"Scary fortune telling" - the story of A. Bestumeva-Marlinsky

"Scary fortune telling" - the story of A. Bestumeva-Marlinsky

To read the story of Bestumeva Marlinsky, at least in order to have time to spend time to have time to do what the whole life dreamed about - to live a full life. Short, but complete events and heroism life is much better than a long and boring, when everything is beautiful, love, bringing pain and pleasure is postponed for later, and this "then" never comes.

We throw out other books and plunge into the fantastic world of terrible stories of Bestumev-Marlinsky. In the scenario of life offered by the writer, the scale and quality of heroism are important, and not a tedious digging in everyday life.

Everyday, if not affects physical wounds, injures the soul of each of us. She kills the soul of each of us. You only need to firmly to each of us that he is nothingness, scoundrel, stupid, fat, ugly, unhappy. This list is infinite. Then each of us will constantly feel the feeling of guilt for being born.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky makes each of us feel the hero, the writer does it so delicately and convincingly that we stop the wander in the desert of loneliness, but turn into the heroes that are able to work every second. For love. For the sake of honor.

To read Bestumeva Marlinsky to find out that at all, N. V. Gogol, N. V. Gogol, told the story about terrible fortune telling and fantastic metamorphoses ... to learn about the man who was grateful to M. Yu. Lermontov for recreating Caucasian exotic. Bestuzhev's entrepreneur is just needed to discover the importance of the term "Marlinism" to categorically disagree with Vissarion Belinsky, who considered Marlinsky a failed writer and a representative of "false romanticism".

The people say: "It's good to scare someone who is afraid." The works of Marlinsky are not frightened, but teach each of us to be strong, bothering, able to overcome obstacles, fight with enemies and win, if your right. And let you enter into an unequal battle, know, the clean heart is able to defeat even the most skilled and dangerous enemy.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky was not afraid of his destiny, she walked over her. The enviousness accused him of the absence of talent, egoism, called the killer, but he never inclined his head in front of the naval, nor before the deadly danger. Participation in the uprising of the Decembrists interrupted his brilliant career, but he adequately moved all the trials, remaining the faithful son of his fatherland and, most importantly, an honest person.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky proved with his own life: you should not be afraid of fate. He met his death in battle. His body has not been found. It turned out to be prophetic words that once chose a writer: "And I will die away from homeland and will ..."

A. Sukhomlinsky that there are only three things that need to be argued in boys and boys, - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man. To get acquainted with the history of life of a real man, a writer, poet, a military and Decembrist, who remained faithful to himself and his beliefs.

Terrible gadal

Dedicated to Peter Stepanovich Lutkovsky

Long ago
Repelled the possibility of the spirit of darkness;
But to a wonderful always inclined heart,
My friends; Who was not a gloomy? ..

I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, they would be horrified! Everything that the poets are so loved so that women are so frightly played, in which lovers are trying to pretend so, in me, it was boiling, like melted copper, over who and the pairs, not finding the source, were lit with the flame. But I have always been ridiculous to pity, sighs with your gingerbread hearts: I was miserable to the contempt of notebooks with our winter delight, with their memorable expressions, and to get into the number of them seemed to be wary of everything in the world. No, it was not me; In my love there was a lot of strange, wonderful, even wild; I could be incomprehensible, but never funny. Farmer, mighty passion rolls like a lava; She carries and burns all the oncoming; Destroying herself, destroys the oblasts in the ashes and at least a moment, but turns even the cold sea into a pile boiler.

So I loved ... Let's call her at least Polyno. All that a woman can inspire, all that a man can feel, was inspired and felt. She belonged to another, but it only raised the price of her reciprocity, only more irritated the blind passion of my, trembling hope. My heart should have been terminated if I closed him silence: I knocked him as a crowded vessel, before my lovedness of a woman; I told the flame, and my speech found a review in her heart. Until now, when I remember about the assurance that I love, every veil in me trembles like a string, and if the pleasures of earthly bliss can be expressed by sounds, then, of course, the sounds like! When I got down for the first time my mouthpiece to her hand, my soul disappeared in this touch! I thought it was as if I was crushed into a zipper; So quickly, so air, so dust it was feeling this if it can be called feeling. But briefly was my bliss: Polina was as much string as charming. She loved me how never I was not loved by Dotol, as I never love forward: gently, passionately and flawlessly ... What was cherished to me, it was worth more tears for her than me myself. She so trustingly indulged by the protection of my generosity, so noblely begged to save the most from the scream, which would be asent of the trust.

- Nice! We are far from vice, "she said," but is it always far from weakness? Who is trying to be often powerful, he prepares a fall; We should see how much you can see!

Sticking my heart I gave the floor to avoid any meetings with her.

And now he has been traced for three weeks, as I did not see Polina. It is necessary to tell you that I served in the Seversky Konnoegerer regiment, and we were then in the Oryol province ... Let me beat about the county. My squadron was located near the estate of Muga Polina. About the most saints, our regiment received the statement to speak in the Tula province, and I had a rather hardness of the spirit to leave without slipping. I confess that the fear of changing the secret in the presence of others more than modesty, kept me. To deserve her respect, it was necessary to abandon love, and I endured the experience.

In vain invited the surrounding landowners for the farewell holidays; In vain, comrades, who, too, almost, did not have a heart rate, persuaded to return from the transition to the ball, - I stood hard.

On the eve of the new year we made the third transition and settled on the day. One-Odystene, in Kurknaya Hut, I lay on a hiking bed my, with the Black Duma on the mind, with a heavy crash in my heart. I have not smired out for a long time since the soul, even in the circle of friends: their conversation became unanswered to me, their cheerfulness excited in me bile, their attentiveness - annoyance for extra charge; Therefore, the stronger I was frowning alone, because all comrades were driving on guests; The darkness was in my soul: it could not be smelly than any sequilament of outdoor greeliness, no accidental entertainment. And now I went to me by the riding from the friend, with an invitation to the evening to the old His owner, prince Lion's. They ask for sure: they have a feast mountain; Beauty is a star on the star, the swollen swarm, and the champagne spilled sea. In the assistee, as if she was passing, he informed that there would be Polina. I broke out ... my feet trembled, the heart was boiled. I walked around the hut for a long time, I lay for a long time, as if in forgetting the hotness; But the laster of blood did not subside, the cheeks were burning with a bugger glow, a reflections of a peace of mind; There was a challenge in the chest. Ride or not to go for this evening? Another once to see her, to breathe in one with her air, hens her voice, to pray the last forgive! Who would resist against such temptations? I rushed into the trim and rocked back, to the village of Prince Lionskogo. It was two hours for noon when I went from place. After a twenty-miles on their own, I then took the postal trip from the station and was still twenty-two versts safely. From this station I was already taught with a big road. The statute well done on the dick horses took me to deliver per hour for eighteen miles, in the village princess.

I sat down, - Katay!

It was already dark when we left the yard, however, the street was boiling by the people. Young guys, in velvet hats, in blue cafts, were pacing, holding a fellow comrades; Girls in the holy fur coats, covered with bright Chinese, went rounds; Everywhere the festive songs were heard, the lights flashed in all windows, and the burning rays were burning in many gates. Well done, my driver, standing in the headline Sanya, proudly smoked "Padi!" And, having hijacked, bowed to those who recognized him, very satisfied, hearing for themselves: "Out of our Alek rolls! Where, falcon, gathered? " etc. Having noted from the crowd, he turned to me with previation:

- Well, Barin, hold on! - laid the right mitten under the left mouse, led the naked hand over the triple, glaked, and the horses were swayed as Vikhore! The Spirit took me from the speed of their scope: they suffered us. As a vertical shuttle on the shawls, tumbled, lying around and jumped sleigh in both directions; My cab driver, overlooking the nagging and powerfully overwhelming the winds, fought for a long time with passionate power of stagnant horses; But I wondered only incited their rage. Moting his heads, having embarked in smoky nostrils to the wind, they rushed forward, brewing a blizzard over the sleigh. Such cases are so common for each of us that I, grabbing the irradiation, was quietly lying inside and, so to speak, admired this speed of travel. None of the foreigners can comprehend wild pleasure - to rush on a mad troika, like thought, and in the flight of the flight to eat a new selflessness. The dream has already transferred me to the ball. My God, how I will scare and I will give a policeman with my unexpected appearance! I'm wound, they caress me; The world is concluded, and I can't hurt with it in dancing ... And meanwhile, the whistle of the air seemed to me the music, and the flames of the hedge, the forests - the distrect crowds of the guests in a mad waltz ... Creek Crack, asking for help, called me from charm. Grabbing two entrances, I was so twisted the head was indigenous, which, overlooking suddenly, she almost jumped out of the clamp. Topcha and Fyrkkaya, finally stopped by exhausted runners, and when Other cloud, and the breeze spawned a couple, swinging over her horses:

- Where are we? - I asked the pot, meanwhile, as he pulled the broken artlessness and remembered the break. The smear timidly looked around.

- Give God's memory, Barin! - he answered. "We have long been killed with a big road to fall along the snowdrift of the bumps, and I do not confess something to this soul. Not this is a bunch of sink, because the Andronova is a fogging?

I was not fused on either the crucible from his topographic guesses; Impatient to come to overcoming me, and I with the annoyance beat my leg about the leg, meanwhile as my boyfriend ran to find the road.

- Well?

- Bad, Barin! - he answered. - In a good hour to pray, I will silent at thin, we left for a black lake!

- The better, the brother! If there is a sign, to leave not the debt of the song; Sit down and shouted in the tail and in the mane!

- What is better, Barin; This sign will start the severity where, the pump objected. Here my uncle saw a mermaid: I hear you, sits on a bitch, and she swayed, and the hair itself scratches, the brass is such that passion; Or's such a lubricant - ply, and only. And all nagging like my palm.

- Well, did he kiss the beauty? - I asked.

- Christ with you, Barin, what are you kidding it? She listens, so let me remember that you will not forget new brooms. Uncle with a fright is not to delay or read it, it didn't even have time to eat, as she, jealous of him, walked, hit his hands, and the buggy into the water. With this, the Schalu, Barin, he wandered around the day around and about, and when he looked home, barely had a tongue: might in animals, and only! And Kum Timosh Kulak, the rolling was held here; You hear you, he threw off a pig, and that's why I knew my feet! It's good that Timosh and himself in the devil does not know the power: as a leapfall went on it, yes, she grabbed her ears, she went to go huddled him, and herself squeales good math; I dragged the most cockpit, and at dawn found it under the congress from Gavryushka, that the daughter of Krasovita. Yes, or here it is fading! .. Serega oblique how to paint ...

- beat your affection to another case, - I objected, - I, right, no time yes no and hunting to be afraid! .. If you do not want, so that the mermaid lasted you to death or do not want to sleep with a cake under an ice blanket, then look for you Mostly the road.

We walked entirely, in the snowdrifles above the knee. On trouble, our sky was dotted with a pellena, through which the fluffy fascia was sown; Without seeing the month, it was impossible to know where the east and where the West. The deceptive gleam between the armor lured us right to the right, then left ... That's, you think, the road is visible ... you reach out - this is a slope of the ravine or a shadow of some tree! Some birds and hare trails flew mysterious nodes in the snow. The bell sounded in the arc, two every heavy step, horses steed, hanging his head; The cab driver, pale as a canvas, mumbled prayers, sentencing that we were bypassed, which we need to endure the fur coats up the fur and put on an inside out to the cross. I shattered in the snow and ropal loudly on everything and at all, leaving myself with an annoyance, and time flowed, and where is the end of this damned path?! It is necessary to be in a similar position, it is necessary to be in love and hurry on the ball to imagine all my anger at that time ... it would be very funny if it were not very dangerous.

However, the annoyance did not bring us on the old road and did not protrude the new one; The image of Polina, who danced in front of me, and a feeling of jealousity, that she spins now with some lucky, he listens to his brushing, maybe, answers them, did not help me in search of them. Dressed with a heavy bear with noise, I could not otherwise go like a naval, and therefore the wind penetrated me through, Olondeniaya on the body of a droplet of sweat. My feet, shoe in light dance boots, were shredded and quenched, and it came to the point that it was not necessary to take care of not about the ball, but about life, so as not to finish it in the desert field. We listened in vague: Nowhere to the Otradny light, anywhere the voices of the human, even a flight of a bird nor the creeks of the beast. Only snoring our horses, or the fight hoofs from impatience, or, occasionally, the bryaknay of the bell tower, awesome, violated the surrounding silence. We looked sullenly with a circle of firings, like the dead, coated in Saven Savana, as if stretching to us the glaced hands; Busta, fed by clocks, spoiled on the pale surface of the shade field their own; Duck, burnt stumps, imaging gray cosmas, took dreamy images; But all this did not pass the footprint or the hands of the human ... Catch and the desert of the neighbor!

The young cab driver was dressed at all did not rise in price and, permeable on the cold, sharpened.

- know, I sinned before God, - he said, - that such death is punished; Drill like Tatar, without confession! It is hard to part with white light, just fed a foam with honey bowl; Yes, and wherever went to the post, and then on holidays. That's what I will curse Blugged my old woman! That will say my Tanya!

I was touched by simple complaints of a kind young man; Expensive would be expensive to be as tempting, as Mila was my life to me so that I also believed in love and loyalty. However, in order to raise his sleep, I ordered him again to go into the course of the muddy, keeping the movement with warmth. So we walked another half an hour, how suddenly the guy was cried with joy:

- Here he is, here he!

- Who is he? I asked, jumping on deep snow closer.

The rocket did not answer me; falling on his knees, he looked at something with delight; It was a track horse. I am sure that no poor man was so glad to find a bag with gold, as my boyfriend is a faithful sign and a vow of life. In fact, soon we got out on a brisk wood road; Horses, as if sickly night, joyfully put the ears and rushed; We strive to fly around her where the eyes look. After a quarter of an hour were already in the village, and how my driver recognized her, he brought him straight to the hollow peasant himself.

Confidence returned the vigor and the strength of the Izyarly guy, and he did not enter the hut, as long as he did not curse a beggar on the street of the seedy members, did not squeeze his hands and cheeks, even as long as she took her horses. I went on some legs, and therefore, wiped them in the Seine, the Sukonko, I was already sitting under the saints in five minutes, behind the table, a diligently lost with a welcoming owner and hitting the ball at rural sites.

First, everyone got up; But, giving me a rhenium bow, they satisfied as before and only sometimes, trushing and whispering between him, seems to be a word about the unexpected Guest. The rows of the Melodian in the Niza Kikov, in Kokoshniki and the Red Girls in the bandages of multicolored, with long braids, in which the triangular sinks were crowded, and the slices were woven, they were very closely sitting on the shops, so as not to give a breakdown between his place - Of course, the Spirit, and Not a man, because many guys have found a means to go through between.

Well done in Pestridden or Sitz shirts with oblique galloon gates and in the cloth kaftani came around or, gathered in a handful, shifted, clicked nuts, and one of the most amiable, shifting a hatching cap, branded on the balalaica "from under the oak, from Vsey " The gray-robed father's father lay on the stove, going face to us, and, shaking his head, looked at the games of young people; For frames of the picture, two or three picturesque children's heads, which, leaving on their arms and yawning, looked out, looking down. Gadania for the new year went the usual turning line. The rooster, fastened in the circle of whose oblivion was the nominal bunch of oats and barley with the rings buried in them, honored to peck from whom, arranged an inevitable wedding for a fortuneteller or a migratory ... Cut the dish with a bowl in which the pieces were covered with sprinkle bread, coal , I could not achieve the meanings of which I could not achieve, and the rings of girls, they all began to run-up songs, this lottery of the fate and its sentences. I sadly listened to the sonorous jerseys, which were erected in a ladian strokes in the bowl.

Thank God in the sky,
Sovereign to this land!
So that the truth was the beautiful sun light;
Golden Picking Age Full-Full!
To hits it not to express it,
Its dresses are not flawed,
His faithful nobles do not age!
Already we sing bread,
Bread is honored!
Large rivers Glory to the sea,
Small rivers to the mill!
Old people on fun
Good young on the hear,
Two rainbows bloomed in the sky,
The Red Maiden has two joy,
With a cute friend, the Council
And dissolved soiled!
Pike walked from Noovagoda,
The tail was carried out of the lake.
Schuchka head silver,
W. pinching spin pearl wicker;
And the eye is an expensive diamond!
Golden brocade fluttering
Someone is going to the road on the road.

They succumb to good and glory, but, warrant, I did not think to listen to endless and inevitable reflore covers; My heart was far away, and I myself flew to fly after him. I began to teach the youth to take me to the prince. To their honor, although to his annoyance, it must say that no fee lured them from funny heart. Everyone said that they have bad or exhausted horses. There was no San Owl, with another horseshoe without spikes, the third hand hurts.

The owner assured that he would send his son and without warfare, yes, he had a pair of good horses to the city of the assessor ... Charks are frequent, the head is alone, and here's the third day, right, celebrate in the sidelice.

"Yes, you want to know your mercy," she sewed one krasnobay, shaking curls, "now night, and the case is a batch." We have the brave people on our work: whether they are not afraid to run for Ovina, they are not afraid to run for Ovina, in the field to listen to a bell wedding ringing, or in the old bath, so that there was a brotherhood of a brotherhood on richestics, and today the tails pressed ... After all then the new year hello senokos.

- Full you, Vanka, the fears of telling! - cried several thin ballots.

- What is full? - continued Vanka. - Ask-ka from the wedding: Is it good for the damns of a wedding train, what she saw yesterday, looking behind the twins for a month in the mirror? They go, they are fistleted, rod ... As if alive, they are committed. She says one banenal

litched by the Gorgean Old Town Son Afona and one knee sticks: Sit down and sit in Sani. From the circle, know, louses. Well, that her mind almost with the braid, it was published.

- No, Barin, - Pretched the other, - Although Silver, hardly, is unlikely to take you to take you! The circle of the lake is the wheel of the vert twenty will, and through the ice to go without trouble trouble; cracks and worn in darkness; I'll joke sly, you will go pockets to catch cancers.

- And led, - said the third. - Now the hell is the fencing soon: from the claws of each other, the prey is torn.

- Fully shave, "said Krasnobay. - I found a valve. Black Angel, or, in a book, so to speak, an Efiopa, always for each person behind the left shoulder stands yes, I do not get to the worship, how to push the sin. Did you do not hear, what was the Friday on the desert about past sibilities?

"... I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, - they would be horrified! ... "

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Terrible fortune (A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, 1831) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

Dedicated to Peter Stepanovich Lutkovsky

Long ago

Repelled the possibility of the spirit of darkness;

But to a wonderful always inclined heart,

My friends, who was not a Greater? ..

... I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, they would be horrified! Everything that the poets are so loved so that women are so frightly played, in which lovers are trying to pretend so, in me, it was boiling, like melted copper, over who and the pairs, not finding the source, were lit with the flame. But I was always ridiculous to pity, sighs with their gingerbread hearts; I was miserable to the contempt of notebooks with your winter delight, with their memorable expressions, and to get into the number of them for me seemed the worse than everything in the world.

No, it was not me; In my love there was a lot of strange, wonderful, even wild; I could be incomprehensible, but ridiculous - never. Farmer, mighty passion rolls like a lava; She carries and burns all the oncoming; Destroying herself, destroys the oblasts in the ashes and at least a moment, but turns even the cold sea into a pile boiler.

So I loved ... Let's call her at least Polyno. All that a woman can inspire, all that a man can feel, was inspired and felt. She belonged to another, but it only raised the price of her reciprocity, only more irritated the blind passion of my, trembling hope. My heart should have been terminated if I closed him silence: I knocked him as a crowded vessel, before my lovedness of a woman; I told the flame, and my speech found a review in her heart. Until now, when I remember about the assurance that I love, every veil in me trembles like a string, and if the pleasures of earthly bliss can be expressed by sounds, then, of course, the sounds like! When I got down for the first time my mouthpiece to her hand, my soul disappeared in this touch! I thought that I was crushed in a zipper: so quickly, so air, so it was a feeling that could be called feeling.

But briefly was my bliss: Polina was as much string as charming. She loved me how never I was not loved by Dotol, as I never love forward: gently, passionately and flawlessly ... What was cherished to me, it was worth more tears for her than me myself. She so trustingly indulged by the protection of my generosity, so noblely begged to save the most from the scream, which would be asent of the trust.

- Nice! We are far from vice, "she said," but is it always far from weakness? Who is trying to be often powerful, he prepares a fall; We should see how much you can see!

Just a heart, I gave the floor to avoid any meetings with her.

And now he has been traced for three weeks, as I did not see Polina. It is necessary to tell you that I served in the Seversky Konnoegerer regiment, and we were then in the Oryol province ... Let me beat about the county. My squadron was located near the estate of Muga Polina. About the most saints, our regiment received the statement to speak in the Tula province, and I had a rather hardness of the spirit to leave without slipping. I confess that the fear of changing the secret in the presence of others more than modesty, kept me. To deserve her respect, it was necessary to abandon love, and I endured the experience.

In vain invited the surrounding landowners for the farewell holidays; In vain, comrades, who, too, almost, did not have a heart rate, persuaded to return from the transition to the ball, - I stood hard.

On the eve of the new year we made the third transition and settled on the day. One-Odystene, in Kurknaya Hut, I lay on a hiking bed my, with the Black Duma on the mind, with a heavy crash in my heart. I have not smired out for a long time since the soul, even in the circle of friends: their conversation became unanswered to me, their cheerfulness excited in me bile, their attentiveness - annoyance for extra charge; Therefore, the stronger I was frowning alone, because all comrades were driving on guests; The darkness was in my soul: it could not be smelly than any sequilament of outdoor greeliness, no accidental entertainment.

And now I went to me by the riding from the friend, with an invitation to the evening to the old His owner, prince Lion's. They ask for sure: they have a feast mountain; Beauty is a star with a star, a swarm, and champagne spilled sea. In the assistee, as if she was passing, he informed that there would be Polina. I broke out ... my feet trembled, the heart was boiled. I walked around the hut for a long time, I lay for a long time, as if in forgetting the hotness; But the laster of blood did not subside, the cheeks were burning with a bugger glow, a reflections of a peace of mind; There was a challenge in the chest. Ride or not to go for this evening? Another once to see her, to breathe in one with her air, hens her voice, to pray the last forgive! Who would resist against such temptations? I rushed into the trim and rocked back, to the village of Prince Lionskogo. It was two hours for noon when I went from place. After a twenty-miles on their own, I then took the postal trip from the station and was still twenty-two versts safely. From this station I was already taught with a big road. The statute well done on the dick horses took me to deliver per hour for eighteen miles, in the village princess.

I sat down, - Katay!

It was already dark when we left the yard, however, the street was boiling by the people. Young guys, in velvet hats, in blue cafts, were pacing, holding a fellow comrades; Girls in the holy fur coats, covered with bright Chinese, went rounds; Everywhere the festive songs were heard, the lights flashed in all windows, and the burning rays were burning in many gates. Well done, my driver, standing in the headline Sanya, proudly smoked: "Paddy!" And, having hijacked, bowed to those who recognized him, very satisfied, hearing for themselves: "Out of our Alek rolls! Where, falcon, gathered? " etc. Having noted from the crowd, he turned to me with previation:

- Well, Barin, hold on! - laid the right globe under the left mouse, led the nude hand over the triple, Garked - and the horses were swayed as Vikhore! The Spirit took me from the speed of their scope: they suffered us.

As a vertical shuttle on the shawls, tumbled, lying around and jumped sleigh in both directions; My cab driver, overlooking the nagging and powerfully overwhelming the winds, fought for a long time with passionate power of stagnant horses; But I wondered only incited their rage. Moting his heads, having embarked in smoky nostrils to the wind, they rushed forward, brewing a blizzard over the sleigh. Such cases are so common for each of us that I, grabbing the irradiation, was quietly lying inside and, so to speak, admired this speed of travel. None of the foreigners can comprehend wild pleasure - to rush on a mad troika, like thought, and in the flight of the flight to eat a new selflessness. The dream has already transferred me to the ball. My God, how I will scare and I will give a policeman with my unexpected appearance! I'm wound, they caress me; The world is concluded, and I can't hurt with it in dancing ... And meanwhile, the whistle of the air seemed to me the music, and the flames of the hedge, the forests - the distrect crowds of the guests in a mad waltz ... Creek Crack, asking for help, called me from charm. Grabbing two entrances, I was so twisted the head was indigenous, which, overlooking suddenly, she almost jumped out of the clamp. Topcha and snorts, stopped, finally, exhausted runners, and when Other cloud, Inea and the breeze spread steam, smiling over her horses:

- Where are we? - I asked the pot, meanwhile, as he pulled the broken artlessness and remembered the break.

The smear timidly looked around.

- Give God's memory, Barin! - he answered. "We have long been killed with a big road to fall along the snowdrift of the bumps, and I do not confess something to this soul.

Not this is a missing sink, not after all the Andronov is a fault?

I was not fused on either the crucible from his topographic guesses; Impatient to come to overcoming me, and I with the annoyance beat my leg about the leg, meanwhile as my boyfriend ran to find the road.

- Well?

- Bad, Barin! - he answered. - In a good hour to pray, I will silent at thin, we left for a black lake!

- The better, the brother! If there is a sign, to leave not the debt of the song; Sit down and shouted in the tail and in the mane!

- What is better, Barin; This sign will lead the severity where, the pump objected. - Here my uncle saw a mermaid: I hear you, sits on a bitch, and she swayed, and the hair itself scratches, there is such a passion; Or's such a lubricant - ply, and only. And all nagging like my palm.

- Well, did he kiss the beauty? - I asked.

- Christ with you, Barin, what are you kidding it? She erupts, so let me remember that you will not forget for new brooms. Uncle with a fright is not to delay or read it, it didn't even have time to eat, as she, jealous of him, walked, hit his hands, and the buggy into the water. From this, the Schalu, Barin, he wandered around the whole day. Yes, and when he looked home, barely served as a language: might in the animal, and only! And Kum Timosh Kulak, the rolling was held here; You hear you, he threw off a pig, and that's why I knew my feet! It's good that Timosh and himself in the devil does not know the power: as a leapfall went on it, yes, she grabbed her ears, she went to go huddled him, and herself squeales good math; I dragged the most cockpit, and at dawn found it under the congress from Gavryushka, that the daughter of Krasovita. Yes, or here it is fading! .. Serega oblique how to paint ...

- beat your affection to another case, - I objected, - I, right, no time yes no and hunting to be afraid! .. If you do not want, so that the mermaid lasted you to death or do not want to sleep with a cake under an ice blanket, then look for you Mostly the road.

We walked entirely, in the snowdrifles above the knee. On trouble, our sky was dotted with a pellena, through which the fluffy fascia was sown; Without seeing the month, it was impossible to know where the east and where the West. The deceptive gleam, between the transfer, lured us right to the right, then left ... That's about, you think, the road is visible ... you reach out - this is a slope of the ravine or a shadow of some tree! Some birds and hare trails flew mysterious nodes in the snow. The bell sounded in the arc, two every heavy step, horses steed, hanging his head; The driver, pale as a canvas, mumbled prayers, saying that we were bypassed, which we needed to pull the fur coats up the coats and put inside out - all before the cross. I sneak in the snow and ropat loudly on everything and at all, going out of myself with an annoyance, and time flowed, - and where is the end of this damned path?! It is necessary to be in a similar position, it is necessary to be in love and hurry on the ball to imagine all my anger at that time ... it would be very funny if it were not very dangerous.

However, the annoyance did not bring us on the old road and did not protrude the new one; The image of Polina, who danced in front of me, and the feeling of jealousy, that she spinning now with some lucky woman, he listens to his brushing, can be answered by them, did not help me in search of them. Dressed with heavy bearish look, I did not otherwise go like a naval, and therefore the wind penetrated me, glaced on the body droplets. My feet, shoe in light dance boots, were shredded and quenched, and it came to the point that it was not necessary to take care of not about the ball, but about life, so as not to finish it in the desert field. We listened in vague: Nowhere to the Otradny light, anywhere the voices of the human, even a flight of a bird nor the creeks of the beast. Only snoring in our horses, or the battle of hoofs from impatience, or, occasionally, the bryakal of the bells, shaded by Hazdyo, broke the surrounding silence. We looked sullenly with a circle of firings, like the dead, coated in Saven Savana, as if stretching to us the glaced hands; Busta, fed by clocks, spoiled on the pale surface of the shade field their own; Duck, burnt stumps, imaging gray cosmas, took dreamy images; But all this did not pass the footprint or the hands of the human ... Catch and the desert of the neighbor!

My young cab driver was not dressed at all in a road and, permeable on a cold, sharpened.

- know, I sinned before God, - he said, - that such death is punished; Drill like Tatar, without confession! It is hard to part with white light, just fed a foam with honey bowl; Yes, and wherever went to the post, and then on holidays. That's what I will curse Blugged my old woman! That will say my Tanya!

I was touched by simple complaints of a kind young man; Expensive would be expensive to be as tempting, as Mila was my life to me so that I also believed in love and loyalty. However, in order to raise his sleep, I ordered him again to go into the course of the muddy, keeping the movement with warmth. So we walked another half an hour, how suddenly my boyfriend screamed with joyful:

- Here he is, here he!

- Who is he? I asked, jumping on deep snow closer.

The rocket did not answer me; falling on his knees, he looked at something with delight; It was a track horse. I am sure that no poor man was so glad to find a bag with gold, as my boyfriend is a faithful sign and a vow of life. In fact, soon we got out on a brisk wood road; Horses, as if sickly night, joyfully put the ears and rushed; We strive to fly around her where the eyes look. After a quarter of an hour were already in the village, and how my driver recognized her, he brought him straight to the hollow peasant himself.

Confidence returned the vigor and the strength of the Izyarly guy, and he did not enter the hut, as long as he did not curse a beggar on the street of the seedy members, did not squeeze his hands and cheeks, even as long as she took her horses. I went on some legs, and therefore, wiped them in the Seine, the Sukonko, I was already sitting under the saints in five minutes, behind the table, a diligently lost with a welcoming owner and hitting the ball at rural sites.

First, everyone got up; But, giving me a rhenium bow, they satisfied as before and only sometimes, trushing and whispering between him, seems to be a word about the unexpected Guest. The rows of the Melodian in the Niza Kikov, in Kokoshniki and the Red Girls in the bandages of multicolored, with long braids, in which the triangular sinks were crowded, and the slices were woven, they were very closely sitting on the shops, so as not to give a breakdown between his place - Of course, the Spirit, and Not a man, because many guys have found a means to go through between.

Well done in Pestridden or Sitz shirts with oblique galloon gates and in the cloth kaftani came around or, gathered in a handful, shifted, clicked nuts, and one of the most amiable, shifting a hatching cap, branded on the balalaica "from under the oak, from Vsey " The gray-robed father's father lay on the stove, going face to us, and, shaking his head, looked at the games of young people; For frames of the picture, two or three picturesque children's heads, which, leaving on their arms and yawning, looked out, looking down. Gadania for the new year went the usual turning line. The rooster, fastened in the circle of whose oblivion was the nominal bunch of oats and barley with the rings buried in them, honored to peck from whom, arranged an inevitable wedding for a fortuneteller or a migratory ... Cut the dish with a bowl in which the pieces were covered with sprinkle bread, coal , I could not achieve the meanings of which I could not achieve, and the rings of girls, they all began to run-up songs, this lottery of the fate and its sentences. I sadly listened to the sonorous jerseys, which were erected in a ladian strokes in the bowl.

End of a familiarization fragment.

"Listen, Valerian," said the Gusar lieutenant colonel Gremin to his friend Major Strelinsky, "do you remember that the black-eyed lady, which brought the whole youth to the ball at the French Messenger three years ago?"

This conversation took place in 182 ... G., on the day of winter nicol, not far from Kiev, where officers ** the St. Petersburg regiment celebrated the name of their favorite squadron commander of a hot-tempered and stubborn, but good and generous Nikolai Petrovich Gremina.

Of course, Strelinsky remembers an unknown beauty, she even dreamed of him for two nights, but his passion, as a decently noble hussar, passed a week; But Gremin seems to be loved?

Yes, three years ago Alina plotted him with his heart. She answered him reciprocity, but the lovers had to eat only the "sparks of views and the smoke of hope", for, unfortunately, on the calculation of their native Alina was the wife of a seventy-year-old Count Star. Doctors advised the old man to go abroad, on the water, the spouse should accompany him. By exchanging rings and vowes of constant loyalty, young people broke up. From the first station, she sent a letter to Gremin, then one more thing - since neither of her nor about her had no news. And only yesterday, with St. Petersburg Post, Lieutenant Colonel learned that the Countess Star returned to the capital, that she became even more beautiful and mile, which is only about her and says the big light. The passion saved from time to time revealed again in the heart, and next to her and jealousy and distrust: is it left by the previous love? Gremin asks for a friend to check the feelings of Alina: "Mila inexperienced love, but love tested priceless!" If Alina will love Strelinsky, that fate! Not easy to Strelinsky agree to expose not only love, but also friendship, and only Gremina's assurance that nothing threatens with friendship, forcing him to say "yes."

But the change of human nature is such that he did not have time to shut down the ringing of the bell for the left Strelinsky, as in the soul of Gremina doubted and jealousy. And there is already an next morning, he will send the ordinary to the brigades commander with a request to dismiss on vacation, going to overtake Strelinsky and first to see him with excellent Alina.

In the christmas Christmas Eve, a fuss and a fun pre-holiday throttle reigns on the streets of St. Petersburg, when the Sheny Square is made in all sorts of altitude, and Nevsky is burning from the carriage and sled, in which the Guards officers will jump to buy new-fashioned accelets, epolutions, hats and uniforms, and ladies are applied Sweet visits to fashionable shops, to seamstresses and gold master, - on the eve of the holiday through the Moscow I will enter Petersburg, the top three, in which one of our hussar was sitting. Who is it - Gremin or Strelinsky?

The brilliant Masquerade Ball, this prince about *** three days after Christmas, was in full swing, when a stars approached the stab in a magnificent Spanish costume and invited her to the dance. In the sounds of voice and brilliance of Done Alonzo E Fuenzées, Kolibrados, as a stranger introduced himself, made something familiar with something. And when he removed the glove with the left hand, the unwitting "Ah!" It was broken from her - the sparkling ring was the very thing that she presented three years ago Gremin! Having promised to appear to her to explain the riddles the next day, the stranger disappeared like a dream.

In a strange excitement, the Countess of the visit is waiting - almost forgotten love as if returned to his heart again. Here are reporting the arrival of the Guards officer! Now she will see him again! Alina goes into the living room ... But before Her is not the prince of Gremin, but an unfamiliar blonde hussar!

The riddle of the ring was revealed simply: two years ago, having seen his ring from his friend, Strelinsky ordered a similar. But how to explain another mystery: from the first minutes of the meeting, Strelinsky and Alina were frank and trustful, like old friends, and maybe more than friends. And from this day in the theater, on the balls, at the musical evenings and dinners, on Kathania and dance breakfasts - everywhere Alina seems to be occasionally with Valerian. Alina in love, no doubt! And our hero? He only performs Gremil's request? Although! And evidence of this is a change, with him what happened. He, according to friends, - a windmaking, now seriously reflects on the future, about marriage, and the family happiness of love with a cute girlfriend connects to his thoughts with a duty of a citizen: he will retire, go to the village and in concerns about the prosperity of peasants and improving The farms useful and happily spend their lives. But will Alina agree on this? Go to the village - the victim for the young, beautiful and rich woman! Three days later she will give the final answer.

And while the sad and concern Valerian is waiting for the decisions of his fate, Nikolay Gremin returns to St. Petersburg. The affairs of the service who detained him in the regiment, forced to forget about the former plans and hopes, and, fervently for the day, he did not remember the test, entrusted to a friend, and, perhaps, would not come to Petersburg at all if the death of his grandfather did not call him To get an inheritance. But the news about the close marriage of Strelinsky and the Countess Star, as the waterfall surcedid on him, awakened the jealousy who fell into the soul, and, boiling by a fortune, he rushes into the house of the previous friend to pour out all the rage of his indignation. How could Strelin's unfair donkeys of a friend? He is trying to recall that he urged Gremina to give up a crazy plan, which predicted everything that could happen, in vain! Resentment does not tolerate reasoning. Shot - the only possible answer to insult, bullet is the best reward to cunning!

Valerian's sister Olga Strelinskaya, a young girl recently released after training in a Smolny monastery, tormented by the forebodings about the fate of Brother, is decided to overhear the conversation of men in their home. Secundants discuss the quality of the "fine-grained" gunpowder, the design of pistols, the problem of the Invitation of the Lekary. Old Valerian servant helps cast bullet. You can assume that nothing will be missed.

Olga in despair. How to save your brother? For hours run precious moments! She likes Gremin so much, and now he will be the killer of Valerian! Olga appeals to God, and it helps her to decide ...

The usual tavern on the second verst on the road to Pargolovo, a place where dueling participants are constantly going in winter. Suddenly, Gremin reports that he wants to see a lady under a veil. "Olga! Are you here?!" "Prince, know, you will not be able to achieve my brother, otherwise I have piercing my heart!"

Gremin, who has long regrets his vain hotness, is now ready for a thousand apologies. His ardent and impressionable heart is fully occupied by another: "Olga! Be my wife! "

Reconciliation took place. Immediately, Strelinsky receives a letter from Alina. How stupid were doubts! Alina itself belongs to him. The gloomy mood was dispelled. He blesses Olga and Gremina: "I give you, Nikolai, the best pearl of my being!"

The gentlemen of the Secundants invite to put the past recklessness and in the future to change their failed roles on the role of chaphers on two weddings.

"Even the stupidity of man sometimes is unusually successful!" - Reasoned the skeptic doctor who present at the same time.

T. I. Voznesenskaya retold.

Alexander Alexandrovich's story Bestumev-Marlinsky "Scary fortune telling" - a purely fantastic work in which the author showed his love for Russian folklore: witchcraft, fortune investigation, unclean phenomena. This terrible sophisticated story with national identity is mixed with images of iswolves, mermaids, ghosts and unclean with real events. But in the inherent author of the manner, at the end of the story all fantastic works receive a rational explanation.

I will add from myself that the story is written by the original juicy Russian language, you can download it for free in the audio format on the site voiced by a sound female voice:

http://bibe.ru/strashnoe-gadanie/, there is both in text format, here:


Let me bring here a characteristic folk-poetic passage:

Gadania for the new year went the usual turn, the rooster, broken in a circle, on the foundation of which was a nominal bunch of oats and barley with the rings buried in them, honored from which to peck out, prompted an inevitable wedding for a disidenceteller or a migration ... The bowl, in which the pieces were with the sprouted bread, coal, the meanings of which I could not achieve, and rings and the rings of girls, all started behind the reflubs, this lottery of the fate and its sentences. I sadly listened to the sonorous jerseys, which were erected in a ladian strokes in the bowl. Thank God in the sky, the sovereign to this land! So that the truth was the beautiful sun light; Golden Picking Age Full-Full! To the horses not to express it, it is not colored with the dresses, it is not true for her faithful nobles! We sing bread, we will consider bread! Large rivers Glory to the sea, small rivers to the mill! Old people on fun, good young on the hear, bloomed two rainbow in the sky, the Red Maiden has two joys, with a pretty friend, the Council is dissolved! Pike walked from Noowagoda, the tail was carried from the lake from Beach, Schuchka Silver's head, Schuchka spin the pearl of woven, and the eye of the dear diamond! Golden Park fluttering someone in the way on the road is going. They succumb to good and glory, but, warrant, I did not think to listen to endless and inevitable reflore covers; My heart was far away, and I myself flew in the summer after him. I began to teach the youth to take me to the prince. To their honor, although to his annoyance, it must say that no fee lured them from funny heart. Everyone said that they have bad or exhausted horses. There was no San Owl, with another horseshoe without spikes, the third hand hurts. The owner assured that he would send his son and without warfare, yes, he had a pair of good horses to the city of the assessor ... Charks are frequent, the head is alone, and here's the third day, right, celebrate in the sidelice.

Yes, it is possible to know, your grace, settled one Krasnobay, shaking curls, now night, and then the sickness. We have the brave people on our work: whether they are not afraid of running about the Ovina, to listen to the bell bridal ringing in the field, or in the old bath, so that I stroked the house of the shaggy lap in richestics, and even today the tails pressed ... After all, the canun -This new year the hell senokos.

Full you, Vanka, the fears of telling! Crushed several thin ballots.

What is full? continued Vanka. Ask the wedding train: is it good for the damn the wedding train, what she saw yesterday, looking for harsh for a month in the mirror? They go, they are fistleted, rod ... As if alive, they are committed. She says, one banenal was blown up by the Gorgean Old Son Son Afona and one knee sticks: Sit down and sit in Sani. From the circle, know, louses. Well, that her mind almost with the braid, it was published.

No, Barin, settled another, even though stovery of silver, hardly anyone will take you to take you! The circle of the lake is the wheel of the vert twenty will, and through the ice to go without trouble trouble; cracks and worn in darkness; I'll joke sly, you will go pockets to catch cancers.

And led, said the third. Now the hell will soon catch: from the claws from each other, the prey is rut

Fully breach, objected Krasnobay. Found a valve. Black Angel, or, in a book, so to speak, an Efiopa, always for each person behind the left shoulder stands yes, I do not get to the worship, how to push the sin. Did you do not hear, what was the Friday on the desert about past sibilities?

What is? Crushed many curious. Tell me, please, Vanyusha; Just do not die with horror. The narrator looked around on the door, on the window, on the faces of the listeners, grunted long, recovered the right hand of Kudri and began.

Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Scary divination

Debt Men, Responsibility Men, Dignity of Men

To read the story of Bestumeva Marlinsky, at least in order to have time to spend time to have time to do what the whole life dreamed about - to live a full life. Short, but complete events and heroism life is much better than a long and boring, when everything is beautiful, love, bringing pain and pleasure is postponed for later, and this "then" never comes.

We throw out other books and plunge into the fantastic world of terrible stories of Bestumev-Marlinsky. In the scenario of life offered by the writer, the scale and quality of heroism are important, and not a tedious digging in everyday life.

Everyday, if not affects physical wounds, injures the soul of each of us. She kills the soul of each of us. You only need to firmly to each of us that he is nothingness, scoundrel, stupid, fat, ugly, unhappy. This list is infinite. Then each of us will constantly feel the feeling of guilt for being born.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky makes each of us feel the hero, the writer does it so delicately and convincingly that we stop the wander in the desert of loneliness, but turn into the heroes that are able to work every second. For love. For the sake of honor.

To read Bestumeva Marlinsky to find out that at all, N. V. Gogol, N. V. Gogol, told the story about terrible fortune telling and fantastic metamorphoses ... to learn about the man who was grateful to M. Yu. Lermontov for recreating Caucasian exotic. Bestuzhev's entrepreneur is just needed to discover the importance of the term "Marlinism" to categorically disagree with Vissarion Belinsky, who considered Marlinsky a failed writer and a representative of "false romanticism".

The people say: "It's good to scare someone who is afraid." The works of Marlinsky are not frightened, but teach each of us to be strong, bothering, able to overcome obstacles, fight with enemies and win, if your right. And let you enter into an unequal battle, know, the clean heart is able to defeat even the most skilled and dangerous enemy.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky was not afraid of his destiny, she walked over her. The enviousness accused him of the absence of talent, egoism, called the killer, but he never inclined his head in front of the naval, nor before the deadly danger. Participation in the uprising of the Decembrists interrupted his brilliant career, but he adequately moved all the trials, remaining the faithful son of his fatherland and, most importantly, an honest person.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky proved with his own life: you should not be afraid of fate. He met his death in battle. His body has not been found. It turned out to be prophetic words that once chose a writer: "And I will die away from homeland and will ..."

Read Bestumeva Marlinsky! To confirm the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky that there are only three things that need to be argued in boys and boys - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man. To get acquainted with the history of life of a real man, a writer, poet, a military and Decembrist, who remained faithful to himself and his beliefs.

Terrible gadal

Dedicated to Peter Stepanovich Lutkovsky

Long ago

Repelled the possibility of the spirit of darkness;

But to a wonderful always inclined heart,

My friends; Who was not a gloomy? ..

I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, they would be horrified! Everything that the poets are so loved so that women are so frightly played, in which lovers are trying to pretend so, in me, it was boiling, like melted copper, over who and the pairs, not finding the source, were lit with the flame. But I have always been ridiculous to pity, sighs with your gingerbread hearts: I was miserable to the contempt of notebooks with our winter delight, with their memorable expressions, and to get into the number of them seemed to be wary of everything in the world. No, it was not me; In my love there was a lot of strange, wonderful, even wild; I could be incomprehensible, but never funny. Farmer, mighty passion rolls like a lava; She carries and burns all the oncoming; Destroying herself, destroys the oblasts in the ashes and at least a moment, but turns even the cold sea into a pile boiler.