What physical quality ensures performance? Human performance, its factors and types

What physical quality ensures performance?  Human performance, its factors and types
What physical quality ensures performance? Human performance, its factors and types

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education




on the topic “Human physical qualities and methods of their development”

Completed by Timoshina L.I.,

UEF, group 213

1. Basic physical qualities. Ways to develop them

Physical qualities are understood as socially conditioned sets of biological and mental properties of a person, expressing his physical readiness to carry out active and expedient motor activity. Basic physical qualities include strength, endurance, agility, flexibility, etc.

Physical qualities differ from other personality traits in that they can only manifest themselves when solving motor problems through motor actions. Motor actions used to solve a motor task can be performed differently by each individual. Some have a higher tempo of execution, others have a higher accuracy in reproducing movement parameters.

In relation to the dynamics of changes in indicators of physical qualities, the terms “development” and “education” are used. The term development characterizes the natural course of changes in physical quality, and the term education provides for an active and targeted impact on the growth of physical quality indicators.

Physical abilities are understood as relatively stable, congenital and acquired functional capabilities of organs and structures of the body, the interaction of which determines the effectiveness of motor actions. The development of physical abilities occurs under the influence of two main factors: the hereditary program of the individual development of the organism and its socio-ecological adaptation. Because of this, the process of development of physical abilities is understood as the unity of hereditary and pedagogically guided changes in the functional capabilities of organs and structures of the body.

A single physical ability cannot fully express the corresponding physical quality. Only a relatively constantly manifested set of physical abilities determines this or that physical quality. The basis of a person’s motor abilities is physical qualities, and the form of manifestation is motor abilities and skills. Motor abilities include strength, speed, speed-strength, motor-coordination abilities, general and specific endurance.

1.1 Strength

Strength is a person’s ability to perform actions with certain muscle tensions. Strength is closely related to endurance and speed. Usually, when talking about human muscular strength, we are talking about maximum voluntary force. The implementation of muscular action occurs with voluntary effort and the desire to contract the necessary muscles as much as possible. Maximum voluntary strength depends on two groups of factors influencing its value: muscular and coordination.

Controlling muscles when their strength is required is a very difficult task for the central nervous system. Maximum voluntary force is always lower than maximum muscle strength, which depends on the number of muscle fibers and their thickness. The difference between the values ​​of these strength parameters is called strength deficit. The more perfect the central control of the muscular apparatus, the smaller the strength deficit.

The location of the body and its links in space affects the magnitude of the action force due to the unequal stretching of muscle fibers in different initial human postures: the more the muscle is stretched, the greater the magnitude of the force exerted.

The manifestation of the power of human action also depends on the relationship between the phases of movement and breathing. The greatest amount of force is manifested when straining and the smallest when inhaling. There are absolute and relative forces of action. Absolute strength is determined by the maximum indicators of muscle tension without taking into account the person’s body weight, and relative strength is determined by the ratio of the magnitude of absolute strength to one’s own body weight.

Strength abilities are determined by muscle tension and correspond to various forms of changes in the active state of muscles. Muscle tension manifests itself in dynamic and static modes of contraction. The first is characterized by a change in muscle length and is inherent primarily in speed-strength abilities (jumping up), and the second is characterized by the constancy of muscle length under tension and is the prerogative of strength abilities proper (holding the weight of a barbell on outstretched arms).

Actually, strength abilities manifest themselves mainly in conditions of isometric muscle tension, ensuring the retention of the body and its links in space, maintaining postures when exposed to external forces. The degree of manifestation of a person’s strength abilities depends on the number of muscles involved in the work, or on the characteristics of their contractile properties. In accordance with this, two methods are distinguished in the development of strength abilities: the use of exercises with maximum effort and the use of exercises with unlimited weights. Exercises with maximum effort involve performing motor actions with maximum or near-maximum (90-95% of the maximum value) weights. This ensures maximum mobilization of the neuromuscular system and the greatest increase in strength abilities. Extreme muscle tension requires the manifestation of great mental stress, leads to overexcitation of the nerve centers, as a result of which muscle groups that are “extra” for performing this exercise are additionally included in the work, making it difficult to improve the technique of movements.

Exercises with non-maximum weights are characterized by the performance of motor actions with a maximum number of repetitions with relatively small weights (up to 50-60% of the maximum). This allows you to perform a large volume of work and ensures accelerated growth of muscle mass. With this mode of operation, the training effect is achieved over a long period of time.

Speed-strength abilities manifest themselves in various modes of muscle contraction and ensure rapid movement of the body in space. To develop speed-strength abilities, exercises are used to overcome one’s own body weight (for example, jumping) and with external weights (for example, throwing medicine balls). The most common methods for developing speed-strength abilities are the methods of repeated exercise and circuit training. The method of repeated exercise allows you to selectively develop certain groups. The circuit training method provides a comprehensive effect on various muscle groups. Exercises are selected in such a way that each subsequent series includes a new muscle group in the work, allowing you to significantly increase the volume of load with a strict alternation of work and rest. This mode provides a significant increase in the functionality of the respiratory, circulatory and energy exchange systems.

1.2 Endurance

Endurance is a person’s ability to perform work for a significant period of time without reducing the intensity of the load or the body’s ability to resist fatigue.

In practice, a distinction is made between general and special endurance. General endurance is a set of functional capabilities of the body that determine its ability to perform any muscular work for a long time with high efficiency. Special endurance is the body’s ability to perform specific muscular work for a long time under conditions of a strictly limited discipline (running, swimming) or for a strictly limited time (football, basketball, hockey).

Endurance as a quality manifests itself in two main forms: the duration of work without signs of fatigue at a given power level and the rate of decline in performance upon the onset of fatigue.

Depending on the intensity of work and the exercises performed, endurance is distinguished as: strength, speed, speed-strength, coordination and endurance to static efforts.

Various methods are used to develop endurance.

Uniform continuous method (enables the development of aerobic abilities of the body. Cyclic exercises are used here (running, walking), performed at a uniform speed of low and medium intensity);

Variable continuous method (consists in continuous movement, but with a change in speed in certain sections of the movement);

Interval method (dosed repeated exercises of low intensity and duration with a strictly defined rest time, where the rest interval is usually walking).

1.3 Speed

Speed ​​is a person’s ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time for given conditions. It forms an important foundation needed for success in most sports. The key to speed depends on three main components.

Mobility of nervous processes: the duration of the perception process forms the basis for the speed of motor reaction. Tension of will - achieving the maximum possible speed to a certain extent depends on the conscious act of applying effort on oneself. Coordination central nervous factors to a certain extent influence the frequency of movements.

Physical qualities

The concept of “physical qualities” defines the main aspects of motor activity, which manifest themselves in the form of endurance, strength, speed, coordination abilities, agility, and flexibility. Physical qualities in the process of human life develop in accordance with the morphofunctional changes of the individual. So flexibility reaches its best indicators at 12 - 14 years, strength - at 25 - 30 years. However, these and other qualities are developed through physical exercise in accordance with the requirements of the chosen sport. Apparently, this can explain the terms “education” and “development” used in relation to physical qualities.

Known physical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, coordination, agility) depend on the level of functionality and determine the motor capabilities of the athlete, being in a state of complex interaction. The performance of any specific work in a chosen sport is ultimately characterized by the level of special physical performance, including the above-mentioned physical qualities. Moreover, each of the physical qualities emphasizes only a particular manifestation of performance, which is an integral indicator of physical abilities.

Physical performance

The term “physical performance” is widely used in sports literature. However, there is no generally accepted definition, although it is known that physical performance is proportional to the amount of external motor activity that a person is able to perform with high intensity.

In sports, when performing training and competitive exercises, an athlete uses energy potential to the limit of human capabilities. Potential capabilities represent a set of physiological, ergometric, biochemical indicators that characterize physical performance.

The concept of “physical performance” refers to a person’s potential ability to demonstrate maximum physical effort in the form of work or sports activities. The essence of performance lies in a person’s total ability to perform physical work, strictly specific in form, nature and variety, without reducing its effectiveness. In fact, a person’s ability to perform each specific type of work separately is expressed in such concepts as “strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility,” each of which identifies only a particular manifestation of the athlete’s physical performance. “Physical performance” is an integral indicator of physical qualities, which can be considered as components that characterize physical performance as a whole.

Physical performance in the age aspect is constantly increasing and increases significantly under the influence of physical exercise, type of sport, experience in sports and sportsmanship.

There is a direct relationship between physical and mental performance, which should be considered in unity, since the physical capabilities of an individual (performance) stimulate mental activity, subordinating it to the level of physical performance. Analysis of physical and mental performance, physical qualities, their significance in theoretical and practical terms makes it possible to assess physical performance as a dependence on the state of health, which is the main prerequisite for its study on a global scale, in contrast to other physical qualities.

There are two types of work - physical and mental; and the debate about which one is easier is completely inappropriate. Fatigue during mental work can be no less, and sometimes even greater, than during physical work. And, undoubtedly, both of these types of activities are important and useful.

What affects a person’s level of performance?

Job- is the implementation by a cell, organ, organ system or organism of its inherent functions. Homo sapiens, as a rule, performs socially useful work. Scientific and technological progress has changed the nature of human work. Hard physical labor was replaced by mental labor. Both physical and mental work are aimed at performing specific tasks, and different processes are involved in the performance of each type of activity. “Most modern workers perform tasks that require pattern recognition, rapid acquisition and processing of information, as well as the ability to develop plans and make decisions,” writes the famous occupational physiologist G. Ulmer (1997). And this leaves a serious imprint on human health.

Performance- this is a person’s ability to perform the maximum possible amount of work over a certain (given) time and with a certain efficiency. Efficiency, like work, is divided into mental and physical. Based on the above definition, a person’s mental performance is the ability to perform a certain amount of work that requires significant activation of the neuropsychic sphere. Human physical performance is the ability to perform the maximum possible amount of physical work through activation of the musculoskeletal system. Naturally, physical performance also depends on the state of the nervous system innervating the musculoskeletal system.

What affects performance and how to increase the efficiency of the work performed? The main factor that affects a person’s performance is, first of all, his state of health. Also, a person’s mental and physical performance depends on the level of training, experience, physical and mental state. An important indicator of a person’s level of ability to work is his propensity for a given job (i.e. talent), motivation to work and work-related emotions, the state of the environment, and work organization. In human performance, an important role is played by the optimal organization of the workplace, which allows maintaining the necessary position of the body and its segments to perform work.

Below you will find out what types of work there are and what mechanisms are involved in their implementation.

Types of work: physical and mental performance of a person

Mental work is associated with thinking and with articulate speech, since a person deals not with specific objects, phenomena or living organisms, but with the symbols or concepts that define them. Mental work includes receiving and processing information, comparing it with information stored in memory, transforming information, identifying problems and ways to solve them, and forming a goal.

Mental performance is associated with mental and emotional components. The mental component is associated with a person’s intellectual abilities; it requires thinking and concentration. The emotional component includes a person’s self-esteem as a subject of mental work, assessment of the significance of the goal and means. The emotional component causes the emergence of numerous positive and negative emotions, which is manifested by clear reactions of the autonomic nervous system and changes in a person’s mood. Emotional stress and mental overload stimulate the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which is manifested by an increase in heart rate and respiration, cardiac output and respiration, and increased sweating (“fight and flight reaction”).

Physical work is associated with the activity of the musculoskeletal system, the main role in this is played by skeletal muscles. If, due to muscle contraction, the position of a body part changes, then the resistance force is overcome, i.e., overcoming work is performed. Work in which the muscle force yields to the action of gravity and the load being held is called yielding. In this case, the muscle functions, but it does not shorten, but, on the contrary, lengthens, for example, when it is impossible to lift or support a body that has a very large mass. Despite the muscle effort, you have to lower this body onto some surface. Holding work is performed if, due to muscle contraction, the body or load is held in a certain position without moving it in space, for example, a person holds a load without moving. In this case, the muscles contract isometrically, that is, without changing their length. The force of muscle contraction balances the weight of the body and the load. When muscles, by contracting, move the body or its parts in space, they perform overcoming or yielding work, which is dynamic. Static work is holding work, in which there is no movement of the whole body or part of it. During static work, the muscles contract isometrically, while the distance is not overcome, but the work is carried out.

Energy expenditure of the body and human physiological need for energy

Doing work requires energy. The total human need for energy is the sum of the basal and working metabolism. The energy expenditure of the human body during basal metabolism is the amount of energy expended by the body in conditions of complete rest to maintain life. In men, the body's energy expenditure averages 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per 1 hour (4.2 kJ). For women - 0.9 kcal (3.8 kJ). Work exchange is the amount of energy expended to perform some external work. The total daily physiological need of a person for energy during mental work is 2500-3200 kcal (10,475-13,410 kJ). For mechanized labor or light non-mechanized work - 3200-3500 kcal (13,410-14,665 kJ). For partially mechanized labor or moderate non-mechanized labor - 3500-4500 kcal (14,665-18,855 kJ), for heavy non-mechanized physical labor - 4500-5000 kcal (18,855-20,950 kJ).

Anatomical and physiological diameters characterize the size or function of a particular muscle. The anatomical diameter is the area of ​​the muscle cross-section perpendicular to the long axis in a certain area. The physiological diameter is the sum of the cross-sectional areas of all muscle fibers that form the muscle. The first indicator characterizes the size of the muscle, the second - its strength. The absolute strength of a muscle is calculated by dividing the mass of the maximum load (kg) that the muscle can lift by the area of ​​its physiological diameter (cm2). This figure in humans for different muscles ranges from 6.24 to 16.8 kg/cm2. For example, the absolute strength of the calf muscle is 5.9 kg/cm2, the triceps brachii muscle is 16.8 kg/cm2, and the biceps brachii muscle is 11.4 kg/cm2. The tension developed during contraction by one muscle fiber ranges from 0.1-0.2 g.

The contraction range (amplitude) depends on the length of the muscle fibers. In the fusiform and ribbon-shaped muscles, the fibers are longer, and the anatomical and physiological diameters are the same, so the strength of these muscles is not very large, and the contraction amplitude is large. In pennate muscles, the physiological diameter is much larger than the anatomical one and, accordingly, their strength is greater. Due to the fact that the muscle fibers of these muscles are short, the amplitude of their contraction is small.

Work efficiency indicator: the coefficient of human activity (efficiency) of a person at work

One of the indicators of human work efficiency is the efficiency factor, which indicates what part of the expended energy is converted into energy that performs useful external work:

A person's coefficient of performance (COP) is equal to the energy expended on external work divided by the energy produced and multiplied by 100%.

In humans, the coefficient of useful activity of an isolated muscle can reach 35%. The efficiency of the body as a whole and the efficiency of a person at work during various types of muscular activity are low. It varies from 3 to 25%. With frequent repetition of the same work, a working dynamic stereotype develops - a system of reflex reactions that are formed with constant repetition of the same stimuli. Reflex reactions become automatic, so work becomes more energy-efficient and less tiring, and does not require constant attention and concentration.

Causes and factors of temporary decrease in mental and physical performance of the body

Causes a reaction in all organs and systems. Under heavy loads, performance decreases as the person gets tired. In an actively contracting muscle, blood flow increases more than 20 times, and metabolism is activated. During moderate physical activity, aerobic metabolism predominates in the muscle; during hard work, part of the energy is released anaerobically, that is, without the use of oxygen. As a result, lactic acid forms and accumulates in the muscles. This is one of the factors reducing performance: with the accumulation of significant amounts of lactic acid in muscle fibers, muscle fatigue develops. During physical work, heart rate, stroke volume, blood pressure, and oxygen consumption by the body increase. During light to moderate physical work with a constant load for 5-10 minutes, the heart rate increases, after which it reaches a constant level, or a steady state, which does not lead to fatigue for several hours. 3-5 minutes after completion of such work, the heart rate returns to normal. During heavy work, a stationary state does not occur, a decrease in physical performance occurs, fatigue develops, the heart rate increases, and after the cessation of heavy work, the period of restoration of the normal heart rate lasts several hours.

Each person has his own individual limit of fatigue during physical and mental work, the difference for each individual is sometimes quite significant. After this limit, the performance of the body as a whole decreases; a person can no longer perform his or her job effectively. The limit of tedious work is divided into two levels of performance. The work that a person can do for 8 hours without developing signs of muscle fatigue is considered light, it is below the limit. Above it is the area of ​​maximum performance; the performance of such work is significantly limited in time. A decrease in mental and physical performance occurs as the duration of work increases. Training improves a person's performance.

How to determine the limit of tedious dynamic work? One of the important indicators is the heart rate, which remains constant during work, without increasing due to fatigue. In untrained people aged 20 to 30 years, it does not exceed 130 beats per minute; less than 5 minutes after stopping work, the pulse rate becomes less than 100 beats per minute; at the age of 31 to 50 years, it exceeds 130-140 beats per minute, the pulse rate becomes less than 100 beats per minute only 10-15 minutes after stopping work. Trained people experience faster normalization of heart rate.

The same applies to a decrease in a person’s mental performance - only constant “brain training” will make it possible not to get tired too quickly.

Fatigue and recovery during physical and mental work

Fatigue is a physiological state of a person that occurs as a result of intense or prolonged work. It is expressed in a temporary decrease in performance, which is provoked by muscular (physical) and neuropsychic fatigue. When working hard, they come together. Fatigue is characterized by a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, impaired coordination of movements, increased energy consumption to perform the same work, impaired memory, speed of information processing, concentration, etc. Fatigue is subjectively felt by a person in the form of fatigue, in which a person is not able to react normally for incentives. In addition, fatigue is caused by insufficient sleep. Fatigue makes a person want to stop working or reduce workload.

The reason for the decrease in performance during heavy physical work is the accumulation of certain metabolic products (for example, lactic acid) in the muscle fibers. Rest, especially active rest, leads to restoration of muscle performance. This is due to the removal of lactic acid and the restoration of energy reserves in the muscle. Neuropsychic (central) fatigue is caused by prolonged intense mental work, monotonous monotonous work, noise, poor working conditions, emotional factors, illness, improper or insufficient nutrition, and hypovitaminosis.

Frequent neuropsychic fatigue leads to the development of chronic fatigue. This condition is typical for many people in modern conditions. It leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes, neuroses, psychoses, depression, and sexual disorders. If, despite fatigue, work continues, exhaustion occurs. Let us remember that heavy physical and neuropsychic stress causes stress (or rather, distress).

There are acute and chronic exhaustion. The first is a sharp decrease in performance during heavy work, the second occurs as a result of prolonged strenuous or too often repeated hard work. Professional sports, athletic competitions and intense training often lead to acute and chronic exhaustion. Let us emphasize: we are talking about professional sports, and not about physical education, which is useful and absolutely necessary at any age.

How to relax and recover after mental and physical work

Restoring functionality is the process of gradually returning body functions to their original state after stopping work. As recovery progresses, fatigue decreases and performance increases. If a person performs work beyond the limits of his fatigue, it is necessary to rest periodically. How to quickly recover after work in order to protect your body from the dangerous consequences of severe stress? It should be emphasized that for effective rest, several short breaks are better than one or two long ones. Even in a state of complete rest, skeletal muscle retains its elasticity and a certain degree of tension. This is called muscle tone. Before you recover from physical activity, remember that muscle tone does not cause fatigue. Tone is the normal state of partial contraction of a relaxed muscle, due to which it is able to contract in response to a specific stimulus.

Rest- this is a state of rest or a special, specially organized type of activity that relieves fatigue and contributes to the restoration of performance. THEM. Sechenov in the second half of the 19th century. found that the work of some muscle groups of the limbs helps eliminate fatigue of other muscle groups caused by their work. This provision formed the basis for the definition of two types of rest: active and passive. How to take a break from mental work and hard physical labor? Active rest is rest during which a person performs a different type of work, different from the usual work performed. Recovery during physical and mental work through active rest occurs faster and more effectively than during passive rest, when the body is in conditions of relative rest. Thus, intense mental activity should be regularly interrupted by physical activity. And vice versa: intense physical - mental.

We strongly advise mental workers after 1-1.5 hours not to “rest” with a cigarette in their teeth, but to climb 10-15 floors of stairs, do 15-20 squats, the same number of jumps, and perform 10-20 exercises with dumbbells.

It is advisable for manual workers to take a walk or, if possible, lie down for a few minutes with their legs elevated in the fresh air.

Now that you know about fatigue during physical and mental work and recovery after it, try to organize your work in such a way that the efficiency of your activity does not decrease throughout the working day.

The role of physical exercise is not limited only to its beneficial effects on health, one of the objective criteria of which is the level of a person’s physical performance. Physical exercise increases the body's resistance to adverse factors. An indicator of health stability is a high degree of performance and, conversely, its low values ​​are considered a risk factor for health. As a rule, high physical performance is associated with constant, non-decreasing volume, in combination with a balanced diet, training (higher physical activity), which ensures the effectiveness of self-renewal and improvement of the body.

Physical performance is associated with a certain amount of muscle work that can be performed without reducing a given (or established at the maximum level for a given individual) level of functioning of the body. With an insufficient level of physical activity, muscle atrophy occurs, which inevitably entails a number of diseases.

Physical performance (PP) is a complex concept and is determined by the following factors:

  • morphofunctional state of human organs and systems;
  • mental status, motivation, etc.

A conclusion about the value of the DF can only be drawn on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

In practice, physical performance is determined using functional tests. For this purpose, science has proposed more than 200 different tests. The most widely used tests are tests with 20 squats in 30-40 s; 3 minute run in place.

However, to objectively judge physical human performance based on the results obtained is difficult. This is due to the following reasons:

  • firstly, the information obtained allows us to only qualitatively characterize the body’s response to the load;
  • secondly, exact reproduction of any of the samples is impossible, which leads to errors in the assessment;
  • thirdly, each of the tests, when assessing performance, is associated with the inclusion of a limited muscle mass, which makes it impossible to maximize the functions of all body systems. It has been established that the most complete picture of the mobilized functional reserves of the body can be compiled under load conditions in which at least 2/3 of the muscle mass is involved.

Quantitative determination of performance is of great importance when organizing the process of physical education and educational and training work, when developing motor regimens for training, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, when determining the degree of disability, etc.

To assess physical performance in sports, medical and pedagogical practice, special tests are used. devices; bicycle ergometers, stepergometers (climbing a step), treadmill running (treadmill).

Most often, changes in the level of physical performance are judged by changes in maximum oxygen consumption. (MPC) or by load power, at which the heart rate (HR) is set at 170 beats per minute (PWC 170). There are many different methods for determining BMD, including both direct and indirect (prognostic) nature of BMD determination.

The direct assessment method is quite complicated, because special equipment and highly qualified personnel performing measurements are required.

A simpler indirect method for assessing BMD, which is carried out using nomograms, but it is not accurate enough.

Recently, along with the term “physical performance,” the concept of “physical condition” is widely used, which is understood as a person’s readiness to perform physical work, exercise and sports. The interpretation of “physical condition” led to the choice of MPC as the most objective indicator of physical condition.

However, it should be noted that physical condition cannot be determined by any one indicator, but is determined by a set of interrelated characteristics, primarily by factors such as physical performance, functional state of organs and systems, gender, age, physical development, physical fitness.

The concept of “physical condition” is equivalent to the term “physical condition” (abroad). The higher the level of physical condition, the more significant the differences in the MOC indicator. You can determine MIC (an indicator of physical condition) in natural conditions using a 12-minute run - the Cooper test, which involves measuring the maximum distance a person covers during this time. It has been established that there is an interdependence between the length of the distance and oxygen consumption.

Heart rate is measured in 10 seconds x 6, in 15 seconds x 4
With the growth of physical condition, all indicators of performance increase noticeably, and the volume of functional reserves significantly expands.

Lecture 3 Physical performance and functional readiness of the athlete’s body 2 hours


1. The concept of physical performance and a methodological approach to its definition.

3. Study of the functional state of the nervous system

2. Tests to determine physical performance (seminar lesson)

1. The concept of physical performance

The physical performance of an athlete is an expression of human life, based on movement, the versatility of which has been brilliantly characterized. It manifests itself in various forms of muscle activity and depends on the person’s ability and readiness for physical work.

Currently, physical performance is most widely studied in sports practice, representing undoubted interest for specialists in both medical-biological and sports-pedagogical fields. Physical performance is one of the most important components of sports success. This quality is also decisive in many types of production activities, necessary in everyday life, trainable and indirectly reflecting the state of physical development and health of a person, his suitability for physical education and sports. Performance should be assessed according to the criteria of professional activity and the state of body functions, in other words, using direct and indirect indicators

Efficiency is the body’s response to a certain load and indicates what physiological price this work costs for a person, i.e. how, for example, an athlete’s body pays for the achieved seconds, meters, kilograms, etc. In addition, it has been established that indirect indicators of performance in the labor process deteriorate much earlier than its direct criteria. This gives grounds to use various physiological methods to predict human performance, as well as to clarify the mechanisms of adaptation to specific professional activities, assess the development of fatigue and analyze other functional states of the body.

When assessing a person’s performance and functional state, it is also necessary to take into account his subjective state, which is a rather informative indicator. Feeling tired, a person slows down the pace of work or stops it altogether. This prevents functional depletion of various organs and systems and ensures the possibility of quickly restoring human performance. considered the feeling of fatigue one of the most sensitive indicators of decreased performance and the development of fatigue. He wrote: “The so-called subjective testimony is as objective as any other for those who know how to understand and decipher them. A physiologist, more than anyone else, knows that behind every subjective experience lies a physico-chemical event in the body.”

The most important characteristic of the body's reserve capabilities is the adaptive essence, the evolutionarily developed ability of the body to withstand a greater load than usual. The study of an athlete's physical performance provides unique factual material for assessing and analyzing body functions in the zone of specific limit stresses. Therefore, we can assume that the limiting factors of an athlete’s physical performance are the individual limits of his use of his structural and functional reserves of various organs and systems, primarily the cardiovascular system.

2. Direct and indirect criteria for determining the physical performance of an athlete

Adapting the above definition of performance to the practice of sports, it should be pointed out that direct indicators for athletes make it possible to evaluate their sports activities from both quantitative and qualitative aspects

Indirect criteria for performance include various clinical-physiological, biochemical and psychophysiological indicators that characterize changes in body functions during work. In other words, indirect criteria of performance represent the body’s reactions to a certain load and indicate what physiological price this work costs for a person, i.e., how, for example, an athlete’s body pays for the achieved seconds, meters, kilograms, etc. In addition, it has been established that indirect indicators of performance during work deteriorate much earlier than its direct criteria. This gives grounds to use various physiological methods to predict human performance, as well as to clarify the mechanisms of adaptation to specific professional activities, assess the development of fatigue and analyze other functional states of the body.

3. Study of the functional state of the nervous system.

Deterioration of the nervous system indicates the appearance of fatigue and overtraining. To diagnose the functional state of the central nervous system, it is very important to find out the nature of SNA. . Sleep disorders in athletes are considered as overwork or exhaustion of the central nervous system.

Athletes with increased emotionality, anxiety and impressionability may experience INSOMNIA. The causes of insomnia can be neurotic or mental disorders, visceral disorders, external interference, and unfamiliar surroundings. etc. Serious disorders are attacks of falling asleep during the day or daytime drowsiness during prolonged night sleep. Sleep disorders in athletes are considered as overwork or exhaustion of the central nervous system.

Practical lesson on topic 3 2 hours

1. Study of the functional state of the nervous system.

The coordination function of the nervous system is assessed by the stability of standing in the ROMBERG position. With feet connected, arms extended forward and eyes closed, watch for swaying, loss of balance, trembling of fingers and toes. In the complicated Romberg pose, stand on one leg with the heel of the other leg touching the knee joint of the supporting leg, arms extended forward, eyes closed. In this case, the stability time is taken into account. The test is assessed as good if the athlete maintains stability for more than 15 seconds and there is no trembling of the fingers. The ROMBERG test refers to static coordination.

To assess dynamic coordination, the FINGER test is used: with your eyes closed, you need to touch the tip of your nose with your index finger. Uncertain movement indicates a violation of dynamic coordination

2. Study of the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

Harvard step test.

IGST =t. 100/(f1 + f2+ f3)

F1 – heart rate for 30 seconds at 2 minutes of recovery

F2 – heart rate for 30 seconds at 3 minutes of recovery

F3 – heart rate for 30 seconds at 4 minutes of recovery

t - test execution time 5 minutes

Physical performance and functional readiness of the body 2 hours

Assessment of the functional state of the nervous system.


Systematic sports and physical education improve the functional state of the nervous system and neuromuscular system, allowing the athlete to master complex motor skills, develop speed, ensure coordination of movements, etc. Deterioration of the nervous system indicates the appearance of fatigue and overtraining. Diagnosis of the functional state of the nervous system is quite complex, but we will try to use more accessible methods and stop there.

The strength of nervous processes can be judged by such criteria as courage, perseverance, activity, determination, the will to win, perseverance, in mastering sports skills and the ability to quickly mobilize, and the ability to restrain. Behavior during training and competitions.

To diagnose the functional state of the central nervous system, it is very important to find out the nature of SNA. Athletes with increased emotionality, anxiety and impressionability may experience INSOMNIA. Signs of partial insomnia are difficulty falling asleep in the evening or after waking up at night, shallow superficial sleep, and early awakening. The causes of insomnia can be neurotic or mental disorders, visceral disorders, external interference, and unfamiliar surroundings. etc. Serious disorders are attacks of falling asleep during the day or daytime drowsiness during prolonged night sleep. Sleep disorders in athletes are considered as overwork or exhaustion of the central nervous system.

Athletes sometimes develop NEUROSES and NEUROSIS-LIKE conditions.

NEURASTENES I'm like one of the types of neuroses. In the first stage of the disease, the athlete complains of periodic mood swings, increased irritability, unmotivated outbursts of anger, swearing, often with tears. In this case, poor falling asleep, shallow sleep, and anxious anticipation of insomnia are noted. The athlete complains of increased sweating, heart palpitations, headaches, and sexual dysfunction. Objectively, there is a decrease in physical performance and pronounced dermographism. In the second stage, general weakness, fatigue, reluctance to exercise, lethargy, lethargy, and apathy are noted.

HYSTERICAL NEUROSIS. Feelings of lack of air, fainting, feeling of compression of the larynx, depression, stupor with pronounced posture. A hysterical attack can be interrupted by a sudden sound, blow or other external influences.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis. An athlete may complain of pain that allegedly constantly haunts him. Inability to perform the required element of technology

PSYCHASTHENIA characterized by anxious suspiciousness. The athlete becomes inactive. Objectively, vegetative disorders and tics are noted. Treatment is carried out by a doctor..

KERDO INDEX: equal to diastolic pressure/heart rate per 1 minute in No. equal to 1

Seminar session on topic 3

Functional readiness of the body 2 hours


Many athletes are literally obsessed with training. They try to do more work than they can physically handle. This is called overtraining. When this happens, excessive training loads can exceed the body's ability to recover and adapt, resulting in catabolism (destruction) dominating over anabolism (creation).

Athletes experience varying degrees of fatigue over repeated days and weeks of training, so not every case can be considered overtraining. Fatigue due to one or more training sessions usually resolves after several days of rest and consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods. This acute and transient state of fatigue is usually caused by overtraining. In contrast, overtraining is characterized by a sharp decrease in the level of muscle activity, which does not go away either after a few days of rest or as a result of food manipulation.


Most symptoms associated with overtraining are collectively called "overtraining syndrome." It manifests itself in the form of a decrease in human muscle activity. Unfortunately, these symptoms are very individual, so it can be very difficult for both athletes and coaches to experience muscle strength, poor coordination, and peak performance. Other symptoms of overtraining syndrome include:

loss of appetite and weight loss;

periodic attacks of nausea;

sleep disturbance;

increased heart rate;

increased blood pressure.

The main cause of overtraining syndrome is very often a combination of emotional and physiological factors. Emotional demands caused by competition, the desire to win, fear of failure, inflated goals, etc. can be sources of intolerable emotional stress. Because of this, the state of overtraining is very often accompanied by a loss of desire to compete and train.

Symptoms of overtraining syndrome are very subjective and individual. The presence of one or more symptoms should alert the coach to the possible overtraining of the athlete.

The physiological factors that contribute to the negative effects of overtraining are not fully understood. However, many of the abnormal responses reported by scientists suggest that overtraining is associated with changes in the nervous, hormonal and immune systems. Although the cause-and-effect relationship between changes in the activity of these systems and symptoms of overtraining has not yet been established, nevertheless, these symptoms very often make it possible to determine whether an athlete is overtrained. The most informative, from the point of view of the possibility of control, for a trainer is the symptoms of overtraining of the autonomic nervous system.


Recent research confirms that excessive training suppresses normal immune system function, increasing the overtrained athlete's susceptibility to infectious diseases. Numerous studies show that short periods of intense exercise temporarily impair the reactivity of the immune system, and that doing a grueling workout in the following days leads to its suppression. Some scientists have cited cases of diseases occurring after one-time, grueling exercise. This suppression of immune system function is characterized by abnormally low levels of both lymphocytes and antibodies. It is at such low levels that microorganisms entering the athlete’s body are not suppressed and cause diseases. Thus, performing intense physical activity while sick further reduces the body's ability to resist, which increases the risk of serious complications.


Some studies indicate that overtraining is associated with abnormal responses of the autonomic nervous system. The physiological symptoms that “accompany” a decrease in muscle activity very often reflect changes in the nervous or endocrine system, the activity of which is regulated by the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. Overtraining of the sympathetic nervous system can lead to:

increase in heart rate at rest;

increased blood pressure;

loss of appetite;

weight loss;

sleep disorder;

emotional instability;

increasing the intensity of basal metabolism.

Several other studies indicate a dominant role for the parasympathetic nervous system in some cases of overtraining. In these cases, the same decrease in muscle activity is observed, but the reactions differ significantly from those caused by overtraining of the sympathetic nervous system. Signs of an overtrained parasympathetic nervous system include:

rapid onset of fatigue;

slow heart rate at rest;

rapid recovery of heart rate after physical activity;

decreased blood pressure at rest.

Some symptoms associated with overtraining of the autonomic nervous system are observed in non-overtrained people. That is why it cannot be said that the presence of these symptoms indicates overtraining. The most common symptoms of overtraining of the sympathetic nervous system are observed.


The causes of overtraining syndrome have not yet been fully elucidated; Obviously, the cause of its occurrence can be physical or emotional overload or a combination of both. It is extremely difficult not to exceed the athlete's stress tolerance level by adjusting the amount of physiological and psychological stress during training sessions. Most coaches intuitively determine the volume and intensity of the load, and only a few are able to accurately determine the degree of influence of a training session on an athlete. No amount of preliminary symptoms can warn athletes that they are on the verge of an overtraining condition. When coaches realize that they have overloaded the athlete, it is too late to do anything. The damage caused by excessive exercise can only be reversed by reducing the volume of exercise or complete rest for several days or even weeks.

Repeated attempts have been made to objectively diagnose overtraining syndrome in its initial stages through various measurements of physiological parameters. Unfortunately, none of them turned out to be sufficiently informative. It is often difficult to determine whether a reading reflects overtraining syndrome or simply normal responses to intense training loads.

Treatment and prevention of overtraining syndrome

Maintaining a balance between training and rest. The main measure for the treatment and prevention of overtraining syndrome is to reduce the level of physical activity and increase the period of rest and recovery for the athlete. It is not at all necessary to completely interrupt training (in some cases this is even undesirable, since the athlete’s body has a hard time with a complete lack of physical activity); it is enough to reduce the intensity and duration of physical activity so that the degree of energy expenditure is less than the degree of restoration of strength.

To monitor the athlete’s health, it is recommended to keep a diary in which the athlete’s main physical indicators (for example, weight), as well as such subjective indicators as well-being and desire to train, are entered.

With overtraining syndrome, all the indicators described above decrease, and well-being and the desire to train worsen before weight loss develops (in fact, physical exhaustion of the body).

Sleep and recuperation of the athlete. The importance of sleep cannot be overestimated. The latest research in the field of somnology (sleep science) shows that sleep is an active and creative process, and not passive, as previously thought. Normal sleep consists of two phases, periodically replacing one another. Falling asleep enters the slow-wave sleep phase, during which sleep gradually deepens and brain rhythms and cortical activity slow down. During this phase, muscle relaxation, nutrient synthesis, cell growth and restoration occur. In children, the slow-wave sleep phase is a period of growth, since it is at this time that growth hormone, somatotropin, is produced. The duration of the slow-wave sleep phase is approximately 90 minutes, after which the slow-wave sleep phase transitions to the REM sleep phase. The REM sleep phase is characterized by an increase in brain activity and the launch of processes for processing information accumulated during wakefulness. At the same time, information is overestimated and remembered for a long time. During REM sleep, we see dreams, which are often formed from snippets of what we saw or heard throughout the day. Experiments on animals have shown that the absence of REM sleep leads to catastrophic exhaustion of the nervous system and death of the body. REM sleep lasts about 15 minutes, after which it transitions to slow-wave sleep and the cycle repeats. Thus, during sleep, the body’s physical and mental strength is restored. For an adult leading a measured lifestyle, the normal duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours.

Increased physical activity in athletes increases the need for sleep. So, for athletes, the minimum duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours. Moreover, during active training, a daytime nap of 1-2 hours is recommended. It has been shown that daytime sleep well restores the strength and performance of an athlete and significantly improves his physical characteristics.

Water procedures and therapeutic massage restore the athlete’s strength well.

Nutrition and prevention of overtraining syndrome. Nutrients from food are the only source of chemical energy necessary for all body processes. At the same time, the athlete’s body needs larger amounts of nutrients than the body of a person leading a measured lifestyle.

When compiling an athlete’s diet, you need to pay attention to the ratio of nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), as well as the total energy and vitamin value of food. The composition of an athlete's diet should be changed depending on the type of training. For example, when building muscle mass, you need to increase the amount of proteins, when building speed-strength qualities, the amount of carbohydrates increases, and when building endurance, the amount of fats increases.

It is important that the athlete’s diet, in addition to easily digestible foods (concentrated proteins and carbohydrates), also contains a sufficient amount of dietary fiber - this improves the functioning of the digestive tract. These substances are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

The use of vitamin and mineral preparations. It is an important preventive measure for overtraining syndrome. It has been shown that intense physical activity requires more vitamins and minerals than normal physical activity. At the same time, providing the athlete’s body with micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) only through food is almost impossible; The amounts of micronutrients needed by an athlete are contained in large quantities of food that the athlete is simply physically unable to digest. The problem of providing the body with vitamins and minerals is solved by prescribing vitamin-mineral complexes containing all the necessary micronutrients, selected for athletes in a qualitative and quantitative ratio. The use of vitamins and minerals is effective only against the background of vitamin deficiency or for its prevention. Micronutrients themselves do not affect the physical characteristics of an athlete.