The suffering people in the poem are dead souls. Dead souls, people in the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead souls

The suffering people in the poem are dead souls. Dead souls, people in the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead souls

The image of the people in the poem "Dead Souls". The poem "Dead souls by the works of N. V. Gogol occupies a special place. Global plan of Gogol - Show the whole of Russia in the context, all its defects and disadvantages. Most of the population of Russia was the peasants. In the poem, their world was described very figuratively.

In my opinion, it is divided into several components. Each landowner has always belonging to him and characterizing his world of peasants.

The peasants themselves are not described, but we can judge them by their dwellings. Manilov, for example, "darkened along and across the sulfuri logs."

The boxes had other horses, "who although the swarming was built, but, according to the remark made by Chichikov, showed the inhabitants." The peasant areas of the Sobesevich do not cause surprise - we see them as they expected to see them - "poorly tailored, yes firmly stitched." Plushkin peasants hollows, as well as he, are shown by old, dilapidated, practically unnecessary. In addition to Mirkov, peasants are, in my opinion, and other Mirki. The first is very different from all other allegorical world of the dead or the peasants who fled from their landowners, about which only occasionally mentioned.

Also on the pages of the poem, we feel the presence of another - the so-called "centralnogomir of the peasants presented in specific situations. The most strange and incomprehensible, probably, is the world of deceased or fizzing peasants for us. His inhabitants, as it were, opposed to the population of the world" alive ".

With this reception, Gogol is able to emphasize the poverty of the morals of the main characters. After not moderately, a brave speech of a companion, describing his dead peasants, he himself, cunning and selfish, descends in our eyes immediately into several levels. But the peasants are the ownership of the landowner, skillful, spiritually rich people were forced to obey the person with the life principles of the Misdenin.

The following reminders of this world show us from a completely different side. He seems to us as the "world of living" who left the "world of the dead." Special attention requires, the so-called central world. He is imperceptibly poured into the story at the very beginning of the poem, but its plot line does not often come into contact with him. At first it is almost not noticeable, but then together with the development of the plot, the description of this world is revealed.

At the end of the first volume, the description turns into the anthem of all Russia. Gogol figuratively compares Russia "with a brisk and rongue throat", bearing forward. In continuation of the entire narrative, the writer extolits peasants who make up the main, most active and useful part of this world, due to contrast with intentionally humiliated landowners, officials serving. The description of this world begins with the conversation of two peasants-craftsmen discussing the technical capabilities of the crew entering the city of Nn. On the one hand, their conversation gives the fee, his incompleteness is felt, uselessness.

But, on the other hand, both of them showed a fairly high level of knowledge of the structure and capabilities of the crew. These two characters, in my opinion, are inexpressive and shown more from the negative side than with positive. They appear at the very beginning of the work and seem to be introduced into the world of the poem. The following colorful representatives of the Central Strong, shown in the poem, are two men who referred to Chichikov road to Manilovka. They know the territory well, but their speech is still lame.

The most colorful character among the peasants, in my opinion, is the one whom we saw when he dragged "a pretty log ei like a tireless ant, to his hut". He expresses the whole squeezed nature of the Russian man. Gogol emphasizes this, speaking by his mouth "Metko said Russian word." The most striking expression of the patriotic sense of the writer in the poem is the reasoning about the fate of Russia.

Comparing her "immense expanses with innumerable spiritual riches of her people, Gogol sings her laudatory ODU:" Does you not be born in lawless thought when you yourself without end? Is it not to be herself here when there is a place where to turn around and go to him?

And it is terrible the volume of me mighty space, a terrible force is painted in the depths of my soul; The unnatural power was illuminated by my eyes: y! What a sparkling, wonderful, unfamiliar far distance! - Rus! "

In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls" The topic of the people occupies one of the leading places. In the time of Gogol, the landlords and officials, "pleasing power slaves and ruthless tyrants of their slaves, drinking the life and blood of the people" (by the definition of Herzen).

The author shows an irreparable picture of the life of the serf peasantry. The landowners ruthlessly exploit them, relate to them, as to their slaves, can acquire and sell them like things. "Dubyo-Oil" box, afraid to sell when selling dead souls, complains the guest: "... I have never happened to sell dead people. I lost living, now the third year is a protopop of two girls, in the stu rubles each ... ". Peasants are obliged to fulfill all the whims of their Lords. In front of the bed, the box asks Chichikova: "Maybe you're used, my father, so that someone scratched his heel at night? My dead man without it did not fall asleep. "

The "nature latitude" of Nozdrev is destructively responding, first of all, on the fortress. Their work is impaired. Everything that is grown by the work and then peasants and sold at the fair "at the most profitable price", the landowner lowered in a few days. Says pride about this Chichikov: "Congratulate: I blurred in the Pooh!"

The terrifying picture of the life and unasing care of the people, his patience and courage, outbreaks of protest, represents the author during the reflection of Chichikov over the list of the dead souls acquired by him. Reading the names of the peasants, the hero, sighing, said: "My father, how many you are stuck here! What are you, my hearty, was shared on the century? How to interrupted? " Attention attracts the image of a carpenter Stepan Tube, endowed with a hectare power, which probably proceeded by all provinces with an ax over a belt. No less interesting is the image of the shoemaker Maxim Tranjnikov, who studied in German and who did not manage to organize his own business. It can be seen, cut, lying drunk on the street, sentencing: "No, bad in the world! No living in a Russian person, all the Germans interfere. " Gregory dozazzha-miss the walled wrap, renounced the house and gave the soul to God somewhere on the road.

Russian people in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Almost every writer has a work that is the matter of all his life, creation, in which he invested his quest and intimate Duma. For Gogol, this is, without a doubt, "dead souls" and remaining unfinished after the seventeen years of work.

The poem caused hot spores and sense. V. G. Belinsky had every reason to say that the question of the "dead souls" as much literary as the public, the result of the collision of the old began with new ones. Reading the book for the first time, I paid little attention to the lyrical reflections of the author about Russia and the Russian people. This wonderful places even seemed inappropriate in a satirical poem. Re-reading the recently "dead souls", I suddenly opened Gogol as a great patriot, made sure how to pride the image of Russia for all the design of the writer.

In recent years, the question of the fate of our, today's Russia, about its destination, future, about the ability of the Russian people, has increased hugely, about the ability of the Russian people. Scientists, writers, politicians and economists argue about it. The whole country was excited by reflections A. I. Solzhenitsyn "How to equip Russia." Sometimes I could hear the words N. A. Nekrasov, addressed to the Russian people:

You wake up, filled with forces,

Il, fate obeying the law

Everything that you could have already accomplished -

Created a song like a moan,

And spiritually forever soil? ..

How not to turn to the singer of the land of Russian Gogol for advice in such a difficult time? From the moment the Chichikov Bracket quietly rolled into the provincial city of Nn. And before this "acquirer" hastily leaves the city, it takes a little time, but the reader has time not only to get acquainted with the amazing diversity of landowners and officials, but also to see the image of a whole country, to understand the "unpretentious richness of the Russian Spirit."

The writer does not separate landlords and officials from the people, as critics do. Personally, it seems to me that it is wrong to interpret, as if all landowners and officials, and the Chichikov himself, and there are genuine "dead souls". This can be called from all types of only Plushin, the soul of which is dead from greed. But Gogol himself explains that "such a phenomenon is rarely falling in Russia." Healthy Sobesevich, capable of eating a whole stassier; Kutil, Radia, Foil and Scandalist Nozdrev; Dreamy lazy manilov; Print "Dubin-head" box; The progressive bribe of Ivan Antonovich "Kuvshtshina Sky", a policeman, who drives out the trading series as its victob, and many other heroes "dead souls" you can not call. This is either the hosts-fists, or useless people or the scoundrels whom Gogol managed to "impose".

And these gentlemen, and Parsley with Selifan, and two men arguing whether the wheel will reach Moscow, part of the Russian people. But not the best part. The true image of the people seemed primarily in the descriptions of the dead peasants. They admire the author, and chikchiki, and landlords. They are no longer there, but in the memory of people who knew, they acquire the epic appearance.

"Milushkin, brick! Could put the oven in any home. Maxim Venels, shoemaker: What a sewing collee, then the boots, that boots, then, and thanks, and at least in the mouth of the Cross! And Eremee Sorokoplahin! Yes, that man one will become for everyone, in Moscow traded, one inclusion brought on five hundred rubles. After all, this is what people! " "Karente Mikheev! After all, no more crews did not do as soon as expensive. " So praises with its peasants Sobekevich. Chichikov objects that they have already died and only "dream." "Well, no, not a dream! I am reported to you, what was Mikheev, so you will not please such people: the driver is such that it will not be included in this room ... And in his shouldering, he had such a silly, which is not the horse ... "

And Pavel Ivanovich himself, looking at the lists of the bought peasants, as if he sees them in reality, and every man receives "his own character." "Tube Stepan, a carpenter, sobriety of approximate," he reads and begins to represent: "A! So he ... That's the hero that in the guard would be suitable! " Further, the thought suggests him that Stepan proceeded with an ax of all the provinces, eating bread on the penny, and brought in the belt, right, rubles for a hundred.

For several pages, we get acquainted with a variety of fate of ordinary people. We see the Russian people, first of all, full forces, talented, alive, vigorous. With delight, he says a writer and live, a latch of the Russian word, which breaks out from under the heart itself.

Not always Russian people are submissive to the authorities. Resentment can bring them to revenge. In the "Tale of Captain Kopekin", as the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, a disabled person, offended by officials, collects a whip of free people around him.

Russia comes to us in its greatst. Not that Russia, where officials take bribes, the landowners are missing estates, the peasants are drunk, where bad roads and hotels. The writer sees another rus, "Bird Troika". "Are you not so, Russia, that the brisk rude triple is rushing?" And the image of the Troika is merged with the image of the wizard, equipped with a "road projectile". Gogol sees Russia a great point, indicating the path to others, it is impaired by him, as the other peoples and states overtakes Russia, which, "asleep, are prompted and give her the road."

The story, unfortunately, judged in a different way. It was not possible to overtake others. And now live in other ranks and bins Nozdremen, chikchiki, Manilov and Plushkina. But alive Rus, the "Troika Bird". And, despite the troubles, they cannot not be removed "other, still not a parangious strings will appear, the imperceptible wealth of the Russian spirit will appear, a husband, gifted by God's Davors, or a wonderful Russian girl, which is not found anywhere in the world, with all the wonderful beauty of the female soul , all of generous aspiration and selflessness. " And it is believed to believe in Russian residents that the words of the writer will be prophetic in the future: "Russian movements will be sunk ... and they will see how deeply it was called into the Slavic nature that he slid only by nature of other peoples ..."

The topic that the author raises, expands from the page to the page. Buying dead souls becomes a description of the life of the peasantry. The people in the "Dead Soul" poem gets up with their multipleness, talentedness, kindness and insane desire to live.

Feature of Russian character

Classic with love describes characters from the people. Russian people are not afraid of severe climate, hard frost. He is not afraid of Kamchatka. The man will save his mittens, if it freezes, soes hands. One ax fumbles his hut, which will flash not one century. People, under the pen of the author, comes out a surprising-beautiful image:

  • the charming face of Madonna;
  • rounded tagged cheek;
  • wide size.

In Russia, everything is wide and spacious: fields, mountains, forests. The writer puts with them on one line face, lips and legs. The wider part of the people is his soul.

Russian word

Gogol loves Russian speech. It is favorable to French words and expressions, but the fun whisker word of the man is often brighter inherent phrases. There is no alien language in the poem, all folk primordial.

Interesting names of characters. Somewhere they look a grotesque, someone can laugh at them, but in them the ability of the people to grab the most common and living from the surrounding.

  • Zavalishin - the desire to fall on the side;
  • Polezhaev - Love for rest;
  • Sopikov - Quiet Pour to the nose during sleep;
  • Khorchavitsky - Dead sleep with "scared", whistling nose.

Gogol indicates words that are creating "wonders over the Russian man." One of these words is ahead. Russian appeals raise uprisings, deeply rustled in the soul. From the Russian word throws into a shiver. In short, the Russian people can give a characteristic of a whole class.

Mighty power of the Russian man

Chichiki, the mouth of Gogol, talks about the people, studying the list of peasants purchased to them. There are no living in the list, but the author represents everyone that their image gets up in front of the reader. Moreover, the dead to see is easier than landowners who spread out of the abundance of food or dryness from greed. Gogol shows the life of a simple people. The fortress car, humiliation lead to the shoots. Freedom is not given to everyone. Most fall into even greater cable. It is surprising that the desire to be free in men does not die. The peasants are fighting for their rights - killing shotgun. Gogol emphasizes one line - the bogacity. She is in everything in movements, in the mind, in talent.

Work and people

Beautiful palaces, multi-color halls, painted walls hide the work of talented masters from the people. Men's artisans create masterpieces from stone blocks. Formal and dead, they come to life under an ax master. The reader sees how the folk created by the people. Ponds Manilov overgrow, empty the nostroids are empty, the plush room is covered with dust. The bold nature seems to specifically highlight the wretchedness of the flexible places. Against the background of amazing landscapes glitter the eyes of men from the list of audison souls. They are no longer there, and the memory and affairs are alive.

Carework and tricks

The people in the poem is not just hardworking, he is wise and heter. Gogol admires a Russian man, but admits in his vices. What amazing features emphasizes the writer:

  • the ability to communicate: shades of conversation, incomprehensible to foreigners, will depend on the number of shower with whom they say;
  • resolution: will not go into reasoning when necessary;
  • reluctance to confess in wine;
  • the ability of the envy of the necessary dating.

Even the negative qualities of character are distinguished by Russian from others.

The concept of people in the work becomes so wide that it is difficult to cover. Write an essay "People in the" Dead Souls "poem will not work if based on one social layer. People are men, landowners, officials, all who tried to portray the writer.

Test on the work

The image of the people in the poem "Dead Souls"

The poem "Dead Souls" in the work of N.V. Gogol occupies a special place. GOGOL GLOBAL PLACE - Show all of Russia in the context, all its defects and disadvantages.

The most part of the population of Russia was the peasants. In the poem, their world is described very figuratively. In my opinion, it is divided into several components. Each landowner has always belonging to him and characterizing his world of peasants. The peasants themselves are not described, but we can judge them by their dwellings. Manilov, for example, "darkened along and across the sulfuri logs." The boxes had other horses, "who although the swarming was built, but, according to the remark made by Chichikov, showed the inhabitants." The peasant areas of the Sobesevich do not cause surprise - we see them as they expected to see them - "poorly tailored, yes firmly stitched." Plushkin peasants hollows, as well as he, are shown by old, dilapidated, practically unnecessary.

In addition to Mirkov, peasants are, in my opinion, and other Mirki. The first is very different from all other allegorical world of the dead or the peasants who fled from their landowners, about which only occasionally mentioned. Also on the pages of the poem, we feel the presence of another - the so-called "central" world of peasants presented in specific situations.

The strangest and incomprehensible, probably, is the world of dead or fizzing peasants for us. His inhabitants, as it were, opposed to the population of the world "alive". With this reception, Gogol is able to emphasize the poverty of the morals of the main characters. After not moderately, a brave speech of a companion, describing his dead peasants, he himself, cunning and selfish, descends in our eyes immediately into several levels. But the peasants are the ownership of the landowner, skillful, spiritually rich people were forced to obey the person with the life principles of the Misdenin. The following reminders of this world show us from a completely different side. He seems to us as the "world of living" who left the "world of the dead."

Special attention requires, the so-called central world. He is imperceptibly poured into the story at the very beginning of the poem, but its plot line does not often come into contact with him. At first it is almost not noticeable, but then together with the development of the plot, the description of this world is revealed. At the end of the first volume, the description turns into the anthem of all Russia. Gogol figuratively compares Russia "with a brisk and rongue throat", bearing forward. In continuation of the entire narrative, the writer extolits peasants who make up the main, most active and useful part of this world, due to contrast with intentionally humiliated landowners, officials serving. The description of this world begins with the conversation of two peasants-craftsmen discussing the technical capabilities of the crew entering the city of Nn. On the one hand, their conversation gives the fee, his incompleteness is felt, uselessness. But, on the other hand, both of them showed a fairly high level of knowledge of the structure and capabilities of the crew. These two characters, in my opinion, are inexpressive and shown more from the negative side than with positive. They appear at the very beginning of the work and seem to be introduced into the world of the poem. The following colorful representatives of the "Central" world, shown in the poem, are two men who reflected the Chichikov road to Manilovka. They know the territory well, but their speech is still lame. The most colorful character among the peasants, in my opinion, is the one we saw when he dragged "a prettful log ... like a tireless ant, to his hut." He expresses the whole squeezed nature of the Russian man. Gogol emphasizes this, speaking by his mouth "Metko said Russian word."

The most striking expression of the patriotic sense of the writer in the poem is the reasoning about the fate of Russia. Comparing its "immense expanses" with the innumerable spiritual riches of its people, Gogol sings her laudatory ODU:

"Is it, don't you be born in lawless thought when you yourself without end? Is it not to be herself here when there is a place where to turn around and go to him? And it is terrible the volume of me mighty space, a terrible force is painted in the depths of my soul; The unnatural power was illuminated by my eyes: y! What a sparkling, wonderful, unfamiliar far distance! - Rus! "