Subjects of the Federation of Finno Ugric Group. The main thing about the finno-thiefs

Subjects of the Federation of Finno Ugric Group. The main thing about the finno-thiefs
Subjects of the Federation of Finno Ugric Group. The main thing about the finno-thiefs

Considering the geographical map of Russia, it can be noted that the names of the rivers ending on the "VA" and "Ga" are common in the basins of the Middle Volga and Kama: Socheva, Rywie, Cokshag, Wetlagi, etc. In those places there are finno-ugrins, and Translated from their languages "VA" and "ha" Mean "River", "moisture", "wet place", "water". However, Finno-Ugric Toponymis{1 ) There are not only where these nations make a significant part of the population, form the republics and national districts. The arole of their distribution is much wider: it covers the European North of Russia and part of the central regions. Examples can be brought quite a few: the old Russian cities of Kostroma and Murom; River Yakhroma, Iksha in the Moscow region; Verkol Village in Arkhangelsk, etc.

Some researchers consider finno-Ugrics by origin even those familiar words as "Moscow" and "Ryazan". As scientists believe, in these places the Finno-Ugric tribes sometimes lived, and now the memory of them is stored ancient names.

{1 } Toponym (from Greek. Topos - "Place" and "Onima" - "Name") - a geographical name.

Who are such finno-ugrin

Finns Call the people inhabiting his neighboring Finland (Finnish " Suomi "), but ugra In the ancient Russian chronicles called Hungarian. But in Russia there are no Hungarians and very few Finns, but there are peoples talking in languages \u200b\u200brelated to Finnish or Hungarian . These nations and call Finno-Ugrics . Depending on the degree of proximity of languages, scientists share finno-Ugro for five subgroups . First baltic-Finnish , enter Finns, Izhorstsy, water, Veps, Karelia, Estonians and Liv. The two most numerous people of this subgroup - finns and Estonians - They live mainly outside our country. In Russia finnov You can meet B. Karelia, Leningrad region and in St. Petersburg; Estonians - in Siberia, Volga region and in the Leningrad Region. Small group of Estonians - Setu - lives in Pechora district of the Pskov region. By religion, many Finns and Estonians - protestants (usually, Lutherans), setu - orthodox . Small nate veps. lives in small groups in Karelia, Leningrad region and northwestern Vologda, but water (there are less than 100 people left!) - In Leningradskaya. AND WEPES, and water - orthodox . Orthodoxy confess I. Izhhorians . They are in Russia (in the Leningrad region) 449 people, even about the same in Estonia. Veps and Izhhorians Save their languages \u200b\u200b(they even have dialects) and use them in domestic communication. Water language disappeared.

The biggest baltines-Finnish Russian people - Karelia . They live in Republic of Karelia, as well as in Tverskaya, Leningrad, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. In everyday life, Karelia speak three dialects: Actually karelian, Livikovsky and Livvikovsky, and their literary language is Finnish. Newspapers are published on it, magazines, at the Philological Faculty of Petrozavodsky University there is a department of Finnish and literature. Kareli and Russian know.

The second subgroup is made Saama , or blades . Their main part is resettleve in Northern Scandinavia, but in Russia saama - inhabitants Kola Peninsula. According to most professionals, the ancestors of this people once occupied a much larger territory, but over time they were pushed back to the north. At the same time they lost their tongue and learned one of the Finnish devices. Saama are good reindeer herders (in the recent past nomads), fishermen and hunters. In Russia they confess orthodoxy .

Third, volzhsko-Finnish Subgroup includes markets and Mordva . Mordva - indigenous population Republic of MordoviaBut a significant part of this nation lives throughout Russia - in Samara, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions, in the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, in Chuvashia etc. Before joining the XVI century. Mordovian lands to Russia, the Mordov appeared his own know - "Iminitions", "Gulf", that is," the hosts of the Earth. " Iminitions The first were baptized, quickly bliss, and in the future their descendants were the element in the Russian nobility, a little smaller element than immigrants from the Golden Horde and Kazan Khanate. Mordva shared on erzu and Moksha ; Each of the ethnographic groups has a written literary language - erzyansky and Mokshansky . According to Mordva religion orthodox ; They were always considered the most Christian head of the Volga region.

Mariyza Live predominantly B. Republic of Mari ELas well as in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions. It is believed that this people have two literary languages \u200b\u200b- meadow-based and mountain-mariy. However, not all philologists share this opinion.

More ethnographers of the XIX century. celebrated an unusually high level of the national identity of Mari. They stubbornly resisted accession to Russia and baptism, and until 1917, the authorities prohibited them to live in cities and handicrafts and trading.

In fourth permian Subgroup includes actually Komi. , comi-Perm and Udmurts . Komi.(in the past they were called Zyryanov) form the indigenous population of the Komi Republic, but they also live in Sverdlovsk, Murmansk, Omsk regions, in Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts. Their primordial classes - agriculture and hunting. But, unlike most other Finno-Ugric peoples, there were many merchants and entrepreneurs among them. Even before October 1917. Komi in terms of literacy (in Russian) approached the most educated people of Russia - Russian Germans and Jews. Nowadays, 16.7% of Komi works in agriculture, but in industry - 44.5%, and in education, science, culture - 15%. Part of the Komi - Izhtems - mastered the reindeer herding and became the largest reindeer herders of the European North. Komi. orthodox (part of the Old Believers).

Very close in tongue to Zyryanam Komi-Permyaki . More than half of this nation live in Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous District, and the rest - in the Perm region. Permians are mostly peasants and hunters, but throughout their history they were both factory fortress peasants in the Urals, and burlaca on Kame and Volga. By the religion of Komi-Perm orthodox .

Udmurt{ 2 } focused mostly in Udmurt Republicwhere they make up about 1/3 of the population. Small groups of Udmurts live in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, in Perm, Kirov, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk regions. Traditional occupation - agriculture. In cities, they most often forget their native language and customs. Maybe, so the Udmurt language considers only 70% of Udmurts relatives, mostly residents of rural areas. Udmurt orthodox But many of them (including baptized) adhere to traditional beliefs - worship the pagan gods, deities, spirits.

In the fifth uGORSKY Subgroup includes hungarians, Khanty and Mansi . "Ugra "In Russian chronicles called hungarian, but " yugroy " - obzhrov, i.e. Khantah and Mansi. Although Northern Urals and Lowwhere Khanty and Manci live, are located thousands of kilometers from the Danube, on the shores of which the Hungarians created their state, these nations are the next relatives. Khanty and Mansi. Below to small nodes of the North. Mans live mostly in x anty-Mansi Autonomous District, but khanty - in Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous districts, Tomsk region. Mansi primarily hunters, then fishermen, reindeer herds. Khanty, on the contrary, first fishermen, and then hunters and reindeers. And those and others confess OrthodoxyHowever, they did not forget the ancient faith. The big damage of the traditional culture of Obzhrov inflicted the industrial development of their edge: many hunting grounds disappeared, rivers polluted.

Ancient Russian chronicles preserved the names of the Finno-Ugric tribes, now disappeared - chud, Merya, Murom . Merya In the first millennium N. e. The Volga and Oci died in the interflore, and at the turn of the I and II millennium merged with the eastern Slavs. There is an assumption that modern Mariers are the descendants of this tribe. Murom in the first millennium BC. e. lived in the Oka basin, and by the XII century. n. e. Mixed with eastern Slavs. Miracle Modern researchers consider Finnish tribes who lived in antiquity on the shores of Onega and Northern Dvina. It is not excluded that they are the ancestors of Estonians.

{ 2 ) Russian historian XVIII century. V. N. Tatishchev wrote that the Udmurts (before them called the Voyets) they commit prayers "with any good tree, but not with a pine and ate, which do not have a sheet, do not have a fetal, and aspen is honored for a damned tree ... ".

Where they lived and where the finno-ugrons live

Most researchers converge on the fact that Pranodina finno-Ugro There was at the border of Europe and Asia, in areas between Volga and Kama and in the Ural. It is there in the IV-III millennia to n. e. There was a community of tribes related in the language and loved ones by origin. By the first millennium H. e. Ancient Finno-Ugry settled to the Baltic States and Northern Scandinavia. They occupied the extensive territory, crumbling forests, is almost the entire northern part of the current European Russia to the Kama in the south.

Excavations show that ancient finno-jerse belong to ural race: In their appearance, the features are mixed with European and Mongol-ID (wide cheekbones, often Mongolian eye cut). Moving to the West, they mixed with Europeanoids. As a result, some peoples that occurred from the ancient Finno-Things, the Mongoloid signs began to smooth and disappear. Now the "Ural" features are characterized in one degree or another Finnish peoples of Russia: Middle height, wide face, nose, referred to as smoking, very blonde hair, a non-beard. But these features are manifested in different ways. For example, mordva Erzyahigh, blonde, blue-eyed, and Mordva-Moksha and increasing down, and face wider, and their hair is darling. W. marytsev and Udmurtov There are often eyes with the so-called Mongolian fold - Epicatus, very wide cheekbones, a liquid beard. But at the same time (Ural Race!) Light and red hair, blue and gray eyes. Mongolian fold is sometimes found in Estonians, and at the Rod, and from Izhorts, and Karel. Komi. There are different: in those places where there are mixed marriages with nonsense, they are black-haired and discoloration; Others are rather reminiscent of Scandinavians, with a slightly wider face.

Finno-Ugry farming (To prevent the soil ashes, the forest areas burned out), Hunting and fishing . Their settlements were far from each other. Maybe for this reason they have not created states anywhere and began to be part of the neighboring organized and constantly expanding powers. Some of the first references to Finno-Thieves contain Khazar documents written in Hebrew - the state language of the Khazar Kaganat. Alas, there are almost no vowels in it, so it remains to guess that the "CCRS" means "Mary's Cherems", and "MKSh" - "Moksha". Later, the Finno-Ugry was paid to the tribute to Bulgaram, they were part of the Kazan Khanate, to the Russian state.

Russian and Finno-Ugry

In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Russian immigrants rushed to the lands of Finno-Ugrov. Most often, the settlement was peaceful, but sometimes indigenous peoples resisted their edge to the Russian state. The most fierce resistance was made by Mariers.

Over time, baptism, writing, urban culture, brought by Russians, began to push out local languages \u200b\u200band beliefs. Many began to feel Russians and really became them. Sometimes it was enough to be baptized for this. The peasants of one Mordovian village wrote in the petition: "our ancestors, the former Mordva", sincerely believing that only their ancestors, pagans were mordeva, and their Orthodox descendants do not treat Mordve.

People moved to the cities, left far - to Siberia, to Altai, where there was one tongue for all - Russian. Names after baptism did not differ from ordinary Russians. Or almost nothing: Not everyone notice that in the names of the Schukshin type, Vedenyapin, Piyashev is not Slavyansky, but they immediately go to the name of the Shukshi tribe, the name of the Goddess War, the Doashness of the Doashristian name. So a significant part of the Finno-Ugro was assimilated by the Russians, and some, accepting Muslim, mixed with Turks. Therefore, Finno-Ugry and do not constitute the majority anywhere - even in the republics who gave their name.

But, dissolved in the mass of Russians, Finno-Ugry has retained their anthropological type: very blonde hair, blue eyes, nose-shchka, a wide, cheese face. This type of XIX Writers. called "Penza's peasant", is now perceived as typical Russian.

The Russian language included a lot of Finno-Ugric words: "Tundra", "Kilka", "Salaka", etc. Is there a more Russian and all the favorite dish than dumplings? Meanwhile, this word is borrowed from the Komi language and means "Bread Ushko": "Pel" - "Ear", and "Nyan" - "Bread". Especially many borrowing in the northern dialects, mainly among the names of nature phenomena or elements of the landscape. They give the peculiar beauty of local speech and regional literature. Take at least the word "Taibol", which in the Arkhangelsk region are called a deaf forest, and in the pool of the river Mezen - the road walking along the sea shore near Taiga. It is taken from Karelian "Taibale" - "Estiments". For centuries, people living nearby have always enriched each other's culture.

Finno-Ugilities on the origin were the Patriarch Nikon and the Avvakum Protopop - both Mordvini, but the enemies are irreconcilable; Udmurt - Physiologist V. M. Bekhterev, Komi - Sociologist Pi-Tirim Sorokin, Mordvin - Sculptor S. Nehodov-Erzya, who took the name of the people with his pseudonym; Mariec - Composer A. Ya. Espai.

Ancient clothes in about d and and and z o r c e in

The main part of the traditional female costume of Power and Izhoriev - shirt . Vintage shill shiva is very long, with wide, too long sleeves. In the warm time of the year, the shirt was the only woman's clothes. Esho in the 60s. XIX century The young after the wedding was supposed to walk in one shirt until the coat did not give her a fur coat or caftan.

Wask women have a long preserved an ancient shape of a notchy waist clothing - hursguxet which put on top of the shirt. Hursguxet looks like russian ponyth. Its richly decorated with copper coins, sinks, fringe, bells. Later when in life was entered Sarafan. The bride put on the wedding of Hursguxet under the sapan.

Peculiar disheveled clothes - annu - worn in the central part Ingermanland (part of the territory of the modern Leningrad region). It was a wide, reached by the armpits of a cloth; It was sewn to his upper ends and shifted it through the left shoulder. Anna daveed on the left side, and therefore the second cloth was put on him - Hurstut . He was wrapped around the waist and also wore on the strap. Russian Sarafan gradually pushed out of the vintage clothes from the engineer and Izhoriev. Successful clothes leather belt, cords, wicker belts and narrow towels.

In ancient times, Wall women shawl's head.

Traditional clothing x and n t o v and m and n s and

Clothes Khanty and Mansi sewed from Skur, fur, fish skin, cloth, rope and linen canvas. In the manufacture of children's clothing, the most archaic material was used - bird skins.

Men Winter worn swing fur coats from deer and hasty fur, squirrel and fox paws, and in the summer a short robe of coarse cloth; Gate, sleeves and right floor twisted fur. Winter shoes It was fur, and wore it with fur stockings. Summer Made from Rumpuhi (suede from deer or energies), and the sole of the elk skin.

Men's rubahi Sili from a speckled canvas, and pants from Rumpuga, fish skin, canvas, cotton fabrics. On top of the shrue necessarily put on Woven belt , to which suspended by beaded bags (They held a knife in wooden sheaths and lights).

Genis Winter worn Shub From the skins of deer; The lining was also fur. Where there was little deer, the lining was made from the holy and squirrel skins, and sometimes from the duck or swan fluff. In summer wore sukonny or Cotton Bathrobe , Decorated with stripes from beads, colored matter and tin plaques. These plaques of women were cast in special molds of soft stone or pine crust. The belt was already male and more elegant.

Women and winter and summer covered their heads scarves with a wide border and fringe . In the presence of men, especially the older relatives of her husband, traditionally relied on the clock close up. Existed at Khantov and headbands embroidered beads .

Hair Before it was not taken to cut. Men, dividing hair on a straight sample, collected them in two tails and tied with a color cord . Genzhens swung two braids, decorated them with color cord and copper suspensions . At the bottom of the braids so as not to interfere with the operation, combined the thick copper chain. Rings, bubrels, beads and other decorations were suspended to the chain. Hasshes at Khantah, according to custom, wore a lot copper and silver rings. The jewelery from the beads were also widespread, which was covered by Russian merchants.

How dressed m and r and y

In the past, Mari's clothing was extremely homemade. Upper (she was put in winter and autumn) sewed from homemade cloth and sheepskin, and Shirts and summer cafts - from white linen canvas.

Genis wore shirt, caftan, pants, headdress and lapties . The shirts embroidered fish, wool, cotton threads. They were worn with belts that were caught with wool and silk, decorated with beads, brushes and metal chains. One of the species Married Married Headpapers looked like a cap was called shymaksh . It was sewed from a thin canvas and put on a bark skeleton. Mandatory part of the traditional costume Mariek was considered Decorations of beads, coins, tin plaques.

Men's suit consisted of holshoy embroidered shirt, pants, canvas kaftan and lapes . The shirt was shorter than feminine, she was wore with a narrow belt of wool and skin. On the head nailed felt hats and sheepskin caps .

What is the Finno-Ugric Language Rodation

Finno-Ugric peoples in terms of lifestyle, religion, historical destinies and even appearance differ from each other. Combine them in one group based on kinship of languages. However, the language proximity is different. Slavs, for example, can easily agree, explaining each on their adverbs. But the Finno-Ugry will not be able to simply explain to the collections in the language group.

In the deep antiquity, the ancestors of modern Finno-Ugrle said in one language. Then his carriers began to move, mixed with other tribes, and once a single language broke up into several independent. Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bdiverged so long ago that there are few words in them - about a thousand. For example, "House" in Finnish - "Koti", in Estonian - "Kodu", in Mordovski - "Kudu", in Marijskaya - "Kudo". It seems the word "oil": Finnish "VOI", Estonian "VDI", Udmurt and Comi "New", Hungarian "VAJ". But the sound of languages \u200b\u200b- phonetics - it remained so close that any Finno-Ugric, listening to another and not even understanding what he says, feels: this is a kind language.

Finno-Ugrome names

Finno-Ugric peoples confess (at least officially) orthodoxy Therefore, their names and surnames, as a rule, do not differ from the Russians. However, in the village, in accordance with the sound of local languages, they change. So, Akulin becomes Okul, Nikolai - Nikul or Mikul, Cyril - Kyrlya, Ivan - Jõwan. W. komi. For example, patronymic is raised before the name: Mikhail Anatolyevich sounds like a Misha, that is, Anatolyev Son Mishka, and Rosa Stepanovna turns into Stepan Rose - Stepanov's daughter a rose. In the documents, of course, everyone has ordinary Russian names. Only writers, artists and artists choose traditionally rustic uniforms: Jõwan Kyrlya, Nikul Erket, Illya Vasya, Yard Stepanov.

W. komi. often found surname Durkin, Rochev, Kanev; Udmurt - Corepanov and Vladykin; W. mordeva - Vedenyapin, Pi-Jashev, Kechin, Mokshin. Especially common in the face of the surname with a decreasing suffix - Kirdyakin, Viyaykin, Popsuchkin, Alyoshkin, Varlashkin.

Some mariyza , especially unprotected chi-Marie. In Bashkiria, at the time accepted Turkic names. Therefore, Chi-Marie is often found surnames similar to Tatar: Anduga-Nov, Baythemirov, YashpatrovBut the names and patronymic have Russians. W. karelian There are names and Russians, and Finnish, but necessarily with the Russian end: Perchtuev, Lampiev. Usually in Karelia by last name you can distinguish Karel, Finn and St. Petersburg Finn. So, Perchtuyev - karelian, Perthu - petersburg Finn, but Perchunen. - finn. But the name and patronymic of each of them can be Stepan Ivanovich.

What do the Finno-Ugry believe

In Russia, many finno-ugrin profess orthodoxy . In the XII century Veps were chosen, in the XIII century. - Karelia, at the end of the XIV century. - Komi. Then to transfer the Holy Scripture to the Komi language was created perm writing - the only original Finno-Ugric alphabet. Throughout the XVIII-XIX centuries. Kresen Mordva, Udmurts and Mariy. However, the Mariyians so fully and did not accept Christianity. To avoid appeal to a new faith, some of them (they called themselves "Chi-Marie" - "True Mari") went to the territory of Bashkiria, and those who stayed and baptized often continued to worship the old gods. Among mariers, Udmurts, Sami and some other nations were distributed, and now preserved, the so-called Dvelverie . People worship the old gods, but recognize the "Russian God" and His Saints, especially Nicholas. In Yoshkar-Ola, the capital of the Republic of Mari El, the state took under the protection of the sacred grove - " kyusoto"Now there are pagan phenoths here. The names of the supreme gods and mythological heroes are similar to these peoples and are likely to rise to the Old Finnish name of the sky and air -" iLMA. ": Ilmarin - Finns, Ilmilina - karel, Inmar. - udmurtov, EN - at Komi.

Finno-Ugrome cultural heritage

Writing many Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bof Russia are created on the basis of cyrillic, with the addition of letters and admonish signs transmitting sound features. Karelia , whose literary language is Finnish, write Latin letters.

Literature of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia Very young, but in oral folk creativity a centuries-old history. Finnish poet and folklorist Elias Lronrot (1802-1884) Collected the tested epic " Kalevala "Among Karelov Olonetskaya province of the Russian Empire. In the final editorial office, the book was published in 1849. Kalevala, which means" Country Kaleva ", in his songs-runes tells about the exploits of the Finnish heroes of Vynyamyarden, Ilmarin and Lemminkäinena, about their struggle with the evil Louchi. , hostess of grate (Northern Country of Mraka). In a magnificent poetic form, the epos talks about the life, beliefs, customs of the ancestors of Finns, Karel, Vepes, Veps, Izhoriev. These information is unusually rich, they reveal the spiritual world of farmers and hunters of the North. "Kalevala" stands Along with the greatest epomasics of mankind. There are EPOS and some other Finno-Ugric peoples: "Kalevipoeg."(" Son Kaleva ") - estonians , "Pen-Bogatyr"- W. komi-Permyakov , preserved Epic legends morder and Mansi .

40 000

Archaeological culture Language Religion

Finno-Ugric peoples (finno-Ugry) - the language community of peoples speaking in Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bliving in Western Siberia, Central, Northern and Eastern Europe.

Classification and numbers

Finno-Ugric peoples are divided into two groups: Finnish and Ugor.

The total number of Finno-Ugric peoples is estimated at 25 million people. Of these, Hungarians are about 14 million, Finnov 5 million, Estonians about 1 million, Mordov 843 thousand, Udmurts 637 thousand, Mari residents of 614 thousand.

Finno Perm Group

Baltic-Finnish subgroup

  • Finns (Suomi) - 6,000,000: 4,800,000 - in Finland, 300,000 - in Sweden, 300,000 people in the USA, 50 people in Kazakhstan.
    • Ingermanlanders - 32 231: 20,300 - in Russia, 10 639 - in Estonia.
    • KNAV - 10 000 - 60 000 - in Norway.
  • Estonians - 1,050,000: 920,000 - in Estonia (), 39 763 - in Finland (), 28 113 - in Russia (2002), 25,509 - in Sweden (), 25,000 - USA ().
    • Veru - 74,000 in Estonia.
    • Setu - 10,000: 10,000 - in Estonia, 214 - in Russia (2010).
  • Karelia - 120,000: 93 344 - in Russia (2002), 20,000 - in Finland.
  • Veps - 8,240 people in Russia (2002).
  • Izhhorians - 700 people: 327 people - in Russia (2002).
  • Lively - 250-400 people (in Latvia).
  • Raving - 100 people: 73 - in Russia (2002).

SAMA subgroup

  • Saama is 30,000-70,000: 40,000 - in Norway, 20,000 - in Sweden, 6,500 - in Finland, 1.8 thousand people - in Russia (2010).

Volga-Finnish subgroup

  • Mordva - 744 237 in Russia (2010)
    • Mokshan - 49 624 in Russia (2002)
    • Eriana - 84 407 in Russia (2002)
  • Markets - 547 605 in Russia (2010)

Perm subgroup

  • Udmurts - 636 906 in Russia (2002).
    • Foundation - 3 122 in Russia (2002).
  • Komi-Zyryan - 293 406 in Russia (2002).
    • Komi-Izhemtsy - 15 607 in Russia (2002).
  • Komi-Permyaki - 125 235 in Russia (2002).
    • Komi-Yazvinians - 5,000 in Russia.


Danube subgroup

  • Hungarians - 14,500,000: 9 416 015 - in Hungary (), 1 563 081 - in the USA (), 1 433 073 - in Romania (), 520 528 - in Slovakia (), 315 510 - in Canada (), 293 299 - in Serbia (), 156 600 - in Ukraine ().
    • YaSi (medieval Alanian people assimilated by the Hungarians)

Obskaya subgroup

  • Khanty - 28,678 people in Russia (2002).
  • Mansi - 11,432 people in Russia (2002).

Classification of state-territorial entities

Modern independent Finno-Ugric states

Modern Finno-Ugric National Authority

Romania Russia


  • Cherkalskaya culture - the culture of the Bronze Age in the south of the Urals and Western Siberia
  • Inter-Culture - Culture of the Bronze Century in Trans-Urals and Western Siberia
  • Ananyan culture - the culture of the Iron Age on the Middle Volga region
  • Pianoborsk culture - the culture of the Iron Age in the Volga region and the Ural
  • Bakhmutin culture and Kama
  • Dyakovsky culture - the culture of the Iron Age in Central Russia
  • Gorodetskaya culture - the culture of the Iron Century in southern Russia and the Volga region
  • Karaiakupovskaya culture - the culture of the Iron Age on the Southern Urals
  • Kushnarenkovsky culture - the culture of the Iron Age in the Southern Urals
  • Mazuno culture - the culture of the Iron Age in the Kama region and at the bottom river
  • Sargatsky culture - the culture of the Iron Age in Western Siberia


Landbooking analysis shows the existence of direct contacts of the population of the Indoran Group with the population of the Finno-Ugric Language Group. V. N. Chernetsov indicate the presence of many Iranian devils in the language, folklore and rites of the later Ugric population of Western Siberia (Khantov and Mansi).


According to the latest genetic data, the tribes that spread the haplogroup n migrated from South Siberia.

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  • Bernshat T. A. Christianization in the ethnocultural processes of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the European North and the Volga region (comparative generalization) // Modern Finno-Thieves. Experience and problems. Collection of scientific works of state. Museum ethnography of the peoples of the USSR. - L., 1990. - P. 133-140.
  • The worldview of the Finno-Ugric peoples. M., 1990.
  • National V. V. Introduction to historical uralistics. Izhevsk: Udmiyl, 1997.
  • The peoples of the Volga region and the Urals. Komi-Zyryan. Komi-Perm. Markets. Mordva. Udmurts. M., 2000.
  • Ryabinin E. A. Finno-Ugric tribes as part of ancient Russia. Spb. : Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University, 1997.
  • Helimsky E. A. Comparative, Uraltish: lectures and articles. M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian culture, 2000.
  • Fedyanovich T. L. Family customs and rites of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga region. M., 1997.


Excerpt characterizing Finno-Ugric peoples

Chernyshev was sitting with the book of the French novel by the window of the first room. This room was probably before the hall; In it, there was still an organ for which some carpets were launched, and in one corner there was a folding bed of Adjutant Benigsen. This adjutant was here. He can be seen that with a feast or case, sat on a folded bed and dreamed. Two doors were led from the halls: one straight into the former living room, the other right to the office. From the first door heard voices of German and occasionally in French. There, in the former living room, they were collected, at the request of the sovereign, not a military council (the sovereign loved uncertainty), but some persons whom the opinion about the upcoming difficulties he wanted to know. It was not a military council, but as it were, the Council of Selected to clarify some questions personally for the sovereign. On this half, the Swedish General ArmFeld was invited, General Adjutant Volzogen, Vinzingerode, whom Napoleon called the Running French subject, Misho, Tol, not at all a military man - Count Stein and, finally, the Pful himself, who, as the prince of Andrei, was La Cheville Ouvriere [Basis] All business. Prince Andrei had a time to consider him well, as Pful soon came after him and went to the living room, stopping for a minute to talk to Chernyshev.
Pful at a glance, in his Russian general unfortunately stitched uniform, which is awkward, as on a dressed, sat on it, seemed to be a prince Andrei as if he was familiar, although he never saw him. Wayer, and Mac, and Schmidt, and many other German theoretics of the generals, whom Andrei managed to see in 1805 months; But he was typical of all of them. Such a German theorist involved in itself everything that was in those Germans has never seen Prince Andrei.
Pful was low in growth, very thin, but wide, coarse, healthy addition, with a wide pelvis and bony blades. He had a very wrinkled face with deep eyes inserted. The hair in front of the temples, obviously, were hurriedly were invited to the brush, they were naive with tassels behind. He, restlessly and angry looking around, entered the room, as if he was afraid of everything in a big room, where he entered. He, with an awkward movement, holding the sword, turned to Chernyshev, asking German, where the sovereign. He can see how soon I wanted to get the room, graduate from the worship and greetings and go for the case before the map where he felt in place. He hurriedly nodded his head on the words of Chernyshev and smiled ironically, listening to his words that the sovereign inspects the strengthening, which he, Pful himself laid on his theory. He is bassist and cool, as they say self-confident Germans, grumbled to herself: dummkopf ... or: Zu Grunde Die Ganze Geschichte ... or: S "Wird Was Gescheites D" Raus Werden ... [Stupidity ... to hell is all ... (it.) ] Prince Andrei did not hear and wanted to go through, but Chernyshev acquainted Prince Andrew with Pfull, noting that Prince Andrei came from Turkey, where the war is so happily. Pful glanced almost so much on Prince Andrew, how much through him, and said laughing: "Da Muss Ein Schoner TaktischCr Krieg Gewesen Sein". ["That then, it must be properly tactical was war." (Him.)] - And, changing contemptuously, passed into the room from which voices were heard.
It can be seen, Pful, already always ready for ironic irritation, now was especially excited by the fact that they dared without him to inspect his camp and judge him. Prince Andrei, one shortly of this dating, thanks to his Austerlitsky memories, was the clear characteristics of this person. Pful was one of those hopelessly, invariably, to the martyrdom of self-confident people, whom the Germans are only there, and precisely because only the Germans are self-confident on the basis of an abstract idea - science, that is, imaginary knowledge of the perfect truth. The Frenchman is self-confident because he honors herself personally, both mind and body, irresistible charming for both men and women. Anglicin is self-confident on the grounds that he is a citizen of the well-maintained state in the world, and therefore the Englishman knows that he needs to do, and knows that everything he does as an Englishman is undoubtedly good. Italian self-confident because he is excited and forgets easily and others. Russian self-confident precisely because he does not know anything and does not want to know, because it does not believe that you can know something. The German self-dedicated is worse, and all the most confused, because he imagines that he knows the truth, the science he himself invented, but which is the absolute truth for him. Such, obviously, was Pful. He had a science - the theory of a submitting movement, derived from the history of the wars of Friedrich the Great, and everything that he met in the newest history of the wars of Friedrich the Great, and everything that he met in the modern military history seemed to him nonsense, barbarism, ugly clashes, In which so many mistakes were made on both sides that these wars could not be called wars: they did not fit under theory and could not serve as a subject of science.
In 1806, Pful was one of the compilers of the War Plan, concerned by Yena and Aurshette; But in the outcome of this war, he did not see the slightest evidence of the wrongness of his theory. On the contrary, the retreats made from his theory, according to his concepts, were the only reason for the whole failure, and he was told with his characteristic joyful irony: "Ich Sagte Ja, Daji Die Ganze Geschichte Zum Teufel Gehen Wird. [After all, I said that everything would go to hell (him.)] Pful was one of those theorists who like their theory so that they forget the goal of the theory - her app to practice; He in love for the theory hated every practice and did not want to know her. He even rejoiced to noise, because the failure, which took place from the retreat in practice from theory, argued him only the justice of his theory.
He said a few words with the prince Andrei and Chernyshev about the real war with an expression of a person who knows forward that everything will be bad and that is not even dissatisfied with it. Unclean hair brushes protruding on the back of the head and hurriedly sloping temples especially eloquently confirmed this.
He walked into another room, and from there immediately heard the bassish and grilling sounds of his voice.

Prince Andrei did not have time to bear the eyes of Pfula, as the Count Benigsen joined the room and, nodding Bolkonsky, not stopping, went to the office, giving some orders to his adjutant. The sovereign was driving him, and Benigsen hurried forward to cook something and have time to meet the sovereign. Chernyshev and Prince Andrew came out on the porch. The sovereign with a tired view got off the horse. Marquis Pauluchi said something sovereign. The sovereign, bowing his head to the left, with a disgruntled view he listened to Paulchi, who spoke with a special heat. The sovereign moved forward, apparently, wanting to finish the conversation, but the painted, excited Italian, forgetting the decency, went after him, continuing to say:
- Quant A CELUI QUI A CONSEILLE CE CAMP, LE CAMP DE DRISSA, [As for the one who attacked the Driss camp,] - said Pauluchi, while the sovereign, entering the steps and noticing the Prince Andrew, peered into an unfamiliar face .

About Finno-Ugric Tribes

In the third quarter of the first thousand n. e. The Slavic population, erected in the Upper Podneprovye and mixed with local Eastern Baltseal groups, with further promotion to the north and east reached the boundaries of the regions, since the finnoral tribes belonged to the Finno-Ugric tribes. These were Estaurants, water and Izhora in the southeastern Baltic States, all on a white lake and the tributaries of Volga - Sheksne and Molot, measuring in the eastern part of the Volga-Occask Members, Mordva and Murom on the middle and bottom. If the Eastern Balts were the neighbors of Finno-Ugro with deep antiquity, the Slavic-Russian population faced with them for the first time. Following this, the colonization of some Finno-Ugric lands and the assimilation of their indigenous population was a special chapter in the history of the formation of ancient Russian nation.

In terms of socio-economic development, the lifestyle and nature of culture, the Finno-Ugric population was significantly different from both the eastern Balts, and especially from Slavs. Completely alien for those and others were Finno-Ugors. But not only therefore, not only because of significant specific differences, the Slavic-Finno-Ugric historical and ethnic relations were different than the relationship of the Slavs and their old neighbors - the Balts. The main thing was that the Slavs-Finno-Ugric contacts are predominantly at a later time, to another historical period than the relationship of the Slavs and the Dnieper Balts.

When Slavs at the turn and early I thousand n. e. They penetrated the lands of the Balts in the upper subway and in its periphery, they were although more advanced compared to the aborigines, but still more primitive tribes. Above it was about the fact that their spread over the upper phenosis was a natural, centuries a latter process. Undoubtedly, he did not always proceed peacefully; Balts had resistance to aliens. Their burnt and destroyed kidding asylum, known in some areas of the upper subway, in particular in Smolenc region, indicate cases of cruel struggle. But nevertheless, the promotion of Slavs in the upper subcode cannot be called the process of conquering these lands. Neither Slavs nor the Balts protrude then as a whole, combined forces. Up on the Dnieper and his tributaries, a step by step was advanced individual, scattered groups of farmers who were looking for places for new settlements and passed and acting on their risk and fear. The asylum settlement of the local population testifies to the insulation of the communities of the Balt, that each community in case of clashes protects itself above all. And if they are Slavs and Balts - and have ever combined for joint armed enterprises in larger groups, these were special cases that did not change the overall picture.

At all other conditions, the colonization of Finno-Ugric lands proceeded. Only some of them in the southern part of the basin Lake Ilmen and the miracle were occupied by the Slavs and mixed with them with the Dnieper Balts relatively early, in the VI-VIII centuries, in conditions that differed from the conditions for the spread of Slavs in the Upper Subway. At other Finno-Ugric Lands, in particular in the eastern parts of the Volga-Oksky Meternrech - on the territory of the future Rostov-Suzdal land, which has played a huge role in the fate of ancient Russia, the Slavurgus population began to settle from only the turn of I and II thousand n. e., already in the conditions of the occurrence of early refortion of Old Russian statehood. And here the colonization process, of course, included a considerable element of the spontaneity, and here the pioneer performed a farmer-farmer, which was pointed to many historians. But in general, the colonization of Finno-Ugric lands proceeded differently. She relied on the fortified cities, to armed squads. Feodals moved peasants to new lands. The local population was entrusted with tribute, was set in a dependent position. The colonization of Finno-Ugric lands in the north and in the Volga region is the phenomenon is no longer primitive, but the early reforteline Slavic-Russian history.

Historical and archaeological evidence suggests that until the last quarter of the I thousand n. e. The Finno-Ugric groupings of the Volga region and the North still preserved their old forms of life and culture, which established in the first half of the first century. e. The economy of the Finno-Ugric tribes was complex. Agriculture was developed relatively weakly; a big role in the economy played cattle breeding; He was accompanied by hunting, fishing and forest fisheries. If the Eastern Baltic population in the Upper Podneprovier and in Western Dvina, it was very significant in Western Dvin, as evidenced by hundreds of sorting-shelters and settlements on the banks of the rivers and in the depths of watersheds, the population of Finno-Ugric land was relatively rare. People lived in some places on the shores of the lakes and on the rivers that had broad floodplains served as pastures. Unrefected areas of forests remained unoccupied; They were exploited as hunting grounds, as well as the millennium back, in the early Iron Institute.

Of course, various Finno-Ugric groups had their own characteristics, differed from each other in terms of socio-economic development and in the nature of culture. The most advanced among them were the moon tribes of the southeastern Baltic States - Esta, Apex and Izhora. According to X. A. Moore, already in the first half of the first century. e. The agriculture has become among the essts of the economy, and therefore the population settled since this time in areas with the most fertile soils. To the outcome of the first thousand n. e. The ancient Estonian tribes stood on the threshold of feudalism, crafts developed in their environment, the first urban-type villages arose, maritime trade tied the tribes of ancient ests with each other and with neighbors, contributing to the development of the economy, culture and social inequality. Raptable associations were changed at this time by the unions of territorial communities. Local features, distinguished in the past, individual groups of ancient ests, began to get out little, indicating the beginning of the formation of Estonian nation.

All these phenomena were observed from other Finno-Ugric tribes, but they were presented with them much weaker. The water and Izhora in many respects approached the ethas. Among the Volga Finno-Ugr, the most numerous and achieved relatively high level of development were Mordovian and Murom tribes who lived in the Oka Valley, on average and lower it.

The wide, multi-kilometer okay floodplains was an excellent pasture for herps of horses and herds of another cattle. If you look at the card of Finno-Ugric Mogilnikov, the second, third and last quarters of the I thousand n. e., It is not difficult to note that on average and lower OKI, they are pulled by a solid chain along the plots with a wide float, whereas north - in the region of the Volga-Okrug interfluve and south, according to the right tributaries of the Oka - Tsna and Moksha, as well as Sura and Medium Volga Ancient Mogilets of the Volga Finno-Ugrations are presented in much smaller quantities and are located separate jacks (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Finno-Ugric grains of I thousand n. e. in the Volga-Okrug region. 1 - Sarassky; 2 - Podolsky; 3 - wantimlsky; 4 - Holui; 5 - Novlensky; 6 - Pleospeski; 7 - Zapolmpievsky; 8 - Malyshevsky; 9 - Maksimovsky; 10 - Muromsky; 11 - Polyabuluvsky; 12 - urvansky; 13 - Kormansky; 14 - Cosbyeevsky; 15 - Kulakovsky; 16 - cloud; 17-Shatrischensky; 18-Gaverdo; 19-Dubrovichsky; 20 - Borokovsky; 27 - Kuzminsky; 22 - Baku: 23 - Zhabinsky; 24 - Temnovsky; 25 - Ivankovsky; 26 - Sergachsky.

Indicating the connection of the settlements and the graves of the ancient Finno-Ugrations with wide river floats - the base of their cattle breeding, P. P. Efimenko drew attention to the inventory of men's burials drawing a mordell and Murom I thousand n. e. As horseback shepherds, somewhat resembling their fault and armament, and therefore, the lifestyle of the nomads of South Russian steppes. "It is impossible to doubt," P. P. Efimenko wrote, "that the shepherd for which the beautiful meadows were used for Oki, in the era of the occurrence of the burial grounds acquires the importance of one of the very important types of economic activity of the region's population." Similarly, the economy of the Volga Finno-Ugroms and other researchers, in particular E. I. Gorjunov, were characterized. Based on the materials studied in the Kostroma region of the Durasssky settlement, relating by the end of the I thousand n. E., and other archaeological monuments, she found that until this time, the Volga Finno-Ugry - Meredan tribes were at the advantage of cattlemen. They diluted mainly horses and pigs, in a smaller number of large and finely horned cattle. Agriculture occupied a secondary place in the farm along with hunting and fishing. Such a picture is also characteristic of the IX-XI centuries studied by E. I. IX-XI century, located near Murom.

The cattle-breeding appearance of the farm in one way or another in the Finno-Ugric population of the Volga region and during the period of ancient Russia. In the "chronicler Pereyaslavlvalvalvalvalvsky" after the list of Finno-Ugric tribes - "in the Thorn," it is said: "Intrun the angry of Danannant and Concoct." The term "conforms" does not cause any doubt. "Inline language" grown horses for Russia, for her troops. It was one of their main duties. In 1183, Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich, returning to Vladimir from the campaign to the Volga Bulgaria, "Horses will put on Mordawa", which was probably the usual phenomenon. Obviously, Mordovian economy, as well as the economy of other Volga Finno-Ugrov, "Konokorm", was significantly different from agriculture of the Slavic-Russian population. Among the "feedings" referred to in the documents of the XV-XVI centuries., Meshcherski Konsky Spot is listed - a duty charged with sellers and buyers of horses.

On such a kind of economic basis, with the predominance of cattle breeding, especially horse breeding, in the Volga Finno-Ugrov at the end of the I thousand n. e. There could be a class relationship of only primitive, pre-appearance, although with significant public differentiation, similar to the public relations of nomads I thousandn. e.

Based on archaeological data, it is difficult to solve the issue of the degree of development of the craft at the Volga Finno-Ugroms. For a long time, the majority of them have been distributed homemade crafts, in particular the manufacture of numerous and variety of metal jewelry, which has emitted a female suit. The technical equipment of the home craft at that time differed little from the equipment of the artisan-professional - these were the same foundry, liaxium, Tigli, and others. Findings of these things in archaeological excavations, as a rule, do not allow to determine whether there was a home or specialized craft here, Product of public division of labor.

But professional artisans at the specified time had undoubtedly had. This is evidenced by the emergence at the Finno-Ugric Lands of the Volga region at the turn of I and II thousand individual settlements, usually fortified by shafts and Rips, which, according to the composition of finds made in archaeological excavations, can be called trade and crafts, "embryos" of cities. In addition to local articles, there are bridal things in these paragraphs, including oriental coins, a variety of beads, metal jewelry, etc. These are the finds from the Sarah settlement near Rostov, already mentioned by Tumovsky Seliya near Murom, the settlement of the earthen row near Casimov and some others.

It can be assumed that the northern Finno-Ugric tribes were more retarded, in particular the whole, which occupied, judging by the chronicles and data toponymics, a huge space around the White Lake. In its economy, like the neighboring Komi, it was hardly the main place was then occupied by hunting and fishing. The question of the degree of development of agriculture and cattle breeding remains open. It is possible that among pets there were deer. Unfortunately, archaeological monuments of Belozerskaya weight I thousand n. e. still remain unexplored. And not only because they specially did not do anything, and mostly due to the fact that the ancient all did not leave the rest of the well-pronounced long-term settlements, nor the funeral monuments known in the land of other neighboring Finno-Ugrome - Esta , Mary, Murom. It was, apparently, a very rare and moving population. In the southern applying there are mounds of the end of the IX-X in. With the burners, peculiar to the funeral rite and belonging, perhaps, the weight, but already subjected to Slavic and Scandinavian influence. This grouping has already broken with an ancient way of life. Her economy and life were largely reminded the economy and life of Western Finno-Ugric tribes - Rod, Izhora and Esta. On the White Lake there are antiquities of the X and subsequent centuries - mounds and settlements belonging to the weights that have already experienced a significant Russian influence.

Most of the Finno-Ugric groups, which were included in the boundaries of ancient Russia or closely related to it, did not lose their language and ethnic features and turned into relevant nationalities. But the lands of some of them lay on the main directions of the Slavic-Russian early-medieval colonization. Here the Finno-Ugric population was soon in the minority and a few centuries were assimilated. As one of the main reasons for the Slavic-Russian early-conductive colonization of the Finno-Ugrian land, researchers fairly call the outskirts of the agricultural population, saved from the growing feudal oppression. But, as already mentioned above, there were also "organized" peasants, headed by feudal versals. The colonization of the Northern and Northeastern lands in the XI-XII centuries was particularly strengthened., When the southern Old Russian regions lying along the steppes borders were subjected to cruel shocks of nomads. From the middle subway, people fled to Smolensky and Novgorod North, and especially in a distant settlement with its fertile soils.

The process of division of Finno-Ugric groups - Mary, Belozerskaya weight, Murom, and others - ended only in the XIII-XIV centuries, and in some places and later. Therefore, the literature presents the opinion that the listed Finno-Ugric groups served as a component not so much an Old Russian as Russian (Great Russian) nation. Ethnography materials just evidenced that the Finno-Ugric elements in culture and everyday life were characteristic of the old rural culture of only the Volga-Oksky and the Northern Russian population. But archaeological and historical data suggest that in a number of locations, the process of the division of the Finno-Ugric population ended or has come very far from the XI-XII centuries. By this time, significant groups of Mary, Weighs and Tribes, as well as separate Baltic-Finnish groups in the North-West were entered into the ancient Russian nationality. Therefore, the Finno-Ugments cannot be excluded from among the components of the Old Russian Nature, although this component was not significant.

The colonization of the Finno-Ugric lands, the relationship of aliens with the indigenous population, its subsequent assimilation and the role of Finno-Ugric groups in the formation of ancient Russian nation - all these issues are still not enough. Below it will be about the fate of not all Finno-Ugric groups, the lands of which were occupied in the early Middle Ages the Slavic-Russian population, but only those of which are currently there any information - historical or archaeological. The most data is available on the ancient population of the eastern part of the Volga-Okrug Meternrachia, where in the XII century. The most important center of Ancient Russia has moved. Something is known about the Finno-Ugric population of the North-West.

Oddly enough at first glance, the ancient Finno-Ugilities, which found themselves within the borders of Russia, was most interested in the third quarter of the XIX century. The interest in them was summoned then, firstly, the results of the research of outstanding Finno-thyroes - historians, linguists, ethnographers and archaeologists, primarily A. M. Shehegeren, who first drew a wide historical picture of the Finno-Ugric world, and his younger contemporary M. A. Castra. A. M. Shegran, in particular, "discovered" the descendants of the ancient Finno-Ugric groups - the engineers and Izhora, who played a large role in the history of Veliky Novgorod. The first study, specially dedicated to the historical destiny, was published in 1851. The work of P. I. Keppen "Petry and voyage Pyatina". Secondly, interest in the finno-urges and their roles in domestic history was caused by the grand excavations of medieval mounds on the territory of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth, produced by A. S. Uvarov and P. S. Savelyev in the early 50s of the XIX century. According to A. S. Uvarova, with whom he spoke at the I Archaeological Congress of 1869, these mounds belonged to the chronicle, as they said, the Merianas - the Finno-Ugric population, the "rapid division" of which began "in almost prehistoric times for us "

Labor A. S. Uvarova and P. S. Savelyev, "Own, seemed to be a richly disappeared culture of the whole nation and who showed the enormous importance of archaeological excavations for the early history of Russia, rightly led contemporaries into admiration" and caused numerous attempts to find traces of Mary in written sources , in toponymik, in ethnographic materials, in the secret languages \u200b\u200bof Vladimir and Yaroslavl offen-korobeci, etc. Archaeological excavations continued. From the numerous works of that time dedicated to the ancient Mary, I will name the article by V. A. Samaryanova on the traces of settlements of Mary within the Kostroma province, which was the result of archival surveys, and the wonderful book of D. A. Korsakova as the author who summed up a huge and varied actual Material, did not doubt that "the moon (Finno-Ugric, - P. T.) The tribe "was" once one of the elements of the formation of the Great Russian Nature. "

At the end of the XIX - early XX century. The attitude to the ancient finno-urges of the Volga-Oksky Meternrachia has changed noticeably, interest in them fell. After the excavations of the medieval mounds were produced within different ancient Russian regions, it turned out that the Kurgans of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth are not different in their mass from ordinary ancient Russian and, therefore, A. S. Uvarov was given the erroneous definition. A. A. Spitsyn, who spoke with a new study on these Kurganam, recognized them with Russians. He pointed out that the Finno-Ugric element in them is insignificant and expressed distrust of the chronicles about Mary. He believed that Merry was displaced from the limits of the Volga-Oksky Meternrachia to the northeast, "lingering on the path of retreat only with small bulls."

In general, the considerations of A. A. Spitsyn regarding the Rostovosuzdal Kurganov X-XII centuries. were undoubtedly correct, and they never challenged. But his desire to almost completely eliminate the finno-thieves from the population of Northeast Russia, to reduce their role to a minimum, was definitely erroneous.

In the same way erroneous was the assessment given by A. A. Spitzhane materials from medieval mounds studied at the end of the last century V. N. Glazov and L. K. Ivanovsky south of the Gulf of Finland, between the lakes of the mound and Ilmen. Almost all of these mounds A. A. Spitsyn recognized by Slavic contrary to the opinion of the Finnish archaeologists, who belonged to their monuments. A. V. Schmidt, who referred to the history of the archaeological study of ancient Finno-Ugrov in his essay, that A. A. Spitzina's views were a reflection of a certain nationalist trend, which A. V. Schmidt called "Slavic point of view", indicating Her main representatives in the Russian archeology of the time - I. I. Tolstoy and N. P. Kondakov. This point of view was presented then in the writings of historians of ancient Russia: D. I. Ilovai, S. M. Solovyova, V. O. Klyuchevsky, etc. They, of course, did not deny that there were terrain within ancient Russia with "foreign ", Finno-Ugric population, which has been maintained before the XII-XIV centuries, and in some places and later. But in non-Slavic tribes, pre-revolutionary researchers have not seen a subject of history. They were not interested in their fate, assigned to them a passive, third-party role in the history of Russia.

The late echo of the same views was the presentation of the famous ethnographer D. K. Zelenin, published in 1929 an article in 1929, in which he questioned the fact of the participation of Finno-Ugroms in the formation of Russian nation. The speech was subjected to the ethnographers of harsh criticism.

Unfortunately, a nihilistic attitude towards the history of the Finno-Ugrations and other non-Slavic participants in the creation of ancient Russian nationality, of course, the reasons were preserved and among the Soviet historians of ancient Russia. In the works of such specialists in the history of the population and feudal relations in Northeast Russia, like M. K. Lyubavsky and S. B. Veselovsky et al., Neslavyansky population - all, Merey, Meshchera, Murom - only mentioned and no more. In the works of B. D. Grekova, dedicated to the history of the peasantry, S. V. Yushkov, in which we are talking about the history of law, M. N. Tikhomirov about the peasant and urban anti-refortion movements and other people's population are considered from the very beginning as essentially Uniform. Oily or involuntarily historians proceed from the presentation that the Old Russian nationality in the IX-X centuries. already formed. They do not see and do not take into account local singularities, do not see or do not take into account the fact that individual Slavic-Russians, Finno-Ugric and other groups had their economic, social and ethnic specificity. The neurussian tribes were struggled for independence not only in the IX-X centuries, during the formation of ancient Russia, but later - in the XI-XII centuries. Historians seemed to be afraid that, recognizing the presence of antagonism between individual ethnic groups, founded in the boundaries of ancient Russia, they weaken their Marxist assessment of historical events, the main force of which was class struggle. As a result, it leads to some peculiar idealization of ancient Russia.

Take, for example, the famous anti-refortel uprising of 1071 in the Rostov region. Despite the fact that the description of this event in the chronicle does not leave any doubts that its participants - and siders led by Walking, and the "Best Wives", which were robbed and killed hungry death, were merryan, Finno-Ugric elements (talking about It will still go below), historians of ancient Russia do not give it any meaning or trying to deny this circumstance at all.

So, M. N. Tikhomirov, recognizing that the Rostov-Suzdal Earth in the XI century. There was a mixed Russian-Finno-Ugric population, she tried to consider the specific ethnographic features related to the uprising of 1071, as a characteristics of the extensive supposedly in the Russian environment. He considers the rebel funerals with Walking to the Russians, as in the chronicle story it is not stated that Yang Emphadis was explained with the rebels with the help of translators.

From the historians of our days, it seems, only V. V. Mavrodin gave, in my opinion, the correct characteristic of that, not only the social, but also a specific tribal, medium, in which the uprising was proceeded by the uprising of 1071

And at present, in historiography in the specified region, little has changed. It is possible to fully join the opinion expressed recently V. T. Pashuto, who noted that "in our historiography has not yet been investigated by the issue of ethnic and economic complexity and its political inhomogeneity of the structure of the ancient Russian state ... Not studied and features of anti-refortional struggle of the subjectal people of peoples and her The ratio with the history of the class struggle of Russian deaths and urban poor. " It is necessary to indicate that in the work of V. Tashuto, from which this quote is taken, in fact, for the first time, all these topics in their entirety were delivered to historians. But so far only delivered.

A somewhat better in recent decades was the case with archaeological studies dedicated to the early-service history of the Rostov-Suzdal Land and the North-West of Novgorod. As a result of repeated excavations in the region of the Volga-Okrug interfluve, a significant new material was obtained, illuminating the culture of Finno-Ugric - Maryry, Murom and Mordovian population, as well as the picture of the appearance of the Slavic-Russian settlers in this area. One of the latest results of these works is the big book by E. I. Goryunova published in 1961. In this book, in my opinion, it is not necessary to agree with everything, especially in those parties where it is about the distant past. But the second part of the book dedicated to the early Middle Ages, in particular the relationship between the Russian population with local merry and Murom groupings, mainly contains very interesting data and their interpretation, which will not be used in the future. The medieval antiquities of Belozerskaya weight are devoted to the work of L. A. Glubva - researcher of the city of Belozero. The population of this ancient city was mixed, Russian-Finno-Ugric.

The results of archaeological works in related to the Volga-Okrug Maryan, Mordovskaya, the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics also had great importance for research in the field of history and cultural culture of the Volga-Okskoy-Okhorian tribes.

With regard to the North-Western Finno-Ugric regions, which included once in the vote five of the Great Novgorod, then in its western parts lying south of the Finnish bay and r. Neva, for the last half of the century there were very few archaeological studies on the study of the history of the ancient indigenous population. Nevertheless, A. A. Spitsyn's views on the medieval mounds of this area were revised. Such researchers like X. A. MOOR, V. I. Rodonikas, V. V. Sedov, came to the conclusion that the mounded antiquity of the XI-XIV centuries, their considerable part, should be associated with the indigenous population - water and Izhor. And as it could be otherwise, if these Finno-Ugric groups accounted for a significant part of the population until the XIX century. And if the population preserving the memory of his Water and Izhora origin, there is something here and now.

Large studies of medieval mounds in the 20-30s were conducted in the neighboring areas - in the southern ligation and sortie; They were associated with excavations at the old Ladoga settlement and were to give a picture of the surrounding city of the rural population, which previously known mainly on excavations N. E. Brandenburg. The results of all these studies were summoned among archaeologists a long discussion, which has not yet ended. As already mentioned, some researchers argue that medieval mounds forbid and sodes belong to weights; Others see the monuments of southern Karelian groups in them. It is clear only that it was not the Slavic-Russian population, but the Finno-Ugric, although the significant Slavic-Russian influence was.

From the book History of Russia. From ancient times to the XVI century. 6th grade Author Kiselev Alexander Fedotovich

§ 4. East Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes and unions of Praodin Slavs. Slavs were part of the ancient Indo-European language community. The Indo-Europeans included Germanic, Baltic (Lithuanian-Latvian), Romanesque, Greek, Celtic, Iranian, Indian

From the book the ancient gods of Slavyan Author Gavrilov Dmitry Anatolyevich

Finno-Karelian views on the old God. Ukko Finno-Karelian Ukko practically fully complies with the Indo-European idea of \u200b\u200bthe Supreme God-Creator, who has the nearest neighbors, of Slavs, was called God, Stribogov, or even Rod (and in the Rigveda he

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№ 4. Brief information about the tribes mentioned in the book Sources: Chinese Chronicles of Dynasties of Sui (581-618) and Tan (618-907), the compositions of the Arab-Persian authors of the X-XII centuries. Common Literature (Specific Literature Peoples are given at the end of information): Bichulin N.Ya. Collection

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Statistical notes on the tribes of Syrian and spiritual them

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Indoirans and Finno-Ugry said conquerors in one of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family, to which the Baltic, German, Romanesque, Slavic residents belong (compare the ancient Indian Veda - "Sacred Knowledge" and Russian to "know"), ancient Greek and many others

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1. Brothers Finno-Ugry: The comparative history of Finns and Estonians jumps a crowd of thieves, see a stone with the inscription: "Left - Hungary; Heat, sunny, grapes. To the right - Finland with Estonia; Cold, raw, Salaka. " Those who knew how to read, pokakali left ... Finnish-Estonian

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Presentations of the chronicler on East Slavic tribes after the story of the division after the Flood of the Earth between the Sons of Noah and the settlement of Slavs, the chronicle reports: "... Slovenia who has come and Sedosha in the Dnieper and the Polyana, and Druzly Drug, Zana Sedosha in Lesha; And druisies

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At the Finno-Ugric outskirts of the ancient Russia

Author Martyanov Andrey

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From the book of belief of pre-Christian Europe Author Martyanov Andrey

Among those living today on the planet there are many unique, distinctive and even few mysterious peoples and nationalities. This undoubtedly include the Finno-Ugric peoples, which are considered the largest ethno-speaking community in Europe. It includes 24 people. 17 of them live in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Composition of ethnos

All numerous Finno-Ugric peoples are divided by researchers for several pores:

  • Baltic-Finnish, the backbone of which is quite numerous Finns and Estonians who formed their own states. This also includes Setu, Ingermanlanders, Kenen, Võru, Karelia, Izhorsians, Veps, River and Liva.
  • Samskaya (Lopar), which includes residents of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula.
  • Volzhsky-Finnish, including Mari Mary and Mordvo. The latter, in turn, are divided into Moksha and Erzu.
  • The Permian, which includes Komi, Komi-Perm, Komi-Zyryan, Komi-Izhemtsy, Komi-Yazviny, Feremmen and Udmurts.
  • UGORSKA It includes divided hundreds of Hungar kilometers, Khanty and Mansi.

Disappeared tribes

Among the modern Finno-Things there are numerous peoples, and very small groups are less than 100 people. There are such, the memory of which is preserved only in the ancient chronicle sources. For example, for example, measure, Chud and Murom.

Meriana built their settlements between the Volga and the Okoy for another several hundred years BC. Under the suggestion of some historians later, this people was assimilated with East Slavic tribes and became the progenitor of the Mari nation.

An even more ancient people were Murom who lived in the Oka basin.

As for the kud, this nationality dwells along the Onega and Northern Dvina. There is a suggestion that these were the Old Finnish tribes, from which modern Estonians occurred.

Regions settlement

The Finno-Ugric group of peoples today is concentrated in in the North-West of Europe: from Scandinavia to the Urals, Volga-Kamya, West Siberian Plain in the lower and middle flow of Tobol.

The only people who formed their state at a significant distance from the female - Hungarians living in the Danube pool in the Karpathian Mountains area.

The most numerous Finno-Ugric people in Russia - Karelia. In addition to the Republic of Karelia, many of them live in the Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Tver and Leningrad regions of the country.

Most of the Mordva live in the Republic of Mordva, but there are a lot of them settled in the neighboring republics and regions of the country.

In the same regions, as well as in Udmurtia, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and other regions, you can also meet the Finno-Ugric peoples, especially Marytsev here. Although their main bones live in the Republic of Mari El.

The Komi Republic, as well as the nearby areas and autonomous districts - the place of permanent residence of the nation of Komi, and in Komi-Permyak AO and the Perm region they live from the nearest "relatives" - Komi-Permyak.

More than a third of the population of the Udmurt Republic make up ethnic Udmurts. In addition, small communities in many closest regions.

As for Khanty and Mansi, their main part lives in the Khanty-Mansiysk JSC. In addition, large communities of Khantah live in Yamalo-Nenets AO and the Tomsk region.

Type of appearance

Among the ancestors of the Finno-Ugrations were both ancient European and the ancient-Asian breeding communities, therefore, in the appearance of modern representatives, it is possible to observe traits inherent in both the Mongoloid, and European-like races.

General features to the distinctive features of the representatives of this ethnos include the average growth, very light hair, a wider face with a ridden nose.

At the same time, in each nationality, their "variations" are possible. For example, Mordvini-Erzya have growth much higher than average, but are brightly pronounced blue-eyed blondes. But Mordvini Moksha, on the contrary, the lowest, and their hair is darker.

Udmurts and Mariers are the owners of the "Mongolian type", which relates them to the Mongoloid Race. But at the same time the overwhelming majority of people are blond and light-eyed. Similar features of the face are also found in many of the hezhorts, Karelov, Rod, Estonians.

But Komi can be like dark-haired holders of diagonal eyes, and blonde with pronounced European-like features.

Quantitative composition

In total, about 25 million people belonging to Finno-Ugric live in the world. The most numerous of them are the Hungarians, which have more than 15 million finnis - almost three times less - about 6 million, and the number of Estonians - a little more than a million.

The number of other nationalities does not exceed a million: Mordva - 843 thousand; Udmurts - 637 thousand; Markets - 614 thousand; Ingermanlanders - just over 30 thousand; KNAV - about 60 thousand; Veru - 74 thousand; Setu - about 10 thousand, etc.

The most small peoples are piping, the number of which does not exceed 400 people, and the water, whose community consists of 100 representatives.

Excursion in the story of Finno-Ugrome

There are several versions of the origin and ancient history of peoples belonging to Finno-Ugric. The most popular of them is the one that assumes the presence of a group of people who spoke on the so-called Finno-Ugric defense, and about III thousand to the Nativity of Christ who retained unity. This Finno-Ugric group of peoples lived in the Urals and Western Viurary region. In those days, the ancestors of Finno-Ugrov supported the relationship with Indo-Iranians, as evidenced by all sorts of myths and languages.

Later, the united community was contemplated on Ugric and Finno-Perm. From the second subsequently, the Baltic-Finnish, Volzhsky-Finnish and Perm Language Subgroups were allocated. Separation and separation continued until the first centuries of our era.

The birthday ancestors of Finno-Ugrations, scientists consider the region on the border of Europe with Asia in the transfiguration of the Volga and Kama, a Ural. At the same time, settlements were at a significant distance from each other, which perhaps and was the reason that they did not create their own one state.

The main occupations of the tribes were agriculture, hunting and fisheries. The earliest mention of them is found in the documents of the Times of the Khazar Kaganate.

For many years, the Finno-Ugric tribes paid tribute to Bulgarian Khanam, were part of the Kazan Khanate and Russia.

In the XVI-XVIII century, thousands of immigrants from different regions of Russia began to settle at the territory of Finno-Ugric tribes. The owners often resisted such invasion and did not want to recognize the power of Russian rulers. Marities were especially violently resisted.

However, despite resistance, gradually traditions, customs and the language of "aliens" began to push off local speech and beliefs. Assimia intensified during the subsequent migration when the Finno-Ugry began to move to various regions of Russia.


Initially, there was a single Finno-Ugric language. As the group shared and various tribes spread farther from each other, he modified, disintended separate adverbs and independent languages.

To date, Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bmanaged to maintain both large peoples (Finns, Hungarians, Estonians) and small ethnic groups (Khanty, Mansi, Udmurts, etc.). Thus, in the elementary classes of a number of Russian schools, where representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples study are studying, the Sami, Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Languages.

Komi, Mariers, Udmurts, Mordva can also learn the languages \u200b\u200bof their ancestors, starting with the middle classes.

Others peoples speaking in Finno-Ugric languages Can also talk on dialects similar to the basic languages \u200b\u200bof the group in which are included. For example, non-Snetsan communicate at one of the admirations of the Udmurt language, Ingermanlanders - on the Eastern Dialega of Finnish, Quene speak Finnish, Norwegian or Sami.

Currently, general words in all languages \u200b\u200bof peoples belonging to Finno-Ugrics are barely leaving about a thousand. So, the "related" relationship of various peoples can be traced in the word "house", which the Finnov sounds like Koti, Estonians - Kodu. A similar sound of "Kudo" (muzzle) and "Kudo" (Marijsk).

Living next to other tribes and peoples, Finno-Ugry admiralized culture and language from them, but also generously shared their own. For example, the "rich and mighty" entered such Finno-Ugric words as "Tundra", "Kilka", "Salaka" and even "Pelmeni".

Finno-Ugric Culture

Monuments of the culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in the form of settlements, burials, household goods and decorations Archaeologists are found throughout the habitat of the ethnos. Most of the monuments refers to the beginning of our era and early Middle Ages. Many peoples managed to preserve their culture, traditions and customs until today.

Most often they are manifested in various rites (weddings, folk holidays, etc.), dancing, clothing and living arrangement.


Finno-Ugric literature by historians and researchers are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • Western, which includes works by Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian writers and poets. This literature on which the literature of European peoples had the impact of the literature has the richest history.
  • Russian, the formation of which begins with the XVIII century. It includes works by the authors of Komi, Mariers, Mordvo, Udmurts.
  • North. The youngest group that has been developed only about a century ago. It includes works of Mansiysk, Nenets, Khanty Authors.

At the same time, all representatives of the ethnos, the rich heritage has oral folk creativity. Each nationality has numerous epics and legends about the heroes of the past. One of the most famous works of the National Epos is "Kalevala", telling about the life, beliefs and customs of the ancestors.

Religious preferences

Most peoples relating to Finno-Ugrics are confess to Orthodoxy. Finns, Estonians and Western Saama adhere to Lutheran faith, and Hungarians - Catholic. At the same time, in rites, mostly wedding, stored ancient traditions.

But the Udmurts and Markets in some places still retain their ancient religion, as well as the self-independent and some nations of Siberia worship their gods and confess the shamanism.

Features of national cuisine

In ancient times, the main product of the Finno-Ugric tribes was a fish, which was roasted, cooked, were ridiculously and even eaten raw. At the same time, for each type of fish there was its own way of cooking.

Used in food and meat of forest birds and small animals caught in the silus. The most popular vegetables were repa and radish. The foods were abundantly seasoned with spices, such as horseradish, onions, Borshevik, etc.

From barley and wheat, the Finno-Ugric peoples were preparing porridge, Kisseli. They were used for filling home sausages.

Modern kitchen of Finno-Ugrov, who experienced the strong influence of neighboring peoples, almost does not have special traditional features. But almost every people there are at least one traditional or ritual dish, the recipe of which was reported to this day in virtually unchanged.

A distinctive feature of the cooking of Finno-Ugric peoples is that in the dilution preference is given to the products grown at the residence of the nationality. But imported ingredients are used only in the minimum amount.

Save and multiply

In order to preserve the cultural heritage of the Finno-Ugric peoples and the transfer of traditions and customs of the ancestors to future generations everywhere, all sorts of centers and organizations are created.

Much attention is paid to this in the Russian Federation. One of these organizations is the Non-Profit Association of the Volga Center for Finno-Ugric Peoples, established 11 years ago (April 28, 2006).

Within the framework of its work, the Center not only helps the big and small Finno-Ugric peoples not to lose their history, but also introduces other nations of Russia, contributing to strengthening mutual understanding and friendship between them.

Famous representatives

As in every people, the Finno-Thieves and its heroes have. The famous representative of the Finno-Ugric People is the nanny of the Great Russian poet - Arina Rodionovna, which was from the Ingermanland village of Lampovo.

Also, the Finno-Ugrations are such historical and modern personalities, as the Patriarch Nikon and the Avvakum Protopop (both were Mordvinov), the physiologist V. M. Bekhterev (UDMURT), composer A. Ya. Espai (Mariec), athlete R. Smetanin (Komi) and many others.

In the first half of the first millennium N. e. The well-known development is worried and Finno-Ugric tribes who lived in the Oka and Kama pools. In antique authors, the Finno-Ugric tribes are mentioned under the name of the phenomena (Tacit) or Finns (Ptolemy), and possibly Estei (Tacit), although the name of "Estia" could relate to the Baltic tribes at this time. The first mention of the individual Finno-Ugric tribes of Eastern Europe is found at the Gothic historian of Jordan, who attributes the "king is ready" to Germanarich Victory over the Morder ("Mordens"), measures (Merens) and other tribes archaeological data allow you to trace the fate of Finno-Ugric tribes and In earlier stages of their development. So, they show that in the first half of the I millennium. e. Finno-Ugric tribes Iron finally displaced bronze, from which only jewelry was made - Buckles Blossoms, Fibulas, Bracelets, Pendants, Necklaces, Characteristic Women's Heads with Wheel and Suspensions in the form of bells ending with spiral earrings. Weapons from which darts, axes and roman swords were most commonly used, was made of iron or supplied with iron parts: tips, etc. At the same time, many objects, in particular arrows, were trampled from the bone. As before, the hunt for fur animals played a big role, the fur of which was going on.

By the end of the first half of the first millennium, trade relations of the Prikamsky tribes with Iran and the Eastern Roman Empire are enhanced. In Prikamye, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bSolikamsk and Kungur, silver lateant and Sassanid dishes came decorated with highly artistic images, which arrived here in exchange for fur and, invisible, who have been used for the needs of the cult. In the eye pool, the role of horse breeding continues to grow. In the graves of men, and sometimes women, find a horse break, from where you can conclude that horses have now served for horse riding. At the same time, the remains of woolen fabrics preserved in the graves talk about the development of sheepship, and the remains of flaxsess, finding sickles of H Moth - about the fact that the Finno-Ugric tribes were familiar and agriculture.

Property inequality was already quite significant. Along with the poor graves, where only knives were found or no things were found at all, there are rich burials with a large number of jewelry, weapons, etc. Especially many jewelry is found in women's graves. However, the property inequality, which appeared, has not yet led to the decomposition of the generic system, since only the objects of personal use accomplished in the hands of individuals. The similarity of the former forms of life is evidenced by the similarity of the Finnoan citys of the first centuries of our era with earlier. So, a drinobor culture on Kame, who changed the Ananinsky, differs from it only with the style of bronze products and the predominance of iron.

Significant interest are monuments of cult and works of art. For the latter, bronze embossed pendants, depicting deer, eagles with a human face on the chest, lizards, semi-cell moose, people, as well as small bronze and lead idols in the form of birds, animals and people. About 2 thousand of such figures found 20 km from the city of Molotov, down the chamber, where, he had an objectionable, there was a sanctuary of God, who was sacrificed. There also found a huge number of bones of various sacrificial animals, about 2 thousand bone and iron lugs and about 15 thousand glass gilded beads. Another monument to a cult is a cave on the Chusovoy River, where several thousand bone and iron lugs have been found. Archaeologists believe that in this place due to some religious rites, archers occurred.

Excellent definition

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Finno-Ugric tribes

The history of the tribes that inhabited the Volga-Oksky and Kama Bass Seina in the first Millennium Don. e., there is a significant originality. According to Herodotus, boudins, tesageties and Iarks lived in this part of the forest strip. Noting the difference between these tribes from Scythians and Savromatov, it indicates that their main occupation was the hunt, which delivered not only food, but also fur for clothes. Especially notes Herodot the horse hunt of the Iirs with dogs. The information of the ancient historian is confirmed by archaeological sources indicating that in the life of the tribes studied hunting really occupied a great place. However, the population of the Volga-Oksky and Kama pools was not limited to those tribes that Herodotus mentions. The names cited by him can only be attributed to the southern tribes of this group - the immediate neighbors of Scythians and Savromat. More detailed information about these tribes began to penetrate the antique historiography only at the turn of our era. They probably relied on Tacitus when described the life of the tribes under consideration, calling them with hair dryers (Finns). The main occupation of the Finno-Ugric tribes on the extensive territory of their settlement should be considered cattle breeding and hunting. The housing agriculture played a minor role. The characteristic feature of the production of these tribes was that, along with iron implements, which included approximately from the VII century. BC e., here a very long time used tools from the bone. These features are typical for the so-called Dyakovsky (Oki and Volga interference), Gorodetskaya (southeast of Oak) and Ananyan (Prikamye) archaeological crops.

South-Western neighbors of Finno-Ugric tribes, Slavs, during the I millennium. e. Significantly advanced to the region of the resettlement of the Finnish tribes. This movement caused the movement of part of the Finno-Ugric tribes, as the analysis of the numerous Finnish names of rivers in the middle part of European Russia shows. The processes under consideration occurred slowly and did not violate the cultural traditions of the Finnish tribes. This allows you to tie a number of local archaeological crops with Finno-Ugric tribes, already known in Russian annals and other written sources. The descendants of the tribes of the Dyakovsky archaeological culture were probably the tribes of Merya, Murom, the descendants of the tribes of Gorodetsky culture - Mordva, and the origin of the chronicle of the Cherems and Schui dates back to the tribes that created Ananin archaeological culture.

Many interesting features of the house of Finnish tribes were investigated in detail archaeologists. Indicatively ancient way to produce iron in the Volga-Basin: Iron Ruda melted in clay vessels, stood in the middle of open fires. This process, marked in settlements of the IX-VIII centuries, is characteristic of the initial stage of the development of metallurgy; Further there appeared furnaces. Numerous bronze and iron products and the quality of their manufacturing make it possible to assume that already in the first half of the first one millennium BC. e. The Finno-Ugric tribes of Eastern Europe began to turn the branches of home production in crafts, such as foundry and blacksmith. From other productions it should be noted the high development of weaving. The development of cattle breeding and starting selection of crafts, primarily metallurgy and metalworking, led to an increase in labor productivity, which in turn contributed to the birth of the property inequality. Nevertheless, the accumulation of property inside the generic communities of the Volga-Oksky basin took place pretty slowly; Because of this, until the middle of the I millennium BC. e. Generic settlements were reinforced relatively weakly. Only in the next century, the settlement of the Dyakovsky culture is strengthened with powerful shafts and Rips.

A more complex picture of the social building of the inhabitants of the Kama region. The burial inventory clearly indicates the presence of property bundle among local residents. Some burials dated to the end of the I Millennium allowed the archaeologists to express the assumption about the emergence of some incomplete population category, possibly slaves from the prisoners of war. On the position of the tribal aristocracy in the middle of the 13th millennium BC. e. Specifies one of the bright monuments of the Ananinsky Mogilnik (near Elabugi) - the tombstone from the stone with the embossed image of a warrior, armed with a dagger and a combat hammer and decorated with hrying. A rich inventory in the grave under this slab contained a dagger and hammer made of iron, and silver hryvnia. The buried warrior was undoubtedly one of the generic chiefs. Reception of a generic nobility was particularly intensified by the II-I centuries. BC e. It should be, however, it should be noted that at this time the birth was probably relatively small, since the low labor productivity has also strongly limited the number of members who lived at the expense of someone else's labor.

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