Journalists "Let them say" the latter saw Evgenia Aspen let them say the last issue to watch online

In the studio "Let them talk", guests and viewers discuss various scandalous situations, everyday problems, the secrets of pop stars and show business, as well as national problems. Heroes of the program These are real people, as a rule, without acting education.

Let them say - Thai captive (12 10 2017)

Singer Evgeny Osin again in Moscow - and in a literally two months ago, the whole country shocked the news that he got into trouble. Neighbors, who brought him food, scored alarming when he did not open the door for several days. The film crew "Let them say" discovered the artist in a state of severe intoxication. After that there were droppers, hospitals in Moscow and clinic in Thailand. It seemed that the health of the singer was getting better, but suddenly the performer of the hit "Crying the girl in the machine" himself, almost crying, began to complain about the close to life in the clinic. Today, Evgeny Osin will tell him that he had to survive in recent months.

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Today you will see in let them speak an exclusive interview with singer Evgenia Osin. The artist, who suffered a long time with alcoholism, was finally in the clinic of Thailand. It would seem that it is - salvation! But soon the Osin was forced to flee from the paradise ... See the release. Let them say - Thai captive: Evgeny Osin escaped from the clinic 12.10.2017

Recently, Evgeny Osina had to be very difficult: bad relationships with the former spouse and daughter, health problems, alcoholism, who went fame ... All this led the singer to the hospital bed, where he was dripped and tried to save. Later, the author and performer of the hit "Crying the girl in the machine" was in the Thai clinic along with. But soon he had to run from there. The artist is recognized that the paradise life in Thailand was not at all paradise.

Let them say - Thai prisoner: Evgeny Osin escaped from the clinic

How did it happen that staying in the paradise corner turned around for the aspen almost torture? Today in let them say - Thai captive: Evgeny Osin escaped from the clinic. The musician in the studio of the talk show with the leading Dmitry Borisov will tell the whole country that he had to survive in the Thai clinic:

- ended the visa and I got injury - broke my shoulder. I now need an operation and I returned to Moscow. What you showed about me in the last issue is not true: the apartment is not my, I do not live there. Where did you get these frames, it is incomprehensible to me.

"That is a terrible state in which I was when I arrived" Let them say "- this is all because of the same lady, which is Natalia Sturm. She came to me with alcohol and plucked me some kind of powder in wine. I am responsible for every word. Sturm also pies at the expense of me, since no one remembers it, no one can remember at least one of her songs, while I did a lot for the country and have government awards.

- When I turned off, she opened the door to some journalists and they removed negative shots. They put me a bunch of bottles, which I was not in the apartment at all! When I was poisoned, I got to the hospital to a very good doctor Yevgeny Evgenievich. He cleared my body and saved my life. In front of the hospital, journalists were on duty and night, we had to go out through a black way out.

- They do not treat there, there are no doctors there. There are just lectures. No medicines and doctors there. As for Dana: It is in a terrible state. She needs a psychiatric hospital, since she has mental disorders.

From mid-August in the Thai clinic (in the same where Dana Borisov was struggling with narcological dependence), the singer Evgeny Osin was treated. At the star of the 90s another problem: he suffers from alcoholism. The Contractor complained that he didn't really like it in the clinic, since he was forced to walk "on some groups" and do not give alcoholic beverages. The singer even threatened to declare a hunger strike.

Evgeny Osin did not withstand the "harsh" conditions in Thailand. In early October, he interrupted treatment and left the walls of the rehabilitation center. The first place where Osin littered, the metropolitan supermarket was. It is noteworthy that the star of the 90s made a purchase ... in the alcoholic department. The performer of the hit "Crying the girl in the machine" hurried to justify. According to Evgenia, he just looked at the bottles, but actually bought food. "I considered the bottles, but did not buy, but I just looked. I bought the products, "he said.

The excuse of the artist for many was unconvincing. And not in vain: Yesterday, Evgeny Osin arrived in a drunk on the shooting "Let them say" about the late Dmitry Maryanov. The state of the singer was so deplorable that the film crew had to call for the help of physicians. Doctors, in turn, insisted on the hospitalization of the Aspen and took him into one of the Moscow clinics.

Evgeny Osin arrived in a drunk on the shooting "Let them say" about Dmitry Maryanov

Chris Kielmi, Dana Borisova and Yevgeny Osin in a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand

It is noteworthy that two weeks ago, Evgeny Osin himself became the hero "Let them say." The singer came with accusations against people who allegedly sent him fraudulently for treatment. It was getting from Osin and journalists attacing him, and the donodolnaya Natalia assault, which, with the words of the artist, wants to reconvent him from him, and Dana Borisova, Evgenia's companion in Thailand. On the last Osin, generally stated that she needed the help of a psychiatrist. And many guests in the studio "Let them say" supported him.

Dana Borisova, having seen the performance of Evgeny Aspen in a talk show on the first channel, delicately reported the artist, posing a video in his microblog in Instagram. So, she noticed that in general, Evgeny's expensive appearance was obliged to spend at least some time in the rehabilitation center. Dana gently said that Zhenya, at a minimum, should be grateful to people who had helped him at a difficult moment, and wished aspen of good luck in an independent struggle with alcohol addiction.

Evgeny Osin stated that Dana Borisova needs help of a psychiatrist

Literally two weeks ago, Evgeny Osin himself sat in the chair of the main character "Let them say"

Recently, the star of the 90s Evgeny Osin returned from the rehabilitation center in Thailand. For a month, the artist was assisted in the fight against a detrimental habit. A friend of the musician Natalia Sturm today published a photo on which he captured him with a bottle of alcoholic beverage in his hands.

Chairman of the Board of the National Anti-Narcotic Union Nikita Lushnikov, who followed the rehabilitation of the Aspen, told "Starkit" about the state of the artist.

"Now Evgeny returned to Moscow, and even say that he interrupted the treatment, in fact no. He ended the visa, and he did not want to extend and insisted on to continue the treatment of the house. Now the whole Internet has shielded the photo where it is with a bottle in his hands. Experts who are still next to him have reported that the musician is absolutely sober. I can not say for sure whether Osin can hold out longer. Yesterday I took a bottle, and this is a prerequisite for a breakdown, it is not in better form, "the Lushnikov admitted.

According to Nikita, the complexity in the treatment of Eugene is that the singer himself does not recognize the dependence. He remembered in what condition they found him at the first meeting - a man could not hold on her legs. But even this star of the 90s did not perceive as a problem.

"Osin simply does not recognize dependence. Five days in Moscow, he passed intensive therapy. With the help of the sister, miraculously persuaded to go to Thailand. Evgeny said that allegedly journalists penetrated the apartment and set aside something, although there was no one there, "the owner of the clinic remembered.

The Chairman of the Board of the National Anti-Narcotic Union told how the treatment of aspen was taken. He noted that the rehabilitation center does not use medical drugs, but only work with psychologists is underway. Patients need to work on themselves, to delve into the essence of the problem to realize what a destructive habit can lead to. According to Lushnikov, the star of the 90s made only a few steps to recovery.

"He took advantage of the situation with a visa and at the first opportunity returned home. During work with the specialists of the center, he only partially recognized his problem. Of course, because of this, he had whims, because he went not at his request, "Nikita told.

The head of the rehabilitation center noted that he gave a concert for all patients before leaving. Everyone remained delighted with his speech, and Osin himself enjoyed returning to the usual path.

Nikita drew attention to the fact that TV presenter Dana Borisov supported the singer during his stay in Thailand. The celebrity itself has completed rehabilitation, but continues to be in the center.

On October 12, in the program, let the Thai prisoner say: Evgeny Osin escaped from the clinic 12 10 2017 Watch online today in "Let them talk" - an exclusive interview with Evgeny Osin. Two months ago, the whole country shocked the news that the singer fell into trouble. Health problems that have been successful, stretched relations and with a former wife, and with daughter ... and treatment from alcohol addiction. Dropper, hospital in Moscow, then clinic in Thailand. From the side it seemed that it was - salvation! But suddenly the performer of the hit "Crying a girl in the machine" himself almost cries, reaching close to loved ones. The singer made it clear that life in the district place turned around for him almost torture.

"Let the latest release today" - Talk Show Andrei Malakhova - a bright and enchanting evening air cigrier. Guests of the program "Let them say" are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. Participants of the show leave boring phrases outside the set and enter the gambling debate. The program claims the title of information - analytical, because the discussion is no less informative than emotional. "Let them say" - the place of the execution of real metamorphosis - politicians turn into ordinary people, and ordinary people in politicians. Whatever the conversation was, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Dmitry Borisov.