Global strategies. Global PC Strategies

Global strategies. Global PC Strategies
Global strategies. Global PC Strategies

In each of these games there is one unchanging algorithm: expand, learn, exploit, destroy. The procedure may vary, but the goal remains unchanged - power, control and dominance.

We present to your attention the best global strategies on PCs - this selection will be interesting as nonophyats, which have not heard about anything other than "civilization", and Oldfags, who will be able to put down in the direction of the rolled imperial rods and find a new position.

15. Anno 2205

14. Age of Wonders 3

Roleplay, step-by-step tactics and a global strategy in one magic bottle. It can be called a fantasy analogue of "civilization", but in contrast to the child of Meyer Side, the peaceful ways of victory are not provided here. Want to win - please leave for a long time and stubbornly fight with elves, dwarves, orcs and other fabulous fantasy. The fighting is held on separate tactical mini-maps in the spirit of King`s Bounty, and in a mass format. In practice, this means that when attacking one hex, all the neighboring armies are tightened to the battlefields, which ultimately flows over the bloody runner, often with siege guns. Not without spells - there are a whole library there. It goes both banal curses and blessings and exotic things, such as a challenge on the head of global warming enemies.

13. Warlock II: The Exiled

Another fantasy clone "civilization" with a hexagon card focused on a military component. The game has both a classic global card and an unusual "exile" mode, in which the world is represented as tiny fragments connected by portals. Starting development from one fragment, you need to capture a whole chain of worlds, while having broken from the crowd of monsters from parallel worlds and competing magicians. At the PC, this project was released relatively recently - in 2014, and not just like that, and under the wing of Paradox interactive - a company that ate a dog on global strategies. Yes, Warlock II: The Exiled has problems (the stupid AI) is especially allocated, but this game has definitely deserved its place in the top with an unusual setting and a powerful editor.

12. Star Ruler 2

Galactic epic with a giant map, animated battles of starflies of accuracy and meticulous micromedge. The volume of all sorts of tabs, tables and parameters is simply frightened, so it is recommended to enjoy this strategy only by an experienced commander. And this is despite the fact that it is impossible to manage specific planets in the game (this rule does not concern resource mining). Star Ruler 2 mechanics constantly pushes the player to expand the borders of the Empire, so it's easy to take and sit down in defense here. Space battles are mainly in automatic mode, but if desired, you can personally take part in them as the Commander-in-Chief. Despite some secondary, the rating of Star Ruler 2 is quite high, not least due to the original (card) system of diplomacy.

11. Space Empires V

This is not even a game, it is rather a simulator modeling of a galactic civilization with hundreds of aspects in physics, culture, economics and cosmology. Entertainment here is about as much as in the textbook on astronomy, but it is by this Space Empires 5 and attractive. Already at the stage of generation of the Universe, you will be charged in the eyes of the number of settings, and if you somehow go to the user's manual, then there you will find 300 pages of roasty text. This step-by-step strategy has a huge technological tree, a powerful editor of ships and solid diplomatic mechanics, in which there are no clean unions or irreconcilable opponents.

10. Hearts of Iron 3

Compared to cosmic global strategies, this game fits in a relatively short period of time - from 1936 to 1948. But during this time you will get completely overlapping the map of Europe, and maybe the world, and not at all be sure to play for the main defendants of the Second World War. The project is distinguished by stunning attention to detail and, in fact, is a visual historical manual for the events of this period. Military actions in Hearts of Iron 3 are so large-scale that you need to resort to AI help, although the most responsible sites will have to take things into your hands. Another reason to download the game is an extremely detailed tree of technology, according to which, if desired, you can track the entire path of development of techniques and theories of military operations.

9. Crusader Kings 2

The wise ruler simulator, the events of which are unfolded from 1066 to 1453. In Paradox Interactive, we went to a brave experiment: Instead of leading the national state, we are offered to manage dynasties, which, at a closer look, are a huge snake tangle, consisting of intrigues, offended, hereditary disputes and dynastic marriages. At the bottom of the food chain - graphs with small land, the highest are the duke, even above - the kings, and the emperor rules on top. To feel comfortable in this mess, you need to be a master of political acrobatics, a virtuoso spy and a brilliant military strategist. This is not the best strategy from "paradoxes", but definitely the most unusual.

8. Endless Space 2

The global strategy can be beautiful - it proves developers from the French studio Amplitude. Taking the basis of the classic 4x-rules as the basis, these guys created a game with a magnificent visual style and musical accompaniment. Cosmos looks amazing here, and even the creation of cashposts on the planet allows you to enjoy their unearthly landscapes. The game came out in 2017, so very demanding of the gland, especially in the later stages, when the galaxy is almost fully studied. The only spoon of tar in the barrel of honey is the inability to directly affect the course of battles. Perhaps this feature will be added in the third part.

7. Endless Legend.

The action of the strategy unfolds in the world of Endless Space 2, but not in space, but on one of the planets. Here you will find a gloomy mix of fantasy and technology, eight original races and understood rules borrowed from "civilization". Each race has its own plot that develops in the course of the party and replete with references to the history of Auriga and the confrontation of local inhabitants. Wars are not limited to maneuvers on a global map - when a collision of two armies is collided with step-by-step tactical mode, remotely similar to Disciples. Separately, it is worth noting the army constructor, in which you can equip the units to various equipment, and the change of seasons, significantly affects the races of races on the global map.

6. Stellaris

This time, Paradox Interactive took and dragged the corporate elements of global simulators into space, adding a random study of technology and a successful idea with administrative sectors to the list of innovations, which are controlled by autonomous AI. Otherwise, Stellaris is a beautiful sample 4x-strategy, with a huge map, battles of colossal fleets and a flexible system of diplomacy. If you do not know what it is - to become a vassal of a stronger empire, to live under her a few hundred years, picking out smashes from her table, and then devour your owner, then this game will explain everything to you.

5. Galactic Civilizations 3

This game returned to the PC 10 years after the release of the previous part (in 2015), but did not lose the branded peculiarities. Complex, like creating a mosaic, planetary construction, the system of the ideology of races with peppers, designing vessels with a flexible system of protective and attacking modules, tested automatic battles - in Stardock simply took and improved everything that could be improved. The result was an excellent 4x-strategy capable of competing with modern projects. It is recommended to love lovers in the editor of ships and fans of the grand cosmic battles.


The magnificent sample, in fact, standing at the origins of the genre. There is everything you need to a sofa strategist: designer of races, construction of ships, a variety of technologies and strong (even today) artificial intelligence. Someone the game will seem archaic (and not surprisingly, it came out in 1996), someone does not suit a small map, someone will smile at the sight of primitive ground battles "wall on the wall", but all these are little things attention. Master of Orion 2 is a cult global strategy with practically infinite referencing, mandatory for the passage for all fans of the genre.

3. Total War: Warhammer 2

When one studio for decades improves the only series in its repertoire, the result is apparent. Each game from the Total War cycle (except for the Napoleonic Wars) is better than the previous one, and Warhammer 2 is the crown of developers efforts. Even if you do not take into account the magnificent picture and extremely realistic battles on tactical maps, there is still a thousand reasons to download this game. For example, the largest global card in the history of the series, a full-fledged storyline or a huge variety of races. Yes, only 4 basic fractions are available for the game: elves, dark elves, lodders and scavens, but also old races from the first part have not been going anywhere. Excellent reason to check, who is stronger, gnomes, rat foreign things or vampires.

2. Civilization VI

The sixth part of the "civilization" did not bring in a series of revolutionary changes - the studio Firaxis slowly, but confidently moves a series forward without sharp televitations. It is all the same old-good "dattle" with a scientific race, expansion of cities and extremely active diplomacy. From innovations, the most noticeable is the zoning of cities, which in turn leads to their specialization. As usual, you can win in several ways to win in several ways: cultural, scientific, diplomatic, military. The last, understandable thing, the most interesting, but also the most difficult, because it requires huge costs of resources and time. If you are not yet familiar with the cycle, Civilization VI is a good reason to try yourself as a historic ruler.


In the list of the best global strategies, this game naturally ranks first. Compared to other games of the Europa Universalis IV genre, it is much more difficult, wider and more realistic. Political intrigues, espionage, dynastic connections, thoughtful economy and trading system ... a more solid simulator of the medieval ruler you will not find. This is the top of all Paradox Interactive activities, which since 2013 serves as a model for other 4x-strategies developers. Yes, the entrance threshold is extremely high, but if you have enough strength to break through hundreds of incomprehensible buttons and tabs, you will find a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the intricacies of medieval European politics.

Real Classic is the first three-dimensional game from Blizzard and one of the best strategies in principle.

At the time of release in 2002, Warcraft III was all. Wonderful graphics, which, thanks to a unique style, looks good even now, fascinating gameplay with role-playing elements, which influenced the entire RTS genre, a gorgeous plot in the well-thoughtful universe and support for mods.

If not Warcraft III, there would be no Dota, nor the Moba genre as such.

2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Tactical strategy on a PC in which you need to protect the Earth from the aliens.

The main thing in XCOM is a constant need to take difficult. Who to send to a difficult mission: Veteran who will have more chances to win, or a beginner who is not so sorry to lose? Which of them give more powerful armor or gun? Order fighters to attack the strongest aliens or first to deal with small enemies?

Each aspect of the game - the base management, the change in the execution of the characters and the battle themselves - incredibly fascinates.


It seems that this is the most ordinary strategy about, but in fact Company of Heroes - one of the most humane games about the war. All because under the start of the player, more than several detachments are rare (unlike several dozen units in traditional RTS). For the fighters are worried about how for themselves and build tactics in such a way as to ensure their survival.

Thanks to the best for its time, the graphic engine and thoughtful missions of the company of Heroes shows all the cruelty of war. No matter how hard you tried, people still die - this is the price of victory.

4. Starcraft II.

STARCRAFT II - Main Celebration Strategy in the World. Each millimeter card, each character's special ability, each building, available for construction, is mathematically verified to generate the most exciting matches. No wonder the tournaments on the game take place almost every couple of weeks, and the prize funds reach 700,000 dollars.

If you do not like a microcontrol and multitasking, then in Starcraft II there is also a gorgeous single campaign. There is an excellent plot about the confrontation of three races and a variety of types of missions. Plus, for her passage, it is not necessary to climb so much to the mouse.

5. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak


The spiritual heir to Total Annihilation, which improves and expands the ideas of the original. In essence, this is a game about non-refining battles of huge on giant maps.

Matches in Supreme Commander rarely last less than an hour. This time is needed to build a base with a balanced economy and prepare enough combat units to destroy the enemy.

SUPREME COMMANDER in all senses large-scale strategy. The number of fighters of one side sometimes reaches thousands, and it is necessary to think over the actions at least 10 minutes forward.

7. Total War: SHOGUN 2

Among the games of the Total War series it is difficult to choose the best, but the lifechaker stopped on Shogun 2. From all the modern parts, it is probably the most suitable, concentrated and understandable even beginners.

In Total War: SHOGUN 2 Player assumes the role of the clan head in medieval Japan. The goal is to capture the whole country. To do this, you can use diplomacy, economy and even intrigue - send murderers and spies.

But the main thing is, of course, the epic battles, in which it is very important to correctly post their troops on the location.

8. Age of Empires II HD

In Age of Empires II, the player needs to hold a civilization through several epochs: dark centuries, feudalism, the castle era and so on. You can play for one of several fractions such as Japan, Mongolia or Celts.

The main feature of the game is a combination of resource management with military operations. During the battle in Age of Empires II, it is not enough to simply assemble the army, you need to build a powerful economy, removing the houses, quarries and sawmills and cultivating fields.

What do global strategies differ from ordinary? Its scale. In them we manage a huge state, an empire or a whole world, solving a large number of problems. Global strategies for ordinary PC are considered the most popular. There were attempts to transfer such projects on the console, but the management is not so hot, and the gamers did not particularly like it.

Even such a niche category of games has hundreds of projects in which it is difficult to deal with, simply reading the description. So that you do not spend time and after a few minutes they chose the game for passing, we picked up the best global computer strategies. Check out their brief overview, and then make your choice. Go!

Stellaris - Conquer Cosmos

Let's start with the global 4x-strategy in real time, where you need to develop in outer space, settling the planet behind the planet. The game world procedurally generated, and therefore every new passage will be unique and bringing fresh impressions. In addition, when procedural generation, the gamer affects the development of the world. So, the realism of the game is worthy praise.

Here you will deal with construction, influence the political life of the empire, to manage one or more planets at the same time. It will also be necessary to ensure that each fraction live in the world is satisfied with its position. The role of the galactic emperor is more complicated than the Earth's emperor. Therefore, get ready for present tests.

If you have not come across the genome of global strategies before, almost certainly there will be difficulties in terms of management and understanding, which generally happens on the screen. In order to understand all this, you will have to read guides and watch a video for a video from experienced gamers explaining the fineness of the gameplay. At first, it will be difficult to watch and play, but as soon as knowledge becomes deep, you will gladly go into the development of the Space State and achieve considerable success.

Galactic Civilizations 3 - Galactic Log Inter Drivers

The third part of the popular series continues to be laid by developers from the very beginning. Here, too, will not be, but, on the other hand, the role of the player in the construction of the fleet has been increased. Now you can control much more processes and affect the quality of the finished mechanisms. This game can be called both simulator and economic strategy. But, first of all, this is a global military strategy in space setting. Choose a planet with militant inhabitants, and then lead the wards to victory over numerous enemies.

The project is worthy of replenishing our list of the best global strategies, because here the mechanisms of government management are perfectly worked here. You can manage the smallest processes, from mining from mining to installing additional armored vehicles.

Perhaps you will have to spend a lot of time to explore the entire functional, but the saving video or writing guide will help to deal with this. As it should be, there is a cooperative, so boldly call friends and begin to build a new marvelous world on the expanses of a huge galaxy.

MASTER OF ORION - manage the colonies

This game came out in 1996, but still a lot of pleasure lovers of global strategies can bring. Here the player can take control of one of the races and lead it to prosperity, producing resources, fighting with enemies and exciting new territories. The project is suitable for those who do not pay attention to the schedule and appreciates first of all gameplay.

Geimer will have to make an important choice at the very beginning - to choose the perfect race. The fact is that each race has features using which, you can achieve good results. On the other hand, if these features are missing and "bending" their line will not work. Good advice - Before starting the game, learn all information about races. And then move on.

Interestingly, some processes are borrowed here at a more popular member of the "Global Strategy Association" - "Civilization" became an inspiration for developers who created a similar management system. Thus, it was possible to redistribute the inhabitants of the planet and the installation for each of the groups of a certain occupation. Someone will deal with agriculture, someone will be entrusted with industrial production, and so on.

Total War Warhammer 2 - Perfect Strategy

From the very emergence of news about creating the second part of the sensational fantasy branch "Total War", the game became the main object for discussion on thematic forums. Articles on popular resources one after another were told about how large-scale and fantastically spectacular project would be. It was alleged that the developers took all the best from the first part and decided to create a coolest strategy of modernity. In fact, it turned out!

What are the strategies from "Total War" so famous? In them, you not only manage the wards on the global map and take care of the economy. When heavier times comes, you can take the army and go chop the enemy in real time on a real map with tens of thousands of units! That is why projects series are always heading top global strategies. The very cinema mass battles, from which goosebumps on the back, thanks to the "Total War" became available on the computer. From year to year, developers created new engines and improved them. With the release of the second part of the "Warhammer" based on the legendary universe, it became clear - now it is one of the most advanced strategy in all plans. Graphics shivel, the functionality is great, musical accompaniment admires.

Of course, it does not work out without small bugs and flaws, without mentioning which the review and description of the project would be too biased. But it is worth noting that the creators are closely in close contact with the community and quickly react to all comments. The result is constantly updated with corrections.

Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Building Civilization

Already the sixth part of the conquered world of the strategy entered the personal computers and pleases the fans of the genre. For those who have never heard about the "civilization" - this is a global economic step-by-step strategy where you can play for different cultures and civilizations. Gameplay not in real time, so there is time to think. Conquer the world a plot behind the site. Strategic opportunities are incredibly a lot:
- control the construction;
- Arm the army;
- conduct research;
- Create new technologies;
- Competently distribute resources and so on.

This is probably the best step-by-step simulator for the development of the world from the most ancient times to the cosmic era. There is hardly a project capable of competing "Tsive" in this regard.

Of course, a good player first study. Here this rule works as it is impossible. First you need to find a learning video over all interface functions. It will be a good ground for the future rule of the world. But you can not watch the video, dealing with everything yourself. If you wish, you can call friends and in the cooperative to arrange a global disassembly.

Europa Universalis IV - Huge Map

In the genre of top step-by-step global computer strategies, this is a real pearl. When gamers are asked than "Europe Universalis" differs from the rest, they answer: "She has a very developed economic component." True, war will be of particular importance in this game world, but for its conduct you need a large amount of funds. With the help of a multitude of interface functions, you will manage the state's economic life on a global map and lead it to victory over the other participants in the World Conflict.

For the PC Europa Universalis platform, it is quite optimized, but weak computers may experience difficulties - too many scripts are performed after each move.

Unfortunately, political simulators have recently been produced so often. From the novelties, it is possible to note the Vircities, published the other day for IOS, Android mobile platforms, Android and Windows Mobile. We still did not really have time to study her, but decided to remember other memorable representatives of this genre.

Tropico 4.\u003dplayer_embedded&am ..

Cozy simator dictator of the paradise island. You need to manage local ale president, as well as try to make it as long as possible for his position as long as possible. Cut the city, establish the infrastructure, get a state and hope that some sudden trouble (for example, Typhoon) will not hit the rating of your ward or his wallet. The game is primarily positioned as an economic strategy, but you cannot forget about internal and foreign policy: you do not want you to, for example, accused the death of the American president?

The most pleasant feature of Tropico is definitely humor and attention to detail. Do not even hope to create some kind of nonsense, and then avoid problems caused by an aggregate act. No, of course, you can tighten the nuts and create everything that the soul will do, but such a nominor can not stay for a long time.

Democracy 3.

Political strategy in which there is nothing superfluous. You choose the country and set the deadline for the board of the president, after which it is long and persistently trying to make the world a little better, as well as to enlist the maximum support of the population and win the following elections. All your actions lead to certain consequences, and, unfortunately, it is almost never getting to please all residents. The legalization of drugs, the introduction of a luxury tax or, for example, an increase in unemployment benefits will cause a positive or negative reaction in each layer of the population, will affect the economy and the overall situation in the country. How much will change the overall picture - it is always difficult to predict. The consequences seemingly the only correct solution to eliminate the crisis in some sphere through a couple of moves can lead to the death of your president.

The design of Democracy 3 is very ascetic and represents a huge table in which all the layers of the population, laws, statistics and individual situations are associated. There are no running men undergoing buildings or endless pop-ups with tips or warnings from the series "You need more gold" or "someone unhappy". But if you want to understand the principles of the country management and feel the heavy burden of the presidential share on their shoulders, then Democracy 3 is suitable as it is impossible.

President for a day: flooding

In this step-by-step strategy, you will also have to play the role of the president, the truth is quite a certain country - Pakistan. Not everything is so smooth: two weeks before re-election there is a large flood, and your ward will have a lot to work hard to conquer confidence of citizens: the state should not only save, but also to bring to a more or less decent standard of living. At the same time, the problems roll one after the other: people are starving and need asylum, the outbreaks of cholera begin, and even the rebels do not sleep, and God forbid themselves, nuclear weapons will fall into their hands.

President for a day: Flooding is a pretty simple, short, but bright and funny strategy that, however, can completely discourage the desire to run into the presidents (if any, of course you have, of course). Unlike most policies related to politics, President For A Day concentrates on the management of the country in an emergency, in fact, in this and there is its raisin.

Masters of the World: GeoPolitical Simulator 3

The geopolitical simulator in which military, economic and social problems have to be solved. Masters of the World: GeoPolitical Simulator 3 presents more than 170 states, and each of them is unique due to the huge number of parameters.

Conclude international contracts, collect a compromising on your neighbors, accumulate military power, establish relationships with your citizens, improve infrastructure and try not to get confused in a huge number of features of this game - they are so many that it is easy to lose something from the view. All your actions will constantly be placed on the review - nothing hits anything from the weekly newspaper (and from citizens).

SuperPower 2.

Global strategy with 192 countries and multiplayer on 32 players. As in Masters of The World: GeoPolitical Simulator 3, each state has its own characteristics (the level of corruption in Russia is most memorable in Russia - 57.7%). In addition, it is sometimes possible to adjust certain parameters of the state at its discretion: choose the main religions, prohibit women to participate in elections or, for example, legalize children's work. True, it is unknown, as such "necessary" for the country measures will react its citizens.

SuperPower 2 is more aimed at foreign policy: the results of all sorts of agreements, negotiations and treaties are becoming visible almost immediately, and military actions are thought out until espionage and launch of nuclear warheads. But if you overdo it with your aggression - on the WAC will run out almost the entire globe.

All the games listed by us already suggest that you will manage a person who has achieved power. If you want to start a career from scratch, then try the Vircities, an economic strategy with elements of a life simulator in a metropolis where the player has to conquer the city, using all his skills, and go through an interesting way from a private resident to the mayor who manages the whole city.

The main feature of this game is that only other gamers are struggling with you under the sun under the sun - in Vircities there is no NPC. And if you defeat in her elections - it means that most players actually voted for you.

Series Warhammer 40,000

Release date:1992-2011

Genre: Real-time strategy

The Warhammer 40,000 series is the most popular and one of the best-selling games. Fans are constantly waiting for the release of a new game. The most famous is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player chooses a race (imperial guard, cosmodeant, tau, necrons, orcs, chaos, eldars every game appears all new races) for which he wants to play, after which it chooses the place that wants to capture and fights with that race that owns this Earth.

The battle occurs in real time on the terrain on which the battle occurs. Players capture special points that give influence and build generators giving energy, buildings, troops are built on these resources, improvements. Each race has its own troops, super units and heroes and abilities. The goal of the game in the campaign to capture all the land and become the patron saint of all lands.

Civilization series

Release date:1991-2013

Genre: Global step-by-step strategy

In Civilization, a complete model of human development was created since the most ancient times and until modern day, the player must create and develop his mighty empire, among other competitors, the victory could be a military victory over everyone, the victory on points, the game ends in 2050 or the culture or Build a spacecraft and fly to Alpha Centaur. The strength and development of civilization consists of the development and creation of new cities, the creation of production in the cities of troops, scientific and military research. Also in the game you can create wonders of light.

For the prosperity of civilization, the player should be able to focus and balance between scientific progress, the increase in military power, the replenishment of the treasury, the development of infrastructure and culture, diplomatic contacts and trade with other civilizations. The player can participate in historical events that occurred, managed leaders such as Stalin, Napalon, Ramses II, Catherine II, and so on. Which series is the best difficult to say. Someone says that part is the best, someone that fourth. Graphics adherents say that the fifth best of this series.

Warcraft III

Genre: Real-time strategies with RPG elements

In the people, the so-called "Varik" was one of the most anticipated games: more than 4.5 million preliminary orders and more than one million copies of the game sold in less than a month, which made it the most quickly soldered computer game the game received a large number of positive reviews, many Editions celebrated the game titles "Best Game of the Year" and "Best Strategy of the Year." Also, the game received high marks and players.

The game has 4 races: alliance (people), undead, hordes (orcs) and night elves. Each race has its own unique heroes, which in battles receive experience and a new level. With each level, new Hero's abilities are opening. Also, the heroes can buy or lift the objects from the mounted mobs that improve the combat characteristics of the heroes and the surrounding troops. On different cards, players capture mines with gold and extract the forest, these resources are building base and units and improve their characteristics.


Genre:Step-by-step strategy with RPG elements

Heroes of Might and Magic III Step-by-step fantasy game, the third part of the series has become a cult and acquired many fans around the world. Despite the outdated schedule, thousands of players around the world are still playing. The fourth and fifth of the game came out already with better graphics and improved Gypelem, so if you are not a fan of old games, and love graphics, it is best to play in the last parts.

The player travels on a global map heroes that manage the mythical creatures, exploring new lands capturing cities and fighting enemies. On the map, the player moves only one hero and can only go through a certain distance or to make one or more actions, after which he misses the move and already enemies under the control of the computer make their move. Attacking the enemies you move in combat mode, the army of enemies and your army of creatures stand opposite each other, moving in turns of the combat units need to destroy enemies. With the development of cities, you can open up new features and spells. Hiring troops.

Starcraft II.

Genre:real-time strategy

Starcraft II is the second part of the cult first part of the first part of the 1998 part of the game became the most anticipated game of the year due to the great popularity of the first part and fully justified their hopes from the players. Many gaming Russian and foreign portals put the game with an estimate of over 9 points out of 10, 9.3 points received in the player ranking.

The plot of the game and all actions occur in the distant future, and the most accurates of the XXVI century in the distant part of the Galaxy Milky Way. Three races terrans, zergs, and protozes oppose each other. Players produce two types of mineral resources and gas supplies to which after which build buildings and hire combat units. The main task is to destroy the base of the enemy. Each type of units has its strong and weak parties, so to destroy certain types of troops of the enemy, you need to hire troops that are well destroyed.

Total War Series Best Rome: Total War

Genre:step-by-step global strategy, real-time strategy

Total War Rus. "Total War" series of games that has already seven games and various additions. Different games cover different temporary historical periods and states. The most popular and cult is Rome: Total War in 2004 the actions in which occur in ancient Rome during the republic from 270 years before. e. until 14 years old e. For example, Shogun actions: Total War occur in Japan Shogun: Total War in the XVI century where the praying dynasties oppose each other. Empire: Total War - during the days of European colonial wars and so on.

Gameplay games are very similar to Civilization. The player manages troops, cities and settlements at the global point. After completing all actions, the player misses the move after which competitors managed AI make their move. If you or your enemy attack each other, then you move to the tactical map, where you are managed in real mode by all your troops, attacking them and placing in convenient positions on the map.


Release date:1996 and 2000

Genre:Real-time strategy

Red Alert - the game released in the last century and capturing the minds and souls of gamers around the world, thousands of people are still playing in it, more than 30 million copies sold. The action of the game unfolds in an alternative story, where allies troops protect Europe from the aggressive Soviet Union. The player can choose one of two warring parties: Alliance or USSR. Accordingly, the goal of the game for the Allies is to stop Stalin, until he seized the whole world, for the USSR - to achieve full seizure of Europe. Depending on the side of the selected side, the victory of the player leads to one of the two alternative endings.

The battles in the game are held on the ground, so on the water and in the air. Each party can have its base and can train land forces, air force and navy. Each party also has unique features ,. player mechanics is that even a simple infantryman can destroy the tank. The tank can easily destroy the machine-gun dot, a small group of grenadeometers will also easily cope with the tank, if it is not covered with anti-personnel technique or infantry, which forced various types of troops in battle.

EUROPA Universalis Game Series

Release date: 2000-2013

Genre:step-by-step global strategy

Continuing a series of global EUROPA Universalis strategies. Like previous games of the series, the third part invites you to head one of the states of the world . The essence of the game: Develop national ideas that give the game powers of certain advantages; As new state technologies are discovered, it is possible to choose one of the national ideas. The action of the game takes place in real time, but the reaction speeds from the player is not required, since at any moment the game can be paused. The game occurs on a schematic shown world map, broken into more than 1,500 marine and ground provinces.

Playing can take control of any country from those who existed in this historical period (about 200 states). Under his control is the country's economy, the formation of armies and fleets and the management of them, diplomacy, the introduction of new technologies, the internal policy of the state, the change in the state religion and the colonization of new lands.

The feature of the game is to bind to real history (I note that in the third part of the series is no longer pronounced to the history and gameplay more free); There are predefined historical rulers in advance for each country, each of which has certain abilities affecting the game that existed in reality of the commander (such as Suvorov or Napoleon I Bonaparte), pioneers, researchers and navigators (such as Columbus, Ermak and Fernan Magellan ), as well as historical events that usually occur in the same country and at the same time as in real history (for example, in 1517 an event occurs, which gives you the opportunity to go to Protestantism)

Company of Heroes 1,2

Release date: 2006

Genre:Real-time strategy

The Gameplay of Company of Heroes is very similar to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player commands whole detachments of fighters, but there are separate unique units. Each detachment has a scale of lives (not a separate fighter) and if during damage to the detachment of life ends, the whole detachment dies. A player can equip various weapons, fading of infantry, choosing some weapon for a promising in battle. After the death of the detachment there is a weapon that can be chosen and arm a different detachment. This also applies to the stationary type weapon, such as anti-tank guns, machine guns and mortars.

Each party in the game is divided into three unique direction-infantry, landing and tank Americans and defensive, offensive and propaganda in Germans, the promotion of which gives access to new combat units and attacks (for example, attacks of attack aircraft). Another important difference is that squads and units in the game have three levels of experience. After the destruction of the enemy, a new level is obtained which increases damage, speed, health, armor, or a combat units overview, depending on its type.

The game has three types of resources: weapons, fuel and personnel. Personal composition is used to build buildings, hiring new combat units, both infantry and armored vehicles, fuel, in turn, for building buildings and armored vehicles, and weapons - to provide detachments with additional weapons, for example, a grenade launcher, for artillery and air strikes or for In order for your technique to receive new opportunities. Resource replenishment is carried out using checkpoints.

Age of Empires III

Genre:Real-time strategy

Age of Empires III Strategy deserved worldwide recognition due to its innovative and fascinating gameplay. Age of Empires received large ratings on gaming portals and magazines. A feature of this game is a competently worked artificial intelligence (the opponent whom the computer manages). The player manages one of the powers (United Kingdom, Prussia, Holland, Spain, Portugal, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, France), which went to conquer the New World (America).

The main action takes place in the colonies, on the map usual for such games, but now each power has a native city in the old world. He serves the only goal - the help of his colony. In the game three resources: food, tree and money. Which produce various buildings. Transitions between epochs, five era: research, colonization, fortresses, industrial and epoch of the Empire. Military Academy training, bandages sends soldiers in colonies. The infantry depends on the national affiliation of the city, the Spaniards will have Rovelero, and the Russians - Sagittarius and Cossacks. The Academy also has improved troops.

Battles occur in real time. The maximum number of squad and a group of soldiers allocated by the "Frame", - 50 units. The shooting infantry has four buildings: ordinary Sherga, which is convenient for firing salvo, rarefied system, reduced losses from artillery fire, hand-to-hand combat and kara. There are three buildings of melee, two of the same, the same neighbor and kara, and a circular construction for the cover of the shooters. Cavalry learned three buildings - all the same short battle and kara, as well as the onset of low speed, but with damage to the area.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Genre:Strategy, Step Tactic, Tactical RPG

The game is a remake (alteration) of the popular and old X-COM game: UFO Defense released from 1993. Aliens attack the planet and the aliens begin to the alien invasion. The game is being conducted on behalf of the commander of the secret international organization XCOM (division to combat aliens), which has the most advanced technologies, weapons and scientific developments of humanity. It employs the best specialists in the world - military and scientists. The organization should conduct combat actions against aliens, threatening the existence of human civilization.

The player is provided by the central base of XCOM, which is carried out by strategic management of the organization: observation of the actions of the aliens on the global world map with the help of a satellite network, the distribution of funding for the development of scientific and technical potential, weapons and placement of interceptors for the destruction of flying plates, as well as carrying out combat operations against Aliens by the forces of existing fighters in ground skirmishes. The base is represented by the player in the form of a "ant farm" - the slicer of the soil, allowing to look at the room "side".

In the tactical battle fighters to perform up to two steps in turn - a run, shot, throwing grenades, the use of a first-hand aid kit. Each fighter has only three characteristics: accuracy, willpower and health glasses.
After the first progress in the rank of soldiers receives a specialization. It can be an attack aircraft, sniper, heavy infantryman or support soldier.


Genre:real-time strategy

Early graphics and three-dimensional gaming space - the implementation of six degrees of freedom (you can consider the battlefield, a combat fleet at different angles) movement of gaming objects and the presence of a thought-out fleet control in three dimensions. A rich and complex plot, gradually dropping directly during the game. In the next gaming mission, the player receives that fleet that completed the previous one.

At the beginning of the game, the player can choose a fleet of two races, either Taidan: on the future plot it is not reflected in any way, only combat units are changing. The key feature of the fleet both Kushan and Taidan is the presence of the main parent ship that performs the role of the main base of operations. The maternal ship has its own armament, and a hypervigator that allows you to overcome a significant space.

The entire space fleet is divided into a combat fleet and a support fleet. The support fleet includes special ships, such as a collector and resource controller, research ship, probe, ship detector of invisible ships, gravitational well generator. The combat fleet is divided into classes: Small ships are fighters, corvettes, heavy ships - frigates, superheassed ships, flagships.

Series of Stronghold Games

Release date: 2001-2014

Genre:real-time strategy

The game system of all games of the series is based on an economic simulator of a medieval city or castle. The games have a number of unique parameters characteristic only for games of the Stronghold series. So, in the first stronghold, the "Popularity" parameter was introduced for the first time, affecting the performance and number of the population. The combat system is standard for strategies - direct management of groups of units. Economic component is one of the main games in the Games. There are quite complicated and long production chains. As a rule, in the Games series, the greater attention is paid precisely the economic, not military component of medieval castles.

In all the games of the series, except Stronghold Kingdoms, there are campaigns (series of plot-related missions) and map editor mode. In Stronghold, a single campaign, in other games there are several campaigns.

In all games, except Stronghold and Stronghold Kingdoms, there is an opportunity to play against computer opponents on the selected map. In Stronghold and Stronghold 2 there is a mode of siege (siege or lock protection without conducting the economy). In the first games of the series (to Stronghold 2 inclusive) there is a free construction regime (economy without war).


Genre:Real-time strategy, God simulator

Spore game is a simulator of the evolution of life on the planet, as well as a strategy and space simulator. The goal of the game is to develop a creature from a microorganism to an advanced space race. During the passage of the game, it is possible to make changes in a creature, improving its characteristics.

At the beginning of the game, a microorganism living in aquatic environment falls on the player's control. At this stage, the game is to survive, the microorganism must be eaten by pieces of meat or algae, and try not to eat other carnivorous creatures. With eating food cell grows and turns into a microorganism. After that, the creature is chosen on the ground, where it also develops. Over time, under your leadership, a tribe, civilization and space that you will have to manage.

Ground Control 1,2

Release date: 2000 g, 2004

Genre:Tactical Strategy in Real Time

This game was an advanced game of your genre and gained many awards. Ground Control has a three-dimensional graphics and a freely rotating camera that allows the player to look at the battle from any angle. The game completely lacks resource collection, database development and research. Player's goal is to control a limited number of combat units and performing various tasks with their help.

The main goal of the game is the destruction of the troops and the opponent buildings using the features of the relief and the strengths of their own army. Combat units include various types of armored vehicles, airplanes and soldiers delivered to orbital shuttle battlefield. After the start of the next mission, the player cannot cause reinforcements, which requires a thorough choice of combat units and their configuration to battle.

The most important element of the game is a requirement for a tactical approach in any situation. Each detachment has its pronounced strengths and weaknesses. Combat units are combined into detachments. The player can give orders only to the detachments, although the units themselves will fight and get damage separately. There are four categories of detachments: infantry, armored vehicles, support, and aviation. The player can choose the configuration of each individual detachment to the battle. For example, a tank squad Craven Corporation may exist in four configurations: reconnaissance, light, basic, and heavy. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so different configurations are suitable for different tasks.


Release date: 1995-2010

Genre:Real-time strategy

jeria of successful computer games that has the greatest sales among strategy series. The action of the game is unfolding in an alternative time reality, conventionally modern in which all over the world there is a war between the two global groups - the international UN military forces, united in the global defense initiative, and the military-religious fraternity of the Node led by his charismatic leader Kane, fighting for The possession of an alien substance Tiberius, slowly propagating throughout the planet.

The gameplay of the game is based on the principle - the resources to build the base to destroy the enemy. The only source of money (loans) in the game is Tiberius. Another important resource in the game is electricity produced by only energy stations. The various structures and units produced by the player together form a technological tree in which access to technologically more perfect, and, accordingly, more expensive structures and units. The base can be protected by various facilities, which include both barrier fortifications.