Sustanon 250 instructions for use in bodybuilding. Sustanon - composition, description of the drug and use in bodybuilding

Sustanon 250 instructions for use in bodybuilding.  Sustanon - composition, description of the drug and use in bodybuilding
Sustanon 250 instructions for use in bodybuilding. Sustanon - composition, description of the drug and use in bodybuilding

What is the drug "Sustanon 250"? The instructions for this medication will be presented a little further. From the materials in this article you will learn about what indications the mentioned medicine has, whether it has contraindications and analogues, what will happen in case of an overdose, etc.

Release form, description, composition of the drug

The composition of the drug "Sustanon 250" includes such active components as isocapronate, testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone decanoate. As for the additional ingredients, they use peanut oil and nitrogen.

In what form is Sustanon 250 produced? Reviews from experts indicate that this medication is marketed in the form of an oil solution for intramuscular injection.

The drug is yellow in color (slightly colored) and is contained in white glass ampoules.

Pharmacological characteristics

What is the principle of action of the drug "Sustanon 250"? The instructions state that this medication is androgenic.

Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone that promotes the growth and development of the genital organs of the stronger sex and their

As you know, throughout the life of men, testosterone plays an indispensable role in the normal functioning of the testicles, prostate and This hormone supports libido, erection and well-being.

Taking the drug "Sustanon 250" for hypogonadism increases the concentration of androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol in the blood. In addition, globulin levels, which bind sex hormones, as well as follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, decrease. Their levels are restored to normal levels.

From all of the above, we can safely conclude that during treatment with the drug in question, all signs of testosterone deficiency are significantly reduced. After therapy, patients may notice an increase in muscle mass and bone mineral density. That is why this medication is actively used in bodybuilding. By the way, people with increased body weight experience a decrease in weight.

Features of the drug

What features does the drug “Sustanon 250” have? Reviews from experts say that as a result of therapy, sexual functions are normalized in patients. Also in their blood the concentration of low- and high-density lipoproteins and triglycerides decreases. In addition, the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit increases in the human body.

Taking this drug does not cause any changes in prostate specific antigen, as well as in the level of liver enzymes.

During treatment, some men may experience an enlargement of the prostate gland without any changes in its functioning.

If the drug is taken by hypogonadal patients with diabetes mellitus, they often experience a decrease in blood glucose levels, as well as an increase in insulin sensitivity.

Taking a hormonal drug by boys with delayed growth and puberty helps stimulate secondary sexual characteristics. If the medication was used by transsexual women, then they experience masculinization.

Pharmacokinetic properties of the oil solution

The drug "Sustanon 250" contains several testosterone esters. According to experts, they have different durations of action. After entering the bloodstream, they undergo a process of hydrolysis.

When using a single dose of the drug, the level of total testosterone in a man’s blood begins to gradually increase. Its highest concentration is observed after 1-2 days. At the same time, testosterone levels return to the lower limits after about 21 days.

The binding of testosterone to plasma proteins is very high (more than 97%). This hormone is metabolized naturally to dihydrotestosterone and estriol. The drug is excreted from the body along with urine.

Indications for use

For what purposes is the drug “Sustanon 250” used? This drug is used in testosterone replacement treatment of representatives of the stronger sex who have pathological conditions associated with secondary and primary hypogonadism.

It should also be noted that the medicine can be used to treat acquired or congenital hypogonadism.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Sustanon 250" is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • in children under three years of age;
  • if breast or prostate cancer is suspected, as well as if the diagnosis has already been established;
  • if the patient is highly sensitive to any of the components of the drug.

This drug is prescribed with extreme caution in the prepubertal period in boys (it is necessary to avoid closing the epiphyses and

In addition, Sustanon 250 is used with extreme caution for chronic cardiac, hepatic or renal failure, diabetes mellitus, apnea, prostate hypertrophy with urinary retention, chronic pulmonary pathologies and obesity.

How to take Sustanon 250?

According to the instructions, this solution should be administered deeply, intramuscularly. The dosage of Sustanon 250 should only be determined by an experienced physician. Typically, it depends on the patient's response to treatment.

Most often, experts prescribe the following dose - one milliliter once every three weeks.

In bodybuilding, this drug can be used either alone or in combination with other medications. For example, the course of “Sustanon” is very often practiced together with “Deca Methane”, “Methane Sustanon” and others.

Cases of overdose

Now you know how to inject Sustanon 250. When using increased doses of intramuscular solution, the patient experiences priapism. In this case, it is necessary to stop using the medicine until this symptom completely disappears. Resumption of drug administration is required in smaller doses.

Side effects

What adverse effects occur when using the drug "Sustanon 250"? A side effect can only appear if the medication was used in high doses. Such reactions include the following:

It should also be noted that after an intramuscular injection, the patient may experience undesirable local reactions (itching, pain, redness).

Patients who have been prescribed Sustanon-250 should be regularly monitored by a specialist. Doctors are required to carry out monitoring through digital examination in order to exclude the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

People with kidney, heart and liver diseases may experience complications in the form of acute heart failure and edema while taking the medicine.

If the medication was prescribed to elderly patients, then it must be taken into account that treatment with Sustanon-250 may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy.

Similar products and price of “Sustanon-250”

Analogs of the drug “Sustanon-250” are “Omnadren 250”, “Sustaver from Vermodje”, “Testosterone Propionate” solution and others.

The price of the medicine in question is not very high. One package of solution can be purchased for 250-300 rubles.


Based on the research conducted, I responsibly declare that the actual effect of these broadcasts is up to 10 days. Already on the ninth day, the level of testosterone in the blood is close to the upper reference values. The experiment was conducted on a person who had never used steroids or other anabolic hormones before. The only thing he has been doing for two years now is taking cabergoline regularly, once a week, at a dosage of 0.5 mg. This is done to reduce prolactin. This approach works great for straight men too, because... Even a prolactin reference is not needed and even interferes with a man’s life. Let me remind you that physical reduction of testicles and gynecomastia are directly proportional to high levels of prolactin in the blood. So, we get its constant values ​​in the range of 50-60, which is clearly visible from the analyses. Let's return to testosterone esters. As we can see, before the injection of one ampoule of Omnadren-250, a normal testosterone value of 14.63 is observed. After the injection on the 15th, 3 hours later, total testosterone shows a value of 47.3. Exactly one day later, total testosterone stopped at a level of more than 52.05. This meter simply does not show above. The instructions for Omnadren-250 say that one ampoule gives a maximum peak of testosterone in the amount of 70 24-48 hours after administration. Analyzes confirm this. Already 8 days after the injection, we see that the testosterone level began to decline and reached a value of 44.51. After 11 days, the analysis showed 19.47. After 14 days - 15.46. From here we conclude that no matter what single dosage you had, after 14 days there will be nothing left of it. Unless the last value will not be 15, but let’s say 22-23 simply because of the work of decanoate. In fact, Sustanon/omnadren should be considered a fast ester with a long tail of 100 mg decanoate that is unnecessary for strength training, which is capable of delivering only the maximum of the top reference. The effective frequency of taking this drug is every other day. Let me add that although estradiol does not affect gynecomastia and testicles, its excessively high level makes life less bright. In particular, this concerns libido and general vitality. On a constant course of testosterone, taking anastrozole at a dosage of 0.5 mg (half a tablet) every other day will give us the desired level of 160-200 estradiol. It was experimentally determined that if we push estradiol into 30-40 we feel worse. As well as leaving it without correction at all at an average level of 600-700.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how much you put it on, the main thing is a constant, even background, just put it every other day and that’s it, but if ENTHANATE or CYPIONATE is a completely different matter

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Let's continue a story about two composites that can be found most often in Raska:

Sustanon 250:

Sustanon 250 is a combination of testosterone esters produced by Organon, which is one of the pillars of modern pharmaceuticals. This drug contains: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, decanoate. It was created for fast and long-lasting action.

One milliliter of Sustanon 250 contains:

30 mg testosterone propionate

100 mg testosterone decanoate.


Sustanon is the most popular testosterone composite drug in the world. It is used by both fans of iron sports and representatives of other sports disciplines. Such universal love is not accidental. The main advantage is the gradual inclusion of different broadcasts in the work.

Sustanon is a strong androgen that has a pronounced anabolic effect on the user’s body. This drug is optimal for quickly building up meat and increasing strength. However, there are a number of distinctive features that distinguish Sustanon from other “long” test esters:

1. The joint starts working almost instantly and acts in the body for several weeks.

2. Sust causes less accumulation of water in the body when compared with other prolongators. This is explained by the presence of “fast” propionate and “medium length” ester - phenylpropionate in the composition of the composite, as well as the peculiarities of the pharmacokinetics of the drug. I personally feel well “filled” when using enanthate, and when taking the syrup, there is almost no “swelling” of the body.

3. The use of sustanon in most cases is accompanied by a strong manifestation of signs of gynecomastia, which in the case of injections of the same enanthate, if observed, is in a much “milder” form. This is a consequence of the heterogeneous composition of the drug and the presence of several “peaks” when the joint works in the athlete’s body. This side effect is easily eliminated by taking tamoxifen during the course.

4. Sustanon injections should be more frequent than with cypionate “infusions,” for example. Again, this is explained by the peculiarity of the work of the four components of the drug in the athlete’s body. It is advisable to give at least two injections a week, and preferably three. This point can be considered controversial, because many reputable jocks think differently and claim that Sustanon should be injected once a week, not more often. Allegedly, this can achieve a special “explosive” effect, which occurs with the accumulation of a certain amount of the active substance in the user’s blood. Personally, I adhere to the first point of view and consider more frequent injections to be the best option.

Dosages and combination with other drugs:

Like any other testosterone ester, Sustanon is a “basic” drug, i.e. This universal composite can be used as the basis for any more or less serious course.

The range of acceptable dosages is surprisingly wide - from 250 mg to 2 g per week. Typically, beginner chemists inject 250 mg per week, experienced pharmaceutical users - from 500 mg to 1000 mg per week, professionals - from 1 g per week and above.

Sustanon goes well with almost all speakers. For meat collection, combinations with methane, deca, and anadrol are usually used. To work on “quality,” combinations with turinabol, winstrol, oxandrolone, trenbolone, and primobolan are most suitable.

I can offer the following options for “compotes”, one of the components of which will be…

For newbies:

1) Sustanon 250 mg per week + Turinabol 40 mg per day. Course duration is 6 – 8 weeks. The last two or three weeks of the course we cancel the sust and gradually go on short-term medications (propionate 50 mg every other day + stanazolol 50 mg per day);

2) Sustanon 250 mg per week + oxandrolone 50 mg per day. Course duration is 6 – 8 weeks. For the last two or three weeks of the course, we cancel the sust and gradually go on short-term medications (propionate 50 mg every other day + stanazolol 50 mg per day).

Jocks who have several successfully completed pharmacological courses behind them:

1) Sustanon 250 mg once every five days + methandienone 40 mg per day. Course duration is 6 – 8 weeks. For the last two or three weeks of the course, we cancel the sust and gradually go on short-term medications (propionate 100 mg every other day + turinabol 50 mg per day);

2) Sustanon 500 mg per week + nandrolone 200 mg per week. Course duration is 6 – 8 weeks. For the last two or three weeks of the course, we cancel the sust and gradually go on short-term medications (propionate 100 mg every other day + Winstrol 50 mg every other day).

For advanced chemists:

1) Sustanon 750 mg per week + Anadrol 50 mg - 100 mg per day. Course duration is 6 – 8 weeks. For the last two or three weeks of the course, we cancel the sust and gradually go on short-term medications (propionate 50 mg every other day + stanazolol 50 mg per day).

2) Sustanon 1000 mg per week + trenbolone 300 mg per week. Course duration is 6 – 8 weeks. For the last two or three weeks of the course, we cancel the sust and gradually go on short-term medications (propionate 100 mg every other day + Winstrol 50 mg every other day).

Side effects:
If we talk about the negative impact of the juice on the body, it almost completely coincides with those side effects that are characteristic of testosterone enanthate, although users of testosterone composites experience side effects much less frequently than users of single-ester drugs.

Depending on the dosage, a person using Sustanon may experience common androgen-related side effects such as acne, sexual hyperstimulation, oily skin, accelerated hair loss, decreased production of sex hormones and temporary sterility, increased water retention and gynecomastia.

Sustanon is practically non-toxic to the liver (as well as other testosterone esters), some increase in liver parameters can only occur with very high “working” doses of the drug; after discontinuation of the composite, the parameters return to normal.

Omnadren can be called the younger brother of sustanon, omna contains the same amount of propionate, phenylpropionate and isocapronate as sustanon. The only difference is that instead of decanoate, capronate is used in omnadren.
One milliliter of the drug contains:

30 mg testosterone propionate
60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
60 mg testosterone isocapronate
100 mg testosterone capronate

In general, Omnadren has the same performance characteristics (advantages and disadvantages) as Sustanon. However, there are some differences, which we will discuss further.

The main feature of Omnadren is faster absorption and shorter duration of action. Omna is “faster” and “shorter” than the must, due to this Omnadren aromatizes faster. As mentioned above, Sustanon uses a “longer” ester – decanoate, and Omna uses a “shorter” capronate, this explains the difference in the “service life” of the drugs.

The purpose of creating Omna was, as in the case of Sustanon-250, to achieve the fastest possible “inclusion” of the drug in its work and to prolong its activity in the body to the maximum. In terms of its power, omnadren is comparable to sust and enanthate. This is a strong androgen, which is perfect for bulking and strength courses, and can also be used to build up already gained mass (with the correct frequency of injections and the amount of substance per week).

The working dosage range is the same as that of the syrup from 250 mg - 1000 mg per week to absolutely astronomical values ​​(if the drug is taken by a “professional chemist”).

There are not just many, but very many possible combinations with other steroids. All “compotes” based on sustanon can be safely used instead of omnadren. Omna is often included in courses along with deca, methane, anadrol, trenbolone. Jocks who are “shaking” over their health and fear methane like fire, and consider trenbolone to be the earthly embodiment of Satan, can combine Omnadren with “soft” ACs such as turinabol, boldenone, masteron, oxandrolone, prima.

The side effects of omnadren also almost completely coincide with the side effects of sustanon and enanthate. Everything that I listed in the article about enanthate and sustanon can also be attributed to Omnadren, although here Omna was able to distinguish itself - terrible acne is the result of using Omnadren.

In this case, not individual abscesses - pimples - often appear, but many small spots, as if the athlete has an allergy. Personally, this phenomenon hardly affected me when I took this composite, but many of my friends, who injected Omnadren, suffered from this “disease.” This side effect can be avoided or minimized if you cut down on simple carbohydrates during the course (follow a diet) and periodically visit the solarium.

It is difficult to say what explains such “uncleanliness” of Omnadren... perhaps the whole point is that the enterprises that produce Omnadren lack basic sterility and cleanliness, which affects the quality of injection solutions.

We should also talk about the bumps that remain after Omnadren injections. This is quite common; bumps and various inflammations are not something unexpected for athletes who from time to time inject various substances of dubious origin into their asses. However, what I could observe on my buttocks during the course on Omna made me regret the little money that I spent on this drug at the local pharmacy - my butt has never been so lumpy.

These bumps are apparently the result of the very thick oil poured into the ampoules. They take a very long time to dissolve (neither a cabbage leaf, nor an iodine net, nor a heating pad, nor black bread mixed with honey, nor a special mixture of bats and toad caviar help), but with all this there was no pain. For the reason stated above, I do not recommend injecting Omnadren into the deltoids - only in the ass, Gentlemen!

“Dirty” and high-risk omnadren is a cheap analogue of sustanon and enanthate, which are sold at higher prices on the black market. Even despite all the shortcomings of Omna, I like it better than Sust... and it’s not even about the price. Omnadren is easy to buy at any pharmacy without a prescription; Omne does not contain “long” decanoate, which delays the removal of the active substance from the body for up to an unbearably long four weeks; Omnadren, whatever one may say, is a pharmaceutical drug that is produced by an official manufacturer.

The composition of the drug Sustanon-250 includes the following ingredients: testosterone propionate, testosterone isocapronate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone decanoate.

The product contains benzyl alcohol, peanut oil, and nitrogen as additional substances.

Release form

Sustanon-250 is a drug that is available in the form of an oil solution for intramuscular administration. The solution is yellow in color and is contained in colorless glass ampoules.

pharmachologic effect

is the main endogenous hormone that is indispensable for the adequate development and growth of the male genital organs, as well as secondary genital organs. Wikipedia shows that throughout life for an adult man, testosterone is indispensable for the normal function of the testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate, as well as for maintaining libido, erection, and well-being.

When using the drug with hypogonadism in the body there is a clinically significant increase in the concentrations of testosterone, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone, and androstenedione in the blood. At the same time, the levels of globulin, which binds sex hormones, as well as follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, decrease. The level of these hormones is restored to normal levels.

Thus, during therapy with this drug, signs of testosterone deficiency decrease. There is an increase in bone mineral density, as well as muscle mass, so the drug is widely used in bodybuilding. In people with excess body weight, there is a decrease in weight.

As a result of therapy, sexual functions are normalized; the concentration of triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins in the blood decreases, while at the same time the concentration of hematocrit and hemoglobin increases. There are no changes in prostate specific antigen or liver enzyme levels.

While taking Sustanon-250, the patient may experience an enlargement of the prostate gland without changing its function. If the drug is used in hypogonadal patients suffering from , then they experience an increase in insulin sensitivity or a decrease in blood glucose levels.

When treating boys with a hormonal drug who have delayed puberty and growth, they experience stimulation of secondary sexual characteristics.

When transsexual women take the drug, masculinization is observed.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The product contains several testosterone esters, which have different durations of action. Once in the bloodstream, these esters are hydrolyzed into the hormone testosterone.

When using a single dose of the drug, the level of total testosterone in the blood plasma increases, the maximum concentration is observed approximately 24-48 hours after the solution was administered. Testosterone levels in men return to the lower limits after about 21 days.

There is a high level of nonspecific binding of testosterone to plasma proteins (more than 97%).

Before and dihydrotestosterone, testosterone is metabolized naturally.

It is excreted from the body mainly in urine.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for use for the purpose of testosterone replacement treatment of men who have been diagnosed with pathological conditions associated with primary and secondary hypogonadism .

It is used for the treatment of congenital and acquired hypogonadism.


You should not take Sustanon-250 in the following cases:

  • if you suspect the development of prostate or breast cancer or have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or breast cancer;
  • high sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • children under 3 years of age.

Use with caution in the prepubertal period in boys (it is important to avoid premature puberty and closure of the epiphyses).

Also used with caution in cases of renal or liver failure (it is important to avoid edema), in chronic heart failure, in diabetes mellitus, in prostate hypertrophy with urinary retention. It should also be taken with caution by people suffering from , , chronic lung diseases.

Side effects

Sometimes, when using high doses of the drug, the following side effects are observed:

    • the appearance of neoplasms (benign, malignant, indeterminate);
    • prostate cancer (or worsening condition due to prostate cancer);
    • fluid retention in the body, as a result, the manifestation of edema;
    • polycythemia;

manifestation of nervous excitability, depression, mood changes;

  • increased or decreased sexual desire;
  • promotion ;
  • myalgia ;
  • nausea ;
  • appearance , on the skin;
  • oligospermia , priapism , gynecomastia , decreased sperm count, prostate hypertrophy ;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hypercalcemia .

After injections, unwanted local reactions (itching, pain, redness) may occur.

Side effects of Sustanon may continue for some time.

Instructions for Sustanon 250 (Method and dosage)

Sustanon-250 solution must be administered intramuscularly, deeply.

The dosage and features of administration are determined by a specialist; as a rule, it depends on the patient’s response to treatment.

Basically, the dose is 1 ml once every three weeks.

Sports science shows that in bodybuilding the drug is used both solo and with other drugs. In particular, the Sustanon Deca Methane course, the Methane Sustanon course, etc. are practiced.


When the solution is administered intramuscularly, the drug has low toxicity. In case of chronic overdose in men, priapism may occur. If this occurs, you should stop taking the drug until the symptom completely disappears. After this, the administration of the solution is resumed in smaller doses.


Testosterone concentrations may be increased or decreased by agents that cause enzyme induction or inhibition. In this case, the patient may need dose adjustments or increased intervals between injections.

Sustanon-250 can increase glucose tolerance and reduce the need to take hypoglycemic agents (insulin, etc.) in people who have diabetes.

When taking high doses of Sustanon-250, the effect of coumarin-type anticoagulants may increase. Therefore, the doses of the latter can be reduced.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold by prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store the product out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 8-30°C, and it must be protected from light.

Best before date

Sustanon-250 can be stored for 5 years.

special instructions

People who receive Sustanon-250 should be under the supervision of a specialist. In the process of monitoring the patient's condition, it is practiced to carry out

Patients should undergo digital rectal examination to exclude benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate specific antigen is also determined to exclude prostate cancer. To rule out polycythemia, a measurement is taken and hematocrit.

It should be borne in mind that people who have previously been diagnosed with heart, kidney, or liver diseases may experience complications in the form of edema, possibly with the manifestation of acute heart failure.

The ability to drive vehicles and perform any other actions requiring precision is not affected by taking the drug.

If the drug is used to treat older people, it should be taken into account that such treatment may ultimately increase the risk of developing prostate hypertrophy or prostate cancer .

It should be taken into account that when using androgens to increase endurance in athletes, there may be a serious risk to human health.

However, the drug is very popular among athletes, who note its rapid action after administration, leading to an active increase in muscle mass and strength. Athletes often use Sustanon 250 with other drugs: Winstrol, Boldenone, etc. Post-cycle therapy after Sustanon is practiced by athletes in order to restore the body.

Despite the fact that there are many positive reviews from athletes about taking this drug, as well as reviews about the Sustanon 250 Deca course and other combinations, doctors do not recommend taking androgens to build muscle mass.

It is important to avoid too active puberty and premature closure of the epiphyses.

During pregnancy and lactation

This medicine should not be used during And breast milk.

I am glad to greet you, dear friends, Alexander Bely is with you. In my sports blog sportivs today we are going to look at a topic called Sustanon 250 weight course. Surely you have seen big and pumped up bodybuilders, 10 percent of them train without anabolic steroids, the rest are on the cycle repeatedly. We will look at what is included in the course, how it works to gain muscle mass, talk about dosages, side effects and how to get rid of them.

Key Features

Sustanon 250 itself is a combined composition of 4 testosterone esters. It is based on testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, decanoate - these esters are absorbed into the blood at different rates, which ensures a uniform effect and growth. Sustanon maintains high concentrations of the hormone.

I will not describe in what order testosterone begins to work in the body, since this is necessary for a more in-depth study and is needed exclusively by professionals. For beginners, it is enough to use anabolic steroids under the supervision of an experienced athlete with knowledge of pharmacology, strictly observe sterility and dosages, do not skip PCT, and of course, follow the tests.

During a course of Sustanon, blood levels increase gradually, so side effects do not appear so quickly. If you start to notice side effects, for example, acne, waterloggedness, gynecomastia, then it is recommended to use an estrogen blocker - Anadrol, we will talk about this a little later.

What effects does it have?

Thanks to a course of Sustanon, you can get good results. Due to the high concentration of testosterone, appetite improves. Other benefits include healthy sleep and good recovery. One of the most important effects is an increase in strength and muscle volume, in fact, this is precisely why Sustanon is taken. Due to the artificial testosterone that enters the body, libido and sexual desire improve.

You can use Sustanon 250 solo, but in bodybuilding, combined courses are used to achieve better results. Now I would like to look at the types of weight training courses with the participation of Sustanon 250. We will talk about various combinations, how to take it and, of course, about after course therapy.

What does it go with?

1. Sustanon goes well with strength or dianabol, to which ideally you need to add anadrol - you can start the first course with this. The course of these drugs should last no more than 6-7 weeks. Sustanon injections should be given once a week with a dosage of one ampoule. Oral drug Anadrol take 2 tablets per day for 2-3 weeks. At the end of this period, you can safely start taking methane at dosages of 40 mg per day.

This course is characterized by the fact that Anadrol will give a very strong effect, even after completion of the dose. Therefore, you need to start taking methane, which will help relieve hormonal levels. This course provides for a quick gain of muscle mass, so those who want abs and relief - this course is not for you. Post-cycle therapy for this course should begin 10 days after the last injection. For PCT, use Clomid, you can buy it at the pharmacy, duration of use is 10-14 days.

2. Another type of sustanon course is a combination with stanazolol, danabol and deca. This course is designed for a professional - it will help build muscle mass, and Stanazolol will help burn fat, great, right? However, this course is not suitable for beginners, since it contains a large number of anabolic steroids, and hormonal levels can be greatly affected. But for those who have been using pharmacology for a long time, this is an ideal course that is practically harmless.

The duration of this course is 6 weeks. Deca should be taken in an amount of 200 mg per week. Sustanon is introduced into the body according to the following scheme - once every three days, with a dosage of 250 mg. Too much testosterone may begin to convert into estrogen, in which case it is recommended to use anastrozole - it is an estrogen blocker.

The dosage of anastrozole is 0.5-1 tablet every 1-2 days. Take methane for the first 25 days, 40 mg per day. In the next 15 days, so that fat begins to be burned, take Stanazolol 40 mg per day.

PCT begins after a week's break after the last deca injection. For the first 3-5 days, take 4 tablets of Clomid per day, then reduce the dosage to half a tablet per day. The duration of the pct is 3 weeks.

The importance of post-cycle therapy

Since anabolic steroids affect hormonal levels, post-cycle therapy cannot be ignored. If any side effects begin, all this can be prevented with the help of PCT.
Correct PCT, compliance with all instructions, as well as dosages will contribute to excellent results.

Dear friends, this article comes to an end, we talked about what Sustanon 250 is, how to take it correctly, what it is combined with, how to cleanse the body. Remember - steroids are very dangerous, so you need to use them with full responsibility, you need to understand what, and most importantly, why you need it. I recommend watching an interesting video. Be healthy, have a nice summer days!