The plot is a stingy knight. Alexander Pushkin - Surround Knight

The plot is a stingy knight. Alexander Pushkin - Surround Knight
The plot is a stingy knight. Alexander Pushkin - Surround Knight

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Bolden autumn is one of the most fruitful periods in the life of Pushkin. The cholera epidemic found the writer in the father's estate, in Boldino. There were many works, including the "stingy knight". In fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Supil Knight" arose before - in 1826. However, he graduated from Alexander Sergeevich this text only in 1830. As you know, Pushkin was engaged in a magazine - a famous "contemporary". Therefore, it is not surprising that the work came out on the pages of this particular publication in 1836.

Mystical collisions of the "Supil Knight"

One curious moment is associated with this play. The fact is that Pushkin laid autobiographical moments here. However, these details from the life of the writer concerned a very delicate theme - the misfortune of the father of Alexander Sergeevich. To confuse readers and literary critics a little, Pushkin provided his work by the subtitle - "from Ceneston tragicomedy." Centon (or William Shenston) is a writer of the XVIII century, who, however, is not available any similar works. The tradition of the XIX century demanded to write the name of this author precisely as "Censton", so sometimes there is a confusion associated with the names.

About the theme and plot of works

"Surround Knight" is considered the first text from the cycle with dramatic Etudes of Pushkin. These are short plays called later "small tragedies". Alexander Sergeevich had an idea: to devote each play to disclose some particular side of the human soul. And Pushkin wanted to write not just about the side of the soul, but about passion - all-consuming feeling. In this case, we are talking about misfortune. Alexander Sergeevich reveals the depth of spiritual qualities of a person, showing these qualities through sharp and unusual plots.

On the heroes and images of the "Supil Knight"

The image of Barona

Baron is perhaps the key image from this Pushkin masterpiece. The hero is famous for its wealth, but Baron's miserness is no less than its wealth. The author does not regret the words, describing the wealth of Baron: chests, full gold, coins ... However, the hero leaves everything in preservation, without pulling anything from the chests. This is how Baron Alber describes:

ABOUT! my father is not servants and not friends
They sees them, and the Lord; And he serves them.
And how does it serve? like Algerian slave
Like a chain dog. In the abtented cone
Lives, drinking water, eats dry peels,

All night is not sleeping, everything runs yes ...

According to Baron, he is Vsevlusten with money. For gold coins you can buy everything because everything is for sale - love, virtues, atrocities, genius, artistic inspiration, human labor ... Everything that Baron is interested is wealth. The hero is able to go even to murder if someone wants to assign his money to himself. When Baron suspected his son in this, he called him a duel. The duke tried to prevent a duel, but the Baron dies only from the thought of losing her money.

So Pushkin metaphorically shows that the passion is able to absorb a person.

Thus, Baron can be described as a mature man, in his own way. Baron passed a good hardening, brought up in old traditions, once a valiant knight. But now the whole sense of life, the hero concluded in the accumulation of money. Baron believes that the Son knows little life to trust him his money:

My son does not like noisy, secular life;
He is wild and gloomy in the lava -
Castle in the forest in forever wanders,
Like a young deer ...

Money image

Money could be considered a separate way. How does the Baron perceive wealth? Money for Baron is the gentlemen. This is not at all tools, not the means, not servants. Also, Baron does not consider money to be friends (as Roshovist Solomon considered). But the hero refuses to admit that he became a slave of money.

Differently refers to Solomon money. For the usurist money - only work, the way to survive in this world. However, Solomon has a passion: to get rich, the hero even offers Albera to kill his father.

Albera image

Albera twenty years old, and youth affects the young man: the hero is eager to enjoy life. Alber depicts a worthy young knight, strong, bold. Albertes wins the knightly tournaments, enjoys the attention and sympathies of women. However, only the detail torments the knight - a complete dependence on his own father. The young man is so poor that he has no money for the knightly uniform, horse, armor, food. The hero is constantly forced to bother before the Father. The hopelessness pushes the knight to complain to his trouble Duke.

So dug into her claws! - Monster!
Flight: My eyes do not dare
Be as long as I myself
I will not prize you ...

The image of the duke

The duke in Pushkin's work is depicted by a representative of the authorities who voluntarily takes these grave obligations. The era in which he lives, as well as people (for the involvement of their hearts), the duke condemns, calling terrible. So - in the mouth of this hero - the author invests his own reflections on the modern era.

Duke tries to always be fair:
I believe, I believe: a noble knight,
That, as you, the Father will not accuse
Without extreme. There are few such depraved ...
Get calm: Your father
We will assimilate alone, without noise ...

Image of Ivana

Also in the play appears the secondary image of Ivana - the young servant of Alber. Ivan is very devoted to his young owner.

On the problem of text

In their "small tragedies", the writer is sacrificed in a certain vice. As for the "stingy knight", then the author is interested in the image of misfortune. This, of course, is not one of the mortal sins, however, the misfortune pushes people to destructive actions. Under the action of stupidity, a worthy person is sometimes changing beyond recognition. Pushkin represents heroes, submissive vices. And therefore, in this play, the flavors are depicted the reason why people lose their own dignity.

About conflict of work

The key conflict of Pushkin work is external. The conflict unfolds between the Baron and Albert, who claims to be inheritance. According to Baron, the money must be treated carefully, and not wasteful. And such a relation to suffering. Baron wishes to keep and multiplying his wealth. And the Son, in turn, seeks to use money to enjoy life.

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The conflict causes the collision of the interests of heroes. Moreover, the situation is significantly aggravated due to the intervention of the duke. In this situation, Baron slanders Alber. The conflict can only be solved by tragic. One side must die so that the conflict has exhausted. As a result, the passion turns out to be such a destructive that Baron kills, which is presented to the stubborn knight. However, Pushkin does not talk about the fate of Alber, so the reader remains only to build guesses.

About the composition and genre of the "Supil Knight"

The tragedy includes three episodes. In the first scene, the writer talks about the situation of the son of Baron. Alber suffers from material needs, because the baron is excessively sting. In the second scene, the reader meets the monologue of Baron, reflecting on his passion. Finally, in the third stage, the conflict is gaining a scale, the duke joins the conflict - one of the most equitable characters. Itself not wanting and not suggesting, the duke accelerates the tragic conflict interchange. Baron dies obsessed with passion. The culmination is the death of a stingy knight. And the junction, in turn, is the withdrawal of the duke:

Horrible eyelid, terrible hearts!

By genre, Pushkin work is definitely tragedy, since the central character dies at the end. Despite the small volume of this text, the author succeeded concisely and detect the whole essence.

Pushkin set forth the purpose of presenting the psychological features of a person who obsesses the destructive passion - I care.

About the style and artistic peculiarities of the "Supil Knight"

It should be said that Pushkin tragedies by the author created rather for theatrical statement than to read. In the product, many theatrical elements - for example, which is just the image of a stingy knight, dark basement and brilliant gold. In addition, critics consider this text with a poetic masterpiece.

Mystical and biblical subtexts

However, Pushkin lays out deeper meanings into his text, which seems at first glance. Baron attracts not wealth in itself. The hero is more interested in the world of ideas and emotions associated with gold. This is the difference between the image of Baron from the images of "Pumps" from the Russian comedies of the XVIII century (as an example, we can remember the heroes from the works of Derzhavin). Initially, Alexander Sergeevich took the epigraph from Derzhavinsky text called "Skopihin". In the literature, writers tend to derive several types. The first type is comedy-satirical (buying), and the second type is high, tragic (drive). Baron, respectively, belongs to the second type. The connection of these types is observed in Gogol "dead souls", and specifically - in the Plushkina personality.

High image of the drive

Completely this image is revealed in the monologue of the Baron, represented in the second part of the "stingy knight". The author describes how the baron goes to the dungeon of his castle. This, in turn, is the symbol of the altar in the underworld, the Devil's sanctuary. The hero will pose a handful of coins in the chest. This chest is not yet filled to the end. In this scene, the confession of the hero in front of them is presented. In addition, here Pushkin leads a common leitmotif for the entire tragedy cycle - a feast with candlelight. Such a feast pleases and eyes, and the soul is the sacrament, mass money.

This is a mystical subtext of the Pushkin work, which is connected to the evangelical paraffras from the confession of Baron. Pushkin describes the "proud hill" in the pile of gold. Being on the hill, towering over the world around the world, the Baron feels power. The lower the hero leans over gold, the stronger, its passion is more towers. And the passion is the embodiment of the Demonic Spirit. A similar image reader, probably noticed in the Bible: The devil promises Jesus Christ world power. To demonstrate power, the devil assumes Christ to a high hill. Sometimes literary critic sees Baron with an inverted image of God. Given that gold is a symbol of power over the world, the words of Baron on reign are not amazing.

Another question is why the Baron refers to her son as an enemy. This is not connected with the moral qualities of Alber. Cause in the wastefulness of the young man. Albert's pocket is not a place where gold accumulates, but the bacon, the abyss, which absorbs the money.

Antipode Images

In order to focus on the destructive nature of passions, the writer introduces the antipode character, the contrasting image of the chief hero. Antipode of the Barona - Roshovist (L). Solomon gives Albera money loan, but in the end pushes the young man to the murder of his father. However, the young knight does not want to go on such a sin and drives the usurist.

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The roster wants to get gold as a means of exchanging. There are no sublime emotions, like Barona. This is also visible on the behavior of Solomon. The method of action of the Roshovshchik rather gives a scoundrel into a hero than a knight. In this context, it is symbolic is the selection by the author of individual characters into a separate category of knights.

History of creation

"Skupoy Knight" was conceived in 1826, and was completed in Boldinsky autumn in 1830. Printed in 1836 in the magazine "Contemporary". Pushkin gave the play of the subtitle "from Ceneston Tragicomedy". But the writer is 18 V. Shenston (in tradition 19 century. His name was written by Ceneston) there was no such play. Perhaps Pushkin referred to a foreign author so that contemporaries do not suspect that the poet described relations with his father, known to popular.

Theme and plot

Pushkin's play "Surround Knight" - the first work in the cycle of dramatic sketches, short plays, which later called "small tragedies". Pushkin intended in every play to reveal some side of the human soul, the all-consuming passion (misfortune in the "stingy knight"). Soul qualities, psychology are shown in sharp and unusual plots.

Heroes and images

Baron is rich, but a stingy. He has six chests full of gold, of which he does not take a penny. Money is not servants and not friends for him, as for Solomon's usurist, but gentlemen. Baron does not want to admit that the money enslaved him. He believes that thanks to the money, calmly sleeping in the chests, he is subject to everything: love, inspiration, genius, virtue, work, even evil. Baron is ready to kill anyone who bites his wealth, even his own son, which causes a duel. Duels prevent the duke, but Baron kills the loss of money itself. The passion whom the baron is absorbs it.

Any other attitude to the money from Solomon: this is a way to achieve a goal, survival. But, like Baron, for the sake of enrichment, it is not bent, offering Alberta to poison his own father.

Alber - a decent young knight, strong and brave, winning tournaments and enjoyable ladies. It completely depends on his father. The young man is not on what to buy a helmet and armor, a dress for a pyr and horse for the tournament, only from hopelessness he is decided to complain to the duke.

Alberta has excellent spiritual qualities, he is kind, gives the last bottle of wine to a sick blacksmith. But he broke circumstances and dreams about the time when gold turns to him by inheritance. When Roshovist Solomon offers albert with a pharmacist selling poison to poison his father, a knight with disgrace expelled him. And soon, Alberta is already taking a challenge to Baron to a fight, he is ready to fight to death with his own father who insulted his honor. Duke for this act calls Albert Monster.

The duke in the tragedy is a representative of the authorities who voluntarily taking this burden. His and hearts of people duke calls terrible. The mouth of the duke Pushkin speaks about her time.


In each small tragedy, Pushkin is closely peering in some vice. In the "Supil Knight" this fearful passion is stammerous: a change in the personality of a once-worthy member of society under the action of vice; The humility of the Hero of Pokoka; Plock as a cause of loss of dignity.


The main conflict is an external: between the stingy knight and his son, applying for their share. Baron believes that wealth must be lined up not to bore. Baron's goal is to save and multiply, the purpose of Albert is to use and enjoy. The conflict is caused by the collision of these interests. He is aggravated by the participation of the duke, to whom the baron is forced to slander his son. The conflict strength is such that only the death of one of the parties can resolve it. The passion destroys the stingy knight, the reader can only guess the fate of his wealth.


In the tragedy three scenes. From the first reader learns about the heavy status of Albert, associated with the scarce of the Father. The second scene is a monologue of a stingy knight, from which it is clear that the passion for them was completely seized. In the third stage, a fair Duke interferes with the conflict and involuntarily becomes the cause of the death of the hero obsessed with passion. Culmination (Baron's death) is adjacent to the interchange - the withdrawal of the duke: "The terrible century, terrible hearts!"


"Surround Knight" is a tragedy, that is, a dramatic work, in which the protagonist is dying. The small size of his tragedies Pushkin achieved, excluding everything unavailable. Pushkin's goal is to show a human psychology, obsessed with passion of miserism. All the "little tragedies" complement each other, creating a volumetric portrait of humanity throughout the diversity of vices.

Style and Artistic Uniqueness

All the "little tragedies" are designed not so much for reading, how much for the production: how theatrically looks a meager knight in a dark basement among gold, flickering with the candlelight! The tragedy dialogues are dynamic, and the monologue of a stingy knight is a poetic masterpiece. The reader also sees how the bloody villain is captivated in the basement and licks the hand of a meager knight. Images of the "Supil Knight" cannot be forgotten.

The young Knight Alber is going to appear on the tournament and asks his servant Ivan to show his helmet. The helmet breaks through through the past duel with a delegory knight. It is impossible to wear it. The servant comforts Albera in that he gave away Delowju in full, having embroiled him from the saddle with a powerful blow, from which the offender Albert day lay a dead and hardly recovered so far. Alber says that the cause of his courage and strength was rabies about a damaged helmet. The wines of heroism - misfortune. Alber complies on poverty, embarrassing, which prevented him to remove the helmet from the defeated enemy, says that he needs a new dress that he is one forced to sit behind the Duccian table in Latvia, while other knights are fed in the atlas and velvet. But there is no money for clothes and weapons, and Albert's father is the old Baron - the soul. There is no money and to buy a new horse, and the Albert's permanent lender, Jew Solomon, according to Ivan, refuses to continue to believe in debt without mortgage. But there is nothing to lay a knight. There is no deporter to any persuasion, and even the argument that Albert Star's father will soon die and leave his son all his great condition, does not convince the lender.

At this time, Solomon himself appears. Alber tries to raise money from him, but Solomon although softly, but nevertheless strongly refuses to give money even under the honest knightly word. Albert, upset, does not believe that his father can survive him, Solomon says that everything is happening in life that "our days are not considered us," and the Baron is strong and can live thirty years old. In desperation, Alber says that in thirty years he will be fifty, and then the money is hardly needed. Solomon objects that money is needed at any age, only the "young man in them is looking for a servant servant," "the old man sees their friends with reliable." Alber claims that his father himself serves money as Algerian slave, "as a chain dog." He refuses himself in everything and lives worse than the beggar, and "the gold is calm in the chests." Albertes hopes yet that someday it will serve him, Albera. Seeing Albert's despair and his readiness for everything, Solomon hints gives him to understand that the death of the father can be brought to the help of poison. First, Albert does not understand these hints. But, I understand the case, he wants to immediately hang Solomon on the gate of the castle. Solomon, realizing that the knight is not joking, wants to pay off, but Albert drives him out. Friendly, he intends to send a servant for a degree in order to accept the proposed money, but he wonders, because it seems to him that they will smell poison. It requires to file wine, but it turns out that there is no wine in the house. Scrobin such life, Alber is decided to look for the counters on the father from the duke, who should force the old man to contain a son, as applies to the knight.

The Baron descends into his basement, where he stores the chests with gold, so that in the sixth chest, he is not yet complete, pour a handful of coins. Looking at his treasures, he recalls the legend of the Tsar, told his warriors to put on the horses of the Earth, and as a result, a giant hill rose from which the king could be overwhelmed. His treasures collected by crumbs, Baron likes this hill, which makes him the Lord of the whole world. He recalls the story of each coin, behind which tears and grief of people, poverty and death. It seems to him that if all the tears, blood and sweat, shed for this money, now came out of the earthly depths, then the flood would have happened. He sucks a handful of money in the chest, and then unlocking all the chests, puts lit candles in front of them and admires the glitter of gold, feeling himself by the Lord of the Mighty Power. But the idea that after his death the heir will come here and the worship of His wealth will come, leads Baron to rabies and indignation. He believes that there is no right to do this that if he himself copied these treasures by the hardest works on crumbs, then it would be true, it would not be to flush gold left and right.

In the Albert Palace, the duke's duke complains about his father, and the Duke promises a knight to help, to persuade Baron to contain a son, as appropriate. He hopes to awaken his father's feelings in Baron, because Baron was his grandfather's friend and played with the duke when he was still a child.

The Baron is approaching the palace, and the duke asks Alber to shore the neighboring room while he will talk with his father. Baron appears, the duke welcomes him and tries to cause youth memories in it. He wants the Baron to appear at the courtyard, but the baron will be disconnected by old age and weakness, but promises that in the event of the war he will give his strength to expose the sword for his duke. The duke asks why he does not see the courtyard of the son of Baron, to which the Baron is responsible, which is the interference - the surname temper of the son. The duke asks Baron to send the Son to the Palace and promises to teach him to fun. He demands that the Baron appoints the Son ancient Knight content. Locking, Baron says that his son is not enough to care and the attention of the duke, that "he is deposited," and refuses to fulfill the duke's request. He says that he is angry with his son for improving the fatherland. The duke threatens to betray Alber the court for that. Baron reports that the son intends to beat him. Hearing these novels, Albert breaks into the room and accuses his father in lies. The angry baron throws the son of a glove. With the words "thank you. Here is the first gift of Father "Albert takes the challenge of Baron. This incident plunges the duke into amazement and anger, he wakes up the Glove of Baron from Albera and drives his father and son from himself. In this moment, with the words about the keys on the lips, the Baron dies, and the duke complains to the "terrible century, terrible hearts."

In Wikitek

"Surround Knight" - a dramatic work (play), conceived in 1826 (the plan refers to the beginning of January 1826); Created to Boldin Autumn 1830, enters the cycle of small tragedies Pushkin. Piece is decrees.

In the "stingy knight" showing corrupting, disassemblering, devastating the power of gold. Pushkin first in Russian literature noticed the terrible power of money.

The result in the play are the words of the Duke:

... A terrible century - terrible hearts ...

With an amazing depth, the author reveals the psychology of misfortune, but the most important is the origins that feed it. The type of stingy knight is revealed as a generation of a certain historical era. At the same time, in the tragedy, the poet rises to a wide generalization of the inhumanity of the Gold power.

Pushkin does not resort to any moral teachings, reasoning on this topic, but all the content of the play he covers the immorality and the crime of such relations between people, in which everything determines the power of gold.

Obviously, in order to avoid possible biographical convergence (everyone was known to the stale of the father of the poet, S.L. Pushkin, and the serious relationship with his son) Pushkin issued this entirely original play for the translation from a non-existent English script.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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The tragedy of the "miser knight" Pushkin was written in 1830, in the so-called "Boldin Autumn" - the most productive creative period of the writer. Most likely, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe book was inspired by the uneasy relations of Alexander Sergeevich with a scared father. One of the "little tragedies" Pushkin was first published in 1936 in the "contemporary" called "scene from Ceneston Tragicomedia".

For a reader's diary and better preparation for the literature lesson, we recommend reading the online brief content of the "Surround Knight" on the chapters.

main characters

Baron - Mature man of old hardening, in the past, valiant knight. The meaning of his life sees in the accumulation of wealth.

Alber "Twenty-year-old young man, a knight, forced to endure extreme need because of an excessive misfortune of his father Baron."

Other characters

Ye Solomon - Roshovist who regularly lens money to Albera.

Ivan. - The young servant of the Albert knight, who serves as faithfully.

Duke - The chief representative of the authorities, whose subordination is not only simple inhabitants, but also the whole local to know. He acts as a judge during the confrontation of Alber and Baron.

Scene I.

Albert Knight shares problems with his servant Ivan. Despite the noble origin and the knight's rank, the young man is experiencing much need. At the last tournament, his helmet was pierced by a spear of the Count Delowja. And, although the enemy was defeated, Albert is not too happy with his victory, for which he had to pay the price too high for him - spoiled armor.

Horse Emir suffered, who began to lickly after cruel battle. In addition, the young nobleman needs a new dress. During the dinner, he was forced to sit in the lats and justify before the ladies in the fact that "the tournament accidentally fell."

Albert is recognized as faithful to Ivan that his brilliant victory over the collapse of Deligge is not caused by courage, but the spuriousness of his father. The young man is forced to do the same crumbs that he highlights his father. He does not have anything else, how hard to sigh: "About poverty, poverty! As she humiliates her heart! "

To buy a new horse, Albert is forced to turn to the Solomon usurist. However, he refuses to give money without a mortgage. Solomon gently enlists the young man on the idea that "that Baron is to die," and offers a pharmacist services that makes an efficient and high-speed poison.

In Yaresti, Albertes, Zhida, who dared to offer him to poison his father. However, it is no longer able to hold a miserable existence. The young knight decides to ask for help to the duke, so that he influence the missed father, and he stopped holding his own son, "like a mouse born in the underground."

Scene II.

The baron goes down to the basement so that in the incomplete sixth chest "Handful of Gold accumulated piping." It compares its accumulations with the hill, which grew due to the small handfuls of the Earth, brought by the warriors by order of the king. From the height of this hill, the lord could admire his possessions.

So Baron, looking at their wealth, feels its power and superiority. He understands that, if desired, can afford anything, any joy, any meanness. The feeling of his own strength soothes a man, and it is quite "quite this consciousness."

Money that brings a baron to the basement, have a bad reputation. Looking at them, the hero recalls that the "Doodle Ancient" was obtained by it from the luckless widow with three children who had broken under the rain half a day. She was forced to give the last coin to pay for the debt of the deceased husband, but the tears of the poor woman did not destruct an insensible baron.

About the origin of another coin of the buying no longer doubts - of course, she is stolen by Pluto and Podbo, however, this does not care for Baron. The main thing is that the sixth chest with gold slowly, but correctly replenished.

Each time, opening the chest, the old squeak falls "in the heat and trepid". However, he is not afraid of the attacks of the villain, no, he is being tormented by a strange feeling, akin to this pleasure that he is experiencing a sailor, stunning a knife in his victim's chest. Baron "nice and scary together", and in this he feels true bliss.

Having admiring his wealth, the old man is truly happy, and only one thought is gnawing it. Baron understands that his last hour is close, and after death, all these treasures, htched through many years of deprivation, will be in the hands of the Son. The gold coins of the river will flow into "satin-mirany pockets", and the careless young people will be launched in the light of the father's wealth, will turn it into the company of young chairs and fun friends.

Baron dreams that after death in the form of a spirit, to guard their chests with gold "watchdog shadow". Possible separation with the good-dead dead cargo falls on the soul of the old man, for whom the only recovery of life lies in the increase in their wealth.

Scene III

Albert complains the duke that he has to experience the "shame of bitter poverty," and asks forging an unnecessary greedy father. Duke agrees to help the young knight - he is memorable good relations between their native grandfather with a barya baron. In those days, he was still honest, brave knight without fear and reproach.

Meanwhile, the duke notes in the window of the Baron, who is heading to his castle. He orders Albera to hide in the next room, and takes his father in his quiet. After the exchange of mutual courtesies, the duke offers the Baron to send a son to him - he is ready to offer a worthy salary and serve at the courtyard.

What the old baron replies that it is impossible, because the son wanted to kill him and drove. Without sustaining so brazen slander, Albert pops up from the room and accuses his father in lies. Father throws his son a glove, and he raises her, thereby giving it to understand what he accepts the challenge.

Stunned seen, the duke dismisses his father and son, and in anger, he drives them away from the palace. A similar scene becomes the cause of the death of an old baron, which in the last moments of life thinks only about his wealth. Duke in confusion: "The terrible century, terrible hearts!".


In the work of the "stingy knight" under the scrutiny of Alexander Sergeevich, such a vice as greed. Under its influence, irreversible identity changes occur: once a fearless and noble knight becomes a slave of gold coins, he fully loses its dignity, and it is even ready to harm the only son, if only he did not take possession of his wealth.

After reading the recovery of the "miser knight", we recommend to familiarize yourself with the full version of Pushkin's plays.

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