Svants that are talking about Georgians. Svaans

Svants that are talking about Georgians. Svaans
Svants that are talking about Georgians. Svaans

Svanetia - The historic mountain region of the North-West of Georgia. Alpine valley in the upper river Inguri.. Svanetia borders with Abkhazia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The svanet territory takes only 4.5% of the entire territory of Georgia.

Svanetia, one of the most high-mountainous areas of Georgia, on the border with Russia (Cabordino Balkaria) of the mountains reach more than 5,000 meters and covered with glaciers.

Svanetia, " Country of silence and tranquility", As it called it in 253 to our era, Georgian king Saurmag, who exed his recalcitable subjects here. Svanetia is a symbol of proud freedom. Svanetia, tiny country, the world of glaciers, narrow valleys, mad streams.

Svaneti sharing to the upper and lower and divided Svanetsky ridgeheight4 008 m. From the north and east, the top skewnia is bordering the main Caucasian ridge with the tops of Schhara, Ushba, Tetnuldi, and others, which is held by the border of Georgia with Russia.
It is here, in Svaneti, are the main peaks of the Caucasus and the largest glaciers that cover up to 300 square meters. km of territory and how ice armor will come out over the Caucasus. Main peaks: Tsurungal (4220 m), aylama (4550 m), Shhara (5068 m), Dzhanga (5060 m), prestrol (4860 m), ticting (4620 m), Tetnuldi (4860 m), Maizers (4010 m) , Chatini (4370 m). There is also a widely known double-headed mountain, steep rocky array of the east (4700 m). If Materhorn is considered in the Alps the standard of beauty and difficulties, then in the Caucasus - Ushba.

In the upper skeleton, you can only get through passals or by narrow gorges of the Inguri River. In the upper svanet say so: « The bad road is the one with which the traveler will definitely fall, and it is impossible to find it. A good road is the one with which the traveler falls, but the corpse can be found and buried. And the beautiful road of the one with which the traveler may not fall».

Only in 1937, when the car highway was laid on it , Sobans for the first time saw the wheel, before that, all the cargo was transported here by the Blind or on Sanya with the help of bulls.

The upper skeleton is known for its architectural treasures and picturesque landscapes. Residential towers built mainly in the IX-XII centuries are distinguished. Also preserved ancient stone Orthodox churches.
The absolute height of the dark part of the Caucasus - Svaneti is 4125 m, the maximum is 5068 m (Shhara), the minimum is 3168 m (Donguzorinsky transition). At this section of the Caucasus, there are up to twenty passes of varying degrees of difficulty, which from the Northern side descend to the side of the Russian Federation. The height of the pass reaches 3160 m. Some of them are suitable for the Sapalen (measure of wine) of transport, most are intended for pedestrians, and some are available only to climbers.

Upper Svaneti - not only in general the country separated from all over the world, but inside its valley with settlements is separated by mountain ranges and communicate only through the passes that are not passable because of the snow nine months a year. On Kamchatka Chukotka, on the very edge of light, Chukchi and the koryaks have more opportunities to communicate with each other and with the outside world than the residents of Svanetia. Those can go to deer and dogs in the winter, at the fairs, to be in cultural centers. In Svanetia, before the appearance of aviation, in winter it was impossible to penetrate into the neighboring gorge without the risk of perishing in a snowy avalanche ..

In Svanetia live svaans . Until 1930, the Svana was considered a separate people, but later they began to be considered simply Georgians.

Svaneti is the only place where until today has been preserved at the Swams the mystery of mining from the Golden Sand Rivers.

Today it is not exactly known how many Swan lives in Georgia, according to one source of 14.000 people, with another 30,000 people. Uszov has its own inspection language in which there are still 4 diolects and several groups of adverbs. All the welders are free to own the Georgian language, although the savage of the Georgian is so much similar that Georgians from other regions do not even understand it at all.

Svan lives in parallel with Georgian. Georgian read and learn, and svansky speaks in the family and sing songs. Most savans thus enjoy three different languages \u200b\u200b- Svan, Georgian and Russian ..

All savings surnames end up \u003d ani.\u003d. For example: Hergiani, Pypiani, Charkivani, Golovani, Ioseliani ...

The history of the people of Svanov has several millennia. Soban never had serfsAnd the nobility was conditional. Svawa never led the grunge wars, This is evidenced by historical facts, one of which is the construction of the Status and defensive towers, called "Svan Towers." Since ancient times, the Svana traditionally was fond of the creation of picturesque products from copper, bronze and gold. Famous Svan Blacksmiths, Kamenotessees and wood cutters made dishes and various economic inventory from silver, copper, clay and wood, as well as svan Caps - National Svan Headgear And the unique "Kanzi" from the Turks of Rog.

The traditional beekeeping was traditional - the ancient occupation of many peoples, common, including in the mountainous regions of Western Georgia. But the most respected and revered professions for the welders are hunting and mountaineering. Svants were and remain professional hunters and climbers. The hunting fishery for the Swams is actually equal to economic activity, and mountaineering is the national sport of Svanetia.

All Sobs Orthodox . But they have their own folk holidays, such as a holiday Lamproba. . This holiday is celebrated in February for 10 weeks before Easter and chant the valor of the Swankian men, a young man, a boy in front of the enemies. The main hero of the holiday, St. Martyr George Victoronec. The main events of the holiday are associated with the commemoration of the ancestors, burning fires, torch processions and festive meal.

On the day of the lambrodrod in the houses of Svaneti, so many torches are angry how many men in the family. And if there is a pregnant woman in the house, then the torch is lit in honor of the child whom she wears, because it may be a boy! The torch is prepared from a solid tree trunk, the top of which is split into several parts.

The march of men with burning torches is heading towards the church with songs in Svan. On the church yard there is a large bonfire from torches, there are tables there. All night before the appearance of the first rays of the Sun Svants read the prayers of St. George and raise toast.

Svants, in the mountains feel free and independent. By nature, very courageous. Permanent risk factors - collaps, breccing streams, frequent landslides, very harsh cold winters and many other difficulties, require high endurance, disgusting, insight, attention, and courage.

The war went not only between individual villages, but also between the houses. It was enough to say a hurt word or kick the dog to get a bullet in the forehead. And then men rose to the towers. They took there women and children, proceeded meat carcasses, ammunition, filled with wooden eggplants in the towers. The towers have access to the house, which also represented the fortress. Instead of windows in Svani houses, narrow braces, and the houses themselves are built out of stone - you will not wait.

Svan residential house called Machby was a high two-story building. The first floor was used for housing and under the hlev for livestock, there was a seeding floor on the end. The house was heated with a fireplace champion characteristic of the Svan design architecture, food was also prepared here. As a rule, the house was attached (pressed) to the 3-4 floor watchdog. The number of families ranged from thirty people and above, sometimes reaching and hundred. Such large residential complexes are preserved until today. In the community of Mulakhi courtyard of the Kaldani family is surrounded by a three-meter fortress wall. In the courtyard and to this day there are one well preserved and one dilated towers. There is also a church with unique icons, crosses and saints.

Main part of the Svana residential house - Tower. It represents the standing separately quadrilate (5x5m) square, high construction. The tower is a multifaceted stone tower resembling a pyramid whose height can reach 25 meters. In the tower four or five floors. In the upper part there is a window space, the internal dimensions of which are greater than the outdoor opening, which contributes to a larger view of the area and increases its defensive ability. The tower was built on the slope, and necessarily her edge was directed to this slope. The orientation of the tower intended for observation of the terrain, massive hemisphere in its foundation, are a guarantee of its stability during natural cataclysms (collaps, floods, snowy avalanches, etc.).

In Svaneti, a peculiar democratic form of government was introduced in the Svaneti: the head of the community (those) - Makhvishi. - Chose at the general meeting. Participate in the meeting had the right of well-minded faces of both sexes who have reached 20 years. The chosen mauling was highlighted by his wisdom, degree, justice and spiritual purity. He was a preacher of Christian religion and morality. In peacetime, he was a judge, and in the military - headed Raint (Lashkary), that is, was the commander-in-chief. During the Nabathy (general collection), a joint meeting of the community was held - Congress HeviWhere all the questions were solved by a majority vote. The most important problems of Hevi, both internal and arising from it be considered. The exacerbations of relations with neighbors, readiness for upcoming wars, defense strategy, the needs of large churches, construction issues (fortification structures, bridges, roads) and participation in all of this community members are discussed. The congress was also engaged in legal issues - argued the norms and forms of punishment. In the legal hierarchy, the Congress was considered the High Authority. He did not report anyone. His decisions were finalized and not subject to discussion..

In Svaneti, fertile land was the property of specific persons, all members of the community possessed the rights of use of meadows, fields and forests. In addition, there were t. N Icon forests and land that were used for church needs and religious holidays.

Each civil or criminal case was considered by the local court, which included judges - mediators. In Svaneti they were called "firing". Both sides leading litigation chose judges from the family clan, but an extraneous face could be involved. "Warrow" everyone listened carefully. The discussion process, negotiations were long and could delay the whole years. It lasted until the case was brought to full clarity and accuracy. Before the holy icon was given an oath to be honest and fair. After the oath, no one doubted the objectivity of the sentence, and the "firing" made a decision, which in most cases was final and did not require revision. During the announcement of the sentence, the judge took a stone and deeply immersed him to the ground, which meant the end of the case. Often the cases under consideration ended with reconciliation. The court was fair and enjoyed universal respect. If the fault of the attack was proven, he was expelled from his society, and the house could betray the fire. Sometimes mortal sentences were made.

The last week of the Bolshoi post began t. Choriemma. The head of the family prayed, took two iron bars and the dark forces expelled from home (kaji) from the house, then went out into the yard and shot the evil spirits from the gun. All family members on the right hand, cattle on the horns, as well as at the horshih, the hostess of the house wounded black threads. This ritual warped people from the evil eye, retained cattle and tools.
During the drought, the women threw the bones into the nearest lake and, spending the days and nights in prayers, asked for a good rain from God. In some communities, men endured the icons of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary (Our Lady), washed them in the river and they asked them to save the land from drought.

National Cap Svan.

The Svan Woman always shared with a man all the difficulties and joy, was constantly near - and during Pahotot, Seva, and especially during the harvest. Therefore, a sickle was always given by the bride as a symbol of grain collection.

The harsh nature and life brought up the savas hardworking, courageous and endless people. Therefore, on the Labor Stock Exchange in Georgia, the Svan-worker and his work was doubly paid.

Kitchen Svanetia. On the Svan can be seen first of all Khachapuri - pellets with meat or with cheese. Suluguni - salted cheese. Meat. Lamb, veal and pork. On the festive table, a small piglet baked entirely appears. Cold snack from chicken - sazivi - with acute seasoning. Svan salt mixed with pepper and fragrant crowded grass. Occasionally make shurpa, that is, meat broth, sharpened, sometimes with potatoes. Almost every day eating Maconi - sour milk, something like a prostope. There are honey and nuts on the table. . All Georgia is known to the sailor salt,it consists of a dining room salt, cition (pepper) and a variety of fragrant herbs. Dishes cooked with this salt are distinguished by special aroma, sharpness and unusually tasty. Svan Salt is also used separately.
All Svaneti dishes are cooked from local natural products, so they are very fragrant and environmentally friendly.

But the wine in the national kitchen is not in SvanetiaAnd all because vinagrad in that part of Georgia does not survive, and therefore the wine is brown from other regions. Svaws traditionally drink vodka, fruit or honey . Chief Attribute Feast - mineral water , mined from numerous sources that are so rich in the land of Svaneti.

Svawa for a long time retained the generic system. Most recently, generic relations in their immunity were still alive. In one race it was about thirty houses, only they were called not at home, but "smokes" - smoke, hearth, storage room, economy. In the family, there were usually two hundred and three hundred parents. The settlement of the former genus was called "the village".

Three years later, they were fighting against Soviet power for three years.For the first time, Soviet power won here in 1921. But the small group of Party members led by S. Eneriai had to retreat under the onslaught of counter-revolutionary forces. The detachment of the Red Army, sent to the suppression of counter-revolution, dies along with his commander Prokhorov in the tesnin of Inguri, where an ambush was arranged.Final victory comes in 1924, when the welds shoot the last Svan Princes of Dadshkeliani, destroy their castle in Maizers and restore Soviet power throughout the top Svanet. The center becomes a revolutionary hearth - the place Mestern .

Only from 1917 to 1924, before establishing in the upper Soviet Soviet government, 600 men died from blood revenge. For seven years - 600 husbands of Svaneti, 600 shepherds, Paramen, fathers, brothers! Almost a hundred people per year worn blood revenge at this time. And there were years in the history of Svaneti, when these terrible figures were even more.

War, plot, blood revenge with a heavy burden lay down on a small proud people, were a terrible misfortune for him. Obviously, it is from here in Svanetiya leads its beginning to custom wearing such a long mourning. After all, if only about a hundred people died in a year, having a very wide Knana kinship just never filmed black clothes, they did not have time to graduate one mourning, how the other began.

Wear a national costume is no longer accepted in Svanetia. Tradition died . You can only regret it. And earlier the Svawa could always be distinguished by round felt hat.

In the Caucasus, the Svawa never was rich in the people, but always considered the most proud and most welcoming people..
Svaws respect the elders. If a person enters the room, in age older than those present, everyone gets up.

Svaws are leopard, restrained and polite. They never offend a person. Svan language is distinguished by the lack of graft words. The strongest swearing of Svanov is the word "fool.

. But to steal people from neighboring villages or societies was a fairly ordinary for Swan. There was even a certain dachshund for the redemption of stolen people, it was usually calculated not by bulls, not the earth, but weapons. For example, a young and beautiful girl was "equivalent to" a gilded gun.

Svan churches are very small but they are in the village of up to 60 pieces. People come to put candles.

One of the greatest values \u200b\u200bof the Svan Churches make up, of course, silver icons, chased, pressed and forged, many of whom relate to the X-XII centuries.The upper skeleton occupies one of the first places in Georgia in terms of the number and diversity of the wall paintings of the X-XII centuries remaining here. Crosses in the temples were laid big, in the growth of man and higher, were established in the middle of the Svan Churches. Not in the altar, but in front of the altar obstacle. This Svan Custom went into the depths of the centuries, to the fill century, and was banned by a special decree in the XVI century. The crosses from oak beams were made and completely thickened by chased silver plates. On the front side of the chasonka Golden.

Christianity in the Svaneti came late, only in the 9th century, and until the 19th century here and the scents were rarely

There are no cities in Svaneti. Urban-type settlement Mestern He is an administrative capital. 2600 people live here. Wherein in the village there is airport.

Svanetia region expensive so in the midst products and goods by 50% higher than in Tbilisi .

In Svaneti say: " Who comes to Georgia without having visited Svanetia, he did not see the real Georgia!".

First action


Son, friends with Georgian guys, with Azerbaijani, with Armenian, but never approach the Svaans ..., "said Father ...

Why, after all, such as we ...

Such, yes, not such ... people they are very good, fair, honest - everyone would be ... But the Svants do not forgive the offense, but you are still seven years old ... First you say, and then you think ...

Georgia, Military Town, V / h 61615, Soviet troops KGB, Special government connection ... Central alley from the club, on both sides of residential buildings - the family of officers and ensigns are quartered, between them - an officer hostel for bachelor ... 1986 ... by Alley Proud There is a tall man, firmly folded, hanging a huge dagger on the belt ... Behind the backs of a backpack ... At the sight of his mommies, they hurry from the streets of children ... A man goes with his son ... A boy is about eight years old, the head is highly raised ... Silent Kivok in the direction of the military patrol (officer And two soldiers) ... The officer answers the same, barely noticeable nod, stares the father and son to the borders of the part ... A man with a dagger passes between two columns, on which the barbed wire was once stretched and slowly removed on the tropant path ... Svan came to buy products ...

Who are these suns? Those who were afraid even in parts of the KGB like fire?

That is what is said in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia:

"... Svaws, ethnographic group of Georgians; Live in the Mesal and Lentech areas of the Georgian SSR. The Svan tribes that occupied an extensive territory in antiquity on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus (see Svaneti) and partly on the northern slopes (mainly in the upper reaches of the river. Kuban), together with the tribes of cards and megrelalazazz (chains), amounted to the basis of the formation of the Georgian people. Svants speak Georgian, in everyday life - and in Svan. In the past, they were characterized by local features of culture and life (original forms of tower architecture, developed alpine economy, remnants of military democracy, etc.) ... "

Wikipedia less verbose:

"... Svawana live in the Mesal and Lentech districts in the north-west of Georgia, united in the historical region of Svanetia (Svan. Shwan), as well as in the Kodori Gulgrijsky district gorge in Abkhazia. The number in Svaneti is about 60 thousand; In Abkhazia - 2 thousand people. The total number of about 80 thousand people ... "

Why endured savas in military towns, why were allowed to walk with cold weapons? The answer is simple - some kind of wise realized that starting to oppress the Svans - it was unlikely to have a military with families in Georgia ... Completely close the military town, in which schools were located, the sanitary part, several shops, kindergarten, etc. It would be impossible ... Sooner or later, the victims would be, and therefore an open conflict ... Therefore, they treated the Svaans with respect and fear ... did not adopt this tactics Georgian politicians "Roses Revolution" ...


In the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in the North Caucasus there are no indifferent or neutral opinions. Or for or against ... Neutrality inherent in Slavic peoples, but not the peoples of the Caucasus, although the Slavs and Caucasians are, in most Christians ... One faith and so different opinions ...

1993 - Abkhaz troops successfully discoucted the attacks of Georgian troops, but did not take the Codoris Gorge, moreover, they recognized the neutral territory ... The reasons for that were and the Abkhazians knew them very well ... Svants were not against their autonomy ...

In the weld, armed formation is created, the name "Hunter" - the leader of which Emzar Quitsiani becomes ...

Emzar Bekmurazovich Kvitsiani Born on April 25, 1961 in the village of Chhatta Kodoro district of the Georgian SSR in Svan (national, ethnographic group Georgian living in the Kodori Gorge) family. Father - Bekmurza Kviciani, Mother - Mariam Gurchiani. Quitsiani has a nora sister ...

In 1988, Quitsiani graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute. Photo-1R According to another information, Quitsiani received a higher agricultural education in Volgograd. In Soviet times, Quitsiani brought three times to criminal responsibility - for hooliganism, theft and suspicion of murder. The investigation in the last thing was not brought to the end due to the political upheavals associated with the collapse of the USSR ... (data from the site

Eduard Shevardnadze, in my opinion, the most experienced politician and diplomat, in order to avoid exacerbation of the situation in the region, appoints Emzar Kvitsiani political photo-3l representative in Svaneti ... DOB-2R This post to Emzar Quitsiani held to the very "Rose Revolution" ... with the coming to power Mikhail Saakashvili Georgia tries to subjugate to Abkhazia at any cost, and together with her the wedding of Official Tbilisi ... "The hunter" turns out to be outlined, and what is important, the fighters of the squad remained without salary. Consequently, their families are without a piece of bread. Quitsiani shifted from the post of political representative ...

The Government of Roses puts its ministers, field representatives, etc. Civilized negotiations did not work:

Saakashvili throws a sharp and careless replica: "I will make a cry of the mother who raises his hand to the Georgian state."

Quitsiani did not remain in debt: "His mat will cost the president. If he wanted to remember my mother, he could come here the fourth of July, when she was buried. If they are talking about our mothers, we will visit their mothers. Sobana Nobody forgot the insults of the mother ".

For Georgian, the replica, abandoned Saakashvili, is identical to MATU, a roughly insulting interlocutor and his whole family ... The conflict was inevitable ...

Mikhail Saakashvili instead of order to settle the situation by negotiations, sends troops to Abkhazia ... Significant forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of Georgia are sent to the Kodori Gorge, Russian peacekeepers are delayed ... After two-hour talks, the column is missing ... DOB-1L

Posted in the Peace Treaty of 1994 ...

Here are the requirements of Emzar Kviciani, in which the conflict could move from the political channel to a personal resentment and to decide in two men in other ways:

1. Send into resignation of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Defense Vano Merabishvili and Herakli Okruashvili.

2. Restore the functioning in the Kodori Gorge of the "Monadir" division ("Hunter")

3. Stop persecution to the Georgian Orthodox Church.

4. Stop accusing refugees from Abkhazia in betrayal.

5. Put customers killing 27-year-old Sandro Girgvlyani and other victims of "death squadrons".

Second action

Why did Leonid Kuchma learned the Ukrainian language?

As you know, any ruler must communicate with its people in the state language, for the reasons for high-quality information transfer and giving tribute to the traditions of the people and language. Ten years in Ukraine as a president was held by a person who was talking to the people entrusted to him was very hard because of the non-photo-2r of confident possession of the state language ... The Russian language, which Leonid Danilovich owned much better than Ukrainian, contrary to statements of nationalist organizations, understand everything . In any case, the main meaning can be disassembled, as well as the other related languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Group.

For four years of residence in Georgia, I, in the younger school age, was able to learn only two words and I doubt the correctness of the pronunciation ... But Georgian children from an early age knew at least two languages \u200b\u200b- native Georgian and Russian ... Russian was with a funny accent, but mutual understanding was In my opinion, even better than the Ukrainians with Russian ... I remember very well the transfer of Georgian television, which in the GSD held most of the ether of two channels - the third was "Ostankino" ... to understand in the Georgian Channel, as I did not try, I could not ... Although in everyday communication Intuitively understood the speech of Georgians ...

Apparently, in modern Georgia, in addition to the Russian language, began to study incentively and English. Georgian president is free, violating all the diplomatic rules of etiquette, without a translator, speak English with the world community. Everyone is lost - ah, yes, well done, how well English knows ... I like the president a laudatory ODD and decided to speak with Georgians, they say, I will understand, and who will not understand - let him teaches! ..

Now we will design the situation to Ukraine. Ten years of Leonid Danilovich, defeating ignorance in the sphere of ownership of the Ukrainian language, was strengthened to communicate with the people in the state language. Even in the eastern regions of Ukraine, where, it would seem, we will understand, we hear the terrible Surzhik of the president ...

He knew Kuchma that he would start talking in Russian - tolerate this will not become and his presidency will be considered ...

He knew Kuchma, what to speak in Russian from the presidential tribune is gross disrespect for residents of Ukraine, and all regions.

He knew Kuchma that he would not understand him in Western Ukraine or Eastern ...

Final action

Photo-4L and so why Mikhail Saakashvili decided to just spit on his people, on ethnic traditions and contact Georgians in a difficult minute for them in English? Georgian President The President knows excellent, as perhaps, and a few more languages \u200b\u200b(as I mentioned, the Georgians are very well given to foreign languages) ... Moreover, it is with very large difficulty, but I would understand Abkhazians, Ossetians, Svans and other national minorities Little Georgia ... The conclusion is one - the appeal was to understand without the errors of the translation of English-speaking countries ... Here is a bright example of the puppet of Mikhail Saakashvili ...


The concept of friendship in Georgians is largely different from the same word among the Slavic peoples. These people are not able to betray a friend - they simply do not have an ethnically such an option ... People are different and among Georgians - some more civilized European views on friendship, others - the traditions of ancestors ...

To have a friend among Georgians - it is to have a strong support, have a Georgian enemy ... it is better not to consider such a perspective ...

Let's return to the jackets ... if we put up with simple words - the Svants are the mountaineers, the harsh people, who read and self-respecting traditions to the smallest detail. Svants still cultivate blood revenge in their concepts. Although this people belong to Orthodoxy - the Svants do not forget the pagan traditions. Friendship and enmity of this people until the end of life. Sobans have a very acute sense of self-esteem ... It was the welders - climbers and rock climbers from birth - made a backbone of Soviet units who defeated in the second world war of German mountain rangers from the Divisia "Edelweiss" and "Tyrol", who did not miss the fascists in Transcaucasia. Svaws are still armed with not only Kalashnikov machine guns and grenade launchers, but also trophy "shmisers".

How this military-political conflict will be unleashed - the time will show, but in Georgia, apparently, not everyone warned the caring parents, that with the joints it is necessary to be careful ... It can be very expensive in the Caucasus!

P.S. When the cargo car is Vyz me with a mother in the Tbilisi Airport, in order to leave this magnificent country for many years, the majestic landscapes, a beautiful mountain landscape, broke into my eyes ... broke away from tears. I understood that it was not very soon, but perhaps I will never see this wonderful country ... I still live a dream to this day - return to Georgia ...

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, it is enough to introduce the necessary word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from different sources - encyclopedic, intelligent, word-forming dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of using the word you entered.

The meaning of the word Svana

svaws in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


svanov, un. Svan, Svan, m. Caucasian nationality, inhabiting the western part of Georgia (Svaneti).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Oh, units Svan, -A, m. Ethnic group of Georgians that make up the indigenous population of Svanetia - the historical region in Western Georgia.

g. Swank, - and.

arr. Svansky ,y ,y.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Natrol, living in the mountains of Western Georgia (in Svanetia).

    Representatives of this nation.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in art. Georgians.


ethnographic group of Georgians; Live in the Mesal and Lentech areas of the Georgian SSR. The Svan tribes that occupied an extensive territory in antiquity on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus (see Svaneti) and partly on the northern slopes (mainly in the upper reaches of the river. Kuban), together with the tribes of cards and megrelalazazz (chains), amounted to the basis of the formation of the Georgian people. C. Speak in Georgian language, in everyday life and in Svan. In the past, they were characterized by local features of culture and life (original forms of tower architecture, developed alpine economy, remnants of military democracy, etc.).



Svaans - The peoples of the Svan group of the Cartewelle Language Family. Self-calf "Lushnu", units. "Mushwan". They speak in the Svan language, a northern branch of the Carvela Language Family from the Georgian branch. Until the 30s of the 20th century, it was highlighted by a separate nationality (1926 census), but then the subsequent censors did not allocate them separately and included (as well as today) to the Georgian. In addition to his native language, all the Swals own the Georgian language. Svan surnames have the end of Ani.

Examples of consuming the words of the Svawa in the literature.

However, she was curious who take SvaansAnd she asked Marquis de Nampua the question with whom he met there.

But I did not differ in observation, in most cases I did not know what they are called and what the things have been in front of my eyes are - I was sure of one: since they enjoy them SvaansSo, this is something extraordinary, and therefore I did not realize that, telling my parents about their artistic value and that the staircase was brought, I LSU.

Just recently Svaans They presented her duchess of the Wandom, - she was nice, and at the same time she believed that it was in the order of things.

Isn't it because, as it was known, Svaans were in the immediate surroundings of all these items, I turned them into something like the emblems of the private life of Svanov, in something like the emblems of the customs of Svanov - customs, from which I was far from being far that they still seemed to me in others, even after I was allowed To join them?

Not only Svaans They took me to the zoological garden and to the concert - they had even more valuable mercy for me: they did not turn me out of their friendship with Bergot, and after all this friendship and attached to them the charm's charm at the time when I, not being I am familiar with the hiviser, I believed that thanks to her intimacy with the Divine Starter, she could deal with the most desirable my friend, if contempt, what I, apparently, would be inspired to her, did not take my hope that someday she would suggest me to visit Him in his favorite cities.

In this way, Svaans no more than my parents - and it would seem exactly Svaans And they had to respond in different cases of life, - prevented my happiness: happiness to look at the hiviser, if not with a calm soul, then, in any case, with adoration.

Rewritten with the shop owner, I sat down again in the crew, and since Svaans They lived close to the Boulogne forest, then Kucher, naturally, went not in the usual way, but through the Elysees fields.

Chauffeys, former local svaansNow they live in the city, and countrymen at a meeting with them are subjected to a jealous feast check.

Even svaanswho stood at the car, heard his voice and a few moments of procli.

Alpine meadows where several of our valley collective farms distilcate livestock, these svaans They consider controversial, because they themselves live here, and they are very comfortable for them.

By the time the collective farms recovered, svaans Accustomed to these meadows are considered their own.

It's all here svaans, including the chauffeur and gene from the other side, covered cross-eagle chiest.

Svanetia is one of the most highly mountainous regions of Georgia. It is located on the southern slopes of the central part of the Chief Caucasus Range and on both sides of the Supansky Range, in the northern part of Western Georgia. Zemo (Upper) Svanetia is located in the Gorge of the Inguri River (at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters above sea level), and Keveo (Lower) Svanetia - in the Gorge of the Tshenis-Tskali River (at an altitude of 600-1500 meters above sea level). In the south-east, Svanatia borders Racha-Lechumi, in the West - with Abkhazia, with the south, it is adjacent to the Imereti and part of the territory of Samegrelo. In the north, the border of Svaneti passes through the main Caucasian ridge, on the side of which they are Karachai and Kabarda.

The population of Svaneti - Svants - Georgian mountaineers, an ethnographic group of Georgians, speaking Georgian and in everyday life in Svan (Svan language refers to the Carteware languages \u200b\u200band has four dialects and a number of loving). Svaans are an extremely colorful people. They were always famous for their stature and courage. Svants were considered the best warriors in Georgia. Another ancient Greek geographer and historian Strabo wrote: "Svaans Mighty people and, I think the most brave and brave, in general in the world. They are in the world with all neighboring peoples. " About the hospitable, enlightened and strong svaans wrote Pliny, Ptolemy, Appia, Eustafia Tellyonian.

The history of the proud, courageous and freedom-loving people of Svanov, who retained his tongue, has several millennia. He never was enslaved by enemies, maybe therefore the people who once settled the coastal strip of the colchis lowland and the current Abkhazia, after numerous wars chose a free life in the mountains .. It is noteworthy that the Svanov never had serfs, and the nobility was conditional character. After all, each Svan is a person who does not accept the rule of domination. The jackets never led the grunge wars, the historical facts are evidenced by the historical facts, one of which is the construction of the Statzane and defensive towers, called "Svan Towers." Since ancient times, the Svana traditionally was fond of the creation of picturesque products from copper, bronze and gold. Famous Svan Blacksmiths, Kamenotees and wood cutters made dishes and various economic inventory from silver, copper, clay and wood, as well as Svan Caps - the National Svan Headgear and Unique "Canza" from Turkey Rogg.

Traditional was beekeeping for sovans - an ancient Georgian occupation, especially common in the mountainous regions of Western Georgia. But the most respected and revered professions for the welders are hunting and mountaineering. Svants were and remain professional hunters and climbers. The hunting fishery for the Swams is actually equal to economic activity, and mountaineering is the national sport of Svanetia. Many outstanding athletes gave the Svan mountaineering school. The most famous person in Svaneti is a climber and climbing "Tiger cliffs" - Mikhail Hergiani, tragically died in Italian Dolomites on SU-Alto's wall in 1969. Supervisors of Voshba Voshba, Tetnulda and Schhara were natives of Svaneti, Japaridze, Gugava, Ahvloyani and many others. A Wanna was the hero of the Soviet Union, the captain of the 3rd rank of Yaroslav Konstantinovich Ioseliani, who during the war of war did not make one dozen martial trips and torpedoing many enemy ships. Another famous Svan is the famous film director of Otar Ioseliani, who set the films "Listopad", "lived a singing droid", "Pastoral" and others.

Something I completely moved to Facebook.

If someone else did not find there, looking for Ksenia Svaneti Parjiani

But this is not the case.

Now I actively call people to us in Svlenia to ski. Many where public information, sometimes even through Chur. I feel a spammer. Anyway. The point is again not in this.

In one of the forums, people began to discuss what the ski skeleton can be attractive.
Compare it with the Alps is just funny, well, at least with Gudauri. But even with Gudauri somehow not compare.
People expressed their positions why they would go to ride Svaneti.
And here, of course, many in the first place did the fact that Svanatia is a unique land in which people live with ancient culture, where traditions are still not forgotten and the way of life has been saved, adopted many centuries ago. Wise, proud, fair mountains. So it happens, there are really many such people here who can study wisdom, excerpt, faith and many other things that are sometimes forgotten in the modern world.
But it is necessary to understand that there are not all such. And if you go like a tourist, you live in a hotel or a guest house (the most common form in placement in Svaneti) can face quite a different attitude. And, finally, people living here are not perfect.

Maybe I was not worth it to endure this outside the forum, but my blog is designed to talk about life in Svaneti. And if you tell only the stories and legends about mountain svaans, this information cannot be called complete.
I will tell you about the usual situations emerging here and tell you how to make them less about your journey.


svants are very different from the rest of the peoples of the Caucasus, as in other times the nations of the Caucasus have significant external and characteristic differences.
Georgians themselves call the savas "Rogue" and tell stories about how from a long time and until recently in those land was dangerous - robbery (first of all tourists) were on a regular basis. In recent years, Saakashvili truth brought the iron order there, and the police really protect tourists, the banditricism has been removed almost completely. Nevertheless, when you move from other regions in Svanetia, then you understand that the welds are really "wild". "

I would call them not wild, but temperamental. Here people need much less time to boil. And known to all the manner of the Swan speak loudly and actively gesticulating many really very frightened and is alarming. But you can rarely meet that this temperament is turned into aggression or bye, by type, "what did you get on me?!"
And this manner is grabbed very quickly, after a couple of days, tourists talked with the svaars, they start talking loudly)))

Normal Svan:
- Loves Choch (loves a lot);
- Gostereman (especially after a few portions of Chaqi, so hospitrine that almost strongly slaughters to visit him and tries to supply beloved Choys). That's just when the Svawa is at home you understand what it was for "hospitality" - that for him you are another wild ram, which started in the stall, and now they will actively cut and aggressively defend from other "in you are money;
- Koryutn (if there is an opportunity to get on the others - it is up to the last penny. If you have stopped - I must pay everything and everything, and only he exclusively)

We must admit that such in Svanetia is happening. Svaws Many love to drink. Well, a drinking person be sang, be it an Englishman can behave inadequately. But we had non-breaking tourists and more than once and the Swans left them alone, no one forcing to drink against the will. As our guide spoke to his group: "Drunk Svan is a bad man." This rule should really remember and try to avoid contacts. It seems to me to do it quite not difficult. There is no such cattle (at least I have not seen for 5 years), which would be climbed. Regarding the fact that the jackets only need to make money from you. And when they call you a low price, and at the end take two times higher - this is yes. This also often became practiced. The output is simple. Use the recommendations, the benefit of such a lot on the Internet, come to familiar or proven people, use the services of a tour operator, such as a lile tour of Svaneti. In pursuit of savings, many spend much more. I do not say that the savings are bad, sometimes worth it even, but you need to understand that people here now live only tourism, so they want to receive more money from it, sometimes not honest ways, unfortunately.

An ordinary Svan does not like neighbors (all the svalas at visible friendship are actually in continuous and hard confrontation. Practically to the mordobius and other mafia disassembly). The famous Svan Towers - just a forced measure of survival in the world, when every neighbor neighbor the enemy and who has a tower above - that he shoots onto the neighbors.

This remark is very close to reality. For some reason, in Svanetia, the most serious conflicts arise exactly between neighbors. I will tell you honestly, some 50 years ago there was no such thing. People lived more peacefully. Conflicts could flash, but they had others. And the towers, as you understand, have not saved from conflicts, given the fact that neighbors are always members of one clan, one family. But what to do, we learn how to live like that, often not trusting the closest. And in revenge there is also a competition. Everyone is in a hurry to eat tourist. Therefore, it would be nice if the market lay a little and became stable so that the people ordered accommodation in advance, many conflicts could be avoided. And so yes. In revenge, often even the Mordoboy are between local. But, by the way, not only in the revenge. The guests told me how two taxi driver began to beat the muzzle to each other who would go. And in the end, everything decided with the help of the price. One wanted 5 lari, the other agreed on 4 Lari.

Local shops are very scarce products (frozen sausages, vermicellies and canned food ... Perhaps, everything. Back to the USSR), and cook you will not give you to the kitchen - please eat local cuisine Stydoroga. Yes, and that will prepare from stew and other cheap products. Sobana products usually carry themselves, so I repeat - do not count on shops. About the delicious real Georgian cuisine - this is not for you not in Svaneti. In Svaneti tasty only one thing is the Svan Salt. There is no kitchen in Svaneti - to a normal store (in Zugdidi) 6 hours on the mountain road. So historically there is a scarce kitchen and simple.

I had guests here from Ukraine recently, everyone asked what kind of food, but how much, and we will not be hungry. I was all surprised where such questions come from. When they arrived, they explained to me that they rested last year in Gudauri and did not meet there the Georgian table, which would break away from the yoke. I tell them, but can not be a feast every day. And they answer, and we were ready to pay good money for it, but no one could offer us. By the word food in our house they remained more than satisfied. Taki yes, in revenge, there are often tourists in the houses than it is easier than in cheaper. Well, what to do. The tourist does not affect what fed well, it can't cost cheap. Agriculture in Svaneti is now in decline. Nobody contains pigs almost no one, for 3 years already five livestock broke the flu. And since they are all free walking, the disease spreads instantly. To contain meat-dairy, you need a lot of hay. The hay must be prepared, but to harvest some and the tourism is busy. God barely curses the people to feed themselves. In general, it is all covered from Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi. It is always more expensive and not always fresher and tastier. So, again, the larger advantages will be recommendations and guest reviews. Well, rationality with choosing.
What I want to say more, Svanetia is a beautiful region. Despite possible disadvantages of acquaintance with him will bring you a lot of positive impressions and emotions. If you are reading my blog, do not come around. I really helped to see Svaneti without all these minuses. With so many, we became friends. Perhaps I offer not the cheapest option. In our database there are no homes hosting for 35 lari with two meals. But therefore, there is no that I can give my head to cut off everywhere, where we settle you, you will be glad as old good friends, the table will be broken from food and you will see those wise and quiet savans, which are so much written.
I love you, my friends!