How to give a Sustanon injection yourself. Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market

How to give a Sustanon injection yourself.  Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market
How to give a Sustanon injection yourself. Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market


Based on the research conducted, I responsibly declare that the actual effect of these broadcasts is up to 10 days. Already on the ninth day, the level of testosterone in the blood is close to the upper reference values. The experiment was conducted on a person who had never used steroids or other anabolic hormones before. The only thing he has been doing for two years now is taking cabergoline regularly, once a week, at a dosage of 0.5 mg. This is done to reduce prolactin. This approach works great for straight men too, because... Even a prolactin reference is not needed and even interferes with a man’s life. Let me remind you that physical reduction of testicles and gynecomastia are directly proportional to high levels of prolactin in the blood. So, we get its constant values ​​in the range of 50-60, which is clearly visible from the analyses. Let's return to testosterone esters. As we can see, before the injection of one ampoule of Omnadren-250, a normal testosterone value of 14.63 is observed. After the injection on the 15th, 3 hours later, total testosterone shows a value of 47.3. Exactly one day later, total testosterone stopped at a level of more than 52.05. This meter simply does not show above. The instructions for Omnadren-250 say that one ampoule gives a maximum peak of testosterone in the amount of 70 24-48 hours after administration. Analyzes confirm this. Already 8 days after the injection, we see that the testosterone level began to decline and reached a value of 44.51. After 11 days, the analysis showed 19.47. After 14 days - 15.46. From here we conclude that no matter what single dosage you had, after 14 days there will be nothing left of it. Unless the last value will not be 15, but let’s say 22-23 simply because of the work of decanoate. In fact, Sustanon/omnadren should be considered a fast ester with a long tail of 100 mg decanoate that is unnecessary for strength training, which is capable of delivering only the maximum of the top reference. The effective frequency of taking this drug is every other day. Let me add that although estradiol does not affect gynecomastia and testicles, its excessively high level makes life less bright. In particular, this concerns libido and general vitality. On a constant course of testosterone, taking anastrozole at a dosage of 0.5 mg (half a tablet) every other day will give us the desired level of 160-200 estradiol. It was experimentally determined that if we push estradiol into 30-40 we feel worse. As well as leaving it without correction at all at an average level of 600-700.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how much you put it on, the main thing is a constant, even background, just put it every other day and that’s it, but if ENTHANATE or CYPIONATE is a completely different matter

The steroid drug Sustanon is an excellent powerful androgen that has a long period of work inside the athlete’s body. Sustanon solo courses are preferred by professional bodybuilders who have experience in taking steroid courses that are lighter in terms of effects on the body. The drug contains 4 different testosterone esters. Since each of them comes into play at its own time, this drug is able to work for a long time on increasing the athlete’s muscles, forming a dry, dense and hard profile, increasing physical strength, endurance and speed.

In addition to purchasing a high-quality original drug from a well-known manufacturer (Balkan Pharma and Organon have good reviews), it is important to eat right. At least 4 - 5 times a day, including in the diet foods that supply protein, reducing the number of those rich in fats and carbohydrates. The standard working dosage of Sustanon is 250 - 500 mg. This is the contents of 1 - 2 ampoules of the product. Sustanon 250 and its intake with malt should be the second or third in the athlete’s practice. To reduce aromatization, you should take the drug Proviron during the cycle along with the steroid. Its dosage should be 1, maximum 2 tablets per day. Then it is guaranteed to be possible to reduce aromatization to a minimum and reduce fluid retention throughout the body. Proviron will also help you avoid such unpleasant side effects as gynecomastia.

Dosages according to the course of Sustanon 250

Sustanon for beginners in salt use should start with 1 ampoule per week. It needs to be heated and an injection into the gluteal muscle - in the evening, injecting the drug slowly. Security forces often use 2-4 ampoules individually. This amount of androgen per week helps them increase physical power and recover faster after intensive training. An athlete with little experience is recommended to consult a specialist, undergo a medical examination, and consult with a coach before starting the course. And also start with the minimum safe dosages of the drug, monitoring your body’s reaction to it.

The solo course is good both in the off-season and before the start of the new beach season. In practice, for each week of using the drug, it is possible to gain up to 2 kg of muscle mass. If you purchase a high-quality original steroid, eat 4-5 times a day, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates in your diet, and increasing the number of protein foods. It is important to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of clean still water. Tea, coffee and other drinks do not count. You also need to fully rest and get enough sleep, take pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes, try to avoid stress and be focused on getting the best possible result.

Sustanon solo - result, effect

In order for the Sustanon solo cycle to give even more impressive results, you can take the steroid in combination with Boldenone or Turinabol. Both drugs in one complex with Sustanon can guarantee an increase in strength and endurance, and build lean and impressive muscles. Specifically, injectable Trenbolone works in conjunction with Sustanon to build solid muscles. In this course, Sustanon will exhibit its characteristic androgenic activity, and Trenbolone will exhibit anabolic activity. This classic combined course has been providing athletes with a noticeable increase in muscle mass, power, endurance, and speed for many years, making them more self-confident and focused on achieving high results.

On PCT after a course of Susta, the drug Clomid has proven itself to be excellent. It will allow you to preserve the resulting muscles for a long time, preventing its destruction. The product will also work tirelessly to restore the body’s production of its own testosterone at a high level. Also, many pros take Clenbuterol after the course. This excellent fat burner, which initially showed itself in medicine as an effective remedy for asthmatics, will remove excess water from the physique, further shape your lean and beautiful muscles, and prevent catabolism. By following a steroid regimen and performing high-quality and timely PCT, an athlete gets the opportunity not only to build solid and presentable muscles, become an order of magnitude stronger and more resilient, but also to maintain existing results for a long time.

There is no need to prick it, now spring will come, everything will melt, take a shovel and bury it in the garden. Why do you need problems in the future, go to the gym for your own pleasure.

  • Nikola

alexsandr46 wrote:
My weight is 80 kg and my height is 180 cm. I decided to try Khim and took 9 bottles Sustanon 250 Tell me how to inject it?

you draw it into a syringe and stick it intramuscularly: D
  • Razor

In general, such amateurs amaze, you first understand the hardware, and then stick a needle in the ass.
These are the ones who put nandrolones at 600 per week solo, and then they think why they caught the sluggish...

  • alexsandr46

Guys, I’m new and I’m not good at this. So should your answer be taken or should I ignore this “farm”?

  • SteelPower

definitely kill it!!! You can’t buy health like a pack of Sustanon!!!

  • alexsandr46

Thank you because it pulled me. I wanted extreme sports.

  • JaguarBobystyle

alexsandr46 wrote:
Thank you because it pulled me. I wanted extreme sports.

Extreme is dangerous in bodybuilding!
  • alexsandr46

I have already begun to understand. Recommend anything for gaining weight. Growth has stopped for the rest!

  • Centner

alexsandr46 writes: in short, 9 ampoules of 250 mg mg, distribute 500 500 500 250 250 250 with a load so that you immediately get the pearl, that is, 6 weeks, the first 3 weeks if Monday is Thursday, then the remaining 3 weeks on Mondays, after the course you will need to buy tamoxifen at the pharmacy and take 20 mg per day for 3-4 weeks; if there is an option to get more Proviron, it would be nice to take 50 mg per week. In general, everything looks like this: you take a course for 6 weeks, rest for the seventh week, and from the 8th week you start taking tamoxifen and proviron, you can add tribulus there too

My weight is 80 kg and my height is 180 cm. I decided to try "Chem" and took 9 bottles of Sustanon 250. Tell me how to inject it?


Once a week for 250, but starting with the mixture is somehow out of my mind

  • Centner

Well, yes, it’s better to start Turik or Methane 100 pieces for 5 weeks first, and for the second you can get by with Sustom 250 mg along with the same Turik or Stanazolol, I would do that


Wow, post from 2011, even if we’re off topic here: D

  • Centner

yes, I searched the topic through a search engine, I’ll look it up, I think I’m registered here) so I answered) well, anyway, whoever wants to, will learn something useful from our discussion)

  • Vsevolod33

It's a bad combination no matter how you take it - a stubborn friend took methane dough twice, gained a lot and lost a lot after
IMHO it's a waste of money
you should only have enough methane 3 pieces per day

  • sniper

sust solo pun. There are 4 drugs in the juice)))

  • sport

sniper writes:
sust solo pun. There are 4 drugs in the juice)))

And it’s all testosterone, what’s the pun??? Many people advise the athlete to take a solo test after 40. Test and Tren are two basic steroids that can work solo, isn’t it?

  • Vsevolod33

sport writes:
sniper writes:

  • sniper

sport writes:
sniper writes:
sust solo pun. There are 4 drugs in the juice))) And it’s all testosterone, what’s the pun??? Many people advise the athlete to take a solo test after 40. Test and Tren are two basic steroids that can work solo, isn’t it?

Not everything is as straightforward as it is written in the literature. esters also differ in the cascade of intermediate hormones. Everything can be used solo. The combination is needed either for a versatile effect or to repay a possible side effect. In my opinion, it is better to work in combinations. It is definitely better to cover up Tren with another steroid. The test can be done solo, but it is better to choose propinate from the tests for this.

  • sport

sniper writes:
sport writes: these are two basic steroids that can work solo, isn’t it? Not
sniper writes:
sust solo pun. There are 4 drugs in the juice))) And it’s all testosterone, what’s the pun??? Many people advise the athlete to take a solo test after 40. Test and Tren, everything is as straightforward as it is written in the literature. esters also differ in the cascade of intermediate hormones. Everything can be used solo. The combination is needed either for a versatile effect or to repay a possible side effect. In my opinion, it is better to work in combinations. It is definitely better to cover up Tren with another steroid. The test can be done solo, but it is better to choose propinate from the tests for this.

sniper, won’t there be more side effects from propik, since there is a higher concentration of the working substance?

  • sniper

here is a copy of the article, if it’s too complicated, I’ll explain with examples

What is the difference between testosterone drugs with different ester lengths. In addition to the well-known points about the long duration of action and the predominance of the mass fraction of pure testosterone in short preparations, there is a significant difference in action. The difference depends on the rate of release of testosterone from the ether and the possibility of exposure to enzyme systems.
Let's consider short broadcasts. Short esters quickly release testosterone and create its massive supply into the blood. When enzymes enter circulation en masse, a certain amount of testosterone enters, some of which are intermediate, low-active metabolites, and a very small part is converted into estrogens. Then, after the action of all the formed substances, they are washed out of the blood. Thus, the testosterone/metabolite proportions are biased towards testosterone. Enzymes do not have time to capture all the testosterone before it enters the tissues.
Let's consider long broadcasts. Testosterone is released less massively from long esters and theoretically layering doses should lead to ultra-high concentrations of testosterone. However, the theory is not correct for conditions with enzyme systems. The slow release of testosterone allows enzyme systems to capture more testosterone and convert it into estrogens at a much greater rate. Thus, when using long esters, along with high concentrations of testosterone, the concentration of estrogen steadily increases and remains at a high level. When the administration of long esters is stopped, the concentration of estrogen goes to a peak with a stable decrease in testosterone.
What are the advantages of prescribing different esters?
Estrogens have positive and negative aspects. Estrogens quite actively open androgen receptors for testosterone, i.e. increase the coefficient of its activity in tissues. A lot is known about the negative effects, so there is no point in writing, we can add that it is not testosterone, but estrogens that suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary chain of regulation of the level of endogenous testosterone. Recovery after a cycle of long broadcasts is very painstaking and often ends with loss of gained muscle and gain of fat. Long esters are acceptable for dry users who have problems gaining weight.
Long esters create the prerequisites for the fixation of testosterone by plasma proteins and a small free part of the hormone in the blood. Estrogen blockers prevent the connection with the receptor of both estrogen and testosterone and the release of testosterone's potential; proviron competes not only for the enzyme but also for the receptor, which limits the use of both of them on the cycle.

  • sport

No, the sniper is no wonder, everything is fine, just different sources and different opinions, here’s an example
Sustanon-250– the brand name of the drug produced by the Organon plant (Holland) in different countries. The drug is injectable, available in 1 cc ampoules, concentration 250 mg/cc. It is a mixture of four testosterones: 30 mg propionate, effective for 3-4 days, 60 mg phenylpropionate, 1-3 weeks, 60 mg isocaproate, 1-3 weeks , 100 mg decanoate, 2-4 weeks. The drug works very quickly and at the same time lives in the blood for a long time. The drug is very popular in Europe. The main advantage of Sustanon-250 is that it can be used for a long time without increasing the dosage. 250-500 mg per week provides good results. Due to the mixture of testosterones in the drug, the receptors take longer to perceive it. Thus, a person can get by with a small amount of the drug and get good results with minimal side effects. With quite high-quality results, there is less water retention, less aromatization, less load on the liver and less disruption of the endocrine system. The most popular way to use the drug is in combination with the oral anabolic methandienone; it is also often and effectively combined with injectable anabolic drugs such as nandrolone.

  • Vsevolod33

sport writes:
No, the sniper is no wonder, everything is fine, just different sources and different opinions, here’s an example
Sustanon-250 is the brand name of the drug produced by the Organon plant (Holland) in different countries. The drug is injectable, available in 1 cc ampoules, concentration 250 mg/cc. It is a mixture of four testosterones: 30 mg propionate, effective for 3-4 days, 60 mg phenylpropionate, 1-3 weeks, 60 mg isocaproate, 1-3 weeks , 100 mg decanoate, 2-4 weeks. The drug works very quickly and at the same time lives in the blood for a long time. The drug is very popular in Europe. The main advantage of Sustanon-250 is that it can be used for a long time without increasing the dosage. 250-500 mg per week provides good results. Due to the mixture of testosterones in the drug, the receptors take longer to perceive it. Thus, a person can get by with a small amount of the drug and get good results with minimal side effects. With quite high-quality results, there is less water retention, less aromatization, less load on the liver and less disruption of the endocrine system. The most popular way to use the drug is in combination with the oral anabolic methandienone; it is also often and effectively combined with injectable anabolic drugs such as nandrolone.

Sustanon is a mixture of four testosterones. This feature entails two positive qualities that are of interest to athletes. Based on the special interaction of the active chemicals, Sustanon milligram for milligram has a better effect than testosterone enanthate, cypionate and propionate. In addition, the effect of these chemicals is also temporally sequential, so that Sustanon begins to act quickly and at the same time remains effective in the body for several weeks, thanks to the decanoate contained in Sustanon. Sustanon exerts its effect on the body within a day and continues to be active in it for 3-4 weeks.

Sustanon has a pronounced androgenic effect, which is combined with a strong anabolic effect. Therefore, it is well suited for building strength and muscle mass. There is a strong increase in strength with a simultaneous increase in body weight. Almost many bodybuilding athletes who have problems with other testosterones with significant accumulation of water and high levels of estrogen prefer Sustanon to other long-acting testosterones. The optimal weekly dose of Sustanon is 250 - 500 mg, more than 1000 mg per week. It is not recommended to work hard.

Sustanon is very suitable as a basic steroid, which gives the athlete sufficient impetus for intense training and, along with the already discussed advantages - a quick surge of strength and a solid increase in muscle mass, is distinguished by good tolerance. To quickly build muscle mass, Sustanon is often combined with Deca - Durabolin, Methane, while athletes who pay more attention to quality combine it rather with Winstrol, Oxandrolone or even Primobolan.

Although Sustanon does not aromatize much in reasonable doses, many still take an anti-estrogen in addition, so that with the help of Tamoxifen and/or Proviron, for example, they can negate the side effects caused by estrogen.

Depending on the timing and dosage, users of Sustanon may experience common androgen-related side effects: such as acne, aggression, sexual hyperstimulation, oily skin, accelerated hair loss, and decreased production of sex hormones. Accumulation of water and gynecomastia remain within normal limits with Sustanon. Liver damage is impossible with Sustanon, and yet at very high doses, an increase in liver parameters can occur, which normally return to normal as the drug is stopped.

Original Sustanon is almost exclusively produced by Organon and its affiliates. The most common are Pakistani Sustanon 250 from Organon and Indian Sustaretard 250.

It’s good when you argue from a well-known source, but indicating the author of the quote will look much more decent; due to illiteracy, they may mistake it for your personal opinion, Comrade Sport

  • Turikan

Anton Pryadko,
Certainly not after. Depends on your individual reaction. Many people go through the aromatization process differently. If the drug starts up quickly, and by the end of the first week there is a feeling of fullness in your clenched fists, and slight swelling appears on the face, then you can start drinking Proviron on the 7-10th day and so on until the end of the course. My dose is 50 mg twice a day for the first five days, then 50 mg once a day until the last injection, plus another two weeks after. When PCT starts, I turn off Provi and switch to Clomid. If it takes a long time for the juice to accelerate, then it’s not too late to start in the third week. The only thing I can say is that it’s not superfluous for me. Without it, swelling goes to the legs and water retention is very high. In addition, I noticed that the effectiveness of the course is getting better. (If there is not a lot of water, don’t take a large dose either. Maybe half mine)

Turikan, I actually read that since Proviron is an androgen (but does not have an anabolic component), it can compete for receptors, preventing other AS from exhibiting their active properties. To prevent aromatization during the cycle, it is better to use the aramotase inhibitor anastrozole. Proviron is a thing of the past. Anastrozole was not used before due to its high price. Now it has become available.

  • Turikan

Of course I read it, and not only that. For example on SPORTSWIKI:
...Weakening of the effect of the speaker
Many authors, for example, A. Vasilenko and others, point to the use of the same receptors by Proviron and anabolic steroids, which supposedly reduces the effect of the latter. This information first appeared in Dan Duchaine's Underground Steroid Handbook II. However, basic knowledge of pharmacokinetics allows us to refute this. Firstly, this anti-estrogen is quickly destroyed in the muscles to inactive metabolites. Secondly, due to its high affinity for binding proteins (SHBG), the drug can increase the concentration of free AS, which increases the effectiveness of the course...

Regarding anastrozole, there is also this:
...Side effects of the substance Anastrozole:

From the nervous system and sensory organs: asthenic syndrome, insomnia, drowsiness, anxiety, depression, headache, dizziness, paresthesia.

From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): anemia, hypertension (severe dizziness, long-lasting headache), leukopenia with or without infection, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism.

From the respiratory system: dyspnea, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis.

From the gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation/diarrhea, dry mouth.

Allergic reactions: incl. rash, itching, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Other: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, vaginal bleeding, myalgia, arthralgia, chest pain, back pain, decreased joint mobility, sweating, flu-like syndrome, peripheral edema, hair thinning and alopecia, hypercholesterolemia, increased levels of ALP, AST and ALT (in patients with liver metastases), weight gain....

So this is my conclusion in this case. I know Proviron, its action and my reaction to it well. And I’m already a little old to play roulette with anastrozole. This set of possible side effects does not add confidence. The more powerful, the more dangerous.

Turikan, well, vaginal dryness definitely doesn’t threaten us) As for the side effects, any medications have side effects. The course uses a dose even less than indicated in the instructions (half a tablet every other day). I haven't heard of anyone having a bad experience with this yet. The same testosterone in the instructions has many side effects, however... In general, sometimes it is not only harmful but also useful.

It is worth drawing your attention to the good predisposition of this steroid in terms of gaining muscle mass and strength. Proper use of Sustanon 250 will always be effective in gaining mass and strength. This drug is considered inexpensive, but very effective and is used by both beginners and serious professionals. Of course, the result obtained cannot be classified as high quality, but the muscle gain will look somewhat better than from Methane or Deca. If you want to get quick and long-lasting results from the purchased anabolic steroid, then your choice should be to order ready-made course for mass Sustanon .

Initially, the drug was used exclusively for medical purposes, but its anabolic capabilities could not go unnoticed by the great bodybuilders. In the 60s - 80s, the choice of anabolic steroids for rapid weight gain was not large, and the emergence of such a highly effective drug as Sustanon gave many advantages to every athlete. If taking Methane or Deca at the initial stage is considered ineffective, then Sustanon can please you with a large surge of strength and endurance after the first injections. This really makes it possible to quickly start a course and get results from the first week, without waiting for the drugs to accumulate in the body.

For such a quick effect when taken correctly, Sustanon 250 is always chosen by security forces. After all, conducting a simple course before the competition and even on the day of the competition gives a huge advantage over your competitors. Strength and endurance increase enormously, forcing the athlete to perform at the peak of his capabilities.

How and when to inject Sustanon

Regardless of which manufacturer you like better: Organon, Iran, Balkans, Vermoji, Golden Dragon, British, it’s always the same drug, it’s just that each athlete has his own personal beliefs about the quality of the product. We can definitely say that try to buy the original Sustanon and regardless of the company you choose, it will work.

Regardless of whether you bought a course for weight or strength, taking the drug will help you get both. A lot depends on your training and proper nutrition. Thus, you can control all weight gain processes. Try to maintain your diet more correctly and do not focus on carbohydrate intake, but pay attention to increasing the consumption of high-protein foods. This will help you get better quality muscles, without the accumulation of excess fat mass.

A course of taking Sustanon 250 for mass and strength will definitely give its results and will not go unnoticed. The drug has a high anabolic effect, which is equal to 100% of testosterone and exactly the same androgenic effect on the athlete’s body. It is worth noting that aromatization will also be present and fluid retention manifests itself differently in everyone. The peculiarity of your body plays a more important role here, because some athletes have dry muscles, while others have somewhat watery muscles. This trouble can be dealt with very simply.

Solo course of taking Susta

For a solo course, it is better to order 1 bottle per 10 cubes of Sustanon, it will be good for money and no worse for ampoules of 1 cube. It will last you for 5 weeks; this course duration is considered safe even for beginners. 10 cubes of the drug will last you for 5 weeks, calculating the frequency of intramuscular injections 2 times a week, 1 cube at a time. It turns out that we put 1 cube on Monday and 1 cube on Thursday, you can choose other days with an equal interval and continue this throughout the entire course.

This dosage is considered safe and effective, so it will be most suitable for beginners. To avoid fluid retention and prevent possible side effects, you can buy Proviron and include it in the course itself, 1 tablet until the end of the course. This really helps to suppress the aromatization process and eliminate many unpleasant aspects, in particular gynecomastia.

Do not forget that taking Sustanon 250 involves the use of 4 types of different testosterones and you will definitely encounter suppression of your own production of the male hormone. It is worth noting that any anabolic steroid exhibits its activity in suppressing its own testosterone. This is influenced by the steroid you choose, dosage and duration of the course itself.

Definitely, after stopping taking any anabolic steroid, our body will begin to gradually restore its hormone to its previous level, but this process can drag on for many months. It is worth considering the fact that Sustanon is eliminated from the body no faster than 3 months. That is why you should take this fact into account if doping control is inevitable.

After a course of Sustanon, you can buy Clomid to restore your own testosterone production. He copes with this task perfectly, as evidenced by the treatment options for athletes who complete their course of steroids. At least 10 days after stopping the course, you can start taking Clomid 1 tablet. for 20 days. This is an excellent option for quickly restoring the body after taking Sustanon 250 for strength and mass.

If you have additional questions about this drug or course, you can contact us. Phone numbers are listed at the top of our website. We will be happy to help you find and choose the best drug, as well as provide full consultation on the correct course of administration.

It is a composite drug, as it is presented in the form of a mixture of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, decanoate. Sust is considered one of the most popular and sought after steroids in bodybuilding.

Athletes have been practicing it for decades. In the 80s and 90s, sust was incredibly popular. This is a very well studied steroid, so there is information about its use, combination with other steroids, side effects, etc. enough.

The closest composite preparation similar in composition to sustik is Omnadren-250. You can find out more about the comparison between Sust and Omka by reading the article “ Which is better Sustanon or Omnadren?", which describes the differences between Omnadren in Russia and Ukraine, as well as their similarities and differences with Sustanon-250.

Sustanon composition:

  1. testosterone propionate – 30 mg;
  2. testosterone phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  3. testosterone isocapronate – 60 mg;
  4. testosterone decanoate – 100 mg.

How Sustanon works

The syrup has the standard properties of long esters: it helps to significantly increase muscle mass, strength and endurance, has an anti-catabolic effect, helps increase the number of red blood cells, and increases appetite.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it starts working very quickly, while it acts for quite a long time. This property is due to the fact that this drug contains 4 testosterone esters, which have different absorption rates, due to which a high level of anabolic hormones is maintained in the blood for a long period of time. This table shows the half-life of sustanon, or rather its esters.

Sustanon retains water in the body, but this is rather a positive property, since during the course strength indicators increase significantly, so the load on the joints increases sharply, and the water that is retained eases tension in the joints.

Sustik will allow you to gain an average of 5-6 kg per month (over a two-month course, weight gain can be about 10-12 kg), but do not forget about pullback phenomenon, due to which, at the end of the course, weight loss can be 20-50% of the gained weight.

Sustanon course

If we compare sust and testosterone enanthate, then the course of Sustanon (in the same dosages) will probably be a little “heavier”. Opinions on this matter may vary.

Typically, the length of a Sustanon solo course lasts about 6-8 weeks. Injections are performed intramuscularly once a week, dosage is 250-1000 mg (most often 250-500 mg is enough for athletes).

From the 2nd week of the course it is advisable to start using aromatase inhibitors(for example: Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). This will avoid side effects
effects of the drug (they should be used until the end of the course). Please note: the end of the course is not the moment of the last injection, but the time when the drug ceases to be effective. In this case, the end of the course occurs 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

Sust combines well with almost all other steroids. To achieve the maximum effect from the course, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, sleep well and a lot, and train properly. It is also advisable to include in your diet protein, gainer, vitamin-mineral complex, amino acids, BCAAs, glutamine, creatine etc.

Many people recommend Sustanon (in small doses) for the first course. However, do not forget that sustik is a fairly “heavy” steroid, which imposes strong androgenic And anabolic effects, even in small dosages. It is recommended to practice Sustanon with a little experience as a “chemist” and having completed a couple of simpler courses.

PCT after Sustanon

3 weeks after the last injection, PCT begins, during which it is most often used Clomid or tamoxifen. It is also advisable to connect testosterone boosters. If the course duration exceeds 8 weeks, then you must enter gonadotropin. Read more about PCT in the article: “ Post-cycle therapy (PCT)».

Sustanon description

Due to the fact that Sustanon is a very popular steroid and has a fairly high price, the number of counterfeits on the black market is increasing every year. Lately it has been very difficult to buy real sustik. The lion's share of the market is more or less high-quality fakes. When buying Sustanon from a “local dealer” or in a dubious online store, you risk purchasing a steroid of dubious composition and quality. Quite often, omnadren is sold under the guise of sustanon (in this case, you can consider yourself lucky, because it is better than an unknown dirty oil).

The original Sustanon has a paper label and is produced by Organon. At the moment, there are a large number of different brands: Sustaver (Vermodje), Sustamed (Balkan), Sustaged (Golden Dragon), etc., but the number of their counterfeits is also very large.

Sustanon side effects

Sustanon is contraindicated for people with kidney, liver and cardiovascular problems.

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The website provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.